
ari-tczewhow can I restore ssh private key?00:17
ebroder...restore? as in you lost it?00:18
psusidefine restore... restore from backup?00:20
ari-tczewebroder, psusi: after change gnome -> kde, any software couldn't find my ssh key00:37
ari-tczewe.g. filezilla00:37
ari-tczewnow bzr always asks me for password :/00:37
ebroderari-tczew: your private key is in ~/.ssh/id_rsa. you just need to get the password into kwallet, presumbly00:37
psusiI always get prompted for my key pass... I don't use ssh-agent or anything00:39
ari-tczewebroder: it seems to normal software to store of password, not for handle passwords for bzr, or am I wrong?00:44
ebroderari-tczew: it's not a bzr password. it's an ssh key password that bzr uses. and it does store those00:45
ari-tczewebroder: and kwalletmanager will remember my password for ssh?00:45
ebroderi don't know that for sure, but i believe so. certainly gnome-keyring can00:45
ebrodererr, note that it's not storing an ssh password, it's storing an ssh *key* password00:47
ari-tczewebroder: I don't see a way to set ssh pass in kwalletmanager :/00:58
ebroderari-tczew: sorry, then. i can't really guess any more about how kde works. maybe ask in #kubuntu or something?00:59
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ptingis there a way to use debuild to build multiple architectures in one go? passing in -a multiple times doens't seem to have the desired effect04:24
ptingi'm having trouble adding the generated deb packages with reprepro as the sha values are different.. specifically create packages for nginx04:25
lajjrjames_w, are you online??05:59
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paissadis it possible to know the version of a previous package before upgrading ? .. i need it in my postinst script12:13
Laney$2 afaik12:14
paissadLaney, isn't $2 the new version to install ?12:19
Laneycheck those diagrams12:24
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paissadhmm, dh_link does not support symlinks of directories ?12:42
paissadman dh_link does not specify a specific option or rules i should use to avoid such a problem12:43
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ari-tczewis it OK to add new patch system to package to use new patch?13:14
ari-tczewIIRC we should patch files directly if there is no patch system13:14
kklimondaari-tczew: this rule applies only to SRU afair in which case you are to prepare the minimal possible diff.13:15
ari-tczewkklimonda: is it clear on any wiki?13:15
kklimondaari-tczew: I don't know but adding a patch system is not more intrusive than making an update. The risk of diverging from debian package are similar.13:16
kklimondais similar*13:16
ari-tczewI'm pretty sure that we shouldn't add patch system. It's a place for Debian maintainer. I'm just making sure, so waiting for an answer from several devs.13:16
geserit's prefered to not add a patch system if not already in use13:18
geserespecially when the package is already patched (directly) which causes only a mix13:18
ari-tczewgeser: I'm reviewing several barry's patches and he is adding patch system for one small patch. Packages are clean from Debian.13:21
ari-tczewclean = unchanged13:21
kklimondaimo the cost of additional delta is a low price to pay for advantages of not applying patches directly -- more verbose patch description (with tags like Forwarded, and Bug-*) plus easier maintainance (but that may be just my preference).13:26
ari-tczewbarry don't want change his branches to patch files directly. if I won't sponsor his changes, someone else from Canonical will do it tomorrow.13:33
ari-tczewit means that Canonical like don't respect rules13:34
kklimondaI don't think this particular rule has been written in stone. I haven't seen it anywhere (other than mentioning that you shouldn't add patch system if the package is already patching files directly)13:35
geserI don't remember seeing it written down somewhere either13:36
geserit also depends on the size of the patches13:37
geserfor a simple one-line change introducing a patch system is IMHO overkill as the addition of the patch system is bigger than the change itself13:37
kklimondathere is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems#Patching%20other%20people%27s%20packages but it's ambiguos imo.13:38
geserbut if you e.g. need to autoreconf then adding a patch system is a good idea13:38
ari-tczewgeser: autoreconf runs via debian/rules13:39
ari-tczewso there is no place for 99_* patch.13:39
kklimondaari-tczew: anyway, as you have said, the merge is going to accepted anyway so, if it's the only reservation you have about it, I see no reason to hold it. imo it's not big enough issue (actually, imo it's not an issue at all) to discuss at this time -- you may consider starting a discussion to get the policy straight in this regard.13:44
kklimondastarting a discussion on u-d*13:44
tumbleweedlfaraone: great! First applicant means you'll have the energy to drive my NM application thorugh in record time, right? :)13:57
ari-tczewtumbleweed: maybe you could give a feedback: what do you think about adding patch systems?14:01
tumbleweedari-tczew: I'd say it depends on the complexity of the patch. I wouldn't add one for a simple patch14:01
ari-tczewtumbleweed: case: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/ubuntu/natty/libfso-glib/618809-ftbfs/+merge/4557914:02
tumbleweedari-tczew: I accepted a previous similar fix by barry that was done like that. It's a very trivial patch, but adding simple-patchsys is about as invasive as putting the patch in debian/applied-patches.14:05
tumbleweedhis changelog entries could be a little more complete14:05
ari-tczewtumbleweed: as you can read comments, I pinged him to improve d/changelog, he added info about d/rules.14:06
ari-tczewI think that he should add also information about libtool14:07
ari-tczewtumbleweed: so you agree with adding patch system?14:07
lfaraonetumbleweed: of course. can you please re-send that mail GPG-signed? (all the mail during the NM process should be signed, see my welcome mail)14:08
tumbleweedre libtool: yeah, probably, it'll help future mergers. re patch sys: I don't mind it.14:08
tumbleweedlfaraone: it wasn't signed? /me slaps mutt14:09
tumbleweedlfaraone: the version in my Sent box is signed14:09
lfaraonetumbleweed: wait, nevermind, my mail client was munging the siggy.14:09
lfaraoneaha, I reloaded the message and now it works.14:10
nigelbhrm, there was supposed to be /ws before that, sorry.14:14
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micahgkklimonda: that wiki is pretty clear, don't change the patch system14:39
ari-tczewmicahg: not change, add14:40
micahgari-tczew: it's in the first line (or lack thereof)14:40
kklimondamicahg: I disagree - I read it as "don't change the patch system if there is one in place, or if there isn't one in place (i.e. pathes are applied directly)"14:41
micahgkklimonda: huh? what's the difference between that and what I said?14:41
kklimondamicahg: in the mentioned merge there is no patch system, and there are no patches applied to the source.14:42
ari-tczewyes, barry want to add patch system and small patch on unmodified packages14:43
ari-tczewmicahg: what about uploads where patch system has been added?14:51
lfaraonetumbleweed: P&P 1 mailed, your move. :P15:00
DktrKranznew chess game? :)15:04
micahgari-tczew: leave it I guess, but it should be dropped at the next merge unless there's a good reason like geser suggested15:04
micahgari-tczew: don't sponsor something you're not comfortable with, if someone else wants to do something that goes against policy, that's their problem, not yours15:05
micahgari-tczew: reference the wiki WRT the patch system situation15:09
micahghopefully that patch system issue will go away soon with source format 3 after squeeze releases15:26
tumbleweedwell, source format 3 isn't mandatory15:29
ari-tczewmicahg: not all packages will switch to 3.0 source format15:29
tumbleweedhopefully most will switch15:29
micahgmost will, the only thing blocking that at the moment is the squeeze freeze, about 1/3 of Debian has converted15:30
tumbleweed3.0 native packages will still have the same problems, though15:30
ari-tczewtumbleweed: which problems>15:30
tumbleweedari-tczew: no built in patch system15:30
ari-tczewmicahg: do you will file a report about breaking policy by tumbleweed?15:32
tumbleweedari-tczew: eh?15:32
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I didn't say that you're breaking a policy - adding patch system.15:34
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cybertronhello again, i try to build a package and I got everytime the same error17:41
cybertrondh_usrlocal debian/foobar/test.jpg is not a dicrectory17:41
kklimondacontrary to popular belief, when computers are concerned, repeating steps do not yield different results every time you try ;)17:43
cybertronit only works if i dont use my files ;D17:43
hakermaniaAny reviewer who uses GNOME please have a look at: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch    Thank you17:51
ari-tczewRainCT: are you able to upload gbrainy 1.61 to Debian? unstable/experimental?17:58
RainCTari-tczew: Yes17:58
ari-tczewRainCT: great thanks!17:58
RainCTari-tczew: I uploaded 1.60 yesterday. Where did you get a 1.61?17:59
ari-tczewRainCT: ah this it only NEWS file, sorry for my fire. http://git.gnome.org/browse/gbrainy/commit/?id=d232e6056bec15105162dff2924494fc61ecc87f17:59
chrisccoulsonis anybody interested in taking some items from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Natty/Firefox4/XULRunner20Transition ?18:08
chrisccoulsonit's the cause of a few build failures on http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi18:08
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: would be nice if you give a tutorial how to do transition18:12
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, that's pretty difficult due to the amount of changes. the best way is to look at some of the packages that i've already ported18:12
chrisccoulsonhowever, there is a lot of mozilla documentation that helps already18:13
chrisccoulsoneg, https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM/XPCOM_changes_in_Gecko_2.018:13
ari-tczewI'd like to help with that. However, I have no free time. :(18:14
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dapalevaluate: ping? :)21:06
dapalevaluate: since we haven't uploaded cmsmadesimple yet, why -2 instead of re-doing -1? ;)21:06
evaluatedapal, hello. Well, I don't know actually, I thought it might be good to see that there is a new version. If you want I can redo a -1 though...21:08
evaluatedapal, I'm used to this since working with mentors.d.o, caus it wouldn't let me upload the same version again...21:08
dapalevaluate: sure it does -- it'll just complain about an "existing orig.tar.gz", but it's just a warning ;)21:09
evaluateok. So should I repackage it again as -1?21:09
dapalno need for now. If the package is ok, I could just "mangle" it to only show -121:10
dapalI'll send the diff of my changes, so you can include them in your $vcs ;)21:10
evaluatedapal, cool.21:10
evaluatebtw, I have also set up some stuff in the postinst file, to change the user/group and permissions of some files that need to be writable by the scripts21:11
evaluatealso, just FTR, I have installed it and made a couple of changes, and it worked fine for me.21:11
dapalok, what changes were those?21:12
evaluatelogged into admin, changed some contents, text, basic stuff like that21:12
evaluateand I don't mean installed as in apt-get install, but I created a symlink from /var/www/cmsms to /usr/share/cmsmadesimple and then went to localhost/cmsms and installed the script itself...21:14
evaluatethe only stuff I'm not really sure about is that postinst file and the patch (not sure if that is the preffered way, as it's a bit ugly...)21:15
dapalok, so, a couple of comments21:15
dapalit's ok if you provide a symlink like the one you did, in the package (debian/links or debian/cmsmadesimple.links)21:16
dapalthe patch seems OK-ish21:17
lfaraonetumbleweed: P&P II in your inbox.21:17
dapali.e. maybe there's a better way to do it21:17
dapalevaluate: I'm dubious about the postinst. You could just add /etc/cmsmadesimple to debian/dirs, and touch the file in debian/rules21:18
evaluatething is, the only two ways I can think of to make Smarty find that file is either this way, changing it to an absolute path, or including the path into the php PATH, and I think this is much prettier...21:18
dapalevaluate: the same holds for the rest of postinst. Please do all that inside debian/rules, overriding the install target (doing everything _after_ files have been installed in debian/tmp/...)21:19
evaluatehmm. I'd still have to do the chmod and chown stuff in the postinst though, wouldn't I?21:19
dapalevaluate: nope, you can in rules21:19
dapalevaluate: www-data is a system user, and its uid is well defined, so there's no chance your uid could be different from mine ;)21:20
evaluatedapal, yeah, that makes sense.21:20
dapalevaluate: and, the apache.conf.. I thought it was an actual snippet, not a tutorial :) -- it would be better if you called it /usr/share/doc/cmsmadesimple/README.apache, or kinda21:21
dapal(at least, I've seen those kind of files more or less named like that)21:22
evaluateAlthough I'm not sure about that symlink (if you referred to the /var/www/cmsms) one. I don't think anyone would bother installing this on a machine that's not a server that can be publicly accessed. And when they do that, they'd have to configure apache.conf anyway, so I'm not sure the symlink would be of any benefit...21:22
evaluatedapal, well, that's what I seen the wordpress guys do, so I thought it was ok to name it like that. I'll rename it though if you want.21:22
tumbleweedlfaraone: I see :)21:23
dapalre the symlink: sure, it's just a "bonus", you're choice really :) -- re the filename, it's clearer, seeing a file named "apache.conf" I'd be tempted to cp it ;)21:23
tumbleweedlfaraone: there goes that movie I intended watching tonight...21:23
lfaraonetumbleweed: relax, it'll be there in the morning.21:24
evaluatedapal, yup, makes sense. Ok then, so to sum it up: move postinst stuff to dirs and rules, rename apache.conf, rename it to -1. Anything else? :-)21:24
tumbleweedlfaraone: :)21:24
dapalevaluate: let me check :)21:24
evaluatesure :-)21:25
dapalevaluate: (also remove postrm, obviously)21:26
dapalevaluate: mmhh. The apache2 | httpd dependency.21:26
dapalevaluate: ok, nothing, it just needs httpd, not httpd-cgi :)21:27
evaluatewell, the thing is that the user might also create other files in that folder (like .htaccess or stuff like that) and then when he does "apt-get purge" that folder wouldn't get removed. I've created the postrm file to assure that the folders get deleted when the user does purge the package...21:27
dapalevaluate: uhm, ok21:28
dapalevaluate: for the patch, there's DEP-3 ;)21:28
evaluateI'm not sure what you mean21:29
dapalevaluate: ah, all those things you're removing in debian/rules -- you can just list them in debian/clean (it doesn't work for removing directories though)21:29
dapalevaluate: the patch description, http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/21:29
evaluateok, will change the patch21:30
dapalevaluate: then it's just fine.21:31
evaluatere moving the stuff from rules to clean, I see that clean runs before dh_install runs. I need to run dh_install so that it puts my files in the respective folders, so that I have what to remove21:32
dapalevaluate: that's a non-issue ;) -- the files that aren't in any package could just be removed before installing21:33
dapalhowever, that's ok, no problem. Please go :)21:33
evaluateok, let's see :p21:35
evaluatedapal, btw, do I have to build-depend on quilt if I have patches?21:40
dapalevaluate: nope, source format 3.0 (quilt) will take care of that21:41
evaluateok, cool :-)21:41
evaluateThe thing that I liked about the postinst file though, was that it wouldn't bug the user if he wants to overwrite his config.php file with my empty one (because I would only "touch" it), whereas if I do this in the rules file, there would be this issue, wouldn't it?21:46
evaluatedapal, ^21:47
dapal(yes, I was thinking)21:47
evaluateok :-)21:47
evaluateI'm taking a smoke, brb in 521:48
dapalevaluate: ok, go for the postinst :)21:48
dapalevaluate: smoking is bad. :P21:48
evaluateyes, I know that...21:59
evaluateanyway, should I leave the postinst file like it is then?21:59
dapalevaluate: /etc/cmsmadesimple/, put it in debian/dirs22:03
dapalevaluate: also, chmod to 660, no need to make them executable :)22:04
dapalevaluate: and the for loop, you can move that in rules22:04
evaluatewell, the folders need to be executable, don't they?22:04
dapalevaluate: config.php isn't a folder :D22:05
dapalyes, the folders 77022:05
evaluateI mean the folders in the for loop22:05
dapalheh, before I meant "chmod config.php to 660"22:05
evaluatedapal, ok, done. Link is the same22:13
evaluatedapal, btw, I guess you noticed that clipit got uploaded :-D22:14
dapalevaluate: yup :) -- I'm a bit tired for today, almost going to bed. To avoid mistakes, I'd prefer having a last look tomorrow :)22:14
evaluatesure, no hurry :-)22:15
evaluateI'll read you tomorrow then. Have a good night!22:15
dapalthanks, you too :)22:15

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