
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic
Tm_Theadsup: Futee is spamming07:39
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
nigelbMyrtti: um, qxe01 has been banned from -motu and -community-team over the past 2 days.10:09
nigelbwell, Quex01, butmeh10:09
* nigelb hugs Tm_T 10:09
Myrttinigelb: in the past the guidelines for ops include the mention that blanket preventive bans aren't a good idea10:09
nigelbMyrtti: Ah, so one gets a chance to redeem yourself in another channel?10:10
nigelbwell, sort of.10:10
Myrttikind of yes10:10
nigelbok :)10:11
MyrttiI personally can see the benefits of both preventive bans and not doing them, but anyway10:11
Myrtti"assume good faith"10:11
Tm_Tthat exactly10:11
Myrttibesides, I personally am not on motu or ct channels so I've not witnessed the disruptive behaviour first hand, and I've been an op too long and grown sceptic to trust anything else than own experience...10:13
Myrttisad but true10:14
Tm_Talso different channels have a bit different limits10:14
nigelbInteresting to see it from the ops point of view.10:14
Tm_Talso it's better to have a clear reason to ban instead of just "because he's so elsewhere"10:15
Myrttiotoh, I've seem to develop a looooooong time memory of nicknames that have shown disruptive behaviour in the past10:15
Myrttiirc pattern memory too10:18
Myrtti"hola" and "ciao" were/are usually followed by certain behaviour10:19
nigelbMyrtti: Now I know you've been an OP /really/ long :)10:19
Tm_Thi k1l10:23
Myrttiwell atleast guadalinex is fixed now10:25
MyrttiI've been in IRC way too long to be honest10:29
Tm_TI have that feeling every day10:41
Tm_Tand I have only been around a bit less than a decade10:42
Myrtti15 years for me...10:42
* nigelb gulps10:42
Myrttiwhich is more or less half my life.10:42
nigelbI've known about IRC for like only 2 years.10:42
Tm_Tlack of internet connection saved my youth10:43
Tm_T...from irc that is10:43
Myrttithe magic of Trumpet Winsock and 16-bit mirc10:44
Tm_Tbut then, in last millenia we had these "suomi24 chat rooms" (;)10:45
Myrttiah, fun times. Being young and bored, I used to troll them acting as a teenage girl.10:46
Myrttispot the irony.10:46
Tm_TI did that too10:46
Myrtti(at that time I was already heavily addicted to IRC)10:46
Myrttithe dark underbelly of becoming an op...10:47
topylii didn't have internet (not that anyone else did) so instead i spent my time in tour buses doing the same thing: having the same conversation with the same people every night10:51
elkyMyrtti, next you'll fess about botnets11:04
Myrttithat I never did11:05
MyrttiIRC is too holy to mess with11:05
Myrttiwebchats on the otherhand are pits of trollitude11:05
nigelbMyrtti: You trolled 'acting' as a teenage girl?11:14
Myrttinigelb: I see you spotted the irony ;-)11:14
nigelbAh. Ahhh.11:15
nigelbDoh. I should learn to read better.11:15
popey\o/ trumpet winsock!11:24
popeythat is all.11:24
Tm_Tsock win! \ o/11:31
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Tm_Telky: bit strange that he is banned in channel where haven't done anything and where he did, he's not banned13:13
* Tm_T found some logs13:13
Tm_Tanyway, off13:14
elkyTm_T, if it's jungli then it is warranted. that he asked for baz is an indicator of that13:14
elkyalso realname has been used by jungli before13:16
elkyjungli!~John-Smit@ <-- for example13:16
elkypopey, you were right first guess ;)13:17
DJoneselky: Are you around?14:55
Myrttigone to sleep, hopefully14:56
DJonesMyrtti: Are you ok for a pm while she's not around14:56
Hammer_99teclear @ Teclea: @Hammer_99 Para Mi Lista De: 20,449 Archivos ¤ (16.34Gb) Slots Libres: 2/2 ¤ En Espera: 0 ¤  Velocidad: 0cps ¤ Slot Libre En: AHORA ¤ Envíos: 0 ¤ Lista: 05/01/2011 ¤ Usando DragonServe 2.016:06
m4vHammer_99: sorry... what?16:06
emonkeylooks like a p2p status for me ... bot?16:08
m4vit is16:09
Myrttido I even want to know16:13
Hammer_99teclear @ Teclea: @Hammer_99 Para Mi Lista De: 20,449 Archivos ¤ (16.34Gb) Slots Libres: 2/2 ¤ En Espera: 0 ¤  Velocidad: 0cps ¤ Slot Libre En: AHORA ¤ Envíos: 0 ¤ Lista: 05/01/2011 ¤ Usando DragonServe 2.016:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:17
m4vHammer_99: please disable whatever script you're using...16:17
lubotu2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:18
Myrttione down...16:18
MyrttiI suppose it is possible it can't be triggered16:18
Hammer_99teclear @ Teclea: @Hammer_99 Para Mi Lista De: 20,449 Archivos ¤ (16.34Gb) Slots Libres: 2/2 ¤ En Espera: 0 ¤  Velocidad: 0cps ¤ Slot Libre En: AHORA ¤ Envíos: 0 ¤ Lista: 05/01/2011 ¤ Usando DragonServe 2.016:25
m4vMyrtti: actually the trigger is @Hammer_99 but I'm not sure if I want to use it16:25
DJonesI was just about to suggest that, I've seen similar scripts used on undernet16:26
rwwGreat, now I have Dr. Horrible quotes stuck in my head.17:19
Myrttirww: here, listen to Ice Cream and Cake-song.17:20
Myrttithat' helps.17:20
rwwI'll take your word for it ;P17:20
Myrttiand topylis17:21
MyrttiI infected him with it this morning17:21

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