
mhall119what do you mean?00:06
Ronniethe TeamEventForm(......) in meetings/views.py is missing team=team_event.teams.all()00:08
mhall119oh, ok, I wasn't looking at meetings/ stuff, just events/00:14
YoBoYgood morning07:00
dholbachgood morning14:55
Ronniemorning dholbach14:58
dholbachhey Ronnie14:58
Ronniedholbach: are you good with Django?15:03
dholbachRonnie, I'm not a pro - what help do you need?15:05
Ronniein this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/688064 2 different models need to be sorted on date. and the top 5 must be displayed in the template.15:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 688064 in loco-directory "Add meetings to 'upcoming events' on team's pages (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Wishlist,Triaged]15:05
Ronniethe top 5 is mixed of the 2 models15:05
Ronniefor example 4 for model 1 and 1 for model 215:05
dholbachah, hm15:05
dholbachI guess there's no easy way15:06
dholbachyou might have to "mix" them yourself15:06
Ronnieso write my own date-sorting script15:07
dholbachor something like that :)15:07
mhall119morning everyone15:07
Ronniemornin mhall11915:08
dholbachhey mhall11915:08
Ronnieand for both models, write a sort of view function, which can be called from the template15:08
mhall119Ronnie: sounds like the best way is to get the top 5 from each, put them into a list, and then sort them by date and grab the top 515:09
Ronnieok, ill work on that one15:09
dholbachyep, sounds good15:09
nigelbmorning mhall119 15:28
mhall119morning nigelb 15:43
nigelbhowdy mhall119 15:43
nigelbworking on summit now :)15:43
nigelbmhall119: http://twitter.com/#!/timmartin2/status/2336501783959961615:45
mhall119nigelb: I saw that in Gwibber this morning, it make me laugh15:46
nigelblovely one it is ;015:46
Ronniedholbach, mhall119: does one of oyu have a nice sorting script15:59
Ronniei think i can write one myself, but i know there are optimized versions15:59
Ronniecan i use the __cmp__ etc functions or would that break django16:00
dholbachI'd use a multi-dimensional list and use sort(key=operator.itemgetter(<nr>))16:01
UndiFineDRonnie: Qsort, bubblesort16:04
ebelRonnie: sort on the command line? :P16:09
ebelah right django stuff. :P16:09
Ronniedholbach: that worked16:10
Ronniecan somebody test this fix16:10
Ronnieim going to eat16:10
nigelbmhall119: hey, got a few mins to debug something?16:38
nigelbhttp://dpaste.com/303657/ --> code16:39
cjohnstonnigelb: bug number please17:00
Ronniecjohnston: can you view this page with a blank loco-directory branch? http://localhost:8000/teams/ubuntu-is17:01
Ronniefor me it gives: Caught AttributeError while rendering: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'17:01
nigelbcjohnston: bug 66853217:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 668532 in summit "/today page to display current day's schedule (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66853217:01
Ronniei guess because the team has no name17:01
cjohnstonRonnie: lunch.. and helping nigelb.. ill ping you when i get a second. :-)17:02
Ronniecjohnston: sure, thxc17:02
cjohnstonyour buddy is here17:02
cjohnstonTrickyJ: I thought you were going to work on that loco-directory bug for us17:07
TrickyJcjohnston: I am sorry i would love to work on it but u know i dont have computer at home and in office i have very limited access :( by EOM i am purchasing new laptop and then i will start working on it,17:11
TrickyJHmmm :) i cannot even install MIRC on my office computer i am using Webchat  Ubuntu LoCo Teams IRC Chat17:13
mhall119nigelb: can I see your urls.py?17:16
cjohnstonno. its top secret17:17
nigelbmhall119: hang on17:17
mhall119nigelb: nevermind, I think I know what the problem is anywa17:18
mhall119nigelb: by_date is still decorated with @summit_required, which means you need to pass the summit_name, not the summit instance17:18
nigelbso remove the @summit_required17:19
nigelbbtw, what the decoration mean?17:19
mhall119no, don't remove @summit_required17:19
mhall119a decoraction wraps a function in another function17:19
mhall119when you call by_date(), you're actually calling summit_required(by_date)17:20
mhall119change "return by_date(request, summit, attendee, today)" to "return by_date(summit.name, today)" and see if that works17:21
dakercjohnston, have you seen my comment ? https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-directory/699692/+merge/4547717:22
czajkowskiAloha 17:23
nigelbmhall119: now I get a 40417:23
cjohnstonya.. we did some talking about it last night.. I think mhall119 had a fix17:23
nigelbbut I do have a view when I look at that date17:23
cjohnstoneveryone stop talking about czajkowski, she's here now17:23
* czajkowski hugs cjohnston 17:23
czajkowskicjohnston: 14 items are gone off my to do list today17:24
cjohnstonI've got more17:24
czajkowskijust added 2 on for tomorow, so that's not bad going for a Monday 17:24
cjohnstonReady for me to add more stuff to your todo17:25
czajkowskicjohnston: yeah if you like 17:28
czajkowskionly thing I've to do tomorrow is write a talk and sort out catering for a conference 17:29
czajkowskithe latter is simple 17:29
Ronniedaker: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/697692-2/+merge/45654 (also the copy event / copy meeting bug)17:32
dakerRonnie, not for now pls ツ17:32
mhall119nigelb: pastebin?17:33
nigelbmhall119: of the view?17:33
nigelbmhall119: I just get "No Summit matches the given query.17:34
cjohnstonRonnie: bug 69391217:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 693912 in loco-directory "Export does not export entire event name (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69391217:34
nigelbmhall119: got it!17:35
nigelbmhall119: had to pass request :D17:35
mhall119oh, right, duh17:35
Ronniecjohnston: marked mine as duplicate17:36
nigelbmhall119: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/annotate/head%3A/summit/schedule/models/summitmodel.py#L7517:37
cjohnstonis it possible for a team to not have a name?17:37
nigelbmhall119: does ^^ that function help get the local time correctly?17:38
cjohnstonor is that only an issue because of bug 69391217:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 693912 in loco-directory "Export does not export entire event name (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 11)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69391217:38
mhall119cjohnston: no, every team should have a name17:38
mhall119nigelb: looks like it does17:38
mhall119local to the summit venue anyway17:38
cjohnstonmhall119: right... so im thinking that bug is only because of the export bug..17:38
nigelbmhall119: where does it get the localtz of the summit venue?17:38
* nigelb feels particulraly silly.17:39
mhall119nigelb: from the Summit object's timezone field17:39
mhall119when someone creates a new Summit, they specify the timezone17:40
nigelbmhall119: ah, self.timezone()17:40
nigelbso, now if I want to call this function, in the view, I'd do modelname.function?17:41
mhall119self.timezone is a field, not a function17:41
Ronniecjohnston: its possible, because the model has: null=True (it has no blank=True, so in forms you must supply a name). but technically its possible17:41
mhall119nigelb: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/annotate/head:/summit/schedule/models/summitmodel.py#L5817:41
nigelbmhall119: no, I meant if I want to call the localize function17:42
mhall119in the view, you'd call summitinstance.localize(datetime)17:42
nigelbPHP to python is oddly confusing in the OOPS area17:43
mhall119yes it is17:43
mhall119mostly because python has a decent OO model17:43
MagicFabW00T!!! got the Ubuntu table cloth and PVC banner!!17:46
MagicFabThey look awesome!17:46
czajkowskiso glad teams are liking them 17:52
nigelbmhall119: ok, it works17:57
nigelbmhall119: I suppose we need a "No UDS ongoing" page and do we want to autorefresh the schedule every hour or so?17:58
nigelb(that way, far lesser manual intervention of the screen for which we're making the modification in the first place...17:58
cjohnstonThere should be an auto refresh on the today page.. IIRC there is on the daily pages... 18:00
cjohnstonbut also bug #66852818:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 668528 in summit "Display the time the schedule page was last refreshed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66852818:00
nigelbcjohnston: i'm working on thta into one merge18:02
nigelbmhall119: wanna review this? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/fix-today/+merge/4527618:15
mhall119nigelb: maybe later18:15
nigelbmhall119: sure, thanks18:16
nigelbI'll head to bed then :)18:16
cjohnstonmhall119: I think bug 700527 is a really bad idea anytime that there will be teams involved21:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 700527 in ubuntu-django-foundations "Separate userprofile from launchpad (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70052721:01
mhall119cjohnston: I'm looking for ways to say one app depends on another, such that if you use 'teams' you must also be using 'userprofile'21:04
mhall119but the intention of the separation was to allow 'userprofile' to be used, even when 'launchpad' is not21:04
cjohnstonwhat are some use cases for that?21:04
mhall119any time a developer doesn't want to require launchpad accounts for users21:05
mhall119which, given comments we've gotten about LD, seems to be frequent enough to warrant a separation if it's not too difficult21:05
cjohnstonI'm just not sure in the ubuntu world, what situations that would be relevant to I guess21:06
mhall119OMG! Ubuntu21:08
mhall119stack exchange21:08
Ronniemhall119: what is the target audience for the foundation. i tought loco's which wat to use it in comination with launchpad21:17
mhall119Ronnie: any community-created website, not just for locos21:29
mhall119it should also help us minimize duplication between LD, summit, HOF and others21:30
Ronnieok, thx for the clarification mhall11921:30
mhall119no problem21:30
cjohnstonmhall119: would it be possible to setup one user profiles app, and allow anyone to pull off of it?21:41
cjohnstonand would that be more prudent21:41
Ronniecjohnston: should the userporfile a separate app, or standard / build-in the foundation21:45
cjohnstonI could see seperate so that you dont have it there if you dont need the userprofiles21:53
cjohnstonas long as its easially integrated in21:53
Ronnieare there any use cases that userprofiles arent nessecairy?21:54
mhall119cjohnston: that's kind of what the bug was for22:02
mhall119all apps (except common) will be optional for ubuntu-django-foundations22:03

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