
awesome_guestwell that was annoying.. it seems that libfuse-dev is 2 years out of date01:00
awesome_guesthow would I go about correcting that?01:00
awesome_guesti.e. get them to upgrade from 2.7.4 to 2.8.501:00
diwicawesome_guest, first thing is to file a launchpad bug for it01:45
Hydranthey all... do all projects on launchpad have a mailing list automatically ?01:59
HydrantI want to email a particular project on launchpad, but the interface is a bit confusing on how to begin to participate in a project02:00
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AmaranthHydrant: That's a great question for #launchpad (I have no idea)02:08
HydrantAmaranth: thx02:43
highvoltagethanks to the archive admins who worked today :)02:49
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* JackyAlcine is pushing a mailing list update to SpeechControl regarding openMary.05:31
* JackyAlcine has sent a message to SpeechControl's developers. Please check your email.05:35
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AnAntHello, I just tried alpha1, so with unity,  apps that use notification area won't show up ?08:38
AnAnthmmm, sorry, wrong channel08:39
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\shmoins and happy new year everyone :)08:57
sladen\sh: hallo Stephan08:59
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tkamppeterpitti, hi09:37
tkamppeterAnyone around who works on MIRs?09:47
bmmI'm making a small maven3 package (dirty for personal use, but published in PPA) and I ran into a conf/settings.xml file which is executable. Lintian tells me to use dh_fixperms, but I already use cdbs. How do I get dh_fixperms to remove the executable flag?10:23
akheronbmm: grep the cdbs source to see if there's a flag to enable dh_fixperms or give options to it10:29
akheronthat's what I do if I have to use cdbs :)10:29
bmmakheron: k, will do10:31
akheronbmm: I see this line in debhelper.mk: dh_fixperms -p$(cdbs_curpkg) $(call cdbs_add_dashx,$(DEB_FIXPERMS_EXCLUDE)) $(DEB_DH_FIXPERMS_ARGS)10:31
akheronso setting DEBDH_FIXPERMS_ARGS might do the trick10:31
akheronDEB_DH_... that is10:32
bmmakheron: I read that, but it seem to only allow exclusion, not inclusion... and debhelper.mk should already run dh_fixperms on my files.10:39
bmmI also read /usr/bin/dh_fixperms but I could not read any trace of a possible "package.fixperms" file to be allowed :(10:40
bmmOh, and my debuild output shows that dh_fixperms is being run (dh_fixperms -pmaven3)10:42
bmmIs it possible to quilt patch file attributes?10:42
bmm(as it's only a dirty package for myself and my PPA)10:42
bmmakheron: ooh, I just realize what you said: add the file as an argument to dh_fixperms... stupid, going to try that now..10:45
akheronyep :)10:46
bmmakheron: bad luck, it silently ignores the arguments. Tried conf/settings.xml, usr/share/maven3/conf/settings.xml and finally something stupid, output shows:  dh_fixperms -pmaven3  THIS_DOES_NOTHING10:50
bmmand has no effect :(10:50
bmmI'm going to post the same question in #debian ...10:51
akheronYeah, according to the man page it doesn't take files as arguments10:51
bmmakheron: I'm going to try a quilt patch, just for the fun of it. Maybe people over at #debian will find a response in the meantime10:53
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bmmQuilt won't patch file attributes :(10:55
akheroncan't you just chmod after install?10:59
bmmakheron: Ooh, could do that... have to add something to my very clean debian/rules though. I'll check...11:00
bmmakheron: Thanks you. I added binary-post-install/maven3:: with a chmod a-x debian/maven3/usr/share/maven3/conf/settings.xml and now lintian is much happier!11:11
akheronnp :)11:11
akheronthen to the fundamental question: why cdbs?11:11
akheronI find pure debhelper 7 and above much better11:12
bmmakheron: never really thought about it :) My debian/rules is very simple so I'm a happy hacker ;) http://pastebin.com/i7ZyybMu11:14
akheronwith debhelper that would be just http://pastebin.com/6JM2078911:15
akheronplus the override for chmod :)11:15
bmmakheron: seems ok. I'll read up on it the next time I create a package, thanks for the tip.11:17
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Keybukwhat timezone is Dallas in?14:29
\shKeybuk: Monday, 10. January 2011, 08:30:26 CST14:30
\shUTC/GMT -6 hours14:30
Keybuk\sh: what value of $TZ is that?14:30
\shKeybuk: US/Central ?14:31
Keybukah cool, that works14:32
geserthat's the place where everybody is? that explains why it's so quiet here14:33
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Keybukgeser: yup14:33
=== cking-afk is now known as cking
\shKeybuk: btw..thanks for the upstart blog...the howtos and explanations are very useful and welcomed here :)14:36
Keybukglad someone appreciates it :p14:38
KeybukI'm hoping that if I can get enough stuff like that down, it will inspire someone to collect it together in a documentation form14:39
ari-tczewcjwatson: is merge elilo on your crosshair? it includes new upstream release14:49
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dholbachgood morning14:55
Keybukdholbach: afternoon14:56
highvoltagedholbach: morning? aren't you in europe atm?14:57
dholbachhighvoltage, Dallas14:57
tseliotnot in the US ;)14:57
tseliotit's morning there14:57
highvoltagedholbach: btw, thanks for updating that Zope wiki page, I was about to do it and noticed you beat me to it :)14:57
dholbachhighvoltage, it was Gediminas14:58
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highvoltageah, great14:58
KeybukI expect they're all in a plenary right now15:01
bdrungdholbach: can you merge the proposed branches at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-sponsoring/trunk/+activereviews ?15:12
dholbachbdrung, I'm sprinting - I'll try to have a look later on15:13
bdrungdholbach: i reviewed them and found them good. the overview will look like this then: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bdrung/sponsoring/15:14
dholbachbdrung, did you merge them? I just need to pull them on qa.u.c15:14
bdrungdholbach: locally. you are the owner of lp:ubuntu-sponsoring15:15
dholbachbdrung, not any more15:15
bdrungok, then i'll merge it15:16
dholbachthanks bdrung15:16
ScottKdoko: FYI, I test built libreoffice on powerpc over the weekend and it build (unlike our current OOo package).15:28
dokoScottK: yes, I know that it does build15:30
ScottKdoko: OK.  Didn't know you'd already tried it.15:30
nigelbAnyone want to take the topic of 'ways to contribute to debian' for the packaging training this week?15:43
gesermvo: when you've some time for sponsoring, can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~geser/ubuntu/natty/python-apt/build-with-py3.2/+merge/45604 ? thanks.15:47
mvogeser: sure, let me have a look15:48
mvogeser: thanks, indeed, that looks fine15:48
nigelbbdrung: hey, poke?15:58
bdrunghi nigelb15:58
nigelbbdrung: hey, want to talk about contributing to debian this thursday?15:59
nigelbpackaging training...15:59
bdrungnigelb: Thursdays are not the best weekday16:00
nigelbbdrung: ouch16:01
nigelbbdrung: what day/date is convinient for you?16:01
tkamppeterAnyone around who could look at a MIR?16:04
bdrungnigelb: depends on the time of day.16:04
nigelbbdrung: your choice :)16:04
nigelbbdrung: wait16:04
nigelbbdrung: dholbach said in mail 12:00 UTC16:04
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pittitkamppeter: hello! I'm not in the MIR team any more16:04
bdrungnigelb: at 12:00 utc, i am usually in university16:05
bdrungnigelb: what kind of talk is it?16:05
nigelbbdrung: actually, the door is open for any kind16:07
nigelbbdrung: I thought since you recently became a DD, a talk about contributing to debian would be nice16:08
bdrungnigelb: rephrasing my question: to what does this talk belong / why a talk?16:08
nigelbbdrung: Packaging Training Session16:09
nigelbthis was one of the requested topics16:10
=== Lutin is now known as Guest92216
* JackyAlcine is up and about; and missed school. O.O16:16
tkamppeterpitti, who is in the MIR team? I have reported a MIR (bug 691533) and no one has looked at it. It blocks the upload of Ghostscript 9.01.16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691533 in jbig2dec (Ubuntu) "[MIR] jbig2dec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69153316:19
bdrungnigelb: maybe an other time, but not this week.16:20
pittitkamppeter: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mir/+members16:20
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nigelbbdrung: sure :)16:28
evpitti: what's the state of pygi in natty?  Should I be trying to make your or dmitrij.ledkov's usb-creator branch work?  The gtk-2.0 bindings seem to be a bit broken.16:45
everr rather, what are the plans for pygi in natty16:45
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.16:49
tkamppeterdoko, asac, kees, can someone of you have a look at bug 691533? It blocks the build of Ghostscript 9.01.16:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691533 in jbig2dec (Ubuntu) "[MIR] jbig2dec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69153316:51
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SpamapSanybody know how to get natty to use a different default browser than firefox? 17:12
elifcjwatson: hi, some days ago you helped me answering that wasn't possible with Preseed to install Ubuntu without partitioning the disk, i.e, install Ubuntu in a previously created (possibly formatted) partition. If want to change this behaviour what would be better place to go ? change partman ? change debian-installer ? Thanks in advance.17:25
dokotkamppeter: please can you fix the splix build?17:25
=== RoAk is now known as andreserl
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\shmicahg: could you do the zf 1.11.2 backports? :) and happy new year, my friend18:03
micahg\sh: sure, I'll try to get to it later tonight18:04
\shmicahg: thx a lot :)18:04
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cjwatsonari-tczew: I have a merge in progress - I'll try to get around to finishing it18:08
cjwatsonari-tczew: but if you want to take it, I really don't care much.  Just be careful, some of the changes are quite subtle18:08
cjwatsonelif: partman, but it's really hard.18:09
tkamppeterdoko, kees, I have uploaded jbig2dec with symbols now.18:10
keestkamppeter: excellent, thanks18:13
pittiev: it's getting better every day; yesterday and today I did a ton of GTK2 patches to fix annotations18:16
pittiev: so maybe try with the gtk2 gir from yesterday?18:16
evfrom git?18:16
pittiev: I have a pygi branch of u-c myself18:16
pittiev: but I got stuck on the threads locking up18:16
pittithe actual UI seemed to work just fine18:16
pittiev: in natt18:16
evhmm, okay18:17
pittiev: I did more fixes in git for language-selector18:17
pittiev: and I just backported a massive fix which enables several dozen functions18:17
evI was trying with dmitrij's branch and I ran into this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552535/18:17
evwith presumably today's gir from natty18:18
evas I'm up to date as of the plenaries18:18
pittiweird, it's in the GIR18:19
pittibut yes, I can replicate it here18:19
pittiev: in my branch I don't even have a *drawable* match, so that's why I didn't run into it18:21
evah :)18:21
KeybukWhen laptop lid is closed: Blank screen ?!?!18:22
KeybukWTF happened to DO NOTHING you option-removing gnome cocks!18:22
Keybuk</mjg59 moment>18:22
pittiev: since it's not even working for gtk3, would you mind filing an upstream bug and CC me? I'll try to get it fixed ASAP, but I need an upstream bug for the signoff18:22
evwill do18:23
pittiev: I'll be on the GNOME GI hackfest next week; excellent fodder :)18:23
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bigonis there something wrong with libusb on natty?20:09
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ari-tczewbigon: looks like missing header20:29
kklimondabigon: there is nothing wrong with libusb, but there were changes to the natty toolchain - you have to pass lib reference after source files20:35
htorquekklimonda, just tried it - works fine. :)20:36
bigonkklimonda: just discovered that20:36
bigonlet's fix my package20:37
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
evpitti: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63917320:55
pittiev: thanks, putting on my radar now20:57
evthank you20:57
pittiev: ah, so you aren't actually using the Drawable yourself20:57
evwell, that was just an example20:57
pittiKeybuk, slangasek, cjwatson: it seems that plymouth writes boot messages to vt7 in natty now? nessita's machine consistently crashes X at first boot because X gets a SIGQUIT on pressing enter21:31
pittidid anything change in that regard in natty?21:31
pittiit's the bug we worked around in lucid by forcing X to start on vt7, but apparently that stopped working21:33
pitti.. any more21:33
cjwatsonpitti: the only relevant change I can think of is that we pass vt.handoff=721:40
cjwatson(kernel parameter)21:40
slangasekpitti: well, the plymouth code didn't change here AFAIK...21:40
pitticjwatson: would that have worked with the maverick kernel? (she is currently running that)21:41
cjwatsonpitti: I don't know what it would have done with the maverick kernel; it certainly wouldn't work *properly*21:54
Keybukjdstrand: you rebuild the xf86-input-multitouch driver with use_tapping 0 right?21:59
jdstrandKeybuk: in my ppa? yeah22:02
jdstrandKeybuk: * memory.c: set #define use_tapping 022:02
Keybukjdstrand: yeah, I've done that22:03
Keybukand weirdly it's making no difference22:03
Keybukif I lightly tap the panel, it still "clicks"22:04
jdstrandKeybuk: maybe the multitouch driver didn't get loaded?22:04
Keybukjdstrand: can I sneak a peak at your Xorg.0.log to compare?22:04
jdstrandKeybuk: I had to adjust the event thing22:04
KeybukI had to do odd stuff to make it bind22:04
Keybuk(and xorg.conf)22:04
KeybukSection "InputClass"22:05
Keybuk    MatchIsTouchpad "true"22:05
Keybuk    Identifier "Multitouch Touchpad"22:05
Keybuk    Driver "multitouch"22:05
Keybuk    MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"22:05
jdstrandKeybuk: it isn't my system, but I did log my change, hold on22:05
jdstrandKeybuk: yes, that is what I have22:06
jdstrandKeybuk: do you have the bcm5974-dkms package installed? (and that driver loaded-- a reboot would do it, but you can also rmmod and modprobe the driver, I forget the name otoh)22:08
Keybuk[ 26230.870] (II) config/udev: Adding input device bcm5974 (/dev/input/event7)22:08
Keybuk[ 26230.870] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "evdev touchpad catchall"22:08
Keybuk[ 26230.870] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "touchpad catchall"22:08
Keybuk[ 26230.871] (**) bcm5974: Applying InputClass "Multitouch Touchpad"22:08
Keybuk[ 26230.871] (II) LoadModule: "multitouch"22:08
Keybukso that seems to be loading22:08
Keybuk[ 26231.073] (II) config/udev: Adding input device bcm5974 (/dev/input/mouse1)22:09
Keybuk[ 26231.073] (II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)22:09
Keybukand that seems to be Not loading22:09
jdstrandKeybuk: unfortunately, the person whose laptop I set this up on is offline (and will be this whole week)22:10
Keybukah, np22:10
Keybukif you get a chance though, I'd love to compare22:10
Keybukbecause I remember this working much better than it is now22:10
jdstrandKeybuk: I can say I recall the synaptics driver wanting to take over if I didn't put that InputClass in xorg.conf22:10
Keybukeven click with one finger, drag with the other, isn't work22:11
Keybukyeah, I'm sure synaptics isn't being loaded22:11
jdstrandKeybuk: yeah, it all works great for her on lucid22:11
bdrungsmb: can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~stefan-bader-canonical/ubuntu/natty/e2fsprogs/branch/+merge/43541 as rejected (because it still appears on the sponsors overview)?22:11
Keybukdeathspank scott% xinput list22:11
Keybuk⎡ Virtual core pointer                    id=2[master pointer  (3)]22:11
Keybuk⎜   ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4[slave  pointer  (2)]22:11
Keybuk⎜   ↳ bcm5974                                 id=10[slave  pointer  (2)]22:11
jdstrandKeybuk: I've not tried maverick or later22:11
jdstrandKeybuk: I mention synaptics cause there is a lot of configuration of that in /etc/{lib,share}/x11/xorg.d/22:12
jdstrandKeybuk: but, you would clearly see it in the Xorg.0.log22:12
Keybukdid you do anything with the fdi file?22:13
jdstrandKeybuk: as for the module not loading, that is odd. I didn't have that problem, but made a note to grab her dmesg and Xorg.0.log when she is online22:13
jdstrandKeybuk: no. nothing with fdi22:13
Keybukthat's the weird thing22:13
KeybukI'm pretty sure the module is loading22:13
Keybukand is being used22:13
Keybukbut it's not providing any different functionality22:13
smbbdrung, Hm, status seems only to offer me the options of merged, work in progress or needs review. Which seems not to be helpful22:15
jdstrandKeybuk: sorry I couldn't be more help :( (but will get the info when I can)22:16
Keybukthat's ok :)22:17
tkamppeterIn bug #701218 the reporter is adding the "print-server" task. What is that and how does one do that?22:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701218 in foomatic-db (Ubuntu) "openprinting-ppds : Conflicts: openprinting-ppds-extra" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70121822:17
bdrungsmb: i have these three options too. there used to be a 'rejected' status22:17
smbbdrung, I try to grab someone to get it resolved22:18
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
Keybukjdstrand: aha! figured it out22:38
jdstrandKeybuk: oh!? what was it?22:39
Keybukthey changed the output path of the object when you type "make"22:42
Keybukso the one I was using was ... old22:42
Keybukcp obj/multitouch.so ...22:42
Keybukrather than22:42
Keybukcp multitouch.so ...22:42
Keybukfixed it :p22:42
cjwatsontkamppeter: tasksel install print-server22:46
cjwatson(tasksel --test ..., in case you just want to see what it'll do)22:46
cjwatsonit comes from the print-server seed22:47
cjwatsonso in fact, 'sudo apt-get --dry-run -q -y install print-server^'22:47
jdstrandKeybuk: ah! cool :)22:50
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
tkamppetercjwatson, thanks. So if the print-server task contains an obsolete package, against which package I have to report the bug?23:06
tkamppeterkees, doko, can someone of you complete the MIR bug #691533? Thanks.23:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691533 in jbig2dec (Ubuntu) "[MIR] jbig2dec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69153323:19
dokotkamppeter: sure. can you fix the splix build failure?23:19
tkamppeterdoko, does this cause a build failure of SpliX?23:20
tkamppeterdoko, I did not get any notification, thanks for telling me.23:20
dokotkamppeter: did you see my email on ubuntu-devel?23:22
tkamppeterdoko, I am searching for it now, found it. A global test rebuild for Natty. Did not find the time yet to look into it.23:24
tkamppeterdoko, found it, from my packages it is splix which failed.23:30
Keybuktwo opportunities to misspell that one23:34

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