
* He4D ist away (Forever Alone!!!1)00:54
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pehdenhi all01:20
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pehdenany one know how to set up openvpn01:23
pehdenany one know how to set up openvpn y/n01:24
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pehdendead room01:28
pmatulispehden: try docs on openvpn.net01:32
pehdenI have been but i think im missing someithing cause what im reading doesnt show for one thing thats in webmin01:33
deadsmithanyone know an acceptable grub argument for video on the efifb for an XServe2,1?01:43
pmatulispehden: webmin doesn't work with ubuntu very well so i understand01:43
pehdenI know01:43
pmatulispehden: what about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN01:44
pehdenand i half to find things that work wth webmin adn run on ubuntu01:44
pehdenI got http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#config01:44
pehdencould remote (Remote IP)   and  ifconfig (Transport network)  be the same addresses?01:44
pmatulispehden: what's the problem anyway?01:44
deadsmithor alternatively, if there's a flag for text login for ubuntu?01:44
pehdencould remote (Remote IP)   and  ifconfig (Transport network)  be the same addresses?01:45
pehdenbased on the normal start up part of  http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#config01:45
jformanpehden: huh? what is 'transport network' ? (and there is no need to repeat yourself)01:46
no--namehi. anyone know how i can get the right click --> extract here for file-roller? It is in -desktop by default but after I installed file-roller under -server it isn't there 8(01:47
pehdenin webmin it has both of those to put in for local and peer and then for remote it has 2 entrees01:47
jformanpehden: are you trying to configure your openvpn server or a client?01:48
pehdenthe server01:49
pehdeni can get one running but then the client fails to connect01:49
pehdenso i guess i did it wrong01:49
jformani'm going to go out on a limb and say, ditch webmin in this case and edit the config file by hand. that way you can run openvpn on the command line, kick up the verbosity, and see what the problem is01:49
pehdeni would use ssh if i could figure out where they hide the .conf01:50
jformanits normally in /etc/openvpn (you could also look at the ps output for the openvpn process)01:51
pehdenfrom the url pmatulis posted it says it should be there called server.conf01:54
jformanit can be called anything, that is just the default.01:55
pehdenlooking there now for it01:55
pehdendo you have webmin on a server02:01
jformanme? no.02:02
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billybigriggerany mail gurus around?02:09
billybigriggeri'm having quite the time trying to figure out this relay access denied error02:10
billybigriggerrecieving my mail is no problem02:10
billybigriggerbut trying to send to my other gmail account results in a relay access denied problem02:11
deadsmithis there an alternate ISO for installation from a USB key?02:12
pehdenbillybigrigger: who is your ISP02:16
billybigriggernot sending mail through my isp02:16
billybigriggeri have my own server setup for incoming/outgoing mail02:16
billybigriggerie outbound smtp via mail.thefrozencanuck.ca02:16
pehdenbillybigrigger: Is this server at your house02:17
billybigriggersorry for the 1 liners... :D02:17
billybigriggerwould you like a paste of my main.cf and mail.log that shows the error?02:17
pehdenbillybigrigger: hmm02:18
pehdenbillybigrigger: send it private02:18
pehdenbillybigrigger: the conf hould be enough02:19
billybigriggeryou talking main.cf or master.conf?02:20
pehdenbillybigrigger: main is the one i was thinking of02:21
billybigriggerthere you go02:22
pehdenbillybigrigger: the relayhost= needs to be localhost or the relayserver domain02:22
pehdenbillybigrigger: if its blank it can fail02:23
pehdenbillybigrigger: i would recomend putting the domain of the mail.thefrozen   etc.02:24
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billybigriggerill try that02:26
pehdenbillybigrigger: let me know how it goes02:27
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@timmy:~$ sudo service postfix restart02:27
billybigrigger * Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                                                                                        postfix: fatal: myhostname and relayhost parameter settings must not be identical: mail.thefrozencanuck.ca02:27
billybigrigger                                                                                                                                                                 [fail]02:27
pehdentry localhost02:28
billybigriggerpehden, postfix will restart but still same error02:32
pehdenbillybigrigger: lpost me the log02:33
pehdenbillybigrigger: prvt post me the log error02:34
pmatulisbillybigrigger: why don't you post the error you're getting in this channel.  that would be the first step if you want help02:34
billybigriggerthat's me tailing the mail.log as i attempt to send the message02:36
pmatulisbillybigrigger: what's this shawcable.net stuff?  you're sending to gmail.com02:38
billybigriggerwhois me02:38
billybigriggerthat's me02:38
billybigriggerdoes my ip address have to be included in mynetworks?02:40
billybigriggeras anyone not listed there can't use postfix correct?02:41
pehdenbillybigrigger: i gonna compare it to my config real quick02:41
billybigriggerthere we go02:43
billybigriggeradded to mynetworks and i got no error02:43
billybigriggerwell that's stupid02:43
billybigriggerwhat if my home ip changes, i won't be able to sendmail through my mailserver?02:43
pmatulisbillybigrigger: sigh.  pastebin 'postconf -n'02:44
pehdenyou can set up local dns02:45
pehdenyou should be able to add localhost or
billybigriggerseems those mails didnt go through02:47
billybigriggeri sent 2 out, 1 to gmail and 1 to hotmail and both havent arrived yet02:47
billybigriggerso evolution didn't complain but something is still wrong i think02:47
pehdenbillybigrigger: is reject_unauth_destination  this list for denied or allowed only02:49
pmatulisbillybigrigger: what is the internal ip address of your server?02:49
pehdenthats what i was thinkinh too pmatulis02:50
pmatulisbillybigrigger: so that should be a part of $mynetworks02:51
pmatulisbillybigrigger: just change the /24 to /1602:52
billybigriggeryeah it is02:52
billybigriggeryou mean?02:52
pmatulisbillybigrigger: yes02:52
billybigriggershould me home ip be included in mynetworks?02:55
billybigriggeri removed it and i get relay access denied again02:55
billybigriggeralso i'm seeing this now after pehden inquired about it02:56
billybigriggerJan  8 21:54:53 timmy postfix/smtpd[29492]: generic_checks: name=reject_unauth_destination02:56
billybigriggerJan  8 21:54:53 timmy postfix/smtpd[29492]: reject_unauth_destination: donzavitz@gmail.com02:56
pmatulisbillybigrigger: pastebin 'postconf -n' again02:57
pmatulisbillybigrigger: as well as 'ifconfig'02:57
billybigriggeri see a problem :P02:59
billybigrigger          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
billybigriggershouldn't matter though as is included in mynetworks02:59
pmatulisbillybigrigger: i'm going to bed very soon, please comply03:00
billybigriggerthere ya go03:01
pmatulisbillybigrigger: so the client you're sending the mail from.  it's on what subnet?03:02
pmatulisbillybigrigger: hello?03:03
billybigriggerthis is me03:04
billybigriggerthats my client from my house03:04
pmatulisbillybigrigger: well you can put just that ip in mynetworks if you want03:04
pmatulisbillybigrigger: if it will just be you sending mail03:04
pehdenor set up a dyndns03:04
billybigriggerno i have others using the mailserver03:05
pehdenI would suggest taking off the restr03:05
bguptaI am trying to setup a multihomed home server with a public IP on one side and a private on the other. This will be setup with L2TP/IPSec. I have so far got the multiphomed networking working, but I have two default routes..  (One to my internal gateway, and one to my public gateway.) I'm wondering from the networkign side if two default routes is best practice in this case. (I want VPN clients to both be able to access inte03:05
bguptahosts and use the VPN connection for internet access)03:05
pmatulisbillybigrigger: so you have not local clients.  i didn't know that03:06
pehdenand make authication be with username and password03:06
pehdenyou could do a proxy for it03:06
pehdenset up a proxy server for the users to connect to the proxy and they would be local03:07
pmatulisbillybigrigger: the standard is to set up SMTP AUTH03:07
pmatulisbillybigrigger: in conjunction with STARTTLS03:08
pehdenpmatulis : I agree03:08
pmatulisbillybigrigger: basically you need to authenticate the remote users who will be allowed to send mail through your server (relay)03:08
pmatulisbillybigrigger: (SMTP AUTH)03:08
pmatulisbillybigrigger: but you should encrypt the connection otherwise p/w is in cleartext03:09
pmatulisbillybigrigger: (STARTTLS - SSL)03:09
pehdenpmatulis : I would love to do that on my server do you have in mind an artical that would show the conf for this set up03:09
billybigriggerubuntu server guide :)03:10
pehdeni have the ssl part03:10
pmatulispehden: no, but it's all over the internet03:10
billybigriggerwhich i followed...but maybe i have something screwed up03:10
pmatulisbillybigrigger: bingo03:10
pehdenpmatulis : I use webmin so it makes this a little difficult03:11
pmatulisbillybigrigger: for now, you can hardcode your IP address in mynetworks03:11
billybigriggerno i'd rather get this figured out and working correctly03:11
billybigriggeri go over the server guide again03:11
pmatulisbillybigrigger: mynetworks says who can relay mail, usually it is for your LAN-side clients.  that's why i was confused03:11
billybigriggeri didn't know that :P good to know03:12
pmatulisbillybigrigger: ok, good night03:12
pehdenlol an extreme way would be forall the clients to have dyndns03:13
pehdenthen add there dyndns domain in there03:14
pehdenand it should check for there ip03:14
billybigriggerpmatulis, night, thanks for the help!03:14
billybigriggerthats too extreme for me03:15
pehdenlol i just thought of it lol03:15
pehdeni wish i knew how to do the force login for sending mail03:20
pehdenso i didnt have to use webmail03:20
pehdeni like it cause it remembers my filters03:20
pehdenbillybigrigger: do you know anything about openvpn03:22
pehdenbillybigrigger: do you know how to make postfix user login to send03:25
pienkiehi guys. I've started a remote server installation & initiated the format of a 1 TB HDD, which will take a *looooooong* time. I'm now off-site & have connected OK (installer@xxxxxx), & I d like to confirm that the format had completed before continuing with the installation. How can I check this, please?03:26
billybigriggerpienkie, should have used screen03:28
billybigriggerscreen saves the ssh connection for you to reconnect to later03:29
pienkiebillybigrigger: i did not know that. unfortunately I'm not that intemately familiar with screen (I should probably swot up on that...)03:30
billybigriggerso now i can send out emails...but i'm getting relay access denied from gmail and hotmail when replying to my test mails...03:42
billybigriggerso now i can't recieve mail...wtf03:42
Delerium_billy: home server?03:43
Delerium_K, most the ISP block port 25, that's why I was asking :(03:43
pehdenI asked that earlier03:44
Delerium_I wasn't there...03:44
pehdenso now cant recieve03:44
billybigriggerJan  8 22:41:47 timmy postfix/smtpd[30537]: generic_checks: name=reject_unauth_destination03:46
billybigriggerJan  8 22:41:47 timmy postfix/smtpd[30537]: reject_unauth_destination: billybigrigger@thefrozencanuck.ca03:46
Delerium_Billy: what VPS company are you using?  I'm looking for one in a near future03:47
billybigriggeri only had mail.thefrozencanuck.ca in mydestination03:48
Delerium_thanks, are they in  US ?03:48
billybigriggernow i have mail.thefrozencanuck.ca, thefrozencanuck.ca03:48
billybigriggerall is working great now03:48
billybigriggeri couldn't find one in canada03:48
billybigriggerwell atleast worth spending my money on03:48
Delerium_iWeb in Montreal looks good03:48
billybigriggerim pretty sure linode comes highly recommended around here03:49
billybigriggeri think it was here that suggested it to me03:49
pehdenI host my own site03:49
pehdenso i dont pay much03:49
billybigriggerpehden, all fine and dandy until you want to run a mailserver :P03:49
billybigriggermy ISP wouldn't allow it so i had to go with a vps03:49
pehdeni use webmail03:49
billybigriggerwouldn't allow me to send out smtp on port 2503:49
pehdenyou have to use there mail relay03:50
Delerium_same here, just bought a home server with Custom DynDns and my ISP is blocking port 25 (in and out03:50
Delerium_so I might by the DynDns Mail Relay or go for a VPS03:50
pehdenDelerium you in the UsA03:50
Delerium_Montreal, Canada03:50
pehdenthey should allow 2503:51
billybigriggernow if i could only get effin email filters to work in evolution i'd be laughing03:51
pehdenyou will need seige03:51
pehdento be on dovecot03:51
pehdenor use imap403:51
Delerium_pedhen: using my ISP smtp, I can send mail judt fine, but incoming doesn't work03:51
pehdenthats port 11003:52
pehdenthen not 2503:52
Delerium_110 is Pop, right?03:53
pehdenthey shouldnt be blocking that one03:53
pehden110 pop303:53
pehdenand 143 imap03:53
Delerium_ok, but I have my own mail server at home. with a MX record, so it's goes to port 25 (if I'm not mistaken)03:54
pehdensendin mail aka smtp is port 2503:54
toddnine_Hi guys.  I need a cluster change event that will allow me to fire system scripts.  Essentially I have 3 nodes of haproxy, and when the primary node fails, a new node needs elected and needs to set it's ip.  Any systems you can recommend?  I'm looking at ucarp and pacemaker03:55
Delerium_pehden: yup, there a tool at DynDns that will redirect incoming email to a another port (like 2025), but it costs 50$ a year..03:56
pehdenDelerium_: incoming mail is 110 and 14303:58
Delerium_pedgen: but a bit costly... I bought my domain mame + DynDns Custom with them (around 70$) and now I have to put another 50$03:58
pehdeni got my domain for 6.9503:59
Delerium_pegden: pop3 and imap are used to get mail from a mail server, in my case, I have my own mail server so I need to accept smtp request (I think... still learning on this one) ;)03:59
pehdenthe server will send you the emails on port 110 or 143 to your client and when you send to your server to send to other emails it sends on port 2504:01
Delerium_Jet's win: Colts out.04:02
Delerium_pehden: I'm the server, not a client ;)04:03
pehdenoutlook is client04:04
Delerium_I have my own mail server, so I use Outlook (or wathever tool) to connect to this server, using, yes, port 110 or 14304:05
pehdenwhyats your web sote04:07
pehdensorry eatin ribs04:07
Delerium_In construction, just start last week... There's only a basic wordpress install04:08
Delerium_Ntohing much to see04:08
Delerium_Still working on my project ;)04:08
Delerium_but you can always try: www.elezium.com04:09
pehdenill added it to my spider04:09
Delerium_Mad Men! :) I see you!!!04:10
pehdenyoull get hits from it every night at midnight central04:11
Delerium_I prefet not since the this is a temp domain name, it will change soon and this hostname will only be used for my own test purposed...04:12
pehdeni can remove it when i finish eatin04:14
Delerium_98.217.65.X, it's you?04:15
pehdenmy spider has few domains04:15
pehdenmine 69.*04:16
pehdenlook for my useragen named pehden04:18
Delerium_got it.. someone else is poking me! hhe04:18
Delerium_bha.. this is a test server at home04:20
pehdenwhy not use both04:23
pehdenmy server is hosting 5  domains04:24
Delerium_pehden: I might go with a VPS, not sure yet04:24
pehdenand with most dns poviders you can use different IP to point to the same domain04:26
pehdenwith a different subdomain04:27
Delerium_pehden: gotta go, take care buddy04:34
pehdentake care04:35
CppIsWeirdi run "watch" it says its not installed, please install package procps. apt-get procps and its already installed and up to date.04:35
StrangeCharmif i just want to execute a single command via ssh, is there any way to specify this from the client? as in ssh --just-run-one-command "more file" user@host06:07
timoStrangeCharm: yes, e.g. 'ssh user@host ls'06:09
timoStrangeCharm: so just type the command after 'user@host'06:10
CppIsWeirdi run "watch" it says its not installed, please install package procps. apt-get procps and its already installed and up to date.06:24
pienkiehi guys. I think I really 5cr3w3d the pooch on this one. I'm busy with a remote install, & the partitioning (lookup) step hangs at 50%. the main & swap partitions are created & formatted, but I'm having difficulty continuing the installation. is there some way to manually (via CLI) complete that stem (i.e. assigning the swap & "/" part), so that the installer can continue?06:41
pienkiethe only other option left to me, it seems, is to get in my car, drive all the way to the site, & restart the installation06:41
billybigriggershould have used screen06:43
billybigriggerdo you have gas in the tank? :P06:44
pienkiebut how would I use screen @ the `debial-installer`? it's not even in the commandset06:44
billybigriggeroh fresh install?06:44
billybigriggeri thought you were upgrading or something06:44
pienkieyea….. was hoping to avoid shooting myself in the foot like this...06:44
billybigriggeryeah you kind need physical access for that06:44
pienkieno, no. fresh install, from scratch06:45
CppIsWeirdi run "watch" it says its not installed, please install package procps. apt-get procps and its already installed and up to date. how can i get the watch command functioning?06:46
pienkiephys access: bit silly…. I've booted in, set & cleaned the parts & have remote ssh access OK. *theorecially* I has hoping to restart the installer (while retaining an SSH session) & start from the top06:46
jmarsdenCppIsWeird: Can you run /usr/bin/watch ?  Does that file exist?06:48
CppIsWeirdoh i renamed it, i remember now. :P06:50
CppIsWeirdthanks. :-)06:50
jmarsdenYou're welcome :)06:50
* CppIsWeird renames it back06:50
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* pehden is away: I'm busy10:12
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andriijaswhy is my network interface named eth2 and not eth010:59
andriijashow can i rename it eth0?10:59
oCeanandriijas: see /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules I think you can change it there11:01
KidBroHi. I have a problem with Apache/PHP on my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. First please advise if there is a specific channel for this?11:04
oCeanKidBro: if it's very apache specific, there is #httpd channel you could try11:06
KidBroI don't know how specific it is. The problem is that php has stopped working after running updates.11:06
KidBroI am not really a power user when it comes to apache. Until now I have installed it and it has worked...11:07
KidBroSo I don't know where to start :-|11:07
oCeanThe webserver works, but php doesn't?11:08
andriijasoCean: thx11:10
KidBroI use php for webmail and gallery. When I try to enter any of these the browser will attempt to download the php file.11:12
oCeanKidBro: create a test.php in your webserver root, like this one http://pastebin.com/hUe1Vhfx, and open the file in the webbrowser. It should show you all php information11:12
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* He4D ist away (Forever Alone!!!1)11:12
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* He4D|OFF ist away (Forever Alone!!!1)11:12
oCean!afk > He4D|OFF11:13
ubottuHe4D|OFF, please see my private message11:13
* He4D|OFF ist away (Forever Alone!!!1)11:13
oCeanKidBro: in that case it seems php module is not loaded. Check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled if the php5.conf is linked there11:13
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KidBroJust a moment11:14
KidBroIt is not listed there11:16
oCeanKidBro: run "sudo a2enmod php5" then "sudo service apache2 restart"11:16
KidBrooCean: No I can do the php.test you suggested. Webmail also works. Gallery not, but there may be other reasons for this11:19
gobbeis there any errors on logs?11:21
oCeanwell if the test works, then php is correctly enabled. Has to be in the gallery software then. Maybe logging in /var/log/apache2 can give some clues11:22
KidBroYes, I think that is an issue for a different forum. Roundcube webmail was more critical for me anyway, so thanks a lot! I one new questions though: Is the information listed by the test.php useful for anyone trying to break into the server or can I leave it freely available?11:25
gobbei would be11:26
gobbei wouldn't let it there :)11:26
KidBroOK, I will hide it then. But I will keep it somewhere for future use. It seems to provide a great overview of the settings. Thanks for the help both of you. It would have taken me a week to find in forums and helpfiles :-D11:28
RoyKoCean: or even apache2ctl graceful11:48
FidelixHey guys, can please someone help me? My MariaDB is not starting: /usr/bin/mysqladmin: relocation error: /usr/bin/mysqladmin: symbol randominit, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file libmysqlclient.so.16 with link time reference14:16
RoyKIIRC mariadb isn't included in ubuntu, is it?14:17
gobbeno it itsn't14:24
gobbeFidelix: i would turn on mariadb's support in this case14:25
Fidelixgobbe, they said i should post on ubuntu forums, because it looks like a dependency problem. Well... i'll somehow figure it out..14:26
gobbeyeah, but it's not included on ubuntu so it's quite hard to support every package out there :)14:27
gobbeit looks like somekind of problem with libmysqlclient14:27
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dassoukiwhat solutions exist for a linux enviorenment that allow for outlook, cal, mail and be able to do scheduling services (just like in ms excchange)14:57
gobbefor example15:02
chronoshey people. someone have problems with bridged networking running ubunt-server on virtualbox 4 ?15:09
RoyKchronos: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces15:12
RoyKchronos: I don't have it running for vbox, but it should be the same basics15:13
gobbechronos: and please tell more, what kind of problems you have?15:14
RoyKchronos: http://pastebin.com/MuS3rDu7 <-- this is my setup, works well15:20
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yerkinpleas help me17:19
gobbeask the question17:19
gobbewithout it it's quite hard17:20
yerkini install ubuntu server 10.10 then i try install yum17:21
yerkinwrite   apt-get install yum17:21
compdocwhy yum?17:21
compdocapt-get isnt as good, but it works17:21
yerkineroor  e:not found packet yum17:21
yerkinsorry for my bad engl17:22
gobbeapt-get is great17:22
gobbeyerkin: you should use apt-get, not yum17:22
gobbebut anyway, there's packet for yum17:23
gobbeif you want it, for some silly reason17:23
yerkinsorry for the stupid question17:25
Wolfsherzif you dont like apt-get try aptitude...17:25
RoyKcompdoc: bugger off17:26
RoyKcompdoc: apt-get is the preferred way17:26
RoyKcompdoc: using yum on debian/ubuntu is nonsense17:27
compdocfor ubuntu, it is17:27
compdocno question17:27
RoyKand debian17:27
compdocIm not telling anyone to use yum17:27
RoyKand, last I checked, this was #ubuntu-server17:27
RoyKyerkin: just don't use yum17:28
RoyKthat's just fedora/redhat gibberish17:28
RoyKapt is far better17:28
RoyKcompdoc: sorry, I misunderstood - forget about it :)17:28
RoyKyerkin: migrating from fedora?17:29
compdocIve had apt-get install, then remove xinetd, and it left all the files behind and left the service running, so I dont think its all that great, but its what I use17:30
RoyKcompdoc: apt-get remove --purge17:31
yerkinI read a book how to install openvpn. and there use the command         yum repolist17:31
Wolfsherzgood alternative is aptitude, really.17:31
Wolfsherzthis book is not written for ubuntu obviously17:32
RoyKWolfsherz: not too much of a difference these days17:32
WolfsherzRoyK: it takes better care of dependencies and installed packets that are obsolete when removing another packet.17:33
Wolfsherzyerkin: what book is that?17:33
yerkinyes. this book written for centos17:33
RoyKWolfsherz: apt does that too these days17:33
Wolfsherzyerkin: centos is a whole other story... if you wish to install something on ubuntu apt-get is just the way to go.17:34
WolfsherzRoyK: may have improved, i didn't check for a while because i'm happy with aptitude17:35
yerkinthank you. i undestand17:35
yerkinthere is a difference ubuntu and other OC linux17:37
RoyKWolfsherz: old package state was included, a year or two ago17:37
RoyKyerkin: all linux distros differ somehow17:37
yerkinwho has a book for ubuntu?17:38
Wolfsherzyerkin: amazon ;)17:38
RoyKyerkin: google :)17:38
Wolfsherzyerkin: what country are you from?17:38
compdocopenvpn is great17:38
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/17:39
RoyKwow - can't remember talking to someone from there :)17:39
Wolfsherzyerkin: ok there is a good book on ubuntu-servers, but it is in german. the net is full of english documentation though, and you will probably find some good, like the linm ubotto gave.17:39
RoyKyerkin: what language do you speak there? something like russian?17:40
RoyKanyway - the online server guid is quite good if you understand English, which I guess you do, as we're using the language now :P17:42
yerkinEnglish level intermadia17:43
yerkinI'll read with an interpreter17:45
gobbeserver guide is in fact quite good17:46
gobbemuch better than it used to be17:46
RoyKПриглашаем Вас17:46
yerkintranslated by  google,17:48
RoyKindeed :)17:49
* RoyK doesn't know shit about the russian language17:50
yerkini write      sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server17:55
yerkinerror     e:not found dhcp3-server17:55
RoyKapt-get update17:56
yerkinmy internet is not as fast17:57
yerkintell me how to specify a proxy17:58
yerkin<RoyK> tell me how to specify a proxy18:02
RoyKfor what? apt?18:02
RoyKyerkin: second hit on google http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9680218:03
yerkinI have a network has a proxy server18:03
RoyKsee that link18:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #700741 in dovecot (main) "dovecot won't start during boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70074118:43
=== samferry is now known as sferry
MatBoyhe, do-relase-upgrade does not work, than we do it the hard way... upgrade teh sources.list and so a dist-upgrade :)20:37
RoyKdo-release-upgrade has been working for me20:42
RoyKbut then, if you try to upgrade from an LTS release to a non-lts-release perhaps you should change /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades20:43
MatBoyRoyK: YEP always worked, but I get some server error20:49
MatBoyI hope this works20:52
MatBoyok, the only think I have is an error while mounting boot... I can skip it and it boots OK21:04
* He4D ist away (Forever Alone!!!1)21:04
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MatBoyno-one an idea ?21:08
RoyKMatBoy: I somehow doubt anyone will have an idea unless you post the error given21:11
MatBoyRoyK: as I said... I need to check the logs... maybe I can see somthing there21:14
MatBoyRoyK: weird is that it CAN boot21:16
MatBoyRoyK: and when I do a mount -a, it's listed again21:16
niteriaCan I install ubuntu server from within another debian/ubuntu installation?21:17
niteriaI did that with gentoo once21:18
niteriaI guess debootstrap is what I'm looking for21:21
gobbehavent done ever in ubuntu so cannot say for sure but i would say that might be possible, have you tried to google?21:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #700812 in openldap (main) "dpkg-reconfigure slapd doesn't ask for domain or admin pasword" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70081221:42
RoyKniteria: a VM or reinstalling the box?21:43
PleceboI'm having trouble getting my raid array to start on reboot. It actually hangs the boot process and I have to press "S" to skip the mounting of my raid device. Once booted all of my devices show as spares in /proc/mdstat I have to "mdadm -S /dev/md0"  then "mdadm -A --scan" at which point the array rebuilds for 6-7 hours. it is pretty consistent so i'm usually pretty reluctant to reboot21:46
Plecebolucid server btw21:46
niteriaRoyK: reinstalling the box I guess21:49
pienkiehi gys22:05
charlvnhi pienkie22:10
pienkiehow's it going?22:11
charlvngood thanks, you?22:12
charlvnyou from south africa?22:12
pienkieoriginally, yes. residing in NZ @ the moment.22:13
pienkie& u?22:13
RoyKor new zealand?22:13
* RoyK was peeking on the whois22:14
pienkiehehhe :)22:14
charlvnpienkie: i'm also south african, when i saw your nick it looked a little afrikaans to me, that's just why i asked22:14
RoyKdo people that know Afrikaans understand Dutch?22:15
pienkieyea. acrually using the wife machine, so "pienkie" is actuall her nic. wher u from?22:15
charlvnRoyK: the two languages are quite different, i speak both22:15
pienkieRoyK: for the most part, yes. may take a bit longer to interperit the dialect22:15
_Techie_pienkie, hows your stay in New Zealand?22:16
charlvnpienkie: ah i was about to ask if you're a girl :) lol22:16
* RoyK once met a guy from .nl called Tjalling by his last name, which is quite funny, since one of the nicknames for cannabis in Norway is Tjall22:16
pienkieRoyK: most Afrikaans-speaking people can understand Dutch with a bit of effort (we do a bit of Dutch literatre in school), but I doubt  native Dutch'ers would be able to easily understand Afrikaans22:17
charlvnRoyK: yes the dutch would know all about cannabis, but probably not more than most other nations22:17
RoyKI know22:17
charlvnRoyK: in the rest of the world lots of people smoke pot too, it just isn't legal22:17
pienkie_Techie_: NZ's pretty good. welcome change of pace: much more relaxed, & have access to the "1st world" more readily22:18
RoyKit's just that noone would be named Tjalling (freely translated to weedie) up here22:18
charlvnhaha, yeah i'm sure22:18
pienkiecharlvn: not "legal" in Holland either (legal nowhere in world); just decriminalized22:18
charlvnpienkie: whatever :)22:19
RoyKwhich is a good thing, keeps the cops from wasting time on minor stuff22:19
charlvnyep totally22:19
RoyKcops should spend more time on what's important22:19
RoyKsome guy smoking weed isn't worse than someone drinking22:19
charlvnyeah they should leave ppl smoking the peace pipe22:19
pienkieppl tokin' it up still shouldn't drive though...22:20
RoyKnot at all22:20
charlvnnope not recommended22:20
pienkie… or on serious over-the-counter meds22:20
RoyKthey're testing people for that up here now22:20
pienkiestarting here too22:20
pienkiebut mostly for meth-related jobbo's22:20
charlvnas they say, don't drink and drive, smoke and fly22:21
pienkie… though the window22:21
* RoyK was thinking a little about the flying doctor22:21
RoyKfirst time I heard about the flying doctor, I was laughing my ass off22:21
pienkieI'm having a bit of trouble with aptitude. I've set up a basic system (10.4.1 64) with the alternative install image, but now I'm trying to strip out unwanted junk. I've maked a number of areas in aptitude, such as the entire x11 section, but when I want to commit the ganges with "g", it indicated that it will proceed with installing a number of useless cr*p I don't want, cusch as compiz. what am I doing wrong?22:22
RoyKwhy didn't you just install the stripped version?22:22
charlvninteresting, i installed xorg+openbox on my mom's old laptop and didn't have any trouble with that22:25
charlvnstarted out with a server install though22:25
pienkieRoyK: looooong story. had load of trouble installing, so had to install from alternative disk. If I had the system here @ my "lab", I would've gone from minimal ISO & use my local repo cache, but I had to work on-site, so had to do the best with what I had on hnd. & it was getting late & Iwanted to finish off before I started making *serious* mistakes, such as detroying the patition of the backups22:25
* RoyK wouldn't recommend a server install on a laptop22:25
charlvnhow so?22:26
* RoyK is more worried about those two 100TB setups at work, while he is at home with a cast on his leg22:27
pienkiesooo…… aptitude front-end? how can I commit the removals without it installing anything new? (or please refer me to the correct RTFM-section, pls)22:34
pienkiefound a hacked-together solution: `deborphan --guess-dev | xargs apt-get -y remove --purge` @ http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/how-do-i-get-apt-get-to-completely-uninstall-a-package-237772/#post388927222:45
dschuettanyone know what script is called at the start of ubuntu server that prints out.... "System information as of ..... system load, users logged in, memeory usage.... ?23:25
billybigriggerthats landscape23:26
billybigriggerwell whatever it spits out is part of landscape23:26
billybigriggererr whatever spits it out23:26
RoyKdschuett: /etc/update-motd.d/50-landscape-sysinfo23:27
dschuettahhh thanks RoyK!23:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #700846 in samba (main) "Samba install makes wireless flake (deconnect / stutter)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70084623:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #700850 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (universe) "package mysql-server-5.0 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70085023:46

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