
=== vish is now known as evilvish
TheMusoPendulum: If you mean for unity, nothing definitive at this point, other than alpha 2.16:33
PendulumTheMuso: are things still on track to make it in to alpha 2? (are you sprinting in Dallas, btw?)16:34
TheMusoPendulum: Yes things are still on track. There are a few more people on board, as this is too much for one person alone, so things are going to move at a quicker rate in the coming weeks.17:37
codohola all ?18:03
codoanyone here ?18:03
TheMusocodo: Hi.18:04
leoquanthi codo18:04
codohello all.18:05
hajourhai TheMuso 18:05
hajourhai codo 18:06
hajourand leoquant 18:06
codoso like If i want to get started on contributing to ubuntu accessibility where should I start ?18:06
TheMusocodo: Do you already have an idea of what you want to help with?18:06
codoTheMuso: hmm may be some tools that help hearing impaired ? 18:07
TheMusocodo: Right, do you know whether those tools exist already?18:07
codoTheMuso: nope :P I'm a n00b in this domain :)18:07
codoTheMuso: also i'm a hearing impaired guy from India.18:08
codoTheMuso: it has been an ambition for me to get involved in some useful productive work to help some set of people because of my disability :)18:08
TheMusocodo: Ok, well I think the best bet at this point is to determine whether the tools exist for Linux already. If they do, then please let us know either via IRC, or the ubuntu accessibility mailing list.18:08
TheMusoWe can ten look at ikntegrating those tools into the main distribution.18:08
codoTheMuso: ah sure :)18:08
Pendulumcodo: what sorts of tools would you find helpful?18:08
Pendulum(I'm genuinely interested as most of my friends with hearing impairments say that they don't generally have access issues with computers)18:09
hajouri already dropped a while ago the idea for sound vibration alphabet.every sound have his own vibration what can be felt18:09
codoPendulum: ah the most visible handicap is that we can't have transcripts for podcasts.18:09
TheMusohajour: What hardware would do that?18:10
codoPendulum: when there is whole lot of videos on youtube that are interesting/useful we can't access them.18:10
codoPendulum: so say you want to hear to a google tech talk which is not even captioned how would you access it ?18:10
hajourif you put sound out loud it gives a kind vibration what deaf people feel18:10
TheMusocodo: Ah so you are thinking about speech to text recognition, and automatic text generation.18:11
hajourevery hight have a differend vibration18:11
TheMusohajour: Ah.18:11
codoTheMuso: exactly. I doubt if people have achieved it now.18:11
nigelbJust FYI, codo is a C programmer and gnome lover :)18:11
hajourit should be complete new so far i new anyway18:12
TheMusoWell speech to text is still very much a developing fied in open source, i.e there is not much that is possible at the moment. The commercial OSs still have way better software available in this regard.18:12
codoI know nigelb who directed me to this list.18:12
TheMusonigelb: Sweet.18:12
codoTheMuso: ah in that case are there any other ways i can contribute to ubuntu accessibility ?18:12
codoTheMuso: like bugfixes or porting etc ?18:12
hajourTheMuso, you already seen the speechprogram to where we working on?18:12
TheMusocodo: Don't let what I said above put you off what you want to help with.18:12
Pendulumcodo: the way to start may be to look at what speech-to-text programs need help. I think CMU Sphinx is in C18:13
Pendulumbut I'm not sure about how to get involved in it or what they need help with18:13
TheMusoI suggest you get involved with one of the various speech to text projects that exist, and help them move forward with what you would like to see available.18:13
codoPendulum: ah ok. Will look at that18:13
codoalso i want to contribute to ubuntu /gnome accessibility18:13
TheMusohajour: No.18:13
codoeven if it helps other disabled  / blinds / spastics I'd be happy :)18:13
codoso wher eto start :) ?18:13
Pendulumcodo: CMU Sphinx http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/18:14
codosorry if i'm sounding like a total n00b here :)18:14
codook thanks Pendulum hajour 18:14
Pendulumcodo: speech control is a new team that hajour's running to develop betting voice control for linux18:14
PendulumI think it's less text-generation and more about controling the computer, but I could be wrong18:14
codoPendulum: ah ok so it helps motor impaired ?18:15
codoto control computers ?18:15
hajouryes we have people from simons listen festival and sonic18:15
hajourin the team18:15
codookay, i can help with that if i can learn the code base :)18:15
Pendulumcodo: also, charlie-tca is in charge of bug triage for accessibility bugs so he may have a good sense of what bugs you might be able to help with :)18:15
codobut for that I guess I have to find a way to uggle my 5 day work with 2 days of contributions to open src 18:15
codotoo much info to handle :D18:15
* codo should hang around here a bit more.18:16
Pendulumotherwise in a few weeks when alpha2 comes out for the next ubuntu release, we're going to need loads of people to test ;)18:16
hajouron the dev. speechcontrol is more information to on launchpad18:16
Pendulumyes! do hang around here18:16
PendulumI also need to announce a meeting time. I think a week from wednesday18:16
codoyaa sure. :)18:16
Pendulumhajour: would you be able to do a meeting on the 19th at 21h UTC?18:17
hajourif you want you may join to in speechcontrol codo 18:17
PendulumTheMuso: ^^18:17
Pendulumcharlie-tca: ^^ (meeting time)18:17
hajour19 jan you mean 18:17
PendulumAlanBell: ^^18:17
hajouryes that good to me18:18
TheMusoPendulum: Yeah I should be recovered enough by then to attend that meeting.18:18
UndiFineDPendulum: meeting time is alright with me :)18:18
PendulumUndiFineD: I kinda figured you and hajour were probably a packaged pair :P18:18
AlanBellPendulum: find by me I think18:18
AlanBellI will be in Belgium but should have connectivity18:18
charlie-tcaPendulum: should be okay here18:18
* Pendulum schedules18:19
hajourTheMuso, i would appreciate if you wanted to look at the speechcontrol project and say what you think from it18:19
codohajour: ya sure.18:19
hajourhehe yes Pendulum 18:19
codohajour: I will have to see the site first18:19
codohajour: also im complete deaf without my hearing aids18:20
codohajour: so hope i can still contribute to some parts where there is requirement to hear sounds etc ?18:20
TheMusohajour: No promises any time soon, but I'll see what I can do.18:20
codoPendulum: so meeting ?18:20
codoPendulum: i live in India. I work all 5 days monday to friday :(18:20
hajourwe have more people with health issues in the team codo18:20
codoPendulum: not sure if it affects my work schedule the meeting that is18:21
Pendulumcodo: I suspect it will be middle of the night for you :-/18:21
hajourok thank you TheMuso 18:21
codoPendulum: ya that is fine.18:21
Pendulumnigelb: can you translate 21h UTC into local time?18:21
codoPendulum: if it is weekend it will be more helpful :)18:21
Pendulum(India throws me off)18:21
codoPendulum: :)18:21
Pendulumit's actually mid-week18:21
codocharlie-tca: is not here ?18:22
hajouroops forgot to put me on back again18:22
=== Pendulum changed the topic of #ubuntu-accessibility to: Ubuntu Accessibility Team https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility for more info | http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-accessibility to join the mailing list | Channel IRC logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Updated every hour | Next Team Meeting, January 19, 2011 21:00 UTC. Meeting agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Team/MeetingAgenda
codohajour: so, like where should I Start off ?18:24
charlie-tcacodo: yes, here, sort of18:24
hajourcodo, if you want you may come to speechcontrol chatroom if you want.18:24
hajourto become more informed18:24
codocharlie-tca: so someone here was mentioning that you are the person to contact for bugs related to ubuntu accessibility18:24
codohajour: ok server ? channel ?18:25
hajourfreenode  ##speechcontrol18:25
charlie-tcacodo: yes. Most of the bugs we have are related to at-api18:25
codowhat is at ?18:25
hajourPendulum, i wonder when we become # channel18:25
hajourits for hole ubuntu accessibility this program and what is attached18:26
UndiFineDcharlie-tca: atapi ? wasnt that cdrom ? :P  AT-SPI18:26
Pendulumhajour: what are you looking for as a channel name?18:26
Pendulumif you're just looking for #speechcontrol , I think that's a matter of registering with freenode?18:27
charlie-tcacodo: the core components of GNOME Accessibility.18:27
codocharlie-tca: ah nice18:27
codocharlie-tca: so how do I learn to contribute to such stuffs and help around ?18:27
charlie-tcaUndiFineD: yes, you are right. at-spi18:28
Pendulumhajour: if you want #ubuntu-speechcontrol, I'd ask about process in #ubuntu-irc (unless someone here knows AlanBell? charlie-tca?)18:28
Pendulumpersonally, I wasn't a fan of #ubuntu-accessibility-speechcontrol because it's just soo long18:29
hajourif i understand it good it was depending to on the accessibility team18:29
charlie-tcacodo: I triage the bugs, try to get them ready for the developer to fix them. 18:29
charlie-tcaI don't do any programming, myself.18:30
* AlanBell agrees with Pendulum #ubuntu-accessibility-speechcontrol is a bit long18:30
Pendulumah, I got confused in there. well, my opinion is that you should go ahead with whatever name you want, my only objection is the length of #ubuntu-accessibility-speechcontrol 18:30
codocharlie-tca: oic.18:30
AlanBellI would like to see it in the #ubuntu- namespace though, if it is an Ubuntu project18:30
Pendulum#ubuntu-speechcontrol would work18:30
hajourthats good for me ubuntu-speechcontrol18:31
charlie-tcacodo: you can look at bugs tagged a11y, that should be almost all the accessibility bugs. 18:31
PendulumAlanBell: do you know the procedure for getting an ubuntu namespace IRC channel approved?18:31
UndiFineDAlanBell: Pendulum we have time to make that decision, next meeting would be fine18:32
codocharlie-tca: ok18:32
Pendulumby the way, I hope you guys will come talk about speech control at the next meeting!18:32
codocharlie-tca: thank you. So in case if I have some queries I can ping you etc ?18:32
charlie-tcayes, feel free to18:33
Pendulumcodo: also, in terms of passive things you probably want to join the ubuntu accessibility mailing lists and the gnome one :)18:34
AlanBellthe procedure for creating new channels is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels18:34
AlanBelland naming convention here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelNaming18:35
codoPendulum: ok.18:36
Pendulumhajour: UndiFineD if you decide you want #ubuntu-speechcontrol, I'm happy to talk to the IRC Council in support of that :)18:36
hajourok thanks Pendulum :)18:37
Pendulumalso, I've rejoined the ##speechcontrol channel18:38
Pendulum(I fell out of it in some weird computer and health stuff a few weeks ago)18:38
leoquant hajour: UndiFineD if you decide you want #ubuntu-speechcontrol, I'm happy to talk to the IRC Council in support of that ツ within the set topic a linkage to accessibility?18:39
Pendulumleoquant: sounds good18:39
hajourgreat leoquant 18:40
UndiFineDyes, the topic should be adjusted ;)18:40
Pendulumbtw, one thing I would suggest is that if you are in an ubuntu namespace ultimately, you should have an ubuntu logbot with public logs. I've found public logs to be really useful all over the place :)18:41
UndiFineDPendulum: while we understand the take from Ubuntu (CoC) there is much rivalry in this area, and we should hold of the big corp here18:43
leoquantvia rt@ubuntu.com brad marchall18:44
leoquant http://irclogs.ubuntu.com18:45
hajourits very important that this project is and stays open source18:45
UndiFineDand that means package and license it first18:46
hajourleoquant, can you pm that things to me.completly lost here in that really much lines18:46
PendulumUndiFineD: sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that18:46
UndiFineDI can explain at some other time, I have a meeting to attend18:47
leoquantsorry and ok hajour18:47
* AlanBell is puzzled too18:47
PendulumUndiFineD: no worries. now that I'm mostly actually back around, I should be in better shape to answer :)18:47
hajourwe are afraid big company s use what ubuntu have worked on.then it lose open source18:48
PendulumI've never heard that concern when it comes to publicly logging channels before. In fact, in the Ubuntu community I'd guess that 95-100% of the technical channels are logged18:49
hajourwhen it is not longer open source they ask money for it to use it.then the main group of people who need it cant longer use it because they have no money for it18:49
Pendulumthe only channels I don't know of being logged within the ubuntu community are ones where people are worried about personal things being discussed (such as Ubuntu Women's concerns about providing a safe space for people who are being harrassed)18:49
hajourpacked means it stays open source if i bin good informed18:50
hajourthats the first goal thought18:51
leoquanthajour we could encrypt the logs, and even give this channel apassword...18:51
hajourand we have a very good team now18:52
hajourthats a good  idea leoquant 18:52
leoquanta channel pass/18:52
PendulumI don't know if the IRC Council would be okay with that18:52
hajourif it are packed its no problem anymore thought?18:53
PendulumI think it's kinda either you log or you don't log18:53
Pendulumin terms of logs that aren't personal logs on people's computers18:53
hajouradvice is very welcome at this part18:53
hajourits that .... license part what could make us project fail18:55
PendulumI don't know that the license bit is threatened by logging, though18:56
leoquanti agree with Pendulum 18:56
Pendulumand public logs will in fact strengthen ability to show "hey, that came from us" if it were to ever come up18:56
codowow too much backlog18:56
codoto keep track with :)18:56
codoim not sure where to start :d18:56
PendulumI'm also not sure that speech control is something that a lot of commercial companies would be interested in since Windows and MacOS both have their own versions already18:57
codoand they are not free :) ?18:57
codoI suppose ?18:57
hajourwe are further then first Pendulum 18:57
Pendulumhajour: *nods*18:58
AlanBellthe GPL is what protects code and keeps it Free18:58
hajourwe have now help from someone wo worked with that kind of things 7 years18:58
AlanBelllogging chatter about code is nothing to do with licensing18:58
PendulumAlanBell: +118:58
AlanBellthe speech control landscape is actually rather complicated in license terms18:59
hajourthats 100% sure i hope18:59
AlanBelldifferent things have dependencies with different licenses18:59
AlanBellyou can have free software with a non-free voice file for example18:59
hajourso loong its not company s like mi so18:59
hajourwo have info from the project19:00
AlanBellto be in Ubuntu it generally needs to follow the Debian Free Software Guidelines (although there are exceptions)19:00
leoquanthajour some "big"compagnies" gave their code away: IBM viavoice afaik their not evil perse19:02
hajourits the main important thing it is and stays open source19:02
hajourmm in netherland dislection bad sight program cost 1295 euro19:02
hajouri never forget that ever19:03
hajourthats more then a minimum month income19:03
hajourso important to do it good but also in ubuntu rules19:04
Pendulumhajour: I definitely think licensing open source is a good plan19:04
hajourhelp?this is bothering me al weeks how to do it good19:05
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PendulumAlanBell: do you have any good resources for open source licensing info?19:06
Pendulumhajour: I can try to help you look at licenses, but I have no idea which would be useful for speech control (although I kinda assume the GPL is likely too restrictive)19:06
JanCGPL might work for some things but not for others19:07
Pendulumbut I'm happy to at some point go over with you what some of them say and translate from legal-speak into plain english19:07
PendulumJanC: do you know of any good resources on open source licensing?19:07
AlanBellto understand licenses you have to start with the GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html19:08
AlanBellall the others add and remove bits from that19:08
leoquant: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/category?19:08
AlanBellthe speech control licensing landscape is *complicated* because it is not a monolithic program that can be built19:09
AlanBellit will be using other general purpose voice recognition and speech synthesis engines and libraries with different licensing situations19:09
Pendulummost of which I assume require things to stay open source anyway. 19:10
JanCI don't think there is one resource that has all possible info about licensing, I got most of my knowledge from reading lots of discussions about it spread all over the internet...19:10
AlanBellthe chances are that any code written would have to be something like LGPL, possibly with some exception clauses19:10
Pendulumhajour: it might be useful to start by reading the licenses of the programs you'll be building on top of19:10
AlanBellI can help advise on the likely licensing implications of certain combinations, but I fear it would end up as a long thread on the debian legal mailing list19:11
AlanBellwhich is where simon-listens is stuck, last time I checked19:13
PendulumI suspect the trick is to read through all the licenses of the base libraries and stuff19:13
Pendulumand then create a chart19:13
Pendulumand figure out which have what requirements, etc.19:13
hajoursimon listens is resolved19:13
JanCit also depends on how thinks are used19:13
AlanBellexcellent news19:13
hajourits only julius  .. (forgot how to write it )now19:14
hajourbedahr have resolve simons listen19:14
AlanBelldebian bug 59651119:14
ubot2Debian bug 596511 in wnpp "ITP: simon -- Open source speech recognition" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59651119:14
AlanBellhajour: do you have a link to the resolution, the ITP seems to be open still?19:19
hajourJackyAlcine knows all of the details he have talked with bedahr.i was half here yesterday.(have a sick child here )19:19
hajoursorry i know not yet all19:19
hajouri just bin here again just a hour have read loads of lines in chat19:19
hajourand i have not yet read all pff19:20
AlanBellthats fine19:20
hajourbut that part i had read already19:20
AlanBellhajour: the licensing issues are really not going to come from people wanting to make stuff proprietary, it is going to be interactions between different free software licenses19:20
AlanBellwhich is complicated and frustratingly slow, but not evil, just people wanting to do things right19:21
hajouro UndiFineD remember something19:22
hajourrx007 can speak japanese19:22
UndiFineDwe have rx007, who could communicate with the japanese makers of julius19:22
hajourgrrr i was typing already19:22
JanCmaybe the makers of Julius want to change their license a bit to make it less ambiguous?19:25
JanCas I understand that is a problem?19:26
AlanBellbasically yes19:29
AlanBellslightly complicated by the fact that simon is a GPLv2 app with julius (BSD 4 clause modified) as a dependency with an exception clause to allow this19:29
UndiFineDnext to that, simon comes with its own version of an updated Julius, with patches. Bedahr tried to get them merged, but there is little to no response to the impressive improvemenets19:32
JanClooking at the copyright-holders (several universities), re-licensing might be somewhat complicated...19:33
JanCunless somebody has contacts there19:33
AlanBellspeech research is basically done in three places19:34
AlanBellMIT (recognition) Edinburgh (synthesis) some japanese uni beginning with N19:34
AlanBelland there are some smaller projects like openMary from a German uni19:35
AlanBellthats the one19:35
codoI never knew this stuff is haappening :)19:35
codowow wow19:35
codoi seriously hope something happens for deafs eventually19:35
AlanBellit isn't undergrad stuff, or even a regular regional university postgrad research area19:36
JanCI don't know if the Belgian university is still working on things (where MBROLA was developed)?19:36
AlanBellFaculté Polytechnique de Mons19:37
PendulumCarnegie Mellon in the US was also working on it at one point (they're the people who did the Sphinx stuff)19:37
JanCI know some of those people went on to a French speech tech company19:37
AlanBells/MIT/Carnegie Mellon/19:37
AlanBellCMU is where it is at, not MIT19:38
AlanBellMBROLA is non-Free19:38
AlanBell"This synthesizer is provided for free, for non commercial, non military applications only."19:38
AlanBelland binary only19:39
JanCI know, but IIRC results from MBROLA can & have been used or something19:40
JanCvoices created with tools that use MBROLA or whatever19:40
AlanBellyeah, that starts getting really complicated19:40
AlanBelland leads to debates on whether a voice file is data or complied object code19:41
JanCit's a bit comparable with fonts or images designed with non-free tools19:41
JanCyou can maybe edit them with free tools, but not in an optimal way19:42
JanCactually, the company based on MBROLA research is Belgian/French & is the company that made the voices for the Tux Droid: http://www.acapela-group.com/text-speech-contact.html (they still have an office in Mons)19:46
JanCAlanBell: looking at the HTK license, I guess the main problem is that you can't redistribute it?19:53
AlanBelland sub-license which is the same thing19:55
codoso is there a nice doc around for creating coc key ?20:02
codoanywhere ?20:02
leoquant: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/8920:03
leoquantscreencast team20:03
leoquantduane hinnen20:04
codoyaa it is slow20:04
codoand i have slow internet :D20:04
codoit hasn;t even loaded for me :)20:04
PendulumI"m not sure if it's captioned, either20:04
codook got it :)20:04
codoPendulum: yaa someone do it :)20:04
leoquanti saw it, it works and is outstanding20:05
codoPendulum: it doesnt help for hearing impaired :)20:05
codoleoquant: is it captioned ?20:05
leoquanti am on three meetings now sorry....20:07
hajour http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/89 whats the meaning of this link?cant see or hear something on it20:08
leoquanti can hear duane20:08
leoquanti can see the pgp coc proces20:08
hajourstrange i hear nothing20:08
hajourgot all volume on max20:09
hajourthe video and my eeepc20:09
hajourallso  no image20:09
leoquantstrange hajour20:10
leoquanttried it a minute earlier sound and visual20:11
hajouri really don't see or hear sanything20:11
hajourblack image20:11
hajourno sound at all20:11
leoquantmouse on the screen, left button?20:12
leoquantyoutube like20:12
leoquantcodo also problems?20:12
hajouralready done leoquant 20:12
hajourthats on max20:12
hajourno sounds20:13
hajourand no image20:13
leoquantsorry to hear20:13
hajourjust reported it sorry20:14
JanChajour: you can also download the video on that page20:21
charlie-tcahm, bar moves across the bottom, but no video or sound here20:22
hajoursame here charlie-tca 20:22
JanCno problem here20:23
JanCbut downloading & playing should work I guess20:23
hajouri don't need it JanC  but for others who do needed it must work good20:23
JanChajour: what browser ?20:24
hajourthe one above in page has a moving bar the one below not .boths have no image and no sounds20:25
charlie-tcaMine is ff3.620:25
hajourChromium web Browser20:25
JanChm, FF 3.6 works here20:25
charlie-tcano beta here20:26
charlie-tcafirefox version 3.6.1320:27
JanC3.6.13 too20:27
JanCit uses HTML5 <video> tags with an embedded flash in case that's not supported20:27
JanCbut Firefox 3.6 supports <video>20:28
JanCand chromium supports <video> too20:29
charlie-tcabut it still don't work (:20:30
JanChm, seems like the video support is somewhat flakey...20:31
JanCbasically, video playing hangs often20:33
JanCor the streaming stalls, or whatever20:33
codohi all 22:03
codohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Reviews/GOK ?22:03
codoisnt the time of meeting wrong ?22:03
codocan I change it ?22:03
codoto updated meeting ?22:03
codotime ?22:03
UndiFineDcodo: wednesday jan 19th 2011 @ 21.00 UTC22:05
UndiFineDit is on the topic22:06
codono i mean on the wiki22:06
AlanBellthanks codo  :)22:23

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