
=== Salt|afk is now known as Salt
=== Salt is now known as Salt|afk
=== Salt|afk is now known as Salt
seattlegauchoalthara: your recommendation to use spideroak a while back for online backup was on the spot ... thx!18:45
altharaWhile I love getting apreciation for things that I do, it was not me that recommended that to you. Perhaps if was valorie. :)18:47
seattlegauchonope ... she wasn't ... hmm 19:06
* seattlegaucho goes into his logs19:06
seattlegauchoalthara: you were right ... it was valorie who brought it up 19:08
* seattlegaucho owes yet another thank you not to valorie19:08
altharavalorie is awesome :)19:08
MarkDudealthara, +119:34
=== Salt is now known as Salt|afk
=== Salt|afk is now known as Salt
valorieI'm liking it so far also, even though my connection is so slow it's laughable....22:22
valorieI think comcast is throttling, the basta*&s22:23
seattlegauchoI haven't proved it yet ... but comcast throttles23:02
seattlegauchoevery time I have to do heavy downloads ... I notice that things start to slowdown quite a bit after 1hr or so23:03
valoriewell, this is uploading23:37
valoriebut it would be hell to restore from a backup at this rate!23:38
valorieweeks, literally23:38

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