
hughbertanybody up?05:32
ShaneMMornin' all08:04
hughbertwell well did anyone hear about this linux distro called zorin?15:08
hughbertdidn't know they were from ireland...15:09
hughbertwell based in ireland..15:09
hughbertdo you know them?15:11
hughbertvery well polished distro anyway...15:12
hughbertvery slick...15:12
januaMight try it, it runs through ubuntu?15:15
ebelis that the one from those students?15:15
hughbertmaybe i heard about anouther one gnuSence that was developed by trinity collage students...15:16
czajkowskiebel: aye15:17
hughbertits ubuntu with all the "questionable" content taken out...15:17
czajkowskihughbert: it was developed by one  trinity college person and another member of ILUG15:17
czajkowskiwith regards to the 2 students, they basically take a copy of Ubuntu and skin it to look like windows or whatever15:18
czajkowskiso not really a distro imo15:18
hughbertooo right...15:18
hughbertwell.. i don't know about that.. i suppose its a good looking theme so...15:18
czajkowskiso basically brain wash folks into only using machines that look like windows...15:19
hughbertthey seem to have their own menu though witch is fairly impressive...15:19
hughbertto get used to the opensource software...15:19
hughberti didn't like ubuntu straight away...15:20
hughberti used mint first and that was great for me.. it got me used to the command line and all the apps...15:20
hughbertthen i changed to ubuntu.. and i've been with it ever since...15:23
ebelyeah gnusense wasn't done by trinity students per se. :)15:27
hughbertya i think ye maybe right..15:28
hughberti was talking to the ubuntu-au people this morning...15:28
hughberthad a very long rant at the start...15:29
czajkowskihughbert: you do rant a lot!15:29
hughbertha ha i know i have a problem... :-(15:30
januaI hug bash everyday15:31
hughbertyou hug bash everyday.. so you start the terminal and hug the moniter?15:31
hughbertdo you press F11 to make it full-screen?15:32
hughbertha ha.. ya i like to say good-night to my computer and give it a hug before bed...15:35
januaSometimes i use bum, but thats out of context15:35
hughbertha ha...15:36
hughbertthats very funny..15:36
hughberthad a great chat with them about sony dropping linux on the ps3 and security stuff...15:37
januaIsnt the PS3 recently hacked now15:38
januaWhere you can run any code signed or unsigned15:38
hughbertya its getting hacked to bits...15:38
hughbertthey really droped the ball on that thing... they pissed off the very people that they shouldn't have hackers and sciencists...15:39
ShaneMThey're only getting Linux running, they're not working on anything else.15:40
januaI dont know much else about ps3, only what i read in the news for 2 minutes!15:40
hughbertI run ubuntu on my ps3...15:41
hughbertdid a few posts there on ubuntu fourms...15:41
hughbertand this very interesting article on the US airforce being a bit ticked off about sony dropping linux...15:45
airurandoafternoon all15:52
czajkowskiairurando: hey !15:54
airurandoHi czajkowski15:54
airurandoyou feeling better?15:54
czajkowskilittle bit15:54
hughberthave you a cold or flu?15:55
czajkowskiairurando: how is things?15:55
czajkowskihughbert: no15:55
hughbertaaah sorry to hear that...15:56
hughberti had an awful xmas this year got the flu twice and now i have a sore throat and a cough...15:56
hughbertanyway get well soon...15:56
airurandoczajkowski: sorry had to pop away for 7 times tables16:01
airurandothings are good16:01
airurandoheading to london for a conference next mon and tue16:02
czajkowskiairurando: aww shame I'm there this week we could have met up!16:03
airurandohughbert: sounds like a right dose16:03
airurandoczajkowski: pity, I would have liked to meet up.16:04
hughberttwas very bad... still a bit weak today...16:04
airurandoczajkowski: is the LoCo council on track with the re-approvals?16:05
airurandoare we going to be up at the end of June?16:05
czajkowskiairurando: aye ye will be :)16:06
czajkowskiany time from  from this cycle onwards tbh16:06
airurandohughbert: flu had our house knocked for 6 over Christmas.  It was a nasty.16:06
airurandoczajkowski: any advice on things we should be doing to improve our chances?16:07
airurandoshould we include the reapproval as an agenda item at IRC meetings?16:08
airurando6 months will fly by...16:08
czajkowskiairurando: the re approval page was created a long time ago by me16:09
czajkowskiso ye just need to add content to it :)16:09
airurandoright oh.16:12
czajkowskihad to create it to use it as an example16:12
airurandoyou probably gave this before but could you repost a link16:13
czajkowskilet me go find it now16:20
czajkowskithis was our first one https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamApprovalApplication16:21
czajkowskithis is the one you need to work on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamReApprovalApplication16:21
airurandoThanks czajkowski16:24

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