
nhandlerAre we going to try for a UWN tomorrow? Or are we going to hold off another week?04:07
pleia2I think we hold off for another week04:09
pleia2at our meeting in early december we decided to go bi-weekly04:09
nhandlerpleia2: Did we actually make a decision? I know it came up, but I can't remember if we officially decided anything or if it was just a notification of the possibility (to get feedback)04:10
nhandlerBut waiting a week is fine by me04:11
pleia2akgraner made up an editor chart which shows bi-weekly releases04:12
CensoredBiscuithelllo everyone04:43
pleia2hey CensoredBiscuit05:23
CensoredBiscuithows pleia2 tonight?05:24
pleia2nhandler: I'm not going to have a lot of time next weekend (CLS West on Saturday, Sunday is home/family) but if we can coordinate properly I think we can start writing summaries and filling out the skeleton of the next UWN throughout the week05:24
pleia2CensoredBiscuit: good :) spending my evening trying to find a way to get the final boxes put away in our condo (I moved in in february!)05:25
pleia2CensoredBiscuit: how about you?05:26
CensoredBiscuitgood, I'm just finishing up some sociology05:26
alouriegood morning07:06
IdleOnehttp://www.tux-planet.fr/une-fillette-de-10-ans-obtient-sa-certification-redhat/  10 year old gets RHCE certification. WOW! article is in French.16:24
nhandlerpleia2: Sounds good. I will be gone probably Thur-Sat, so I will probably start pulling links before then. Now that we have figured out a bit more about getting things published, I think it should go a bit faster (although the forum part will be a pain)17:24
IdleOnethanks to pleia2 and her google fu. http://sharegoodstuffs.blogspot.com/2011/01/worlds-youngest-red-hat-certified.html17:58
IdleOnewow she got MCP at 8 and RHCE at 1018:00
IdleOnethis kid is something18:00
pleia2but not ubuntu newsy :\18:09
IdleOnepleia2: true18:24
IdleOneUWN is only ubuntu news?18:25
IdleOneno human interest/really cool kid news?18:25
pleia2I think we've snuck some generic linux news in, but we're already criticized for it being too long, so expanding the scope is generally frowned upon18:25
IdleOneI see.18:26
nhandlerpleia2: That is something else we should poke akgraner about. There is a section for some non-ubuntu related news (her example was a school switching to use all linux). Do we still want this ?18:36
pleia2I don't think so18:36
pleia2I should read the backlog and get a full list of "stuff to ask amber" I am starting to forget18:36
nhandlerI had several of the items we discussed in the email I sent to you (but I didn't have irc available at the time to check my scrollback)18:37
pleia2yeah, I was thinking about just adding to your email list18:40

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