
c7phello all, any author/editor available ?20:37
godbykHey, c7p. What's up?20:38
c7pnice, too busy these days but i'm trying to write some text for get involved pages20:39
godbykI hear ya. I've been pretty swamped lately, too.20:39
c7phave you any free time now ?20:40
godbykI can spare a few minutes.  How can I help?20:40
c7pwell i'm trying to understand how an author does his job (no big deal i guess)20:41
* c7p trying to find the text20:42
c7pgodbyk: ok here we are, http://typewith.me/Gi3quUoar820:44
c7pin this section i tell the reader how to pull and push the content of a branch through Ground Control20:45
c7pi talked with Alexander before some days and he said that as an author he uses the push, pull, branch and merge commands20:46
godbykI think the basic order that I use it:20:47
godbyk1. bzr pull to ensure I have the latest changes from upstream.20:47
godbyk2. Make my edits.20:47
godbyk3. bzr pull to grab any changes that happened while I was editing.20:47
godbyk4. bzr commit to commit my changes locally.20:48
godbyk5. bzr push to push the changes to the server.20:48
godbyk6. go to step 1.20:48
c7pif you are editing a file that has been updated there is confict when you are trying to commit the changes right ?20:49
godbykyou won't notice the conflict until you try to push the changes.20:51
godbykbzr commit just commits it locally on your computer.20:51
godbykbzr push tries to upload the changes to the server.20:51
godbykwhen there's a flurry of activity and lots of people are editing, committing, and pushing at the same time, we sometimes add some extra steps.20:52
godbykso between step 4 and 5 we might do a pull.20:52
c7pah ok20:53
godbykif there are conflicts at that point, you can run 'bzr uncommit' to uncommit your changes, then bzr pull to merge the upstream changes with your local stuff.  then bzr commit to commit your stuff again. and finally bzr push to upload to the server.20:53
c7pi guess the merge doesn't mean loss of work20:54
godbykwell, there's merging that happens when you run bzr pull.20:55
godbyk(the upstream changes are merged into your local stuff)20:55
godbykbut since we're not creating lots of branches, we don't typically have to call bzr merge to merge together two branches.20:56
c7paha ok i think i understand it better now20:56
c7pso let's recap :P, i'm an author20:57
c7pi work with my tex files, on local branch. Before i start writing stuff i'm pulling the lattest changes/updates and then i'm "ready" to start writing20:58
c7plet's say i have finished my work for today, (i pull again the changes if there are any ?) and then i push the changes21:00
c7p*on of the files i've been workin on21:00
godbykyou pull any changes, then you commit your changes, then you push your changes.21:00
c7pok :)21:01
c7pthe files of the branch are named and placed by you ?21:04
c7plet's say for the 11.04's manual21:04
godbykI'm not sure I understand the question.21:04
c7pan author wants to start working, are you creating the tex files (e.g for Chapter 4) and you tell him these are the files that you will work on mostly ? or the author has to create the files by himself/herself ?21:06
c7pwas i clear :/ ?21:07
godbykah, I understand now.21:07
godbykwe usually set up the main chapter file.21:07
godbykSo let's say you had a chapter titled "A Walk Through the Park"21:08
godbykwe'd create a directory (e.g., 'walk-through-park') and a file (walk-through-park.tex).21:08
godbykwe edit the main.tex file and add \include{walk-through-park/walk-through-park}.21:08
godbykas an author, you can edit the walk-through-park.tex file.21:09
godbykyou can either include all of your sections in that one file, or21:09
godbykif you choose, you can split your sections up into multiple files.21:09
godbykplace all the files in the directory for that chapter (walk-through-park/)21:09
c7pnow it gets even clearer thx21:09
godbykthen in your walk-through-park.tex file, you can add the line \input{first-section}, \input{second-section}, etc.21:09
godbykand that will read in the first-section.tex, second-section.tex, etc. files located in the walk-through-park/ directory.21:10
c7platex is cool :P21:10

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