
javierrtdos: it sounds like you are missing codecs00:12
veluxesi just used the hardware information prog and i found out that i have no graphics and 3 audio driver..that just don't seem right...how can i fix this?00:22
veluxesin there it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/553825/00:23
rtdoswhich one's javier ? is there something like klite codecs package for windows?00:23
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
=== ubuntu_ is now known as FloridaGuy
FloridaGuy? reinstalling kubuntu....i had saved ... /var/apt/archives .... from my last install to a usb stick.... can i put that back in its place... then do apt-upgrade...with out redownloading everything for a faster install01:06
javierrtdos: w32codec01:08
rtdosthanks javier01:11
cameleonHi, I need help setting up dual booting Win7 and Kubuntu. Any takers?01:25
sea4evercameleon: You install win7 *first* and then kubuntu second01:32
nerdy_kidcameleon: what exactly?01:32
sea4everKubuntu's installer has an option in there to 'choose between them at boot'01:32
cameleonyeah I have a free Hdd i want to install kubuntu on and the installer won't let me use it unless I use the advanced partition set up01:33
cameleonand I don't know where to tell it to put the bootloader01:33
sea4everThe bootloader should go on whichever device (hard-drive) you use as the 'main one'. The semi-permanent one at least.01:34
cameleonWin7 is listed as dev/sda and the space I want to use is dev/sdb. So sda?01:34
sea4ever/dev/sda is a whole device. Win7 should be /dev/sdaX where X is a number. That would be which partition01:35
sea4everbut yes, sda will work.01:35
Roeyhey why is kdenotify4 taking up 100% cpu time?  I am limitiung it with cpulimit for the timebeing01:37
Roeyquestion: my buttons on my window titlebars have disappeared.  How do I get them back?!01:40
Roey(I don't remember how long it's been... probbaly a few months like this?)01:40
* rtdos hears deafening silence.01:49
rtdoshow do i restart the printer daemon? it seems as though my computer can not longer see my network printer (though i can print to the same printer on my windows machine).02:17
=== jaredandnadz is now known as jbish
pepelopolus_how may I add icq server at Konversation?03:13
rtdoscan kword not handle microsoft word documents (save or load) ?03:22
rtdoshow can i change this - http://pastebin.com/TJHpqzB6 - so that it matches open office word processor instead of koffice kword ?03:54
cato37i installed drupal 6 thru kpackagekit but it doesn't show up in the application launcher. how do i launch drupal?04:14
cato37nvrmnd. i have the manual on the browser...04:18
=== cuznt is now known as bewofthe
cameleonHi, I'm running KPackage to update some libraries, but it can never get libc6, either it hangs at 0% or tells me I should check my web connection. As you can tell, I am connected. Any suggestions?04:39
moetunescameleon:  maybe try a diffrent mirror04:41
cameleonhow do I change mirror?04:42
moetunescameleon:  have a look at    http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors   to pick one close to you and you should be able to change mirrors from the menu04:45
cameleonmoetunes: thanks04:45
moetunesnp :)04:45
Roeyhey all04:47
RoeyI have no btutons on my window titlebars04:47
Roeyhow do i fix this?04:47
moetunessee if kwin is running in a konsole do   ps aux | grep kwin04:50
RoeyI mean it i04:51
RoeyKWin's running, it's just that the window titlebars have lost their buttons04:52
Roeyand I'm wondering if this is the theme or what04:52
moetuneswould be a strange theme...04:53
moetunesdo they come back if you change themes?04:53
Roeyhaven't tried04:53
RoeyI suppose I will do that tomorrow04:54
RoeyI'm going to bed now though :)04:54
Roeymoetunes:  see ya tomorrow04:54
FloodBotK1Roey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:54
RoeyFloodBotK1:  sorry04:54
RoeyFloodBotK1:  I won't.04:54
moetunes see ya :)04:54
* Daskreech waves05:10
mueslihey guys05:15
mueslii got weird issues with kubuntu's power management05:15
muesliafter resuming from sleep mode, my mouse is stuttering, certain keyboard keys are dead (e.g. arrow up doesn't work anymore, x11-wide)05:16
mueslii'd appreciate any clues / ideas what could be going on there05:16
cameleonHi, I've installed the nvidia video driver for my 8600 GTS. and I'm stuck using 640x480 resolution as no other otions appear in the X server settings application. Any help?05:45
mr-richcameleon: did you restart the X server?05:49
cameleonyeah. Restarted the whole computer to make sure I restated the right thing05:50
mr-richHow did you install the driver?05:51
cameleonthrough  the additional drivers application05:52
mr-richok ... that's what I was going to recommed ... I installed mine from there and I don't have an issue ...05:53
mr-richI'm at 1900x1200 ..05:54
cameleonthats the kind of thing I'm needing, right now i'm using a 22' monitor at 640 x 480 trying to fix this thing05:54
mr-richisn't there a driver specific config util?05:54
cameleonyeah, it's only listing 640x480 and 320x24005:55
mr-richin system settings?05:55
cameleonyeah, it's the one with the nvidia logo?05:56
mr-richin "Display and Monitor" ?05:57
cameleonthat util only list the same two resolutions05:58
mr-richcameleon: well, sorry, I'm stumped ... mine works fine ... I have a Radeon HD 5750 ...06:02
cameleonthanks anyway06:02
=== thomi is now known as thomi_
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insmodhow can i view hidden essids in networkmanager09:46
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=== lolz is now known as m477
JohnFluxHi all10:26
JohnFluxI installed ubuntu, then did "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", chose kdm as the default and rebooted.  When I logged in it dumped me to an xterm.  I had to manually run startkde10:26
JohnFluxis it possible to fix this?10:26
=== amichairo is now known as amichair
moetunesJohnFlux:  at kdm when you login select a kde session10:35
JohnFluxmoetunes: oo10:38
moetunesthat means nothing to me10:39
JohnFluxmoetunes: thanks :-)10:39
moetunesheh np :)10:39
faLUCEhi. Do you know if ubuntu well works with a Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX-I-E?11:03
Tm_Tworks reasonably well11:04
Tm_Tsome needs will require closed drivers11:04
apparlehello guys, how to change the user agent of rekonq11:08
apparleany way to do it, at the moment11:11
=== jtheuer is now known as jt|away
insmodhow can i view hidden essids in networkmanager11:25
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voltyaddress book (kontacts or like that), where are the files stored ?11:53
=== foresthill is now known as joel367
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javier__anyone here?12:34
Decorianyeah, but i'm not a dev, i just use kubuntu12:36
javier__have yoyu had any problems with your fan being 100% on?12:36
Decorianno, i haven't12:36
javier__mine won't stop12:37
Decorianoh dear, i take it that it didn't always do this?12:37
javier__not in windows12:38
javier__just installed a 10.10 coupled days ago12:38
Decorianfirst thing i would think of is motherboard drivers, but i don't know if that's right12:38
Decorianlaptop or desktop?12:38
Decorianpersonally i would search the ubuntu/kubuntu help for your make of motherboard, and the problem, but i don't know much more than that, sorry12:40
javier__thank you12:40
Decorianjavier__: the other possibility is to ask again here, later when someone who knows might be on.12:42
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=== jesus is now known as Guest84264
geekosopherpablo: Hola? meaning?13:39
pabloHola soy edu feliz Navidad13:39
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer
alejandrohola soy pablo y soy gay13:41
geekosopherpablo: oh, kem chho?13:41
ubuntu-server-10esto que eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee13:41
Guest84264si ombreeee13:41
Guest84264hello my name is pablo13:42
Guest84264i am guy13:42
ubuntu-server-12your name is no importan for me13:42
ubuntu-server-10to wena gente13:43
alejandrolaguna todos sabemos que ers el 1213:43
alejandromyfreecams.com que bieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee13:43
ubuntu-server-12eres un feoooo13:44
Guest84264my free cams wiht mothe this ale13:44
BajKhow can I unmute my sound? (without Kmix!)15:05
BluesKajBajK, open alsamixer , makes ure there's no M in the ctrl boxes at the bottom ,use the M key15:06
BajKsince KMix is pretty broken on my system15:06
BajK(100% has to do with that stupid Pulseaudio)15:06
BluesKajI never edit kmix , alsamixer will do it for you15:06
BajKI think it's time for a kubuntu re-install15:08
BajKon my notebook where it's a fresh install, everything works. on my machine, kmix is broken, and lots of other things15:08
BajKhm, still no sopund although I have removed all the MMs15:09
BajKah ok, got it15:09
BajKlol, i need to unmute headphones o.O15:09
=== mren|off is now known as mren
the_p_hi can anyone tell me if it is possible to try different versions of libblas?15:36
=== mike is now known as Guest67553
Daskreechthe_p_: how would you like to try them?16:02
DaskreechDoes anyone know how to set up a GW iptables rule that does load balancing across two out interfaces?16:03
the_p_Daskreech: thanks for answering i just solved the issue. i had segfaults with an optimized blas library using another implementation solved the issue.16:04
Daskreechthe_p_: Ok :)16:04
ox3awhich is the command line menu editor?16:12
ox3ai used kmenuedit but it is GUI16:14
rtdosJames147, i found out why my xserver keeps restarting: apparently i cannot have gnome on my kubuntu distro. (at least gnome from ubuntu) because when the screensaver would kick in, both kscreensaver and gnome-screensaver are kicking in. isn't there a way to install ONLY gnome without any ubuntu extras?16:20
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
BluesKajwhynot just use kdm or gdm , one or the other by dropping to a tty and stopping one service and starting the other, rtdos16:28
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breedis there a popular alternative to network manager on kubuntu? it doesn't really work with wpa one-time-passwords17:50
avihaywicd is pretty popular17:51
avihayas an alternative network manager17:51
avihayI don't know about one-time-passwords though17:52
breed@avihay ok i'll give it a try. wpa_gui works great, but it doesn't seem to be integrated into ubuntu and i have to start wpa_supplicant by hand17:52
rtdosi was using kdm, BluesKaj, but i'm not sure why both kscreensaver and gnome-screensaver daemons were running at the same time but since i uninstalled ubuntu-desktop (even though i specified gnome-desktop-environment without the 'extras') my xserver has not crashed. :-\18:03
rtdosisn't there a way to install gnome without having to use gdm or installing any of the ubuntu flavored gnome extras?18:04
=== christian is now known as Guest44991
DarthFrogrtdos: You can choose whether to use gdm or kdm.18:16
DarthFrogrtdos: And why would you not want the Ubuntu gnome extras?   Seems to me that they would be the primary reason for putting up with GNOME in the first place. :-)18:17
DarthFrogrtdos:  You do know that you can run any GNOME apps you want under KDE?  You don't have to install or run the full GNOME desktop to run the apps.  Same applies for KDE apps under GNOME.18:18
BluesKajrtdos, yes just install ubunutu-desktop18:32
rtdosDarthFrog, I just like playing aroudn with desktops. :)18:51
rtdosBluesKaj, what would be the difference then, installing either ubuntu-desktop or gnome-desktop-environment?18:52
genii-aroundubuntu-desktop -> bundled apps  gnome-desktop-environment -> just gnome18:55
genii-around( and a few standard apps like file browser, etc)18:56
rtdosgenii-around, isn't there a way to specify no-dependicies or no-extras (or something to that effect) ?18:57
genii-aroundrtdos: There are switches like --no-install-recommends in apt-get. But for dependencies not18:59
James147rtdos: in aptitude you can tell it to install recomendation or not... but even if you could you shouldent tell it to not install dependicies, that chould break everything :p18:59
BluesKajwell, someone told me , if i wanted to run kubuntu and ubuntu on the same install , ubuntu-desktop was best ...never did figure out why tho18:59
James147BluesKaj: ^^ just includes more packages and ubuntu specific settings19:00
rtdosmaybe i might just partition my hd and put ubuntu on it's own...the other desktops seem to co-exist fine with kde while gnome does not. go figure. :)19:01
James147rtdos: why is it not?19:01
BluesKajwell, I'm pretty kde pure here right now , i have some gtk-libs that are probly necessary but otherwise that's about it19:01
BluesKajrtdos, there's something not right with your install..gnome and kde can exist side by side without any probs19:02
* BluesKaj thinks ...too many cooks etc ..(too many desktops)19:04
genii-around!info plasma-widget-menubar maverick19:07
ubottuplasma-widget-menubar (source: plasma-widget-menubar): A Plasma applet to display application menubars. In component main, is extra. Version 0.1.13-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 31 kB, installed size 160 kB19:07
mark____testing amarok with a database of 20,000 songs19:09
mark____still performing well19:10
rtdosi don't know blueskaj / james147 - for some reason i selected gnome-desktop-environment with the --no-install-recommends, but it told me that i had installed ubuntu-desktop default.19:22
BluesKajrtdos, maybe #ubuntu can help19:23
rtdosOK. :)19:23
N9NUcan someone tell me whats included in the natty DVD that is: 4.xGB in size and the one that is ~750MB ?19:38
N9NUsources? or extra software19:39
genii-aroundN9NU: Extra software, you can use it as a source to offline install a lot of stuff in main19:40
N9NUoh kewl ok....will snag the Gb one...tnx19:40
Daskreechrtdos: apt-get install gnome ?20:08
Daskreechrtdos: how does gnome not play well with KDE?20:09
rtdosDaskreech, for some reason either ubuntu-desktop or gnome-desktop-environment (i installed the 2nd but the list showed i had the 1st installed) also installed gnome-screensaver which conflicted with my kubuntu / kde install causing my xserver to restart periodically. since i uninstalled gnome-desktop-environment (or ubuntu-desktop) my xserver has not crashed.20:44
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest31664
TweakedEhHello, I'm having some trouble installing virtualbox-4.0 it has unmet dependencies and I'm not sure what to do. http://pastebin.com/yiYfGVnE20:59
James147TweakedEh: what version of kubuntu?21:02
TweakedEh10.10 james14721:02
TweakedEhsorry 10.421:03
James147TweakedEh: well, it looks like it wants qt 4.7, but you ahve 4.6...21:03
James147TweakedEh: ^^21:03
TweakedEhso I have to update21:03
James147TweakedEh: you will probally need to enable a repo then update... not sure which 4.7 is in on 10.0421:04
TweakedEhJames147: I have removed all the comments from /etc/apt/sources.list if that is what your talking about21:05
James147TweakedEh: i think you might need to add the backports repo... but I am not sure (ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  add it in kpackagekit)21:09
James147^^ but that will upgrade your version of kde as well21:09
TweakedEhJames147: lol that is fine, Thank you for your help21:10
James147TweakedEh: ^^ I would recomend pgradeing to 10.10 though... as far as i remember that has 4.7 by default21:10
TweakedEhJames147: That is the plan then.21:11
jacobwi've just switched to kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu-desktop21:23
jacobwi can't believe i haven't done this before, kde is so much better than gnome :s21:23
jacobwthe bouncey ball widget brings joy to my desktop :D21:30
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
James147Hello haes21:43
haescan i get some help?:P21:43
James147!ask | haes21:43
ubottuhaes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:43
haesi want to coneckt to quakenet. and i have no ide how to do it:P21:44
martinalexhaes: its under file -> networks -> configure networks, if you want to stay connected21:48
martinalexbut writing /server irc.quakenet.org should work as well (not tested)21:49
haesi dont have networks under file:(21:50
haeshold on. on quakenet now:P21:51
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
rtdosis there a duke nuke'm 3d or blood engine available for linux? (or better, is there a gaming channel somewhere that discusses linux games?)22:20
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Space_Manrtdos: you could try quake 1, quake 2 etc23:10
Space_Manthey've been ported to linux23:11
rtdosi will, thanks spaceman.23:12
Space_Mantry http://www.yamagi.org/quake2/23:13
rtdosSpace_Man: anything on blood or shadow warrior though? (or witchaven?)23:15
Space_Manidk, I've only played with yamagi and Q223:16
Space_Manand darkplaces for quake 123:16
sven_oostenbrinkWhats the name of the app that does volume control (responding to volume buttons, et)?23:22
sven_oostenbrinkIt crashed, and I cant change volume anymore..23:22
Space_Manpossibly kmix23:22
James147sven_oostenbrink: kmix23:22
sven_oostenbrinkJames147: gottit, thanks!23:23
arminhi all23:23
arminall ubuntu users :)23:24
dan08haha :)23:24
arminmy con. client add my name armin23:24
arminis my home folder23:24
=== armin is now known as spyder
spyderlol registred!23:25
dan08cool :D23:25
=== spyder is now known as RegistredAllNick
dan08anyone from UK?23:25
RegistredAllNickI am windows user, yesterday installed ubuntu23:26
RegistredAllNickubuntu is full effected23:26
dan08really? haha. do you like ubuntu??23:26
RegistredAllNicko yes23:26
RegistredAllNickUbuntu is mi first love23:26
dan08haha :)23:27
RegistredAllNickmy english bad23:27
RegistredAllNickubuntu supported my language23:27
RegistredAllNickbosnian :D23:27
RegistredAllNickit's cool23:27
RegistredAllNickwindows is s?it23:27
RegistredAllNickBill Gates work only for many23:28
dan08thats good. id say ubuntu is different :D that makes it special23:28
RegistredAllNickhow make linux?23:29
gr8m8there might even be a bosnian channel23:29
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:29
RegistredAllNickRichard Stallman23:30
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
bkadoctajHi all, just wondering if there's any way to rename window titles in KDE4.  Using Kubuntu 10.10 if that matters.23:34
mrothhhwhat a good ubuntu server book?23:37
=== MuzerAway is now known as Muzer
mandlaAnyone online?23:39
DarthFrogNobody but us chickens.23:39
dan08hey mandla23:39
mandlaHey guys, are you familiar with LAMP server?23:40
mandlaWhenever i try to display my php files on the browser, the browser attempts to download it.23:41
mandlaCan anyone help23:41
DarthFrogDo you control the server?23:41
dan08i had a similar problem23:41
dan08but i cant remember what i did to fix it23:41
dan08DarthFrog: I think he does23:42
mandlaDarthFrog: No, its just on my PC, working on my final year project23:42
DarthFrogI'm fairly sure the answer is server-side, with something like: LoadModule php5_module        /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/libphp5.so23:43
mandlaDarthFrog: man could you break it down to me, im kinda new here.23:44
DarthFrogmandla: That's a config parameter for an Apache server I administer.23:44
DarthFrogYou want the server to parse the PHP file and process it.  So it needs the libphp module loaded.23:45
mandlaDarthFrog: I think iv done that, coz i saw that on the net and tried it out but it ddnt work.23:46
DarthFrogHave you tried the command line php utility?23:47
mandlaDarthFrog: which one?23:48
mandlaDarthFrog: please be patient with me.23:48
DarthFrog"apt-cache search php | less" will tell you what's available to install.23:49
mandlaDarthFrog: which command should i try23:49
mandlaDarthFrog: mandla@DX300:/usr/lib/php523:54
mandlaThere is no module insde the php5 folder23:54
mandlaDarthFrog: There is no sub-folder module inside the php5 folder23:55
DarthFrogDid you type "php5 <your php file>"?23:56
mandlaDarthFrog: let me try.23:57
mandlaDarthFrog: PHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/ming.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 023:58
mandlasuccess in database creation.mandla@DX300:~/Public$23:58
mandlaDarthFrog: thats what is says23:58
DarthFrogSound like you need to change how you comment.23:59

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