
PendulumAlanBell: charlie-tca you two have both tried Natty, right?17:49
charlie-tcaI have17:50
charlie-tcaI try a fresh installation about three times a week17:50
Pendulumcharlie-tca: how bad is it? I'm trying to decide if I should try upgrading my mini to just use it as a test machine17:50
charlie-tcaNot too bad, just can't find any keyboard shortcuts most days17:51
charlie-tcaIt requires the mouse, still17:51
Pendulumdo they exist yet?17:51
charlie-tcanot yet17:51
PendulumTheMuso: do we have any ETA on the keyboard shortcuts at this point?17:51
PendulumI'm in the middle of the doc team meeting where they're trying to decide how to manage docs since they'll need things for gnome2 and Unity17:52
charlie-tcaThat should be fun ;-)17:52
Pendulumto make it more fun a lot of the docs team is not happy about doing unity docs because of the copyright issue (don't blame 'em on that)17:52
charlie-tcaI think they are still hoping for shortcut keys for alpha217:53
Pendulumthey were supposed to be in alpha1 which is why I'm hoping Luke has more info17:53
charlie-tcaThey got bumped on the blueprint for unity17:55
PendulumI know17:55
Pendulumbut they got bumped really last minute17:56
Pendulumand I'd rather know now if they won't make alpha2!17:56
AlanBellI have tried natty18:24
AlanBellthe installer was broken so I installed Maverick and upgraded18:25

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