[03:27] o/ anyone around? [03:27] nope [03:28] andrew: can i ask nobody to do a quick favor? [03:28] nobody will consider once he/she hears what is requested [03:31] if no-one is running gnome, on a ubuntu box or not, could they use their preferred application to see how much memory gnome-settings-daemon is using including RSS and VSIZE [03:33] * EvilPhoenix yawns [03:33] :| [03:33] * EvilPhoenix is running gngome everywhere :P [03:33] gnome* [03:33] pokerface. [03:36] "preferred application"? [03:37] or command line utility [03:37] {htop, ps, top, qps} [03:43] have you seen the 'tast manager'-like program [03:43] ? [03:43] forget the name of it off hand [03:43] gnome-task-manager maybe? [03:44] somethig like that [03:44] it used mono so i got rid of it [03:44] gnome-system-control maybe [03:44] gnome-system-monitor [03:44] qps, though based on Qt is excellent [03:44] something like that [03:46] anyway would you mind checking that out? [03:46] i'd check, but I'm not at my desktop [03:47] FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU [03:47] :p its cool [12:49] SER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND [12:49] jimf 6043 0.0 0.4 29852 9620 ? Ssl Jan13 0:01 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon [12:50] ok, where is he? [12:50] @later tellMutantTurkey jimf 6043 0.0 0.4 29852 9620 ? Ssl Jan13 0:01 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon [12:50] Dunno. [12:50] @later tell MutantTurkey jimf 6043 0.0 0.4 29852 9620 ? Ssl Jan13 0:01 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon [12:50] jedijf: The operation succeeded. [13:30] why is gnome-power-manager taking up so much memory? [14:10] Morning [16:08] andrew: pmap $pid and receive your answer(s) [16:11] hrmm... [16:11] 0000000000ca0000 216564K rw--- [ anon ] [16:12] haha yeah anon...that sucks [16:12] device id is zero too [16:12] :( [16:12] total 497704K [16:12] do pmap -d too [16:13] nice summary [16:13] offset/device for that row is all 0 [16:18] yeah i said that...that's when it doesn't know [21:18] hi lamalex [21:21] hi ChinnoDog [21:22] lamalex: how's dallas? [21:26] pleia2, cold [21:27] hah [21:35] Colder than Portland? [21:35] yah [21:35] I think it's about the same but with less snow [21:51] wow, there are a lot of islands NE of Portland [21:51] * ChinnoDog would like one plz [21:51] * pleia2 has been sailing around them [21:51] fun times [21:52] How do I get one? haha [21:53] I guess I need a boat first or I will be a castaway [22:51] @fight pleia2 caligula [22:51] I don't have a clue. [22:51] oh [22:51] * ChinnoDog thinks pleia2's cats get a lot of internet coverage [23:32] < jedijf> @fight pleia2 caligula chinnodog [23:32] 18:32 < Pacs_Bot> jedijf: caligula: 123000, pleia2: 446, chinnodog: 208 [23:42] jedijf, if you get to PACS early, look for me by the fireplace [23:43] Teddy wants to keep his paws warm :-D [23:46] what time do you go to first sig? [23:47] anyways, that's near the coffee/espresso so...... [23:47] first sig is 10 [23:48] I'm usually there by 8:30 [23:48] i'm usuallt cursing by 8:30 [23:48] for you that's a win win [23:50] i was thinking what i was going to order...thinking americano tepid [23:53] do they have hot chocolate?