
=== Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie
dakerevilvish, woo http://art.ubuntu-owl.org/ is down :D12:19
dakerevilvish, doctormo i think it's because of the omgubuntu post ツ12:20
evilvishdaker: fix it! ;p12:24
evilvishevilvish: if doctormo aint around try poking pleia212:25
evilvishdaker: ^12:25
dakerok i think it's ok now12:25
evilvishdaker: nope, still gives me out of memory error here..12:28
evilvishanyway.. not a huge issue people are not going to be submitting right *now*m ;p12:28
evilvishmost of the crowd would just be clicking to check the site12:28
* evilvish bbiab..12:29
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
jkprgHi. I'm looking for someone who can create gtk theme for me based on my graphic design. Thx14:39
=== ian_brasil___ is now known as ian_brasil
zniavrejkprg, do you hav a mockup or something ?14:40
jkprgzniavre: not yet. I won't be difficult. rounded buttons with gradient, similar scrollbars etc.14:42
jkprgzniavre: letterpress effect for text on widgets14:42
jkprgzniavre: are you also UI designer?14:42
zniavrei do not know what i am in fact but i know how to do a gtk theme  (without pixmap )14:43
zniavreeasier for me to see a mockup,  english is a barrier for me14:44
jkprgI'm not sure if it can be without pixmap. What about iPad like theme? What's your mother tongue?14:46
zniavreim french14:47
zniavrei never saw an Ipad   :o(14:47
jkprgah french. my wife is a teacher in french school in prague :-)14:48
jkprgyou never saw ipad ? :-) http://www.apple.com/ipad/14:48
zniavrei know it exists  of course but that's all14:49
zniavreyou can search about 'mac4lin' i think it's close to the osx look14:51
jkprgzniavre: http://tinypic.com/r/2afyhdd/714:59
zniavre jkprg  sorry for lag > this theme seems do-able , you should find someone who knows pixmap engine better than me16:04
jkprgzniavre, ok thx16:08
=== evilvish is now known as vish
=== vish changed the topic of #ubuntu-artwork to: Channel for Community Artwork Team: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art | Ubuntu Brand Identity Guidelines are available at: http://design.canonical.com/the-toolkit/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/ | Looking for ways to contribute to Ubuntu? » http://is.gd/iwunay
=== vish is now known as evilvish
charlie-tcathorwil: ochosi was trying to get back to you about the artwork for Xubuntu. Did he get in touch with you?17:32
thorwilcharlie-tca: nope17:33
charlie-tcahmm, now what do I do to get you two talking?17:34
thorwilcharlie-tca: i don't even know what the matter is. my email address is no secret :)17:35
charlie-tca Okay if I send him over here?17:35
charlie-tcaI don't know either.17:35
charlie-tcaBut he has a pretty good gtk theme for Natty, and thinks you are right about the colors for wallpaper.17:36
* charlie-tca is like a bouncing ball sometimes17:36
* thorwil -> dinner17:45
zniavregood evening ubuntuartists19:49
zniavrewhat do you think of the "wingpanel" fashion19:50
thorwilzniavre: i have a bit much in my one panel, but it sure is an interesting idea, combined with the left-side wm buttons19:53
thorwilthough seeing it on screenshots, combined with huge docks makes it kinda silly19:54
coz_I dont think I have seen this... is there a link?19:56
coz_zniavre,  that thingy in the upper right corner of the screen?19:58
coz_ watching the video ..it seems like all of that can be contained in the dock...yes?  I know it does on cairo dock20:00
coz_is this from the Elementary project?20:05
coz_ah yes it is    duh  I should have read from that link  :)20:06
evilvishcould someone /topic the channel and mention what time it says for topic set "at" time? ?20:45
evilvishi can see the time set as my local time, but was wondering if the time others saw was adjusted according to their local time20:46
coz_* Topic for #ubuntu-artwork set by vish!~vish@ubuntu/member/vish at Thu Jan 13 12:14:21 201120:48
coz_that's not my local time20:49
coz_be back later20:49
evilvishhmm, thats not my time either.. o.020:49
evilvishmine says > 22:44:21 201120:50
coz_that's confusing20:50
coz_ mine would be  15:50:  etc20:50
coz_anyway I have to break here :)20:51
evilvishkwwii: lol! i had to google "n'abend" .. i thought you were commenting words wisdom or something about wingpanel.. ;)20:58
evilvishwords of*20:58
* darkmatter lols @ wingpanel21:05
evilvishdarkmatter: mark would have been so happy when it saw it! ;p21:05
evilvishsomeone made windicators come true! ;p21:06
evilvisherr.. when he* saw it21:07
evilvishah right.. more typos than usual.. indicates.. time to hit the sack! ;)21:07
kwwiievilvish: hehe, german slang22:03
kwwiijust to good evening :-)22:03

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