
rlameirorcn-ee: ping00:17
rcn-eerlameiro, pong (just walked in)00:26
rlameirorcn-ee: I am getting an erron on the linaro-create-media script00:33
rlameiroIIRC you made it, maybe you can help me00:33
rlameirorcn-ee: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/553827/00:34
rcn-eehey rlameiro, i did the intial implementation, if it's one of the extensions i might not be any help... (loads pastebin)00:34
rlameirorcn-ee: lameiro@studiobeta:~/stagepd/linaro$ linaro-media-create --rootfs ext3 --mmc /dev/mmcblk0 --dev igep                     --binary linaro-m-netbook-efl-tar-20101108-1.tar.gz                     --hwpack hwpack_linaro-igep_20101109-1_armel.tar.gz00:35
rlameirothis is the command I ran00:36
rlameiroI even bought a diferent sd card... i tought it could be it00:36
rcn-ee(finally found src location)00:38
rlameirorcn-ee: lol, sorry...00:39
rcn-eeyuck..  it's really nothing like it use to be...00:40
rcn-eei don't think i can help you too much rlameiro, if you consider what i orignall wrote to be a model t.. it's more like a porshe right now.. i'd be pretty useless right now with it..00:41
rcn-eei'd first double check, does it properly recoginze /dev/mmcblk0 have "pX" partition names, vs /dev/sda have "X" anmes..00:42
rlameirorcn-ee: dont know, shouldnt it work with the root disk?00:43
rlameiroi can wipe out the disk and leave it blank again. I tried it and it gave me an error00:44
rlameirowill try again00:44
rlameirorcn-ee: weird... the script did formatted the card.. it has 2 partitions .... one fat and other ext3.... i think it recognizes it00:45
rcn-eeyeah, it looks like it formated fine, but when mounting the first time to populate some data it bombed..00:48
rlameirorcn-ee: yeap00:50
rlameiroit doent mount. I took the card out and in again and ubuntu doesnt mount it00:50
rlameirocould it be some config problem?00:51
rcn-eei don't think so.... do you have any other card readers?  only my work laptop has the /dev/mmcblk0pX syntax so i can't test anything at the moment..00:52
rlameirorcn-ee: nop. its the builtin. But i am thinking on buying one for some time now. i think tomorrow i will buy one and then see if it is the reader fault00:57
SaidKLEQuestion: are there any how-tos for native install of ubuntu on mids?02:10
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rsalvetirobclark: yep, we have 2 around here15:51
robclarkrsalveti: cool15:51
robclarkGrueMaster: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oprofile/+bug/5587118:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 55871 in oprofile (Ubuntu) "oprofile doesn't seem to work with VMware (heat: 1)" [Low,Confirmed]18:11
GrueMasterrobclark: THat was an ancient bug.  Here is a new one:18:25
GrueMasterBug #70299918:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 702999 in oprofile (Ubuntu) "oprofile failure on armel (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70299918:25
robclarkcool, thx GrueMaster18:25
armin76bug 118:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1 in tilix (and 20 other projects) "Microsoft has a majority market share (affects: 614) (heat: 2979)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:48
armin76robclark: fix18:48
robclarkarmin76: heheh18:49
rsalvetirobclark: https://launchpad.net/~rsalveti/+archive/qt-neon19:04
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rsalvetialf: do you remember the package name that had the cdbs class used to do arch specific changes?20:42
rsalvetiI think it was gdk-pixbuf20:42
GrueMasterogra: I was going over the bug work list, and found that Bug #645659 was fixed prior to maverick release.  I've marked both jasper-initramfs and flash-kernel as fix released.   Correct me if I am wrong.20:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 645659 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "flash-kernel doesn't work with the IGEPv2 board (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64565920:43
ograGrueMaster, thanks, i think its fine20:53
gerflohi folks - I successfully  installed and managed to boot ubuntu-netbook-10.10-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img on my IGEPv2 board and now I need the default login/password to access my machin, anyone to help me here ?21:16
GrueMastergerflo: There is no "default" password.  On the second boot, the system should start X and launch oem-config, which will prompt you for language, locale, keyboard, and user settings.21:20
gerfloOK -so I have to boot twice - I wil check this - thank you...21:20
rsalvetiif not then you're not using the initrd21:20
GrueMasterFirst boot resizes the root partition,and it automatically reboots from there.21:20
gerflohm - mine did boot into normal graphical login as I know from several other Ubuntu systems...21:21
GrueMastergerflo: Very odd.  It should beloading both uImage and uInitrd from the first partition.  If it is only loading uImage (kernel), then something is wrong.21:23
gerfloOK - second boot finished an now boots into desktop without login prompt  - thank you guys, this was to simple ;-)21:23
gerflonow let's try to install XBMC and than hopefully Airplay :-)21:24
alfrsalveti: or gtk3?23:14
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