
sm1773revening all00:04
eviljamesIsn't it really early morning in the UK by now?00:05
sm1773rlol well if u want to be precise 12:07am all00:05
eviljames*shrug* I'm on the other side of the planet, so for me it's not even time to go home from work yet :(00:06
screen-xyes, very early in the morning here :(00:06
sm1773rlol unlucky bud how long u got left00:06
sm1773rgod u been on here all day screen00:06
eviljamesjust an hour... figure I'll spend it on irc trying to sort out the same single, stupid, issue that I've been stumbling on for the last few days...00:07
screen-xsm1773r: yeah, I should be in bed!00:07
sm1773rbut ur gripped by the intence convo on irc00:07
screen-xnah, working, but enjoying the distraction of irc :)00:08
sm1773rits been a long distraction lol00:08
screen-xsm1773r: I keep 1/2 and eye on irc whilst working..00:09
screen-xerr 1/2 an eye00:09
screen-xMooDoo: still up?00:20
=== shannon is now known as cinex
Alice-In-WonderlHey cinex00:39
cinexwhats new?00:40
Alice-In-WonderlJust after some help, but it seems dead in here >.>00:40
cinexwhat do u need to know?00:40
* screen-x is alsmost awake00:40
Alice-In-WonderlIf there was a way to install ubuntu from a NTFS external hardrive00:41
cinexi think so00:41
cinexyou can install it from a usb drive00:41
screen-xor use wubi from windows00:41
Alice-In-WonderlI know, but it needs FAT32, I think00:41
screen-xor partition the external hdd, have an ubuntu installer partition, and a separate ntfs partition for data00:42
Alice-In-WonderlAh, I never thought of that! I'll give that a go, screen-x, thank you00:42
cinexbeats me00:44
* cinex doesnt have anything windows anymore00:44
Alice-In-WonderlHumm, well thanks anyway, i'll try partitioning it as FAT32 and see if that works...00:44
cinexdo u not have the hardwear to burn a cd?00:44
Alice-In-WonderlI used to have ubuntu, but I brought a new laptop and was so busy with college work etc I never got round to re-installing it00:45
Alice-In-WonderlI do, but no discs00:45
cinexor perhaps, virtually mount the image inside windows and use the install it inside windows option ?00:45
cinexi dont know the name of it. but you can run the installer as a windows app00:45
Alice-In-WonderlI'll try both ^-^00:46
cinexif you plan on running it permanently you should either get a usb drive or rewriteable disk00:46
cinexit has a fairly quick update cycle00:47
Alice-In-WonderlExactly the reason I wanted to use my external hardrive....00:48
cinexthe thumbnail would be better in my mind. then u can use it like a key to decrypt all your stuff too :)00:49
screen-xcinex: do you mean usb stick/thumb drive?00:50
cinexlol, thumbnail00:51
cinexyeah i meant thumb drive00:51
Alice-In-WonderlI have a laptop external hardrive, it's basically a USB stick with 320gb of storage xD00:52
cinexpush it in, and linux can mount it, get the key, decrypt everything then unmount it. then when you pull it out. re-encrypt everything00:52
cinexit shocks me how easy that is to set up. and how the government can't be bothered00:53
Alice-In-WonderlWhat do you mean? Setting up ubuntu?00:54
cinexconfiguring it.00:54
Alice-In-WonderlAh, well they'd rather buy windows and watch it burn and die >.>00:54
cinexin this case, each drive has a unique id. you can get linux to execute commands when it sees that number.00:54
cinexie, when you put a thumdrive in00:55
screen-xcinex: sounds like you're on a udev high ;-)00:55
Alice-In-Wonderl(this is kind of new to me >.<)00:55
cinexyeah. my father in law wants a cctv server. so i was planning it out. I would have a 'key' to switch on the indoor cameras eh00:56
cinexso u could easily turn them on before you went out.00:56
screen-xcinex: you could do it by tracking the bluetooth/wifi addresses of the family phones..00:57
cinexthats interesting00:58
screen-xcinex: are you going to use zone minder?00:58
cinexi was looking at motion00:58
screen-x!info motion00:58
lubotu3motion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.12-2 (maverick), package size 284 kB, installed size 868 kB00:58
screen-xhmm have a look at zone minder :)00:58
cinexit has all the options the $1000 cameras have00:58
cinexi will00:58
cinexthe only real problem is that to get a wifi/network camera means having all those functions built into the camera01:05
cinexI don't know how secure it is to have the whole setup outside ready to be stolen. it would possibly have images all dateed and timestamped of them leaving the house. let them predict when the house will be empty01:06
screen-xcinex: outside?01:06
cinexwith a central server it could all be encrypted. so if it did get stolen then there would be no useful information on it01:06
cinexa camera pointing at the car kind of thing01:06
cinexwhich would always be on.01:06
screen-xcinex: yeah, centralised is the way to go.01:07
screen-xCould store the most recent data off site (depending on how much bandwidth is available..)01:07
cinexthey have ftp servers built in.01:08
screen-xwhich cameras are you looking at?01:08
cinexwebservers built in. they can link up 16 or so cameras together so you can remote view them all01:08
cinexip cameras01:08
screen-xany models in particular?01:09
screen-xI'm interested because I'd like some, but cant afford axis!01:09
cinexno. there is a panasonic (I think) that is reasonably cheap.01:09
cinexI'm in canada so the prices might be higher over there (always are)01:09
screen-xthese also seem to be quite cheap http://www.edimax.co.uk/en/produce_list.php?pl1_id=8&pl2_id=01:11
screen-x$35! awesome01:11
screen-xoh, thats the warranty01:12
* screen-x resizes browser01:12
cinexwith tax that would be around $200 which is about 140 - 160 quid01:12
screen-xThats not bad for one that will withstand some weather01:13
cinexheat and motion detectors01:13
screen-xcinex: so did you used to live in the UK, then move over to Canada?01:21
cinexyeah. moved here 4 months ago01:22
screen-xHow are you finding the transition?01:22
cinexits good.01:23
* screen-x is nosy ._.01:23
cinexI have a good job already. its temporary at the monment. but they are looking to actually hire people. so i get a pyarise after 3 months. taken on at six.01:23
cinexwill be on like 15 pound an hour in 12 months lol01:23
screen-xsounds good :)01:23
cinexbeats 5.80 and a company that treats you like crap01:24
screen-xare you near plenty of lakes and mountains for days off?01:24
cinexim on , what, 6 pounds and hour, and i feel twice as rich01:24
cinexgod no. I live on lake ontario, overpupulated and full of smog01:25
cinexreally bad pulution.01:25
screen-x:( shame01:25
cinexi will move out of the city eventually01:26
cinexsomething like 60% of all candians live around this lake01:26
screen-x I may have to move up to London, which wont be good for the lungs!01:26
cinexoh no. 20% of canadas population and 53% of onatarios01:27
cinexmove to canada, its awesome01:27
screen-xSo what made you pick canada when wnating to escape the UK?01:27
hamitronupto London?01:27
screen-xhamitron: London is "up" from everywhere ;-)01:28
cinexmy wife is candian, (met her online) and nowhere is as bad as the uk lol01:28
hamitronsure ;/01:28
cinexyou can see my apartment building on there01:30
screen-xnice and green01:30
screen-xis there much sailing on the lake?01:30
cinexin the summer yeah01:30
cinexits massive01:31
cinexhas waves and a beach and everything01:31
screen-xnot big enough to surf though?01:31
cinexfraid not01:32
screen-xheh, cant have everything ;-)01:33
cinexpeople charge into it on new years day i think01:33
cinexpolar run01:33
cinexpolar plunge01:34
cinexpolar something01:34
=== PaulGit_ is now known as PaulGit
fujisanoHello, good morning is anyone awake?06:32
fujisanoI have a question my internet stopped working on ubuntu 10.10 i wanted to have get some ideas about how to solve it please06:32
BigRedSI'm about06:33
BigRedSThough I am technically fixing, er, someone else's networking not working :)06:33
fujisanowell its a wired ethernet cable06:35
fujisanothe cable has worked for 6 years and now all of a sudden its not working i am hoping its not the network card but dunno how to test this06:36
BigRedSwhen you say 'its not working', what exactly is happening?06:36
fujisanoi have no internet with the ethernet cable plugged in06:36
BigRedSHow comfortable are you in the terminal?06:37
fujisanoi can see it says disconnected when i hoover over the network symbol06:37
fujisanoon ubuntu06:37
fujisanocomfortable enough i suppose06:37
BigRedSAh, handy. I'm not very comfortable out of it :)06:37
BigRedSJust a quick check - has this problem survived a reboot?06:37
fujisanoi havent checked that yet let me check that first06:37
BigRedSif it's easy, that's a way to restart everything I'm about to have you test :)06:38
BigRedSif you'd rather not reboot, it's not really necessary,06:38
BigRedSthough I'm about to be tied up for ~5-10 mins, so perhaps it's something to do in the meantime...06:39
fujisanHmz it works again06:40
fujisanno clue why it stopped working then06:40
fujisanthanks for your help :)06:41
BigRedSfujisan: Ah, that's the problem with the brute-force reboot way I suppose.06:42
BigRedSyou don't find out which individual part broke06:42
BigRedSgenerally, it's network-manager :)06:42
fujisanoh ok ty06:43
fujisanyeah i wanted to reboot than the reboot didnt work and i paniced too soon i guess06:44
fujisanoh btw what are the current recommended specifications for running Ubuntu where can i find this?06:46
fujisanhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements << according to this site recommended and minimum specs are the same?06:47
BigRedSfujisan: it's quite possible06:47
fujisani dont get what they mean by recommended minimum06:47
BigRedSwell, it will work on systems substantially less powerful than the recommended minimum06:47
BigRedSit'll just take a bit of fiddling. the reccomended minimum is what you need to get the sort of performance most people expect without having to fiddle06:48
fujisani have a 2Ghz cpu here 2 gb of ram and enough diskspace but still Ubuntu 10.10 does run a tad slower than previous versions06:48
fujisannautilus is really slow on this pc06:48
BigRedShmmm, does it do anything in particular slower, or is it just generally slower?06:48
fujisanjust whenever i try to open a folder my hardware makes a lot of noise06:49
BigRedShmm, might be worth running disk diagnostics. Are you running any other OSs?06:49
BigRedSah, if there's a bunch of hdd noise, it sounds like the hdd is at fault. probably worth looking into a new one. And taking a backup if you don't already :)06:49
fujisanactually i am running ubuntu under wubi now and want to reformat the PC and make it Ubuntu only06:49
BigRedS(I don't mean to make you panic, I just like to have spares and backups knocking around)06:50
fujisanBigRedS:  could be the HDD is 6 years old06:50
fujisanalmost 706:50
BigRedSdoes the Windows install also do the hdd noises and slowness when accessing files?06:50
BigRedSmmm, 7 years is a reasonable age for a hard drive. several do last longer, but many fail before then, too.06:50
fujisanbut really i abused the hell out of this PC and had the psu replaced 3x already06:51
fujisani paid around 80 euros for a decent psu so i can use it a bit longer06:51
fujisanbut i really want a netbook for Ubuntu06:51
BigRedSmmm, I'm currently deciding between a new laptop and a new netbook06:54
BigRedSbut there's nothing really wrong with my current laptop, it's just a bit old06:54
fujisanyeah i really want to stop using this PC it just uses too much power06:55
fujisanand the CRT monitor alone weighs a ton06:56
fujisanso whats the quickest way to format the PC just use an installer CD and then let the installer reformat right?06:57
BigRedSfujisan: yeah, pretty much06:58
BigRedSmake sure you've put any data you want to keep somewhere safe first06:58
fujisanoh ok06:58
BigRedSwhich can be a separate partition on the same drive, if you want, but that does require some faffing. If the drive's making horrible noises, though, I'd look at replacing it first, then you can copy the data off the current one onto the new one06:58
fujisani have a newer drive already put in06:59
fujisanthe older a Maxtor i have suspected it's dying for a while06:59
BigRedSAhhh, I see06:59
fujisanthe newer one is Western Digital and it's only 3 years old07:00
fujisanok thanks for your help :) i am going to safe some files now07:01
fujisanbu bye07:01
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daubersyet another morning where I get to the office and there is no power08:01
daubersstupid sothern electric08:02
diploSounds the same as my old place, sub station kept blowing a fuse08:06
daubersdiplo: Thats what sec said08:12
diplodaubers, we got SEC to supply us with a HUGE generator and wired us in and made them fix the problem in the end as it had happened so many times08:40
daubersdiplo: heh, we should try that one08:41
DJonesMorning all08:53
danfishtime to bite the bullet and finally upgrade the main latop to 10.1008:55
BigRedSI found 10.10 one of the less confusing upgrades09:00
BigRedSI think all that changed was my default browser, which was easy enough to notice and revert09:00
danfishoops "n unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:09:03
danfishE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be09:03
danfishcaused by held packages"09:03
daubersWoot! Powers back09:29
* daubers fires the various virtual machines back up09:31
DJonesThats what happens when you get rid of the kyrptonite09:31
danfishyeah, borked package nuked, upgrade progressing :)09:36
j0nrok, have set up new mail server on a temp ip address. I can send mail out, but how can I test if mail can be recieved? jon@ip.add.re.ss ??09:39
kazadeHi everybody!09:41
daubersj0nr: Pretty much09:46
granwhats the command to eject a dvd drive?09:49
daubersgran: eject09:51
grangenius :P09:51
daubersNo probs :)09:52
granits not binding the eject button on my laptop to eject the dvd09:52
diploAnyone here run a HP ProBook at all ?09:55
diploReason for asking is whilst running 10.10 ( not tried any other Linux distro ) the fans are always kicking in, for some reason I had decided to leave the Win7 on there which was odd as I have used Linux exclusively now for over a year, and this doesn't happen under Win7.. any thoughts or advice would be appreciated on a fix09:59
diploAlready tried changing cpu freq to see if that would keep it off more09:59
diploFrom little I've found it seems to be a ACPI issue, but I can't find a fix or any good suggestions so far, it could be my google foo sucks this week10:00
screen-xmorning :)10:14
dutchiehi screen-x10:16
screen-xHey dutchie,  how much holiday do you have left?10:16
dutchiescreen-x: 2.5 hours10:18
dutchiereally should be packing10:18
screen-xSo your back to uni today?10:18
screen-xlooking forward to it?10:18
dutchieof course10:18
andylockranhey guys10:21
andylockrananyone recommend a server that takes the same drive caddies as a dell 2950, but 1U instead of 2U10:21
screen-xmorning andylockran10:22
screen-xI don't know dell's range, but most server vendors do 1u boxes with 2.5" or 3.5" disk options10:23
screen-xcan ~8 2.5" disks in a 1u box, but they are still really expensive :(10:23
screen-xI started playing kvm/qemu and libvirt last night10:24
screen-xgot qemu/kvm working, but libvirt/virsh was a mystery10:24
diploandylockran, the 1950 ?10:24
diploWe used to run 2950's and 1950's10:25
andylockrandiplo: thanks10:25
andylockranthat kinda looks obvious now10:25
screen-xdaubers: do you a libvert based kvm manager?10:25
directhexkvm is awesome10:29
screen-xdirecthex: I'm sure it is... do you know of anything that needs to be done to a clean 10.04 install, to get libvirt based kvm management tools to work?10:30
directhexscreen-x, add your user to libvirtd group and log out/in?10:31
screen-xdirecthex: yep, done that10:31
danfishscreen-x: what happens when you startup the GUI?10:36
screen-xdanfish: I don't have any GUI stuff on this box at the moment. If I run qemu-system-x86_64 I can start a vm, but If I run virsh start guest, it fails.10:37
screen-xlooks similar to bug 58193410:38
lubotu3Launchpad bug 581934 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "libvirtError: monitor socket did not show up.: Connection refused" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58193410:38
daubersscreen-x: Yup10:58
screen-xdaubers: do you remember having to jump through any hoops to get it working?10:59
daubersscreen-x: I do management using virt-manager through ssh10:59
daubersscreen-x: Just had to muck about with ssh keys10:59
daubersscreen-x: I am in the process of building a virtual machine host... so might hit some again shortly10:59
daubersscreen-x: My virt-manager command line for ssh management is virt-manager -c qemu+ssh://root@
daubersthen I have root access with ssh keys11:01
screen-xhmm, I can get the ssh bits to work, when I connected I get a list of non-running VMs11:02
screen-xattempting to start a vm ends with libvirtError: monitor socket did not show up.: Connection refused11:02
directhexscreen-x, are you on amd or intel?11:02
screen-xwhich I think is to do with a unix domain socket on the server.11:02
screen-xdirecthex: intel 6411:02
directhexscreen-x, "modprobe kvm_intel" throws no errors?11:03
screen-xmodprobe kvm_intel works11:03
screen-x[ 1978.635620] qemu-system-x86[22313]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000004e5140 sp 00007fff79c2c180 error 4 in qemu-system-x86_64[400000+246000]11:04
j0nrdaubers: hmm this new server keeps putting my 'from' address as my (once moved) domain name, rather than just from an ip address. I tried commenting out anything to do with my domain name in main.cf and also in muttrc11:07
j0nrwhen I ssh in, it says i am logged in jonr@domainname.com: where's that coming from?11:08
j0nrive commented out name in /etc/hostname11:08
screen-xj0nr: you want your emails to appear to come from jon@x.x.x.x ?11:08
j0nrjust for now, screen-x I can send email out, but it appears as from jon@domain.com so I cant just reply as that thenjust sends it to my old server11:09
screen-xj0nr: probably easier to setup new-temp.domain.com with its own mx records11:09
j0nrergh... sounds too much11:10
screen-xI just created a new vim with virt-manager and it started :) must have been a problem with the xml configs I imported from virsh11:10
j0nrbut what is telling my system to say its from 'domain.com'?11:10
screen-xerr s/vim/VM/11:10
bigcalm11/1/11 11:1111:11
andylockranhow to execute a command as a search result in vi?11:11
andylockrani.e. :%s/test/:D/g11:12
screen-xandylockran: what are you trying to do?11:13
andylockranat the first occurance of the word test on each line, delete the rest of the line11:13
dutchieandylockran: :help global11:22
davmor2Morning everybody11:23
AlanBellhi davmor211:23
* davmor2 prods czajkowski to find out how her upgrading went?11:24
* AlanBell prods people in general with http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/linuxexposchedule11:24
czajkowskidavmor2: it didn't11:24
czajkowskiran out pf space on maverick11:24
czajkowskiso downloaded natty11:25
czajkowskijust need to create the usb11:25
czajkowskithis may have been wiser to wait till saturday when  I didn't need my laptop for the next 3 days11:25
davmor2czajkowski: let me guess 8gb ssd11:25
kazadeAlanBell, Linux Expo? When? Where?11:28
BigRedSthere's an open sauce one at he barbican beginning of feb11:30
kazadeBigRedS, cool, thanks just found it11:30
kazade(Googling Linux expo gives a load of crap results)11:30
AlanBellkazade: good point, just added the URL to the etherpad11:31
* AlanBell points kazade to the mailing list too11:32
kazadeit's a shame it's on a weekday11:32
AlanBellbest day for it to get people to come to an expo in London11:32
screen-xdepends which type of people you are after11:33
BigRedSI suppose those who can pass it off as work11:33
AlanBellwell yes11:33
AlanBellreal people don't go to work conferences on a saturday11:33
BigRedSI'd have thought fri+sat or something, to get people with some familiarity to go see it in real life11:34
directhexAlanBell, fosdem!11:34
kazadeI'll probs book the day off, I've got 4 days unused holiday from last year :)11:34
AlanBelldirecthex: sure, but compare it to something like a non-IT related conference11:36
czajkowskidirecthex: fosdem is for people who already know and love the stuff :D11:36
czajkowskiless than a month to FOSDEM :D squeeee11:36
directhexczajkowski, need to write my talk!11:36
czajkowskidirecthex: likewise :(11:36
=== seeker is now known as Guest88068
Laneyone year i will go to fosdem11:46
Laneyhonest guv11:46
DJonesLaney: That sounds like one of those dodgy political promises "honest gov" or the apt job descriptions of Military Intelligence or Civil Servant11:54
Laneymy trustworthiness is for you to decide11:55
brobostigonmorning all.12:00
screen-xafternoon brobo12:04
brobostigonhi screen-x12:04
popeyeeek czajkowski you okay?12:06
czajkowskipopey: gotta say, been better. I know the girl meant well, but 4 of us are dying sick12:06
popeywhat happened?12:06
czajkowskishe was trying to make up for the fact she's been here for a long long time. cooked some chicken dish with some form of a dumpling, so dont know if it was the chicken gone off by 3 days... or the way it was prepared.. or what.12:07
czajkowskiwoke up this morning to ring into office, tried to sleep till now and just answering mails and going back to sleep.12:07
screen-xoooh dear! hope you can get some more sleep czajkowski12:10
czajkowskiall I've to do is be ok by 3 for a conference call for an event we're doing and then I can go back and die12:11
czajkowskinn folks12:11
davmor2See watch this for nice now.......get well soon czajkowski12:12
AlanBelloh no, a chicken related injury12:12
davmor2AlanBell: better than a related chicken that's injured....12:13
screen-xAlanBell: I don't think the chicken can be held responsible in this instance12:13
andylockranget well soon czajkowski :(12:14
andylockranyikes, disk failed in our raid12:15
andylockranso swapped it out and put a new one in12:15
andylockranand during the rebuild it would appear the other disk is also failing nicely :s12:15
andylockranavg rebuild speed down at 64k12:15
screen-xandylockran: nooo12:15
andylockrangood news is that it keeps dropping in and then out12:15
andylockranbut yeah, currently running cat /proc/mdstat and recording how many blocks are complete12:16
andylockranas an example12:16
andylockrannot the prettiest table you'll every see12:17
andylockran</monologue> even12:17
hooverhi folks12:50
brobostigonafternoonings hoover and BigRedS12:50
BigRedSah, how's it going brobostigon ?12:56
brobostigonBigRedS: **** , not so hot, my eczema is causing alot of painand trouble, and its not being nice. how about you ?13:02
BigRedSI'm reasonably good. Been in since 4am though, getting tired of this being-at-work thing. And just generally tired... :(13:02
BigRedSon the other hand, we have doughnuts :)13:03
brobostigonyummy, :)13:04
BigRedSyeah. got Sainsbury's apple ones which are nicer than I was expecting13:04
BigRedSnot too sweet, I think I might've accidentally grown up a bit...13:04
brobostigonhehe. :)13:05
andylockranRAID rebuilding 600GB array at 1%/hour...13:09
andylockrancurrently on 68%13:09
BigRedSI'd suggest you've bigger problems than a degraded raid13:10
diploDoes seem rather slow13:10
andylockranBigRedS: yep, master disk in the RAID array has lots of bad sectors methinks13:11
andylockranjoy joy joy13:11
shotgunfoolHey all, can anyone tell me how i can get into Hardware information on ubuntu 10.10, it doesnt appear to be in the list of applications. Cheers. Shotgunfool13:14
BigRedSIf you open a terminal, and type 'sudo lshw' you'll get a big list. Are you after anything in particular?13:14
shotgunfoolyeah i need:13:15
BigRedSsystem->administration->system monitor  has the CPU and RAM13:15
shotgunfool.subsys_vendor_id: mine is 144f13:15
shotgunfoolpci.subsys_product_id: mine is 709413:15
shotgunfoolpci.vendor_id: mine is 168c13:15
shotgunfoolpci.product_id: mine is 1a13:15
shotgunfooloops, ignore the mine is but, that was copied from the guide13:15
shotgunfoolits all about the network card13:15
BigRedSahh, sounds like you're after 'lspci'13:15
BigRedSwhich is a terminal tool, again. I don't know of a graphical way of getting it13:16
BigRedSBut if you do applications->accessories->terminal  to get a terminal13:16
BigRedSthen type 'lspci' and hit enter, you'll get a list of *some* info about the card13:16
brobostigonor cards*13:17
daviscupdate-pciids is also a good idea first13:17
shotgunfoolhmm doesnt seem to have the information i need =/13:17
BigRedSyou can then do 'lspci -vvv -s<slot>' where <slot> is the string of : and . delimited numbersa thte beginning of the line13:18
BigRedSwhich might give what you're after, I'm not certain13:18
BigRedSamusingly, I have no wired nic in this machine13:18
DJones"lshw" might help as well, it might not beinstalled by default though13:18
shotgunfoolgot an error, "Bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'13:19
diploshotgunfool, no one has suggested it yet but hardinfo is a nice little GUI app for exactly that13:22
shotgunfoolinstalling now13:23
DJonesT-Mobile have cut their mobile data usage tariffs to 500Mb from 1st Feb for pay monthly customers13:23
shotgunfoolstill doesnt have enough information =/13:24
Laneythree's data network is pretty good IME13:26
shotgunfoolits only a fair use policy anyway, if you go over that, they generally dont charge you anyway, well i dont get charged for mine13:27
shotgunfoolYay! found it, a program called "Device manager" got lots and lots of info ;)13:28
dogmatic69o2 cut it from unlimited 1 year ago to 500mb 6 months ago to £1 per day13:31
shotgunfool£1 per day is a bit excessive =/13:32
DJonesLaney: Most have cut them to 500Mb now, I think three were offering 1Gb in October when I changed my phone & vodafone 750Mb13:32
diploOdd, was looking at new phones yesterday and a lot of those mentioned still offering a GB13:33
LaneyI have 2gb apparently13:34
diploFriends tmobile is 4gb13:34
Laneyon my 15/mo contract13:34
brobostigonon my o2 pay as you go, for £10 a month i get 500mb and 300sms, i am happ with that.13:34
DJonesdiplo: T-Mobile have cut all their accounts to 500Mb, looks like it was announced yesterday/today13:35
Laneyguess who ordered christmas presents from here that haven't showed up yet? :(13:35
shotgunfoolon my tmob i get, 1000 mins, unlimited text (3000) and unlimited net(1gb) insured for £35 - g2 touch13:35
X3NDJones: got a link for the announcement from T mobile?13:36
brobostigonshotgunfool: a contradiction, how canthey be unlimited when there is a limit.13:36
dogmatic69brobostigon: that is what i am on and they have changed it13:36
DJonesX3N: http://cow.neondragon.net/index.php/t-mobile-cuts-unlimited-internet-fair-usage-limit-to-500mb-per-month and http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1216065413:36
brobostigondogmatic69: how have they?13:36
dogmatic69it is now £3 per meg with a max of £1 per day13:36
X3Nugh, that's the whole reason I went with tmobile out the window13:37
popeyi have 10GB/mo on orange :D13:37
DJonesX3N: That first link seems to have quite a bit of detail on the changes for standard accounts13:37
brobostigondogmatic69: so i no longer get my monthly allowance,for the whole month?13:38
dogmatic69For applicable tariffs with data capability: Unless a data or BlackBerry Bolt On is taken, your tariff will include O2 Web Daily under which data (for UK only use) will be charged at up to a maximum of £1.02 per day (00:00am to 23:59pm). Once you have reached your maximum daily charge of £1.02, O2 Web Daily allows you unlimited use of Telefónica O2 UK Limited's Edge/GPRS/ 3G networks (as applicable to your handset)13:38
DJonesX3N: Official announcement http://support.t-mobile.co.uk/help-and-support/index?page=home&cat=DATA_CHANGES13:38
brobostigondogmatic69: thats crap.13:38
dogmatic69i know13:38
dogmatic69i bought it 6month ago with unlimited being the reason, only to find out it was changed to 500mb the day after i bought it13:39
shotgunfoolyou know you have a 14 day grace period to return a phone13:39
dogmatic69gonna move, f**k them13:39
dwatkinsdogmatic69: you're not alone, I suggest contacting T-Mobile to complain, perhaps via twitter.13:40
dogmatic69i did not buy the phone, just the sim13:40
dogmatic69o2 ...13:40
dogmatic69but ye13:40
shotgunfoolah, well surely you could have just cancelled the contract?13:40
dogmatic69pay and go13:40
dogmatic69i spent a lot on business cards with that number :/13:40
shotgunfoolah, i see ;(13:40
dogmatic69its really like false advertising13:41
dogmatic69say something to get a lot of people buying it and then change when they are committed13:42
bigcalmHumm, internet connection being weird13:42
bigcalmCut it out, vm13:42
dwatkins3 do a mifi device which offers 5 GB a month for less than a phone contract, dogmatic6913:42
Laneyyou can port the number to a new network easily13:42
shotgunfoolbut there isnt anything you can do about it because probably somewhere in the 30 pages of t&c it says your operator witholds the rights to change this policy at any time13:43
dogmatic69Laney: that is what i was thinking13:43
dwatkinsI'm considering switching to using mifi and phone contracts with no 3G data allowance13:43
dogmatic69shotgunfool: with out a doubt13:43
Laneyyou can probably get a refund if they change the contract terms13:43
dogmatic69ill just use my new BT free almost anywere wifi13:43
shotgunfoolbut you signed to say they can change it13:44
brobostigondogmatic69: onthe o2 site, ontheir pay as you go pages,it still says, i get my 300sms and 500b for my £10, isee no indication of any change,13:44
shotgunfoolApplicable 1st of Feb i believe i read is someones post just up ^^13:45
BigRedSLaney: you can't (if this is T-Mobile you're talking about)13:45
BigRedSThey've invoked the small print; it's a non-core service, so subject to all sorts of arbitrary changes13:45
brobostigonshotgunfool: can you link me up,so i can read it please.13:45
shotgunfoolhttp://www.engadget.com/2011/01/11/t-mobile-uk-cuts-fair-use-allowance-to-500mb-sends-you-home-t/ has some info on it13:45
dogmatic69brobostigon: read the t&c says feb 201013:46
dogmatic69or google the text i just pasted13:46
shotgunfooland no doubt www.mashable.com will have some info on it13:46
diploBigRedS, I expect you can13:47
diploAnd Laney has found out how13:47
shotgunfoolbrb going to get a coffee ;)13:49
BigRedSdiplo: that, by its own admission, isn't anywhere near concrete. It's a 'this might work'14:02
dogmatic69brobostigon: Customers who joined O2 prior to 30th September 2005 will be charged £2.35/MB for GPRS WAP up to a maximum of £1 a day in the UK. Customers who joined O2 after 30th September 2005 will be charged £3.00/MB up to a maximum of £1 a day in the UK. If you're travelling abroad check the roaming pages. Minimum charge per session 1p.14:03
BigRedSI'll be yabbering at ofcom, naturally, but I don't know that I want to risk terminating14:03
brobostigondogmatic69: pay as you go ?14:04
brobostigondogmatic69: that is awful.14:05
brobostigondogmatic69: why old tariffs page, not current tariffs.?14:16
livingdaylightgood morning14:36
brobostigonmoin livingdaylight and hamitron14:36
livingdaylighteither way its good, unless one's in Queensland right now14:36
livingdaylightcan somoen tell me how to edit grup so I don't have all the old kernel versions listed; only the current one14:38
lubotu3grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.14:38
hamitroncan you not remove the old kernels?14:38
livingdaylighthamitron, would that remove from list?14:38
popeyyeah, I'd use synaptic / apt to remove them14:38
hamitrononce you know everything works with a new kernel ofc14:39
popeyI'd always keep at least one other kernel around14:39
brobostigon.37 seems to be working nicely her eon my eeepc 900.14:40
hamitronif I was to install an old version of Xorg, would it be better to just compile and install to /usr/local or create .deb packages?14:41
hamitronI am torn :/14:42
livingdaylightapplication icons won't get out of the way as I try to re-arrange panel14:43
hamitronhaving a nfs share mounted on /usr/local seems tempting14:43
shaunohamitron: I'd probably build it under opt or local.  packages could get messy14:47
shaunoyou'd get things refusing to install because you don't meet their versions, or you'd have to lie about your versions .. and pin yours so you don't update them with bits out of a modern Xorg, etc14:47
hamitronis it easy having 2 different X servers installed at once?14:48
Laneyyou could just download an old xorg source package from a previous release and install that14:49
hamitronmy initial thought was to just have a basic system with no X, then install it14:49
shaunonot sure about easy, but should be doable14:50
gordhamitron, what part of "two different x servers installed at once" sounds easy to you? ;)14:51
kazadegah, I'm such an idiot...14:51
shaunoI had two copies of gnome installed for the longest time.  just lots of manipulating LD_LIBRARY_PATH so things are using the right libraries at the right time14:51
hamitronit sounds messier the more I think about it14:51
kazadeI needed a replacement Pentium 4 processor, so I bought the cheapest one I could find on Ebay... how was I supposed to know that the P4 came in more than one socket version?! :/14:52
hamitronwhat version you bought?14:53
kazadeneeded PGA478 apparently14:53
hamitronsuppose you could get a cheap motherboard14:53
kazadeheh, I would, but it's for a custom mini PC (custom form factor)14:55
kazadethe P4 had 3 different sockets14:55
kazadethat's just moronic14:55
hamitronmine are 775 :)14:55
hamitronI was poor during the age of the 47814:56
kazadeI've only ever bought AMD14:56
hamitronstruggling by with super socket 714:56
hamitron3pm, time for tea and cakes, bbl14:58
livingdaylightare we going to see gnome 3 in the next version?14:59
* davmor2 wonders if czajkowski got up in time for her conf call15:01
moreatilivingdaylight: it won't be the default (that's unity) or installed by default. I haven't discovered if it will be packaged, but I expect so15:01
livingdaylightso much choice now!15:01
livingdaylightunity comes from the netbook?15:02
czajkowskidavmor2: aye15:02
moreatilivingdaylight: it originated as th UI for Ubuntu netbook edition15:02
davmor2livingdaylight, moreati: It's already packaged as the gnomeshell package as I understand it, the applications and underpinning system is already gnome 315:03
moreatidavmor2: ah cheers, I'd been looking for packages named some varient of gnome3 or with version 2.9x, but I last looked just before christmas15:04
davmor2moreati: as I understand it the only difference is the shell and obviously clutter15:05
brobostigonand then updates to software like nautilus and other gnome software,15:06
moreatiWhen using sudo what's the correct way to redirect output with root privs? (e.g. sudo echo 10 > /foo would fail because the shell interprets the redirection and opens the file, rather than sudo)15:06
moreatiI've tried various quoting and brackets, but without luck15:07
shaunoI just sudo sh -c "echo 10 >/foo", but I can't promise that's the correct method15:09
moreatishauno: cheers. It works, which is the main thing15:11
MooDooping screen-x15:23
screen-xpong MooDoo15:23
MooDooscreen-x: didn't you want something mate?  i only just got your message15:23
screen-xI just wondered if you were awake at stupid-o-clock last night...15:23
screen-xbut probably not if you only just got the message..15:24
MooDooscreen-x: yeah i was awake that late just not on irc, i didn't go to bed until 2am15:24
andylockranguys, anyone help with mdadm?15:34
andylockransda3 is the master disk, and I'm trying to work out what that printout means15:34
davmor2http://twitpic.com/3p1w4i pure comedy gold15:34
andylockransda keeps disappearing with read/write errors, and sdb is trying to rebuild off it.15:34
popeyandylockran: what does /proc/mdstat contain?15:35
andylockranpopey: http://dpaste.com/306781/\15:37
andylockranpopey http://dpaste.com/306782/15:38
andylockranit flitters between the two.. :(15:38
AzelphurTime for me to switch to 3!15:38
AzelphurAlso, same logic, don't buy a smart phone, download at home!15:38
AzelphurIt can wait ;)15:38
andylockranis there a way to see disk-writes in linux ?15:38
andylockrancan I see what is being written to /dev/sdb ?15:39
popeyandylockran: dmesg?15:39
popeywhats going on with the disk?15:39
andylockranpopey: it looks dead15:39
popeyreplace it?15:40
andylockranthe master is dying, and the slave is currently rebuilding15:40
popeycan you see the data on it?15:40
popeywhat do you mean by master/slave?15:40
andylockranpopey: master = active sync, slave = rebuilding15:40
andylockranin the array15:41
popeycan you see the data?15:41
andylockranInput/output error15:41
andylockransome data is ok, other not so much15:41
andylockranI can see filesystem, but when I try to read file, get file read error15:42
=== slackthu1bz is now known as slackthumbz
=== denny- is now known as denny
yarisbardellaw macccccccccccccc17:20
yarisbardellaubuntu shit17:20
bigcalmTrollers gonna troll17:22
DJonesDrive by trolling, who'd have expected that17:22
MartijnVdSWaiters gonna wait17:26
jacobwEvolution is really slow at mail filtering :(18:29
gordjacobw, i use imapfilter18:41
andylockranbrought the server back.. reseated the disks18:42
andylockranbooted it up18:42
andylockranlooks good :)18:42
andylockrananyone about?19:02
andylockranah ha19:19
andylockranjust hiding19:19
andylockranworking late tonight \o/19:19
andylockranraid CONTROLLER fail! :p19:19
brobostigonouch :(19:20
* brobostigon gets andylockran a sneaky beer.19:20
* jacobw wonders whether KDE support will improve with the OO.o to Libre Office transition19:32
davmor2jacobw: depends how many kde devs work on the project I quess19:36
jacobwdavmor2: Yeah I think so, I was thinking that perhaps now it will be easier for the KDE devs to get their patches accepted19:38
jacobwdavmor2: I get the impression that KDE integration was never high on the agenda for OO.o19:38
andylockranI would LOVE a sneaky beer19:44
andylockranbut the good news is that the RAID array is 80% complete!!!19:44
andylockranIt was getting stuck at 67 when in the DC19:44
andylockranso here's hoping for some good news19:45
andylockranthough if it is a dodgy controller.. I'll have to drive down to Nottingham tonight and pick up our 'spare hardware'19:45
amarcolinoanyone know how to stop /etc/hosts from reverting back to default as I have added my comps to it but on reboot it is gone?19:59
davmor2amarcolino: did you use sudo to add the things to /etc/hosts and did you use the correct naming format?20:01
amarcolinodavmor2: yes I did I think its because of network manager as I was doing it manually and I am using 8.420:02
amarcolinowill try editing directly in the network manager and see what happens if it doesn't save after reboot I am out of ideas20:03
davmor2amarcolino: It should matter NM isn't responsible for /etc/hosts20:04
amarcolinothan I have no clue since editing it manually  doesn't save changes once the machine reboots20:05
davmor2amarcolino: try using sudo nano /etc/hosts and add router for example then ctrl-x, y to save and then reboot and see if it has saved it this time20:06
amarcolinohow would using nano compared to vi manke nay difference and I use sudo. I think the problem is with NM as I use different profile for my internet and only dhcp has the hosts saved whcih I just checked, when I change to bridge it removes the hosts I saved in the previous profile20:09
amarcolinoI guess a day lost to figure this out, I still find it weird  but their must be a good reason why it works like that20:09
mgdmpopey: got my bit.ly pro account </trivia> :)20:13
popeyyay mgdm20:14
andylockranwahey - mdadm is actually a clever bit of kit20:35
HazRPG1Hmmm, I was just checking out http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org/ (was reading the minutes from last meeting), you know the flip-down podcast thing wasn't really that obvious20:36
andylockrantwo disks fail in an array.. throw a third disk in and ask it to rebuild.  though actually I think it was a badly-seated, rather than failed drive, that caused the problem in the first place.20:36
HazRPG1I over-looked it several times when viewing the page until someone pointed it out later on in the minutes20:36
HazRPG1I feel that should be changed - just my 2 pence worth20:37
MooDooHazRPG1: yes it was put like that on purpose20:37
HazRPG1MooDoo: really?20:37
HazRPG1MooDoo: how come?20:37
HazRPG1(just realised my nick)20:38
=== HazRPG1 is now known as hazrpg
MooDooHazRPG1: yes it was done like that so a certain someone would see it and think yuck and create a decent logo, i don't think it's going to be like that when it's released20:38
hazrpgMooDoo: Ah see I wasn't talking about the logo's design, I just meant that it wasn't entirely obvious that the whole thing did anything until it was pointed out in the minutes.20:39
MooDoooh i see20:39
hazrpgthe fold should have a better backdrop on it or something20:39
hazrpgand possibly in that small section of colour is should have something to show that you should hover over it to see more20:40
hazrpgMooDoo: for the fold, something like this would be better: http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/53554/53554,1232382022,11/stock-vector-vector-paper-or-metal-with-realistic-corner-fold-or-curl-23547910.jpg20:42
hazrpgooo, idea... for the mini-icon in the corner you could have a small version of the headset on there20:43
hazrpgI just shush now lol20:44
hazrpghmmm, pidgin has an update - moment20:45
brobostigonpidgin for irc, :(20:46
amarcolinoI don't know if it is because of chrome but gmail is acting sluggish or maybe its my system20:46
HazRPGamarcolino: how so?20:46
HazRPGamarcolino: I'm not experiencing any problems on my end20:47
HazRPGand I always have gmail open (never close it down)20:47
brobostigon10.0.628.0 dev is the chrome version i have here, no problems either.20:47
amarcolinoHazRPG: twice I logged in and it just appeared frozen with the loading indication not actually letting read emails20:47
amarcolinoHazRPG: must be the system will explore in a bit considering I found what I looking for20:48
HazRPGI'm running chrome 9.0.597.47 beta20:48
amarcolinoHazRPG: naver, you mean never never ever (yet why did I find this funy *sigh*)?20:48
HazRPGbrobostigon: what's the dev version like at the moment?20:48
brobostigonHazRPG: its working fine, no real issues as yet, that i can find, only some WM switching problems with gnome-shell.20:49
HazRPGamarcolino: lol, literally NEVER (aside for needing to restart system due to app crash and/or update)20:49
andylockranany recommendations for a multi-server mail system?20:50
nperryNeed a repo/git expert, I just repo sync'd gingerbread buts its missing a .git/head .. As my internet connecion takes me 3hours to do an inital sync how can I fix20:50
andylockranpostfix can do backup mx easy enough, currently running cyrus-imapd.20:50
HazRPGbrobostigon: ooo, still haven't tried gnome-shell yet20:51
HazRPGbrobostigon: only just heard about it when I was doing a bit of usual oss news research lol20:51
HazRPGI read somewhere that unity could be a problem for the relationship between gnome and ubuntu?20:52
HazRPGthat news article struck me as odd20:52
brobostigonHazRPG: it is coming along really well, i can see gnome3 being really good, it does have a few issues though, although mostly it is stable and shows good performance,20:52
amarcolinoHazRPG: very nice I can't do it like you20:53
HazRPGamarcolino: what was it you found that you were looking for20:53
HazRPGbrobostigon: interesting... does it have similar stuff that KDE introduced in 4.x20:53
HazRPGnever been a fan for KDE, but I did like some of the stuff they added in20:54
amarcolinoHazRPG: for a block control system called pgl20:54
brobostigonHazRPG: i would say no,although i only last looked at kde for a couple of hours and got very annoyed with it, and gave up.20:54
HazRPGamarcolino: lol, how'd ya mean?20:55
amarcolinoHazRPG: I have a saved email convo witht he developer talking about it and its benefits compared to moblock20:55
HazRPGI meant the previous thing you said lol ("very nice I can't do it like you")20:55
HazRPGmainly cos I don't understand block control systems ^^20:56
amarcolinoHazRPG: I meant keeping the system on all the times specially gmail I use prism to read my gmail and to look at any other website20:56
HazRPGbrobostigon: thus the reason I'm not a huge fan of KDE, it has some cool features - but as a whole it just doesn't seem all there lol.20:57
brobostigonHazRPG: iwould tend toagree, i  amliking gnome-shell, because in and for gnome3 it will improve alot of things i had issues with, like the workspace manegement,20:58
HazRPGamarcolino: ah yeah, that's one of mozilla's apps isn't it. I use to use gears by google for the same sort of thing. Now I find it easier just to pin gmail into chrome and leave it running lol.20:59
amarcolinoHazRPG: supposedly keeps certain ips from your system think of it as an extra layer of protection can be a pain but once you set it properly its wonderful, however, I am always suspisious of having a false sense of security. USeful for servers depedning how much you value your data20:59
HazRPGamarcolino: I find my systems last longer when I don't turn the things off lol.20:59
livingdaylightwhat color is a brown bug?20:59
livingdaylightwhat continent is South Africa in?20:59
amarcolinoHazRPG: yeah I like it specially how it look good on my panel which is acting like a dock21:00
HazRPGamarcolino: I tend to be working on a project, and rather keep the folders/apps/etc open (saving before hand) and walking away from the computer then actually turn it off...21:00
livingdaylightwhy aren't the questions on who want to be a millionaire that easy?21:00
amarcolinolivingdaylight: because than I would be on the show21:00
AzelphurI'm having theme problems with gnome-settings-daemon again :(21:00
amarcolinolivingdaylight: I thought those were capture questions at first21:00
Azelphursome stuff is themed, some stuff is half themed21:01
HazRPGamarcolino: ah, I get you now.21:01
amarcolinoHazRPG: why not make use of the shutdown command?21:01
livingdaylightamarcolino, they are in a way... first time I encountered flood-bot21:01
livingdaylightthey're questions to ensure one is a human and not a spam-bot21:02
HazRPGamarcolino: Computers break faster the more you turn them off, you never see a server randomly doing unexpected things after several years of being left on ^^21:02
amarcolinoI really need to get a spellchecker in irssi21:03
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] AskUbuntu reaches 6000 questions - 13000 answers - 8000 users - 60000 votes - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/askubuntu-reaches-6000-questions-13000-answers-8000-users-60000-votes21:03
HazRPGbrobostigon: heh, funny you should say that I tend to have trouble with that too.21:03
* HazRPG grabs a chocolate finger and eats it21:04
brobostigonHazRPG: gnome3 willmake big improvements with gnome-shell onthat front,21:04
amarcolinolivingdaylight: really, I think you'd one of the few people to not have  been caught by it so far21:04
HazRPGbrobostigon: sounds like it :P21:04
brobostigonHazRPG: try it out, see whatyou think.21:04
HazRPGbrobostigon: I think I might have to ^^21:05
livingdaylightamarcolino, first time ever just now. Has flood-bot been going for a while?21:05
HazRPGI'm guessing you can pick whether you run in gnome-shell or gnome2 in the usual way right?21:05
amarcolinoHazRPG: you make a point, wether its valid I wouldn't know, on the plus side your electricity provider must like you a lot21:06
brobostigonHazRPG: its either metacity as the WM, or gnome-shell.21:06
livingdaylightis there a particular way of uninstalling an Adobe app, like Spaz for twitter, other than just finding and removing the folder?21:06
HazRPGbrobostigon: you knew what I meant :P21:06
brobostigonHazRPG: :)21:07
HazRPG<=== not quite with it, still got coders mindcap on21:07
HazRPGgot a deadline for a booking system at the end of the month21:07
amarcolinolivingdaylight: yes I've been hit twice or three times at first thougt I was in the wrong place and became frantic21:07
Azelphuranyone? this is really rather ugly :(21:07
MartijnVdSAzelphur: the theme thing?21:08
MartijnVdSAzelphur: switching to metacity and logging back in didn't do the trick?21:08
Azelphurrelogging solved it before but now it doesn't21:09
HazRPGand have a meeting on Friday morning (urgh... mornings) to show progress so far, but you know what designers are like 'if you can't see it, its not really there :/' type attitude21:09
amarcolinojust looked at the beta site, eeergh what is that thing in the top-right-corner will it be changed?21:09
MartijnVdSAzelphur: need to figure out why it's happening...21:09
MartijnVdSAzelphur: are you running natty?21:09
HazRPGamarcolino: I was talking about that before :P21:09
MartijnVdSAzelphur: still nothing in .xsession-errors that could explain it?21:10
AzelphurMartijnVdS, I restarted gnome-session-daemon a bunch of times21:10
Azelphurand it's made improvements21:10
* brobostigon reflashes ipopey with android21:10
AzelphurMartijnVdS, nope :(21:10
MartijnVdSAzelphur: do you have a custom theme set up?21:11
MartijnVdSAzelphur: try removing any ~/.gtkrc (like) files from ~21:11
Azelphuryes but the same thing happens with normal themes21:11
brobostigonevening popey21:11
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1575703 ?21:11
amarcolinoHazRPG: wat did they tell you?21:11
MooDoohello popey21:12
HazRPGanyone been experiencing problems with 10.10? Such as random freezes when left unattended for a while?21:12
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I've seen it happen on machines with nvidia video drivers and 3d-intensive screensavers21:12
MartijnVdSany specific machine this is happening on?21:13
AzelphurMartijnVdS, dunno21:13
AzelphurI managed to get it working by restarting gnome-settings-daemon21:13
Azelphurso it's clearly something intermittent with that21:13
Azelphurit works fine once I've got it running once21:13
HazRPGamarcolino: MooDoo said that its done like that on purpose so that someone might design a new logo for it. I mentioned that the fold doesn't make it appear completely obvious that anything was there (or at least to me anyways) and that a mini-logo should be placed in the corner21:13
MartijnVdSAzelphur: yes, but it crashed for a reason -- check dmesg for the "segfault" messages21:13
AzelphurMartijnVdS, it didn't crash21:13
MartijnVdSAzelphur: strange21:13
Azelphurit was and still is running21:13
Azelphurwhen it crashes it resets your entire theme21:13
Azelphurbut with me I only get certain unthemed elements21:14
Azelphureg one button on the panel will be themed while another isn't21:14
MartijnVdSmaybe a part of it crashed? (I see "scim-bridge" in the forum posts)21:14
HazRPGMartijnVdS: its running on an old P4 machine, with the gnome feet screensaver - doesn't have nvidia graphics card because it's a horizontal desktop (all built-in style one from like years past)21:14
Azelphurnext time it happens I'll start rooting around log files21:14
Azelphurfor now...my new PC works yay :)21:15
Azelphurtime for some benchmarking.21:15
HazRPGMartijnVdS: in fact, graphical effects are turned off completely so that it doesn't lag out21:15
MartijnVdSHazRPG: could be broken hardware if it's p421:15
HazRPGMartijnVdS: hmmm, shouldn't be it was running fine under XP until now - I just put ubuntu on it because my sister only uses it for check e-mails and facebook, thought XP was a bit over-kill for it lol21:16
AzelphurMartijnVdS, haha, just opened nautilus21:16
MartijnVdSHazRPG: you could try an overnight memory check (from the startup menu)21:16
Azelphurit's not themed at all \o/21:16
Azelphurxchat is, gnome-panel is, nautilus nope.21:17
MartijnVdSAzelphur: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/50041721:17
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 500417 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus doesn't honor gnome theme" [Low,New]21:17
HazRPGMartijnVdS: might try that, problem sort of started just after she set it to the gnome feet screensaver so I might turn it off too21:17
AzelphurMartijnVdS, but if I kill gnome-settings-daemon it'll no doubt come to life again21:18
MartijnVdSHazRPG: what kind of graphics does it have? (which chipset)21:18
MartijnVdSHazRPG: (if you don't know, please put the output of lspci on pastebin)21:18
MartijnVdSAzelphur: I'd assume gnome-session would respawn it, yes21:18
HazRPGshould be intel if I recall21:18
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Intel made graphics chips in the p4 age?!21:18
MartijnVdSplease check :)21:18
HazRPGlol will do :P21:18
AzelphurMartijnVdS, yea, so if I restart gnome-settings-daemon it fixes itself21:19
Azelphurand then it'll drop out in some other area.21:19
Azelphurit's like intermittant theming faults all over the place21:19
MartijnVdSAzelphur: try finding a bug for it on launchpad21:19
HazRPG82865G integrated graphics controller21:20
MartijnVdSah the old 8xx series21:20
Azelphurbit difficult to describe the issue well enough to google it :S21:20
MartijnVdSthat might be your problem right there.. they're not known for stability21:20
AzelphurI might head to gnome irc and bug people21:20
MartijnVdSAzelphur: gtk (or gnome) theme reverts :)21:20
Azelphuryea those are all bugs for gnome-settings-daemon crashing though21:21
HazRPGMartijnVdS: ahh, hmmm... any workarounds for it?21:21
Azelphurwhich it isn't, and my entire theme doesn't revert21:21
amarcolinoHazRPG: hopefully someone will design something better for the moment I suggest leaving it out, its the odd element on the page21:21
Azelphuronly certain controls21:21
MartijnVdSHazRPG: plug in a PCI/AGP/PCIe (whichever applies) card and use that21:21
amarcolinowhat is the difference between asking for help here compared to the main channel?21:22
Azelphurwe're cooler21:22
* Azelphur runs21:22
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I would (have several cards lying around in boxes), but its an awkward case to put anything into it21:22
HazRPGthe size isn't a standard height, so its hard to find anything that'll actually go in there lol21:23
HazRPGit was an old school computer that was getting its usual 3-5 years computer replacement, and my friend who works in the IT dept. told me about it, I asked him to ask the managers if I could take a few - and they said yeah sure :p21:24
HazRPGpeople always make fun of me for collecting bits of hardware that no one wants (and still work), yet they always seem to turn to me when something goes wrong and need parts xD21:26
HazRPGMartijnVdS: thanks for the heads up though, I'll see if I can get it resolved somehow - for now I'm going to try turning the screensaver back to blank and see if that shows a temp solution.21:27
Azelphur112108 frames in 5.0 seconds = 22421.527 FPS21:27
Azelphurglxgears :p21:27
ipopey...is not a benchmark.21:28
HazRPGMartijnVdS: might do an over-night mem test too21:28
Azelphuripopey, but it was fun :(21:28
* brobostigon wonders if he can root ipopey ?21:28
ipopeyNot from there21:29
ipopeyNot that it needs it21:29
HazRPGamarcolino: agreed21:30
Azelphurare we fast yet ;)21:30
amarcolinoHazRPG: I do that as well I collect hardware, old comps, bits & bobs here and their21:30
AlanBellAzelphur: try this one . . .21:30
AlanBelltime echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l -q21:31
HazRPGAzelphur: I've always thought bottom-mounted PSU's are counter productive (heat distro wise)21:31
HazRPGamarcolino: haha, its great isn't it :P21:31
HazRPGI always have a spare machine for testing things on :P21:31
amarcolinoHazRPG: yup :D21:32
brobostigonme eeepc is probebly as testing as it could be, debian sid,with experimental repos.21:32
HazRPGamarcolino: I think in the garage I have PC's ranging from P2 to Core 2 Duo... several keyboards and mice, RAM, HDD's of all sizes, etc21:33
brobostigonits definatly interesting,21:33
HazRPGbrobostigon: hehe nice21:33
brobostigonHazRPG: i have had this setup for months with no problems now, even though debian call it their unstable version,21:34
ipopeyAzelphur: Try this http://www.hantslug.org.uk/wiki/HugoRandomBenchmark21:35
brobostigonHazRPG: only problem i had was whenrunning kde.21:35
Azelphuripopey, 4.5 real21:35
AzelphurI'm not overclocked yet21:35
Azelphurthat puts me third on the list, woot :D21:36
HazRPGbrobostigon: that's the thing though, even though they're classed as unstable - people don't try to code to make things broken on purpose - its usually minor bugs here n there that only a few would notice21:36
Azelphurreal0m4.592s || user0m4.580s || sys0m0.000s21:37
Azelphuryup, we're fast now :D21:37
czajkowskisleep works wonders, as does tea and toast21:37
ipopeyAdd it to the list21:37
amarcolinoHazRPG: where you get the coreduos for me its the old types p3/p421:37
ipopeyIt's a wiki :)21:37
brobostigonHazRPG: agreed, its only when something goes wildly wrong for a verysmall amount of people, it fails, very little otherwise, does it fail.21:37
Azelphurhaha, why is deep thought on the list21:37
amarcolinoweird I am seen as a guest in #ubuntu21:38
ipopeyA joke21:38
ipopeyYay czajkowski21:38
HazRPGamarcolino: the core 2 duo is from my old setup, along with one of the P4's I have.21:39
HazRPGamarcolino: because I just recently upgraded to an i721:39
HazRPGyou know what I don't think I have an p321:39
HazRPGI have a p2, and several p4's though21:40
HazRPGand an AMD one that one of my friends donated me because he didn't know what to do with it21:40
HazRPGbrobostigon: heh, just noticed your KDE comment - I find with the unstable KDE's, that many things seem to be broken because they forget to take out or change some dependencies or deprecated libraries21:41
HazRPGbrobostigon: all depends on the coders working on the project, I prefer gnome's style21:42
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zleap1 anyone noticed todays date 11 01 11 :)21:42
ipopeyI noticed at 11:01 :)21:43
amarcolinoHazRPG: nice collection I got a three dells, which have been with me for over a month and haven't been colected not sure if they will be, wondering to myself if it means they are now mine? Would come in handy when I attempt to mess around with eucalyptus21:43
zleapi noticed when i got my bus ticket earlier21:43
brobostigonHazRPG: kde seemed to run fine, i justhad problems using it, more than anything else. not with anything else really.21:43
Azelphuradded myself \o/21:43
ipopeyNice one21:43
HazRPGzleap: if you add two 00's in front of the 11 01 11, it's the ASCII code for 7 in text21:44
Azelphurmy next thing will be to add water cooling21:44
Azelphurand over clock to at the very least 4ghz21:44
zleapohh cool21:44
HazRPGbrobostigon: ahh lol21:46
HazRPGamarcolino: nice, hopefully they will be :P21:46
HazRPGamarcolino: mine are usually custom-builds that people just didn't want anymore21:47
HazRPGor one's I picked up from the school that were getting thrown out - along with other bits of hardware21:47
brobostigonHazRPG: it just didnt seem to work in a natural way for me,21:47
HazRPGthey said I was allowed 4 PC's, monitors, keyboard and mice - but I could take apart as many as I could and rip them of parts in the space of 2hrs (because that's when they were going to be collected as I got there)21:48
HazRPGbrobostigon: KDE never seems to for me either21:48
HazRPGbrobostigon: I always find their GUI looks a bit off sometimes too21:48
HazRPGone of my pet peeves is for buttons and textboxes to get a random dotted outline on them - it just irritates me to see it21:49
HazRPGalways did a format of windows whenever it started doing it, and KDE seems to have it in as standard for some obscure reason21:50
brobostigonHazRPG: i cant explain it in those terms, it just didnt work in a way, i would naturally thinkabout using it.21:50
livingdaylightvery disappointed with Twitter: succumbing to pressure to hand over information to us authorities21:50
HazRPGbrobostigon: you know what I mean though, that awkward dotted outline that always appears on "highlighted" objects21:52
brobostigonHazRPG: i dont remember, sorry.21:52
HazRPGesp when it does a different colour around the object too - you really don't need both, one or the other would suffice - but that might just be me getting OSD in my old age lol21:53
HazRPGOCD* even21:53
amarcolinoHazRPG: lucky you the last time I asked a school they had entered a sort of agreement to recycle their comps or soemthing, it is good but I still thought f*21:53
amarcolinoHazRPG: hah four pc but you could rip as many as you wantedwhy not just give them instead of imposing the hassle21:54
brobostigonHazRPG: that seems more  like a window toolkit problem, than the WM, a different window manager shouldnt ithink, change how elements in windows behave,21:54
HazRPGamarcolino: same reason you mentioned above lol, they were entered into a recycling agreement21:55
HazRPGamarcolino: I was amused being sat in a tin-box full of old servers and computers ripping them to bits lol21:56
HazRPGfelt like being 10 years old again, and just been handed a screw driver and some toys xD21:56
HazRPGbrobostigon: true... but doesn't the WM still define how objects are made?21:57
amarcolinoHazRPG: im still waiting for someone to throw away an actual server, not that I am complaining with what I am using now and lol to that vivd description, I guess that's how it is21:57
brobostigonHazRPG: not sure, how objects are drawn,ithinkis xorg's job.21:58
HazRPGbrobostigon: possibly, but I'm sure the WM still defines the outlines, and the general size/resize/etc of stuff21:59
HazRPGI mean xorg is still the same regardless of whether you use gnome or kde21:59
brobostigonHazRPG: maybe, worth futther research,22:00
HazRPGamarcolino: ^^22:00
HazRPGamarcolino: you can buy a cheap server from DELL directly every season change22:00
HazRPG"summer sale", "winter sale", etc22:00
MartijnVdSHazRPG: mid-season sale22:01
* MartijnVdS doesn't believe in "sale" anymore ;)22:01
HazRPGI stand corrected :P22:01
HazRPGI think until 27th of jan, you can get a Dell server as cheap as £20022:01
HazRPGI bought one several years ago (similar model to the one priced as low as £200) and its still running a treat22:02
amarcolinoHazRPG: wasn't aware of that, I really should explore more22:02
AlanBelldoes KVM do some kind of magical something to make virtual machines faster than the host?22:03
HazRPGI always keep an eye out for hardware prices, esp server stuff - because I like learning about server o/s's and apps22:03
MartijnVdSAlanBell: it's a kind of magic *click* *click*22:03
AlanBellif I do :time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l -q22:04
AlanBellit takes 28 seconds in a VM or 40 seconds on the host22:04
amarcolinoAlanBell thanks for mention kvm, would xen work on any machine (kvm isn't supported), what would be the requirements for using xen with ubuntu?22:04
HazRPGheh, sorry its £269: http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/topics/promo.aspx/promocompare?c=uk&cs=ukbsdt1&l=en&s=bsd&~tab=422:04
MartijnVdSAlanBell: in one case, the kernel sees a huge process eating CPU22:04
MartijnVdSAlanBell: in another, it sees.. bc doing the same22:05
MartijnVdSit might still be a scheduler thing22:05
AlanBellyup, I am freaked out by this22:05
MartijnVdSAlanBell: is the hostname "tardis.something"22:05
AlanBellamarcolino: you need the VT extensions or you are back to emulated CPU or something22:05
HazRPGMartijnVdS: why don't you believe in sales?22:05
AlanBellMartijnVdS: it should be22:06
MartijnVdSHazRPG: They're always having sales with "x% off" everywhere22:06
HazRPGor the very fact of a sale doesn't stand for what they use to be anymore?22:06
amarcolinoHazRPG: looking at the starter server from dell and it ocmes with windows, hmmm, wouldn't be a problem if I actually knew how to use it, where is the linux version (if their is one)?22:06
MartijnVdSHazRPG: you never see things offered for the "real" price, only discounted :)22:06
HazRPGamarcolino: you can have it without windows when you customise it, or you can add money to get linux on it22:07
amarcolinoAlanBell: no vt, would it under perform that much using emulation I will have to use xen with eucalyptus so would like to get a grasp of what I need22:07
HazRPGbut its Redhat and SuSE server's... so there's a licence fee attached to them22:08
AlanBellamarcolino: no vt==no eucalyptus22:08
AlanBellhowever I don't believe you when you say it has no VT22:08
HazRPGMartijnVdS: agreed, sales are always on a constant cycle now too - so its too predictable now too22:09
amarcolinoHazRPG: "add money to get linux on it" that should be a free option, will look at the site and see what it offers and will look at your link22:09
HazRPGthe link is to the offers for the servers22:10
ipopeyamarcolino: Phone dell up and they will usually sell it to you with Linux or clean22:10
amarcolinoAlanBell: NOOOooo, being seriously you just took the fun out of that guess VB or a cluster it is, might as wlel put these machines into use instead of gathering dust22:10
amarcolinoipopey: thanks for that info22:11
HazRPGbtw, for all the ones on the site you can pick "no operating system" and it will deduct the value of the O/S from it22:11
HazRPGamarcolino: It should be, except Red Hat and SuSE have enterprise versions of the O/S which require a licence to get support from them - sure you can download a free version, but it won't include all the stuff in the paid one, plus you won't get any (or minimal) support for using them22:12
HazRPGwhich is why I always get a clean no o/s one and just put any I want onto it22:13
HazRPGdebian or ubuntu server is a good starting point22:13
HazRPGregardless of whether you get an o/s or not installed, you still get a stack of CD's with drivers for most O/S's and also a quick install boot CD thing22:14
HazRPGits quite awesome, you load that disc in, and then stores the whole CD straight onto the hard drive and boots from it - so the install time gets drastically reduced22:15
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HazRPG(stores the O/S CD your trying to install I mean)22:16
HazRPGor something like that - that's my understand of how it works at least22:16
HazRPGall I know is it took like 3 minutes to install windows 2003 server onto mine when I used that disc instead of 30mins lol22:17
amarcolinoHazRPG: I've been with ubuntu for a long time even knowing only no so long ago i've been working with the server edition, no help their just me with a lot of patience, may not be the best but it works22:18
livingdaylighthow does one remove a directory?22:18
hamitronloose graphics cards make pretty patterns \o/22:18
hamitronrmdir if it is empty22:18
hamitronbut I tend to just use rm -rf22:19
ipopeyClick on it and press delete, or drag it to the rubbish bin22:20
hamitronoh yeh, there is a GUI ;)22:21
* HazRPG has a sudden urge to facepalm22:24
HazRPGamarcolino: know what you mean22:24
HazRPGits not that hard to install an O/S anyways, I tend to prefer to install an O/S myself regardless22:25
HazRPGevery laptop I've ever owned, I've only ran the OEM version of the O/S for like 5-10 mins at a time to make sure everything is working before doing a format to it lol22:25
HazRPGcan't stand pre-installed crap22:26
amarcolinoHazRPG: the only problem with dell not sure if they do it on their servers, but they do it on their comps is the amount of rubbish software they preinstall22:26
hamitronI got a dell vostro without much crapware...22:26
amarcolinoHazRPG: I do format the comps I get once i verify that is working22:27
HazRPGhamitron: I can guarantee that a clean install will still be better, most likely will run a lot less processes running in the background too22:28
hamitronit is only the accounts department who use it, so I don't worry whilest there are no complaints ;)22:28
HazRPGamarcolino: I think the only other thing I tend to do is note down the hardware just in case I need to find them later lol22:28
HazRPGah so it was bought for business purposes, prob why it has less crapware lol22:29
HazRPGif its bought for home, they tend to pile it on thick22:29
hamitronI can imagine, it was advertised as crapware free22:30
amarcolinoHazRPG: only thing I don't dothat , I've gotten into the habbit of saving the drivers once I find them got them in folders named as the computer model(s)22:30
hamitronwhen they first released the vostro range, that was one of the huge selling points22:30
HazRPGhaha I do that22:30
HazRPGhamitron: I can imagine ^^22:31
HazRPGamarcolino: got a folder for each of the computers I have lying around in the house ^^22:31
hamitrondo you guys delete folders of drivers when the part breaks?22:31
HazRPGonly if I have another one lying around the house that's similar, or I know friends who own them too22:32
hamitronI was thinking of doing so, but now wonder if I should keep them in case someone ever finds it hard to get the drivers I have22:32
amarcolinohamitron: nope just keep them on the external drive, that is why it is their for, things go in and rarely get deleted22:33
HazRPGI have folders for my friends hardware that I'm constantly having to fix too - that way it makes my job easier the next time round ^^22:33
amarcolinoHazRPG: I do that :D still charge the same :(22:33
amarcolinodam how do I do a shy emoticon22:33
amarcolinoI mean blushing22:34
HazRPGso you should, its still your time/resources at the end of the day22:34
HazRPGor :$22:34
amarcolinoali1234 to the rescue22:34
HazRPG(*','*) would be better lol22:35
HazRPGat least that way its smiling :P22:35
amarcolinoHazRPG: yes it is and some of the comps I had to look at took hours to find the actual drivers, its one thing to pop the livecd in, lspci/lshw than look for the drivers22:35
amarcolinoyou people crack me up with your emoticons22:35
hamitrondoes one wait for sandybridge or just buy a cheap i3? ;/22:35
HazRPGhamitron: depends, do you want to buy sandcastles or a computer :P?22:36
hamitron8 virtual cores is just like, orgasmic22:37
HazRPGsome of the sandybridge CPU's are out now you know :P22:37
amarcolinodiscusting in a good way22:37
HazRPGamarcolino: holy crap, I never thought of doing it that way22:38
HazRPG<== feels like a noob right now22:38
HazRPG(despite knowing those commands)22:38
amarcolinoI was talking about the eight virtual cores22:38
HazRPG(and always has a pendrive/cd with ubuntu on)22:39
hamitronout now, but beyond my budget22:39
HazRPGhamitron: i7's aren't that bad you know22:39
HazRPGI've got an i7-93022:39
hamitronI am tempted with a Intel Core i3 550 3.2GHz22:40
amarcolinoHazRPG: how would you go about looking for the drivers, I don't know how much time the livecd has saved me identifying the hardware22:40
exobuzzpopey, maverick/mint/jolicloud got some "minorish" updates..22:40
HazRPGamarcolino: always do it based on the hardware info from windows22:41
exobuzzpopey, joggler images of course.22:41
popeynice one exobuzz22:41
HazRPGamarcolino: e.g. my network currently under windows is: VEN_10EC&DEV_816722:42
amarcolinoHazRPG: never tried that way, I forgot windows does have that22:42
exobuzzpopey, i need a blog really.. rather than going on irc to mention it :)22:42
HazRPGputting that in google will eventually lead to the driver (depending on how rare it is)22:42
HazRPGthere's a website somewhere which can tell you what the vendor and model is based on those figures22:43
HazRPGhowever linux tells you exactly what stuff is usually without having to go on the internet22:43
amarcolinoHazRPG: oh didn't know that, tried finding those types of sites its either attempts me to download their so called software or I get malware warnings22:44
HazRPGtotally making a mental note on that one22:44
ali1234RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet22:44
ali1234you can thank me later22:44
HazRPGhaha well done22:44
HazRPGknew someone would google it ^^22:44
HazRPGthat's exactly what the card is ;)22:45
hamitronsomeone talk me out of this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/20093422:45
amarcolinoHazRPG: never mind I once tried to figure out how to change the name of the admin user in windows 7 only to figure out later it would be easier to make a new admin user and delete the previous, problem solved. Don't know why the simplest things can be the hardest22:46
exobuzzget 1155 i5-2500k sandy bridge22:46
hamitronI should wait and get an i722:46
HazRPGhamitron: don't do it!22:46
amarcolino^ funny22:46
exobuzzthats what you want22:46
HazRPGhamitron: I had to send back 3 motherboard and CPU's which used the 1156 socket, before going "sod this for a game of soldiers" and ended up getting an i7 instead22:47
ali1234wait for amd bulldozer22:47
exobuzzand a new mb of course22:47
ali1234hyperthreading sucks22:47
HazRPG1366 socket22:47
hamitronat £185, I'd rather spend £235 for the i7 with ht22:47
exobuzzyou can get em for a little less than ebuyer22:48
hamitronyeh, I was just using ebuyer to get a rough estimate22:48
HazRPGis it the i7-950 you'd go for like?22:49
exobuzznew i7 unlocked one is £27522:49
HazRPGcos I'm running the i7-930 with no issues22:49
exobuzzbut i dont think its going to be a lot faster than the i5 for most stuff22:49
HazRPGwhich is £211 on ebuyer22:49
HazRPGexobuzz: what do you plan to do with it?22:49
exobuzzHazRPG, dunno. but i just bought one yesterday22:50
exobuzzcompile kernels22:50
exobuzzhamitron, yeh. got a locked multipler but still fast..22:50
hamitronali1234: you wouldn't bother with HT?22:51
exobuzzi bought a h67 mb anyway which means i cant use the unlocked multiple anyway22:51
hamitronI never overclock22:51
HazRPGhamitron: what do you plan to do with yours?22:51
exobuzzbut then only the K chips had the intel hd 3000 graphics22:51
hamitronbut the better i7 does have better onchip graphics22:51
exobuzzintel are playing silly buggers22:51
exobuzzhamitron, same as the i5 K edition22:51
hamitronI plan to play games22:51
ali1234i had a chip with hyperthreading, it doesn't do much...22:51
ali1234it's certainly nothing like 2x as fast22:52
HazRPGhamitron: then go for the i7 ;)22:52
hamitronthen later I will get a newer gaming rig and use it for crunching22:52
ali1234i suspect sometimes it is actually worse22:52
HazRPGhamitron: cos if your gaming, you'll have a dedicated graphics card - so you'll never see the benefit of having an on-board gfx chip on the CPU22:52
hamitronthe i3 3.2ghz is about half the price...22:53
HazRPGor rather GPU on the CPU I mean22:53
hamitron2 real cores, with ht22:53
exobuzzhamitron, the i7-2600 has the slower gpu22:53
exobuzzth K has the faster22:53
exobuzzwhich is not £23422:53
ali1234speaking of crunching22:53
exobuzzsorry. could have put that on 1 line22:53
exobuzzhamitron, http://www.intel.com/support/processors/sb/CS-031174.htm22:54
brobostigonhttp://www.osnews.com/story/24243/Google_To_Drop_H264_Support_from_Chrome :)22:54
hamitronbrobostigon: for what?22:54
ali1234does anyone happen to know how nyquist limits apply to digital data on an analogue baseband with frequency slightly below the original digital signal such that the bits get "blurred" - and how i might go about recovering the signal using van cittert deconvolution?22:54
HazRPGhamitron: http://www.pcupgrade.co.uk/productdetails.asp?productid=8918&categoryid=54222:55
exobuzzthis is why its silly. K series has better graphics. for h67 chipset. but also unlocked clock, not usable so far on h67 chipset. K series has better gpu not usable on p67 chipset, which can do the overclocking22:55
HazRPGah wait, that's ex vat22:55
amarcolinoali1234: uni assignment? No I would have no clue22:55
ali1234amarcolino: no, it's just for fun22:55
brobostigonhamitron: for using an oss codec,webm, insted of h264 a msaaivly closed format.22:55
hamitronI can't load webpages with throttled internet :/22:55
hamitronah, ok22:56
ali1234i'm not sure if it's even possible22:56
amarcolinoali1234: if that is the case don't let me interrupt you, please continue22:56
jacobwyou should ask in #debian :)22:56
hamitronI don't want tripple channel memory ;/22:56
amarcolinoali1234: I don't even knwo what you are talking about22:56
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.22:57
ali1234imagine you take a picture of a barcode and the picture is really blurry. i mean *really* blurry such that some parts are just solid grey22:57
ali1234can you get back the original barcode?22:58
HazRPGhamitron: triple channel memory, is compatible with dual channel memory ^^22:58
HazRPGor rather the other way round22:58
hamitronthe motherboards cost too much22:58
HazRPGif you buy a dual channel memory, the motherboard will use them as such - even though it can have triple22:59
hamitronat least the ones I priced22:59
moreatiali1234: no would be my guess. If you want a reliable answer, try and do it.22:59
moreatiali1234: no would be my guess. If you want a reliable answer, try and do it.22:59
ali1234i have been trying it. from a simple 50% threshold i can read back about 40% of the data reliably22:59
* moreati hangs head in shame for douvle post22:59
exobuzzmy new setup cost £570 including 24" monitor..22:59
exobuzznot bad really. no separate gpu though. going to try the built in one23:00
ali1234so i'm thinking more advanced algorithms should be better... see... thegrey bits are never more than 2 pixels long - so we know it's either 10 or 01 :)23:00
hamitronI got a gts45023:00
HazRPGhamitron: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/241996 <== that's the one I'm running23:00
exobuzzwait.. £620. i forgot the case. but still ok23:00
amarcolinoali1234: I think partially if you got the tools but I ain't an expert also don't work for any police forensic department to tell you for sure (thank god for csi :p)23:00
ali1234actually since it's not really a barcode - just very similar - i should probably look at how barcode reading software does it23:00
hamitronthere is a 1156 motherboard that takes my PSU :)23:01
hamitronsave my 65 quid23:01
HazRPGexobuzz: do ya really need a new case? I've been using the same case for 7 years now xD23:01
exobuzzHazRPG, yeh coz i got a laptop now :)23:01
HazRPGno one will ever make me part my Shark case :P23:01
hamitron£155 on a motherboard? :|23:02
exobuzzpopey, do you use this btw? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ECnN7jdgA4 :)23:02
HazRPGhamitron: that's not bad considering my Core 2 Duo motherboard cost me £230 back in the day23:03
hamitronmine cost £3223:03
HazRPGhamitron: I buy good, so that I don't have to worry several years down the line23:03
amarcolinoI think i've reached a point where I have to get my cli display just the way I want and no compromises, it might be a syndrome I wonder if it can get me days off work23:04
hamitronHazRPG: I never worry, if you knew some of the comps I use.... ;)23:04
HazRPGhamitron: do tell :P23:04
exobuzzHazRPG, ouch. must be a nice mb though eh :)23:04
HazRPGexobuzz: haha it was a beaut. :P23:05
hamitronI was using my P120 and K6-2 500MHz a hour ago :/23:05
exobuzzi wonder does it matter i bought an atx case but a microatx board. i mean it will fit i checked, but maybe you get more stuff with a bigger mb for similar price ?23:06
exobuzzmore slots etc i guess. not that i need them but23:06
hamitronmore pci slots normally23:06
HazRPGexobuzz: it depends on what you plan to do with it really lol23:06
HazRPGor pci-e23:06
hamitronI personally like to add as many cards as technically possible ;)23:06
exobuzzHazRPG, just.. usual dev stuff. not really games and so on. just cpu ram and a hd needed really23:06
exobuzzhamitron, i do that with my a4000 but not really ever owned a pc tower..23:07
exobuzzas a main machine.23:07
hamitronI still use 2 x voodoo2 :/23:07
HazRPGexobuzz: so not an awful lot of expandability needed then? Then an MicroATX should be fine23:07
hamitronthey just look impressive, taking the full depth of the case23:08
HazRPGyou only really need a bigger board if you want more RAM slots, PCI, PCI-E, etc23:08
exobuzzi got 4 ram slots and i bought 2x4gb.. even though i 4gb would be fine probably.23:08
hamitron16Gb is the limit for win7 home?23:08
exobuzzcurrent machine only recently upgraded to 2gb.. was on 1gb some weeks back23:09
HazRPGhamitron: I do that too, have too many cards plugged into mine xD23:09
ali1234hamitron: windows memory limits are complicated: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366778%28v=vs.85%29.aspx23:09
ali123416gb for win7 home premium 64 bit23:09
exobuzzone thing even with a new fast pc.. flash on linux will still be sh*t23:10
hamitronwho used flash? ;/23:10
ali1234but that's because flash is hammering the graphics bus23:10
exobuzzthats it.23:11
amarcolinoI still don't understand why flash would underperform in linux23:11
hamitronand banners23:11
exobuzzi must be very careful with this new pc. in the past i have managed to put an atx power in the wrong way round. no idea how much strength i used for that.. might have been alchohol involved23:11
amarcolinoI use flash a lot of sites do that's why I block them and only allow what I want to see23:11
ali1234amarcolino: because of video compositing23:12
ali1234flash that doesn't use video runs ok on linux23:12
hamitronso the only spec I know for my new pc... must handle 16Gb ram :/23:12
ali1234of course, 100% of flash websites that anyone actually cares about are video streaming sites23:12
exobuzz16gb for ?23:12
ali1234adobe should just make a video streaming plugin and forget about flash23:12
amarcolinoali1234: is it due to the architecture of the OS? Permissions, etc23:13
ali1234it's due to them only having 1 linux developer, and he doesn't understand how to use hardware decoding APIs, instead prefering to cry on his blog about how hard it is...23:13
hamitronsounds like UT3 linux dev :)23:14
ali1234the funny part is he has enough time to respond to the troll comments there, but when someone points out exactly why he is wrong in a calm and technically accurate way he is strangely silent23:14
amarcolinoali1234: have to ask how would you know this, really one linux developer?23:14
ali1234i know this from... reading his blog23:14
AzelphurMartijnVdS, I think I might know what's causing my problems23:15
AzelphurI think it's a race condition because I'm running off an SSD23:15
ali1234amarcolino: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguinswf/23:15
amarcolinoali1234: could I have the link please, thanks you're quick23:15
Azelphurit usually only happens to apps that open early (gnome panel, nautilus)23:15
Azelphurand when I restart those apps by killing them, it fixes the theming23:15
Azelphurso I think gnome-panel and nautilus are loading faster than gnome-settings-daemon and not getting fully themed or something, rofl23:15
exobuzzif a gnome panel is full of stuff. why cant you access the right click menu..23:16
exobuzzam i missing an obvious shortcut ?23:16
ali1234exobuzz: no, that's just how it is :(23:16
exobuzzweird decision that23:16
exobuzzi want to add an applet and ive got to move stuff to make space to right click23:17
exobuzzor close windows23:17
hamitronHazRPG: what problems you have with socket 1156?23:17
amarcolinoexobuzz: yes it is specially for someone like who uses the panel like a dock23:17
jacobwdocky to the rescue23:17
ali1234there used to be a "panels" control panel thing but apparently it was "too complicated" because it got removed23:17
moreatiexobuzz: if the window list or the sytem tray (windowisms, sorry) drag the handle a bit and that will make some space to right vlick on23:17
HazRPGhamitron: it just simply didn't work, I had 3 motherboards and 3 CPU's sent back23:17
exobuzzdocky ? /me looks it up23:18
amarcolinojacobw: does it need 3d acceleration than this sis vga wont do23:18
exobuzzmoreati, harder to do on a touchscreen though ..23:18
HazRPGhamitron: the system would power on, but everything appeared life-less - no POST no beeps, nothing23:18
exobuzzmoreati, jolicloud for example. very hard to add something. in the end i used gconf-editor to make a space23:18
hamitronHazRPG: I am tempted with this and an i3 http://www.ebuyer.com/product/18929223:19
moreatiexobuzz: gnome panel wasn't designed with a touch screen in mind23:19
exobuzzanother gnome gripe.. i want to move a window on a touchscreen .. quite a tricky one23:19
exobuzzmoreati, thats true.. but then some of the accessibility stuff is only half done.. you can emulate a right click, but not a double click23:19
exobuzzfor example23:20
moreatiexobuzz: I refer the hnourable exobuzz to my previous answer s/gnome panel/gnome/23:20
exobuzzmove a window on a touchscreen when content is out of view.. i mean.. cant use the shortcut keys. easystroke is about the only ay i know of23:20
amarcolinoexobuzz: I read about jolicloud in one of the magazines I buy, haven't tried it, what's your opitnion of it?23:21
exobuzzamarcolino, looks nice.. ubuntu underneath.. lacks some features23:21
exobuzzive been running it on my joggler http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/jolicloud/23:21
hamitronbrb, coffee23:23
amarcolinowhy do I keep seeing this websites being posted that just want to make me slap the developer, making everything big does not make an elegant site AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH23:24
exobuzzamarcolino, some annoyances also. im not sure yet how useful the remote application stuff is with jolicloud.23:24
exobuzzamarcolino, the joggler site ?23:24
Azelphuramarcolino, http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/AAAAAAAAA!23:24
amarcolinoexobuzz: what do you mean by lacks some features, what's missing, it is supposed to be minimal 'I think'23:24
exobuzzamarcolino, no working out the box onscreen keyboard, no ability to make shortcuts easily to your own apps etc23:25
exobuzzthe interface is a remote site, and it needs some improvements still23:25
HazRPGhamitron: well you know yourself better than I do lol23:26
amarcolinoexobuzz: ok, I think I read something about the link issue or it might be the interface for ubuntu on netbooks, it does have something to offer will wait till it matures23:26
exobuzzamarcolino, was your comment regarding "big" regarding the joggler page btw ? if so, the fonts or ?23:26
HazRPGamarcolino: that seems like a pretty sound board though23:27
amarcolinoexobuzz: nope, what's the joggle page? Just a site that was posted, I browsed I didn't like it23:27
exobuzzaah ok.. i posted a link just before you wrote that :)23:28
ali1234hmm... does anyone know of software that can combine two videos of the same thing into one copy with higher quality?23:28
amarcolinoexobuzz: http://iamaviard.com/site/work-hard/about-us just seems bloated no clue what the site is about23:28
exobuzzi posted http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/jolicloud/ and then you wrote about sites.23:28
exobuzzi got worried :)23:30
amarcolinoexobuzz: coincidence!?23:30
amarcolinoexobuzz: if you take the red pill you'll know the truth, if you take the blue your sanity is saved and you're on an irc channel23:31
amarcolinoI dont like the joggler site :p, however, it is quite hard to achieve elegance and neatness23:32
exobuzzheh. well its supposed to be functional over design.. started as a couple of paragraphs and grew23:35
exobuzzi would agree its not great looking for sure.23:35
amarcolinoI think I am having one of my grumpy moments on top of that I haven't eaten in five hours, WoW23:40
exobuzzshould get some food and a nice cup of tea!23:40
amarcolinoyou should I am this is ridiculous can't stay that long on the comp without eating23:42
AzelphurMattJ: XMPP \o/. It's misbehaving :( http://pastebin.com/r6EbVSVg23:54
MattJXMPP \o/23:55
Azelphurany idea why it's misbehaving? :(23:55
MattJluac -p /etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua23:56
MattJWhat does it say?23:56
AzelphurMattJ: permission denied unless I run it as root, then it says nothing.23:56
MattJProsody doesn't run as root - make it readable by the prosody user23:57
MattJIf that fixes it I'll see if I can have it show a better error23:58
Azelphuryea it does fix it23:58
Azelphurso yea, better error would be a good idea23:59

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