
The_Maverickis there any way to turn off the saving applications when you logoff?02:42
The_Maverickis anyone here to help at all?03:54
=== atom is now known as Guest46903
Guest46903Hello, world! Has a problem: no sound at all on my Toshiba L40-10q notebook. Soundcard is Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)09:43
charlie-tcaXubuntu Community Meeting today at 19:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting15:02
ShootEmUpHello Everyone!15:13
BagackisHi, could someone tell me how to pin software launcher to upper pannel?15:29
charlie-tcaright click the panel, left click add to ...  , left click launcher15:30
=== Thermi_ is now known as Thermi
crawlerhi.  i'm having the same problem with tightvncserver as this person (http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8866719) "grey screen"  is it possible to set up a proper tightvncserver in Xubuntu?16:52
BopsIf I find regular Ubuntu slow (much slower than XP), probably for videocard reasons, would Xubuntu improve on that? CPU and RAM are not the issue, merely the speed of drawing windows.18:13
cognitiaclaevesI just installed xubuntu-desktop because something was causing my gnome session to run like molasses.  I've got most things worked out for this desktop, but now the gnome-keyring seems not to be working properly.  ( I keep having to supply passwords when sshing into servers with passwordless ssh set up. )  Anyone else fixed this problem?18:15
charlie-tcaBops: I don't think it will have much effect on video only18:18
Bopscharlie-tca: is there a ubuntu alternative that is user-friendly (paticularly about providing restricted drivers automatically)  but faster/more lightweight?18:20
Bopsi don't want special effects and stuff18:20
Bopsjust have a better experience using the computer than i did in the 90s18:21
charlie-tcaThose two don't usually go together, restriced drivers does not equal faster/more lightweight18:21
charlie-tcaYou could try Lubuntu, it is lighter18:22
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:22
charlie-tcatry again?18:23
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.18:23
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 30 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend.18:32
cognitiaclaevesIs there a way to automatically run ssh-add for a keyfile and get a graphical prompt for the key for said keyfile for the first login per launching XFCE, as it worked in gnome?18:39
cognitiaclaevesI now know how to use ssh-add at the prompt to get the same effect, but I prefer the desktop integration I had with gnome.18:40
=== MichealH is now known as zz_MichealH
=== zz_MichealH is now known as MichealH
Phong_is there a way to have a nice theme?20:27
Phong_i want to have good looking ubuntu20:27
Phong_is kubuntu good?20:27
knomePhong_, for starters, which ubuntu version are you using?20:39
deadduck_knome,  are u elite on fixing porbs :D?20:42
knomedepends on who you ask20:42
deadduck_amarok is not starting20:42
deadduck_getting this wiered thing about prefixes and stuff20:43
knomehave you tried starting it from terminal?20:43
knomeis there some error message?20:43
deadduck_yeah hang on20:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:43
knomedeadduck_, see that link, if the error message is long/multiline ^20:43
deadduck_ha its only like one row20:44
deadduck_use it anyways?20:44
knomedon't have to, if it's oneliner20:44
deadduck_QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method App::loadCommandLineOptionsForNewInstance()20:44
knomedid you install amarok from the repository?20:45
deadduck_amarok want me to do this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/553752/20:46
deadduck_no idee were amarok is located :S20:46
deadduck_canda noob linux20:46
knomethat looks like you didn't install amarok from the repository20:47
deadduck_i think its a beta or somthing, the regualr dident work either, no sound20:47
knomeso it's *not* from the repository?20:47
deadduck_i dont know if it form the orginal repository, or some other.20:48
deadduck_can check my sourcelist20:48
knomeokay, that would help20:48
knome'apt-cache policy amarok' in terminal should tell you20:49
deadduck_shoud i remove something in sourcelist?20:56
knomeno - i don't think so21:02
knomei'm not sure if that error has anything to do with amarok anyway21:03
knomedeadduck_, i suppose you could ask #kubuntu or #kubuntu-devel on your issue, they probably know amarok and the Qt stuff better...21:04
deadduck_ok, thanks21:05
knomeno problem21:05
knomehope you get that solved21:05
deadduck_me to :D21:06
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se

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