
=== bctrainers is now known as bctrainerz
glacemanhey guys im trying to install google gadget, when i run the ./configure, i receive error: zlib is not available00:00
thieven`j2daosh, just like, i can't access directories on my mp3 player if it's not plugged in. (and mounted)00:00
j2daoshthieven`: yeah, thats what i figured, but I hoped there was a way to make my perl script access it without having to mount the share on the server00:00
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thieven`j2daosh, you of course could add a line in that script to make it mount before you access it.00:00
j2daoshthieven`: I would, but its not my server and I dont have the permissions to mount. I gotta have corporate do it then i can just access it since they won't trust me with those permissions ;)00:01
glacemanwhen installing google gadget i receive error when i do the ./configure: error zlib is not available but is mandatory00:02
j2daoshglaceman: sounds like your missing a compression library.00:03
j2daoshlemme reboot into linux and I'll see what i can do to help ya out00:03
pigy1_altGuys if someone else has issue with old imac bubble g3 and black screen ... create xorg.conf file in the directory path and use the config http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick#xorg.conf00:04
pigy1_altThat got my imac to boot up00:05
BernardVthnx for the info pigy1_alt00:05
justaskwhere do i change the boot timer to let me select other oses?00:05
yugnoswamCan anyone here help me please?00:06
j2daoshjustask: its an option in the grub00:06
Jordan_U!ask | yugnoswam00:06
ubottuyugnoswam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:06
justaskand how i change it? hoping not to touch config files00:07
ubuntuCan someone here please help me00:07
ubuntuwith sound?00:07
j2daoshjustask: http://lirent.net/ubuntu/change-waiting-time-on-grub-menu-boot-select-on-ubuntu.html00:07
edbianjustask: you have to touch config files00:07
edbianubuntu: what is your problem?00:07
boldfilterWhen I copy a large file to my sd card it says its done before it really is and when If I unplug the sd card to early the file is corrupt. Anyway to fix this?00:07
ubuntuMy sound is not working :(00:07
justaskso no gui available either?00:07
Jordan_Ujustask: /etc/default/grub00:07
ubuntuGUI works00:07
Jordan_U!grub2 | justask00:07
ubottujustask: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:07
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:08
edbian!sound  > ubuntu00:08
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message00:08
yugnoswamSorry. I am currently installing ubuntu onto my main computer via memory stick, I am on the desktop and have clicked the "Install Ubuntu 10.10", I have followed everything through and I am up to the "Who are you" section. I have filled out all of my details and at the bottom it says "Ready when you are" I am ready but I cannot click on the "Forward" button as it partially faded out.00:08
edbianyugnoswam: What is your username?00:09
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justaskok done00:09
Jordan_Uyugnoswam: Your username cannot contain any capital letters.00:09
yugnoswamOk, thank you.00:10
Jordan_Uyugnoswam: You're welcome.00:10
justaskhow do you search for installed systems - in auto mode - with grub?00:10
ubuntuCan someone assist me with a sound problem00:11
ubuntuPrivate message me plz00:11
blixtenerror: cannot execute /jail/glftpd/bin/glftpd: Exec format error. anyone know how to fix? i'm running a ppc64 with ubuntu 64 and that is a 32bit app00:11
justasktried to change to OSS or different driver in sound configuration?00:12
ubuntujustask are utalkin to me?00:12
ubuntuIm new to all this can u explain what OSS is :P?00:12
justaskwhen you do sound config, you can choose between alsa and oss, and also for different drivers00:13
ChrisDruifyugnoswam: Don't worry, it's already a bug for the hundredpapercut's project :)00:13
justasktried that?00:13
edbianubuntu: OSS is open source software.  It's software where the source code is freely distributed00:13
edbian!sound > ubuntu00:13
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message00:13
justaskalsa is not?00:13
justaskopen i mean00:14
delaalguien español00:15
aeon-ltd!es | dela00:15
ubottudela: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:15
justaskonly english here00:15
Jordan_Ujustask: OSS can either mean Open Source Software or Open Sound System, depending on the context.00:15
yugnoswamOn ubuntu, is it possible to have say Windows XPSP3 on the desktop where you can just open that in another window and use that as a second operating system?00:15
Jordan_Ujustask: ALSA is most certainly open source.00:15
justaskyea, but alsa is not open?00:15
m1chaelim having problems with apache.. i installed like this: sudo apt-get install apache2.2 # apachectl restart throws the error: /usr/sbin/apachectl: 148: /usr/sbin/apache2: not found ..... any ideas?? i'm on ubuntu 10.0.400:15
hwildem1chael, type "which apache2" in the terminal what does it say?00:16
justaskm1chael: is that a new version?00:16
fr0nk_I'm recently having problems with pulseaudio, especially when I use vmware workstation and/or skype. When I killall pulseaudio && pulseaudio& it works again. This time I got the following Warning: W: alsa-mixer.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from 0,00 dB to 0,00 dB which makes no sense.00:16
bugs_buggerhey guys. curious question: is it possible to create executable shellscript files from c sources?00:16
WhatToDohi im having trouble with ubuntu 10.10 install ive been working with people on the IRC  for two days now with no resolution. can anyone take a  stab at it for me?00:16
fr0nk_can anyone help please? :)00:17
sha1sumsooo... I have a friend who knows wtf he's doing but objects to using *nix because of gaming. It's been a while since I've messed with gaming stuff for linux. What's the new solution to windblows gaming?00:17
hwildebugs_bugger, that's called compiling.00:17
justaskwhattodo did you try recovery mode at boot?00:17
edbianbugs_bugger: well sort of, you can write a program in c (source code) and make it executable.  But it would not be called a script00:18
WhatToDojustask: i can't boot anything from had drive, all i have is a live ce00:18
edbianbugs_bugger: You can write executable scripts in other languages like python or bash00:18
bugs_buggerhwilde, nah, what i mean is: i want some kind of portable version, no copying to say /usr/bin but everything needed should be in in one folde00:18
fr0nk_sha1sum: you mean how I play games on linux? Mostly with steam under wine or native ones, or ports that are being supported by the developers (humble bundle, etc)00:18
justaskyou cant boot, but you see grub menu or not?00:18
hwildebugs_bugger, yes.00:19
edbianbugs_bugger: You can do something like that in python00:19
sha1sumfr0nk_: I tried that and his mouse has a weird offset... like you have to move your cursor down about 30px to click on what you want00:19
edbianbugs_bugger: But you would have to be in that folder to run that program00:19
sha1sumtesting with starcraft II00:19
fr0nk_anyone here already purged pulseaudio from lucid? pulseaudio simply doesnt work for me :/00:19
bugs_buggeredbian, well, i dont that much about building apart from using ./configure, make and make install with c sources00:19
fr0nk_sha1sum: multimonitor setup?00:20
thieven`fr0nk_, i did that once, turned out to be a bad idea.00:20
thieven`fr0nk_, have you done that?00:20
sha1sumfr0nk_: yeah... 3x100:20
justaskto everyone: is it normal that a simple file copy from linux disk to ntfs one goes only at 20megs at second?00:20
sha1sumfr0nk_: ati card00:20
bugs_buggeredbian, what im aiming at is to have a form of binaries like those of the blender 3d suit, for example00:20
justaskthey are different drives too00:20
edbianbugs_bugger: What is the ultimate goal / purpose of this question?  :)00:20
edbianbugs_bugger: A 'form00:20
fr0nk_thieven`: I'm about to do it since pulseaudio has to be restarted approx 20 times a day00:20
m1chaelwhich apache2 # returns nothing00:20
thieven`justask, i have not noticed that. i doubt that is true....00:21
thieven`fr0nk_, holy. that is nuts.  yeah, go for it. you know you can always reinstall it if you have to...00:21
justaski can assure it did it so before00:21
fr0nk_sha1sum: I've had this problem with nvidia and 2x1, try disabling multimonitor for troubleshooting, you should be fine. If this fixes your problem you'll have to fuck around with xinerama I guess00:21
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:21
sha1sumfr0nk_: hmmm ok thanks00:21
justaskand i dont see what could be limiting that00:21
thieven`i can try writing a file to my ntfs usb key as a test if you wnat.00:21
fr0nk_oh sry :D00:22
justaskyeah but i said hdd to hdd00:22
justaskusb key is slow00:22
justasklike 10 megs maximum00:22
edbianbugs_bugger: what is a 'form00:22
thieven`justask, i have a ntfs partition but it's on the same hd as ubuntu...00:22
justaskcan you give a try?00:22
fr0nk_justask: depends on the usb thumbnail drive. mine is getting approx 25mb/sec (corsair)00:22
justaskok you have a nice one00:22
blixtenerror: cannot execute /jail/glftpd/bin/glftpd: Exec format error. anyone know how to fix? i'm running a ppc64 with ubuntu 64 and that is a 32bit bin00:22
thieven`justask:  it's writing to the same hd though.00:22
justaskcheap ones dont get more than 9-1000:23
justaskso mine situation should be waay better00:23
fr0nk_justask: the one im using in my car gets me like 2-3mb/sec. Its a pain in the... to copy music00:23
thieven`justask, how can i see the speed of the transfer?00:23
bugs_buggeredbian, they offer their linux versions in an archive that just needs upacking.it contains an executable ready to start. thats what i want to have00:23
justaski guess its very first generation00:23
yugnoswamOn ubuntu, is it possible to have say Windows XPSP3 on the desktop where you can just open that in another window and use that as a second operating system?00:23
markturnipI'm using headless Ubuntu server, can anyone tell me if they know a way to run a script if an audio cd is found?00:23
justaskmmm good question00:23
fr0nk_no its a super tiny one, approx 2mm bigger than the usb connector plug itself00:24
justaskin the notification windows you should click something to show up it00:24
sha1sumyugnoswam: virtual machine00:24
bugs_buggeredbian, problem is: i dont have sudo rights on the system. its a pool of my high school.00:24
justaskor you just make the calculation taking the time and megs :-)00:24
sha1sumyugnoswam: use, say, virtualbox-ose00:24
edbian bugs_bugger: You want to write an app that works that way?  All executabes can be run from wherever.00:24
justasklike a very nerd one00:24
thieven`i see the little 'file transfer' window that shows it moving. but it doesn't say the speed.00:24
yugnoswamI'm sorry, what do you mean.00:24
sha1sumyugnoswam: you will need either (a) an XP install CD, or (b) an image of one00:25
justasktell me time and file size pls00:25
edbianbugs_bugger: You can compile and run software from inside you're home.  You just can't install it.  In this case installing really just means putting various files in various folders on the system.00:25
edbianbugs_bugger: It's just that most apps have to be installed to work at all00:25
justaskif you use 100megs the calc is easier00:25
yugnoswamok, I have the iso for windows 7 on my external. is that any use?00:25
bugs_buggeredbian, to which i dont have access to00:25
justaskbut my calculator wont bother :-)00:25
sha1sumyugnoswam: I run win (7, but XP with absolutely no problem) on a "virtual" machine, which is basically software that emulates a full pc00:26
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justasktry copying it elsewhere00:26
justaskhow big is that?00:26
yugnoswamok, so how do I set that up may I ask?00:26
sha1sumyugnoswam: yeah... install the "vitualbox-ose" package00:26
m1chaelwhat is the proper way to install apache?00:26
sha1sumyugnoswam: then it shows under accessories-->virtualbox ose00:26
justaskyou do a plain copy00:26
edbianbugs_bugger: Yeah, I understand.  I think you can recreate the file tree you need inside you're home.00:26
m1chaeli did: sudo apt-get install apache2.200:26
justaskdont understand your question00:26
edbianbugs_bugger: I've never done it and it's elaborate but you can do it00:26
rubi89http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eUSbr-xn_c&feature=player_embedded incredible¡¡¡00:27
Brack101do you have to configure openssh to allow port tunneling or does it work by default?00:27
rwwBrack101: it allows it by default00:27
justaskif there space on the external - assuming its ntfs - try from linux to that00:27
justaskthank you00:27
brontoeeeq: an explanation when user 'nobody' is supposed to be used and when not?00:27
sha1sumyugnoswam: once you create a virtual machine with you can mess around with its hardware settings, and if you go to the settings for the disc drive you can choose an ISO instead of a physical disc, or you can use the physical disc, your choice00:28
d3centedtell me the need in running winxp in virtualbox when running in win7?00:28
Brack101ok.  openssh installs as part of the 'ssh' package right?00:28
justaskif you give me size and time expected i do the math00:28
yugnoswamok cheers00:28
sha1sumd3cented: bug testing?00:28
d3centedahh ok...00:28
bugs_buggeredbian, in the terminal i get "ELF 32-bit LSB executable". no idea how to build something like that? it uses shared libs00:29
justaskany italian left here? yes i know about ubuntu-it00:29
thieven`justask:   9.2 MB/ second is what it moved at.00:29
markturnipI'm using headless Ubuntu server, can anyone tell me if they know a way to run a script if an audio cd is found?00:29
thieven`that is from ubuntu to a windows partition on the same HD.00:29
justaskfrom hdd to hdd? slooow00:29
thieven`justask, yeah, this comuputer at work is old / slow / crappy.00:29
justaskit cant be so slow00:29
thieven`justask, only one hd inside of it.00:29
alexb_1hi all, how do I measure transfer speed to external hard drive?thanks.00:30
thieven`that was a 350MB file.00:30
justaskshould be at least 3-4 times00:30
thieven`yeah, i agree...00:30
justaskme with different disk- only 20 megs00:30
nit-witalexb_1, isn't there a popup when you transfer00:30
thieven`it took 42 seconds. for 350 MB00:30
justaskthe target is capable of at least 50 sustained megs/sec, its a wd RE300:30
bugs_buggerhwilde, do you happen to know how to build an "ELF 32-bit LSB executable" from source code. Thats what im aiming at: a "portable" executable with all required files and libs either linked or inside one folder00:31
thieven`this is a crappy laptop with no doubt a 5400 rpm hd in it.00:31
justask8.3 for sec :-(00:31
justasklike a c6400:31
alexb_1yes, there is , but I guess it's not right way and very approximate00:31
hwildebugs_bugger, did you check the forum there are threads on this topic00:31
justaskyeah but you can figure out the average speed00:32
justasksomething is messing around...and i will find it :-D00:32
bugs_buggerhwilde, i searched for it via google. what terms do i need to search with?00:32
d3centedjustask: good on you00:33
bugs_buggerhwilde, in the forums i mean00:33
hwildebugs_bugger, i dunno man, try.00:33
justaskjust a mere hope though xd00:33
bugs_buggerhwilde, sorry pal. i just thought you knew there were some threads in specific. thanks anyway00:33
hwildebugs_bugger,  I mean it's probably a longer answer than you're gonna get here in chat, because there are entire threads about it.00:34
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justaskjust for info: the inverse way - ntfs to linux - goes 35 megs'sec average00:35
bugs_buggerhwilde, ok. ill check the material00:35
justaskwhich is quite fine indeed00:35
eviljamesjustask: That's about what I get from firewire external -> internal00:36
yugnoswamThanks for all your help people. Good night.00:36
justaskmaybe its the ntfs write that is little bad00:36
pigy1_altcant install flash player update to watch youtube00:36
justasknow i feel better :-D00:37
justaskwhy pigy1_alt?00:37
sha1sumhow do I install Genuine Advantage ?00:37
justaskeviljames: you had a problem before..did you solve?00:38
pigy1_altwent ubunto software center and search adobe flash and dont see it00:38
d3centedapt-cache search flash00:39
justaskmaybe flash is restricted sw?00:39
d3centedor so00:39
trismpigy1_alt: run: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer; in a terminal00:39
d3centedwas my first thought00:39
justaskthat is restricted?00:39
trismit is in multiverse, but that should be enabled by default00:40
d3centedtrism: beaten my apt-cache00:40
justaskwhy apt-ache and not only apt-get?00:40
IdleOnetrism: flash is in the Partner repo which needs to be enabled since 10.0400:41
justaskwhy apt-cache and not only apt-get?00:41
d3centedcaus i didn't know exact name00:41
rusty149sha1sum: That sounds like a Windows app00:41
IdleOnetrism: forget that, I was wrong00:41
IdleOnethinking java00:41
d3centedapt-cache wins!!!00:42
d3centedit's flashplugin-installer00:42
glacemani receive the following error when reloading the synaptic package manager can anybody help please :  [02:43] [glaceman(+i)] [2:Ubuntu/#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt)] [Act: 1]00:43
glaceman[#ubuntu] http://paste.ubuntu.com/552649/00:43
blixtenerror: cannot execute /jail/glftpd/bin/glftpd: Exec format error. anyone know how to fix? i'm running a ppc64 with ubuntu 64, glftpd is a 32bit application00:43
d3centedahmm, anyway00:43
justaskthere isn't anything even alpha that could play flash in linux? other than it obv00:43
eviljamesjustask: nope.. no solution yet. :D00:43
sha1sumrusty149: nahhh... it's the Torvalds Genuine Advantage... it's how you know you're getting *authentic* Linux applications.00:43
MarkAngHello everyone! I'm having the weirdest problem right now, anybody capable of telling me what to do?00:43
justaskwhat was your problem like?00:44
sha1sumfree of malware and other hassles and such00:44
MarkAngI upgraded to 10.10 from the 10.04 version, using the upgrade manager, and now I've landed in a spartan-like win95 theme.00:44
eviljamesjustask: Raid / LVM / initramfs00:45
MarkAngSquare, grey. That's it.00:45
justaskhow can i set afk and automatic answer message in irc?00:45
justasknow i recall...tough things :-)00:45
sha1sumjustask: what client?00:45
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi guys i run 10.4 and cant find an equalizer, there was in the versions before, in the audio options, now itz nowhere or at least i cant find it, can anyone help?00:45
sha1sumgood luck00:45
justaskmaybe it has builtin but i dont know00:45
justaskLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: i think alsamixer is not enough right?00:46
aleiexHi, my laptop stopped detecting HD, then I bought usb adapter & made it external hd, now I'am able to boot, but i want to boot again with hd pluged in aptop, not external. ANy idea?00:46
justaskaleiex: ide or sata one?00:47
MarkAngAnyone have any clue what I can do to fix my problem?00:47
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdjustak: alsamixer is only accessible through terminal, i was asking if there was an equalizer graphical interface like in all the previous versions00:47
jsnI upgraded from Jaunty (finally) to Karmic and apt-get went from 2.6.??-server to 2.6.31-generic-pae. Why would it change the suffix on me, away from server?00:47
ia4004I need help to make linux detect my motorola dover cell phone as usb modem00:47
aleiexjustak sata00:47
glacemangetting error with sudo apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/552649/00:47
aleiexjustask: SATA00:48
trismIdleOne: not really wrong, adobe-flashplugin is in partner00:48
justaskaleiex and it never worked as internal?00:48
rusty149glaceman: lb? what language are you using?00:48
glacemanrusty149: didn't understood what u were asking00:48
jsnDamnit, apt-get installed acpid? I don't have a battery. This thing is a server, in a server farm. I'm not happy.00:48
rusty149glaceman: paste, sudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list00:49
justaskLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd: could be alsamixergui00:49
MarkAng:-DUh, guys? I hate to be badgering like this, but I would really like a solution...00:49
guest101im trying to creaste a to boot from a usb 10.10 to use ubuntu on my uni computer, but it always goes back to default seeting,. is there a way of making one which persists with your settings, and keeps your files like a regualr install00:49
yeatsMarkAng: looks like some of the gnome configuration got borked in the upgrade.  You can try these older (but still valid) instructions on getting them back: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/00:49
justaskeven if it should be built in ubuntu00:49
glacemanrusty149: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552650/00:50
MarkAngThanks, yeats! I'll try that.00:50
aleiexjustask: yes it worked, but one day i was using ubuntu, & I noticed that wallpaper & icons doesn't display, then firefox stopped & i rebooted00:50
yeatsMarkAng: you might backup those dirs before rm -rf-ing them ;-)00:50
aleiexsince that can't boot with hd direct conected to laptop00:50
aleiexonly with external adapter00:50
rusty149glaceman: Are you using Luxembourgish?00:51
glacemanrusty149: ubuntu 10.1000:51
justaskso it should be fine also as internal, maybe is just a detection issue00:51
justasktried with all sata ports?00:51
rusty149glaceman: Luxembourgish language or english language?00:51
aleiexjustask is an laptop00:51
Jordan_Ualeiex: Sounds like a hardware problem.00:51
aleiexonly 1 port00:51
glacemanrusty149: english00:51
justaskyou are right..sorry00:52
justaskforgot it :-)00:52
guest101How do you create a full working 10.10 desktop edition on a usb?00:52
rusty149glaceman: lb.archive.ubuntu.com  is for Luxembourgish language00:52
glacemanrusty149: i didn't do anything00:52
aleiexJordan_U Is good idea to use laptop using External HD TO Boot?00:53
Jordan_Uguest101: Same way you would install to an internal drive.00:53
guest101however when i boot from usb it doesnt keep the configs or the files00:53
guest101once i restart00:53
justaskhe told its not persistent install00:54
ejvhow do i add space to my home group via lvm?00:54
NixGeekguest101: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:54
justaskeviljames: maybe its your field of knowledge - lvm00:55
Jordan_Ualeiex: The only problem is that you have to be very carefull that the external doesn't get disconnected. Whether that's convienient for you and how you use your laptop I don't know.00:55
nit-witguest101, how big is the thumb, and do you have a Ubuntu install or disc?00:55
Jordan_UNixGeek: That won't create a full install, for instance you can't upgrade the kernel.00:55
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justaskaleiex its not nice to see but who cares00:55
nit-witguest101, okay do you have a Ubuntu disc or a install.00:56
justaskguest101: lvm doesnt have a configuration tool?00:56
aleiexI mean, no troubles/ hardware failure if i Use forever hd via external?00:56
justaskaleiex no00:56
glacemanrusty149: any clue ?00:56
justaskjust dont disconnect it while working :-)00:56
guest101I havent used lvm00:57
markturnipUpdating my nvidia graphics driver on Ubuntu Server has meant that my CLI only displays through DVI & not HDMI. How would I fix this?00:57
mawstconfig it00:57
justaskmarkturnip: odd one00:57
justaskmarkturnip: roll back to previous driver00:58
justaskuntil the fix it00:58
markturnipWell is it a bug?00:58
markturnipor is it just a config somewhere/00:58
justaskcould also be that00:58
rusty149glaceman: Try replaceing it with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/552653/00:58
nit-witguest101, boot the disc or the install and reload the thumb with the startup disc manager and use the persistence bar.00:58
davyso I've tried to use the help forums for this, but everything I tried has come up short...can someone help me get my gnome-panel back on the top of the screen00:58
markturnipHow would I go about configuring it for CLI?00:58
Alan502What's a good firewall that doesn't mess with my DHCP? preferably with a GUI00:58
sicasccomo es ubuntu español!00:59
markturnipI know iI can do it for X1100:59
justaski dont know, only know about catalyst00:59
rusty149glaceman: then run, sudo apt-get update00:59
ubu1does anyone have experience making a fillable pdf form on ubuntu or any os?01:00
glacemanrusty149: doing it01:00
userubu1: someone does, and..?01:00
justaskubu1 you mean modify a pdf?01:00
ubu1justask: no i mean creating one from scratch01:00
userubu1: search for 'PDF Editor' in software center01:01
justaskthere should be many programs for that01:01
justaskanyone that use kvirc?01:01
useryes, and....?01:02
justaskit doesnt doubleclick on user name to open a chat box01:02
justaskhas to do by console command01:02
MarkAngHey yeats?01:02
justaskany idea user?01:03
ducktypessh -vi ~/.ssh/zimbra_identity -o strictHostKeyChecking=no zimbra@localhost01:03
rusty149ubu1: Use Scribus01:03
ducktypetell me to enter the password01:03
KM0201!info scribus01:03
ubottuscribus (source: scribus): Open Source Desktop Page Layout. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 9380 kB, installed size 26900 kB01:03
rusty149ubu1: That is ideal, it is fully scriptable01:04
ubu1scribus... i will look that up. thanks rusty149:01:04
justaskducktype: what is that01:04
ducktypebut i have PubkeyAuthentication yes and AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys01:04
ocmsRzrHi, I'm installing ubuntu server on some older hardware (circa 2005) and one of my hard drives is being detected as having 9000 TB of space... whats the deal?01:04
ducktypejustask: i'm trying to login with pubkey with no luck01:04
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justasknever worked?01:05
justaskocmsRzr: that's very lol01:05
aleiexwhich channel for general topics?01:06
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KM0201aleiex: general support topics or general non-support?01:06
justasknot so old by the way..it should work fine01:06
MarkAng@yeats Sorry 'bout that sudden disconnect, but I forcefully shut down my laptop and it seems to be okay now, except for the version number. It says I'm using, and I quote, "You are using Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012."01:06
justaskmaybe you have a nas and you didnt even know about it01:06
ducktypejustask: how can i try that? i've this "zimbra" it's an user of the mail server that on install generate the keys for ssh and i'm trying with this keys01:06
aleiexgeneral non-support KM020101:07
KM0201!ot | aleiex01:07
ubottualeiex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:07
ejvhey guys i have a /home which is an xfs lvm2, i performed lvextend on it, now i have to .... xfs_grow ?01:07
guest101Cheers nit-wit01:07
justaski dont know how, but did you followed a guide or like that?01:07
guest101How do i quote a name on here01:07
Populustype pop then press tab.01:07
ducktypejustask: yes01:08
justaskyou write the beginning then tab01:08
PopulusIt'll finish the name of anyone who starts their name with "pop"01:08
nit-witguest101, that should give you the persistance01:08
aclonedsheepHey, I have a Foxconn NT330i nettop.  Intel Atom / NVIDIA Ion.  Ubuntu 10.10 x64 installed -- HDMI video works fine but HDMI audio doesnt even work when selected.  Can anyone help me troubleshoot? I 'm totally stumped and don't want to give up and just try windows on this machine01:08
skullboyhow do i unbind default gtk+ menuitems01:08
justaskguest101: yes...or were you trying the autocompletion :-) ?01:09
MarkAngjustask: My "About Ubuntu" section says I'm using, and I quote, "You are using Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012."01:09
d3cented1i heavily guess auto....01:09
justaskit should be 10.10?01:10
guest101justask: I was testing quoting a name :)01:10
justaski knew it xd01:10
thieven`maybe you are from the future!01:10
justaskhaha, a borg distribution01:10
guest101Now I can use ubuntu at uni, not windows, thanks peeps01:10
thieven`guest101 that is awesome. good job.01:10
MarkAngYeah, that's what I thought too! But here I am, with 11.04 Natty Narwhal instead of 10.10 Maverick Meerkat. Kinda weird.01:11
justaskmaybe you are in a beta program without knowing it..01:11
thieven`MarkAng, that is cool. you just installed the beta or alpha... that's no prob.01:11
justaskor your pc has been hacked..01:11
MarkAngthieven: For real?01:12
thieven`aye, more canadians! yaaaay.01:12
glacemanhi quebecois01:12
anxietii_is only ubuntu ?01:12
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.01:12
thieven`MarkAng, yeah, it's no prob, you are just using the beta or alpha of the next release...01:12
KM0201MarkAng: justask thats long been an issue w/ 10.10  somehow the "about" for 11.04 got worked into an update01:12
glacemanthieven`: he is not a canadian, he is a quebecois ;) ya une grosse difference, hehehe01:12
KM0201MarkAng: to my knowledge, almost all 10.10's, show they are using "11.04" in the abouve.01:12
quebecoisglaceman tu parles fr?01:12
jumbojackhas anyone experienced the Lucid desktop locking up requiring a restart of x11-common from a terminal?01:13
MarkAngOkay, wow.  Thanks for clearing that up, KM0201!01:13
thieven`the quebecois do hate us normal canadians...01:13
milamberguest101: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:13
justaskKM0201: but it doesnt make sense01:13
glacemanquebecois: bin c sur, originaire du quebec, je demeure au liban par contre01:13
KM0201justask: sure it does, it was accidentally put into an update...01:13
d3cented1ubottu ufw01:13
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.01:13
KM0201justask: did you check yours? (if your'e using 10.10)01:13
thieven`je ne parle pas francais.01:13
justasknot yet...maybe i have a 12.x version01:13
KM0201justask: no..01:14
userwow, I thought it's 'iptables'01:14
justaskemulating an arm subsystem01:14
quebecoisOù est-ce que je peut obtenir de l'aide pour OpenGl en C++? Where can I get help for OpenGl, c++?01:14
KM0201MarkAng: if you want to verify you're using 10.10    in a terminal type   lsb_release -a01:14
skullboyhow do i unbind default gtk+ menuitems01:14
justaskalso uname if i recall correctly01:14
KM0201MarkAng: but like i said, i'm not sure how it happened, but i don't think ayone w/ 10.10, has a 10.10 "about"01:14
yeatsMarkAng: you can do 'cat /etc/lsb-release' to see what it says too01:15
cargilecan someone tell me why on the windows xp computer my ubuntu computer says unspecified01:15
MarkAngThe terminal indeed says 10.10. Thanks for the help, now I can go to bed :-D01:15
milamber!version | MarkAng01:15
ubottuMarkAng: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:15
quebecoismerci quand même je me suis tromper de channel.. fr01:15
cargileim trying to share files01:15
KM0201yeats: i get nothing out of that command.01:15
cargilei can get file from the xp computer but not the other way around01:16
MarkAngmilamber, ubottu Thanks, already solved. Good night folks, and thanks!01:16
justaskmine is 10.10 like it should btw01:16
skullboyhow do i unbind default gtk+ menuitems01:16
justaskyou all hackers :-)01:17
KM0201justask: yeah, it confuses a lot of people... i'm not really sure how that happened, somebody was asleep at the wheel obviously :)01:17
glacemanrusty149: after i made the sudo apt-get update, i received this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/552660/01:17
KM0201cargile: have you set up the XP computer to see the share?01:18
justaskcargile: share or simply mount drives?01:18
skullboycargile: use ext2fsd /w dll patch01:18
justaskso could be possible that after a reboot i see a full 11 release one? lol01:18
cargilehow do i do that01:18
NixGeekjustask: most people using ubuntu are hackers, we modify it to what we need, which is the definition of a "hacker"!01:19
KM0201skullboy: an ext2 patch?... if she's sharing by samba, i don't think she'll need that01:19
justaskquote that01:19
hou5tonCurrently using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx, looking for knowledgable opinion regarding whether I should upgrade to latest.01:19
sharethis channel never sleeps. but i do01:19
KM0201NixGeek: i'd hardly agree w/ that... most people who use ubuntu couldn't be a hacker if they were spotted the "hacke"01:19
sharecya tomorow01:19
cargilei can see my shared folder but its not a folder its a file01:19
justaskhou5ton: if you are fine with .04 stay there...my opinion01:20
skullboyKM0201: i must of misunderstood what he said i thought he was dual booting and wanted to access the ext4 part on windows01:20
KM0201skullboy: or i misunderstood, i thought he was talking about using samba01:20
cargilei have somba installed01:21
KM0201cargile: are you using wubi?01:21
justaskso the easy way to link linux-windows is samba?01:21
KM0201justask: yup.01:21
hou5tonjustask:  i think I'm good .... but I don't know what the newest version has to offer.01:21
edbianjustask: the only way is with samba01:21
skullboyhow do i unbind default gtk+ menuitems01:21
cargilenot it asked me to install the servives and i did01:22
justaskskullboy nobody answered..maybe detailing more the problem can help :-)01:22
cargilewas that samba01:22
edbianskullboy: unbind them?01:22
glacemanrusty149: are u still around buddy ?01:22
justaskhou5ton: i dont either...take a look at changelog01:22
skullboyedbian: yea01:22
justaskit's a minor release though01:23
justaskfrom my point01:23
piercedwaterWhat is a good cd ripping program (pref. graphical) that will rip to FLAC for Ubuntu?01:23
edbianskullboy: I don't know what that means! :( got to go!01:23
KM0201piercedwater: i like acidrip01:23
edbianpiercedwater: sound-juicer01:23
KM0201!acidrip | piercedwater01:23
piercedwaterKM0201: I didnt see an option for FLAC in acidrip...?01:23
KM0201piercedwater: oh sorry... i've never used it for flac, and i missed you saying that01:23
cargilehas anyone ever had that problem?01:24
skullboyedbian: ok so know how when you press <super>s how it brings up the shutdown menu how do i unbind that01:25
denile!kernel | denile01:26
ubottudenile, please see my private message01:26
KM0201!msgthebot > denile01:26
piercedwaterThanks edbian01:26
skullboyedbian: ok so know how when you press <super>s how it brings up the shutdown menu how do i unbind that01:26
go^notte a tutti!01:26
Jordan_Upiercedwater: Pretty much any music player for Ubuntu will rip to FLAC.01:26
glacemanrusty149: ...01:27
cargilecan someone tell me witch samba to install01:27
KM0201!samba | cargile01:28
ubottucargile: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:28
breadcrumbcargile, if you right click on a folder and go to 'Sharing' or 'share folder' (cant remember exactly) you will be prompted to install samba if you dont have it already01:28
m1chaelwhat is the proper way to install apache?01:28
m1chaeli did: sudo apt-get install apache2.2 # and it didnt work right out right01:28
skullboyedbian: ok so know how when you press <super>s how it brings up the shutdown menu how do i unbind that01:29
denileKM0201, ty01:29
milamberm1chael: did that throw an error?01:29
tony_ Can someone help me with a conky script?01:29
cargileyou mean when its ask to install ther share sevices?01:30
m1chaelit seemed to be installed fine till i tried to issue apachectl commands01:30
glacemancan anybody help please after doing sudo apt-get update i receive this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/552660/01:30
KM0201glaceman: looks like you've added some repositories, and don't have the GPG key for them.01:31
Alan502Anybody familiar with godaddy fares?01:31
glacemanKM0201: rusty juste gave me this file all of it, cause mine was wrong,01:31
milamberm1chael: try sudo apt-get install apache101:31
KM0201glaceman: well that was a bit irresponsible...01:32
earwigs<3 ubuntu01:32
glacemanKM0201:  any way to fix it please ?01:32
KM0201glaceman: you need to edit your source list and remove those two repositories(assuming you don't want them)01:32
NixGeekglaceman: man, you have slow internet, are you on dial-up?01:32
earwigsjust discovered you can mount FTP connections01:32
glacemanNixGeek: 128 mbits adsl connection01:32
earwigsgoing to make webdevelopment so much easier.01:32
justaskNixGeek: how do you see that01:32
WhatToDowhat's the channel for off topic chat?01:32
glacemanNixGeek: very slow01:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:32
justaskdial-up :-)01:32
rwwWhatToDo: #ubuntu-offtopic01:32
breadcrumbcargile yes..01:32
KM0201glaceman: 128k is a lot better than dial up :)01:32
digitalfizearwigs, mounting ssh is so much cooler01:33
KM0201glaceman: but.. do you need those two sources, or what?01:33
earwigsdigitalfiz: hehe yes01:33
justask128m..not k01:33
earwigsdigitalfiz: dont have a need for that just yet :)01:33
d3cented1earwigs: how??01:33
stodertoaddigitalfiz: how do you do it01:33
glacemanKM0201: i don't even know what they are used for, can u advise ?01:33
justasknot same thingh01:33
earwigsd3cented1: go to Places > Connect to server01:33
KM0201glaceman: well if you don't know what they are, then that suggests you don't need them.01:33
glacemanKM0201: how to remove them ?"01:33
digitalfizstodertoad, http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/01:33
earwigsd3cented1: and make sure the Bookmark setting is ticked.01:33
KM0201glaceman: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list01:33
skullboyedbian: ok so know how when you press <super>s how it brings up the shutdown menu how do i unbind that01:33
d3cented1ahh, cool01:33
m1chaelmilamber: that seemed to work01:33
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earwigsd3cented1: Yes, very cool. And a lot of folk on the forums say ubuntu doesnt have any webdevelopment programs, but bluefish is fine.01:34
NixGeekjustask: in the paste he linked to to said "Fetched 13.1MB in 17min 13s (12.7kB/s)"  glaceman:  I could never live with dial-up now.  I have DSL and could never switch back01:34
glacemanKM0201: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552661/01:34
justaskglaceman do you have a SDH link right into your home :-) ?01:34
milamberm1chael: to test navigate to in your browser (if you are working locally on the interweb server machine)01:34
cargileok i installed it,i see the xp home computer on the network and  can grab file from it,but i cant get files from ubuntu  the ubuntu shared folder looks like a file and its under the unspecifed mark01:35
justaskNixGeek: who could01:35
glacemanjustask:  i dont' know what a SDH line is :P sorry01:35
justaskusually a 34mbit01:35
justaskhere in italy01:35
NixGeekjustask: mabey someone who only uses the internet for email...01:35
justasktext email only btw01:36
justaskforget attachments01:36
d3cented1thats a good thing01:36
skullboyhow do i unbind <Super>s01:36
NixGeekyep, can we please get back on topic now?01:36
KM0201glaceman: thats strange, i don't even see it in that list01:36
justasksorry NixGeek01:37
glacemanKM0201: mmmmmmmm, might it be somehwere else ?01:37
KM0201skullboy: sys/pref/keyboard shortcuts   backspace to "disable"01:37
KM0201glaceman: shouldn't be.01:37
svm_invictvsUbuntu 10.10 is not seeing my widescreen monitor01:37
guckoso hello people01:37
svm_invictvsIt's stretching everything out wide :(01:37
svm_invictvsUnder "Monitors" I'm not seeing an option for any widescreen resolutions.01:37
WillGilHello, I need help with the nautilus share.  When I right click on a folder and share it (allowing guest), I can see it on both my windows machine and my ubuntu laptop.  However, if i try to connect from either i get an error01:37
justaskati or nvidia?01:37
NixGeekjustask: it's not bad, I was just saying we getting abit offtopic01:38
glacemanKM0201: what do we do now ?01:38
guckoI installed a FTP server on my machine, but I want to make some hard disks visible for logged users. How to do that please?01:38
svm_invictvsDo I jus tneed to hack my xorg.conf file?01:38
KM0201glaceman: have you installed handbrake on your system?01:38
ffasany body speak on russian?01:38
justaski am still curios about his rr.com domain01:38
glacemanKM0201: yes and i removed it01:38
KM0201glaceman: ok.. go to system/admin/synaptic package manager01:38
skullboyKM0201: it is binded in the GTK+ menuitems01:38
glacemanKM0201: im in01:38
justaskWillGil: which error? permissions?01:38
KM0201skullboy: what is?01:39
KM0201glaceman: settings/repositories01:39
d3cented1ubottu russian01:39
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:39
justaskhow can i set afk and other stuff for irc01:39
glacemanKM0201: done i see 2 entries for handbrake01:39
KM0201glaceman: remove them01:39
earwigsah man, you cant imagine how much easier mounting ftp is to correct small typos/spelling on my clients webpages.01:39
WillGiljustask: on the windows machine i get something about not a valid location.  on the ubuntu machine i get something failed to mount windows share01:39
glacemanKM0201: reloading01:39
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justaskdo you know if nautilus uses samba for that?01:40
glacemanKM0201: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552662/01:40
KM0201glaceman: ok, now look in settings/repositories, for "Tualatrix" whatever the heck that is01:41
d3cented1earwigs: ey that feature i was looking for... great01:41
glacemanKM0201: it's for ubuntu tweak01:41
KM0201glaceman: well... if you want the error to go away, remove it01:41
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WillGiljustask: i believe it does, but not in the smb.conf file.  they are defined in /var/lib/samba/usershares folder.01:42
glacemanKM0201:  ok01:42
KM0201personally, i think ubuntu tweak is over rated...01:42
justaskmaybe someone here can help you on that01:42
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KM0201glaceman: once you remove it, reload your source list again, and you should be error free01:42
glacemanKM0201: still an error:  extra.ubuntu etc...01:42
justaskho do i do a traceroute to a host/IP ?01:42
justaski want the tracert command01:42
WillGiljustask: I hope so.  being able to right click and share anything is a pretty attractive proposition01:43
Bokkiejustask: try host instead 8-) or Dig01:43
KM0201glaceman: not really sure on that one, cuz it looks official.01:43
KM0201glaceman: but try this.01:43
glacemanKM0201: i have extra.ubuntu, binary and source, 2 entries01:43
KM0201glaceman: ok, just do this, don't delete them, but uncheck them.01:43
justaskbut i want a tracert, not only a name resolution01:43
KM0201glaceman: then click close/reload01:43
glacemanKM0201:  no more errors after uncheking them :d01:44
justaskWillGil: i know01:44
KM0201glaceman: ok01:44
glacemanKM0201: thanks u very much for ur support01:44
justaskbut lots of features of linuxes just dont work out of the box01:45
KM0201glaceman: i'm not really sure what those two are, if you want to remove them, fine.. if you don't.. thats fine to i guess.01:45
glacemanKM0201: can i get a newbie 101 lesson :P what are these for exactly ?01:45
Bokkietraceroute exists too... just have to install it if you don't already have it.01:45
glacemanKM0201: those repository01:45
My-Computerany idea on how to get mouse working ok in meerkat01:45
justaskyou know the package name?01:45
KM0201glaceman: well the first one was for handbrake, the second for tualatrix(whatever that is) and the third was i don't know01:45
KM0201My-Computer: i assume its wireless?01:46
glacemanKM0201: i mean what are the repository for ?, how does things work around ?01:46
Bokkiejustask: traceroute 8-)01:46
My-Computerno km its a touchpad on a netbook01:46
KM0201glaceman: a repository is a place where you can download software, etc... when you search synaptic and find a program and you right click it and mark for install and install it.. and it starts downloading, its downloading those files from a repository01:46
justaskinstalled...just seems odd they dont give it already installed01:46
glacemanKM0201:  oh i see01:47
glacemanand what's the sudo apt-get upgrade for ?01:47
KM0201glaceman: that checks the server to see if your system has any upgrades waiting01:47
Bokkiejustask: that is a bit odd...01:47
Bokkiebut, just having tested it, it's exactly what you need, methinks 8-)01:48
justaskthat is not preinstalled you mean?01:48
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KM0201glaceman: sudo apt-get update    updates your source list... (like when you clicked the "reload" button in synaptic)01:48
guckoso guys any help plzz?!01:48
BokkieI think it's because they like the GUI-tool too much...01:48
guckoI just want to enable an external hardisk to be visible to FTP users01:48
Bokkiegucko: can you mount it?01:49
glacemanKM0201: is there anything like to help me out learning bit by bit, i just switched from windows a couple of days ago01:49
My-Computerno km0201 my mouse is a touchpad on a netbook01:49
KM0201!manual | glaceman01:49
ubottuglaceman: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:49
guckoBokkie: yea01:49
lahwranwhat is the terminal control character to seek to the beginning of the line?01:49
guckoBokkie: but it doesn't appear for the connected users01:49
glacemanubottu: i know how to scan documents, and listening to my own music, thank you :D hehehe01:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:49
KM0201glaceman: dowload that manual... and give it the once over.. you don't need to look at the advanced stuff, but it will explain repositories, how to use the package manager, etc.01:49
guckoBokkie: only files and folders are visible01:50
glacemanKM0201: ok i will01:50
KM0201glaceman: its a little more extensive than just scanning documents and browsing the internet.01:50
glacemanKM0201: lol01:50
KM0201My-Computer: have you looked at sys/pref/mouse and clicked the "touchpad" tab?01:50
guckoanybody please?01:50
BokkieGucko: did you add the files and folders to the FTP server? Was there any setup process you had to go through?01:51
BokkieWhat is the FTP server you're using, first of all?01:51
glacemanKM0201: with the terminal server client, can i connect to servers at my work, like i used to do with remote desktop connection under windows ?01:52
guckoBokkie: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html01:52
BokkieAnd also: these files and folders that appear, where are they? internal or external drive?01:52
justaskanyone knows how to set out-of-office or other stuff into irc?01:52
My-Computerkm0201 ill check that now it did work for months without issues..01:52
KM0201glaceman: possibly, you'll need your network admins permisson, etc.01:52
red-paladin2Hello I have a question. I need to install linux on a computer that uses an Asus PCI-G31 wifi card (RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g) to connect to an unsecured network. I can connect the computer to ethernet to install the OS, but I need to be able to move the computer to different wifi networks and connect from the desktop. Does anyone know if this should work?01:52
glacemanKM0201: i am the admin :01:52
KM0201glaceman: then yes.. but you'll probably want to use SSH, etc..t o make sure its secure.. i'm not that familiar w/ SSH01:53
glacemanKM0201: im an IT manager, so for me now, switching for linux, it's like learning the abc again01:53
KM0201glaceman: yeah, if i can make a suggestion... just learn to use the OS, get a feel for things, then when you have a basic unerstanding of everything, start looking into remote desktop, etc01:53
glacemanKM0201: ok01:54
BokkieGucko: I suggest you grab yourself a cup of your favourite beverage, and go read through the config file...01:54
KM0201glaceman: unfortunately, i'm sure you're really good w/ Windows, but that reallyd oesn't mean squat w/ Linux.. only similarities is you use a mouse and keyboard on both.01:54
KM0201being proficient on one, doesn't translate to being proficient on the other.01:54
glacemanKM0201: yeah i noticed that01:54
BokkieI'm thinking you might have to give the ftp-users access to the mount point...01:54
glacemanlots of things work the other way around01:55
mzyI con not speak english01:55
KM0201glaceman: lol, i bet... it's a steep learning curve, we all did it at somet point01:55
KM0201!zh | mzuverink01:55
ubottumzuverink: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk01:55
d3cented1or a link to the ftp dir???01:55
glacemanmzy: lol01:55
KM0201mzy: see above01:55
glacemanmzy: what do u speak then ?01:55
glacemanhabla espagnol, arabic, french maybe ?01:55
d3cented1ubottu arabic01:55
KM0201pretty sure his first sentence was chineese.. could be wrong though01:55
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية01:55
justaskanyone knows how to set out-of-office or other stuff into irc? no one does?01:56
glacemanmzy: u know im not really good with that one ;)01:56
KM0201mzy: /join #ubuntu-cn01:56
mzyI see01:57
KM0201justask: "/AWAY msg"  i think.. just be forewarned, OPs in #ubuntu will send you nastygrams if you have long away messages01:57
sacarlsongucko: yes maybe pastebin the   /etc/vsftpd.conf for us to see how you have it configured and a view of sudo fdisk -l  and sudo mount so we know what disk you want to add to it.01:57
justaskok thanks01:57
justaskand then how i get out of away status?01:58
KM0201justask: i believe its.. "/BACK"01:58
justaskactually i am already...maybe01:58
KM0201yup.. its back01:58
glaceman4 am here :D01:59
glacemangotta work tomorrow morning omg01:59
KM0201just if you look on the main "freenode" tab.. you'll see where you were marked away and then back01:59
justaskme too01:59
KM0201glaceman: lol, sounds about like me01:59
My-Computerkm0201 the /sys/pref/mouse has touch pad sellected my mouse does move but i cannot tap anything01:59
justaskor like everyone01:59
glacemanKM0201: are u good with audio issues ?01:59
KM0201My-Computer: unfortunately, thats the limit of help i can offer02:00
=== CripperZ2 is now known as CripperZ-v6
KM0201!touchpad | My-Computer02:00
ubottuMy-Computer: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:00
glacemanKM0201: i believe my sound card is recognised and working properly, it's just that i have sound via my headphones jack only, not my laptop internal speakers02:00
KM0201glaceman: sometimes02:00
KM0201glaceman: do you know yoru sound device?02:00
glacemanrealtek A02:00
KM0201glaceman: if yu don't know, pastebin lspci02:00
glacemanREALTEK ALC27202:00
justaskyou could also try a soundtest02:01
KM0201glaceman: i believe thats the codec02:01
mzywho can tell me zhe device02:01
My-Computerill try to klick on that from my ./xchat file thanks02:01
glacemanKM0201: lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/552666/02:01
d3cented1bye guys, n802:02
brMPHey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my netbook from the iso. So I install the thing to help me boot when I don't have a CD, but when I restart and it tries to load, I get an error saying "unable to find a medium containing a live file system." Any suggestions?02:02
=== justask is now known as just-ask
KM0201glaceman: do you havfe the sound applet/volume applet in your panel (usually by the clock)02:03
glacemanKM0201: yes02:03
KM0201glaceman: click that, then choose sound preferences02:04
glacemanKM0201: i tried all the options under hardware02:04
KM0201glaceman: oh ok..02:04
sacarlsonbrMP: !install02:04
sacarlson!install | brMP02:04
ubottubrMP: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:04
just-askglaceman: and trying with OSS instead of Alsa?02:04
glacemanjust-ask: i dont have alsa under the hardware tab,02:05
glacemanjust analog stereo input, output and duplex02:05
just-askso you have? pulseaudio?02:05
glacemanbut it just work via headphones when i plug them02:05
glacemanjust-ask: i dont know exactly what u are referring to :S02:06
red-paladin2If I burn a cd of ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso, use that to install the system, It should automatically be able to use the Asus-PCI-G31 (RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI) wifi card instead of ethernet as easy as a windows PC once the installation is compete through ethernet?02:06
just-askthat's the sound systems..it should be written there02:06
KM0201glaceman: what kind of laptop do you have?02:06
edbianglaceman: You might find this guide useful in general.  It is very good: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound02:06
edbianChipDSnow: Hi :D02:06
glacemanKM0201: lg x13002:06
ChipDSnowAnyway to create a text file (*.bas) while in the Terminal mode?02:07
edbianred-paladin2: boot the live CD, if wifi works then you can be sure.02:07
glacemanKM0201: mini laptop02:07
just-asksudo gedit?02:07
edbianChipDSnow: yep, nano file.bas02:07
edbianChipDSnow: What kind of text file is a .bas ??02:07
KM0201glaceman: yeah, it's probably a matter of adding the proper line to alsa-base...02:07
red-paladin2edbian can I install from the livecd?02:07
glacemanKM0201: and how is that ?02:08
just-askor even reconfiguring it with a different driver02:08
KM0201wel, hold on..02:08
edbianred-paladin2: yes02:08
ChipDSnowThanks, let me see if it works!02:08
red-paladin2is that the ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso image or another one?02:08
edbianred-paladin2: You can boot the live cd, see how it works, then install if you want to.  That is the best way to install!02:08
KM0201glaceman: whats the output of this.. cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec02:08
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sacarlsonred-paladin2: I have a ralink chip that's plug and play and I don't see too many people here asking about how to get it to work like I see broadcom almost every day02:08
edbianred-paladin2: That's the right one02:08
ce_cr_tmn_ym_fbthis is not spam http://www.1filesharing.com/download/1JE0D7ZA/psyBNC2.3.1_4.rar02:09
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:09
just-asksacarlson: what device is that02:09
red-paladin2thanks so much..... I am tyring to get a desktop which I set up debian on a long time ago to use this card instead of nic as they got a router, and with debian, as usual, it's like open heart surgery on a fish with a manual for a different fish and only a spoon02:10
just-askwho is will robinson? xd02:10
glacemanKM0201: Codec: Realtek ALC27202:10
ChipDSnowAnyone here use FreeBASIC?02:10
tony_can I get help with a conky script here?02:10
just-askred-paladin2: hilarious02:10
edbianred-paladin2: good luck :)02:10
just-askalways a different fish huh?02:10
KM0201glaceman: can i PM you.. cuz this will be a trial and error thing, so i'm gonna tell you how to do it.02:11
NixGeek!cn | mzy02:11
ubottumzy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk02:11
dylan_noktumis there a pool game in the repos?02:11
KM0201mzy: dont PM me, i don't speak chineese02:11
edbiandylan_noktum: I'm sure there is.  Do you know how to browse the repos?02:11
just-askbut you could learn it..02:11
dylan_noktumyeah i know how to but there isnt an obvious one02:12
edbiandylan_noktum: Aaa, I can't help you then :)02:12
just-askChipDSnow: do you see some problem with it?02:12
red-paladin2just-ask, always the wrong manual etc02:12
dylan_noktummmk thanx02:13
LoganJRuffdylan_noktum, I do not remember ever seeing one off hand.02:14
just-aski go. bye all. see you soon02:14
ChipDSnowI'm trying to compile a very simple FreeBASIC program, and when I compile it, I'm getting an error about the system not finding libsupc++.a02:15
LoganJRuffBye just-ask02:15
itaylor57dylan_noktum: http://www.billardgl.de/index-en.html02:16
itaylor57dylan_noktum: look for billards in the repo02:17
LoganJRuffw00t! Ubuntu support channel is on FIRE tonight!02:17
dylan_noktumah thanks02:17
dylan_noktumyeah i just found it02:17
Scalyhey, I need some assistance02:19
edbianScaly: what's up?02:19
ScalyI need help installing php5, apache2, and lamp on ubuntu without an internet connection02:19
ScalyI've tried sudo apt-get install apache2, no soap02:20
edbianLAMP = linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP02:20
ScalyThat's what I mean02:20
tony_can anyone here help with a conky script?02:20
edbianScaly: If you don't mind me asking.  What is the point of having a webserver on a machine without internet access?02:20
ScalyPracticing PHP02:20
edbianScaly: all-right then.  Hang on a second02:21
patrickGood day, people02:21
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CSunHi.  Ubuntu server(10.10).  I have 5 NICs and the first four are config'd static. eth4(#5) will not take the static config.  Is there any limitations in ubuntu server I am missing?  Or is there anything else I am missing to allow 5 NICs to offer services?  Thanks.02:21
edbianScaly: Have you seen this?02:21
edbianScaly: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/offline.html02:21
brMPCan someone please give me a simple solution for installing Ubuntu on my netbook? I get this error that says "unable to find a medium containing a live file system. I don't have a CD and the Ubuntu wiki doesn't seem to have an answer.02:22
redcodeQuestion, how do I install a Xfce theme which came in an archive with .config, .launchy and .theme folders contained?02:22
ScalyI'd prefer to do it cdless02:23
edbianbrMP: install Ubuntu on a usb key02:23
brMPedbian: I did, when I try to install the boot helper from it I get an error also.02:23
edbianScaly: so with usb keys?  Try to see if apt-on-cd will let you put the packages on a usb key02:23
edbianbrMP: Oh I see.   Read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation02:24
aclonedsheepive been really struggling trying to get HDMI audio working on a nvidia ion PC , if anyone is familiar w/ the fix for this please let me know02:24
CSunHi.  Ubuntu server(10.10).  I have 5 NICs and the first four are config'd static. eth4(#5) will not take the static config.  Is there any limitations in ubuntu server I am missing?  Or is there anything else I am missing to allow 5 NICs to offer services?  Thanks.02:24
edbianScaly: It is probably easiest to connect the server to the internet for a few minutes get the packages you need and get off.02:25
brMPedbian: Thanks, I'll see if any of this works.02:25
edbianbrMP: It should all work! :)02:25
master7808could ask a question02:26
edbianmaster7808: That's what we're here for!02:26
glitchdi keep getting this error when i update....sudo: unable to resolve host larch02:27
glitchdcan someone help me?02:27
master7808what are your thoughts on a site I designed for linux you can see it at linuxossolutions.com02:27
edbianglitchd: I can help you! :)  What is the hostname of your computer?02:27
Scalythere's a physical issue with connecting it02:27
KM0201edbian: lmao02:27
edbianScaly: I see.  Well then my only suggestion is to see what apt-on-cd will let you do02:27
Scalyare you sure I have to use cd or internet?02:27
edbianKM0201: ?02:27
glitchdedbian, larch02:27
KM0201edbian: the way you said that, it madem e laugh02:27
sha1sumokay so found easily a vanilla debian ATI fglrx archive... any ubuntu-concentric one?02:28
master7808I am new to Linux and was touched so I built a site around it02:28
ScalyK ed, how do I find lamp on windows?02:28
Scalycuz that's what im using atm02:28
edbianScaly: You don't have to use a CD.  I suspect apt-on-cd will let you use a usb key or anything really02:28
glitchdedbian, ..?02:28
edbianmaster7808: :)  Lemme look at it02:28
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edbianglitchd: the error arises because there is something wrong in the /etc/hosts file02:28
obfuCSun: I never had trouble with multiple NICs, are they all the same model?02:28
master7808Please understand this isnt me spamming..but you guys are adamant users. and its my give back..02:29
glitchdedbian, any clue how to fix it?02:29
edbianglitchd: can you pastebin that file for me?  and through in the output of hostname as well ?02:29
edbianglitchd: I can surely fix it if I can see the files :)02:29
glitchdedbian, ok gimme a min to get them up then02:29
CSun obfu yes all the same card02:29
edbianmaster7808: give me a link please?02:29
edbianglitchd: take ur time02:30
CSunobfu: also, this box ran for 7 years(was Redhat 9) but HDD and PS died in it.02:30
master7808Sure thanks http://linuxossolutions.com or http://sitesandroid.com02:30
obfuCSun: have you tried swapping the configs around to have a different physical card be #5?02:30
sacarlsonCSun: no I don't know why you would have a problem with setup of static on 5 nic,  maybe a conflict with network-manager? what method are you using to setup static?  /etc/network/interfaces ?02:30
master7808One is a redirect to the linuxossolutions thank you. I appreciate02:30
Scalywhere can i find it for usb?02:31
CSunsacarlson: not using network mgr.  yes to etc/network/interfaces'02:31
edbianScaly: find what for usb?02:31
Scalyand how do I install? I'm new to linux02:31
CSunobfu: yes we have02:31
Scalyim on windows atm02:31
CSunobfu & sacarlson: thats why we were wondering if there is a "musical chair" effect with only 4 NICs in ubuntu server.02:31
edbianScaly: oh yes, apt-on-cd only works on linux.  I thought you were on linux on this machine too.02:31
BooshI want to tail a log, look for some values with a regex, then output the text in the shell using a regex replace.  That possible?02:32
edbianScaly: Do you still have the Ubuntu install CD?02:32
master7808Was the link fine ebian02:32
edbianScaly: I believe all the packages are on there.  Can you use that?02:33
sacarlsonCSun: I would like to see the /etc/network/interfaces file,  and also is network-manager still running?  If so I would try stoping it02:33
obfuCSun: I imagine that most of the options being set int /etc/network/interfaces are the same aside from IPs, yes?02:33
Scalyalright, what's the terminal command or how can i find it?02:33
glitchdedbian, here is what u asked for, http://pastie.org/144715502:33
edbianglitchd: hang on02:33
glitchdedbian, indeed02:33
CSunsacarlson & obfu: hang on a sec. :)02:34
edbianScaly: you have to add the CD as a repo.  If you look at sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list  you should see it there at the top commented out.02:34
master7808www.linuxossolutions.com/ sorry link resent02:34
edbianglitchd: change the bit that says Linbox to larch02:35
ScalyI can add the repo without the sources list02:35
Scalythere a little add button02:35
Scalywhat deb do i put in?02:35
CSunsacarlson & obfu: pastebin.com/4DSdzs8V02:35
edbianglitchd: That file tells the system that points back at itself.  If it does not know that it gets confused and throws the error you were seeing02:35
temp123i am trying to copy files from a dvd, or just open files on a dvd, and although i can see them i'm being told access is deinied. when i try to look at the permissions it says "the permissions of cdrom could not be determined". how can i fix this? i am logged in as the admin02:35
edbianScaly: Oh you have graphics!02:35
jocrawfohello everyone, does apt download the package to a temp directory somewhere prior to installing?02:36
edbianScaly: Then just follow the directions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/offline.html02:36
CSunsacarlson & obfu: FYI, the 5th NIC has been removed from that pastebin02:36
jocrawfoif so where can i find these files that have been downloaded to my machine?02:36
edbianjocrawfo: /apt/cache02:36
glitchdedbian, ok i changed it now im gonna try to update again02:36
sacarlsonCSun: well you only setup 4 nic so that's all there will be02:36
AnggaDj98jocrawfo: what for?02:36
jocrawfoAnggaDj98, I have a computer on work network that i can download a package from02:37
jocrawfoand transfer to another machine02:37
edbianglitchd: :)02:37
AnggaDj98jocrawfo: it is located in /var/cache/apt/archives02:37
jocrawfothe package is the VPN settings02:37
glitchdedbian, that worked, thank you very much02:37
edbianglitchd: excellent :)02:37
ScalyE: failed to mount the cdrom02:37
glitchdedbian, good work my friend02:37
CSunsacarlson: yes we took the 5th out to try and get around the problem but now three of the cards aren't working, can you see anything wrong with that config?02:37
jocrawfois there a way with apt to just download the file and not install?02:37
edbianglitchd: my pleasure02:37
edbianjocrawfo: yes, hang on...02:38
xxx_N_xxxgreek hub02:38
glitchdedbian, until we meet again sir02:38
AnggaDj98sudo apt-get install -d02:38
AnggaDj98jocrawfo: sudo apt-get install -d02:38
CSunsacarlson: ifconfig says the cards are up and connected but no ping02:39
master7808Hi all is there a chat were  could discuss a website possibly02:39
temp123i am trying to copy files from a dvd, or just open files on a dvd, and although i can see them i'm being told access is deinied. when i try to look at the permissions it says "the permissions of cdrom could not be determined". how can i fix this? i am logged in as the admin02:39
AnggaDj98master7808: #ubuntu-offtopic maybe?02:39
sacarlsonCSun: oh ok so let me see sudo route02:39
master7808ok great thanks02:39
jocrawfoAnggaDj98, that did not download the package02:39
AnggaDj98jocrawfo: what did you mean?02:39
jocrawfoto the /var/cache/apt/archives/ directory02:39
CSunsacarlson: stand by.02:40
jocrawfoi would like to get the package from the repo download it to this machine and then scp it to another machine for installation02:40
AnggaDj98you must state the location to save it02:40
AnggaDj98like in a USB drive02:40
AnggaDj98and move it to another machine02:40
CSunsacarlson: pastebin.com/Af1tvBhx02:41
obfuCSun: why are the nameservers config'd in interfaces rather than resolv.conf?02:41
jocrawfoAnggaDj98, you said -d so i did sudo apt-get install -d package-name02:41
AnggaDj98hang on02:41
CSunobfu: that was done in setup out of the box.02:41
sacarlsonCSun: I'm not sure but normaly I only see one auto line,  it should look like  auto eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4 lo,  it may work both ways just never see it like this02:42
zaeryis there an openoffice(or libreoffice) channel?02:42
obfuCSun: since it's the last interface dropping out, i would try removing, commenting, or moving the nameservers entry to resolv.conf02:42
CSunsacarlson: ok ill give that a go. back in a few mins02:42
CSunobfu: k, ill look into it in a sec02:43
jocrawfowow messed up02:43
jocrawfomy About Ubuntu menu says i am using 11.0402:43
jocrawfowhen I went to System -> About Ubuntu02:44
AnggaDj98maybe you choose to upgrade automatically without asking you permissions02:44
sacarlsonCSun: your route has 4 defaults is that what you really want?02:44
jocrawfoYou are using Ubuntu 11.0402:44
jocrawfo                - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012.02:44
jocrawfonope i didnt02:44
obfuCSun: seems to me that the last config (eth3 in the case you posted) is not parsing due to that last line02:45
sacarlsonCSun: normaly you have subnets and one path to wan as the default02:45
ScalyGuys, how can I get the ubuntu install DVD as a repo?02:45
jocrawfoah yea set to Normal Releases so I guess it did update to 11.04 whoops02:45
ScalyI can open it but repo says it isn't mounted02:45
jocrawfobut must be beta or something02:45
AnggaDj98me too02:46
CSunobfu: we just removed the DNS entry at bottom and rebooting02:46
xxthinkthe server is redhat02:46
jocrawfodamn didn't realise it was April 2011 already :)02:46
FrankLv"sudo apt-get install lamp-server^" works very convenient. but what's the "^" meaning here?02:46
ScalyI can open it but repo says it isn't mounted02:46
xxthinkwhen I use sshfs to mount the directory on the server to my ubuntu02:46
xxthinksshfs root@server tmp02:46
xxthinkand ls tmp02:46
AnggaDj98uhh jocrawfo02:46
AnggaDj98its sudo apt-get -d install packagename02:46
AnggaDj98sorry about that02:47
ScalyGuys, how can I get the ubuntu install DVD as a repo02:47
xxthinkbash: cd: tmp: Permission denied02:47
xxthinkbash: ls: tmp: Permission denied02:47
jocrawfothanks AnggaDj9802:47
itaylor57jocrawfo: its  a bug in the about unbuntu02:47
jocrawfoitaylor57, ya think :)02:47
edbianxxthink: I don't think it should be.  change it02:47
redcode!ide | redcode02:47
ubotturedcode, please see my private message02:47
AnggaDj98a little bit offtopic02:47
xxthinkedbian, how to change?02:47
researcher1how can I install a printer which can receive print command from Internet ?02:47
CSunsacarlson: this box doesn't have an ip assigned to it. it just offers dhcp services to 5 subnets.02:48
sacarlsonobfu: CSun: I think obfu: has a good point I don't see any dns on the other nets dns-nameservers
edbiansudo chmod 777 /tmp02:48
jocrawfowhat's the code name for 10.10?02:48
AnggaDj98!ide | AnggaDj9802:48
ubottuAnggaDj98, please see my private message02:48
AnggaDj98maveric merrkat02:48
xxthinkedbian,  this is my mount command sudo sshfs root@ tmp02:48
CSunsacarlson: we cant get a ping from an  outside node.  so dns is a secondary concern to us for now :)02:48
=== radgyrst is now known as sissiwimp
xxthinkedbian, even I use sudo chmod 777 tmp02:49
xxthinkls: cannot access tmp: Permission denied02:49
edbianxxthink: sudo chmod 777 /tmp02:49
jsnI am in a bit of a bind. I have updated to meerkat, but now I find I need to install postgresq-8.3. What is a good plan, since postgresql-8.3 is not available in meerkat.02:49
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me, does anybody knows how create a bootable pen drive with ubuntu in it?02:49
sacarlsonCSun: does each subnet have wan access? try take out all but one default route02:49
edbianxxthink: get the / in there02:49
xxthinkI mount it to my local tmp directory02:50
xxthinknot the /tmp dirctory02:50
=== flaco is now known as flacom
CSunsacarlson: hang on, taking headache pills.. gime a min. :P02:50
sacarlsonCSun: take your time02:50
jsnI added lucid sources to my sources.list, along with the meerkat sources, and it still can't find postgresql-8.302:51
jsnI was surprised by that.02:51
obfuCSun: not to overload you, but my suggestions would look like this: http://pastebin.com/m3bWqy9v02:51
xxthinkedbian, do you have some idea?02:51
redcodeWhy does Xubuntu idle at around 15-25% of my CPU : /02:52
danskubrhot to resize a image with imagemagick IF it's larger then some pixels?02:52
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: from Ubuntu?02:52
jsnoh, looks like I might have to go back to karmic.02:52
edbianxxthink: what is the output of ls -l / |02:52
edbianxxthink: sorry, sudo ls -l / | grep tmp02:52
mts7_does the ubuntu live cd allow read and write for ntfs partitions?02:52
KM0201mts7_: yes02:52
Um_cara_qualqueri already tried unetbooting and the startup creator... neither worked02:52
xxthinkdrwxrwxrwt  16 root root  4096 2011-01-11 10:48 tmp02:52
xxthinkedbian, because I want to mount it to another directory, not the /tmp directory02:53
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: Menu > Administartion > Startup Disk Creator, you need Ubuntu iso.02:53
edbianxxthink: you want to do what?02:53
xxthinkI mkdir tmp in my home directory02:53
CSunobfu: we did remove DNS info from the interfaces file as you suggested earlier02:53
xxthinkand I want to mount the remote directory on the server to /home/xxthink/tmp directory02:53
sacarlsonCSun: I think I might be wrong since each default is on a different nic02:53
jsnDo you want to mount it on the same machine, xxploit ?02:53
edbianxxthink: Why are you trying to do that?  Just use /tmp ?02:53
mts7_thanks, KM020102:53
jsnDo you want to mount it on the same machine, xxthink ?02:53
KM0201mts7_: np02:53
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, i already tried unetbooting and the startup creator... neither worked02:53
xxthinkedbian, ok, let me try02:54
AnggaDj98isnt floodbot flooded the conversation itself?02:54
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: hm, format usb to ext3, make sure Ubuntu iso is of similar version and check iso itself. What error you got?02:54
sacarlsonobfu: could he make all the gateways the same on all the nics?02:55
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak,  let me show you the print screen02:55
Um_cara_qualquerone second02:55
happybuntuhi all i need some quick help.. im using internet on ubuntu using usb modem and want to share it with my laptop which is win xp i have connected using cross over cable and now it is showing limited or no connectivity..02:56
zokehow do I access grub in 10.0402:56
zokeduring the boot process02:56
xxthinkjsn, I want use sshfs to mount the directory on the server to my local PC02:57
jsnzoke: /boot/grub/menu.lst has a grub timeout, to make it easier to catch02:57
zokejsn, I can't access ubuntu I want to go into recovery mode02:58
shcherbakhappybuntu: i think you need to set bridge, but not certain about cross cable.02:58
jsnxxthink, is the directory set up in /etc/exports on the server? Did you then restart the nfs service?02:58
jsnxxthink: well, ok then02:58
xxthinkjsn, I use sshfs02:58
obfusacarlson: I'm guessing that the NICs are going to different subnets based on what CSun posted, so the rest of the config should stay as is02:58
KM0201zoke: beyond that, 10.04 doesn't use /boot/grub/menu.lst    because thats for grub-legacy02:58
jsnxxthink, oh. It doesn't use any configuration on the server side?02:58
KM0201!grub2 | zoke02:58
ubottuzoke: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:58
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, http://img200.imageshack.us/i/primeroh.png/ - http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/843/segundoe.png02:59
xxthinkjsn, yes02:59
jsnThanks, KM020102:59
KM0201jsn: sorry, i thought it was zoke that needed help02:59
obfuCSun: any luck with the DNS removed?02:59
jsnKM0201, I didn't know /boot/grun/menu.lst was deprecated.02:59
KM0201jsn: yup, gone since... 9.04 i think?.. maybe  9.1002:59
KM0201jsn: but it was definitely gone in 10.0403:00
jsnKM0201, I was thanking you for correcting me. I've been on 9.04 for a while.03:00
jsnJust updated yesterday.03:00
KM0201jsn: oh ok.03:00
DiamondciteIs there a way to have a device(USB GPS) always be mapped to /dev/ttyUSB3 (even when ttyUSB0 to ttyUSB2 doesn't exist?)03:00
jsnMy server went from 9.04 to 10.10 in three steps.03:01
jsnJust this evening, after work.03:01
glacemanKM0201: had no luck buddy, tried them all one by one03:01
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: It is not 64bit or alternative installer?03:01
KM0201glaceman: hmm.03:01
glacemanKM0201: cause usually u have the startup sound, and non of them worked03:02
obfuDiamondcite: it might be somewhat roundabout, but socat can re-route ttys03:02
mzyKM0201, can you speak chinese ?03:02
KM0201mzy: no, i told you i couldn't03:02
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, i downloaded the 32 bit version03:02
glacemanKM0201: u know what03:02
glacemani have backtrack403:03
mzyKM0201,  sorry03:03
glacemanKM0201: and my sound is working on it03:03
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: md5sum your.iso and check on ubuntu.com, should be the same03:03
KM0201glaceman: hmm.. that is strange03:03
obfuDiamondcite: http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/03:03
Diamondciteobfu: I wonder if that would work.. the reason I'm asking is because the USB 3G modem needs ttyUSB0 to 2 for itself, when a GPS is plugged in first.. for some reason the 3G modem will no longer work unless I reboot.03:03
KM0201glaceman: what was your sound device again?... (output of lspci)03:03
glacemanrealtek alc27203:03
KM0201glaceman: no, the lspci output03:04
jsnThanks, everyone. Good night.03:04
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, i'm not that kind of expert yet... could you tell me the entire steps with details?03:04
obfuDiamondcite: ah, i misunderstood the reason, let me see what i can find03:04
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: other thing would be to unmount usb, or any "ghost" usb.03:04
glacemanKM0201: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552678/03:04
glacemani dunno03:04
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, oh f***... hang on03:04
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: md5sum /path/to/your.iso this giver checksum which should be identical to posted on ubuntu.com03:05
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shcherbakWhere are md5 on ubuntu.com?03:06
sacarlsonobfu: CSun: it apears if you ping anything outside the mask of all your nets it will try eth1 to get to wan but maybe this net never needs to go outside?03:06
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:07
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, almost there, 1 min03:08
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: Compare result with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes03:08
M4rotkuhey guys.  i'm trying to connect via ssh to someone's computer over the internet.  is that possible?  when i try to do it to another computer within my house, i get the same ip address as my own due to my router03:08
obfuDiamondcite: it looks like what you want are udev rules, i don't know much about them, but it seems that http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html should help03:09
DiamondciteM4rotku: Yes it's possible, but make sure the port is open on the target end.03:09
Homefixhave a rootstock question can someone help me03:09
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, it matches with this one: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso03:09
Diamondciteobfu: Thank you, I'll look into it.03:09
shcherbakM4rotku: yes, you can connect to ssh server anywhere.03:09
skullboyhow do i unbind gtk+ menuitems pacifically <Super>s03:10
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: so, let try to check your usb.03:10
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, k03:10
edbianM4rotku: Here is the thing.  You're computers in your house have internal IP addresses.  They are only valid on the inside of the router.  To the outside Internet the router get's another IP address.  This IP is the one used by all the computers in the house.  The router translates back and forth for you03:11
edbianM4rotku: if you google your IP address you'll see the public one, the one that the internet sees as belonging to the router03:11
shcherbakM4rotku: you can setup multiple ssh servers on one router, whey need, however run on different ports, and your router need forwoard it.03:12
M4rotkushcherbak, how do i set up for my router to forward it?03:12
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edbianM4rotku: you need to ssh to that address when you're sshing across the internet.  Then you tell the router that when SSH packets come in, forward them to a specific address, that is, the address of the computer you're REALLY trying to get to03:12
edbianM4rotku: put the routers IP address in a web browser address bar on a computer inside the network03:13
M4rotkuedbian, how on earth do i go about doing that?03:13
shcherbakM4rotku: log in to router, and find application sharing, or dzm (not recommended)03:13
edbianM4rotku: it's called forwarding :)03:13
edbianport forwading03:13
M4rotkuedbian, i think i'm at the right page for my router, does sound right?03:14
edbianM4rotku: yes it does03:14
M4rotkuedbian, i've never seen anything in here re forwarding.  can all routers do it?03:14
shcherbakM4rotku: it is written on the back of your router.03:14
edbianM4rotku: yes, it's probably called applications or something03:14
edbianshcherbak: what?03:14
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, should i be doing something now?03:15
M4rotkuis the router the same thing as the modem?  cause i'm at the modem's page atm03:15
shcherbakedbian: Router address, and login info.03:15
edbianM4rotku: router and modem are not the same, do you have a router or just a modem?03:15
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, i'm not in hurry man, when you are free to help, i'm here03:15
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: right, can you unmount usb?03:15
Curly_QM4rotku try this in your web browser:
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, what's next03:16
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: and lsusb to see that it is not connected, and df -h or fdisk -l to see if system see any usb drive.03:16
Curly_Q192.168.0.1 is the default browser page of most home routers.03:16
M4rotkuedbian, i have a modem and a wireless router03:17
M4rotkubut the router doesn't have an ip on the back03:17
edbianM4rotku: I suspect you're in the router.  What brand is the router?  What brand is the page you're viewing?03:17
DaGeek247Curly_Q many routers have small intenal ip differences. mine is: it may work.03:17
Curly_QDaGeek247 true, but in most cases 0.1 is the default. Most IP provided routers is 0.10003:18
M4rotkuthe page i'm viewing is sbc, the router is belkin03:18
edbianM4rotku: then you're in the wrong place! :P03:18
Curly_QCISCo routers is a totally different story.03:18
M4rotkuno wonder i can never do anything from here03:18
edbianM4rotku: What is your computer's IP address?03:19
shcherbakM4rotku: nast -i eth0 -m will show you whole lan03:19
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, lsusb sees the pen drive... df -h doesn't03:19
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: fdisk -l?03:19
edbianM4rotku: better yet, what is the output of sudo route03:19
skullboyhow do i unbind gtk+ menuitems pacifically <Super>s03:19
Danny78when I try to mount my windows shares it says "bad group name" referring to fstab...  what is the group name supposed to be?03:20
Curly_QEdbian, there is a website to check that. You might want to check it out it is:   http://www.ipchicken.com03:20
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, other way to check it i think is to press the locations menu... my pen drive isn't mount but i can see it03:20
gnumerousubuntu 10.04 laptop...is there a way to configure my wireless from starting? i already checked my bios and i can't prevent it from starting there.03:20
Danny78here's my fstab:  http://paste.debian.net/10426803:20
Um_cara_qualquerhang on03:20
edbianCurly_Q: thanks but I'm not the one with the problem :)03:20
Curly_QLol  :)03:20
Curly_QI know.03:20
Um_cara_qualquershcherbak, fdisk -l also sees it03:21
edbiangnumerous: finally! someone that wants to turn wireless OFF!:)03:21
Curly_QA simple ifconfig -a will help there.03:21
edbianM4rotku: go to
edbianM4rotku: See that is the default gateway?03:21
shcherbakUm_cara_qualquer: can you post me fdisk -l?03:21
edbianthat should be the IP of the router03:22
M4rotkuedbian, ok, this looks better, it's a belkin page03:22
edbianM4rotku: do you see forwarding or applications or something?03:22
Danny78How do I find gid and uid for fstab entry?03:22
WillGiljustask: you still here03:23
bonjoyeeedbian: M4rotku: in my router its under NAT!03:23
Curly_QJust Google the router and find the IP address or the Default Gateway and then once you http://192.168.0.?   then use the default User  admin     and password    admin03:23
edbianDanny78: If you're mounting a file system that doesn't have user permissions (like old ntfs and such) then every file will inherit the permissions of the folder the whole thing is mounted in03:24
emhow can i permenantly add a directory to $PATH ?03:24
edbianDanny78: otherwise you can set the GUI or UID in /etc/fstab, look at man mount for the options03:24
rusty149gnumerous: System > Preferences > Network Connections. Select connection > Edit... , uncheck connect automatically03:24
cp2_4evadoes anyone know why Ubuntu is showing certain colors to be pinkish-purplish? they weren't supposed to be that way.03:24
edbianDanny78: Furthermore, if the filesystem you're mounting has file permissions then they should be presisted or whatever03:24
bonjoyeeem: edit ~/.profile03:25
embonjoyee: i looked in there but there is nothing that just says PATH=03:25
emshould i just add a line like that?03:25
M4rotkuedbian, would it be the wireless bridge stuff?03:25
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edbianM4rotku: I don't think so?03:25
emPATH=$PATH:/usr/local/racket/bin ?03:25
mbvpixies78edbian:  permissions are for a specific user account I'm using to log in03:25
edbianmbvpixies78: permissions are applied to files.  The users on the system see the same permissions on files.  That is the whole point03:26
M4rotkuedbian, ok, i didn't think so either, but i have no idea what else it would be03:26
edbianM4rotku: http://en-us-support.belkin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/60/~/configuring-port-forwarding03:27
emHow do I reload bash to account for the changes?03:27
edbianM4rotku: It's a belkin right?03:27
rusty149Try, virtual servers03:27
edbianNow you'll need to know the IP address of the computer you're trying to ssh to remotely03:27
M4rotkuedbian, yes.  i might try posting a screenshot for you03:27
edbianM4rotku: sure, post away my friend!03:27
mbvpixies78edbian:  I set permissions by selecting a user and setting what he/she can't do to a certain set of files03:28
rusty149M4rotku: Try, virtual servers03:28
edbianmbvpixies78: Are these linux permissions or something else?03:28
M4rotkurusty149, that looks like it might be it03:28
mbvpixies78edbian:  I was referring to the windows shares I'm trying to mount at boot up03:29
edbianmbvpixies78: I have no idea how windows file permissions work.  :)  sorry! :/03:29
mbvpixies78edbian:  but also the uid and gid in fstab for mounting those shares at bootup03:29
rusty149M4rotku: You should see a table with inbound port and private port03:29
edbianmbvpixies78: for that just look up the options in man mount03:29
edbianM4rotku: ssh is port 22 btw03:30
M4rotkurusty149, yep, i'm testing it right now03:30
gnumerousrusty149: I made some changes, thanks for the suggestion03:30
The_ExplorerQuestion: Is anyone familiar with a good hard drive defrag tool for linux that optimizes data execution across multiple format partitions, Particularly for AHCI controllers?03:30
M4rotkuwhat is the difference between TCP and UDP?  i have to choose between them03:30
rusty149M4rotku:  Add 2 entries for both03:31
edbianM4rotku: use TCP or use both03:31
rusty149M4rotku: Both if you have option03:31
edbianM4rotku: To understand the difference take a networking class in college03:31
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M4rotkuedbian, ugg, i like computers, but i'm majoring in law and spanish03:31
ejv"The following packages have been kept back" how do I update the stuff held back?03:32
mbvpixies78edbian:  I'm looking at man mount and it's just not straight-forward enough for someone who doesn't only need it as a reminder of what one already knows...03:32
The_ExplorerOther question: I have 2 drives 1 SATA and 1 IDE, to maximize my low ram, i want to move my paging to a seperate drive, but this means i will have to run the OS or the paging on a slower drive. Should i install the OS on the slower drive and make better use of the paging on the faster, or would it be best to have both on the faster if im looking to increase post execution performance in gaming?03:32
edbianmbvpixies78: check this, much clearer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab03:32
rusty149mbvpixies78: Are you asking the uid for files that are mounted?03:33
edbianrusty149: he is03:33
eosstypically UDP is used for audio/video/telephony because its faster, the downside is it does not guarantee packet transfer03:33
eossso with UDP you will lose packets03:33
edbianeoss: basically, yes03:33
rusty149mbvpixies78: There is an option in fstab entry to determine what you want it to be.03:34
ddilingerif i wanted to install ubuntu to a dell vostro 1000 laptop, is there somewhere i might check for hardware compatiblity issues i might have?03:34
M4rotkuedbian, rusty149, ok, i added one for both options and it's still refusing the connection03:34
edbianddilinger: make the live CD and run it.  See how it works.  That's better than some list03:34
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:35
edbianM4rotku: what did you put as the IP addresS?  How are you testing it?03:35
mbvpixies78rusty149:  I need to set uid and gid in fstab for my two win7 shares03:35
ddilingeredbian: no CD drives, or USB sticks.  To install i was going to tftp boot it, but thats prob alot of work if its not going to work03:35
edbianddilinger: make the live CD and run it.  See how it works.  That's better than some list03:35
M4rotkui put my global ip adress and i'm testing it from my laptop trying to access my server03:35
rusty149mbvpixies78: post your fstab file in a paste.ubuntu.com03:35
edbianddilinger: oh man, IDK where you can find a list like that03:35
M4rotkuedbian, using the same username@ip format03:36
ddilingeredbian: its ok, thanks for the poiters, i might just go straight for the install03:36
fruttoddilinger: have you considred unetbootin (assuming there's an OS in place) ?03:36
edbianM4rotku: what Ip address?03:36
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ddilingerfrutto: i hadn't, i'll look into that03:36
macoddilinger: i know you can pxe boot to do an install03:36
The_Exploreranother question in relevance to Ubuntu alone, Is there a program that would allow me to pause filesystem activies (such as copying very large files) mid transfer, or allows me to queue transfers, for it seems as now  to be rather unintelligent in attempting to complete both tasks simultanously causing trashes between two distant sectors and slowing transfer overall03:36
M4rotkuedbian, the one that the showmyip site game me, i checked several sites and they all told me the same03:37
M4rotkuedbian, yes, that one03:37
edbianM4rotku: It worked for me a second ago :)03:37
lolcatThe_Explorer: Use sftp03:37
M4rotkuedbian, haha03:37
ddilingermaco: i think the tftp stuff i was thinking of is the same as PXE, i've done it once before for a netbook and still have the directory structure in place, i'm praying i just turn it on and it works :)03:37
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mbvpixies78rusty149:  fstab:  http://paste.debian.net/10426903:38
edbianM4rotku: so it works, good job :)03:38
wolterhi, what bluetooth related application has an icon of a blue piramid with circular waves been emitted from its tip?03:38
daze21_I use Ubuntu 10.04 on my compaq presario C300 (yeah, it's, old... :/ ).  While using it, a popup appeared saying there were many updates for my ubuntu install.  So I updated.. and then I was asked to restart, which I did. Now the problem: I initially get a screen of the OS's installed on this system.  I would first select (1) "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition", then choose (2) "Ubuntu" and then choose (3) "Ubuntu + [some stuff abou03:38
M4rotkuedbian, it doesn't work though03:38
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edbianM4rotku: I assure you, it does03:38
daze21_So I can't use Ubuntu anymore!03:38
edbianM4rotku: the port forwarding does anyway...03:38
daze21_The windows OS works fine though.... I have no idea what's going on...03:38
M4rotkuedbian, how do you know, did you ping me or something?03:39
daze21_Is there a way to undo those blasted updates?03:39
The_Explorer<lolcat> sftp is a more intelligent local drive protical03:39
fruttodaze21_: your message got cut off after ""Ubuntu + [some"03:39
edbianM4rotku: I tried to log into your server.  I didn't put in a user or password but I gave the command and it asks me for both.  It is def getting to a computer03:39
fruttodaze21_: but it looks like you'll have to fix something in grub via livecd03:39
daze21_(3) "Ubuntu + [some stuff about the kernel]".. but after I click (2), I go right back to the first screen03:39
The_Explorer<lolcat> was a question, forgot punctuation03:39
daze21_frutto: I got ubuntu via some download online... I dn't have a cd...03:40
M4rotkuedbian, hmm, interesting.  i'll try it without sending the username to begin with03:40
edbianM4rotku: sure03:40
KM0201daze21: you used wubi?03:40
shcherbakM4rotku: your ssh is up and running03:40
daze21_KM0201: yeah I think so03:40
edbianssh   works03:40
ddilingerwhat would be the best ISO to feed into unetbootin?  i need to download it seperatly so i can use a parallel downloader(comcast fsck's with my inet, 100kB/s downloads with 1 connection, 2mB/s with 40)03:40
M4rotkuedbian, it's still refusing my connection03:40
rusty149mbvpixies78: I didn't know it was a smb. you do not need uid and gid there03:40
rusty149mbvpixies78: Can you access it?03:41
dougbis there a way to revert the way ubuntu installs software? the ubuntu software center takes forever it seems like03:41
KM0201daze21: honestly, since you're able to boot Windows, i would immediately uninstall wubi... usually "upgrading" wubi, will wreck things(thats been my experience)03:41
edbianM4rotku: can't you even get into your own server!  haah  what is it saying?03:41
M4rotkuedbian, http://pastebin.com/iwMKdVA803:41
daze21_KM0201: whoa okay. how would I do that?03:41
mbvpixies78rusty149:  yes, I can access it, so uid and gid are just for linux shares?03:41
fruttowubi messes with grub, ubuntu updates mess with grub ...03:41
M4rotkuedbian, i'm logged into the server via other means, so i'm still here03:41
KM0201daze21_: control panel would be my guess.03:41
daze21_frutto: wow didn't know that! thanks... so basically DON'T UPDATE... :/03:42
fruttoddilinger: ultimately the same one you'd use to install it "for real"03:42
edbianM4rotku: I think maybe you're router is blocking you on the way out...03:42
daze21_KM0201: control panel after booting up my computer in Windows?03:42
shcherbakM4rotku: I just connected to your ssh. What IP are you using?03:42
edbianshcherbak: look at his pastebin03:42
fruttodaze21_: or rather don't use wubi for extended periods of time (i.e. not for testing)03:42
rusty149mbvpixies78: There are for certain local filesystems like ntfs. Of coarse, samba has uid's but there are determined by the server03:42
M4rotkuedbian, that could be it03:42
KB1LQChey im having problems with NVIDIA and Ubuntu 10.10. How can I specify the grub startup commands? I am not presented with grub with this install during startup03:42
edbianM4rotku: I'm afraid I can't help you with that.  I don't have a belkin router.  I can assure you your port forwarding and ssh server is working03:43
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M4rotkuedbian, well, i guess there is no reason why i would have to access it from my house anyways03:43
edbianM4rotku: You could just use the internal IP address :)03:43
woltercan I poll the notification area for the shown icons?03:44
M4rotkuedbian, yes, that's what i'll do, but the whole point of this is to help me walk a complete noob through allowing me to access his computer, which will be running sysresccd, so that i can scan his computer for viruses03:44
CrazyHUbuntu Jaunty. I have Keyboard shortcut options for desktop 1 and desktop 2 (I actually have 8 virtual desktops). Why are the other desktops missing form the keyboard shortcut menu? How can I set these hot keys?03:44
rusty149mbvpixies78: Can you repeat the question please? :)03:45
zvrkM4rotku, your router is setup to  dhcp03:45
daze21_okay... so I shouldn't use wubi?03:45
edbianM4rotku: who's the noob?03:45
M4rotkuedbian, i mean more of one than myself.  trust me, this guy thinks i'm a computer genius.  he's never used linux03:45
M4rotkuzvrk, yes03:45
edbianM4rotku: hahaha, I didn't mean to call you a noob.  I couldn't resist03:45
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.03:45
daze21_well, if the only issue with wubi is that it messes with updates, why don't I just NOT update so I don't face this problem again?03:46
mbvpixies78rusty149:  when I try to mount my windows shares using fstab, they won't mount, even though I can mount them manually through "Places"03:46
M4rotkuedbian, don't worry.  i'm not offended after having to be walked through accessing my own router03:46
zvrkM4rotku, your internet connection are?03:46
edbianM4rotku: It might change the address of the ssh server eventually then the forwarding you set up won't be right anymore03:46
fruttodaze21_: that's a bit beyond the scope of your real question at hand (i.e. how to get everything back), but not doing updates is not being secure :)03:46
shcherbakM4rotku: http://img840.imageshack.us/i/screenshotglt.png/ bottom right, tell me in private.03:46
mbvpixies78rusty149:  iow, I'd like Ubuntu server to mount windows shares on startup03:46
gz0whats voice recognition would anyone recommend for ubuntu 10.10 amd64?03:46
bonjoyeembvpixies78: have you installed smbfs?03:46
daze21_frutto: well, so here's my situation: i want to get Ubuntu working on this laptop, as old as this laptop may be.  I really want to do some Rails development on Ubuntu.  What do you recommend?03:47
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  yes03:47
zvrkM4rotku, like adsl cable or dial up03:47
daze21_If wubi is unstable.... :/03:47
bonjoyeembvpixies78: then what is the error?03:47
mbvpixies78mount error(111): Connection refused03:47
mbvpixies78Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page03:47
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  but as I say, I can mount and browse in the GUI03:48
rusty149mbvpixies78:  OK, lets start again. First don't put you password in there for all to see.03:48
mewayI have a Tyan thunder 2500 64-bit system. with 8gb ram and 933 mhz processor. What is the best version of ubuntu to put on something like this?03:48
bonjoyeembvpixies78: did you try "sudo mount -t smbfs //ipaddr/share /mnt/mountpoint"?03:49
mbvpixies78rusty149:  that's not my password03:49
mbvpixies78rusty149:  I changed it so the world wouldn't see03:49
rusty149mbvpixies78: Create a credentials file. sudo nano ~/.smbcredentials03:49
mewayprocessor is dual core Pentium 3. yes I understand it blows :)03:49
zvrkM4rotku, or you setting up local network03:49
M4rotkuzvrk, i'm not setting up a network03:49
CaneToadARRRRRGGH I am finding that my 10.10 desktop locks up every couple hours and I have to press CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE and restart X as a result.... the desktop is useable in the sense that the mouse moves and ALT-TAB works between apps, but no windows can be dragged, and focus between windows does not change at all when you click on a window.  There's nothing wrong with my mouse.  Maybe it is some nvidia graphics issue, I've no idea03:49
daze21_-shrugs- any recommendations about what to do? I just got the wireless driver working... man I shouldn't have updated... I really just wanted to try this outtt .... :(03:50
rusty149mbvpixies78: It can be read by other local users03:50
daze21_is wubi really a bad installer>?03:50
shcherbakM4rotku: if i can connect and you not, means that you did something wrong.03:50
mewayI will go with server edition or w/e but my concern is the cpu being so small. and the os03:50
mbvpixies78rusty149:  ok, I get what you're saying now--  I wondered about that but figured I'd get it working first *shrugs*03:50
DW_UpstairsOkay. This one isn't REALLY an Ubuntu question, but Ubuntu is involved and I'm not sure where else to ask... Right now I'm typing on a Windows laptop. To my right is a computer with Ubuntu desktop 64-bit freshly-installed.03:50
zvrkM4rotku, what you try to do/03:50
ddilingerdefinatly an old laptop ... the last entry in the browser history is feb 200903:50
mbvpixies78rusty149:  I have an empty file open for writing03:51
DW_UpstairsThe Windows laptop gets an IP address from the DHCP server just fine. The Ubuntu machine does not.03:51
Blueleaf1Can anyone help me with my wireless connection?03:51
rusty149mbvpixies78: 2 lines03:51
bonjoyeeM4rotku: i can "see" your ssh service and connect as well!03:51
M4rotkushcherbak, if you look back in the convo, i think we already identified the problem03:51
DW_UpstairsBoth machines are connected to the same switch. The LEDs on the switch indicate that the Ubuntu machine is physically connected.03:51
daze21_Blueleaf1: well seeing as I just struggled with mine and FINALLY got it working... maybe...03:51
rusty149mbvpixies78: username=[smb username]03:51
DW_UpstairsSwapping cables on the Ubuntu box hasn't helped03:51
DW_UpstairsAnyone got any ideas for diagnosis?03:51
adv0cateso i upgraded my ubuntu to 10.10, and now my dock bar is not showing up..i use gnomeDo i don't know how to retrieve it03:51
rusty149mbvpixies78: password=[smb password]03:51
macodaze21_: updates breaking wubi is not unheardof, what with its odd way of installing inside an image inside windows and then convincing the bootloader to load it from an image (normally its from an actual partition)03:51
Blueleaf1daze21  i haven't used a nix system in 10 years, recently decided to come back from the dark side.03:52
daze21_maco: so... what should I do? I just wanted to work on Ubuntu for some Rails development up till the time I get a new laptop (a few months down the line)03:52
daze21_and now that it stopped working due to those blasted updates....03:52
shcherbakM4rotku: thats good03:52
macodaze21_: id do a real dual-boot03:52
Blueleaf1my wireless works fine with windows but i can get it to work with ubuntu03:53
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mbvpixies78rusty149:  ok, so does this get encrypted somehow?03:53
bonjoyeeDW_Upstairs: run sudo dhclient in terminal03:53
daze21_maco: any links about that?03:53
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daze21_Blueleaf1: yeah I had that issue... what's your exact system name?03:53
daze21_You probably need the drivers or something.03:53
rusty149mbvpixies78: no, sudo chmod 600 ~/.smbcredentials03:53
Blueleaf1system name?03:53
DW_Upstairsbonjoyee: Endless series of "DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval X", with X increasing with each subsequent attempt03:54
daze21_like, mine's compaq presario c300... look on it.. it must be written somewhere...03:54
macodaze21_: it just means having multiple OSes installed on the disk. normally this means partitioning the disk (making different sections for each OS), which wubi attempts to avoid. the installer offers it in the guided partitioning03:54
Blueleaf1i have a toshiba harman/kardon laptop03:54
edbianDW_Upstairs: something is wrong with the DHCP server03:54
DW_Upstairsbut the laptop I'm on seems to be getting an IP from DHCP just fine03:54
Blueleaf1I have it set up to dual boot03:54
Northwoodswhat is APT ?03:54
mewayDW_Upstairs, try plugging the computer directly to the router instead of the switch and than plugging it back into the switch after it has obtained an IP?03:54
bonjoyeeDW_Upstairs: hope you can ping the router?03:54
Northwoodsi mean what is it used for ?03:54
edbianNorthwoods: apt is a package manager03:55
CrazyHNorthwoods: Advanced Package Tool03:55
Northwoodsedbian: used for ?03:55
DW_Upstairsmeway: Not really an option. The machines are in different rooms.03:55
mbvpixies78rusty149:  so what should I remove from fstab?  uid, guid, user and pass and leave the rest?03:55
edbianNorthwoods: apt-get is used to install packages (software from repos)03:55
mewayDW_Upstairs, move it03:55
ddilingerNorthwoods: its like the app store for phones, except the software is free and its been out for years and years03:55
DW_UpstairsThe router is downstairs in the front room; Right now I'm upstairs in the back room03:55
mewayDW_Upstairs, and than move it back03:55
CrazyHNorthwoods: it is used manage software packages. install, remove, upgrade03:55
daze21_blueleaf1: well I found this site http://www.linlap.com/wiki/hp-compaq+presario+c300 which explained how to resolve my issue. search around there for your system, and see if it needs certain wireless drivers or something.03:55
DW_UpstairsDid I mention the Ubuntu system involved is a desktop and has no battery?03:55
NorthwoodsCrazyH: thanks03:55
edbianDW_Upstairs: Your nick is very literal03:56
mewayDW_Upstairs, trust me it will turn back on03:56
adv0cateso i upgraded my ubuntu to 10.10, and now my dock bar is not showing up..i use gnomeDo i don't know how to retrieve it03:56
NorthwoodsCrazyH: there are 2 types of pacakages , binary and soruce files , what is difference ?03:56
Blueleaf1will do. thanks.03:56
DW_UpstairsI can log in to the web interface of the DHCP server (actually a wireless router) from this laptop.03:56
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edbianNorthwoods: binaries are compiled source files03:57
DW_UpstairsThis laptop has no Wifi btw, it's connected to the same switch as the Ubuntu machine with CAT503:57
mewayDW_Upstairs, from the ubuntu fresh installed?03:57
macoNorthwoods: source have the actual code. they get turned into binary packages which then have installable files03:57
edbianNorthwoods: You can run a binary, you can view a source file (it is code after all)03:57
DW_Upstairsmeway: Yeah. It wouldn't even get an IP during the installation process03:57
bullgard4Banshee 1.8.0 requests: "Please move your music to /home/<my_username>/Musik". My music collection is on an external USB hard drive. How can I comply in order to be able to use Banshee?03:57
daze21_so... do most people use Ubuntu as... what? their main linux distribution? not in conjunction with windows and all this stuff?03:57
edbianDW_Upstairs: it's a bad cable?03:57
mewayDW_Upstairs, does the windows machine give you an issue with two machines getting the same IP?03:57
wolterneed help with my bluetooth, file is stuck receiving at 29%03:57
wolterand I see a blue pyramid that appears to have crashed03:57
macobullgard4: rmdir ~/Musik &&  ln -s /mnt/external/drive/music /home/user/Musik03:58
mbvpixies78bonjoyee:  sorry, I missed your suggestion, let me see what happens03:58
DW_Upstairsedbian: I've tried about three cables, none of them work03:58
CrazyHNorthwoods: yeah... binaries are source code that was compiled for your specific platform. source files are source code that you can compile yourself, or modify if you want to03:58
edbiandaze21_: I think most people use Ubuntu all alone.  Many also use it dual boot with windows03:58
Northwoodsso basically APT can be used to install both source and binray files ?03:58
DW_Upstairsmeway: Not sure what you're asking.03:58
edbianNorthwoods: yes03:58
macoNorthwoods: no. you cant install source files03:58
CrazyHNorthwoods: yeah. Sometimes you'll use it to get source code that you need to compile something03:58
rusty149mbvpixies78:  //gaia.seventhring.tzo.net/D /mnt/gaia/music cifs credentials=/home/[user name]/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 003:58
mewayDW_Upstairs, unplug your switch take out the input and stick it in the machine. obtain an IP. Plug the switch back in. Than plug the internet back into the switch03:58
daze21_edbian: so probably not from this wubi installer? I mean, if this installer can bring such major issues as the inability to upgrade.... why use it? should I just wait to get a linux laptop?03:58
CrazyHNorthwoods: most of the time you'll just use it to install binaries + all of their dependencies03:59
rusty149mbvpixies78: replace [user name]  with your username03:59
bullgard4maco: I will try.03:59
DW_Upstairsmeway: Worth a shot I suppose. Gonna lose connection while I do that, of course.03:59
macodaze21_: most people who use ubuntu & windows on the same machine probably still partition it03:59
NorthwoodsCrazyH: Thankyou got it03:59
mewayDW_Upstairs, its ok you know where to finds us :)03:59
NorthwoodsThankyou all !03:59
edbiandaze21_: Just install Ubuntu proper on the laptop you have.  Wubi is the easiest way to install.  I don't think though that a normal install is hard03:59
daze21_Okay.  Hmm..  how much memory does it cost to partition, maco?03:59
macodaze21_: thats the tried-and-true method for having more than one OS thats been in use for at least a decade. wubi's only been around for like...3 years or so03:59
edbianNorthwoods: yep :)03:59
macodaze21_: no memory03:59
macodaze21_: you decide how much disk space goes to each OS04:00
edbiandaze21_: You can tell the partition to be as big or as small as you want.04:00
mewayhow  much cpu does ubuntu server edition take?04:00
Northwoodsone more question sorry , to check installed lamp things , like php apache , can i use APT , someone told me apt-cache policy php , what is policy for  and how can i use APT to view existing installed pacakages ?04:00
edbianmeway: about 2 Gb of HDD space04:01
daze21_so, should I partition or should I just use the wubi installer?  I mean, I think I'd like to use wubi and just be careful not to upgrade at all.  You did say it was the easiest way to install... this, plus the fact that I'll probably use it just to code for a few months in Rails... then later I'll get a linux laptop...04:01
daze21_How does that sound?  Or do you strongly recommend partitioning?04:01
mewayedbian, cpu04:01
edbianNorthwoods: apt-get show <packageName> will show you stuff about it.04:01
Saqirilthello everybody04:01
edbianmeway: It depend on what the server is doing.  The OS idling is obviously very very light on CPU usage04:01
mewayedbian, it only has 933 mhz04:02
macodaze21_: i dont think theres much difference in ease between the two. main difference i remember is that you have to burn a cd to do a normal install04:02
edbianmeway: That's enough :)  server has no graphics so you won't even notice04:02
daze21_maco: normal install... you mean partition or no?04:02
edbianNorthwoods: sorry, aptitude show <packageName>04:02
macodaze21_: doesnt matter... a non-wubi install requires you to burn a cd04:03
edbianNorthwoods: aptitude is another package manager tool, very similar to apt, it does slightly more (like the show command)04:03
mewayedbian, how do I make a disk from ubuntu I only made it from windows.04:03
macodaze21_: look here http://sazeit.com/articles/sites/default/files/images/install-step4bsm.png04:03
rusty149daze21_:I think you would have less problems with a partition install, myself04:04
macodaze21_: see how they selected "install them side by side" and then below that its got a slider to set how much of the disk goes to each OS?04:04
edbianmeway: use brasero or gnome-baker04:04
edbianmeway: Whatever the cd burner that is installed by default is can burn ISOs.  Just make sure you choose burn disk image or burn ISO04:04
mewayedbian, o.o I have not used ubuntu that long so don't mind me if I get lost ^_^04:05
macodaze21_: thats one step...others are user/password choosing, timezone setting, language setting, picking keyboard layout...04:05
edbianmeway: no worries :)04:05
daze21_rusty149: so a partition install is better for the long-run, apparently.  Does wubi have many other issues - other than the updating one?04:05
Northwoodsedbian: i did aptitude show php04:05
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edbianNorthwoods: uh-huh04:05
mewayits a dvd burner so I'm sure I won't have any issues there04:05
edbianNorthwoods: aptitude show php504:06
edbianmeway: :)04:06
* meway has to wait 20m for it to download04:06
rusty149daze21_: not sure, look at the list of bugs online04:06
edbianNorthwoods: sure04:06
dougbhas anyone else had problems with HP laptops and playing 3D games? whenever I play them my audio levels seem to go up and down04:06
Chilaquileshey how can make ubuntu to log in without asking for a password?04:06
edbianChilaquiles: System -> Admin -> Login -> auto Login04:06
Chilaquileslike log in automatically without asking for password04:07
daze21_quite the dilemma....04:07
Chilaquilesok let me check that up04:07
edbianChilaquiles: that was from memory (not that I'm bragging)04:07
DBoyzrusty149: your method didn't work04:07
mewayedbian, I found the instructions on the site so I hope I get it right XD04:07
rusty149DBoyz: sorry, what method?04:07
edbianmeway: I'm here if you have more questions04:08
DW_VirginMediaSuI get the sudden, horrible feeling I know what the problem was, and it's stupid. On my part.04:08
Chilaquilesedbian: autologin? or log in as **** automatically?04:08
ChilaquilesI assume is the same lol04:08
edbianChilaquiles: I stand corrected :)04:08
DW_VirginMediaSu(DW_Upstairs again, shoulda disconnected from IRC before I started unplugging cables)04:08
DBoyzrusty149: using try unlisted linux iso (new syslinux) on pendrivelinux04:08
=== DW_VirginMediaSu is now known as DW_Upstairs
rusty149DBoyz: Did you see the alternate install screen?04:09
mewayDW_Upstairs, so did you fix it?04:09
DBoyzrusty149: NO only a blinking underscore04:10
DW_Upstairsmeway: SOmewhat: I tried a DIFFERENT switch. And it's working.04:10
Northwoodsis there a way to copy a line from terminal window with keyboard , without using mouse ?04:10
Chilaquileshey how can I view the desktop in a 3d cube?04:10
edbianNorthwoods: ctrl+shift+c  I believe04:10
edbianNorthwoods: using shift to highlight it of course04:10
mewayDW_Upstairs, I only have one switch so if its not working I'm in trouble :)04:11
rusty149DBoyz: Did you see the Ubuntu logo and some options below?04:11
Northwoodsedbian: shift isnt' working04:11
Northwoodsit prints some strange char on terminal window04:11
DBoyzrusty149: not at all04:11
edbianNorthwoods: I was afraid of that.  I don't remember04:11
landonwoI'm trying to change the default page on my apache server to be something else instead of index.html, what config file is that in and where is it located?04:11
edbianNorthwoods: is this on a CLI server or something?  Where are you trying to paste it?04:11
DW_UpstairsIt's official. I'm a fucktard.04:11
Chilaquileshey how can I view the desktop in a 3d cube?04:11
edbianChilaquiles: sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm04:12
edbianChilaquiles: You use that app to turn the cube on and off :)04:12
Northwoodsi'm trying to copy it from terminal window , so that i can paste on kvirc04:12
edbianDW_Upstairs: I hope not!04:12
DW_UpstairsThe first switch I was using wasn't technically a switch; It was a wireless router set up to act as an access point.04:12
edbianNorthwoods: Why not use the mouse?04:12
Chilaquilesedbian is that true that I can use compiz to do that?04:12
rusty149daze21_: Are you sure you have set the BIOS to boot the USB stick?04:12
edbianChilaquiles: yes04:12
Northwoodsedbian :)04:12
edbianChilaquiles: I'm doing it right now04:12
DW_UpstairsHowever, the MAC address list is still used to filter clients connected to the RJ45 ports04:12
edbianNorthwoods: :)04:12
daze21_rusty149: I have no idea.04:12
mbvpixies78rusty149:  I rebooted and they didn't mount...  I need to try to mount manually command line to see what works04:12
DW_UpstairsThis laptop is on that router's access list04:12
DW_UpstairsThe Ubuntu machine was not04:12
DW_UpstairsNow it is, and all is well.04:13
rusty149daze21_:sorry wrong person04:13
DW_UpstairsSo: I'm a fucktard.04:13
Chilaquilesok , so what keys do I need to press to do that?04:13
edbianChilaquiles: did you install the app?  and turn on the cube?04:13
landonwoCan anyone tell me how to change the default page in apache2? I want it to be something different than index.html04:13
Chilaquilesyes I did edbian04:13
stealthck trying to get uuid of my thumbdrive and neither method found on this page is working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34937604:13
edbianChilaquiles: ctrl + alt + left, ctrl + alt + right04:13
rusty149 Are you sure you have set the BIOS to boot the USB stick?DBoyz:04:13
stealthcoh that is dumb I forgot sudo04:13
edbianChilaquiles: or put the mouse on the desktop and scroll04:13
edbianChilaquiles: or ctrl + alt + click the left mouse button (and hold it) and move the mouse around04:14
mewayDW_Upstairs, well in that case I was just trying to make you feel better I have 3 routers and 1 switch :p04:14
dougbis anyone here running ubuntu on an HP notebook with an i3 processor and integrated graphics?04:14
meway1 private network :)04:14
DW_UpstairsSorta matched you... I've got two routers and two switches04:14
rusty149DBoyz: Haave you checked the md5sum?04:14
stealthcok how do I use the uuid to find the mount point of the drive?04:14
landonwoCan anyone tell me how to change the default page in apache2? I want it to be something different than index.html04:15
DBoyzhang on04:15
mewayDW_Upstairs, all wireless (not switch)04:15
Chilaquileshey edbian but I have seen people that make the cube go far and they even have a wallpaper04:15
DW_Upstairsalthough my bedroom is connected to the downstairs LAN through Ethernet-over-power bridges.04:15
DBoyzno not yet04:15
DBoyzhang on04:15
DW_UpstairsI can't get a wireless signal in this room, plus this way lets me hook up a number of devices which can't use wireless at all.04:15
landonwoCan you guys see what I'm typing?04:15
DBoyzrusty149: what's the checklist link?04:15
edbianChilaquiles: For that you need to install ccsm04:16
edbianChilaquiles: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager (or something like that)04:16
rusty149DBoyz: http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/MD5SUMS04:16
Chilaquilesok nevermind then04:16
bastidrazorlandonwo: #httpd might be a better source of apache help.04:16
Chilaquilesthanks edbian04:16
edbianChilaquiles: It's much bigger and more elaborate than simple-ccsm, it lets you change much much more04:16
landonwothank you04:16
mewaytrue true. DW_Upstairs if your signal does not reach go buy a can of air from walmart 8 dollars or something blow it out. Also you will receive a stronger signal with the router higher in the air rather than lower on the floor.04:16
bastidrazorlandonwo: best of luck and patience :)04:16
DW_Upstairsmeway: There's only so high I can have the router04:17
edbianChilaquiles: good luck.  It's huge!04:17
* meway has to waste 32 min04:17
mewayDW_Upstairs, buy a longer cord :p04:17
rusty149mbvpixies78: try, sudo mount -a04:17
DW_UpstairsThe only way I can get it higher is by mounting it on the wall. Oh wait, the mains cord won't reach04:17
DW_Upstairs*shrug* I just said 'screw it' in the end, and got an Ethernet-over-power kit04:17
bullgard4maco: This worked. --  Thank you for your help. -- I am making my first steps in Banshee. I am trying to play Mozart's 'Eine kleine Nachtmusik'. The title is shown in row 3. There is a progress bar slowly moving to the right. There is a throbber rotating  in the lower right. I cannot hear any sound. The sound symbol in the systray is displayed thinly. How to obtain sound?04:17
DW_UpstairsAfter an initial false start I've got that working just fine04:17
Chilaquilesedbian: I have seen people thatr minimize the widnow and you can see like flames and cool stuff. Can I do that with compiz?04:18
DW_UpstairsConsidering they only cost me £35 for the pair, when most name-brand kits cost like £80, they work VERY well.04:18
macobullgard4: click the sound symbol?04:18
DW_UpstairsI get about 70Mbps with them. Not bad considering they're rated for a max of 85Mbps.04:18
zvrkChilaquiles, yes04:18
edbianChilaquiles: yes04:18
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edbianChilaquiles: Short answer, if you have seen somebody do it and it is neat, it was compiz04:18
Chilaquilesedbian: where is that configuration located04:18
edbianChilaquiles: No idea, cube plugin probably04:19
DBoyzrusty149: values are the same04:19
zvrkChilaquiles, like rain effect etc04:19
mewayAfter my screen saver pops up and I type my password in because it asks me to it says something about ubuntu graphical mode or w/e. it only shows up on part of my 42"" lcd screen o.o wtf04:19
Chilaquilesyes zvrk04:19
mbvpixies78rusty149:  I'm still getting connection refused, refer to mount.cifs04:20
f0urtyfiveanyone know if multi-head config has gotten any better in the last 2/3 versions?04:20
bullgard4maco: I clicked on the sound symbol and then on »Unmute«. Now I can hear the music playing. --  Thank you very much for your help.04:20
rusty149mbvpixies78: sudo mount.cifs //gaia.seventhring.tzo.net/D /mnt/gaia/music cifs -o credentials=/home/[user name]/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077704:20
zvrkChilaquiles, you need install compiz and all compiz packages04:20
DW_Upstairsf0urtyfive: got better? Does Ubuntu's multi-head fail or something?04:20
edbianzvrk: Chilaquiles is the coolest thing ever04:21
edbianChilaquiles: compiz that is04:21
Chilaquileshow do I do that zvrk?¿04:21
f0urtyfiveDW_Upstairs: Dual head is usually easy (unless you want to rotate one), > 2 doesnt ever work unless you do the config by hand; at least last time I tried04:21
zvrkChilaquiles, 3d accelerator too04:21
rusty149mbvpixies78:  if not try adding domain=[Domain] to smbcredentials04:21
ChilaquilesI dont have a good video vard04:21
DW_Upstairsf0urtyfive: So Ubuntu should work okay on Monster. Good to know.04:21
edbianChilaquiles: doesn't really matter04:21
ChilaquilesI think it's going to be very slow if i enable that04:22
f0urtyfiveDW_Upstairs: I configured my current setup (24", 17" rotated 90 degrees) in 8.04 and dont dare try to change it04:22
f0urtyfiveDW_Upstairs: And even now it gets glitchy, doesnt to XRANDR, etc etc etc04:22
DW_UpstairsAll I need is to be able to set both screens to 1280x1024, nothing more esoteric than that04:22
zvrkChilaquiles, search for compiz in software packages04:23
rusty149DBoyz: There is a usb-startup-disk.exe creator on the cdimages. It is same software used in Linux and always works. you could try that04:23
DW_Upstairsof course, considering my problems with Windows 7 in that vein, Ubuntu may raise my blood pressure too04:23
ChilaquilesI already installed that zvrk04:23
f0urtyfiveDW_Upstairs: Wierd, I've never had an issue with windows multi mon04:23
zvrkChilaquiles, 3d accelerator too?04:23
edbianChilaquiles: It will show you all the other extra plugins and such related to compiz04:23
DW_UpstairsSeems that Windows 7 considers the monitor's EDID to be God, and stubbornly resists every effort to change it.04:23
edbianzvrk: It's installed and running by default04:23
DW_UpstairsWindows XP allowed monitor drivers to override it04:24
DW_UpstairsWindows 7 doesn't04:24
edbianDW_Upstairs: what is an EDID?04:24
Chilaquilesmmhh do I have to install that from the software packages also?04:24
DBoyzrusty149: links to dl that one pls04:24
IdleOne!ot | DW_Upstairs04:24
ubottuDW_Upstairs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:24
Chilaquilesthe 3d acceleratior?04:24
ldz420Hi I am issues with UNE (ubuntu netbook edition) 10.10 any is this the correct chat?04:24
DW_Upstairsalright, point taken04:24
rusty149Its on the cds and in the .iso04:24
DW_Upstairsedbian: EDID is the monitor's configuration, as I understand it. If the monitor supports Plug and Play, EDID is the data that the OS uses to configure it04:24
edbianChilaquiles: You do not have to install compiz.  It is installed by default04:25
mbvpixies78rusty149:  I'm still getting connection refused, even with adding the domain to .smbcredentials  by which we use the domain minus the host, i.e., not the FQDN, right?04:25
edbianDW_Upstairs: Electronic Digital ID perhaps?04:25
Chilaquilesok but what about the 3d accelerator?04:25
f0urtyfiveso no one knows if ubuntu multi-head support sucks less in the new releases?04:25
DW_Upstairs"Extended display identification data", so sayeth Wikipedia04:25
edbianChilaquiles: Do any of the compiz effects work?  Does the cube work?04:25
rusty149mbvpixies78: yeah, so e.g WORKGROUP  or whatever yours is04:25
Chilaquilesthey do04:25
edbianChilaquiles: then it's all working04:26
DW_UpstairsProblem is that my Dell monitor reports its maximum resolution to be lower than it ACTUALLY supports.04:26
edbianChilaquiles: You just have to configure compiz04:26
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Chilaquilesyeah but when I try to minimize the window I don't see the flames04:26
DW_UpstairsI used 1280x1024 under XP, even though the EDID claims its maximum res is 1152x86404:26
shcherbakChilaquiles: ccsm04:26
zvrkChilaquiles, install then ccsm04:26
edbianChilaquiles: You just have to configure it in ccsm04:26
DW_UpstairsAnyone know how easily the Nvidia drivers would let me override that in Ubuntu?04:26
zvrkand you need set up effects04:27
Chilaquilesis that going to take a lot of resourses?04:27
ChilaquilesI don't have a good machine04:27
edbianChilaquiles: not really, more than no flames04:27
edbianChilaquiles: trust me, it really doesn't matter04:27
rusty149DBoyz: have you got an ubuntu cd?04:27
=== M4rotku_ is now known as M4rotku
shcherbakChilaquiles: CompizConfig Settings Manager - it will let you set flames04:27
DBoyzi don't have a cd drive04:28
ChilaquilesI think I have it installed04:28
ldz420Hi I am issues with UNE (ubuntu netbook edition) 10.10 any is this the correct chat?04:28
edbianChilaquiles: It shows up in System -> Preferences04:28
edbianldz420: You're in the right place.  Ask the question04:28
bullgard4ldz420: Yes.04:28
Chilaquilesedbian under what name?04:29
rusty149DBoyz: can you mount the .iso , if not use this http://www.slysoft.com/en/virtual-clonedrive.html04:29
edbianChilaquiles: compiz-config settings manager04:29
* DW_Upstairs resists the urge to comment on UNE 10.1004:29
edbianSystem -> Preferences04:29
ldz420bullgard: thx04:29
Chilaquilesyes thats the program I was configuring since the beginning04:29
edbianChilaquiles: That's it!  the flame thing is in Animations04:29
DBoyzrusty149: what's that04:29
DBoyzand how do i use that?04:30
rusty149DBoyz: after install it will let you open .iso files and read it just like a burnt cd04:30
steevhi all, i'm trying to figure out what im doing wrong here, and maybe someone can give some suggestions.  I've tried adding a module to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules (pata_fsl) as well as adding it in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/modules; it still doesn't load the module.  the module IS in the initramfs, but it isn't loading it04:30
Chilaquilesunder effects edbian?04:30
edbianChilaquiles: yeah04:30
Chilaquilescool let me try that04:31
DW_UpstairsOkay, here's an Ubuntu question; Ubuntu has put an icon in the taskbar telling me to Install Drivers for my Geforce 7600. Except, I just did that. Apparently it thinks I need to enable BOTH versions of the Nvidia drivers.04:31
rusty149DBoyz: simply double-click and treats it like a folder04:31
edbianChilaquiles: ummm, no, IDK it's in there somewhere, explore04:31
steevi've tried adding something to a hooks, for force_load pata_fsl, but it doesn't seem to work either04:31
DW_UpstairsAnyone know how to get rid of that?04:31
DBoyzwhat do i do next?04:31
DW_UpstairsI'm pretty sure that I can't enable both versions of the driver at the same time, and that even if I did it would accomplish nothing good04:31
AbhiJithow to save mp3 from streaming website?04:31
edbianDW_Upstairs: ur right, hahaha04:32
DBoyzrusty149: what do i do next?04:32
Chilaquilesedbian: yeah no?04:32
DW_Upstairsedbian: I'm right? What about?04:32
edbianChilaquiles: IDK,  haha04:32
edbianDW_Upstairs: about not wanting 2 drivers installed at once04:32
shcherbakDW_Upstairs: you can remove "hardware drivers notification" from starup04:32
Chilaquilessorry edbian but what's IDK?04:32
bullgard4AbhiJit: You can use Exaile.04:32
rusty149DBoyz: After install, open the ubuntu .iso and copy usb-creator.exe to your computer04:32
Chilaquilesim a newbiue04:33
DW_Upstairsshcherbak: Ta! That should put me in the right direction04:33
edbianChilaquiles: IDK = I don't know04:33
AbhiJitbullgard4, and what is that?04:33
bullgard4AbhiJit: A Ubuntu program.04:33
DBoyzi have to reboot first04:33
AbhiJitbullgard4, thank you04:33
DBoyzbrb then04:33
mewayDW_Upstairs, nivida is also a network adapter in some machines04:34
ddilingerhmm, as someone who's been installing debian since about 1995, i have to say unetbootin is a little easier :)04:34
DW_Upstairsshcherbak: ta muchly, that worked04:34
ddilingernot so much in the last 504:34
zvrkChilaquiles, i change control buttons04:34
DW_Upstairsmeway: Fortunately not in this system. But no, it was specifically telling me to install the drivers for the Geforce04:34
mbvpixies78rusty149:  Windows keeps refusing connection so I'm taking a little time to make sure everything is set right on that end.04:34
zvrkto ctrl +f04:34
DW_UpstairsI installed "version current" but it wanted me to install "version 173".04:34
mewayDW_Upstairs, my HP had both so I was like erf?04:35
DW_UpstairsI can understand that.04:35
zvrkChilaquiles, & work for me04:35
digitalfizhmm i cant install cmake on my machine why is this?04:35
DW_UpstairsUntil it died on me, I had an Nforce4 motherboard, and the primary network interface was Nvidia04:35
digitalfizThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:35
digitalfiz cmake : Depends: libxmlrpc-core-c3 but it is not installable04:35
digitalfiz         Depends: cmake-data (= 2.8.3-1~maverick1) but it is not going to be installed04:35
Chilaquileszvrk: where?04:35
ldz420my une issue seems to be with the interface. The Docking bar and the main panel seems to be transparent or I am unable to see icons that appear on them.  One thing that I notices is that when if I us scroll bar on docking bar I am able to see icons but they disappear.  I also have tried the software on multiple machines and still get the same results. I have also tried downloading multiple copies and same results is this i known i04:35
mewaydigilink, did you froget to type sudo04:35
zvrkChilaquiles, in option for paint fire on screen04:36
mewaydigilink, nvm04:36
DW_Upstairsldz420: Your line cuts off at "is this i known i"04:36
digitalfizmeway, no04:36
Chilaquileswhat category zvrk?04:36
bullgard4!512 | ldz42004:36
rusty149mbvpixies78:  The windows machine may need a restart to restart its samba shares04:37
zvrkChilaquiles, ccsm -- effects04:37
mewaydigilink, what other compilers are installed?04:37
elknghow can I change resolution in console?04:38
edbianIn ubuntu I used notify-send to write simple gui notifications in bash scripts what can I use to do that in suse?  notify-send ain't in the repos04:38
AbhiJitedbian, #suse04:38
DW_Upstairselkng: Oooh, I know this one! Sort of. It involves the xrandr command if memory serves04:38
Chilaquileszvrk: I already enable everything in effects nothing worked04:39
mewayelkng, system>monitors04:39
charlesnoNo matter what I have tried,I cannot get Eclipse to install plugins in 9.1004:39
bullgard4ldz420: Your message was too long and thus truncated. Please keep it less than about 512 characters.04:39
bastidrazorChilaquiles: to have windows minimize and burn with fire look in Effects > Animation > Minimize Animation04:39
Chilaquilesminimize effects?04:39
mewayerm wait04:39
DW_Upstairsmeway: He specifically asked for console04:39
mewayyea I was a bit slow there04:39
DBoyzrusty149: im not seeing the reason why i should install that software. i have 7-zip04:40
bullgard4charlesno: "I cannot get" is no precise description. Please cite an error message so that people can help you more efficiently.04:40
Chilaquilesbastidrazor, what do I have to enable in Minimize Animation?04:40
zvrkChilaquiles, you need to set up and initiate with keyb.04:40
redvomg it's ubuntu himself :D04:40
DW_Upstairsoooooh, the Alt-Tab interface for Ubuntu desktop is fancy04:41
ubuntuany1 out there04:41
mewayredv lmao04:41
ldz420bullgard: "!512? " come again04:41
DW_Upstairswonder if that's because of it being desktop, or 10.10, because UNE 10.04 doesn't do this04:41
DW_Upstairsldz420: If you type too many characters at once, your line gets truncated.04:41
ubuntuum, can any1 help me with something04:41
bullgard4ldz420: Your message was too long and thus truncated. Please keep it less than about 512 characters.04:41
AbhiJitubuntu, asjk04:41
rusty149DBoyz: ok, use that then if it supports iso's. But Virtual Clone is different as it mounts the image like a cd drive04:41
redvubuntu: just ask your problem and people will assist04:41
mewayubuntu, change your name to something better. type /nick <yournewusername>04:41
ubuntui downloaded lubuntu right04:42
charlesnobullgard4: after installing Sun's JDK, I install Eclipse from either the shell or synpatic. Then I try to install OcaIDE, a plug in for Eclipse. After restarting Eclipse, though it says ocaIDE is installed, there is no sign of it04:42
redvubuntu: one line so we can read it easily. there's lots of people here04:42
DBoyzi'll stick to 7-zip04:42
ubuntuand i cant seem to figure out how to install adobe flash for it04:42
DBoyzwhat do i do next, rusty14904:42
charlesnoperhaps I need to install eclipse manually04:42
ubuntuthis is prob really easy for some of you vets04:42
mewayubuntu, sudo apt-get install adobe-flash04:42
zvrkChilaquiles, and inside animation too04:42
rusty149DBoyz: Open usb-creator.exe04:42
bastidrazorChilaquiles: in 10.04, I do not see the fire animation.04:42
redvubuntu: if you have the UBUNTU desktop manager click on applications -> ubuntu software center > type flash in the search04:43
AbhiJit ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149367204:43
DBoyzin which file?04:43
DBoyzwhich folder*04:43
AbhiJitredv, no he is using lxde04:43
ldz420DW_Upstairs: bullgard4: ok.. thx I will type a message with correct lenght04:43
DBoyzthere's 10 of them inside the iso file04:43
alpha_223hello, i have an hfsplus parition that doesnt show up using fdisk -l. how can i set it active and rename it so macbook reads of it?04:43
ubuntuwhat does sudo apt get install flash even mean?04:44
ubuntuim REALLY new im sorry..04:44
redvubuntu: open up a terminal and in that terminal type04:44
redvsudo apt-get install adobe-flash04:44
bullgard4charlesno: You have now described your problem well enough. I do not know the answer to your problem. Please put the same question here again in this channel directed to the public at large. Someone more knowledgeable than me should answer.04:44
redvthat will log in as root, and install the packages you need04:44
shcherbakubuntu: type /name nubuntu04:44
mewayubuntu, it means click applications at the top of your screen. accessories than tirminal and type it there04:44
Chilaquilesdamn this is becoming too complicated04:44
redvshcherbak: lmao hah04:45
Stormx2charlesno, is there a "getting started" guide for OcaIDE? Check that04:45
mewayshcherbak, lol04:45
rusty149DBoys: sorry mount the Desktop iso  and copy the usb-creator.exe from the root folder04:45
elkngDW_Upstairs: in console, I want 80x2504:45
ubuntulol i think i get schnerbaks joke lol04:46
DW_Upstairselkng: Haven't a clue how you'd do that04:46
mewayubuntu, in your irc window wich is what you are talking to us with. type /nick nubuntu, after this press enter04:46
edbianHow can I make KDE notifications in a bash shell?04:46
ubuntuwhich will do...what?04:47
mewaychange your name to nubuntu instead of ubuntu04:47
zvrkChilaquiles, animation -open window and edit you have option for burn04:47
=== ubuntu is now known as nubuntu
meway^_^ now you won't have issues with other people saying ubuntu04:47
mewaywe can highlight you by saying nuboon2age_04:47
mewaynubuntu, *04:48
nubuntuthats straight04:48
nubuntuanyway, i went to applications and what do i click on after that?04:48
Blueleafi cant get wireless to work on my laptop04:48
ldz420my une issue seems to be with the interface. I am unable to see icons that appear on The Docking bar and the main panel. I noticed that when I  scroll on docking bar I am able to see icons but they disappear after.  I also have tried multiple machines and I have also tried downloading multiple copies and same results. is this i known issue ?04:48
mewayand than ubuntu joins us again >_< facepalm04:48
zvrkChilaquiles, animation -close and minimize  window too04:48
DBoyzrusty149: what do i do now?04:49
Blueleafcan anyone help me?04:49
ubuntuhow do i rejoin04:49
nubuntuthat isnt me04:49
nubuntujust sayin04:49
rusty149DBoyz: open usb-creator.exe04:49
mewayubuntu, just type /nick nubeuntu04:49
=== ubuntu is now known as facxepalm
nubuntuwhat do i click on in applications?04:50
facxepalmok thanks04:50
nubuntuGod i wish this was easier04:50
mewaynubuntu, accessories04:50
facxepalmchecking out a live cd of ubuntu 10.1004:50
rusty149DBoyz: click Other...  and selct ubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64.iso04:50
nubuntufile manager right?04:51
rusty149DBoyz: or i386  if you don't have 64bit04:51
mewaynubuntu, actually do this click applications than click ubuntu software center04:51
au_Hello, I am using Ubuntu 10.10 64bit and when I boot up my system, the icons on the top and bottom panel are not aligned to the right. How can I fix this? Let me know if you require a screenshot04:51
nubuntu.....is that supposed to be an icon?04:51
nubuntulike office and internet and the like?04:51
nubuntubecause its not there04:52
mewayits the one at the very bottom nuboon2age_04:52
mewaynubuntu, *04:52
Blueleafis there any advice here?04:52
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=== nibbles is now known as nibble
zvrkChilaquiles, did you find?04:52
shcherbakrofl, god, i do not belive my eyes.04:52
mewaynubuntu, its the one at the very bottom04:52
Chilaquilesno zvrk04:52
=== nibble is now known as nibbles
Centerfinger@blueleaf what r your wireless hardware specs04:52
Centerfingerwireless doesnt work is not much to go off04:53
shcherbaknubuntu: press: Alt-F2 type: gnome-terminal04:53
ChilaquilesI'm trying to see if I see a tutorial on ccsm04:53
nubuntuunder applications correct? theres only 9 files listed, and none of them are ubuntu software center04:53
zvrkChilaquiles, it is all inside but you need to set up is not automatic04:53
mewayBlueleaf, google wireless drivers on ubuntu04:53
Blueleafi am using a toshiba satellite laptop and  i have a linksys wireless modem which works fine when i boot windows on my laptop04:54
Chilaquileszvrk do you know where?04:54
nubuntuscherbak i did whatever u said and it didnt work, error04:54
Centerfingerwhat model satelite?04:54
zvrkChilaquiles, yes04:54
shcherbaknubuntu: Menu > Administration > Synaptic04:55
shcherbaknubuntu: Menu > System > Administration > Synaptic04:55
zvrkChilaquiles, ccsm --effects --animation04:55
Chilaquileszvrk, please tell me Im giving up04:55
mewayBlueleaf, drivers are not installed for your ubuntu.04:55
Chilaquilesok im there04:55
mewayjust because it works on one os does not mean it will work on the other04:55
Blueleafwhere do i get drivers and which ones?04:55
mewayBlueleaf, google is your friend.04:55
Blueleafi don't trust google, but i will try04:56
zvrkChilaquiles, there you have option like open animation04:56
nubuntuschebak, the synaptic package manager?04:56
mewayBlueleaf, o.o omg please don't tell me you use yahoo04:56
zvrkChilaquiles, go there04:56
Blueleafi use ask04:56
Chilaquileszvrk thats the first tab right?04:56
rusty149Blueleaf: lspci will tell you network controller details04:56
nubuntuim at that04:56
mewayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew :)04:56
zvrkChilaquiles, yes04:57
Chilaquileszvrk, Im there04:57
nubuntuscherbak, the package manager?04:57
shcherbaknubuntu: yes it is04:57
Centerfinger@blueleaf im googling as well04:57
nubuntuim there04:58
zvrkChilaquiles, open effect you can edit04:58
nubuntuwhat am i doing nnow04:58
shcherbaknubuntu: What do you want to install?04:58
nubuntuadobe flash04:58
mewaynubuntu, now in the search bar type that in :)04:58
zvrkChilaquiles, open effect chose edit04:58
mewaynuboon2age_, than click install04:58
tripelb What can be used to make a Linux system look almost exactly like a Windows XP system?   XP4Lin   Lin-XP   Linux XP   LWXP04:58
mewaynubuntu, * than click install04:58
Chilaquileszvrk, ok I chose the one that called none04:59
zvrkChilaquiles, you have bunch of effects one of them is burn04:59
mewaynuboon2age_, I feel really bad because I highlighted you like 13 times for no reason XD04:59
mbvpixies78I can go to places, connect to server and manually mount my windows shares through the GUI, but fstab and command line mounting don't work...  if only there was a way to look up the GUI command04:59
shcherbaknubuntu: in menu of synaptic open preferencies or settings and go to repositories...04:59
Chilaquilesmhh, no04:59
ChilaquilesI don't have burn04:59
nubuntugot it04:59
shcherbaknubuntu: What Ubuntu are you using?04:59
nubuntunow what04:59
ldz420so any idea on the ui issue that I am having?04:59
DBoyzrusty149: i got message md5sum don't match04:59
nubuntulubuntu. i tried running ubuntu from a CD and a USB but for some reason it wouldnt run05:00
shcherbaknubuntu: enable third party software05:00
nubuntuso im kinda stuck with it05:00
rusty149DBoyz: from that software05:00
zvrkChilaquiles, you have just none05:00
redvmaybe you didn't burn it/set it up right05:00
rusty149DBoyz: can you skip it?05:00
Blueleafsome one remind an old guy how do i pipe the output of lspci to a text file?05:00
Galactigerhi, on the "Who Are You?" screen in the install process, how do you get Forward to not be grayed-out?05:00
rusty149Blueleaf: lspci >> text.txt05:01
ChilaquilesI have 3 effects05:01
redvnubuntu: what I do right now is had a windows 7 install then downloaded the Ubuntu Windows installer which allows me to dual boot between win7 and ubuntu05:01
nubuntuunder which tab do i enable 3rd party software?05:01
mewaynubuntu, in order for it to run from a usb or cd you must go into your bios and change the boot order. Normally on startup it asks you to press f2 or f12 or similar05:01
macoGalactiger: usernames must be lowercase and have no spaces. is that the case with yours?05:01
shcherbaknubuntu: synaptic will ask you to reload, i think there is button in top left with two arrows, press it05:01
zvrkChilaquiles, like05:01
mewayyou can also press f8 for boot order or such05:01
redvubuntu 10.04/ubuntu desktop is really straight forward and beginner friendly05:01
DBoyzbut my usb stick is only 300+ mb used05:01
rusty149DBoyz: you have already check so skip05:01
nubuntui know what part05:01
Galactigermaco: yes05:01
shcherbaknubuntu: just second...05:01
DBoyzi'll try again05:01
nubuntui went into the bios and changed it to boot from usb05:01
macoGalactiger: both your passwords match?05:01
nubuntubut it didnt work05:01
ChilaquilesGlide 2 , none and Fade05:01
nubuntulubuntu did tho05:01
mewaynubuntu, some machines don't support it :/05:02
nubuntuah well05:02
Galactigermaco: yeah, I've got a little checkmark next to the Confirm entry...05:02
zvrkChilaquiles, you need to install all packages for compiz05:02
macoGalactiger: name's filled in too? ive only heard this problem when people use capital letters in username05:02
Galactigermaco: wait a second...05:02
zvrkChilaquiles, like extras experimental etc05:02
Chilaquilesok zvrk, can I find that on the ubuntu software center?05:02
shcherbaknubuntu: tick all on fist tab05:03
nubuntuanyway, about enabling the 3rd party software, it that where i check off those "software packaged by canonical..." stuff05:03
Galactigermaco: I lied, whoops!  my username seems to be the issue05:03
nubuntuok theyre all ticked in05:03
shcherbaknubuntu: in second you can tick all but cd05:03
zvrkChilaquiles, yes just search for compiz05:03
Galactigermaco: huh, that seemed to be it  =O05:03
nubuntuso basically all but the first, ok05:03
Galactigermaco: thank you!  ^^05:04
zvrkChilaquiles, install all related to compiz packages05:04
Chilaquilesok thanks zvrk05:04
nubuntuthen what?05:04
zvrkChilaquiles, you welcome05:05
shcherbaknubuntu: after reload, search for adobe flash05:05
nubuntuis "revert" the same as reload?05:05
JackyAlcinenubuntu: No05:06
shcherbaknubuntu: you should see installer from adobe, revert? no!05:06
nubuntuso ill just close it05:06
ajwillhi all, I have a problem with ubuntu 10.10, it tends to randomly log me out a lot... I havent really managed to link it to anything besides maybe VNCing into it... its making my ubuntu unreliable and sometimes irritating... help05:06
shcherbaknubuntu: just close reopsitories window05:06
nubuntui got it to work05:07
nubuntuits there05:07
shcherbaknubuntu: you may want to know that you can install gnome same way.05:08
trismajwill: using x11vnc?05:08
JackyAlcinenubuntu: What exactly was the problem? You should post your process on Ubuntu Forums so others can learn from your ... mistake. :D05:08
ldz420I have attempted to search on the internet but still not finding any thing on the same issue that I am having05:08
shcherbaknubuntu: if your machine is strong enough05:08
Chilaquilesis there any software like x-lite for ubuntu?05:08
nubuntui checked youtube real quick to see if i got flash and it continues to say I dont?05:08
ajwilltrism: correct, I've noticed it most often shuts down when I VNC into it via an x11vnc server I have set up via a bash script and a daemon, I vnc into it from my ipod touch using VNC Viewer if that'd affect anything05:09
sacarlsonajwill: I'm going to guess it's a screen saver setting05:09
nubuntui see05:09
shcherbaknubuntu: is it installed already?05:09
ajwillsacarlson: I've done a lot of googling and setting changing and that's definitely not it05:09
nubuntuits because i was using chromium thats why05:09
ranjanChilaquiles, Ekiga05:09
nubuntuyeah its installed05:09
ranjanChilaquiles, twinkle05:10
trismajwill: same thing was happening to me, I rolled back to lucid, but today I found ttps://bugs.freedesktop.org//show_bug.cgi?id=30032 , it appears it might be a bug in the 1.9 xserver when using xrecords, the workaround seems to be to pass -noxrecords to x11vnc, I haven't tried it yet though05:10
ranjanChilaquiles, those can be used for replacing x-lite05:10
ajwilltrism: lucid... is that a vnc server?05:10
rusty149DBoyz: watch this if you are still confused05:10
trismajwill: no lucid is 10.04 of ubuntu05:10
nubuntuso , uh, when looking for a compatible mozilla browser, do i search for one for ubuntu or just for linux in general?05:10
nubuntusince i dont have mozilla yet05:10
DBoyzrusty149: it says installation failed05:11
shcherbaknubuntu: use opera05:11
ajwilltrism: ohh, well I really like ubuntu 10.10, so I guess I'll try adding the -noxrecords to x11vnc if I havent already... checking my script now05:11
JackyAlcinenubuntu: search http://www.webupd8.org; they have a fix for that.05:11
shcherbaknubuntu: most of browsers are in repos, or deliver .deb packages05:11
trismajwill: actually it is -noxrecord , sorry05:11
Chilaquilesranjan, Im looking for a software that is very similar to x-lite since I need to configure it like x-lite05:11
rusty149DBoyz: in the windows program?05:12
ajwilltrism: okay, I dont have that in my script... gunna give it a shot :)05:12
ranjanChilaquiles, both these can be used like x-lite. what are the configurations you want??05:12
trismajwill: good luck05:12
shcherbaknubuntu: sudo apt-get install firefox will install firefox in your system.05:12
DBoyzthen it said something about the md5 thingy not matching05:12
ajwilltrism: thanks! much appreciated :)05:12
ranjanChilaquiles, you just want to specify the VOIP server and ports isnt it?05:12
nubuntui type that into the search?05:12
shcherbaknubuntu: What browser are you using now?05:13
Chilaquilesno ranjan05:13
shcherbaknubuntu: no, in terminal05:13
ranjanChilaquiles, then???05:13
Chilaquilesgive me a sec and I tell you05:13
sacarlsonnubuntu: I think firefox is default installed it's the new version of mozilla05:13
ldz420ok.. I will go to a new question.. can someone inform me how to remove non-essential GNOME services?05:13
shcherbaknubuntu: chromium, not easy choice.05:14
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga05:14
rusty149DBoyz: this is very odd, you shouldn't be having this trouble. Did you check the md5sum already?05:14
ranjantell Chilaquiles !ekiga05:14
Chilaquilesranjam, I need to do the same as it says here:05:14
shcherbaknubuntu: Alt-F2 and xtem05:14
DBoyzi have05:14
shcherbaknubuntu: Alt-F2 and xterm05:14
ranjanChilaquiles, let me see05:14
DBoyzrusty149: gimme the checklist05:14
rusty149DBoyz: what is the filename of the iso?05:14
DBoyzim trying it for ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386 first05:15
nubuntuok... a black box appeared05:15
rusty149DBoyz: http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/MD5SUMS05:15
HypoglybeticHi. I just installed Ubuntu Desktop 10.10.  I rebooted my machine and now I have  grub> sitting on my screen. Not sure what to do.05:15
shcherbaknubuntu: close synaptic and in box type: sudo apt-get install firefox05:15
ajwillHypolgybetic: are there options on the grub screen?05:16
nubuntuits working its magic05:16
Hypoglybeticajwill I pressed TAB and I have a slew of commands avaliable.  There are no Options.05:16
ranjanChilaquiles, all these can be done in twinkle i think05:16
nubuntuthis gives me firefox?05:17
Chilaquilesmhhh, I hope so05:17
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Do you have more than one hard drive?05:17
shcherbaknubuntu: when finished, Alt-F2 and firefox05:17
desaints(typing from desktop pc win7) just installed and finished updates for HP-G60 laptop ubuntu 10.10 x64. There is no wifi link available. As in the wifi doesnt even exist. Not sure what to do here?05:17
ajwillokay so when you reboot and just go to the main grub menu there isnt anything like Ubuntu then a whole crapload of numbers?05:17
HypoglybeticJordan_U I am using a Dell Perc 6i PCI card to manage a RAID5 array of5 disks 4TB05:17
shcherbaknubuntu: or in black box (xterm) type firefox and hit enter05:18
rusty149Hypoglybetic:  Do you see an 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6...' option05:18
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Does "ls -l" at the grub shell seem to list the array as a single drive, and correctly display its contents?05:18
Hypoglybeticrusty149 No I do not05:18
nubuntuit works perfectly now!05:18
shcherbaknubuntu: to the next one, than, thanks05:19
desaints(typing from desktop pc win7) just installed and finished updates for HP-G60 laptop ubuntu 10.10 x64. There is no wifi link available. As in the wifi doesnt even exist. Not sure what to do here?05:19
DBoyzrusty149: same error05:19
DBoyzi tried for amd64 alternate, same problem05:19
nubuntunow my pc isnt totally useless lol05:19
nubuntuthanks man05:19
HypoglybeticJordan_u hd0 gpt3: unknown file stystem, hd0,gpt2: ext2, hd0,gpt1: unkonwn filesystem05:20
rusty149DBoyz: have you tried pendrivelinux or UNetBootin05:20
shcherbaknubuntu: i belive it have much potential.05:20
desaints(typing from desktop pc win7) just installed and finished updates for HP-G60 laptop ubuntu 10.10 x64. There is no wifi link available. As in the wifi doesnt even exist. Not sure what to do here?05:20
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Interesting. It doesn't list any filesystems that it *can* understand?05:20
DBoyzpendrivelinux - the ubuntu logo appears with the options but nothing happens when i select any option05:21
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Never mind, misread.05:21
HypoglybeticJordan_U Just the hd0,gpt2: ext205:21
DBoyzunetbootin - i got an error that says "operating system missing"05:21
psycho_oreosdesaints, you need to find out what sort of wifi adapter you have or you can try and get help online using wired connection05:21
HypoglybeticJordan_U So it can read the swap partition..i guess05:21
psycho_oreosdesaints, it'll be a lot quicker in general if you could seek support whilst rely on wired connection as the feedbacks are more prompt05:22
shcherbakdesaints: similar thing but on natty, linux-firmware?05:22
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: If you "ls (hd0,gpt2)/" do you see what looks like the files of a root filesystem? (/var, /etc...)05:22
KGBWolfis the an RDP client for jolicloud?05:23
HypoglybeticJordan_U Yes05:23
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: What happens when you run "configfile (hd0,gpt2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"?05:23
desaintsis there a tool i can use to figure out what my wifi adapter is05:24
shcherbakdesaints: lspci05:24
psycho_oreosdesaints, there's plenty under linux, under windows there's some that will give you basic info05:24
HypoglybeticJordan_U My screen was cleared, grub> _ is now at the top of the screen05:24
desaintsNetwork controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection05:25
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Any errors if you run "source (hd0,gpt2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"?05:25
DBoyzrusty149: anything?05:26
HypoglybeticJordan_U, none05:26
shcherbakdesaints: does your panel applet saying "missing firmware"?05:26
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Do you see kernel images if you "ls /boot/"?05:26
HypoglybeticJordan_U nothing happened, no error, no confirmation, no msg05:26
shcherbakdesaints: ifconfig - any wireless?05:26
CrazyHUbuntu 9.04, Dell Studio 1745, No sound. Here is the output from the ALSA analyzer script: http://pastebin.com/wL0qifrA     I've tried all the basics (like volume controls, ALSA mixer, lspci) ... any ideas?05:27
shcherbakdesaints: or better iwconfig05:27
Jordan_UCrazyH: Ubuntu 9.04 is no longer supported.05:27
rusty149DBoyz: what kind of machine is it?05:27
HypoglybeticJordan_U I see system map, abi, memtest86+, vmcoreinfo, vmlinuz, nothing about Kernel05:27
desaintshow do i select a name instead of typing it here in irc05:27
CrazyHJordan_U: i would upgrade, but when I do my KB and mouse die... so... now what?05:27
shcherbakdesaints: des<TAB>05:28
izzy__Hey can someone help me with a webcam issue?05:28
DBoyzlenovo V36005:28
desaintsshcherbak: wlan0     IEEE 802.11abg  ESSID:off/any05:28
SilentSpooncan anyone help me with Gwibber (for facebook)05:28
DBoyzgoogle it05:28
KGBWolfis the an RDP client for jolicloud?05:28
Jordan_UCrazyH: Do your keyboard and mouse work from a 10.04 or 10.10 liveCD?05:28
KGBWolfis there an RDP client for jolicloud?05:28
psycho_oreosdesaints, that is your wireless interface05:28
shcherbakdesaints: ok, wifi is there, where is problem?05:28
izzy__Is it possible to use a webcam with Ubuntu?05:29
CrazyHJordan_U: yes. But after the install is finished, the machine boots to graphical login. Then I can't do anything at all. I have to hit the power off button :-905:29
sacarlsonDBoyz: you sure your usb flash is any good?  hwtest maybe?05:29
desaintsshcherbak: i cannot enable wifi, the button is red instead of blue, and im not certain as how to enable wifi through linux (learning still)05:29
shcherbakizzy__: try cheese, camorama05:29
ajwillizz__: very! I use mine and there's even moderately decent webcam effect packages05:29
desaintsshcherbak: and there is no wifi tray app saying i can connect to networks05:29
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: The files like "vmlinuz-2.6.32-25-generic" are the kernel images.05:30
HypoglybeticJordan_U Oh, okay05:30
shcherbakdesaints: you gnome?05:30
desaintsshcherbak: yes05:30
desaintsshcherbak: i have no idea how to do kde05:30
DBoyzsacarlson: i am playing bee gees song from my usb stick05:30
DBoyzanything else/05:30
shcherbakdesaints: nm-applet --replace?05:31
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Are you familiar with tab completion?05:31
desaintsshcherbak: An instance of nm-applet is already running.05:31
HypoglybeticJordan_U I'm experienced with computer hardware, electronics, and windows but I don't know anything about Linux05:31
shcherbakdesaints: ok, try first iwlist wlan0 scanning05:31
desaintsshcherbak: wlan0     Failed to read scan data : Network is down, also the network tray app says wifi is disabled05:32
shcherbakdesaints: ok, killall nm-applet && gnome-panel --replace05:33
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: In a bash shell you can type the first few characters of a filename then hit the tab key to automatically complete the rest of it. The same is true for the grub shell, and for your IRC client with nicknames (try typing "Jord<TAB>").05:33
CrazyHJordan_U: I'm trying again. I do remember getting fully logged on once to Ubuntu 10.10, but the X UI looks completely different and I could barely use it. How do I revert the UI back to what comes standard with 9.04?05:33
izzy__What I want to do is video chat with some one using Windows.05:33
rusty149DBoyz: Try reformat the usb drive and try again05:33
shcherbakdesaints: otherwise use rfkill05:33
izzy__Is that possible?05:33
desaintsshcherbak: ok did that05:33
DBoyzi reformat my usb everytime i try a new method05:33
HypoglybeticJordan_U, ...oh god that helps05:33
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: :)05:34
shcherbakdesaints: Does your applet is visible?05:34
HypoglybeticJordan_U, neat05:34
eosshello i am trying to install OTR for pidgin on ubuntu 10.1005:34
rusty149DBoyz: You could try it manually, but that is more complicated05:34
eosscan someone help me?05:34
Diamondciteizzy__: Assuming your webcam is properly supported to begin with in Ubuntu, programs like Skype can potentially be used to Video chat with Windows systems.05:34
desaintsshcherbak: the terminal was sitting on the process not completing it. i closed terminal and the tray disappeared..05:34
izzy__Ok thanks. I'll try that.05:34
DBoyzrusty149: ?05:34
Thndrandlitning5I need some ube rhelp here, can an ubuntu pro PM me please x.x05:34
DBoyztry what manually?05:35
Diamondciteizzy__: Please make sure your webcam actually works before trying skype, else you are in for a very big headache ^_^05:35
shcherbakdesaints: Alt-F2 gnome-panel --replace05:35
izzy__lol it works with Cheese and Camorame05:35
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: To boot manually from the grub shell run "linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-25-generic root=/dev/sda2" (use tab completion for vmlinuz...) then "initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-20-generic" then simply run "boot".05:35
shcherbakizzy__: so it will with skype05:36
desaintsshcherbak: alt+F2 does nothing05:36
izzy__Thanks man/lady.05:36
sacarlsonDBoyz: problem I have with usb flash here are the fake ones that only have part of the mem they say they have,  I buy a 2 gig here in thailand and get about 500meg the rest of the data turns to all 0x00,  maybe test it with something like http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/2008/03/21/how-to-check-and-test-usb-flash-drive/05:36
TheMoorplz some1 help, i installed a kernel version of ubuntu which doesnt include openvpn, since im connected through vpn network connection (my isp use vpn) i cant get connected when in ubuntu , any ideas how i can install openvpn plz ?05:36
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: By the way, as a first experience with Linux you've been thrown into the deep end. This is far from normal :)05:36
shcherbakdesaints: i assume your whole panel is gone05:36
desaintsshcherbak: yes05:37
SilentSpooncan anyone help me with Gwibber (for facebook)05:37
shcherbakdesaints: Alt-Ctrl-t can you open terminal?05:37
SabetsuHey guys, does anyone know of how you might be able to batch-add smileys to Pidgin?05:37
HypoglybeticJordan_U, I've been trying to setup a f-ing ESXi 4.1 server for 2 weeks straight, said screw it and tried to run ubuntu and consolidate Win Home Server into Ubuntu for my media purposes.  I've been trying to get Ubuntu to install correctly/not corrupted/not bugged for 3 days now05:37
desaintsshcherbak: yes terminal is open05:38
SabetsuI have read a tutorial on how to make themes, but I don´t want to change my theme, only batch-add custom smilies.05:38
shcherbakdesaints: gnome-panel --replace, do not close it yet05:38
desaintsshcherbak: ok done05:38
shcherbakdesaints: you have panel now?05:39
desaintsshcherbak: yes05:39
Thndrandlitning5Can't get ubuntu installed x.x05:39
shcherbakdesaints: do you see nm-applet?05:39
desaintsshcherbak: not in the tray05:39
mbvpixies78Ubuntu server is still unable to mount windows shares on bootup.  here is my fstab:  http://paste.debian.net/104272 and here is my smb.conf: http://paste.debian.net/10427305:39
HypoglybeticJordan_U, Btw, file not found on the linux command05:39
shcherbakdesaints: where?05:40
SabetsuSo, no one can help me with Pidgin? :(05:40
SabetsuWilling to wait.05:40
desaintsshcherbak: sorry i should have been clearer. there i sno nm-applet05:40
shcherbakdesaints: ok, lets fix panel: Alt-F2 gnome-panel --replace05:40
TheMoorplz some1 help, i installed a kernel version of ubuntu which doesnt include openvpn, since im connected through vpn network connection (my isp use vpn) i cant get connected when in ubuntu , any ideas how i can install openvpn plz ?05:41
xangua!panels | shcherbak desaints05:41
ubottushcherbak desaints: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:41
shcherbakdesaints: it should free terminal05:41
desaintsshcherbak: ok05:41
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Did you use tab completion? The filename I gave was just a quick example from my system, it won't work on yours. Use "linux /boot/vmlin<TAB> root=/dev/sda2" then "initrd /boot/initrd<TAB>" then "boot".05:41
shcherbakxangua: it is more about nm-applet05:41
xanguaTheMoor: then use other kernel05:41
SilentSpooncan anyone explain how gwibber or empathy work?05:41
TheMoorxangua my cd reader is broken :(05:42
xanguaSilentSpoon: enter your username, your password, conect05:42
HypoglybeticJordan_U, Ah, okay.05:42
shcherbakdesaints: in terminal: killall nm-applet05:42
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  i appreciate your help05:42
desaintsshcherbak: no process found05:42
SilentSpoonxangua, that doesn't work. in gwibber I can see everything but when I try to reply it doesn't work05:42
SilentSpoonxangua, and in empathy theres a "network error"05:42
TheMoorisnt possible to just install it ?05:42
shcherbakdesaints: ok, install rfkill, and run rfkill list05:43
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  invalid magic number05:43
DBoyzsacarlson: how do i know if my usb stick is healthy?05:43
shcherbakdesaints: i need to test own nm-applet05:43
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: That means that the file wasn't actually a linux kernel. Let me recheck my instructions.05:43
TheMoorwhat , no solution for me :(05:44
shcherbakdesaints: What applet you do have? Did you try to add it back to panel?05:44
HypoglybeticjordJordan_U Last time I installed the server edition it worked fine, but i corrupted something (hence me starting from scratch)05:44
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  Maybe I should just start there,again? lol05:45
desaintsshcherbak: i tried to run rfkill -list05:45
desaintsshcherbak: and it wants a identifier?05:45
KGBWolfwhats the apt-get command to install JAVA JRE05:45
shcherbakdesaints: rfkill list05:45
desaints0: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: yes Hard blocked: yes 1: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: yes Hard blocked: yes05:45
desaintsshcherbak: 0: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: yes Hard blocked: yes 1: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: yes Hard blocked: yes05:46
shcherbakdesaints: back to applets, right click on panel and - add to panel05:46
bastidrazor!paste | desaints05:46
ubottudesaints: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:46
xangua!java | KGBWolf05:46
ubottuKGBWolf: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.05:46
=== mbvpixies78 is now known as Danny78
shcherbakdesaints: and maybe xangua was right?05:47
TheMoorxangua isnt possible to just install openvpn in this kernel version ?05:47
korahey guys, i'm runnning 10.04 (x86) and trying to install truecrypt 7.0a. i downloaded the installer (x86) from the truecrypt page and can install it. however when i try to start truecrypt i get an error that tc can't find the shared library libfuse.so.2 (the package is installed though). any ideas?05:47
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Have you ever seen the error "out of disk"? It's a symptom of a BIOS bug that won't cause problems untill you need to read files far into a large drive (so it can pop up unexpectedly on a previously working system).05:47
shcherbak!panels | desaints05:47
ubottudesaints: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:47
HypoglybeticJordan_U, No, I haven't.05:47
desaintsshcherbak: ok i put in gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel05:48
HypoglybeticJordan_U, I know if I use my nForce 680i fakeRAID i can overflow my bios' raid size (limit of 2 TB), but Ubuntu reads it, until it restarts. xD -- But this time I'm usingthe hardware raid from Dell05:48
desaintsshcherbak: and it killed the panel nothing came back05:48
xanguadesaints: now just run: nm-applet05:49
TheMoorxangua isnt possible to just install openvpn in this kernel version ?05:49
shcherbakdesaints: same trick like last time, terminal to replace panel and Alt-F2 to free terminal05:49
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: You're familiar with the difference between FakeRAID and true hardware RAID, and you're currently using true hardware RAID?05:49
Chaorainhey, I'm trying to print a png and GIMP makes it really small, what should I do?05:50
=== SilentSpoon1 is now known as Spoon|Pidgin
xanguai am not a psiquic, no idea what kernel version are you talking about or where did you got it; better use packages from the oficial repositories05:50
Thndrandlitning5Helppppp x.x05:50
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  Yes, the Dell PERC 6i PCI-e 4x ($300 retail) card sitting in my computer is hardware raid.05:50
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  If It isn't heads will role05:50
desaintsshcherbak: ok i have everything back up and running, nm-applet is back also05:51
HypoglybeticJordan_U, and it isn't hardware assisted raid either.05:51
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  or shouldn't be05:51
desaintsshcherbak: still says wifi is disabled05:51
shcherbakdesaints: can you enable wireless05:51
desaintsshcherbak: i cant with the button or the nm-applet05:51
DBoyzsacarlson: what am i supposed to do if there's errors?05:52
shcherbakdesaints: do you have and well hidden swith on your laptop?05:52
Thndrandlitning5shcherbak: Do you know if the latest ubuntu works with the xfx gefore 8200 motherboard?05:52
TheMoorxangua can i post a link here plz to a thread from the ubuntu forum ?05:52
shcherbakThndrandlitning5: no clue.05:52
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Then I'm really curious why you're having problems. The file that you tried to load was not a valid linux kernel, but it should have been. It may be that the file got corrupted at some point. Did you run the integrity test on the Ubuntu install CD?05:53
xangua!hardware | Thndrandlitning505:53
ubottuThndrandlitning5: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:53
shcherbakdesaints: what model is it?05:53
desaintsshcherbak: physical button on laptop to enable/disable wireless you mean? if so i do have one by the power button. and it wont change colors to blue indicating it is on. and will not do anything in linux when pressed. works 30 minutes ago in windows05:53
desaintsshcherbak: hp-g60-441us05:54
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  Us windows users never run that stuff. ..i mean, no. I think? I don't remember.05:54
xanguadesaints: he was refering to the wireless05:54
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  Normally I don't, but I do remember doing it for one of this newly burned disks, perhaps it was the server CD i verified?05:54
shcherbakdesaints: the "blue" controls, those with Fn? and is rfkill list react to pressing switch nest to power button?05:55
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Try booting from the install CD and running the check. If it fails then you have your answer.05:55
TheMoorxangua plz check the thread i sent you05:55
desaintsshcherbak: no it is it's own seperate button to press, no fn button necessary05:55
xanguaTheMoor: private¿ i am inmune to them; ask helo to the channel not just one single person05:56
desaintsshcherbak: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection05:56
shcherbakdesaints: ok, iwconfig it shows interface05:56
desaintsshcherbak: umm...05:57
desaintsshcherbak: not sure what that means05:57
Infra_3600hi all05:58
shcherbakdesaints: ifup wlan0 does it work?05:58
HypoglybeticJordan_U, The Driver BIOS did its startup check, everything looks fine.  Booting to Ubuntu LIVE05:58
TheMoorxangua plz check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164800805:58
desaintsshcherbak: ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied05:58
shcherbakdesaints: well, sudo ifup wlan005:59
ArchimageHi, I was having trouble installing Ubuntu onto my desktop, so I ran the Memory Test from the main install menu. I get this red bar, what does it mean?05:59
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  Do I install ubuntu or Try Ubuntu? Where is the disk verify option?05:59
DBoyzi don't think my usb stick has any problem05:59
ArchimageGive me a moment to copy it in..05:59
desaintsshcherbak: Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.05:59
DBoyzi need someone to assist me05:59
DBoyzrusty isn't here05:59
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: You have to press any key during the first five seconds of boot to see the menu (The boot menu is displayed by default on the server install CD which is what I thought you had used).06:00
shcherbakdesaints: ok, rfkill list than press wifi button and rfkill list06:00
desaintsshcherbak: hardblocked went from no to yes06:00
HypoglybeticJordan_U, I have both CDs here...06:01
shcherbakdesaints: rfkill can unlock soft lock06:01
ArchimageTst 7, Pass 1, Failing Adress 00066a394384 - 1699.5mb Good: 1be7f7d3 Bad: 1be7b7d3: Err-Bits: 00004000 Count: 1 Chan:06:01
ArchimageWhat does this mean? ; - ;06:01
shcherbakdesaints: keep hardblocked to no06:01
sacarlsonDBoyz: did the disk check out good with ChkFlsh or other?06:01
desaintsshcherbak: hardblock is now no, what is the command to change softblock?06:01
shcherbakand try to see applet if you can enable wifi06:01
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Run the check on the one you installed from.06:02
DBoyz7 errors, sacarlson06:02
chachinanybody here know a thing or two about idlerpg bot?06:02
HypoglybeticJordan_U, checking disk now06:02
muhammadnkit seems firefox is not using ipv6 despite my machine being ipv6 enabled.06:02
MWPHi all.06:02
MWPJust installed 10.10 Desktop. How do i boot to console instead of into X/GDM?06:03
muhammadnkabout:config says network.dns.disableIPv6 = false which is the default06:03
muhammadnkMWP: you can just ctrl+alt+f106:03
desaintsshcherbak: applet cannot enable wifi06:03
muhammadnkMWP: or if you want it permanent, edit /etc/initrc06:03
shcherbakdesaints: rfkill unblock <number from rfkill list>06:03
sacarlsonDBoyz: well If the ChkFlsh failed I guess you need to find another usb flash disk06:04
desaintsshcherbak: ok both are no now. but applet still says disabled06:04
MWPmuhammadnk: /etc/initrc doesnt exist?06:04
shcherbakdesaints: iwconfig?06:04
DBoyzthe test passed with 13 errors06:05
DBoyzthat okay i think06:05
desaintsshcherbak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552706/06:05
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  No errors found06:06
muhammadnkMWP: sorry, it's /etc/init.d06:06
muhammadnkMWP: i used too many distros, too confused. :P06:07
shcherbakdesaints: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down06:07
desaintsshcherbak: nothing happened06:07
muhammadnkMWP: okay, i'm wrong again. CentOS has /etc/initrc for startup06:07
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Ok. Can you boot from the LiveCD, run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt it produces?06:07
MWPmuhammadnk: ok thanks, but what do i changed in /etc/init.d ?06:08
HypoglybeticJordan_U, will do06:08
shcherbakdesaints: looks like your switch is off, back in ten, self testing06:08
slgmaanyone know of any gnomepanel applets to control audacious or other media players06:08
KGBWolfwhats the command to find out linux version uname06:09
muhammadnkMWP: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=646006:09
slgmai had one on 10.04 but it was incomptabile with 10.1006:09
MWPmuhammadnk: thats from 2004, doesnt apply anymore06:09
sacarlsonDBoyz: well next test is format the usb flash and just copy the iso file onto it and verify the the md5sum from the usb flash matches what the iso should be,  if that worked then maybe your usb flash media is good06:09
muhammadnkMWP: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2004-October/008951.html06:09
Bloodhawkrunning ubuntu in a KDE environment and my shutdown/restart buttons are missing from the dropdown menu, how can i add them to it manually?06:10
blackstarhello, anyone can help me to setup Asterisk web access ounder Lucid ubuntu 10.04 LTS06:10
MWPmuhammadnk: again, too old06:10
muhammadnkMWP: ubuntu is derived from debian which is more than 10 years and most of it is the same. except for grub2 and small changes on startup but mostly it's applicable.06:10
muhammadnkMWP: try and see. no use complaining too old and ending up like an idiot.06:11
muhammadnkMWP: use this, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2004-October/008951.html - this is better.06:11
muhammadnkMWP: it *will* work. and you have a choice to remove it complete or the second choice is to disable it at startup.06:12
MWPmuhammadnk: nope, fail. still starts X06:13
MWPmuhammadnk: as i said, recent Ubuntu uses different init system, so those old methods no long work.06:14
Chilaquileswhats the most amazing 3d game on linux?06:14
blackstarMwP try removing the execute permission06:14
DBoyznow what should i do06:14
blackstarMwP try removing the execute permission under init.06:14
MWPoh jeez... there has to be a "proper" way to do this.06:14
bullgard4Banshee 1.8.0 shows the entry of the currently played track in bold type. Banshee shows another track entry highlighted in light brown. What does the highlighting of another entry mean?06:15
DBoyzi have tried desktop 10.10 and amd64 alternate using pendrivelinux unetbootin and usb-creator on both iso's06:16
DBoyzbut all failed06:16
DBoyzwhat do i do now?06:16
quiescensMWP: the newer init system is managed by upstart and is configured by files in /etc/init06:16
quiescensMWP: you probably need gdm.conf06:16
sacarlsonDBoyz: you indicated that the usb flash media is bad so go to the store and get another flash card?06:17
DBoyzits only 13 errors06:17
DBoyzit passed the test06:17
MWPquiescens: i didnt follow the suggestion of removing gdm06:17
bullgard4!enter | DBoyz06:17
ubottuDBoyz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:17
blackstar hello, anyone can help me to setup Asterisk web access ounder Lucid ubuntu 10.04 LTS ?06:18
quiescensMWP: which suggestion?06:18
DBoyzkk sry06:18
MWPquiescens: oh, muhammadnk suggested i remove gdm to stop X from loading06:18
MWPquiescens: any suggestions as to what i need to modify in /etc/init ?06:18
sacarlsonDBoyz: can the formated usb flash hold a iso file with a md5sum match?06:19
quiescensMWP: you have to tell it not to autostart, which is how it normally works, which means editing gdm.conf in /etc/init06:19
Bloodhawkrunning ubuntu in a KDE environment and my shutdown/restart buttons are missing from the dropdown menu, how can i add them to it manually?06:19
DBoyzhang on06:19
skijunkie92Bloodhawk, try #kubuntu06:19
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=== AD_Sunset is now known as MandraSigma
strider24I installed Ubuntu using Wubi on my system which runs Windows 7. After a few restart I'm getting a initfrms error at startup.06:21
strider24What could be wrong?06:22
^Phantom^Hey, question here.  I have the kindle app on my android phone.  Is there a Kindle program for ubuntu?06:23
blackstar<strider24> whenever u update ubuntu on a wubi installation with a kernel update that all ways happend to me06:24
muhammadnkMWP: forgive me for being harsh, my actions may not be appropriate but i myself am grateful to have irc as a place to ask questions eventhough it is my last resort. =)06:24
strider24blackstar, yeah, I recently did an update... anyway to solve this? or, am I stuck with the same kernel?06:25
muhammadnkMWP: do this, update-rc.d -f gdm remove06:25
muhammadnkMWP: restart and viola.06:25
shcherbakdesaints: ok, have foggest idea, what about rebootnig to win to see if it works?06:25
skijunkie92So I just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, and when I restarted after all the updates my system wont boot06:25
skijunkie92from what I can tell, my encrypted /home/ drive is borked06:26
skijunkie92in some way06:26
desaintsshcherbak: i just over-wrote win with linux because it was getting bogged down. but i assure you wifi worked before i put linux on the laptop06:26
skijunkie92I've dropped into recovery with the alternate ubuntu disk06:26
blackstar<strider24>  don't how to solve it run the update using the update manager but uncheck  the kernel updates06:26
quiescensmuhammadnk: update-rc.d isn't applicable for upstart based jobs06:26
shcherbakdesaints: do you have live cd?06:27
skijunkie92and i can't mount my home directory with encrypt-mount-private06:27
KGBWolfTrying to run sun java6 JRE need install guide06:27
strider24blackstar, alright thanls06:27
desaintsshcherbak: i have live-usb of 10.1006:27
blackstarthat's the only way i found how to do it, partition ur disk and reinstall OS's that way this wont happend06:27
shcherbakdesaints: well, nothing better that to try it.06:28
blackstarthat's what work for me06:28
desaintsshcherbak: ok i can in just a moment...06:28
skijunkie92so basically06:29
skijunkie92when i try to mount my home directory06:29
skijunkie92with ecryptfs-mount-private06:29
skijunkie92i get an error06:30
skijunkie92ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly06:30
bullgard4Banshee 1.8.0 shows the entry of the currently played track in bold type. Banshee shows another track entry highlighted in light brown. What does the highlighting of another entry mean?06:31
skijunkie92bullgard: the highlighted entry is the song that's been clicked on06:32
bullgard4!enter | skijunkie9206:32
ubottuskijunkie92: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:32
muhammadnkquiescens: hmm.. you're right. then "mv /etc/init/gdm.conf /etc/init/gdm.conf.noexec"06:32
Danny78I completely missed what you said06:33
Danny78had to do a hard reset06:33
bullgard4skijunkie92: What's the use to highlight the song that I have clicked on while another song is playing?06:35
Danny78crap, did they leave?06:35
derfkshi all06:35
skijunkie92bullgard: hit enter and you can start playing that song that's highlighted06:35
bullgard4skijunkie92: Ah! --  Thank you very much for your help.06:36
u_learninhello. i have a problem with libpcap.so.0.806:36
u_learninerror while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.0.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director06:36
dusfi am trying to access/copy files from a dvd but it says access denied and the owner is listed as 501 - user #501, how can i fix this?06:36
CaneToadI've moved back to 10.04 to get away from the continueous lousy X server locked-focus problems in 10.10.  So far so good!!!  Yay!06:37
u_learninanyone know how to fix this?06:37
nesbitti am trying to add an extra drive to my lvm following the instructions here:  http://goo.gl/Pz89s.  after i unmount (with "sudo umount /home/") and then run "e2fsck -f /dev/vg-home/home" i get a message telling me the filesystem is still mounted and that continuing will cause severe damage (http://pastebin.com/gHMQWcWX).  does anyone know why this is and how i can fix it?  any help would be greatly appreciated :)06:38
KgbwilfNeed help installing sun jre 6 on jaunty jackolobe06:39
DJCharliemorning all. question: i'm working on setting up a failover system on my 2 servers, and i have the "virtual ip" of set up on both. how can i port forward to them from my router?06:39
CaneToadKgbwilf: what's the problem?06:40
=== bruenig_ is now known as bruenig
xanguaKgbwilf: jaunty is no longer supported, use a more recent version06:41
nesbittu_learnin: it could be that you don't have something installed, or that it is looking for the wrong version.  could you show me the output of "locate libpcap.so" in a pastebin?06:41
KgbwilfCaneToad: need to install sun java 6 I'm using jolicloud06:42
Danny78if an encrypted fs is what's keeping win shares from mounting in Ubuntu, how do I set my home folder to not be encrypted?06:42
CaneToadKgbwilf: have you tried already?06:42
KgbwilfTried what?06:42
Phoenixzmy ubuntu server is hanging during boot.. I see fsck checks that are ok, then nothing.. I had some network mounts, which were hanging (after some 1o mins I would have a cifs filesys mount failure, drop to shell), so I removed them from fstab (I commented them),  but after a reboot, its still hanging.. What could be causing this? I have no shell, no log data, nothing.. :(06:42
CaneToadKgbwilf: tried installing it06:42
KgbwilfYes. Right now I am on a cleav system no java at all06:43
CaneToadKgbwilf: have you downloaded it?06:43
KgbwilfWith 0 sym links.  I have it downloaded from sun 32 bit self extracting bin.06:44
CaneToadKgbwilf: ok are you having some trouble with the install?...I don't yet know why you're asking for help06:45
KgbwilfI am successful with the install I am unsuccessful in making sym links.06:45
KgbwilfTo browser06:45
CaneToadKgbwilf: what do you want to do with sym links?06:46
=== dhruvasagar_ is now known as dhruvasagar
KgbwilfThe java website says to go into firefox plugin folder and create a sym link back to the java libjava.so file.06:47
KgbwilfThat does not seem to work.06:47
CaneToadKgbwilf: ah so you're trying to set it up to be your browser's java virtual machine06:47
u_learninerror while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.0.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director06:48
=== DBoyz is now known as DBoyz[A]
Danny78anyone know how I reset an encrypted home folder as unencrypted, or, get around this encryption to allow mount on bootup?06:49
KgbwilfCaneToad: it's a plugin for the webbrowser06:50
HypoglybeticJordan_U, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6629357/RESULTS.txt06:50
TheMoorim runing ubuntu 9.0.4 kernel 2.6.28-11 generic , im unable to add a vpn connection , can someone plz help me , here a screenshots from my ubuntu installation :  http://img508.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=screenshot2dp.png06:50
Phoenixzmy ubuntu server is hanging during boot.. I see fsck checks that are ok, then nothing.. I had some network mounts, which were hanging (after some 1o mins I would have a cifs filesys mount failure, drop to shell), so I removed them from fstab (I commented them),  but after a reboot, its still hanging.. What could be causing this? I have no shell, no log data, nothing.. :(06:51
KgbwilfCaneToad: trying to add a repo via command line so I can install what I need06:51
u_learnindoes anyone know06:52
soreauKgbwilf: What do you need a repo for?06:52
u_learninhow do i fix this problem?06:52
DJCharliequestion: i'm working on setting up a failover system on my 2 servers, and i have the "virtual ip" of set up on both. how can i port forward to them from my router?06:53
KgbwilfSo I can install sun java606:53
Danny78how do I tell fstab to wait until the network is up to mount network windows shares?06:54
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  ?? :o06:54
EOF-senseihow would I go about switching back to the 10.10 style layout?06:54
DJCharliebasically what i need is to port forward ports 80, and 8566-8576 to the virtual ip.06:55
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: You should definitely be seeing a menu at boot.06:56
axisysany idea why this usb is not mounting ?06:56
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  well, lets see what happens *rebooting*06:57
skijunkie92I'm trying to pull data off my encrypted /home/ directory. How can I do this? when I try to access the drive with ecrypt-mount-private I get an error06:57
TheMoorim runing ubuntu 9.0.4 kernel 2.6.28-11 generic , im unable to add a vpn connection , can someone plz help me , here a screenshots from my ubuntu installation :  http://img508.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=screenshot2dp.png   all what i want is to add a vpn connection , is this too hard :(06:58
axisysfdisk -l shows only my internal disk06:58
HypoglybeticJordan_U, Okay, I booted into Grub, again, however there is NOT an error.06:58
SwedeMikeskijunkie92: and you have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory ?06:58
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  it says "gnu grub version 1.98..........ubuntu4,and then a paragraph of bash-like editing is suported. Again, no actual error06:59
Danny78can't get windows networked samba shares to mount on boot,  fstab:  http://paste.debian.net/104275  and smb.conf  http://paste.debian.net/10427607:00
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: If you run "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg" from the grub shell does it appear to be a normal text file (no unprintable garbage that would suggest corruption)?07:00
xanguaTheMoor: lucid is no longer supported, try a newer version07:00
R0_odgeHello guys, I'm not able to tick .exe and .jar files as executable.Anyone can help?07:00
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  :| out of disk07:01
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  so what does that mean again? shoot myself? ....07:01
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: That explains everything. You do indeed have a buggy BIOS, and it's easy to work around :)07:01
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  Which BIOS? Dell PERC bios or motherboard BIOS?07:02
skijunkie92SwedeMike: thanks man!07:02
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Motherboard.07:02
R0_odgeHello guys, I'm not able to tick .exe and .jar files as executable.Anyone can help?07:02
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  you know, for $50 a pop I could go buy some DELL PowerEdge 2850 servres off of ebay and fix all my fing problems. ...07:02
HypoglybeticJordan_U, would you like to guess the name brand of the MB? ill give you a hint, their support is 0.07:03
u_learnincould someone help me with this07:03
JoshMandersHi guys, I'm trying to create a USB bootdisk but it's not working07:03
JoshMandershttp://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/1/1001582921-orig.jpg I get that error.07:03
R0_odge Hello guys, I'm not able to tick .exe and .jar files as executable.Anyone can help?07:03
JoshMandersUsing 10.1007:03
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: You can work around the problem by creating a small /boot/ partition near the beginning of the drive. That way everything that needs to be read through the BIOS is within your BIOSs limits.07:03
HypoglybeticJordan_U, I received other errors in ESXi, perhaps this will explain it.07:04
skijunkie92u_learnin: with what?07:04
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  oh, that doesn't sound tooo bad.07:04
xanguaJoshManders: try with Unetbootin, never failed to me ;)07:04
jrmcmI just purchsed a hawking tech hwun3 usb wifi stick, its running on a rt2879 chip and network manager doesn't recognize it. help07:05
JoshMandersxangua: I did try that, and the screen loads but there's no options to install, just the blue UNetbootin screen with 1 option "Default" and a countdown from 10 that restarts after it gets to 007:05
HypoglybeticJordan_U, Do you have a link to a walkthrough or how am I to do this?07:09
jrmcmI just purchased a hawking tech hwun3 usb wifi stick, its running on a rt2879 chip and network manager doesn't recognize it. help07:10
DJCharliecan someone please help me?07:10
jrmcmdj: with what?07:10
_jesse_DJCharlie: go to or whatever your router's ip is, you should find facilities there07:11
DJCharliejrmcm: i have 2 identical servers set up, and i have set up the virtual ip of on both, and i have my router set to port foward both port 80, and ports 8566-8576 to
DJCharlieBUT, it's not working. what am i missing?07:12
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Looking for a good guide now.07:12
HypoglybeticJordan_U, Thanks :)07:12
DJCharlie_jesse_: i've got that part, but neither system is picking up.07:12
DJCharliespecifically, if i use my browser to go to, i get a "connection reset" message.07:15
SwedeMikeDJCharlie: time to start using tcpdump or wireshark to see what's going on.07:16
kaushalCan i discuss here about IPsec ?07:16
vadimkiselevHappy Binary Day!07:17
PopulusNeed help installing a Windows program through Wine.07:17
SwedeMikekaushal: I doubt you will find many people here who know about IPsec, it's probably better to try to find some kind of application specific channel instead of the ubuntu channel.07:17
kaushalSwedeMike: ok07:18
kaushalplease guide me about irc channel for ipsec ?07:18
kaushalI dont see any channel for ipsec07:18
DJCharlieSwedeMike: should i run that from one of the 2 systems?07:19
TomLingnome-tw @freenode07:19
TomLinwhere am i ?07:20
skilzHi I just installed a GeForce 210 Galaxy HDMI/DVI/VGA video card and now when I play an mp3 with VLC X server restarts07:20
arunkumar413hi firefox not opening07:20
CaneToadTomLin: use /quit07:20
almoxarifescripts in crond.d are sched to start at any particular time of the day?07:22
yingzihello evryone07:23
arunkumar413i'm having problem with firefox.Its not opening after i installed an addon07:23
vadimkiselev<arunkumar413> try to reinstall it07:24
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: I can't find a good guide, and it would take me a few hours to download the server iso. So I'll try to walk you through installing with a separate /boot (it's not too hard) but you'll have to describe or upload pictures of what you see.07:24
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  okay07:24
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  I have a web cam ..lol07:24
arunkumar413vadimkiselev: reinstall option is not enabled in the package manager07:25
shadaloofor some reason07:26
vadimkiselev<arunkumar413> delete and install07:26
shadaloothe grpahical start07:26
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Go through the install up untill partitioning, choose manual partitioning then upload a picture (or try to figure it out yourself, you probably can).07:26
shadaloois all messed up07:26
FloodBot3shadaloo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:26
shadaloohow do I fix?07:26
shadaloohi when I start ubuntu the grpahical loader is gon07:26
shadaloowhat's the fix?07:26
shadalooyou guys are getting SLOW07:27
nit-witshadaloo, what is this graphical loader what do you mean?07:27
PopulusNeed help installing a Windows program through Wine! (=07:28
gjpWho knows how to output to the output of a program variable?07:28
leagrishello, can someone help on setting an lpd network printer requiering username to accept jobs?07:28
HypoglybeticJordan_U, Running setup now.07:30
arunkumar413vadimkiselev: sorry, my bandwidth is very less. I cant download again07:30
skilzshadaloo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:30
gjpWho knows how to output to the output of a program variable?07:30
vadimkiselev<arunkumar413> install it from live cd07:31
witesoulhallo, ist hier auch der ein oder andere deutsche der kurz helfen kann?07:31
leagrisMy printer is a Xerox Workcenter 7428. I installed ppd from xerox website but the printer require a username to accept print jobs. I tryed setting URI to lpd://username@printerhostname but after the configuration setup the username@ part is stripped out of the URI and the printer refuse to print annonymous jobs :/07:31
Jordan_U!de | witesoul07:31
ubottuwitesoul: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:31
xangua!de | witesoul07:31
witesoulvielen dank07:31
gjpwho can tell me?07:32
dhiaeldeencan I ask a Question?07:32
HypoglybeticJordan_U, I'm at the partitioner07:33
nit-witdhiaeldeen, yes07:33
skilzdhiaeldeen: No you may not!07:33
Gnea!ask | dhiaeldeen07:33
ubottudhiaeldeen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:33
arunkumar413vadimkiselev: this is what i'm getting when trying to remove firefox E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)07:33
arunkumar413E: Unable to lock the download directory07:33
skilzarunkumar413: do you have something already downloading?07:34
dhiaeldeenskilz: nit-wit: i know that but it is not related to ubuntu07:34
vadimkiselev<arunkumar413> try reboot07:34
fujisanoHi comrads07:34
fujisanocan anyone help me?07:35
nit-witdhiaeldeen, ask and you will get some answer maybe where it is more applicable maybe the answer07:35
karmstI need some routing help with VPN07:35
fujisanoi was looking for a netbook for Ubuntu any recommendations?07:35
dhiaeldeen!ask | fujisano07:35
ubottufujisano: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:35
dhiaeldeennit-wit: why do judges have white curly hair?07:36
fujisanodhiaeldeen: sorry it's my upbringing where i learned politeness and stuff07:36
fujisanoso to be polite i will say hello and ask if someone is available07:36
nit-witdhiaeldeen, coming from a nick that just asked 3 times if they could ask a questions meh07:36
namnatulcodoes anyone happen to know whether the ralink rt3090 wireless card is supported natively in ubuntu 10.10?07:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:36
HypoglybeticJordan_U, I want to make a Boot (100megs), Root (4TB), and swap (6GB), so 3 partitions? (im guessing here)07:36
arunkumar413skilz: no,i have nothing downloading07:37
smiley__hey,i am new to ubuntu,i just downloaded a game with the software center,but it wont run.07:37
Madpilotsmiley__, which game?07:38
draven_solgroups and groups $USER provide difference information, what is the difference?07:38
smiley__Secret Mario Chronicles07:39
Madpilotrollman, you can /msg the bot, better than adding to traffic here07:39
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: I just finished downloading the minimal install iso which uses the same installer as the server iso. I'll have step by step screenshots in a few minutes.07:41
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  So I should use the Server Install disk then?07:42
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Yes.07:42
fujisanoam i still in #ubuntu ?07:42
Madpilotfujisano, yes07:43
smiley__I typed SMC in a teminal to see what the error was,but i dont understand..07:43
HypoglybeticJordan_U,  rebooting07:43
Madpilotsmiley__, pastebin the terminal error?07:43
CsJ84hey guys, my ubu 10.04 died, and not starting. I tried to reinstall it from cd and USB both stucked07:43
fujisanoty Madpilot07:44
smiley__X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)07:44
smiley__  Major opcode of failed request:  129 (XFree86-VidModeExtension)07:44
smiley__  Minor opcode of failed request:  10 (XF86VidModeSwitchToMode)07:44
smiley__  Value in failed request:  0xfd07:44
smiley__  Serial number of failed request:  14107:44
FloodBot3smiley__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
smiley__  Current serial number in output stream:  14307:44
derfksubuntu 10.04 rest in peace07:44
fujisanothis channel has a lot of flooding07:45
CsJ84thx derfks, any better help?07:45
Madpilotsmiley__, pastebin, not flood!07:45
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/ubuntu_server_separate_boot_screenshots/07:45
mettabenaloha from hawaii07:45
Madpilotubottu, tell smiley__ about pastebin07:45
ubottusmiley__, please see my private message07:45
fujisanoIs Ubuntu One worth paying for if i already have dropbox?07:46
skilzJust after installing Geforce 210 Galaxy HDMI/DVI/VGA video card, Xorg restarts when ever I open ANY audio application07:46
andreylosevfujisano: no07:47
fujisanoOk ty andreylosev07:47
Madpilotsmiley__, just a quick look at what you pasted here suggests the problem is that the program is so old it's looking for XFree86 stuff... which hasn't been Linux-standard for 5+years07:48
smiley__i got the app with the software center07:49
piercedwaterI have setup bind9 on my server and everything works so far. What address do I enter in my domain name's dns field to get my domain name to point to my name server?07:49
HypoglybeticJordan_U, an entire GB to my 'boot' area, such a waste of my 4 TBs xD07:50
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: 1 GB is not required, but as you say it's not much when you have 4 TB :)07:50
mbvpixies78how do I find the pathname for a USB external hard drive?07:50
Madpilotsmiley__, see the "this app is supported by the community" thing on that apps listing?07:50
HypoglybeticJordan_U, That was painless.  Would you mind assisting me in setting  up some things? or suggesting some progams/walkthroughs. I want to host my website and Media Server on this machine as well as virtual machines.07:51
Madpilotsmiley__, means it's not officially supported, so updates only happen when someone gets around to it. There's stuff in the repositories that hasn't been updated in years.07:51
PopulusWhen I try to run a Windows install program through Wine I get this message. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/552721/07:51
Madpilotsmiley__, lots of abandoned open-source projects out there, unfortunately.07:51
smiley__i see07:52
blixtenerror: cannot execute /jail/glftpd/bin/glftpd: Exec format error. anyone know how to fix? i'm running a ppc64 with ubuntu 64, glftpd is a 32bit application07:52
Madpilotsmiley__, http://www.secretmaryo.org suggests the last updates were late 200907:53
Madpilotsmiley__, might be worth finding an email address on that site and asking them07:54
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: Just ask (here or in #ubuntu-server) and I'll help where I can.07:54
skilzJust after installing Geforce 210 Galaxy HDMI/DVI/VGA video card, Xorg restarts when ever I open ANY audio application. How can I solve this problem?07:55
HypoglybeticJordan_U, thanks a billion.  hopefully I'll get this to work smoothly.07:57
Jordan_UHypoglybetic: You're welcome.07:57
rollmanrax for 64 bit verus eax for 32 bit in assembly07:58
skilzrollman: was that directed to me?07:58
skilzrollman: ok well can you try and help solve my problem please it's driving me mad07:59
rollmansaw something i was looking at07:59
piercedwaterI have setup bind9 on my server and everything works so far. What address do I enter in my domain name's dns field to get my domain name to point to my name server?08:00
pavankumarlhello everyone, will there be any problem if I install gnome shell08:02
pavankumarlusing 10.1008:02
Jordan_UWow, for some reason egrep is using over 6 GiB of RAM.08:04
ubuntuCould someone help a noob here please?08:04
Jordan_Uylmfos: Stop that.08:04
pavankumarlwhats ur problem08:04
CsJ84my ubu 10.04 died, and not starting. I tried to reinstall it from cd and USB both stucked, any ideas?08:05
ubuntuI am trying to use a live cd but can not find any of my hard drives08:05
ejvwhy are you yelling?08:07
andreylosevskilz: calm down and explain what's wrong08:07
ejv!volunteer | skilz08:07
ejv!caps | skilz08:07
ubottuskilz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:07
ejvthere we go ha08:07
smiley__i can play dvds in mint but i cant play dvds in ubuntu08:07
LostThymeDoes anyone know from experiences, if the X-Fi Xtreme Gamer works well in the latest ubuntu/kubuntu?08:08
tinalasmy grub2 background image background has stopped working08:08
tinalascan anybody help08:08
ubuntuI am trying to use a live cd but can not find any of my hard drives, they are not in places08:08
tinalasif I update grub it says it found the image I want to use but then grub doesn't use it...08:09
skilzJust after installing Geforce 210 Galaxy HDMI/DVI/VGA video card, Xorg restarts when ever I open ANY audio application. How can I solve this problem?08:09
yuleris there a #channel or support site for Empathy?  I've a few log files (XML parsed) that won't load in the "previous conversation" window.  Also, is there a GUI tool to tag XML files for parsing to make the XML human readable?08:10
smiley__why cant i play dvds in ubuntu ?08:10
ejvdid you try #empathy yuler ?08:10
rkskilz, look at /var/log/messages to see errors when the boot happens08:10
skilzsmiley__: What application are you trying to play the DVD with?08:10
yulerYes.  I am the only one there.  :008:10
ejvyuler: IRC room is #empathy on Gimpnet (irc.gimp.org08:10
rkubuntu, where are you looking for hard drives?08:11
yulerejv:  thanks.  I'll try that network08:11
ejvyuler: np08:11
ubuntuIn places08:11
tinalassmiley__:  have you installed restricted extras? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs08:11
smiley__vlc and smplayer and the movie player08:11
smiley__yes they are installed08:11
tinalascan anyone help me get my grub background back? I'm really tired of basic things like this failing08:12
skilzJan 11 18:43:02 skilz-VERITON-2800 kernel: [   12.959171] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.08:12
rkubuntu, the hard drives are under /dev/sdx. Maybe you will have to mount them manually08:12
nit-witsmiley__, w32 codecs from medibuntu abd lidvdcss2 in synaptic08:12
rkubuntu, you know what i am talking about?08:13
dodgy_scriptskilz,  do you get any sound from ubuntu  , i mean like the login  sound on boot ?08:13
skilzI dissabled that08:13
smiley__i dont understand what to do08:13
nit-wittinalas, have hyou tried burg08:13
rkskilz, google the errors found in messages without the [ numbers] thing08:14
rkubuntu do you know your hard drives letters?08:14
ubuntuc: d: f:08:14
skilzdodgy_script: http://pastebin.com/ejtE52Vj08:15
tinalasnit-wit: I don't like burg... last time I used burg I ended up with a system that wouldn't boot08:15
skilzrk: Please read http://pastebin.com/ejtE52Vj08:15
ejvubuntu: no, in ubuntu-land, forget all of what you learned about device assignment in Windows, drives are labeled sd[a,b,c,d,etc.]08:15
ubuntulooked in dev there is no sdx08:15
tinalasthe last thing I need is an unbootable system08:16
ejvubuntu: sudo fdisk -l08:16
Jordan_Utinalas: Can you reboot to the grub shell and try running "background_image /path/to/image.png" and see if it gives any usefull error message?08:17
nit-wittinalas, I am not a fan of it as well08:17
ejvbackground images are overrated08:17
rkubuntu, in a terminal, type ls /dev/?d* and paste in pastebin.com the result08:17
rkskilz, i cant see an error in that log08:18
tinalasJordan_U: how do I do that?08:18
AscavasaionCan anyone here adviseme ona  nice CD Player front-end for Gnome.  Something lightweight that has usual play, pause, stop, skip, etc. buttons, and maybe an Internet lookup for track names?  Rhythmbox etc are too robust.08:18
Jordan_Utinalas: Press "c" when you get to the grub menu to enter the grub shell.08:18
ubuntu the only one it finds is my usb drive08:18
tinalasJordan_U: k I'll try08:18
vadimkiselev<Ascavasaion> VLC08:19
rkejv fdisk -l, much nicer than ls /dev/?d* xD08:19
ejvubuntu: so is your drive actually connected?08:19
ejvrk: yes, i applaud your helpful attitude though08:19
skilzrk: thats what I mean it's really weird08:20
Ascavasaionvadimkiselev, I am looking for something simple like the CD Player that came out with Windows 98.08:20
PopulusWhen I try to run a Windows install program through Wine I get this message. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/552721/08:20
smiley__i guess i will use mint to play dvds,i just hope it can rip them as well08:20
skilzMy systerm just restarts gnome when I launch a audio application08:20
ubuntuYes they are, I have 2 internal hard drives and one external08:20
skilzhmmm, I wonder what mpg123 will do in console08:21
ubuntuThey are sata3 drives08:21
ejvubuntu: sudo apt-get install pastebinit08:21
dodgy_scriptskilz, pastebin the lshd  , have you tryed mplayer in terminal ?08:21
mbvpixies78Can anyone give me pointers on how to slim down Ubuntu so it runs faster (1.7GHz, 512MB RAM)08:22
skilzdodgy_script: lshd?08:22
rkskilz, the [ number ] is the time the event happen since last reboot. Did you paste the last messages? or the ones before those? You are looking for the last message before the last reset in those numbers08:23
ejvmbvpixies78: slim and ubuntu tends to be an oxymoron; you can look at kernel customization though, if you're dead set on using an ubuntu core.08:23
ubuntucoldnt find package pastebinit08:23
rkskilz, in doubt, try to paste the whole file08:23
smiley__does ubuntu work with USB 2.0 full speed ?08:23
ejvubuntu: *ugh* you need to enable multiverse, sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list08:23
mbvpixies78ejv:  Ubuntu works more smoothly and quickly tistros I've tried, surprisingly08:23
skilzrk: I done # cat /var/log/messages and pasted the last few lines08:24
Madpilotsmiley__, of course08:24
mbvpixies78ejv:  do you think increasing my RAM from 512 to 1 or 2 GB will make a significant difference?08:25
ubuntuno luck not on cd or restricted08:25
rollmanskilz have u tried :man Xorg and read part under -nolisten option not sure if it will help?08:25
ejvubuntu: in that file, uncomment lines that say restricted, universe, and multiverse, then save it (ctrl + o, y, enter)08:25
smiley__how do you enable DMA,32bit hard drive read on ubuntu ?08:25
ejvubuntu: then, sudo apt-get update, followed by a, sudo apt-get install pastebinit08:26
ejvubuntu: pardon me that's ctrl + x, y, enter08:26
ubuntuok ejv thank you but it is late and I amm out of time08:27
ubuntuagain thanks08:27
ejvubuntu: that's unfortunate, i was hoping to look at your kernel output08:27
ejvgood luck :)08:27
rkskilz, paste the whole file, we need the messages before the last reboot08:27
skilzah ok08:28
mbvpixies78ejv:  I just don't think I'm ready to work on kernels08:28
mbvpixies78ejv:  meanwhile, I'm going to see if xfce helps08:28
rkmbvpixies78, increasing ram from 512 to 1 Gb will improve your experience a lot08:28
ejvmbvpixies78: increasing your ram can't hurt, what processor you working with?08:28
rkmbvpixies78,  id say 2 Gb are a bit better, but 1 is minimum if you use internet browsers and watch movies08:29
skilzmbvpixies78: you can never have too much ram :p08:29
mbvpixies78ejv:  AMD Athlon XP 2100+ (1.7GHz)08:29
ejvmbvpixies78: ouch, i feel your pain08:30
ejvwhat socket is that... 939?08:30
ejvsocket A! wow lol08:30
mbvpixies78ejv:  my main computer is Phenom quad core 2.6GHz, 8GB RAM but I'm not ready to switch over completely08:30
mbvpixies78ejv:  It should run ubuntu 10.04 fine with more ram though, dontcha think?08:31
rkmbvpixies78, actually a way to meassure the ram you need, is watch swap memory usage. If you are currently using swap, ram would improve your experience a lot. To check swap usage, you can use free, or top, or htop08:31
sven_oostenbrinkEvery time my ubuntu (server) reboots, it hangs after fsck of all filesystems.. a check in /var/log/messages shows JBD: barrier-based sync failed on dm-6:8 - disabling barriers.. Anyone knows how I can fix this and get my server to boot  normally again?08:32
mbvpixies78rk:  I used system monitor and ram gets up to 75% or better and I've seen swap get full (2GB)08:32
smiley__i wish ubuntu had a device manager like windows,so you could tweak hardware setings08:33
rkmbvpixies78, your swap is full? you sure need more ram08:33
mbvpixies78rk:  right now, I'm using 600MB, half of which is swap08:34
ejvsmiley__: just out of curiosity, what exactly can you tweak via the device manager...08:34
rkget to the store to get some 1Gb ram asap ^^ mbvpixies7808:34
parohi am new user08:34
ejv!welcome | paroh08:34
mbvpixies78anyone know if "server" ram found on ebay will work on a desktop mobo?08:34
parohwhat is the max password length supported by aes encryption?08:34
mbvpixies78rk:  as soon as I get paid08:35
smiley__enable hard drive DMA...08:35
rkwell, a 1Gb ddr3 ram cost about 13 euros ^^08:35
aLeSDhi all08:36
aLeSDis there a good program for tv station ?08:36
parohand also the length of password of other encryption like serpent and twofish?08:36
sven_oostenbrinkEvery time my ubuntu (server) reboots, it hangs after fsck of all filesystems.. a check in /var/log/messages shows JBD: barrier-based sync failed on dm-6:8 - disabling barriers.. Anyone knows how I can fix this and get my server to boot  normally again?08:36
rkaLeSD, kaffeine or metv08:36
rkaLeSD, me-tv08:37
sven_oostenbrinkEvery time my ubuntu (server) reboots, it hangs after fsck of all filesystems.. a check in /var/log/messages shows JBD: barrier-based sync failed on dm-6:8 - disabling barriers.. Anyone knows how I can fix this and get my server to boot  normally again?  Google shows this message not to be important, but on every freeze, this is the last message seen.. each freeze has alt-sysreq-* intact, so its not a panic, or complete freeze.. any ideas?08:37
tinalasok I think I got it08:38
AscavasaionCan anyone here advise me on a simple CD Player front-end for Gnome.  Something lightweight that has usual play, pause, stop, skip, etc. buttons, and maybe an Internet lookup for track names?  Rhythmbox etc is too fancy.  This is an old/slow machine.08:38
Thndrandlitning5When I try to play my DVD, I get "could not read from resource" I googled it and installed what it said to install and it's still doing it, anyone know why?08:38
tinalasI think it was my fault... though strangely it was working before...08:38
tinalasI made the background colour white but I don't think it will show the background image unless you set the background to black08:38
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
tinalasI changed this and it worked08:39
rkAscavasaion, totem also works with audio files and its pretty lightwave08:39
istokand exaile08:40
Ascavasaionrk: xmcd looks like the best bet so far.08:40
tinalasJordan_U: thanks... when I used background_image... I could see it set the background image behind the white background... which made me realise what I had done08:41
aLeSDrk thanks08:42
GatonegroHello everyone -- I'm having an issue with samba shares here. Sometimes I can't see other PCs on the LAN.08:42
rkAscavasaion, have you tried xmms ?08:42
GatonegroI'm a bit lost about where to begin searching about this issue -- any hints?08:42
Ascavasaionrk, Yes, thank you.08:42
rkyou are welcome aLeSD08:43
rkAscavasaion, I dont know how heavy it is xmms, but i like the winamp-like interface08:43
skilzrk: when I open sound preferences and click test speakers I can hear a noise08:43
skilzrk: Also, mpg123 works in the terminal08:44
Ileden_Hi! Any idea why I can open a connection via network manager GUI, but trying to open it via CLI using "nmcli con up uuid [UUID]" only says "Error: No suitable device found: no device found for connection 'Dna Default'."08:44
Guest4383anybody know a channel where i could find help with android?08:44
skilzI can play mp3 in terminal just not with GUI sound apps08:44
thekidGuest4383: /join #android :)08:45
=== Ileden_ is now known as Ileden
nesbittdoes anyone know how long resize2fs should take when adding a 2TB drive?  it's been going for hours now and the process status is "uninterruptible sleep" can i assume it's not working?08:45
rkskilz, you have to find an error somewhere. Try pasting the whole /var/log/messages08:45
IledenHi! Any idea why I can open a connection via network manager GUI, but trying to open it via CLI using "nmcli con up uuid [UUID]" only says "Error: No suitable device found: no device found for connection 'Dna Default'." ?08:46
Ileden(um, sorry for the repeat)08:46
Myrtti!ask | tranceConscious08:46
ubottutranceConscious: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:46
rknesbitt, are you using vlm?08:48
evilbugi'm getting an error from pidgin when trying to log into a yahoo account saying it cannot create a new "resolver" process. has anyone else experienced this under 10.10?08:48
skilzrk: I think my paste is too big, its freezing up when I try to submit then my browser returns an error08:48
nesbittrk: ah lvm? yep, trying to add a drive08:48
rkskilz, try to install pastebinit, then cat /var/log/message |pastebinit08:49
thekidlooking for bittorent/p2p based _streaming_ solution, a feature like the old "democracy player" had.. streaming for the masses using limited bandwidth... i have a linux client ready with some messy source code that actually just streams a bittorrent video by requesting pieces  one after the other ( yeah yeah i know ) but no idea how to broadcast live video. Any  projects or ready solutions for this?08:50
rknesbitt, I dont really know your problem, but when resizing drives with lvm, a common error is to forget to resize the lvm group before resizing the file system :S08:51
thekidstuck at the point of broadcasting live streams, sequential torrent downloading is somewhat a progress but don't know how to proceed08:52
rknesbitt, i think it should not take that long08:52
skilzdodgy_script: lshd?IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer08:53
skilzrk: Can I please email you the messages file08:53
alaingHi I'm trying to install my dlink dwa-140 wireless usb. I' following this tutorial  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1016108. I've downloaded the latest RAlink drivers and am stuck on point 10. make && make install. when i run that command I get the following errors http://pastebin.com/GLm7UZjm08:53
dodgy_scriptthekid,  vlc does some of that i believe08:54
skilzrk: I can play music with AlsaPlayer in Gnome... Strange... Very strange....08:54
rkskilz, id rather you to paste it here so ppl can help you out as well. you have another pastebin here -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/08:55
skilzrk: Seems to work with apps I have installed after I installed the video card08:55
nesbittrk: ok, i did extend the lvm beforehand with lvextend (following the ubuntu installation guide which seems pretty good).  i haven't gotten any errors though, and when i open another terminal and do vgdisplay, the drive does appear to be resized.  the process just hasn't ended08:56
dodgy_scriptalaing,  you have not got gcc installed08:56
rkskilz, also, the [ numbers ] in /var/log/messages range from 0.000000 to some number. that number is the number of seconds from the last reboot to that even happening. We need a whole log of a whole session. From 0.00000 to the point where your computer reboot. With the last part of your log we cant see the part when it reboots08:57
nesbittrk: the filesystem wasn't unmounted (because i couldn't work out how to do it) but it said it should be able to do it anyway (on the ubuntu installation guide).  would it be a bad idea to unmount it now, while it's going?08:57
thekidskilz: even more 'strange' that all alsa utils work :) try alsamixer ( alsa-utils package )08:57
alaingthanks i'll lok at it in a bit08:57
geboycan someone tell me what is the entry if i want to set an interface to only up state in interfaces file?08:58
BluefeverHey, if anyone knows this then I would greatly appreciate your input. I was wondering if there is a program that can take text from say a printed copy, and after scanning it into my computer, identify it and convert it to digital text.08:58
skilzthekid: I already got alsamixer08:58
Jordan_U!ocr | Bluefever08:59
ubottuBluefever: OCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.08:59
thekidDodgeThis: thank you, but vlc is not a p2p application and for .. well specific reasons .. i need to use a distributed solution08:59
rknesbitt, Ive got not much experience with lvm either :/ i think is hung up as you said. If the guide says is safe to have the fs mounted while adding a disk to the partition, i dont know. I dont think that was safe :/08:59
rick_2047hey, I am trying to install opencv and saw this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenCV) but the libcv4 package is not in my repos09:00
rknesbitt,  I meant, you cant do much right now, can you?09:00
Bluefever@Jordan-U. So the whoe OCRFeeder suite would do it?09:00
BluefeverI'm at the software center.09:00
nesbittrk: i just did an ls of my /home and it's empty! :'(.  no i can't... i don't think, i just don't know whether to kill it, or leave it going, or try and unmount the filesystem while it's still running or what! any ideas?09:01
loquitusNot specifically an Ubuntu issue (I think), but I have a new battery for my netbook and Installed it and booted the machine and the damn thing, even after 6 hrs, still says it has not got any charge built up. The indicator says this and then the machine goes into hibernation. But interestingly, if I boot the machine and wait on the boot screen or elsewhere, it does sit there for a long time and it does not run out of charge. Is the batte09:01
geboyplease anyone09:02
rkgeboy, auto. It will set it up as soon as available09:02
SickbockHi, my SD card reader does not work with the last few Ubuntu releases. I have a "Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822" (Lenovo X61s). I searched on the Internet, but I could not find a solution. How can I debug my problem?09:02
ajay__yadavis there a way to convert a huge .xlsx file to csv in ubuntu? some scripts etc.?09:02
nesbittajay__yadav: have you tried open office calc? it might be able to09:03
ajay__yadavthe file is big and is not opening in openoffice so can not save it as csv in that manner09:03
geboyrk: i've put auto eth3 iface eth3 inet manual and the last line "up" but it wont start09:03
thekidajay__yadav: tried openoffice?09:03
Sickbock@ajay__yadav: What about google docs? It is not ubuntu, but it might help you out09:04
rknesbitt, try asking #debian those guys have much more experience with lvm :)09:04
BluefeverThanks For The help :D09:04
nesbittawesome, thanks for your help, rk09:04
h-deeHi...it happens many times that whenever I start my Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit, compiz do not start automatically, even though I've specifically added it to the 'Startup Apps'. I've to manually start it most of the times. Any suggestions on how to resolve it?09:05
nicofsHi! I want to download a package on this pc (x86) but install it on one, that is currently without internet connection (arm). How do I do that?09:05
thekidSickbock: copy paste output of lsusb -vvv to http://pastebin.com/ so we have more info09:05
tPl0chHi, is it possible to tell a symfony form to add fields to name attribute groups as in formname[group][fieldname] when defining the widgets, or do I hjave to do that in a PostValidator?09:05
ajay__yadavthe file is too big to open in openoffice.. any other method?09:05
thekidSickbock: actually sudo lsusb -vvv you may need to run as root09:06
sven_oostenbrinkduring an do-release-update, console-setup hangs... apt-get install -f keeps console-setup hanging.. How can I fixs this?09:06
insmodcan any verify that iwl3945 works? debian and ubuntu and kubuntu can't see that or theth0 card RTL8101E09:06
h-deenicofs: Whenever you download a package, it gets stored in /var/cache/apt. You can copy that page from there, and install it on the machine you want to.09:06
tPl0choops, i am sorry09:06
rkgeboy, network manager in my experience makes its own thing over configuration files when its started. I would suggest you to use the gui interface. Is there anything you cant do from there. Just go to properties in the networkmanager toolbar icon, and select eth3. then mark always autoconnect09:06
nicofsh-dee, but will it download the arm-version on an x86 machine?09:07
geboyi have remove the network manager coz i have the bug with the privilages so i can't change anything09:07
ajay__yadavi tried python scripting but most packages are offering support for xls only09:08
thekidinsmod: lsmod |grep iwl should tell you if the module is loaded, if it is then it works... but strage question cause it really should work 'out of the box'09:08
SickbockThekid: Here is my lsusb for my SD card problem: http://pastebin.com/9WhV7iSr09:08
nicofsh-dee, as for your compiz - you could add a line to start compiz to .bashrc in your home/user/ folder - it will get executed after login...09:09
h-deenicofs: Sorry, I don't know about that. But, if you're using Synaptic, or aptitude to install packages, it will install those versions which are compatible with the current running machine i.e. if you're downloading from 64-bit, it will download 64-bit packages, and so wouldn't run on 32-bit. however, vice-versa is applicable very well.09:09
ejvinsmod: i use iwl3945, works fine09:09
insmodthekid: it is and i can scan the card just cant connect anywhere09:09
pavankumarlhello everyone, my right click is not working on desktop but its working properly every where else, how to rectify it09:09
h-deenicofs: Thanks, I'll give that a shot.09:09
insmodejv: really09:09
nicofsalternatively, if someone could tell me how to connect to a WPA2/PEAP encrypted network with iwconfig, i'd be happy aswell...09:10
rknicofs, isnt trivial09:10
insmodnicofs: iwconfig wlan0 key09:11
rknicofs, and you will need more tools than iwconfig09:11
insmodnicofs: iwconfig wlan0 key  xxxxxx09:11
h-deenicofs: try this 'sudo iwconfig <interface_name> essid "ACCESSPOINT" key PASSWORD'09:11
nicofsinsmod, no key... username and password...09:11
ejvinsmod: really. :)09:11
rkor maybe im mistaken ^^09:11
h-deenicofs: By the way, if I add it to .bashrc, wouldn't it run everytime I open bash?09:11
insmodejv: dmesg says wlan0 no ipv6 routers present09:12
insmodejv: dmesg also says wlan0 link is not ready09:12
nicofsh-dee, erm... good question... i always add things i want done at login to .bashrc...09:12
ejvinsmod: i know very little about wireless networking configuration, just that i use the kernel module successfully, sorry i can't be more help :)09:12
Williwallersalut tous09:13
h-deenicofs: I did added as a startup in init.d, but it don't work everytime (most of the time to be accurate)09:13
sacarlson nicofs might also look at  wpasuplicant09:13
rkh-dee, I think /etc/profile is run once, and .bashrc everytime you launch a bash09:13
rkh-dee, not sure tho09:14
h-deerk: thanks! I'll try that too.09:14
nicofsh-dee, just make an experiment: add some trivial application to .bashrc and then open some terminals and see how often that app gets started... ;-)09:15
thekidSickbock: sorry but looks like you're out of luck, it's just not supported now. You have to wait or get an external usb reader, or just use your phone ... rare situation but it happens :(09:16
evilbugwhen running cfdisk i get an error "cannot read disk drive". this means the hdd is lost for good, right?09:16
h-deenicofs: Okay! I'm always open to experiments. That's how I corrupted my last Ubuntu installation. LOL!09:16
insmodejv: what version card is yours09:16
alaingdodgy_script: how do i install gcc09:16
nicofsh-dee, that's why i said "trivial" application^^09:16
ejvinsmod: Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)09:16
alaingHi I'm trying to install my dlink dwa-140 wireless usb. I' following this tutorial  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1016108. I've downloaded the latest RAlink drivers and am stuck on point 10. make && make install. when i run that command I get the following errors http://pastebin.com/GLm7UZjm09:16
h-deenicofs: Sure thing!09:16
SickbockThekid: That is very unfortunate... It used to work > 1.5 year ago.. But thanks for the help, I can stop looking then. :\09:17
Unrealized@alaing: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:17
ejvalaing: missing build-essentials09:17
nicofsh-dee, i tend to reinstall my OS after 6 months max - because by then i have usually wrecked it09:17
insmodejv: mine as well i have installed debiun ubuntu kubuntu zeven0s3 nothing works09:17
geboyrk: any other way to do that besides nm?09:17
alaingthanks let me try that09:18
h-deenicofs: Well, that's how we learn things...BY MAKING MISTAKES.09:18
ejvinsmod: it's normal for dmesg to say those things, i get it sometimes when my AP drops out, are you connecting via the GUI in the top right corner of the screen? that's what i do... lol09:18
dodgy_scriptalaing,  sudo apt-get install gcc09:19
Williwallermon écran se met en veille après x temps d'inaction quoi que je choisisse comme reglage et meme lorsque je suis en plein écran, quelqu'un peut m'aider?09:19
nicofsh-dee, everytime i wreck my system, i laugh - and then reach out for the boot-cd...09:19
rww!fr | Williwaller09:19
Myrtti!fr | Williwaller09:19
ubottuWilliwaller: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:19
insmodejv: didn't work so I dumped it09:19
Williwallerrww, Myrtti, damn sorry I wasn't paying attention ^^09:19
alaingwould build-essential include gcc?09:19
ejvinsmod: you try various AP's? or just one...09:20
h-deenicofs: I'm actually new to Linux, so I'ven't wrecked it more than once, but yeah I was champ in corrupting Windows. LOL!09:20
ejvalaing: i belive so, give it a whirl...09:20
alaingeah i just see the gcc part of the install09:20
sacarlsonalaing: I know it includes a compiler I would have to say yes09:21
insmodejv: that and backend09:21
ejvalaing: build-essential i belive is a big meta-package for gcc, g++, libc, dpkg-dev, etc.09:21
memoryholealaing: yes it does09:21
thekidSickbock: however if you connect your digital camera/cellphone/basically anything to your thinkpad it will just work... i actually use a phone/camera/small usb reader dongle... all works except the built-in reader .. pain in the a** , thinkpad here too09:21
Madpiloth-dee, breaking things is how you learn to fix them :)09:21
h-deeMadpilot: exactly bud! :-)09:21
alaingexcellant I'm just trying point 10 and it seems to be making and installing09:21
ejvcompiling under ubuntu seems sorta against the it-just-works mantra doesn't it? :D09:22
* ejv grins09:22
alaingthanks dodgy_script ejv Unrealized09:22
ejvpleasure :)09:22
etfbIn my network connection icon, in the VPN Connections menu, I have an entry for my work VPN.  It works perfectly well, but I would like to be able to activate it with a single click.  Is there a way to add an applet to do that?09:22
h-deenicofs: GTG! ciao!09:22
SickbockThekid: My camera doesn't have USB.. that is why I was searching. But external readers work fine.. It is ugly to have an external reader, but perhaps that  is the right thing to do. Do you know why it is unsupported? I can try to do something about it although I have no experience with writing drivers.09:23
* insmod reaches for a glass of wine and a slack disk hmm09:23
ejvstrange that you should have problems with such a common chipset09:24
ejvlook on the forums :)09:24
insmodejv: did09:25
insmodejv: a week already09:25
ejvbummer, that's just bad luck :S09:25
thekidSickbock: it's only a guess but I noticed that SD-only devices all work ( phones,gps,cameras,whatever) but mmc readers do not... my guess is that it has to do with mmc support since that's a proprietary thing (just a guess)09:25
ejvinsmod: which kernel version are you using09:25
ejvinsmod: you try reverting/pushing kernels and observing behavioral changes?09:26
insmodejv: 2.6.32-24-generic09:26
ejvinsmod: im using 2.6.35-23-generic, pretty big jump sources wise, are you in a position to update your system?09:26
insmodejv: very time consuming when i have no net eth0 is not going as well09:27
insmodejv: no internet on it09:27
insmodejv: what kernel you have?09:27
thekidSickbock: however it might not be true since my very strange nokia external usb reader works also and it has mmc support ( but still only reads sd cards ).. so it might have to something with copyright sh** but not sure09:28
insmodejv: what kernel you have?09:29
SickbockThekid: hmm. It is hard to find information on the internet. I am still googling.09:29
ejvinsmod: already said im using 2.6.35-23-generic09:29
dodgy_scripti have a seagate  usb external hard drive and just used it as is.. should i have formatted it,, say to a ext3-4 before using it ?09:30
insmodejv: how ? 10.10 is 2.6.3209:30
ejvinsmod: im using i686, you using x86_64?09:31
histoinsmod: backports?09:31
insmodejv: nope09:31
ejvnot sure why you're so far behind then09:31
histoinsmod: i'm running 2.6.35-24 on 10.10 right now09:32
insmodejv: just d/l it installed and that is what it had09:32
thekiddodgy_script: seagate 250MB have have here comes preformatted fat32, most dvd players and other devices will not read ext/2/3/4 so decide according to your needs09:32
ejv2.6.32 is a dinosaur, you should update your sytem right away09:32
andreylosevdoes anyone have experience with timekpr09:32
insmodejv: you 2 may have done an update via lan09:32
histo!info linux-image-generic | insmod09:33
ubottuinsmod: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)09:33
insmodejv: how as I said there is no eth009:33
insmodso you did update then09:33
histoinsmod: what is the problem you are having?09:34
ejvinsmod: you have to figure that part out, visit a friend, order a CD from ubuntu.com, etc.09:34
pushermanstrange linuxy question, would something like head example.txt be considered a pipeline?09:34
ejvpusherman: no09:34
insmodhisto: both the wlan0 and eth0 don't work iwl3945 and RTL8101E09:35
insmodhisto: the eth0 is recognized wrong09:35
insmodhisto: also it installs the older kernel09:35
ejvpusherman: by itself i wouldn't really consider it piping, just an argument being supplied to the binary...09:36
histoinsmod: well it should install the older kernel unless you download a daily build.09:36
dodgy_scriptthekid, yep i realize linux plays well with other file systems just wondering if there is more benefit in re formatting to a linux fs?09:36
insmodhisto: exact -- and can't do that with no network09:37
histoinsmod: do you have another machine? or how did you get the install media?09:37
insmodhisto: could I get a daily build cd09:37
insmodhisto: yes I do09:37
sacarlsoninsmod: do you have any older ubuntu live cd that might work laying around?09:38
IledenHi! Any idea why I can open a connection via network manager GUI, but trying to open it via CLI using "nmcli con up uuid [UUID]" only says: "Error: No suitable device found: no device found for connection 'Dna Default'." ? Once opened via GUI, dropping the connection with "nmcli con down uuid [UUID]" does work.09:38
insmodsacarlson: I am just going to try a daily build09:39
histoinsmod: trying to find you a link09:39
PopulusWhen I try to run a Windows install program through Wine I get this message. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/552721/09:39
PopulusAnyone know what to do?09:39
histoPopulus: chmod +x /home/anonymouse/Downloads/UOSA....09:40
histoinsmod: they only have daily builds of the development version. You could do a net install09:41
insmodhisto: with no netdevise that works?09:41
Populushisto: what does the chmod +x command do? Do I type in teh destination folder for the installer?09:41
insmodhisto: have a link?09:41
histoinsmod: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:41
insmodPopulus: executable09:42
insmodhisto: thanks09:42
histoPopulus: make the file executable09:42
PopulusOkay, thanks histo09:43
progre55hi guys. using ubuntu 10.10 and for some reason I cant connect to ethernet. ifconfig shows no ethernet interfaces (used to be eth0), although yesterday it was working fine. Any suggestions, please?09:43
histoPopulus: +r would make it readable +w would make it writeable09:43
PopulusOh ok, Great!  Thanks09:43
histoprogre55: did you install any updates?09:43
histoPopulus: you can man chmod for more info if you want to know09:44
progre55histo: yeah yesterday there were xserver-common and xserver-xorg-core only.. could they anyhow affect it?09:44
histoprogre55: no they shouldn't no kernel updates though ?09:45
progre55histo: not lately09:45
histoprogre55: does lspci show the card being present?  also you may want to look at dmesg09:45
kollyHello, I was uninstalling a program on windows xp home edition, when the system switched off and since then my computer have not been able to boot to windows, I have tried every tweak I found on the net and discussion forum but no success.. I was thinking this may be due to a corrupt registry or something that has to do with windows booting files.. Can I please get a guide on how I tweak/edit either the registry or system file to get wi09:46
progre55histo: lspci only shows the wireless card, not the ethernet card.. weird09:47
histoprogre55: is the ethernet built on the motherboard?09:48
frybyekolly: boot from the xp installations cd and follow the instructions for "repair!"09:48
Williwallerhi all, my screen is suspending even when I set it not to (or when I'm in full screen mode on vlc or totem). I'm running Ubuntu 10.10. Can anyone help?09:48
progre55histo: yeah, it's an hp envy laptop09:48
Sickbockthekid: Seems some people are already working on the SD card problem: https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/416211/09:48
histoprogre55: check the bios and make sure it's enabled. Should be uner integrated peripherials09:48
frybyekolly: just noticed - you are on the wrong # - try in ##windows09:48
histowow bad spelling lolz09:48
progre55histo: )) arright, thanks.. brb, got to restart then =)09:49
Dark-SideMorning guys, i'm having a bit of an issue with, i assume, X and the intel display drivers. When i have no visual effects on my screens are as expected but when i  enable any effects the far right of my second monitor mirrors the left of my main monitor and the mouse cursor gets a bit screwed up when it goes over that way. Any ideas?09:49
kolly@frybye: Thanks, I am trying to use ubuntu to repair, it is possible09:51
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histokolly: I don't know if there are any windows registry editors on the nix side.09:53
histokolly: Offline NT password and registry editor is one in the chntpw package09:54
histoWhat does ubuntu use for cpu frequency scaling if they aren't using cpufrequtils?09:56
kollyhisto:I don't have problem with the passowrd cos am able to switch to the root user and am able to access the registry...but what I don't know is what to look for in the registry09:59
histokolly: i'd look in your startup folders09:59
histokolly: also as others have suggested you could boot off of the windows cd and repair the system Or restore it to an earlier date in safe mode.  This is really off topic for this channel though.09:59
kollyhisto: Thanks I will switch  over, thank you all for the info10:03
Quex01i've heard about thre whammyburger, fucking fantastic!10:06
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zach32hi what is a good program for a/v usb capture device for Zoran chip10:06
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Quex01happy kwanzaa10:07
singingBirddocx can be opened with LibreOffice10:07
Myrtti!language | Quex0110:07
ubottuQuex01: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:07
Quex01family fucking polite? what the hell are you smoking because i want some10:09
zach32hi what is a good program for a/v usb capture device for Zoran chip anyone10:10
koolhead17guys does 10.4 LTS supports XEN10:11
zach32lsusb Bus 004 Device 006: ID 0573:0400 Zoran Co. Personal Media Division (Nogatech) D-Link V10010:11
Goliath[12:10] <Goliath> hey10:11
Goliath[12:11] <Goliath> is it faster to use rsync or just cp10:11
Goliath[12:11] <Goliath> to transfer a folder from my pc to a usb drive10:11
Goliath[12:11] <Goliath> ?10:11
FloodBot1Goliath: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:11
zach32i need a program to capture the video and audio cheese only gives me video10:12
john38Whats a good video merging software10:12
oCeankoolhead17: not officially. Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen10:12
john38Whats a good video merging software?10:13
zach32<john38> GOPchop ----- sudo apt-get install GOPchop10:14
koolhead17oCean, thanks.10:15
Arizai need help :Ç/10:15
Arizacan anyone help me ?10:16
john38zach32, will GOPchop encode good video audio sync10:16
gaveenAriza, just ask the question10:16
zach32<Ariza> what do you need10:16
Arizai try to install ubuntu10:16
Arizafirst time10:16
Arizai want to use it my laptop10:17
Arizawhich is hp 6735b10:17
leagrishow to keep/force authentification on remote network printer? I  tried inserting username in the ipp uri like ipp://username@printerhost but it get stripped out and no authentification is requested beside the printer only accept authenticated print jobs. How to configure cups so it send username to the printer even if default anonymous polling work?10:17
Arizabut i dont have installation cd for this reason10:17
Arizai use a usb10:17
Arizafor boot the system10:17
Arizai use bootin programs for windows10:18
koolhead17oCean, so it means i should not use ubuntu if i have to use XEN and think for centos as base system10:18
mete_hi, my pc is dying as we speak. I recieved a important info about the hardware problem yesterday by dmesg. But It died on me before I wrote it down. Is there anywhere thaT I can see few days old dmesg records?10:18
IRCMonkeyzoomete_: perhaps check your logs10:19
Arizathe program extract the files to the usb, however when i reboot the computer, it doesnt work... "10:19
zach32<john38> check it out yourself http://gopchop.sourceforge.net/10:19
mete_which particular log?10:19
oCeankoolhead17: you're probably right. Or consider using kvm10:19
Arizawhat can i do10:20
koolhead17oCean pm?10:20
oCeankoolhead17: sure10:20
zach32Ariza what OS are you using right now?10:20
Arizawindows vista10:20
singingBird1mete you check in /var/log folder for dmesg10:20
Arizathe fail msg is " invalid partition table"10:20
IRCMonkeyzoomete_: /var/log/dmesg10:21
mete_I found it10:21
mete_d.1: host controller process error, something bad happened!10:21
mete_./syslog.1:Jan  9 17:38:14 mete-laptop kernel: [   24.874249] uhci_hcd 0000:00:10:21
zach32do you want to dual boot ubunt and vista?10:21
FloodBot1mete_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:21
mete_sound bad :S10:21
Arizano o10:21
zach32<Ariza> ok10:21
Arizai want tu use ubuntu10:21
zach32<Ariza> google Universal-USB-Installer-v1.7.6 and download on your vista10:22
mete_thanks alot ircmonkey and singin10:22
woniuhello FloodBot110:22
histo!install | Ariza10:22
ubottuAriza: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:22
zach32<Ariza> but you have to download the ubuntu 10.10 iso10:23
Arizahisto thank you but i ve checked already10:23
Williwallerhi all, my screen is suspending even when I set it not to (or when I'm in full screen mode on vlc or totem). I'm running Ubuntu 10.10. Can anyone help?10:23
Arizazach32 i ve downloaded already10:23
=== matthijs is now known as waaghals
vadimkiselev<Williwaller> try to turn off screensaver10:24
waaghalshi, can anyone tell me why the "about ubuntu" box takes ages to load?10:24
histoAriza: well the link will explain how to install from usb.10:24
waaghalsit just seems so absolute crappy.10:25
ghatuhi all unable to go to /root/usr/share/sounds directory using karmic koala10:25
histowaaghals: is it something you comonly do?10:25
histowaaghals: are you talking about the help icon?10:25
leagrishow to keep/force authentification on remote network printer? I  tried inserting username in the ipp uri like ipp://username@printerhost but it get stripped out and no authentification is requested beside the printer only accept authenticated print jobs. How to configure cups so it send username to the printer even if default anonymous polling work?10:26
waaghalsno, it's something I do whenever I forget what version I use -10:26
Arizazach32 i used unetbootin, however it didin't work10:27
waaghalsgutsy flutsy, hardy hero, or 10.wahtever10:27
waaghalsAFAIK it's like typing 'uname -r' and then having to wait ages10:27
waaghalsso, no it's not something I regularly do, but it just seems that a box with HTML text should take less time to start up then firefox on my machine.10:28
sugoruyowaaghals: maybe because it loads some html page...10:28
histowaaghals: cat /etc/issue  but it's loading yelp10:28
sugoruyoit's not an empty box that gives you the output of uname -r10:28
histowaaghals: sorry cat /etc/issue will show you what version. hitting about ubuntu will pull up yelp10:28
histowaaghals: also I just noticed mine says natty but i'm running maverick so.10:28
Williwallervadimkiselev, that's what I meant by "even when I set it not to (suspend)"10:28
zach32<Ariza> if you can burn the cd just insert it and restart when the hp screen shows up hit f2 of f11 and change boot to cd the system will restart and the rest you can figure out from there10:29
waaghalshisto, brilliant. now I don't even have to use the mouse.10:29
Arizazach32 m810:29
Arizai have to do it with usb10:29
Arizawhile downloading the iso file of ubuntu, is it important that amd or ýntel processor10:29
waaghalsAriza, yes that's important if you own a relatively recent machine, it's either AMD or Intel 6410:30
iflemaAriza: the AMD one also does intel, no10:30
skilzwhen I click on Appearence Preferences > Visual Effects > Normal or Extra it says searching for drivers10:30
Arizabut i could not find the download link for amd10:31
afancyHi, i have a patch file continue.patch, how to patch it? thanks10:31
skilzthen it hangs when I try to press Close10:31
zach32<ariza> download Universal-USB-Installer-v1.7.610:31
iflemaAriza: what did you find?10:31
ddilingerhow might i reconfigure the keyboard in ubuntu?  I moved my SSD from a desktop to my laptop, but now i cant use some of the keys :P10:31
histoAriza: there is basically two versions 32bit and 64bit10:31
ddilingersame in X and console(ctrl-alt-f1)10:31
histoAriza: amd/intel doesn't matter10:31
zach32<Ariza>and get a 2 gb usb10:31
Arizazach32 i download usb installer10:31
waaghalsddilinger, look in system. there's somethign with a keyboard icon10:31
zach32ok run did you run it?10:31
skilzI don't think the Nvidia drivers are working I installed10:31
Arizayes i run10:32
waaghalsAriza, you can always try to run it live-boot. if it don't work, it'll be wrong :-)10:32
Arizazach32, universel usb installer doesn't see my iso file10:33
ddilingerwell thats blah,  i can change it but it needs my password, and my password uses one of the disabled keys, what fun :)10:33
skilzNow I get the error: The Composite extension is not available.10:33
john38anybody here use AviDemux10:34
tishi accidentally typed "mv file *" instead of "mv file ~". now all the files in the directory are gone. can this be reversed?10:34
histo!anyone | john3810:34
ubottujohn38: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:34
skilzwhen I click on Appearence Preferences > Visual Effects > Normal or Extra it says searching for drivers, then I get the error "The Composite extension is not available"...... Any ideas how to fix this? I think the nvidia drivers I installed may not be working correctly10:34
histotish: where'd yo move them to?10:34
Arizaerror occured: " your usb drive won't be bootable"10:35
zach32<Ariza> did you rename the iso file?10:35
john38How do you merge video files with Avidemux10:35
Arizazach32 this time it found the iso file, but error occured: " your usb drive won't be bootable"10:35
histoAriza: please follow the directions from ubottu they are known to work.10:36
histoskilz: what video card?10:36
tishhisto: i'm not sure if they were moved or just deleted. because i typed "mv file *" and it said: "mv: cannot stat `file'"10:36
lahwranare there any command line timer apps that show a progress bar?10:36
tishi originally intended to move just the 'file'10:36
lahwranbasically sleep but with a progress bar10:36
histotish: then nothing was changed.10:37
=== marc is now known as Guest86086
histotish: it would be move somefile destination10:37
hi5_i am using webchat on freenode, but its quite slow; any web alternatives? i cannot install clients here10:38
histolahwran: what are you trying to time?10:38
histohi5_: i'd just search for a java irc client10:38
skilzhisto: Geforce 210 Galaxy, Ubuntu searched for the driver and downloaded it and installed10:38
hi5_yes histo10:38
hi5_it's working however...i just try this for somethime10:39
lahwranhisto: I want a program to start again a certain amount of time after I close it. I'd rather know how much time is left than not.10:39
skilzhisto: Funny thing is effects were working before I installed this video card10:39
histoskilz: did you restart X afterthe driver was installed?10:39
hi5_someone here using a raid setup?10:39
histolahwran: sleep10:39
lahwran!ask | hi5_10:39
ubottuhi5_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:39
histolahwran: but for the progress bar I don't know10:40
skilzhisto: I have restared the whole computer a few times10:40
lahwranhisto: sleep doesn't do a progress bar ;)10:40
hi5_to set raid do i also need lvm?10:40
skilzI have the System > Administation > NVIDIA  X Server Settings10:40
skilzand I can open it10:40
histoskilz: hrm.. does glxinfo | grep render show direct redering: yes10:40
Arizaan error(1) occured while executing syslinux. Your USB drive won't be bootable...10:40
Arizahow can i fix this10:40
histoAriza: I've told you follow the directions here10:40
histo!install | Ariza10:41
ubottuAriza: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:41
Arizaahah ok histo10:41
histoAriza: you are using some app that I have no idea about.10:41
hi5_Ariza: it's a live distribution that?10:41
Arizahi5 it is related with my external hdd10:41
geboyhelp me. i really don't know what is wrong with my network10:41
IledenHi! Any idea why I can open a connection via network manager GUI, but trying to open it via CLI using "nmcli con up uuid [UUID]" only says: "Error: No suitable device found: no device found for connection 'Dna Default'." ? Once opened via GUI, dropping the connection with "nmcli con down uuid [UUID]" does work.10:41
skilzhisto: Sure does...10:41
histohi5_: he's trying to install from thumb drive.10:41
Arizait is not bootable10:41
geboyits been days now10:41
histoskilz: hrm.. that's odd.10:41
hi5_and the issue/error is?10:42
geboyi keep getting insufficient privilage error10:42
histohi5_: the issue is whatever app he is using to create the device rather than following the instructions in teh wiki.10:42
geboyeach time i'm trying to edit network via nm10:42
histogeboy: is your user in admin?10:42
skilzhisto: I should 'in theory' be able to use desktop effects...10:43
geboyi'v added myself to root group10:43
hi5_ok..maybe he wants the trial and error approach :-)10:43
userWhat is wtmp?10:43
geboyhisto: is root different with admin?10:43
histoskilz: so where are you getting this error?10:43
histo!sudo | geboy10:43
ubottugeboy: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:43
histogeboy: ubuntu uses the admin group for sudo access10:43
histogeboy: the root account is disabled by default.10:43
skilzhisto: when I click on Appearence Preferences > Visual Effects > Normal or Extra it says searching for drivers, then I get the error "The Composite extension is not available"10:44
geboyso how am i going to do sudo in network manager?10:44
histolahwran: http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/113836-spinning-bar-status-while-doing-something.html10:44
skilzhisto: Sorry, System > Preferences > Appearence >10:45
lahwranhisto: I have almost got a python solution done. thanks tho10:45
geboyhisto: any suggestion?10:45
geboyhisto: should i go to terminal and type sudo network-manager in # prompt|10:46
hi5_reposting cause no-one answered: to set raid do i also need lvm?10:46
skilzhisto: .....10:46
n2diyhow can I tell rsync not to back up any file called   .parentlock   in any directory under /home/me/? I have a working exclude file.10:46
hi5_n2diy: did you look into options?10:47
n2diyhi5, what options? I checked the man page and figured out how to create an exclude file.10:48
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hi5_n2diy: the man page is fine10:48
Arizachers zach32 !10:48
hi5_so what went wrong?10:48
WillWill56Just wondering, what makes my Apache log file (and most other log files) become separated into compressed files like access.log.2.gz, access.log.3.gz, etc.?10:49
n2diyhi5, rsync backups up the .parentlock files10:49
g[r]eekHi I am trying to enable php5-mysqli but the package isn't recognised when I try apt-get install it10:49
MyrttiWillWill56: logrotation procedures10:49
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WillWill56Ah, I read something about that, so is it automatic in Ubuntu?10:49
MyrttiWillWill56: man logrotate10:49
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WillWill56Okay, won't waste your time, bye!10:50
MyrttiWillWill56: it's usually a cronjob10:50
WillWill56Thanks for the info!10:50
hi5_n2diy: and putting other directories/files in that exclude?10:50
hi5_just to see if something could work10:51
zezuwhats the name of the package the looks up 32b deps and installs them ?10:51
hi5_g[r]eek: not recognized? explaint that10:51
zezui need 32b libgvfsdbus10:51
n2diyhi5, the other files and directories are being excluded. The problem is I'm backing up to a test box, and mozilla generates multible .parentlock files, so if I want to use firefox, I have to delete them.10:52
akshayneed some help.. im trying to install teamviewer .. i typed irc.freenode.net in the terminal10:52
g[r]eekhi5_, E: Package 'php5-mysqli' has no installation candidate10:52
akshaybut it has some dependencies,10:52
akshayhow do i install those dependencies?10:52
akshayhow do i find them online thru the terminal and install them?10:52
hi5_n2diy: could me pls tell what the .parentlock does?10:52
negevhi, can someone tell me how to do a reverse ssh connection?  basically i need to listen on this machine, have my friend connect out to me from where he is, and then i have a shell on his machine.10:54
akshaysome help please?10:54
s3r3n1t7In order to make sure a certain amount of scripts will be executed on bootup, would it be best to write an init.d script or to put an @reboot in the crontab, or some other method?10:54
hi5_akshay: apt-get search "whattosearch" - without apices10:54
zezunegev: openssh-server10:54
n2diyhi5, /home/.mozilla/.parentlock tells the system that firefox is open, so when I rsync this box to my test box, I can't open firefox on the test box, because the .parentlock file is present.10:54
akshaythanks :)10:54
akshayim using mint 1010:54
zezunegev: then just make him a user acct10:54
hi5_akshay: it should have apt-get anyway10:55
Myrtti!derivatives | akshay10:55
ubottuakshay: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:55
hi5_n2diy: ok...too difficult for me to sort it out - for now10:55
hi5_can i talk to someone actually using raid?10:56
n2diyhi5, roger that! Me too, thats why I'm here!10:56
hi5_i am willing to set one of my own10:56
hi5_i am sure you will find someone more skilled on that10:56
n2diyhow can I tell rsync not to back up any file called   .parentlock   in any directory under /home/me/? I have a working exclude file.10:56
phoenix_hi, i had a problem on wifi10:56
hi5_or give a search into forums/web either10:56
parohcan some one make a torrent of ubuntu with all the good software10:57
parohand upload it10:57
phoenix_i'm running a wds wifi network, with wpa security, and ubuntu disconnects from this network after about 1/2 an hour10:57
hi5_paroh: i dont know if there are buitup ubuntu torrents - other than livecd or whatsoever10:57
earwigswhy so many people having problems with wifi on ubuntu?10:58
parohsome think life customize cd10:58
phoenix_however this problem does not occur when i'm using WEP security10:58
earwigsmy intel wifi just ... worked10:58
phoenix_and this occurs on multiple laptops10:58
hi5_phoenix_: that a common problem, looked maybe for some standy options activated?10:58
akshaythere is a problem with laptops using broadcomm wireless..10:58
hi5_phoenix_: even not with ubuntu?10:58
akshaythey need another package10:58
akshayto make it work10:58
phoenix_hi5_, no, all with ubuntu10:58
essskaypeellis there any way to make a window revert to its original size after resizing it?10:59
phoenix_akshay, what package?10:59
phoenix_hi5_, where can i find those options?10:59
hi5_phoenix_: try to stop the standby feature of the kernel module related to wifi card10:59
hi5_thats a good question, i did see it somewhere11:00
phoenix_hi5_, how can i do that?11:00
hi5_phoenix_: it always stops after the same time amouunt?11:00
parohi loose my boot loader11:00
parohhow to get bootloader back11:00
phoenix_hi5, approximately yes11:00
wealanwhat does 'distro' mean?11:00
hi5_paroh: with a livecd11:00
phoenix_hi5_, approximately yes11:01
hi5_on a usb key for example11:01
hi5_that's odd11:01
parohi don't have cddrive11:01
parohi had usb bootable11:01
ddilingerhmm, when i booted an ubuntu live cd there was a widget in the top bar for connecting to wired/wireless networks, but on my install i cant find it.  What package might i be looking for?11:01
hi5_maybe some insmod options can tell it not to standby - assuming it is going in standby11:01
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hi5_how i you get it working again? by reboot?11:01
phoenix_hi5_, and its not able to reconnect11:01
phoenix_hi5_, yeah11:02
hi5_even with rmmod of the module and then insmod it?11:02
Guest63395hello. i have a broadcom wireless card and i was wondering how i would go about using ndiswrapper to get online?11:02
phoenix_hi5_, or if there is another wifi spot nearby, i connect to that and then when i connect to my wifi, it connects properly11:02
phoenix_hi5_, but this time there is a shorter time out11:02
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skilzhisto: Are you there?11:03
zvrkphoenix_, check power management11:04
zvrkphoenix_, check power management and set up11:04
zvrkphoenix_, i make all 'never'11:05
hi5_phoenix and even with rmmod of the module and then insmod it? does it work again?11:05
hi5_other than reboot though11:05
phoenix_hi5_, i'm sorry, i didn't understand that11:06
nico__hi O.o11:06
hi5_phoenix with rmmod - from sudo - you remove a drviver module - you will have one for the wifi card11:06
hi5_then you do a insmod for the same on...maybe works11:06
hi5_it's like a plug and play reactivation11:07
phoenix_ok,how can i find out which module to rmmod?11:07
hi5_post me the result of lspci in private11:07
hi5_and lets see11:07
hi5_usually it has the name of the card chipset -eg broadcom like11:08
erkan^have someone a same problem when i --> Moonlight in Chromium doesn't work (plug-ins) ?11:08
hi5_so no one can help me with raid setup?11:08
phoenix_console says lscpi commandnot found....what should i apt-get install?11:08
hi5_phoenix impossible, write sudo lspci11:09
hi5_it's basic software11:09
phoenix_ok done, i wrote lscpi instead of lspci :P11:09
ddilingeranyone familiar with nm-applet?  mine claims to be running but it doesn't display anywhere11:10
hi5_post me the screen as soon as you can11:10
rumpe1ddilinger, restart it11:10
ddilingerrumpe1: i tried killing and restarting nm-applet, no go., also tried log out/log back in,11:11
phoenix_got it?11:11
rumpe1ddilinger, any warnings/errors when started from terminal?11:11
phoenix_check file transfers11:12
ddilingerrumpe1: just a notice about 'DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0"11:12
rumpe1ddilinger, then i would suggest, killall nm-applet && sudo service network-manager restart && nm-applet & disown11:13
Arizacan i play the games like pes 11 with ubuntu11:13
huhiamlostwhere is the sources list located11:13
jpdshuhiamlost: /etc/apt/11:14
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rumpe1and /etc/apt/sources.list.d11:14
Guest63395if i have windows 7 working on my wireless broadcom, is there anyway to use those exact same drivers and firmware with ndiswrapper?11:14
ddilingerrumpe1: hmm, still shows the old state message, and another one: 'DEBUG: foo_client_state_changed_cb', but still no applet.  I do have the 'notification area' in my panel, although theres nothing in it11:15
Guest63395lol so no one?11:17
oakboxHi all, I have a problem with terminal, sometimes when I run a command that then requires input (like a password) the terminal prints the "Enter password" text but then does not let me enter anything and will just carry on to say password failed.  Hope that makes sense, any one have similar problems?11:17
n2diyhow can I tell rsync not to back up any file called   .parentlock   in any directory under /home/me/? I have a working exclude file.11:18
Arizahow can i use wireless with hp 6735b11:18
WillWill56Hey Myrtti, thanks for the help again, I found the logrotate script for apache and I've got it running logs through webalizer before it rotates them and emailing me ones older than 12 months before it deletes them.11:18
MyrttiWillWill56: great :-)11:18
Ariza"device not ready (firmware missing)"11:18
WillWill56Seeya later!11:18
iflemaoakbox: you will see no input when entering passwords at the terminal so enter them correctly :P11:19
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alessandro_morning everyone11:20
oakbox@iflema Hi, I know it does not show a password, but I dont even get the chance to type anything (its like my enter key is pressed down constantly) but I have checked that, and I get the error over different machines as well...11:20
Dumb_JonnyAnyone know why cp -rf large files takes along time (transfer rate)?11:21
rumpe1Dumb_Jonny, depends how large they are11:22
Dumb_Jonnyrumpe1: such as a gig11:22
MyrttiDumb_Jonny: depends on are you copying between partitions, devices and USB/Firewire ports11:22
rumpe1Dumb_Jonny, and which filesystems are involved ... which interface is used .. and so on...11:22
earwigs<3 ubuntu11:23
Dumb_Jonnyrumpe1: Myrtti: I'm going to try my method killing X and trying large files...it seems like gnome nautilus can copy a large file to a fat32 usb device faster than cli11:24
Dumb_JonnyI want to see if killing X speeds up the transfer11:25
rumpe1Dumb_Jonny, highly doubtable11:25
Dumb_Jonnyrumpe1: I thought so too, but no...nautilus is faster sadly11:25
rumpe1Dumb_Jonny, perhaps it flushes the buffer later... you have to unmount the device for comparison, i guess11:25
ddilingerrumpe1: its odd, but restarting network-manager with nm-applet still running caused it to appear, but shutting down nm-applet and restarting it after network-manager restarted it was still hidden11:26
rumpe1ddilinger, hmm... strange ...11:26
iflemaoakbox: your using sudo? accross different machines yousay.... via ssh or different installs of ubuntu?11:27
Dumb_Jonnywhy isn't tty-clock not in the Ubuntu repos?11:28
Hugo__I need some help!11:29
Dumb_Jonnyhi Hugo__11:29
ActionParsnipHugo__: ask away dude11:29
Hugo__I have a Toshiba Satellite L65511:29
Ariza" wireless device not ready ( firmware missnig) " How can i solve this11:29
Hugo__With my old version of Ubuntu 10.10 the wireless would just work on the install11:30
Hugo__I had to wipe ubuntu off my computer11:30
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: and now your wifi doesn't work now?11:30
ActionParsnipAriza: run:  dmesg | less     after a reboot and read the boot, it will tell you the expected firmware filename11:30
Dumb_Jonnyi love the less command11:30
alien_i dont have the twin panel option in my browser11:30
ActionParsnipAriza: it's probably in the package - linux-firmware   but you may need to download it manually and put it in /lib/firmware11:30
hi5_Hugo__: so?11:30
Hugo__I have a Broadcom STA Wireless Card. But I didn't have to enable it before.11:30
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: might to install the xp driver to make your wifi device work11:30
ActionParsnip!broadcom | Hugo__11:31
ubottuHugo__: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx11:31
Hugo__The xp driver?11:31
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk11:31
Hugo__I don't have any internet on Ubuntu11:31
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: ndisgtk is a wifi driver wrapper11:31
Hugo__None at all, so no sudo for me.11:31
oakboxiflema, it can be anything that requires input, so if I do a cmd with sudo or typeing my ssh password or even if I wanted to create a new user and enter user details at the command line...  I have experienced it on ubuntu 10.04 9.10 and 8.04 (if I remember right)11:31
alien_does the gnome desktop have to do with the twin pannel option y file browser ?11:31
Hugo__Oh okay.. Well, my ethernet doesn't work either.11:32
alien_i remove gnome desktop to remove empathy and envelope icon11:32
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: connect your laptop to the connection your talking to us with11:32
Hugo__I'm on my mum's netbook11:32
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: ...using wifi now?11:32
Hugo__so i can't connect.11:32
Hugo__on a netbook, not my main laptop11:33
rumpe1alien_, gnome-desktop is a metapackage... if this was your question11:33
alien_my question is why i dont have the twin pannel option11:33
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: what os is on your mom's netbook?11:33
Hugo__Windows 711:33
rumpe1alien_, in nautilus?11:33
hi5_Hugo__: broadcom again...good luck with that. ever worked though?11:33
dosydoo1234quick question - i have a programme which opens up 30 windows.  I place them in various workspaces.  I close the programme, re open it - and all the windows appear in just 2 workspaces = 20 minutes to rearrange the whole lot again.  Is there any way in which I can pre code / save the target windows to target workspaces. Thanks11:33
rumpe1alien_, press f311:33
Hugo__Yeah, it did work.11:34
Hugo__I never had to enable the broadcom driver before11:34
Hugo__My wireless would just work11:34
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: I was going to say just download it from the repos and put it on a flash drive and install it with dpkg11:34
Hugo__Then I reinstall and it doesn't work..11:34
hi5_what do you mean by enable? i guess it did by itself11:34
alex12hello, im looking for a script / application that can manage my preffered network connection - i have 3g / wireless / and LAN, and quite simply, if im plugged in to the LAN i would like that to be the default gateway, and then wireless, and then 3G dongle etc, automaticly - is there anything for this?11:34
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: anyway to connect your maching to a hard connection?11:34
Hugo__No, No. I mean I didn't have to go into additional drivers.11:34
Hugo__The Broadcom Driver wasn't enabled at all, my wireless just worked, out of the box.11:35
alien_rumpe1, is not working and also i dont have the option in view wich tells me that F3 is the button i need to press for twin pannel like i had before11:35
Hugo__No, I've tried connecting it to the internet with an ethernet cable but that didn't work either.11:35
ActionParsnipHugo__: use a wired connection and get fully updated, may help11:35
Hugo__Wired connection doesn't work either :/11:35
hi5_Hugo__: even with lan no luck? i think your network system is broken11:36
Hugo__But it couldn't be..11:36
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: what do you see when you "sudo iwconfig"11:36
hi5_try with the recovery mode at boot11:36
ActionParsnipHugo__: reboot with the cable connected, may help11:36
Hugo__Because I dual with Windows 7 and it works in win711:36
Larrivhi is there a passible way to get auto login in Xchat11:36
Hugo__lo no wireless extensions11:36
Hugo__eth0 no wireless extensions11:37
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Dumb_JonnyI'll look in /ect to find you a answer Hugo__11:37
rumpe1Larriv, ctrl-s, edit server ...11:37
hi5_hugo maybe you have to try to ifconfig the lan0...do the led of ethernet blink correctly?11:38
userwhat can I read to make accounts with sudo and block root account from login? it's some weird setup here and it allows to login to root11:38
hi5_the green and amber one11:38
alien_how can i have the nautilius twin pannel option,i dont have it now11:38
hi5_alien_: did you search into options/preferences?11:38
Hugo__The ethernet has an led?11:38
Hugo__I can go and check11:39
leagrisHow to force CUPS to use credentials on remote network printer? I tried inserting username in the ipp uri like ipp://username@printerhost but it get stripped out. ?o authentification is requested for printer status polling but print jobs are rejected unless a proper username is provided.11:39
oakboxdosydoo1234, Hi, what are the windows?  If they are terminals you can add the size and pos as options in the cmd line when opening it.  If they are not, I think you can use the placement feature in compiz to remember window placement but I have not tried that...11:39
alien_hi5_, is no option for me to choose related to twin pannel there pal ;(11:39
Hugo__okay, I just checked.11:40
Hugo__No Led's are blinking with the wired cable.11:40
Hugo__Although, I couldn't see any LED's in the first place so I don't think it has any..11:40
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: you might have to reset your modem once your machine is connected to it by ethernet11:41
Hackwarhi, how can I disable the splashscreen when booting from a live cd?11:41
Hugo__okay, i'll got try that Jonny.11:41
Hugo__So I'll DC for a bit but I'll be back11:41
Hackwarwith a key-combination11:41
ActionParsnipuser: is this to ssh server?11:41
rumpe1Hackwar, kernel-option nosplash11:41
oakboxalien_, Hi, not sure but try hitting F3 with a nautilius window open11:41
userActionParsnip: yes11:42
Arv3nAnyone know how well World of Warcraft would run on the open-source ATI drivers?11:42
ActionParsnipHackwar: press E on the CD after selecting language, then delete: quiet splash11:42
alien_oakbox, i did like im used to,but thats when i figure i dont have twin pannel11:42
ActionParsnipuser: it's in /etc/ssh/sshd_config   you can block root logon there (by default its allowed which is funny)11:42
alien_i remove gnome desktop,does that have to do with twin pannel ?11:42
Hackwarrumpe1: thx11:43
HackwarActionParsnip: thx11:43
hi5_alien_: so what windows manager are you using?11:43
Arv3nwell, how far are the opensource drivers in 3d graphics? i mean compiz runs nice & fast (better than catalyst) for me11:44
Dumb_JonnyI think using Ubuntu is making my hair longer11:44
alien_nautilus the one ubuntu brings as default11:44
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: you there friend11:44
hi5_alien_: nautilus if the file manager11:45
hi5_the window manager are kde, gnome, cde, fwm etc11:45
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: how'd it go11:45
Hugo___Okay, I got the ethernet working, thanks Jonny and Hi511:45
Guest72419hello, im wondering how i can add a custom application into ubuntu 10.04 - im using the default window manager .... im simply looking to add a basic app that shows the status of a file (the file has either 1 or 0) inside of it11:45
oakboxhas anyone experienced not being able to input things in the terminal?  (as if the enter key is just held down so all input fields are left blank) ??  If I open a new terminal it works fine, but then after a while the same thing will happen again...11:45
Hugo___I'm connected and I'm doing the additional drivers right now11:45
Hugo___They're downloading.11:45
Hugo___Thank you so much for your help!11:46
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: was it 'cuz of needing to reset the modem?11:46
alien_gnome,but i remove the icons in pannel and i believe also remove gnome desktop11:46
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alien_does that have to do with it ?11:46
Dumb_JonnyHugo___: what was the solution?11:46
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Hugo___There was a cable from the wall that my Dad uses for internet, and that should've worked but I got another cable and that worked.11:46
alien_i steel have my file browser i just dont have the twin pannel any more11:46
Hugo___That's funny.11:46
Hugo___In my Drivers I only have my AMD graphics..11:47
Hugo___No Broadcom11:47
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Hugo___I've got to go, but I'll be back in a bit if I need more help, I'll try just doing an update.11:47
Hugo___Of the whole system.11:47
Dumb_JonnyHugo___: there's a linux wifi driver site, but I haven't ever used it.  "Ndisgtk" and "BUM" will be your friends for this ride11:47
alex12hello, im wondering how i can add a custom application into ubuntu 10.04 - im using the default window manager .... im simply looking to add a basic app that shows the status of a file (the file has either 1 or 0) inside of it - similar to system monitor, but looking at one file ....11:48
Hackwarif I have squashfs errors, that means that i have hardware errors, right?11:48
sveinseHi. Are there cmdline tool similar to wget which support getting files from both http:// and file:// ?11:48
g0thhow do I mount an encrypted home directory from an external hard drive which is mounted on /media/disk/ ?11:49
Myrttig0th: depends on the encryption11:49
ActionParsnipsveinse: what does file@// access ?11:49
coldeqhi, anyone know how to get the ASUS p8p67 onboard NIC (intel 82579) working with ubuntu?11:49
alien_can i just get gnome with out all that other extra stuff like,empathy and many more other unusefull stuff for me ?11:49
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pullmollHi there. Anyone knows how I could possibly have deleted my menu? There is no more Applications, Places and System menu entries in the menu bar... DUH!11:50
ActionParsnipcoldeq: if you run: sudo lshw -C network   and websearch the product line for the interface, you will find guides11:50
ActionParsnip!panelfix | pullmoll11:50
coldeqActionParsnip: thx! i'll give that a try11:50
hi5_alex12: you mean a hex file viewer?11:50
g0thMyrtti: I never specified any encryption type so you can assume the default for everything11:51
sveinseActionParsnip: a local file. The user sets either an http:// URL for remote download or an local path with the file:// . Similar to the way git repo path are specified11:51
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »11:51
ActionParsnipthats it :)11:51
Myrttig0th: did you choose to encrypt your home folder at installation, or did you choose to encrypt the partition at partition phase?11:51
userActionParsnip: and how do I add a user, to sudoers group?11:51
ActionParsnipsveinse: if it's local you can just specify the path to the file11:51
Dumb_Jonnyuser: visudo11:52
pullmollThanks a lot. That worked!11:52
Dumb_Jonnyhere, i'll message you11:52
ActionParsnipuser: usermod -a -G admin username11:52
sveinseActionParsnip: I don't know in advance what the user will set, and I hoped linux had some one-line command that could handle both11:52
g0thMyrtti: the home folder at installation11:52
ActionParsnipuser: prefix with sudo11:52
ActionParsnipsveinse: it should as far as I know, if you are wgetting a local file it should just copy it (test it and see)11:53
sveinseActionParsnip: No. wget sais "unsupported scheme `file`"11:53
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: I guess that works too, also the sudo group11:53
marcuyon ubuntu 8.04, is syslog the place where ssh connection refused log stays?11:55
Dumb_Jonnyuser: either add yourself to the admin/sudo group or add yourself to visudo11:55
ActionParsnipDumb_Jonny: my user has sudo access and is not in the sudo group11:55
ActionParsnipmarcuy: probably /var/log11:55
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: look at your sudoers file11:55
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: your probably in the admins group11:55
marcuyActionParsnip, what file?11:56
ActionParsnipDumb_Jonny: it's you're  and yes I am11:56
ActionParsnipmarcuy: not sure, let me check11:56
usercan I  read some docs on visudo? I am not willing to find this by trial and error11:56
Dumb_Jonnysorry about my english11:56
g0thcan someone please help me?11:56
marcuyActionParsnip, thanks11:57
g0thI am running out of time11:57
ActionParsnipDumb_Jonny: but i'm not in the sudo group, although it does exist11:57
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g0thsmart report said that my disk will not make it more than 24h and that was more than 24h ago11:57
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: alright then...11:57
ActionParsnipmarcuy: /var/log/auth.log  is the ssh log11:57
userDumb_Jonny: I mean I do not know where exactly to add self11:57
dosydoo1234oakbox: the programme is a wine programme - do you know where the option is on compiz ?11:57
userin visudo11:57
g0thI am simply trying to backup some files from my home directory11:57
ActionParsnipuser: if you add the user to the admin group, it will have sudo access next time it logs on11:58
dosydoo1234oakbox: the programme is a wine programme, do you know where the option is on compiz ?11:58
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: you can be in either admin or sudo or you can add yourself directly into your sudoers file in /ect/sudoers but using "visudo"11:58
userActionParsnip, and how do I do that?11:58
hi5_goth which smart parameter? does it complains about sector reallocation count or not? if not it is just fine - maybe a fake warning11:58
g0thI have mounted the harddrive on /media/disk but I cant access the home directory because it is an encrypted one11:58
ActionParsnipDumb_Jonny: i'd use the group, its more graceful than messing with visudo which can make sudo not work11:58
Dumb_Jonnyuser: now what ActionParsnip said before about adding yourself in the group will work very well11:58
ActionParsnipuser: I gave the command earlier11:58
userAnd how does 'admin' differ from 'sudoer'?11:58
azertyuii got a server with six disk11:58
g0thI followed the guide on the net but I never got a useable result11:58
matematikaadithello, i'm using ubuntu maverick netbook edition. When change the theme, the Sidebar and topbar doesn't  change. How to fix it?11:59
ActionParsnipuser: the users in the admin group are allowed to use sudo11:59
azertyuihow to check which using cli11:59
userok  < ActionParsnip> user: usermod -a -G admin username , I see11:59
azertyuiwhich one is fault ?11:59
oakboxdosydoo1234, Place Windows option under Windows Management in the Compiz Config Settings Manager. if you dont already have the ccsm installed you can install it with: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager...  Hope that helps, as I say not actually tried it myself11:59
g0thwhy can't I just make chroot /media/disk/ and then invoke the mount command?11:59
g0thsomehow it complains about /dev/null11:59
ActionParsnipuser: that's the one, you will need to change username to the actual username and the command will need to be ran by a user whom can already use sudo11:59
stuntman_mikei could use some help. i'm looking for an application that will help me know what stuff i'm keeping on all my external drives. any ideas on such a utility?11:59
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: if you are 100% don't know what your doing, I'd say no, don't do it.  But if you are in a room of Ubuntuers than worry free11:59
azertyuii got a pc with 6 disk11:59
hi5_goth but that what is the concern with smart warnings?12:00
userstuntman_mike: nautilus?12:00
hi5_i dont get the point12:00
ActionParsnipDumb_Jonny: its just more graceful, and considering the target audience of ubuntu I'd stick to the easiest solution12:00
g0th/usr/bin/ecryptfs-mount-private: 34: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied12:00
g0thERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly12:00
azertyui6 disk raid one of the disk is faulty  how to check12:00
g0thit gives this message12:00
azertyuias cli12:00
azertyuiwhich is one is faulty ?12:00
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: your right, I really don't want to fight with you over a silly thing like that12:00
precubcrk tl ?12:00
dosydoo1234oakbox: thank you12:01
stuntman_mikeuser, ah... sorry i mean offline use, so to speka. so instead of plugging a disk in i could check the program what disk i need first12:01
Dumb_Jonnythere's a thousand ways to do one thing in Ubuntu, that's the beauty of it12:01
hi5_goth i dont know, however you can just ignore the dead drive warning12:01
hi5_but keep an eye on reallocated sectore counts12:01
dosydoo1234one further question - time applet - i need 2 timezones on my time clock applet one for UK and one for US - however the applet only allows me to have one zone anything out there that i can add to the top applet bar to have 2 time zones displayed ?12:02
ActionParsnipDumb_Jonny: deal :)12:02
ActionParsnipdosydoo1234: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/24775812:03
Dumb_Jonnyhi share12:04
alien_i cant install gnome desktop--http://imagebin.org/13214712:05
Dumb_JonnyActionParsnip: so what do you think about Ubuntu's future?12:07
alien_does anyone can read ?12:07
ChrisDruifWhat do you mean alien_?12:08
alien_does my problem have a solution ?12:08
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: how's it going?12:09
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: are you using your wifi?12:09
Hugo__I'm at 159MB downloaded out of 200MB12:09
coz_alien_,   you are on ubuntu ...yes?12:09
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: i see12:09
Hugo__So, updating should give me the wireless right..?12:09
alien_i have ubuntu installed yesss12:10
tony_mahoonhey guys would running a low cpu intensive task every minute in cron be much to worry about?12:10
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: with a kernel that supports that...yes...but it might not12:10
Hugo__I also installed an ATI driver, but normally it would have come up with my broadcom sta one, but it didn't come up.12:10
Hugo__Under Additional Drivers12:10
g0thI solved my problem alone thx for nothing12:10
coz_alien_,   then for the most part  you already have gnome desktop environment12:10
alien_i dont have gnome12:11
alien_i dont have twin pannel12:11
alien_how can i sintall gnome desktop ?12:11
Narcoleptic_Deviwhats happenning12:11
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-source broadcom-sta-common12:11
ChrisDruifalien_: Which DE have you got installed?12:12
Hugo__I'll do it after updating fully.12:12
alien_i have nos installe anything12:12
neilnHi, I am not able to create any folder in opt directory, any suggestions?12:12
Dumb_Jonnyalien_: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment12:13
alien_ChrisDruif, i unnistall empathy and evolution12:13
Hugo__neiln, has this got something to do with LAMPP?12:13
ChrisDruifalien_: Good choose ;)12:13
Hugo__Because you'll need to chmod the directory.12:13
neilnhugo_, i didnt get you!12:13
aitibajoin #css12:14
Hugo__You need to chmod it, that means give yourself permissions12:14
Dumb_Jonnyneiln: you don't have the permissions to save there12:14
Hugo__Go into terminal and type in 'sudo chmod 777 directory' with out the quotation marks12:14
Narcoleptic_Devioh guys i need help do any of you know Perl12:15
Hugo__sudo chmod 777 opt/12:15
alien_Dumb_Jonny, look the output of that command ; http://imagebin.org/13214812:15
Dumb_JonnyHugo__: not trying to bash on you, but just a simple sudo cp -r *file* /opt/ would have do12:15
Hugo__Oh sorry, it's just I chmodded a directory for my lampp server.12:16
Hugo__And that's just what I did..12:16
oCeanNarcoleptic_Devi: #perl might be a more appropriate channel12:16
Hugo__And it was installed in the opt directory. Also, no offence taken :)12:16
neilndumb_, hw can i get the permissions??12:16
Dumb_Jonnyhaving the /opt/ directory might be good if you don't have complete access to it12:17
Dumb_Jonnyneiln: try in a terminal "gksudo nautilus" if you need to save there12:17
Dumb_Jonnythat's easy and is graceful12:18
bahaxin www.ubuntuforums.org how to search the forums staff? (looking for one staff member - don't know the name -)?12:18
s3r3n1t7In order to make sure a certain amount of scripts will be executed on bootup, would it be best to write an init.d script or to put an @reboot in the crontab, or some other method?12:19
acicula_s3r3n1t7: the init script or rc.local ?12:20
Dumb_Jonnyuser: sudo apt-get and the -f (Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place)12:20
acicula_though rc.local is part of the old init system, so your own init script is probably nicer12:20
s3r3n1t7acicula_, the ones that you can execute with /etc/init.d/*12:20
coz_mmm  I know nautilus twin panels are in  11.04   can someone check here for maverick?12:20
Dumb_Jonnys3r3n1t7: what kind of script are you talking about?12:21
Hugo__There are twin panels in 10.10.12:21
Hugo__If you mean, in nautilus12:21
coz_just checking for  alien  who wanted twin panels12:21
bahaxcoz: you can add as many as you want12:21
coz_but apparenlty he left12:21
s3r3n1t7Dumb_Jonny, our server serves, among other stuff, a batch of ofbiz instances12:22
Hugo__Can someone tell me how to private chat someone on here..12:22
Hugo__Well, not private chat but like @name12:22
coz_Hugo__,  are you  using xchat?12:22
Dumb_Jonnys3r3n1t7: i'd say yes to the init.d/ and you'll need to check the /ect/rc* files too12:22
BokkieHugo: just type the name... 8-)12:22
Hugo__I'm on webchat atm.12:22
ActionParsnipHugo__: try:  /msg nick hi12:22
s3r3n1t7Dumb_Jonny, aight, i'll have a look12:23
ActionParsnipHugo__: remember to ask first12:23
Hugo__Oh right, I know what you mean.12:23
Hugo__Not to just start private chatting someone.12:23
Dumb_Jonnys3r3n1t7: man update-rc.d12:25
s3r3n1t7Dumb_Jonny, i'm fairly sure i can write the scripts, just wasn't entirely sure wether crontab and @reboot would be better or not then init12:26
kibibyteis there any way to restrict access to particular path in CVS repository  ?12:26
ActionParsnips3r3n1t7: or you can reference it in /etc/rc.local (above the exit 0 line)12:27
Narcoleptic_Devithe thing is i want to creat an IRC app but i do not know what measures to take in order to begin12:27
Dumb_Jonnys3r3n1t7: i meant that as a friendly suggestion...not RTFM12:27
s3r3n1t7Dumb_Jonny, ofcourse, i didn't take it as a RTFM, i was merely explaining what I was mostly looking for. ActionParsnip, thank you.12:28
gavimobilehi folks, fedora has a program I believe called disk utility in the live boot cd. I think I checked if ubuntus latest live cd has the same thing. does anyone know if it does?12:28
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clivendyou all use ubuntu?12:28
erUSULgavimobile: yes; it should ( maybe an older version )12:28
glacemanHIIIIIIIIII every 1 :D12:29
Dumb_Jonnygavimobile: yes12:29
ActionParsnipclivend: as well as other distros too, yes12:29
erUSULgavimobile: is called " palimpsest "12:29
compdocclivend, how did you guess - you one of those mind readers?12:29
glacemanhey guys, what;s the equivalent of programs files for ubuntu ?12:30
jpdsglaceman: Anything under /usr/12:30
RookHey guys, how can I install lamp without an internet connection?12:30
Dumb_Jonnyglaceman: ?  could you be more specific?12:30
ActionParsnipRook: you may be able to use the server ISO and add it as a repo12:30
icerootRook: apache2, php5 mysql-server should be on the cd12:31
glacemanDumb_Jonny: yes, i mean when i install programs into ubuntu, where is the instalation folder12:31
aliveriushow can i create a user with no password?12:31
icerootaliverius: dont do that12:31
ActionParsnipaliverius: really, dont do that12:31
aliveriusiceroot: i want to. for experimental reasons12:31
aliveriusdont worry he cant sudo12:31
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RookI tried to add the cd12:31
Rookas a repo12:31
Dumb_Jonnyglaceman: depends if it's a local package, a package that uses sudo, a user package...all these have different directories12:31
acicula_glaceman: typically /usr and its various subdirectory. the structure is not in any way similar to windows though12:31
Rookbut it said it wasn't mounted12:31
Rookalthough i could look through it12:32
glacemanoh i see12:32
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glacemani have sbackup installed, if i select /usr for backup, will i have all my programs running if i restore them on a fresh ubuntu installation ?12:32
* Guest40554 help12:32
s3r3n1t7aliverius, make sure this user has no access, but i suppose it's theoretically possible to create a user with a password, then unset that password. Do note the serious security implications.12:32
acicula_glaceman: programs arent grouped in directorys by programs but by functionality or filetype/purpose12:32
glacemanacicula_: i guess i got a lot to learn :D12:33
Dumb_Jonnyglaceman: say if i download and install "nmap" through the repos, the bin will be placed in /sbin/ because it needs sudo to run.  if I install a .deb package I download off a website that doesn't require sudo to run will be in /usr/local/12:33
acicula_glaceman: its better/easier to just backup your home directory with data and store the description of your system installation(instead of the actual installation). to reinstall simply use the description to reinstall (exactly the same) system and put back your data (which only resides in /home/<youruser>12:33
gavimobileerUSUL: no, I beieve its called disk utility12:34
glacemanthanks acicula_12:35
acicula_well there are some server things going on in /var too, but typically you wouldnt need to go there as a normal user12:35
glacemanunder the backup, by default it includes /var, /home, /usr/local, /etc/...that should be enough ?12:35
DarkStar1I just rm -r 'ed a file I didn't mean to.. Is there a way to quickly undo this?12:36
s3r3n1t7DarkStar1, short answer: no12:36
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: use backups12:36
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier12:36
DarkStar1ActionParsnip: I do have a backup12:36
acicula_have a looksie there glaceman12:37
shareIs possible to move a file to trash using the terminal?12:37
DarkStar1ActionParsnip: I just have to spend the next 2 hours looking for it :(12:37
wolfpackWHen I try to run synaptic package manger ...it displays for few seconds then goes off.I tried to collect bug report for it using "ubuntu-bug synapitc" command but the same thing is happening with it also12:37
glacemanthanks acicula_12:37
ActionParsnipDarkStar1: then restore from backup is gonna be the way12:37
Dumb_Jonnybacking up you should just do your home directory...12:37
acicula_glaceman: /var/ is the system datastore, /usr/local is for installing software system wide thats not managed by the packagemanager and /etc contains the global system configuration12:37
wolfpackWHen I try to run synaptic package manger ...it displays for few seconds then goes off.I tried to collect bug report for it using "ubuntu-bug synapitc" command but the same thing is happening with it also  ...Any help on it???12:38
Dumb_Jonnysee ya guys...time for work12:38
acicula_glaceman: typically jsut /home would be enough, but if you run things like databases or webservers and such you would want /var too12:38
glacemanacicula_: can u try please to give exemple as window so i can understand, if u know what i mean12:38
RookNeeeeed someone to help me out12:39
DarkStar1Thanks actionparsnip..12:39
DarkStar1brb later12:39
Rooktrying to install lamp, but synaptic says the cd isnt mounted when I add as a repo. But, the cd IS in fact mounted12:39
s3r3n1t7What'd be a good place to put systemwide custom scripts?12:40
IledenAny idea why I can open a connection via network manager GUI, but trying to open it via CLI using "nmcli con up uuid [UUID]" only says: "Error: No suitable device found: no device found for connection 'Dna Default'." ? Once opened via GUI, dropping the connection with "nmcli con down uuid [UUID]" does work.12:40
Rooktrying to install lamp, but synaptic says the cd isnt mounted when I add as a repo. But, the cd IS in fact mounted12:40
s3r3n1t7usuario, please stop that.12:40
neilnDumb_, i tried that and it is still not allowing me to create any folder in the opt directory12:40
sacarlsonRook: there may be a cd in your drive but not the cd with the uuid it's looking for maybe?12:40
s3r3n1t7usuario, please stop typing random chatter.12:41
ivnnviHi guys, I have a problem but I installed postfix by running the command "telnet localhost smtp" gives no response12:41
FloodBot1usuario: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:41
Rookit's the installation dvd12:41
Rookthe same dvd i used to install12:41
IledenI wonder which language help channel would be correct for usuario. :D12:41
sacarlsonRook: can't you just get lamp or appache2, mysql, php ,  from synaptic online?12:41
glacemanlol Ileden12:41
RookIt doesnt have a connection12:41
acicula_Ileden: #ubuntu-goobliegoob12:42
wolfpackWHen I try to run synaptic package manger ...it displays for few seconds then goes off.I tried to collect bug report for it using "ubuntu-bug synapitc" command but the same thing is happening with it also  ...Any help on it???12:42
RookSo back to sq 112:42
RookHow can I add the DVD as a repo?12:42
elky!es > usuario12:42
ubottuusuario, please see my private message12:42
glacemanhey guys, while booting ubuntu, i believe somehow im able to read a few errors very quickly, anyway to know what that is ?12:42
Iledenwolfpack: have you tried running "synaptic" from command line, and see if you get any error messages?12:42
sacarlsonRook: can you even browse the dvd with nautilus?12:42
acicula_glaceman: tried pressing pause?12:43
ivnnviI installed postfix I give the command "telnet localhost smtp" gives no response12:43
Iledenacicula_: indeed :D12:43
glacemanacicula_: no it;s very quick during the boot process of ubuntu12:43
wolfpackIleden same thing12:43
acicula_glaceman: yes pause works there too12:43
glacemanacicula_: i will try next time and take note12:43
acicula_its on your keyboard12:43
glacemanacicula_: i have sound issues12:43
glacemanacicula_: i have tried troubleshootings with several guys out there with no lucj12:44
glacemanacicula_: i have sound only through  my headphone, not my internal speakers12:44
Iledenwolfpack: weird. well, I don't know how to help. :(12:44
glacemanacicula_: but i know that my speakers works, cause it work when i boot backtrack 412:44
glacemanacicula_: guys gave me a list, to try one by one, to input into alsa config file12:45
glacemanwith no luck12:45
acicula_glaceman: dunno12:45
glacemanacicula_: okay !12:46
glacemanthanks anyway buddy12:46
glaceman;) i appreciate ur devotion so far12:46
HugoGFOkay, I'm back.12:46
HugoGFAnd my Wireless still isn't working..12:46
IledenHey, what would be the right procedure to do, if I happen to see some confusing information in the ubuntu "community documentation"? (Provided I don't know enough about the subject to know how to fix it by editing)12:46
IledenHum, it seems it's already tagged for content cleanup though...12:47
HugoGFNo idea...12:47
acicula_glaceman: yw12:47
liyuxi貌似 这个 是什么东西··12:48
leagrisHow to force CUPS to use credentials on remote network printer? I tried inserting username in the ipp uri like ipp://username@printerhost but it get stripped out. The printer accept anonymous status polling. But print jobs are rejected unless a proper user name is provided.12:48
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HugoGFHello? I need some help.12:49
wolfpackIleden : I am getting segmentaion fault12:49
glacemananyway to speed up firefox launch ?12:49
zimnyxDo you know have can I run untrusted process with network disabled for security reasons? trickle does similar thing but cannot disable network. Still looking...12:49
HugoGFI've just updated my Ubuntu to try and get the wireless working but it still isn't working..12:49
wolfpackHugoGF which ubuntu version12:50
zimnyxHugoGF: maybe you need proprietary drivers?12:50
devkorcv1nce HugoGF have you installed restricted Drivers?12:50
acicula_zimnyx: you can use apparmor i believe to jail processes12:50
HugoGFTried that. It doesn't show up.12:50
HugoGFIt showed up in a previous installation of 10.1012:50
HugoGFAnd I didn't have to install the driver, the wireless would just work.12:50
wolfpackHugoGF which wireless driver ru installing12:51
zimnyxacicula_: That was ny initial idea, but I need more info how to do it as user.12:51
RogerrHello, I have a question regarding Ubuntu. I have sudo su - my self before installing a software on my Ubuntu 10. The ./configure step goes well, but the sudo make has no makefile found. I have noticed that this works on another Ubuntu 10, but not on my desktop Ubuntu.  There are no errors with the software in other words, but with the procedure here. What am I doing wrong?12:51
HugoGFWell, when the driver used to show up in the proprietary drivers it was called Broadcom STA Wireless ...12:51
popeyRogerr: you don't need to "sudo su" to "configure" or to "make" usually sudo is only required for the "make install" step12:51
popeyRogerr: you will end up with lots of files owned by root in your home directory which is less than ideal12:52
RogerrI see, but what is it that is wrong if the makefile is missing? Can I show you the output from the makefile?12:52
wolfpackHugoGF i had the same problem in ubuntu 10.04....and i solved it using this link "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx"12:52
iflemaHugoGF search for and install   bcmwl-kernel-source    and itll show up under additional drivers12:53
zimnyxHugoGF: Try to reboot. Sometimes there are hardware issues that cannot be solved other way.12:53
glacemananyone confomfortable with sound issues ?12:53
Iledenwolfpack: Well, I unfortunately don't know how to help with that.12:54
SkEgYHey all12:54
wolfpackWHen I try to run synaptic package manger ...it displays for few seconds then goes off.I tried to collect bug report for it using "ubuntu-bug synapitc" command but the same thing is happening with it also  ...Any help on it??? While running from terminal I am getting segmentaion fault as error12:55
SkEgYDoes anyone have experince with installing PHP?12:55
acicula_wolfpack: what kind of hardware12:55
NanohaI need some php help please!  I want to write a script that checks files against a mysql database for differences in file size and date.  I need to know, is there a way I can output an exit code (0 or 1) to the bash shell and then use that value to execute or  not execute a cli command.12:56
wolfpackacicula_ : can u be more specific about hardware hting12:56
zimnyxacicula_: aa-sandbox is unavailable in ubuntu. It's in development stage12:56
devkorcv1nceSkEgY: just php? sudo apt-get install php512:56
acicula_zimnyx: dunno what aa-sandbox is12:57
WeThePeoplei am trying to create a new account on thunderbird...when i press 'create' it says 'incoming server already exsits' what does this mean12:57
HugoGFI've had that before.12:57
HugoGFTry reinstalling.12:57
acicula_wolfpack: what computer/what manufacturer/cpu/gpu/age of machine12:57
acicula_wolfpack: also is this a fresh install or an update12:58
insmodejv: kernel 2.6.37-12 -- and no wireless net12:58
SkEgY•efaydian• Couldn't find package php512:58
SkEgY•efaydian• Couldn't find package php512:58
SkEgYSorry didn't mean to put that twice12:58
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wolfpackIt is a assembled desktop .....pentium dual core and 3-4 old ...10-15 days old ubuntu 10.04.....12:59
SkEgY•devkorcv1nce• Have you ever seen that before?12:59
leagrisEar, free and kind gratification from me if you can help me with CUPS and forcing authentification to a remote ipp printer ;)13:00
acicula_wolfpack: did you have this problem since installing or is it recent13:00
wolfpackacicula_ it is a recent problem....but i am facing other problem since installlike computer freezes many atimes ..........13:01
leagrissomeone read me or am I on some split / ignore state?13:02
icerootleagris: everything fine13:02
BlackBishopanyone can tell me why the heck does my computer freeze after installing nvidia's drivers and reboot ? :|13:03
BlackBishopI saw some stuff about dual core procs having problems ..13:03
BlackBishopany recomandations ?13:03
anon33_I'm on a Macbook Pro on 10.10 and the brightness controls just suddenly stopped working for me. Is there a way I can control the display brightness without them? Using nvidia-blkms13:03
leagrisWent to linuxprinting, CUPS website, irc channel, searched web but could not find help on forcing CUPS to authenticate a remote printer. Please help!13:04
WeThePeoplenvr mind13:05
cmatestrange, this morning when I open any app or any window and click in to a field in the window, I can no longer click on anything else - system menus, desktop/icons, etc. until I close that window with alt-f4 - close 'x' one window does not work either....???13:05
azertyuihello there13:06
acicula_wolfpack: sounds like hardware problems, can you make sure the cpu cooler is properly seated and run the memtest from the grub menu13:06
wolfpackRecently I started facing new problem. when I try to run synaptic package manger ...it displays for few seconds then goes off.I tried to collect bug report for it using "ubuntu-bug synapitc" command but the same thing is happening with it also  ...When i try to run it from terminal I am getting SEGMENTAION FAULT Any help on it???13:06
azertyuii got server with 6 disk one of the disk is failure, physically there is no physicall apperence, what the command on ubuntu show the disk in failure ?13:07
acicula_wolfpack: just running the test for an hour should give you some indication on wether there are problems13:07
oCeanleagris: using ipp?13:07
acicula_BlackBishop: how did you install the drivers13:07
wolfpackacicula_ : ok13:08
BlackBishopacicula_: well, after installing from the live cd .. it wouldn't startx .. so I deleted the xorg.conf .. and started x .. worked ok ..13:09
BlackBishopit told me there are some restricted drivers that could be installed .. and so .. I activated ..13:09
BlackBishoprebooted ..13:09
shotgunfoolHey all, can anyone tell me how i can get into Hardware information on ubuntu 10.10, it doesnt appear to be in the list of applications. Cheers. Shotgunfool13:09
BlackBishopnow when X is supposed to show up .. my whole system is hanged !13:09
acicula_BlackBishop: try the rescue option at boot13:10
go^qualcuno sa se posso installare debian (da netinst) in persistent mode su USB ?13:10
BlackBishopacicula_: and ... ?13:10
acicula_BlackBishop: should give you some option to try and start x again13:10
acicula_the graphics system13:10
BlackBishopok, that's not the problem ... I knew about that !13:10
BlackBishopthe thing is about nvidia's drivers ..13:10
BlackBishopanyone got them to actually work on a dual-core proc ?13:10
BlackBishoplike .. i5 560M ?13:10
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me, i need a little help with ubuntu re-instalation. I'm trying to install through pen drive but when it boots through usb, this msg appears: SYSLINUX 3.63 Debian... etc... Unknown keyboard in configuration file. boot:13:11
BlackBishopI tried maxcpus=1 at the boot line .. still nothing13:11
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* insmod slaps ejv with a monkey --lies all lies13:16
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HugoGFHello, I need some more help13:16
HugoGFWhen I plug in some headphones in Ubuntu the sound still comes through the computer speakers, not the headphones13:17
\sharesound in linux :x13:17
bullgard4HugoGF: You may have taken the wrong jacks.13:17
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HugoGFI definitely haven't.13:18
rsonany complaints about changes in System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts > Options not sticking?  I can make a change but as soon as I close the that dialog if I reopen it the changes are gone.13:18
cmateHugo, is it a desktop or laptop?13:18
\shareI can't even get sound from headphones jack13:18
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cmateHugo, yes, check that it's the correct jack13:18
HugoGFI plug it into the headphone jack and the sound comes through the speakers.13:18
erUSULHugoGF: is a laptop?13:19
freakynlHi, I created a PXE boot for the live CD (desktop 32 bit 10.10) yesterday. It starts booting nicely (if splash is passed also see the splash screen, I assume this comes from the initrd.lz so I take it it receives that nicely too), however during the kernel boot it gives a kernel panic like error (don't have it handy now)13:19
freakynlIs it easy to update the kernel in the live image?13:19
erUSUL!intelhda | HugoGF13:19
ubottuHugoGF: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto13:19
erUSULyou can try specifying the model. lloks like jack sensing is not working correctly13:20
m1chaelanyone know of a way to generate a web screen shot of a url from the command line?13:20
insmodshould not the goal be internet not graphics like kde and gnome -- i would rather working internet ---- HELLO!!!! PORN anybody? geee!13:20
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kyoi cannt solve the problem of googleearth,help?13:22
junichio.0 hello?13:22
HugoGFOkay, I worked out that I my sound codec is Conexant CX2058513:22
BlackBishopso .. anybody else having problems with nvidia's proprietary driver ?13:22
junichiall im having issues with is OpenGL13:23
cdbs!anybody | BlackBishop13:23
ubottuBlackBishop: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:23
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BlackBishopI'm running an I5 560M with an Nvidia GT425M ( sony laptop .. )13:23
zach32when i plug something into my mic i can't hear myself through the speakers help13:23
BlackBishopcdbs: well, I did tell my problem earlier !13:23
cmateis there a way to re-install / reset to defaults everything gnome related?13:23
BlackBishopthe computer freezes when X starts13:23
BlackBishopand I have do to a hard reboot13:23
cdbsBlackBishop: okay, sorry then, ignore13:23
zach32when i plug a microphone into my mic input i can't hear myself through the speakers help13:24
kyothe latest document of googleearth.bin cannt be installed succesfully?!13:24
junichiDoes anyone in here know about tibia?13:24
AmivitI have a server that is freezing periodically and suspect either a defective harddrive in the array, or the actual raid controller is unstable. How do I find out the fastest? Btw, the raid array is listed as "optimal" in bios.13:24
cmatezach32  I believe that is normal - ubuntu does not stream input to output by default, I was able to do it with a command line command13:24
sipiorjunichi: bone in the leg, isn't it?13:24
junichisipior: lol this is true but i was referring to the game.13:25
erUSULAmivit: anything in the logs?13:25
bagonghy all13:25
AmiviterUSUL, unfortunately not. Nothing: Just random freezes. Although it happens more often when doing disk intensive things. I tried booting from a live OS to test the filesystem and the server even froze from there,13:26
erUSULAmivit: so all we can do is shoot in the dark ... looks like a hardware issue if happens with two different OS's 8 kernel version or whatever)13:27
junichiGuessin no one has heard of it.... Anywho, when i run the game it lags really hard, like 3.5fps. and all i ever get is turn it into openGL mode but there is no way to do that in the client..13:27
erUSULjunichi: is windows game run in wine? checked appdb? #winehq channel ?13:28
junichiNo its the linux version of the client.13:28
AmivitYes exactly. The thing is it is a production server and my time span will be low when given the chance to take a look at it. So just trying to plan ahead on where I should start. Maybe move the harddrive including the pci raid controller to a different computer and see if it freezes there ?13:28
junichiWould be the type of linux im using maybe?13:29
zach32plz i need to get Line-In Playback working anyone?13:29
erUSULAmivit: really dunno; out of my comfort zone... try in #ubuntu-server. maybe someone there has used the same hardware and can comment13:29
erUSULkye: #httpd13:30
AmiviterUSUL, I'll give it a shot thanks :)13:30
cmatezach32: this is how I did it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2719/how-do-i-output-my-audio-input13:30
zach32<cmate> thx il check it out13:31
junichiAlright, well thanks for trying everyone :P13:31
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e-DIO-tubuntisti -> ma perchè dbus-daemon --system --fork viene eseguito da UID senza username?13:32
oCean!it | e-DIO-t13:33
ubottue-DIO-t: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:33
e-DIO-tops :P sorry13:33
e-DIO-twrong chan, i got the two's open :P13:33
e-DIO-tquestion was why dbus-daemon --system --fork is executed by $UID and not by a user!13:33
kyeWhere can i go for some help with .htaccess?13:33
chinabbjust see what u are talking13:34
pac-manciao atutti13:34
BlackBishopwell .. problem solved13:34
BlackBishopused nvidia's driver ...13:34
pac-manchi mi puo aiutare13:34
pac-mancon ubutu13:34
oCean!it | pac-man13:34
ubottupac-man: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:34
pac-mansono nuovo13:34
oCeanorthy: what are you trying to do?13:35
orthyjust testing my stupid bot :D13:35
oCeanorthy: stop that13:36
Myrttiorthy: please don't test your bot here13:36
oCean!pm > Monsquaz13:36
ubottuMonsquaz, please see my private message13:36
pac-manchi mi puoi aiutare a andare su ubutu-it13:37
Myrttipac-man: /join #ubuntu-it13:38
Wolfsherzis there any chance to get windows to render the fonts the same way as ubuntu does? it just looks a lot better in ubuntu.13:38
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pac-manmi spiechi come posso inpostarlo13:38
orthy 13:39
cdbsorthy: Stop that please13:39
KrigoIs it possible to reinstall ubuntu while keeping the /home directory? nearly everything is corrupted but home13:42
popeyyes Krigo13:42
user____Hi, I've set up the dns for my domain but it isn't resolving - the domain as registered yesterday - how long should it take to work13:42
Ronniedoes somebody know a zero-conf email server (which can only send, not receive) which listens on port 25 of localhost. its only for testing purpose13:43
KrigoHow would I go by doing that? As I Just had to fsck a corrupted ext4 partition13:43
rumpe2Krigo, backup... and i would recommend a separate /home-partition for your next installation13:43
popeyKrigo: install from a live cd over the top, and choose "manual partitioing" and make sure you _untick_ formatting and it will remove everything except /home13:43
k0d3g3arRonnie, sendmail?13:43
FCGregKrigo: Yes, it should be no problem, although it may be a little tricky if you use encrypted home directories or something.13:43
popeyrumpe2: no need, the installer supports install over the top and keep /home13:43
Krigothat's good, so it'll keep stuff like home/ac/Documents? :)13:43
Ronniek0d3g3ar: is sendmail zero-conf?13:43
Myrttiuser____: AFAIK dns information propagation can take up to three days.13:43
popeyyes Krigo13:43
KrigoThanks. :)13:43
FCGregKrigo: just make sure you have a backup first, OK13:44
k0d3g3arRonnie, no... but its not too hard.  Why 0 config?  That's an opportunity for open relay spambots if I've ever heard of one13:44
rsonWhere are the settings from System > Preferences > Keyboard > Layouts > Options stored?  I can make changes here but the changes don't stick.  I'd rather go find whatever file they live in and change it manually.13:44
oCeanRonnie: checking repos for 'nullmailer' returns package ... nullmailer :p maybe an option?13:45
RonnieoCean: ill have a look13:45
Ronniei need it in combination with django13:45
vega-rson: i have the same problem, have to type "setxkbmap fi" after every boot in a terminal, frustrating13:46
k0d3g3arne1 know of an alternative to GtkRecordMyDesktop that will do screen recordings to video, but to a format that Windows users can user without needing conversion? (gtkRecordMyDesktop saves as OGV)?13:46
rumpe2vega-, why not put it in .bashrc ?13:47
rsonvega-: A long time ago I had set CapsLock to an alternate Escape, now it won't let me change it back.  Freaking frustrating.13:47
rumpe2k0d3g3ar, vlc should play ogv on windows13:47
k0d3g3arrumpe2, I can't expect these users to install VLC.  They are corporate/govt users and don't have install rights on their machines13:48
insmodrumpe2: that wont fix it it would have to be in rc.d or init.d13:48
kapoloniwhen debugging libc code, i saw that some functions in libc are doing: "mov    (%esp),%ebx" just after call, this mean that they are saving the eip inside ebx... why would they want the return address inside ebx? are they going to change the code or what?13:48
vega-rumpe2: that solves it only if u use a terminal13:48
anon33_I'm on a Macbook Pro on 10.10 and the brightness controls just suddenly stopped working for me. Is there a way I can control the display brightness without them? Using nvidia-blkms13:49
insmodrumpe2: or dmrc xinitrc etc13:49
rumpe2ah, k13:49
KrigoJust wondering, does reinstalling without formatting preserve the whole contents of home, or just the contents of documents, pictures, etc?13:49
vega-rumpe2: insmod: but those are just workarounds anyway, would like to fix it the right way..13:49
NixGeekKrigo: the full home13:49
KrigoThat's good, it'd be annoying to get all my downloads again.13:50
HansHorstI Love Ubuntu!13:50
Picikapoloni: Thats a bit outside the scope of #ubuntu, perhaps ##C would be a better place to ask?13:50
ranjananybody tried VBox 4??13:50
FCGregKrigo: It keeps the whole home by default.  You can customize if you need to , or may have to if you had strange partitions to begin with (doesn't sound like you did)13:50
KrigoFCGreg: It's just that most of my ubuntu partition corrupted, and after repairing it with fscking it refuses to properly run, but the contents of my home is perfect.13:51
Tamale_Hi all! Having some problems with a dual-monitor setup and Ubuntu 10.10 - I'd like to rotate one of my monitors, but after doing so and rebooting, the whole machine freezes! Have to reset then use recovery mode. I've tried lots of different xorg.conf configuration changes, none of which seem to fix the freezing problem upon startup. Please help!13:51
FCGregKrigo: you said you had a corrupted ext4 partition somewhere?  is your /home on that partition?13:51
KrigoFCGreg: Yeah, I managed to fix the corruption, luckly.13:51
skilzAnyone know how to enable smooth ipod/iphone-like continues scrolling?13:51
hi5_anon33_: so if you change values what happens?13:51
FCGregKrigo: hmmm. if it were me, I would copy /home off to another directory if possible.13:51
FCGregKrigo: I mean another drive13:52
FCGregKrigo: and they reinstall, copy back, etc13:52
hi5_anon33_: did it -ever- worked or not?13:52
KrigoFCGreg: Problem is I don't really have anywhere to copy it to. The home folder's easily over 100gb.13:52
FCGregKrigo: that's pretty common.  oh well.  since you fixed the corruption i would just go for it.  best wishes!13:53
KrigoFCGreg: Of course, I could just fix my ubuntu installation, it loads up, it just complains about missing something whenever I try to reinstall gnome.13:53
KrigoFCGreg: Thanks. :)13:53
dragonballonlinehi guys13:53
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hi5_hi-there: dont write in binary code pls13:53
dragonballonlinehas anyone here from korea?13:53
FCGregKrigo: you're welcome13:53
dragonballonlinehas anyone here from korea? [2]13:53
hi5_why would you ask?13:53
carl-ericHi everybody. I'm seeing serious performance issues with my fresh 10.10 install and encrypted home directories (ecryptfs). Listing big directories takes sometimes up to five minutes.13:54
oCeandragonballonline: this is ubuntu technical support. Use #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat13:54
hi-thereask what?13:54
hi5_hi-there: i mean write in a clear why13:54
hi5_not you, the korea guy13:54
FCGregcarl-eric: hmmm, i have the exact same setup with no problems.13:54
carl-ericI've seen an upstream report that says this is expected with ecryptfs, so I'm looking for alternatives.13:54
dragonballonlineplease, need help13:54
dragonballonlinehas anyone here from korea?13:54
FCGregcarl-eric: how big are these directories?  (how many files?)13:55
hi-therenot me?ok i see13:55
AbhiJit !ke13:55
carl-ericFCGreg: These are directories with thousands of files in them, and sometimes a whole directory tree needs to be scanned, that can run up to tens of thousands of files13:55
oCean!ko | dragonballonline13:55
ubottudragonballonline: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko13:55
carl-ericFCGreg: photo shoots - i.e. lots of picture files, along with metadata files, edited pictures, etc.13:56
FCGregcarl-eric: hmmm, i haven't tested it with THAT many files in them, but i don't notice a slowdown at all.  my hardware is not that new, either.  what kind of hardware are you running?13:56
Tamale_Hi all! Having some problems with a dual-monitor setup and Ubuntu 10.10 - I'd like to rotate one of my monitors, but after doing so and rebooting, the whole machine freezes! Have to reset then use recovery mode. I've tried lots of different xorg.conf configuration changes, none of which seem to fix the freezing problem upon startup. Please help!13:56
dragonballonlinepor favor se houver alguém da coréia aqui, me chame para um chat privado!! preciso de ajuda13:56
dragonballonlinepor favor se houver alguém da coréia aqui, me chame para um chat privado!! preciso de ajuda13:56
dragonballonlinepor favor se houver alguém da coréia aqui, me chame para um chat privado!! preciso de ajuda13:56
FloodBot1dragonballonline: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:56
carl-ericFCGreg: It's a brand-new 6 core AMD with soft raid mirroring on 2 2TB SATA drives. It should be blazing fast.13:57
FCGregcarl-eric: also, what file system are you using underneath ecrypt-fs?  some file systems have problems with large directories/trees all by themselves.13:57
carl-ericFCGreg: uh... I think I didn't change the default. Probably ext4 (not at home right now where I could check, but it's definitely either ext3 or ext4.) I didn't have this problem on my previous machine, which was plain ext3 without eCryptfs.13:58
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me, I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 trough pen drive but when I boot the pc, a black screen shows this massage: Unknown keyboard in configuration file. boot: _   Does anybody knows what can i do?13:58
i_is_brokecarl-eric, my quad core on a 1 tb sata is pretty quick but im not messing with an encrypted partition.13:58
FCGregcarl-eric: unless you were running this configuration prior to ecrypt i would test in the same confirmation without using ecrypt with the same underlying filesystem to ensure your raid or something else isn't causing a slowdown13:58
carl-ericFCGreg, the RAID is the linux kernel raid set up by the Ubuntu installer. The previous machine was the same kind of setup, only slower disks and less cores ;-)13:59
FCGregcarl-eric: i saw a bug report recently about ext4 filesystems with certain types of files in them having slowdown issues (e.g. large numbers of files combined with files of certain types).  maybe you're running into this issue?13:59
mlaskiI need hel with setting up frammebuffer output to meet PAL resolution and sync. Is it possible? I have the ad724 chip from analogdevices that should convert rgb to video (PAL) signal.13:59
ActionParsnipUm_cara_qualquer: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred to the USB?14:00
Tamale_Hi all! Having some problems with a dual-monitor setup and Ubuntu 10.10 - I'd like to rotate one of my monitors, but after doing so and rebooting, the whole machine freezes! Have to reset then use recovery mode. I've tried lots of different xorg.conf configuration changes, none of which seem to fix the freezing problem upon startup. Please help!14:00
ActionParsnipUm_cara_qualquer: how did you put the ISO on the USB device?14:00
skilzAnyone know how to enable smooth ipod/iphone-like continues scrolling???14:00
NanohaI've written a php script that has an exit code of either 0 or 1.  How can I determine what that value is in my bash script?14:00
FCGregcarl-eric: i am still using ext3 on my setup.  not sure if that is affecting you or not.  i don't remember all of the details, sorry14:00
Tamale_skilz - in what application?14:00
ActionParsnipNanoha: i'd ask in #bash14:00
Um_cara_qualquerActionParsnip, I used gparted to format fat32... then usb-creator to install the iso in the device14:01
skilzTamale_: System wide14:01
ActionParsnipUm_cara_qualquer: ok, did you test the ISO?14:01
Mr_Copro_EncephaNanoha: if [ "0" = "$?" ]; then ....14:01
Tamale_skilz - I don't think there are any scroll settings system-wide14:01
Tamale_skilz - there are settings in each browser, however. I know chrome and firefox each have them14:01
skutr3thiefy_: are you thieven14:01
HugoGFHey, I just typed in alsamixer in terminal and the S/PDIF mixers are on 0, can someone type that into their terminal and tell me what they get?14:01
Um_cara_qualquerActionParsnip, well... i don't know how to do that O_o14:01
skilzTamale_: ok, what about google chrome?14:01
Tamale_skils - Have you checked stackexchange?14:01
ActionParsnip!md5 | Um_cara_qualquer14:01
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:01
Tamale_skilz - https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/cccpiddacjljmfbbgeimpelpndgpoknn14:02
Um_cara_qualquerActionParsnip, alright... hang on14:02
NanohaMr_Copro_Encepha: so, what that is saying is if "$1" is my exit code (I'm assuming that's automatically determined by bash), and I'm comparing that to the value of "0" then ... do condition.  Right?14:02
Tamale_Still having problems with a dual-monitor setup and Ubuntu 10.10 - I'd like to rotate one of my monitors, but after doing so and rebooting, the whole machine freezes! Have to reset then use recovery mode. I've tried lots of different xorg.conf configuration changes, none of which seem to fix the freezing problem upon startup. Please help!14:03
Mr_Copro_EncephaMy mouse is messed up. Right-click grabs a window (does not click in it), center-click resizes it (does not paste), etc. This after a 3 year old decided to help out. Anyone have any ideas how to get back to normalcy?14:03
skilzit can it can access my data on all web sites14:03
skilzdoes that mean I can get snooped on my eBanking?14:03
carl-ericFCGreg: I saw a bug yesterday (can't find the link right now, still looking) that said that ecryptfs needs to read some bytes from every file for stat() calls, which is what some directory scanning applications do for every file. It was said there that for big directories that would be a serious performance hit. It's marked as WONTFIX, since it's due to ecryptfs's design. I'm actually looking for alternatives to ecryptfs14:03
Tamale_Mr_Copro_Encepha: sounds like alt is stuck14:03
Tamale_Mr_Copro_Encepha: Check your keyboard14:03
Um_cara_qualquerActionParsnip, this is what md5sum showed: 59d15a16ce90c8ee97fa7c211b7673a8  ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso14:03
Mr_Copro_EncephaNanoha: "$?" not "$1". $? is the exit code of the last command run.14:03
NanohaMr_Copro_Encepha: awesome!  thanks!14:04
carl-ericFCGreg: I looked at just whole disk encryption (that works fine on a different machine) but that won't isolate different accounts from each other14:04
mbeierlAnyone with linux sound/studio experience ever look into a software interface to replicate an aviom? http://www.aviom.com/Aviom-Products-1/Mixers-1/A-16II-Personal-Mixer14:04
Tamale_can someone please help with my xorg.conf configuration?14:04
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: Checked, with xev and  xinput. No keys are reported as "down"14:04
ActionParsnip!hashes | um-14:04
ubottuum-: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.14:04
Tamale_Mr_Copro_Encepha: Hm.. have you tried checking xev and xinput for the mouse itself?14:05
Mr_Copro_EncephaI'm rather stuck here...14:05
ActionParsnip!hashes | Mr_Copro_Encepha14:05
ubottuMr_Copro_Encepha: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.14:05
FCGregcarl-eric: i understand. that is true, and it *does* depend on how the affected application is calling the directory.  to work around that you will need any encrypted filesystem solution that does NOT do file-by-file encryption in userspace.  in other words, you will need something that gives you an encrypted container for your home directory and mounts it for you.  perhaps something with luks integration.14:05
Mr_Copro_EncephaYes, but not sure how to read these..14:05
Tamale_Mr_Copro_Encepha: Do you have another computer you can compare them to?14:05
Um_cara_qualquerActionParsnip, it's the 4º up down14:05
carl-ericFCGreg, that's what I thought. Is it possible to set up e.g. luks so it will be mounted upon login (maybe with pam_mount)?14:06
Mr_Copro_EncephaI can fish out a laptop I think.14:06
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: I can fish out a laptop I think.14:06
FCGregcarl-eric: i haven't checked integrated solutions like this for Linux lately, but you basically want something like filevault on the Mac platform.14:07
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: I'll try that and pop back in if I still can't figure it out.14:07
ActionParsnipUm_cara_qualquer: what does that mean? Does the hash match?14:07
HugoGFWhat's the thing I type in terminal to get an all permissions nautilus?14:07
Mr_Copro_EncephaActionParsnip: I'm not sure I follow.14:07
vega-HugoGF: gksudo nautilus14:08
Um_cara_qualquerActionParsnip, it matches with the 4º up down14:08
carl-ericFCGreg: I have dealt with pam_mount before, also with luks, and also truecrypt. Individually, I can handle them easily :-) I just don't know how to do auto-mounted home directories with pam_mount14:08
Tamale_Mr_Copro_Encepha: Mines literally says "Button one"14:08
Tamale_err Button 114:08
FCGregcarl-eric: maybe you can search for "filevault ubuntu" or similar to get some results. (sorry I haven't researched those solutions in a while... in the past i had to do that with my own scripted solutions)14:08
ActionParsnipMr_Copro_Encepha: compare the generated hash to the one on the site. Does it match?14:08
Tamale_make sure yours does as well14:08
carl-ericFCGreg: Ok, thank you, will do14:08
Um_cara_qualquerActionParsnip, it's what the md5sum does right?!14:08
HugoGFvega- Thanks! :)14:08
HugoGFvega-: Thanks!14:08
HugoGFOkay, how do I do it?14:08
FCGregcarl-eric: you're welcome.  good luck with it14:09
Mr_Copro_EncephaActionParsnip: Yes. All good on the install. Was working fine till a 3 year old helped out.14:09
mecoDoes anyone know of an app that can download streamed video, e.g. YouTube .flv's?14:11
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
DaGeek247meco: zamzar.com14:11
ActionParsnip!info youtube-dl | meco14:12
ubottumeco: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.08.04-1 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 140 kB14:12
mecook :-)14:12
ccwHi all.  I'm setting up a machine running 10.10, and I'd like to set up a communal scratch space where all the users can read and write all the files without having to change permissions everytime something is added.  I think I'm clear on how to do this from the command line manually, but am I reinventing the wheel?  Is there already a directory for this sort of thing by default?14:13
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: using xev of xinput?14:13
vega-ccw: no there isn't14:13
Mr_Copro_Encephaccw: /tmp ?14:13
vega-"users can read and write all the files" <-- that is not /tmp14:14
produnisdear supporters, I am runnning Lucid64bit, and I need a specific file from the Karmic release... where could I get it?14:14
ccwMr_Copro: I had in mind to make this a semi-permanent dropbox.  Isn't /tmp cleared out periodically?14:14
freakynlccw: no cause each user has it's own 'uname' settings which determine default permissions on files14:14
vega-produnis: download the package from packages.ubuntu.com and extract it with dpkg -x14:14
rsonfreakynl: 'umask'14:14
freakynlrson: yea my bad :)14:14
produnisthx vega14:14
Mr_Copro_Encephaccw: vega- is right, all user's cant read.14:14
ccwhmm... isn't this a common problem?  How do people usually handle it?14:15
freakynlccw: you can force permissions from the higher directory iirc. Did this on a webserver once14:15
kukmanI have not working bluetooth device in my acer aspire 1551. In the bottom part of netbook writes "Bluetooth module Foxconn BCM92046". Can i use it in linux?14:16
kukmanI can't google it, because I get many pages with trash sites14:16
Mr_Copro_Encephaccw: you can also set the group sticky bit, and make sure all users are in that group. Don't remember the syntax, though.14:16
Mr_Copro_Encephaccw: try man chmod, it's in there somewhere I think.14:16
rumpe2Mr_Copro_Encepha, chmod g+s  ... as i remember14:17
ccwyeah, I think that's what I'd come up with14:17
Tamale_It's very dissapointing that no one has been able to help with my X11 config. I thought having to do things manually like this was a thing of the past anyway!14:17
Mr_Copro_Encepharumpe2: and you'll still have to set the umask for users, right?14:17
ccwseems like every time I do this sort of thing, I find out 5 min later that ubuntu has some slick polished version of my crappy solution, so I figured I'd check14:17
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: what was the issue?14:18
WolfsherzTamale_: ask the question again14:18
Tamale_My computer keeps crashing when starting up.. completely freezing.14:18
insmodi hate kde network manager  -- really rally14:18
Tamale_just trying to rotate one of my two flat panels..14:18
hi-theretoo bad14:19
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: what do you see on the screen?14:19
Tamale_it's blank14:19
Tamale_I have to reboot into the recovery console to troubleshoot14:19
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: can you ssh/telnet in?14:19
ccwMr_Copro: I didn't think I'd need umask though.  Do I?  I just create a group that owns the scratch directory, add the users I want to that group, and maybe a symlink to the scratch directory in everybody's home directories if I'm feeling magnanimous, right?14:19
Tamale_nope, nothing is responsive - I can't even use alt-sysreq-b14:19
Tamale_it's a very hard freeze14:20
vega-is /etc/motd a config file?14:20
ccwmessage of the day14:20
hi-thereif i were you i would reinstall my system14:20
vega-yeah, but does it get overwritten if i customize it?14:21
sipiorhi-there: find somewhere else to play.14:21
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: when it's blank. I had a problem like that on one of my laptops with the nvidia driver, alt-sysreg-b did not work, but I could ssh in. Otherwise the machine looked dead. It was a dual GPU setup though. Any of this sound familiar?14:21
ccwvega:I didn't think so14:21
Tamale_This is a single GPU with dual outputs14:21
Tamale_and I've tried ssh14:21
Tamale_caps lock doesn't do anything either14:21
Tamale_and there are no useful messages in the log upon the next boot14:21
Tamale_the last line is the one of loading fglrx14:22
=== matthew is now known as Guest48038
Guest48038hello everyone14:22
hi5maybe you want to give yorself a different nickname14:22
Mr_Copro_Encephaccw: I don't know; it depends on the default umask. The group sticky only sets the GID of files, so if the file is still rw------- and not rw-rw---- it won't do what you want.14:23
Tamale_Would I have better luck with the open-source radeon driver?14:23
ccwTamale: I finally got to the bottom of a similar graphics snafu, so just to check:  have you by chance looked at the graphics card itself?  Exploding capacitors cause some really odd problems14:23
Tamale_it's a brand new machine14:23
Tamale_dell optiplex14:23
mecoI'm having trouble getting youtube-dl to work. In the documentation it reads "Try again several times and contact me if the problem persists." Except I don't see any contact information for the app developer. Can any one help?14:24
clarezoehi, can anyone tell where is cert.pem located14:24
Tamale_but no, I haven't checked14:24
Tamale_I'm positive it's a rotation / configuration issue.. because if I run in a normal side-by-side mode it works fine for weeks14:24
hi5clarezoe: tryed a search?14:24
Mr_Copro_Encephaclarezoe: sudo updatedb;locate -b cert.pem14:24
Nanohahi all.  Apache2.  I have a website:  www.ayeka.net.  I want the same page to come up if I type in the www. or not (ayeka.net).  Right now, I get some default page that lists directories if I don't have the www.  How can I fix this?14:24
Tamale_Nahoha - #apache ?14:25
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: And you've tried to remove and regenerate the xorg.conf (backing it up of course) in recovery mode?14:25
clarezoeyeah, I tried locate, but no results14:25
sam-_-clarezoe, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=cert.pem&mode=exactfilename&suite=maverick&arch=any14:25
Tamale_Mr_Copro_Encepha: yes, several times14:25
Tamale_Mr_Copro_Encepha: I've even had success rotating with xrandr14:25
Tamale_but of course, that doesn't work when i reboot14:25
ccwIf it's a dell, I'd definitely check.  When I discovered the first one, went around the office to the various dells, and we've now got a collection of (no kidding) about 10 cards with blown caps.  Not all were malfunctioning, others only intermittently.  Apparently, it's one more annoying thing to rule out14:26
clarezoethanks sam-_- , it is a ca certificate for my wireless connect at school14:26
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: Maybe the hack here is to put xrandr into your startup applications under gdm. I don't have any better suggestions now.14:26
sam-_-clarezoe, so not from ubuntu?14:27
clarezoeit says /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem, but I don't have pki under etc14:27
htorquehello everyon! what does "mirc colors" in xchat do? only "local colors" seem to change the interface colors.14:27
sam-_-clarezoe, then the specific package isn't installed14:27
Tamale_Mr_Copro - I thought about that - but it needs to be run as root, right14:27
clarezoesam-_-, the instruction says gnome, so I suppose it is buildin with gnome?14:27
Mr_Copro_EncephaNanoha: Look up  ServerAlias14:28
sam-_-clarezoe, i guess you have to get the cert. from your school14:28
magowizHi , I'm trying to install ibm rational software architect on a 64bit ubuntu 10.10 but I got this error : /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so: classe ELF errata: ELFCLASS6414:28
magowizFailed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so , I also installed getlibs and with it I installed gvfs i386 but the launchpad (installer) keeps loading the 64bit lib, what can I do ? I also tried exporting GTK 32 bit path ....14:28
mecoI'm having trouble getting youtube-dl to work. In the documentation it reads "Try again several times and contact me if the problem persists." Except I don't see any contact information for the app developer. Can any one help?14:28
clarezoeOk I found it, it says fedora, but it should be somewhere in ubuntu too14:28
magowizmeco : which version of youtube-dl ?14:29
NanohaMr_Copro_Encepha: Its already there. This problem started when I reinstalled ubuntu and apache2.14:29
Mr_Copro_EncephaTamale_: Not sure, but you can add an entry in /etc/sudoers to allow just xrandr to be run by your user with NOPASSWD.14:29
vega-magowiz: don't seem to be an ubuntu-related support issue ..14:29
mecomagowiz: 2008.01.2414:29
ccwMr_Copro_Encepha: one last question.  Is there a proper place in the file structure to put something like a scratch directory?14:29
hi5magowiz: seems a bad file, or a bad compiled either14:29
magowizmeco : your version is too old, you should get 2010.12.09, try at pkgs.org14:30
markskilbeckHi all. Anybody know of a way to have arrow-key-navigation when using ALT+SHIFT window switching?14:30
Mr_Copro_EncephaNanoha: if you reinstalled by compiling (as apposed to using apt-get) your config files will be in a different directory and the old ones will not be the ones in use.14:30
mecomagowiz: It's the one Synaptic gave me. I just installed it.14:30
Mr_Copro_Encephaccw: Not that I know of. Here we use /scratch locally.14:30
magowizhi5  : so what can I do to solve this?14:30
Nanohai used apt-get and then copied my config files from a back up i had14:30
erkan^have someone a same problem as I: Moonlight doesn't work good in Chromium ?14:31
magowizmeco: I know : the version in ubuntu repository is outdated, youtube changed on 9/12/201014:31
Mr_Copro_EncephaNanoha, hmm. Not sure then.14:31
mecomagowiz: Is it a general problem that repository apps aren't updated?14:32
freakynlerkan^: err does it work good somewhere else then? :P14:32
Mr_Copro_EncephaNanoha, the previous install was via apt-get?14:32
=== me_ is now known as Guest86946
skutr3thiefy: are you also known as thieven?14:33
magowizmeco : I don't know, anyhow you can get a newer package at pkgs.org and install it with gdebi or dpkg -i14:33
erkan^err ??? freakynl14:33
Mr_Copro_EncephaOK, gotta go and try and fix my mouse. Thanks for the chats.14:33
skutr3I need help installing ubuntu......14:33
NanohaMr_Copro_Encepha: I believe it was14:33
Tamale_I still don't understand why I have to reboot every time I change my monitor config :(14:33
mecomagowiz: Could it be a problem that I'm using ubuntu 8.04?14:33
skutr3!tell Rook about language14:33
ubottuRook, please see my private message14:33
magowizlocate libgvfsdbus.so returns : /usr/lib/gio/modules/libgvfsdbus.so14:34
skutr3hey will someone help me install ubuntu14:34
magowizmeco : also in 10.10 repo youtube-dl is outdated14:34
livingdaylighttrying to move (re-arrange) panel, but application icons shift over to the far right and get in the way, anyone?14:34
MyrttiRook: stop it.14:34
Rookfriendly crowd14:34
magowizskutr3: which is the problem ?14:34
Rookanyways, I need help installing packages offline?14:34
mecomagowiz: I don't see any available version for 8.04 at pkgs.org14:34
erUSUL!offline | Rook14:35
ubottuRook: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD14:35
hi-therewhy not install ubuntu 10.1014:35
skutr3magowiz: i do not know how to partition.... lol im a noob....14:35
magowizmeco : why do you use 8.04 ?14:35
Rookyeah i tired14:35
magowizskutr3: in your system do you have windows installed ?14:35
damo22who here has a digidesign mbox 2 audio device and want it to work in linux?14:35
mecomagowiz: My DVD player is broken so I cannot upgrade14:35
skutr3magowiz: can i open gparted and take a screenshot and send it to you? and yes i have windows14:35
livingdaylighttrying to move (re-arrange) panel, but application icons shift over to the far right and get in the way, anyone?14:35
magowizmeco: you can upgrade from web FWIK14:36
RookI have14:36
Rooka folder of pkgs14:36
Rooki did dpkg -i *14:36
Rooki still get a few errors though14:36
RookI'm trying to install LAMP14:36
magowizskutr3 please post the image to imagehack.us14:36
mecomagowiz: I'm not aware of that. Could you point me to some instructions of how to do that?14:36
luqiyemy 编译器不能用阿14:36
aoeuWhat should I write in fstab to mount an LVM encrypted partition when booting?14:36
hi5magowiz: i dont know either, but did you always had that problems?14:37
Rookno one to help?14:37
skutr3magowiz: do you mind if its imagur i dont like image shack?14:37
livingdaylighttrying to move (re-arrange) panel, but application icons shift over to the far right and get in the way, anyone?14:37
gobbeaoeu: lvm-encryption's setup should do all changes14:37
gobbeaoeu: how did you do your encryption?14:37
ActionParsniplivingdaylight: unlock all items, or you could remove all items and add as you wish14:37
magowizmego : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes take a look14:38
magowizskutr3: no problem14:38
aoeugobbe: I used the ubuntu alternate installation CD in a previous installation14:38
livingdaylightActionJohnny, i have unlocked and they move except for Xchat icon and network manager icon14:38
gobbeaoeu: so are you doing new installation or what?14:38
aoeugobbe: But now I re-install ubuntu with the alternate and it does ask for the password in the boot14:38
aoeugobbe: yes14:38
gobbeaoeu: my fstab is like this; http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/552827/14:39
skutr3magowiz: http://imgur.com/U6kY114:39
damo22if you choose an easy password its easy to break anyway.... why bother encrypting an entire disk?14:39
FloodBot1hi-there: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
skutr3thats not flooding14:41
aoeugobbe: Mine is like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/552829/ Whats wrong?14:41
mecoWhere do I find the ubuntu version I currently run?14:41
Picimeco: lsb_release -a14:41
jpdsmeco: lsb_release -a14:41
gobbeaoeu: are you using luks?14:41
gobbeaoeu: or just encrypted home?14:41
aoeugobbe: Dunno, the one that's default in the alternate CD in ubuntu 9.10 i think14:42
aoeugobbe: When I'm booting the alternate cd in rescue mode it asks for the password to the partition and it works14:42
magowizskutr3: you have to decide how much space you will want to assign to ubuntu installation, then resize the windows partition, after that you can start installation and let the installer use the free space14:42
skutr3magowiz: i want to assign the largest space to ubuntu possible without screwing up windows14:43
=== skutr3 is now known as Riverguard
damo22Riverguard: so how long is a piece of string?14:44
gobbeaoeu: so your boot stops while doing mount?14:44
magowizskutr3 : so could 50% of the space fits you ?14:45
John-Smithhello how can i create dns server in ubuntu ?14:45
aoeugobbe: Yes, but I can skip the /home14:45
Riverguardmagowiz: sorr14:45
Riverguardmagowiz: sorry* Im still here14:45
damo22John-Smith: you probably need bind9 or something14:45
Riverguarddamo22: what were you asking me?14:46
magowizRiverguard: ??14:46
Riverguardmagowiz: im skutr314:46
damo22Riverguard: so how long is a piece of string?14:46
Riverguardmagowiz: i changed my nick14:46
damo22thats how big you need your drive14:47
Riverguarddamo22: as long as you want it to be lol idk14:47
Riverguardmagowiz: can we continue with installing ubuntu14:47
m8Hi, it's possible to force a copy of a corrupted file?14:48
Roasted_where can I file bugs with nautilus or gnome or whatever? I think there's been a bug in existence for, oh, I don't know, the last 6 years... I'd like to bring it to attention. again. but I forget where to post.14:48
magowizok Riverguard14:48
sam-_-m8, who says it's corrupt? nautilus?14:48
Riverguardmagowiz: so what should i do first?14:49
magowizso Riverguard : what about using 50% of windows space ?14:49
m8sam-_-, corrupted file from a cdrom14:49
acicula_Roasted_: depends either on launchpad or directly with the gnome developers themselves(they have their own bug system)14:49
sam-_-m8, ah14:49
damo22m8: have you still got the cd?14:49
Riverguardsure magowiz14:49
Roasted_acicula_, thanks. Have you noticed that "apply permissions to enclosed files" do.. uh... nothing?14:49
Riverguardmagowiz: thats fine14:49
acicula_Roasted_: i have not14:49
m8damo22, yes14:50
magowizRiverguard: so you should resize your win partition to 50% , after that you can start the installer14:50
Roasted_acicula_, gets a little old. I'm a terminal junkie, but really? It's a bit of a headache when grandma moves files to/from an external drive and permissions are out of wack and I need to remote in to issue a chmod -R command.14:50
damo22m8: your best bet is to mount the cd and create a cd image of it14:50
Riverguardmagowiz: how do i do that?14:51
mlaskiWhy fbset does not affect current display??? framebuffer works in 640x480 and: fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -xres 1024 -yres 768, does not change the resolution??? please help14:51
livingdaylightcan someone tell me whether application icons are move-around-able?14:51
m8damo22, and how i can extract the file?14:52
Riverguardmagowiz: sorry im still new to this14:52
sam-_-livingdaylight, try this command: alacarte14:53
John-Smiththanks damo2214:53
magowizRiverguard : using gparted you can choose the partition and then right click on it should give you the option Resize14:53
acicula_Roasted_: its annoying if it doesnt do what it says on the box. Did you check the sub files are all owned by the same user?14:53
Roasted_acicula_, that's where the issue is. The files came through as root:root on the external, but if you take ownership of the root folder, you SHOULD be able to take owner ship of the sub files/folders inside. Dolphin does this just fine.14:54
DanielAnyone familiar with VBox emulator?14:54
livingdaylightsam-_-, not what I need... want to move /re-arrange panel but application icons such as X-chat and network manager keep sliding to the right, and can't get /squeeze anything on other side14:55
DanielI am trying to install it and I get dependency error yet the required item is already installed.14:55
=== le0 is now known as le0n
=== le0n is now known as le0-
sam-_-Daniel, the open source edition or from the vbox website14:55
Roasted_acicula_, it basically will transfer perms, but not ownership/group, which is kind of a royal PITA that there's no other way to do it than terminal. Again, I have no issue with it, but grandma does. Grandma would rather buy a windows license at the moment...14:56
Riverguardmagowiz: how do i get it down to 50%?14:56
DanielVBox website download.  Should I try from the Synaptic manager software?14:56
agentgasmaskDoes anyone have a good guide to installing Zimbra OSE on ubuntu server 10.04 LTS?14:56
acicula_Roasted_: well not recursively disowning root is a good thing i suppose, but cant you access the external disk as a user and avoid having the files owned by root in the first plaec?14:57
magowizRiverguard : you should see an arrow on the right, drag it to left until you get it14:57
rubbsDaniel: depends. do you need USB support or RDP support?14:57
sam-_-Riverguard, if your win partition is too full you may not be able to get it down to 50%14:57
Roasted_acicula_, typically yeah - but when I take a folder that is owned by root with files in it, it comes down as owned by ME since I'm writing that folder to my home directory. But the files inside remain as root... hence the issue.14:57
DanielDon't know what rdp is but USB support isn't needed.14:57
gobbeao: ok, so your home is onlyone with encryption14:57
acicula_Roasted_: also how is she moving files as a user which are subsequently owned by root?14:57
gobbeao: sorry, wrong guy14:57
magowizRiverguard: sam-_-  is right you should have some free space on win partition14:58
Roasted_acicula_, yeah.14:58
sam-_-Daniel, then try like this: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose14:58
DJones14:41              >>> John-Smith!~John-Smit@
DanielOkay.  Be back in a bit.14:58
cjaewhat is nvidia driver versuin included with 10.10?14:58
acicula_Roasted_: you cant copy files and have copies owned by root, unless you are root14:59
damo22m8: you should insert the scratched cd, UNmount the cd, then run this command:  dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/cdimage.iso conv=notrunc,noerror14:59
m8ok damo22 and how i can extract the file?14:59
Roasted_acicula_, either way if you're in nautilus as root, you should be able to handle this task. Dolphin can do it without an issue.14:59
Roasted_acicula_, that's another thing I may have forgotten to mention, about using gksudo nautilus.14:59
Roasted_acicula_, gksudo nautilus.14:59
m8if is corrupted?14:59
deltaraySo for Apache on Ubuntu and enabling modules I've just been going into the modules-enabled directory and symlinking myself. Is there some script to do things like that I should be using instead?15:00
sam-_-livingdaylight, to my knowledge you can't move icons in the notification area.15:00
damo22m8: then you have a image of the cd in /tmp directory15:00
DanielIt is downloading now.  Thank you.15:00
DanielI will let ya know how it goes when it installs.15:00
jarnosWhy isn't nvidia driver visible in Additional drivers dialog of 10.10 even if I have nvidia card? It used to be there in some previous releases..15:00
sam-_-livingdaylight, on the panel however  it's possible. right click to unlock. then move with holding left mouse button15:00
acicula_Roasted_: running nautiuls as root may well cause half the problems you are having15:00
Roasted_acicula_, point is, nautilus as root DOES NOT work in the same demeanor that dolphin does.15:01
livingdaylightsam-_-, thank!15:01
Roasted_I hate to install dolphin just to change necessary perms recursively via gui15:01
Roasted_BUT guess I'll have to.15:01
acicula_Roasted_: well i dont know how nautiuls behaves when ran as root15:01
acicula_Roasted_: running it as root is sheer madness though15:02
DanielIt is installed and running.  I will try XP now.  I appreciate the assist.15:02
sam-_-acicula_, why? i don't run it as root but i don't see too many problems as long as your are careful15:02
damo22m8: then you can mount the cd image using the command:  sudo mkdir /media/tmpcd && sudo mount /tmp/cdimage.iso -o loop -t iso9660 /media/tmpcd and recover all the files you need15:02
rubbsDaniel: np. glad we could help15:02
DanielI downloaded from website because I thought that was better than getting from Synaptic.15:03
Riverguardmagowiz: sorry i had to eat real quick but ok15:03
acicula_sam-_-: it messes up permissions in all the wrong places15:03
sam-_-acicula_, oh rly? i didn't know that15:03
acicula_sam-_-: and its easy enough to make really dumb mistakes15:03
acicula_sam-_-: well im not entirely sure how gksudo sets up the environment, it might actually reset your directory to /root, but i doubt it does. for example if it doesnt it happiliy rewrites your settings file as root. which gives you all kinds of weird problems15:04
Riverguardmagowiz: i think sam-_-  may be right i dont even see an arrow on here15:05
tyson_i installed the package gap from the universe...where can i find the install directory? http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/gap15:05
BlackBishopok .. finally my nvidia card works .. now I noticed that my touchpad doesn't work15:06
jacktheripperis there a program that's like wireshark but able to filter packets by process ? or some terminal utility15:06
BlackBishopI don't see any "alps" or "synaptics" in my dmesg15:06
Riverguardmagowiz: i cant drag either of the arrows?15:07
BlackBishopany way I can find out what it is ?15:07
magowizRiverguard : how much space left do you have on your disk ?15:07
acicula_BlackBishop: look in the X servers logfile15:07
Riverguardmagowiz: idk15:07
Riverguardmagowiz: it doesnt say15:07
BlackBishopacicula_: nothing there either15:08
Riverguardmagowiz: i think its because theres physical damage to the disk.... lol15:08
BlackBishopacicula_: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/gskFWzn815:08
Riverguardmagowiz: what can i do about that?15:08
rumpe2jacktheripper, lsof15:08
sam-_-magowiz, sudo apt-get install ntfs-progs15:08
JackeyChenhi, guys15:08
BlackBishoplogitech is my external usb mouse :/ but I don't see my touchpad :|15:08
JackeyChenI have a very big problem of my computer...15:09
magowizRiverguard: try to install ntfs-progs15:09
Riverguardmagowiz: how15:09
magowizlike sam-_- said15:09
tyson_i installed the package gap from the universe...where can i find the install directory? http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/gap15:09
magowizRiverguard: sudo apt-get install ntfs-progs15:09
JackeyChenwhen i start up my computer, system saids b43-phy0 error15:09
JackeyChenFatal DMA error...15:10
abehello all15:10
Riverguardmagowiz: E: Unable to locate package ntfs-progs15:10
abeEverytime my systems boots, it posts some errors.  How can I find those errors?15:10
acicula_BlackBishop: the logfile in /var/log15:11
abehi Jackeychen, I like ur name :)15:11
acicula_BlackBishop: if its not wrking its not really a surprise its not listed as an input15:11
JackeyChenI am chinese, my family name is Chen15:11
abeI am lebanese :)15:11
MyrttiJackeyChen: that's nice, however our social chat channel is at #ubuntu-offtopic, feel free to join the discussion.15:12
magowizRiverguard: sorry : sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs15:12
acicula_abe: depends, syslog/messages/dmesg might be a good place to start, you can also press pause during boot15:12
frxstremwhat file system should I use when I'm installing Ubuntu on an external hard drive?15:13
Riverguardmagowiz: ok now what?15:13
rumpe2frxstrem, same as on an internal drive... ext3/ext4 is recommended15:14
abe@acicula how do u press pause?15:14
frxstremrumpe2: okay, thanks15:14
jetsetOH SHIT sorry wrong channel15:15
BlackBishopsomebody ban __xD he's making all sorts of "webcam offers"15:15
jetseti do have a question though15:15
NixGeekI'm trying to setup LTSP, what should my domain name server and domain name be in /etc/ltsp/dhcpf.conf?15:15
Bambrhey, i've just installed kubuntu 10.10 amd64 on core i3 based laptop and have issues of wireless connection stalling from time to time, any hints on how to fix it?15:15
jetsethttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1368224 I made a video into a screensaver using this link as a reference,15:15
jetsetand it works fine in the previous15:15
Roasted_acicula_, look what I found - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145468415:15
jetsetwhoa let's try again.15:15
Roasted_acicula_, two awesome work arounds that I just tested. both work. :)15:15
Riverguardmagowiz: what do i do now its already at the latest version15:15
jetsetI've made a screensaver using this how-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1368224 and it works in preview, but not when the screensaver actually loads.15:16
magowizRiverguard : I can see an exclamation point in your parted screenshot : could you please discover which is the problem?15:17
rumpe2jetset, check Xorg.0.log or start screensaver from terminal to see possible warning/error-messages15:17
Riverguardmagowiz: its physical damage to the disk15:17
abe@acicula i can't find syslog/message/dmessages15:17
Riverguardmagowiz: i already said that15:18
kuukihai everyone15:18
magowizRiverguard: so I don't know what to tell you, you probably have to change your hard drive or you may lost data15:19
jetsetI've made a screensaver using this how-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1368224 and it works in preview, but not when the screensaver actually loads.15:20
JackeyChenhi, is there guys know b43?15:20
Riverguardmagowiz: so are you saying that i cant unstall ubuntu until i change harddrive?15:20
Riverguardmagowiz: so are you saying i cant install ubuntu until i change my harddrive?15:21
magowizRiverguard: take a look here : http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.com/2010/12/bad-blocks-on-harddisk.html15:22
magowizRiverguard: I'm trying to search a solution15:22
Riverguardok i have to go15:23
JackeyChenhi, nice to meet you. I have problem with b43-phy0 . Who knows about it and can help me ?15:23
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NixGeek!ask | JackeyChen15:24
ubottuJackeyChen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:24
jetsetI've made a screensaver using this how-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1368224 and the video plays in preview, but doesn't when the screensaver actually loads. Any suggestions?15:24
kuukiany one here15:24
JackeyChenubottu: OK. nice.15:24
NixGeekJackeyChen: ubottu is an IRC bot15:25
NixGeek!ubottu | JackeyChen15:25
ubottuJackeyChen: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:25
JackeyChennice. thank you. and if i can't search anything i will ask guys. aha.. see you later15:26
PiciJackeyChen: Please just ask your full question in here.15:26
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:26
goltoofhai room15:26
goltoofwhat's good for drawing svg?15:27
goltoofMyrtti:  yeah that's the one i know15:27
tyrosineREMOVE METADATA FROM PDF - I have a PDF of a textbook I want to distribute within my class, but don't want it leaked on the internet and traced back to me. How can I be sure there is no metadata in the PDF? What should I be concerned with? (scanned JPGs, resized and assembled with ImageMagick, chapters added with pdfoutline) -- how do I even check?15:28
nagisaHello everyone, I have a bit stupid proble here.15:28
JackeyChenI have a problem with my ubuntu system. the version is 10.04. when i start up system and  everything is ok. but after 1 minutes ago, system told me : b43-phy0 Error, Fatal DMA Error.15:28
nagisaI can't access Sound preferences15:28
kuukiis here anyone15:28
hi5JackeyChen: is that lancard?15:28
hi5ethernet i mean15:29
nagisaI created thread here, could anyone look at it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166466115:29
Pici!here | nagisa15:29
ubottunagisa: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com15:29
elricsfateFor some reason it refuses to let me upgrade guys. Whenever I try and install and download the updates I get this error. Requires installation of untrusted packages The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.15:29
Ninjixanyone have any experience with unison? Having a problem with it not honoring "perms = 0" on Maverick15:29
lithionlxanyone have any experience trouble shooting Pol ?15:30
nagisaubottu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552852/15:30
elricsfateCan anyone help? I would really appreciate it.15:30
JackeyChenkuuki: I don't know. when starting, the will have starting message at screen. i can see mount : event Error. I15:31
upslahi i have usb adsl modem. i need help in conneting to internet. this is the output of lsusdb  .Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem Bus.15:31
KrigoIs it normal when resizing partitions with the live cd to show no progress?15:31
FCGregelricsfate: you probably allowed special repositories in the past for something, yes?  now it is just warning you that it needs to install unauthenticated packages during the upgrade as well.  does it not let you proceed?15:31
nagisaKrigo: They have to move files first, this process takes a long time15:31
elricsfateFCGreg: No. I cannot seem to proceed15:32
FCGregelricsfate: does that make sense that you installed some special packages/repositories in the past?15:32
kuukihow to change my login sound15:33
elricsfateFCGreg:Yes. I installed some different repo's and a few other apps from deb. I never had this problem before. Its recent.15:33
upslahi i have usb adsl modem. i need help in conneting to internet. this is the output of lsusdb  .Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem Bus.15:34
nagisaSo how should I solve the problem concerning non-reactive Sound Preferences? Details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1664661 or http://paste.ubuntu.com/552852/15:34
FCGregelricsfate: I'm assuming it doesn't give you an option/plus sign/etc. to see which packages or repos are affected?  btw, what kind of upgrade are you doing?15:34
goltoofi can't unlock Login settings.  Is there a way to change them from cli?15:34
ubottuuse @login15:35
upslahi i have usb adsl modem. i need help in conneting to internet. this is the output of lsusb  .Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem Bus.15:35
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.15:35
elricsfateFCGreg: Just a standard upgrade. Yes it shows me. Let me give you the output.15:35
elricsfateFCGreg: apparmor apparmor-utils chromium-browser chromium-browser-inspector chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree cups cups-bsd cups-client cups-common cups-ppdc dpkg dpkg-dev git git-core ifupdown libapparmor-perl libapparmor1 libcups2 libcupscgi1 libcupsdriver1 libcupsimage2 libcupsmime1 libcupsppdc1 libdpkg-perl libvlc5 libvlccore4 vlc vlc-data vlc-nox vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-pulse15:35
lithionlx@Upsla check out: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-484048.html15:35
=== lostsource is now known as ricardoamaro
FidelixHey guys, i moved a binary to /usr/bin but "which" doesn't seem to find it. What's wrong?15:36
FCGregelricsfate: can you provide a screenshot to pastebin or something?15:36
lithionlxtouch it15:37
upsla@lithionlx:i tried that link it did not help me much.15:37
elricsfatelet me just give you the full output on pastebin. Gimme a second15:37
damo22is there a chkdsk function for linux that supports ntfs disk checking?15:37
PiciFidelix: Is it executable?15:37
FidelixOps. It wasn't executable.15:37
elricsfateFCGreg: Would you like my source.list to?15:37
FidelixPici, exactly. hah. Thereifixedit15:37
=== james is now known as Guest2411
FCGregelricsfate: probably a good idea.15:37
=== El-Mohandes is now known as omar-elmohandes
JackeyChenWhat is b43-phy0 ? I have problem with it15:37
JackeyCheni get DMA error with it15:38
lithionlxupsla connecting directly to your modem via usb is going to be a pain. you have to add it as a USB device then add it as a network device.15:38
upsla@lithionlx:hey i am a new bie to linux. can you explain how to do that ?.15:39
nagisaAgain, my Sound Preferences doesn't lauch. Can someone help me with it? Details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1664661 or http://paste.ubuntu.com/552852/15:39
lithionlxgo to Settings -> preferences ->  Network connections15:39
lithionlxclick Add15:39
nishttal2my /etc/resolv.conf is being overwritten everytime i reboot my computer.. how can I fix this?15:39
lithionlxname it : My Modem15:39
lithionlxenter the modems MAC-ID15:39
lithionlxMetric = Auto15:40
upsla@lithionlx:can you explai ?.15:40
llutznishttal2: set immunate or better fix your dns-settings (dhclient.conf, networkmanager, interfaces)15:40
lithionlxcheck "Available to all users" at t he bottom15:40
lithionlxthe MAC-ID of your modem should be on the back of the device15:40
Um_cara_qualquerI tried to install ubuntu trhough pen drive but when it booted, an error message showed on a black screen saying: No init found. Try passing init-bootarg. What should I do to fix that?15:40
lithionlxUm_cara: Redo your Thumb Drive installer15:41
gobbeUm_cara_qualquer: how did you create a stick15:41
lithionlxI thought there was already an ubuntu usb install creator15:41
upsla@lithionlx:i use usb adsl modem. there is nothing mentioned on back of the modem.15:41
Um_cara_qualquergobbe,  formated with vfat by gparted15:41
elricsfatethink I may have fixed it15:42
pLrgobbe: multisystem is a good one too15:42
elricsfatethanks for the help though guys15:42
nishttal2llutz, not entirely sure.. is there a UI for this ?15:42
nishttal2llutz, i am running 10.1015:42
=== jari_ is now known as sllide
llutznishttal2: your using networkmanager? it should have an option to set a static dns, check settings15:42
lithionlxwhen you do lspci what does it give you ?15:42
lithionlxfor that device?15:42
nishttal2llutz, i think i found it15:43
nishttal2llutz, thanks15:43
lithionlxor lsusb (sorry)15:43
lithionlxanyone help with Play On Linux issue with Starcraft II ?15:44
FCGregelricsfate: ok, glad to hear that.  it looks like the standard repository warning.  you should be able to work around it.  good luck15:44
LoganJRufflithionlx, Please ask your question with as many details as possible.15:44
FCGregelricsfate: sorry, had my client quit on me unexpectedly15:44
upsla@lithionlx:wait i have dual boot system . so i need to reboot to linux.so if you have any command for diagonstic. tell me now. i will do it all together.15:45
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gobbepLr: multisystem?15:45
_spacer_hi room, i am requiring some help remotely moving folder from one external hdd to another15:45
gobbeUm_cara_qualquer: but how did you put iso-image to stick?15:45
lithionlxHaving Play on Linux issue with Starcraft II, 1) Units and Buildings not visible. 2) During Install process cannot see menu buttons. 3) Installed using the SC2 pol .15:46
upslalithionlx:wait i have dual boot system . so i need to reboot to linux.so if you have any command for diagonstic. tell me now. i will do it all together.15:46
nishttal2llutz, how do i restart my network after making these changes?15:46
lithionlxneed the output of the command lsusb15:46
lithionlxthat should have your Mac ID in it15:46
gobbe_spacer_: what kind of help you need15:46
upslalithionlx:ok wait for few minutes. i will get that.15:47
llutznishttal2: i'm not sure, try "sudo service networking restart"15:47
heliosicecreami'm having serious issues with ubuntu: when i try to change the wallpaper, it just freezes, i tried deleting the hidden folders and using ubuntu tweak to restore settings...15:47
lithionlxMy System Specs: Maverick 10.10 .2.35 , Radeon HD 5750  using proprietary drivers.15:47
nishttal2llutz, that didnt work15:47
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: what disk did you install mbr on?15:47
Wolfsherzhi, how can i change the wallpaper on my login screen? it is different fromt he one i am using on my desktop for some reason...15:47
heliosicecreamnoone got a clue?15:48
llutznishttal2: sudo restart network-manager15:48
lithionlxfor the Wallpaper issue i would purge and reinstall compiz15:48
nagisaWolf : yeah it's always default.15:48
nishttal2llutz, done.. thanks again15:48
Um_cara_qualqueri'm not sure... i just installed mbr first in the pen drive... then unetbootin15:48
_spacer_im am trying to copy a folder from an external drive to another using winscp or putty terminal.15:48
Wolfsherznagisa: well, it is NOT default anymore, it somehow changed15:48
heliosicecreamlithionlx: it doesn't work, neither with compiz or metacity...15:48
=== derick_ is now known as Guest76556
nagisaSo anyone encountered problem with non-launching Sound Preferences? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1664661 or http://paste.ubuntu.com/552852/15:49
gobbe_spacer_: winscp or putty has nothing to do with ubuntu?15:49
gobbe_spacer_: so could you explain little bit better what you are doing15:49
=== Guest76556 is now known as Derick___
lithionlxwhat window manager is running?15:49
_spacer_the server is running ubuntu, i am remote15:50
gobbe_spacer_: and what is the problem15:50
hi5via vnc?15:50
heliosicecreamlithionlx: right now, metacity, but when i run compiz, the wallpaper is still blank and i can't change it15:50
heliosicecreamlithionlx: so i doubt it's the WM15:50
dajhornnagisa: I've got this problem on one of my computers.  There are several bugs in Launchpad, but it probably won't be fixed in Maverick.15:50
_spacer_not sure really, i think i have the correct permissions for the folders15:50
lithionlxpurge and reinstall ubuntu-desktop =/15:50
gobbe_spacer_: so what did you run (command) and what is the ouput15:51
_spacer_can i paste here? its short15:51
gobbe_spacer_: pastebin is better, it's anyway more than one line15:51
nagisaHmm, what the hell? I hoped someone would have a good solution to my problem15:54
stanman_spacer_: what' s the prob there?15:55
noteventimeHullo, This might be a gnome question, but how the heck do I disable hotkeys related to monitor setting in Gnome? I want to free up mod-4 + p (by default it changes the monitor configuration when using multiple monitors)15:55
_spacer_also tried to move using winscp15:55
noteventimeI've tried disabling the monitor configuration applet15:56
gobbe_spacer_: cp needs flags to copy whoe directory, and My music needs to be My\ Music15:56
noteventimeAnd it's not listed among the hotkeys in settings->preferences->hotkeys15:56
stanman_spacer_ try out mc15:56
stanmanit's great for me, moving things around15:57
=== lostsource is now known as ricardoamaro
=== ricardoamaro is now known as ricardoa
KrigoJust resized down the partition15:57
=== ricardoa is now known as ricardoamaro
|LamikHello, Virtualbox have shader module 2.0?15:58
jarnosHow do you switch to use nv video driver instead of nouveau in 10.10?15:58
frxstremI have installed Ubuntu on my external USB hard drive (using the normal installation, not LiveUSB), but all of my OSes from my internal hard drive appear in the GRUB menu at boot. Is there any way to make GRUB ignore all of those and only use the Ubuntu installation on my external hard drive?15:58
BluesKajnagisa, I solved my probs by removing PA15:58
KrigoGetting "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu" as I try to install Ubuntu from live  CD15:58
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: my guess you installed mbr to the wrong location pastebin the results of this we might get a clue http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/15:58
Um_cara_qualqueri'll try15:58
frxstremKrigo: did you manually edit the partitions during installation?15:59
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, i thought mbr is already installed whe I use unetbootin to install ISO in the pen drive15:59
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: you mean the pendrive won't boot?15:59
frxstremKrigo: if so, you have to remember to set the mount point for the main partition to '/'16:00
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: or the pendrive install to hd failed?16:00
Krigofrxstrem: I just cut down one partition by 50gb, and planned to add it to my XP partition, but I can't find the option to either extend it or to increase the space.16:00
Um_cara_qualquerit boots... but then the msg appears: no init found.16:00
mlaskidoes FBSET works??? it does not affect to my view??? please help???16:00
mlaskii have framebuffer in 640x48016:01
mlaskinow: fbset 1024x768-60 runs without errors16:01
noteventimeNevermind, I managed to formulate a goodle search now :)16:01
=== baggar11_ is now known as baggar11
mlaskibut... resolution is still 640x480???16:01
dajhornfrxstrem: Look at the /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober file.  This is where your Windows partitions are being included in the boot menu.16:01
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: ok so the pen_drive fails to fully boot,  maybe the media (usb flash) or the iso is corrupt,  check the md5sum of the iso and check the usb flash drive integrity16:01
jetsetI've made a screensaver using this how-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1368224 and the video plays in preview, but doesn't when the screensaver actually loads. Any suggestions?16:01
nagisaBluesKaj, What should I swap to then?16:02
frxstremdajhorn: I'm not only talking about Windows, but all OSes except for the Ubuntu installed on the external harddrive16:02
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, hmm... maybe it's the pen drive... because the md5sum checks witth ubuntu.com16:02
_spacer_ok so how do i move the folder with mc??16:02
frxstremdajhorn: since I currently have both Ubuntu and Windows installed on the internal hard drive, and I want neither of them to appear in the menu16:02
FloodBot1stanman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:03
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: then test usb flash http://www.ghacks.net/2009/08/28/test-usb-flash-drive-and-hard-drive-integrity-and-size/16:03
stanman_spacer_ dont use f816:03
_spacer_f6 got it16:03
KrigoIf I've cut down partition  space on /dev/sda1 on the ubuntu installer, is it possible to add it to /dev/sda2?16:03
stanmanf8 is deleting16:03
dajhornfrxstrem: Doesn't matter.  That file generates the non-Ubuntu boot menu items.  Edit this file, or disable the automatic grub updater.16:03
stanmanf5 is copying16:04
stanmanf6 is moving16:04
Krigoas I don't get a choice to, and I want to install to /dev/sda116:04
_spacer_cool i see that now16:04
frxstremdajhorn: but won't the Ubuntu installed on the internal hard drive still appear?16:04
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, i'm in ubuntu right now... i can't install that16:04
_spacer_follow links, preserve atributes... those ones16:04
sniperjo__my computer seems to have a problem waking from sleep if it is connected to certain VGA monitors with a DVI - VGA adapter, when i connect it directly with DVI monitors it works fine and wakes properly, anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?16:05
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: try reformat the usb flash with ext3 or any thing and just copy the iso you plan to use then do an md5sum on the file from the usb flash16:05
dajhornfrxstrem: Dunno.  Depends on how you choose to edit the grub.d files.  Note that you're asking to do something that is both dangerous and uncommon.16:05
_spacer_dive into subdir? stable symlinks?16:05
tissanfrHello! would anybody know how to add a default launcher icon for all new accounts? I tried to put the .desktop file in the skel directory, fail. I tried to add the gconf config, fail. I must be missing something else16:06
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, got it16:06
stanmananyone knows how i can 'hide'  the "entered into chatroom" notifications? in empathy?16:06
_spacer_what are those all about?16:06
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, hang on16:06
frxstremis it possible to remove GRUB altogether and just boot directly into Ubuntu?16:07
sam-_-frxstrem, no16:07
freakynlfrxstrem: you need a bootloader, you can set it to default to ubuntu with 0 secs, that probably gets you what you're after16:08
sacarlsonfrxstrem: there are a few different boot loaders like lilo,  I'm not sure what boot direct is16:08
SaryHello Ubuntuers! :)16:08
_spacer_stanman?  those options?16:08
dajhorn!hello > Sary16:08
jetsetI've made a screensaver using this how-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1368224 and the video plays in preview, but doesn't when the screensaver actually loads. Any suggestions?16:09
Sarydajhorn how you do :) .. me i am doing great :D16:10
dajhornSary: Just ask your Ubuntu support question here.  You don't need to introduce yourself.16:10
BluesKajnagisa, I use alsamixer and it's settings16:11
_spacer_ok it works, awesome thanks16:12
Sarydajhorn sure thanks , i just wanted to say Hello :) .. put i might dig for an issue or 2 :D16:12
TheMoori had to install ubuntu from lan coz my actual ubuntu grub got an error and i was unable to boot, i had ubuntu 10.4 installed before  i installed 9.4 from lan, now i have uninstalled 10.4 regulary (add/remove progs) , but the 9.4 i cant find it at all, any hints plz how i can find it ? the 9,4 kernel is 2.6.28-11 generic16:13
stanmanhow do i kill the "has entered the chatroom" notifications?16:13
=== dmart_ is now known as dmart
dajhornstanman: The last time I used empathy,  it didn't have a squelch option.16:15
stanmandajhorn: what client do you use now16:15
go^Ragazzi ho installato debian su una terza partizione (Prima avevo Ubuntu e winXP) ma non l'ho aggiunto al bootloader...come lo aggiungo a Grub manualmente? Grazie in anticipo:)16:15
gobbe!en | go^16:15
ubottugo^: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:15
oCean!it | go^16:16
ubottugo^: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:16
dajhornstanman:  Subscribe to this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/66017616:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:17
dajhorndajhorn:  Most other clients have this feature.  Start with something like xchat or chatzilla and find one that you like.16:17
=== lucasicf_ is now known as lucasicf
stanmandajhorn: hmm... i was using chatzilla, thought it was nice to have msn, gtalk and irc in one app..16:18
dajhornstanman:  I agree, but the gnome project doesn't usually change this kind of thing.  The upstream bug is more than a year old.16:19
upslalithionlx:are you there ?16:20
Sarya  weird  issue , dual booting Ubuntu an NixOS , now GRUB2 doesn't load/show's up !16:22
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, sorry my internet disconected16:23
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, are you busy right now?16:23
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, the problem is still the same, no init found... when i try to install ubuntu 10.10 trhough pen drive16:24
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: no I'm here16:24
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: and did the integrity of the usb flash check ok?16:24
Um_cara_qualqueroh X_X sorry hehe16:25
Um_cara_qualquernot yet16:25
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, i'm on linux right now, i can't install that16:25
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, but i'm almost sure that the pen drive is fine16:26
AbhiJithow much is the size of the alternate cd?16:26
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: there is nothing to install you just format and copy the iso file to the usb flash and do a md5sum on the file16:26
Um_cara_qualquerah... right16:26
AbhiJiti want to reinstall ubuntu-desktop how to go for it????16:26
AbhiJithelpppp pleasee16:26
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: I have had many problems here with fake usb flash so for me I have to know the media is good before I move on16:27
BluesKajsacarlson, i wish i could , but my bios has USB boot sequence options16:28
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, hmm... f****** pen drives16:28
BluesKajno usb boot options rather16:28
TheMoori had to install ubuntu from lan coz my actual ubuntu grub got an error and i was unable to boot, i had ubuntu 10.4 installed before  i installed 9.4 from lan, now i have uninstalled 10.4 regulary (add/remove progs) , but the 9.4 i cant find it at all, any hints plz how i can find it ? the 9,4 kernel is 2.6.28-11 generic16:28
m4xxi'm trying to copy a cd to an iso using readom dev=/dev/cdrom f=my.iso and i keep getting the error "Error trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second."16:28
m4xxwhen i look at lsof -X nothing shows it being open16:28
CrazyHJust installed Ubuntu 10.10. How do I change the UI so that the window control buttons are on the right size, rather than the left?16:28
m4xxany ideas?16:28
m4xxCrazyEddy: gconf-editor16:29
m4xxunder metacity16:29
CrazyHm4xx, are you talking to me by chance?16:30
m4xxCrazyEddy: you'll see button_layout16:30
LoganJRuffCrazyEddy, alt+f2, gconf-editor (enter), Apps->Metacity->General change layout to what you like. Mine is ":minimize,maximize,close"16:30
sacarlsonBluesKaj: you can still boot usb without bios support with plop boot loader http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager.html16:30
dajhornm4xx:  What is `readom`?  You probably want to use `dd` instead.16:30
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, 59d15a16ce90c8ee97fa7c211b7673a8  ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso This is md5sum with iso file in the pen drive16:30
m4xxdajhorn, just what i read on google16:31
dajhornm4xx:   dd if=/dev/cdrom of=My.iso bs=2k16:31
m4xxdajhorn will try now thanks!16:31
m4xxseems to bet working, thanks!16:32
dajhornm4xx: Welcome.16:32
dcestari_anyone ever tried to remap Copy/Cut/Paste keyboard shortcuts on Gnome?16:32
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sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: sounds like a match to me so maybe this is an option? http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/16:32
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: oh I"m sorry it don't boot16:33
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: so maybe try an older version16:34
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: maybe 10.0416:34
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, o_O16:34
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, but i want 10.10 :(16:34
jetsetI've made a screensaver using this how-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1368224 and the video plays in preview, but doesn't when the screensaver actually loads. Any suggestions?16:34
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, 10.10 = beta version still?16:34
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: but it won't even run on that system16:35
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: you can skip and try 11.0416:35
Um_cara_qualquerthere must be something that I'm doing wrong16:35
granjerohi, does anyone knows how to block right click on desktop and panels in ubuntu 10.04?16:35
m4xxgranjero, what is the end result you're looking for aside from right click?16:36
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, where did you downloaded your unetbootin16:36
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: did you try that usb flash after install on another system to see if it will boot?16:36
Um_cara_qualquermine doesn't show a window exactly like tutorials on the internet16:36
granjerom4xx, iḿ settting some office work stations and i don't want them to change the wallpeper or any other configuration nor the thing i setted on the panels!16:37
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, I'm not sure if I understood you16:37
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: I use the build in loader in ubuntu System>admin>startup disk creator16:37
itachisanhi everybody16:37
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, could you teach me trhough this way?16:37
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: see if the usb flash will boot another computer16:38
Um_cara_qualquerhang on16:38
itachisanhey someone knows red eclipse16:38
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: you will have to reinstall the iso boot again with method of your chosing16:38
avinashhello everyone16:39
granjerohi, does anyone knows how to block right click on desktop and panels in ubuntu 10.04?16:39
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, i chose... your method :)16:39
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: I also use ubuntu 10.0416:39
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, humm...16:39
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, it should be the same way to install 10.0416:39
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, how would you install using usb-creator?16:40
Wolfsherzwhy does every user get an own group named after the user?16:40
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: but from what I"m told your loader has worked, so I would verify that the usb flash boot another computer, that would verify that your system isn't compatible with ubuntu 10.1016:40
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: not every computer will boot 10.10 if you didn't notice16:40
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, actually... that's new to me16:41
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, so... one second16:41
avinash_hello everyone !!16:44
devkorcvincefor everyone who likes vim like this page http://on.fb.me/eMJcmk16:45
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, I've just checked on another pc... the pen drive is fine16:46
abhijain1i want to create director in /home/bot how can i create?16:46
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, but my pc isn't a dinossaur...16:46
Picidevkorcvince: Please don't advertise here, this is a support channel.16:46
Piciabhijain1: use mkdir16:46
granjerohi, does anyone knows how to block right click on desktop and panels in ubuntu 10.04?16:46
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, it still doesn't make 100% sense16:46
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: ok so now you know it a compatibility problem with 10.1016:47
abhijain1pici mkdir16:47
devkorcvincePici my bad using irssi just paste it all on open channels won't happen again16:47
jribgranjero: no I don't know, but maybe some of the documentation at http://library.gnome.org/admin/ can help16:47
peskyIs this the right place to get advice in misbehaving ubuntu?16:47
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, is the ubuntu 10.10 so advanced that a regular pc like mine isn't capable to operate it?16:47
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: it could be a bios problem16:47
AbhiJitpesky, ask16:48
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, that's more like it16:48
avinashi am new to using an irc client...is anybody here patient enough to explain me how to use this..16:48
compdocyou seem to be doing just fine16:48
AceKingCan someone help me with an install? I have a PC with a ECS "EliteGroup" mobo. I tried both CD/ USB installations and neither one will work. It shows a purple screen and the mouse looks like it's working, but that's as far as I get16:48
jribavinash: what client?  What do you want to know about it?16:48
jribpesky: yes, just ask your question16:49
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, how can I check if the problem is a bios problem?16:49
granjerothnx jrib !16:49
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: can you even get as far as the grub menu if you hold shift at boot?16:49
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson,  let me check it16:50
hanasakiin rsync... how do you specify to bring over the . files of the home dir .. like all of them - .bashrc .logout etc...16:50
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: if it makes it to grub I would say it's probly not a bios problem16:50
avinashjust when i joined this channel the system told me to read today's topic..i cant figure out what the topic is..16:50
CrazyHUbuntu 10.10 Dell Studio 1745. Any idea how to get the Mouse pad to work? right now I have to use a USB mouse.16:50
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, ok16:50
avinashand is this a place for asking for help in any topic??16:51
avinashand how is this different from ubuntu forums and all16:51
Roasted_Is there a way to recursively change the group of subfolders you own in nautilus GUI? I'm just curious because I found that "Gnome Commander" can accomplish this easily but I was curious as to why Nautilus itself oculdn't.16:51
gobbeavinash: forums are not realtime, this is16:51
peskyMy system is f*cking up I guess. It gets really slow on numerous ocassions. That's rather dissapointing, I was expecting more than windows. And both my toolbars are messed up. I get incorrectly rendered elements in it, the icons sometimes get white background, menus don't respond. Sometimes bluetooth won't work on startup.16:51
gobbeavinash: and you can ask anything that is related to ubuntu16:52
sebastianslive__co tam slychac ciekawego na kanale16:52
avinash@gobbe : :-D16:52
Myrtti!pl | sebastianslive__16:53
ubottusebastianslive__: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:53
nirazioHow to add menu items in System menu??16:53
xanguanirazio: right clic> add> menu16:53
AbhiJitnirazio, right click on the very corrner of left side of 'application' and click edit menu16:53
tim167hello, is there a tool to find out what codec a certain video uses ?16:53
markturnipAnyone here using http://www.monkeynet.ca/viewProject.php?project=daemonrip ?16:54
BluesKajtim167, one can usually tellfrom file extension16:54
jribtim167: right click -> properties usually informs you16:55
CrazyHtim167, probably a combination of file properties and Google16:55
jribtim167: if you're looking for commandline, mplayer -identify is one way16:55
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, It doesn't do anything when i hold shift... but the first window when i start the pc, is a blue window showing me 3 options: f2 = setup; f11 = boot; tab = switch screen16:55
tim167jrib thanks i'll try mplayer -identify16:55
avinashtim 167: play the video in vlc..go to tools and then the codec and media information..this gives a pretty good detail of ur video16:56
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: so grub never starts maybe try f2 setup and see if another boot option is available16:57
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Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, like what?16:57
tim167avinash the thing is that the video is image-less in vlc, it's an example video from my cheap mp3 player16:57
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, actually, f2 is the grub... or bios... don't know witch one... and i can set witch device is the first to be booted... and stuff16:58
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, it is also set to boot any usb device before boot the SO16:58
granjerojrib found how to block the panels but not how to blobk the wallpaper16:58
tim167ok, the video codec appears to be "rawbgr24flip", how do I re-encode my other video's to that codec ?16:58
jribgranjero: you just want to make it so they can't change it?16:59
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest9097
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
wingnut2626i need a telnet client that i can download files with!!!  any suggestions guys?16:59
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: well that sounds like bios setup,  and this system has never booted a usb flash in your history?16:59
=== denny- is now known as denny
asiekierkaquestion: how can you remove a driver for an internal wireless card which i don'17:00
granjeroi want to restric acces to the appearence propierties17:00
asiekierkawhich i don't use, need and it wrecks with my setup17:00
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, it did... i just can't remember how i did that, this ubuntu installed right now was installed from a pen drive17:00
asiekierkaUbuntu 10.10, the internal wireless card is wlan017:00
asiekierkait's a Belkin, i think17:00
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: it did boot from usb flash before?  not from cd rom17:01
gameirohello how i put teamviewer autostart in ubuntu 10.10 ot who is the best software to remote desktop17:01
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, yes17:01
AbhiJitgameiro, system->preferences->startup aps17:01
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, flash... you mean pen drive?17:01
jribgranjero: http://library.gnome.org/admin/deployment-guide/ and the tools described towards the bottom should allow you to do it.  You can also go http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/gconf-9.html.en and set a mandatory gconf key for the background (and for the other settings you don't want people to change)17:01
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: ok then I guess it's worth try another version of ubuntu then or find another method of install17:01
BluesKajasiekierka, what are you using instead?17:02
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, yeah...17:02
asiekierkaBluesKaj: rt73 from the rt2x00 drivers for my external USB WiFi17:02
Um_cara_qualquersacarlson, thx for your help man17:02
sacarlsonUm_cara_qualquer: yes a pendrive is also called a usb flash drive17:02
asiekierkathe internal one does not catch the signal (weak antenna and more distance)17:02
Um_cara_qualquerthx a lot17:02
asiekierkaso it creates its own adhoc network which the external one connects to17:02
pLrasiekierka: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist it will not be loaded17:03
asiekierkapLr: what's the way to check what driver is running wlan0, then17:03
pLrasiekierka: lsmod17:03
BluesKajasiekierka, is internal one apci or onboard?17:03
gameiroabhijit- but i have a router and i need a external acsses17:04
AbhiJitwhat care should i take while reinstalling ubuntu and i am having seperate /home and i cant take backup but i wan all /home data to be safe?17:04
Kingsycan someone tell me what the best tool is on ubuntu to video conference to a windows pc ?17:04
Kingsydoes skype do it ?17:04
AbhiJitgameiro, amm??? didnt got you? you want to auto start teamvier in your ubuntu machine right?17:04
AbhiJitKingsy, skype, teamviewer17:05
jribAbhiJit: you should have backups.  End of story.  Having said that, just make sure you uncheck "format" for the home partition17:05
AbhiJitgameiro, then just add it to startup apsa naa?17:05
KingsyAbhiJit: ah, skype does do it.. hmm I cant see the option17:05
AbhiJitjrib, ok. wll do that17:05
gameirohow a add to startup17:06
vitalikЕсть ли кто говорящий по русски?17:06
xangua!ru | vitalik17:06
ubottuvitalik: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:06
garymhelp: upgraded from hardy to 10.04 and in the process postgres jumps from 8.3 to 8.4 stranding all my data!!  Is there a migration guide anywhere?17:06
AbhiJitgameiro, go to system->preferences->startup aps17:07
vitalikЕсть кто из россии?17:07
avinashgameiro, go to system ->preferences -> startup apps17:07
jribgarym: that's a really good question.  I would hope something like that is in the release notes.  Did you check them?  (I'm gonna see if I can find anything out too017:07
garymit was my next destination ;)17:08
avinashabhijit, : :-D17:08
Bipul`is there any way to connect my mobile phone(samsung) with mine ubuntu 10.10 via data cable ?17:08
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101017:08
AbhiJithi avinash17:08
MyrttiBipul`: Samsung has a lot of different phones with different hardware and operating systems. You need to be more specific17:08
Bipul`Hellow AbhiJit  and avinash17:08
AbhiJitBipul`, you tried wammu gammu?17:09
wolfpackHow to install/run Firefox 4 beta 8 on ubuntu1017:09
zteamCan somebody here please tell me how to troubleshoot a floopy disc issue??17:09
Bipul`nops AbhiJit  let me try17:09
AbhiJitBipul`, they have listen on their website which models are supported. check them17:09
AbhiJitfloppy disc? :o omg17:09
jribgarym: see what slowtrain did here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1380408  He claims you can just reinstall postgresql-8.3.  Is that true for you?17:10
xanguawolfpack: download it from firefox beta page, extract it, run it17:10
zteamAbhijit: yes, a floppy disc issue, I need to update my BIOS and I have no USB-stick to use either, so I need to use a floppy17:11
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AbhiJitzteam, details please17:11
vitalikUlt heccrbq rfyfk&17:12
malsi_selamnasılsın ,17:12
* AbhiJit dunno anything abotu floppies ecept that they hold a huge 1.4 mb data17:12
vitalikГде русский канал?17:12
jrib!ru | vitalik17:12
ubottuvitalik: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:12
Myrtti!tr | malsi_17:12
ubottumalsi_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.17:12
zteamAbhiJit: Well, like I said, I need to update my BIOS on a Ubuntu-machine and I have no USB-stick avaible17:13
AbhiJitzteam, no i mean whats wrong with that floppy drive? does it not recognized etc?17:14
compdocuse a bootable cd with dos on it, and your updater17:14
hidnshadowsHey guys, I have a concern, whenever update manager is run, it tells me that some core system pakages, dpkg included, can't be authenticated. What can I do to ensure that my system doesn't get trashed by updating?17:14
wolfpackxangua i did downloaded and extracted  it but how to rin17:14
AbhiJitzteam, yah see what compdoc says17:14
pLrzteam: use freedos17:15
* AbhiJit has a bootable dos and lots of floppies too!17:15
BluesKajhidnshadows, you may have appa repository that needs to be removed or commented17:15
zteamAbhiJit: The floppy drive works perfectly, and is enabled in BIOS, and I can format it in Ubuntu too17:16
hidnshadowsblueskaj does that pose any threat to my system?17:16
xanguawolfpack: enter the directory and double clic firefox or firefox.bin17:16
AbhiJitzteam, then where is there is the actual problem? i am discribe the problem so if i or anyone knows then they can help you17:16
testjoin #affd17:16
BluesKajhidnshadows, can you recall if you added third party repos to your package manager or sources.list in order to install nondefault apps17:17
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AbhiJitoh my english17:17
hidnshadowsblueskaj only one, torproject. As far as I know17:18
=== Guest54588 is now known as bredbachs
BluesKajhidnshadows, are you still using tor ?17:19
hidnshadowsblueskaj yes, why?17:19
Bipul`TOr has some issue with Firefox17:19
Bipul`and also with ubuntu 10.0417:20
zteamAbhiJit: The strange thing is that It can't seem to write to it, I have mounted it, and checked my permissions for the mount point, and it seems to be OK, BUT the files is written to the folder (the mountpoint)  and not to the floppy drive itself17:20
hidnshadowsblueskaj only for anonymity on other networks, just so people can't snoop through my packets17:20
IdleOne!language | asnet917:20
ubottuasnet9: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:20
asnet9ok thanks17:20
BluesKajhidnshadows, did you compile it or add it from a repository thru the package manager or apt / cli ?17:20
AbhiJitzteam, so you are trying it from inside ubuntu? i suggest you to get that freedos i.e. bootable dos insert cd run that dos and from then try to update bios using floppy17:21
AbhiJitzteam, is it laptop?17:21
buzukelishallo, how to know what /dev/? device uses my usb-gsm-modem ?17:21
hidnshadowsblueskaj I added it form a repository. Just going back to my main problem, is my system vulnerable if I update with these packages?17:21
zteamAbhiJit: Yes, I have tried it from inside Ubuntu and no it's not a laptop :-)17:23
Bipul`buzukelis,  check this might it will helpful to you17:23
AbhiJitzteam, ok then try from bootable dos in cd17:23
=== christian_ is now known as bredbachs
rahulbesthi i just downloaded ubuntu but i am unable to get my internet working please some one help me to fix it17:24
AbhiJitzteam, you may ask in ##windows too17:24
hidnshadowsabhiJit zteam just leave out the fact that you're from m#ubuntu, they can get pretty hostile17:24
AbhiJitzteam, in my case its laptop so hp only gives bios update in .exe format so i need to must go to windows to update it. :'(17:24
BluesKajhidnshadows, I doubt it , most ppas or non defaults are only so due to legal reasons and not because the apps are corrupt or troublesome.17:24
zteamAbhiJit: Yes it seems that may be the only easy way to solve it...17:24
AbhiJithidnshadows, amm????17:25
Bipul`buzukelis,  also check this might it will helpful to you http://www.justlinux.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-128822.html17:25
rahulbesthi i just downloaded ubuntu but i am unable to get my internet working please some one help me to fix it17:25
rahulbestplz help me out17:25
hidnshadowsabhijit say again?17:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:25
AbhiJithidnshadows, i ddnt understood you17:25
Bipul`rahulbest,  can you tell more about you internet connection ?17:25
Bipul`is it wifi or cable ?17:26
hidnshadowsabhijit some people on the ##windows channel are pretty hostile, angry, they hate us. I just wanted to makesure that he didn't get flamed17:26
rahulbestit is DSL modem17:26
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:26
rahulbestnet through phone speed is 2 mbps17:26
Myrttirahulbest: how do you connect to it?17:26
AbhiJitohh ok hidnshadows17:26
zteamAbhiJit: Well, I have used Windows for about 10-15 years myself so I do know how dos works pretty well :-)17:27
Bipul`Have you configured you Network connections ?17:27
AbhiJitzteam, yah :)17:27
rahulbestactually no network connection it shows17:27
BluesKajhidnshadows, the ppl over at #windows are hostile to the the linux trolls tha like to take potshots at them :)17:27
sacarlsonrahulbest: wired I assume you mean ethernet cat5 cable?17:28
sacarlsonrahulbest: you say nothing shows what do we see with lspci ?17:28
Bipul`rahulbest,  try to click on auto eth017:29
rahulbestactually i tried17:29
rahulbestauto eth017:29
rahulbestit doesnt worked17:29
sacarlsonrahulbest: and what is seen from command line with ifconfig ?17:29
ziozizohi!I wish to create a stereogram immage,there's some programs to do it?-17:29
rahulbesti have to check tht17:29
Bipul`right click and edite network connections17:30
Bipul`click on add17:30
rahulbesti m absolutely new to linux17:30
Bipul`and fix it you details17:30
rahulbestso please tell me in detail if pissible17:30
Pici!enter | rahulbest17:30
ubotturahulbest: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:30
rahulbestsorry guys17:31
Hoody_Khey there17:31
upslahi i use usb adsl modem. help me to connect to internet. the output of lsusb lists my modem as Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem17:31
Hoody_Kanyone know about USB stereo?17:32
upslahi i use usb adsl modem. help me to connect to internet. the output of lsusb lists my modem as Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem17:32
pLrupsla: usb support for dsl is usually not so good, plug ethernet if u can17:33
Hoody_Kupsla, be patient please17:33
sam16need help .... skype video is not working in ma ubuntu 10.1017:33
upslapLr:but i have usb can u fix it ?17:34
upslaHoody_K:can u help me ?17:34
sam16guys need help .... skype video is not working in ma ubuntu 10.1017:34
pLrupsla: no i cannot fix it17:35
sam16hello guys need help .... skype video is not working in ma ubuntu 10.1017:35
upslapLr:direct some body to help me.17:35
BluesKaj!patience | sam1617:35
ubottusam16: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:35
|Bboy|Question: Does anyone have any experience with TerminatorX?17:35
pLr!patience | upsla17:36
ubottuupsla: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:36
TMKCodesupsla usb only adsl modem?17:36
rahulbest hi i just downloaded ubuntu but i am unable to get my internet working please some one help me to fix it....i have DSL connection throught ethernet17:36
upslaTMKCodes:ya man.17:36
seoi'm fairly certain i can't help anybody, but i am here for good measure (not ignoring you)17:36
kakemonosorry it's the cat17:37
sacarlsonrahulbest: what is seen from command line with ifconfig?  I asked you before17:37
ziozizofor making an stereograms immage with xubuntu exist a program?17:37
=== kakemono is now known as Hoody_K
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
sacarlsonrahulbest: do you know how to bring up a terminal?17:38
AbhiJitziozizo, stereograph17:38
BluesKaj!it | ziozizo17:39
ubottuziozizo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:39
Aragon6980ziozizo http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/stereograph.1.html17:39
BluesKajAragon6980, telling ppl to use the man pages isn't very helpful, otherwise this chat wouldn't be needed17:41
St018Hello can some1 help me about bash scripts17:41
thiefy_BluesKaj, i agree. it's very annoying when that is someone's 'answer'17:41
Hans_Henrikdoes the newest Ubuntu CD include GParted?17:41
xanguaHans_Henrik: yes17:41
sacarlsonHans_Henrik: yes17:41
buzukelishallo, how to know what /dev/? device uses my windowsMobilePhone ?17:42
St018i have a bash script i need to optimize it can someone help me about that??17:42
thiefy_Hans_Henrik, it does include it. but it does not install it when you install ubuntu.17:42
pLr!ask | St01817:42
ubottuSt018: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:42
BluesKajaltho Aragon6980 , thiefy_ , in this case the url posted might be helpful :)17:42
Hans_HenrikCan i access GParted in the newest Ubuntu CD in "try ubuntu" mode?17:43
AbhiJitHans_Henrik, yes17:43
St018how can i run script like this => myscript filename17:44
thiefy_Hans_Henrik, yes, it comes with gparted. so you can use it with the live cd or usb key.17:44
thiefy_St018, if you do ./scriptname that will work.17:45
St018no i mean17:45
bastidrazorSt018: add the script to your ~/bin17:45
St018how can i use bashscript with like this17:45
St018bash filename17:45
St018it gets filename after running script17:45
AbhiJitwhat .sh is?17:46
bastidrazorSt018: ask in #bash17:46
St018ok i got it thanks17:46
SaryGRUB issue here! , after installing Ubuntu to dual boot with NixOS , Grub Menu, just blank screen with a blinking cursor and then I get the Ubuntu login.17:48
BluesKajAbhiJit, it a script file which runs an app or installs one17:48
yasechey all anyone got some advice for setting up an ubuntu server for mail and web on a dynamic adsl account?17:48
thiefy_AbhiJit, a .sh is a file that is a script.17:48
AbhiJitBlueEagle, thiefy_ script of any specific language? or any ?17:48
thiefy_AbhiJit, yaeh, what BluesKaj  said.17:48
Rodgeyjoin #drupal17:49
thiefy_AbhiJit, i would say it can be any language.17:49
sacarlsonSary: that sounds like it's working to me17:49
AbhiJitthiefy_, ok17:49
thiefy_the script defines what language it is in.17:49
Sarysacarlson whats that..17:50
piercedwaterI have setup bind9 on my server and everything works so far. What address do I enter in my domain name's dns field to get my domain name to point to my name server?17:50
BluesKajAbhiJit, it's ashell script similar to a command line , sort of17:50
AbhiJitBluesKaj, ok17:50
sacarlsonSary: you say it boots up to the login prompt,  what did you expect to see?17:51
Sarysacarlson , Yeah , i expect to see the GRUB bootloader Menu17:51
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thiefy_piercedwater, you want a dns server? or you want it so that you can access your computer remotely?17:52
sacarlsonSary: for that you need to hold the shift key at boot,  did you try that?17:52
piercedwaterthiefy_: I setup bind9 so that I could get my registered domain name to point to my server (DNS server)17:52
Sarysacarlson , i did , that didn't help.17:52
edbianpiercedwater: If you have a registered domain name you don't need a local DNS server17:53
piercedwateredbian: Just point it to my IP, right?17:53
yasechey guys anyone got any points for setting up an ubuntu server on a dynamic adsl connection???17:53
edbianpiercedwater: yeah, that's the point of registering it in the first place.  You tell the root servers on the internet that your domain name points at a specific IP17:53
piercedwateredbian: Ok I was obviously confused. Thanks.17:54
edbianpiercedwater: no problem17:54
sacarlsonSary: you can try apt-get install startup-manager gui and turn on text and add more time in grub at boot,  or edit grub configs by hand17:55
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thiefy_yasec, what is it that you want to do with that 'server'?17:55
yasechope to set it up as a mail server and host a website17:56
sacarlsonSary: I have had problems with usb keyboards at time with grub, my old keyboard seemed to work with the round plug,  not sure thats still a problem these days17:56
duckx0rI'm having trouble getting sound to work for this user, however it is working fine for another one. Can anyone help me with this? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=43244beb712ddb9ed3cb0178160940e4f4398cd517:56
Sarysacarlson: thanks for the tips .17:56
agentgas1askHi folks, I'm looking for a keyboard layout for ubuntu 8.04 with a latin charecter set (latin like doctors and church, not mexico)17:57
thiefy_sacarlson, that 'round plug' is the PS/2 port. least now you know what it's called. :)17:58
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Hoody_Koki, for the USB stereo that rules with Pulseaudio17:58
ButtaKnifeHas anyone had success with unattended installs via preseed with automatic LVM partitioning?  I have everything working fine except for one prompt, which is the Yes/No "Write changes to disk and configure LVM?" question.  No matter what I add in any order I can't get it to bypass that.17:58
sacarlsonthiefy_: ya that one17:58
NixGeekI installed LTSP on an xubuntu box, adn tried to boot another computer over the netork.  It gets to the ubuntu screen with the loading dots, but then doesn't load (or it loads extremely slowly, I left it for an hour)17:59
Franz24Could anyone help me? I have exactly the same problem as this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1649969 but still after reading the thread I don't really understand what to do. I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on an empty partition as a dual boot with Windows 7, and after the installation when I tried to restart the computer, it freezes on the purple bootscreen. Could anyone tell me what I should do?17:59
edbianFranz24: let me read18:00
Franz24Well, I didn't try all the other versions like the guy in the forum thread, I only tried 10.1018:00
t4k3sh1Franz24, and ur hardware is the same?18:01
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Guest54286hi, error while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.0.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory how do i fix this?18:02
Franz24no you're right, my hardware is also different. It's just the problem that's exactly the same18:02
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newbie872anyone knows?18:03
bibic682hello all18:03
edbianFranz24: press shift while booting before you see any ubuntu stuff.  This gets you into the grub menu.  Try to boot recovery mode or something.  The problem is vague and may be caused by many things.  If we can get Ubuntu to boot we can try to find error messages that will point us to the real problem.18:03
agentgas1askHi folks, I'm looking for a keyboard layout for ubuntu 8.04 with a latin charecter set (latin like doctors and church, not Mexico, and Castro)18:03
edbianFranz24: This is a much better method than finding a thread with the same problem but with everything else different.18:04
newbie872hi, error while loading shared libraries: libpcap.so.0.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory how do i fix this?18:04
RecordableI'm getting "The connection failed because of invalid VPN secrets" but it was working yesterday, what to do?18:04
edbiannewbie872: try this: sudo apt-get install libpcap18:04
Franz24edbian: Okay, so I should boot in the recovery mode, and just let it do it's work and go back here to tell which errors it gave me?18:05
Franz24I'll get my laptop here so I can stay online on the channel18:05
bibic682any easy way to download and install firefox 4?18:05
edbianFranz24: It has a much higher probability of booting.18:05
newbie872edbian: : Couldn't find package libpcap18:05
edbianFranz24: Eventually you land at some menu, tell me what the options are and I can help you pick one that is helpful18:06
edbiannewbie872: Oh I don't know the exact name of hte package.  Hang on I'll google t18:06
Franz24okay, wait a moment, I'm starting my irc client on my laptop now18:06
newbie872edbian: libpcap-dev?18:06
duckx0rI'm having trouble getting sound to work for this user, however it is working fine for another one. Can anyone help me with this? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=43244beb712ddb9ed3cb0178160940e4f4398cd518:07
Sarybibic682: from the it's PPA.18:07
edbiannewbie872: There should be a non developer one but sure, try that18:07
newbie872edbian: that doesn't fix the problem18:07
olskolircadd user to the sound group duckx0r18:07
newbie872edbian: i don't want to re-install the system18:07
Sarybibic682: use the firfox 4 PPA.18:08
olskolirci think that would be: sudo adduser username sound18:08
edbiannewbie872: I don't think you have to.  Go to that folder, look for the file, perhaps it's just misnamed18:08
bibic682do you mean from  the unrealeased repository?18:08
olskolirci think that would be: sudo adduser username sound or audio duckx0r18:08
wrdnewbie872: do you have libpcap0.8 installed ?18:08
edbiannewbie872: there it is: sudo apt-get install libpcap0.818:09
duckx0rolskolirc, should i relog/reboot?18:09
olskolircnot that I know of duckx0r doesn't hurt to try18:09
newbie872edbian: same problem18:10
newbie872edbian: doesn't exist18:10
edbiannewbie872: go to that folder, look at it18:10
edbiandoes it infact exist?18:10
edbianIs there a problem with it?18:10
newbie872there is libpcap.so.0 in /usr/lib18:10
duckx0rolskolirc, ok going to try. thanks18:11
olskolircyw duckx0r18:11
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edbiannewbie872: make a copy of it with the .8 at the end18:12
edbianso there is a libpcap.so.0.8 in /usr/lib18:12
Raydiationim having problems with setting up a smb printer server. i got the windows pritner drivers as [print$] share in my smb.conf and i can see the drivers in there but windows doesnt seem to find them18:12
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wrdedbian: shouldn't it be libpacp.so ?18:12
duckx0rah damn. didn't work and now olskolirc is gone18:13
edbianwrd: The error he got said it was missing libpcap.so.0.818:13
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Franz24Okay I´m back again18:13
agentgas1askHow can I enter utf-8 codes into tty?18:13
edbianFranz24: hi18:13
upslahi have usb adsl modem. i unable to connect internet . please help me.18:13
seidosi'm on 10.04.  when i use empathy, how can i list users that are connected to facebook?18:14
seidosor gtalk?18:14
bibic682Sary: trying it now18:14
Franz24It´s now on the recovery screen, and my choices are: resume, clean, dpkg, failsaveX, grub, netroot and root18:14
edbianFranz24: do resume18:15
Sarybibic682: ok.18:15
upslahi have usb adsl modem. i unable to connect internet . please help me.18:15
Franz24edbian: ok it asked my for my username and password, I entered them and now I can run commands18:15
hi5hi all18:16
edbianFranz24: so the system works.  There is nothing wrong with any hardware.  This means that there is a software problem18:16
agentgas1askHow can I enter Unicode charecters into gnome-terminal?18:16
Franz24edbian: ok, so what do I have to do now?18:16
edbianFranz24: run dmesg.  most of it is just 'everything is ok' status messages.  Look near the end for relavent stuff.  Do you see anything that's an error?18:16
hi5can anyone tell me if 2d/3d frequencies works for ati card on ubuntu base?18:16
celthunderupsla, does it show up as usb0 or anything?18:17
hi5hi sebastian18:17
celthundersebastian, hi18:17
newbie872edbian: how do i remove this symlink /usr/lib/libpcap.so.0 -> libpcap.so.0.818:17
vishnuhow to connect wireless net in pinguy18:17
edbiannewbie872: did that fix it?18:17
celthunderhi5, 3d only works on catalyst last i checked 2d works in opensource and catalyst (havn't checked in several months may be out of date answer)18:18
upslacelthunder:Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0572:cb00 Conexant Systems (Rockwell), Inc. ADSL Modem18:18
newbie872edbian: i found a copy of libpcap in another folder copied it there. but i want to remove this symbolic link /usr/lib/libpcap.so.0 -> libpcap.so.0.818:18
Myrttivishnu: we don't really support unofficial Ubuntu derivatives here.18:18
edbiannewbie872: sudo rm /usr/lib/libpcap.so.018:19
edbiannewbie872: Is it working now?18:19
vishnuk thx18:19
hi5celthunder: i mean the automatic lowering of frequencies in 2d mode or low 3d18:19
CrazyHDoes anyone have an answer for this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1034432818:19
vBmhey folks ... i'm trying to access windows shares via network ... but it says "unable to mount location" ... anything that can be done in this case ?18:19
duckx0rdoes anyone know where the users' sound preferences are stored?18:19
hi5it should work with catalysts?18:19
vishnuso were i have to ask this18:19
hi5or its needed some extra tools18:19
Franz24edbian: Well, the last line say ¨28.334654] EXT4-fs (sda5): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=018:20
TheMoori had to install ubuntu from lan coz my actual ubuntu grub got an error and i was unable to boot, i had ubuntu 10.4 installed before i installed 9.4 from lan, now i have uninstalled 10.4 regulary (add/remove progs) , but the 9.4 i cant find it at all, any hints plz how i can find it ? the 9,4 kernel is 2.6.28-11 generic18:20
TheMoor(before using a tool called mbrfix.exe to fix the MBR , i had this ubuntu in the options and i was able to log in it, now i removed grub and i would like to remove the ubuntu 9.4 too)18:20
Danielc1234hi all newbie. I just install on a VM the ubuntu and now want to install Zimba software, I have the name of the release, but how do I pull this off the server and install the package?18:20
Myrttivishnu: #pinguyos18:20
hi5maybe you mean zimbra?18:20
Danielc1234mail server18:20
upslacelthunder:did u get my message ?18:20
edbianFranz24: really?  That's your HDD.  That line says you had to re-mount your hdd and now you can only read it.  (ro = read only)18:20
Danielc1234well mail server and interface.18:20
celthunderupsla, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/125438-install-conexant-usb-adsl-modem.html18:20
michaelxqhow do you update docky manually?18:21
Franz24edbian: what exactly is re-mounting?18:21
Danielc1234hi5 or is this a complete package with ubuntu already applied.18:21
upslaedbian:hi i have usb adsl modem . i unable to connect to internet. can u help me ?.18:21
hi5to anyone who has an Ati card: does the automatic lowering of frequencies in 2d mode or low 3d works in ubuntu or not?18:21
hi5like on windows18:21
xanguamichaelxq: add docky ppa18:21
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edbianFranz24: it's mounting but, again18:21
xanguathere is stable docky ppa and developmen docky ppa18:21
hi5it's very important18:21
edbianupsla: I have no experience with that.  I have no idea :( sorry!18:22
Franz24edbian: how should I do that?18:22
celthunderupsla, that link help?18:22
edbianFranz24: do what?  It already did it automatically.18:22
hi5celthunder: so you have a Ati?18:22
upslacelthunder:which link ?18:22
michaelxqxangua, how do i do this?18:22
mullewI can't get my spotify running and yet I have wine(beta) installed. Can anyone help me solve my problem?18:22
celthunderupsla, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/125438-install-conexant-usb-adsl-modem.html18:22
aeon-ltdmullew: ask in #wine18:22
xanguasudo add-apt-repository "ppa's name" michaelxq18:23
Franz24edbian: I don´t really understand ^^´ sorry, could you explain again what the exact problem is and (if you know) the solution to it?18:23
aeon-ltdmullew: you're welcome18:23
michaelxqxangua, thanks18:23
upslacelthunder:oh i got it now. wait.18:23
michaelxqxangua, at ppa's name i write docky ppa?18:23
edbianFranz24: I don't know why the hdd is being re-mounted.  I don't know what causes that.  I'm looking it up18:23
edbianFranz24: What is the exact error it gave you?18:24
Franz24edbian: ok thanks18:24
newbie872edbian: thanks18:24
bastidrazoraeon-ltd: mullew it is #winehq18:24
edbianNewa: did it fix everything?18:25
edbianFranz24: What was the exact error it gave you?18:25
berefeiraanyone know command to reset gdm to default settings?18:25
xanguamichaelxq: how about you google for: docky ppa18:25
michaelxqxangua, ok thanks18:25
Franz24edbian: this one? ¨[   28.334654] EXT4-fs (sda5): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0¨18:26
edbianthat's the one!18:26
edbianI'm gonna google it18:26
hi5i have a question about catalyst feature support in ubuntu18:26
hi5who can follow me please?18:26
edbianFranz24: apparently the system mounts / read only during boot for safety, then it remounts after you've logged in.  That message is standard and not an error.18:27
edbianDo you see any other errors18:27
Franz24I´ll have a look18:27
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rubbshi5: just ask your question. if anyone knows, they'll respond18:28
vBmis there samba ppa that i could use to get post 3.5.6 build ? ...18:28
hi5i dont know if automatic lowering of frequency - to save power and heat - works on ubuntu18:28
hi5like it does on windows18:28
edbianFranz24: It's possible (and likely) that there are none18:28
hi5the 2d/3d switch18:28
rubbshi5: you mean specifically ati/catalyst drivers correct?18:29
Franz24I can´t find anything here, but there is stil more if I would go up, but I don´t know how to go up here18:29
edbianFranz24: shift + page up  scrolls up. Don't worry about it.  The end is the only part that matters.18:29
edbianFranz24: try this: sudo gdm18:29
hi5if you are familiar with windows you know what it does18:29
bibic682why does firefox4 aka minefield 4.0 process flash video slow and jerky?18:29
hi5that's flash dude18:30
edbianFranz24: It will launch the graphical log in.  If it crashes it should go back to this screen and give you errors18:30
hi5doing anything in 3d lowers speed to 200 Mhz for example (from 900)18:30
Franz24edbian: lots of errors here18:30
edbianFranz24: haha, such as... ?18:31
eloi__I am new to ubuntu18:31
Franz24edbian: WARNING: Unable to load file ´/etc/gdm/custom.conf´ : No such file or directory18:31
rubbshi5: of that I have no specific knowledge you could try contacting AMD/ATI with a support request.18:31
edbianFranz24: was that from running sudo gdm?18:32
Sina3hi guys18:32
Franz24edbian: yes18:32
Sina3im downloading Ubuntu18:32
Sina3for use on my laptop18:32
hi5it's a very common feature since years, at least on windows world18:32
Sina3but i dont want it to interfere with windows18:32
hi5i heard that on nvidia its just fine18:32
edbianFranz24: Maybe some of the files are missing.  Reinstall the package.  sudo apt-get install gdm18:32
Sina3so im planning on installing it to my external 1 TB usb harddrive18:32
hi5so i guess with ati it will be either :-)18:32
Franz24edbian: also ¨WARNING: Unable to find users: no seat-id found18:32
hi5i will try btw18:32
=== eloi__ is now known as castlealex
edbianFranz24: that one I have never seen before18:33
hi5Sina3: yes, so?18:33
Franz24edbian: I´ll try what you said18:33
Sina3which should i install?18:33
Sina3just normally, using Wubi to my hdd18:33
Sina3or as a usb stick?18:33
edbianFranz24: you might have to do: sudo apt-get reinstall gdm18:33
hi5maybe the usb stick is just fine for you18:33
edbianFranz24: If that doesn't work we'll try the shotgun approach: sudo apt-get reinstall ubuntu-desktop18:34
rubbshi5: IIRC it does do it correctly, but I'm not an expert in video drivers.18:34
castlealexCan you people help me here's is what I cannot install : http://paste.ubuntu.com/552920/plain/18:34
Sina3hi5, whats the different18:34
Franz24edbian: I just did the first, is it true that that´s finished immediatly?18:34
edbianFranz24: Well what did it say?  'already installed' ?18:34
hi5rubbs: what do you mean by IIRC? never heard that18:34
edbianFranz24: just do sudo apt-get reinstall gdm  it won't hurt anything18:34
Franz24it didn´t say anything18:34
rumpe2hi5, if i remember correctly18:35
agentgas1askAny hints on using the panel applet "charecter palette" I cant get it to insert the charecters...18:35
rubbshi5: IIRC = If I Remember/Recall Correctly sorry. I shouldn't use acronyms18:35
Franz24edbian: as i said, I just did it and nothing happened..18:35
edbianFranz24: what?  Are you sure?  it just puts you back at the prompt?18:36
edbianFranz24: you gave it your password and such18:36
hi5will try that however...dont see reasons it wouldnt work18:36
Franz24edian: well, when I type it and press enter it just goes to the next line where I can type a new command..18:36
edbianFranz24: you're kidding!18:37
edbianFranz24: dmesg works18:37
hi5would be very bad keeping your card consuming >100W all the time doesnt it?18:37
edbianFranz24: ?  but sudo apt-get reinstall gdm does nothing?18:37
gccsterguys is it possible to use a static ip linuxbox to forward to other internet ips ?18:38
slupzI have a problem with grub on a raid1 fails to restore after an upgrade18:38
slupzif I try to mount a drive tells me linux_raid_member :((18:38
Franz24edbian: I´ll try it once more in case I made a typing mistake18:38
edbianFranz24: If there was a typing mistake it would have spitted out errors18:38
hi5thansk rubbs anyway18:39
Franz24edbian: with both sudo apt-get reinstall gdm and with sudo apt-get install gdm nothing happens18:39
edbianFranz24: what about sudo apt-get install geany18:39
edbianFranz24: It's just a random app. does that work / do anything?18:39
rubbshi5: np. hope you can find your answer.18:40
rumpe2Franz24, does "ls" work?18:40
edbianFranz24: ok.  I believe that your install was bad.  You're probably going to have to re-install18:40
rubbshi5: I will say this. and it's not scientific, but my ATI card will speed up the fan when I'm playing games, but slow it down when I'm not. so I'm pretty sure it works.18:40
edbianFranz24: random files are just missing.  apt-get does not appear to work at all18:41
Franz24rumpe2: no, so I guess I should restart the recovery mode18:41
Franz24edbian: maybe it works when I restart the recovery mode18:41
rumpe2Franz24, sounds really strange ... sure, you are not in an editor? ;)18:41
edbianFranz24: I DOUBT it :)18:41
FailicanHey, got some problem when I was going to istall drives to my BMC4312 wifi card18:41
edbianrumpe2: dmesg works18:41
Franz24edbian: I can always try18:41
edbianFranz24: sure18:41
hi5rubbs it does make very much sense to me18:41
hi5nice news for me18:42
Franz24edbian: by the way, this is the second time that this happens, yesterday I installed ubuntu with the same problem, and today I reinstalled it but nothing changed.18:42
edbianFranz24: maybe the CD is bad18:42
aeon-ltdFranz24: md5 next time18:42
edbianFranz24: You should re-burn it.18:42
aeon-ltd!md5 | Franz2418:42
ubottuFranz24: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:42
rumpe2Franz24, use flash-sticks/cards, if possible... cd-roms has a number of additional error-sources18:43
Franz24rumpe2: I´ll use an usb stick next time18:44
Franz24edbian: now when I do ´sudo apt-get reinstall gdm´ it asks me for my password, and when I enter it it says: ¨E: Invalid operation reinstall¨18:44
edbianFranz24: ok good, does ls work?18:44
Franz24edbian: Is: command not found18:44
edbianFranz24: ok, it is REALLY BAD, that ls is not found.  But if you wanna try and fix this install I will help you.  I suggest you download and burn a new image and reinstall the OS18:45
Piciedbian, Franz24: The command is: apt-get install --reinstall gdm18:45
edbianPici: thanks18:46
edbianFranz24: try that18:46
tetsuo__hello, how do i get a packadge updated?18:46
PiciFranz24, edbian: also, that was ls, not Is (lowercase L vs. capital I)18:46
tetsuo__the samba currently available is a bit on the old side, the newer versions have a fix for windows7 shares and a security fix18:46
thiefy_if your computer says ls: command not found, then that machine has a real bad problem mate.18:47
dostokhanrecently install 10.10 and it's very slow. updated but no luck. any help?18:47
hi5tetsuo__: that is a statement or a question?18:47
edbianFranz24: yes, you are typing 'EL' 'ESS'  right18:47
Franz24edbian: E Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)18:47
Franz24E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?18:47
thiefy_dostokhan, we do not understand your question.18:47
edbianFranz24: What command did you run?18:47
tetsuo__hi5:  my question is how to get it updated, the thing about samba is a statement18:47
PiciFranz24: you need to use sudo for that18:47
Franz24edbian: the reinstall command18:48
Picitetsuo__: Is there a CVE for that samba security issue?18:48
Franz24pici: thanks, now it works18:48
tetsuo__Pici:  yes, http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-306918:48
edbianFranz24: that's because ls is a command and is is not18:48
dostokhanthiefy_,  i recently install ubuntu 10.10. i was using 10.04. now the new system is very very slow. even typing gets stuck18:48
Franz24edbian: i meant the sudo command18:48
edbianFranz24: sudo apt-get install -reinstall gdm18:49
Franz24edbian: that one is works18:49
Franz24edbian: it has just finished18:49
edbianFranz24: then try sudo gdm again18:49
resno_im trying to setup samba to give a user write access. ive tried setting guest ok, and write access for the user. but i keep denied access18:49
thiefy_dostokhan, i doubt that is the OS fault. i would check your ram and your hard drive. make sure they are OK.18:49
Franz24edbian: same errors as before18:49
thiefy_dostokhan, sure, it may be a little bit slower, but it wouldn't be that much.18:49
castlealexHow to run a pro file?18:50
Myrttitetsuo__: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-987-118:50
edbianFranz24: try this:18:50
edbianFranz24: sudo apt-get install -reinstall ubuntu-desktop18:50
dostokhani'm using ubuntu with this laptop for about a year. it isn't normal18:50
Picitetsuo__: It looks like we already fixed that: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-987-118:50
PiciMyrtti: darn ;)18:50
thiefy_castlealex, think like a champ. feel like a professional, then run it as a pro. you can do it mate!18:50
Franz24edbian: ok I´ll try18:50
dostokhanthiefy_, it almost hangs sometimes for a few seconds i18:51
castlealexwell the thing is I installed build essential from the synaptic and it doesn't work18:51
thiefy_dostokhan, i think you have a hardware problem. it should not be that slow. try downloading and running the 10.04 distro and see if that is faster, or if it seems just as slow.18:51
tetsuo__Pici:  Myrtti > i see the security fix itself was backported, ok so that cannot be used as a reason to update to 2:3.5.6~dfsg-2 , which fixes a bug with accessing windos7 shares18:52
Franz24edbian: it has finished working18:52
edbianFranz24: sudo gdm18:52
edbianFranz24: (that was fast)18:52
ohzieHey guys18:52
thiefy_tetsuo__, what is that bug about that you are referring to?18:53
dostokhanthiefy_,  seems like i've to go back to 10.04. i thought there might be any problem with 10.10.18:53
tetsuo__thiefy_:  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=65172218:53
thiefy_dostokhan, i don't think there is aproblem, but try 10.04, and see if it's any different.18:53
thiefy_tetsuo__, thanks.18:53
Franz24edbian: same errors, and really fast because I even restarted my pc in the time, after ´sudo gdm´ i can´t enter any commands for some weird reason18:53
Franz24edbian: btw, it gives the same errors again18:53
resno_when using samba, on another users account, do ineed chown on that so others can deposit into it?18:54
dostokhanthiefy_, ok. have a good day :) bye.18:54
edbianFranz24: ok, I suggest you reinstall the OS18:54
FailicanHey, what do I have to do when my network card stops working after updating drivers? its a broadcom BCM4312?18:54
castlealexHere's my problem ; http://paste.ubuntu.com/552927/18:54
edbianFranz24: There shouldn't be random files missing18:54
ClemSFDoes anyone ever tried to modify the Ubuntu Server 10.10 ISO to create an automatic installation with the CD?18:54
Franz24edbian: Ok, I still have the original downloaded iso file on my pc, how should I put it on an usb?18:54
aeon-ltdFailican: downgrade? then report the bug and wait i suppose if you need the card now18:54
Franz24edbian: and do I have to uninstal anything?18:54
edbianFranz24: You don't need to uninstall. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStickQuick18:55
kieffneed help with a webcam. any advice18:56
hamza_hello everyone18:56
Failicanaeon-ltd well accually I was trying to update it but I found out that I already got the newest drives, but when I rebooted the network wasnt working, only locally :s18:56
Richie086kieff: give more details, dont ask to ask, just ask18:56
kieffok all my recordings are fastforwarded!!18:56
kieffsound and all not quite sure what to do18:56
Richie086what webcam?  what software?18:57
kieffits an ihome webcam cheese works and using on youtube18:57
cognitiaclaevesWireless for Intel 3945 ABG on a Latitude D830 just stopped working.  Network manager shows it as "not ready" on LTS.  It worked fine before.  Is this a known issue?18:57
Richie086got a url of a video that shows what you talking about (the sped up video)18:57
Franz24edbian: I´ll switch to my pc now, could you send the link again in a moment?18:57
Picitetsuo__: Correct. A backport of that specific patch (if that would even be possible) if you'd need Windows 7 support. I think #ubuntu-devel might be able to point you in the right direction to get that setup on lanchpad so that it could get backported.18:58
Picikieff: Don't advertise  here.18:58
tetsuo__Pici: ok thanks i will try there18:58
Picitetsuo__: You can blame me if they tell you its not the right channel ;)18:58
tetsuo__Hello, ok haha18:59
SaryFranz24: use Unetbootin to burn the iso image , also make sure the Md5 matches .18:59
tetsuo__Pici: ok thanks18:59
Richie086kieff: i have bad news for ya18:59
kieffi'm  not advertising18:59
kieffwhats that richie18:59
sandyrulzhi can anyone tel me my pd has been write and read protected i tried formatting it bt it doesnt works18:59
Richie086i have no idea what the issue is :)18:59
Richie086very strange18:59
Pici!who | kieff Richie08618:59
ubottukieff Richie086: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:59
rusty149kieff: Its is a sound issue with which ever program was used to create video18:59
Richie086what software are you using to record that?19:00
rusty149sandyrulz:sandyrulz: what is pd?19:00
kieffRIch; i am used youtube but cheese videos have same issue19:01
Richie086kieff: i agree with rusty149, def sounds like the program you are using is causing the issue..19:01
sandyrulzsorry i meant pendrive my pendrive has been read n write protected i tried formatting it bt its not working19:01
castlealexOk so I checked the common questions and what I think I need to know now for my question is how to compile sourcefiles or binary files since the tarball doesn't have a ./configure file in order to compile it  : http://paste.ubuntu.com/552927/19:01
Richie086kieff: what is cheese videos?19:01
kieffcheese is the ubuntu webcam software19:01
rusty149sandyrulz: pastebin, sudo fdisk -l19:01
kieffrusty do you know of any other software19:01
Richie086webcam studio?19:02
Richie086only one i can think of and i have never used it19:02
sandyrulzwhats that @rusty19:02
SaryFranz24: what was the installation issue in the first place?19:02
FailicanHow do I reinstall the network cards drives?19:02
tucemiuxanyone knows the name of the gnome applet that allows you to choose sound cards to use?19:02
sandyrulztell me the procedure i didnt get it19:03
Richie086castlealex: can you do a ls -la of that directory after running the git command19:03
mullewWhat do I type to connect to the wine room? /join #wine?19:03
rusty149sandyrulz: open terminal type, sudo fdisk -l  and then post output using paste.ubuntu.com19:03
Richie086castlealex: and post it to pastebin19:03
Picimullew: Its #winehq19:03
acicula_Failican: what is the problem you are trying to solve19:03
kieffthank you all have a happy day : rusty and rich!!19:03
Failicanacicula_ my network card BCM4312 stopped working when I was trying to update it but I already had the latest drives19:04
castlealexok going to do it19:04
acicula_Failican: what did you do precisely when you say updating?19:05
thiefy_Failican, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130976019:05
DaveD0101Can anyone tell me how to install the sun/oracle jre in natty narwhal?  It doesn't appear to be in any of the repos.19:05
MagicJI need to get the hplip software so that I can use the hp deskjet 1000 j110 printer.  I have done it before - just can't remember what I did - help please!19:06
Failicanacicula_ first I did sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source then I saw it was the newest already so I tried someone here told me that I should try b43 drives sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter19:06
gnomefreakDaveD0101: for natty help please join #ubuntu+119:06
DaveD0101gnomefreak, Thanks!19:06
castlealexRichie086: here is what happenned : http://paste.ubuntu.com/552932/19:07
acicula_Failican: and when did it stop working?19:07
ivanet_LuddHelp!! I cannot print pdf files in my printer19:07
ivanet_Luddalgún español?19:07
Franz24edbian: I´m back, could you send the link again?19:07
acicula_!es | ivanet_Ludd19:07
ubottuivanet_Ludd: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:07
Richie086castlealex: what is this you are trying to install?19:08
acicula_Failican: dont think you should install b43-fwcutter anymore, it appears to be longer used19:09
Failicanacicula_ after I also tried to inactivate the current drive and then activate it in system>administration>hardware drives. then I rebooted19:09
SaryFranz24: use Unetbootin to burn the iso image , then make sure the MD5 matches.19:09
castlealexRichie086 : this program: http://gitorious.org/qt-xcurtheme when it is extracted there are .pro .cpp and .h files on it! I read the common questions and what appears is that they are source files and I need to compile I think so how do i Do it?19:10
Franz24Sary: okay thanks19:10
=== febs_ is now known as febs
Richie086castlealex: not sure..19:10
Failicanacicula_ okey so how do i do to remove the b43-fwcutter?19:11
acicula_Failican: nvm seems it is still used, just the original page is no longer  maintained19:11
Craig`hey guys19:11
SaryFranz24: what was the issue you're facing in the first place?19:11
Failicanacicula_ okey.. hmm i shouldnt have started fixing with my drives in the first place it work so fine befor :P19:11
Remowylliamshello everyone is there more than one nfs setup on Ubuntu? I need to be able to map users to alternate uids19:12
Craig`i use dvorak and i have no need for qwerty, so i have made dvorak first priority and removed qwerty from the layouts list, the problem is that when i startup although dvorak is selected it types in qwerty and i have to manually change to dvorak, and qwerty has added itself back to the list, what can i do?19:12
Pici!compile | castlealex19:12
ubottucastlealex: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:12
Franz24Sary: After the installation I couldn´t start ubuntu and we found out that a lot of files are missing so I have to reinstall ubuntu19:12
acicula_Failican: what did you "fix", the procedure appears to be to isntall fwcutter, let it fetch firmware and reboot and it should be working19:12
acicula_Failican: err reboot and then activate the new drivers in hardware drivers19:12
Failicanacicula_ I dont understand why the local network works, i can use ssh from my current computer and i can ping the ubuntu computer its just internet thats crashed19:12
castlealexRichie086: ok i found the program into another site which indicates it is a qt app : then it leads to gitorious so now that I know that it is a QT app is there any way to put it working?19:12
sandyrulzi m newbie so tel me procedure wise19:13
castlealexRichie086: here is the link : http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/xcurtheme?content=11377819:13
thiefy_Franz24, make sure your install cd or usb key is good. run the md5sum on that thing befoer you try again.19:13
Failicanacicula_ hmm sry but I dont know what you mean with "err reboot" :S19:14
acicula_Failican: you are not making any sense, if you can access your system via the ntework then your wireless is not broken19:14
SaryFranz24: Alright , looks like it was a bad iso. please try again and lets us know how the installation goes.19:14
sandyrulzcan anyone help me i m newbie n my pendrive has become read and write protected i tried formatting it bt it doens work19:14
Failicanacicula_ but I cant access internet just local i cant for example use irc or anything thats outside the local network19:14
Franz24Sary: I will, it´s now extracting and copying the bootloader to an usb stick19:14
BluesKajFailican, it could be a false positive , saying uo're connected to the lan when you aren't , are you using nm-applet ?19:15
cognitiaclaevesWireless for Intel 3945 ABG on a Latitude D830 just stopped working.  Network manager shows it as "not ready" on LTS.  It worked fine before.  Is this a known issue?19:15
ubuntu_i can;t install nvidia drivers19:15
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SaryFranz24: that looks good.19:15
castlealexubottu: there is no ./configure I can't compile it19:15
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: what does rfkill in a console show19:15
BluesKajubuntu_ , explain can't install , do you mean the recommended driver?19:16
thiefy_Failican, it seems your dns server is broken. up near the clock, on your panel, there is the network icon, right click that, go to edit connections, then in there, click on your auto eth0 and edit that. in there, set your dns server to open dns. which is
thiefy_Failican, first, try in the terminal to type this:   ping grc.com  see if you get any replies.19:17
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: >rfkill list< even19:17
sandyrulzcan anyone help me i m newbie n my pendrive has become read and write protected i tried formatting it bt it doens work19:17
dardanhello, I wonder if somebody knows any command that will make a .txt that will make a list of all my files on my backup drive that I have?19:17
FailicanBluesKaj hmm no im not using nm-applet19:17
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: there's a paste script in 10.4, isn't there?19:17
anon33_anyone here on a macbook that could tell me how i could manually adjust the brightness settings on ubuntu?19:18
acicula_Failican: if you cant access the internet but you can access the local network your network configuration settings are incorrect or your gateway is blocking you19:18
anon33_the function keys suddently stopped working overnight19:18
BigMaoHi there, when I click over to my terminal (i.e. from another window), it automatically highlights the line that I click.  Is this something I can fix?  Thanks!19:18
rusty149dardan: yes, what is the directory of the backup drive  e.g /media/backup?19:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:18
dardanhmm /dev/sdb1/19:18
acicula_!pastebinit > cognitiaclaeves19:18
ubottucognitiaclaeves, please see my private message19:18
BluesKajthiefy_, google dns is more reliable than opendns , if the settings aren't correct on opendns email could stop when the dynamic IP changes19:19
dardanrusty149: it's a hard disk..19:19
sandyrulzcan anyone help me i m newbie n my pendrive has become read and write protected i tried formatting it bt it doens work19:19
rusty149dardan: Can you see the files on screen?19:19
Failicanacicula_ yeh, could be so but I didnt change anything on the gateway19:19
Franz24Sary: it has finished copying, how do I check the md5, or something like that?19:19
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: http://pastebin.com/r1uK7Z0619:19
dardanrusty149: yes I can, but I have so many folders.. so I want a command that will make a list of all the files on the drive, so I can search for the files I need copy them, and then format my drive?19:20
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: right then its not that then(means both are not switched off physically or via software)19:20
SaryFranz24: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM19:21
rusty149dardan: right-click a file/folder and click properties.  What is the Location: ?19:21
FrozenKnightI don't really know where to take this... :/19:21
FrozenKnightIt's about Motif Window Manager19:21
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: FWIW, I see the LED on. :p19:21
dardanrusty149: /media/Extern19:21
dardanits the location19:21
rusty149dardan: Do you want the permissions included?19:22
cognitiaclaevesWhat kills me is that it worked just 2 days ago.19:22
anon33_anyone here on a macbook that could tell me how i could manually adjust the brightness settings on ubuntu?19:22
anon33_the function keys suddently stopped working overnight19:22
cognitiaclaevesAn now when I flip the switch, nothing happens.19:22
dardanrusty149: no dont need they? or?19:22
m1ndvirusHi. My iPod mounts fine but does not show in Banshee or nautilus. Please help.19:22
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: dunno then why it is not working, can you try a previous kernel revision or is the one you have the only one?19:23
acicula_one thats installed19:23
=== febs is now known as feebs
cognitiaclaevesI think I did boot into the last one without success.  I'll try it again later.  Can't reboot now.19:23
cognitiaclaevesWould there be a way to tell if it just went dead, hard-ware wise?19:23
Failicanacicula_ I'll try to reboot my gateway, might do it. Thanks anyways!19:23
acicula_Failican: check your network settings on your laptop that you set the gateway properly and dns servers19:24
m1ndvirusAnyone with any advice?19:24
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: no updates of any kind?19:24
rusty149dardan: Open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and enter, ls -aR >> ~/backup-files.txt19:24
mayank_hi can anyone help me my pendrive has become write protected i tried formatting it bt it doesnt wrk19:24
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: No, I think it might have happened after an update.19:25
m1ndvirusmayank_: Remount it read/write.19:25
dardanrusty149: what about the hard disk? the command doesnt show it where to search?19:25
reginaldodrI'm new here, i don't make paltalk works19:25
aeon-ltdmayank_: also is there a physical write lock?19:25
rusty149dardan: woops19:25
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: reboot and try an older kernel, should still be there if you updated19:25
dardanrusty149: haha :D19:25
castlealexRichie086: Depends on  Qt 4.x it says on the other website has anoyne got the program installed?19:25
Franz24Sary: I installed cygwin but I don´t understand what I should do now19:25
mayank_no there is no physical lock i m new here so tel me in detail19:25
Failicanacicula_ yeh i have checked that and the pass is correct and all other things are on auto as they where befor19:26
rusty149dardan: ls -aR /media/Extern >> ~/backup-file.txt19:26
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: Ok.  I'll try that when I can.  Thanks for the help!19:26
Remowylliamsis there a way to map nfs mounts?19:26
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: yw19:26
BluesKajthiefy_, do you use opendns?19:27
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: ... If it turns out to be an update of some sort that caused it, is there a way to get a list of what was updated?  ( maybe a log for apt? )19:27
RemowylliamsI want to mount a directory from several different machines but as a specific user. (not user nobody)19:27
SaryFranz24: installed cygwin for what?19:27
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: there is an apt log yeah19:27
dardanrusty149: yeah it worked! is it anyway the command can arrange all by type?19:27
kxsteveis there a way to install mailutils without installing exim?19:28
Franz24Sary: for the MD5SUM, I´m on windows right now, so i think that´s the only way to do it19:28
dardanrusty149: and I dont want the folders in the list, just all the files on the disk. Arranged by type?19:28
SaryFranz24: O' you're running Windows ! my bad .19:28
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: /var/log/apt/ and maybe /var/lib/apt19:28
Franz24Sary: No problem, I should have mentioned it19:28
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: Is the apt log updated for updates not done directly by the user through bash?19:29
hi5Remowylliams: i bet there is19:29
rusty149dardan: Do you want files in subdirectories?19:29
hi5but never used nfs yet19:29
Danielc1234new install and trying to setup DNS, can someone give me a hand with this?19:29
SaryFranz24: Thats cool :) , so in which step you're at now.19:29
Remowylliamshi5: the normal way it's done in BSD and other linuxes is not available in ubuntu19:29
BluesKajDanielc1234, ethernet or wifi ?19:30
Franz24Sary: still at the MD5SUM step19:30
acicula_cognitiaclaeves: i assume so19:30
hi5not even with third party tools?19:30
mayank__hi can anyone help me my pendrive has become write protected i tried formatting it bt it doesnt wrk19:30
dardanrusty149: how do you mean? I want the text file that the command generate.. but if there is a way that will sort everything by type, in the text file?19:30
cognitiaclaevesacicula_: Ok.  Thanks again.  Have a good one!19:30
Danielc1234BluesKaj: ethernet19:30
Remowylliamshi5: that's why I asked if there was another nfs system that can be used.19:30
BluesKajso you're connected , Danielc1234 ?19:30
mayank__hi can anyone help me my pendrive has become write protected i tried formatting it bt it doesnt wrk19:31
rusty149dardan: ls -aRX /media/Extern >> ~/backup-files.txt19:31
hi5maybe you mean a configuration tool or gui19:31
dajhornmayank__:  Check the /var/log/messages file for write errors.  This can happen when the flash media in the USB device burns-out.19:31
RemowylliamsIt's very sad, you can't map users, they can only be squashed or not squashed.19:31
Danielc1234BluesKaj: well I'm able to get out to the web, but I am installing a mailserver and Zimbra and is says to make sure all DNS is setup correctly or else I will have big headacks later.19:31
hi5nfs should be equal in all distros19:31
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rusty149dardan: do you need the files within folders?19:32
mayank__@dajhorm wer do i find these var/log m newbie i dont know were to find it19:33
dardanrusty149: where do you find this commands? it worked :D but i dont want the list like: " in this folders this files are" but I just want a list of all the files in the disk, without the info about whre the files are in which folder?19:33
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dardanrusty149: do you understand? haha :D19:33
dajhornmayank__: Open the file in a text editor and scroll to the bottom.19:33
BluesKajDanielc1234, ok well , I don't use  a mailserver , but I've set up google dns in my router (manual dns settings) and in the /etc/resolv.conf as nameserver19:33
Franz24Sary: So what should I do now?19:33
SaryFranz24: install winMD5Sum19:34
Danielc1234BlueKaj okay, I will take a look at that.19:34
rusty149dardan: bit longer...19:35
mayank__which file@dajhorn m talkng about my pendrive whch file should i open???19:35
erUSULdardan: ude find « find /media/Extern -type f -printf "%f\n" > file.list »19:35
sniperjo_i have a monitor that says: not supported when i get past grub, is there a way i can ssh into it and fix it ?19:36
ettorehi folks19:36
dardanrusty149: thank u very much for your help!19:37
dardanerUSUL: thx man! it worked!19:37
mayank__sorry bt i am unable to understand19:37
erUSULdardan: np19:37
SaryFranz24: So  , are you there yet.?19:37
dardanerUSUL: thankyou very much :D19:37
Franz24Sary: I´m now comparing19:37
hi5hi everyone19:38
Sina3hi guys19:38
SaryFranz24: ok.19:38
Remowylliamshi5: hi19:38
Sina3i installed ubuntu on a cd19:38
Sina3but when i boot 2 it19:38
Franz24Sary: they are the same, should I restart my computer now and reinstall ubuntu?19:38
hi5does 64bit version has remarkable advantages over 32 one?19:39
Sina3i get 2 wierd symbols19:39
hi5sina like what19:39
Franz24Sary: I´ll stay on irc on my laptop, so if I have any questions I can still ask them19:39
Remowylliamshi5: no I'm not talking about a gui or a tool nfsv4 should allow mapping of clients to specific uid's19:39
SaryFranz24: Yes. you're good to go.19:39
Sina3one like a keyboard19:39
Sina3= a person in a circle19:39
mayank__anyone who can help me19:39
SaryFranz24: sounds good :) , will e waiting ..19:39
hi5Sina3: odd..much19:40
hi5try booting with recovery option19:40
mayank__hi can anyone help me my pendrive has become write protected i tried formatting it bt it doesnt wrk19:40
Sina3it only worked once19:40
Sina3the second time19:40
Remowylliamshi5: Like if you have 4 different machines that you want to share files between, on an nfs you should be able to make them all have the same uid and gid but not a nobody id19:40
Sina3and it asked if i wanted to install it19:40
Sina3it froze19:41
Sina3so i rebooted19:41
Sina3and went back to the 3 symbols19:41
hi5sina3 just try this: download 10.04 version and then put it on usb19:41
hi5it's supposed to work better19:41
calamariI have a kernel module that I would like to load with an option.. but it seems to be automaitcally loaded by the kernel.  is there a way of overriding that, or telling the kernel to go ahead an autoload it, but to use my options?19:42
dn4What is a video editing program that ubuntu uses that Mac OS X also uses?19:42
erUSULcalamari: add the option in /etc/modprobe.d/your_module.conf  . create the file with  aline that says « modulename option=foo option2=bar »19:43
erUSULcalamari: or add it to one of the existing files if it makes sense19:43
=== mullew_ is now known as mullewt
hi5does 64bit version has remarkable advantages over 32 one?19:43
hi5no one answered19:43
calamarierUSUL: okay, thanks!19:43
Remowylliamshi5: version of what please?19:43
hi5of ubuntu19:43
Remowylliamshi5: the main difference is going to be the size of your dataset.19:44
rusty149dardan: Try:  cd /media/Extern && ls -aX1d ./* ./*/* ./*/*/* ./*/*/*/* ./*/*/*/*/* ./*/*/*/*/*/*19:44
hi5ok..so no improvements cause i have 4 gigs19:44
Remowylliamshi5: if you have or need to use more than 4GB of ram using amd64 is best19:44
hi5losting 700 megs not a big deal19:44
rusty149 dardan: Try:  cd /media/Extern && ls -aX1d ./* ./*/* ./*/*/* ./*/*/*/* ./*/*/*/*/* ./*/*/*/*/*/* >> ~/backup-files.txt19:44
Morpholy shit this is big channel19:44
rusty149dardan: That will get 6 levels of subdirectories19:45
RemowylliamsMorp: not really. it's only > < wide just liek all ofthem but it's really really long.19:45
hi5Remowylliams: i dont..just wondering if it has speed boost or something19:45
Remowylliamshi5: No none at all19:45
hi5but i am figuring not19:46
hi5too bad19:46
hi5too little optimized sw?19:46
Remowylliamshi5: you can run 32bit apps on 64bit os's you just have to include the 32bit compat libs19:46
Franz24Sary: I´m back, but I can´t find an option in my bios to boot via the usb stick19:46
yonijHi...which channel should i check in to ask a few queries abt ordering CD's ( more than 1 ) for a particular techfest my university ?.. pls direct....thnx19:46
amarcolinoanyone know how to stop /etc/hosts from reverting back to default as I have added my comps to it but on reboot it is gone?19:47
SaryFranz24: try one of these keys . F12 , F9 , F11 ..19:47
erUSUL!shipit | yonij19:47
ubottuyonij: Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Maverick (10.10) CDs19:47
hi5Franz24: do you have a old mainboard?19:47
Franz24hi5: Not very old, I think around 2 years old..19:48
user:~# usermod -a -G admin gryllida19:48
userusermod: unknown group admin19:48
userhow do I add admin group?19:48
hi5so it sure does, just find out how19:48
sniperjo_i have a monitor that says: not supported when i get past grub, is there a way i can ssh into it and fix it ?19:48
hi5mine - gigabyte - needs to press esc or F12 to boot select19:49
schnuffleFranz: Sometimes it can be found under "removable disk"19:49
rusty149sniperjo_: Do you have ssh server installed?19:49
sniperjo_rusty149:  yup19:50
yonijerUSUL: err....i checkd it....but couldnt find an option for mass ordering...is there some mail adress to which I could correspond explaaining wat exactly i have in mind....basically to distribute ubuntu disc...am fair abount of ppl is expected for the fest....a couple of thousands..so I thot why not use this opurtunity to spread some source :)19:50
minimecsniperjo_: That message itself is not a problem. It only means that grub is not able to adjust the bootscreen. The X-server on the other hand may (should) start withlut problem.19:50
rusty149sniperjo_: if it you started then you should be able to login with ssh19:50
erUSULyonij: maybe asking in #ubuntu-locos ( or -loco )19:51
Franz24schuffle: hi5: I can choose the Boot Device Priority here in the bios, but my only choices are my hard disk, my floppy drive (which i don´t have) and my cd-rom drive19:51
sniperjo_rusty149: yes, i know it starts, as i can ssh into it, but then what ?19:51
calamarierUSUL: do you happen to know of a way to find out what the currently loaded options for a module are?  I checked dmesg but that doesn't say. (Just want to double check that what I did in /etc/modprobe.d worked)19:51
ScuniziHow do you restart the sound system in Kubuntu? (note: it doesn't use pulseaudio)19:52
hi5Franz24: maybe you key is not bootable either..could be that if not showed19:52
rusty149sniperjo_: sorry I'm no good with X and graphics, ask away and be detailed19:52
erUSULcalamari: not direct maybe there are in some plcace in /sys/19:52
sniperjo_minimec:  its the other way around, grub supplies a supported resolution, Xserver doesnt19:53
SaryFranz24: thats odd .. you sure the iso burning went well?19:53
Scunizisniperjo_: did you try CTRL+ALT+F2 to get to a tty.. ?19:53
yonijerUSUL: Thnx...this shld help :)19:53
Saryas hi5 said , the usb should be bootable.19:53
Spirits-Sightanyone know the best way to move my /home directory to any LVM part?19:53
seulHi! Does anybody know a good general computer support channel? My computer wont boot properly, says the cmos battery is low and stuff.19:53
sniperjo_Scunizi: yeah, its weird, it changes the blue "no input screen" to a completely black screen.19:53
calamarierUSUL: ahh, good idea thanks19:53
chrislspSary now that you said Iso Burning can you please suggest me one?Which iso burning program is said to be tha best?Thanks19:54
Franz24Sary: well, I´m trying my usb-stick now, because the burning of my cd yesterday probably went wrong because of the bad installation19:54
erUSULseul: replace battery19:54
erUSULseul: ##hardware19:54
InphernalHi, my onboard USB stopped working suddenly =[ Can anyone help me troubleshoot?19:55
JoshDreamlandI have a friend I would like to VNC to. Both of us are on Ubuntu, but both of us are behind public routers. We have a server at our disposal. How can we connect?19:55
minimecsniperjo_: what graphics card do use? what output? VGA, DVI, HDMI?19:55
chrislspseul just replace the battery, common problem after some time of using the same battery19:55
seulerusul: it was working correctly until i took it out and put it back in so i think its not that. Plus the computer wont start after i choose "save changes and exit" in bios19:55
hi5Inphernal: all of them?19:55
erUSULseul: :/19:55
amarcolinoanyone know how to stop /etc/hosts from reverting back to default as I have added my comps to it but on reboot it is gone?19:55
SaryFranz24: ok.19:55
hi5how can i fix a system that doesn't reboot or shutdown19:55
seulerusul: that channel was invite only, and #hardware was empty..19:55
sniperjo_minimec: its Intel interrogated which outputs DVI, that then goes through a DVI VGA converter19:56
hi5just plays the logout tune and stays there19:56
xanguaseul: is not19:56
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:56
Scunizisniperjo_: can you boot into the rescue kernel?19:56
Franz24Sary: But now it looks like I can´t boot from an usbstick, so should I try and burn another cd?19:56
sniperjo_Scunizi: no just goes black screen, but i can ssh into it19:56
Scunizisniperjo_: do you have an nvidia card?19:56
minimecsniperjo_: hmmm... That shouldn't be the problem. What resolution does the monitor have?19:56
sniperjo_minimec:  800x60019:57
InphernalThere's two total on my laptop, they were working fine, I turned my computer off and when I turned it back on later, they wouldn;t work19:57
sniperjo_Scunizi: GMA950 i think, riddled with problems...19:57
hi5Inphernal: very strange19:57
hi5so no software updates before that?19:57
hi5no odd behaviour?19:57
Inphernalhi5: They show up in windows device manager as working fine19:57
Scunizisniperjo_: that's it?  800x600?  yea.. issues with that card.. sorry I'm not good with diagnostics with that one.19:57
seulxagua;: well, it says i cant join ##hardware, so i guess it is. it says invite only19:58
Inphernalhi5: No, I checked, I thought it may have been a Win Update at first but none19:58
erUSULseul: invite only ? maybe you have to be registered ...19:58
gobbeseul: you need to register19:58
hi5maybe kernel drivers went wrong...19:58
seulxangua: oh, need to be registred. sry19:58
minimecsniperjo_: Rather old hardware? what's the outpu of 'lspci | grep VGA' in a console?19:58
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:58
InphernalHi5: Well it doesn't work in Win7 or Ubuntu19:58
actionparsnipSeul: you may need to register19:58
userHow do I add admin group?19:58
sniperjo_Scunizi: its terrible, works with other monitors DVI and VGA  through the converter, just not with this monitor19:58
gobbeuser: there is admin-group already19:58
SaryFranz24: No , have you tried to change 'BIOS' boot order to boot from USB first , also as an alternative you can try another USB burning tool.19:58
sniperjo_minimec:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07)19:59
usergobbe: 'usermod -a -G admin  username' outputs 'usermod: unknown group admin'19:59
hi5Inphernal: so usb ' es does NOT run from WIN7?19:59
gobbeuser: which version you are running?19:59
sniperjo_minimec: as i side note i always have trouble sleeping and waking it19:59
SaryFranz24: instead of wasting  some CD's ..19:59
erUSULuser: and adm ?20:00
Inphernalhi5: It does not20:00
actionparsnipUser: the admin group already exists20:00
usergobbe, hardy (if you tell the command to upgrade, I will)20:00
Franz24Sary: That´s the problem, in the BIOS I can find an option to chage the boot order, but USB is not in the list..20:00
useractionparsnip: not here...20:00
usererUSUL: what's adm?20:00
hi5so it's definately a bios issue maybe...or you mainboard is getting lost20:00
gobbeuser: what does groups -command say?20:00
Inphernalhi5: I updated the bios after it stopped working, thinking that might fix it20:01
actionparsnipUser: its a default group in ubuntu. Its members are able to use sudo20:01
sam-_-hi5, i definately agree maybe20:01
Scunizisniperjo_: perhaps when ssh'd into the machine you can "xrandr" and it should give you what the default values that are currently output to the monitor .. the one with an * will be the current default.. if there's nothing then you'll have to manually tell xrandr what to use20:01
usergobbe: 'root'20:02
minimecsniperjo_: ok. I read that you don't have problems with other monitors. You could try to create a new xorg.conf and modify it to use the simple VGA driver instead of the intel GPU driver. THat may help...20:02
minimecsniperjo_: http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html20:02
hi5no chances though even after bios update? maybe some weird usb setting inside20:02
skutr3can someone help me?20:02
hi5like legacy mode or whatever20:02
gobbeuser: you are in as root?20:02
Scunizisniperjo_: also  if the wrong one is chosen ie resolution and refresh rate.. you can change that as well.20:02
sniperjo_minimec: i need the intel driver for the video acceleration, otherwise i would be happy to20:02
gobbeuser: what does groups <youruseraccount> say20:02
usergobbe: yes20:02
skutr3im trying to move my badblocks to a flat-file20:02
=== kamil is now known as kkamilsk8
minimecsniperjo_: I see ;)20:02
hi5sniperjo_: you are not able to get it?20:02
Scunizisniperjo_: sounds like xrandr couldn't pick up any data from the monitor so it didn't know how to address it.20:02
Inphernalhi5: The only USB setting in the bios is the legacy one, and that's been set to enabled always20:03
hi5from repos?20:03
skutr3but it wont let me for some reason20:03
Franz24hi5: I didn´t even know I could update my bios ^^´ I´ll try that20:03
kkamilsk8hey, can someone help me to run/change .bat script?20:03
`Zerax`Hello folks, I did a dist-upgrade from karmic to maverick and when I booted into gnome it said the trash can applet had broken and so it removed it. Now the task selector is gone, so is the desktop selector and windows don't have a title bar, and aren't movable etc. Any thoughts on how I could restore it into some working state?20:03
usergobbe: groups username says I'm in 'username' and 'adm' group, as I ran the ' usermod -a -G adm username' too20:03
sniperjo_hi5: no i am, sleeping and waking on the other hand seem to be abit hit and miss20:03
Franz24hi5: how should I do that, by just going to their website?20:03
actionparsnipUser: run the command: groups ,what is output?20:03
hi5Franz24: i dont know it that's right for you either20:03
useractionparsnip: 'root'20:03
hi5maybe checkout bios setting before20:03
kkamilsk8hey, can someone help me to run/change .bat script?20:04
xangua`Zerax`karmic to maverick¿¿ it you did such a thing surelly you have a lot of thing broken20:04
skutr3can anyone help me please?20:04
userkkamilsk8: yes20:04
userskutr3: yes, with what, ask20:04
sam-_-!panel > `Zerax`20:04
hi5Franz24: yes sure20:04
Inphernalhi5: Should I try disabling legacy?20:04
sniperjo_Scunizi: i know all the specs for the monitor20:04
hi5but use it as a last solution20:04
ButtaKnifeSorry for asking again, but has anyone had success with unattended installs via preseed with automatic LVM partitioning?  I have everything working fine except for one prompt, which is the Yes/No "Write changes to disk and configure LVM?" question.  No matter what I add in any order I can't get it to bypass that.20:04
skutr3user: i did but im trying to move my badblocks to a flat file so i can mark them as badblocks20:04
`Zerax`Eh, I had to resolve some broken package dependencies manually, but it works mostly except for gnome.20:04
hi5check settings is needed20:04
Scunizisniperjo_: then type xrandr in cli of the ssh window and see what the system report20:04
hi5yes Inphernal, may work20:05
sniperjo_Scunizi:  http://pastebin.com/hhCNVCmh20:05
Bisu[Shield]have a problem, I am trying to add to programming sub menu to the Applications menu, when I click the checkbox, it unchecks itself, what is wrong here?20:05
hi5it's easy to check20:05
sam-_-!resetpanel > `Zerax`20:05
ubottu`Zerax`, please see my private message20:05
actionparsnipKkamilsk8: sounds like a windows batch file?20:05
Inphernalhi5: Ok, I'm going to try that BRB20:05
`Zerax`Thanks, I'll give it a go.20:05
Scunizisniperjo_: looks like the vfreq and hfreq is WAY out of spec.. should be closer to 55 or 6020:05
skutr3user: hello?20:06
sniperjo_Scunizi: i cant xrandr because im ssh from a remote comp20:06
skutr3user: you there?20:06
SH3LL_BOYAlguem do Brasil ?20:06
Scunizisniperjo_: it's not a gui app.. and will work on cli20:06
sniperjo_Scunizi: that is the output from get-edid | parse-edid20:06
skutr3user: did you get my question?20:06
hi5k try and post here after20:06
james___Hello World!20:06
kkamilsk8actionparsnip: this .bat file *from windows* running a script to start java, for private server game20:07
skutr3user: can you help>20:07
xangua!pt | SH3LL_BOY20:07
ubottuSH3LL_BOY: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:07
usersorry no, I'm new, skutr3..20:07
Franz24hi5 I´ll update my bios and do the rest tomorrow, otherwise I won´t have enough sleep tonight ^^20:07
castlealexIm running Ubuntu 10.10 can someone help me compile a program that is source code because I can't seem to figure it out on how to do it or maybe could compile it and send it to me here is the program http://gitorious.org/qt-xcurtheme WARNING: you should have Xcursor and Xfixes at least version 2.0 installed. any modern disto suits fine20:07
ct529hi guys .... has anyone been able to make CUDA work properly on ubuntu?20:07
Inphernalhi5: Didn't help20:07
usercastlealex: read the INSTALL file20:07
SaryFranz24: excuse me , i had a phone call .. where you at now ?20:07
hi5ok franz20:07
InphernalOnly other options involving USB was in the boot order20:07
sniperjo_Scunizi:  do i need to export DISPLAY or something ? otherwise i get "cant open display" with xrandr20:07
actionparsnipKkamilsk8: linux wont use windows commands. You will need to convert the commands to linux commands20:07
skutr3can someone help me put my badblocks in a flat-file and make them unusable sectors please?20:08
ButtaKnifect529: I had CUDA working on Kubuntu within the last year.  The trick was making sure the proper NVIDIA kernel was installed.20:08
Franz24I´m now going to update my bios, but I´ll do the rest tomorrow because otherwise I won´t have enough sleep tonight ^^20:08
cryogenfxhello, can anyone tell me why i must enter my password for the keyring (wifi connection only password in there) 3-5 times on every login?20:08
hi5Inphernal: can you assume for sure that key IS bootable?20:08
kkamilsk8actionparsnip: can you help me with that?20:08
Inphernalhi5: You mean can I boot from USB?20:08
ct529ButtaKnife: yes, that worked .... it is just that some of the libraries that come with it are not found sometimes20:08
castlealexuser: there is no install file20:08
ct529ButtaKnife: for example the CUBLAS20:09
Franz24hi5: Sary: and everybody else who helped me: Thanks a lot for the great help, I´ll be back tomorrow :)20:09
ct529ButtaKnife: have you had this experience?20:09
hi5sorry Inphernal ... wrong advice20:09
sam-_-cryogenfx, you can store your password unencrypted. that way you won't have to enter a password ever20:09
Scunizisniperjo_: hummm... not sure.. I'll have ubottu send you the help link on xrandr and resolution.. both links might shed some light on it.  The temp method would also be to do what the previous persion mentioned and add vga to xorg.conf.. sorry can't help with that one.20:09
hi5bye Franz2420:09
ButtaKnifect529: I haven't, but is it actually "some times" or "always" with, for example, CUBLAS?20:09
ct529ButtaKnife: it seems it has to do with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable .... but this is nowhere to be seen in ubuntu20:09
tsuna27I need help with Empathy : I want to change the order of the groups I have in the contact list how do I do that?20:09
SaryFranz24: Ah , ok .. might wana look at this real quick http://www.ehow.com/how_7232404_boot-usb-bios-doesn_t-allow.html20:09
Scunizi!resolution > sniperjo_20:09
ubottusniperjo_, please see my private message20:09
actionparsnipKkamlsk8: my battery is low so i wont get started. If you pastebin the file, others may help20:09
Scunizi!xrandr > sniperjo_20:09
Franz24Sary: thanks, I´ll have a look at it.20:09
xanguatsuna27: drag them¿20:09
hi5i still think your motherboard could have some HARDWARE issues20:09
cryogenfxsam-_-: ok, i'll try googling how to do that20:10
ct529ButtaKnife: good question .... it is actually always20:10
Inphernalhi5: Hmm, I'll try that, I have a ubuntu live image somewhere20:10
sam-_-cryogenfx, i can tell you :-)20:10
tsuna27xangua: that does not work i tried20:10
no_dvi_outputhi ya20:10
Bisu[Shield]am i invisible?20:10
Scunizi!xrandr > sniperjo_20:10
ct529ButtaKnife: but if I go console only, su into root shell, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, then it finds it20:10
ButtaKnifect529: Ahhh... you may want to add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/cuda/libs to your .bashrc file or something like that.20:10
kkamilsk8actionparsnip: can you help me with that?20:10
cryogenfxsam-_-: ok, much appreciated. but it is strange behaviour, yes? it asks for the password 3-5 times right after another20:10
compdocBisu[Shield], yes20:10
Franz24Thanks everyone, bye :)20:10
sam-_-cryogenfx, but anyone who has access to your computer no knows your passwords20:10
Inphernalhi5: Yeah, if it won't boot I'm just gonna take it to BestBuy, the laptop should still be under warranty20:10
sam-_-cryogenfx, yes. quite straneg20:11
ct529ButtaKnife: why is that not already defined by the system? it should be ....20:11
ButtaKnifeBisu[Shield]: In a channel with nearly 1600 people, it's easy to be invisible.20:11
actionparsnipBisu[shield]: no20:11
ct529ButtaKnife: because I configured it in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/20:11
Inphernalhi5: Off to make that boot usb, we'll see20:11
hi5Inphernal: i would have done the same20:11
hi5k try20:11
Inphernalhi5: Thank you for your help20:11
sniperjo_Scunizi: but if i run xrandr from a remote ssh it runs differently, dont i need to export the display or something20:11
hi5will send you the invoice btw20:11
ButtaKnifect529: I'm a bit confused by that myself, but I'm not quite awake enough to figure it out.  :P20:11
cryogenfxsam-_-: not that concerned about that, as my laptop is secured in other ways, so if they get into desktop i have other problems :)20:11
zaerydo i need to install anything extra to be able to ssh into my fresh ubuntu 10.10 desktop install?20:11
sam-_-cryogenfx, use the command seahorse20:11
sniperjo_Scunizi: as if i was trying to run an app on the host computer20:11
sam-_-cryogenfx, i use unsafe storage as well. i just thought you might want to know20:12
hi5zaery: i am almost sure you dont20:12
ct529ButtaKnife: :-D20:12
cryogenfxsam-_-: seahorse open20:12
* ct529 rings a hug bell in ButtaKnife ears20:12
ct529ButtaKnife: s/hug/huge/20:12
sam-_-cryogenfx, right click on passwords -> change password20:12
sam-_-cryogenfx, leave the new password field blank. then click ok20:13
sam-_-cryogenfx, then click on unsafe storage20:13
cryogenfxsam-_-: passwords: default i presume, and not passwords: login?20:13
sam-_-cryogenfx, pardon me: passwords: login20:14
buggermeNew to ubuntu: How do I fully remove wine and all applications within it?20:14
ButtaKnifect529: One possible option would be to add the appropriate lib paths to the makefiles of your programs.  If that's not possible or a feasible solution, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH when you need to compile will do the trick.20:14
no_dvi_outputzaery: you need to install the ssh server on your desktop, in case you haven't done so already run the command20:14
no_dvi_outputsudo apt-get install openssh-server20:14
cryogenfxsam-_-: ok, password set blank20:14
zaerysweet, thanks20:14
sam-_-cryogenfx, you can do it for both but your wifi passwords are in passwords:login i assume20:14
shcherbakButtaKnife: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine && rm -r ~/.wine20:14
alaingcan someone help me install my dlink dwa-140 usb wifi dongle. At first I plugged it in and it saw some networks but would not connect to my network eve nafter turning off mac access control and encryption. I then followed this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1016108 but with the latest drviers from ralink. Now it simply does not see any networks. I may have done something...20:15
alaing...wrong as I left out part * as I was not sure what I needed to replace but I did do the rest of them20:15
shcherbakbuggerme: ^^^^20:15
shcherbakbuggerme: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine && rm -r ~/.wine20:15
zarizhow do i get wlan work?20:15
ButtaKnifeshcherbak:  :P20:15
actionparsnipBuggerme: sudo apt-get --purge remove wine; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; rm -r ~/.wine20:15
cryogenfxsam-_-: ok, i'll relog to check20:15
minimecbuggerme: Just remove the .wine folder in your /home directory. Afterwards you may want to start <alt>F2 alacarte, to remove the links from your menu.20:15
sam-_-cryogenfx, good luck :-)20:16
ct529ButtaKnife: yes to the second option, do not udnerstand the first one20:16
sam-_-zariz, most wifi cards work out of the box20:16
shcherbakButtaKnife: yes, best time for coffee.20:16
r3msalut jc pas si tu peux maider c genre lprob ki fa chier tser la genre de chose de fesse que tu veu pas kiarive ben c genre lchose qui merrive a mwoi spas dme feute si c fucer c ske jessaie dlui faire omprendre20:16
actionparsnipBuggerme: there is also a folder under ~/20:16
sam-_-zariz, which one do you use?20:16
alaingi wish my wlan would work :(20:17
sniperjo_minimec: any ideas if i want to keep my intel drivers?20:17
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:17
tsuna27i am using ubuntu 10.04 any reason to upgrade to 10.10?20:17
=== mdel_ is now known as mdel
xanguatsuna27: new software20:17
zarizsam-_-: 3G is working. but wlan i cant get it up ralink 3090.20:17
tsuna27xangua: like what20:17
ButtaKnifect529: Doing a quick bit of research shows that changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH is discouraged.  The appropriate behavior for programs that need other library paths specified is to use the -L flag in GCC to specify additional library paths.20:17
xanguaaaah, or all¿¿ tsuna2720:17
tsuna27xangua: ??20:18
hi5changing standard path is always a bad idea20:18
hi5instead add new ones20:19
minimecsniperjo_: If you have no problems with other monitor, then the intel driver seems to be working correctly, I guess. So keep the intel driver.20:19
ct529ButtaKnife: I thought that the reason for Ubuntu having a /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ directory was to avoid that20:19
hi5sniperjo_: are you on multimonitor? laptop with tv?20:19
no_dvi_outputcya guys20:19
Marchitosi can't open the package manager under 10.10. I open it, then gksu ask for password, i give the password and then nothing appears20:19
ButtaKnifect529: http://xahlee.org/UnixResource_dir/_/ldpath.html explains LD_LIBRARY_PATH a bit, but not how to modify makefiles to point to the proper libraries.  In short, you could still modify the variable yourself if you need to, but if you have the familiarity with makefiles to make changes, adding the library paths to the makefile is the best option.20:19
sniperjo_minimec: perhaps its just a problem with xserver config?20:19
hi5Marchitos: try sudo20:19
NickyT942is there a version of Shockwave I can use on Ubuntu?20:20
xanguaNickyT942: no20:20
ButtaKnifect529: I don't know if any of that helps or just clouds the issue more.  lol20:20
userI added self to 'adm' group, it does not allow to use sudo, as I am not in sudoers20:20
userHow do I add?20:20
NickyT942A shockwave equivalent?20:21
hi5NickyT942: are you telling me something still runs on shockwawe?20:21
minimecsniperjo_: Well you shouldn't need any xorg.conf with any recent ubuntu distribution. So if you have one, delete any /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:21
hi5thought it was dead20:21
ButtaKnifeuser: Using a superuser account, run "visudo" and add an entry for your new account.20:21
Marchitossudo synaptics works20:21
userhow do I add it there?20:21
Marchitosgksu no:(20:21
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!20:21
ct529ButtaKnife: thanks for the article .... it does not really make clear why Ubuntu has gone the ld.conf.d way .... mmmm20:22
sniperjo_minimec: without it my video acceleration wont work20:22
cryogenfxsam-_-; hey, it was the other one, passwords:default, now it has stopped pestering me about the password a bunch of times. thanks mate20:22
NickyT942So no Shockwave?20:22
ButtaKnifect529: Agreed.  I'm not terribly familiar with the ld.conf.d method, so I would have to do more research on that.20:22
ct529ButtaKnife: because some programs are automatically compiled, I need to set it maybe not globally bu at least for that group of programs20:22
sam-_-_cryogenfx, no problem20:22
NickyT942Is there a Shockwave live thing I can run like java?20:22
NickyT942Trick it into working?20:23
ButtaKnifect529: The lazy coder in me would just say to script something to update the path when compiling those programs and then possibly undo the changes.  I suppose ld.conf.d would accomplish that.20:23
minimecsniperjo_: In that case I would search for a (or file a) bug for your GPU. An Intel GPU should run  with 3d acceleration out of the box.20:24
zteamMarchitos: Be careful, sudo should never be used to run any GUI (Window) application20:24
ct529ButtaKnife: I have to think about it .... thanks a lot though!20:24
sam-_-_NickyT942, what do you need it for? just curious20:24
ButtaKnifeuser: The /etc/sudoers file that you edit with visudo contains examples of how sudo entries should be formatted.20:24
alaingcan someone help me install my dlink dwa-140 usb wifi dongle. At first I plugged it in and it saw some networks but would not connect to my network eve nafter turning off mac access control and encryption. I then followed this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1016108 but with the latest drviers from ralink. Now it simply does not see any networks. I may have done something...20:24
alaing...wrong as I left out part 8 as I was not sure what I needed to replace but I did do the rest of them20:24
ButtaKnifect529: Good luck!  Maybe Google a bit for ld.conf.d or LD_LIBRARY_PATH for some general examples, even if they're not CUDA-specific.20:24
ct529ButtaKnife: thanks!20:24
Piciuser: You need to add your user to the 'admin' group, not the 'adm' group to let them use sudo.  'adm' is for accessing stuff under /var/log and is unrelated to sudo.20:25
zteamMarchitos: if you wanna run a gnome-application then you should use gksudo instead20:25
Spirits-Sightanyone know the best way to move my /home directory to any LVM part?20:25
userPici: admin group does not exist20:25
ButtaKnifeAhh, thanks, Pici for catching that.20:25
sniperjo_minimec: also i think it messes up the sleeping and waking if i remove all the xorg config20:25
Piciuser: What version of Ubuntu are you using then?20:25
userI can update distro if you tell the command20:25
Piciuser: You don't need to.  What does the following command say: getent group admin20:26
minimecsniperjo_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1634427.html20:27
Piciuser: Is this on a VPS?20:27
anon33_anyone here on a macbook that could tell me how i could manually adjust the brightness settings on ubuntu?20:27
anon33_the function keys suddently stopped working overnight20:27
userPici: yes20:27
Piciuser: And lsb_release -d says 8.04?20:27
userPici: Ubuntu 8.04.220:28
gobbeuser: upgrading VPS's distro might brake it down because they usually have own kernels and that kind of staff20:28
ClemSFHi, does anyone knows how to use kickstart w/ Ubunut 10.10 ?  Thanks20:28
Marchitosi have simply clicked under administration->package manager20:28
Piciuser: Okay, one moment.20:29
erUSUL!automation | ClemSF20:29
Marchitosit won't start20:29
erUSUL!clone | ClemSF20:29
ubottuClemSF: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:29
erUSUL!automate | ClemSF20:29
ubottuClemSF: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning20:29
sniperjo_minimec: thanks, but with the xorg config and a different monitor everythign works fine, also, its not the video that freezes, its the whole system20:29
zteamAnybody, here knows how to get totem, working, almost anytime I try to watch a movie under Ubuntu, it switches of, dualmode20:29
sam-_-_zteam, what do you mean switches of?20:30
Piciuser: I had to do some setup on my own VPS (linode). You may want to take a look at the 'setting up users' section here to make your install more like a normal Ubuntu install: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/27/notes-from-setting-up-ubuntu-server-on-linode/20:30
rdzhi all. i am looking for a solution to archive my audio cd. i'd prefer to rip from cd to the flac format. are there any recommendations for what tool to use? i know jack (the ripper a bit) but can't figure out whether it also rips to flac or only to mp3?20:30
Piciuser: The rest of the steps there you can do at your own discretion.20:30
thiefy_sam he meant: switches off dual mode.20:31
ClemSFubottu: thanks, I read this page already and i'm getting this error when I'm launching the auto-install: "  try passing init= bootarg"20:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:31
=== Azoth[cf] is now known as Bitashk
DEAD_BEEFI have 10.10 installed on a 37GB raptor. Everything is nice, mounted a seagate 1TB drive: cp -Rv /home/username /media/MASS_STORAGE... followed by: sudo init 1... drop to root shell: rm -rf /home/username and edit /etc/fstab to mount the 1tb drive to /home20:31
DEAD_BEEFI think I screwed up some permissions20:32
thiefy_rdz lame is the best program to use.  it's stands for lame ain't an mp3 encoder.   that is the best thing to use to make mp3s.  to rip them i am not sure as i haven't done that in years.20:32
sam-_-_thiefy_, i still don't understand20:32
zteam<sam-_-_> It, switch the graphics settings to single output, then I try to watch a movie, with Totem, almost everytime20:33
thiefy_sam he is saaying when he watches a video in totem his monitors switch from dual mode to i guess one monitor mode.20:33
sam-_-_thiefy_, ah. ok20:34
=== Tommy_ is now known as Lantchips
zaeryis it possible, like with a command or something, to send a keycode, even if the physical key doesn't exist?20:34
chkdskHey bash guys, is there a way for me to pipe stout and sterr into /dev/null when I'm running a program so it doesn't spam up my terminal?20:34
rdzthiefy_, i'd like to encode to a lossless format, preferably flac, not to a lossy compression as mp320:35
thiefy_chkdsk, the best thing would be to ask in #bash   they would be smarter there.20:35
smwchkdsk, &> /dev/null20:35
seulhi! When i boot my computer, 1 out of 3 times i reach bios, where i enter the correct HDD to boot to, and when i choose "save changes and exit", and the computer boots, the screen just stays black. Why is that? And then the next time i manage to get it booting, it wont remember my changes in bios.20:35
zteamthiefy_: Exactly... it's working perfect if I use VLC instead, but I don't think that VLC is very good with HD-movies20:35
smwthiefy_, we are not that dumb here :-P20:35
thiefy_rdz, is tehre a reason that mp3 is not good for you? keep in mind any mp3 player you buy or iphone or google phone will prob not play flac unless you get a custom rom on that thing... it's best to use mp3 as everything plays mp3 great. and if you encode to 192 kbp/s then it will sound just fine. i see no use for flac. but tha's just my opinion.20:36
thiefy_smw, heheh, i just thought if it was a hard bash question, then that would be a good place to ask....20:37
anon33_anyone here on a macbook that could tell me how i could manually adjust the brightness settings on ubuntu?20:37
anon33_the function keys suddently stopped working overnight20:37
zteamseul: Try to update your bios, but be CAREFUL :-))20:37
thiefy_seul, is that a desktop or a laptop you are using?20:37
antlonghi guys, i need to run some commands like this after the gnome boots, where should it go? "DISPLAY=localhost:0.0; export DISPLAY"20:37
seulzteam: right now i cant even reach bios. stupid computer wont even boot up so i can see bios.20:37
thiefy_seul, it sounds like your bios / cmos battery is dead.20:38
antlongseul, sounds like bad ram or battery20:38
rdzthiefy_, i simply don't want it to be lossy.. it's also for archiving.. even if your ears don't notice the compression, it's hard to work with such recordings in the future and do some processing, because then the compression artefacts will suddenly be audible.. to be on the safe side i prefer flac20:38
DEAD_BEEFIf I recursively copied a directory without using -p to preserve permissions, what are the chances of recovering the original permissions?20:38
YoshimiAnyone here knowledgeable about UPnP Media Servers on Ubuntu?20:38
zteamseul: Have you changed any BIOS setting?20:39
hi5it's possible that a torrent iso could be damaged? i mean downloaded with torrent20:39
smwDEAD_BEEF, do you have the original? 100%. Not? 0%20:39
thiefy_rdz i hear ya... good point. hmm, i do not know of a good flac encoder though. hahah. just know of the one - that does mp3s.20:39
seulthiefy_ and antlong: yes, it acctually said that the battery was low earlier. But i thought it was just because i had taken it out and reset the cmos. Is it normal that you have to change the battery sometimes? Computer is 1.5 years old.20:39
DEAD_BEEFsmw: that's what I was afraid of20:39
antlongseul, its rare but it happens20:39
hi5Yoshimi: only a little upnp, not media20:39
hi5what's that for?20:39
DEAD_BEEFsmw: luckily I'm not a sysadmin20:39
thiefy_seul, is it a laptop?20:39
YoshimiAh, I need to find an alternative to using M$ on my server20:39
YoshimiI hate it, it's buggy and awful20:39
hi5quite a good netsplit though20:40
seulthiefy_: no its a stationary.20:40
thiefy_a desktop...20:40
antlongseul, the lack of being able to even get to bios is normally due to bad ram20:40
thiefy_the battery we are talking about is a little one that is about the size of a wrist watch.20:40
rdzthiefy_, the encode is called flac.. but i am looking for something like jack, which does the ripping, encoding and tagging in one go20:40
YoshimiBut the media server is much nicer20:40
antlongseul, do you see the tiny light, lit up on the motherboard20:40
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:40
hi5seul: or damaged mainboard too20:40
seulantlong: what are you talking about? I know what the battery is20:41
zteamseul: try to remove one of your RAM modules (assuming you have more than one)20:41
DEAD_BEEFsmw: is cp -R predictable in what permissions is changes/discards?20:41
antlongseul, what?20:41
seulzteam: ok, i have 2. Ill remove the second one.20:41
smwDEAD_BEEF, it makes everything the same permissions.20:41
seulantlong: you were talking about some light in the pc or something20:41
hi5and then do the same for the other one - seul -20:41
antlongseul, no, its a small led on the motherboard20:41
seulantlong: i have a green light on it20:41
smwDEAD_BEEF, there is no data you can get from the permissions.20:41
smwDEAD_BEEF, what happened?20:42
antlongseul, how many ram chips do you have20:42
seulantlong: 2, at 2gig each20:42
nothingspecialrdz: abcde, you can find some good example configs here http://www.andrews-corner.org/abcde.html20:42
YoshimiSo nobody with UPnP media server knowledge?20:42
antlongseul, take one out and try to boot, if that doesnt work, put it back, take the other out and try to boot20:42
thiefy_seul, a good way to see if a PC's hardware is working well is to run an ubuntu live cd. (or usb key) if it boots and runs well, then your ram is fine, and the other components probaly are fine also.20:42
seulantlong: ok, give me 520:43
DEAD_BEEFI added a 1TB drive and cp -Red my /home/user folder to the mounted drive then dropped to a root shell ...20:43
seulthiefy_: well i cant even get to bios right now so.20:43
thiefy_do you hear beeps when you turn it on?20:43
DEAD_BEEFsmw: ... then edited fstab, you get the idea20:43
thiefy_from the internel speaker?20:43
seulthiefy_: i acctually have it in right now, hehe20:43
seulthiefy_: no not right now. But give me 5 and ill remove some of the ram and tell you the results20:43
smwDEAD_BEEF, makes sense. You can just chown your home directory to you20:44
thiefy_bad ram is prob not the case. that is just a random guess as to what is broken....20:44
thiefy_if you can't get to the bios, then ram has nothing to do with that problem.20:44
DEAD_BEEFsmw: well, I still have ownership, but not complete write perms20:44
antlongthiefy_, sure it would. bad ram would prevent you from getting to bios20:44
smwDEAD_BEEF, then go through and change permissions as needed. For example, give 0 permissions to others for your home dir (not recursive).20:44
smwDEAD_BEEF, that does not make sense20:45
thiefy_if the computer can't post. then i wouldn't look at the ram first.20:45
hi5bad ram would prevent doing anything20:45
thiefy_but yeah, sorry, you are correct. it does need ram to get to the bios.20:45
smwDEAD_BEEF, ls -l your home dir20:45
seulthiefy_ and antlong: i removed the ram one at a time, and still only black screen. Some random beeping but i think it does that every time i boot20:45
DEAD_BEEFsmw: I'll have to check when I get back home20:45
thiefy_note the beeping. those are post codes. you can google themt o see what they mean.20:45
hi5seul random beeping is odd20:46
seulthiefy_ and antlong: should i try to get a hold of a new battery?20:46
smwDEAD_BEEF, ok20:46
thiefy_restart it again, and see what the post codes are saying.20:46
hi5how mant beeps? long or short ones?20:46
antlongseul, no if the battery was dead it wouldnt do anything20:46
thiefy_seul, probaly not. i bet the battery is fine.20:46
thiefy_yeah, what antlong said. heheh20:46
antlongseul, maybe something got unseated? try to reseat your chips20:46
DEAD_BEEFsmw: thanks20:46
seulthiefy_ and hi5: just one beep. But i think it has done that always, even when it was working20:46
hi5antlong battery is needed only to save parameters20:46
thiefy_one beep is normal.20:46
hi5it runs however20:46
hi5yes one is good20:46
antlongthis might be a job for the geek squad lol20:47
seulantlong: what do you mean by geek squad? :P20:47
hi5is surely and hw issue20:47
thiefy_do what antlong said and remove and reinstall your ram and graphics card and whatever other cards you have in there. check all the power connectors.20:47
hi5like the ones in big bang theory show..20:47
antlongseul, http://www.geeksquad.com/20:47
hi5thiefy_: well said20:47
thiefy_we'll fix him together!20:48
seulhi5 and thiefy_: oh ok like Chuck in Chuck :D20:48
thiefy_the three of us can solve it.20:48
hi5yep also him20:48
thiefy_that show is awesome - chuck.20:48
thiefy_i like the chick in that show.20:48
=== sam-_-_ is now known as sam-_-
hi5thiefy_: we will have to divide the invoice amount sent by him20:48
chrislspwalker is hooot :P20:48
guntbert!ot | thiefy_ hi520:48
ubottuthiefy_ hi5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:48
hi5for this workout20:48
thiefy_hi5 yeah, good point.20:48
seulthiefy_ hi5 and antlong: okey, so this is the plan now, remove and reconnect all connectors. And then reboot an assload of times until it works20:49
hi5no-one helps for helping sake..20:49
antlongseul, basically20:49
thiefy_Yvonne Strahovski20:49
hi5seul just reboot..20:49
zteamWell, I'm back20:49
hi5nice girl20:49
guntbertthiefy_: hi5 please keep to the topic20:49
hi5but still i's pick the cuoco..end OT20:50
seulzteam: read what i wrote last time. any comments?20:50
thiefy_the topic was walker though!20:50
antlongseul, this happened to me once before and it turned out to be a bad ram chip. i also took off the heatsink and cleaned it out, reseated all the chips and done a bunch of crap20:50
alaingwhat does sudo sumake do?20:50
thiefy_seul,  don't remove the heatsink off your main processor though. you need thermal paste if you reapply it.20:50
chrislspgives you super user rights20:50
seulantlong: wow, that sounds like something i would mess up. Maybe ill call the swedish equivalent of geek squad20:50
chrislspsu=super user20:51
zteamseul: I didn't see that, since I lost my connection...20:51
alaingthiefy I'm still having issue with that dlink wifi dongle20:51
seulzteam: okey, so this is the plan now, remove and reconnect all connectors. And then reboot an assload of times until it works20:51
antlongseul, just dont remove the heatsink (im assuming you dont have conductive gel to apply)20:51
alaingshoul it be sudo su make or sudo sumake?20:51
seulantlong: i probably wont remove anything. Sounds dangerous20:51
thiefy_alaing, it's a driver issue. really the best advice i can come up with is google the model number of it and the word ubuntu, see if other's (people much smarter than me) have solved the problem.20:52
antlongseul, if i was you i would take all the ram out, take the battery out and wait 5 mins20:52
seulantlong: ok, ill remove a bunch of stuff and so on. brb20:52
alaingthiefy I'm trying this out http://linuxforums.org.uk/hardware-compatibility/ralink-rt2870-based-usb-wireless-n-adapters-(ubuntu)/20:52
hi5alaing does it get detected or not?20:52
thiefy_seul, just make sure things are plugged in nice and tight. and yeah, reboot with the linux live cd or usb key. well, first you wanna get to the bios... so if tht works, you are getting somewhere.20:52
zteamseul: sounds good... If you have a older motherboard with SATA-harddrives attached, check them as well20:53
alainghi5: it used to detect my network but now it does20:53
thiefy_alaing, that link did not work.20:53
MrUnagihow can i have a bash script issue commands after initiating an ssh session20:53
alaingrepeat from earlier20:53
MrUnagirather than waiting for the connection to end20:53
alaingcan someone help me install my dlink dwa-140 usb wifi dongle. At first I plugged it in and it saw some networks but would not connect to my network eve nafter turning off mac access control and encryption. I then followed this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1016108 but with the latest drviers from ralink. Now it simply does not see any networks. I may have done something...20:53
alaing...wrong as I left out part 8 as I was not sure what I needed to replace but I did do the rest of them20:53
FloodBot1alaing: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
alaingsorry FloodBot :p20:53
smwMrUnagi, ssh server cmd arg1 arg220:54
MrUnagismw: so ssh user@host.net echo hello?20:54
alaingI'm now trying a more updated thread here http://linuxforums.org.uk/hardware-compatibility/ralink-rt2870-based-usb-wireless-n-adapters-(ubuntu)/20:54
smwMrUnagi, yep20:54
zteamseul: some old motherboards do have problems with SATA-cabels, that may glitch20:54
seulzteam: ok, brb with results..20:54
thiefy_if your computer catches fire, unplug it mate.20:55
MrUnagismw: any way to keep it from closing the session after the command?20:55
nothingspecialMrUnagi: screen20:55
smwMrUnagi, the only thing I can think of is to run bash after.20:55
smwMrUnagi, it is a hack, but it would work20:56
alainghow do i revert back to before I did the first lot of make and make install20:56
hi5thiefy_: also an extinguisher could be suitable..20:56
smwnothingspecial, not screen.20:56
zteamAnybody here can tell me about a good IRC-client please? :-)20:56
MrUnagismw: run a script on the server?20:56
MrUnagii guess that would work20:56
smwMrUnagi, no, run the cmd, then as one of the cmds, run bash20:56
MrUnagismw: #!/bin/bash?20:57
smwMrUnagi, no20:57
MrUnagismw: sorry for my ignorance20:57
cab938_I'm trying to install a package from a ppa20:57
cab938_but it doesn't seem to show up on tab completion20:58
zteamalaing: okey...20:58
cab938_and when I apt-get install it by name it doesn't work (can't be found)20:58
smwMrUnagi, I am not sure what you should do.20:58
hi5using backtrack can you test if your wpa password is just fine?20:58
cab938_This is the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~gstreamer-developers/+archive/ppa20:58
cab938_I think I've added it correctly20:58
guntbert!enter | cab938_20:58
ubottucab938_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:58
nothingspecialcab938_: did you update?20:59
jigrapis there a way to change the grub2 splash screen on an encrypted drive?20:59
jigrapin ubuntu 10.1020:59
wyclifWow, had to go through FloodBot security, hadn't seen that in a while21:00
smwMrUnagi, you can make it so every time you login a cmd is run.21:00
cab938_I did update, nothingspecial , here was the output: http://pastebin.com/DAtELgjQ21:00
hogdwarfIs some app in mono default in ubuntu ?21:00
zteamcab938_:  well if you did, it should find it easily... :)21:00
cab938_It seems that the main launchpad was retrieved but the gstreamer one ignored.  No idea why this might be.21:00
zaerythiefy_ it depends on how the ram is bad. If it's broken in such a way that it acts as if it's not there, then you won't be getting into the bios with it.21:01
zteamcab938_: try to use apt-get search and see what it finds then21:01
zaeryLOL, i was just reading something from a long time ago, i just didnt realize that the scrollbar was halfway up the screed :D21:01
alainghi5 how do i use backtrack?21:01
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:02
hi5alaing: i think with a live cd21:02
hogdwarfIs Ubuntu prone to Mono exploit ?21:02
hi5if they have one either21:02
smwhogdwarf, not as far as I know21:02
hi5what kind of exploit is that? buffer overflow one?21:03
livingdaylighthow do I uninstall an adobe application?21:03
cab938_zteam, When I run aptitude search gst-plugins-ugly0.10 I get nothing, just a little grind then another prompt21:03
cragdorWhats the correct channel for an issue with NVidia Binary Driver and 10.10, i have a GTS250, which is apparently not supported21:03
hogdwarfhi5: dunno what kind of it is21:03
zteamalaing: thanks for the tip, this one seems really promising21:03
smwlivingdaylight, how did you install it?21:03
hogdwarfits local root privileges escalation21:03
hogdwarfarbitrary code execution21:03
zaerycab938_, do you have the right repositories on?21:03
hi5cragdor: you card HAS to be supported21:03
alaingI use it and its browser based.21:03
hi5how did you figured out the contrary?21:03
alaingzteam: no problems21:03
livingdaylightsmw, its an adobe application so with Adobe21:03
alaingI'm starting to hate this wifi21:04
hi5hogdwarf: i see..a common one so21:04
cragdorIt is supported according to Appendix A of the README, but ubuntu reports its not21:04
hi5i dont know btw21:04
smwlivingdaylight, did you use a package?21:04
smwlivingdaylight, was it just a random binary?21:04
livingdaylightsmw, no, just right click and open with adobe21:04
livingdaylightsmw, Spaz an adobe twitter client21:04
hi5cragdor: if i were i would try maybe the 10.04 version with a live cd and see if working21:04
hogdwarfits mentioned it was tested against Suse21:05
deadsmithCan someone tell me the correct way to boot to text login?  Should I create a functioning rc3, change rc2, or something else entirely?21:05
zteamcab938_: well, try to search for gst-plugins or something instead then?21:05
hi5gts250 is quite old nowadays21:05
smwlivingdaylight, no idea, sorry, I did not understand21:05
alaingoh do i revert back after doing make && make install. basically I wont to undo http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101610821:05
hogdwarfi dont know any hardening part which are not included in suse21:05
seulpeople who were helping me earlier: ok so i reset the cmos battery and booted. Now I get "CMOS BATTERY LOW" and press f1 to resume. Is it normal to say that it is low here?21:05
cragdorhi5: Not that old..... Ubuntu 10.04 worked great but was a pain in the *** to install due to fake raid, this has only happened since upgrading to 10.1021:06
cab938_zteam, it still doesn't find it.  Is it normal for this ppa to be ignored on an apt-get update?21:06
hi5hogdwarf: that's a very technical issue..i bet maybe 10 of 1500 people here knows what you're talking about21:06
hi5seul maybe the battery has gone21:06
hi5but did you solve your previous problem?21:06
azerthi, what version of virtualbox should contain the ubuntu repo ?21:06
hogdwarfhi5: and i dont know if it has something to do with lsm21:07
john24how do i get rid of compiz?21:07
azertis the 3.X or 4.0 ?21:07
seulhi5: i have never even heard of people having to change their battery. I think that the earlier problem will come back after i exit the bios21:07
zteamseul: Nope, it isn't, try with replacing that battery21:07
hi5seul changing battery happens..usually because of a defective one21:07
hi5or after many time of use21:07
guntbertazert: you find that on the vbox website21:08
hi5or if you always unplug power when pc is off21:08
hogdwarfhi5: btw do you know how to compile mono app ? i think that PoC is in mono but never did that21:08
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz21:08
mayraHi. I'm trying to permanently  add "noapic" to the grub2 menu, but when I restart it does not take effect. I have to manually edit the command in the boot menu in order to boot properly. I cannot boot if "noapic" is added to the command. I already tried "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub" and added the command to it and it still does not work. Please help!21:08
azertok thaanks guntbert21:08
smw!info virtualbox-ose | azert21:08
ubottuazert: virtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.8-dfsg-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 8847 kB, installed size 31396 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)21:08
seulhi5: ok, is it a specific battery for the giabyte mb or can i take any old one?21:08
pedro3005if I have a PID, what command line tool can I use to find how much memory that process is using?21:08
hi5i dont know mate...compile is too hard for my knowledge yet :-D21:08
erUSULmayra: after editing the file you have to run « sudo update-grub »21:08
erUSULmayra: after editing /etc/default/grub that's it21:09
hi5seul i guess you can take an old one, but check voltage!21:09
hi5or you will fry the board21:09
mayraboy..let me try that.thank you21:09
erUSULmayra: np21:09
seulhi5: ok. maybe i should just call the repair guy..21:09
guntbert!de | michi_21:09
ubottumichi_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:09
alaingseul do a google. you may find batteries some where else21:09
zteamcab938_: I have no idea, what repository you use, but no, it should not ignore it, try did you get any errors from apt-get while you did apt-get update21:10
hi5seul even that...they are in the world just to fix things21:10
alaingand its simple to swap out21:10
mayraerUSUL, ty, I will try it now!21:10
michi_thx for info21:10
Leoneofhello, somehow i have been installing modules, and then after restart my pc...the Sound doesn't work, there are volume but Hardware is none, how to fix it?21:10
bactrimi am running an old ibm thinkpad R31 installed now with your 10.10 version. problem with power management : laptop does not resume from sleep when closing lid (tried pressing everything) hibernation resume works ok. there seems to be a bug but can not decipher it well - some guidance would be appreciated thank you!21:10
alaingi completely forgot about the cmos low battery warning.......man that brings back memorys21:11
LoganJRuffWhere is the openoffice room?21:11
guntbertmichi_: /join #ubuntu-de  :-))21:11
erUSULLoganJRuff: /msg alis list *oppenoffice*21:11
alaingopenoffice dont have an open door policy lol21:11
thiefy_seul, we are talking about a 2 dollar battery here....21:11
guntbertLoganJRuff: #openoffice.org21:11
hi5LoganJRuff: try anyway here21:11
LoganJRuffThanks guys21:11
userHow do I add a user to users group?21:11
thiefy_seul, when you turn on the computer, tell us again what happens.21:11
seulthiefy_: yeah i dont care about the money, im just kinda depressed that it aint working.21:12
seulthiefy_: the fans go on at like full speed. And the screen is black.21:12
erUSULuser: sudo adduser usernamehere users21:12
hi5alaing: it's not so common problem, if your electric is always plugged21:12
thiefy_seul, what i maeant was, don't call a repair guy. hi5 IS your repair guy. and he's free! after you buy him a beer.21:12
zaeryseul, you get no video output whatsoever?21:12
hi5i bet it can last tens of yrs21:12
Leoneofhey erUSUL21:12
thiefy_seul. then i think your battery is fine.21:12
hi5a very big one pls21:12
seulzaery: none.21:12
erUSULLeoneof: hi21:13
hi5beer xd21:13
seullol ok hi521:13
userThanks. And how do I delete a user from a group?21:13
LeoneoferUSUL:  somehow i have been installing modules, and then after restart my pc...the Sound doesn't work, there are volume but Hardware is none, how to fix it?21:13
alainghi5 yes i know i just remember it before pentiums started coming out21:13
hi5also a mojito will be highly appreciated :-D21:13
thiefy_seul, do you have a video card in that mofo?21:13
zaeryseul, have you tried using only one stick of ram(assuming you have more than one)?21:13
erUSULuser: man userdel or use the users and groups gui system>admin...>user and groups21:13
alainghi5 and of course the cmos hack of reseting the password21:13
seulthiefy: yes a radeon HD4850. I have ttried the onboard video aswell21:13
seulzaery: yes, someone told me to earlier.21:14
alaingOMG i reset my machine and hey the wifi is working wtf21:14
usererUSUL, I don't want to delete user, I just want to remove him from a group. I have only CLI.21:14
erUSULLeoneof: define « installing modules, » what did you actually did?21:14
thiefy_what happens when you plug your monitor into the on board vid card?21:14
zaeryseul, and you've tried each stick individually?21:14
useralaing: Yay.21:14
* alaing was so close to kicking the side of his server to see if it was still working21:14
thiefy_alaing, that's cause i fixed it.   and hi5 helped too.21:14
seulzaery; yes.21:14
thiefy_alaing, you owe hi5 a beer.21:14
LeoneoferUSUL: i think it was about alsa :|21:14
userHow do I list all groups here?21:14
seulthiefy: nothing. Still just a black screen.21:15
alainglol I would buy you both a beer21:15
erUSULLeoneof: what did you do? you followed a guide i can read or something?21:15
userHow do I list all user groups here?21:15
thiefy_alaing, come to canada, i'll be waiting at the airport for you.21:15
thiefy_seul, when you boot that mofo, put your hand on the hard drive. do you feel it spinning?  or vibrating?21:16
zteamseul: so, all you get is a black screen after you picked out, the battery, is that correct?21:16
guntbertuser: "here" being what? your ubuntu or this IRC network?21:16
userguntbert: ubuntu21:16
seulthiefy: uyes i have done that, its working21:16
LeoneoferUSUL: didn't follow any guide, but i was stupid enough to search and play about "modules" :(21:16
guntbertuser: cat /etc/group21:16
bactrimi am running an old ibm thinkpad R31 installed now with your 10.10 version. problem with power management : laptop does not resume from sleep when closing lid (tried pressing everything) hibernation resume works ok. there seems to be a bug but can not decipher it well - some guidance would be appreciated thank you! btw i installed a dual boot xp OS on this too, and sleep/hibernate work fine on that end.21:17
alaingthiefy_: sounds like a threat lol....my wife will be happy once i get this server out of the lounge and into the spair room21:17
seulzteam: after i picked out the battery i goit this screen saying my battery was low. When i clicked f1 to continue pretty much nothing happen21:17
thiefy_seul, rip out all cards that you can. liket he vid card, the sound card, the network card, one of the ram dims... unplug the cd roms... everything you can so that it can still boot.21:17
erUSULLeoneof: reaaly dunno; if i do not know what you did how are we supposed to fix it?21:17
savidIs it possible to upgrade a single package on my server without having to do an entire dist-upgrade?21:17
LeoneoferUSUL: :/21:17
IrreducibilisAfter running an update, my Ubuntu hard-froze and wouldn't even reply to SysRq + REISUB21:17
usersavid: apt-get update packagename iirc21:17
IrreducibilisWhy is this?21:17
thiefy_alaing, no no, not a threat, i will welcome you at the airport. but i will direct you to the lounge where you will be forced to buy me and hi5 a beer.21:18
saviduser:  it says it's up-to-date, but it's an old version.21:18
IrreducibilisIt returned to what appeared to be the boot screen but with the mouse visible, and it wouldn't move or respond21:18
IrreducibilisI had to pull the battery.21:18
seulthiefy_: hmm.. ill probably destroy something else. My history of "fixing" stuff is kinda bad.21:18
LeoneoferUSUL: brb21:18
savidI'm trying to update to git >=1.721:18
savidcurrently have 1.621:18
thiefy_seul, i wonder if the computer is getting enough power to fully boot. that is why i'm thinking to rip out things that are taking power.21:19
zteamseul: okey, here is what I would do in your place: 1. Remove the battery and take it to a clock store or some computer store.21:19
seulthiefy_: i doubt it. I have a 650W corsair..21:19
|Bboy|Anyone have experience in TerminatorX21:20
thiefy_seul how old is that computer?21:20
hi5thiefy_: so you got a beer also for you..well made21:20
thiefy_that is why i'm here hi5. to earn beers.21:20
zteamseul: 2. After you done that, you may use  "Ultimate Boot CD" to check your hardware21:20
seulthiefy_: about 1.5 years. All new components21:20
thiefy_i really doubt the battery died in 1.5 years. i have computers that are 7 years old and the battery i just fine in them.21:21
seulzteam: kinda hard to do that, considering how i cant even reach bios.21:21
hi5like homer?21:21
userHow do I install it? -su: groupdel: command not found21:21
seulthiefy_: exactly, i have too. I see no reasong why it should have died. Worked fine like 5 hours ago.21:21
thiefy_hi5, yeah, beer makes it all worthwile.21:21
zaeryseul, i don't suppose you have a cpu that'll fit in that socket and some extra thermal paste, do you?21:21
hi5you said that21:22
hi5but mojito is not bad either21:22
seulzaery: no i dont.21:22
thiefy_i don't think i've ever had one of those. but we can't speak of this or some op will tell us we are off topic and take it to some other channel.21:22
MrUnagiis there a way to grep a log for an exact phrase and take those entries and put it in a new file?21:22
shcherbak|Bboy|: Use tmux or screen to enrich your expirience.21:22
thiefy_seul, did you remove the battery from the motherboard?21:23
zteamseul: Yes, that's why I suggest you take your cmos-battery to a computer store, so they can replace it for you21:23
seulthiefy_: yes i removed it, waited a little, and put it right back in.21:23
seulzteam: ok, ill look into that.21:23
alaingthiefy_: I would buy you and hi5 a beer regardless......I'm based in UK btw21:23
thiefy_seul, do that again, but this time turn off the power supply, unplug the computer, remove the batt and wait 45 seconds, then plug everything back in. that'll totally reset the cmos.21:23
thiefy_alaing, ok, we will fly there then.21:24
upslahi i have usb adsl modem .i ubable to connect to internet. can some body help ????????????????????21:24
zteamseul: AFTER you try that, you should hopefully be able to use Ultimate boot cd to check your hardware21:24
hi5alaing: maybe i lost your topic, did you sorted out your issue?21:24
|Bboy|shcherbak: are you sure that was meant for me?21:24
zteamseul: :-)21:24
userand how do I add a user to a group?21:24
shcherbakalaing: I can have a pint.21:24
thiefy_hi5 yaeh, you fixed his problem. good job mate.21:24
alaingshcherbak: and where may you be?21:24
|Bboy|Y U NO Work TerminatorX21:25
thiefy_yell at it.21:25
alainghi5 yeah I followed soem threads they didn't work so i rebooted and everything came up21:25
shcherbak|Bboy|: you talk of terminatorx, many terminals "glued", right?21:25
upslahi i have usb adsl modem .i ubable to connect to internet. can some body help ????????????????????21:25
thiefy_upsla, short answer is - use an ethernet connection. it works much better than a usb connection for the modem. do you have that option?21:26
|Bboy|scherbak: no.. i was referring to the dj program in ubuntu http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/terminatorx21:26
hi5ok nice21:26
shcherbak|Bboy|: sorry, wrong21:26
thiefy_upsla, what is the model number of that modem?21:26
hi5the power of reboot xd21:27
|Bboy|scherbak: but thank you.. trying to find out why it does not work on my box21:27
upslathiefy_:beetel 100cx with conexant chipset21:27
thiefy_|Bboy|,  i had a girl friend with that problem. mine didn't work on her box ever.21:27
zteamhi5: Yes, the most useful computer command ever ;D21:28
Sevdalinhow to active my touchpad on my laptop21:28
|Bboy|i like pandora... never got to open her box though21:28
upslathiefy_:beetel 100cx with conexant chipset21:28
|Bboy|thiefy: not sur if that was a joke.. but chimed in none the less21:28
madsjhi; how do I enable completion for arguments to e.g., sudo and man?21:28
madsjin the terminal21:28
IdleOne!ohmy | |Bboy|  thiefy_21:28
ubottu|Bboy|  thiefy_: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:28
shcherbakalaing: London21:29
IdleOnethank you.21:29
|Bboy|So if anybody has experience with terminatorx.. please pm me21:29
alaingshcherbak: a bit more specific london is a fuck off big place :P21:29
shcherbakalaing: atm, w221:29
upslahi i have usb adsl modem .i ubable to connect to internet. can some body help ????????????????????21:30
feder87hey guys, how long do you think dd /dev/zero /dev/sda should take? sda is 160G on an intel atom21:30
thiefy_upsla, it seems these people have solved your problem:     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166313121:30
shcherbak|Bboy|: Well me your system spec, have night off, so happy to experiment.21:31
alaingok ok I work in SW1H but live out of london21:31
rubbsfeder87: /dev/zero is a special file. There is not end to that file. It will fill your hard drive with zeros...21:31
rubbsfeder87: oh, wait, that may be what you desired... sorry21:31
namnatulcodoes anyone know more about linux support for ralink rt3090 wireless devices? I tried to get it working using a fresh 10.10 x64 (through wubi), but I couldn't get it to work, and after further googling, I found this: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/pipermail/users_rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/2010-November/002310.html21:31
|Bboy|shcherbak:  will do when i get to the crib21:31
feder87rubbs: yeah, that's what I need to do. wipe the entire thing!21:31
upslathiefy_:no thats why i am here.21:31
feder87but is there a way to figure how much longer I got with that?21:32
thiefy_upsla, you tried what they tried?21:32
namnatulcofeder87: if you know the average writing speed of the drive, sure21:32
rubbsfeder87: not really. it all depends on how fast your drive is.21:32
upslathiefy_:i don't want to ask isp.so i want other solutions.21:32
guntbert!language | alaing21:32
ubottualaing: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:32
thiefy_feder87, an easy way to wipe a hard drive is dban  google it. i don't see why you would need to dd a whole load of zeros...21:33
=== rvdavid is now known as Guest92649
JackSTEAMHi, just need some help. I want to get steam working under wine. However i have read that i can basically use the games from the windows side of the machine rarther than having to redownload. but im having problems 'mounting' the drive.21:33
Guest92649woohoo! it's a girl!21:33
alaingshcherbak: ok ok I work in SW1H but live out of london21:33
upslathiefy_:i don't want to ask isp.so i want other solutions.21:33
feder87so I guess this could take forever21:34
Guest92649hi lisa1 *shyly*21:34
IdleOne!girl | Guest9264921:34
ubottuGuest92649: Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/21:34
alaingsorry guntbert21:34
Guest92649lmao @ idleone!21:34
thiefy_there is a girl in here!!!!?21:35
lisa1hi Guest9264921:35
Chilaquileshey guys, where are usually saved the files that are downloaded from the internet?21:35
* Guest92649 giggles and runs off 21:35
Chilaquileswhat's the directory?21:35
Mad_DudHi guys. which repository to add to 10.10? i need linux linux-headers-2.6.37 package21:35
thiefy_Chilaquiles, i think it defaults to /home/yourusername/Downloads21:36
lisa1Guest92649 where are you from?21:36
upslathiefy_:r u there ??21:36
jimleehi all, i could not install wine21:36
Guest92649ok... guys, GUYS! I don't want to alarm you, but there could be a girl or girlS on the channel!21:36
thiefy_upsla, i am... i'm thinking.21:36
hi5the /home Chilaquiles21:36
guntbert!ot | lisa1 Guest9264921:36
ubottulisa1 Guest92649: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:36
thiefy_Guest92649, mark this in your calendar! this is amazing!21:36
jimleeplease do help me to install wine.21:36
Chilaquilescool thiefy_ thanks!21:37
IdleOnejimlee: sudo apt-get install wine21:37
zteamJackSTEAM: You can try to use PlayOnLinux to get Steam working, but most of the time, it don't works21:37
thiefy_guest, you can type /nick somethingsoemthing so you don't have to be a guest39392303242321:37
zaery!details | jimlee21:37
ubottujimlee: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:37
Chilaquilesis there any manual in where it explains what is every directory in linux for?21:37
* alaing wonders is lisa1 is going to get naked lol21:37
Chilaquilesbecause coming from windows is kind of confusing for me to  see all this directories21:38
IdleOne!codeofconduct | alaing21:38
userChilaquiles, http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html21:38
ubottualaing: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .21:38
Chilaquilesand to know what is each one for21:38
thiefy_Chilaquiles, there are some books on linux (ubuntu) that would explain those very well. the only one i can remember is called ubuntu unleashed. but i bet there are newer ones that woudl be more up to date.21:38
alaingsorry did not mean to offend anyone21:38
guntbertChilaquiles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard21:38
JackSTEAMzteam: i've already got steam installed via wine and its fine. i just need to somehow 'sync' my games from windows. i read; http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_under_Linux21:38
thiefy_lisa1, how you doin?21:38
zaeryJackSteam, which games in particular?21:39
adacStreming from youtube and other sources in the internet with vlc. Is this still buggy or is ther something wrong with my internet connection? seems like it hangs all the time. Here are some warnings and errors: http://pastie.org/144938921:39
alaingthiefy_: was that said in the way that Joey from friends says it?21:39
adactested on two pcs seems to be the same on both21:39
lisa1oh just lovely, but somebody told to shut up about all conversations that don't have to do with Ubuntu, so I better leave it at that21:39
thiefy_alaing, yes. it was. haaaaaaaah.21:39
zteamChilaquiles: Well, this one is pretty good21:39
=== Zilla_ is now known as Zillaaah
Chilaquilesthanks thiefy_  user and guntbert that was helpful21:40
JackSTEAMzaery, TF2 is the main one. But WoW would be another that i'd like21:40
thiefy_now to help lisa...21:40
zteamChilaquiles https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/linux-basics.html21:40
zaeryadac, could it be your internet connection? is youtube slow on the website?21:40
* alaing offers thiefy_ a swap beer or the bird lol21:40
chowderOk. So I installed enlightenment e17 from the repos. Enlightenment works well but the gnome-panel doesn't start up automatically anymore. I now have to open a terminal and manually start it. Any ideas?21:40
guntbertalaing: please stop those off topic comments21:41
alaingok sorry21:41
zaeryJackSteam, in that case, i highly suggest just going with steam in wine, and reading http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=990121:41
upslathiefy_:r u there ??21:41
=== Guest92649 is now known as rvdavid
thiefy_i am upsla21:41
thiefy_are you?21:41
thiefy_lisa1 is here with me.21:41
=== richard is now known as Guest46043
alainghow much of a mission is it to updata ubuntu 8.04 to latest distro21:41
alaingits currently running on a acer aspire netbook21:42
adaczaery, my internet is indeed not the fastest lately. i will try it on a faster conection tomorrow.21:42
chowderalaing, you can't. You need to do a fresh install. You can not update from 8.04 to 10.10.21:42
alaingnot even update from 8.04 to 9.04 then 10?21:42
JabberWalkie_I have a program in python that is asking for python 2.7 or greater, how do I install it? Will I mess up my system if I just download the source and make install?21:42
=== denny- is now known as denny
JackSTEAMzarry, i have seen that before. but i'd rarther not redownload it all. http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_under_Linux has a section about symlink your steamapps folder but i'm unsure how21:43
iflemaalaing: goto software sources and set it to normal release and update then upgrade = 8.04 -> 10.0421:43
IdleOne!upgrade > alaing21:43
ubottualaing, please see my private message21:43
=== jens is now known as Guest99263
chowderalaing, you will most likely run into issues if you do it that way. You'll also take a whole lot longer. Weird things happen when you update. In my opinion, a fresh install is best.21:43
upslaalaing:it will be waste of time.just download 10.10 if u want to be up to date.21:43
chowderalaing, just make sure you back up all your stuff. Another tip: if you haven't already, keep your personal information on a separate partition.21:44
alaingis this why its better to keep on top of releases?21:44
rvdavidthiefy_ yeah thanks for the tip brother, I was actually testing nickserv killed imposters using my name, but then got _totally_ distracted when a girl came in lol back on T.21:44
Rubberduck_LValaing: You can do it, but you'll regret it! Do a clean new install..21:44
zaeryJackSteam, what part of http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_under_Linux#Save_space_on_dual-boot_machines is causing the confusion?21:44
dajhornJabberWalkie: Don't install Python 2.7 over top of the Ubuntu package.  Python is an important system component.  Install to /usr/local or try to find a PPA package for it on Launchpad.21:45
thiefy_upsla, i'm still researching, hold on.21:45
cyrilHello all, I am running eclipse under ubuntu and started a php project using symfony with doctrine. I would like an advice on which visual modelling tool to use in order to generate yaml files for doctrine...21:45
alaingI suppose its a good way to get rid of the bloat21:45
chowderalaing, yep. It is a lot better to keep on top of releases. If you want to save all of your packages so you don't have to reinstall you may wanna check out apt-on-cd.21:45
thiefy_rvdavid, lisa1 is very pretty, you should see her smile. very nice.21:45
JackSTEAMzaery, the part with the command for terminal. i get an error, when i checked the error it seems i need to 'mount' the windows drive. but i don't know how21:45
chowdercyril, you may wanna check out a dev channel.21:46
zteamlisa1: Well, you can ask almost anything about Ubuntu here21:46
cyril@chowder, yes, any suggestion?21:46
alaingi'm going to be running my headless ubuntu server how do i set it up to auto update if the need arises21:46
chowdercyril, I think there's an ubuntu-developers channel21:46
alaingand add it to a cron jon before it shutdowns in the evening21:46
* iflema updates/upgrades just fine :P21:46
tensorpuddingalaing: are you sure you want it to update automatically?21:47
cyril@chowder ok, thks21:47
hi5where can i find out why linux wont shutdown my pc anymore?21:47
hi5reboot either not working21:47
chowderhi5: google21:47
rvdavidthiefy_ d*mn you! you got a pic! I definitely should take macking classes from you! :P21:47
zaeryJackSteam, when you click on "places", do you see an entry that says 200gb filesystem(or however big your windows partition is)?21:47
hi5you are of little help here so21:47
JackSTEAMzaery, no i don't21:48
upslaubottu:!auto update21:48
tensorpuddingalaing: but you can use aptitude's -y option to obviate any user input21:48
upslaubottu:!auto update21:48
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upslathiefy_:any suggestions ???????21:49
alaing!auto update21:49
chowderhi5: sorry :p but you should've made a more specific query. Running in here blindly asking for help will get you nowhere, at least with me. Google has solved many of my problems without me having to bother anyone. Forums and IRC should be your last stop.21:49
zaeryJackSteam, are there any filesystems on the left bar of a nautilus window?21:49
JackSTEAMzaery, come again? not sure what you mean21:49
alaingtensorpudding: what does that command do21:50
tensorpuddingbut anyway21:50
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:50
zaeryjacksteam, if you open up your home folder, there's a bat on the left with things like "Documents" "Music", etc, right?21:50
tensorpuddingaptitude update; aptitude upgrade will update package definitions and upgrade packages21:50
zaeryjacksteam: a bar, not a bat21:50
hi5chowder: buy maybe someone else got a very similar problem, so we can figure it out however21:50
tensorpuddingusing the -y option, it will automatically assume [yes] to all questions21:50
upslathiefy_:any suggestions ???????21:50
thiefy_rvdavid, i will share her, but you have to come to canada.21:51
tensorpuddingand you can pipe the text output to a logfile, and put it in cron to be run however often you want21:51
thiefy_upsla, this link looks good: http://www.ae.iitm.ac.in/pipermail/ilugc/2006-August/027978.html        but i fear it is quite hard to accomplish what you want to do.21:51
hi5searching in google can be very painful and timeless21:51
sniperjo_following http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 i should be able to use xrandr over ssh like : xrandr -display :0.0, but i still get a "cant open display" any ideas ?21:51
JackSTEAMzaery, yes21:51
alaingso if i add a crontab to aptitude -y it shoudl auto update?21:51
zaeryjacksteam, do any of those say filesystem?21:51
tensorpuddingaptitude update; aptitude upgrade -y21:52
alaingits just a webserver so not to concerned21:52
upslathiefy_:i tried that one too.!!!!!!!!!!21:52
JackSTEAMzaery yes21:52
alaingtensorpudding: both of those commands?21:52
zvrkhi5, did you try 'shoutdown -h now' in terminal21:52
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tensorpuddingthe former updates the package database, the latter parses the package databse to find any packages which can be upgraded to a new version, and their dependencies, and installs them21:53
zaeryjacksteam, click it, see if you get something with a "Documents and settings" folder and a "program files" folder21:53
alaingI alsoready have @midnight shutdown -h now can i add those commands before the shutdown21:53
upslathiefy:i tried that one too.!!!!!!!!!!21:53
hi5i will, thanks; it just plays the logout music but no more21:53
thiefyupsla, it really seems difficult to get that to work. i would try a different modem. one that is NOT usb.21:53
tensorpuddingyou have it set to automatically shut down?21:53
zvrkhi5, or did you try ' reboot' in terminal21:53
thiefyhi5 i changed my mind, you can have lisa. me and rvdavid have discovered something that you should know.21:53
upslabye allll21:54
thiefygood  luck upsla :(21:54
IdleOnethiefy: drop the off topic comments or i will be forced to drop you.21:54
JackSTEAMzarey, i just see bin, boot, cdrom etc21:54
hi5maybe you can made it a bit clear though..in pvt21:54
tensorpuddingyou could write a small script and put it in cron.daily21:54
alaingtensorpudding: yes as no one will be using the server so i shut it down and my bios boots up the machine again in the morning21:54
tensorpuddingautomatic updates does mean that you might have kernel updates which cause breakage21:54
tensorpuddingthough kernel updates causing non-booting systems is rare nowadays methinks21:55
rvdavidngawww there goes the one girl I'll ever see for a while... *cue wawawa music*21:55
alaingbreakage in what sense?21:55
tensorpuddinga regression that causes it to not boot on your machine21:56
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alaingsorry missed you last msg21:56
tensorpuddingyou could change it so that it updates at midnight, then upgrades, then shuts down21:56
zaeryjacksteam, oops, that's the filesystem you're in right now, is there another filesystem in the left bar?21:56
alaingmaybe I should just remember to check for updates everynow and again21:56
JackSTEAMzaery not there isn't21:56
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alaingIhave  got putty setup on my iphone and my other client machine so I may just telnet in and do the updates21:57
zaeryjacksteam, open up disk utility21:57
JackSTEAMzaery, yes21:58
zaeryjacksteam, select your ntfs partition and mount it21:58
tensorpuddingyou could write a script which updates, then shuts down, and put it in /etc/cron.d21:58
JackSTEAMzaery, erm, i'm not sure which is the ntfs partition21:59
zaeryjacksteam, you have the hard drive with your windows partition selected on the left bar of disk utility, correct?21:59
JackSTEAMzaery, yes. it says 'unmount' so i'm guessing it is mounted?22:00
alaingivve never writen a script before22:00
zaeryjacksteam, there's a big white(or grey) bar in the middle of the screen, above unmount, right, with multiple parts that each say XXX GB ext4 or XXX gb swap, right?22:01
chowderalaing, have you ever written any kind of program?22:01
JackSTEAMzaery, under volumes?22:01
alaingno I'm more a javascript, pl/sql, sql kind of guy22:01
alaingvba but i dont like to advertise that22:02
fanthomaswho has some experience with bluetooth in ubuntu? I'm trying to connect to Network Access Point, but blueman says Connection Failed: Network Manager Failed to activate the connection22:02
JackSTEAMzaery, might be worth mentioning i did install ubuntu via wubi. incase that helps22:02
chowderalaing, if you can do js you can write a simple script22:02
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alaingany do tutorial22:03
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chowderalaing, there's a few bash tutorials out there. You just have to find one. Google it up.22:03
zaeryjacksteam, well, i don't know how to access windows partitions on a wubi install then, sorry :/22:03
alaingsweet thanks guys for all your help.22:03
alaingI need to be off22:04
NeedsHelpWithBooHello Everyone, I'm running a Trac Turnkey Appliance which uses Ubuntu as my source control. I've recently migrated from a windows virtualbox host to a ubuntu server virtualbox host for this vm but I'm currently unable to boot normally. It takes a long time to Load then it'll prompt warning: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/5ab36f0b-58f6-4955-85e4-2b3c96a219 does not exist. The entire warning can be found here http://paste.ubuntu.com22:04
NeedsHelpWithBoo/552980/ please help...22:04
alainghope you all have a good evening22:04
JackSTEAMzaery, it said mounted at /host so i clicked it and now i can see all my windows things, could i just drag and drop that into the virtual C drive that wine made?22:04
zaeryjacksteam, in that case, you would do this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/552982/22:05
pdignanhi all, i'm trying to install 10.04.1 on a computer, but the hard drive doesn't show up in the installer.  the hard drive *is* detected, because i can repartition it using fdisk and install a filesystem on it using mkfs.  any thoughts?22:05
fishsceneIs the Ubuntu one streaming app on the iPhone only for purchased music from the store? Because none of my music files in my music folder (which is synced with ubuntu one) are showing up.22:06
dajhornNeedsHelpWithBoo: To move a vbox machine, you usually need to export and import the vdisk.   Did you do this?22:06
earwigspdignan: use the liveCD and start up gpart22:06
gccsterguys how can i insert a string in line number X of a file with bash?22:06
earwigspdignan: also, are you running a fake raid?22:07
pdignanearwigs: nope.  i'll try that though22:07
dardanhello, does anybody know how to install stacks on docky?22:07
earwigspdignan: oh, think i got the name wrong, but theres a partition utility in your system menu on the liveCD22:07
pdignanearwigs: i understand what you meant ;)22:07
zaeryearwigs, pdignan, it's GPartEd22:08
NeedsHelpWithBoodajhorn I did not export the vdisk but my vdisk is kept on my dropbox which backs it up. I was able to run the VM when I first built this ubuntu server. Then now that I have reinstalled ubuntu server and virtualbox it doesn't seem to like that vdisk anymore I mount the vdisk that is kept on my dropbox directory though.22:08
pdignanzaery: thanks22:08
earwigszaery: thanks! thats what i meant.22:08
antlonganyone know what package you need to view flash videos on chrome, on ubuntu22:08
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zaeryearwigs, it's also the only thing that starts with "Gpart" in the system menu, so you got it close enough :)22:09
earwigszaery: :P22:09
andrewaxwhy do caps lock led doesn't works on text mode?22:09
NeedsHelpWithBoodajhorn previously, i was able to boot the vm from either my windows server or my windows 7 machine. Then i moved it to my new ubuntu server it worked until my server overheated then i had to rebuild the server. Now i've rebuilt the server and it doesn't like the vdisk anymore T.T22:09
earwigsantlong: install the Ubuntu Restricted extras22:10
delawarehas anyone had a problem with using k9copy to backup dvd's?  some of the movies i've backed up have problems playing on my standalone tv media player (it does read most iso images great) but the iso's that give me problems on the media player play flawlessly in movie player or vlc.22:10
dajhornNeedsHelpWithBoo: Look at the vbox configuration file and notice how it uses uuids.  Everything must match exactly.   Try an export/import.22:10
earwigsantlong: via the Ubuntu software center.22:10
fishsceneNVM! found the link to my issue... turns out none of my songs are in Mp3 format.22:10
dajhornNeedsHelpWithBoo: This is a primary design mistake in Virtual Box: You can't easily move or restore vbox machines because of the way it registers vdisks.   You'll probably need to do a web search and find a walkthrough on how to fix this.22:11
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JackSTEAMzaery, did all that. it says its launching but the nothing happens.22:12
NeedsHelpWithBoodajhorn okay thanks, I'll try to do the import/export now, the bad this is because I thought it can be done this way and i had previously got it to work on a few machines i didn't do a export/import so now i'm more or less screwed with my svn source stuck in there.22:13
zaeryjacksteam, so all of the commands worked, but now steam won't start nicely?22:13
JackSTEAMzaery, steam works just fine but the games just don't want to load22:13
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dajhornNeedsHelpWithBoo: If you get to the point where the vbox instance attaches the vdisk, then try to boot the virtual machine at the grub prompt by changing the UUID= to /dev/sda1.22:13
earwigsubuntu as a games box? strange.22:14
NeedsHelpWithBoodajhorn ok i'll try that too thank you.22:14
Danielc1234hi all, I just downloaded this package libperl5.10_5.10.1-12ubuntu2_amd64.deb , how do I run install this package?22:14
dajhornNeedsHelpWithBoo: Welcome.  BTW,  you're not screwed.  You've just got an incompletely restored vbox configuration.22:14
dreewilldanielc1234: sudo dpkg -i libperl5.10_5.10.1-12ubuntu2_amd64.deb22:15
Gileshow can I setup a cron job to execute once a year (if off topic then please advise room)22:16
NeedsHelpWithBoodajhorn I just realised the (initramfs)22:16
NeedsHelpWithBooa is shell prompt so i might be able to recover my code even if i can't restore the vm :D22:16
Danielc1234dreewill: thanks a lot, do I have to restart?22:16
zaeryjacksteam, so steam sees that the games are downloaded, but doesn't start them?22:16
illuminarisI'm having trouble running wow. I've the latest version of ubuntu and wine.  I tried adding the SET gxApi "opengl" line to my Config.wtf but for some reason the graphics are super laggy and I often get an error that kicks me out of the game before it even loads.22:16
dreewillDanielc1234: don't think so but i'm not sure22:16
Danielc1234dreewill: would you happen to know where I have to set the server up to listen for an ip address? I have a public ip that I want to use for this server?22:17
JackSTEAMzaery, i right click steam select TF2 it shows TF is starting then friends list shows as in-game not a second later it shows im not? very confusing22:17
dajhornNeedsHelpWithBoo: If you don't care about the VM, I'm pretty sure that Virtual Box has an option to mount the vdisk on loopback.  You could just copy your assets out of the vdisk using the host operating system.22:17
Laurenceb_ive got ssh into a machine with no X forwarding22:19
Laurenceb_how can install a package from ftp  ?22:19
NeedsHelpWithBoodajhorn thanks for that, will try that as a last resort to save my assets. cheers!22:19
dreewillDanielc1234: sorry no idea22:19
illuminarisHow do I install the proprietary drivers for an ATI Radeon 9700?22:19
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Danielc1234anyone know how to correctly have the ip address in the interfaces file?22:20
thieven`illuminaris, go to system - then administration - then select additional drivers. does it show up there for you?22:20
Danny78I have an xfce panel app and system monitor saying my CPU is running at 100%, but IRC is all I am using.  It's a 1.7GHz AMD Athlon XP22:21
Danny78any suggestions on what to do to fix this before it burns itself out?22:21
thieven`illuminaris, this should be helpful to you:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI22:21
illuminaristhieven` no it doesn't show up, it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system22:21
zaeryjacksteam, try the second to last comment on this page: http://appdb.winehq.org/commentview.php?iAppId=5823&iVersionId=9901&iThreadId=6504822:22
thieven`Danny78, in the terminal type 'top'   that'll show you what is running and going crazy.22:22
illuminarisapparently it's a 9600 not 970022:22
Danny78everything is going smoothly...  could it just be bad data on both parts?22:22
thieven`illuminaris, that is ok, that site should do the job.22:22
illuminaristhieven` thank you22:24
kinabaluhey guys, i changed my default shell to zsh with chsh ... but every terminal I open still has it as /bin/bash, wtf?22:24
thieven`illuminaris, i find that ati graphics cards are quite annoying with linux.22:24
illuminaristhieven` my 9600 isn't supported by the proprietary drivers listed in the guide :(22:25
dAND3hHi guys, I was wondering  why, when I run Steam in ubuntu, it closes as soon as it loads up...even though I installed it through wine?22:25
thieven`kinabalu, if you go to system - admin - then to users and groups. if you click on the advanced button with your username selected, in there there is an advanced tab. in there you can set the shell to use.22:25
hi5illuminaris: that doesnt make sense - 9600 should be supported since 10 years22:26
alg0rithmwhat's the best way to allow an /etc/init.d/<scriptname> here prompt for a password when starting up22:26
Danny78thieven:  thanks, it's primegrid (boinc)22:27
alg0rithmI want to be able to use the --daemon option22:27
illuminarishi5 so what should i do? install the driver anyway even though it's not listed?22:27
kinabaluthieven`: yeah, it's changed there.  i assume its the same as chsh22:27
hi5cant you use it only with open one?22:27
illuminarishi5 i have no idea22:28
JackSTEAMzaery, thankyou ever so much, its working now. any problems i'll be sure to ask :)22:28
hi5i mean the open driver22:28
NeedsHelpWithBoodajhorn thanks for helping me out, I followed your advise to check the settings and found that my vm's hdd was mounted as a SATA drive instead of it's original's SCSI. All is well now, I can browse my repository. cheers!22:29
dajhornNeedsHelpWithBoo: Welcome.22:29
minimecilluminaris: There is no resstricted driver for the ATI 9600 anymore. ATI stopped support two years ago. On the other hand, the R300 chip series (ATI 9xxx) is the best supported chip with the opensource driver.22:29
dAND3hHi guys, I was wondering why, when I run Steam in ubuntu, it closes as soon as it loads up...even though I installed it through wine?22:29
GatorAlliHello, is there any way for me to run a browser(firefox) on ubuntu server, and make a script that would have it load a webpage and return the rendered html?22:29
GatorAlligive the browser an html file ("<html><body><script>dicument.write("Hello World!")</script></body></html>")22:30
GatorAlliand the browser should give me back : <html><body>Hello World!</body></html>22:30
thieven`kinabalu, maybe... i am sorry, that is all i know about that issue. hehe. i'm not as smart as i seem.22:30
illuminarisminimec for some reason i can't run wow, the graphics are ultra laggy and it keeps crashing before i can get in, any ideas? should i be using opengl? should i not?22:30
thieven`illuminaris, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Maverick_Installation_Guide          this seems to have the answer. it appears the open source drivers can work. they don't get the full effects, but they seem to be able to work.22:30
antlongilluminaris, fresh air.22:31
illuminaristhieven` i'm checking it now22:31
minimecilluminaris: You may have optimal support with the gallium drivers from the xedgers ppa, but specially the ATI 9600 works pretty well with the norml mesa opengl driver (I have one in an old HP laptop)22:31
illuminarisantlong, lol22:31
hi5illuminaris: keep in mind that 9600 has little features for nowadays22:31
zaeryjacksteam: yay! I'm glad i could help!22:32
Guybrush88anyone here knows when a new version of amule will be released? on their channel nobody's there22:32
antlongGaybrush88, not sure22:32
NeedsHelpWithBooHello everyone, I have a ubuntu server overheating problem. Currently my temperatures are hovering around 70 degrees C and I'm only running bittorrent,samba and hosting a vm on my server. When I try to do video conversion, it overheats to about 100degrees C before it shuts itself down. I've tried installing lm-sensors and adding some modules to /etc/modules but it doesn't bring my temperatures down. Is there a way for me to c22:32
NeedsHelpWithBooontrol the fanspeeds on my ubuntu server? The machine installed with the server is a headless a8js asus laptop.22:32
ubun1i looked for a way to delete default GIMP fonts but i cannot find help... does anyone know22:33
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84648022:33
Guybrush88antlong, not sure of what?22:33
antlongwhen a new version is coming out22:34
illuminaristhieven` it says right at the top my card is not supported, i don't understand, how is that guide supposed to help?22:34
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: thanks for that i'll follow through and see if i can get the temperatures down. Can you tell me a rough gauge of what the 'normal' temperatures should be?22:34
hi5illuminaris: maybe full effects arent, but it cant be unsupported out of the box22:35
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, probably like 100F-120F22:35
illuminarishi5 it's not saying my card is unsupported by ubuntu, it's saying that the proprietary drivers are not available, i can only use open source drivers with the 960022:36
thieven`illuminaris, i read on a site that the open source drivers worked. but that was quite old. and i don't know how credible that website is.    i'm sorry.22:36
illuminarismy comp is running fine, i just need to get wow working...22:36
hi5and so the issue is?22:36
illuminarishi5 and thieven` the issue is that when i try to start wow up, it lags at the load screen real bad and then when i log in and try to get into a character it crashes22:36
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: wow thats about 38 degrees celsius so my server is running at double that temp now.22:36
neil_dI have a new ltsp setup! but the client logins are not reliable... the correct name and password sometimes get refused by the server... is there anything that can be done about this?22:37
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: alright then thanks for that info, I'll try to follow the guide to get to that temp. Cheers!22:37
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, desktop?22:37
hi5illuminaris: other games are fine?22:37
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NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: its a laptop22:37
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, shit, i would probably try to jack up the fan speed, but something is def wrong. how old is it?22:37
BardesDoes anyone know a way to recover an ext4 partition22:37
thieven`illuminaris, it seems that the support that the open source drives give for that card suck.   seems that it's doing all it can but the support is not good enough.22:37
illuminarishi5 i haven't tried other games22:37
MrUnagiis it possible to grep or otherwise take an ip that is in a text file and put it in a new txt file?22:38
thieven`Bardes, parted magic is a great distro. testdisk is an app that can help which comes with it.22:38
brontoeeea suggestion for nice mootools gallery creation software?22:38
hi5keep in mind that your card could possibly be simply non enough for games - at least in linux22:38
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: its about 2-3 years old. It used to run windows server2003 with no overheating problems running about the same amount of apps though.22:38
BardesI have UBCD here it has testdisk22:38
Bardeshow do I use testdisk?22:39
aeon-ltdMrUnagi: i'm not sure, but maybe grep then cat the output?22:39
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MrUnagiaeon-ltd: that will cat the entire line.....which i have done......i was hoping for a way to grab the ip from each line22:39
thieven`Bardes, that is quite  general question. it'd be best to look here for help with it:  http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step22:39
pure_hateMrUnagi, grep '^[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}$'  file.txt > newfile.txt22:39
MrUnagipure_hate: i thought it would be something like that22:40
minimecilluminaris: Here's a recent ati GPU test. --> The x1950 is also based on the R300 chip... http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_driver_q111&num=122:40
MrUnagipure_hate: is that perl?22:40
pure_hateMrUnagi, no22:40
pure_hateJust grep22:40
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: I think the problem is fan control too so hopefully that guide helps me bump up the fan speed. I have a small usb cooler stand it's sitting on now to try and keep the temps down. over the weekend it overheated consistently when i tried to convert videos using handbrake.22:40
MrUnagipure_hate: so that info is in the man?22:40
minimecilluminaris: WOW will be limit with the opensource driver.22:40
pure_hateMrUnagi, yup22:40
MrUnagipure_hate: i apologize22:41
canonPure_hate: aren't you usually in backtrack?22:41
pure_hateMrUnagi, It can be done many ways, thats just the first one I thought off, sed and awk can do it too22:41
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, hmnnn, maybe software related actually22:41
pure_hateMrUnagi, Why in the world are you apologizing22:41
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, i would see if your drivers are optimal/updated22:41
pure_hatecanon, yes I come out to play sometimes22:41
canonlol, right no22:42
MrUnagipure_hate: because i didnt read the man and i know that is annoying22:42
dr4gmy and my GF's ubuntu machines crashed over the past few days.. it must be due to a recent ubuntu system update? she has a fresh install and i have a 1yr old install.. both diff laptops(hardware)22:42
dr4gany reports of a bad ubuntu system update ?22:42
pure_hateMrUnagi, Thats pretty advanced grep so not anoying. Took me many years of doing it wrong to get there22:42
illuminarisminimec I just tried loading wow without opengl in the config.wtf file and it worked alright, i was able to get into the game and into my character but it was ultra laggy, so why is the opengl mode crashing it?22:43
nabelitroalgien me ayuda aintalar sony vega en linux22:43
Blue1pure_hate: up for a re-drection question?22:43
nabelitroen ubuentu22:43
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: i tried updating my graphics drivers 2 rebuilds back to the proprietary nvidia ones and my install went kapuut... so i'm more keen on trying to bump up my fanspeeds for now ^_^22:44
pure_hateBlue1, I can try22:44
Blue1es | nabelitro22:44
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo good luck22:44
rollmansomeone forgot !22:45
Blue1pure_hate: why doesn't this work (runs as root) /usr/bin/rsync -azvu --exclude '.Trash-0' \22:45
Blue1/home/ /media/bfdlinux/Homer/homerbkup/ &> /var/log/waynodaily.log22:45
rubbs!es | nabelitro22:45
ubottunabelitro: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:45
Blue1pure_hate: says I don't have permission22:46
minimecilluminaris: I guess that you are reaching the limits of the card (and driver)... Optimal performance would probably be a 2.6.37 kernel in combination with the gallium drivers. even then, not sure that wow is playable.22:47
pure_hateBlue1, What doesnt work exactly?22:47
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Blue1pure_hate: the redirection creates a zero byte file22:47
pure_hateBlue1, Ahh permisions is prolly because you user cant create the log file22:48
pure_hateoh your running as root22:48
Blue1pure_hate: in my own directory?22:48
X14U2NVXhaving trouble with my wifi atm...  When I try to connect it asks for WEP, then give it the correct WEP, then it runs for about 30 seconds, then it asks again.22:48
rubbsBlue1 pure_hate sudo access isn't granted after a redirect or pipe IIRC22:48
jackSTEAMzaery, yet another problem. updated my Graphic drives, rebooted and the games are no longer there.22:48
nuradinhi , can I ask a question?22:48
MrUnagipure_hate: i must be doing something wrong because the txt it makes is empty22:49
rubbs!ask | nuradin22:49
ubottunuradin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:49
pure_hateBlue1, I normally log like this first of all -logfile=\home\backup\rsync.log -logmode=append22:49
bepraaaX14U2NVX, that net card are you using?22:49
Blue1rubbs: so what's the soloution?22:49
jackSTEAMzaery, to clarify. they are no longer runable from steam. although they are still in the Wine C:\ drive22:49
pure_hateBlue1, use rsyncs logging is what I would do22:49
rubbsBlue1: I believe he has to do something like sudo su - and then run the command as a full root user.22:49
Blue1pure_hate: okay but how do I do that?22:49
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Blue1rubbs: ahh okay I could try that.22:50
pure_hateBlue1, I showed you already rsync blah blah -logfile=\home\backup\rsync.log -logmode=append22:50
nuradinI use paltalk and I want to play rythmbox in the room without microphone how can do that,i'm using paltalk express on debian squeeze22:50
bepraaaX14U2NVX: Ok, what drivers are you using?22:50
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong: is there something else i need to do before i sudo apt-get install powersaved ? I can't seem to find the packages for it22:50
rubbsBlue1: er sorry mean that not as "he" but 'you' also please be careful, you will have different evniromnent variables too.22:50
rubbsBlue1: I'd try what pure_hate showed you first22:50
djnjoin #codeigniter22:51
djnoops sorry22:51
Blue1rubbs I will thanks - guess I missed it first time22:51
antlongpowersave: pm-utils-powersave-policy - lightweight power saving policy when on battery22:51
rubbsBlue1: np.22:51
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, try: apt-cache search fan speed22:51
antlongtheres a bunch of options in there22:51
X14U2NVXBoth the B43 and the STA drivers don't work >.>22:52
bepraaaX14U2NVX: That's bad...22:52
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong thanks!22:52
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, http://thinkfan.sourceforge.net/22:53
nuradinI use paltalk and I want to play rythmbox in the room without microphone how can do that,i'm using paltalk express on debian squeeze ?any suggestion?22:54
X14U2NVXAny chance I could get help with my wifi now?22:54
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong alright i've installed that, looks like i need a reboot22:54
antlongNeedsHelpWithBoo, ok ill bbl if anything22:54
NeedsHelpWithBooantlong fingers crossed. :D22:55
X14U2NVXhey antlong22:55
X14U2NVXcan you help with wifi problem?22:55
antlongX14U2NVX, sure but i gotta go, lets try to make it quick22:55
nuradinany body use paltalk here?22:55
shepperdHi, I am going to install Ubuntu Server 10.10 onto my server, so I was watching and reading a few guides. All of them mention a 'swap' space partion, what is this, do I need it, and why?..22:55
X14U2NVXEvery time I enter my WEP encryption (yes I know it is correct) it tries to connect for about 30 seconds then asks again22:56
Blue1rubbs: getting unknown option let me look at man22:56
Planck_Hi, I've got an application that uses /dev/random, but I'd like it to read from /dev/urandom instead.  I can link /dev/random to /dev/urandom, but that changes for the whole system.  Is there a way to redirect it for just that one app?22:56
pure_hateshepperd, Swap is "extra" memory. Years ago it was useful but with any modern computer its pretty useless unless you are really low on ram22:56
bepraaashepperd: The swap partition is a place to put memory when it's not being used, in case the system runs out.22:56
bepraaashepperd: If you have tons of memory, you probably don't need one.22:57
rubbsnuradin: what is paltalk?22:57
bepraaashepperd: But if you have the space one the disk, why not?22:57
rubbsBlue1: did you try using -- instead of just -?22:57
nuradinrubbs it is a video/audi/text chat22:57
shepperdpure_hate, bepraaa, thanks for your answers. :)22:57
antlongX14U2NVX, 64 bit?22:57
itaylor57swap can be important if you hibernate22:57
Planck_shepperd: you probably don't absolutely need swap, but it's still useful.22:57
bepraaashepperd: np22:58
iflemashepperd if you need to hibernate youll need swap.....22:58
shepperdbepraaa: Planck_: I splurged a bit on the Hard Disk, so I'll probably make a small swap space.22:58
rubbsnuradin: and what are you trying to do with it exactly?22:58
bepraaaiflema: he almost certainly won't be hibernating on a server...22:58
shepperdThanks all. :D22:58
zaeryjacksteam: are the game names greyed out, or white, in your library? and is /host still mounted properly?22:58
iflemabepraaa: goodone22:58
bepraaashepperd: Good idea.22:58
antlongX14U2NVX do you have network manager installed22:58
Blue1rubbs: yeah but looking at man doesn't hurt22:59
nuradinrubbs i want to play music in the rooms without taking the mic,22:59
X14U2NVXI do not believe so22:59
jackSTEAMzaery, they were just avaible when i right click the steam icon. now there are none, also on the libary they only have install option22:59
X14U2NVXNo wait22:59
X14U2NVXhere it is22:59
rubbsBlue1: true ;)22:59
antlongX14U2NVX, if your wep is 64-bit its not supported by ubuntu's gui anymore22:59
rubbsnuradin: is paltalk configured to use pulseaudio?22:59
jackSTEAMzaery, /host is still mounted23:00
nuradinrubbs i want to play music directly from my soundblaster without the mic23:00
X14U2NVXOh no, I thought you meant 64-bit OS... I have a Hex WEP23:00
antlongX14U2NVX, 10 digit?23:00
nuradinrubbs pulseaudio causes error in my squeeze box23:00
antlongX14U2NVX, try this in terminal. remove the ` marks. http://d.pr/E9Gj23:00
rubbsnuradin: I guess I'm not understanding. Are you trying to play music on a second soundcard?23:01
zaeryjacksteam: and home/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Steam/steamapps still correctly links to the right folder?23:01
nuradinrubbs i have alsa23:01
minimecnuradin: If you have multiple soundcards, you can do this with your onboard pulseaudio server.23:01
nuradinrubbs something like using the line in,but not exactly23:01
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:01
antlongX14U2NVX, good luck i gotta run23:02
jackSTEAMzaery i assume so, its still showing the same folder as before23:02
X14U2NVXkk thanks23:02
nuradinminimec audacity registers 2 sound cards23:02
Blue1think I got it23:02
Blue1it's --log-file --23:02
rubbsnuradin: I'd look into using pulse audio again, but you can use an alsa passthrough command (I can't find it right now) for your squeeze box. Pulse will make it fairly easy for two audio cards23:03
rubbsBlue1: ah... that'd do it.23:03
thieusoaican I use wget to download files with addresses listed in a text file   ? e.g.,  does wget has a flag to read from a file ?23:03
nuradinrubbs maybe u can help me with getting rid of this error in pulseaudio23:03
Blue1rubbs: yeah it needs log-file works great once you pay the sintax23:03
Blue1rubbs: also called syntax23:04
Planck_thieusoai: There's --input-file (or -i)23:04
zaeryjacksteam, well, that's a truly interesting problem..... check your steamapps folder and see if the game's stuff is still there23:04
nuradinrubbs pulseaudio says error connection refused and it dies23:05
pure_hateBlue1, Sorry if the syntax was wrong, that was off the top of my head :-)23:06
rubbsnuradin: I'd help more, but I have to leave actually.23:06
nuradinrubbs ok thanks anyways23:06
thieusoaiPlanck_, thanks23:06
nuradinbye all23:06
rubbsnuradin: try asking a PA question to the room and they may be able to help23:06
Blue1pure_hate: hey no problem - I got what I needed.  thanks for pointing me in the right direction!23:06
[bean]anyone know any good gnome terminal color shemes that look good in transparency? cant see yellow and green too well23:06
nuradinrubbs ok thanks again23:06
jackSTEAMzaery i have 2 steamapps folder. one with an arrow and one without23:07
MrUnagipure_hate: i got it to work, but the man is confusing, would it be a bother if i asked you if it is possible to limit the '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' to find only one instance of each????? '{[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}2\}' didn't work23:07
zaeryjacksteam, both in the same folder, or is one in /host and the other in /home?23:07
pure_hatejust do a | sort -u > newfile.txt to remove any duplicates23:07
pure_hateMrUnagi, ^^23:08
jackSTEAMzaery both in the wine C folder23:08
jackSTEAMas i installed steam with wine23:08
MrUnagik pure_hate23:08
pure_hategrep '^[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}$'  file.txt | sort -u > newfile.txt23:08
pure_hatelike that23:08
pure_hateor actually23:08
Blue1pure_hate: couldn't you also use uniq?23:08
pure_hategrep '^[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}$'  file.txt | uniq > newfile.txt23:08
pure_hateyeah lol23:09
zaerycheck inside both, both of them should have a "common" folder inside, and one should have games while the other should have none23:09
[bean]want to pimp out my weechat but transparencies with current gnome terminal color scheme isnt working that good23:09
sinthey, is anyone here maintaining the ubuntu.com wiki?23:09
Blue1pure_hate: found a great programme the other day called bsdiff -- wonder if we can run that on politicians?23:10
pure_hateBlue1, lol!23:10
brontoeeeanybody in the mood to test cpu usage with a certain page, pm me (must use ubuntu), its flash23:10
sinti've followed this tutorial, didn't get it finished without problems, looked for help and found that gitosis is no longer maintained and called outdated from git folks. so someone should update the article ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git23:10
Blue1going to get exciting here tomorrow with obamarama here23:10
webPragmatistwhen should i use /var/lib vs just /var23:12
namnatulcosint: what does gitosis do, anyway?23:12
sintnamnatulco: i have no idea23:13
namnatulcoI've used git for like a year now... never heard of it:)23:13
sintnamnatulco: i just tried to follow the tutorial to get git installed in a "common" way23:13
guest101hiya, whats the best way to remote access ubuntu with another ubuntu23:14
itaylor57namnatulco: use gitolite better than gitosis23:14
sintjust starting with git and i thought it is common as it is stated in the tut23:14
markturnipCan anyone recommend a console application to manage which applications/shells start up at boot?23:14
Blue1markturnip: rcconf23:14
sintnamnatulco: how to you run git? just with the git core package?23:14
swiggywhats the best/efficent GameBoy/GameBoy Advance emulator?23:15
swiggyfor ubutnu 10.0423:15
guest101ubuntu 10.1023:15
namnatulcoyeah, but I also use an external server, ie github23:15
[bean]swiggy vba ?23:15
itaylor57namnatulco: sint gitosis is a way to control comits and other actions on a central repo23:15
swiggyi did sudo-aptget23:15
swiggybut i cant seem to run it23:15
swiggyafter i install?23:15
swiggycant find it23:15
FloodBot1swiggy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:15
swiggyso i uninstalled23:15
smwHow do you get the amount of cpu usage of user and system? (something scriptable)23:16
swiggysmw,  system monitor?23:17
swiggysystem->admininstration->system monitor23:17
smwswiggy, a command line23:17
sintitaylor57: but it seems to be out of date and no longer maintained23:17
guest101Whats the best way to remote access ubuntu with another ubuntu?23:17
smwnamnatulco, does not give user vs system23:17
itaylor57sint: but gitolite is better and maintained23:17
zaeryI know there's an app in ubuntu that shows disk usage as a sort of colored pie chart type thing, what is it?23:17
namnatulcooh, right.23:17
sintitaylor57: seems that way23:17
itaylor57sint: Ive chatted with the author on the git channel23:18
smwMonsquaz, please do not PM people your question.23:18
sintitaylor57: ok? and?23:19
sintitaylor57: what does he say?23:19
brontoeeezaery, http://risto.kurppa.fi/blog/2008/10/disk-space-analyzers/23:19
smwMonsquaz, that will get you kicked.23:19
guest101I used remote desktop viewer but there is major lag23:20
hi5guest101: i also noticed that23:20
ProtiKI'm currently trying to connect to my windows desktop from my linux netbook. I opened the run prompt in ubuntu and typed in "smb://" to connect to my desktop. Now it's asking my for a username and password, which i assume means it's asking me for the login info i'm using. however, the menu keeps disappearing and reappearing, which I suppose means I'm doing something wrong, but...23:20
ProtiK...i'm not sure what. Anyone know what the deal is?23:20
hi5but i were trying from virtual machine to real pc23:21
ProtiK*username, domain, and password23:21
hi5fast internet btw23:21
zaerybrontoeee, thanks, i was lookin' for baobab :)23:22
webPragmatistwhere should i put my git repos… /var/lib/git ?23:22
philsfhi, I'm using ubuntu-netbook and unity collects my recently used files, but not recently used applications. Where should I look to find out why? All zeitgeist related packages seem to be installed.23:22
smwnamnatulco, iostat does it. I had decided to put it off until later but then I ran into the data I wanted when I started on something else.23:22
namnatulcosmw: I was going to suggest top but I couldn't find whether it could actually be run non-interactive23:22
guest101hi5: I am running Ubuntu off a usb on a windows configured computer23:23
hi5try vncviewer23:23
smwnamnatulco, yeah, I knew top showed it. I am making a script to pull system statistics. iostat was next on my list.23:23
[bean]i know ive said this before but i didnt get any response and its been a while ppl have entered since. anyone know any good gnome terminal color shemes that look good in transparency? cant see yellow and green too well23:24
guest101How do I do it through ssh23:24
ProtiKdoes anyone know what login info i'm supposed to use?23:24
namnatulco[bean]: I use black background and yellow text here with some transparancy23:24
jackSTEAMany luck zaery?23:25
MrUnagipure_hate: cat /var/log/auth.log | grep "password for root" > ~/roothack.txt && cat roothack.txt | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}' | sort -u > banlist.txt && for line in $(cat banlist.txt); do iptables -I INPUT -s "$line" -j DROP; done23:25
zaeryjacksteam, check inside both, both of them should have a "common" folder inside, and one should have games while the other should have none23:26
guest101ProtiK: Just watched a good tutorial on youtube about i second one down if you typre remote ubuntu23:26
pure_hateMrUnagi, Awesome, glad you got it workig23:26
MrUnagipure_hate: do you like it?23:26
ProtiKguest101: Remote desktop Ubuntu to windows or Windows to Ubuntu ?23:26
pure_hateMrUnagi, yeah23:27
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
hi5protik even from ubuntu to ubuntu with vncviewer was a pain slow23:27
Buttons840can i disabled the message given by a system shutdown command?  (basically i don't want warning ruining all my remaining terminals23:27
guest101ubuntu to windows23:28
minimec[bean]: Aren't there some fancy themes for weechat? I use a custom theme with my irssi. I use a backgound image in the Terminal and the 'Purisa Medium' font http://imagebin.org/13225423:28
canonguest101: what's your question?23:28
namnatulcouhoh. it looks like my netbook froze while doing the partitioning step of the ubuntu install23:29
pure_hateMrUnagi, you could shorten it a little by not using cat23:29
guest101canon: I want to know how to remote access my ubuntu with another ubuntu, without major lag preferably no lag.23:29
pure_hategrep "password for root"  /var/log/auth.log > ~/roothack.txt && grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}'  oothack.txt | uniq > banlist.txt && for line in $(cat banlist.txt); do iptables -I INPUT -s "$line" -j DROP; done23:29
namnatulcowhat do I do?23:29
brontoeeeminimec, thats like totally cool, even my silly question looks smart in this font23:29
MrUnagipure_hate: using instead?23:30
guest101canon: I tried remote desktop viewer, there was a lot of lag23:30
jackSTEAMzaery, one has common one doesn;t23:30
ProtiKTLDR: I need a username and password to connect to my desktop from my netbook. The username/pass combo is neither the one I log into my desktop with, nor is it what I log into my netbook with. What is it?23:30
hi5guest101: give a try to teamviewer23:30
philsfhi, I'm using ubuntu-netbook and unity collects my recently used files, but not recently used applications. Where should I look to find out why? All zeitgeist related packages seem to be installed.23:31
Alexarmcan you help me with a problem I have with ubuntu 10.04?23:31
minimecbrontoeee: I tested lots of fonts. That one is my ultimate choice...23:31
philsf!ask | Alexarm23:31
ubottuAlexarm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:31
[bean]minimec: not sure. just using terminal colors at the moment. ill check23:31
Ace2Can someone help me.. I enabled "Extra" in visual effects and now I can't startup. I was able to get to a command prompt, is there a command to reset effects to normal?23:32
harleypigI know about dpkg --get-selections ... is there a way I can get that information from a mounted harddrive from another system?23:32
brontoeeeminimec, a free font? the Purisa Medium ?23:33
Alexarmok I installed ubuntu 10.04 on my NB200 (Toshiba netbook) the installation seemed to go fine but when I reboot I get a black screen with an underscore on the top left corner but it doesen't go any further...23:33
pdignanearwigs: well, gparted can find it too, but the installer still doesn't show it =/23:33
zaeryjacksteam, does the one with common have the arrow?23:33
zaeryjacksteam, if so, delete the one without common23:34
minimecbrontoeee: You should have that one too. It's on any standard install I think...23:34
hi5Alexarm: tryed booting in recovery mode?23:34
guest101hi5: Is it synaptic, or where can I find team viewer23:35
hi5try apt-get23:35
brontoeeeminimec, true, got it23:35
namnatulcoisn't the partitioning phase of the ubuntu install supposed to show me a progress bar?23:35
hi5yes it is23:35
Alexarm<hi5> i cant go any further it doesent show anything else and no keys seem to work..23:35
namnatulcothen I think I can safely conclude it froze *before* starting operations on my disk?23:36
guest101hi5: thanks for the help23:36
hi5from grub menu you need to pick the recovery mode and boot that23:36
hi5hope it helped guest10123:36
hi5namnatulco: difficult to determine23:37
namnatulcowell, a reboot ought to do the trick:)23:37
X14U2NVXokay... Can somebody help me with wifi?23:38
neil_dI have a new ltsp setup on lucid! but the client logins are not reliable... the correct name and password sometimes get refused by the server... is there anything that can be done about this?23:38
jackSTEAMzaery, did as you said. restarted steam no change?23:38
hi5X14U2NVX: ask23:38
lapionneil_d, when do the correct pw/uname get refused ?23:39
markturnipMy analogue audio output isn't working. I'm using Ubuntu server. Where do I begin trying to debug this? 23:39
zaeryjacksteam, is there still only one steamapps folder?23:39
X14U2NVXok... I have a wireless card problem, It tries to connect to a wireless network23:39
X14U2NVXit lookes like its working but then stops soon after23:39
jef91Is there  a way to make nautilus always run script files when you double click on them instead of having to select run after doing so?23:39
X14U2NVXabout 30 seconds23:39
neil_dlapion: at logon!23:39
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Alexarmhow do i respond to someone ?23:39
jackSTEAMzaery no, there is 2 again23:39
namnatulcohi5: looks like it died somewhere halfway, but thanks anyway23:39
thieven`In single boot systems (when not dual booting with another OS) the boot menu doesn't show up to speed up booting because there is no other OS to select.23:40
thieven`In this case, for 10.04 and Grub2 press (or start hitting Shift) after the BIOS POST finishes, at the start of booting. That will make a grub menu show.23:40
zaeryjacksteam: well, that's odd, what happens when you do the set of three commands again?23:40
jackSTEAMzaery we are talking about wines C:\ drive aren't we?23:40
MagusOTBI need to cut out some clips from a long .avi movie. Can anybody reccoment a program to do so?23:40
zaeryjacksteam, yup23:40
hi5X14U2NVX: maybe alsaconfig, or ubuntu system configuration tool23:41
jackSTEAMzaery, can you link the pastebin for the 3 commands again please23:41
lapionneil_d, I had the same problem but only whenever te screensave locked the screen,..23:41
X14U2NVXhi5: ok i'll try those23:41
jackSTEAMzaery nevermind, i found it23:41
hi5ok, even try switching to Oss instead of alsa, could work23:41
lapionneil_d,  the problem was solved by changing the rights of /etc/passwd23:41
Alexarm:<thieven`>  ok let me try it23:42
brontoeeeMagusOTB, maybe avidemux23:42
X14U2NVXhi5: i'm kind of a newb. Could you explain how to switch to oss?23:42
neil_dlapion: what did you cahange it to23:42
jackSTEAMzaery, output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/553011/23:42
philsfhi, I'm using ubuntu-netbook and unity collects my recently used files, but not recently used applications. Where should I look to find out why? All zeitgeist related packages seem to be installed.23:42
Serialkhello, i'm looking for a command-line software to make a video with a serie of pictures23:42
hi5i try...from ubuntu sound configuration - is there somewhere - you can select either alsa or oss for your card23:43
Thunderircanyone here that can help23:43
zaeryjacksteam, paste me the output of "ls"23:43
Alexarmok so i choose linux 2.6.32-27-generic recovery mode or 2.6.32-24-generic recovery mode?23:43
jackSTEAMzaery, its back. i can choose them23:43
MagusOTBSerialk: You could maybe use imagick convert to make them into a gif and then ffmpeg (or mencoder) with a really slow framerate to make them a movie.23:43
jackSTEAMzaery, this is certainty a strange thing23:44
lapionneil_d, should be 64423:44
X14U2NVXhi5: ummm sound configuration? for wifi? and where is that?23:44
Thunderircim running ubuntu server , why cant outside users connect to my IRCD23:44
redvuse virtual dub for vids: http://virtualdub.sourceforge.net/23:44
lapion-rw-r----- 1 root shadow 1328 2010-12-29 14:24 /etc/shadow23:45
hi5somewhere in preferences menu, maybe23:45
zaeryjacksteam, it looks like steam decided to ignore the symlink and make another steamapps folder, and apparently, recreating the symlink fixed it, that was quite odd23:45
hi5search for it23:45
aeon-ltdThunderirc: firewall?23:45
redvThunderirc: behind NAT? may need port forwarding23:45
namnatulcohi5: for future reference, if the resizing of a partition is canceled, chkdsk (the one included with windows 7) seems to be able to repair the FS23:45
thieven`Alexarm, just chose the one at the very top.23:45
neil_dlapion: it is 644 or '-rw-r--r--'23:45
thieven`Alexarm, you don't need recovery mode. your comuter is fine.23:45
lapionneil_d, both ar the same23:45
Thunderircyes its running throughe router and the only ip i have is 192.168.120.xxx23:45
X14U2NVXhi5: I found it... But nothing about wireless internet in here23:45
hi5ok namnatulco..could help in that case23:45
aerecordsWANTED: people who develop web applications on ubuntu platforms23:45
dAND3hHello, Can somebody please advise me on whether I should install drivers from nvidia website on ubuntu 10.10 or use the drivers provided by the Additional Drivers on startup?23:46
hi5i know..wifi is somewhere else23:46
Alexarmah, so i just have to do this every time to boot??23:46
hi5so the connection never worked?23:46
redvdAND3h: from the website if you're going to play games23:46
redvdAND3h: otherwise just use the Nvidia x.org drivers23:46
neil_dlapion: yeh... this is a real pain... sometimes it 10 or more goes to get a client to logon... the users done like that23:46
thieven`Alexarm, no. i think your problem is now solved.23:46
minimecdAND3h: Use the drivers provided by the ubutnu distribution.23:46
X14U2NVXhi5: no if i try to connect to ANY network... it just kind of stalls and quits23:46
lapiondAND3h, better to use the drivers supplied by one of the official distro package managers23:46
thieven`Alexarm, try rebooting it and see if it just boots normally now. (without you holding down shift)23:47
hi5dont know how to help you for that - sry23:47
Alexarm:) ty i'm a complete noob23:47
BlackRat90Anyone good with python?23:47
dAND3hlapion: so will I be able to play games with those drivers?23:47
BlackRat90Im trying to create a string that has lots of variables to it with out having to define each variable like in C you could do something like:23:47
BlackRat90float c[50]23:47
X14U2NVXhi5: ok thanks23:47
thieven`Alexarm, i'm no expert myself.... :)23:47
X14U2NVXCan anyone help me with a wireless driver problem?23:47
dffdhi. im currently using ubuntu off the cd. all my files are here but my original installation has no desktop. can not boot to desktop only to commandline. is there a way to repair installation from the cd23:47
thieven`X14U2NVX, you owe hi5 a beer now.23:47
lapiondAND3h, of course23:47
=== gizmodo is now known as kazen
aerecordsWANTED: people who develop web applications on ubuntu platforms23:48
hi5still here thieven`23:48
X14U2NVXthieven: I'll get right on that XD23:48
namnatulcoX14U2NVX: which wifi card do you have?23:48
hi5i am almost full of beers, cant do where to place 'em23:48
thieven`i won't leave till someone buys you a beer.23:48
thieven`haha  :)23:48
X14U2NVXnamnatulco: the broadband B431223:48
hi5i go to sleep..bye23:48
sam-_-aerecords, what is the bounty?23:48
dffdno splash screen at all. only enter login and password. files appear to be there23:49
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Amnesiahow does ubuntu handle the automounting of cdroms?23:49
dAND3hOk, I have a 1GB nvidia GT230M gfx card in my laptop, will using the official distro driver allow my graphics to be used at the full potential?23:49
Amnesiagnome *23:49
namnatulcoX14U2NVX: I only know about a few ralink cards I have myself... but if you happen to be french, maybe this is helpful: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=43342523:50
=== kazen is now known as Kazen
thieven`dAND3h, i would say yes.23:50
sam-_-dAND3h, i think the video drivers from nvidia for linux are about as good as those for windows23:50
Amnesiadoes anyone have an idea?23:50
X14U2NVXnamnatulco: I don't speak french :(23:50
Thunderirchey redv does ubuntu server have a built in firewall23:50
thieven`Amnesia, what do you mean?23:51
dffdi typed the first command of http://lifehacker.com/350015/enable-dvd-playback-in-ubuntu-in-two-commands it then said i require a reboot in the top right which i did23:51
Amnesiathieven`: I'm running debian atm23:51
dAND3hsam-_-:  Are the drivers from nvidia the same as the default distro drivers from ubuntu?23:51
namnatulcoX14U2NVX: well, could you look at the output of dmesg | tail -n10 ?23:51
Amnesiaand want to set up automounting when a cdrom has been inserted23:51
bastidrazorThunderirc: ufw23:51
Amnesiawith out the need of triggering mount -a23:51
Alexarmit doesen't boot completely by itself i have to press shift again but at least it boots :P23:52
dffdso the command sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread4 <--- screwed up my desktop. any help appreciated23:52
Amnesiathieven`: it doesnt use autofs right?23:52
Amnesiain ubuntu then*23:52
namnatulcoX14U2NVX: I used that info to try and fix my own problems today, which was quite helpful, so it may help you too23:52
sam-_-dAND3h, no you have to install them via additional drivers.23:52
starkehey all do you think it would be possible to burn a netbook image to a microsd card and run it to a pc via my phone?23:52
thieven`Alexarm, hmm, it is a wierd one. i don't have a good answer for you. but this site was useful:  ( and i'll look more)  http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148469423:52
X14U2NVXnamnatulco: okay i'll take a look thanks23:52
Thunderircsudo ufw disable??23:52
sam-_-dAND3h, there is a tool in ubuntu which will do it automatically23:52
dAND3hsam-_-:  yes, so if I install drivers using that tool, is that bascially the same drivers as if i got them from the Nvidia website for linux?23:53
thieven`Amnesia, i do not think autofs comes with it.23:53
thieven`Thunderirc,  the firewall is not enabled unless you enable it yourself.23:54
sam-_-dAND3h, yes. apart from different versions, maybe23:54
Amnesiathieven`: so how does gnome do it?23:54
dAND3hsam-_-:  Ok thanks you very much, have a nice life23:54
Thunderircit says it was23:54
dffdis it possible i messed up my system's dependencies and have lost my desktop23:55
thieven`Amnesia, that part i do not know.   i'm not smart enough for that one. haha.23:56
X14U2NVXCan anyone here help me with a wireless problem?23:56
X14U2NVXI think its a driver problem?23:56
ldz4201issue appears that dockbar and menu panel are invisible or not showing text .. any help?23:56
dffdif i reinstall ubuntu will it keep my existing settings/files from my old setup. i have lost my desktop and it nly boots to commandline23:57
sam-_-!resetpanel > ldz420123:57
ubottuldz4201, please see my private message23:57
X14U2NVXLooking for help with a wireless (I think its a driver) problem!23:57
EtherealWinterWiHello, does anyone know how to make ubuntu ask for confirmation before moving files/folders to the trash?23:58
big_tif my second hard drive is sdb1 would it be (hd1,a) ?23:58
edbianX14U2NVX: I can help you.  What card do you have?23:58
terronI'm trying to remove all traces of an ipv6 tunnel which is conflicting with my router's settings.  How would I remove routes such as http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=6rgYxyvc ?  Additionally, simplying doing ifconfig <interface> down didn't seem to actually remove it, just disable it.  How would I go about doing that?23:58
dffdcan i atleast back up my old files without it telling me i dont have permissions23:59
Steve973what's the preferred vnc server if I have a headless ubuntu server?23:59
thieven`big_t, your second hard drive is sdb   sdb1 is the first parttion on that hard drive.23:59
dffdwill it keep my /home/ directory intact23:59

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