
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Cloud Packaging, CD Download Page Bling, Texas Weather, Choqok Message Indicator - http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/437401:05
lalilililili@seek yeats01:29
lalililililiwhoops :301:30
=== will is now known as AlkalineNo1
AlanBellmorning all07:48
=== CreakyBore is now known as Guest75241
Myrttihow appropriate. BigRedS' nick is actually red in my irssi.09:10
BigRedSAh, but is it big?09:12
Myrttifairly so, it's in bold09:13
DJonesIts sort of pinkish on mine09:14
czajkowskiAlanBell: which train do I get again ?09:15
Myrttibrainlapse of the morning is that I considered cutpasting a piece of the log to show it's red and big. took about a minute while drinking coffee to realise the colors won't stick to the log excerpt :-D09:16
DJonesscreenshot + imagebin would work09:16
czajkowskiMyrtti: morning!09:16
Myrtticzajkowski: ohai09:17
Laneydoes RB import to ~/Music/ by default?09:17
MyrttiI don't know if the problem is with the water or with the coffee or the coffee machine but ohmy the coffee is horrible, so I blame the coffee for lack of brain09:18
BigRedSLaney: Always has wanted to for me09:18
czajkowskiright to London I go09:18
DJonesAre you back in the UK Myrtti09:18
Creaky-Boreok folks, here one for anybody... PulseAudio how can you set priority on connected hardware? For example, if a USB microphone is connected use that automatically in preference to inbuilt hardware? Cant find anything on the Sound panel to allow this...09:19
MyrttiDJones: Berlin atm09:19
AlanBellczajkowski 10:0409:23
BigRedSShould be an easy enough time to remember...09:23
DJonesHeh, I can just see her going to the station and asking for a ticket on the Lucid Lynx to London :)09:25
AlanBellI can see her catching the earlier one that doesn't stop at clapham09:27
screen-xmorning :)09:41
screen-xshh popey09:48
bigcalmGood morning!09:48
Myrttimoar coffee09:48
bigcalmMyrtti: !!09:48
popeyhappy happy joy joy09:49
popeyI am in an annoyingly good mood today09:49
popeybe warned09:50
bigcalmRun and hide09:50
bigcalmpopey: it's good to be happy09:50
bigcalmpopey: what happened?09:50
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popeybigcalm: lots of personal stuff09:53
bigcalmFair do09:53
bigcalmSpread a little joy :)09:53
popeyI have a project at work to write something, and I am going to use python09:55
popeywhere everyone else uses bash09:55
bigcalmI sadly do so in PHP these days09:56
directhexyou should use erlang.09:56
Myrttipopey: I can balance it out by being grumpy09:56
Myrttithat seems to be my default mode of existance nowadays09:57
Myrttiso it requires no extra effort09:57
bigcalmMyrtti: I am very happy to see you back on IRC *hugs* (hope this makes you a little less grumpy)09:57
screen-xany idea which raid card this is? http://paste.ubuntu.com/553540/09:57
screen-xI need to download the proprietary monitoring thing, but that requires knowing which model it is.09:57
Myrttibigcalm: I've never really gone away, I just pick and choose the channels I deem to not make me grumpier09:58
Myrttitoday the preconception is that -uk might fit the bill09:58
bigcalmThis is a happy channel where everybody is nice to everybody else09:58
* popey hugs Myrtti 09:59
DJonesbigcalm: You make it sound like Cheers09:59
bigcalmDJones: I like to go where everybody knows ones name10:00
screen-xgot it, it's a 5445.10:01
bigcalmNow I'm imagining an episode of Cheers where the cast are replaced by members of the royal family10:01
AlanBellchoo choo10:02
screen-xoff up to london AlanBell?10:02
bigcalmOk, today is off to a mad start. AlanBell thinks that he is a train10:03
screen-xbigcalm: he has been fraternising with poultry.10:03
BigRedSIs that legal?10:04
screen-xnot like that BigRedS :p10:04
BigRedSAh, good :) haha10:04
AlanBellno czajkowski at the station10:06
bigcalmMaybe she went home to tidy up10:07
danfishmorning all10:34
danfishanyone using geany for editing?10:34
danfishfor some reason it's shoving tabs instead of spaces into my python code :(10:35
MyrttiI use it occasionally when I'm bored with my pink emacs10:37
Myrttidanfish: you've changed the intendation type in the settings and it's not doing it the way you want?10:38
danfishMyrtti: yep - keeps on 'tabbing' still10:44
MartijnVdSI love the future: http://googlemobile.blogspot.com/2011/01/new-look-for-google-translate-for.html10:45
Myrttidanfish: :-/ is there a bug filed about it yet?10:47
danfishthere will be :)10:47
screen-xpopey: http://paste.ubuntu-uk.org/ --> "Unable to connect to database"12:04
popeyit has never been paste.ubuntu-uk.org12:04
screen-xoh, memory fail12:07
screen-xI'm looking for libstdc++.so.5, can't find it with apt-file or apt-cache (http://paste.ubuntu.com/553569/) Where should I look next?12:08
MartijnVdSthat's old12:09
screen-xyeah :(12:09
MartijnVdSwhy are you looking for it?12:09
directhexcomes from g++ 3.312:09
MartijnVdSyou found a tablet from the late stone age?12:09
screen-xMartijnVdS: see paste, required for a proprietary hw raid monitor.12:10
MartijnVdSscreen-x: maybe in the old (6.06?) repos?12:10
directhexyou need libstdc++512:10
directhexpackage name12:10
directhexit's in universe12:10
screen-xdirecthex: thanks12:11
screen-xhow strange, it isn't in lucid.12:13
screen-xyay, package from backports did the trick, thanks :)12:16
screen-xodd to have to go to a new release to get a really old lib!12:16
screen-x                                        |12:57
fr0styyTesting ...1...2...312:58
screen-xfr0styy: I thought you were starting a game of irc pong http://www.bash.org/?932212:59
fr0styyscreen-x: You must be mistaken buddy ^^13:00
fr0styyscreen-x:Though it looks like fun :O13:01
fr0styyImmagine actually hearing the conversation? http://www.bash.org/?9983513:12
screen-xfr0styy: apologies if I have destroyed your afternoon, with a link to bash.org...13:13
fr0styyhuh? no way, i just found another funny one :P13:14
brobostigonafternoonings all.13:23
aquariusAlanBell, ping :)13:58
krimzon2is there a convenient way to manage which users belong to which groups on the command line?14:05
popeyvi /etc/group14:05
screen-xalt-middle click resizes windows without having to grab a 1px border \o/14:06
screen-xshame most track pads don't have middle buttons..14:06
dutchiepopey: :o vigrp surely14:07
krimzon2no "list_groups_user_is_in", "add_user_to_group", "remove_user_from_group" type stuff?14:07
screen-xkrimzon2: read the man page for addgroup, it has some other useful commands under see also.14:08
krimzon2ahh, i see14:09
cpsAfternoon :)14:12
brobostigonafternoonings cps :)14:13
cpsI got a new thinkpad to replace the loose gpu one :)14:13
cpsamazon were very speedy in dealing with the case14:14
gordoh dear, loose gpu?14:14
cpsgord, widely known in the thinkpad community14:14
cpsI was unfortunate enough to get one with a loose gpu :(14:14
cpsbut I sent that one back and got another one :)14:15
screen-xseems to be a prob with [XT]4. models.14:15
* cps loves the little keyboard light at the top of the screen :p14:15
* awilkins needs to chill out before his head explodes14:26
X3Nit's actually surprisingly useful cps ;)14:29
cpscouple of panel applets just segfaulted14:30
cpsI didn't know panel applets can segfault anyway14:30
* danfish is doing a wart clinic today so directs some liquid nitrogen at awilkins's head14:32
freckleJust had a conversation with the people who look after the systems the office people use... they are looking at Ubuntu virtualisation.. woohoo14:32
frecklewell they are lookiing at it after I told them they could do it14:32
* cps has defected to fedora14:33
ali1234are they looking at it like it's "all covered with ants?"14:33
popeycps: how is that working out14:35
cpspopey, excellent at the moment14:35
popeywhat made you switch?14:36
cpsjust felt I needed to try something new14:36
cpssomehow I feel fedora's better than ubuntu14:36
KrisDouglascps: it always feels unfinished for me14:37
ali1234i have to agree14:37
ali1234last time i tried fedora the package manager was broken immediately after install14:37
popeyi haven't tried it for years14:37
ali1234i consider fedora to be the red hat equivalent of ubuntu+114:38
bigcalmWith dd-wrt, how do you nail a device to an ip address?14:38
ali1234then, if i want a rpm based distro that actually works, i use centos14:38
KrisDouglasI quite like cent14:38
danfishbigcalm: define 'nail'14:38
cpsdanfish, I think m14:39
KrisDouglasdanfish: he means static IP i believe14:39
X3NI tried fedora 14, but I missed debs and lots of the "it just works" elements of ubuntu14:39
cpsKrisDouglas, yes14:39
bigcalmdanfish: I want to ensure that certain devices always get the same address from dhcp14:39
danfishok - you can assign static ips based on MAC address14:39
KrisDouglasbigcalm: You can also fix the IP on the clientside in the networking config14:40
bigcalmWith other routers I've used, they will list the attached devices and allow you to stick them there14:40
bigcalmKrisDouglas: I'd rather do it from one location than on many devices14:40
bigcalmali1234: ta14:40
ali1234yes, static config on each device sucks14:41
bigcalmAh, so you need two windows open, one with the list of mac addresses, the other to set up the leases14:41
bigcalmSlightly irritating14:41
ali1234yeah irritating if you use some rubbish window manager like unity, gnome-shell, or os x14:42
cpsos x != window manager14:42
popeyi suspect you know what ali1234 means by that14:43
ali1234does the os x window manager even have a name?14:43
brobostigonnetiher is gnome-shell a WM, its mutter.14:43
ali1234unity isn't either14:43
ali1234LOL I TROLL U ALL14:44
ali1234nobody even claimed that unity isn't rubbish :'(14:44
cpsunity looks rubbish to me14:44
bigcalmUnity needs time and development. Right now it is not useable14:44
gordunity is currently in alpha14:45
gordthat means its no where near finished14:45
DJonesI thought beta was considered to be "nowhere near finished", with alpha being broken, occasionally working14:46
cpsalpha software just works when it wants to work, really14:46
ali1234alpha, beta, rc... it all means different things to different people14:46
gordbeta is "lets find bugs", alpha "lets actually finish this thing"14:46
gordin terms of ubuntu14:46
ali1234beta is usually supposed to be feature complete14:47
dutchiedaubers: bank problems? :(14:48
cpsoh lawd14:50
cpsapparently a new fake antivirus was made in october last year14:50
popeythere's loads of them14:53
Myrttiis installing Adobe Air to 64-bit ubuntu really as hard as Adobe claims it is?14:53
jpdsMyrtti: http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobeair/14:55
jpdsMyrtti: No.14:55
popeyi see no 64-bit version there14:55
bigcalmThat's irrirtating. All of the static leases are empty14:56
jpdsShe asked how about installing Adobe Air to 64-bit Ubuntu.14:56
* popey picks up jpds and puts him in #pedant14:57
jpdsMyrtti: "Bitte".14:59
directhexuse the .run15:00
directhexshould work15:00
MyrttiI suppose I'll do that then.15:03
cpshey tuxxy :)15:08
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Myrttiright. Well I'm not installing Air, it seems.15:14
Myrttisegmentation fault  ./AdobeAIRInstaller.bin15:15
BigRedSI don't think I've ever felt the need for Air. what does it do?15:15
popeynothing useful I have discovered15:15
BigRedSI keep seeing mention of it's badness...15:15
jpdsBigRedS: Keeps you alive?15:15
Myrttitweetdeck and old seesmic desktop15:15
KrisDouglasDoes anyone have any idea about why a XenServer would not have passed through the NX bit to an Ubuntu host?15:15
BigRedSNo, that's air. Tsk. Case-insensitive jpds...15:15
diploMyrtti, they have a Chrome web app now for TweetDeck ?15:16
Myrtti*sigh* I suppose I should try that too15:16
Myrttioh well.15:16
Myrttiback to studying QML15:17
Myrttimwahaha. --force-architecture.15:30
MyrttiI'm really getting hyped about this Qt lark16:39
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
daubersdutchie: Yup! Went to the bank to discuss stuff, had a person sit there and relay everything I said to someone else on the other end of the phone. Waste. of. time16:47
dutchiethis is pretty bad16:47
daubersIndeed. Started the process of changing banks already16:48
MyrttiI personally can't understand what prevents a bank from doing a reservation of a money transfer to abroad to a EU/ETA country outside office hours...16:49
Myrttion web banking16:50
MyrttiI had to pay the rent for this Berlin apartment from my account because Finnish banks can do such reservations, and they do the computer runs on sun-mo to thu-fri nights, no matter if it's a bank holiday or not, unlike HSBC16:51
daubersMyrtti: Nothing. They just like to make things more difficult so you end up having to pay them more in charges and what not16:51
MyrttiI can somewhat understand why HSBC charges £9 for transferring money to an EU/ETA country, but I don't understand the time restriction16:52
Myrtti(my bank charges nothing, but that's because Finland is an EU/ETA country itself, I suspect)16:53
Myrttior euro country rather16:53
Myrtti(or SEPA)16:53
MartijnVdSEuro countries \o/16:55
Myrttioh bother, it's raining something outside :-(16:57
BigRedSMyrtti: as I understand it, it's because banks like to know what's happening in advance, and there's no real pressure for them to do things quicker17:01
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonevening jacobw18:26
filo1234hi all i have got a curiosity...when i leave a message on login screen, "leave a message" ...this message whre is stored?18:46
shaunofilo1234: it doesn't look like it is stored.  it just passes it straight to libnotify, which creates the message on your desktop.  but sets it to not expire, so it's still there waiting when you get back19:12
filo1234where are storeds gnome-screensaver-dialog messages?19:12
filo1234shauno: it passed to libnotify only when i make login? or there is some tmp file where is stored?19:13
shaunoit looks like it's passed as soon as the note is left19:13
shaunoso it opens up the notification on your desktop there and then.  you just can't see it because the screensaver is still in the way19:14
filo1234shauno: sure but maybe is possible o see it from tty console?19:14
filo1234shauno: i grepped my word on the message but i cannot find anything19:16
shaunoI'm not sure.  I think it'd involve listening to dbus while the message is being sent from gnome-screensaver to the notification daemon  (eg, when they hit submit)19:17
shaunonot sure how you'd do that, I've no idea how dbus works :)  just reading submit_note() in gs-lock-plug.c19:18
filo1234:) ok thanks a lot for attention :)19:19
AlanBellevening all19:21
brobostigonevening AlanBell19:22
* AlanBell is sitting down with a rather tasty 17 year old19:23
AlanBellsingle malt19:23
davmor2AlanBell: I was about to say if it's a chicken don't eat it :P19:24
fr0styyG'evening everyone! :)19:31
dogmatic69AlanBell: http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/cc116e3b-970d-4bf9-9dca-80a238e8b77d.jpg19:33
krlenot sure if i should ask here but would you guys know about compiz theme managers for debian19:34
krleconsidering ubuntu is so into compiz, figured i'd ask here19:34
fr0styydogmatic69: Ok....that was too cool lol19:35
dogmatic69you missed the start :P19:35
dogmatic69[19:23]* AlanBellis sitting down with a rather tasty 17 year old19:35
dogmatic69[19:23]<AlanBell>single malt19:35
fr0styyIm not too familiar with compiz... anything specific that you’re looking for?19:37
krlejust a good theme manager for debian lenny19:38
krlewill ubuntu's emerald work?19:38
krlerather are all compiz themes ok to install irrespective of what WM you have i.e gnome or kde or xfce etc19:40
brobostigonkrle: compiz is a WM, gnome kde etc are desktop environments.19:41
krleif it is19:42
brobostigonit is,19:42
krlethen how come when im in gnome, i restart xorg and type in compiz --replace in the terminal and compiz loads but the terminal needs to stay on?19:42
brobostigoncompiz metacity mutter etc,are window managers, kde gnome xfce etc and desktopenvironments.19:42
krleshouldnt the terminal just disappear if im ona  compliz WM?19:42
fr0styyNothing would tell you better that to try it out! :D19:43
fr0styyWhat I've learned so far about debian-like systems, is that if something doesn't work, then there are always work-arounds in the case that you encounter an error. Just make sure that you back-up any critical data that you DO NOT want to lose onto an external source, and start experimenting.19:43
fr0styyAnyone agree with me?19:43
shaunoif you close the terminal, you kill the shell that's the parent process to compiz.   compiz --replace & would let you close the shell19:43
brobostigonkrle: youstarted an app, like anyother from terminal, so you need to keep thatterminal running, to keep thatapp running, a wm is anapp essentially, like anyother,19:43
krlebut if compiz is like gnome, why doesnt gnome have a terminnal running in the bg unlike compiz19:44
krlei thought a WM meant you dont have to be running no terminal in the bg for it to run, it takes over the whole thing19:44
brobostigonkrle: compiz is a wm, gnome is a de, they are verydifferent things.19:44
krleah ok19:45
shaunoit doesn't need a terminal.  it only needs it in the example you gave, because it was started from the terminal19:45
fr0styybut it is using a terminal in the background, isnt it? There are always 7 terminals open....alt f1,2,3,etc           Right?19:45
* brobostigon goes for food, 19:45
brobostigonand booze, :)19:45
fr0styystomach grouwls...19:46
krlenope not 719:48
krlejust one19:48
shaunokrle: they can actually be disabled.  they're usually left running for safety's sake19:48
krleit initializes all the plugins and just sits there19:48
krlewhich is fine by me19:48
krlebut if i cose the shell to get out of compiz, usually i lose borders19:48
krleand the windws kinda stick together19:48
shaunotry running "compiz --replace &"19:48
=== MichealH is now known as zz_MichealH
shaunothat'll detach compiz from the parent shell, so the terminal isn't needed anymore19:49
krlein which case  i have to alt+ctrl+backspace and relogin to have a plain gnome setting19:49
krleand my borders are back19:49
krleok let me see19:49
krleyou want me to run compiz --replace & instead of the usual compiz --replace?19:50
shaunoyeah.  just & on the end of the regular comman19:50
=== zz_MichealH is now known as MichealH
krleinstead i like fusion-icon better20:04
krlejust installed it20:04
krlealright sorry about the compiz stuff, good day20:04
AlanBellAzelphur: what processor do you have in your smokin' hot PC?20:33
AzelphurAlanBell: I7 95020:33
Azelphurit tears through wine gaming :D20:34
AzelphurTF2 all max, World of warcraft all max, no problem.20:34
AlanBellanyone got a Core I7 980X? handy?20:34
Azelphurstill need to try some more games20:34
Azelphur980x is like 80% of my entire build budget20:35
AlanBellquite bargainous hosting though http://www.hetzner.de/hosting/produktmatrix/rootserver-produktmatrix-eq20:37
AzelphurAlanBell: I've heard good things about them, they are great if you are ok with the setup fees and want hosting in germany20:38
AzelphurI pay through the roof because I need NYC hosting20:38
AlanBellyeah, we are using hetzner already for development and VMs for customers20:39
gordAzelphur, pretty sure a computer from 3 years ago would play tf2/wow on all max ;)20:39
Azelphurgord: wine adds a little overhead20:39
AlanBellwe took a copy of a customer's production site to a little dev VM on our core i7 920 server and it runs twice as fast as their production dual Xeon box20:40
Azelphurhttp://game.azelphur.com/forum/low-down-new-server here's what I have :p20:40
AlanBellthey want to move their production site to our dev box! I am thinking about getting a beast of a 980x for it to sit on20:40
gordAlanBell, y'know sandybridge is just coming out20:41
Azelphurdude sandy bridge20:41
gordfriend tryed to grab one whilst we are here, but they are all sold out :'(20:41
AzelphurI got violated by sandy bridge - don't let the same happen to you20:41
screen-xwhen installing grub, does "root" refer to where to the partition that contains /boot, or the root partition?20:41
screen-xand evening all :)20:41
screen-xoh dear, sentance construction fail20:42
AlanBellgord: good point, but it will be a while before they turn up in hosting options I think20:42
gordAlanBell, guess you can hardly complain with a 980x anyway :)20:43
AlanBellwe are going to do some optimisation of the code (which is why it is on the dev box) but we have been surprised at the baseline performance improvement from just the processor20:44
gordyeah i7's are a huge improvement, even at similar clockspeeds to old cpus20:44
AlanBellours is 2.8ghz and walks all over the Xeon 3.2Ghz20:45
AlanBelland they are paying three times as much as the hetzner i7 980x :)20:46
daubersAlanBell: The new grade xeons are quite nice. We've had a couple in the office to play with20:57
daubersReally really want to get my hands on one of the 12 core AMD's and have a play, but the mobos are a bit pants20:58
AlanBellI don't think this needs lots of cores, just loads of crunchy power on one21:05
andylockranhowdy all21:06
fr0styyEvening :D21:07
daubersI've been building a nice VM box, installing it in the DC on Tuesday21:08
fr0styyTheoretically speaking, is there a way in Linux to be a remote administrator of a network? Let's say: A way to debug, install, uninstall, and overall administer a home network from a computer at work?21:10
daubersfr0styy: Indeed, just need (for ease of use) a VPN21:11
fr0styyIf there is, can someone link me to some documentation that would help me set it up?21:11
AlanBellfr0styy: install ssh-server on the home server and open up port 22 on your router21:12
brobostigonlinux documentation project, and help.ubuntu.com/community are good starts,21:12
AlanBellthen you can use ssh or putty to get to it from elsewhere21:12
AlanBelland install fail2ban as well and have decent passwords or even better use key authentication21:12
bigcalmI would suggest opening a different port than 22 on the router21:12
bigcalmOpen a port higher than 1024 and have it forward to port 22 on the linux box has the ssh server21:13
fr0styyBecause my parent's house's network always seems to be a mess. And we me being in london, and they being 1/2 way across the world, I was looking for a more practical solution :D21:13
dauberskey based auth ftw \o/21:13
daubersfr0styy: They Linux or Windows based?21:14
fr0styydaubers: I was thinking of installing linux on their PCs to make it possible for me to administrate them. :)21:15
daubersfr0styy: There are windows alternative, such as teamviewer or logmein21:15
daubersthose are cross platform21:15
daubersNon free though21:16
brobostigonvnc ?21:16
fr0styydaubers: I didnt expect there to be an easy "free' solution TBH. It was just a thought of making it my little side project. ^^21:17
daubersfr0styy: They are free as in beer, but not as in speech :)21:17
daubersfr0styy: If you throw together an openVPN box you could log onto their network and just use the windows RDP stuff or VNC21:17
brobostigonevening popey21:18
* popey builds chromeos21:18
fr0styySo in essence you would recomend I research into ceating an openVPN box? right daubers?21:19
fr0styyrecommend* :S21:19
popeyfr0styy: i remotely admin my mums machine from anywhere21:20
popeyI just use ssh21:20
popeyno vpn21:20
dauberspopey: He's got potential windows machines involved21:20
daubersvnc over ssh is a pig to get working right21:20
popeyno, it isnt21:20
popeyat all21:20
popeyit is insanely easy21:20
daubersI've never had it working well enough to be useful21:21
fr0styyHowever, do keep in mind that I could just hook them up with a linux solution to set in straight from the beginning :)21:21
popeyvncviewer <remoteip> -via <host_you_have_an_ssh_key_for>21:21
popeyjob done21:21
popeywhere those two variables are the same at my mums house21:21
fr0styySeems like it's ssh then. Gona have to do some reading before hand so that I don't mess it up though. :)21:23
popey^^ I typed "vncviewer -via mum_mums_external_ip localhost"21:25
popeygot that window instantly :)21:26
matttam i missing something ... where's the fosdem speaker schedule posted?21:26
brobostigonpopey: thats a good thought, abviating chrome to internetand openoffice writer to word processor,21:27
popeyheh, forgot I did that :)21:28
* brobostigon decides tomake that change onhis mums mumbuntu machine,21:28
fr0styyI want to be able to administer my Mum's PC when she has problems. Not experienced at all, but when I want to do something I get it done. :D21:29
fr0styyI'll be sure to ask you popey on how to do it, when I go around their's in a few weeks. :)21:29
brobostigonfr0styy: i use a combination of ssh and vnc, and then use an ipv6 addr, to make it easy to ssh to.21:30
popeyi use dyndns.org to make it easy to ssh to21:30
popeynice easy hostname21:30
brobostigonpopey: i remember watching a presentation you made i think lastyear, about that setup.21:31
fr0styyWhat kind of material should I read if I want to learn more about remote administration?21:35
bigcalmSome domain registers (with dns hosting) offer dynamic pointing. One of the things I like about joker.com :)21:35
bigcalmfr0styy: read up on using the CLI21:35
brobostigonfr0styy: i would start with linux doc project and help.ubuntu.com/community21:35
bigcalmTry using your own machine without a GUI for a while :)21:35
fr0styyI'd like to be able to do that :)21:36
bigcalmOr, if you have a spare machine, try using that without a GUI from your main machine21:37
brobostigonfr0styy: iam sure we canteach eachother, :)21:37
daubersfr0styy: Popeys talk http://blip.tv/file/3668964/21:41
fr0styyWas popey using a wii remote as the pointer? :O21:43
AlanBellI have a wiimote whiteboard pen, it is great fun21:44
fr0styyWow, what a great use for it. :)21:45
AlanBell!info gtkwhiteboard21:47
lubotu3gtkwhiteboard (source: gtkwhiteboard): GTK+ Wiimote Whiteboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3+dfsg-5.2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 188 kB21:47
AlanBellinstall that, pair it with bluetooth, point wiimote at screen and use an IR pen21:48
brobostigoncool. :)21:48
AlanBellwe did art http://twitpic.com/1kbp3a21:49
brobostigon:) very abstract.21:50
dutchiethat was fun :)21:57
* dutchie can't wait for oggcamp 11 (cough cough cough popey)21:57
danfishfr0styy: have a look at gitso - is windows and linux - vnc based remaote admin made easy22:02
* daubers is pondering converting his revo to an openVPN box22:03
daubersMight throw together a basic frontend for the process22:03
=== dogmatic69_ is now known as dogmatic69
fr0styyThat was an informative speech, where was this at?22:07
daubersfr0styy: Oggcamp 1022:07
fr0styyWhat's Oggcamp?22:08
daubersHow can the bot not know about oggcamp?22:08
Laneyyou can teach it with !learn oggcamp is ...22:10
bigcalmMust have been on the 2nd day as I don't remember there being a wiimote22:10
fr0styyI wish I came by this 4 years ago, would have been nice to go to an event like this. :P22:20
daubersI'm trying to convince work to let me potter up to the Open Source Expo22:20
daubersfr0styy: Hopefully it'll happen again22:20
daubersThough this year there needs to be a cake competition22:21
fr0styyYea, but ill be leaving you guys soon :(22:21
AlanBelldaubers: it is the same thing as http://www.cloudexpoeurope.com/22:21
daubersI shall pack my cake spoon http://tinyurl.com/4z46b6f22:22
daubersAlanBell: Hmmm.... we're not a very cloudy company. Be more interested in the OSE conference stuff tbh22:24
daubersThe registration form is rubbish too22:24
Azelphuron my phone on 3g I'm getting 23kbps down and 3750kbps up...wat?22:25
daubers"Decision making power" I don't recommend stuff! I design the damn things22:25
exobuzzwell. sandy bridge i5-2500k using built in graphics working well with maverick..22:26
exobuzzwith some updates from xorg-edgers ppa and a compiz tweak22:27
exobuzzi thought it would be more trouble that it was.22:27
popeyfr0styy: there might be another oggcamp this year22:29
fr0styyIm leaving england for good in exactly 2 weeks from now, I dont think I would make it to the next one TBH. :(22:30
daubersfr0styy: Where you off?22:30
fr0styyUmmm....A bit of globe trotting :S22:30
daubersI see22:31
gordleaving england is overrated22:31
fr0styyThat is, until I can find a new 'base of operation'. It seems like it is going to be Germany at the moment, but who really knows. :)22:32
fr0styyOverrated how?22:32
* fr0styy is watching Newsnight.22:35
* daubers heads to bed22:35
* fr0styy thinks its a good idea :O22:36
fr0styyG'night everyone! :D22:37
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:23

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