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rtdosis there a way to protect my .kde settings when i'm using a different desktop ?00:06
shane4ubunturtdos: you could move the folder with mv .kde .kdesaftey  or something, then it would in theory give you the generic defualt setup for that distro/desktop00:16
shane4ubuntuI'm not 100% how safe that is, but a thought.00:16
rtdosi never thought of that. make a backup copy of my .kde folder? ah, got some script writing to learn. :)00:17
nyley can someone tell me the repository and package name so i can isntall kde 4.6 on my ubuntu system?00:18
* shane4ubuntu perks up for that info!00:19
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: how much risk factor 1-10   1 being safe 10 being risky?00:22
SnowhogSee http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.6-beta-200:24
Snowhogshane4ubuntu: If you have a stable system now, and you want to keep it stable, don't upgrade to KDE 4.6 while it is still BETA.00:25
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: yeah, I like stability, I will wait, usually around RC2 or so I don't mind jumping on board.00:25
oscardo u like ubuntu00:26
oscari just got i00:26
Snowhogshane4ubuntu: I wait for a new KDE to be released 'Final' and even then, wait a week or two before upgrading.00:26
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: yeah, that is even more stable than what I do, I like being on the edge, and don't mind minor probs.00:27
sithlord48yeah, i got natty working on my netbook :O)00:30
ExilantHi, I'm using kubuntu maverick with the kubuntu ppa. The new device notifier is not working for me(empty although usb drives are inserted), can someone point me towards either a solution or debug possibilities?00:40
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ari-tczewhow can I use kwalletmanager for remember my ssh key password?00:59
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ecinxi'm on natty01:08
shane4ubuntuanyone use Basket (note pad thing) I have used it before, I tried to import my tomboy notes, but it didn't seem to work?01:09
Daskreechshane4ubuntu: basket is cool :)01:09
Daskreechari-tczew: for the KDE apps?01:09
shane4ubuntuDaskreech: yes, I agree, however I can't import my tomboy notes, :(01:10
ari-tczewDaskreech: for bzr01:10
DaskreechWasn't aware there was a bzr KDE app01:10
Snowhogshane4ubuntu: Tomboy notes are supposed to be importable, according to the info on Basket's home page. What version of Basket, and what version of Tomboy are you using?01:18
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: Basket version 1.0.cmake  (from repos)01:34
shane4ubuntuTomboy 1.4.201:35
Snowhogshane4ubuntu: Basket 2.0~beta1 is installable from the standard repos. You're using an older version (unless you are not running Kubuntu 10.10?)01:37
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: no, I'm running 10.10, and regular repos?01:38
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552011/01:38
shane4ubuntuhmm, odd01:38
ecinxhow do i compile kile?01:39
ecinxand which should i donwload *.tar.gz or *.tar.bz201:39
shane4ubuntuecinx: they are probably the same, just one is compressed more01:39
Snowhogshane4ubuntu: According to apt-cache policy basket, 2.0~beta1-0ubuntu1 in in the universe repository.01:39
shane4ubuntuecinx: there should be a readme in the file to give instructions how compiling01:40
ecinxshane4ubuntu:  thx01:40
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: that is odd, I haven't done anything fancy like pinning and extra ppa's with my system, so I should have the latest.01:40
SnowhogSnowhog: But you 'built' your Basket from source, yes?01:41
shane4ubuntuSnowhog: ok, I fired up synaptic and it is showing 2.0!beta12-0ubuntu basket01:41
shane4ubuntuseems to be a version conflict depending on where you get your info.01:41
ecinxI don't think i compiled this correctly01:55
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Bauldrickanyone in here awake?02:37
Bauldrickearlier updates fooked my networkmanager (kept dropping off, having to re-authorize) - I reverted to wicd, but that doesn't play nicely with statit IP address it seems...02:37
Bauldrickit seems - doesn;t authenticate unless I use dhcp -02:42
veovis_muaddibIn the folder view plasmoid and in Dolphin, how do I turn off the icon that shows symbolic links?  I'd also like to remove the italics, but that's not a huge deal02:56
veovis_muaddibIf I can't "remove" the arrow on linked items, can I at least theme it to a transparent image?03:06
DaskreechBauldrick: which updates did you install?03:09
Daskreechveovis_muaddib: probably. Although I think the KDE system takes a standard icon and overlays images on top of it as needed. Perhaps ask in #plasma ?03:10
veovis_muaddibDaskreech: Yeah, I want to make the overlay transparent03:11
veovis_muaddibDaskreech: Thanks, I'll ask in there03:11
DaskreechAh yeah you could just move the icon that it's looking for or replace it with a 1x1 alpha  png03:11
Guest1666hi i need help can anyone help me03:27
Guest1666is someone there03:28
elknghow can I download package with all dependencies without installation ?03:42
Snowhogelkng: From a console just type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install package_name --download-only03:48
elkngSnowhog: thanks03:54
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FloridaGuy2.8 ghz 64 bit dual core cpu...1gig ram....64 bit or 32 bit version of kubuntu04:39
SnowhogFloridaGuy: Use either one - both will work on your 64-bit CPU.04:40
gr8m8FloridaGuy:  if you don't do heaps of large mathematical computations I would go for the 32bit04:40
precubcrneed help pls04:40
gr8m8just less hassle setting up04:40
precubcrtrying to install nvidia driver on maverik04:40
precubcrhow ?04:40
precubcrcant do it ..04:41
precubcrsays x is still runing04:41
gr8m8you need to do   pkill X   in a tty04:41
precubcrhoy ?04:41
precubcrkillall x04:41
FloridaGuySnowhog: gr8m8: some say with only 1gig ram..use the 32 bit..then others say...use cpu to its full04:42
precubcrpls ?04:42
precubcranybody =04:42
gr8m8precubcr:  either killall or pkill04:43
precubcrthe exact command pls ?04:43
precubcri am new in kubuntu04:43
gr8m8you need to do   pkill X   in a tty04:43
precubcri got there, made me root04:43
precubcrand put killall x04:43
FloridaGuyprecubcr: or install the nvidia in the repo04:43
precubcrand eve so it dindt let me04:43
precubcrflorida how is that ?04:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:44
gr8m8yes the end user owned the cat04:45
FloridaGuyprecubcr: in your kmenu you should see an icon that says drivers or hardware..something like that...open that...click the one that says recomended..and click activate04:45
MaccerHey #kubuntu, I don't want to beg for #ubuntu help in the official kubuntu irc, but I kind of have to. Would anyone be as so kind to help me with my ubuntu problem? It's boot related.06:24
geekosopher!anyone | Maccer06:43
ubottuMaccer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:43
MaccerSorry geekosopher, it's just the #kubuntu channel. :(06:43
geekosopherMaccer: I didn't get you, is your problem not related to Kubuntu?06:44
MaccerNo, but that's why I was trying to politely ask.06:45
geekosopherMaccer: then why not ask the real question, and see if someone can help06:46
Maccergeekosopher: It comes in a form of a link ( http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10334000#post10334000 )06:49
valorieMaccer: did you check the liveCD before trying it out?07:00
valoriesounds to me like part of the system isn't loaded07:00
valoriethe driver bits07:00
Maccervalorie: The last time I did, it had the same problem as stated.07:00
valorieI'm not very technical, so I can't really help07:01
MaccerWell thanks for helping me anyways, even though it's in the wrong channel.07:01
valorieI'll bet you get an answer soon on the forum though07:02
valorieeven though it's saturday night/sunday morning07:02
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donniezazenHi all, i just started using Kubuntu. I have been a long time Gnome user. the fonts looks messed up - small thin not-so-smooth like ubuntu. any help please?11:56
valoriethey look great to me, donniezazen -- can you tell us what version of kubuntu, and what fonts you are using?12:01
valoriemaybe a screenshot or two?12:02
donniezazeni am using maverick with ubuntu fonts12:02
valorieah, me too12:03
donniezazenhere is the link @valorie http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/x6Pw2gKZ-nt3i59uyth0Rw?feat=directlink12:08
valorielooks rather blurry to me, but that might be just the nature of the screenshot12:09
valoriein systemsettings, you might be able to change some settings that will help12:09
valorieunfortunately, I know little about fonts and other settings like that12:09
donniezazenWhat does anti-aliasing means?12:10
donniezazenok thanks valorie12:10
valorieanti-aliasing makes it smoother12:11
donniezazenhmm let me try it. Fonts looks boxed and small12:13
vita_Hello. I have issue with Thumbnails in Dolphin in Natty.12:32
vita_I have installed mplayerthumbs (or something like that), enabled it in Dolphin, but thumbnails are not created.12:33
vita_Any ideas what to do?12:33
donniezazenwhat does hinting?12:33
vita_donniezazen: What do you mean?12:34
Liontovsorry,,,I am new here...anyone may help me?12:35
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donniezazenI meant font hinting. Thanks i should have googled it before. i got it.12:36
vita_donniezazen: Yes. Googel/Wikipedia are allways good start.12:38
donniezazenyeah sometime it gets too technical thanks vita12:38
donniezazeni am new to kubuntu any good guide to beautifying kubuntu12:39
vita_donniezazen: Guide? Go to systemsettings and wal through it. There is also button "Get hot new stuff" or something like that. It will allow you to search and install various themes/walpapers ...12:41
donniezazenvita thanks12:44
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phoenix_firebrdhello everyone12:58
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ecinxHow do i make my terminal scrreen have colors like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tar_screenshot.png for example13:20
vita_ecinx: google ".profile linux"13:27
ecinxI'm trying to extract someting13:30
ecinxand it's not working for me :(13:30
vita_use "tar xjf ..."13:32
vita_see "man tar'13:32
ecinxi think that worked13:34
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GWildI run 10.04 64 and need to turn off automount of USB devices13:56
GWildsystem settings --> advanced --> removable devices does not work13:56
GWildall (except / /boot /home) area deselected13:57
GWildand every time I plug in a USB device the system mounts is as root13:57
GWildI want to turn off automatic mounting....13:57
GWildany suggestions?13:57
phoenix_firebrdGWild: hi14:01
GWildphoenix_firebrd: Hello14:01
GWildFirebird Raceway outside Phoenix......14:01
GWildBeen thre14:01
phoenix_firebrdGWild: i have no idea what you are talking about14:02
GWildFirebird is a Race Track outside Phoenix AZ USA14:02
phoenix_firebrdGWild: "system settings --> advanced --> removable devices does not work" , after doing that is that setting saved?14:03
phoenix_firebrdGWild: my nick has no connection with that14:03
phoenix_firebrdGWild: can you paste your fstab?14:04
GWildphoenix_firebrd: sure, sec14:04
GWildphoenix_firebrd: http://pastebin.com/DMDtXnF914:06
phoenix_firebrdGWild: kde version?14:08
GWildphoenix_firebrd: 4.4.514:08
phoenix_firebrdGWild: is this your removable drive "/dev/sdb3"?14:10
GWildno - no removable are in the fstab14:11
GWildphoenix_firebrd: I have sdb1/2/3 on a single drive14:11
phoenix_firebrdGWild: ok14:11
GWildphoenix_firebrd: for /, /boot, and swap14:11
phoenix_firebrdGWild: fstab is normal14:11
phoenix_firebrdGWild: what is your removable drive file system?14:13
GWildphoenix_firebrd: vfat14:14
phoenix_firebrdGWild: can you wait14:18
GWildphoenix_firebrd: Yes14:18
phoenix_firebrdGWild: did you restart after saving your settings?14:20
GWildphoenix_firebrd: Yes14:20
phoenix_firebrdGWild: did you use any third party softwares?14:23
phoenix_firebrdGWild: like ntfs-config, pysdm?14:24
GWildphoenix_firebrd: not any of those - but I do have VirtualBox PEUL installed.14:24
phoenix_firebrdGWild: can you paste /etc/udev/udev.conf14:35
GWildphoenix_firebrd: You got me thinking and I found something I don't remember installing: USBMount14:36
GWildphoenix_firebrd: I believe that to be my problem.  I uninstalled it and the system settings appear to be working14:36
GWildphoenix_firebrd: embarrassing that I don't remember installing that.....14:37
phoenix_firebrdGWild: good14:37
GWildphoenix_firebrd: I appreciate the assistance - thanks.14:37
phoenix_firebrdGWild: welcome14:37
kubutuamarok 2.3.9 in tha last few days segfaulting in natty.  Any ideas?  re-installed and still the same.15:04
rorkkubutu: questions about software in Natty ought to be asked in #ubuntu+1 , you can also check launchpad for bug reports15:06
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drbobbkpackagekit segfaulting on kde4.6 RC2 - a known issue?17:59
morpheus_plGreetings, I have a problem with desktop launch and search container - the search plugins like calculate or nepomuk doesn't seems to work, however in krunner everything is working perfectly. Any ideas ? Kde 4.5.519:13
mariongood morning afternoon or night depending on were you all live19:20
mariondoes anyone know what i do to fix this19:21
marionwine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables19:21
jillsmitthow to create wifi access point?19:24
MontanaX69Hi all19:25
James147jillsmitt: create? or connect to?19:30
marionis anyone familiar with wine?19:33
James147!ask | marion19:33
ubottumarion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:33
marionhow do i fix wine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables19:34
James147marion: how did you install mono?19:34
marioni dont know how to install mono19:34
jillsmittJames147: thanks, i know how... red man19:34
James147marion: ahh :) then run "winetricks mono26"19:35
James147that should install it for the default prefix19:35
marionjust type that in?19:35
James147marion: to a terminal, yes19:35
marionwinetricks: command not found19:36
James147marion: make sure you have the latest version http://www.winehq.org/download/deb  (19:37
James147marion: if that still dosent install it then you get get the script from here: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks  (well, it will tell you how to get it)19:38
hellslingerany kubuntu users have an unknown runlevel in maverick?19:40
yofelhellslinger: we don't use sys-v-init anymore so I'm not sure what runlevel it's supposed to return19:42
yofelprobably still 219:43
hellslingerthere are things that aren't starting up that should be19:43
hellslingerand I had this problem back in 10.0419:43
hellslingerthe same solution doesn't work19:43
yofelhm, you could add --verbose to the kernel command line, that will make upstart verbose, and it should make it log the boot to /var/log/boot.log (I think)19:44
hellslingeroh excellent!19:44
hellslingervery helpful, thanks19:44
marionJames147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552271/19:48
James147marion: make sure apt-get, aptitude or any other package managment isen running19:50
marionkpackage is closed19:51
marionis there something like task manager for linux19:51
James147marion: press alt+escape19:52
James147ctrl even ^^19:52
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marionok so finaly got mono installed now heres something i did not know. NO USB SUPPORT20:34
marionI am a sad man20:34
James147marion: in wine? what are you trying to do with the usb?20:35
marionread my flash drive that is formatted for xbox20:36
marioncause i have a program running in wine that reads the xbox file system20:36
James147marion: then mount it in kubuntu then run "winecfg" and map the mount point to the drive you want wine to see it as20:36
James147(you may just need to clcik "auto detect" o the drives page of winecfg)20:37
marionexplain please i do not understand20:38
James147marion: make sure the flash stick is mounted (opening in dolphin should be enough) run "winecfg" then once it opens click on the "drives" tab20:39
James147marion: then click "auto detect" and check to see if it found it... or add an entry for it manually20:40
mariondo add /media/disk20:42
James147mendred_: yes20:42
James147(assuming thats where its mounted)20:42
marionthats what it says in properties20:42
marionjames i just need to have you on like speed dial or something20:45
James147i am here most of the time20:46
marioncare to walk me through getting unrar to work properly20:46
James147:S whats not working about it (not that i know much about unrar)20:46
marionseriously thats the one thing you cant help me with?20:47
marioni dont know what to do to unpack a rar file20:47
James147marion: use ark20:47
shane4ubuntumarion unrar e package.rar20:47
James147marion: (or in dolphin right click the file and click extract)20:47
James147^^ or that20:48
marionark crashes20:48
James147then what shane4ubuntu said should work20:48
shane4ubuntuor unrar x package.rar    x is full path, and e is extract files to current directory.20:49
shane4ubuntuI don't really understand the difference, but think that e is safer, just unpacks it in the directory I'm in.20:49
marionk let me try that20:49
marionso first i need to cd /home/marion/Downloads/FFXII correct?20:50
James147marion: assuming thats where you want to extract to then yes20:50
mariondo i have to chmod it?20:52
marioncause all 3 files failed to extract20:52
James147marion: hmm, any error?20:52
shane4ubuntumarion: then probably the rar is bad, rar tends to check the files before extracting them.20:52
James147(as long as its readble by you then i would say it should work... assuming the archive isent currpt)20:53
shane4ubunturar has a built in checking method and if one archive is bad, missing or incomplete, it will fail.20:53
mariondamn it i wanna hack my game this is becoming more and more difficult by the second20:53
James147marion: i would try redownloading the archive if you can20:54
James147and doing an md5sum on it (assuming they provide you what one)20:54
marionbut the executable file that was in the zip the rar was in worked fine20:54
TheGentlemanHello!  Pls help: in my kubuntu maverik i'm not able to make the bar menu appear anymore. Nor moving the mouse pointer to the lower side of screen, nor pointing at any other side of screen. Moreover clicking on any icon on screen does nothing!  I could open xchat and join this channel using Alt F221:00
TheGentlemanI think i was distracted by telphone ancd clicked something on the lower bar without realizing what i did....21:02
TheGentlemanSystem is nearly unusable now: pls help21:03
James147TheGentleman: did you open the widget dashboard? (is the screen slightly grey?)21:04
TheGentlemanJames147, I do not think so. the screen looks normal21:04
James147TheGentleman: have your tryed loggin out and back in again?21:05
TheGentlemanyes James147 and the problem persists21:05
James147hmm, i suggest you try creating a new user and seeing if it happens with them (never seen that happen before :S )21:06
rtdosis there a list of command line only applications somewhere?21:07
TheGentlemanok James147, I have a "guest" user. will try that. But it has no rights to modify anything on my normal session.21:07
James147TheGentleman: thats fine, its just to see if its your user or the system21:07
James147rtdos: google? there are allot of them, its not east to create a list :)21:08
marionhah i wine installed rar and unpacked the file21:08
James147rtdos: unless there is something specific you need i cant relly give you much more info21:09
rtdosJames147, I was just wondering if there was a way to grep the repository list for text based apps?21:14
James147rtdos: possibally, not sure how though21:15
TheGentlemanJames147,  the other user works fine. It is only on my session where the desktop is fuked up21:15
James147TheGentleman: then its most likly a currpt config file... no clue which one though :)   i would suggest starting with kwin and plasma though (they can be found in ~/.kde/share/config)21:17
James147TheGentleman: delete or rename the config to resset them to teh default settings21:17
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James147(you might need to restar the application or logout and back in)21:17
TheGentlemangoing to try that James14721:18
* James147 notes that you can renmae the .kde dir to see if theproblem lies in there, then you can rename it back and either hunt inside or outside of that folder)21:18
* James147 is going to be back in abit ^^ will get any messages when i come back if you highlght me :)21:19
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kayleighhi all wonder if any one can help me with some IM problems?21:26
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rork!anyone | kayleigh21:31
ubottukayleigh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:31
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rtdosJames147, is there a way to get all applications in command line mode?21:32
rtdos...without using grep ?21:32
kayleighi am new to kubuntu 10.10, i can not get any im service to work at all, hve connection to internet but every app i try for im fails|21:32
kshadeslayer_rtdos: all applications as in all installed apps?21:33
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: so ... whats the issue in kopete? which service?21:33
kayleighused kopete, failed to connect used aMSN fail, used Kmess fail??? i am lost now21:34
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: dude ... which service? :)21:34
kshadeslayer_gtalk? MSN? AOL?21:34
BluesKajwell, kshadeslayer_ , I finally gave up on rekonq ...it's too clunky for me , or I just don't "get it" , in terms of the logic behind the setup procedures21:34
kayleighmsn sorry must read more!!!21:35
kshadeslayer_BluesKaj: heh .... it needs work :P21:35
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: and which kubuntu version??21:36
kshadeslayer_oh sorry ... i didnt see that earlier ...21:37
rtdosnoaXess, kshadeslayer, sorry i meant all applications available?21:37
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: are you using any PPA's ? or stock system?21:37
kshadeslayer_rtdos: ok ... run : dpkg -l to get a list of all packages available ... and all binary apps should be in /usr/bin or /bin21:38
kayleigher like i said i'm new too this.......whats ppa's and stock sys?21:38
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: stock system as in .... default install ...21:40
kshadeslayer_!ppa | kayleigh21:40
ubottukayleigh: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.21:40
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: the first thing id like you to do is check if a bug fix release of KDE fixes your issues21:40
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.421:41
whilois the 4.6 backport (currently rc2) for maverick already using the raster engine?21:41
kshadeslayer_whilo: nope21:41
kayleighah! i downloaded standard 10.10 and use the repos that came with it i'll try the bug fix brb21:41
kshadeslayer_you can change it tho21:41
whilosomething happened in the second half of december21:42
whiloalthough i still have a quite slow harddisk my ui has got really snappy21:42
kayleighhow ?21:42
kshadeslayer_that could be kwin becoming more efficient .... or something else21:42
whilowell i have used the beta for 4.6 before i  think. were some of the recent scheduler patches for the kernel backported?21:43
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa << follow the instructions there and the link in the channel topic21:43
kshadeslayer_whilo: nope ... PPA's just contain KDE releases21:43
whilokshadeslayer_: sure this was a generic ubuntu question21:44
* kshadeslayer_ thinks21:44
kayleighso m looking for a different download of kopete?21:44
kshadeslayer_would have needed a very controversial SRU21:44
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: a bug fix release of KDE ...21:45
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: KDE is pretty much the whole GUI you see in front of you21:45
kshadeslayer_which like any other piece of software has bug fix updates21:45
kayleighoh, mine might be broken? this is the only thing that dont work?21:45
kshadeslayer_could be could not be .... but its always advisable to have bug fix updates installed21:46
kshadeslayer_BluesKaj: btw did you try rekonq git? or the 0.6.1 release?21:48
kayleigham lost here, drowning!!! have searched kde and millions have come back?????21:49
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: just install the ppa :D21:49
kshadeslayer_if it doesnt fix the issue .... then we can proceed ....21:49
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kayleighi no i'm being a pain cause i dont understand but do i copy this ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa to my repo's?21:53
rtdosthanks kshadeslayer_21:56
James147kayleigh: follow this to install it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu21:56
kshadeslayer_rtdos: np21:56
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sfearsI trashed grub playing with the startup manager.  The stage 1 fix doesn't work and install-grub /dev/sda3 gives errors.  Can anyone help?22:00
kshadeslayer_sfears: can you pastebin the grub errors?22:01
yofelsfears: which release are you using?22:01
kshadeslayer_that too :)22:01
kshadeslayer_yofel: i didnt know you hang out here :P22:01
yofelsure I do, I'm everywhere :P22:02
sfearsCannot create file /boot/grub/915 resolution.mod permission denied kshadeslayer_22:02
sfearsYofel 10.10.22:02
* yofel wonders if grub2 has a stage122:02
sfearsI'm booted into live session22:02
kshadeslayer_it doesnt22:03
kshadeslayer_i think he's following the old wiki :P22:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:03
kshadeslayer_old wiki22:03
kshadeslayer_sfears: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 <<22:03
yofelsfears: for reinstalling grub you should follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20222:04
James147sfears: ^^ also, you normally install grub to a drive, not a partition (so /dev/sda not /dev/sda1 ... although you can install to sda1)22:04
yofelkshadeslayer_: that just redirects to the community page22:04
sfearsI didn't trash it with windows.  I restarted before I closed startup-manager22:04
kshadeslayer_yofel: yep ...22:04
kshadeslayer_yofel: old ... help page22:04
marionJames147: I get error The program FFXIII Save Editor.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close.22:06
kshadeslayer_uh ..... o_o22:07
James147marion: have you looked at http://appdb.winehq.org/  ? not all applications work with wine yet... you might also want to join #winehq for better help with wine22:09
sfearsKshadeslayer_ yorfel.  When I start the comp I have a grub> prompt22:09
kshadeslayer_sfears: yes ... so you need to boot a live cd to fix that22:10
sfearsI did restore using the install grub to the /mnt22:10
kshadeslayer_re-install grub22:10
kshadeslayer_grub doesnt install to /mnt ... it installs to /boot22:10
sfearsSaid exited with no errors22:10
kshadeslayer_see thats why ..22:10
sfearsI followed the directions22:11
kshadeslayer_sfears: you need to install grub to /dev/sdX22:11
kshadeslayer_sfears: which ones?22:11
sfearsFrom your link22:11
kshadeslayer_sfears: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%202 << that one22:11
sfearsI did it correctly22:11
kshadeslayer_yofel: i think that page is broken as well :P22:12
kshadeslayer_sfears: one sec22:12
sfearsI'm just typing from a mobile.  Didn't feel like typing the whole grub command.  Swype doesn't recognized22:12
yofelreally? opens fine here22:12
kshadeslayer_yofel: no ... the instructions are foobared22:12
kshadeslayer_sfears: yes .. one sec22:13
James147kshadeslayer_: dont think so, they look correct22:13
sfearsIt seemed to work22:13
kshadeslayer_sfears: use this : http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide22:13
sfearsWill try22:13
kshadeslayer_sfears: or use the chroot method from help page22:14
* James147 notes that the other one should work... he has used it before, there is no need to chroot22:14
yofelthey should still work, they just don't include a chroot22:14
kshadeslayer_chroot always works....22:14
yofelisn't always needed though22:14
ExilantFor some reason my kde does not seem to recognize some hardware anymore. usb disks do not popup in the device notifier plasmoid or in dolphin, the battery monitor claims there is no battery.  Can someone point me towards a solution? I'm using kubuntu maverick (10.10) with the kubuntu ppa and kde
kshadeslayer_since the first method failed, id say its needed now22:15
kshadeslayer_Exilant: highly unlikely ... but can you check if you still have hal?22:16
yofelwell, worth a try22:16
sfearsChroot fails22:16
yofelkshadeslayer_: 4.5.5 certainly depends on hal22:16
kshadeslayer_sfears: what's the error?22:16
kshadeslayer_yofel: yeah ... but im just making sure22:16
kshadeslayer_that's why i said .. highly unlikely22:17
sfears'/bin/bash': exec format error22:17
Exilantkshadeslayer_: "hal is already the newest version.", is there maybe a kde-hal-package?22:18
kshadeslayer_Exilant: nope ... theres just one hal :)22:18
sfearsChroot: failed to run command '/bin/bash': exec format error22:18
yofelsfears: you are trying to chroot to a 64bit system from a 32bit live disk -> that's impossible22:18
Exilanti checked that kubuntu-desktop is installed, so i guess i should have all necessary packages22:18
kshadeslayer_sfears: err ... by any chance ... is the install amd64 and your live usb i386?22:18
sfearsShit! Forgot... Hold22:18
kshadeslayer_or vice versa22:18
sfearsSorry, public room22:19
yofelkshadeslayer_: chrooting from a 64bit live disk to a 32bit system is possible22:19
kshadeslayer_yofel: nope ... ive tried and failed many times22:19
yofelhm, odd, this should technically work fine22:19
kshadeslayer_well ... idk if our pbuilders can do it ... but it doesnt work that way on live CD's22:20
yofelsure they can, I often use i386 pbuilders herre22:20
sfearsIs there a way to do this from the grub prompt?22:20
kshadeslayer_yofel: yeah .. i happened to be in the same grub situation at one time ... couldnt chroot  from a i386 live usb into my amd64 system22:21
kshadeslayer_sfears: i dont know ....22:21
sfearsIf I'm at the prompt it's already installed22:21
yofelif only the grub.cfg is foobared then it should be possible, but I don't know how to search for the kernel image etc.22:21
yofelat least not offhand22:21
kshadeslayer_yofel: well .. theres the os-probe thingy22:21
kshadeslayer_grub uses that to detect kernels etc22:22
yofelkshadeslayer_: we're talking about grub prompt, not os-prober22:22
sfearsHow do I know if my livecd is 64 bit22:22
kshadeslayer_yofel: yeah .. but cant os-prober be run from grub command prompt22:22
yofelyou can boot from a grub> prompt by entering the config settings by hand (vmlinuz and initrd location and options etc.)22:22
yofelkshadeslayer_: oh? I didn't know that22:23
kshadeslayer_yofel: idk either :P22:23
kshadeslayer_im asking22:23
yofelsfears: what does uname -m return?22:23
sfearsAlright... Let me boot22:23
yofelkshadeslayer_: well, I never tried, so I don't know either, but I don't think it's possible22:24
yofelthere is basic ls, cat and other things though for grub2 so you can search around a bit22:24
kshadeslayer_yofel: this reminds me ... i dont have a maverick pbuilder :P22:25
rorksfears: you can use the grub commandline to find the kernel and start linux. It's explained here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Command%20Line%20and%20Rescue%20Mode for the commands to start linux look in the rescuemode part22:25
sfearsI686. Still get chroot error22:27
kshadeslayer_sfears: was your install amd64?22:27
yofelthen you'll need to get a amd64 live disk22:28
yofelI would guess that's why grub-install failed too22:28
kshadeslayer_well ... i couldnt get it to work .... chrooting into an amd64 system with a i386 live disk22:28
kshadeslayer_yofel: yep22:28
yofelthat's completely impossible to get to work, a 32bit kernel can't handle 64bit addresses22:28
kshadeslayer_yofel: ah .. so 32 bit chroot's can work on amd64 systems but not the other way around ....22:29
kshadeslayer_thats why our pbuilders can work :P22:29
yofelright, the kernel will just fill the upper 32bit address space with zeroes22:29
sfearsI'm not using the right livecd @ i68622:30
yofelsfears: yes, you need one for amd64 (64bit)22:30
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sirius_hello everyone. i used to be a kde user wayyy back in the days of 3.x and loved every minute of it. ive been thinking of seriosly getting back into it and just finished a clean install about 30 min ago. things are going good but im haing a few minor issues that i was hoping you could help with. i installed my nvidia drivers and set up my dual screens but now it seems like the crispness of the desktop isnt as nice as compared to what it22:37
sirius_ looked like initially, plus the font looks terrible now. is there anything i can do about this?22:37
James147sirius_: you can try system settings > application appearence > fonts to edit the fonts (possibally enable/disably anti aliasing) or "kdesudo nvidia-settings" to configure the drivers22:39
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sirius_k ty i will try22:40
kayleighhi kshadeslayer i am bck!!!! installed ppa to my sys and have updated 161 packages, sadly kopete still dont connect?22:44
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: ok can you run kopete from a konsole?22:45
Exilantkayleigh: connect to icq?22:45
kshadeslayer_Exilant: MSN22:45
kayleighokay ran sudo kopete in konsole which then spat out lots of text and opened kopete22:49
James147kayleigh: you shoudnt run kopete as root22:50
James147kayleigh: and you should NEVER run a gui appl with sudo22:50
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: sudo? 0.o22:50
kshadeslayer_MSN doesnt need admin access :P22:50
kayleighokay how should i open kopete in konsole like you asked?22:51
kshadeslayer_yes ....22:51
James147kayleigh: just run "kopete" no need for sudo22:52
kayleighdone, ran okay with no text output in shell22:53
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: press alt+F2 > type : kdebugdialog22:56
James147kayleigh: did it manage to connect?22:56
Exilantkayleigh: run kdebugdialog, enable debug output for kopete (look neaar the end of the (unsorted :(  ) list, try running kopete again22:56
kshadeslayer_and then what Exilant said :)22:57
Exilantah, kdebugdialog has a search function :)22:57
kshadeslayer_Exilant: yep :)22:57
kayleighran kdebugdialog, selected kopete at the end pressed okay kdebugdialog closed ran kopete from terminal.22:59
kayleighdo i need to keep kdebugdialog open for this or is there a log some where?22:59
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: nope ... just run kopete23:07
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: then ... try adding a WLM account  and check what happens in konsole23:08
James147(making sure you close the other instance first)23:08
kshadeslayer_James147: can you take over? im going to sleep :)23:09
kshadeslayer_4.40 AM ... :P23:09
James147kshadeslayer_: :p cant try23:10
kshadeslayer_could be a kopete bug ... cant try ... dont have a WLM account :D23:11
kshadeslayer_lemme give bugzilla another try23:11
kayleighdid what u asked , nothing in konsole but did get notification: Cannot conect with the instant messaging server or peers.23:13
kayleighi have tried other software, pidgin,amsn and kmess so if itd a kopete bug would it effect these as well?23:15
James147kayleigh: make sure you close the app from the system tray23:15
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: looks like the MSN servers are refusing connections23:15
kshadeslayer_quite possibly they changed protocol's etc23:15
kshadeslayer_and since other clients are not working as well23:15
kayleighi orig thought that but when i try on an xp terminal i connect, this is what stumped me23:16
James147kayleigh: also make sure you typed the username (with the @hotmail.com) and apssword correctly23:16
kayleighmde sure pass and user are correct23:17
kayleighthanks for your help shade have  good sleep!!!23:17
kayleighyou as well james will try later nd hope for the best!!!23:19
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: check forum.kde.org  for issues :)23:19
kayleighwill do23:19
kshadeslayer_and google and ubuntu forums :D23:19
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: http://forums.opensuse.org/english/get-technical-help-here/applications/394658-kopete-msn-issue.html23:19
sfearsKshadeslayer_.. I was able to boot from the grub prompt.  Took a little skill but I got it.23:20
kshadeslayer_sfears: nice :D23:20
sfearsUsing the tutorial you gave me23:20
kshadeslayer_sfears: now just install grub ^_^23:20
James147sfears: if you ahve booted then just reinstall grub with "sudo install-grub /dev/sda"23:20
James147sfears: no need to chroot if you managed to boot the system :)23:21
kshadeslayer_kayleigh: do you have special chars in your password?23:21
James147kshadeslayer_: ahh yes :) that bug...23:22
kayleighone underscore but thought of that and tried with my mom's, all norml chaars, no connection23:22
James147guess not then23:23
kshadeslayer_really going to sleep now :P23:23
kayleigham now getting text output from console23:25
kayleighkopete(4805) Kopete::SocketTimeoutWatcher::ackTimeoutCheck: Connection timeout for   QHostAddress( "" )23:26
piovisquii have update my x11-common package on kubuntu a few minutes ago and restarted my pc... now it is dead23:39
piovisquino x server, even failsafe23:39
piovisquican someone help me??23:40
piovisquithe update was released today23:40
pulaskiHi, I have an amd64 desktop machine which I recently upgraded through the MaverickUpgradesKubuntu page at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu from runing Kubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx to Kubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meekrat.23:44
pulaskiKpackagekit no longer works. It crashes on start-up. Has anyone else experienced this?23:45
James147pulaski: its a known issue if your using kde 4.623:46
pulaskiJames147: Thanks for responding. My KDE platform is 4.5.95 (4.6 RC2) so that means me right?23:49
James147pulaski: yeah23:50
pulaskiJames147: Thanks. I'm a relative inexperienced Kubuntu user, will going through a number of regular sudo apt-get update / uprgrade processes eventually resolve the issue for me?23:56
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