
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
Riddellrbelem: the samba share kdenetwork patch still has plenty issues but samba doesn't seem to be working here so that's probably a large part of the problem01:05
Riddell>net share01:06
RiddellEnter jr's password: 01:06
Riddellsession setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE01:06
Riddellthat doesn't seem right01:06
rbelemRiddell, try `net usershare info`01:07
Riddellthat works01:07
rbelemRiddell, did you manage to share a dir with samba plugin patch?01:08
Riddellbut I can't browse them in dolphin or nautilus01:08
Riddellwhich suggests samba breakage01:09
Riddellalso it doesn't stop the sharing when I untick the box01:09
Riddelloh I didn't have samba installed at first only samba-common-bin which caused some errors that would be nice to have handled01:09
rbelemRiddell, that's true...01:09
rbelemRiddell, need to check if samba daemon is installed01:10
rbelemi did not think about this issue01:10
rbelemRiddell, I'll fix that01:10
Riddellideally it would then use kpackagekit to offer to install it01:11
RiddellI'm sure dantti can tell you how, it's just a dbus call01:11
Riddellrbelem: it's not clear what the table does01:12
Riddellthe permisions table01:12
Riddellit's just text fields with no prompt of what to put in them01:12
rbelemRiddell, nice :-), we can ifdef the code for distributions01:13
rbelemRiddell, it is not done yet01:13
rbelemRiddell, you will have a check box for each item01:13
rbelemreadonly, full, deny01:13
Riddellthat would make sense01:13
rbelembut it is a pain to do that by hand01:14
rbelemi was trying to find a way to make it in an automatic way01:15
rbelembut did not find01:15
Riddellwell you just have to make a QGridLayout and put the boxes in there, and expand the grid layout if you need more lines01:16
rbelemRiddell, do you think that the is fine? should i change something?01:16
rbelemRiddell, but the user can have only one option checked01:17
Riddellthen use radio buttons, or a dropdown combobox01:18
rbelemso we have to use qgroupbutton iirc01:18
rbelemRiddell, combobox would be super easy, but it will look ugly, i guess01:19
rbelemnot sure about radio01:19
Riddellrbelem: not really, see the Permissions tab on Dolphin Properties01:19
rbelemRiddell, hum...01:21
rbelemRiddell, that's looks pretty nice01:21
rbelemRiddell, which container would we use?01:21
Riddellhow do you mean container?01:22
rbelemRiddell, the widget that will hold the users list and comboboxes01:23
Riddelljust a qgridlayout no?01:23
rbelemRiddell, hum... but without the headers... 01:24
rbelemand grid lines01:24
Riddelllayouts have no grid lines01:24
rbelemRiddell, but does it use qscrollablearea?01:25
Riddelloh you can use a qframe if you want that01:26
Riddellactually, QScrollArea containing a QWidget with a QGridLayout01:27
Riddellhmm, I can't comment on your patch on reviewboard01:29
Riddellor at least I can't see how01:29
rbelemRiddell, need anything like qframe with borders around it?01:29
rbelemRiddell, would be nice to hear sheytan opnion about that01:31
Riddellagateau has opinions about borders01:31
rbelemRiddell, let's hear his opnion about that and then we finish the patch tomorrow01:34
* Riddell goes to see if the rooftop swimming pool is open01:40
rbelemRiddell, :-D01:42
=== stalcup changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 2011 same procedure as every year: 2 releases and many hugs | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | KDE PIM 4.6 beta 4 to be packaged | alpha 2 bugs http://goo.gl/yGhJd || Kubuntu Meeting 6pm UTC Wed. the 12th || add your items https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
Troublekpackagekit is fixed \o/09:00
* Trouble dances09:06
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
* phononlogger probably wont be able to make the meeting after all11:02
phononloggerthough I could throw in an occasional +1 or -1 via the n900 :P11:02
phononlogger!find qemu-arm-static11:08
ubottuFound: qemu-arm-static, qemu-kvm-extras-static11:08
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* shadeslayer wavws weakly12:59
* nigelb hands shadeslayer some complan13:14
* shadeslayer drinks complan ..... cough's some more and goes back into hiding13:15
sre-suDoes Quick Access(the one besides KDE Application Launcher in default panel) supports previously-selected-folder view? KDE 4.5.513:37
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ari-tczewplease sponsor this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/ubuntu/maverick/rhythmbox/rhythmbox-bugfixes-maverick/+merge/4355813:40
shadeslayersre-su: better ask in #kde13:44
shadeslayeri doubt there are people around today13:45
sre-suAre there any people in #kde? O_o13:45
shadeslayeri know of just one quick access .. the panel one13:45
shadeslayersre-su: id think so13:45
shadeslayeruser support is #kubuntu and #kde13:46
sre-sushadeslayer: I'm talking about the same13:46
shadeslayersre-su: dont think so13:46
Riddellari-tczew: that's not KDE, best ask in #ubuntu-desktop14:40
ari-tczewRiddell: uppsss, right, I pasted link in wrong tab in conversation, sorry :/14:41
steveireRiddell: Any idea if 10.04 will get a KDE update so I can move beyond https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/680088 ? I'd like to do some kde pim 4.6 testing14:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 680088 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Upgrade fails "Can not mark 'kubuntu-desktop' for upgrade "" [Undecided,Invalid]14:59
Riddellsteveire: I doubt it, I'm not sure how the update-manager would handle that15:08
Riddellit would need to remove kde first15:08
Riddellwhich is probably what you need to do to upgrade I'm afraid15:09
RiddellI'll ask mvo today when I see him, but there won't be a quick fix15:09
steveireOh, I thought the quick fix was wait for a version of KDE greater than what I have now to appear in -updates...15:11
steveireRiddell: When will we need to have KDE PIM 4.6.x released to get it into the next kubuntu?15:12
agateaurbelem: can you attach a screenshot to your review request?15:13
rbelemagateau, oki :-)15:14
Riddellsteveire: wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyReleaseSchedule Feb 24th  FeatureFreeze15:15
Riddellsteveire: and even then it'll need kolab sys to get successful results in their testing and for us to be confident enough to include it instead of 4.415:17
Riddellsteveire: although even if we have 4.4 by default it would be good if we had 4.6 in the archive as well for the mobile bits and anyone who wanted it15:21
Riddellthat'll need some packaging trickery15:21
rbelemagateau, done :-)15:34
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1213790 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/README.PACKAGERS Add a README.PACKAGERS file listing binary dependencies that will need to manually be depended on15:50
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1213791 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/TODO Remove completed items from the todo15:51
steveireRiddell: Ok. I'll need a clean install then I guess.16:00
Riddellsteveire: that's probably the easiest, sorry about that16:02
steveireOk. Might make sense to put that on the bug and mark it wontfix16:07
steveireSo far after my message a while ago it looks like waiting will fix it16:08
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Riddellhola yofel 16:39
Riddellanyone want to write a Qt Creator into equivalent to this? http://developer.ubuntu.com/create/16:47
Riddelljono asked for it16:47
* shadeslayer looks16:47
shadeslayerwhy not qtcreator?16:48
shadeslayeri meant it does pretty much what is described there16:49
shadeslayerexcept LP integration16:49
Riddellshadeslayer: ?  he's wanting one for Qt Creator16:49
shadeslayerRiddell: you mean the page written for qt creator?16:49
shadeslayerhow to use qtcreator.. how to install it ... ?16:50
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, an equivalent of that page for Qt Creator16:50
Riddellto go on developer.ubuntu.com16:51
shadeslayerah ok16:51
shadeslayersure why not16:51
shadeslayeri can do it16:52
Riddellwell, needs to be done this week16:53
RiddellI think they want to launch the site next week16:53
Riddellto tight a deadline?16:53
shadeslayerill work on it tonight then16:53
shadeslayeri can get a rough draft ready16:53
shadeslayerthen we can polish it up16:53
shadeslayerto the piratepad!16:55
shadeslayerRiddell: http://piratepad.net/kubuntucreate16:56
agateaurbelem: thanks17:04
Riddellsteveire: a workaround for the upgrade issue would be to add the maverick kubuntu-ppa updates PPA17:24
steveireinteresting. Might try that. Won't that mean I always have the same issue when attempting to upgrade and I'll always have to add a ppa from the next release?17:28
Riddellsteveire: no becaues updates PPA has 4.5.5 for maverick but natty will have 4.617:29
Riddelldeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu maverick main17:30
Riddellis what you want in sources.list17:30
Riddellactually, you probably can't just test that since the upgrade tool will disable PPAs17:31
steveireI'll try it out17:33
shadeslayerwell there is a way around it17:39
Riddellsteveire: mvo will comment on bug 680088 shortly with how to stop PPAs being disabled during upgrade17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 680088 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Upgrade fails "Can not mark 'kubuntu-desktop' for upgrade "" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68008817:39
shadeslayersteveire: install kdepim beta -> when you want to upgrade s/lucid/maverick in sources.list -> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:40
Riddellshadeslayer: eh?17:41
shadeslayerRiddell: well .. that wont disable the ppa's17:41
shadeslayerand you can still upgrade17:41
shadeslayeryou'll need to add the kubuntu-ppa ofcourse17:41
Riddellyou really shouldn't tell people to update apt for distro version upgrades, that way trouble lies17:42
shadeslayerthe beta one ..17:42
shadeslayerRiddell: really? .. i thought thats what do-release-upgrade does17:42
Riddelland steveire is kindly testing out if we can get the distupgrade tool to work around the issue17:42
Riddellshadeslayer: no it runs the distupgrade tool which has policy on how to upgrade17:42
yofelstill dangerous but better would be to use aptitude interactively, press U to update, and then search for kubuntu-desktop and make sure that stays installed17:42
Riddellapt-get dist-upgrade has no policy and will just propose something that might involve uninstalling most of what you want17:43
Riddellamarok for the pacakging17:44
Riddellkdevelop too17:44
yofelI'll try kdevelop in an hour or so if nobody else wants to do it17:46
shadeslayeri might take up amarok after i finish this qtcreator doc17:47
shadeslayerRiddell: http://developer.ubuntu.com/create/ << the first point in 'Getting Started' ... -> "for new application .. " -> "For new application"17:50
Riddellshadeslayer: don't tell me, tell whoever is incharge of that site17:51
shadeslayerwho is ? :P17:52
Riddelldunno, probably one of jono's minions17:52
shadeslayerhmm ... so possibly poke in #ubuntu-devel ..17:52
shadeslayeror someplace else?17:52
Riddellpoke jono17:53
shadeslayeri guess we can keep the same install points as the quickly page17:55
afiestashow can I install Kubuntu 11.04 alpha1 via usb?18:06
afiestas(my cd drive is broken)18:07
shadeslayerafiestas: use usb-creator?18:08
shadeslayeryou need the iso of the alpha CD and usb-creator to write it to the usb drive18:09
shadeslayer!usb > afiestas18:09
ubottuafiestas, please see my private message18:09
debfxis anyone already working on amarok 2.4?18:09
shadeslayerdebfx: well ... i was thinking of .. but if you want to take it up, go ahead18:09
shadeslayerRiddell: have a look at the piratepad18:11
shadeslayerim stuck now :P18:11
debfxok, i'll package it18:11
Riddellthanks debfx 18:12
neversfelde_is someone already working on amarok 1.4?18:24
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
yofelneversfelde: if you mean 2.4 debfx is doing that18:25
neversfeldeyes, sorry 2.418:25
Riddellneversfelde: I'm sure we can find something else if you want to do some packaging :)18:31
neversfeldeRiddell: ok?18:31
Riddellwow, my laptop just froze solid18:38
Riddellthat doesn't happen often18:38
Riddellprobably having 0B free disk space doesn't help18:38
Riddellneversfelde: how about bug 683439 ?18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683439 in kdeedu (Ubuntu) "split kalgebra mobile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68343918:38
highvoltagethat usually doesn't help much18:38
yofelRiddell: kdevelop 4.1.90 right?18:39
Riddellfor natty and if you are up for it for kubuntu-ppa/backports maverick18:40
Riddellhmm, not backport18:40
neversfeldeRiddell: I will have a look. Seems that I have to merge choqok first, I did not know that it is necessary to do a merge, when there are no changes except of a simple package upgrade in debian18:40
Riddellneversfelde: why do you have to?18:40
ScottKneversfelde: If there's no changes from Debian that we need to maintain, just request a sync.18:41
neversfeldeRiddell: Bug 70117818:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701178 in choqok (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] new upstream release candidate 0.9.98" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70117818:42
neversfeldeScottK: my package is different from the debian one, for example it has a build-dep libindicate-qt-dev, because choqok supports the message indicator now18:43
Riddellchoqok can't be merged, it needs the POT export thing18:43
ScottKneversfelde: OK. 18:43
neversfeldeRiddell: the POT export thing?18:43
Riddellexport KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT=extragear-network_choqok18:44
Riddellin debian/rules18:44
Riddellneversfelde: personally i wouldn't waste time on a merge, merges are for the beginning of the cycle18:44
Riddellif we merge every time debian updates we'll do nothing but merging18:44
Riddellneversfelde: want me to review and upload your choqok package?18:45
neversfeldeRiddell: would be great18:45
shadeslayerarent we at the beginning of the natty cycle? :P18:45
shadeslayeror are we talking about pre alpha18:46
yofelpre-debian_import_freeze would be my assumption18:46
shadeslayeryofel: http://gitweb.kde.org/?s=nalvarez/kdeb18:47
shadeslayerlook what we have :D18:47
yofelthis'll be so much fun 18:47
shadeslayeryeah :P18:48
Riddellshadeslayer: what's that?18:49
shadeslayerRiddell: kdebindings :P18:49
Riddellseparated kdebindings is a good thing18:49
shadeslayerRiddell: thats why itll be fun 18:49
Riddellmeans it doesn't hold up the whole package if one bit breaks18:49
Riddellwhich often happens18:49
yofelthat's esp. the case for neon18:49
Riddellchoqok seems to be working, message indicator working to19:04
Riddellagateau: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/choqok-message-indicator.png19:04
agateauRiddell: nice (except for the text overflow :/)19:05
RiddellI can't find a way to turn off the systray icon though, which rather defeats the purpose19:05
ubottuKDE bug 262884 in general "No way to turn off systray icon" [Normal,New]19:10
Riddellwhy do people insist on using twitter for bug reports?19:10
yofelit's at hand19:11
debfxagateau: is the amarok mpris 2 patch completely merged upstream?19:11
QuintasanI agree with Riddell, why on Earth would we want tray icons when we have message indicator, I turned it off soley because of that19:18
mgraesslinshadeslayer: you understood my mail? I feel like I wrote Chineese19:19
shadeslayerjust got it 19:19
shadeslayerlemme see :D19:19
mgraesslinno I mean my first one19:20
shadeslayeryes .. 19:20
mgraesslinit seems to me that they do not understand at all what I wrote19:20
mgraesslinand are too much into an idea they have and try to fix my idea into their idea19:21
Quintasanmgraesslin: Sometime we all do feel like writing Chinese :P19:21
Quintasanmgraesslin: something along the lines "We heard you like ideas so we put an idea in you idea so you can come up with ideas while you come up with ideas" ?19:21
yofelwhy on Earth would we want a message indicator when we have tray icons? :D19:22
Quintasanyofel: Y U TOO MUCH TRAY ICONS?19:22
JontheEchidnaRiddell: mind doing a quick removal of libdebconf-kde, source only please? (replaced by the debconf-kde source package)19:23
yofel*shrug* - make the message indicator red then, I always fail to notice the green background with quassel19:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: no .. ETOOMANYTRAYICONS19:25
shadeslayermgraesslin: so i completely agree with the pinned tab thing19:25
mgraesslingood :-)19:25
yofelthe message is a tray icon anyway19:25
shadeslayeras for the web app stuff ... im not sure i quite understand the discussion19:25
yofel*message indicator19:25
shadeslayerill go through it again this weekend 19:26
mgraesslinif I had known that rekonq supports pinned tabs, I would have written pinned tabs from the beginning19:26
shadeslayerspending a few hours on it19:26
shadeslayermgraesslin: its recently introduced19:26
mgraesslinwith pinned tabs, it's something like ~100 lines of code in rekonq what I am thinking about19:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: will rekonq ever work?19:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: it works! you dont know how to hold it ... erm .. use it :P19:27
mgraesslinfrom the impression of that thread I started: no19:27
Quintasanphononlogger: where is my kubotu in #project-neon?19:27
shadeslayermgraesslin: uh : <mgraesslin> from the impression of that thread I started: no : in reply to Quintasan?19:28
shadeslayerhmm ...19:29
mgraesslingetting as an external to an discussion and the style of discussion can say a lot about a project19:29
mgraesslinI mean my idea can be completely stupid and in that case it should be rejected19:30
mgraesslinbut that's not done in the discussion19:31
neversfeldeI totally forgot about the partitionmanager mir19:31
neversfeldebug 70161719:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701617 in partitionmanager (Ubuntu) "[MIR] partitionmanager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70161719:31
neversfeldeI saw it is still on the agenda for the meeting19:31
shadeslayermgraesslin: seen benjamin's mail?19:35
shadeslayerthe first line pretty much confirms what you just said19:35
mgraesslinI don't feel like speaking Chineese any more :-)19:36
shadeslayermgraesslin: your last mail explains everything nicely19:38
shadeslayerim adding a +1 to that19:38
mgraesslinI need to work on my writing style or let others read mails first ;-)19:40
shadeslayerhahah  :D19:41
shadeslayerhttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754.html << also makes for a good read19:43
ScottKQuintasan: I think rekonq will work fsvo work.  The bigger question is will it ever not be slow.19:49
shadeslayerScottK: the even bigger question is ... will kdewebkit be not slow20:00
shadeslayerbecause the rendering is all done by kdewebkit20:00
ScottKshadeslayer: Users don't care why.20:00
shadeslayereveryone hates users ... ask phononlogger :P20:01
yofelyep, users are the one reason software breaks, get rid of them20:03
shadeslayerthey invent new use cases that programmers have to then cover20:04
yofelhm, I need a kdeutils-dev20:07
shadeslayeryofel: what are you compiling? :P20:08
yofelnew kdevelop20:08
shadeslayerah thought so20:08
yofelthe okteta stuff is in kdeutils not-installed currently20:08
yofelRiddell: can I add a kdeutils-dev package for those?20:09
Riddellyofel: is it needed?20:13
yofelRiddell: kdevelop wan't the okteta libraries20:14
Riddellright I see20:14
Riddellyofel: aye, go for it20:14
DaskreechCan someone pastebin a debian/install file for me?20:14
DaskreechI think that I've somehow screwed mine up20:14
DaskreechHi rickspencer3 20:14
RiddellDaskreech: it's just a list of files20:15
rickspencer3hi Daskreech20:15
DaskreechRiddell: I know but mine throws an error everytime I run debuild 20:15
ScottKyofel: Make sure to make the dependencies tight enough since we have no guarantees of ABI stability for kdeutils (see kopete-cryptography/kdenetworking as an example)20:15
DaskreechI just want some comparison so I can figure out what stupid thing I did20:15
yofelScottK: ok, will do20:16
RiddellDaskreech: apt-get source kdetoys20:16
ScottKDaskreech: All of ours are available in bzr at lp:~/[packagename]/kubuntu-members/ubuntu20:16
DaskreechScottK: ok I'll peruse20:19
=== GrueMaster_ is now known as GrueMaster
agateaudebfx: I think the mpris2 patch is completely upstream yes,20:22
agateaudebfx: the part about indicate-qt is not,20:23
agateaudebfx: but I have been told it is not needed anymore, will confirm today hopefully20:23
afiestasyay, running 11.04 :D20:28
shadeslayerafiestas: kewl :D20:29
debfxagateau: great, one less patch in our package :)20:29
afiestasdo you plan to pack (or use) oxygen-gtk ?20:30
agateaudebfx: yes, actually conor (the soundmenu guy) is testing a new version of Amarok package which drops libindicate (but add a tiny one-line patch)20:30
DaskreechScottK: only thing being I'm mapping files. From etc/{packagename} to etc/{providername} for instance20:32
debfxagateau: nice, what about 12_appmenu_fix.diff?20:33
ScottKDaskreech: That will depend on the install path in your package.  It may need to be something like etc/{packagename} debian/tmp/[binarypackage]/etc/{providername}20:34
agateaudebfx: I need to check whether that one has been upstreamed20:34
agateaudebfx: I think it has20:34
DaskreechScottK: oh. I had it the other way debian/tmp/package etc/{providername}20:35
DaskreechHmm Sure that's how it had worked before20:36
ScottKIt's source destination20:36
debfxagateau: doesn't seem to be unless it has been fixed in a different way20:36
DaskreechScottK: and the source is where it is in the temporary comile right?20:36
Daskreechso the opposite of what you just said?20:37
ScottKDaskreech: No.20:37
ScottKSource is where it exists when dh_install runs.  20:37
DaskreechHm mok I'll try map one file and see20:37
ScottKFor a config file that isn't generated that'd usually be in some directory in the source.20:38
agateaudebfx: ok, will push a request then20:38
=== jjesse is now known as 77CAAK78U
77CAAK78Uis freenode having issues or my connection?20:43
77CAAK78Uumm that's wierd20:43
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Riddelljjesse: freenode is20:43
yofelRiddell: ok, okteta is currently in kdesdk and we ship everything except the devel stuff in one 'okteta' package - I would go for a seperate libokteta package for ABI reasons, but should I put okteta and kasten libs together or seperate or one package per library? (seem to be 9 libs in total)20:44
shadeslayernight all20:47
shadeslayerRiddell: ill fix the remaining doc tomorrow20:48
neversfeldethere are a lot of complaints about the strigi not started warning with 4.6, someone knows if there is already a bug report about it?20:50
Riddellneversfelde: I've not looked at it at all I'm afraid20:51
Riddellshadeslayer: I'll tidy it up when I get a minute20:51
shadeslayersure :)20:51
Riddellshadeslayer: needs a screenshot and that's about it I think20:51
shadeslayerRiddell: well ... needs a UI point as well20:51
shadeslayerthe UI designer20:51
shadeslayerRiddell: http://qt.nokia.com/images/products/qtcreatorbreakdown.png << screenshot20:52
yofelneversfelde: I know that one, annoying as hell20:52
Riddellshadeslayer: that'll do20:52
Riddellassuming we can steal that20:53
shadeslayershouldnt be a issue20:54
shadeslayeri stole their description :P .... maintains consistency imo20:55
Riddellyofel: isn't there a kdesdk-dev package?20:55
yofelRiddell: there is, currently empty20:56
shadeslayerscrews coming out of the base of my system20:56
shadeslayerim already missing half of them20:56
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
Riddellyofel: hmm, I think there's a .install file missing there20:57
yofelthe kate devel files should be in there from the description, I can add them. Should I put okteta in there too?21:00
Riddellyofel: yes21:00
Riddellmaybe I failed to add the .install file to bzr or something21:01
yofelactually, kate in in not-installed, so probably intentionally missing, but someone asked for those yesterday21:01
Riddellyofel: well I added kdesdk-dev recently because something needs the kate files21:02
Riddellsee 4:4.5.90-0ubuntu1 changelog21:02
Riddellso they should be removed from the not-installed and added back21:02
yofelok, and should I put the okteta libraries int a libokteta4 package? (libokteta4-6 ?)21:03
Riddellyofel: hmm21:09
Riddellone philosphy would be to make a separate package per library which means 8 new packages21:09
Riddellthe other side would be to keep them all in the okteta package where they currently are21:10
Riddelldo you know what libraries kdevelop needs exactly?21:10
Riddellmaybe just split out those ones21:10
yofelkdevelop seems to search for all of them in cmake :/21:13
JontheEchidnaanybody on ubuntu-mir that could unsubscribe them from bug 701669?21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701669 in qvamps (Ubuntu) "Request for removal from archive (binary and source)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70166921:13
phononloggerQuintasan: idunno21:14
phononloggershadeslayer: yes, users are dreadful21:14
yofelRiddell: it has 3 cmake files though searching for kasten, okteta and oktetakasten, maybe I could batch the libs like that? Or should I just create the new packages?21:15
Riddellyofel: let's ask debian21:19
Riddellsince our main concern is to keep a small diff to them21:20
Riddell21:29 < svuorela> one library in one package21:38
Riddell21:29 < svuorela> and a okteta-dev21:38
Riddellyofel: best go with that then21:38
yofelRiddell: I would go with svuorelas approach then21:38
yofelRiddell: I'll rename kdesdk-dev in kate-dev too then, ok? or do you want to keep that?21:39
Riddellyofel: kate-dev is good yes21:39
Riddellagateau: where are you?22:01
RiddellI have a git question22:01
agateau2nd floor22:01
agateaudebfx: if I want to propose a merge request for Amarok in natty, which bzr branch should I use?22:59
debfxagateau: usually lp:~kubuntu-members/amarok/ubuntu but it's not up-to-date at the moment23:01
agateaudebfx: yes, that's what I tried to use23:01
Riddellpropose another merge request to make it up to date :)23:01
agateaudebfx: so what's the best way to go? I have a patch for a bug report, should I simply attach the patch to it?23:02
RiddellJontheEchidna: with bug 701669 done should I remove libqt-perl and kde3bindings too?23:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701669 in qvamps (Ubuntu) "Request for removal from archive (binary and source)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70166923:02
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yes please23:02
RiddellJontheEchidna: on remove bugs it's a good idea to say if it's in debian or not (tells me if I have to add a sync blacklist)23:03
debfxagateau: yes, that's fine with me23:03
agateaudebfx: ok23:03
RiddellJontheEchidna: what about gkdebconf ?23:04
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I tried http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/qvamps but it says no package23:04
JontheEchidnaRiddell: that's a suggests relation23:04
Riddelloh it's just a suggets on libqt-perl, that's fine23:04
RiddellJontheEchidna: right so that means it's not in debian, one more good reason for removal23:04
JontheEchidnaFor kde3 removals I've been not proposing anything for removal that hasn't already been removed from debian, but I'll start making note of this in my reports23:05
JontheEchidnaIt sounds as if debain will be getting more aggresive in kde3 removals after squeeze is released, though23:05
Riddellgoodbye kde3bindings!23:06
Riddellstill 95 rdepends on kdelibs4c2a23:06
JontheEchidna76 reverse-build-depends on kdelibs4-dev23:07
JontheEchidna118 for libqt3-mt-dev23:08
agateaudebfx: see bug #69331623:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 693316 in Amarok "Amarok does not register with the menu" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69331623:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell: oh, with kalcul you can also get rid of libeduclockwidget023:12
Riddellwhatever that is23:14
RiddellJontheEchidna: libeduwidgetclock0 gone23:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: libdebconf-kde source was recently renamed to debconf-kde source. The former needs source package removal and the latter needs source package promotion23:17
RiddellI accepted debconf-kde this US morning23:20
rbelemagateau, which widget should I use to insert the username and combobox inside the QListView?23:20
agateaurbelem: it's a bit tricky, let me check23:20
RiddellJontheEchidna: libdebconf-kde gone23:20
rbelemagateau, thx :-)23:21
agateaurbelem: KWidgetItemDelegate: http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKWidgetItemDelegate.html23:24
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thanks23:24
debfxagateau: is the libindicate patch still needed?23:25
agateaudebfx: I am waiting for confirmation that it can go23:25
rbelemagateau, nice :-)23:29
rbelemagateau, thx, i will take a look on that :-)23:29
agateaurbelem: great23:30
debfxRiddell: two more kde3 removal bugs for you: bug #701713 and #701718 :)23:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701713 in anymeal (Ubuntu) "Please remove anymeal source and binary package" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70171323:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701718 in maxemumtvguide (Ubuntu) "Please remove maxemumtvguide source and binary package from the archive" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70171823:32
Riddelldebfx: voila23:34
debfxthanks :)23:35
JontheEchidnakde-icons-noia just recently got removed from debian too23:36
RiddellJontheEchidna: is that a hint that I should remove it?23:36
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yes please :)23:38
debfxthese are all the ubuntu-only kde3 packages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/553009/23:39
JontheEchidnakyamo has a kde4 beta version that I am currently packaging23:40
JontheEchidnaits build system seems to have gotten worse despite moving away from GNU autohell23:40
Riddellkdewebdev-kde3 exists because of quanta23:40
Riddellbut I think the rest can be removed, some already are23:41
JontheEchidnakyamo switched to qmake, and instead of having a .desktop file in the source and not installing it, they don't have one at all now23:41
JontheEchidnaRiddell: quanta depends on all of those other ones though :(23:41
JontheEchidnaat some point I think we should just pull the plug on quanta-kde3 and let the kde3 remix packages take care of that23:42
debfxRiddell: kinstaller can be removed23:43
Riddellquanta seems to only depend on kdelibs, xlibs and kdewebdev3 bits23:43
Riddellbut maybe now is the time to remove it23:44
Riddellwhat's the popcon score like?23:44
Riddellhow about this?23:44
Riddellfor asdf in datakiosk kautoclick kbib kinstaller kiso kleansweep klear kmhtconvert kmysqladmin koverartist; do lp-remove-package.py -u debfx -m "obsolete" ${asdf} -y; done23:45
JontheEchidnasounds fine to me23:45
Riddelldebfx: ok with you?23:46
debfxRiddell: yes, sounds good :)23:47
JontheEchidnanow we just have to wait for things to appear here: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/universe.html#removedfromA23:47
JontheEchidnagah, go ahead and remove kyamo. It's qmake buildsystem doesn't install anything23:49
JontheEchidnaanything with a build system that bad isn't fit for consumption23:49
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ^23:49
JontheEchidnadebfx: btw, how did you compile that list?23:50
debfxJontheEchidna: using my own hackish python script that downloads and parses the Packages files from debian and ubuntu23:51
debfxso I can loop through all packages and do checks like ", ".join(package.buildDeps()).find("kdelibs4-dev")!=-1 and not sid.package(package.name())23:53
JontheEchidnaI'd be interested to see a list for libqt3-mt-dev, so we can see what we're up against on that front23:54
debfxJontheEchidna: Ubuntu-only packages?23:56
JontheEchidnadebfx: yeah. it'd be easy enough to run reverse-build-depends on it ;-)23:56
debfxah right ^^23:56
RiddellJontheEchidna: kyamo gone23:57
Riddellqt3 is still in main, pesky LSB :(23:57
debfxJontheEchidna: http://paste.ubuntu.com/553021/23:58
JontheEchidnaI wonder if blogging about how the so-called "Standard Base" for Linux depending on unsupported, deprecated software would motivate any change :P23:58
JontheEchidnadebfx: not that bad23:58
JontheEchidnaI want to check if any of them have Qt4 ports we might have missed23:59
JontheEchidnabsc has one: http://www.beesoft.org/23:59
JontheEchidnawe should make a wiki23:59

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