
=== tgall_foo is now known as tgall_out
VitXXX__linux on pxa270? samsung i710?12:18
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pH5VitXXX__: ubuntu arm is compiled for armv7-a cpus, pxa270 is only armv5te12:38
VitXXX__armv5te - what linux runing on it?12:39
VitXXX__i`m use haret loader, but i don`t know what MTYPE on samsung i710 on pxa270, try to run android os... and other linux kernel...12:44
pH5I don't know if anyone built a kernel for this device yet.12:52
VitXXX__asus p535 and 525 on this cpu, but linux kernel on samsug not start12:54
pH5That's because quite a bit of board specific setup has to be done (like configuring GPIOs and LCDC to correctly power on the display etc.)12:56
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=== fedoraloggr is now known as fedoralogger
osborne6I have a question on running with qemu-system-arm14:04
osborne6I've followed the wiki's instructions, built an image with root stock, populated it...14:04
osborne6and when I go to run the image, I get qemu: fatal: Unimplemented cp15 register write (c9, c12, {0, 0})14:04
osborne6plus a short stack dump after a few minutes...14:05
rsalvetiosborne6: interesting, with which kernel?14:26
rsalvetiosborne6: and, which qemu version are you using?14:26
osborne6versatile kernel, and the stock qemu packages from 10.0414:27
rsalvetiweird, afaik it should work fine14:31
rsalvetiosborne6: similar bug 57045614:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 570456 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Unimplemented cp15 register write (c9, c12, {0, 0}) with Ubuntu OMAP image (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57045614:32
osborne6interesting. I'll check that out.14:32
rsalvetiseems that this was fixed only for maverick14:33
osborne6thanks for the info!14:37
sveinseHow can I check which compile and machine options are default enabled in arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc ?16:28
nevdull-dumpspecs ?16:41
=== fedoralogger is now known as phononlogger
=== ogra is now known as Guest61100

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