
Broamjust now? that was like 6 mo ago :P00:38
JonathanDhe is also in carroll county00:38
JonathanDI told him to come here.00:38
JonathanDoh, btw...00:38
BroamI'm not from Carroll County - just in it :)00:38
JonathanDfosscon is likely moving to philly this year.00:38
JonathanDIf you want to come it won't be all that far :P00:38
BroamI'm going to head to Cabin Fever this weekend. should have endeavored to tell you about it a little earlier than 3 days00:39
Broamit's in York00:39
JonathanDwell thats not so far00:39
JonathanDbut my grandma is in hospice. I'm not going anywhere.00:40
BroamI do not believe you should.01:09
BroamSpending time with her would be more advised.01:10
JonathanDthats what I've been doing01:10
JonathanDits just days now01:10
=== Broam is now known as Broam_work

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