
dnkanyone able to help me out with what to do about wireless driver to my hp pavilion dv1000 just started using ubuntu on it and its hell due to me being a windows monkey :P01:32
dnkbaah every one afk or just don't have a clue?01:35
UndiFineDI dont know dnk01:37
dnkty for answearing m8 was afraid no one was here :P01:37
UndiFineDwhat have you tried ?01:37
JackyAlcinednk: Is it being picked up by Ubuntu?01:38
JackyAlcineyou might need the package ndiswrapper and the Windows drivers.01:38
dnkread about ndiswrapper but havent tried it yet01:39
dnkand no its say wireless is disconnected01:39
dnkpretty anoying when used to just thowing a windows disc on it and it finds driver it self01:40
UndiFineDI think this driver should already be in the kernel01:41
UndiFineDIntel PRO/Wireless 2200 BG01:41
JackyAlcineIt is. Hm. Right-click the icon (network-manager-applet) and see if 'Networking Enabled' is checked.01:42
JackyAlcineand 'Wireless Enabled'..01:42
dnk2 sec turning laptop on01:43
dnkas i recall i coulden enable it tho01:43
dnkno where i could push enable01:43
dnkbut 2 sec tjekking01:44
dnkenable network is enabled but wireless isent01:45
dnkenable wireless is just black marked cannot push it01:48
dnkGARGH anoying :P01:48
UndiFineDdnk: can you open up a terminal ?01:53
JackyAlcineHmm, you know, NetworkManager's designed to "just work". lol01:54
dnkhey again damn internet -.-02:29
dnkgonna try asking again02:30
dnkanyone able to tell me what to do to activate my wireless im using a hp pavilion dv1000 and i cannot seem to just push enable wireless02:31
earthling__Is restarting the computer the same as logging out and logging in? as far as software is concerned03:16
holsteinearthling__: i suppose there are some services that would not restart03:29
holsteinwhen you log out03:29
holsteinall the things relating to your user would though03:30
earthling__If I do a computer reboot, would that make the computer run faster? rather than just logging out and logging in?03:31
earthling__if you know what I mean03:31
earthling__do you reboot sometimes when things get slow?03:31
holsteinthat doesnt usually matter as much with linux03:31
holsteinnot like it does with windows03:32
holsteinBUT there could be things you would get up and running03:32
holsteinthat would be stopped when you logout/reboot03:32
earthling__it gets bogged down quickly with too many things open03:32
earthling__for me03:32
holsteinand it just depends on what those things are03:32
holsteinearthling__: what things?03:33
holsteinbrowser mostly?03:33
earthling__thunar seems alot lighter than ...03:33
earthling__I heard there was a script to make it default03:33
holsteinyou can get xfce03:33
holsteinor xubuntu-desktop03:33
earthling__is that much faster?03:34
holsteinthat would give you xfce and thuna03:34
holsteinearthling__: depends03:34
holsteinshould seem lighter03:34
holsteinlxde is really lite too03:34
earthling__so I can install both?03:34
earthling__xfce and03:35
holsteinyou can run whatever desktop environment you want03:35
holsteinyou can choose at login03:35
holsteinyou'll see the screen with your username03:35
holsteinwhere you put in your password03:35
holsteinand down at the bottom03:35
holsteinunless its been changed in 10.10*03:35
earthling__is xubuntu and ubuntu the same, except for desktop environment?03:36
holsteinyou'll see 'sessions'03:36
holsteinearthling__: all the buntu's are ubuntu really03:36
holsteinall the software comes from the same reposiories03:36
holsteinits just a matter of what comes installed03:37
holsteinlike thunar instead of nautilus03:37
holsteinxfce instead of gnome03:37
holsteinyou can install a command-line only install03:37
holsteina server install03:37
earthling__so if I run xfce, gnome wouldn't be running in the background?03:37
kristian-aalborgearthling__: hi, what kind of computer are you looking to install on?03:37
earthling__it would be like an only xfce system?03:37
holsteinand run sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop03:37
earthling__if I install both DE03:37
holsteinand get ubuntu03:37
holsteinwhat you are used to seeing03:37
holsteinearthling__: nah, you get to choose03:38
holsteinbetween xfce or gnome03:38
holsteinat login03:38
holsteini see what you're asking03:39
holsteinyeah, gnome will not be running in the BG03:39
stlsaintevening folks03:39
earthling__hi kristian-aalborg I'm running ubuntu now on HP pavilion 2 gig rab03:39
holsteinit'll be just like if you had installed xubuntu03:39
holsteinstlsaint: o/03:39
JoeMaverickSettbut i believe there would be applications from both DEs?03:40
JoeMaverickSettgood evening stlsaint :)03:40
holsteinyou would be able to launch nautilus for example03:40
holsteinif you wanted03:40
holsteinnautilus --nodesktop ??03:40
holsteinsomething like that03:40
earthling__how big is xfce?03:40
JoeMaverickSettearthling__: so, you will see applications from both DEs.03:40
kristian-aalborgearthling__: gnome should be okay?03:41
earthling__I like gnome, it just gets slow eventually03:41
kristian-aalborgah yes03:41
earthling__browsers running,etc...03:41
earthling__open office03:41
kristian-aalborglxde is fast03:41
earthling__is it secure?03:41
earthling__as gnome03:42
kristian-aalborgI've not tried it much03:42
JoeMaverickSettearthling__: lubuntu is just ubuntu with lxde03:42
JoeMaverickSettwhere xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce.03:42
JoeMaverickSettso, there are secure.. :)03:42
kristian-aalborgyou can speed up gnome quite a bit by removing animations and such, though03:42
earthling__so lxde,xfce,gnome are equally secure?03:42
holsteinits all buntu03:43
earthling__or is that more to do with underlying system?03:43
kristian-aalborgI always disable compiz and the like03:43
holsteinas secure as your system is set up03:43
holsteinchanging the DE wont effect the secure-ness03:43
earthling__JoeMaverickSett> earthling__: so, you will see applications from both DEs.03:43
earthling__so they are both running?03:43
holsteinnot til you want them too03:44
holsteinrhythymbox is a good example03:44
holsteinthat would be in gnome03:44
holsteinand you would still see that in xfce03:44
earthling__what are you guys running?03:44
holsteinin the menu03:44
holsteinIF you wanted to run it03:44
holsteinearthling__: i use gnome mostly03:44
earthling__brb food03:45
holsteinbut lxde is nice and light03:45
JoeMaverickSettearthling__: yeah, what holstein is saying is true. :)03:45
* holstein speaks the truth :)03:45
* JoeMaverickSett corrects that _true_ to _false_ :P03:45
JackyAlcineI'll be right back.03:53
earthling__how much space does xfce take up?04:11
jalliihi there need some help with modeswitch04:13
jalliihave ubuntu 10.04 installed on laptop04:14
jalliihuawei 169 usb-modem04:14
jalliicannot get modem to switch04:15
holsteinjallii: for dial-up ?04:15
holsteinearthling__: all the DE's themselves arent going to be a factor size-wise04:16
jalliii have usb-modeswitch installed04:16
jalliibut cannot switch correctly04:16
holsteinyou can search in synaptic and and before it installs, they'll be a list of how many packages04:17
holsteinand size04:17
earthling__holstein, I wonder if I see all programs together, I may want to uninstall xfce later, or gnome,etc...04:17
jalliihave had it funktioning earlier, after hours of work04:17
holsteinthey are meta-packages04:17
holsteinif you uninstall xubuntu-desktop04:17
holsteinall the xubuntu stuff is supposed to be attached to it04:17
holsteinand will be uninstalled04:18
jalliithen played with messed up and had to reinstall04:18
holsteinthat doenst mean you cant install thunar or whatever independantly04:18
earthling__holstein, is that through synaptic or apt?04:18
earthling__uninstall xubuntu-desktop04:18
holsteinearthling__: whatever you're comfortable with04:18
holsteini like synaptic because of the descriptions and the GUI04:19
holsteinbut i use apt usually04:19
earthling__or aptitude04:19
holsteinsudo apt-cache search xubuntu-desktop04:19
holsteinor whatever04:19
earthling__I like ubuntu software center04:19
holsteini havnet used the software center enough to know if it reports the file sizes04:20
earthling__I've never used synaptic04:20
earthling__it doesn't04:20
earthling__holstein, you have multiple DEs installed?04:21
holsteinearthling__: on one box i do04:21
holsteinjallii: so, thats a 3g usb dongle?04:22
holsteinfrom vigin mobile?04:22
jalliinope from dna04:22
jallii10.04 + acer laptop04:22
jalliioriginal maker of modeswith has a newer version on their site04:23
jalliibut not sure if thats the rigth way to proceed04:23
jalliialso made it work earllier04:24
jalliiwith hours of work04:24
holsteinjallii: have you seen this http://novatillasku.com/2010/05/03/huawei-e1612-funciona-en-ubuntu-10-04/04:24
jalliibut the modem is similar04:25
jalliicannot speak spanish04:25
holsteini just hit the translate button04:26
holsteinin chromium04:26
jalliiits the developers site04:26
jalliihave 2 dongles and therefore played with it alot04:26
holsteindid you build a git version or something?04:26
holsteinare you using the one from the repos?04:27
jalliiits older04:27
holsteinif i were you04:27
holsteini would probably load up 10.10 live04:27
holsteinand see if support is better04:27
jalliii cannot get 10.10 to work, tried04:28
jalliiunity cannot show the left panel at all04:28
jalliishould i install the newer version from  germany04:29
holsteinnot sure i know what that would be04:31
holsteinunity is only in 11.0404:32
holsteinyou got the netbook remix04:32
holsteini see04:32
holsteini dont use that on my netbook04:32
holsteinyou can try the normal gnome 10.1004:32
jalliii do not want to change to maverick04:33
jalliii rather stick to lts04:33
jalliiso I dont have to change system parameters all the time04:34
holsteinwouldnt hurt to look04:36
holsteinmight be the path of least resistance04:36
holsteingoing to be challenging to find someone that knows how to tech that out with you04:36
jalliia possibility04:36
holsteinto be honest04:37
nit-witcareful with natty it is rather unstable right now04:37
holsteini rarely see any questions about any of those cellular dongles04:37
holsteinjallii: that looks like its worth a try04:38
holsteinnit-wit: yeah, i wasnt suggesting installing 11.0404:38
holsteini just got confused as to why 10.10 would be booting into unity by default04:39
jalliianother would be to install a newer version of usb-modeswitch04:39
nit-witholstein, I know you wern't.:) I had to reinstall it today.04:39
jalliibut thet would probably mean04:39
holsteinnit-wit: oh yeah?04:39
holsteini had an update and it went alright04:39
holsteingetting around to testing some ubntustudio stuff04:39
jalliidoing some serious config04:40
holsteinjallii: build it04:40
holsteinthe newer version04:40
holsteinthere should be a readme04:40
holsteinhave you looked for a PPA?04:40
nit-witholstein, I could of kept the one I had but it had lost the desktop the unity and the classic.  had gnome do installed and could bring everything up but was a irratating install.04:40
jalliithe problem is basically simple...04:41
jalliiusb dongles have a windows program that automatically starts to install windows driveers04:42
holsteini dont know if thats newer or not04:42
nit-witholstein, I had added a lot of stuff to it though seeing how far I could go.04:42
holsteini had to do that with an audo device04:42
holsteinnever got it to work though04:42
jalliiand ubuntu cannot do win drivers04:42
holsteinwasnt motivated to04:42
holsteinwell, it *can04:42
holsteinwe used to with wifi cards04:43
holsteinstill do sometimes04:43
holsteinand i use madfuload for another audio device04:43
holsteinbut, i suppose you cant with that devices04:43
jalliican i use newer versions as it probably has to do with the multitude of different dongles04:43
holsteinsomething like the oldd ndiswrapper04:43
jalliieach os04:43
holsteinjallii: is that version in the PPA i linked newer?04:44
holsteinif not, you might be able to find a .deb file from maverick04:44
holsteinor natty even04:44
jalliieach dongle is recognized as different hardware and has a different command that must be given to it04:45
jalliiso that it starts04:45
jalliito work as a modem and not as a CD04:45
holsteinso it doesnt show up as a drive04:45
jalliithe ppa for narwhal an maverick are newer04:45
jalliibut cannot switch04:46
holsteinswitch what?04:46
holsteinto maverick?04:46
jalliithe modem has to be given a command04:46
holsteinim just saying take the .deb from that PPA04:46
holsteinthe newer verion04:46
jalliiso that it changes to modem from cd04:46
holsteini get the idea of the process i think04:47
holsteinim never going to have one though04:47
jalliican i use the newer version04:47
holsteinyou'll have to try it04:47
holsteinshould be able o04:47
holsteinyou need the .deb04:47
holsteinthat would be easier than building it04:47
jalliihow do i get it as a package04:49
holstein1.1.4-1 would do it?04:49
holsteinthats newer right?04:49
jalliibut how do I get the package04:50
holsteinyou could try http://ftp.debian.org/pool/main/u/usb-modeswitch/04:50
holsteini usually try and add a PPA first though04:50
holsteinone from buntu04:50
jalliii would prefer installing through package manager04:51
holsteinbut as long as you know how to uninstall that verion from debian04:51
holsteinit wont hurt to try04:51
holsteinjallii: you'll just click on that .deb04:51
holsteinand do it that way04:51
holsteinyou can do it in the terminal if you prefer04:52
holstein1.1.6 is there :)04:52
holsteinyou got quite a few newer verions to try there04:53
holsteinand in .deb too04:53
holsteinIF that solves the issue04:53
jalliiits not a .deb package but about 20 different files04:54
holstein^^ the 2nd link i linked there04:54
holsteinone of the i386.deb 's should do it04:55
holsteinid probably start with http://ftp.debian.org/pool/main/u/usb-modeswitch/usb-modeswitch_1.1.6-1_i386.deb04:55
holsteinyou'll be told if there are unresolable dependancies04:56
jalliigot and it installed04:57
holsteindid it do the trick?04:57
jalliiwill see soon04:57
jallii6532.132155] usb 5-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 405:01
jallii[ 6532.300340] usb 5-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice05:01
jallii[ 6532.338449] scsi21 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices05:01
jallii[ 6532.342263] usb-storage: device found at 405:01
jallii[ 6532.342267] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning05:01
jallii[ 6537.342181] usb-storage: device scan complete05:01
jallii[ 6537.345170] scsi 21:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HUAWEI   Mass Storage     2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 205:01
jallii[ 6537.348434] scsi 21:0:0:1: Direct-Access     HUAWEI   SD Storage       2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 205:01
jallii[ 6537.379088] sr1: scsi-1 drive05:01
jallii[ 6537.379273] sr 21:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr105:01
jallii[ 6537.379380] sr 21:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 505:01
jallii[ 6537.379551] sd 21:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 005:01
jallii[ 6537.417084] sd 21:0:0:1: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk05:01
holsteinjallii: gotta use http://paste.ubuntu.com/05:04
holsteinfor a bunch of lines like that05:04
holsteinjallii: did you logout and back in?05:04
holsteinor restart?05:04
jallii[ 6532.132155] usb 5-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 405:05
jallii[ 6532.300340] usb 5-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice05:05
jallii[ 6532.338449] scsi21 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices05:05
jallii[ 6532.342263] usb-storage: device found at 405:05
jallii[ 6532.342267] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning05:05
jallii[ 6537.342181] usb-storage: device scan complete05:05
jallii[ 6537.345170] scsi 21:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HUAWEI   Mass Storage     2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 205:05
jallii[ 6537.348434] scsi 21:0:0:1: Direct-Access     HUAWEI   SD Storage       2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 205:05
jallii[ 6537.379088] sr1: scsi-1 drive05:05
jallii[ 6537.379273] sr 21:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr105:05
jallii[ 6537.379380] sr 21:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 505:05
jallii[ 6537.379551] sd 21:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 005:05
holsteinjallii: you really need to use http://paste.ubuntu.com/05:05
jallii[ 6537.417084] sd 21:0:0:1: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk05:05
jallii[ 6548.806091] ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 105:05
holsteinfor that05:05
jallii[ 6548.811085] ISOFS: changing to secondary root05:05
jallii[ 6688.728208] usb 5-2: USB disconnect, address 405:05
jallii[ 6696.512053] usb 5-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 505:05
jallii[ 6696.675492] usb 5-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice05:05
holsteinyou cant flood the channel with this05:05
jallii[ 6696.730421] scsi25 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices05:05
jallii[ 6696.734400] usb-storage: device found at 505:05
jallii[ 6696.734404] usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning05:05
jallii[ 6696.737832] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial05:06
jallii[ 6696.738464] USB Serial support registered for generic05:06
jallii[ 6696.739115] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic05:06
jallii[ 6696.739119] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core05:06
jallii[ 6696.759597] USB Serial support registered for GSM modem (1-port)05:06
jallii[ 6696.761284] option 5-2:1.0: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected05:06
jallii[ 6696.768134] usb 5-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB005:06
jallii[ 6696.768149] option 5-2:1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected05:06
holsteini get it05:06
jallii[ 6696.770085] usb 5-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB105:06
jallii[ 6696.770108] option 5-2:1.2: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected05:06
jallii[ 6696.770409] usb 5-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB205:06
jallii[ 6696.770441] usbcore: registered new interface driver option05:06
holsteinits not showing up properly05:06
jallii[ 6696.770444] option: v0.7.2:USB Driver for GSM modems05:06
jallii[ 6701.733318] usb-storage: device scan complete05:06
jallii[ 6701.736475] scsi 25:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HUAWEI   Mass Storage     2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 205:06
jallii[ 6701.748047] scsi 25:0:0:1: Direct-Access     HUAWEI   SD Storage       2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 205:06
jallii[ 6701.773255] sr1: scsi-1 drive05:06
jallii[ 6701.773594] sr 25:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr105:06
holsteinIF you can stop what you're doing05:06
jallii[ 6701.773800] sr 25:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 505:06
jallii[ 6701.781362] sd 25:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 005:06
jallii[ 6701.817268] sd 25:0:0:1: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk05:06
jallii[ 6714.832254] ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 105:06
jallii[ 6714.841246] ISOFS: changing to secondary root05:06
jalliinow it seems to have started recognizing05:06
holsteinyou dig?05:07
akshatj!paste | jallii05:07
ubot2jallii: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:07
holsteinjallii: so its working now?05:07
jalliididn know that05:07
jalliiit seems to work05:09
holsteinso, you should pay attention when updates come in05:09
holsteini dont know if that package will get backported to lucid or not05:09
holsteinBUT if it does05:09
holsteinyou might just want to keep the package you got05:10
holsteinsince its working05:10
jalliiit seems to work now05:10
holsteinbackporting the newer version of modeset to lucid05:10
holsteinthat would mean that when the verion in the repo is newer than the one you have05:10
holsteinit will be replaced05:11
holsteinyou can just ignore that05:11
holsteinand come back if it breaks :)05:11
jalliithe program itself is nothing but a few text files that tell the rigth hex command to the device based on rigth recognition05:11
holsteini get it05:11
holsteinim just suggesting that you *could* have that file overwritten05:11
holsteindoing an update05:11
jalliithe kernel does the actual work05:11
ashishxmohi dere...??05:12
M0hihey ashishx05:12
holsteini get it :)05:12
holsteinjallii: anytime :)05:12
jalliigot it now05:12
holsteinglad you got it sorted05:12
M0hiashishx, tell your problem here. tell all05:12
ashishxHello guys...I was trying to install ubuntu over the previous kubuntu installation.But while installing the installer doesn't list available partitions on my hdd(even not the one where my previous kubuntu istallation resides)..My system is running two hdd 500Gb & 160 Gb..SeaGate barracuda 7200rpm SATA..The ubiquity isnt listing partitions in 160 Gb drive..Any sol..05:17
holsteinashishx: i would test the hardware05:18
holsteinjust to be sure05:18
ashishxyou mean i should run a harware test using the cd..??05:19
stlsaintashishx: are you on the system now with livecd?05:20
ashishxi m running windows rit now05:20
stlsaintashishx: boot to the livecd, connect to internet than join back to this channel05:20
ashishxi can show you output of fdisk -l incase you want05:20
stlsaintyea, thats one of what i want to see05:21
stlsaintegrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo05:21
ashishxi've got a png of that...how do i send you05:21
stlsaintoh crap05:21
stlsaintsorry, disregard that ocmmand05:21
stlsaintwrong channel05:21
stlsaintashishx: one sec05:21
ashishxi can mail you05:22
stlsaintashishx: http://imageshack.us/05:22
ashishxhere it goes..http://img252.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img252/73/snapk.png05:26
stlsaintashishx: you have a bad iso download, what distro are you trying to install and where did you download from?05:27
ashishxi used original ubuntu cd...i ordered one05:27
ashishxthe checksum is fine...i ran a cd test too05:28
stlsaintashishx: what release?05:28
ashishxi separated the hdd's as well....but it lists partitions in 500Gb only..05:29
stlsaintashishx: ubiquity doesnt show any partitions on either hard drives? or just the 500GB one?05:29
ashishxjust the 160Gb one..05:30
stlsaintashishx: did you hit the drop down arrow at the installer to select a different drive?05:30
ashishxit asked me whether i want to use entire hdd for installation...lol05:31
stlsaintyou have the option to use entire drive, guided install/side by side, or manual05:31
ashishxthere is no point in using the entire disk....i just want to overrite previous kubuntu intallation05:33
ashishxkubuntu is using 10Gb of unallocated space from 160Gb drive05:33
stlsaintashishx: than you need to manually setup the partitions to choose which ones you want to use to install05:33
stlsaintashishx: you said that ubiquity only shows the 160GB drive partitions and thats where kubuntu is and that is what you want to overwrite so im not seeing the issue for ya?? o_O05:34
ashishxbut in that scenario the ubiquity would make me unhappy by formatting my entire hdd...that i just can't afford05:34
stlsaintashishx: manually select your partitions to use to install to05:35
ashishxlet me make it clear once again..........500Gb is shown perfect along with all partitons that it is having.......160Gb is shown as a single disk with no individual partitions.....so we shud keep 500gb aside05:36
stlsaintashishx: aye, i see, would you mind booting to the livecd and connecting to internet and coming back to this channel05:37
ashishxhmm ok..05:37
MrAnthropeHow would I close crontab after opening it up in my terminal? CTRL+C is not working.05:49
MrAnthropeOh nevermind I can't read.05:49
pleia2it should be opening in your default editor05:49
MrAnthropeI chose the one with the arrow on easiest.05:50
MrAnthropeSomeone just mentioned it I don't even really know what it does.05:50
pleia2ah, yeah, so you'd just exit it the standard way you exit nano05:50
MrAnthropeThey said it could make my computer do commands and specified times.05:51
* MrAnthrope has no idea what nano is.05:51
pleia2nano is a text editor05:51
MrAnthropelike gedit?05:51
pleia2yes, but it runs in your terminal, not in the gui05:51
MrAnthropeWell that's weird.05:51
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
stlsaintMrAnthrope: nano rocks06:02
stlsaintvery simple and easy for quick edits to configs06:02
MrAnthropeI can use my mouse in gedit.06:02
stlsaintmouses are for cats06:03
MrAnthropeVery funny. :)06:03
stlsainthrm, ash never came back...06:06
JoeMaverickSettvim FTW! :D06:08
stlsaintJoeMaverickSett: lol, aye, nano is a cruch for my not to fully learn vim, nano is just so easy and quick no need to learn vim until i get heavier into programming06:08
JoeMaverickSettstlsaint: i fails at nano. :D06:09
MrAnthropeIf I don't even know what nano is and I can use it, so can you.06:09
JoeMaverickSetthhmm, some truth in it. :D06:10
MrAnthrope  2. /bin/nano        <---- easiest06:10
MrAnthropectrl+x closes it.06:10
MrAnthropeIt says so. Right there on the screen.06:10
MrAnthropeo.o Not that I was trying to figure out how to close it for like 5 minutes at all.06:11
stlsaintalright, nite folks06:32
JackyAlcineHey everyone07:58
z1Hi, I've killed my linux install after installing a Nvidia driver, any ideas where to start?08:01
sushilmy eth0 doesn't have inet addr??08:31
sushilplz help08:31
sushildoes anyone have the solution??08:37
Daniel0108sushil: maybe you have wlan ;) then look for wlan008:43
Daniel0108oh.. too late :(08:44
kristian-aalborghi all... anyone else tried to have their desktop look "blocky" after logging in? I use mint but this looks like something that could happen all over, could be an X problem10:29
kristian-aalborggraphics card is Radeon HD 345010:29
dreewillkristian-aalborg: i have no idea but maybe the guys from the ubuntu-x channel can help you with that.10:51
kristian-aalborghi dreewill - thanks, will look it up11:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* Daniel0108 eating12:03
JackyAlcineMorning, one and all :)14:57
iceflatlinegood am :)15:13
Daniel0108hi iceflatline :)15:13
Daniel0108can I help you?15:13
iceflatlineno, but thank you.15:13
Bipul` Which Version of Wine is good for me, for runing vb programming in my buntu10.10 (32 bit)15:21
jermzaWhat is Nautilus Elementary>16:13
jermzaI installed it, as per some blog post, and see nothing differernt.16:14
jermzaI can see it under "Installed Software" in the Ubuntu Software Centre.16:14
Daniel0108jermza: Nautilus is the file manager ;)16:15
jermzaIsn't Elementary an add-on?16:15
Daniel0108I can't find elementary in the software centre :o16:16
* Daniel0108 pushed rev2 of ERRE :) http://launchpad.net/erre16:56
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!17:03
ShootEmUpwhats up?17:06
Daniel0108please go to #ubuntu-beginners-team, this is the support channel ;)17:07
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest94206
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
black-ravensudo get-apt install lubuntu-desktop is the correct command line to get lubuntu right? then a bunch of text pops up and you press y for yes?17:29
ShootEmUpHello Again!17:41
pip__if I install 64 bit ubuntu how does the software centre work? i.e. will it only show me 64 bit apps, or only allow the installation of 64 bit apps, or something?17:49
pip__woah, that's not right..........17:50
Daniel0108pip__: The software centre is like the package manager17:50
ShootEmUpwill only list 64bit apps, but most are 64bit now17:50
Daniel0108it will choose the 64bit aps17:50
pip__aha, excellent thanks guys17:50
Daniel0108and if you want to install a 32bit app through the software center you will get an error :P17:50
pip__ooer! :-(17:51
Daniel0108but you can force an architecture so you can also install 32 bit apps :P17:51
Daniel0108but don't do this too often ;)17:51
pip__I don't like the sound of that17:51
pip__aha, I see :-)17:52
pip__thanks for the info folks, very helpful.........17:53
black-ravenyah! lubuntu has begun its decade long DL!18:00
black-ravenwhy does it use the chromium browser? isn't it unstable?18:00
aveilleuxblack-raven: No, chromium is stable.18:01
Daniel0108chromium is the open source version of chrome ;)18:01
black-ravenoh ok. from the lubuntu install it seems like it relies heavley on it.18:01
JackyAlcineI feel bad for Chromium at times.18:01
JackyAlcineAnd black-raven: It's because Chromium *tends* to use less resources then Midori and Firefox. note the 'tends'.18:02
JackyAlcineAnd it doesn't have native support for PDFs or DOCs, that's something Chrome has.18:02
black-ravenhttp://imagebin.org/131820 thats correct? (sorry. just dont want to fry my rig or something as im still new)18:03
aveilleuxJackyAlcine: Only because Chrome us funded by Google and uses the Docs plugin18:03
pip__duh! of course :)18:04
black-raveni haven't seen anyone else use DL though. forget where i picked it up.18:04
pip__yeah, but its really obvious once you say it...18:04
pip__torrent or direct?18:05
aveilleuxblack-raven: I last saw the term DL in reference to DDL, or Direct DownLoad18:05
black-ravenum, idk. i never use torrent.18:05
pip__lubuntu torrent was pretty quick the other week18:05
black-ravenhow come it said only 266MB will be used? lubuntu is a lot bigger than that...18:05
pip__thats weird.....18:06
=== Bipul` is now known as info
pip__10.10 was 600 & something I think18:07
black-ravenyah. i mean this IS the right command...right? http://imagebin.org/13182018:07
* Daniel0108 is having a shower (AFK)18:07
=== info is now known as Bipul`
pip__aha, you're adding the desktop. I run it as a full OS so I dunno really18:08
aveilleuxblack-raven: Used *in addition to*18:09
black-ravenoh ok.18:10
black-ravenyah all i want is the environment. it will speed things up.18:10
pip__It should do......so I hear18:11
black-ravenawesome. freaked for a minute cause i thought you needed the full OS version to get the speed boost. it takes up a lot less RAM right?18:12
pip__yeah much less18:12
aveilleuxblack-raven: It's no less "full" than anything18:12
black-ravenok awesome.18:13
pip__it still does all the basic stuff18:13
black-ravenim getting the environment though. so you're saying that if i used a Lubuntu Live disk to install it would be the same? the only difference is the environment?18:14
pip__no, that would be Lubuntu18:14
black-ravenum, ok...18:15
black-ravenGTG. cya later.18:15
pip__different file manager some of the underlying architecture is a little different too18:15
pip__ttfn dude18:16
* JackyAlcine Programming; working on libopenmary-c++, and tending to the Launchpad18:27
MrAnthropeAnyone know of a cheap nvidia PCIe 16x graphics card?19:21
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: http://bit.ly/ezy8mj19:22
MrAnthropeThese all work on Ubuntu?19:23
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: They're video cards. Older ones, at that. They'll work.19:23
MrAnthropeI just don't want to buy a video card and have it not work as I will have to wait another month before I can afford to try again.19:24
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Have you never returned a product before?19:25
MrAnthropeI assumed I couldn't return computer pieces.19:25
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Of course you can.19:26
aveilleuxMrAnthrope: Just keep all the packaging.19:26
=== MrAnthrope is now known as TerrorPlotter
jermzaNot sure how to ask this, so follow me, if you can20:18
jermzaI installed Ubuntu 10.10 a few weeks ago (and am really happy).  've been installing things from the Software Centre and generally playing around.  I've uninstalled things I don't like, etc. What I want to know is: will Ubuntu slow down from this? Wll the applications leave behind files like Windows does (in the registry)?20:20
aveilleuxjermza: Linux doesn't use a registry system20:20
aveilleuxjermza: However, some configuration files are left behind... they don't take up much room and it doesn't "slow down the system", so you'll be fine.'20:21
JackyAlcineThank God Linux doesn't have a registry!20:21
JackyAlcineAnd jermza: use sudo apt-get purge <app-name>* to COMPLETELY remove an application.20:22
igiNickServ register igi20:29
aveilleuxigi: use /msg nickserv register <password> <email>20:29
aveilleuxigi: If it make it any easier, just use /query nickserv20:30
aveilleuxigi: Then type "help register" (without quotes)20:30
aveilleuxyou're welcome20:32
phillwstarcraftman: congratluations :)21:03
black-ravenhey. got Lubuntu up and running.21:29
ChrisDruifGreat :D21:29
black-ravenhow come all my DLd programs like Xchat didn't carry over?21:29
ChrisDruifCome joins us on either #lubuntu for questions or #lubuntu-offtopic for....well, offtopic stuff :P21:30
black-raventhis is kind of general environment stuff. i din't think it carries over on any environment.21:30
ChrisDruifWas on the Lubuntu up and running comment :P21:33
ChrisDruifBut your downloaded programs?21:33
black-ravenoh ok sorry for the confusion.21:34
black-ravenyes they didn't transfer. i logged into Lubuntu and Xchat and all the other stuff I've DLd was gone.21:34
ChrisDruifSo you are dual-booting?21:34
aveilleuxblack-raven: It shouldn't be!21:35
black-ravenyah but only winXP and Ubuntu. i installed the Lubuntu environment so it would run faster.21:35
black-ravenshouldn't be transfered?21:36
aveilleuxblack-raven: Shouldn't be gone21:36
ChrisDruifIf you installed it OVER ubuntu, it won't...21:36
black-ravenno i installed it with ubuntu. so i can log out, pick Ubuntu or Lubuntu, and log back in.21:37
black-ravenbut when i went into Lubuntu for the fisrt time, Xchat etc. was gone.21:37
ChrisDruifHmmm....I think it should all be there :-/21:38
aveilleuxblack-raven: That means the menus are misconfigured.21:38
aveilleuxblack-raven: I don't know lubuntu so I don't know how to fix ir21:38
black-ravenhm. ok well ill work on it. might try the Lubuntu IRC. but i'm pretty sure i installed everything right.21:39
black-ravenis it possible that they're just in a different place  in Lubuntu?21:39
ChrisDruifI don't believe so black-raven...21:40
ChrisDruifThe use the same fhs I believe, as all Linux's are...21:41
black-ravenok. well, like i said ill work on it. thanks guys! GTG do homework now. cya later!21:41
* Daniel0108 goes to bed, I am tired :o22:04
tunchi_1939hello, i am new to irc.- I've downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 two or three weeks after the release and installed a few months ago.- I wish to un-install because I am having some issues.- Then, I want to download again Ubuntu 10.04 (because of its LTS).- My question is: the download archive at this moment is the same of the file I've downloaded on May, 2010?- Thank you very much for your answering.22:19
holsteintunchi_1939: whats the question?22:20
holsteinif you have 10.04 installed22:20
holsteinand want updates22:20
holsteinjust update it22:20
holsteinand you'll be current22:20
holsteinwith the 10.04 release22:20
holsteini think new iso's are made every now and then22:21
holsteinfor the LTS's22:21
tunchi_1939No, I don't want update.- I want a new installation.22:21
holstein10.04.2 and so on22:21
holsteinBUT that would be the same as installing the old iso22:21
holsteinand updating22:21
ChrisDruiftunchi_1939: The current archive is the first dot-release...10.04.1...22:21
holsteintunchi_1939: right22:21
holsteinim not clear on what the outcome you wish to have22:21
holsteinyou have 10.04 installed?22:22
tunchi_1939but i have issues22:22
holsteinand you just want to reinstall22:22
holsteinand you want a more current iso22:22
holsteinif available22:22
holsteincheck that link aveilleux just dropped there22:22
tunchi_1939yes, if available, but version 10.0422:22
holsteinbut you can just use the one you had before22:22
ChrisDruifWhat are your problems tunchi_1939?22:22
holsteinand upgrade22:22
tunchi_1939problems with switchuserapplet, for example, every time I restart it appears a message with error22:24
tunchi_1939other problem is with Rythmbox22:24
holsteintunchi_1939: might be a good idea to trouble shoot them a bit22:24
holsteinthe errors22:24
tunchi_1939at start, a lot of messages appear, before entering ubuntu, with  lot of errors22:24
holsteineven if you reinstall22:25
holsteinthat information can be helpful22:25
tunchi_1939what information)22:25
tunchi_1939what information?22:25
ChrisDruifFrom the errors tunchi_1939:)22:26
tunchi_1939how can i copy this page?22:26
tunchi_1939so, you suggest I show the errors in this irc?22:26
ChrisDruifThe errors you mean?22:26
ChrisDruifPaste them in pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com22:27
tunchi_1939or you are suggestin me to try to troubleshooting my issues before un-installing?22:27
holsteintunchi_1939: the information you gather while trouble-shooting the errors you have22:27
holsteinor at least trying to figure out what caused them22:28
ChrisDruifYou can't uninstall an OS tunchi_1939, and yes before you overwrite your current version try to troubleshoot some problems. There might be problems which would return in the "new" install as well :)22:29
tunchi_1939I think you are right, I should try to troubleshoot and not uninstall, that way i suppose i will learn  a lot of ubuntu.- I am a 20 years Windows user22:29
tunchi_1939I am falling in love with ubuntu, but as my new lover it is making me some troubles.- Sorry for my English.22:30
holsteintunchi_1939: no worries22:30
holsteinglad you're enjoying it :)22:30
ChrisDruifYour English is not bad tunchi_1939, and ever girl is different :)22:31
ChrisDruifYou just need to find the right buttons to push ;)22:31
tunchi_1939ok, Thank you very much for your kind attention.- I will try to troubleshoot my issues.- God bless you. Thank you and greetings from Lima, Peru, South America.- I am 71 yesars old and I am trying to learn something new in my life.22:32
ChrisDruifBtw tunchi_1939: LTS is only one year extra support for desktop version, so you could "try" 10.10...22:33
ChrisDruifGreat new strides were made with the new version :)22:34
tunchi_1939but everybody says that an LTS version is muy stable than the others.22:34
tunchi_1939is much stable22:34
holsteini think it depends22:35
holsteinfor a server install, i might prefer LTS22:35
holsteinand i use ubuntu studio in a production environment22:35
holsteinthat is 10.0422:35
holsteinbut a normal desktop machine, i would probably do wichever22:35
tunchi_1939do you think that for home user is better 10.10 ?22:35
holsteinand not worry about the stability22:36
holsteintunchi_1939: you'll have to decide22:36
tunchi_1939do you use ubuntu studio with server version ?22:36
holsteinyou can always check a live CD22:36
holsteintunchi_1939: i use mostly LTS22:36
holsteinwhatever versions22:36
holsteinbut, i have a 10.10 install22:36
holsteinand an 11.0422:36
holsteini wouldnt suggest 11.0422:36
holsteinbut 10.10 would be stable22:37
tunchi_1939ok, i undestand and appreciatte your comments.22:37
tunchi_1939I think for the moment, in order to learn, i will try to troubleshoot my 10.04 and then, in 30-60 days, i will try 10.1022:38
holsteini like it :)22:38
holsteintheres nothing wrong with re-installing22:38
holsteinthats part of the process too22:38
holsteinbreaking something, reinstalling, and trying to figure it all out22:39
tunchi_1939thanks again.- By the form you write ("talk") you appears to be a very decent person.- I appreciate that very much.- Many thanks.---- Please how do I finish my conversation here in irc ?22:42
ChrisDruifMuy? Are you Spanish? :D22:42
tunchi_1939and how do I quit ?22:42
tunchi_1939my mother language is Spanish22:43
ChrisDruifJust close the window I think tunchi_1939, to quit the IRC...22:43
tunchi_1939muy was a typo.- I tried to write much22:43
ChrisDruifYeah, but I that you mistyped in your own language :)22:44
tunchi_1939well, to holstein and ChrisDruit, thank you very much and bye.22:45
holsteintunchi_1939: :)22:45
tunchi_1939adios amigos, y muchas gracias  (good bye friends and thank you very much)22:46
ChrisDruifholstein: o/ ?22:58
holsteinwhats up?22:59
ChrisDruifNothing much, you?23:00
holsteinbout to clean my basement a bit more23:00
holsteinim working on a custom live CD project23:00
holsteinwe'll see how that goes23:00
holsteini need to save some wifi info in there23:00
ChrisDruifCustom live CD? What's it going to be/doing?23:01
holsteini teach a few classes23:01
holsteinat my moms church23:01
=== JackyAlcine is now known as MrAlcine
holsteinand i just want a simple live environment with exactly what i want them to have23:02
holsteinless distractions23:02
holsteinhopefully less configuring23:03
holsteinand it cant be changed23:03
ChrisDruifWhat kind of classes?23:03
holsteingeneral really23:03
holsteinwhatever i want to do pretty much23:03
holsteini have 3 high-school age kids though23:03
holsteini need to step things up a bit for them23:04
ChrisDruifAlright...High school is from about 12y?23:04
holsteini think they are all 14 or 1523:04
holsteinbut i have some little ones too23:04
holstein8 years old23:04
holsteinwe just play games23:04
rickferdanyone here23:20
aveilleux!ask | rickferd23:20
ubot2rickferd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:20
rickferdNo iam just checking to make sure my network is up and running23:21
rickferdI see it is23:21
ChrisDruifThere are a few here rickferd :P23:21
rickferdso does this room discus anything or just sit around and wait for a question23:23
yofelrickferd: use !test ;)23:23
ChrisDruifMost of the time we just sit and wait...23:23
ChrisDruif"We are the strong. silent type" ;)23:24
rickferdok I will be back later on I am still working on my embedded blue tooth, can't get it up yet if I get to frustrated I will be in here to get help.23:25
ChrisDruifGreat :)23:25

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