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loltoadso i have a USB interface to this lm3s8962 board, and it creates a /dev/ttyUSB0, how do i flash it?10:49
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rsalvetivstehle: https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/KernelConsolidation/Projects/FlashCardSurvey15:43
veloryHi, I'm using ubuntu on arm with xfce DE.. Is there any interface that I can connect wireless or should I connect from terminal ?16:03
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rsalvetivelory: nm-applet?16:10
veloryrsalveti:  I don't know nm-applet , downloaded wcid right now but it says it couldn't open wicd D-Bus interface16:11
janimovelory, nm-applet is network manager, you could try that16:18
rsalvetiGrueMaster: fun for you: bug 68876516:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 688765 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Can't init uart3 (no clocks available) at Beagleboard-xM (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68876516:43
mwhudsonrsalveti: ping17:05
mwhudsonrsalveti: i have a panda here and i would like to boot it17:05
mwhudsoni hear you have an image that works?17:05
GrueMastermwhudson: http://cdimage.conference/ubuntu-netbook/daily-preinstalled/20110112/17:06
GrueMasterThat is our daily preinstalled image.17:06
mwhudsonGrueMaster: thanks17:06
GrueMasterLast night's image failed to build due to a dependency (happens).17:06
GrueMasterYou will need a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.17:06
mwhudsonthere's no headless?17:07
GrueMasterIt is a netbook image.  We have a blueprint to create a minimal image, but it is WIP.17:07
GrueMasterYou can also roll your own with rootstock.17:09
GrueMastermwhudson:  ^^^17:10
mwhudsoni'll try the linaro headless i guess17:10
rsalvetimwhudson: pong17:20
rsalvetimwhudson: try linaro headless, otherwise we can easily generate a minimal image for you17:20
mwhudsonrsalveti: nm, GrueMaster helped me out17:20
mwhudsonrsalveti: that would be really nice actually17:21
rsalvetimwhudson: ok, give me a minute17:22
mwhudson(having a battle getting the linaro stuff to behave)17:22
ndeccooloney: hi! i am trying to boot mainline kernel (.37) with maverick minimal FS, and i got a panic right at init. it works with busybox FS. so somehow ubuntu requires some defconfig which might be missing. any idea?17:33
ndecrsalveti: sebjan: ^^^ in case you are interested...17:35
mwhudsonrsalveti: getting anywhere with that image?17:47
rsalvetimwhudson: getting a weird qemu bug :-(17:48
mwhudsonmy day is full of yaks17:48
rsalvetimwhudson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/553687/17:49
mwhudsonrsalveti: oh, i think i had that17:49
rsalvetilet me try a maverick rootfs17:49
mwhudsonrsalveti: get the qemu-kvm-extras-static from natty17:49
mwhudsonrsalveti: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/62064032/qemu-kvm-extras-static_0.13.0%2Bnoroms-0ubuntu11_amd64.deb17:50
rsalvetioh, saw the bug17:50
rsalvetifixed with latest one17:50
rsalvetitrying again17:52
rsalvetisorry for taking so long, lots of interruptions around :-)17:52
rsalvetindec: cooloney could boot it with upstream kernel17:53
rsalvetilet me ping him to send you his .config17:53
mwhudsonrsalveti: no kidding17:53
mwhudson(it also seems my panda doesn't want to boot at all)17:53
ndecrsalveti: yes, but with the natty defconfig, not the default config from mainline kernel. maybe i wasn't clear... in fact I am looking for the CONFIG that are needed on top of mainline to make it work17:54
rsalvetimwhudson: weird, are you at least getting to x-loader and u-boot?17:55
mwhudsonrsalveti: no17:56
mwhudsoni now have jcrigby on the case17:56
rsalvetimwhudson: hm, ok17:56
cooloneyndec: what i did is17:57
cooloney1) generate the kernel config file in natty ti-omap417:57
cooloney2) copy that to mainline kernel tree as .config17:58
cooloney3) load that .config when running menuconfig17:58
cooloney4) build the kernel with that .config and the kernel is supposed to be ok on Panda with ubuntu root filesystem17:58
rsalvetiGrueMaster: can you target bug 694059 for maverick for me? I added the qemu-kvm component but can't target to a specific distro version17:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 694059 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "qemu fatal cp15 message report and image creation block (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69405917:59
GrueMasterSure, on it.18:02
rsalvetiweee qemu: uncaught target signal 6 (Aborted) - core dumped18:03
rsalvetimwhudson: ok, finally generated it, will test18:12
jcrigbyrsalveti, I have that qemu problem.  The version on natty (.13) fixes it.  There is a maverick version in my ppa.18:13
jcrigbyas a workaround18:13
rsalvetijcrigby: yup, but I wanted that to be fixed at the archive18:14
jcrigbyrsalveti, I understand just letting you know of the binary for workaround18:15
rsalvetijcrigby: oh, sure :-)18:17
rsalvetimwhudson: finally something that works19:18
rsalvetimwhudson: http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/rootfs/natty/19:19
* mwhudson sees he's not the only one not eating lunch yet19:19
mwhudsonrsalveti: how do i use this?19:20
mwhudsonrsalveti: thanks a lot, btw :)19:20
rsalvetimwhudson: the rootfs you just extract to your desired partition (usb, sd card, whatever)19:20
rsalvetithen for the first partition, it needs to be a fat one, as the linaro script creates19:20
rsalvetijust copy the boot files over there and it should boot fine19:20
mwhudsonah ok19:21
rsalvetimwhudson: ok, just updated the boot files again19:24
rsalvetiwith proper cmdline if you want to use X later on with gst and stuff19:24
rsalvetiand the correct uImage19:24
rsalvetijust tested and it's working fine on my pand19:24
rsalvetiif you want, just get to the ARM room and get my sd card19:24
rsalvetiyou can test with it, I'm not using19:25
rsalvetiuser ubuntu/ubuntu19:25
rsalvetisakoman_: the new u-boot rocks, booting a lot faster, thanks a lot19:26
mwhudsonrsalveti: thanks, seems to be booting19:29
rsalvetimwhudson: awesome19:29
mwhudson(with the old boot files i expect, but that's ok, i don't want to use x)19:29
rsalvetimwhudson: ok, should work the same way19:30
rsalvetijcrigby: http://gitorious.org/~rsalveti/x-loader/ubuntu-x-loader20:29
rsalvetijcrigby: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x-loader20:29
cooloneysebjan: i turned on "Enable L3 error logging" and will test kernel building again.21:24
cooloneysebjan: hope i can get some information about the failure21:24
mwhudsonrsalveti: does /usr/lib/apt/methods/https using 100% cpu for several minutes on a panda sound like a problem?21:38
ogramwhudson, nah, not really :P21:39
ogramwhudson, thats update-apt-xapian-index i would guess21:39
mwhudsonit's progressing now21:39
ograinstalling htop is a clever move ;)21:40
cooloneysebjan: it looks there is no L3 error at all when I got bus error from gcc.21:40
mwhudsonogra: can i turn update-apt-xapian-index off?21:41
ograask mvo21:44
ograi'm n ot sure what it implies if you dont have it running, i guess software center will become very slow when searching in it21:44
mwhudsonogra: turns out it's not installed21:53
ogramwhudson, hmm22:12
ograthen its probably update-manager itself22:12
loolmwhudson: You can divert it to /bin/true  :-)22:34
mwhudsonlool: heh heh22:34
mwhudsonsadly i don't think diverting .../apt/transports/https to true would have the desired effect22:35

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