
ChrisDruifDid you find it arkanabar?00:22
johnny77I saw this http://wiki.lxde.org/en/How_to_start_applications_on_specific_desktops but when I try it, it doesn't seem to work.00:52
ChrisDruifI would be thrilled to learn how to open programs on specific desktops :D00:54
ChrisDruifMaybe I can make more sense of it :)00:54
johnny77ChrisDruif: I was thinking it may need a restart, but haven't tried it yet because I'm working on other things.00:55
ChrisDruifMight be the case :)00:56
ChrisDruifSome settings only get applied after a logout/restart :)00:57
stlsaintyou dont have to restart the entire system to get a basic restart01:09
stlsaintsudo /etc/init.d/lxdm restart01:09
stlsaintthat will restart lxdm and bring you to the login screen01:10
stlsaintwithout rebooting the computer01:10
ChrisDruifAlright...didn't know that :)01:16
stlsaintChrisDruif: nice eh :D01:16
ChrisDruifLearn everyday....great day today :P01:16
stlsainti use it all the time01:16
stlsaintyep yep01:16
ChrisDruifrestarting lxdm and conceptualization :D01:18
arkanabarChrisDruif, sorry, was afk.01:24
ChrisDruifIt's owkay :)01:24
arkanabarChrisDruif, there is no package "sound" in synaptic.  did you right-click the item and select properties?01:29
ChrisDruifphillw: ping01:37
jmarsdenWhat is still needed to be done for Lubuntu to become "official" as a Ubuntu distribution?  Is there a wiki page or other info about this somewhere??01:38
ChrisDruifphillw: arkanabar was having some questions about the sound in Lubuntu, maybe you know something?01:39
phillwjmarsden: Canonical are currently writing up the rules for adopting a new member of the family. We are already treated as a full member by all teams I interact with.01:39
phillwChrisDruif: bioterror would be best to help on that.01:40
jmarsdenOK, great.  I saw an article saying Lubuntu was trying to gain official acceptance, and was wondering if there was any technical work still needed for that.  Might be good to put a status page on this aspecty of Lubuntu somewhere on the wiki?01:40
arkanabarbioterror, are you on?01:42
jmarsdenarkanabar: His away msg says he is "not here" :)01:42
phillwjmarsden: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=25101:42
arkanabaryippee.  I need to fix my audio capture configuration, and have no clue.01:42
phillwarkanabar: that makes two of us. The tech guys are tucked up safely in bed, please be patient.01:43
phillwarkanabar: we do take the straight jackets off them for a few hours each day :P01:44
arkanabarif you know a CLI tool to do it, that'd work for me.01:45
jmarsdenarkanabar: aplay? alsamixer?  What exactly do you want to do with your sound?01:47
phillwarkanabar: I've had a quick dive through the email archives, and see no issues reported? Can you be more specific as to your problem?01:48
arkanabarschool requires capturing sound from mic for assignments.  I chose gnome sound recorder.01:49
arkanabarrunning gnome sound recorder, I get "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them with the "Sound Preferences" under the System Preferences menu."01:49
arkanabarthat message is written for gnome interface, which I don't have.01:50
jmarsdenarkanabar: If you prefer a command line tool, try arecord.01:52
arkanabargiven my environment, I absolutely require push-to-talk.01:52
jmarsdenI'm a bit confused... at 17:45:05 Pacific you said "<arkanabar> if you know a CLI tool to do it, that'd work for me." If arecord won't suit, and you can't get Gnome sound recorder to work, have you tried audacity?01:55
arkanabarCLI tool to configure audio capture.  sorry.01:57
arkanabarlet me go try audacity.01:57
stlsainthyperair: welcome back01:58
ChrisDruifBut my loves, I'm going to bed....3AM over here :P01:59
stlsainthyperair: sup02:01
phillwhyperair: could you have quick chat with arkanabar about his sound issue?02:11
hyperairphillw: sorry, at work02:12
arkanabarI read man arecord, and I figured out what I need to know to use it.02:48
=== zehrique-zzzZZZz is now known as zehrique
bioterrorhi sz08:06
szczurhi bioterror08:08
bioterrorszczur, http://ietherpad.com/IbFVN4F0Rt did you see this one?08:08
szczurnice one :)08:10
bioterrorszczur, you can contribute too into it08:10
bioterrorszczur, if you have something in your mind08:10
szczuri'm ill right now but i'll add something to it later :)08:11
bioterroroh someone is editing as anonym ;D08:14
szczur>_> :P08:15
bioterrorI was logged as you :D08:17
bioterrorbut hey, that works08:17
bioterrordamn that will be a killer!08:17
bioterrorI have registered a certain page08:26
bioterroreasier to remember08:26
bioterrorthat should work now08:30
bioterrorI can add users :)08:30
bioterrorwe can easily add stuff to there and move them to wiki or something08:30
bioterrorphillw, what do you think08:30
head_victimbioterror: you've pretty much covered all the basics on that.08:42
head_victimSome of which will be fixed next release (hopefully :) )08:42
bioterrorwe get new ones08:43
bioterrordont you worry about that one ;)08:43
head_victimOoh good stuff08:51
yulerI've a 700Mhz P3 with 384mb RAM (giving some to intel 82815 video chipset).  Can lubuntu turn it into a responsive computer?09:19
bioterroryes and no09:20
bioterrorI suggest to get more RAM, but it will be "usable", I bet ;)09:20
yulerThat might be difficult, considering it maxes out @ 512mb and is PC10009:21
bioterrornot that bad, I think09:21
yulerI wouldn't know where to look for hardware 10 years old09:22
bioterrorI would ask from my friends if they has any in their desks or shelves09:23
yulerI've considered Xubuntu for the task, but it seems lubuntu is even lighter09:23
bioterrorand I know, they have09:23
bioterroryuler, go with the Lubuntu09:23
yulerah, that assumes I have friends!  :)09:23
bioterrorXubuntu rides with the fame from the past09:23
yulerwill the instructions to convert Ubuntu to Lubuntu from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde work?09:29
bioterrorbut I suggest first to do lubuntu-desktop -installation09:31
bioterrorwith --no-install-recommends09:32
yulerthat different than sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop?09:32
bioterrorit drops some not needed dependencies installed09:32
bioterrorless stuff on your harddrive09:33
yulernot sure I follow..09:35
bioterrorofcourse best thing is to install Lubuntu 10.10 from the CD ;)09:36
yulerI thought I saw a .torrent @ lubuntu.net somewhere....09:40
bioterrorI'm seeding one09:40
yulerThe torrent will be a good test because the satellite ISP has been doggedly slow recently09:43
szczurhmm, i think installing from mini.iso would be faster > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/DocumentationHelp/MinimalInstall09:44
szczurwhy install ubuntu and then remove and install another collection of packages09:45
szczurwhen you can do it from CLI and then install Lubuntu desktop :)09:46
bioterrorszczur, it's not faster09:47
bioterrorfirst it takes ages to get that mini iso to computer and then it takes also ages to install packages :D09:47
szczurdepends on speed of your ISP09:47
szczurerrr.. your internet connection09:48
bioterrorwell, the mirror is slow09:48
szczuri can argue with this :P09:49
renatovhello guys!09:49
renatovgood night to all =D09:49
szczurinstalling ubuntu on 700 MHz machine with 378 MB of ram only to install lubuntu would be a PITA09:49
bioterrorrenatov, hi09:50
szczurhi renatov09:50
yulerszczur: why a PITA?09:50
szczurinstalling whole ubuntu with GNOME and so on will definitely take some time09:52
szczurand then you would have to remove all of these packages and install other ones09:52
bioterrorno problem if you have time09:53
bioterrorI've had on my wifes laptop ubuntu, kubuntu, xfce, ubuntu :D09:53
szczurCLI install takes 15 min to download needed packages on 1Mbit internet IIRC (i did it 4 months ago :P)09:55
yulerSince my inet speed goes as low as 2k/s, I think my bandwidth is best used towards getting the Lubuntu CD once, but I may want to try the Ubuntu rebuild method in the future..09:56
szczurohh, 2k/s, damn09:56
szczurit feels like modem connection09:57
yuleryea.  Something is really wrong with the satellite.  Acted up about 1-2 weeks ago09:57
bioterroryou have to wait that earth is orbiting in right position ;)09:57
renatovhey guys, I'm having some trouble here using lxde + fluxbox... have you ever tryed?09:57
bioterrorrenatov, I cant understand why you want to use lxde wit fluxbox09:58
yulerWish I knew how to verify the dish's beam towards the satellite location09:58
renatovbioterror:  because I prefer fluxbox than openbox... I more used to the first one10:00
bioterrorI've never liked fluxbox10:00
renatovreally? why?10:00
bioterrordunno, never felt that good10:01
bioterrorI tried first blackbox, I remember that10:01
renatovblackbox is too old and too limited10:01
renatovfluxbox and openbox are really similiar, they differ basically in the syntax of the config files10:02
renatovbut I prefer the way fluxbox handles transparency and remember apps attributes10:02
bioterrorwell, fluxbox comes with the tasbar10:03
renatovyeah, but that taskbar has no start buttom, that's why I use lxde+fluxbox... and lxde has some awesome apps10:03
renatovI'm using lxde+fluxbox and everything is fine, but when I right click the desktop, fluxbox menu appears and never goes out10:04
renatovI guess it's because fluxbox menu is configured to desappear when fluxbox desktop is clicked... but it can't be done, because lxde desktop is running10:04
renatovcan you think about some way to handle this problem?10:05
head_victimbug 70102614:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 701026 in Ubuntu Website "Text formatting missing in wiki light theme" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70102614:00
head_victimphillw: ^14:00
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ChrisDruifAwesome bugbot :D14:36
phillwhead_victim: bug has been confirmed :)14:54
evilbugis lubuntu a live cd?15:49
Mark76I believe so15:49
MkaysiYes, it is.15:50
evilbugand what are the specs to boot it? i don't see them on the site.15:50
head_victimIf you have the desktop version it is, the alternate and mini versions are not liveCDs.15:50
head_victimhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu#System%20requirements is a good start for system requirements.15:51
head_victimObviously the lower your specs the less responsive it will be.15:51
evilbugwhen i clicked the "get lubuntu" link i only got one version, lubuntu-10.1015:52
head_victimevilbug: ok then that is the desktop version15:52
evilbugthank you.15:55
head_victimNo problem.15:56
head_victimThe system requirements link I posted also has links to a lower specced "minimal" installation instructions should you have a REALLY old pc15:56
ChrisDruifIs it possible to run Lubuntu 10.10 in VirtualBox? :-/15:58
evilbugi'm just trying to run a live desktop on a 2.8gHz p4 256mb ram to save some files off of the hd since the xp installation isn't bootable anymore.15:58
head_victimChrisDruif: Should be, I had it going when it wasn't a stable release.15:59
evilbugand i haven't had any luck with ubuntu or xubuntu15:59
head_victimevilbug: ah should be ok, that ram is a little low for a livecd15:59
evilbugsince the requirements are 128 for lubuntu i think it'll be better than the min 256mb ubuntu requires.16:00
ChrisDruifevilbug: Maybe you could try Puppy Linux if that fails...16:00
head_victimYeah, I'd give it a go though.16:01
evilbugi'll see.16:01
evilbugthis computer worked with xp sp2 so i don't see why it would be this slow loading xubuntu or lubuntu even.16:01
head_victimxp was built 10 or so years ago don't forget ;)16:02
evilbugbut the service packs?16:02
evilbugplus 2.8 p4 doesn't seem too bad.16:03
head_victimI'm using a 3.2 p4 right now :D16:04
head_victimBut it's 2am here so I'm heading to bed. Good luck and I'm sure others can help if you run into problems16:04
evilbugthanks for your help!16:04
evilbugsleep well.16:04
ChrisDruifSleep well head_victim :)16:05
ChrisDruif2.66GHz Has run Ubuntu...not very quick, bet neither was XP16:06
evilbugwell ubuntu with a light desktop should be fine.16:06
evilbugi remember running ubuntu with openbox at only 124mb.16:06
evilbugon a 2.17 amd xp.16:06
ChrisDruifIndeed, but it's still from a CD...16:07
ChrisDruifBut I'm a gonna go...have to get going to dinner with some friends :)16:07
evilbughave a good one.16:08
ChrisDruifThnx, will do :)16:08
=== AndrewMC` is now known as Guest20920
evilbugwould i be able to copy files from an hdd with a gparted live cd?16:34
evilbugthe desktop finally loaded!17:05
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craigbass1976How do I lock the screen? Shut off sounds (but not all sound, just the little drum noise/system sounds)  I can't seem to find either20:38
Mark76Hey Kurdistan20:38
Kurdistanhey mark20:39
Mark76Sorry I missed you earlier20:42
Kurdistanbrb phone20:51
Mark76It's Cale!20:53
=== peregrinator_six is now known as Monarquista
r00t4rd3dhow to set clock to 12 hour ?23:21
r00t4rd3di cant believe i even have to ask :/23:24
head_victimr00t4rd3d: if you right click the clock you can open the settings23:28
head_victimr00t4rd3d: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1445622 has some extra information23:29

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