
lifelessdon't you already have an account?00:01
Keybukwe created a new one for me, to avoid the cost of all the old bug subscriptions00:02
Keybukit was your idea00:02
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trammdoes anybody happen to know what is the default line width used by Launchpad translations for gettext files?11:13
trammit seems to be either 75 or 7611:13
trammwell, it's seems to be the default though11:32
trammprobably translators have different widths in their editors11:32
maxbexarkun: Hi, sorry for disappearing on you over the weekend, I wasn't feeling that great :-/  Anyway, divmod svn...11:35
maxbSo, I wrote a plugin implementing a custom layout... lp:~maxb/+junk/divmod_svn_layout... but then I found it caused bzr-svn to eat all the memory on my machine and crash11:36
maxbI also realized there should be a way to do it without a custom plugin, using bzr-svn's wildcard layout11:36
maxbSo I added the lines "branches = branches/*/Axiom;trunk/Axiom" and "tags = tags/releases/*" to the relevant section of ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf11:37
maxbAnd then I found a bug in the wildcard layout, so I fixed it: lp:~maxb/bzr-svn/wildcard-layout-no-project-path11:37
maxbWith such a configuration, I managed to run 'bzr svn-import file://..../Divmod Axiom.bzr' and similar for other projects11:38
maxbHowever, something about this history of Nevow causes bzr-svn to crash11:38
maxbI think we'll need to enlist jelmer on that11:38
maxbAlso, when doing these imports, you end up with tags for *all* the projects in *all* the branched11:39
maxbI'd highly recommend tidying up the tags before pushing any branches to Launchpad, as once you've shared a tag, it tends to keep creeping back in, when you merge from someone who branched before the tags were deleted11:40
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hyperairhi. is there something wrong with launchpad's patch detection?13:32
hyperairit complains that a patch which was generated by debdiff is not a patch.13:33
hyperairpatch -p1 patches it cleanly, too.13:33
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gmbhyperair: Let me try to answer your question in a minute when I've fixed my inability to use IRC properly13:34
hyperairheh lol13:34
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: gmb | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
gmbhyperair: ISTR that we've had problems detecting debdiffs properly in the past. Let me take a look for you...13:37
hyperairgmb: hmm but why is that, though? it looks like any other diff13:39
gmbhyperair: That's what I'm trying to find out. I can't remember if it's something to do with the Zope's built in file type detection.13:39
gmbadeuring, allenap : Can either of you remember if / why we might still have problems detecting debdiffs properly?13:40
gmb(See hyperair's question for context)13:40
allenapgmb: It rings a bell, but I can't remember any specifics.13:41
adeuringgmb, hyperair we rely just on the filename's extension to figure out if a file could be a patch13:41
hyperairthat makes sense13:42
hyperairand kinda sucks13:42
adeuringhyperair:  yeah... we don't trust a mime type, and file(1) was really broken for diff output that last time I tried it13:42
adeuringbut that's siome time ago...13:43
hyperairi se.13:43
adeuringhyperair: but I would really appreciate any suggestion how to do a better detection if a file is patch :)13:44
allenapAh yes, I had a branch to use libmagic (what file(1) uses iirc) to auto-detect file types, but the magic database, while fine on Hardy, seemed to regress seriously after that.13:44
hyperair% file -i debdiff-sru                                                                                       [ 9:44PM]13:45
hyperairdebdiff-sru: text/x-diff; charset=us-ascii13:45
hyperairadeuring: ^13:45
hyperairlooks fine to me.13:45
allenaphyperair: It may be that the problem has been fixed.13:45
hyperairallenap: so launchpad should totally use file for patch detection13:46
adeuringhyperair, allenap yes, might be. but we should also try file output-from-bzr-diff . That was really broken...13:46
hyperairhow about having both checks?13:46
hyperairif filename.endswith(".patch") or file_says_its_a_diff(filename)13:47
adeuringhyperair: yes, that would make sense: _if_ "file bugattachment" says that it is diff data, use it, else fall back to using the filename xtension13:47
allenapadeuring, hyperair: bug 34758 was where I tried to introduce libmagic, but bug 285031 is blocking it.13:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 34758 in Launchpad itself "librarian will set type to text/html though it should be text/plain" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3475813:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 285031 in file (Ubuntu) "file(1) no longer recognises XML content" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28503113:48
allenapSo, not a problem with diff, but a problem nonetheless.13:49
gmbdanilos: Could you or one of the other still-translations-until-the-end-of-this-week developers take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/140873 please?14:05
gmblosa ping14:05
danilosgmb, I'll try to get to it later today, I am already in Dallas14:05
mthaddongmb: hi14:06
gmbdanilos: Oh, right, I forgot. Feel free to pass it on to someone with more time and less Tex-Mex.14:06
danilosgmb, cheers14:06
gmbmthaddon: Is it possible for us to hide / delete comments on a Question?14:06
gmbSeems we have some minor spam.14:07
mthaddongmb: I don't think we have a means of doing that yet14:07
gmbmthaddon: I thought not, but worth checking. Thanks anyway.14:07
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* gmb -> out for a run; back in a bit14:25
exarkunmaxb: Thanks for the further effort15:12
exarkunmaxb: I tried an svn-import of Nevow with your bzr-svn fix but I still ran out of memory15:12
maxbYou ran out of memory importing just Nevow?!15:13
exarkunon a 32bit machine, so it only had 3gb to play with I guess15:14
maxbhuh. my import crashed long before that15:14
maxbwith a non-memory error15:14
exarkunI left tags out of my subversion.conf15:14
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diwicHi, I'm having a problem with not getting emails from one of the private projects15:56
diwichmm...maybe I'll ask on the Canonical channel instead15:58
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
ahasenackhi guys, I have a private PPA to where I just pushed a build. It failed, but the build logs are not available to me (it says "no such resource")16:24
ahasenacksome others in my team can see the build logs, some can't16:24
ahasenackwhat's missing?16:24
ahasenackfiled a bug about it: #70153416:30
ahasenackalso, I got an oops when requesting a recipe build from https://code.launchpad.net/~sidnei/+recipe/lazr-js-package-test: (Error ID: OOPS-1837A1250)16:30
ahasenacknote I'm not in the launchpad-beta-users group16:31
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bigjools-afkahasenack: is that build log problem repeatable?16:50
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bigjools /msg NickServ help16:57
ahasenackbigjools: I didn't try, but I'm getting "no such resource" in other build links, like a package17:11
ahasenackbigjools: right now, https://launchpad.net/~landscape/+archive/lds-trunk/+files/python-lazr-js_1.5-0~bzr176~lucid1_all.deb is giving me that, and it's the result of a recent build in that ppa17:12
bigjoolsit works for me17:12
bigjoolsare you logged in?17:12
ahasenacksidnei also can't see it17:13
ahasenackbut bigkevmcd can17:13
bigjoolslifeless: ahasenack and others can't see restricted librarian links on a private PPA, but others can.  They get "no such resource" - any ideas wtf is up?17:14
lifelessbrowser url mangling perhaps17:15
ahasenacklifeless: bigjools: fwiw, https://launchpad.net/~landscape/+archive/lds-trunk/+files/python-lazr-js_1.5-0~bzr176~lucid1.tar.gz becomes https://i62062625.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/62062625/python-lazr-js_1.5-0~bzr176~lucid1.tar.gz?token=6c0d5f505e2a57bde77c86e8dc9154e417:16
ahasenackhopefully that token isn't very secret17:17
bigjoolsahasenack: yes it redirects via a one-time token17:17
bigjoolsyou need to use the original link every time as it checks your security17:18
bigjoolsahasenack: what browser are you using, and the others where it doesn't work?17:18
bigjoolslifeless: I have recollections of a browser mangling a URL...17:18
ahasenackbigjools: chrome17:18
ahasenacklet me try ff17:18
bigjoolsyeah, chrome is busticated IIRC17:19
bigjoolsyup, re-created here in chrome17:19
sidneiah, that explains it17:19
ahasenackchromium, to be more exact17:19
sidneiim using chrome too17:19
ahasenack8.0.552.224 (68599) Ubuntu 10.0417:19
bigjoolsit's fine in FF17:19
bigjoolsI can't remember what Chromium mangles17:20
bigjoolsI think it hates the tildes17:20
ahasenackbigjools: yes, works here too with FF17:20
* ahasenack updates the bug17:22
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lifelessahasenack: that token lets folk access the build for 24 hours17:28
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lifelesswe need to update lp url generation to emit canonical form urls17:29
lifelessahasenack: whats the bug #?17:29
ahasenacklifeless: that exact url doesn't work, though, not even in ff, it was already broken by chrome17:29
ahasenackanyway, good I used a public package17:29
lifelessahasenack: well, the damage is reversible ;)17:29
ahasenacklifeless: the token isn't valid for other packages in that ppa, is it?17:30
lifelessno, that one package17:30
lifelessahasenack: whats the bug #?17:30
ahasenacklifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/70153417:31
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ahasenackquestion about a recipe, the package was built, but the tarball has the top directory renamed:17:40
ahasenackandreas@nsn2:~/z$ tar tvzf python-lazr-js_1.5-0~bzr176~lucid1.tar.gz |head -n 217:40
ahasenackdrwx------ 0/0               0 2011-01-11 14:43 recipe-1.5/17:40
ahasenackdrwx------ 0/0               0 2011-01-11 14:43 recipe-1.5/build/17:40
ahasenack is that expected, a bug or a problem in our recipe?17:40
ahasenackthese are the recipe contents:17:42
ahasenack# bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debupstream}-0~bzr{revno}17:42
maxbahasenack: I believe that's probably expected, and should not cause problems. Is it?17:51
ahasenackmaxb: it was very unexpected to me17:51
ahasenackmaxb: but ok, I'll yell again if it causes problems17:52
maxbahasenack: the main reason it shouldn't be an issue is that dpkg-source should override the top dir name when unpacking17:52
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ahasenackso the changelog of packages built with recipes will always have a "auto build" on top of your original changelog?18:02
* ahasenack looks for the docs18:03
ahasenackjust filed a bug about recipes: #70160119:00
ahasenackabout a dapper build19:00
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evaluateI uploaded a package around 15-20 minutes ago but I didn't get any mails yet and I can't see it on the site either. Is there a reason for this?21:43
geserdoes LP know that the gpg key you used for signing the upload is yours?21:57
evaluategeser, good point. I actually updated my key and forgot to update it on launchpad...22:08
evaluategeser, thanks!22:08
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