ubottu | xangua called the ops in #ubuntu () | 02:08 |
tonyyarusso | Ooo, fancy-pants poll invite. | 04:20 |
tonyyarusso | bother, there's a substantially higher ratio of "people I think would be great for the job" this time around - have to actually think :S | 04:27 |
Madpilot | actual thought whilst voting? Imagine! | 04:32 |
tonyyarusso | hehe | 04:32 |
tonyyarusso | yeah, I'm one of those nerdy people that prints out a sample ballot, researches the candidates all the way down through judges and soil & water commissioners, make notes on it, and bring that with me to the polls. | 04:33 |
Flannel | You have to print out a sample ballot? | 04:34 |
Madpilot | voting for judges... sorry, don't get me started. I'll just refile it under Exotic Foreign Practices. | 04:34 |
tonyyarusso | Flannel: so I can remember my choices when I get there | 04:34 |
tonyyarusso | Madpilot: hehe | 04:34 |
Flannel | tonyyarusso: Right, we get sample ballots mailed to us (these are also the absentee ones if you need to vote by mail) | 04:34 |
tonyyarusso | Madpilot: hey, at least we don't have appointed unvetted Senators-for-life | 04:35 |
Madpilot | for municipal elections with big fields, I usually know three or four I'll vote for, one or two I'd never in all eternity vote for, and take potluck or ignore the rest. | 04:35 |
tonyyarusso | Flannel: Usually those are sent by the political parties and don't bother including the non-partisan races on the back of the ballot. | 04:35 |
tonyyarusso | We don't get a sample ballot mailed by the actual government. | 04:36 |
Madpilot | tonyyarusso, OK, you can just file our senators in the same file I put your judges :) | 04:36 |
tonyyarusso | Madpilot: I prefer to file them under "this is wrong and should be abolished" rather than "huh, weird". | 04:37 |
Madpilot | and they are so vetted. A certain skill at Prime-Ministerial buttock smooching counts as vetting, doesn't it? | 04:37 |
tonyyarusso | Single house elected with MMPR with Condorcet RCV for the local constituency seats FTW! | 04:37 |
Madpilot | translate that from Political Geek back to English for the rest of us, plz? | 04:38 |
tonyyarusso | :( | 04:38 |
tonyyarusso | Condorcet RCV = the system being used to elect new IRC Council members as we speak - it's one of many ranked-choice systems. | 04:38 |
Madpilot | ah, gotcha. And MMPR is Mixed Member PropRep, I recall | 04:39 |
tonyyarusso | MMPR = Mixed Member Proportional Representation - used by Germany and New Zealand, recommended for Canada by the Law Commission of Canada's study on electoral reform. Involves most of the house representing local ridings like they do now, and then a certain number of seats being used to "top off" in proportions such that the finally total of members broken down by party matches the percentage of the popular vote for each party in ... | 04:40 |
tonyyarusso | ... the party-specific section of the ballot. (The individual candidates are a separate vote from your generic party preference vote.) | 04:40 |
tonyyarusso | And single house obviously means abolish the senate. | 04:41 |
Madpilot | gotcha | 04:41 |
Madpilot | we've come close twice to some sort of MMPR here in BC, but never quite convinced enough people | 04:41 |
Madpilot | possibly Gordon Campbell's only moment of near-greatness, the whole Citizen Assembly thing | 04:42 |
tonyyarusso | Some MMPR systems have the top-off seats assigned to regions as well, so one way you could do it would be to eliminate the senate, take the number of seats that the senate had and make them the top-off seats for the house, thus not even needing to redraw the riding boundaries. | 04:42 |
tonyyarusso | Requiring 60% supermajority fail though :( | 04:43 |
IdleOne | tonyyarusso for president of the USA and prime minister of Canada. | 04:48 |
IdleOne | one world! | 04:48 |
IdleOne | wait | 04:49 |
IdleOne | I take that back | 04:49 |
IdleOne | just move to Canada and run for office. | 04:49 |
Madpilot | AFAIK we have no native-born requirements for any office in the Dominion. | 04:49 |
IdleOne | just needs to be a citizen I think | 04:50 |
Madpilot | certainly a long string of Gov-Gens were born overseas | 04:50 |
IdleOne | but yeah i don't think he has to be born here | 04:50 |
tonyyarusso | IdleOne: I'm currently eligible for neither post :P | 04:50 |
IdleOne | in the US you are to young and in Canada you don't have citizenship | 04:51 |
tonyyarusso | But no, Canada does not have any native-born nor age requirements for anything. The US has both. (native-born and 35 years for President) | 04:51 |
tonyyarusso | exactly | 04:51 |
IdleOne | US have to be born there, min. 35 and lived in the us for 15 years | 04:51 |
Madpilot | Wikipedia says simple citizenship & eligible to vote (18+) for PM | 04:52 |
tonyyarusso | Yup. | 04:52 |
IdleOne | well get your citizenship and make it so I don't have to pay more taxes and you got my vote | 04:53 |
tonyyarusso | So if you guys want me to run for office there, you should arrange for a job offer for me in Thunder Bay, start date circa January 2012. | 04:53 |
tonyyarusso | heh, there's a decent chance I'd raise your taxes :P | 04:53 |
tonyyarusso | Depending on the economic conditions at the time, anyway. | 04:54 |
IdleOne | don't know about Thunder bay and why you are so stuck on moving to the middle of nowhere | 04:54 |
tonyyarusso | psssh, it's not the middle of nowhere. It's perfect. | 04:54 |
Madpilot | IdleOne, he's used to the middle of nowhere, he's already in the US version of same | 04:54 |
IdleOne | well I don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't to give pay raises to the politicians | 04:54 |
tonyyarusso | fair enough. | 04:54 |
tonyyarusso | MPs already make a pretty good amount afaik | 04:54 |
IdleOne | Madpilot: I suspect job opps in Thunder Bay are slim to none | 04:54 |
tonyyarusso | Madpilot: .... | 04:54 |
tonyyarusso | Madpilot: I'm in a metro area of 3 million people. | 04:55 |
tonyyarusso | certainly *advertised* jobs in TB are hard to come by | 04:55 |
tonyyarusso | non-zero, but small | 04:55 |
Madpilot | the PM's salary isn't bad, but it's not AFAIK spectacular given the hours... | 04:56 |
Madpilot | "In a poll conducted by Ipsos-Reid following the first prorogation of the 40th parliament on 4 December 2008, it was found that 51% of the sample group thought the prime minister was directly elected by Canadians" | 04:57 |
Madpilot | ouch. | 04:57 |
tonyyarusso | good lord | 04:58 |
Madpilot | Dear Fellow-Countrypersons, "Prime Minister of Canada" != "American President". Thank you. | 04:58 |
Madpilot | from Wiki's PM of Canuckistan article | 04:58 |
tonyyarusso | So, if you usually have like 62% voter turnout, which 9% didn't notice that the PM wasn't on their ballot? | 04:58 |
tonyyarusso | wow, mathfail | 04:59 |
Madpilot | yeah, not sure where you were going there | 04:59 |
tonyyarusso | 3% - I think that's what I meant | 04:59 |
tonyyarusso | Assume that 48% are ignorant, 51% are still wrong, so 3% voted but still got it wrong. Yeah. | 05:00 |
Madpilot | the whole proroguation (sp?) episode revealed vast gaps in basic civic knowledge in this country | 05:00 |
tonyyarusso | This of course assumes Ipsos-Reid was polling eligible voters. | 05:00 |
tonyyarusso | indeed | 05:00 |
Madpilot | even PM Harper thought we elected his government | 05:01 |
tonyyarusso | It doesn't help that your PM keeps trying to convince people that coalitions are illegal. | 05:01 |
Madpilot | we elected the Parliament of which your gov't is a part, mate. | 05:01 |
tonyyarusso | Note to Stevie: David can remove you any time he pleases, just for giggles. | 05:01 |
Madpilot | Jean should have. Would have been epic. "No, you may not prorogue Parliament just because it's inconvenient. Good day, Mr. Harper." | 05:02 |
tonyyarusso | I suppose referring to the GG by first name is probably a faux pas of some sort, eh? | 05:02 |
Madpilot | I'm sure | 05:02 |
tonyyarusso | Yeah, I don't know what she was thinking - that was rather surprising. | 05:02 |
Madpilot | they are Lizzie the Tooth's Official Viceroyal Representatives to the Dominion of Canada, after all | 05:03 |
tonyyarusso | "His semi-royal highness" :P | 05:03 |
Madpilot | Viceregal | 05:03 |
Madpilot | which is "semi-royal" dressed up for the town | 05:03 |
elky | tonyyarusso, it's a bit of a disconnect for most people. they often vote for the party whose leader they prefer, hence think they're voting for the leader even though the words on the page they tickytick indicate something completely different. | 05:14 |
elky | While Ipsos-Reid knew what they were asking, the participants possibly thought they meant something else. | 05:15 |
tonyyarusso | Your faith in humanity is impressive :) | 05:16 |
Madpilot | elky, true enough. I've voted against local candidates I didn't mind because I couldn't stand the thought of their party actually forming a government. | 05:17 |
Madpilot | one local MP we always called "Wrong-party Keith" | 05:17 |
elky | tonyyarusso, nah, just my faith in statistics is appalling. | 05:19 |
elky | The problem with survey statistics is that they depend on people knowing and recalling stuff. I don't have faith they can do that. | 05:19 |
tonyyarusso | Was Wrong-party Keith aware of this nickname? | 05:19 |
Madpilot | no, it was pretty much a family joke. | 05:20 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, mrchinosun said: !google why is ubuntu | 05:20 |
ikt | Hi, how do I report a user for abuse? | 08:12 |
IdleOne | what user and type of abuse? | 08:12 |
Tm_T | and where? | 08:12 |
ikt | in #ubuntu, and in private message, user sta7ic | 08:14 |
IdleOne | what exactly is this user doing? | 08:15 |
ikt | very insulting | 08:15 |
ikt | i can pm you what he said? | 08:16 |
IdleOne | ikt: there really is not much we can do about PM abuse. Best advice is to ignore them. | 08:16 |
IdleOne | ikt: sure | 08:16 |
IdleOne | q_a_z_steve: How can we help you? | 08:16 |
IdleOne | q_a_z_steve: do you need any help? | 08:20 |
IdleOne | q_a_z_steve: welcome back, anything I can do for you? | 08:21 |
q_a_z_steve | Sorry. Crappy wimax this close to my bed??? | 08:21 |
q_a_z_steve | I was wondering if a !trigger could be added for !smart or !smartquestions to point to http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 08:21 |
IdleOne | you can submit a suggestions by doing /msg ubottu !foo is bar | 08:22 |
IdleOne | obviously replace the !foo and bar parts with actual text | 08:23 |
q_a_z_steve | kk | 08:26 |
q_a_z_steve | thanks | 08:26 |
popey | i thought there already was one | 08:26 |
popey | I am sure I have seen people use the bot to invoke that url before | 08:26 |
q_a_z_steve | popey I haven't found it yet | 08:27 |
popey | one moment.. I'll grep my logs | 08:27 |
ubottu | In ubottu, q_a_z_steve said: !smart is http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 08:27 |
q_a_z_steve | cute, those show up here? | 08:27 |
popey | hmm, seems not then | 08:28 |
popey | sorry | 08:28 |
IdleOne | although there are some good tips in that link. I don't think that it is all in the spirit of ubuntu. | 08:28 |
q_a_z_steve | what else do you guys get for !triggers? That would have been fun to see the other day. | 08:28 |
IdleOne | my opinion is not a final decision of course and I am sure other ops will weigh in on this. | 08:28 |
q_a_z_steve | IdleOne I agree but sometimes this stuff is just too basic. Case in point someone just was asking us to explain 'cd' command to him | 08:29 |
IdleOne | q_a_z_steve: #ubuntu caters to all levels of user. sometimes we get what seems to us a something simple but remember that everybody starts at the beginning. | 08:30 |
elky | !questions | 08:31 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 08:31 |
elky | !ask | 08:31 |
elky | popey, i remember it doing so too. | 08:31 |
IdleOne | I hate my ISP | 08:32 |
elky | I hate most ISPs. | 08:32 |
IdleOne | elky: ugh, you have no clue what I have been putting up with lately | 08:33 |
IdleOne | I am getting ready to jump ship and pay more to the cable provider | 08:33 |
elky | IdleOne, oh im pretty sure it won't be anything new to me | 08:33 |
jrib | popey: I'm sure I've seen that url in the bot in the past too, maybe it was removed | 08:34 |
IdleOne | well, yeah I bet you have had bad connections also. | 08:34 |
IdleOne | I think it was removed | 08:34 |
IdleOne | precisely because of the tone of the document | 08:34 |
jrib | the people who it would benefit wouldn't read it anyway | 08:35 |
IdleOne | q_a_z_steve: your suggestions will be taken into consideration. Anything else we can help you with? | 08:35 |
q_a_z_steve | I read it the last time I was given it in #LFS on irc.linuxfromscratch.org | 08:36 |
q_a_z_steve | nope. Thanks. | 08:36 |
IdleOne | ok, great. Please note the no idle policy mentioned in the topic :) | 08:36 |
q_a_z_steve | elky just FYI !ask === !questions | 08:36 |
elky | yeah, i know now. | 08:37 |
elky | oddly enough. | 08:37 |
IdleOne | keep an eye on sta7ic in #u he seems a little inpatient and aggressive | 08:39 |
Tm_T | yup | 08:39 |
IdleOne | not just me then, ok. | 08:39 |
Tm_T | if someone has time, might do good to have him on PM | 08:39 |
IdleOne | will keep an eye open, if I see more from him I'll PM | 08:40 |
elky | WattOS? Oh my. | 08:41 |
Tm_T | IdleOne: thanks | 08:41 |
IdleOne | elky: WattOS?? | 08:44 |
elky | Yes, just saw it mentioned in my LUG's channel. I'm at a loss as to how it's low power. It appears to be someone's personal lubuntu spin. | 08:45 |
Flannel | First base! | 08:46 |
elky | ... | 08:47 |
Flannel | elky: Watt OS are you running? | 08:48 |
elky | Ubuntu. | 08:48 |
Flannel | elky: No, Watt OS? | 08:48 |
elky | The one watt will hit you in the face if you try to keep this up :P | 08:49 |
IdleOne | hahahaha | 08:49 |
IdleOne | all fun and games till elky pulls out the frying pan and knocks you out with it | 08:49 |
elky | IdleOne, it's a low-energy electric frypan. | 08:50 |
Flannel | My frypans are cast iron, they don't require any energy to exist. | 08:50 |
IdleOne | so wattos has a pictures page but no screenshots of the os | 08:51 |
IdleOne | I don't care to see pics of the people | 08:51 |
Flannel | IdleOne: Once WattOS goes mainstream, someone will fork it to add shiny stuff to it, and call it Watt Heavy OS. | 08:54 |
Flannel | and then you can ask them about WhOS | 08:54 |
Flannel | So we can have WattOS and WhOS | 08:54 |
Flannel | and soon, we'll have a baseball team. | 08:55 |
IdleOne | So should we prepare a update for !derivatives ? | 08:56 |
elky | Shouldn't that be !who? | 09:24 |
elky | Errr... | 09:24 |
elky | Shoudln't that be !first? | 09:24 |
elky | I ruined my joke already :( | 09:24 |
IdleOne | we could call it !abbott and alias costello | 09:26 |
ubottu | In ubottu, Neikius said: there is no dovecot 2 package in 10.4 | 10:35 |
elky | but that's giving the joke away from the outset. | 10:59 |
=== q_a_z_steve1 is now known as q_a_z_steve | ||
elky | Incoming bshellz user. | 11:10 |
icedwater | Hello, could I find out why I was banned from #ubuntu? | 11:10 |
elky | icedwater, it'll be because you're using bshellz. | 11:10 |
icedwater | Oh. Hmm. | 11:10 |
icedwater | Why's there a blanket ban on BShellz, though? | 11:11 |
elky | We have a blanket ban on them because they refuse to take responsibility for the activity from their network. Unbanning it would be like inviting a botnet. | 11:11 |
icedwater | Oh, that's sad. Is there any other free shell host you would recommend, though, that isn't banned? | 11:12 |
elky | shellium have a representative here and respond well | 11:13 |
icedwater | Thanks, I'll check it out. | 11:14 |
elky | the site seems down though :-/ | 11:14 |
Jordan_U | icedwater: I think you can also get a cloak. | 11:14 |
icedwater | How might I do this, Jordan_U? | 11:14 |
elky | icedwater, ask in #freenode. | 11:14 |
Jordan_U | !tor-sasl | icedwater | 11:14 |
ubottu | icedwater: freenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode. | 11:14 |
icedwater | Ah, from Freenode, you mean. OK, my LUG sent a few requests for registration, but they never got back to us. | 11:15 |
elky | yeah, they have about 4 years of backlog :( | 11:15 |
icedwater | Well, this is starting to get off-topic, so I'll head over to OT in the meantime. | 11:15 |
icedwater | 4 years seems about right, I think we started asking in 2007/8 :P | 11:16 |
* icedwater waves | 11:16 | |
elky | ciao | 11:16 |
jrib | that's weird, when I registered a project I remember it being very quick | 11:23 |
elky | when? | 11:28 |
elky | it basically fell apart when lilo passed on | 11:28 |
jrib | 2 years ago I think | 11:29 |
jrib | maybe 3 | 11:29 |
jrib | maybe naloith pushed things along, I remember him helping out | 11:30 |
Spicemaster | hey unbanned me in ubuntu guys | 12:01 |
bazhang | Spicemaster, hi jungli | 12:01 |
Spicemaster | i just piss off right now | 12:01 |
Spicemaster | unbanned me i stop trolling in ubuntu but still i have banned :P | 12:01 |
bazhang | !appeals | Spicemaster please read this | 12:02 |
ubottu | Spicemaster please read this: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. | 12:02 |
Spicemaster | bazhang: now stop playing the games with me | 12:02 |
Spicemaster | ok but i appologise | 12:02 |
Spicemaster | sorry for my behavior but i really need a unbanned | 12:03 |
elky | Too little, waaay too late. | 12:03 |
bazhang | Spicemaster, your ban won't be lifted. please the link above | 12:03 |
Spicemaster | give me one more chance only in #ubuntu | 12:03 |
Spicemaster | on its #offtopic | 12:03 |
Spicemaster | *not | 12:04 |
bazhang | Spicemaster, no. please see the appeals link above | 12:04 |
Spicemaster | offff | 12:04 |
Spicemaster | ok | 12:04 |
Spicemaster | bye let me come with another name :P | 12:04 |
elky | q_a_z_steve is getting on people's nerves | 12:04 |
bazhang | was big_bear an issue elsewhere? the name rings a bell | 12:05 |
elky | you're remembering bearblack? | 12:06 |
bazhang | could be. | 12:06 |
elky | or something like that | 12:06 |
bazhang | yeppers | 12:06 |
Spicemaster | viva la teipie | 12:07 |
Tm_T | ok | 12:08 |
elky | we seriously need to curb use of !anyone somehow | 12:11 |
q_a_z_steve | hey, why does !awk refer only to terminal stuff? | 12:12 |
jrib | elky: just delete !anyone and have people use !ask, that's my suggestion | 12:13 |
bazhang | overuse of the bot is annoying tbh | 12:14 |
jrib | !-awk | 12:14 |
ubottu | awk is <alias> terminal - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 19:08:25 | 12:14 |
jrib | q_a_z_steve: that's why ^ | 12:14 |
jrib | bazhang: it is, I have alias /ask | 12:15 |
elky | bazhang, agreed. and !anyone is being used on stringmatch, not need | 12:15 |
jrib | the usage of !ask is clearer, I think it would take care of the issue | 12:16 |
jrib | it being the deletion of !anyone | 12:17 |
q_a_z_steve | hmm | 12:27 |
q_a_z_steve | hey, we keep getting flooded with kwpsbrasil ads, kick ban please? | 12:53 |
bazhang | taken care of | 12:53 |
q_a_z_steve | oh heh. Thanks | 12:56 |
jrib | someone at some point should probably talk with q_a_z_steve about the bot usage. I'm not up for it at the moment though | 13:17 |
q_a_z_steve | not that it's happened a lot, but I don't think we want this kind of thing: [01/14/2011 -:- 06:23:56 AM] <l33t> wow there is a hidden android vm in ubuntu, to unlock it you need to remove the block its epic, do: sudo rm -rf --no-reserve / | 13:25 |
jrib | q_a_z_steve: I banned him | 13:26 |
q_a_z_steve | thanks man | 13:30 |
* Pici blinks | 13:31 | |
* rww munches breakfast, ponders /whois Greeper, pat-pats his Grexo ban in #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:32 | |
rww | 15:57:11 < nigelb:#ubuntu+1> hrm, would be nice to have https://lists.launchpad.net/ayatana-dev/msg00078.html in /topic | 15:59 |
rww | nvm, Pici's on it :) | 16:00 |
rww | Did anyone end up talking to q_a_z_steve about overusing ubottu? | 16:13 |
Pici | rww: you may want to take it to a pm. | 16:18 |
jpds | Alright. | 17:08 |
=== evilGary is now known as Gary | ||
IdleOne | Morning | 18:16 |
mneptok | yar. | 18:18 |
Gary | oook | 18:19 |
mneptok | gar! | 18:21 |
Gary | omnomnom | 18:27 |
* genii-around checks if it's Talk Like A Pirate Day yet | 18:32 | |
* IdleOne sips a coffee | 18:35 | |
IdleOne | to early for this stuff | 18:35 |
IdleOne | people telling other people to search for links and that maybe Ubuntu isn't for them if they can't find a link | 18:36 |
mneptok | if that annoys you, maybe IRC isn't for you. | 18:54 |
* mneptok runs, cackling, into a wall | 18:54 | |
IdleOne | maybe it isn't | 18:57 |
IdleOne | 12yrs of this. maybe I need a new hobby, curling perhaps? | 18:57 |
gord | herding cats is prolly the only hobby you are suited for after 12 years of irc | 18:59 |
IdleOne | lol | 18:59 |
IdleOne | I always enjoyed tossing rocks | 18:59 |
IdleOne | maybe I can toss rocks at cats | 18:59 |
mneptok | or toss cats at rocks. | 19:00 |
Gary | I'm so not allowed to make the comment I am thinking of | 19:00 |
mneptok | either way, go with a trebuchet. | 19:00 |
IdleOne | mneptok: will do. Gary: remember the code of conduct :P | 19:00 |
Gary | IdleOne: I always think of the CoC | 19:01 |
IdleOne | obviously | 19:01 |
IdleOne | *freak* | 19:01 |
IdleOne | haha | 19:01 |
jussi | Just a little heads up people, you may see the bot "scratDev" in #u in the next few days. The IRCC has approved this, based on the fact its testing the new encylopedia that m4v is running and all output is redirected to a different channel. If it makes noise, please contact myself or m4v. | 19:33 |
jussi | and cripes!! its a Gary!!! | 19:35 |
IdleOne | jussi: okie dokie | 19:35 |
rww | IdleOne: I prefer wgetting to curling. | 20:12 |
Pici | depends what you're doing. | 20:13 |
rww | Gary: LOL | 20:13 |
IdleOne | rww: you would | 20:13 |
rww | curl is for OS X users :( | 20:13 |
Pici | I use curl for uploading things. | 20:13 |
IdleOne | this entire thread is borderline o4o since Gary madde his non-comment | 20:13 |
IdleOne | made* | 20:13 |
Pici | This is a thread? | 20:14 |
IdleOne | conversation | 20:14 |
rww | chatroom! | 20:14 |
* rww hides | 20:14 | |
IdleOne | also it is more of a rope than a thread | 20:14 |
rww | jussi: can you @comment the happenings with magicianlord in -ot? I'm reading through the scrollback and confused. | 20:17 |
rww | oh great, weev's back :( | 20:24 |
IdleOne | funny they joined right after the spam | 20:26 |
jussi | rww: I got disconnected, the ban should have come off after 10. | 20:28 |
jussi | the lad was trolling, and just needed a bit of a break. | 20:28 |
ubottu | niko called the ops in #ubuntu (weev) | 20:29 |
rww | IdleOne: not at all, considering who weev is ;( | 20:30 |
Pici | weev is incog? | 20:31 |
IdleOne | rww: was not coc at all of me to say that | 20:31 |
IdleOne | Pici: yes | 20:31 |
rww | Pici: dunno, but he is rather famous in trolling circles. | 20:31 |
IdleOne | maybe he isn't incog | 20:32 |
IdleOne | still trolling | 20:32 |
rww | incog is that dude who was abusing Verizon Wireless dynamic IPs for a week or two, if memory serves. | 20:32 |
Pici | hes always getting banned from #freenode | 20:32 |
gnomefreak | metabot is broken i think | 21:16 |
gnomefreak | it sees comments as questions, for me the last week or so for the most part | 21:17 |
jussi | gnomefreak: you might want to teach it some ;) (/join #metabot) | 21:35 |
* gnomefreak doesnt know how to teach and old bot new tricks ;) | 21:35 | |
jussi | gnomefreak: there are instructions in the topic :) | 21:36 |
gnomefreak | jussi: ah thanks. if i get tijme this weekend i will try to train it to bite people and leave comments alone :) | 21:42 |
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak |
Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!