
lotushey, my power button on my tower does nothing.  I want it to suspend.  I've tried going to settings -> power manager and setting the action to suspend, but it doesn't work?02:08
charlie-tcalotus: will it suspend with Ctrl+Alt+Del?02:11
lotuscharlie-tca: looks like that activates my screensaver02:11
charlie-tcahm, what about clicking quit? Is there an option there for suspend?02:12
lotuscharlie-tca: yes, that option works well and is what I've been using.02:12
charlie-tca(you can click cancel if there isn't one)02:12
charlie-tcaNot all the towers have suspend connected to the power button02:13
lotuscharlie-tca: If I set it to shutdown or ask02:13
lotusit still does nothing02:13
charlie-tcaMIght be a bios option, too.02:13
charlie-tcaIf you hold the power button 8 seconds, it still doesn't shutdown?02:13
lotuscharlie-tca: no, that works fine.02:14
charlie-tcaIt may not be able to suspend with the power button. I have had machines that would not do anything but shutdown, and when I changed the motherboard, I found out there was no terminals for suspend on the board.02:15
lotuscharlie-tca: though, if I change the power-manager options to be shutdown, the power button still does nothing if I press it.02:15
lotusI don't want to do hard shutdown by holding the button in02:16
charlie-tcaThat might be a bios setting. My compaq motherboards have a bios option, shutdown or suspend when power button is pressed. Not both02:16
charlie-tcaIf it is a bios option, the software can not be forced to override it02:17
lotusIt's strange, though.  In Ubuntu 9.10 it was working fine.02:17
charlie-tcaSounds like we broke that, then. File a bug using        ubuntu-bug linux        in a terminal, and state in the description that it did work in 9.1002:19
lotuscharlie-tca: alright, though it works fine on my netbook.  Thanks02:20
redcodeHi people02:24
redcodeHow do I install a theme which came in an archive with .config, .theme and .launchy folders?02:25
=== dude is now known as CloseYetFar
chase_Anyone else running the pre-release of xfce 4.8?04:20
gueroI've got a question regarding Flash on my Xubuntu laptop.04:24
gueroI just installed Flash on my laptop, and I can't get sound to work.04:26
gueroI can watch Youtube videos, for example.  However, the sound doesn't work.04:27
gueroYes, I know my sound card works.  No, my computer is not muted right now.04:27
moetunesguero:  you could try pavucontrol04:28
moetunes!info pavucontrol04:28
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-1 (maverick), package size 118 kB, installed size 948 kB04:28
guero!info pavucontrol isn't working for me.04:31
ubottu"isn't" is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable04:31
gueroI just installed pavucontrol in Synaptic04:31
gueroDo I need to reboot my system and try again?04:31
moetunesrun the app in terminal and check out your options04:32
moetunesthe !info pavucontrol bit just tells about the package that is available04:33
guero@moetunes Sorry, I'm a complete newbie to Xubuntu.04:33
gueroCould you please type out the command I'm supposed to run?04:34
moetunesnp :)04:34
moetunesguero:  in a terminal type   pavucontrol04:34
moetunesor type   pav   and hit the tab key twice04:34
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:35
gueromoetunes: Thank you! :)04:35
gueroI've just opened pavucontrol...04:36
gueroWhat do I  need to look for?04:36
moetunesI've never needed to use it so I know nothing about it except it gets recommanded for issues like yours04:36
gueroIt's working!!04:39
gueroThanks so much!!04:39
gueroHehe!! :D04:39
gueroThanks again!04:39
gueroSee you later!04:39
moetunesnp :)04:39
nicofsMy network manager applet in the task bar just disappeared - and with it my network connection... what can i do? (restart didn't fix it)08:31
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/08:31
nicofsleoquant, the panel is still there08:37
leoquantis it a notification area problem?08:38
leoquanti am running gnome at the moment.....08:39
nicofsleoquant, notification area is still there aswell - only without the network-manager applet08:39
nicofsservice network-manager is running, iwlist shows available networks - so the device is working...08:40
leoquantyour not running xubuntu natty?08:40
nicofsleoquant, no, 10.10, albeit on kernel 2.6.29-arm08:41
leoquantand it happened after an update?08:42
nicofsno - just like that. i was downloading something and the download stalled because the connection was lost (happens quite often with this network) - normally i just disconnect and then reconnect. but right after hitting "disconnect" the whole applet vanished.08:43
leoquanttry: sudo nm-applet08:43
nicofscommand not found08:44
=== Ileden_ is now known as Ileden
leoquanttry this thread: http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44895208:46
leoquantor try to find it via thunar: /usr/bin/nm-applet08:47
leoquantmaybe it really "disappeared"08:47
nicofsthere is no /usr/bin/nm-applet...08:51
nicofshow would i get it back?08:52
knomesudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome08:53
nicofswithout internet connection?08:53
nicofsok, several forums have suggested to install wicd... how can i download wicd on this machine and install it on the one without internet? (this pc: x86 - target: ARMv7)09:03
xubuntu418как перейти на русский чат?10:16
xubuntu418it is russian chat?10:18
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:19
xubuntu418yes, ru. give me , please, channel...10:20
jarnosHow do you switch to use nv driver instead of nouveau in 10.10?15:51
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
tcentralhey all, anyone around?17:59
tcentralI'm trying to figure out how to get 'wonder bar' (wbar) or something better to work in xubuntu.. anyone have any suggestions?18:00
B-r00tdo you have wbar installed?18:02
B-r00tin /usr/share/wbar is a config file18:03
tcentralI found something relating to my ~/.config/autostart/ folder, but that didn't work..18:03
tcentralyes dot.wbar18:03
B-r00ttry to run wbar -bpress -pos right -isize 38.018:03
B-r00tfrom terminal18:03
tcentralwell, it says it's running but I don't see it..18:05
B-r00ttry to reinstall wbar18:05
B-r00tsudo apt-get install -reinstall wbar18:05
B-r00tsudo apt-get install --reinstall wbar18:06
tcentralif I add -above-desk it seems to show up..18:06
tcentralB-r00t: do you have another 'osx launcher like' app?18:08
B-r00tcairo dock18:09
tcentralB-r00t: whos better than you?  I don't care what they say about you when you aren't here.. they are wrong..18:12
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!20:21

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