
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mgariepygood morning everyone13:24
highvoltagegood morning mgariepy14:54
mgariepyhey good morning highvoltage long time no see !:P14:59
neil_dI have a new ltsp setup! but the client logins are not reliable... the correct name and password sometimes get refused by the server... is there anything that can be done about this?22:31
HedgeMagenixternal: It's usually pretty dead in here this time of day, you might want to try in a few hours.22:34
HedgeMageerr, neil_d ^^^22:34
HedgeMagesorry, nixternal -- mistabbed22:34
HedgeMageneil_d: If I knew LTSP well, I'd jump in.22:34
neil_dHedgeMage: ok I will keep trying....22:35
alkisgneil_d: try also in #ltsp22:40

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