
seidosi'm trying to download the source code for intel_agp driver.  i tried searching apt-cache for intel_agp but there were no hits.  any other ideas?01:27
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gymeleouI'm having instability problems with Lucid / intel 845G. I don't see any workarounds for 845 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes, is there anything else I can try?13:25
ricotzRAOF, hello :), is the current xserver 1.10 pre-release in xedgers working with the latest nvidia blob?16:22
RAOFricotz: I don't believe so.  It might not even be the final 1.10 video ABI.17:03
RAOFricotz: I didn't test it because I didn't expect it to work.17:03
ricotzRAOF, ok, then i need to stay at the current snapshot then until a usable 2.6.38rc is available17:05
ricotzRAOF, but intel should be fine?17:05
RAOFricotz: Works on this very laptop, yes.17:05
bjsnidernvidia might work with the ignoreabi option17:06
ricotzRAOF, nice are you looking into rebuilding the missing drivers?17:07
ricotzbjsnider, hmm, could you try it first? :P17:07
RAOFbjsnider: Possibly, but I think it's likely to crash this time around :)17:07
bjsniderno, but you could17:07
ricotzi think i wont risk it, yet17:08
RAOFricotz: There's only wacom (and a bunch of other less useful drivers) to rebuild.  I was going to wait for one of Sarvatt's upload-the-world to do that for me :)17:08
ricotzRAOF, i am thinking of synaptics17:09
RAOFricotz: Done, like a jimmyhack.17:10
ricotzRAOF, hmm, right17:14
ricotzRAOF, the last synaptics version had an epoch17:14
ricotzRAOF, works on my 965gm :)17:29
bryceh_RAOF, ^^20:47
bryceh_This includes snapshots for the upcoming xserver 1.10 and mesa20:49
bryceh_7.10, along with some new driver bits. 20:49
mdeslaurbryceh: did the portland mafia reserve a bus to the airport tomorrow?21:05
bryceh_mdeslaur, they're discussing it currently21:06
bryceh_mdeslaur, looks like you, me, and brian at least are going at the same time21:07
mdeslaurbryceh_: zul also21:07
bryceh_mdeslaur, so probably safe to assume we'll have a bus or something.  brian will know details21:07
mdeslaurbryceh_: thanks21:08
alex_mayorgabryceh: ping21:35
bryceh_alex_mayorga, yep21:49
alex_mayorgabryceh_: can you take a peek at bug 69610421:49
bryceh_alex_mayorga, we're in the desktop team room, Lonestar II on 4th floor if you want to do higher bandwidth21:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 696104 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "nvidia 320m locks up (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69610421:49
bryceh_alex_mayorga, ok looking21:50
alex_mayorgaI've uploaded the dmesg on the 3 most recent lock ups there21:50
bryceh_[   26.112364] [drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: PFIFO_BAR_FAULT - VM: Trapped write at 000109f080 status 01040206 channel 0 (0x00000040)21:51
bryceh_wonder what that means21:51
RAOFHm.  Writing to invalid memory?21:51
alex_mayorgaby mesa-dri-experimental you mean libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental21:52
bryceh_also in one of the dmesg's21:52
bryceh_[ 4169.510090] ACPI Exception: AE_TIME, Returned by Handler for [EmbeddedControl] (20101013/evregion-474)21:52
bryceh_[ 4169.510110] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.LID0._LID] (Node ffff88013763caa0), AE_TIME (20101013/psparse-537)21:52
bryceh_alex_mayorga, yeah21:52
alex_mayorgabryceh_: so I remove that and hope the lockups go away?21:53
bryceh_alex_mayorga, yeah21:53
RAOFIIUC PFIFO is the command FIFO, BAR_FAULT indicates that the command is attempting to access the BAR in an inappropriate way.21:54
bryceh_alex_mayorga, for the lock up associated with the first dmesg.txt, do you recall about how long the system was up before it locked?21:54
alex_mayorgaI boothes at around 7:30 and the dmesg I captured at 11:4421:54
alex_mayorgaso around 4 hours21:55
bryceh_ok, that ACPI error was after about +1 hrs so is probably unrelated21:55
bryceh_that BAR_FAULT bit occurred during boot so is probably unrelated too21:56
bryceh_looks like none of these have error messages corresponding to the freezes21:56
bryceh_alex_mayorga, so yeah, next step is reproduce without 3D.  Then after that the bug can be forwarded upstream21:56
RAOFStrange.  Nouveau generally will spew an incomprehensible PFIFO_$SOMETHING.21:57
bryceh_alex_mayorga, or if you can't reproduce it, then !3D is going to have to be the workaround for you for now21:57
alex_mayorgabryceh_: don't quite get the last message, can you dumb it down a notch, please?22:03
bryceh_alex_mayorga, ah sorry.  The next step is to remove libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental and see if the issue goes away.  If it does not go away, then we can report it upstream for further investigation.22:04
alex_mayorgabryceh_: anything I should be aware of prior to removing the package or would apt take care of me?22:05
bryceh_alex_mayorga, if it does go away, well upstream is not accepting bug reports for 3D so there isn't anything we can do, so you'll just have to run without that package installed (and thus no 3D functionality for now)22:05
bryceh_alex_mayorga, I think apt should take care of it.  You'll want to restart X (or reboot), for the changes to take effect.22:06
alex_mayorgaOK, thanks again bryceh_22:06
alex_mayorgathat GeForce with CUDA is certainly just a sticker to me22:07

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