
bdrungtumbleweed: your syncpackage branch make pylint unhappier: Your code has been rated at 9.33/10 (previous run: 9.40/10)00:01
kklimondabdrung: was it because he used the 2 letter variable name of death? ;)00:58
bdrungkklimonda: to what do you refer?01:08
kklimondabdrung: to your comment about pylint being unhappy - I've found it, at least with the default settings, a little too prissy01:12
tumbleweedkklimonda: yeah, I must do something about that05:42
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ari-tczewI got an email from Mark Shuttleworth about Condorcet Internet Voting Service - what is it?11:54
sorenari-tczew: It says quite clearly in the e-mail, I think.11:58
sorenari-tczew: He's soliciting votes for the IRC council.11:58
ari-tczewsoren: english is not my native, I'd like to making sure before voting.11:59
ari-tczewehh, I don't know anyone from this list.12:00
Wallch_DeveloperAt revu.ubuntuwire.com i have seen many projects with this error: Package is for "maverick" but only packages for "natty" are currently accepted. .. My project  ( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch ) is for maverick.. Why i do not have this error? And how i am supposed to make it work with natty?12:12
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ari-tczewWallch_Developer: revision should be targetted on natty in d/changelog12:17
Wallch_Developerari-tczew:  yes it says natty.. does this mean that it will work with ubuntu 11.04 Natty?12:19
ari-tczewWallch_Developer: I think so12:19
Wallch_Developerari-tczew: Nice! Ok thanks 8-)12:20
ari-tczewWallch_Developer: You're welcome.12:20
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tumbleweedWallch_Developer: REVU is for packages destined for the current development release. For targetting stable releases only, there is a new alternative route https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostReleaseApps12:28
Wallch_Developertumbleweed: So what am i supposed to do? Upload my project to the link you said? ;-)12:30
tumbleweedWallch_Developer: depends what you want12:30
tumbleweedyou want to get it into Ubuntu, and contribute to Ubuntu, keep on with the REVU approach. You just want it in the app store, chat to the app review board people12:31
tumbleweedat any rate, if you are using REVU, target natty12:31
Wallch_Developertumbleweed: I just want my project to be advocated and next go to Ubuntu software center...12:33
tumbleweedWallch_Developer: REVU is slow, MOTUs have a lot of work to do. (I have looked at your package before, and inted to again) In the meantime, if you want to, help us out, we can always use help.12:36
Wallch_Developertumbleweed: In which way i can help?12:40
Wallch_Developertumbleweed: Ok ! O:-)12:43
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geserari-tczew: the voting system is the same as in the last DMB vote13:04
ari-tczewgeser: ok13:10
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kklimondahmm, new voting? can someone tell me the From email for this message? I wonder if it end up in my spam folder ;)16:27
paultagkklimonda: for the IRC stuff?16:29
kklimondapaultag: yeah16:29
paultagmoment :)16:30
paultagSender: <andru@cs.cornell.edu>16:30
paultagReply-To: mark@ubuntu.com16:30
paultagSubject: Poll: 2011 January IRC Council Poll16:30
kklimondahmm, I didn't get it at all :(16:30
kklimondaoh well, better that than the malfunctioning spam filter16:31
paultagkklimonda: it might take a while, someone else said they did not get it as well16:31
paultagthat voting system is pretty bad IMHO16:34
kklimondayeah, the mail I got for the previous vote has been in German16:35
kklimondawith the really suspicious link pointing to a really suspicious-looking page ;)16:36
paultagkklimonda: kannst du etwas Deutsch sprechen?16:37
kklimondamy first reaction was "hey, someone's trying to scam me"16:37
paultagkklimonda: from some south african, no less16:37
paultagha! I recycled a joke :)16:37
kklimondapaultag: I don't really speak (or read) german, but I'm able to distinguish it when I see some german text.16:38
paultagkklimonda: ahha, thought you might have that set as your language on LP and it did some voodoo ( which would be cool ), but it sounds like a bug ( wich is totally not cool )16:39
kklimondaI'm probably wrong sometimes, and there is some language that looks similar to it but I guess I was right this time ;)16:39
kklimondapaultag: I think geser pressed the wrong buttons when he was creating the pool. I do remember him saying something like that soon after receiving the email.16:40
paultagAhhh, right16:40
paultagmakes sense16:40
geserkklimonda: the "problem" was that I had german as my prefered language selected in my browser and the CIVS page used that default also for the mails -> german mails with the english text I put into the webform16:58
Laneyhttp://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/haskell-installability/i386.png SO MUCH RED17:03
Laney(warning: large pic)17:03
gesernice :(17:04
Laneyuploaded 6.12.3 ♥17:04
kklimondaLaney: they don't believe in stable abi?17:05
geserLaney: will ghc6 build on armel?17:06
Laneykklimonda: indeed not17:06
Laneygeser: hope so :'(17:06
* Laney will look at which libraries need updating for the Haskell platform 2010.2.0.0: help appreciated17:08
LaneyThere are 9 to do (in Experimental): http://paste.debian.net/104618/17:48
philpsI am making a new package.  My postrm did not have #!/bin/sh (etc) at the top.  It is installed and now can't be removed.  Any ideas18:36
hyperairit's in /var/lib/dpkg/info/$pkgname.postinst18:36
hyperairedit it, add a #!/bin/sh there18:36
philpsokay thanks18:36
hyperairand then uninstall it18:36
philpsyep.  understood18:36
philpsthank you so much!18:37
hyperairphilps: but if that really happens in a real life scenario, shipping a new postinst should do the trick. dpkg tries the new postinst, iirc18:37
hyperairor was it the postrm18:37
* hyperair shrugs18:37
philpsyeah, it is actually a postrm18:37
philpswhich it does not try the new one.  tried that18:37
philpserr, prerm18:38
philpsit is always amazing how useful IRC is.18:42
micahg\sh: sorry, didn't get to zf this week, will get to it sunday hopefully18:46
\shmicahg: take your time :)18:46
micahg\sh: and dojo 1.5.0 is packaged now, so I can throw that in as well18:48
hakermaniaHey guys, which is the command to execute everything in "debug mode"? it's something like 'dpg command' but not exactly...19:23
hakermaniaRhonda: Thx! At last!20:04
RhondaI don't know wether it will really help you. Usage isn't easy, and from those that know how to use it I guess they should be able to remember its name (gdb == GNU DeBug)20:26
hakermaniaRhonda: I've used it again in the past, thx21:04
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