
coz_hey all01:23
troy_sGreetz coz_01:34
coz_troy_s,   hey guy  :)01:34
* darkmatter gently pats coz01:47
darkmatter*_ hello01:47
darkmatterafter which I shoot pidgin for not respecting my keybindings01:48
coz_darkmatter,  hey guy01:52
brandonbHello everyone!02:22
coz_hey guy02:24
brandonbHi I'm new to linux but have a lot of experience with graphic design, html, css, and php. I would love to help!02:24
coz_brandonb,  cool... you may want to speak to kwwii   or troy_s   or any of the guys that have  more connections with the actual cannonical design team...  there have been requests for wallpapers  ... not sure what else is being requested or needed for the new version coming out in april02:27
troy_sUh not me.02:27
troy_sAt all.02:27
coz_brandonb,  for get  troy_s   :)02:27
troy_sbrandonb: Links to your work?>02:27
brandonbhaha okay ;)02:27
coz_brandonb,   try  kwwii     thorwill I believe his nick is02:28
coz_rather those two02:28
coz_brandonb,   yes do you have  any graphics  that can be seen right now?02:28
brandonbHaha this looks bad. My site is down for maintenance. It's at www.brandonberinger.com. I'm updating php.02:28
coz_ah ok02:28
brandonbGive me a moment and let me post some onto tinypic.02:29
troy_sbrandonb: Don't worry... the culture is pretty immature and in fact people asking to see things is about priority 11 on a ten point scale.02:29
troy_sThere is the distinct sound of crickets chirping when work is presented. Blinking eyes. Tumbleweeds.02:29
troy_sFollowed by the inevitable "Well I just crawled out of a cave of hacking code but I have a pretty good bunch of thoughts on how art and design works..."02:31
brandonblol. I'm installing wine so that my wd portable hd will work.02:32
coz_there needs to be a program for teaching artist to code... most problems might be solved that way02:32
troy_sbrandonb: that isn't good. What filesystem is on it?02:32
troy_scoz_: Not really. I have a huge respect for coders and talented code artists.02:33
brandonbits for mac os. It's locked by there wd smartware app.02:33
coz_troy_s,  I do as well... however ..there are those that think art is "the fun part"02:33
troy_scoz_: But there is a very odd thing... everyone touches art and design every day in the same way they touch software. But engaging software is one of those "right or wrong" areas and I think it is more apparent as to one's ability and value of comment.02:33
coz_mm let me contemplate that for a bit02:34
coz_where is darkmatter when I need him :)02:35
brandonbahhhh i'm such a noob.02:37
brandonbi cant even install an app with wine02:37
troy_sbrandonb: Format the damn drive down to a vanilla file system and get rid of that rubbish.02:38
troy_s(Once you get it off of there)02:38
brandonbhaha yeah I plan on it once i figure out how to get me files off.02:39
brandonbhere let me search my facebook02:40
troy_scoz_: Do you know of this person? http://dreamsongs.com/MFASoftware.html02:43
brandonbcan anyone see this02:44
coz_no cant open the link02:44
brandonbokay one moment02:44
troy_sbrandonb: That's a local link friend.02:44
troy_sfile:/// is a local path.02:44
brandonbi understand02:46
brandonbit's huge02:46
coz_troy_s,  that article sounds more than reasonable02:47
troy_scoz_: Fascinating character he is.02:47
troy_scoz_: If you find it at all interesting, look at his other stuff. He is a PhD comp sci followed up with a MFa in poetry (of all things)02:47
coz_troy_s,  mm interesting for sure... I will  look  him up... sounds quite similar to some of the developers i have spoken with at carnegie melon02:48
troy_sbrandonb: Did you end up completing your degree?02:50
coz_brandonb,  nice :)02:50
brandonbI'm still in high school.02:51
troy_sbrandonb: LOL.02:51
coz_brandonb,  ah  cool02:51
troy_sbrandonb: Sorry... never can tell.02:51
brandonbthats more of my print work. I got some web work coming up in a moment.02:51
brandonbdon't be sorry haha.02:51
coz_brandonb,  which media ...02:52
coz_I assume silkscreen02:52
brandonbYeah silk screening I do a lot of mixed media work as well if you're interested with multi layer stenciling and collaging.02:52
coz_brandonb,  very much... they can produce stunning results02:53
troy_sbrandonb: Do you have any goals for post high school?02:53
brandonbI'm riding my bicycle to San Fransisco in June in benefit of Charity Water from Philadelphia where I'm currently located. Staying out there and possibly attending school or interning for green peace. Do as much traveling as people. Ride some freight trains lol.02:54
coz_brandonb,   :)02:54
coz_brandonb,  a philly boy02:55
coz_brandonb,  I am in pittsburgh02:55
brandonbIt's a great city. A good friend of mine lives in Pittsburgh an attends college.02:55
troy_sbrandonb: Do you have a fave artist or photographer or ?02:57
coz_ah I forgot my facebook login info02:57
brandonbhaha I'll upload to tinypic02:57
troy_scoz_: I didn't. Oddly, mine is <none> at <nothing>02:57
brandonbhaha wrong link02:59
troy_sbrandonb: Acrylic hand painted?02:59
troy_sbrandonb: Or stencil?02:59
troy_sHrm... slight fuzz in black03:00
troy_sspray bomb?03:00
troy_sI'll take spray bomb.03:00
brandonbstencil. I used montana spray paint.03:01
coz_damn still cant see it03:01
brandonbI posted a tinypic link.03:02
coz_ah got it  sorry03:02
brandonbit's fine im not upset.03:03
coz_I like your approach ... are you wanting to continue with art education ?03:04
troy_sbrandonb: I'll take +1 to coz_'s suggestion.03:05
brandonbtroy_s: thanks03:05
troy_sbrandonb: Anyone that has hammered at it like you in high school should at least consider following through.03:05
troy_sbrandonb: Don't dick around though. Look around for a school that matches your thinking. There's a wide range of thought out there from avant-garde to mainstream.03:06
brandonbcoz: indeed. i plan on being in school in 2011. i really need to get a change of scenery first and help others.03:06
coz_brandonb,  understood03:07
troy_sbrandonb: Then do both.03:07
troy_sbrandonb: Nothing wrong with relocating and going to school. Just don't ditch out.03:07
brandonbtroy s: I found the perfect school for me it's very small and is located in san francisco. I've applyed and had my portfolio reviewed. I will most likely attend their in the spring possibly this fall.03:07
troy_sbrandonb: Say BFa.03:08
troy_sbrandonb: Not a tech school right03:08
brandonbBachelor of Fine Arts indeed. A very artsy school. One of the oldest in the country. San Fransisco Art Institute. It's not affiliated with ai at all. lol. dont worry.03:09
troy_sbrandonb: Wonderful. Good on you. Wise choice. Avant garde methinks.03:09
coz_brandonb,  and you have reviewed the out put of the students from that school?03:09
brandonbcoz: yes, the perfect environment. I need the fundamentals and basic principals of art. I've never taken an art class in my life. most of the students at sfai are extremely talented.03:11
troy_sbrandonb: Well... these parts need new blood. And blood that lives for creative stuffs. Hopefully you can find the will to stick at it.03:11
troy_sbrandonb: There is much to be gleaned from history. _Much_.03:12
troy_sbrandonb: Does it have a strong theory / history aspect?03:12
coz_brandonb,  ok.. well from what I have seen ,,, you already  have a keen sense of composition  so more than luck to you... go into the world my friend and experience03:12
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brandonbtroy s: yes. I would love to be a part of this from what I've seen wonderful and welcoming community.03:13
troy_sbrandonb: It's pretty uh... expansive.03:13
brandonbcoz: thanks you kind sir. I look forward to it03:13
troy_sbrandonb: It's a pretty diverse landscape.03:13
brandonbtroy s:i see03:14
troy_sbrandonb: With one consistent tone - a distinct hole in creative culture.03:14
coz_brandonb,   invite me to your first one man show  :)03:17
brandonbwill do. that's a dream. i would love to do that and sell all the work for charity water. I've thought about but my body of work is not large enough. on day..... stay in touch!03:18
brandonbinvite me to see some of your work!03:18
troy_sbrandonb: Get to school. It's where it all starts.03:18
coz_yep ^^03:18
brandonbwill do!03:19
thorwiliainfarrell: hi! what does the release team say about 3 alternative non-photo wallpapers on the cd?12:32
iainfarrellthorwil: nothing as yet12:32
iainfarrellI imagine I'll be given the same amount of space12:33
iainfarrellthere's a good chance taht they'll be smaller than photos12:33
iainfarrellbut I think we'll be ok12:33
thorwilok. i'm asking as doctormo brought that up on the list and he has a point12:34
iainfarrellthorwil: I'm sure it won't be a problem but I can check it out - just catching up on his mail12:35
iainfarrellas I've not looked at the list today12:35
evilvishiainfarrell, thorwil: it would just be along with the alternative wallpapers. doctormo's Q actually dint make sense to me though..12:38
iainfarrellevilvish: he might be concerned that they'll turn around and say "three more wallpapers?! NO!"12:39
iainfarrellwhat we're actually saying is12:39
iainfarrell3 slots in however many we get in12:39
iainfarrellare guaranteed non photo12:39
evilvishi think he got confused thinking that it would be an extra package..12:39
thorwilah right, the 3 slots from the extra wallapapers that happen anyway got lost12:41
darkmatterevilvish is an extra package. purge him!12:41
thorwilwhy do we end up playing chinese whispers so often, and why don't i pay more attention to the sources?12:42
iainfarrelllunch time over here so I'll catch you chaps in a little while12:45
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