
hrwI dream of a day when Intel will provide really working drivers for their graphics01:13
micahgI think intel graphics are pretty good overall01:13
ari-tczewhrw: gma?01:13
hrwari-tczew: GM4501:13
ari-tczewhrw: laptop ?01:13
hrwI am in Dallas and want to watch movie on hotel's 720p TV set01:14
hrwframebuffer works fine in clone mode, X11 forces both displays (LVDS1/1366x768 and HDMI1/1280x720) into 1024x768 mode and any attempt to change it ends in total crap on both displays01:15
hrw640x480 set, just part os screen visible etc01:15
ari-tczewhrw: try set output only on TV01:16
micahghrw: have you tried w/xrandr from the cli?01:16
nico_im trying to use arduino on ubuntu 10.1001:26
nico_but i have problems detecting wich usb port is connected01:26
nico_how can i tell?01:26
nico_is there a device manager for ubuntu ?01:26
penguin42hrw: You could try putting the two displays vertically above each other; some weird stuff can happen on intel if the total widths go over 2k (or 4k on some)01:27
penguin42nico_: Should probably be asking on #ubuntu, however I suggest lshw or lsusb01:28
nico_penguin42, sorry01:31
nico_penguin42, still , ive found out that is connected to Bus 003 Device 002 , still , all i can find on the "dev" folder is ttyUSB0, and its clearly not that one01:32
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ebrodercjwatson: hmm...i've had 2 different machines not pick sane defaults for my keyboard layout when i took the new keyboard-configuration stuff. not entirely sure what's going on01:41
penguin42ebroder: I don't know if it's related, and I've just done updates on my 2 machines that were last uptodate last weekend, and their /etc/default/keyboard appears to be a standard version rather than specific to my config01:45
ebroderwhen i upgraded, i didn't get debconf prompted for a keyboard or a layout, so it ended up defaulting both to what was alphabetically first (which was, like, afghanistan for the layout)01:45
ebroderit only seemed to set that up as a secondary layout, thank goodness, but something a little screwy is going on01:46
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JackyAlcineI'll be right back.03:53
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JackyAlcineHey everyone07:58
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ari-tczew is it OK to add new patch system to package to use new patch? or should I patch file directly?13:46
AbsintheSyringeI want to have Unity repackaged for Debian, however can anyone let me know what's Unity Team email address?13:55
NafalloAbsintheSyringe: I believe http://unity.ubuntu.com/contact-us/ is your best bet.14:08
AbsintheSyringeNafallo, tnx am on #ayatana right now trying to figure this out with rest of the guys :)14:08
Nafallokewl :-)14:08
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penguin42has anyone got any idea where /etc/default/keyboard comes from? dpkg -S doesn't show an owner, it looks new14:38
gesercould it be keyboard-configuration?14:39
penguin42hmm possible - it has a /usr/share/console-setup/keyboard that looks very much like /etc/default/keyboard - they're both hopelessly wrong14:41
JackyAlcineMorning, one and all :)14:57
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=== hunger is now known as hunger_
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
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* JackyAlcine Programming; working on libopenmary-c++, and tending to the Launchpad18:27
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awesome_guest hi it looks like I'm missing a bunch of development libraries.. linking against -lrt and -ldl are failing.  Where would I find a directory telling me which development packages to get?21:38
ari-tczewawesome_guest: could you pastebin your errors?21:40
ari-tczewawesome_guest: http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking21:40
awesome_guestpretty sure that I don't have the libraries in question.. I just installed fuse-dev and talloc-dev, among others21:42
ari-tczewawesome_guest: did you add missing libraries to LIBS and still couldn't build?21:45
awesome_guestno it's much simpler than that :) I just don't know which packages to install21:46
awesome_guestis it "libLIBNAME-dev"?21:46
ari-tczewawesome_guest: well, let's search following way: copy the filename of missing .so file and use command "apt-file search foo.so"22:02
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