
andrejzhello dpm16:36
andrejzi noticed the blueprint you changed16:36
andrejzcan you give me the link to translations training blog post16:36
andrejzi am considering translating it16:37
dpmhey andrejz, awesome! Here it is: http://davidplanella.wordpress.com/2010/12/17/natty-translations-plans-ii-translations-training-sessions/16:41
dpmthank you!16:45
dpmlet me know when you've done it, and we can publish it on the translators FB page16:45
dpmandrejz, I've noticed you're doing a great job with your translations posts. I'm working on the translations portal, which has a planet-like feed to which people interested in translations can subscribe to. Right now it has only got my blog feed, but the idea is to add more feeds from awesome community members. I'd like to add your feed there, what do you think?16:50
dpmHere is the portal testing site, btw: http://ec2-79-125-76-181.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/drupal6/16:50
andrejzi would be honored :)16:51
andrejzit takes quite some time to blog (note that only about 15% are in english), but i think it's worthwile16:54
andrejzoutsiders get more motivated when they see something is happening17:01
andrejzalso other people occasionally write something so it's not only my blog17:01
andrejzHello. I noticed an error in rhythmbox - if i choose text below icons, "Paused" is not translated as can be seen here http://www.shrani.si/f/D/zo/3vxyueUO/zaslonskaslika.png even though it's translated in the .po files (and has been long before translation deadline)17:33

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