
bullgard4jcsackett: Thank you for your explanation last night. I filed now a bug report to bugzilla. I still believe that this an inferior solution compared to a would be error report via »ubuntu-bugs gnome-panel« because the latter would collect automatically details about my operating system  and program configuration. Which bugzilla does not.04:34
wgrantbullgard4: Why don't you use "ubuntu-bug gnome-panel"?04:40
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bullgard4wgrant: I have filed bug report #700563 to Launchpad. I do not know why Lanunchpad yesterday told me that (only) Bugzilla accepts bug reports for the gnome-panel DEB program package.06:02
wgrantbullgard4: You tried at https://launchpad.net/gnome-panel?06:16
wgrantThat is not the package page.06:17
wgrantThat is the upstream project page.06:17
wgrantPerhaps you wanted the Ubuntu package page, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel06:17
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bullgard4wgrant: I filed the bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/70056306:42
wgrantbullgard4: Right, that's in the Ubuntu package, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel. It sounds like you were initially trying to file it in the upstream project, https://launchpad.net/gnome-panel. But GNOME doesn't use Launchpad to track their bugs, so you can't do that.06:42
sorenIs Launchpad down?10:57
wgrantsoren: Looks OK to me.10:58
wgrantIt is disturbingly fast, though.10:58
sorenhttps://launchpad.net/ times out for me.10:58
wgrantWhat does a traceroute say?10:58
* soren twiddles thumbs, waiting for it.10:59
sorenIt gets all the way to 17:  eth0.chenet.canonical.com                            50.742ms asymm 1410:59
wgrantI can connect to both frontends from here :/10:59
soren..then goes into a bunch of "no reply"10:59
wgrantOdd. I go through there as well.10:59
wgrantI have some packet loss in Level 3, but not much.11:00
wgrantI can also connect from hosts in the UK and US...11:01
sorenUh... Firefox gets through. Chrome does not.11:01
sorenIt's really, really slow, though.11:03
sorenIn Firefox, that is.11:03
sorenIf I switch to 3G it works fine.11:13
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ari-tczewduring commenting on review I got an error:  The following errors were encountered:    (, 'createComment', 'launchpad.AnyPerson')15:41
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thumperari-tczew: not sure what happened there19:35
ari-tczewthumper: I know what happened. My session was expired (logout was one on another tab in firefox) and LP gave that output. ^^19:36
ari-tczewIt should be improved.19:36
ari-tczewwgrant: ^^19:36
thumperari-tczew: did you file a bug?19:36
ari-tczewthumper: nope.19:36
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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