
=== TerrorPlotter is now known as MrAnthrope
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!01:36
ChrisDruifHai ShootEmUp :)01:37
ShootEmUpwhats up ChirsDruif?01:37
ChrisDruifnm :)01:38
stlsaintShootEmUp: like in the movie shootemup??01:41
ShootEmUpkinda just a referance to shootemup style games01:42
stlsaintlike Cod?01:42
ShootEmUpmy fav games01:42
ShootEmUpI also like RTS's, like CnC01:42
stlsaintShootEmUp: PS3?01:43
ShootEmUpnope, PC and Wii01:43
ShootEmUpthe Wii is not that bad01:43
ShootEmUpIt's a good chep system01:44
ChrisDruifShootEmUp: Then you haven't tried Kinect yet ;)01:44
ChrisDruifListen: I don't like Microsoft one bit, but that Kinect works pretty good. And so does their Office-Suite I'm afraid to say...01:45
ShootEmUpIt's not that I hate microsoft, it that Kinect is too little, to late to take on the Wii01:46
ChrisDruifThat's what you think ;)01:47
ChrisDruifI prefer it over Wii :)01:47
ShootEmUpis it out selling the Wii? I don't think so01:47
ShootEmUpI wouldn't mind having one01:48
ShootEmUpbut again, too little, to late01:48
ShootEmUpdon't even get me started on the Playstation move01:49
ChrisDruifI won't :)01:49
ShootEmUpIf I had the cash I would buy me a Xbox36001:50
ChrisDruifHaven't tried that, nor would I think I will ever like it above the Kinect :)01:50
stlsaintim buying one next week ;)01:50
ShootEmUpcool, I've hered good things about it01:52
ShootEmUpstlsaint, black ops is a good game if you like shootemup (pun intended!) games01:56
stlsaintShootEmUp: i hate black ops, i only play the gun game for wager matches and ZOMBIES!!01:56
stlsainti play zombies everyday!!01:56
ShootEmUpblack ops on the Wii is epic!01:57
ShootEmUpsingle player is crap, but online rocks!01:57
Unguidedhello all. Does anyone have ubuntu setup in their home theater and if so how does it for you?02:13
UnguidedI meant work for you?02:14
holsteini have a HTPC setup02:15
holsteinreally just a computer on the TV02:15
holsteinnot doing much else with it02:16
holsteinworks great02:16
UnguidedI understand. I currently have windows 7 but I am having problems with display resolution. R u using mythbuntu or ubuntu02:16
holsteinim not using any of the myth packages02:17
Unguidedr u recording tv with it or no?02:18
holsteini have an ancient cable card02:18
holsteini set up an XP box to use with it02:18
holsteinits windows only02:18
holsteinnot sure if im going to keep that or not02:18
holsteini was trying to make a DVR out of what i had laying around02:18
holsteinfree-VR :)02:19
UnguidedThats what im trying to do but u get screwed by the cable companies and m$. cant record with the new cable card standard & that is all my cable provider uses02:20
holsteinthats what i was hoping to do next02:20
holsteinget a different card02:20
UnguidedHolstein: sorry. I just put my htpc back in the entetainemtn center & it gave me an overheating alarm02:26
egossettI just installed the xchat. so proud of myself02:29
* st33med applauds02:29
egossettjoined  9 groups - I know i will lurk on most. this is the one i really need02:29
egossetto and the loco group02:30
Unguideddoes anyone have experience with wubi. good way to try ubuntu02:31
holsteini think wubi is great02:31
aveilleuxWubi is the worst way to try Ubuntu02:31
egossetti am so sick of windows i did not want to try it that way02:32
Unguidedi am still learning ubuntu as in really newb. I was hoping to be able to use it without trashing a system. if i screw it up just reinstall02:34
Unguidedwhat do u recommend aveilleus?02:35
Unguidedok. what about a VM using vbox?02:39
Unguidedwhy dual boot vs other options is what i am getting at?02:40
holsteinsorry, i was on the phone02:43
holsteinthe good thing about wubi is you can uninstall it like a program from windows02:43
holsteinIF changing your drive is scary for you for some reason02:43
aveilleuxDual booting gives you the ability to run on your native hardware, without any weird setup like wubi, and it's totally reversible and nondestructive.02:44
holsteinand the newer boxes dont usually come with acutal windows install disks02:44
holsteinso reverting to a windows only box can be challening02:44
aveilleuxnot at all02:44
holsteinyou run fixmbr from?02:45
aveilleuxYou just remove the Windows partition and tell GRUB to boot right into Windows. It's not hard to do from the LiveCD02:45
holsteinthen you have grub booting windows02:45
holsteinthats not fully reverted02:45
aveilleuxDoes it matter?02:46
holsteinwell, it might to Unguided02:46
holsteini feel like in the spirit of full disclosure02:47
nhandleraveilleux: Dual Booting also (usually) requires shrinking the windows partition and creating a new partition for Ubuntu (which can result in problems if not done right)02:47
holsteingrub should be read about02:47
holsteinand discussed02:47
nit-witholstein, they called me a troll on the ##windows chanel I think I ginna cry.:)02:47
holsteinwhat exactly is happening to the drive02:47
holsteinnit-wit: ;)02:47
aveilleuxnhandler: The partitioner does it automatically02:47
nit-witholstein, they had never heard of lilo.lol02:48
holsteinyou could in theory not have access to a windows recovery partition02:48
nhandleraveilleux: Yes (now it does). It still has its risks though02:48
aveilleuxholstein: ...who has recovery partitions anymore?02:48
holsteinaveilleux: everyone02:49
stlsaintaveilleux: um, all modern windows laptops!02:49
holsteinthey dont make CD's anymore02:49
holsteinrecovery discs02:49
aveilleuxThat's stupid.02:49
holsteinBUT still, something to be aware of02:49
nhandlerMost companies will send you a disk to re-install windows for free if you ask02:49
holsteinnhandler: ive gotten them from acer and HP before02:50
holsteinfor free02:50
stlsaintor you can make the one time recover disk set within windows (vista and above)02:50
UnguidedI have a laptop that I rebuilt from the ground up so no recovery partition etc. i just wanted to "play' while learning before rolling it out to a computer in the house. If i screw up I canjust uninstall and start over. no harm no foul.02:50
holsteinUnguided: if you have a windows CD02:50
holsteinand your data is backed up02:51
holsteinhave fun :)02:51
holsteindual boot02:51
holsteinno dought thats the way to go over wubi if you're comfortable with the process02:51
holsteinand the risks02:51
egossettthe answer for ME was - since i have 3 computers at home. Use one to learn Ubuntu, it has taken me several years in between working and playing silly games. to finally get it. I bought the Ubuntu magazines every 6 months and tried with the newest version then i bought the Ubuntu bible for 8.04 and now i got 10.0402:53
UnguidedIm okay with that. I just didnt want to rebuild the laptop from scratch just yet but still wanted to work with the system. There is a lot to leran with a whole new OS and thought with wubi i would at least have something to fall back on02:53
egossettI agree Unguided02:54
egossettthe whole network thing is getting me now. once i get that - i can switch all 3 computers. but i also want to do cloud computing02:55
holsteinegossett: samba?02:55
egossetto really?02:55
egossettwhat is samba?02:56
holsteinoh, i thought maybe that was the networking woes you were having02:56
egossettchecking the ubuntu tweak now02:56
holsteinsamba is how we would communicate with windows shares02:56
JackyAlcineegossett: Samba's file sharing02:56
UnguidedI just bought ubuntu unleashed 2011 edition. So i am learning how to install pitfalls etc. I havent been this excited about learning in a long time. I used to work for an IT department at a hospital but they were al windows machines. I guess i am just being cautious. Nothing like hosing a perfectly great system b/c of the idiot user at the keyboard (me)02:56
holsteinUnguided: get the live cd02:57
holsteinthe installer is quite clear02:57
holsteini think the alternate installer is a little more challening to read and select02:57
holsteinbut setting up a dual boot with the normal live CD isnt a big deal really02:58
egossetta lot same up with the samba search, file share and network admin. I will look at this02:59
egossettthank you02:59
egossetti did the live cd for knoppix, suse,03:00
egossettand some others.03:00
holsteinah, cool03:00
holsteinknoppix is fast and handy03:00
egossettinstalled fedora and it crashed several times went back to ubuntu03:00
holsteini like the suse studio03:00
holsteini hope we see something like that for ubuntu soon03:01
egossettthat was over 1 yr ago03:01
egossetti always came back to ubuntu and now the 10.04 seems best for me for now03:01
egossettreally awesome indeed03:02
holsteinyeah, ubuntu is usually the go-to for a 'just works' system03:02
JackyAlcineright you are, egossett, although i like my maverick.03:02
holsteinthe maverick installer is pretty nice03:02
holsteini liked the way the files were already copying while i was answering the keyboard layout questions and whatnot03:03
* ianto just erased Maverik in place for Gentoo but he's gotta admit that the Maverik installer was really good03:03
egossetti had that too. but decided to go with this LTS so i can really learn - as Unguided said there is so much to learn03:03
JackyAlcineThat's something Windows doesn't have :D03:03
JackyAlcineianto, you do C++ or C?03:03
iantoJackyAlcine: C03:04
egossettyes maverick was good. somehow i ruined it. and had to reinstall. but i have made a backup of my 10.04 already - to usb03:04
JackyAlcineCan you tell me the major differences between the two, especially in C?03:04
* JackyAlcine is a C++ guy. =/03:04
egossettsorry Jacky i am not able to tell you difference. to newb03:04
egossettno IT - I am self taught03:05
iantoJackyAlcine: I'm not really sure about how to answer that to be honest, perhaps a search for "C C++ Comparison" on Google might help (I have no X server atm)03:06
JackyAlcineo.o! I can't run a console-based system; I'm too scared.03:06
JackyAlcineI mean, I know how to, and I've done, but >_<03:07
holsteinianto: you're on a command line only box?03:07
holsteinyou do wifi on there?03:07
holsteini was looking at wicd-curses03:08
Unguidedholstein: i agree with you. the suse studio looks sweet. i hope there is a studio for ubuntu soon. that would be awesome03:08
iantoholstein: Yeah I can do wifi on here, connecting to q WEP or unsecure network is easy through command line but I get stick with wpa networks ;)03:08
Unguidedholstein: im dyslexic. do u know of nay free video training programs? it would really help me get up to speed quickly03:09
* ianto has just CLI on his laptop so that he can just open it up, open up vim, write code and then feed it through gcc03:10
holsteini wanted a CLI on my EEE03:11
holsteinfor the speed03:11
holsteinand for me to learn03:11
egossettholstein: do you think i should install gdmin-samba (i want to create network for 3 computers, wifi for two laptops and vpn on all three computers).03:11
holsteinthere were a couple of apps that make life easier03:12
holsteinthat i used in the past03:12
holsteinand i forget the particulars03:12
holsteinegossett: i would fire up synaptic03:13
holsteinand search samba03:13
holsteinand you can probably get a good idea of what would be helpful03:13
holsteinfrom the descriptions03:13
holsteinegossett: setting up permissions is usually the only tricky bit03:13
egossettyes it is. I am so confused with that - must learn03:14
holsteini did get a nice funcional printing situation going on at home03:14
holsteinfrom linux to windows03:15
holsteinand at a church03:15
holsteinfrom windows to linux03:15
holsteinso i know its possible03:15
holsteinit was fiddly03:15
holsteinthis was a couple years ago though03:15
holsteinim sure its easier now03:15
Unguidedholstein: how does network boot work in ubuntu? if the client is diskless does it boot an image from the host?03:31
holsteinUnguided: i still havent really worked all of that out03:32
holsteinim not sure how dependant on hardware you are with that03:32
holsteinmaybe you can make a live CD03:32
holsteinor floppy03:32
holsteinthat just goes looking on the network for the OS03:33
holsteinUnguided: but yeah, you just have the disk image hosted somewhere03:33
UnguidedI was referring to how linuxmce works. I set up the server and let the client boot diskless and it worked great but didnt understand what was happening in the background03:34
holsteinAH cool03:34
holsteinso you're ahead of me on that then :)03:34
holsteinUnguided: where did you have the OS disk ?03:35
Unguidedthe OS loads on the server. I just set the client to boot from the network. the client found the server and booted right up. it looked just like the servers screen etc. they dont use client/server they use another term but essentially the same thing03:36
holsteinPXE boot?03:37
holsteinon the client?03:37
Unguidedcheck out linuxmce.org it is based on ubuntu but i believe they are a few versions behind03:38
holsteini had a hard time finding the image03:38
holsteinwhen i was looking probably last year sometime03:38
Unguidedyou mean for linuxmce or in general?03:39
holsteinheres some03:39
holsteini think that page was down when i was looking last03:39
egossettwell I installed samba and need to do the backup but i will return another time to chat with all. Unguided hope you find solutions comfortable for you You are gonna love ubuntu  i know i do.03:41
Unguidedthanks egossett. i believe i will also. i just checked it is still is down but the snapshots is what i found. check out the gallery and then video. the only thing i didnt necessarily like was the fact that the server took over everything. dhcp, router, etc. at that time i barely knew what linux was let alone anything else03:44
holsteinUnguided: i remember being a little daunted by the setup, and thinking it was overkill for what i wanted03:47
Unguidedyeah. i thought the same thing. i didnt liek some of the other things either like the home theater receiver had to use ir emitters or be serial controlled. i dont have a receiveer with a serial port on it03:49
Unguideddarn i have suasages for fingers03:49
UnguidedI know the developers work really hard to get the software out but they are still at version 8.1003:51
UnguidedThey even incorporate mythtv. I think if the mythbuntu guys got with linuxmce guys they could make a distro that would rock anything else out on there03:54
Unguidedfor home theater applications03:55
Unguidedholstein: how does remote access work in linux? is it the same as remote desktop for windows?04:00
holsteinUnguided: what is the goal?04:00
holsteini think you'll find the same funcionality04:01
holsteinif not more04:01
holsteinjust different ways to do things04:01
holsteinVNC is a way to control the desktop remotely04:01
holsteinmost use SSH though04:01
Unguidedi will sit with my laptop, log in to systems in the house and deploy new software, run updates, fix comuters etc.04:01
holsteinyeah, you can so that with SSH04:01
holsteinim running this chat session on a server04:02
holsteini connect via SSH04:02
Unguidedokay. sounds like i still need to read more. did you have any suggestions on free training videos for ubuntu. i would get up to speed really quickly04:03
holsteinUnguided: i dont04:03
holsteinbut there are tons of guides04:03
holsteinif you need something, you can always ask her04:03
holsteinor google ubuntuwiki sshserver04:03
holsteinor whatever04:03
holsteinSO many wiki pages04:04
holsteinand a guy of your skills is going to have no trouble falling in04:04
Unguidedkewl. i appreciate your help.04:06
Unguidedi just installed a wifi enabled programmable thermostat in the house yesterday. now i can control the heat from my smartphone.04:08
holsteinmy pop had an x10 rig04:09
holsteinyears ago04:09
holsteinthe software was on several floppies04:09
holsteinwindows 95 i think04:09
holsteinworked great04:09
holsteinlittle remote control units to turn the heat up04:09
holsteinand the lights off and on04:10
Unguidedyeah. i log in to the web portal and set eveything up there04:18
holsteinyou had to hook this up04:19
holsteinthe brain04:19
holsteinserial connection04:19
holsteinand edit the config04:19
holsteincool for 15 years ago04:19
nit-witholstein, you a fan of bill laswell04:20
Unguidedyeah. this thing has the ability to have two radios so u can use home automation software etc04:21
holsteinnit-wit: im not totally hip to him04:21
Unguidedsame price as the other programmable thermostats04:21
holsteinim sure ive heard him04:21
nit-witholstein, the brain reference, one of the drummers that plays for him made me wonder04:22
nit-witholstein, you want a link to something04:22
holsteinnit-wit: sure04:22
nit-withold a second04:22
shawn146_how are you holstein04:23
nit-witholstein, this was from a PBS special that had from bootsy collins to bucket head to some othere biggies check out who is playing the tablas.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEQa6hSzUWQ04:24
holsteinshawn146_: im good, and you?04:25
shawn146_somewhat good04:25
shawn146_dad got a new keyboard04:25
shawn146_i can doa  lot more lol04:25
nit-witholstein, bill is the dub king this is a sort of off shoot from his regular activities.04:25
shawn146_but now i want to try to get linux working on my jornada04:25
shawn146_i do not want to miss another day or night04:26
shawn146_could you help me?04:28
holsteinnit-wit: i dont recognize the tabla player04:29
holsteinshawn146_: did you prepare that CF card?04:30
nit-witholstein, akbar forget the last name one of the best in gthe world04:30
holsteini think thats your best bet04:30
holsteinnit-wit: cool :)04:30
shawn146_not yet04:30
holsteini like it04:30
shawn146_here one sec04:30
holsteinshawn146_: i would say after you do that, and it fails04:30
shawn146_i actually got someones attention in #jlime lol04:30
holsteinIF it fails04:30
shawn146_i am going to talk to him for a bit04:30
nit-witholstein, Pharaoh Sanders was in this broad cast as well04:30
holsteinits time to put that thing to good use04:31
holsteinas a paperweight or something04:31
nit-witholstein, ZAKIR HUSSAIN  is the percussionist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As1OMMcHXFs04:34
nit-witscarry player04:35
AbhiJithe is great player04:35
nit-witAbhiJit, I agree one of the best and so was his father04:35
AbhiJitnit-wit, do you play some music instrument?04:36
holsteinnit-wit: nice04:36
nit-witAbhiJit, are you indian04:36
holsteini like how effortless tabla seems04:36
AbhiJitnit-wit, ofcourse!04:36
AbhiJitnit-wit, i play violine!!!!04:36
AbhiJitnit-wit, you?04:36
nit-witAbhiJit, American but a Jazz musician04:36
AbhiJitnit-wit, nice to hear that04:37
nit-witAbhiJit, have you heard any of holstein04:37
AbhiJitwhat is that?04:37
nit-witAbhiJit, he is on this page04:37
holsteinyou'd have to really want it to find me04:38
AbhiJitholstein, ??04:38
nit-witholstein, give us another link you master bass player you:)04:38
AbhiJitholstein, 'what' are you? or who are you? :p04:38
AbhiJitholstein, you are a musician too?04:38
nit-witAbhiJit, he is a great player.:)04:38
AbhiJitholstein, nice to meet you too. which instu you play?04:39
nit-witholstein, I have the chick cover saved should I post it04:39
AbhiJitnit-wit, sure!04:39
nit-witAbhiJit, I think they are looking for something to post04:40
AbhiJitnit-wit, they?04:40
nit-witthe person we are talking to I referenced04:41
* AbhiJit waits04:41
nit-witholstein, thakns.:)04:41
AbhiJitholstein, you are the one on piano or cello?04:42
holstein^^ i like youtube better04:42
holsteinseems lighter on resources04:43
holsteinAbhiJit: bass04:43
AbhiJitholstein, bass means that big instru looks like violine?04:43
AbhiJiti dont know their proper names04:43
nit-witholstein, watch out John Patitucci04:44
holsteinnit-wit: hehe04:44
AbhiJitwhos who?04:44
AbhiJiti dont know what bass means?04:45
AbhiJitholstein, ??04:45
nit-witAbhiJit, its the stringed thing the enormous violin04:45
holsteinAbhiJit: bass viol04:45
AbhiJiti can only see one piano and one cello04:45
AbhiJitohh its called viola?04:45
holsteinviol da gamba04:46
holsteincello is smaller04:46
holsteintuned in 5ths04:46
AbhiJiti see04:46
holsteinand part of the violin family04:46
AbhiJiti only familiar with violine!04:46
holsteinyou play them seated04:46
holsteinyou can play bass seated too04:46
AbhiJitboth way04:46
AbhiJiti see04:46
holsteinbut you cant really stand with a cello04:46
holsteinAbhiJit: so you play sitting down04:47
holsteinwith the top of the violine on your knee?04:47
AbhiJitholstein, no. i mean i can play both way sitting down and standing. as per my mood and songs mood!!!04:47
AbhiJitholstein, you are from which country?04:47
AbhiJitholstein, i learned 1st the sitting method then standing04:47
nit-witholstein, sorry for outing you.:)04:48
holsteinnit-wit: nah, thanks :)04:48
holsteinim horrible at self promotion04:48
nit-witholstein, I had a person on the ##windows channel yesterday asking if a add9 was the same as a f904:48
Unguidedvery nice holstein. you sounded great04:49
holsteinUnguided: thanks04:49
* holstein bows :)04:49
nit-wit*smattering of applause04:49
holsteinnit-wit: thats a challenging one to deal with04:49
holsteini usually say add204:49
holsteinif i dont want the 704:49
holsteinjust to try and be more clear04:49
AbhiJitholstein, hey i like that video its cool04:49
nit-witholstein, they new the differnce between a +9 or-9 so it was easy04:50
holsteinnice tune right?04:50
holsteinthats the piano players piece04:50
holsteinsuzy's walts04:50
holsteini think04:50
nit-witholstein, very nice04:50
UnguidedI think this is the first time i have talked with someone famous and has brains too. thats awesome.04:51
Unguidedyou define it how you want. dont bust my bubble now04:52
nit-witI play the fretles bass but never even tried the upright. My fretless has the lines where I jerked the frets04:53
holsteini think its easier04:54
holsteinthe action can be challenging04:54
holsteinwhen switching over04:54
nit-witholstein, it may be I need to see the lines04:54
holsteinsomething about it acutally standing up feels more natural to me04:54
holsteineh, you'd get used to not having the lines prolly04:54
nit-witholstein, you don't have the action all that low I have mine set really low04:55
AbhiJiti wish to learn harmonica. but cant find proper onbline guideline04:55
holsteinyeah, my action is kinda high04:55
holsteincompared to most04:55
holsteini like it04:55
holsteinmore volume acoustically04:55
nit-witholstein, do you play wiyhout a pickup always04:55
holsteinnit-wit: whenever i can get away with it04:55
holsteinonly certain drummer can do it04:56
nit-witholstein, that is the best sound04:56
holstein2 guys down here really can handle it04:56
holsteinand a couple guys i play with up in NYC04:56
holsteinup there, the venues are tight and small04:56
nit-witholstein, my friend Ben wolfe does as well04:57
holsteini think the drummers learn how to do it04:57
holsteinwhisper jazz04:57
holsteinnit-wit: yeah04:57
holsteinben has a great sound04:57
holsteini remember his tone really influencing me04:57
holsteinearly on04:57
holsteinwhen i was trying to find a voice04:57
nit-witholstein, I know him mainly from college and the scene.04:57
holsteinnit-wit: you should get an upright04:58
nit-witholstein, I saw him about a year ago alomost perfectly in tune quite amazing really04:58
holsteinand hang with him for a bit04:58
nit-witholstein, I don't play right now just a college student, black studies major though04:59
holstein*we dont have frets, so we're always perfectly in tune :)04:59
nit-witholstein, to many fans I just said hello04:59
nit-witholstein, have you hear Phill Baker04:59
holsteini dont think so05:00
nit-witholstein, he is a local port ore player play with pink martitni, played with diana ross as well a monster upright player as well05:03
nit-wittrying to find a link I bought my bass from him05:03
Unguidedholstein: the cd you dowload from ubuntu.com is the live cd right/05:05
nit-witholstein, here is Phil with Pink Martini. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVyqoHTpJk405:06
holsteinUnguided: yeah, but you'll know how to use the alternate CD too05:06
holsteinthe live isntaller is easier i think05:06
holsteinthe alternate has more options05:07
Unguidedokay. i think im going to use wubi for now. dont have to re partition and that. can play yet tongiht.05:07
holsteinUnguided: the thing about those wubi's is how totally undo-able they are05:08
holsteinwhy not, right?05:08
holsteinyou can always just play around there, and install whenever you want05:08
holsteinmoving that install from the wubi to a partition is challenging though05:09
holsteinand id want to do a fresh install05:09
holsteinnit-wit: i like that string section05:09
holsteinthats a nice gig :)05:10
Unguidedright. i would take down the laptop, repartition and do a fresh install with a dual boot05:10
aveilleuxHey, someone with a vanilla install of Ubuntu. Go to System > Preferences > Main Menu, then find the menu entry for Administration > Network. Double-click on that, then tell me what's in the "Command" box.05:10
holsteinaveilleux: 10.04 ok?05:10
aveilleuxholstein, Good enough05:10
nit-witholstein, Pink Martini is quite good I don't really listen much. You can hear Phils intonation in that first part.05:11
holsteinaveilleux: ive got 'network tools'05:11
aveilleuxholstein, Ssssure close enough I guess.05:12
holsteinaveilleux: gnome-nettool05:12
aveilleuxHrm, that doesn't sound right05:13
aveilleuxthanks anyway, holstein05:13
aveilleuxI'll continue my google trawl05:13
holsteinaveilleux: maybe its different in 10.1005:13
holsteinor something you installed?05:14
nit-witholstein, good strings very good. the leader Thomas Laudedale funded another bands latest album a friend of mine instrumental surf music Satans Pilgrims, really good palyers sounds like Duane Eddy and some of the major surf players 3 guitars05:14
aveilleuxholstein, I'm looking for a specific tool I used a long time ago05:14
holsteinmaybe a network browser for samba05:14
holsteinnit-wit: interesting05:14
holsteinsatans pilgrims ;) thats a good name05:15
nit-witholstein, the pilgrims the albums are better, but it is interesting stuff my friend is the bass player.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGvXRkqym6005:17
nit-witholstein, they have a cult following they are actually well known05:18
holsteinnit-wit: hehe... fun05:22
nit-witholstein, I like all kinds of music05:23
holsteinme too05:23
holsteinalright.. im going to turn in05:23
holsteinsuppose to get a crazy snow storm here tonite05:23
holsteinwe'll see05:23
holsteinGN all05:23
nit-witholstein, when I was younger if you can imagine my ego bigger:) I was a snob, I didn't have a clue, and barely do now, lol05:24
nit-witholstein, have a good sleep in the voice of Boris Karloff05:25
* JackyAlcine is pushing a mailing list update to SpeechControl regarding openMary.05:31
* JackyAlcine has sent a message to SpeechControl's developers. Please check your email.05:35
Unguidedholstein: r u still online05:53
Unguidedcheck it out: Unguided on ubuntu using wubi. WOOHOO!!05:54
UnguidedCome on guys. This is the first time using ubuntu05:56
JackyAlcineHey Unguided05:58
JackyAlcineGood job!05:58
UnguidedDamn Im excited. Now I have something that i can feel touch and break etc.05:59
JackyAlcineLol, ;D06:00
JackyAlcineUnguided: have fun, it's best to mention that back up software like Back In Time or Deja Dup would be useful.06:01
UnguidedOkay. hey can you install a gui on ubuntu server.06:01
Daniel0108yes, you can06:01
Daniel0108sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:02
Daniel0108I think :P06:02
JoeMaverickSettsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop is the right one! :)06:02
Unguidedokay. can i configure the server after desktop install06:03
Unguidedi meant using the desktop instead of the command line06:03
nit-witUnguided, if you decide to dual boot I can give you a link for transferring the wubi to a partition if you like.06:05
Unguidedyeah that would be great thanks06:06
nit-witUnguided, here you go. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151935406:06
Unguidedsweet thanks. Now off to bed. its 1:00 AM and im tired. GN all06:09
Daniel0108GN :)06:09
Daniel0108BYE :) gtg, sorry ;) see ya :D06:23
jermzaAnyone know anything about Nautilus settings?06:40
jermzaLike, the button bar, for example.06:43
MrAnthropeWhat about it?06:44
jermzaI installed Nautilus Elementary, but had some hassles, so found a Terminal command that reverted Nautilus to its original state. But, now, in Nautilus, the button bar isn't buttons like it was before.06:45
MrAnthropeI use elementary.06:47
jermzaThis is what the button bar looked like: http://www.rebelzero.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/lucid_nautilus_button_mode-500x103.png06:47
MrAnthropeWhen you say button bar, you mean back, forward, stop reload et c? or /adam/Desktop06:48
MrAnthropeOr everything?06:48
jermzaNo, not "back", "forward", etc06:49
jermzaJust the buttons of your location06:50
MrAnthropeMake your window active and do CTRL+L on your keyboard.06:50
MrAnthropeIs that what you mean, it's different?06:50
jermzaAs per the link (graphic) above06:50
JoeMaverickSettso, you're saying you can't click on them? jermza06:50
JackyAlcineThe breadcrumb you mean jermza06:51
jermzaNow my button bar looks more like this: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/S-XWvj0HT0I/AAAAAAAAA-Q/VLJ19xWQG3E/Desk%201_011.png06:52
jermzaI think it's a "text" mode (?).06:52
supersnailhello, I just installed ubuntu and need some help06:54
supersnailI'm new to Linux in general06:54
MrAnthropeAnything in particular, supersnail?06:54
supersnailWhen I reboot it goes to the Grub command06:55
supersnailwell actually before that I can choose Windows 7 or Ubuntu06:55
supersnailand if I choose Ubuntu there are 3 OS to boot, Windows 7 and 2 forms of Winodws Vista06:56
supersnailbut not Ubuntu06:56
supersnailI can ESC to the Grub command prompt from there06:56
JackyAlcineAre you running wubi?06:57
JackyAlcine^^ supersnail06:57
supersnaili don't know06:57
MrAnthropeSo are you trying to triple boot?06:57
MrAnthropeUbuntu, Win7, and Vista?06:57
supersnailVista is recovery, I want to only boot Ubuntu but it's not an automatic option06:58
MrAnthropeMore to the point, we're trying to figure out how you installed Ubuntu.06:58
supersnailthe windows installer06:58
MrAnthropeAh, that's wubi isn't it? I have no experience with wubi.06:59
jermzaseemed to have been logged out for a moment06:59
supersnailthen yes, I used wubi07:00
MrAnthropeJackyAlcine does that sound like wubi?07:00
JackyAlcineLike if he has to go to two boot loader screens; the first being Windows and Ubuntu in the *Windows* bootloader; then it's Windows.07:04
supersnailyes i have been seeing 2 boot loader screen07:06
supersnailUsed wubi to install ubuntu, installation was fine, when computer starts 2 options: windows 7 or ubuntu, when I choose ubuntu there's another boot menu with 3 options: windows 7, vista and vista (which are recovery), there's no way to choose ubuntu as the os to load07:12
MrAnthropeNo idea, sorry. I'm not sure if that's normal or not.07:14
nit-witsupersnail, when did you install the wubi07:16
supersnaila few hours ago07:16
nit-witsuper did it ever boot to Ubuntu07:16
supersnaili haven't seen the interface, it finished installing07:16
nit-witsupersnail, so in other words t has never booted to Ubuntu?07:17
shawn146_how come i am getting bash: cd: lib: Permission denied ?07:18
nit-witsupersnail, did you build any partitions or put wubi in a partiton other then C07:19
shawn146_is their a way toa ccess it?07:19
supersnailno, I put wubi in C07:19
shawn146_holstein ?....anyone?07:21
shawn146_i don't have much longer07:21
nit-witsupersnail, sounds like a bad install really, do you need it being a wubi?07:22
supersnailno, I havent tried a usb load yet07:23
nit-witsupersnail, you could remove it and try again. Did it load the ISP then restart and install originally07:25
supersnaili just tried to uninstall and reinstall with the same result, yes it loaded then restarted and installed07:27
nit-witsupersnail, did you download at the install or do you have actual cd07:28
supersnailI do not have a CD, I downloaded wubi from the ubuntu website07:29
nit-witsupersnail, have you run a MSD5sum https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM07:31
supersnailno, i will look07:32
nit-witsuper could be a number of reasons why it isn't working starting here is sometimes the answer07:33
supersnaili dont know what that md5sum is... i'm going to try to download to a flash drive07:35
supersnailthanks for your help nit-wit and all, I will prob be back :p07:36
shawn146_bash: cd: lib: Permission denied07:36
nit-witsupersnail, no problem07:36
shawn146_(shoots self in the head)07:36
nit-witshawn146_, your abusing the channel.:(07:36
shawn146_well i am tired, frustrated, and wanting to get this done tonight.07:37
shawn146_i have been at it for days07:37
nit-witshawn146_, if somebody had an answer they would post one continuing to post negative responses diminishes this possibility.07:38
nit-witshawn146_,  can you give a better description07:39
shawn146_good night07:40
BybHi. My laptop cannot resume from suspend to ram07:52
MrAnthropeI think that's a common problem.07:57
MrAnthropeI've never had a laptop, though.07:57
Bybthey are not for ubuntu?07:58
BybSorry, i am new in ubuntu. I mean, can only the desktop suspend/resume? This is strange08:00
BybBonjour evfool08:01
AbhiJitsuspend work here in my ubuntu08:02
AbhiJiti am using lucid 6408:02
evfoolsuspen should work on all hardware that supports it08:02
evfoolit worked for me on all 4 laptops I've used08:03
BybAbhiJit and evfool, do you say it works also for me?08:03
AbhiJitit should08:03
BybMaybe I badly know what resume/suspend is.08:04
AbhiJitByb, https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/hardware/C/pm-suspending.html08:05
BybWhen the computer goes to sleep, there is a led light with a moon that lights near the keyboard, and the Fn+F1 or power button won't awake it back to use. I have to press a long time the pwr button and it reboots08:07
BybI have the ubuntu 10.1008:09
BybNot Found  The requested URL /~hughsient/quirk/quirk-suspend-debug.html was not found on this server.08:10
AbhiJitByb, http://askubuntu.com/questions/14289/laptop-does-not-wake-up-after-sleep08:11
BybYes I tried to wait ~1 hour after pressing once the pwr button or the Fn+F1.08:18
BybPlease, where shall I find someone with skills that will ask me for logs?08:26
upslahi. i have beetel 100 cx usb adsl modem. i unable connect to internet. i am running ubuntu 10.10.can u help me ?09:28
upslahi. i have beetel 100 cx usb adsl modem. i unable connect to internet. i am running ubuntu 10.10.can u help me ?09:31
Bipul`i want's to compile this file libgtkhtml2-dev can any one tell me the steps for compiling09:45
ChrisDruifHai Silver_Fox_ :)10:23
Silver_Fox_Hello ChrisDruif .  How are you ?10:24
ChrisDruifI am great, how about you?10:24
Silver_Fox_Oh not so bad,  just seen I made the resolution center on ubuntu forums.10:25
ChrisDruifHow do you mean?10:26
Silver_Fox_ChrisDruif,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166375510:27
jermzaDo installed applications - but not necessarily in use - slow down Ubuntu?11:36
akshatjI don't think so11:36
jermzaEg, if I don't use Open Office, but it's installed, does it slow down Ubuntu's performance?11:37
JoeMaverickSettno, it just uses your hard disk space if it's not in use.11:37
jermzaSo, it's unlike Windows (which gets slowed down)11:38
ChrisDruifjermza: I think most apps in Windows have some startup function, which slow it down...11:44
jermzaI installed Nautilus Elementary and absolutely nothing has changed.12:50
jermzaWhat am I doing wrong?12:50
ChrisDruifDid you restart nautilus?12:52
ChrisDruifjermza: ^12:52
jermzaI restarted my whole machine.12:53
jermzano help?12:55
che10hoe start ik sabnzbplus op na de install?12:55
ChrisDruifjermza: Nautilus Elementary was a temporary project from Elementary OS, did you install NE via their PPA?12:56
UndiFineDjermza: what is the reason you are worried about performance ?12:56
UndiFineDche10: geen idee12:57
ChrisDruifche10: Als je in het Nederlands wilt vragen, moet ik je verwijzen naar #ubuntu-nl :) Heb zelf geen ervaring met sabnzd+12:57
geirha!dutch | ChrisDruif12:57
ubot2ChrisDruif: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:57
che10oke bedankt12:58
ChrisDruifgeirha: Didn't know there was !dutch command :P12:58
ChrisDruif!dutch | che1012:58
ubot2che10: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:58
geirhad'oh. You ruined my c<tab>  :P12:58
ibuclaw!klingon | ibuclaw12:58
ubot2Factoid 'klingon' not found12:58
ChrisDruifDid we scare him? :P12:59
UndiFineDjermza: ?12:59
ChrisDruifgeirha: Pidgin sees similarities :P And asks which I want :P12:59
ChrisDruifWhat should klingon say ibuclaw?13:00
ibuclawChrisDruif, no idea. :~)13:01
UndiFineDsomething abouth honor and death if you do not join #ubuntu-klingon13:01
UndiFineDKah'less commands you13:02
ChrisDruif;add Klingon is If you live on Qo'noS (the Klingon home world) then your honor demands you to join the #ubuntu-klingon channel. If you do not adhere to your own honor, then a death match shall await between you and the current ruler of #ubuntu-klingon. The victor must join the #ubuntu-klingon as part of his obligations and shall be hauled as the new leader.13:08
ChrisDruifSomething like that?13:08
IAmNotThatGuy;fail | ChrisDruif13:09
ChrisDruifIndeed, seeing DragonEyes is not present :P13:09
IAmNotThatGuyChrisDruif, forgot the channel where you are at? lol13:10
ChrisDruifProlly IAmNotThatGuy :)13:10
geirhaChrisDruif: irssi uses the last seen nick that starts with the current string... which would've been che10 if you hadn't barged in just before I hit tab :)13:33
ChrisDruifSorry geirha :)13:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!15:04
hobgoblinEveryone went just before you logged on and left the rest of us behind15:06
hobgoblingoodnow ShootEmUp :)15:06
ShootEmUplol, everyone left you15:06
hobgoblinShootEmUp: yep - everyone left us :(15:09
ShootEmUpbut I'm here, so now we can start this party!15:10
hobgoblinyou can if you like, I'll be back later when I find Everyone15:10
hobgoblinShootEmUp: might be better to take the party to #ubuntu-beginners-team - then if it gets really rowdy it'll not get logged with the support stuff in here :)15:12
ShootEmUpalready there15:12
ChrisDruifShootEmUp: Hai, and us...sortof :P15:12
ChrisDruifba-bye :P16:06
=== AndrewMC` is now known as Guest20920
* JackyAlcine is up and about; and missed school. O.O16:16
supersnailmy computer does not recognize my flash drive as something to boot from... any suggestions?17:24
supersnailsorry disconnected... I cannot boot from a USB drive, any suggestions?17:27
pleia2supersnail: that's a hardware problem, not all systems will boot from USB17:28
pleia2supersnail: you can see if there is a bios update available17:29
supersnailthanks pleia, i will start there17:29
johnny77I've had Ubuntu for about a month now and trying to get away from the blind-acceptance of Windows, I have a few questions about Ubuntu configurations.17:29
Unguidedholstein: r around?17:30
pleia2!ask | johnny7717:30
ubot2johnny77: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:30
johnny77In Ubuntu I understand Linux is the true OS, with gnome, KDE, LXDE etc. being the desktop environment, but now I'm seeing things about windows managers. Where do they fit in?17:31
holsteinUnguided: hey17:31
Unguidedholstein: Hey dude. I finally got wubi installed and using right now. WOOHOO!17:31
johnny77Sorry, I was trying to type the question so I wouldn't post one long message.17:31
pleia2johnny77: a window manager is the part of the desktop environment (gnome, kde, lxde) that controls behavior of the windows17:31
holsteinUnguided: COOL17:31
holsteinnot bad right?17:32
holsteinthats such a neat project i think17:32
holsteinborrowing space on an existing ntfs partition and all17:32
pigy1_altguys i got installed to point were i can loging using ctrl+cmd_f1 but stuck here17:32
pleia2johnny77: so you have the linux kernel, on top of that you may have gnome for the graphical interface, which uses Metacity or Compiz as a window manager17:33
holsteinyou'll probably want an actual install in a couple weeks :)17:33
Unguidedno. I agree. now im trying to decide if i want to keep wubi or make a virtual machine using virtualbox then i can test networking between two virtual machines17:33
holsteini think wubi is a nice step up from Vbox17:33
Unguidedyour probably right on the install17:33
johnny77pleia2: I know it's a lot about personal preference, but why choice Metacity, openbox, fluxbox or whatever?17:33
holsteinIF you dont need both win and lin at the same time17:33
pleia2johnny77: metacity has flawless integration with the gnome desktop, fluxbox and openbox can be run by themselves without a desktop environment if your needs are simple (fluxbox out of the box pretty just gives you borders and basic menus and navigation)17:34
Unguidedright. cant test networking between the two without vbox though. can test 2 vm's in a virtual network environment on the same laptop though17:34
johnny77When I go to login, I have the choice of Ubuntu, gnome/openbox, LXDE, and openbox session. And I think I can install fluxbox and have many more choice.s17:35
pleia2johnny77: yep17:35
supersnailtrying to install with wubi, do i need to partition the hd? or just follow instructions?17:35
holsteinsupersnail: nope17:35
holsteinyou start the install from the windows desktop17:36
Unguidedsupersnail: no. just follow the directions. it will make a file on your hard drive. you can tell wubi how much space to use. i told it 10gb17:36
holsteinlogged into windows17:36
johnny77pleia2: I'm in an Openbox session which give me very little. Why would I want to run this versus openbox with a DE?17:36
Unguidedgosh. im already helping others17:36
holsteinUnguided: :)17:36
Unguidedhow much snow did you get17:37
pigy1_altit looks like maybe something wrong with my vidoe, but only thing read on blogs is to change xorg.conf but i dont see it on 10.1017:37
holsteinUnguided: me?17:37
pleia2johnny77: you may like a desktop with "very little" :) I use fluxbox on my 2nd desktop because all I ever do is use a browser and watch movies on it, I don't need widgets and things17:37
holsteinwe have about a foot some places17:37
Unguidedholstein. yes sorry17:37
holsteinstill coming down17:37
johnny77pleia2: If I can also install Fluxbox or blackbox, do I just have to install them and try them to see if I like?17:37
holsteinhitting a bunch of folk i think17:38
Unguidedholstein: what state r u in17:38
pleia2johnny77: yep, you'd just select fluxbox or whichever when you log in17:38
holsteinasheville north carolina17:38
Unguidedholstein: that sucks17:38
holsteinnah, its been pretty tame so far17:38
holsteinand its pretty17:38
holsteinas long as you dont have anywhere to go17:38
holsteinand i dont :)17:38
Unguidedholstein: im in ohio. we r expecting 2-417:38
johnny77pleia2: do you prefer fluxbox over blacbox or openbox?17:39
holsteinUnguided: its coming your way17:39
Unguidedholstein: by wednesday night17:39
* pleia2 nudges off-topic discussion elsewhere ;)17:39
pigy1_altanyone know how i can get ui to work, if i cant find xorg.conf file17:39
* holstein nudges pleia2 ;)17:39
pleia2johnny77: I never really tried openbox or blackbox, fluxbox worked well for me so I kept with it17:39
johnny77pleia2: can I get certain programs to automatically run when I enter openbox?17:41
Unguidedholstein: your opinion: vbox vm for both linux windows and for testing environment17:41
pleia2johnny77: I don't know much about openbox and whether it has some kind of built-in mechanism for that, you can always write scripts to launch things17:41
holsteinUnguided: i think Vbox is great for testing17:42
holsteinreverting to snapshots17:42
holsteinand networking is not an issue17:42
holsteindepends on what you need i suppose17:42
johnny77pleia2: can you do that in fluxbox?17:43
pleia2pigy1_alt: I'm afraid xorg.conf isn't standard in modern distros since it usually "just works" with auto-detection, but you should start by looking at the /var/log/Xorg.0.log log file to see what is failing17:43
UnguidedHolstein: i think by setting up a vm that way I can walk through the actuall install process nodestructively17:43
pleia2johnny77: no, you have to use a script17:43
kristian-aalborghi y'all17:45
pigy1_altpleia2 got log file open.. and looking now17:45
kristian-aalborgcan someone recommend a game or two that does not run via X?17:45
pigy1_altwould i look at last line ?17:45
pleia2pigy1_alt: could be the last line, could be a few lines up, typically you'll see a warning or failure notice17:46
pigy1_altlast line says AIGLX: suspending AIGLX clients17:46
Unguidedholstein: i figure using a vm i can make partitions etc even ubuntu server17:46
Unguided*test ubuntu server17:48
pleia2pigy1_alt: there will probably be a few errors (even a functioning xserver sometimes has some non-fatal, informational warnings), for each one I'd pop them into google and see if you can figure out what's causing the trouble17:49
Unguidedalright. im out. time to go to work. TTYL.17:49
holsteinUnguided: laterx :)17:49
hobgoblinpigy1_alt: look for EE and WW in the xorg log, for instance in a terminal cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep WW  and cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep EE17:51
supersnail_i've been trying to install ubuntu for hours now & have run into problems with every way I try it. When I dl to a flash drive, i cannot boot through a usb, when I use wubi, when I start ubuntu, it is not an option in the 2nd boot screen... is there another way?17:51
pigy1_altman, i guess i better usto command like filtering cause that file i huge :)17:53
hobgoblinthere are huger ones ...17:53
johnny77Is the gnome-panel the same no matter which desktop environment or windows manager I login to?17:56
supersnail_how do i make sure my usb drive is bootable?17:57
pigy1_altdamn, just did sudo nano filepath with grep17:58
hobgoblinjohnny77: no - if you logged into a kde one there is no gnome panel - fluxbox wouldn't use it17:59
piromireso, I downloaded ubuntu and burned it to a disc. I've been running it in the "Try Ubuntu" mode because when I try to install, it sits there for hours at a time and does absolutely nothing (on the language select screen).18:20
piromireso I guess what I'm asking is, why can I run Ubuntu in Try mode, but not install it?18:22
holsteinpiromire: graphics chip i say18:22
piromireI use a relatively new laptop, from 2009. is there maybe an older version I can download that will install?18:25
holsteinpiromire: what is on your HD now?18:27
hobgoblinpiromire: have you checked the cd - there's an option on the cd boot screen - hit any key once you get the pic of a man and kbd18:30
piromireI was using vista, but I got a virus and just wiped my computer clean.. and I coudln't re-install vista because the product key on the bottom of my laptop is half worn off18:31
holsteinpiromire: when you're in the live envoronment18:31
piromireI hold F12 while it's booting up and select "CD/DVD" and it goes straight to the Try It or Install it screen18:32
holsteintry running gparted from the system - administration menu18:32
holsteinsee if your HD looks good18:32
holsteinother than that, it could be a bad iso18:32
piromireHm, I got the iso from the ubuntu site18:34
piromireI guess I'll have my friend take a look at the hard drive and whatnot18:34
piromirethanks for the help though!18:34
hobgoblinpiromire: did you torrent it - or did you check the iso you donwloaded with md5sum18:35
piromireI downloaded the iso from the Ubuntu site18:35
hobgoblinpiromire: yea - we underdstand that, doesn't mean that the iso has an error caused between there and you - did you check it or check that the cd was a good burn?18:36
piromireI guess I'm not really sure how to check that18:38
holsteinyou can check from the boot screen as hobgoblin suggested18:38
holsteinOR look at the md5 sum18:39
holsteinseveral ways18:39
hobgoblinpiromire: reboot and you can check the cd from it's screen - any key at the man and kdb screen18:39
piromireokay, now i'm just waiting on it to check18:42
holsteinif that passes, id look at the hard drive18:43
holsteinpiromire: what computer?18:43
holsteinyou might find some info on a wiki or forum about that particual unit18:43
piromireyeah, no errors found18:46
piromireI'll look around wiki then and have someone look at the hard drive for me18:46
piromirethanks a lot!18:46
metaflavhi just got ubuntu on a CD, want to install it & also keep windows 7, don't know how to partion the hard drives. don't have any "free space"18:46
holsteinmetaflav: you'll have to have somewhere to put it18:47
hobgoblinmetaflav: I suspect that you need to look at some partition work - can you open a terminal from the apps- accessories and paste in this command  sudo fdisk -l18:47
holsteinwhen messing with partitions, i would suggest backing up your data18:48
hobgoblinthen paste the result to paste.ubuntu.com - put a name in the name box and hit paste - give us the new url18:48
metaflavI have windows saved on a disk and my files are in the cloud :)18:50
pigy1_altpleia2 man this is hard.. ran ubuntu-bug xorg to send bug but not sure what todo next18:52
pigy1_alti get err r128 0 fbioput_vscreeninfo18:54
kristian-aalborgthis is kind of embarrasing... I want to update from terminal but can't figure out the proper way to do it without getting a new kernel18:56
MichealHhobgoblin: around?19:02
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: you'd need to pin the kernel then - no idea how though lol - I 'think' you can do so in synaptoc19:02
hobgoblinMichealH: off and on I am19:03
MichealHhobgoblin: There is this person I met who is intrested in BT19:03
MichealHBut of course me not being a member I cannot mentor him or anything like that... :D19:03
* MichealH hints19:04
MichealH*hint* *hint* :P19:04
hobgoblinnice - send them along to the team channel and get them to post to the m/l - hang on and I'll get a link19:04
hobgoblinMichealH: thanks for thinking of me - but I'm taking a breather from padawans19:04
MichealHI am getting to be a member... Well cprofitt thinks im ready :)19:05
MichealHcprofitt: around? :P19:05
codohi ?19:06
kristian-aalborghi hobgoblin19:06
akshatjcodo: hi19:06
MichealHHi codo19:06
codohi all :)19:06
kristian-aalborgthat just seems so weird... often you'd not want a kernel update19:07
hobgoblinhi codo19:07
MichealHhobgoblin: Care to give the link to codo? :)19:07
codohi hobgoblin akshatj MichealH19:07
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: I've never not updated a kernel, lucky I guess19:07
kristian-aalborgsudo apt-get upgrade gets the new kernel, if there is one19:08
kristian-aalborgto my understanding, at least19:08
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: yes it would - but if the kernel is pinned or whatever you do then it get's left - never done it with a kernle - but I have done it with other packages19:10
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: might need to do all the kernel things - not sure - try it19:10
hobgoblinunless someone else wants to jump in with more specific information19:10
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: if you do it in synaptic - you'll see the update availablilty change as you reload etc - it won't update untill you actually apply changes19:13
kristian-aalborghobgoblin: I don't even have X ;)19:14
hobgoblinwell at least it won't update then :p19:14
hobgoblinhang on a mo19:14
hobgoblinkristian-aalborg: start here assuming you can see websites ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:19
hobgoblinfound a few forum links - but they point in the same direction - also appears to be problematic19:19
kristian-aalborghobgoblin: thanks, I can easily read websites etc etc... I have two computers - this is for the X-less one19:20
hobgoblinsorry I can't be of more help19:21
kristian-aalborgit's cool, I got somewhere19:26
kristian-aalborgI actually thought this was a wanted feature, but I guess not19:26
hobgoblinnice find - bookmarked19:28
cprofittcodo: welcome19:39
cprofittthinking about getting a BU-353...19:40
cprofittanyone in here had any luck with one of those under Ubuntu?19:40
codocprofitt: so is there a nice helpful doc on creating coc key ?19:59
codoanywhere ?19:59
codocprofitt: also thanks for the welcome20:00
ubot2The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .20:03
codook thanks UndiFineD20:04
UndiFineDcodo: the screencast I can really recommend20:05
UndiFineDit was made by duanedesign here20:05
codoah ok :)20:05
Daniel0108codo: duanedesign is my mentor ;) ;D20:06
codoDaniel0108: ah ok :)20:07
Daniel0108 GTG, bye :D21:02
Red-Ravenhey guys.21:27
Red-Raventook a new step in Ubuntu/genera computer stuff: VMware. got some questions though.21:27
Red-Raven_anyone understand how VMware handles memory?21:31
eviljamesAttempting to run ubuntu 10.10 from my lvm root, initramfs is apparently misbehaving.  Refuses to boot, drpos me at the busybox/initramfs prompt.  From that prompt I can modprobe dm_mod ; vgscan ; vgchange -ay, and then mount root, but I don't know why this isn't happening automatically by the initramfs.  Anyone know much about this initramfs / lvm / raid / ubuntu combination?21:31
Red-Raven_no clue. i've been on Ubuntu for about two weeks now.21:34
eviljamesI don't know much about Ubuntu myself, but I've been on Slackware for over 10 yrs..21:35
eviljamesI actually expected Ubuntu not to need much configuring for lvm21:35
Red-Raven_slackware another Linux-based OS?21:35
eviljamesSlackware is the oldest surviving Linux distro.21:35
Red-Raven_is it like the original Linux?21:36
aveilleuxRed-Raven_: "Linux" is just the name of the kernel.21:38
eviljamesWell, no.  but it has been around since 1993, and maintained by the same 1 guy for its entire lifetime.21:38
eviljames(and his band of merry men, of course)21:38
aveilleuxRed-Raven_: If you're interested, here's a timeline: http://futurist.se/gldt/21:39
Red-Raven_oh right. i srot of knew that.21:39
Red-Raven_he still does right?21:39
eviljamesRed-Raven_: yes, indeed, Pat still maintains Slackware.21:55
eviljames...but about initramfs :P21:55
Red-Raven_oh crap. my moms laptop its having issues again. this time yeildmanager, an ad service owned by yahoo, is directing her to their site when she tries to veiw yahoo news story. yahoo is doing this to its own users! i might have fixed it though by adding yeildmanager to the windows host file.22:39
aveilleuxRed-Raven_: What browser is she using?22:40
Red-Raven_EI.  Ik Ik.... i might have her switch to FF.22:41
* aveilleux hopes it's not IE22:41
Red-Raven_too late22:41
aveilleuxRed-Raven_: Actually it's easier in Opera... it has built-in content blocking22:41
Red-Raven_yah but its a rig we'd rather not DL stuff to cause its not technically ours. she uses it to create power points for church service. and they own it. but FF is already on there, and i may have her get AVG. would that help?22:43
* aveilleux shrugs22:43
Red-Raven_(sorry to anyone who wants to have a real linux convo. if you need anything feel free. ill stop discussing this)22:44
Red-Raven_yah so IDK. like i said, i added it to the host file, so if that doesn't work, ill have her switch to FF and get AVG.22:45
Red-Raven_well seems like the host file worked.22:47
Red-Raven_so anyways, i had some questions about memory and VMware.22:48
holsteinVMware is just given memory from your system22:49
holsteinis that what you mean?22:49
holsteini use Vbox22:49
holsteinwhen you give Vbox 512 of your ram, its just given access to it22:49
holsteinand, AFAIK, the host system loses access to it22:49
holsteinVM might do it differently22:49
Red-Raven__not that. i mean HD space.22:49
aveilleuxRed-Raven__: As Far As I know22:50
aveilleuxRed-Raven__: Also, memory != hard drive space22:50
aveilleuxRed-Raven__: They're very different things :P22:50
holsteinRed-Raven__: its vitrual HD space22:51
Red-Raven__oh. so memory=RAM and HD space=?22:51
holsteinits not partitioned or whatever22:51
holsteinits like a file22:51
holsteinyou can delete it22:51
aveilleuxRed-Raven__: HD space is how much space you have on your hard drive :P22:51
holsteinVbox has a way for the guest HD to scale as needed22:51
holsteinlike a file that can get larger when you need it to22:51
holsteinim sure VM has that too22:51
eviljamesAttempting to run ubuntu 10.10 from my lvm root, initramfs is apparently misbehaving.  Refuses to boot, drpos me at the busybox/initramfs prompt.  From that prompt I can modprobe dm_mod ; vgscan ; vgchange -ay, and then mount root, but I don't know why this isn't happening automatically by the initramfs.  Anyone know much about this initramfs / lvm / raid / ubuntu combination?22:52
Red-Raven__i know that. theres mot a simpler word like memory for RAM? you have to say HD space?22:52
holsteinmemory isnt HD space22:52
holsteinmemory = ram22:52
Red-Raven__IK that now.22:53
holsteinalthough some folk say memory for HD space22:53
holsteinwhich is unclear22:53
Red-Raven__so then what do you say for HD sapce? or is thatt the shortest possible?22:53
holsteinstorage is the buss word associated with HD space22:53
Red-Raven__ok thx.22:53
holstein"plenty of memory and storage"22:53
eviljamesI'd say that when people use memory and storage interchangeably, they don't have any real notion of what either means.22:54
eviljamesMore often than not, anyhow.22:54
holsteineviljames: agreed22:54
Red-Raven__oh got it. so i have an ubuntu ISO on windows. when i use VM to open the ISO, and later close it, it doesn't take any more storage than before i opened it, right? like VM doesn't make some kind of copy for it to use?22:56
holsteinnot the iso22:56
holsteinthe guest OS just reads that22:56
holsteinthe same way a physical machine would read a disc22:56
holsteina CD22:56
holsteinor DVD22:56
Red-Raven__so it would be like booting a Live CD, but staying in windows?22:57
eviljamesRed-Raven__: VMWare (or, for a more user-friendly approach VirtualBox) makes a Virtual HD - which attaches to the VM as a storage unit.  You could then install whatever onto the Virtual HD - which is just a file or series of files on your host.22:57
holsteinbooting a 'fake' live CD in windows on a vitual machine22:57
Red-Raven__so how would i save files created in VMware?22:58
holsteinon the vitual hard drive22:58
eviljamesI think there are some concepts here that haven't stuck.22:58
holsteinjust think of it like a complete vitual computer22:58
eviljames1) Virtual Machine.  This is a complete computer, except instead of running on hardware, it runs in a window.22:58
holsteinwith its own hard drive and memory and everything22:58
Red-Raven__ok i get that part, (virtual PC). but i don't get the virtual HD yet.22:59
eviljamesit is fully separate from the host computer (where the window runs), and provides its own CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, CD Rom Drive, Video Card, USB ports, etc. to the guest OS.22:59
eviljamesThe Guest OS then has to be installed onto the hard drive that the Hypervisor (Host software running the Guest OS) provides to the Guest22:59
Red-Raven__so like windows is pushed to the side while VM runs?22:59
Red-Raven__so i need a web host then?22:59
holsteinthe fake machine is being hosted my windows in that scenario23:00
eviljamesWindows is still running.  It is running a program that emulates a CPU.23:00
holsteinhosted by*23:00
eviljamesWindows is considered the "Host" machine in this.  "Host" in this context is different from a web host.23:00
eviljamesLogically different, if conceptually similar.23:00
Red-Raven__so i need two machines to run VM? one host and one to access it/23:01
eviljamesSo your Host (Windows) provides a Virtual Hard Disk (which is a series of files in your C:\) to VMWare.  Ubuntu can be installed onto the Vurtal HD23:01
holsteinthe guest is faked23:01
eviljamesVirtual, rather.23:01
eviljamesRed-Raven__: The Hypervisor (VMware) _is_ the second machine.  Or, rather, it's a layer that allows you to pretend you're running a 2nd machine on your first machine.23:01
eviljamesIf that makes sense...23:01
holsteinyou boot the install medium in the V machine23:01
holsteinand install to a portion of your hard drive23:02
holsteinthat will be used as an actual hard drive in the virtual guest23:02
Red-Raven__ohhhhhh so like the OS your running in VM has access to all the files on your C drive?23:02
eviljamesThey're fully separate.23:02
holsteinyou can set up shares23:02
holsteinbut NO23:02
eviljamesThe OS running in the VM has its own C drive23:02
eviljameswhich is the virtual disk you provide to it.23:02
holsteinits just as if you have a different computer there23:03
Red-Raven__so you need to give it a blank CD?23:03
holsteinRed-Raven__: for?23:03
holsteinthe virtual hard drive?23:03
holsteinyou set up a virtual hard drive23:03
holsteinwhen you make the virtual machine23:03
Red-Raven__ok i think i just need a good article. i dont understand this virtual HD stuff.23:03
eviljamesRed-Raven__: I think you have plenty of reading to do :)23:03
eviljamesRed-Raven__: First, don't use VMWare, use VirtualBox23:04
holsteinyou tell it to use a portion of your hard drive23:04
eviljamesIt will make things MUCH more clear I think23:04
holsteinjust run Vbox23:04
eviljamesVirtualBox, fwiw, is the _best_ consumer-grade Virtualization software.23:04
holsteinand google when you get a quiestion23:04
eviljamesAnd they have superb documentation.23:04
holsteinits easy too23:04
Red-Raven__so is there any point in keeping VMware?23:04
holsteinon buntu23:04
eviljamesRed-Raven__: VMWare is the industry standard.23:04
Red-Raven__ok ill go dlete VMware then.23:05
Red-Raven__is the standered add/remove programs option in win7 good at removing every peice of a program?23:10
holsteinRed-Raven__: ive only seen windows 7 run for about 10 mintues in total23:10
holsteini would say no23:10
holsteinbut just because thats the way if used to be23:10
Red-Raven__um, ok. then how SHOULD i go about removing stuff?23:10
holsteinhmmm, i would google "windows 7, completly remove whatever"23:11
Red-Raven__ok thx.23:11
Red-Raven__this looks good: http://www.martau.com/23:16
holsteindont install more software to make sure the software is removed ;)23:17
eviljamessudo apt-get remove windows23:18
eviljameshow doez it work?! :D23:18
eviljamesremovepkg windows-7-*.tgz23:18
holsteinnah, just dont add things to try and get rid of things23:18
holsteincounter-productive in my opinion23:18
Red-Raven__ok. so then just use add/remove programs in win7 then?23:19
holsteinwhatever you feel comfortable with23:19
holsteini dont have any experience to share about win723:19
Red-Raven__ok. anyone else?23:19
holsteinnah, anyone else will refer you to ##windows23:20
Red-Raven__alright then. ill stick with win7 built in stuff for now then. let me restart so it will delete VMware. wouldn't have to reboot in linux....23:20
eviljamesI think that add/remove programs is ...23:21
eviljamesok, later dude! :D23:21
Red-Ravenso this is the right thing: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads ?23:25
holsteinRed-Raven: if you would like to download Vbox 4.o for windows23:26
holsteinthat would be the place to go23:26
Red-Ravenok awesome.23:27
robbmunsonhi all! =)23:28
Red-Ravenwow Virtual Box is actually...pretty big...23:30
eviljamesYeah, but worth it.23:30
Red-Raveni hope so :)23:30
Red-Ravenis there a good aritcle on how exactly virualiztion works? if you can't think of it off the top of your head don't worry about it. ill find something. maybe wiki.23:31
eviljamesEven wikipedia is going to be too detailed.23:32
eviljamesI think what we need here is a good analogy23:32
eviljamesand, unfortunately, there is no car analogy :P23:32
Red-RavenYES! i love analogys!23:32
holsteinits like having 2 computers in one23:33
eviljamesNot quite23:33
holsteinsharing resources23:33
eviljamesbecause it's like having N computers in23:33
Red-Ravenok i get that.23:33
holsteineviljames: hehe23:34
holsteintrue ;)23:34
eviljamesk.  Let's do this as a series of layers.23:34
Red-Ravenwow please don't start all this again!23:34
holsteinyou can have as many as you want23:34
eviljamesRed-Raven: I got this, bear with me :D23:34
eviljamesRed-Raven: layer 1: Hardware.  By itself it does nothing but receive instructions and process that.23:34
eviljamesThis much, you understand on an intuitive level.23:34
eviljamesLayer 2: OS.  presents information in a way that human can use it.  Receives information in a way that human outputs it.23:34
eviljamesTranslates that information into instructions for the hardware to process, receives output from the hardware, give it to human.  repeat ad nauseum23:35
eviljamesThis much, you also understand.23:35
Red-Ravenyah. like the GUI.23:35
eviljamesLayer 3: Software - provides useful features to the OS.23:35
phillwcprofitt: you called?23:35
eviljamesI'd put the GUI as Layer 3 (because that's where it is Linux)23:35
eviljamesRed-Raven: Note: These Layers I'm mentioning are made up on the fly by me right now.  Nobody else will know whta I'm talking about :P23:36
eviljames"This is a layer 3!" <- won't mean anything outside this conversation :P23:36
nit-witohhhh the usual suspects.:)23:36
Red-Raventhought so lol.23:36
Red-Ravenhey nit-wit. im learning about virtual......stuf....23:36
eviljamesRed-Raven: Anyhow, the GUI, Excel, Outlook, Firefox, etc, consider this all to be level 3-ish. :P23:36
eviljamesAnother Level 3 software is the Hypervisor23:37
eviljamesThe Hypervisor creates a fake Level 1.23:37
Red-Ravenfake hardware?23:37
Red-Ravenhow is that possible?23:37
eviljamesExactly that.  Fake hardware.23:37
nit-witRed-Raven, virtual is cool some things run better the others, but overall it is a good skill to know what to basically do.23:37
cprofittyes, phillw -- are you in -team?23:37
eviljamesRed-Raven: For today's lesson, you do not want to know how it is possible.23:38
eviljamesRed-Raven: Just know that it is, and that's what you're doing.23:38
eviljamesFake Motherboard, CPU, RAM, HD, Floppy, Mouse, Keyboard, USB, everything.23:38
Red-Ravenum, ok. *puts that in sticky note*23:38
JackyAlcineeviljames: are you talking about virtualization?23:38
eviljamesJackyAlcine: Trying to give a good beginner's view on virtualization.23:38
eviljamesJackyAlcine: Don't clutter it up with the nitty gritty until I'm done ;)23:38
Red-Ravenyup :)23:38
JackyAlcineeviljames: lol, you're cruel! lol that's such a scary way of describing it!23:39
eviljamesJackyAlcine: When I'm done it will be clear, conceptually! :D23:39
JackyAlcineeviljames: I'd be afraid to virtualize if I learned about it that way! lol23:39
eviljamesRed-Raven: So, the fake Level 1 that is established is powerful enough to run a level2, which then runs your level 3 stuff.23:39
Red-Ravenok got that.23:39
eviljamesRed-Raven: But it _also_ sandboxes everything.  The Guest machine has _no_ idea that it is running in a VM23:39
Red-Ravenguest machine is windows?23:40
eviljameshere we'll draw a distinction: "Host" and "Guest" - the Host machine runs the Hypervisor (Vmware, VirtualBox) etc23:40
eviljamesIn your case, Windows is the Host23:40
Red-Ravenand guest is whatever ISO you're running?23:40
eviljamesit runs VirtualBox, which provides this fake Layer 1.23:40
eviljamesYes, indeed!23:40
eviljamesWhen VirtualBox loads up a window that's running an iso23:41
eviljamesWhat's _really_ happening is:23:41
eviljamesIt creates a sandboxed, fake CPU/RAM/everything.23:41
eviljamesRed-Raven: Did you ever play ROMs?  NES / SNES / Genesis...Mame?23:41
nit-witRed-Raven, which computer are you going virtual with?23:41
Red-Ravenno. im 15.23:42
Red-Ravenim vitualizing on my laptop, on windows 7.23:42
eviljamesRed-Raven: Ok, so virtualbox sets up a sandbox, provides a fake CPU/RAM/etc.23:43
Red-Raveni know that.23:43
eviljamesIt also provides a fake CDRom drive, that is filled with a fake CD (<- the iso image)23:43
nit-witRed-Raven, good the XP unit is to underpowered, but you probably knew that already. Did you get all dualbooted with the XP setup?23:43
eviljamesThen, the fake computer boots up, as a normal machine would.  It reads the ISO as a normal computer would read a bootable CD from its CDRom drive23:43
Red-Ravennit-wit, yup.23:43
nit-witRed-Raven, cool your styling now.:)23:43
eviljamesWhich, in turn, initializes the Operating System (layer 2), and allows you to run programs (layer 3)23:44
eviljamesThey even provide a fake graphics card so you can use a GUI :D23:44
Red-Ravennit-wit: yeah. :)23:44
eviljamesthat being said, it's not anywhere near what a real graphics card is/can do - so 3D gaming (and pretty much any/all 3D acceleration) is unavailable.23:44
eviljamesRed-Raven: has what I've said made even a little sense?23:44
Red-Ravenok i get it. so even if there is no CD in the drive, the virtual box tells the guest OS that there is and gives it the ISO files when it asks for the CD?23:45
eviljamesPretty much, yeah.  When virtualbox sees the ISO file, it pretends that it's a disc inside a cd drive23:46
eviljamesdurrr, to many "it" in that sentence.  When virtualbox gets the iso, virtualbox pretends the iso is a cd inside a cd drive23:46
Red-Ravenreal hardware>real OS>real software>Virtual Box>fake Hardware (including fake CD drive that's replased with real ISO)>fake software>fake software23:47
eviljamesYeah, something like that.23:48
eviljamesFor all intents and purposes, you could treat each VirtualBox window as its own computer.23:48
Red-Ravenok cool. so is that it?23:48
eviljamesSo, you could (in theory, providing your system can do it) run 4 virtual machines side by side23:48
eviljamesand it's like running 4 computers, on your computer23:48
JackyAlcineso fun.:D23:48
eviljamesJackyAlcine: anything I missed, or glossed over too much?23:49
Red-Raven...not on my 2 GB RAM you can't...23:49
JackyAlcineI'll have to read up a bit.23:49
eviljamesYou could run OpenBSD in 256MB or less, FreeBSD on another 256, Slackware on 512 or so... ;)23:49
nit-witsee you all on the natty side.:)23:50
JackyAlcineNope, you got it. :D23:50
Red-Ravenanyways, i only have one main question before i go off to read articles on it: can you explain the whole fake hradware thing? i mean, to get the functions hardware is necissary for done, don't you need actual circiuts? or is that crazy?23:52
JackyAlcineThat's a bit complicated.23:53
eviljamesIndeed, that's why I glossed over it.23:54
JackyAlcineI don't even know fully myself.23:54
Red-Ravenum, ok.23:54
Red-Ravenill have to look that up then.23:54
eviljamesIf you really want to know, there's a translation layer between the instructions that the OS gives its fake processor and what the Hypervisor sends to the *actual* OS to send to the *actual* processor23:54
eviljamesI should've been more clear.23:54
eviljamesThere's a translation layer between the instructions that the Guest OS sends to the fake processor, which the hypervisor receives, translates, sends to the Host OS to send to the Host Processor.23:55
eviljamesSomewhat more clear, but for all intents and purposes, treat the Hypervisor as an emulator23:55
Red-Ravenok i get it. *actual" really does mean real here?23:55
Red-Ravenok i think i get it enough to get through it all now.23:56
eviljamesYeah, above, actual = host = the real piece of metal.23:56
eviljamesas opposed to fake, which is the guest / hypervisor provided CPU23:56
Red-Ravenhow do i save files i create on these guest OSs though?23:56
eviljamesRight, that's where the virtual HDs come in.23:56
eviljamesThe hypervisor takes a single file, makes it, say, 20GB, and provides that to the Guest OS as a Hard Disk.23:57
eviljamesWhich, under the Guest, you could then partition, format, install, etc.23:57
Red-Raveni follow.23:57
eviljamesYou can, at least in VirtualBox, fairly easily provide folders on your Host to the Guest.  They're done via the network.  This part gets a little tricky.23:58
Red-Ravenis this file real or fake?23:58
eviljamesheh, here we go :D23:58
Red-Ravenoh noes!23:58
eviljamesSo, you have folder C:\temp on the Host (real) machine.  You want to provide it to the guest so that when you copy a file from your guest machine, it appears on the host machine.23:59
eviljames(yes, technically, all the files from the guest are on the host, but they're buried in a disk image, let's not go there...)23:59
Red-Ravenok. sorry, i know we're kind of on the role, but my parents are calling me for dinner. ill save the log or something.23:59
eviljamesThe Guest OS has to mount the provided folder as a _network_ share (samba / Windows File Sharing) and then write to it that way.23:59

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