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PowderkingHi all! MythTV get's confused with the 2 units on my PVR 500, so I'm trying to write an udev rule. Here's the output of udevadm: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/J7XjwZad. I thought I could use "ID_V4L_PRODUCT=WinTV PVR 500 (unit #1)" for my rule: http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/JCQRbVTw. But after "sudo service udev reload; sudo udevadm trigger" or a reboot nothing has changed. How should my rule look like?12:19
Zinn[mythbuntu.pastebin.com] Bash | $ udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/video0 P: - PVR 500 udevadm12:19
qwebirc8083Hi! I've of an myth combo frontend / backend in my living room and a mythbuntu frontend in my bedroom - the tuner is a 2 tuner HD Homerun15:59
qwebirc8083last night, one tuner was recording and I tried to view a different channel in the bed, short answer it wouldn't let me15:59
qwebirc8083I've used it to record 3 show and watch another live at the same time (via multiplex) on the living room combo unit, so I'm not sure why the bedroom unit wasn't rolling over to the second tuner16:01
qwebirc8083any thoughts on where to look?16:01
qwebirc8083huh - nvm - it's seems to be working correctly now - I just retried it16:07
dewmandoes the mythtv user have a password?18:34
dewmanreason i ask is if I need to edit a file that is owned by the mythtv user and i use sudo gedit jamu.conf will it mess the permissions up if i use sudo rather then switch to the mythtv user?18:35
nordleUsing 0.24 under mythbuntu 10.10 and I'm trying to configure remote like I had it in 0.21   But I can't get lirc to do stuff, in the past Id run irw to check what the remote was outputting.  But I cant do that.  After googling I tried mode2, but sudo mode2 --device /dev/input/event6 mode2:   "this device driver does not support the LIRC ioctl interface"    I've spent hours tring to get 10 commands sorted in remote...help appreciated.18:46
nordledewman: I don't know.  But you could sudo su between root and user mythtv and change the password / set the password.  I have no idea, but this might be a bad thing to do, just saying its a possibility.19:08
dewmannordle, thanks. I noticed that using sudo does not seem to mess up the permissions.....Or so at least I cant see that it does19:11
KjetilKI'm seeing occasional backend failures with this error:20:22
KjetilK14281.757540] mythbackend[3413] general protection ip:7f7c30e4b27a sp:7fff9bda8f10 error:0 in libc-2.12.1.so[7f7c30dd1000+17a000]20:22
KjetilKI remember there were an upgrade of linux-libc-dev a few days ago20:24
KjetilKand it seems from dpkg.log that libc-bin has also been upgraded20:24
KjetilKcould that have something to do with it?20:24
KjetilKI have 2.12.1-0ubuntu10 of the latter from maverick-updates20:45
superm1dewman, it doesn't have a defined password.  it's supposed to be a daemon user21:03
superm1i would recommend just editing the file as root using sudo instead21:03
superm1KjetilK, are you on autobuilds?  If not ,can you please turn them on, enable apport and install mythtv-dbg?21:04
superm1then the next crash should be caught by apport and allow you to file a bug21:04
superm1as mentioned in http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Debugging#Debugging_with_Ubuntu_packages21:04
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Debugging - MythTV21:04
KjetilKsuperm1, I think I am on autobuild, but come to thing of it, I haven't seen it happen lately21:08
KjetilKI'll check and install -dbg21:08
KjetilKI also downgraded libc-bin now21:09
superm1yeah it doesn't hurt to have -dbg installed.  just an extra 50mb to download in updates, but makes bug fixing immensely easier since you won't have to reproduce it again21:09
* KjetilK nods21:09
KjetilKno performance issues?21:09
superm1no, the symbols are only loaded by apport when a crash occurs21:10
KjetilKok, good21:10
KjetilKyeah, I definitly had autobuild21:11
superm1apport is generally disabled by default when an ubuntu release actually releases for one reason or another so that's why we don't force the debug symbols on people unless they actually want to help get the bugs filed and fixed21:11
KjetilKanother thing I just did was to insert another tuner card into my box, the libc upgrade happened at the same time that I did this21:12
superm1so it can be a good combination of variables then here really21:13
KjetilKBTW, do I have to do a channel scan for the second, identical DVB tuner card to allow simultaneous recordings?21:17
superm1no, just assign it the same lineup21:18
KjetilKhmmm, my feeble attempt to do that apparently failed, since my wife got her livetv watching overridden by mythbusters tonight :-)21:20
KjetilKI just assigned both cards to the same video source in the input connections...21:21
patdk-laptwo things going on there21:34
patdk-lapboth cards need the same lineup assigned, so mythtv knows it can record from both21:34
patdk-lapthen you probably want to turn on the option, have livetv use idle card, or whatever it's called21:34
KjetilKoh, ok, my current setup should be able to record from different channels on different frequencies21:35
KjetilKbut to have LiveTV, I need to set another option?21:35
patdk-lapthe issue is, the recordings are scheduled per card21:35
patdk-lapthere is an option, to have livetv attempt to pick a card without recordings scheduled on it21:35
KjetilKah, ok!21:36
patdk-lapotherwise livetv will pick recorder 021:36
patdk-lapand recordings start at 0 also21:36
KjetilKyou don't remember where this option can be set?21:36
patdk-lapavoid conflict with scheduler (is the checkbox)21:36
patdk-lapin the frontend settings21:36
* KjetilK looks21:37
patdk-lapif all your turners use the same channel lineup, that is good enough :)21:38
patdk-lapif they dont, it gets annoying21:38
patdk-lapcause your livetv always goes to the card with the crappy lineup (cause you never record crap)21:38
KjetilKyup, it workds, thanks a lot!21:39
KjetilKyeah, I have the same lineup21:39
KjetilKthese are two identical Terratec Cinergi C HD cards21:39
KjetilKthe only difference between them is that the cable goes through the loop out to the other21:40
KjetilKso one of them may have a slightly lower signal21:40
nordleHi there.  Just moved from Slackware 12.1 and myth 0.21 to Mythbuntu 10.10 and mythtv 0.24.  My iMon Pad remote was not working properly, do I thought I'd just replace the /home/mythtvuser/.lirc/mythtv with my old lircrc file.  It does not seemed to have made 1 change.  Volume and Exit still work but nothing else does.  Any suggestions would be great as I'm a little stuck now.22:23
nordleI'm going to try this, even though my imon pad is 5 years old and not "new" http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Soundgraph_iMON_Antec_Veris_Mythbuntu_10.1023:04
dewmansuperm1, thanks. Thats what I did...23:04
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Soundgraph iMON Antec Veris Mythbuntu 10.10 - MythTV23:05
dewmanis anyone familier with the giantbomb.py? metadata for games?23:14
dewmanits in usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Games23:18
dewmanI was just wondering what needs to be done in order to use it. I looked at the settings for mythgame, but I dont see anyplace for a lookup23:18
dewmannever mind....I just found that if you select the game and hit M and then retrieve details it will grab the details of the game. =)23:21
dewmanso what do people use to grab fan art for tv shows? some of the shows have the art work while some dont. IE family guy has artwork while NCIS does not.23:31

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