
stalcupwhen is 4.5.5 released?02:42
stalcupand hello!02:42
Daskreechstalcup: Now! And Hi!02:46
Daskreechwell not now now but soon :)02:46
stalcupI was just too lazy to look it up!02:47
stalcupthanks Daskreech 02:47
Daskreechthat's pretty easy02:49
stalcupDaskreech: that's for 4.6 RC02:52
Daskreech4.5.5 would be announced there as well02:52
ScottKQuintasan: Where do I find your sip package?02:53
Daskreechpretty easy to check02:53
stalcupyou are much smartr than I Daskreech 02:53
yofelwell, 4.5.5 is somewhat released since it's in the updates ppa, Riddell_ just wasn't on his usual pc so couldn't write the announcement02:54
stalcupdarn, 4.5.5 was done very well IMO02:55
* yofel is off to bed, 4am...02:58
stalcup8pm here02:58
stalcupeat vmware03:02
DaskreechNot very tasty03:07
=== muesli_ is now known as muesli
stalcupit is tastly dastly04:57
kshadeslayeryofel: it was my fault ....10:41
kshadeslayerthat kdepim wasnt building10:41
kshadeslayerinteresting ... no akonadi 1.4.9110:43
kshadeslayerdo i need to include /usr/lib/cmake/Akonadi/AkonadiTargetsWithPrefix-debian.cmake11:12
kshadeslayerwe already have usr/lib/cmake/Akonadi/AkonadiConfig.cmake11:12
kshadeslayeryofel: around?11:13
yofel_yes, not for long though11:14
kshadeslayerany ideas about  /usr/lib/cmake/Akonadi/AkonadiTargetsWithPrefix-debian.cmake11:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
kshadeslayerand  /usr/lib/cmake/Akonadi/AkonadiTargetsWithPrefix.cmake11:15
kshadeslayerfedora has them ...11:16
yofelkshadeslayer: neon too, so our akonadi is too old I guess11:16
yofel /opt/project-neon/lib/cmake/Akonadi/AkonadiTargetsWithPrefix.cmake11:17
kshadeslayerwell ... neon installs everything :P11:17
yofelthen look at the package, I didn't touch repos akonadi yet :P11:17
kshadeslayeryofel: im packaging 1.4.95 .. so thats why im asking11:17
kshadeslayerim adding them11:18
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
markeyRiddell: kgnomelogger: the VLC issue with the file selector is still there11:51
markeytakes ages to open11:51
Xand3rkgnomelogger: ping12:05
* kgnomelogger just got up12:26
kgnomeloggerXand3r: lo12:26
kgnomeloggermarkey: did you talk to dfaure?12:27
kgnomeloggersurely he would know why12:27
kgnomeloggerstrange is that qtcreator opens in no time12:27
markeyI doubt he uses VLC12:28
markeyhe is pretty old skool12:28
markeyuses a TV or so12:28
markeykgnomelogger: maybe ask Jim Beam?12:28
=== kgnomelogger is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggermarkey: well, it is not about VLC, I would expect some Qt->KDE compability issue12:38
apacheloggeras VLC would use the qt file selector but KDE somehow hooks into that and makes it use KDE's12:39
Xand3rapachelogger: do you have some time?12:39
apacheloggerthat is part of the magic I do not understand on this planet12:39
apacheloggerXand3r: I always have time, the question is just for what? making luv in front of the fire place?12:39
Xand3rapachelogger: hmm not with me12:41
Xand3rapachelogger: for some qt lesson12:41
* apachelogger looks at Nightrose12:41
apacheloggerXand3r: are we making the button blue?12:41
markeyapachelogger: but, as you seed, Creator works fine...12:48
markeyuses the same thing12:48
apacheloggeryeah, well12:48
apacheloggeryou could gdb vlc12:48
apacheloggerand then step through the affected code12:48
markeyyeah, sounds real fun12:49
markeyJim Beam could do that12:49
apacheloggerhe is using debian12:49
apacheloggeruntil he gets KDE 4.6 it will be the year 2024 or so12:49
markeyisn't that almost hte same?12:49
markeytrue enough12:49
apacheloggermarkey: btw, @reality looks scary12:50
markeyapachelogger: no shit.12:50
markeyhe also talks a lot of nonense12:50
markeyI don't get why everyone replies to him12:50
apacheloggerbecause he has a fancy name12:51
markeygood point12:51
markeyit sounds far cooler than "markey"12:51
markeyI could be "unreality" or so12:51
markeythe @truith said: Fedora sucks.12:52
markeytruth even12:52
markeyit could be cool12:52
apacheloggerScottK: ah there, k3b autoresolved 12:56
apacheloggermagically 12:56
kshadeslayersomeone else than me is having vlc issues12:56
apacheloggerI wonder if anyone annoyed upstream and called them names12:56
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: dude12:56
kshadeslayerlol ^^12:56
kshadeslayergdb ftw12:57
apacheloggergood fun stepping12:57
kshadeslayeri think its a hal issue12:57
kshadeslayerwait ... lemme check if i have hal12:57
apacheloggerit is like step dance12:57
apacheloggerjust less dancy and more steppy12:57
kshadeslayerkdepim takes insane amounts of time to build :(12:57
apacheloggerkshadeslayer: why would it be a hal issue?!?!!?!?!?12:57
kshadeslayerapachelogger: errr .. people reported that after removing hal file dialogs became faster12:58
apacheloggeryou start gdb12:59
apacheloggerset a break point12:59
kshadeslayerhow? :P http://paste.ubuntu.com/55215512:59
apacheloggerand then step onwards from that :P12:59
apacheloggerfind out what function calll0rs it13:00
* kshadeslayer reads gdb man page13:00
apacheloggeroy vey13:01
kshadeslayerbut how do i know which function calls the filedialog?13:01
kshadeslayeralso ... should i install vlc-dbg?13:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 597216 in python-distutils-extra (Ubuntu) "add a context to the strings extracted from .desktop.in" [Low,Triaged]13:03
* kshadeslayer just watched Despicable me13:03
apacheloggersing me a song13:03
apacheloggerit just breaks translation in KDE13:03
apacheloggerno one gives a shit13:03
* apachelogger goes to fedora13:03
=== apachelogger is now known as fedoraloggr
=== fedoraloggr is now known as fedoralogger
kshadeslayerheh ^^13:03
* kshadeslayer shoots plasma at fedoralogger13:03
fedoraloggerthat is no fun business13:04
fedoraloggerevery fcking pyth0rn app we have appears with untranslated name in my menu13:04
fedoraloggerthis is about as shitty UX as it gets13:04
kshadeslayerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/552156 << interesting13:08
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: where do i set the break point?13:17
fedoraloggerlook at the vlc code13:17
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: i suppose OpenDialogs in vlc-1.1.4/modules/gui/qt4/qt4.cpp13:34
kshadeslayerhmm no ...13:38
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=85408&p=282713&hilit=file+dialog#p282713 13:46
fedoraloggerkshadeslayer: qtcreator works13:51
fedoraloggerit is more likely that vlc does funny things to Qt13:51
kshadeslayeroh crap13:52
kshadeslayeri think i have that shitty course again13:52
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: ive been forced to use the Borland compiler for over 2 semesters now13:53
kshadeslayerim not taking that course agin :|13:53
kshadeslayerwhat the ...13:54
kshadeslayerModule callbacks << 0.o13:54
fedoraloggerkshadeslayer: ?13:57
fedoraloggerwhat is wrong with moduel callbacks?13:58
kshadeslayererr... what happened to signals and slots?13:58
kshadeslayeri thought they are designed to replace callbacks13:58
fedoraloggernot all languages have signals and slots :P13:58
fedoraloggerb) signals and slots require an eventloop13:58
fedoraloggerc) thus create a bit of an overhead13:59
fedoraloggersee how signal and slots are two words and callback is only one :P13:59
kshadeslayerim taking a break... KDE PIM compiling14:06
ari-tczewis around anybody with natty?14:16
ari-tczewI have an issue - I can choice only 2 types of keyboard - US and Afghanistan14:17
kshadeslayerari-tczew: yeah ... its a dpkg bug .. :P14:28
kshadeslayerit makes you choose which language ... and a key to trigger it etc14:28
ari-tczewkshadeslayer: masacre14:30
kshadeslayerari-tczew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/55217814:33
kshadeslayerwhat the14:33
kshadeslayerari-tczew: http://paste.ubuntu.com/55217914:33
ari-tczewkshadeslayer: cjwatson seems to be pretty nervous about that case14:35
kshadeslayeryeah :D14:35
fedoraloggeryou people are all to nervous14:40
fedoraloggerlook at me14:40
fedoraloggerI broke my entire phonon stack14:40
fedoraloggerand yet I am not nervous14:40
fedoraloggereven though I want to release in 10 days14:40
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: lol14:52
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: what the heck is happening ... you have back to back releases in like .. 3 weeks14:52
kshadeslayerphonon is the new KDE14:52
fedoraloggeras you might know, before kubuntu I was release manager :P14:53
fedoraloggertherefore I am very keen on releasing new awesomeness all the time14:53
kshadeslayerno i dont ^^ :P14:53
fedoraloggeralso it increases the chances of making sweet luv in front of the fire place14:53
kshadeslayerah .. so thats why KDE 4.1-4.4 had so many releases :P14:53
kshadeslayeri mean .. so many back to back releases :D14:53
* fedoralogger doesnt do kde releaeses14:54
fedoraloggerdirk doesnt let me do it14:54
kshadeslayer^^ else we would be on 5.5 till now14:55
kshadeslayerand debian would be on KDE 4.514:55
fedoraloggerdebian would be on 4.1 :P14:55
kshadeslayerif it were debians way ... they would stick to 3.x series :P14:55
kshadeslayerflippin kalarm deps on kdelibs 4.6.4014:58
kshadeslayerwhai oh whai ..14:58
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: do you how rekonq used to show tab previews previously? like detect which tab is being hovered over 15:01
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/network/rekonq/repository/revisions/914b0c1c0d2440bee0675ef9b77bad9d40630903/diff/src/tabbar.cpp15:02
kshadeslayera while loop :P15:02
* fedoralogger blinks15:02
* fedoralogger blinks more15:02
* fedoralogger is blind15:02
fedoraloggerI am blind15:02
fedoraloggerI shall never code again15:02
fedoraloggeroh noes15:02
fedoraloggerXand3r: you will have to carry on my legacy15:02
kshadeslayerno more phonon releases? :(15:02
fedoraloggerkshadeslayer:  made my blind15:02
fedoraloggerwhat shall  I do15:03
fedoraloggeroh noes15:03
Xand3rfedoralogger: what?15:03
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: its all fixed now ;)15:03
* fedoralogger starts crying15:06
* fedoralogger pours himself some baileys and makes a schedule for today15:07
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: now you can cry even more : http://pastebin.com/U8Bw1Ewc15:14
* fedoralogger overwrote some of his streaming code yesterday15:18
fedoraloggerand I did not ocmmit15:18
fedoraloggerthat is plenty to cry about right there15:18
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError should cover 404 errors right?15:20
fedoraloggersee documentation15:30
fedoraloggerQNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError203the remote content was not found at the server (similar to HTTP error 404)15:30
Xand3rsheytan: ping15:37
sheytanXand3r hey :)15:38
sheytangoing to start mocking up (is that right in english?) :D15:38
Xand3rdont know15:38
Xand3renglish is not my strength15:38
sheytanfirst lets design the chat window15:39
Xand3rsheytan: yea15:39
sheytanXand3r first at all, imho "all in one" widow suck :D15:42
sheytani  mean a chat + contact list window15:42
Xand3rsheytan: no its realy cool15:42
sheytanXand3r if you wish you can develop one, but i personally think it's really no need for that :)15:43
Xand3rquassel has one window, so you think quassel sucks?15:43
Xand3rbut go on tell me your idea sheytan15:44
sheytanXand3r you don't have a chat window that big as you have in quassel, you don't use contact list that often, quassel contact list doesn't take that much space as kopete's :P15:45
Xand3rok go on15:46
sheytanXand3r startin a qtdesigner project :)15:48
Xand3ryou or me?15:48
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: looks like it15:55
* Xand3r goes sleeping an hour15:58
sheytanXand3r me :)15:59
kshadeslayerfedoralogger: KDE PIM is broken... 16:03
kshadeslayercannot be packaged16:03
fedoraloggerso is phonono16:03
kshadeslayerit's missing doc files16:03
kshadeslayerwill wait for fix ...16:03
stalcupkshadeslayer: just uplaod te fix16:10
stalcupno one will notice16:10
kshadeslayerstalcup: there is none right now ... its missing docbooks and depends on kdelibs 4.6.40 .... 16:10
kshadeslayerthe guy managing the KDE PIM release says to wait :)16:10
stalcupah, smart chap16:11
kshadeslayerKeep in mind that I am working on a fixed version of beta4. Hopefully will have it out sometime today.16:11
kshadeslayerAllen Winter ^^16:11
stalcupwoo hooo16:11
sheytanapachelogger ping16:14
sheytani mean, fedoralogger :D16:14
kshadeslayerhehe :D16:14
fedoraloggersheytan: yus?16:24
sheytanfedoralogger http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/814/kopete.png16:28
sheytanXand3r http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/814/kopete.png16:28
sheytanjust a start :)16:29
sjkwizardhi all. Anyone know how to use KAuth in a pykde application? There is no documentation at all about that16:29
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
=== hunger is now known as hunger_
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
fedoraloggersheytan: a bit unfancy, no?16:46
sheytanfedoralogger how to make a IM app fancy? :D16:59
fedoraloggerfancy graphic or some shit17:00
ulyssesWhy suggets K3b a package that doesn't exist?17:00
fedoraloggersheytan: also never liked the idea of not having pictures in the contact list17:00
fedoraloggersheytan: doesnt feel personal enough17:01
fedoraloggerthat would be just like irc :P17:01
yofelulysses: probably existed once, or exists/existed in debian17:01
fedoraloggerif I am doing cybersex I would like to see whom with :P17:01
ulyssesyofel: you're right, k3b-i18n exists in Debian, but not in Kubuntu17:03
=== fedoralogger is now known as phononlogger
kshadeslayeromg ... a phonon release is on the way \o/17:21
phononloggerok, it is pretty settled17:21
phononloggerkshadeslayer: I would be releaselogger then17:21
kshadeslayeri wonder if kubuntu will have it .... or open Suse ... or fedora17:21
* phononlogger is moving to the inner city in march or so17:21
kshadeslayerphononlogger: ah17:21
phononloggeraway from this rotten place without party people17:22
* phononlogger hugs Nightrose17:22
phononloggeralso I shall throw a party some time17:22
phononloggerfirst round at fosdem is on me or some stuff like that17:22
kshadeslayerphononlogger: you do remember this channel is logged17:23
kshadeslayernow you cannot run away :D17:23
kshadeslayersheytan: pokety poke17:23
* Nightrose hugs phononlogger17:23
phononloggerwho cares17:23
sheytankshadeslayer what's up?17:23
* phononlogger should apply for work at canonical17:24
phononloggerthen canonical can pay :P17:24
kshadeslayersheytan: we haz meeting in 10 mins in #rekonq17:24
phononloggeralso mark would surely force me into working on glib17:24
phononloggerthis would actually be pretty neat17:24
kshadeslayercare to show us the mock ups17:24
kshadeslayerphononlogger: yeah .. then you can insert malicious stuff into glib causing it to crash and make qt supreme17:24
sheytanwe haz means you already had? :D17:24
phononloggerkshadeslayer: insert?17:25
phononloggeris that needed? :P17:25
phononloggeralso that would screw with Qt17:25
phononloggeryour Qt is using glib17:25
phononloggerin case you did not know :P17:25
kshadeslayersheytan: no it starts in 8 mins17:25
kshadeslayerphononlogger: yeah i know .... glib event loops inside qt17:25
kshadeslayerhow i hate that17:25
sheytankshadeslayer will upload them :)17:25
kshadeslayerphononlogger: you are invited to come and rant about rekonq in #rekonq17:26
phononloggerno time17:26
phononloggerI am having cybersex with kubotu17:26
rbelemsheytan, ping18:46
sheytanrbelem yo18:46
rbelemsheytan, how was party? :)18:47
sheytanrbelem great, thanks :D18:47
rbelemsheytan, do you have the mockup already for filesharing18:49
sheytanrbelem still the old one, did you see it?18:49
sheytanrbelem http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/4264/filesharingh.png18:51
sheytanto all: http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2011/01/rekonq-strona-startowa-rekonq-start.html :D18:53
rbelemsheytan, i saw that :)18:55
rbelemsheytan, but we have to remove some features for now18:56
sheytanrbelem yeah, i know, i just didn't do anything more yet :)18:56
sheytanwith that mock18:56
rbelemsheytan, but we have to remove some features for now :)18:58
rbelemdamn android irc client18:59
phononloggerskype anyone?18:59
kshadeslayerphononlogger: i haz skype ... but why? :P19:00
rbelemphononlogger, rbelem19:00
Xand3rsheytan: looks interesting19:00
phononloggerwe are having a nice session19:00
phononloggerkshadeslayer: id19:00
kshadeslayerwith whom?19:00
kshadeslayerphononlogger: dude .. im in your contacts19:00
phononloggerMamarok:  markey me for now19:01
rbelemsheytan, could you update tthe mock adding webdav and bluetooth?19:01
phononloggerkshadeslayer: rly?19:01
sheytanrbelem i'll work on it, but not today :)19:01
kshadeslayerphononlogger: shadeslayer9019:01
rbelemsheytan, oki19:01
phononloggerkshadeslayer: you do not appare the online19:01
phononloggerrbelem: you do not appear to be the answering19:01
kshadeslayerphononlogger: just logged in19:01
rbelemsheytan, afiestas know better what is needed for bluetooth filesharing19:02
sheytanrbelem, well, all i can do, is the mockup :D19:02
sheytanmy c++ ends with "hello world" :D19:03
afiestasimho all sharing should have the same interface, more or less19:03
rbelemsheytan, and could you make make the mockup pluggable, such as if module is not installed it will not appear in the kcm19:04
kshadeslayerphononlogger: i need to complete the rekonq meeting report19:05
kshadeslayerill be back in 15 mins19:05
phononloggerscrew it19:05
sheytanrbelem as i said, no code :D19:05
rbelemafiestas, what do you think of pluggable kcm filesharing?19:05
rbelemsheytan, np ;)19:05
rbelemsheytan, let the code with me19:06
sheytansure ;D19:06
kshadeslayerphononlogger: WAIT!19:06
phononloggeryou are fun today19:07
phononloggerrbelem: are you not up for a session?19:07
rbelemphononlogger, ops... i'll login now19:08
kshadeslayerphononlogger: call now :P19:09
afiestasrbelem: I think that is the way to go, but I'm still not sure how (we've a meeting to do :p)19:10
rbelemafiestas, i missed the meeting :(, lets book another together with sheytan, he will draw the UIs :) 19:26
rbelemphononlogger, internet connection in the middle of jungle is really slow19:27
kshadeslayerphononlogger: im out of the call :P19:27
rbelemphononlogger, the call was flickering sometimes19:27
kshadeslayertoo much bandwidth consumption :P19:28
rbelemkshadeslayer, the maximus bandwidth in my city is 1MB19:29
kshadeslayerim at 512Kbps19:29
kshadeslayerand ... skype is dead on my phone i think19:29
kshadeslayeri have a black screen19:29
kshadeslayerafiestas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/55226219:31
kshadeslayerphononlogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/55226219:31
kshadeslayerphononlogger: call me :P19:31
rbelemkshadeslayer, whats your download speed?19:31
kshadeslayerrbelem: 65-70 KBps19:31
phononloggerkshadeslayer: where did yo conduct this talkery?19:32
kshadeslayerphononlogger: #rekonq19:33
phononloggerI see your house from here19:33
kshadeslayerphononlogger: line 519:33
kshadeslayerwhee :)19:34
kshadeslayerphononlogger: who's on this call?19:35
phononloggeryou haz  a list19:36
kshadeslayerphononlogger: not on my phone i dont :>19:36
phononloggerkshadeslayer: markey, Mamarok, 2 phonon dues19:36
kshadeslayerah ok ..... 19:36
kshadeslayerphononlogger: mgraesslin as well ? 19:37
phononloggermgraesslin: wanna join a skype session?19:37
* mgraesslin has neither skype nor a headset19:38
* sheytan is loving KDE bluetooth system! <3!19:41
rbelemsheytan, what is your email?19:45
sheytanrbelem madsheytan at gmail dot com19:45
phononloggerkshadeslayer: did you break?19:51
kshadeslayerapparently so19:51
kshadeslayerand when i call you it says ... call failed:P19:51
kshadeslayerphononlogger: you guys still on the call? :P19:52
kshadeslayerany ideas on launchpad bug 69987520:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 699875 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "natty 20110107,all gui cannot be launched with root previlege" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69987520:13
kshadeslayerstalcup: poke20:18
kshadeslayerstalcup: did you apply for kubuntu membership?20:18
yofelif it's natty, I would blame new sudo behaviour20:23
yofelprobably makes some setting that X needs unavailable20:23
yofelkshadeslayer: do you have an idea about that rekonq behavior though? That's not the first time I see that for apport20:25
yofelor does rekonq not support being launched by python-launchpadlib?20:25
yofelkshadeslayer: and kdesudo works fine here20:27
phononloggerrbelem: your quality is really bad20:56
phononloggerlike *really*(20:56
rbelemphononlogger, internet here is really slow :(20:58
phononloggerrbelem: well, we stopped it anyway21:03
phononloggerthis was getting ludicrous21:03
kshadeslayerphononlogger: gah .... i think our skype call broke my ISP's servers :P21:21
yofelyou sure have a crappy ISP ^^21:22
kshadeslayeryofel: yep21:22
kshadeslayeryofel: and i know! kdesudo should work for the guy ... idk why its not working21:23
kshadeslayerand what about rekonq behaviour?21:23
yofelunnamed app(2677) kdemain: rekonq is already running!21:23
yofelError connecting to Launchpad: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call21:23
yofelrekonq is called from Launchpad.login_with() in python-launchpadlib but refuses to open the authentification window21:24
kshadeslayeryofel: how do i reproduce this?21:24
yofelkshadeslayer: don't have a credentials file and try to use apport-collect21:24
kshadeslayerunnamed app(2677) kdemain: rekonq is already running! << means rekonq is already running .... now ... technically when launchpad lib tries to open a url it should open in a rekonq tab ... clearly it doesnt21:25
kshadeslayeryofel: can you try and reproduce with rekonq trunk?21:26
yofelkshadeslayer: do you have daily builds or do I have to build myself?21:26
yofelyou have a crap ISP indeed ^^21:30
shadeslayer_yofel: no ... jefferai's core went down i think21:31
yofeloh, that would make sense, since 4 of you left in sync21:31
phononloggershadeslayer_: your nick is broken21:31
shadeslayer_Sput: is a quassel core supposed to crash if i delete a network with channels in it? 21:31
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as kshadeslayer_
kshadeslayer_phononlogger: better?21:32
kshadeslayer_connection refused :S21:32
* kshadeslayer_ is on user support this evening21:33
yofelhm, let me try this (Quintasan_: I'll apologize beforehand)21:33
kshadeslayer_yofel: lol ... seems like his core did go down then :P21:34
yofelhm, a simple network where I joined a network and said a few words doesn't crash the core here on deletion21:35
yofelmy core is 0.8-pre+76 though21:36
kshadeslayer_yofel: well ... i was on irc.videolan for about 6 hours21:36
kshadeslayer_and then deleted the network without deleting the channel21:36
yofelkshadeslayer_: maybe it's still running SQL queries then :P21:36
kshadeslayer_heh :P21:37
yofelwhere was rekonq hosted again?21:37
yofelsee, SQL finished21:38
kshadeslayer_and back21:38
kshadeslayer_yofel: its on kde git21:39
yofelkshadeslayer_: you guys don't have any magick that breaks sudo make uninstall right?21:41
kshadeslayer_nope 21:42
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
shadeslayeryofel: why would rekonq have magik for sudo make uninstall ? :P21:46
yofelshadeslayer: can't reproduce this here with rekonq git - that it opens it in a background tab without any indication that something happened isn't really optimal though (Or it's me having the focus stealing prevention set pretty high)21:46
yofelshadeslayer: dunno, I have nightmares about gnu autotools in that regard, leaving a mess behind21:46
shadeslayeryou should be safe ^_^21:46
shadeslayercould be focus stealing attention ...21:47
yofelok, I'll change that and retry21:48
shadeslayerphononlogger: tomas would be toma right?21:49
yofelnope, even with focus stealing prevention it still opens it in a background tab and rekonq stays in the background (or do I need to logout for the change to have effect?)21:49
yofelerrr, with prevention turned off21:49
shadeslayerdont think you have to logout21:49
shadeslayerlemme try something21:50
shadeslayerhappens with normal links too21:50
shadeslayerwhat the21:51
shadeslayerif i click on a link from a irc channel ... rekonq is focused21:51
shadeslayerif i click on a link from a channel topic it's opened in the background 0.o21:51
yofelthis is cool http://dev.svetlyak.ru/diff-git-cached-en/?utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+dev-svetlyak/all-en+%28Svetlyak21:56
shadeslayereither my download speed was throttled again or api.kde is hosted on shitty servers22:05
shadeslayerKEditbookmarks is foobared22:57
shadeslayercant enter more than 2 chars at a time in the location22:58
yofelshadeslayer: found the older bug about rekonq -> bug 62907923:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 629079 in python-launchpadlib (Ubuntu Natty) "opening auth page fails with "kdemain: reconq is already running"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62907923:21
shadeslayerjust as i am about to quit23:22
shadeslayeri get bugs :P23:22
shadeslayeryofel: will see tomorrow ...23:22
yofelnp, good night23:23

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