
* achiang wonders if any of the kernel folks are awake and aren't enjoying themselves too much at the rally...04:53
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ckingapw, do we have a k-t meeting today?16:43
araskaet, do you know why do we have two tracking bugs per release?17:09
ara(different kernels)17:09
arais any of those no longer valid?17:09
* skaet looking17:16
bjfara, looking :-)17:18
bjfara, if you notice the abi is quite different, that's because some are for ec2 flavours17:19
bjfara, i'm trying to get to the kernel wiki page that has the ABI matrix but am experiencing technical difficulties17:28
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bjfara, this page may be of minimal help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages17:29
skaetara, sconklin - are the kernels effectively 1 per SRU drop candidate?   When an SRU is released, the state should probably change to Released17:31
bjfskaet, while you were disconnected i was responding :-)17:31
bjfskaet, these are for regular and ec2 kernels17:31
skaetbjf,  cool.  okie.17:32
bjfskaet, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages17:32
bjfskate, ara, it's not obvious from the tracking bug, the only difference is the ABI numbers17:32
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bjfskaet, ara, we generate those tracking bugs with a tool, i'm modifying the tool to make the tracking bugs more obvious that they are for different kernels17:53
arabjf, thanks!17:58
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m4they, i put https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/binutils/+bug/673236 a few months ago20:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 673236 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "maverick toolchain producing unbootable (hanging) kernels (affects: 2) (heat: 63)" [Undecided,New]20:09
m4tanyone know what the proper fix is?20:09
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bjfbdmurray, is there a LP api call that returns the version of the lpapi installed on the system and that the script is using?21:34
bdmurraybjf: __version__ ?21:37
bjfbdmurray, thanks21:37
hrwnatty's kernel has Vcs-Git: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git22:46
hrwin debian.master/control file. should not it point to ubuntu-natty.git instead?22:46
sconklinapw: ^^22:49
apwsconklin, cheers, i owe you 1/1000th of a beer22:57
apwi'll take it out of your ownings22:57
sconklinapw: I'll die in beer debt22:58
sconklinhaving broken a kernel AND the archive22:58
apwhrw, thanks!  fixed!23:02
apwsconklin, _a_ kernel, its not singular!23:03
hrwapw: np23:04
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