
socis there anyone from the openjdk ppa online?00:03
virtualdyou might have more luck in #ubuntu-java00:03
socvirtuald: all people seem to idle there ...00:05
socnever got a response for almost three hours00:05
virtualdsoc: many of the developers is at a "sprint" in the us00:05
virtualdif not most00:06
virtualdi don't know why they don't irc from there00:08
WaltherFIkklimonda: well scripting is fine, but i'd need that script :P00:38
dabukalamso exactly how unstable are we talking here?00:43
dabukalamI'm bored of maverick :/00:44
KM0201dabukalam: probably somewhere between ted bundy and charles manson... pretty unstable00:47
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coz_hey all01:23
coz_are current update  safe ?01:39
coz_updates  < rather01:39
KM0201coz_: define safe01:39
coz_KM0201,   :)    safe to reboot... restart x   etc   :)01:40
charlie-tcaI don't know. I haven't restarted in two days again01:41
coz_charlie-tca,   ooo  that's scary  :)01:41
coz_charlie-tca,  dont shut down  until someone verifies it is safe :)01:41
charlie-tcaYeah, I know. Almost as scary as doing it with each update01:41
coz_ok updated... I am going to risk a restart of x   ,,,then a reboot... hopefully I return shortly...if not  assume I have thrown the computer out in the snow :)01:56
coz_:)   be right back02:00
coz_nice to see the icons in classic gnome are at a more reasonable distance from the left edge of screen02:06
charlie-tcawhew! Maybe I will restart tonight then02:08
coz_i am still convinced that this should be a separate version ... ubuntu...kubuntu..xubuntu..lubuntu..unity102:08
coz_definitly not Uubuntu02:09
charlie-tcaThe idea is "unity gives the same thing in both desktop and netbook and laptop exerience, a unified experience"02:09
coz_charlie-tca,  no  I dont see that... in my case   i use dual monitors    global meny is rather old idea and out of date...originall by mac but at that time apple monitors were only 9"   anything over  15" monitor   ...global menu is useless02:10
coz_charlie-tca,  now in classic gnome...which I believe most people are going to be using.. I dont see a need for any of the Unity stuff to be included02:11
coz_Unity is strickly netbook  and global menu is  a good idea on small screens02:11
charlie-tcaWith a unified experience, you only need to know one way to do things02:11
coz_charlie-tca,   but how is this unified?02:11
rwwI don't see why Ubuntu replacing GNOME's shell with Unity is any different from Ubuntu replacing GNOME's notification area with indicator things, or Ubuntu replacing GNOME's notification daemon with notify-osd, or... etc.02:11
charlie-tcaThe same experience on desktop, laptop, and netbook is very unified02:12
rwwIf you don't like it, swap it out, or switch to a distro that doesn't feel the need to change stuff like that :\02:12
coz_charlie-tca, ` but I doubt anyone is going to use Unity on their desktop unless their monitor is only 15"02:12
charlie-tcayeah, like xubuntu!02:12
charlie-tcaoh, am I allowed to say that/02:13
coz_rww,  no I dont mean it is useless.. I only use classic gnome on natty at this point... I just see the need to combine them since they are distinctly different    desktp   vs   netbook02:13
coz_rather I dont see the need to combine them02:13
rwwcoz_: sabdfl disagrees with your assessment, apparently.02:13
coz_rww,   I think in the long run   he will see the light  :)02:14
rwwI switched to Debian. The months of bickering over every minor change are a good defense against 'visions' like this.02:14
rww(also, KDE. so I'm doubly a heathen!)02:14
charlie-tcaI can see it, Ubuntu is aimed at the new linux user. For them to have the same commands, apps, layouts on all the systems can be important.02:16
coz_charlie-tca,  understood... still doesn explain to me why they are combined...02:17
coz_charlie-tca,   the whole concept of "global menu" i s very outdated,,, and really only qualifies to be used on small monitors ...this is apples mistake  even to this day... i wont use apple becuase of their   "global manu"  which significantly slows productivity down if your have widescreens or dual mnoitors02:18
coz_the only reason mac used it origianlly is to save realestate on a 9"  monitor02:18
rwwI never use my menubars anyway. keyboard shortcuts ftw.02:19
rwwbut yeah, global menus are rather odd.02:19
rwwespecially when you're grafting them on top of a system that wasn't built for them, so some apps misbehave02:19
coz_rww,   for sure  firefox comes to mind02:19
rwwFirefox is a mess in general. Looks odd with dark themes to me :\02:20
charlie-tcafirefox doesn't count. It doesn't behave no matter what you have02:23
coz_of course I always complain during ubuntu version transistions :)02:23
dooglusI'm trying to "connect to Ubuntu One".  It's asking me for a "verification code" from an email.  I have a "confirmation code".  Is that the same thing?  When I type it into the form, it causes the connection program to hang04:28
doogluswith "one moment please..." and a spinning circle04:28
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magn3tsHas anyone considered placing the application-specific volumes in the sound menu?06:28
magn3tsIf not, would a patch that did that be welcomed or no?06:28
ofbHello 2 all/ Who can help me with install of 3d open source ati driver for radeon 1600?06:39
soulashelli'm having trouble with the latest natty update06:45
soulashellleft me without the app bar on the left and without the bar at the top of the screen06:45
ofbsoulashell try to use Classic desktop in login screen06:47
soulashellofb: ok, let me try06:48
soulashellis ofb gone?06:56
soulashellgot it to show the launcher bar, but it's not looking right, got blank spaces on it07:05
Machtinhey guys.. just updated my notebook to 11.04 and now i'm wondering why wlan stopped working.. ifconfig still lists wlan0 but it seems no AP is found.08:15
gygeris anyone active?08:43
evilvishgyger: hey09:44
evilvishgyger: so i think you would have removed unity?09:44
evilvishgyger: and ubuntu-desktop09:44
gygernot on purpose09:44
evilvishgyger: yea.. but it seems thats what is happening today..09:45
evilvishgyger: so you gotta install them09:45
nit-witI saw a thread on this on the ubuntu forums09:45
gygerwhen i try to install desktop, it depends on unity09:45
evilvishgyger: you need both09:45
evilvishgyger: rule of thumb never do partial updates09:45
gygerand unity depends on compiz-core-abiversion-2010111109:46
gygeryeah. i learned afterward09:46
gygerwhich that compiz pkg does not exist09:46
evilvishgyger: check synaptic history. install unity and ubuntu-desktop. if it is not possible rollback what ever is asking for higher depends.. and for parital updates>  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147914609:47
gygerevilvish: I don't see how to do the rollback... point me in the right direction?09:51
evilvishgyger: well.. you'd have to *manually* search lp and download the earlier version of each package you just updated. and install the debs09:52
gygerevilvish: thanks09:52
gygerevilvish: i just realized, the retard move i made was via command prompt... anyway to look that one up as well?09:54
evilvishgyger: ?  not sure what you mean..09:55
gygerevilvish: when i did the dist upgrade it was bc after i did an update, every time i moved my mouse it kicked me out to the login screen, i logged back in and went into a tty prompt and did a dist-upgrade...09:56
gygeri am assuming that i need to roll back to before the one that caused the kick-me-out-to-a-login-screen issue?09:57
evilvishyea, that maybe better, (but i'v got no clue about that though)09:58
gygerevilvish: and then we wait for the new unity update?09:59
evilvishgyger: yea..09:59
gygerevilvish: i hate it when i bork my system09:59
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dabbilleverytime i reboot i have to do metacity --replace to get my window borders up.12:46
jMCgI do compiz --replace &12:52
dabbilli am just running basic install of ubuntu with nvidia driver enabled12:54
dabbilli dont have compiz installed12:55
zniavrei m reading that unity can handle now 2d,  is that already done ?13:11
zniavrewhat is the small grip handle in panels ?13:20
zniavreho another gnomeclassic session (with no effect)13:21
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multiplatinumhello everyone13:28
multiplatinumnatty will have zeitgeist tightly integrated meaning you can easily retrieve everything, etc.13:28
dabbilleverytime i reboot i have to do metacity --replace & to get my window boarders back, i have tried to reinstall metacity but no luck fixing it13:28
multiplatinumbut if you remove a file from your system, will zeitgeist remove all its info?13:29
kklimondabah, now that Canonical is developing Unity 2D with Qt I'm finally convinced that they've decided to turn developers' brains into marshmallows...13:40
yofelmore Qt \o/13:42
evilvishyofel: dont be too happy.. it's part of the larger plan!  we dump gnome and take over KDE ;p13:43
kklimondaI wouldn't mind personall13:44
kklimondawhat I'm afraid of is Canonical commiting to support both Gtk+ and Qt at the same time, on the same desktop13:44
yofelhaha, I believe we'll see X die before that though..13:44
kklimondaa little inside nazi in me is crying when I think about it13:44
yofelso? we already have many Qt apps in the repos, not only KDE stuff, and Qt was already maintained by the kubuntu team. I doubt too much is going to change there13:46
kklimondayofel: but they look different from Gtk+ ones13:46
yofela bit sure, but Qt's gtk theming support has gotten better. Not sure how well it works with gtk3 though13:47
evilvishzniavre: resize grip on panel?  do you have a bug number?13:47
yofelif at all13:47
kklimondayofel: they will always feel different and won't be pixel perfect13:47
zniavreevilvish,  not yet13:47
zniavrei do not know how to report it13:48
kklimondayofel: if we are not here to create a perfect experience, we can as well go back to xmonad, wmii, and bunch of terminals imo13:48
zniavrei mean i know but i trying to find an english way to explain it clearly13:48
yofelwell, I haven't used gnome in a while so I'm not sure what the current state is and stop here. I belong to the fraction that doesn't care about the GUI toolkit that's used anyway13:49
kklimondayofel: I don't care about gui toolkit being used - I just care about choosing a single one, and sticking with it13:50
zniavreevilvish, http://i.imgur.com/oW5u2.png  > should i report this bug ?13:56
evilvishzniavre: yup..13:57
zniavreresize grip is the good name ?13:57
multiplatinumif you remove a file in natty which got indexed by zeitgeist, will its ZG info also be removed?14:02
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zniavreevilvish, im sorry i can't find the way to report this bug14:05
evilvishzniavre: i think it needs to be filed in gnome-panel..14:05
om26erbrastche already have a fix for gnome-panel ( and gdm too) and there is a upstream bug with the patch too I believe14:07
Machtinhey guys.. just updated my notebook to 11.04 and now i'm wondering why wlan stopped working.. ifconfig still lists wlan0 but it seems no AP is found.14:08
BluesKajI'm not a big amarok user , I find it clunky and awkward , but how is ir behaving in natty14:09
multiplatinumif you remove a file in natty which got indexed by zeitgeist, will its ZG info also be removed?14:09
BluesKajMachtin, try sudo dhclient wlan014:10
Machtinwill check.14:10
Machtinand as far as i can tell, amarok hasn't changed too much14:11
Machtinwhat do you use instead?14:12
BluesKajvlc mostly14:12
Machtini see.14:12
Machtindhclient wlan0 does nothing it seems.14:13
BluesKajMachtin, how about ifup wlan014:14
MachtinBluesKaj: ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.14:15
BluesKajsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:15
Machtinchanges nothing14:16
zniavrehow do i call bug bot please?14:17
BluesKajMachtin, does your network router even show up at all ? , try route , to see if you have a router IP14:17
Machtinno, i don't14:19
Machtin*it doesn't.14:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 702879 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "resize grip on gnome-panel" [Undecided,New]14:20
Machtinbut wlan's here.. i can check via cellphone.14:20
BluesKajMachtin, find the diver , sudo lshw -C network, then sudo modprobe -r module; sudo modprobe module , module being the driver name14:22
Machtinwhat's the modules' name? Product is AR9285.14:23
BluesKajyes AR928514:24
Machtinwell.. modprobe -r AR9285 tells me that such a module doesn't exist.14:24
BluesKajmm the diver got stripped somehow14:25
bjsniderno, that driver is called ath9k14:26
bjsniderar9285 is the name of the chip, by atheros, not the driver14:26
BluesKajsorry Machtin , substiute what bjsnider says in the modprobe command14:27
BluesKajgotta remember that,14:28
Machtini think that already was loaded..14:28
Machtinjust a minute.14:29
BluesKajit's just that driver for my belkin wifi is rt2870, so i assumed ...14:29
bjsniderbelkin? ughh14:29
BluesKajyeah, I agree14:29
BluesKajcrappy , alot of work toget it going , now it hasn't worked since jaunty, even with ndiswrapper14:30
Machtinthat's funny.14:30
Machtinwhen i load that module, wlan0 disappears14:30
bjsnidermodprobe -r removes the driver14:31
BluesKajremoves the old driver14:31
Machtinstupid me.14:31
BluesKajthat's what it's supposed to do14:31
MachtinYeah? why?14:32
bjsnidermodprobe -r ath9k would take down your wifi. modprobe ath9k would bring it up again14:32
bjsniderath9k is a relatively new driver and it has some issues14:33
Machtinis there a old module i can use then?14:33
bjsniderthere are newer and older versions of that driver, but it was intended to support newer atheros chips that have wireless-n14:34
Machtinwell.. if i have to use that, how can i make it work?14:34
bjsniderthe linux-backports-modules-wireless packages are supposed to have better, more stable versions than ship in the kernels but they are likely only available in stable distros14:36
om26eris it final or there is still some hope that we'll have 2.91.xx/3.0 series of gnome applications ?14:49
evilvishom26er: we have no hope left.. ;)14:53
om26erah sh** ;)14:53
om26erthere was a bug report to make appmenu-gtk work with gtk3 so that means we are not dropping gtk3 from cd? if so then we have all the requirements for empathy3.0 atleast I believe14:56
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evilvishom26er: well, if so you could do that update i suppose.. you should really be asking seb on -desktop, (his word is final)14:59
BluesKajhey billybigrigger ..ltns15:04
billybigriggerBluesKaj, ya no doubt!15:07
billybigriggerhows it going?15:07
BluesKajgood , and you billybigrigger ?15:07
billybigriggergood, just finished up a job on this rig and have a few days off...15:08
billybigriggerwhat to do? :P15:08
billybigriggeryou quit hanging in -ca or what?15:08
BluesKaj-ca ?15:09
BluesKajomigod , a log time ago15:09
billybigriggeri thought you were canadian15:09
BluesKajyeah, just outside Sudbury15:10
billybigriggerahh thought so :P15:10
billybigriggerwhats new with you?15:10
BluesKajok ,I'll rejoin ...not much activity there if I recall15:11
BluesKajnot much, just waiting out the winter, doing a little jamming etc but otherwise same ol' same ol'15:12
billybigriggerright arm15:13
billybigriggernow that i got you to join again...i think i'll take off and fire up the 360 :)15:13
billybigriggerBluesKaj, take er easy seeya later15:15
BluesKajok, take care , billybigrigger15:16
alex_mayorgaaptitude full-upgrade wants to remove ubuntu-desktop for anyone else?15:24
billybigriggerdunno, i'm a safe-upgrade man myself15:25
alex_mayorgabillybigrigger: same here, but I do a full-upgrade from time to time15:25
billybigriggerhmm...i can honestly say i've never15:26
BluesKajhmm, full upgrade , maybe it wants to install  the new gnome I keep hearing about ...dunno tho , I'm a kde user15:43
alex_mayorgaI guess I'll wait a couple of days and see if it gets less aggressive15:50
nigelbhrm, would be nice to have https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana-dev/msg00078.html in /topic15:57
rwwnigelb: best place to ask for +1 topic changes is -ops15:58
nigelbrww: oh, I didn't know that.  So do I have to walk in ask or will you do that for me as a favor? ;)15:59
nigelb*in and ask15:59
rwwi'll do it15:59
* Pici saw15:59
* nigelb hugs rww 16:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 1 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 | Warning: lots of package updates inbound due to Ayatana API change, details: https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana-dev/msg00078.html
fmax30how can i change the my display performance / anti aliasing / direct x settings using ubuntu 11.04 default display drivers16:15
alex_mayorgaI guess what nigelb posted explains the scary stuff when full-upgrading16:18
nigelbalex_mayorga: you got me checking my mail :)16:22
alex_mayorganigelb: no worries I came here to ask why some updates wanted to nuke ubuntu-desktop16:23
BluesKajfmax30,depends whether you have driver gui like nvidia has16:24
rwwI tend to do aptitude safe-upgrade, and leave anything that's held back there well alone.16:24
alex_mayorgarww: I guess that's the wise thing to do, but I try doing a full-upgrade every other Friday, guess not this Friday :)16:25
BluesKajrww, same here , unles ]s something recommmended but not being installed ...dunno why that happens tho16:25
BluesKajerr recommended16:26
rwwalex_mayorga: lol, indeed16:26
rwwMy natty computer's charger cable is being stupid, so I'm a week or so behind at this point :(16:27
evilvishom26er: from u-meeting " <pitti>  * GTK 3 theming problem was solved for natty by fixing GTK2 enough to work with our ported gobject-introspection; apport, language-selector and friends now use GTK2 with GI and GTK3 fell off the CD. "16:52
evilvishom26er: looks like GTK3 might not be on the CD.. :(16:52
om26erbackporting has proven to be crashy, example evolution :O so natty will be crashy16:53
om26erand bore16:53
Amaranthevilvish: That's the plan, getting GTK+ 3 off the CD16:54
Amaranthand keeping it off for natty16:54
evilvishAmaranth: i had thought so too.. but om26er today mentioned otherwise..16:55
AmaranthWhy would we need it?16:55
evilvishAmaranth: i guess om26er wanted to update empathy to 3.016:56
Amaranthevilvish: Oh, that was talked about before16:56
Amaranthevilvish: afaik the consensus was if it can't be built with 2.x it won't happen16:56
* evilvish nods..16:57
om26erempathy 2.91.3 explicitly removed the support to build with gtk2 :/16:57
olmariproblem... natty asked at bootup into "ubuntu desktop" (not classic) about some applets or so not loading and I did choose don't load and now mine desktop becomes empty... what to do? :)17:43
olmariis there some files to delete or copy from some "skeleton" dir so that mine user stuff for GUI would become somewhat normal?17:44
slyrus_is the compiz-core-abiversion-20101111 problem related to the Ayatana API changes mentioned in the topic?17:58
olmarirelated to mine prob: in classic desktop I can recreate the panels and such, but in new unity enviroment I can't do anything in blank dekstop18:12
ofbHello. Anybody can help me with install open source 3d for ati?18:21
IdleOnemore patience needed18:25
slyrus_looks like the compiz-core-abiversion-20101111 problem is fixed. yay.18:47
olmariIdleOne: I juest meant to answer him too,but.. =)18:50
IdleOneolmari: ??18:51
olmariIdleOne: I assumed you mentioned ofb and his quick dissappearing :)18:52
IdleOneoh, hehe yeah18:52
IdleOne!info gnome-shell19:00
ubottuPackage gnome-shell does not exist in natty19:00
gnomefreakis the ubuntu-desktop update broken still?20:33
gygeri think so20:33
gygeri am still personally having issues20:33
IdleOnegnomefreak: see topic, ayatana is breaking everything20:33
rwwain't that the truth20:34
gnomefreakdoes it still want to install kde libs/apps :)20:34
gnomefreaki guess that would explain the kde crap20:34
gnomefreakchecking now20:34
gygerthe question becomes... when should it calm down... it sounds like today or tomorrow... but i can't tell20:35
olmarihow about mine prob? repeat for short: logging in to ubuntu desktop "kills" all the applets... I did sayu don't reload and now I have basically nothing in mine desktop execpt backgroun.. how to get everythign to normal =)20:35
gygerare you in desktop version or classic?20:36
olmarigyger: cuurently classic, as I can re-put panels here... but in "Unity desktop" I can't add any panels or anything20:36
gnomefreaki installed Maverick(gnome) on this system installed irssi irssi-scripts and nvidia drivers than run upgrade to 11.04 nothing else installed, yesterday when i went to do a dist upgrade to grab current packages it wanted to install all kinds of qtlibs and kde apps20:37
olmarifrom the getgo when I installed natty few days ago it insisted on every reboot that like every aplet has problems adn it gave me reload or don't reload... I once chose dno't reload to all and now I see it was mistake, there is literally nothing on mine logon20:37
gnomefreakolmari: lyou should beable to have it work now. i had same issue on my 1st natty box upgraded when repos opened20:38
gygerolmari: i am having the same issue... this only started a couple days ago though... there are major changes being made to the code right now as I understand it. Canonical just went through a huge push this week in Dallas writing code like there is no tomorrow....20:39
olmarimm well... how I could rectify this issue without reinstalling everything? :)20:39
gnomefreakayatana should not effect a clean gnome install with qt crap20:39
gnomefreakolmari: it was just stuff on the desktop like trash, weather applet, ect...?20:40
olmarignomefreak: everything... I get _only_ background... and in "unity desktop" I can't get a right click menu or anythign where I could readd stuff20:41
gnomefreaklsb seems to be one of the packages that are stuck in updates20:41
olmarignomefreak: same for classic desktop, but there I can at least manually ad panels back and whatnot20:41
gnomefreakolmari: i am unable to run unity atm but i was having probems where the panels took too long to load and it left me with nothing at all. you might have same issue. give me a minute to locate something for you20:42
gygergnomefreak: at least u are able to run unity... I am in no such luck20:43
olmarignomefreak: all I need is even some method to "do mine user again" so that I don't need to reinstall from start20:43
gnomefreakgyger: no i cant run it20:43
gnomefreaklet me find the bug i filed20:43
gygersorry, i misread... my dependencies are broken 10 ways to sunday though... its frustrating20:44
gnomefreaksorry firefox is taking forever to do anything atm just a few more seconds20:44
gnomefreaksee bug 70117220:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 701172 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unable to load anything in Unity under "Ubuntu Desktop Edition" except the background image " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70117220:45
gnomefreakmvo: is Ayatana causing qt/kde stuff to install on a pure gnome system. other than pre isntalled packages i installed irss, irssi-scripts and nvidia drivers20:47
gnomefreaks/causing/causing depkg to install20:47
olmariwell... on mine computer it everytime asked to reload or not reload... but yeah... I bet ultimately rootcause is the same20:47
gnomefreakolmari: add comments to bug report than but please be detailed20:48
gygergnomefreak... did you see the response that mirco left you in your bug report?20:48
olmarias few times pressing "reload" on every window did work ultimately... until I tried "don't reload" and after next logon, blank screen20:49
gnomefreakno i havent looked at bug since i filed it. looking now20:49
olmaris/blank/only background20:49
gnomefreakmine i am betting is video card mem or sys mem20:50
gnomefreaki want chrome back :(20:50
gygergnomefreak: your computer may just be on strike...20:50
olmariI don't know how detailed I could be with this... have only my memory now, until I figure out how to undo stuff or redo mine user (or reinstall)20:51
gnomefreakolmari: test weather his comment works for you20:54
gnomefreakbut i would first leave a comment on what your system is doing20:54
* gnomefreak goes for smoke20:54
olmarignomefreak: lol... it gives "The program 'unity' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:20:55
olmarisudo apt-get install unity"20:56
olmarilike WTF :D20:56
gygerolmari: thats what im hitting20:56
gygerolmari: unity IS going through the ayatana API change if i remember correctly... since it is part of the Ayatan project20:58
gygerolmari: you did the same thing i did... we weren't supposed to do a dist-upgrade yet20:58
gnomefreakolmari: is your system fully upgraded? unity is default in natty21:00
gnomefreakgyger: it should be effected21:01
gygerolmari: this is the stuff i found. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164140021:02
gnomefreaki have 2 boxes i built almost identical same mother boad same memory everything same except processor 1.3 on one and 1.7 on other sound cards are diffeerent but otherwise pretty much the same. and that is a stupid move on my part21:02
gygergnomefreak: so for me who was stupid and for anyone else deciding to upgrade right now... we are stuck unity-less until the ayatana rebuild.21:03
gnomefreakinstalld chrome finally :)21:03
gnomefreakhopefully i will have all my PPAs and friends back for testing21:05
gygeri am just trying to figure out a way to get back into packages that are just far back enough that it wont do this to me and i can get back into unity. then wait safely for the rebuild21:05
olmarignomefreak: from the getgo it is yeah.. last update few H ago21:05
gnomefreaki think i know why qt stuff, it seems this system is not fully upgraded, but the kernel works :)21:06
olmariI used netboot for installation too21:06
olmariwell... I suppose I could do reinstallation when stuff is a little more stable :)21:07
gnomefreaki have to move over some of my profiles too. chrome one first21:07
gnomefreakmore stable == april21:07
gygergnomefreak: shouldn't have to wait that long..21:07
gnomefreakonce ayatana is fixed it will still have broken bits to it21:08
olmarias in I got this stuff right when I first booted natty, as netboot (orwhatever called) gets most fresh stuff from inet from beginning :)21:08
gnomefreaka crap load of packages if not all will have to be rebuilt21:08
olmarignomefreak: I didn't say release stable, but more stable than blank backgroubd :p21:08
olmarithen again I could just go in to already stable 1010 :D21:09
olmaribut what's the fun on that :)21:09
gygercome on, fix it urself... isnt that the linux way... lol21:09
gnomefreakunity is new to non-netbook systems so you are likely to see problems for a while. i can still run gnome-shell here so i should be able to run unity without an issue but its not21:11
gnomefreakb eback i have to fix this21:12
olmarimm well.. TBH I am so many times tempted to try something like gentoo, because I can... I_kinda_ like it's idealistic stuff.. but then again ubuntu IS easy as in stables go :)21:16
mvohey gnomefreak, sorry for the delay. can you check /var/log/apt/history.log ?21:16
gnomefreakmvo: i think it is a partial system upgrade, since the ayanata bug while upgrading this box21:17
gnomefreakok looing at it now21:18
olmariI can't install unity?21:19
gnomefreakolmari: not atm21:19
gnomefreakat least most likely not21:19
olmarimm'kay :)21:19
gygerolmari: but within a day or two... if i am understanding everything correctly21:19
olmarigyger: mm well I'm not in THAT of a rush, as I see it's not only mine problem alone21:20
gygerolmari: if you like i can email you when i get unity back up and running and see if i can help you from there?21:21
olmarigyger: sure you can... but really not that deep in trouble :)21:22
gygermvo: i was just checking the same place... if i can grab the packages listed there that got blown out by the dist-upgrade... i should be back to a good version of unity, then wait until packages are ready to go with the new versions (post-ayatana rebuild) right?21:22
gnomefreakmvo: its listing everything from the output of the dist-upgrade and upgrade commands, that i never said yes to. i had posted the output of the commands when i got them to pastebin, but i dont see it there anymore. im looking for the qt stuff but havent gotten there yet. if it is there do you want the log on pastebin21:22
olmarigyger: all this is still more a inconvience than showstopper, in "crucial" (to me) server I'm running LTS21:23
gnomefreakgyger: you wont be able to21:23
gygergnomefreak: y not?21:23
gygerolmari: smart man21:23
gnomefreakdist-upgrade == very bad idea, if you try to install one of those broken packages it will cause a screwed up system. it is best to wait21:24
gnomefreakyou can run upgrade without a problem at least i was able to without it removing anything important21:25
olmarigyger: well LTS because I am too lazy to upgrade the server... then again there is no direct need to either :)21:25
gnomefreakif they have been blocked by dpkg im not sure of21:25
gygerright, and if i do the reverse... get rid of the one that was installed and reinstall the ones that were uninstalled (making sure to grab the proper versions from lp) i don't see why i couldn't go back to where i was21:25
gygerolmari: lol21:25
gnomefreaki doubt dpkg blockes broken packages from dist-upgrade command. AFAIK update-manager still wont upgrade system21:26
gygergnomefreak: is that to me?21:26
olmarigyger: as in update into latest stable server :)21:27
gnomefreakyes would be good is olmari read it too. that is answer to your y not?21:27
komputesHey guys can you mark this bug as affecting you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/32470021:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 324700 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "gnome-volume-control missing ability to customize session sound effects theme" [Medium,Triaged]21:27
olmariwell I am not sure where to "go back" as I got into directly this problem... but I am satisfied with the results I got now and answers here21:28
gnomefreakkomputes: mine was working fine on my other natty box, i have a non-fully upgrade on this box atm. try with unity and with classic desktop version seee if it is on both21:28
komputesgnomefreak: looks still the same to me in natty21:29
gnomefreakit would be great if i could grep when inside a file from term instead of grepping from outside the file21:29
mvognomefreak: yeah, if you could give me the link to the pastebin21:30
gnomefreakmvo: ok i will post it21:30
gnomefreaki hope21:30
gygermvo: so i am just eff'ed until ayatana is done?.21:33
gnomefreakok pastebinit wont do it :( let me see if i can get it all there21:33
gnomefreaki get the feeling its too big of a file21:34
gnomefreakmvo: here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/554181/21:34
* gnomefreak now wonders what happened to pastebinit21:35
mvognomefreak: hm, can't find qt in that :/21:35
gnomefreakmvo: let me see if i can make it happen again21:36
mvogyger: well, you can remove qt again and see what else it will take down with it21:36
mvogyger: but yeah, if its natty there are bugs like this (dependencies that shouldn't be there etc)21:36
gnomefreakmvo: i thought it was related to apturl-qt or kde that was causing the libs but i dont see any other them anymore21:38
* mvo needs to reboot but will e right back21:39
gnomefreakapturl apturl-common is all of apturl now21:39
gnomefreakmvo: thanks for your time21:39
* gnomefreak cant wait for OO.o to be removed from default 21:41
gnomefreakmvo: the full file isnt there it seems21:42
gnomefreakthats odd as it has the start and end but missing middle from file21:43
gnomefreakit seems no tto be an issue anymore so screw it21:44
gnomefreakyay script is working again21:45
gnomefreakmvo: it seems to be missing everything that i decided to not upgrade/install21:45
mvognomefreak: history.log only contains stuff that actually got installed, is it just trying to install qt on a dist-upgrade (i.e. did you not confirm this yet?). in thise case, sorry, you can use apt-get dist-upgrade -o Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall=True to see what is going on21:47
gnomefreakit is no longer trying to install them from what i can tell21:47
gnomefreaknot using dist-upgrade anyway. lets see what upgrade gives me21:48
gnomefreakapturl is held back but for some reason so is chrome i guess that is effected too.21:51
mvognomefreak: history.log only contains stuff that actually got installed, is it just trying to install qt on a dist-upgrade (i.e. did you not confirm this yet?). in thise case, sorry, you can use apt-get dist-upgrade -o Debug::pkgDepCache::AutoInstall=True to see what is going on21:55
gnomefreakmvo: i think i know where the qt stuff came from it seems libreoffice requires it21:56
gnomefreaki just tried installing it, so maybe that is where i saw it21:56
gnomefreakthat was it21:57
gnomefreakok we really need to rethink replace OO.o with an only qt package21:57
gnomefreakwell not only but qt is a part of it, atm OO.o has a gtk and qt packages one or the other you dont need both. it seems libreoffice forces qt on you. ill be back in a few moments21:59
rwwgnomefreak: or perhaps it's just a bug in the packaging ;)22:05
olmarihmmh... I'd so like something of a ubuntu and gentoo... (to be strictly out of topic)22:05
gnomefreakrww: maybe atm its from PPA since it has not started the transition yet22:05
gnomefreakmake one than22:06
olmariwell... ubuntu's support and general easyness to use, but official support for "tinker the heck out of it" :D22:06
gnomefreaki dont have an isssue makeing ubuntu act the way i want to. you are in the world of Linux, anything can happen22:06
olmarignomefreak: if that was for me, then I say I'm not that nerd I could manage that... just yet =)22:06
olmarignomefreak: mm well... for one that realy mystifies me is for example plain ubuntu server taking somewhat 850mb of space22:07
olmariand these sort of things... I really don't have fundamental opposition for ubuntu in itself22:08
gnomefreakthat is too much space for you?22:08
olmarignomefreak: well not as-is, but what in "most plain CLI installation" takes so much? and more so all space for programs tends to be  more heavy system22:09
gnomefreakthe server install installs sound stuff too (used to anyway) and that was kind of stupid IMHO, but you can make your own installer and as i understand its easy to do22:09
gnomefreakthere is an app to make building your own installer easy. i never tried it or cared too much about it but it is there22:10
olmarignomefreak: well propably I could, but would it be again within any "official" support? (not that IRC is best anyhow22:10
gnomefreaksince you would be using Ubuntu repos i dont see why not but again never used it so i dont know. if you go to packages outside of Ubuntu than the support changes22:11
olmarignomefreak: and by all means, I'm not complaining about ubuntu, it's quite good as in general standing22:11
olmaribut I also want to tinket the hell put of my own equipment, but still be able to help my local friends with "more official" stuff... I have already seen 'cases' where there two do collide in "official" level22:13
* gnomefreak likes to stay in text mode personally but havent played with text based email yet.22:13
olmariI do like the stuff ubuntu in general takes linux in general... many "sub-åarts" has gone so long way ahead because ubuntu, but.. there is that but :)22:15
gnomefreakyou can (if you know how) merge distros but that is not easy but i have heard of people doing it, but gentoo is a bit different. i havent used gentoo in years about the smae time i used fedora 122:15
olmariyeah sure I could even "do mine own OS" but as implied, I'm not that nerd I could assycode everything ;)22:16
gnomefreakUbuntu is part Ddebian and part Ubuntu22:16
olmarignomefreak: well I do like gentoo as in "download sourcecodes and compile then" method...22:17
olmarias in optimised into your system22:17
gnomefreak76oh damn22:18
gnomefreak76i fix chrome and i lose connection22:18
olmarilol :D22:18
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakwith a little work maybe i can have most of my issues fixed by morning thats about 12 hours from now when i wake up22:20
olmarignomefreak: :)22:20
leagrisany plan on releasing updated samba for Ubuntu10.10 please see: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7577 unable to browse/open windows7 shares from ubuntu due to SPNEGO login failed: Invalid parameter ?22:20
ubottubugzilla.samba.org bug 7577 in File services "SPNEGO auth fails when contacting Win7 system using Microsoft Live Sign-in Assistant" [Major,Resolved: fixed]22:20
gnomefreakok im going to be AFK for a while22:21
gnomefreakleagris: that is not in the realm of support for this channel please see the bug for updates. maybe try asking in #ubuntu-bugs for someone to look at it. but it requires backporting it that is up to the backport team22:22
* gnomefreak doesnt remember if there is a #ubuntu-backport channel or not but you maybe should add a backport task on it22:23
gnomefreakleagris: file a bug for backporting the package22:23
gnomefreaki didnt see it was fixed22:23
gnomefreakok i have to get started on this project22:24
olmarignomefreak: have fun :)22:24
gnomefreakthanks ill try22:25
gnomefreakwell at least they make it easy to add alot of backgrounds at a time. adding 50 1 at a time sucked22:26
gnomefreakwe still havent made it official yet but upstream gnome lets you use ctrl+a22:27
gnomefreakwell 2 down ~25 to go22:30
gnomefreakhifi: BUGabundo22:30
gnomefreakhi BUGabundo22:30
BUGabundoyes gnomefreak, music is playing, so in ensence I have hifi :)22:31
olmarididdidii diddii... texaco is spilling...22:31
gnomefreak:)  i didnt mean to ping him, although i didnt know someone had that name22:31
olmariand that's all I remember from southpark the movie22:31
BUGabundognomefreak: I'm so used to TAB I try it on all words :S22:33
BUGabundoam I the only one doing so?22:34
olmariBUGabundo: well... for EVERY word maybe.. but on most owrd.. maybe not ;D22:34
BUGabundoyou kinda look like you need it too :=)22:35
* gnomefreak out22:43
leagrisgnomefreak, it is at least fixed in samba4 multiverse but does not include gnome gvfs samba share23:28
leagrishope at least it will be fixed in 11.0423:28
leagristook me 4 hours searching the web to find about this fix. I seems many resigned in accessing windows7 shares from ubuntu23:30
GulfstreamIs it safe to install the new updates on Natty?23:32
AmaranthGulfstream: Don't try to do a dist-upgrade right now23:32
AmaranthThings are all kinds of messed up23:33
Gulfstreambut simply running "sudo apt-get upgrade" is okay, right?23:33
AmaranthGulfstream: I'm up-to-date on that and things have no fallen apart23:33

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