
Daskreechsithlord48: anything went boom>00:04
Daskreechmy apologies00:04
sithlord48Daskreech: in my upgrade?00:04
sithlord48nothing at all it went very smooth (from kde 4.5.5)00:05
Daskreechto 4.6 RC?00:05
DaskreechThat's depressing :(00:07
sithlord48Daskreech:  i have not really played w/ anything either.00:07
sithlord48there might be some things broken that i havent used , but quassel , rekonq and plasma desktop are working , smooth tasks widget too00:08
Daskreechsithlord48: Important things first :)00:08
sithlord48Daskreech:  yes i can't use the computer with out smooth tasks :P00:09
Daskreech I found out that one of the Games under Kpat is broken when you do something a certain way  that used to work before but it's fixed now so should be good for 4.6.000:09
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pixie__on faacebook you know when you want to upload pix that little box that pops up for it wont pop up for me since i started using kubuntu... do i need to install a package to be able to get that upload box?00:42
James147pixie__: with what browsers?00:42
pixie__James147: I am using firefox00:42
James147pixie__: try some of the others ones (konquror, rekonq, chromium) see if it works for any of them00:43
pixie__James147: ok00:43
* Daskreech doesn't use Facebook. Is it flash?00:45
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shane4ubuntupixie__: you may need to install flash, I'm pretty sure that is a flash thing02:07
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quiescentwhat do I need to get skype on Kunbutu 10-1003:46
KubuntiacAnyone else not getting any KDE 4.5.5 packages after adding the kubuntu-ppa ppa?04:11
KubuntiacI've done apt-add-repository:ppa:kubuntu-ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, but it just says no new packages. I'm on 10.10 and KDE still shows as running 4.5.4 :/04:12
Riddellapt-add-repository:ppa:kubuntu-ppa isn't right, should be apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa04:12
valorieKubuntiac: you might ask in #kubuntu-devel04:13
KubuntiacRiddell: yeah, I do that and the PPA shows in Kpackagekit, it says it's already added, yet no new packages...04:15
Kubuntiac(copied and pasted yours)04:16
RiddellKubuntiac: apt-cache policy kdelibs5 ?04:16
Kubuntiaclol. It says I have KDE 4.5.5... I must have upgraded before and only used sleep (not logout / reboot) since as my apps help menu still says about KDE 4.5.404:18
KubuntiacThx Riddell!04:18
KubuntiacWill reboot and no doubt see 4.5.5 goodness :)04:18
DaskreechKubuntiac: You can just log out and back in04:32
KubuntiacDaskreech: Yes, I could. Every couple of months or so I like to do a full shutdown just to keep things running silky smooth :)04:36
KubuntiacSpeaking of which...04:36
Daskreechhi arthur. Are you training for a race?04:36
elknghow can I change resolution in console?04:39
moetuneselkng:  xrandr -q   will let you know the resolutions available and   xrandr -s 1280x1024   or whatever to set one04:40
elkngmoetunes: in console, I want 80x2504:45
moetuneselkng:  in a tty? you need to edit /etc/default/grub and do sudo update-grub and reboot for that afaik04:46
elkngmoetunes: thanks04:48
mr-richTVTime plays my old bt878 card no problem, Me TV can't find it ... any help?04:58
moetunesthey use the same kernel drivers afaik - I use me-tv here and it autodetected ok05:00
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mr-richmoetunes: well, I get the error "no dvb devices found" ...05:13
mr-richtvtime works just fine ...05:13
moetunesmr-rich:  I can sggest the #me-tv channel but apart from that ...05:14
mr-rich3 ppl in there ... me included :(05:16
moetunesyes it is slow in there but they can be helpful if you are patient05:23
moetunesmr-rich:  me-tv uses the xine engine - open up xine and see if it can find the frontend to use05:28
mr-richmoetunes: checking ...05:29
mr-richmoetunes: xine sez no plugin found and the same "no dvb devices" ...05:30
mr-richmoetunes: I also can find nothing /dev about dvb ...05:31
moetunesmr-rich:  how did you install me-tv? - from the repos?05:31
mr-richmoetunes: yup ... same with xine ...05:31
moetunesmr-rich:  here I have a dvb folder in /dev with a frontend fifo05:32
moetunesso dunno what's up at your end05:32
moetuneswhat does tvtime interface with?05:32
mr-richmoetunes: not sure ... modules, I think ... I can see the card get loaded in dmesg ...05:33
moetunesmr-rich:  if you can find the interface your card makes it might work symlinking it to /dev/dvb/frontend005:35
moetunesand me-tv supports dbv-t/c/s and atsc - what sort is your card?05:37
mr-richmoetunes: It's a very old bttv card (bt878) (WinTV) ...05:38
mr-richfrom like 2004-5 or so?05:39
moetunesmy winfast card is from 200505:41
moetunesI'm sure somewhere in tvtime it will tell the interface it uses05:44
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mr-richin /dev/video0 ... that's what I saw in dmesg ...06:00
moetunestry making a symlink mr-rich06:12
mr-richjust did ... no luck sofar ..06:12
mr-richwell, I'll figure this out some more during the snow storm on Wed, maybe ... :)06:20
BloodhawkI'm running ubuntu in a KDE environment and Shutdown/Restart are missing from the dropdown menu, how can I add them manually?06:22
DaskreechBloodhawk: Change your display manager06:23
BloodhawkDaskreech: How would I go about that? I'm rather new to the linux system.06:24
DaskreechSo you installed KUbuntu and then moved to Gnome?06:24
BloodhawkNo, I installed Ubuntu and moved to KDE06:25
Daskreechah ok install KDM06:25
BloodhawkDaskreech: apparently KDM was already installed when i looked at the package list, should I be grabbing the gdm functionality for kdm?06:29
Daskreechno on the terminal you can just sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm and it should ask you which you would like to use06:30
DaskreechIf you want KDE then choose KDM if you want GNOME then GDM06:30
DaskreechFor most purposes they are the same but for some reason which escapes me they won't agree on a way to pass power commands to allow shutdown and so on in a desktop agnostic way06:32
DaskreechIf they just did that it would be fully a matter of choice as to which one you would run06:32
Bloodhawkalright, switched it over. guessing it just needs a reboot to take effect now :)06:33
elknghow long it will take to install kubuntu from liveCD?06:37
elkngI'm waiting for about 1.5 hours allready06:39
Daskreechelkng: maybe 20 minutes06:45
elkngDaskreech: mine was 90 munutes06:49
Daskreechthe CD Drive didn't like the CD06:49
elknghow to remove service from autoloading?07:14
Daskreechelkng: which service?07:26
elkngDaskreech: kdm07:29
Daskreechelkng: that starts the GUI07:29
elkngDaskreech: I know07:29
Daskreechman update-rc.d07:31
ubuntuCould someone help a noob here please07:56
Daskreechonly if you stay around ubuntnoob07:59
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LostThymeDoes anyone know from experiences, if the X-Fi Xtreme Gamer works well in the latest ubuntu/kubuntu?08:08
forcatany one here?08:13
DaskreechWhat the heck08:14
DaskreechLostThyme: I have no experience with it but knowing Creative I'd say no it doesn't08:15
LostThymeI'm trying to find a good sounding card that will work well in linux/ubuntu08:16
LostThymeany suggestion, daskreech?08:16
Daskreechwhat are your options?08:16
LostThymeSomething on the cheaper side, that sounds good while playing music and games. That's about it. I don't need the best, top of the line..but I want it to sound good. My current onboard is terrible.08:17
LostThymeI have a 5.1 logitech speaker system as well08:17
LostThymeif that matters08:17
DaskreechLostThyme: which version of the  X-Fi Xtreme Gamer do you have?08:19
LostThymeOh, I don't have that at all. I was just thinking of buying one as an upgrade..my problem is, I don't know if it'll be supported, and I don't want to buy something that won't work correctly.08:19
LostThymeI'm all for other recommendations though :P08:20
jhohnLostThyme: Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/08:21
Daskreechand now I'm being told that it works well with the new Alsa Drivers08:21
LostThymeHmmmmmmmmmm..well if that's the case, I may go with it. I've heard it's a good card08:22
Daskreechjhohn: I don't think that's been up dated in years08:22
LostThymeI just want to make sure I get the right version -- I swear, it seems creative releases several versions of one card..some work, others don't.  I've run into that in the past.08:23
DaskreechLostThyme: me too. If you can bump into leinir on IRC and ask him about his08:23
DaskreechLostThyme: yeah and when they don't work the yare pretty hostile about people  getting them to work08:23
DaskreechStrange company08:23
LostThymeVery. Haha. Well, thank you for the help. I'll watch for leinir.08:24
Hedronhi all, is there a way to prevent a package from updating?08:25
HedronI mean using apt08:25
susundbergwhy would you want to do that?08:27
Hedronthe last update of xorg is no good with my video card08:28
tsimpson!pinning | Hedron08:28
ubottuHedron: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:28
HedronI whant to downgrade and lock the version08:28
poyntzupdating to kde4.5.95 fixed all my problems =)08:29
poyntzif you're having problems off a fresh install of kubuntu 10.10 suggest ya do the same..08:29
Hedronthis has nothing to do with kde08:30
Hedronjust xorg package is not working with my intel video the way it should be08:31
HedronI get a lot of screen corruption and artefacts since the update08:31
Hedronthe corruption is visible under other programs such as openoffice, so it is not kde related08:32
susundbergafaik intel drivers have usually worked great with xorg08:33
susundberghave you searched the database for bugs?08:33
Daskreechnot fully true08:33
Daskreechthey rewrote them about a year and a 1/2 ago which caused lots of breaking08:33
susundberg.. and now that rewrite is starting to be in ubuntu kernel i guess ..08:34
DaskreechOh no that was a year ago08:34
susundbergok, anyway, i currently have nvidia latest drivers and the text-console is not working08:36
susundbergso these are not that good either ..08:36
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elkngwhere is xorg.conf?08:48
fild0locate xorg.conf08:48
elkngI cant find it in /etc/X1108:50
elkngright now I'm in another system and cant use locate08:51
elkngjust want to copy kubuntu's xorg.conf but cant find it08:51
moetunesxorg.conf doesn't get made nowadays but will be used if you make it08:52
moetunesthere'll be some on the net you can copy08:52
poyntzin kmail how do ya make all ya email accounts go in the local folder?08:53
Daskreechelkng: xorg.conf doesn't exist anymore09:04
Daskreechit's all autoconfigured09:04
Daskreechif you make one and put it in /etc/X11 then it will be read and overide the autoconfig09:04
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bigbrovarHi guys I just want to know the version of Qt that ships with kde 4.509:25
Tm_Tbigbrovar: KDE 4.5 doesn't contain Qt itself, do you mean what version it requires?09:26
bigbrovarTm_T: yeah something like that. I reported a bug about some Qt app I was using and the developer asked what version of Qt I have running09:27
bigbrovarTm_T: I use to think that every release of kde was based on a particular version of Qt09:27
Tm_Tbigbrovar: it's prolly 4.7 then, but you can check your Qt version in any Qt app just by opening the help menu and choosing the "about"09:29
Tm_TQt or KDE app09:29
bigbrovarok thanks I would do that09:29
bigbrovarthe about in kde apps don't carry the version of Qt.09:30
tsimpsonor use kde4-config --version from a command line09:30
tsimpsonthe first line should have the Qt version09:30
moetunesor try   apt-cache policy qt09:30
tsimpsonqt is not a package09:31
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bigbrovartsimpson: thanks mate09:39
amichairis there an ntfs defragger for linux?09:53
tsimpsonamichair: looks like you need to use the windows defrag tools, I can't find anything for linux10:02
amichairtsimpson: ok. was hoping no to need to move internal disks around servers just for that (downtime and all), but I guess I'll wait till I must and do so.10:06
tsimpsonor just move away from NTFS altogether10:07
alumnocan someone help me?10:13
amichairtsimpson: good point. I'm still clinging on to cross-platform support for some reason (some disks I have do move between OSs every once in a while). Maybe it's time to rethink that...10:15
tsimpsonamichair: there are ext2/3 drivers for windows http://www.fs-driver.org/, so you can still move things about when needed10:16
tsimpsonthe only downside is that it doesn't have journaling support10:17
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javier_Anyone here?11:09
javier_do you happen to know how to get an usb headset's mic to work?11:12
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nimeshanyone knows how to install mplayer in ubuntu11:42
susundbergsudo apt-get install mplayer11:42
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veluxeshi...is there any other volume-controll except the alsamixer and the master next to the clock?...i only hear sound, but very quiet, when i turn my "hardware"-volume to max12:28
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ubuntusalut a tous !12:37
Spicemasterhello how can i setup dns server in ubuntu ?12:41
Space_Manveluxes: open the volume control and play with the mixer settings, you can also right click the speaker icon and change the master channel12:44
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sre-suDoes Quick Access(the one besides KDE Application Launcher in default panel) supports previously-selected-folder view? KDE 4.5.513:17
bigbrovarI am using the window manubar widget for kubuntu 10.10 but observed that couple of application take a very long time before the start during which plasmashell freezes completely. I experience this with dragon player and clementine.14:03
bigbrovarI dont get this problem when I have the window manubar widget disbled.14:03
bigbrovaris anyone else having similar experience?14:04
insmodi hate network manager14:16
insmodi really hate it14:18
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rtdoshow do i install the gnome desktop (not the full ubuntu package) on kubuntu ?15:19
volodyartdos: well, 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' is the only way I know. However, it installs a pile of random apps, whcih all become default.15:23
rorkrtdos: `sudo apt-get install gnome`, `sudo apt-get install gnome --no-install-recommends`, `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends` check the package recommendations to decide which you want.15:25
rtdosthanks rork15:31
rtdosthanks volodya15:31
rtdosrork, i get this error: gnome : Depends: swfdec-mozilla but it is not going to be installed15:32
rtdoswhether or not i use --no-install-recommends15:32
domux_rtdos: dependancies15:32
domux_rtdos: you have a problem15:33
rtdoshow do i fix it?15:33
rmrfslashAnyone else upgrade to 4.5.5 and have their entire desktop flipped upside down, windows all fragmented and text backwards?15:33
rmrfslashI created an entirely new home directory, so it doesn't appear to be any settings.15:34
rmrfslashJust completely botched.15:34
rmrfslashI even installed ubuntu-desktop and the same effect.15:34
domux_rtdos: try sudo apt-get install swfdec-mozilla15:34
rtdoswhat did i just install domux_ ?15:35
rtdosnow i get this message:  gnome : Depends: gnome-desktop-environment (>= 1:2.28+1ubuntu4) but it is not going to be installed15:36
rtdos         Depends: epiphany-extensions but it is not going to be installed15:36
domux_rtdos: what you wanted to install if you got this error ?15:36
rtdosjust the gnome desktop, domux_15:36
rtdoswithout all the ubuntu extras.15:37
rmrfslashseems it might be a driver issue or something15:38
rmrfslashif it's not not isolated to kde15:38
rmrfslashclearly no one else here can help15:39
rmrfslashwell, no one period... not "no one else"15:39
rorkrmrfslash: I was thinking maybe you could fix it with xrandr but I never used that tool15:41
domux_rtdos: so i guess yo u tried to do this sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-deskto15:41
rorkrmrfslash: also I was wondering what you mean with "fragmented windows" could you make a !screenshot to satisfy my curiosity?15:43
rtdosyes, domux_15:46
rmrfslashrork: sure....15:48
rmrfslashrork: just imagine that the top of a window frame is on the bottom, the bottom is on the top, right is on the left and left on the right15:48
rmrfslashrork: oh, and not only is the top on the bottom, it's also backwards15:49
rmrfslashrork: definitely appears to be some axes issues somewhere15:49
rorkrmrfslash: so basically it's rotated 180 degrees, try `xrandr -o inverted` or `xrandr -o normal` to turn it15:51
rmrfslashrork: let me try this... but it's a bit worse than that actually because it's not like things are *just* inverted... typing in a terminal/console does not reveal all of the text15:52
rmrfslashit's all backwards, but half the text is chopped off15:52
rtdosdomux_ i tried "sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment --no-install-recommends" and it seemed to install gnome for that.15:52
rmrfslashif having no desktop at all is the biggest disaster, this is the second biggest :) Of course, what the user experience is doesn't necessarily correlate with the severity of the issue.15:53
rmrfslashthough I would argue that bugs in ext4 are even bigger than that15:54
domux_rtdos: okay good15:58
domux_rtdos: tell us if you get gnome install errors16:07
rtdosno errors yet, domux_ will try now to login using gnome desktop.16:09
rmrfslashrork: it's not just rotated (I tried the xrandr -o inverted)16:11
rmrfslashrork: that inverts the display and my mouse begins moving the opposite direction. Using print screen actually shows the correct orientation of everything (which suggests even more that this might be a driver issue)16:12
rmrfslashrork: I have a screen shot that I took w/ my phone... should be decent quality16:12
rmrfslashI'll throw it up on tinypic16:12
rorkrmrfslash: ok, which graphicscard do you have?16:13
rmrfslashintegrated intel16:13
rmrfslashit's a laptop... I will fetch this from lspci... hang on16:13
rmrfslashrork:  http://oi56.tinypic.com/4q261u.jpg16:17
rmrfslashrork: sweet huh?16:17
supermagicupside down16:18
rorkrmrfslash: yeah, I found a similar one :) http://img30.imageshack.us/f/pantallazoyk.png16:18
rmrfslashthat's more than just upside down16:18
rorkrmrfslash: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10342274 mine is from this topic16:19
rmrfslashalmost a perfect match16:19
rmrfslashintel driver (as I predicted)... figures16:20
rmrfslashwhat a piece of junk16:20
rmrfslashGood thing AMD is now releasing open source drivers w/ full 2D/3D acceleration :D16:20
rmrfslashand firing their CEOs16:20
rmrfslashSo the fix is to use fbdev... awesome16:21
rmrfslashIntel should just stick to making CPUs16:22
rmrfslashthis is not how I need to spend the first 2 hours of my day16:22
rtdosdomux_ my login menu shows ubuntu instead of gnome even though i selected gnome on the command line. like the other desktops i installed, i can't get an internet connection (it's wireless)16:22
mr-richAnyone here have their iPhone 4 working with Aramok?16:22
rtdosother than that, it worked. and i'm back in my kde desktop no problems.16:22
domux_rtdos: wow im using kubuntu so i dont remenber all the options but on the top do you see a wifi icon ?16:24
domux_rtdos: maybe the wifi module is not loaded when log on ubuntu16:25
rtdosi added the network monitor but it's not either seeing my wireless adapter or not seeing my network (or both)16:25
rorkrmrfslash: did switching the driver fix your problem?16:25
rtdosdomux_ is there a way to get the wi-fi module to load up no matter what desktop i choose?16:25
domux_type a lspci16:27
domux_and tell me your network controller16:29
rtdoshere is are the results from lspci - http://pastebin.com/YHzUX8u2 - and here is the name of my wireless adapter - wlan016:31
domux_rtdos: okay i have to go i'll be back soon keep locked16:33
rtdosok i'll be here, domux_16:34
BluesKajrtdos, RTL8191SEvA Wireless LAN Controller , pretty standard wifi chip...do you have network manager icon in the panel ?16:34
rtdoswhen i am using kubuntu/kde BluesKaj but not when i use another desktop16:36
BluesKajrtdos, ??16:37
rmrfslash_rork: fbdev appears to work. Still no idea how the intel driver botched things up like this.16:37
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rtdosBluesKaj: when i am using the kde desktop, i see a network manager icon, but when i use another desktop such as gnome, lxde, openbox or anyother desktop (other than kde) i do not see the network manager icon.16:38
BluesKajsetup knetworkmanager in kde and network manager in gnome , perhaps if missing , install it , rtdos16:39
rmrfslashrmrfslash: http://oi56.tinypic.com/4q261u.jpg16:42
BluesKajrtdos, run this in the terminal in gnome , sudo dhclient wlan016:43
tokeefeI'll file a bug report, but my troubles appear to have resulted from the latest Intel driver update. Must have been rolled out within the last week. Here's a screenshot of the effect http://oi56.tinypic.com/4q261u.jpg   I have a VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18) according to lspci/lshw16:48
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rtdosok blueskaj16:50
rtdoswill it work in other desktops too, blueskaj?16:51
BluesKajrtdos, dunno , it might16:51
rtdosalright be back in a minute, blueskaj16:51
mr-richanyone have thier iPhone 4 working with Aramok?17:07
BluesKajheh, i don't even have my desktop working with amarok ...it's a mess IMO :)17:12
vhannHi, I'm using KDM 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu8 in Kubuntu Lucid Lynx with a Glass theme. I can use it as a XDMCP client perfectly. But it won't work as a XDMCP server.17:40
vhannI tried with KDM on my Slackware64 13.1 box and both client and server work17:40
vhannIs someone able to use KDM as an XDMCP server here?17:41
coder2Could anyone help me with file names17:42
vhanncoder2: What's the question?17:43
coder2Unicode file names are displayed in wrong characters, at least in Qt apps. And Open Office is not able to open such files at all.17:43
coder2I can see a similar bug in open office bugtracker since 200717:44
vhanncoder2: Would the following filename be an example of something you can't open in OpenOffice: "aaéooèèiiàyït.odt" ?17:46
vhanncoder2: I can save and open this in OpenOffice on Slackware. Let me try on a Ubuntu box17:47
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vhanncoder2: Opens fine in my Lucid Lynx Kubuntu box17:48
coder2The odd thing is: I have 2 systems: ubuntu10.04+kde and kubuntu 9.04. The problem persists only on the first one.17:49
coder2Yes, 9.04 runs older openoffice17:49
coder2The problematic file names contains cyrillic letters.17:50
coder2I do not know what prevents QT apps display such file names.17:51
coder2BTW file names are displayed wrong on both systems17:52
coder2Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?17:54
shane4ubuntucoder2: a shot in the dark here, but could it be that fonts are missing?  I'm not sure what cyrillic letters are, but sounds like you need fonts??17:55
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shane4ubuntucoder2: I'm not sure if QT is using other fonts, I'm not sure17:56
shane4ubuntu!pm | coder17:57
ubottucoder: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:57
shane4ubuntucoder2: ^^17:57
rtdosBluesKaj - here is the results of the command "sudo dhclient wlan0"   http://pastebin.com/RmfXLtey17:57
shane4ubuntucoder2: no prob, as I stated, it is a shot in the dark and I really don't know, just trying to help brainstorm out an answer.17:58
domux_rtdos: hey im back18:02
rtdoshey domux_18:05
coder2thanks. bye.18:05
BluesKajrtdos, do you have the gnome network manager installed?18:06
rtdosthanks. this is the result of running the 'sudo dhclient wlan0' on the other non-kde desktops - http://pastebin.com/RmfXLtey18:06
rtdoshow can i tell if i have gnome network manager installed ? won't the one for kde work ? or does each desktop require its own?18:06
domux_rtdos: ok so i've read the last post and i think when you you've thee gnome environment installation you didn't install all components18:06
domux_rtdos: you've installed*18:07
rtdosthis is the command i used domux_   "sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment --no-install-recommends"18:09
domux_rtdos: check if you have network-manager installed18:09
BluesKajyes trichard_ you need the gnome network manager on gnome18:10
yofelrtdos: apt-cache policy network-manager-gnome18:10
BluesKajoops , rtdos18:10
domux_otherwise you need to install it18:10
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BluesKajsry trichard_ , I mistyped18:11
trichard_BluesKaj: no problem :)18:11
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rtdoswhen i typed in console it told me to install this - "sudo apt-get install conserver-client"18:11
domux_i think you're network driver are already here but you cannot use18:12
BluesKajhmm , I had gnome desktop on our laptop with kde and I had to use the network manager defaulted to each18:12
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yofelyep, KDE needs knetworkmanager or the plasma applet and gnome needs nm-applet18:13
yofel(or maybe there's an indicator for that these days? haven't kept in touch with it)18:13
rtdoshere are the results of the command yofel told me to run - http://pastebin.com/SAwk8hx618:14
yofelrtdos: install it18:14
BluesKajtoo bad /etc/network/interfaces doewsn't have an easier way to connect wifi like it does ethernet18:15
domux_try sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome18:15
rtdosyofel, its telling me its already the newest version18:15
domux_rtdos: try sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome18:15
BluesKajrtdos, then alt+f2 , network-manager-gnome ..it should launch18:16
domux_or install via synaptic18:17
rtdosok. trying it now.18:17
rtdosdoes each desktop need to have its own network-manager?18:17
domux_BluesKaj: you can install network-manager-gnome on kubuntu it will work18:18
shane4ubuntuSeems like network and network manager have issues across the boards with *buntu, seems like the questions most often dealt with18:18
BluesKajdomux_, I don't need it18:19
rtdosok for some reason it uninstalled "browser-plugin-gnash" - is that bad?18:19
shane4ubuntudoes wicd solve that issue BluesKaj?  I'm not familiar with what he is trying to do.18:19
yofelwicd is a network manager replacement - what he needs is the gnome network manager UI - should be enough18:19
shane4ubuntuyofel: I see, I don't really understand the whole thing, and abandoned network manager years ago, just never have cared much for it, it is complex.18:20
BluesKajtoo many red herrings here ...18:20
domux_BluesKaj: i know im trying to tell you that you can use the gnome network in kubuntu likewise you can knetwork on ubuntu18:21
domux_BluesKaj: use*18:22
* shane4ubuntu goes to lunch to eliminate one of the red herrings??. :)18:22
BluesKajnetwork manager is required by each desktop for wifi only , ../etc/network/interfaces when setup for eth0 can handle the ethernet connections for all types of desktops in ubuntu18:22
rtdosdoes it matter which one i use for the other desktops, like lxde, xfce4, or openbox?18:23
yofellxde and xfce should work fine with network-manager-gnome18:23
BluesKajdunno rtdos , I neber tried to use 4 other desktops ...never recognized the need :)18:24
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domux_rtdos: did you solve your problem before trying to install other desktop18:24
yofelalso, 'gnome-desktop-environment' Is a debian thing I think, the only supported way to install gnome in ubuntu is to install 'ubuntu-desktop' with or without recommends (network-manager-gnome is a recommends though)18:26
yofelsame goes for lubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop18:26
rtdosdomux_ i noticed my problem after installing the other desktops.18:29
* BluesKaj wonders why some ppl need so many diff desktops , except for teaching purposes , perhaps.18:30
BluesKajmust really clutter up the menus18:30
rtdostesting. a guy i work with uses openbox because it's so minimalist. i'm not sure how he connects to the network, though. his other machine is straight text only box.18:30
rtdosbeing text only, how would he connect to the network (it's a wireless adapter) ?18:31
yofelwell, you can connect to a wireless network with wpa_supplicant and dhclient from the command line, no need for any network manager18:31
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: Generally I stick to one desktop, however in the beginning I installed several to learn/see what I liked best.18:31
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: does clutter up the menus though18:32
BluesKajrtdos, , probly good at configuring /etc/network/interfaces foe wifi rtdos, I've seen a few tutorials18:32
rtdosi'll be sure and google them, thanks blueskaj. (that's what i'm doing too shane4ubuntu but somehow keep coming back to kde)18:34
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shane4ubunturtdos: yes, I stuck to gnome for a long time, just recently ventured into KDE, and am very pleased with it, no more gnome, at least not on the desktop18:35
rtdosi'll admit that gnome does have some nice features but kde has more 'ooomph' :)18:36
domux_Guest21960: Hello18:36
rtdosbrb gonna reboot and see if it works.18:36
yofeljust log out18:37
cosmic303hiya all. anyone knows why my kubuntu 10.04 would freeze when i unplug my monitor?18:49
cosmic303and i mean like freeze completely...cant even access via ssh anymore if it happens18:49
domux_cosmic303: wow18:53
cosmic303thats what i thought.18:53
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cosmic303id expect kde to freeze, but not the whole thing..kinda confuses me18:54
BluesKajhmm, cosmic303 .maybe X daemon keeps searching for something send X signal to , stopx in the terminal18:56
cosmic303BluesKaj: but i cant access any terminal when it happens..it just completely freezes..no consoles, no ssh..nothing19:03
cosmic303i can only do a cold reset19:04
mimehey ppl, my lucid linux habgs when trying to render in 3d, after a minute or two, any idea? i have the recommended drivers installed19:04
BluesKajcosmic303, well stopx before you unplug your monitor19:07
nonickname2hi - are there any known problems with kmix after updating to kde 4.5.5 (maverick, kubuntu-ppa enabled)?19:33
nonickname2here, it uses ~100% of one (hyperthreaded) core and its memory usage reached more than 1gb (until i killed it)19:36
nonickname2(i think it worked before the update, not absolutely sure - but i think i'd have noticed something like this...)19:38
nonickname2(does switching sound backends matter? switched to the vlc backend some days ago and back to xine afterwards)19:43
BluesKajxine seems to be ok , haven't tried anything else in a while19:44
James147nonickname2: first try killing it then restarting it... if that dosent help try resettings its configs (~/.kde/share/config/kmix*)19:44
James147^^ if taht still dosent help youcan try changing backends...19:45
nonickname2backend changing was before that (was curious about the vlc backend)19:46
nonickname2yesterday i did the update to kde 4.5.5 and iirc the kmix problems did start yesterday19:46
nonickname2...starting kmix on the commandline, the same happens - 80% cpu usage, lots of ram used19:51
James147nonickname2: then try resettings kmixes settings19:51
nonickname2just renaming the files? tried that already, didn't help19:51
ScuniziHow do you restart the sound system in Kubuntu?19:53
dereinehi i'm currently trying to setup a small usb sound "card". kmix already sees this new device and it allows me to change the volume already19:56
dereinesadly there is still no output on this device19:56
dereinehas someone an idea how to debug this issue?19:58
yofeltry to run 'alsamixer' and check if something is muted, if you have maverick install pavucontrol and check if something is muted there too19:59
nonickname2probably found the problem - 535M big pulseaudio config file (?) in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmix/profiles/ - no idea how this happened...20:03
domux_Scunizi: try sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart20:06
Scunizidomux_: thanks.. but kubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio.. it uses phonon20:07
ct529hi everybody20:08
BluesKajScunizi, phonon uses PA20:08
domux_Scunizi: wrong kubuntu until 8.04 kubuntu use pulseaudio20:09
yofelScunizi: since maverick we use PA, and kill the pulseaudio process20:10
domux_Scunizi: phono is a multimedia framework20:10
yofeldomux_: that init script doesn't do anything usefull since PA isn't run as a system service by default20:10
domux_yofel: ok :)20:11
dereineyofel: already tryed this20:11
Scunizimy sys is 10.04 not 10.10 so is PA installed ?20:11
domux_Scunizi: sure !20:12
yofelScunizi: by default not, so you'll probably need to restart alsa20:12
yofelScunizi: try 'sudo alsactl restart'20:12
Scuniziyofel: is that alsactl (L) .. if so then I get an "alsactl: Unknown command 'restart'20:13
domux_yofel: by defaut PA is installed !20:14
yofeldomux_: not on lucid afaik20:14
domux_yofel: but it use alsa20:14
yofelin lucid phonon uses alsa directly, in maverick phonon uses pulseaudio which uses alsa20:15
domux_yofel: ok20:18
domux_yofel: so my lucid wasn't  from kubuntu lol20:19
Scuniziyofel: was that a pipe symbol or an "L" at the end of alsact?20:22
m4vhas anyone noticed that sometimes amarok's contextual menu just stop working? you right click and the menú flickers and disappears. Then I need to restart amarok.20:22
yofelScunizi: and L, and if it doesn't work then I'm out of ideas, haven't done this in a long time20:26
cuzntin linuxAdmin Class @ itt-tech we use fedora RHEL and to go into pseudo"runlevels" you su telinit and using #'s 0-6 can go into various modes. NOW, today i was a dork running RHEL in a virtual shell, forgot which  cli i was in and telinit 1 on my kubuntu, which brought me into the recovery shell20:27
cuzntwhy did it do that?20:27
cuznti would assume kde does not recognize runlevels or would for that matter understand telinit20:28
g0thhow can I change the background of a desktop?20:29
g0thI have kubuntu 10.10 when I right click on the background it says "Configure Page", there I can change the background but it applies to all desktops not to an individual one20:30
BluesKajg0th, choose desktop settings20:31
g0thBluesKaj: where?20:35
BluesKajg0th, right click on an open space on the dektop .the dialog should show desktop settings , a wrench icon, at the bottom20:40
g0thit just shows "configure page"20:41
g0thIt does not show a desktop settings dialog20:45
g0ththe only "useful" entry is "configure page", there I can select a desktop background20:46
g0thbut it applies to all desktops, my question was how to choose individual backgrouns for each desktop20:46
BluesKajhmm, always had diff back grounds for gnome and kde , never encountered that prob...20:48
BluesKajsomething else is wrong with your setup g0 you should get a dialog with several options whenright clicking on the desktop20:49
nonickname2moved that config file away - kmix works nicely again - (but the entries written into the file when some audio is played might be malformed (not sure...))20:55
BloodhawkIs there a command I can type to get my computer hardware specs? or where can I look otherwise to check it? (trying to figure out if my system is capable of running 64-bit)20:59
nonickname2thanks for now - bye21:00
WhiskeydropWhile testing a new user account I noticed in gdm that my default user is still logged in.  The w command shows the default still logged into pts/7.  How can I get this straightened out?21:02
WhiskeydropIf I ctrl+alt+F7 I get a term that is frozen.21:02
BluesKajBloodhawk, are you on windows atm ?21:03
domux_Bloodhawk: to know if you hav hardware 64 bits capable type in console cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "flags" | head -n1 | grep "lm" | wc -l21:05
domux_Bloodhawk: if you have a 1 you have a 64bits if 0 you dont21:06
BluesKajBloodhawk, or uname -a21:07
domux_BluesKaj: ;)21:08
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BloodhawkBluesKaj & domux_, thanks, I got it21:12
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cragdorHi all21:14
BluesKajBloodhawk, to know for sure , cat /proc/cpuinfo21:17
cragdorI recently bought a graphics card (4 months ago), NVIDIA GTS250, and kubuntu 10.04 worked fine, i then disupgraded to 10.10, and everything stopped working. I've dissabled nouveau and reinstalled binary driver, but i get an error saying the card is not supported, even though it is acording to nvidia readme, even the PCI id is there. any ideas21:18
cragdorBluesKaj: Hi its been a while21:18
BluesKajhey cragdor, yeah where ya been ?21:19
yofelhm, I can say that maverick worked fine with my 250GTS while I used it, where did you get the driver from?21:19
cragdorBlueKaj: Working Working and more work...... Studying from my Red Hat Certified Engineer exam. But Kubuntu 10.10 has fallen appart on my computer21:20
cragdorBlueKaj: How are you?21:21
BluesKajcragdor, drop to a tty , stop service kdm , install nvidia-current , start service kdm , startx21:21
cragdorBluesKaj: Tried that.... lol21:21
yofel*install nvidia-current; run nvidia-xconfig (!)21:21
BluesKajhehe, well I had to say it :)21:22
cragdorBlueKaj: Tried that too21:22
cragdorEven dissabled nouveau, and modesetting21:22
cragdorSeems like a bug, apparently the binary driver isn't picking up my card, even though its marked as supported21:23
yofelwell, the binary card *did* pick up my 250GTS here, try to purge it, remove the xorg.conf and reinstall the driver21:23
yofel*binary driver21:24
cragdorIts an error from NVIDIA module in my kernel log21:24
yofelcan you pastebin that?21:24
BluesKajcrg did you try booting in with low grahics then installing the rec'd driver in settings/additional drivers ?21:24
cragdorNothing wrong with xorg, whats your device PCI ID?21:24
cragdorNot easily bare with me21:25
yofel01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce GTS 250] (rev a2)21:25
cragdorPlease note that this is not my PasteBin but instead someone elses with the same text but different binary driver, paste bin linked them when i pasted mine21:30
cragdorYofel, BluesKaj : Please see above21:32
yofelI never saw that before o.O21:32
cragdorYeah, interesting isn't it: I got told in the Ubuntu Channel that i had a old graphics card21:33
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BluesKajheh cragdor some of those new 200 and 300 series nvidias are posing some baffling probs for ppl ...seems to work if you can boot in low graphical mode and the reset the graphics resolution after installing the recommended driver21:36
cragdorI booted into recovery mode, so no graphics at all, just good old fashion command line21:37
yofelever had the driver from the nvidia site installed?21:38
BluesKajdid you tried nvidia-current ?21:38
yofelthat would give a different error though :/21:38
cragdorYeap, all worked in Ubuntu 10.0421:38
yofelcragdor: add ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates and try the newer driver there21:40
yofelmaverick has .06 x-updates .2921:40
cragdoryofel tried that one,21:41
yofelhey, I'm slowly running out of ideas for a problem that I don't have :P21:41
yofeljust curious, what does nvidia-detector say?21:42
cragdorLol, don't laugh but i am currently left to use an Win7 install on the computer that i only have for connecting to work(they done;21:42
cragdordon't support windows :( )21:42
cragdorthe problem is, I like KDE, i have all my work on it21:43
yofeldid you try a live disk? does that work at least?21:43
yofel(that would mean nouveau had a chance to work at least)21:43
cragdorWell nouveau works, all be it very very slow21:43
cragdorand not full resolution, i have a 1920x1080 scren21:43
BluesKajcragdor, once the nouveau driver is installed then you should get dialog after desktop login to install the recommended driver , if not then there's something else corrupting the works21:46
cragdorI think its a problem with my perticular card, will investigate21:47
yofelcragdor: checked what nvidia-detector says? or are you on windows?21:47
cragdorit said none21:48
BluesKajI helped a guy, just a few days ago, with the same card as yours and that's how he fixed it. cragdor21:48
yofelhm... well, if we don't get to anything, you could ask in #ubuntu-beginners too, knowledgeble bunch usually21:49
cragdorWill look into both! Where are you two in the world out of curiousity21:49
cragdorI'm Cambridge, UK by the way21:50
BluesKajOntario Canada21:50
yofelSuttgart Germany21:50
cragdorArgh i like Germany, went to Ottobeuren21:52
cragdorNever been to Stuttgart21:53
shane4ubuntuok, I have been plagued with, "why network manager over wicd?"  so I found this:  http://nthrbldyblg.blogspot.com/2010/03/networkmanager-vs-wicd-vs-wpagui.html  and learned that network manager is perhaps better, so I want to figure out how to setup my box the way I want it with network manager, any network manager experts out there want to help me?21:54
shane4ubuntushould be simple, I want a static IP address that is always connected. :)  simple21:54
yofelif it's a wired connection I usually just drop NM and go for /etc/network/interfaces. Is it wireless?21:54
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shane4ubuntuyofel: no it is wired, I tried the interfaces thing, and well, didn't do so well21:55
yofelshane4ubuntu: here's mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/552974/21:55
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, /etc/network/interfaces is the best way to go, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/21:56
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, that seems simple enough, mine is eth0  and ip adress, I can edit, dns-nameservers?  what is that?21:56
yofelfor wired NM always forced DHCP for me for some reason since lucid, didn't do so before that :/21:56
yofelshane4ubuntu: you probably don't need those, that's the adresses for /etc/resolv.conf if you set them manually21:57
shane4ubuntuyofel: well, I do use OpenDNS and I do set those manually21:57
shane4ubuntuis that the same?21:57
yofelthen set it there21:57
yofelshane4ubuntu: make sure you add eth0 to the auto line at the top, that's what I often forgot to do21:59
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, opendns only works if you are in the US , the settings don't seem to apply for international dynamic IPs21:59
yofelBluesKaj: I think I reached them from here once, didn't try in a while though21:59
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: hmm, they have been working for me, I have filtering setup (free account) and it has always worked for me21:59
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: Oh, that reminds me I need to re-setup ddclient, that is how I updated the dynamic ip address22:00
shane4ubuntuyofel: do I have to edit resolv.conf too?  or just set them in the interfaces?22:01
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, well good to hear, but google dns works well here22:02
shane4ubuntuBluesKaj: well, I only use opendns for the filtering thing22:02
shane4ubuntuotherwise, I wouldn't even monkey with the dns22:03
BluesKajdharman, set the nameservers in resolv.conf as well22:03
shane4ubuntuactually I wouldn't even know about dns. :)22:03
BluesKajioops wron guy dharman22:03
shane4ubuntuI figured that was for me.22:03
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, set the nameservers in resolv.conf as well22:04
yofelset them too, I'm not exactly sure how resolvconf stuff works22:04
shane4ubuntuhmm, they are already set, now I would use ifconfig -s eth0 up  correct?22:05
shane4ubuntufirst, I would have to disconnect wicd right?22:05
shane4ubuntulast time I played with this, I was in a mess for a while, but I think I picked an already occupied ip address.22:05
BluesKajshane4ubuntu, set the router IP as a nameserver  too , dunno why , I was advised by actionparsnip to do so...he';s a network guru22:05
BloodhawkIs there a way to set up a dual-display permanently? Every time I try to set it up through the 'Nvidia x server settings', it cancels out all my changes after a shutdown or reboot.22:06
BluesKajenuff for one day ...take care folks22:06
yofelthe router has his own DNS data too, which is usually good to have as a fallback if the other ones fail22:07
shane4ubuntuhhmm, I will have to remember to thank him later! was on the phone when he left.22:08
cragdorBloodhawk: You can, but you need to do it in xorg.conf, and setup twinview22:08
shane4ubuntuBloodhawk: do you have the proprietary driver installed?22:08
cragdorYeah the proprietary driver was installed when i did22:09
shane4ubuntuBloodhawk: through the Nvidia x server setting thing it should set it up, then you can see the setup and copy it and paste it into an xorg.conf and you are good to go, that is what I'm using22:09
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, I'm going to leave it without the router ip as dns for the time being, and keep that in mind in case I have a problem later.22:10
shane4ubuntutrying to keep it as simple as possible for me. :)22:10
cragdorI would do the following: Add these to the device section of xorg.conf:22:11
cragdorOption          "TwinView" "true"22:11
shane4ubuntuok, brb, going to disconnect and reconnect through network manager hopefully22:11
Bloodhawkshane4ubuntu & cragdor: thanks, I'll give it a try.22:11
kaddihi, my kubuntu has become awefully slow. It needs 3-5 seconds for a window to open up, when I click on it in the taskbar and X is using 30-60% of CPU at all times.22:12
kaddiHow do I fix that?22:12
cragdorYou can use:  Option         "ConnectedMonitor" "FPD,FPD"    to specifiy which devices are connected22:12
cragdorand Option          "TwinViewOrientation" "RightOf" to specify where the monitor is in reference to the primary22:12
me1has anyone had a problem with using k9copy to backup dvd's?  some of the movies i've backed up have problems playing on my standalone tv media player (it does read most iso images great) but the iso's that give me problems on the media player play flawlessly in movie player or vlc.22:13
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cragdorshane4ubuntu:  http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/260.19.29/README/configtwinview.html22:14
shane4ubuntuyofel: it is completely ignoring my static ip22:23
yofelshane4ubuntu: can you pastebin your interfaces?22:24
shane4ubuntuwhich is quite annoying, I have to have static ip, because something/someone bumbs my Vonage IP and then it disconnects22:24
yofeluse pastebinit22:24
Bloodhawkshane4ubuntu: is it the OpenGL/GLX Information that I copy over to the xorg.conf?22:24
shane4ubuntuBloodhawk: hmm, not sure I looks like an xorg.conf file, if you know what that looks like, if not, give me a minute and I will check it out.22:25
* yofel is back in a few mins22:25
shane4ubuntucragdor: what was that link you pasted as I bouned in and out?22:25
Bloodhawkshane4ubuntu: Where would I look for the file currently in use? I could just compare myself if I could find it XD22:26
shane4ubuntuyofel: when you get back:  http://pastebin.com/mNjHjFcP22:26
shane4ubuntuBloodhawk: ok, here is mine:  http://pastebin.com/Q6S0kzcR22:27
vhannHi, I'm sure many here are using Kubuntu Maverick Meerkat. Can someone confirm being able to use KDM as a XDMCP server?22:28
shane4ubuntuBloodhawk: ok, in Nvidia X server settings, when you hit save to X configuration File, just choose a location you can write to ie:  /home/username/   then copy that file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf  with sudo and you should be good to go.22:29
shane4ubuntucragdor: are you around?  do you have that link you pasted earlier?  I would like to look at it.22:30
Bloodhawkshane4ubuntu: thanks, I'll give it a try.22:31
shane4ubuntuBloodhawk: no prob22:31
yofelshane4ubuntu: look at line 4, very closely22:32
shane4ubuntuyofel: eek, that was an oversite.22:32
yofelas for DNS: I just checked, on my desktop I'm still getting them over DHCP with network-manager, on my server I don't have network-manager installed but resolvconf which takes care of that22:34
yofel(and breaks easily if you install postfix and don't watch out :S)22:34
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, when I disconnect, it reconnects automatically with Auto, and dhcp, how do I get rid of that?22:34
shane4ubuntuI installed network-manager-kde because I had removed it when I installed wicd22:35
yofel'sudo service network-manager stop' and either remove it or disable it permanently in /etc/init/network-manager.conf22:35
yofeljust comment the 'start on' stuff out22:35
yofelmake sure your resolv.conf is still set correctly after disabling NM though22:36
Bloodhawkshane4ubuntu: Worked like a charm, thank you very much.22:39
sithlord48JontheEchidna: do you have a place for bugs ?22:40
JontheEchidnasithlord48: for muon? help -> report bug is best22:40
yofelsithlord48: if you mean muon bugs they should go to bugs.kde.org22:40
sithlord48idk if its muon or Qapt. or what that kit but it seams to only happen w/ natty22:41
shane4ubuntuthis is why I hate network manager and all of this and use wicd22:42
shane4ubuntuam I connected now???22:42
shane4ubuntuyofel doesn't connect22:42
sithlord48sorry to hear that shane4ubuntu cause it's ben very good for me since 4.422:43
yofelshane4ubuntu: does ifconfig show that eth0 is using the IP?22:43
shane4ubuntuyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552995/22:43
yofelobviously not :S22:44
shane4ubuntuyofel: http://pastebin.com/6ARwX5Dg22:44
shane4ubuntu 22:44
shane4ubuntuthat is my interfaces22:44
yofelnetwork manager is stopped?22:45
shane4ubuntusithlord48: I have always had problems with network manager and setting up static IP, probably user error, but seems difficult.22:45
shane4ubuntuyofel: yep, I removed it22:45
sithlord48ok the issue i have w/ muon is that anything i install with it (or anything that uses it to install, like the rekonq, amarok , dialogs taht say dl this) any time i install or remove i have to then do a apt-get install -f  to fix my libc-bin cause its not installed correctly22:45
yofelnah, I had my problems with NM and static IP on wired connection too, it always force the auto connection with DHCP on my by default22:46
sithlord48shane4ubuntu: i can't speak for that by forcing my router to give a certian mac a certian ip always22:46
shane4ubuntuyofel: right, that is what it is doing for me22:46
shane4ubuntusithlord48: that is routing around the problem with the router, no pun intended. :)22:47
yofelshane4ubuntu: does it work if you simply use 'ifup eth0'?22:47
yofeldoes it give any error when running ifup?22:47
vhannDoesn't anybody use XDMCP here?22:47
shane4ubuntuyofel: let me disconnect and give that a try.22:48
yofelJontheEchidna, sithlord48: I can confirm that libc6-bin error on natty actually, happened when I tried to install amarok extension stuff earlier22:48
sithlord48yofel: every time.. apt-get works just fine22:48
yofelyep, I fixed it with dpkg --configure -a22:49
sithlord48yofel:  if you install something else it will do it again22:49
shane4ubuntuok, am I connected again?22:49
shane4ubuntuohh, I guess so.22:49
sithlord48you never droped shane4ubuntu22:50
shane4ubuntuyofel: seems that ifconfig eth0 up is broken22:50
Woodzyshane4ubuntu are you around?22:50
shane4ubuntuok how do I disable wicd?22:50
shane4ubuntuWoodzy: yep22:50
sithlord48uninstall it..22:50
shane4ubuntusithlord48: that would leave me crippled if I'm unable to connect upon reboot22:51
sithlord48if your wired you shouln't even need NM or wicd22:51
shane4ubuntuI'm wired, but I want to set ip address.22:51
sithlord48it should automagicly work just like it does on a live cd (if you have dhcp at least)22:51
Woodzyshane4ubuntu i am using wicd like you suggested, but whether or not i use a static ip or dhcp i can't connect when i use dhcp i get a message that says it can't obtain ip address22:51
shane4ubuntusithlord48: no, I changed the files.22:52
shane4ubuntuWoodzy: hmm, that is odd, I never had that problem, if you want dhcp, you can use network manager, as it likes that. :)22:52
Woodzysudo apt-get install network-manager ?22:53
shane4ubuntubrb, going to reboot22:53
shane4ubuntuWoodzy: yep22:53
sithlord48shane4ubuntu: gl22:53
shane4ubuntuif I'm not back in 5 minutes, I'm kicking my cpu around the yard outside out of frustration. :)22:53
sithlord48JontheEchidna: yofel is this a bug w/ muon or something else ?22:54
yofelI would blame qapt, since usual apt works fine22:54
sithlord48yofel: file angist Qapt then is that still bugs.kde?22:54
yofelshould be22:55
JontheEchidnasithlord48: it's either an APT or dpkg bug22:55
sithlord48JontheEchidna:  how do u mean? i use apt or dpkg to fix it22:56
JontheEchidnabug 68032822:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 680328 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "Many postinst scripts fail using either AptDaemon, PackageKit, or QApt" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68032822:56
yofelnot that one again -.-22:56
shane4ubuntuFoul!  stupid wicd popped back up, after I removed it!22:56
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JontheEchidnaat the least, somebody from canonical finally assigned it to the canonical team responsible for that sort fo thing22:58
JontheEchidnaonly took them two months22:58
shane4ubuntuyeah, got it!23:00
shane4ubuntuthanks yofel23:00
yofelDNS stuff works too? that's what I had problems with23:00
shane4ubuntuyofel: so what am I using?  I assume I'm not using network manager23:00
shane4ubuntuyofel: not 100% sure how to check that.23:01
yofeltry to use any URL and see if it opens ;)23:01
sithlord48ok cool23:02
shane4ubuntuyofel: yep, pages are opening fine23:02
yofelgood, then the resolv.conf should be fine23:02
yofeland what you're using is simply ifup, which is run automatically on boot if there's any configuration in interfaces23:03
shane4ubuntuyofel: lol, so I'm not even using network manager after all of that?23:03
shane4ubuntudoesn't network manager come default with install?23:04
shane4ubuntuok, I installed ddclient and got opendns back up and running again too, so dns stuff is working indeed.23:04
yofelit does, and is the best compromize for wired and wireless, but you don't actually need it23:04
shane4ubuntuyofel: ok, but for my laptop, I use wireless, another day I will tackle that with network manager23:05
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone23:05
phoenix_firebrdi use kde 4.6 rc2,  when i click the time widget on the desktop ,calender popus up, when i press the esc key, its not closing, when i press the ?time widget again it goes off. is it bug or this is the way it is meant to work23:08
phoenix_firebrdi use kde 4.6 rc2,  when i click the time widget on the desktop ,calender popus up, when i press the esc key, its not closing, when i press the time widget again it goes off. is it bug or this is the way it is meant to work23:09
phoenix_firebrdi feel that it should accept the key input (esc key) and go off. does this thing work the same way in 4.5.4?23:10
shane4ubuntuphoenix_firebrd: mine is on the panel, and works the same way, 4.5.5 here23:11
phoenix_firebrdshane4ubuntu: what do you mean by same way?. it does not accept key input??23:12
shane4ubunturight, the esc key does nothing23:13
phoenix_firebrdshane4ubuntu: every other widget accepts key inputs right?23:13
DarkriftXisnt there a way to tell apt to reinstall a package?23:13
DarkriftXor to force install even though its installed23:14
shane4ubuntuphoenix_firebrd: I'm not sure, I'm not really the kde guru, still learning kde stuff.23:14
phoenix_firebrdDarkriftX: hi23:14
phoenix_firebrdshane4ubuntu: thanks for the help bro23:14
yofelphoenix_firebrd: power management and network don't accept ESC here too23:15
phoenix_firebrdDarkriftX: do you want the user settings to be removed also?23:15
yofelneither does knotify23:15
shane4ubuntuDarkriftX: sudo apt-get --reinstall  man page says23:15
DarkriftXits virtualbox-ose-dkms and my vb stopped working after kernel update. i think it just needs to reinstall it to get the correct module installed for my kernel23:15
shane4ubuntuDarkriftX: perhaps sudo apt-get install --reinstall package23:15
DarkriftXok, cool. thx23:16
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya even in 4.6 rc2 same thing23:16
shane4ubuntuDarkriftX: no prob23:16
DarkriftXi checked --help but didnt see it. man and me dont mix well (i can never remember the keyboard commands and get stuck in it)23:16
phoenix_firebrdyofel: shane4ubuntu what do you people think , do we need it to accept key input?23:16
shane4ubuntuphoenix_firebrd: personally, not for me, never thought about it, but if I click to open it, usually I click to close it.23:17
shane4ubuntuphoenix_firebrd: now if I hit ctrl-f12 and show all widgets and then hit esc they disappear.23:17
yofelI doubt it, not much sense for something to accept key input that you can't open with a key combination23:17
phoenix_firebrdshane4ubuntu: is it ergonomic on the desktop?23:18
phoenix_firebrdyofel: widget do have hot key right?23:18
yofelif they do it doesn't work here23:18
DarkriftXis it normal for your system to "collect" kernel versions? i have like 5 listed (normal and recov of each) when i go to grub23:19
yofelah, now it worked23:19
shane4ubuntuDarkriftX: yes, you have to remove them manually, I think they are there for fallback purposes.23:19
yofelit closes as soon as you focus on something else though (a simple alt+tab closes it)23:20
DarkriftXok, cool23:20
phoenix_firebrdDarkriftX: is the backports enabled?23:20
yofelDarkriftX: yes, they are kept since for whatever reason a newer kernel might not work, then you still have the old as fallback23:20
phoenix_firebrdyofel: when you click on the digital clock widget on desktop, a calender pops up, try closing that23:21
yofelalt+f4 closes it :P23:21
phoenix_firebrdyofel: an esc would be much better23:22
yofeltrue, I have no idea where to report that though, maybe ask in #kde-devel23:22
phoenix_firebrdyofel: probably we have to file a wish in bugs .kde.org23:24
phoenix_firebrdyofel: can you test your virtual keyboard, mine is very slow23:25
yofelhow do I open it? never used it23:25
phoenix_firebrdyofel: add the widget to your tab23:25
yofelhm, it takes a second for every key. Seems like it opens a tooltip every time I click on a key or something like that o.O23:27
phoenix_firebrdyofel: same problem. thats a bug23:27
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i thinkk its not a bug , they have done it purposly23:33

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