
IdleOneMyrtti: it's #fix_your_connection ?00:05
rwwtwo hashes, and I beat you ;P00:05
IdleOnethanks you00:05
* nhandler thanks rww for actually joining the channel00:05
Myrttithx rww00:05
rwwI suspect deliberate silliness, by the way.00:06
Myrttii suspect deliberate malice00:06
rwwnhandler: let me know if he says anything relevant :\00:07
IdleOneamazing, his connection is now stable00:08
nhandlerrww: Alright. Most people don't say much in ##fix_your_connection (when they do, we tipically refer them back to the channel ops of the channel that forwarded them). I just tend to watch the joins/parts to determine when the connection is stable, and then I remove the forward. These sorts of things usually resolve fairly quickly00:08
rwwIdleOne: iknorite00:08
* rww PMs00:09
rwwhuh, apparently they're having legitimate issues.00:11
rww00:10:14 <Maxeetohhhhh> 21:05 -!- Error de conexión! Razón: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.00:11
rwwany ideas?00:11
IdleOnelooks like a bot reply00:13
IdleOneand you are not authorized00:13
IdleOnewild guessing00:14
rwwno, it's a paste they did of the errorlog they're getting. they're not a bot ;P00:14
rwwI googled, just see a bunch of Mono-related posts, *shrug*00:14
IdleOneError de conexión! == conexion error00:14
rwwmeh, I tried diagnosing in PM (asking client and such), but they stopped replying. Will remove ban and see what happens.00:15
rwwone suspects from their client language that they don't do English well00:15
IdleOneno idea what dictionary that error is referring to00:15
rwwprobably the programming concept of a dictionary, rather than a thing with words in it00:16
rww!danger =~ s/COMMAND/COMMAND!/02:10
ubottuI'll remember that rww02:10
Jordan_UAny ops that speak chinese that can help get mzy in #ubuntu directed to #ubuntu-cn? (they've already been given !cn).03:04
rwwI've been known to banforward persistant Chinese speaker to #ubuntu-tw >.> <.< >.>03:05
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hypatiarww: why tw over cn?03:06
rwwhypatia: because ubuntu/member/* has ops in -tw03:07
rwwand you need a channel to be +F (which they aren't) or to have ops in it to forward now.03:07
Madpilotgood to know, actually03:09
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1445 users, 0 overflows, 1445 limit))03:30
* tonyyarusso stands in for elky to offer commentary on the day04:54
tonyyarussogurgle gargle blrbbllb glub, mrgle glubble blorb mrmml04:55
elkyI'm not in brisbane.04:55
elkyThankfully BBC has decided to let my state continue to exist.04:55
elkyto follow up on the daily fail's map04:56
tonyyarusso"Prime Minister Julia Gillard has warned that the recovery will take a long time." - thank you Captain Obvious04:57
tonyyarussoI wish somebody had a map that showed the actual area that was currently underwater.04:59
macoqueensland, nsw, and simply "australia"?05:10
elkyyeah. last week the daily fail seceded capricornia from qld05:11
tonyyarussoelky: I think maco's point is that suddenly merging the other, 5 isn't much better.05:18
tonyyarussoalso, stray comma there.  Must've wandered out of some other sentence.05:19
elkytonyyarusso, that would also have been my point about 5hrs ago when i tweeted/dented it.05:19
tonyyarussofine, make me look it up05:21
tonyyarussoah, nice05:21
rwwmicroblogging is silly :(05:21
elkythe daily fail article has removed the map05:22
elkyrww, you only hate it because of read write web05:24
rwwit's like IRC, except all web2.0 and unusably slow05:24
rwwalso, CNN likes it, so it must be bad.05:25
knomei don't fancy microblogging myself either05:26
Tm_Theadsup: futee is spamming07:39
Jordan_UTm_T: Any reason you haven't banned them?07:49
Tm_Thave not been spamming in channels I have rights07:50
Jordan_UI'll ban from #ubuntu then (if you are referring to their part message).07:51
Tm_Tno need to ban yet, just keep an eye07:51
Jordan_UWell, they keep joining and leaving immediately with that link in their part message.07:52
Tm_Tuh, he does that too? let me check07:52
Madpilotin #ubuntu, looks like futee joins and immediately departs about every 15min or so07:57
Tm_Thas he returned?07:58
Jordan_UTm_T: Since when?07:58
Tm_Tsince I gave the headsup07:59
Tm_Thmm, apparently not07:59
Tm_Tbut he does spam elsewhere07:59
Tm_Twith channel notify and all08:00
tsimpson^ I banned the IP in #ubuntu due to part spam08:11
Tm_Tah he returned, thanks08:11
Myrttiisn't that there insmod?09:10
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Myrttiit indeed is09:12
* Myrtti sits back and watches09:13
MyrttiI see Quex01 is on it again10:07
elkyoh dear, where now?10:20
Myrttiwas on #ubuntu10:21
Myrttisee discussion in -irc10:21
Myrttiplease note he's not banned yet10:22
elkyholaaaaaaaaaaaaa :P10:23
Tm_Tciao a tutti!10:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:24
Myrttiyou people crack me up10:24
Tm_Tseriously, "ciao a tutti" and "!list" comes together10:24
Myrttiholaa comes with spanish flooding10:25
Myrttior did10:25
Tm_Tbest are the ones who keep repeating the !list 'cause they're not happy with the results10:25
elkyif at first you dont succeed...10:27
elky_H is really ticking me off with this 'im so smart' bull10:30
topyliit was kind of cute at first, in a troubled teen sort of way. but it stops being fun after a couple of days10:42
elky-au had a loco kid who carried himself similar, but with much more assholery. he was all like 'kernel developers suck, they should just make the kernel in python, it's faster. i know because im smarter than all you chumps. you're all stupid people who i tolerate out of my own good will, so you should be thankful'10:48
elkyi mean, to the point he was PMing people to tell them how what they were saying was wrong10:49
elkyit was... urgh. i think he even emailed shuttleworth to tell him how mean and awful i was for not letting him belittle people10:50
jussirobert wall, you are a funny person :D11:15
popeyhmm thought my connection was broken, -ot being quiet for 45 mins11:15
elkyyeh it does that occasionally. cherish the moment11:15
Myrttiquick, take a log excerpt11:15
topylipopey took the tweet of the day prize yesterday11:35
topyliperhaps you haven't heard about the tweet of the day prize, but that's just because the ceremony takes place exclusively in my head11:36
Tm_TI always wanted to hear inside your head11:36
topylitry catting /dev/urandom and pipe it through an echo ldspa plugin11:38
jpdstopyli: Nah, cat /dev/urandom | grep goats is more fun.11:38
popeyI did!?11:39
topylipopey: that was fun too, but i mean the router upgrade11:39
popeyah :)11:40
elkypopey, on the up side, the chocolate will go well in stew gravy11:45
elky(yes, im serious)11:46
popeyhmm. I have heard of chocolate in chilli, but never in gravy11:58
elkybeef gravy benefits from it12:00
elkynot sure it'd go in lamb but it's worth a try, but it's the same principle as chilli.12:00
elkythe *mites are good gravy bases on their own.12:01
popeybah, hungry now!12:02
elkyand when you think about it, chocolate was originally a salted savoury drink12:02
topyliH_ ruined -ot silence :(12:13
jpdstopyli: That's a kickban on sight, surely?12:14
topyliwith great restraint, i'm letting it pass12:16
Spicemasterwhy i redirected here ?12:38
popeyhi Spicemaster12:39
Spicemasterhi popey why i am here ?12:40
popeyI guess because ops believe you to be a known troll.12:40
Spicemasterhow can i ?12:41
Spicemasterpopey: can you tell me how can i setup dns server in ubuntu ?12:41
s3r3n1t7This wouldn't be so much abuse, but more of a question if it's possible to do something about random typing from ppl, such as usuario ?12:42
popeys3r3n1t7: the floodbot dealt with usuario12:42
s3r3n1t7popey, he'll be back soonish wono't he12:42
popeys3r3n1t7: maybe :) I'm sure the ops will deal with it accordingly.12:43
popeythanks for your concern12:43
elkydepends, i've just told usuario about the spanish channels12:43
s3r3n1t7it doesn't exactly look spanish to me?12:43
s3r3n1t7popey, but thank you, best of luck to all12:43
popeySpicemaster: I suspect I can't in here, the support channel is #ubuntu. I don't know the exact reason why you're banned there.12:44
popeyelky: does it look like a mistake that Spicemaster is banned by the jungli bans?12:44
Spicemasterpopey: plz unbabbed me there ?12:44
popeySpicemaster: I can't.12:44
Spicemasterpopey: where is bazhang ?12:45
elkypopey, no: 2011-01-07T16:51:31 *** ikonia sets mode: +b spicemaster!*@*$#ubuntu-ops12:45
popeyoh, my bad12:45
elkybut it's not showing the leadup to that, the cause is not in the 100 lines bantracker snapshots12:45
Spicemasterwoot ?12:46
elkyikonia, around?12:46
popeythat doesn't show anything untoward12:46
elkypopey, it also excludes part messages12:47
elkySpicemaster, what does your client currently show as your part or quit messages?12:47
popey07:24 -!- spicemaster [~Administr@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]12:48
Spicemasterelky: yes12:50
Spicemasterpopey: yes xchat12:51
Spicemasterwho is ikonia ?12:53
Spicemasterelky: ?12:53
Spicemasterpopey: ?12:53
cdbsSpicemaster: What do you need?12:55
popeySpicemaster: sorry, I am not an op, I cannot do anything here12:55
elkyThe only thing I can think of is that your ident is "Administr" which indicates you're using irc from an admin/root account. That's a security issue and you should not be using a root account for irc as you can be easily exploited that way.12:55
elkyAre you IRCing from the Windows administrative user, Spicemaster?12:57
* elky drums fingernails.13:03
Tm_TI'm checking my logs13:03
elkyTm_T, yeah, there's not much there. i think we'd need ikonia to know for sure13:05
elkybut Spicemaster has stopped responding anyhow13:05
Tm_Thmh, indeed, nothing13:05
elkyso either he's been mistaken for jungli, or... grep the logs for this channel, Tm_T13:08
elky2011-01/#ubuntu-ops.02.log:02-01-2011 07:43:20 < rww!~rww@ubuntu/member/rww: well, that was odd. spicemaster swastika'd -ot, which isn't usually a good sign, but was unproblematic apart from that. Maybe we found the one internet user that isn't trolling when they protest that it's a good thing in ancient cultures.13:08
elkyso i'm going to wait for ikonia based on the thought that there's more to this than the logs are showing.13:09
Spicemasterwho is jungli ?13:09
elkysomeone whose IP address is similar to yours.13:11
elkyalso, why did you call out for bazhang, Spicemaster?13:12
Spicemasterbazhang is my buddy13:13
elkyjungli has a habit of highlighting baz.13:14
Spicemasterok well13:14
elkydo we know you by other nicknames at all?13:15
Spicemasterelky: i know you are smiling :)13:15
elkyI know your real name "john-smith" is the same as jungli's, that your ip is close to jungli's, and that you just pinged baz like jungli does13:16
Spicemasterrofl copter13:16
Spicemasterelky: you got me13:16
elkyNow i will proceed to ignore you and not waste further time.13:17
Spicemasterelky: no13:17
Spicemasterplz unbanned me :)13:17
* elky points Spicemaster to the 'no idling' part of the topic.13:19
Spicemasterhey what you ppl think about Junghli ?13:20
cdbselky: Something that was needed from quite a long time13:20
elkyupgraded to straight ban13:25
cdbselky: you removed the banforwards and placed normal bans? why?13:25
elkybecause he'll only return to waste time here13:25
elkyand i don't want that13:25
elkycdbs, search 'jungli' in the bantracker13:25
topyliwell he does know the way here13:25
cdbselky: when I come back, brb, 10 mins13:26
elkytopyli, yeah, but no point helping him13:26
topyliyes that's what i mean13:26
cdbsBTW, OPS: insmod seems to have re-joined #ubuntu. Keep a watch on him while I am gone13:26
Myrtticdbs: well aware of that13:27
Myrttihave been on it the whole morning13:27
Myrttihe has been behaving so well I've started to suspect it's not 'our' insmod13:31
* Myrtti holds breathj13:34
Myrttiwill he... will he...13:34
elkyyou didn't see the "PORN" bit earlier?13:34
* Myrtti looks at pac-man13:34
Myrttielky: that's mild compared to the normal behaviour13:35
elkymeh, i should go to bed. g'nite13:38
Myrttinitenite sweetie13:38
Myrttinext one and orthy is out13:41
MyrttiI suppose I should go away and do something constructive14:00
MyrttiI feel like trolling #freenode, that's not a good sign14:00
Myrtti"I have a problem with Oracle too, but it's more a philosophical issue than software problem"14:01
Picibad Myrtti.14:01
PiciAlthough I find myself being overly sarcastic there sometimes14:01
Myrttior "I prefer tealeaves instead of traveling to Greece"14:02
Myrtti"sheepguts are so messy"14:02
PiciI think those might be a bit too intellectual for some of the members of that channel14:03
popeypm from Monsquaz14:03
MyrttiPici: that's the fun part :-/14:03
jpdspopey: Haha, nice.14:04
Myrttipopey: *boggle* indeed14:04
popeyit gets worse!14:05
Myrttiperhaps they've been smelling the wrong kind of fumes @ (or coded with) Delphi14:05
popeytelling me I PM'ed first!14:05
PiciWhy would you say "Hi popey" yourself anyway?14:05
Myrttior to someone else14:06
popey14:18:03 <@grifferz> it's a relay bot14:22
popey14:18:21 <@grifferz> someone put a bot on that said hello to him and relayed everything he said to you14:22
popey14:19:01 <@grifferz> Monsquaz is the bot, and it's translating the names between you14:22
popey14:19:10 <@grifferz> someone else is having a good giggle at it14:22
PiciThanks for the heads up14:22
popeyits still in #ubuntu14:22
popeylooks like ocean also got a pm from it14:22
Myrttijust so you know, there is a John-Smit@ on #ubuntu now15:03
Myrttiwhich may, or may not be junghli or whatever15:03
jpdsTrolling over v6 now.15:03
MyrttiI can troll you too over ipv615:05
Myrtti*troll troll*15:05
MyrttiI take that as a bad sign that he greets Pici in #freenode15:19
ubottuIn #ubuntu, castlealex said: ubottu: there is no ./configure I can't compile it19:15
rwwryaxnb is making up for lost time. Jumped from high 20s to 12th on my stats today :\20:26
MyrttiMonsquaz is back?23:21
popeylooks like it Myrtti23:29
Myrttiwas back...23:30
Myrttishoukd we ask whoever it was that told him off to come here and tell more?23:31
Myrttialthough I'm crippled by Swype and lack of sleep23:32
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