
xanguagoltoof: gnome-panel in the 'Startup' window makes non sence at all00:00
Chilaquilesdoes anybody know how to change or set an enviroment variable in bash?00:00
* KM0201 <3's Pidgin00:00
asdf39bastidrazor:  and bballard i have to type cd first and to go to the location where iso is?00:00
maesi have Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.00:00
neozenChilaquiles: export VARNAME=varvalue in the shell00:00
bballardneozen, might be fixed in 10.10 but 10.10 broke so many other things i didn't get to find out.  and given i have 3 different brands of USB sticks, 4 different ext hard drives that all work if they're the first device plugged in i'm puzzled00:00
neozenChilaquiles: will only take effect in that shell00:00
bastidrazorasdf39: you don't have to if you give the full path to the isofile.. /path/to/iso00:00
neozenChilaquiles: (and any shells that shell happens to spawn)00:01
Darkenvycan I connect to a custom server with the xchat client?00:02
neozenDarkenvy: yep...00:02
DarkenvyI can only find the list of "recommended" servers00:03
shcherbakDarkenvy: /connect custom.server ?00:03
neozenor click the Add button to add a custom one00:03
Darkenvyokay thanks lol00:03
itaylor57Chilaquiles: put export $VARIABLE="value" in your profile and it will do what you want00:04
=== Ares_ is now known as Guest878
ddr400which channel is the chat?00:04
neozenItalian_Plumber: no $00:04
neozenitaylor57: no $00:04
Darkenvypermission denied00:05
asdf39mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk00:05
DarkenvyI am not an irc oporator00:05
asdf39i don't change the  /mnt/disk.Right?00:05
itaylor57neozen: correct00:05
bastidrazorasdf39: the mount point needs to exist, if not it will not work.. you probably need to create /mnt/disk00:06
itaylor57Chilaquiles: put export VARIABLE="value" in your profile and it will do what you want00:06
asdf39bastidrazor:  it's my first mount00:06
bastidrazorasdf39: i would sudo mkdir /mnt/disk; sudo chown $USER /mnt/disk  .. that will make the directory and give you full permissions for your user00:07
chookserr. Im having a problem installing Steam through wine. It comes up with a dialogue that says: The file '/tmp/steaminstall.msi' is not marked as executable...00:07
chooksanyone know how to allow it to run?00:07
Darkenvyneozen: there is no add button nore do I have priviledges to "/connect"00:07
IanWizardhey guys, long time no see00:07
Darkenvychooks, right click and checkmark 'allow executables'00:07
neozenDarkenvy: sure you're in xchat?00:07
bastidrazorasdf39: honestly.. making a directory in /media would allow you to have it displayed on your desktop and clickable.00:08
asdf39bastidrazor:  on the mnt folder doesn't have anything inside00:08
feenMy machine has 2 users, one of them does not have many privileges. Whenever one of the accounts is logged and the other ones is using the computer, there is no audio for this user. How can I fix this?00:08
neozenDarkenvy: which version?00:08
kaywhat is better to install steam with? playonlinux or wine? thanks00:08
KM0201Darkenvy: xchat, and xchat-gnome.. are quite a bit different feature wise00:08
Darkenvykay: playonlinux installs wine00:08
IanWizardok, so I'm looking for opinions on the best virtualization solution, performance wise.00:08
bastidrazorasdf39: right, an iso has to be mounted to an empty directory.00:08
kayoh thanks!00:09
Darkenvykay: install playonlinux anyways and see if it helps you out. either wya you get wine00:09
KM0201IanWizard: virtualbox or vmware.. doesn't matter, if your computer meets the specs, they both run well00:09
neozenDarkenvy: 0.26.1..... um.... on 10.04 and version seems to be 2.8.600:09
Darkenvyvmware = boss00:09
neozenDarkenvy: if that's xchat.... thats a seriously OLD xchat00:09
KM0201neozen: he's using xchat-gnome  thats different from xchat00:09
Darkenvyhmmm I installed this from the repo.... synaptic00:09
neozenKM0201: ah....... sonofa..00:09
IanWizardKM0201, yes, but what about things like QEMU/KVM?00:09
KM0201IanWizard: i ave no real experience w/ them, but my guess is, they perform similarly t the other two.00:10
neozenKM0201: imho... if you fork something... it shouldn't have the same name00:10
Darkenvyneozen: so "sudo apt-get install xchat"?00:10
neozenDarkenvy: sure00:10
KM0201neozen: i asked about that in #xchat the other day... they said xchat-withoutallthefeatures   didn't have the same ring to it00:10
neozenDarkenvy: never used xchat-gnome so sorry for my confusion00:10
KM0201!xchat | Darkenvy00:11
Darkenvyyea I blame synaptic package manager00:11
KM0201!info xchat00:11
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 312 kB, installed size 840 kB00:11
kayhow do you install steam through it btw? i'm new to this. it's been a while00:11
KM0201Darkenvy: there you go, enable universe, and you can install xchat00:11
Darkenvyhey can I get repo info on anything from the bot?00:11
Darkenvyyea I got it this time00:11
neozenDarkenvy: why ask the bot when you can ask your system: apt-cache show packagename00:12
DarkenvyMUCH BETTER00:12
Darkenvyfamiliar screen. thanks00:12
KM0201Darkenvy: it's got a lot more features, thats for sure00:12
Darkenvyoh yea00:12
FloodBot1Darkenvy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:12
jkwjkwe w00:12
* neozen pokes FloodBot1 with a stick00:12
neozenquiet you00:12
asdf39if i type this mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk . the iso will be mounted? (it's my first mount)00:12
Darkenvyyea thats a bad habit of mine00:12
chooksdarkenvy, where exactly do I right click? im running ubuntu and im trying to launch steam of my windows partition00:13
s3aCould someone please tell me if I can install Ubuntu on an Archos 5 Model: 50131300:13
KM0201!gmountiso | asdf3900:13
haritsayou must try00:13
neozens3a: that a laptop?00:13
ubuntuhow did he do that00:14
KM0201!info gmountiso00:14
ubottugmountiso (source: gmountiso): This is Gmountiso, a PyGTK GUI to mount your cd images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 176 kB00:14
KM0201asdf39: check that tool out, it's a simple, GUI to mount ISO's.. very easy00:14
s3ait's a 4.8 inch screen tablet00:14
s3aneozen, ^00:14
kayhey can anyone walk me through the installation of steam on linux? i have wine but im not sure what to do next.00:14
asdf39thanks KM020100:14
neozens3a: ah... tablet00:14
neozens3a: you might be able to... question is ... would you actually want to.00:14
KM0201asdf39: you just select an ISO, choose a directory, and click mount00:15
s3akay, put the msi file on desktop and open a terminal and copy paste this: cd Desktop && /msiexec *.msi00:15
s3aneozen, i want to dual boot android with it00:15
neozens3a: stock ubuntu not exactly built (usability wise) for handheld tablets00:15
s3aneozen, i don't want to replace android00:15
asdf39KM0201:  on mountpoint what should i put?00:15
s3aneozen, there is netbook edition00:15
s3aneozen, and i don't mind heavy customization00:15
neozens3a: yes there is00:15
kayalright thanks!00:16
KM0201asdf39: i always just use my /home/documents folder.... but you can use whatever you want00:16
asdf39KM0201:  a random folder?00:16
glacemanasdf39: create some folder on ur desktop and mount to it00:16
KM0201asdf39: yeah...00:16
s3akay, did it work? because i think i made a mistake00:17
KM0201asdf39: if you wanna create a folder, you can do that to... once you unmount the ISO.. the files are gonna disappear00:17
neozens3a: good luck.... I have no idea00:17
asdf39i ll let you know00:17
neozens3a: pretty sure I'd have a hell of a time using linux on something w/o a keyboard00:17
KM0201thats why i just use /home documents00:17
s3akay, i think it's msiexec /i *.msi instead00:17
kayi'm gonna try later actually. my laptop batt is dying00:17
glacemanKM0201: i just had some idea about my audio issues, currently installing backtrack on a virutal machine, let's say i get to the /etc/apt/sources.list, i might be able to find my computer model there ? what do u think ?00:18
kayi'll let you know00:18
glacemanKM0201: sorry i meant the alsa-source list00:18
s3aneozen, that's why i'm not removing android, i have certain softwares i want to use in ubuntu00:18
KM0201glaceman: i guess you could try... but i won't guarantee success on that one00:18
glacemanKM0201: ok00:18
neozens3a: I hear you00:19
neozens3a: if I had a dime for every time I thought.... "WHY can I not just SCP on this G2" ..why must I either snag some paid (or crippled trial) app off the market or compile it myself00:20
s3aneozen, well actually, i don't even have a cell phone00:22
s3aneozen, i've never owned my own cell phone in my life and still don't plan to00:22
s3aneozen, a portable cell-phone sized tablet would be good though, i can use skype via wifi for "cell phoning"00:22
* neozen nods00:22
* KM0201 <3's skype00:23
neozens3a: since I got the g2.... I don't really call anyone... used about 30min last week...00:23
neozens3a: *month00:23
neozens3a: now the web-browser, the reddit app, and the rockbox alpha..... those're used non-stop00:24
=== matthew is now known as Guest5749
geospyre to alll00:25
_misha_hi need help sharing inet thru hub - did iptables -nat on server - what to do on LAN clients to get to internet over those eth??00:25
neozenbut enough OT... so.. who's got a problem that can be killed in 5min? the Ross is free00:25
s3aok but does anybody know if I can install it?00:25
s3ai saw an archow 9 connected to a keyboard and mouse via usb and installed via flash drive00:25
s3awith ubuntu00:25
_misha_im sure my thing is 5 min of basic networking00:25
wutangzus2002hey everybody00:26
neozen_misha_: fire away00:26
ubuntuhow do you trigger everyone's windows like that00:26
neozen_misha_: what's up?00:26
kreignI'm having a weird problem with custom kernel modules I've built on 10.04 LTS. I can build the modules fine on both hosts, same exact kernel on both and they're 100% up to date. same apt source repositories. apparmor is disabled on both. on one host (call it host B) I am unable to modprobe the modules (regardless of the hardware it's running on - / is on a USB flash drive): I get "FATAL: Error inserting <module>: Cannot assign requested address" (as well as00:26
kreign"WARNING" for all its dependent modules w/ the same failure). I built debs from the modules on the "A" host, where I can modprobe the modules fine, and installed them on host B - same issue.00:26
FloodBot1kreign: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:26
kreigndidn't realize it was that long - sorry.00:26
kreignubuntu, like what?00:26
_misha_so on the "Server"00:26
Guest5749can any1 help me im dual booting and my webcam works on windows but cant seem to get it to wrk on ubuntu00:27
neozen_misha_:  ah... you want to do connection sharing00:27
kreignGuest5749, what's 'lsusb' say it is?00:27
=== ubuntu is now known as shawn156
birdman007I installed glx-dock but when i try to view the man page it says its not their?00:27
kreignGuest5749, may need to pastie.org the output of lsusb -v00:28
neozen_misha_: a second's googling found this: http://lindesk.com/2007/04/internet-connection-sharing-using-iptables/00:28
Guest5749kreign simple terms please lol00:29
kreignGuest5749, what. does. the. output. of. lsusb -v. say?00:29
kreignGuest19189, can't help you if you can't provide basic info like that.00:29
shawn156i mean its like someone is mentioning your name but heya re not00:29
shawn156triggering that somehow00:29
shawn156*they are00:30
kreignGuest5749, open console, type "lsusb -v" minus quotes, and put it on a pastebin somewhere, such as on pastie.org (because the output will be large)00:30
neozen_misha_: post talks about fedora... but I don't see any commands which shouldn't work in ubuntu00:31
_misha_one laptop has internet on hso000:31
_misha_and all 3 are on a hub with static ips00:31
_misha_what do i do on the two "client" puters?00:31
kreign_misha_, well, do you know you've got 'connection sharing' working on the 'server'?00:32
kreign_misha_, the 'server' needs to be set as the default gateway on the clients.00:32
Datzhi, I'm having trouble with the Network Manager. All the sudden it's not connecting to the wirless network that it was yesterday.00:33
DatzVersion 0.8.100:33
neozenDatz: what's changed between then and now?00:33
Datzneozen: the only thing, it's not working now00:33
kreignneozen, he's already identified his problem. he's using NetworkManager00:33
neozenDatz: install any updates... upgraded your kernel... etc00:34
DatzI'm on 10.1000:34
neozenkreign: oh its not that bad00:34
Guest5749done that kreign00:34
kreignneozen, you say apple, I say "yes it is" :P00:34
_misha_im not in network manager - im in a terminal00:34
kreign_misha_, on the clients?00:34
Chilaquileshow can I bring the wireless icon back into my panel_00:35
kreign_misha_, are you using network manager?00:35
renderohello, i want to use uuidgen , but not to generate ext4 or swap labels , i want to generate ntfs type label ( that are shorter )00:35
Datzok.. so what to use other than the network manager?00:35
neozenChilaquiles: in stock ubuntu: run nm-applet & in a terminal00:35
ChilaquilesI accidentally deleted my wireless icon in my panel how can I bring the wireless icon back into my panel?00:35
kreignDatz, the traditional way to do networks is with /etc/network/interfaces (edit it and restart networking via /etc/init.d/networking)00:35
wahbenHi all! my computer won't boot. I interrupted the hibernation00:36
wahbenand now it won't boot00:36
kreignDatz, it's a mature and featureful way to do it, but it's also not too tuned for wireless, IIRC.00:36
Datzkreign: I guess I'll take a look00:36
Chilaquilesneozer: it says that is already running00:36
Guest5749kreign i pasted it00:36
kreignGuest5749, now i'll need a link to the paste, obviously.00:36
neozenChilaquiles: killall nm-applet && nm-applet00:36
kreignDatz, if your computer doesn't move, using the 'traditional' method is probably not a bad idea.00:36
guamparendero: http://www.guidgenerator.com/00:36
neozenkreign: that'd be the key thing00:37
neozenkreign: on a laptop.....00:37
KM0201Chilaquiles: i think you'd want to add notification area, back to your panel (thats where the networking applet is stored)00:37
Datzkreign: it's a laptop00:37
neozenKM0201: yeah... that too :P00:37
DatzI'm attempting to connect tirelessly00:37
Datzalso tirelessly00:37
KM0201neozen: everything you said might work, but i don't think so.00:37
neozenKM0201: you're probably right00:38
ChilaquilesKM0201: yeah, thats what I wanted thanks!00:38
kreignDatz, my wife has a laptop. it sits on the kitchen table and doesn't move.00:38
Datzso.. I'd think there'd be some trouble shooting procedure. Or a way to get things working... It's ubuntu afterall :P00:38
ToxicsgzI am trying to move a folder into another that has only root permissions, how can I move the folder as root?00:38
KM0201all that nm-applet stuff, is really pre 10.04, when the networking applet wasn't part of notification area00:38
Datzkreign: well, I don't see any previous config in interfaces for wirless connection00:38
neozenKM0201: what can I say...... I'm old00:39
DatzI need a tutorial to connect via the command line00:39
=== rendero is now known as Guest77942
KM0201neozen: yeah... but if you can't adapt...00:39
neozenKM201: if I couldn't adapt... I wouldn't be a software developer00:40
Guest5749kreign http://pastie.org/145847900:40
=== ryan_xchat is now known as myradlife
rendero_guampa, i do not need that label types ( ext4 or swap ) i want to generate ntfs type labels00:40
neozenKM201: I just run xubuntu day-to-day so I don't usually have to deal w/ how stock ubuntu does things00:40
KM0201neozen: dunno, just saw a good example of failure to adapt00:40
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:40
neozenKM0201: see previous00:41
=== rendero_ is now known as rendero
KM0201neozen: then help in xubuntu00:41
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.00:41
neozenKM0201: usually damned quiet in there.... I'm useful here00:41
blessed2bfreshhas any1 used a spawn of ubuntu called pinguy OS?00:41
KM0201neozen: lol.. "see previous"00:41
=== randy is now known as Guest17862
kreignGuest5749, my apoligies, i should've been more specific: run sudo lsusb -v and paste it00:42
kreignI don't know what those devices are00:42
kreignGuest5749 scratch that, I'm an idiot. let me read.00:43
joshrlHello everyone, I need more help. :P00:43
dabukalam!ask | joshrl00:44
ubottujoshrl: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:44
joshrlHahah, sorry. :P00:44
feenMy machine has 2 users, one of them does not have many privileges. Whenever one of the accounts is logged and the other ones is using the computer, there is no audio for this user. How can I fix this?00:44
dabukalamfeen: are you using OSS or ALSA?00:45
joshrlI have trouble loading up MineCraft, and as soon as the splash screen pops up the game crashes. What do I do to stop this? D:00:45
feendabukalam: I have no idea.00:45
dabukalamfeen: which ubuntu?00:45
feendabukalam: 10.1000:45
kreignGuest5749, looks like it might use module sn9c102 - when you plug the camera in, you should see log events occur (type `dmesg | tail -f` in console and then plug it in)00:45
kreignGuest5749, if you get something like "No supported image sensor detected for this bridge" then it won't work.00:46
joshrlI suppose no one can help then, I can post the error message from the terminal into PasteBin if it would help.00:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:47
Guest5749thank you kreign will try it out00:48
KM0201whats the deal w/ this minecraft game, why is it so popular?00:48
joshrlIt's quite relaxing and a time waster, and you can be very creative in it. :)00:48
aeon-ltdKM0201: its like lego but digital with ZOMBIESSSSSZ!!!!!!00:49
joshrlYou set goals for yourself and then when you accomplish them you get satisfaction. :)00:49
itaylor57KM0201: i think they are jet fans00:49
KM0201aeon-ltd: lol, surprised there isn't a linux versio00:49
joshrlThere is a Minecraft.jar for linux.00:49
dabukalamfeen: let me make sure I understand properly... when you switch user, sound no longer works?00:49
KM0201itaylor57: ugh.. i'm so torn this week.. jets or pats... that's like choosing between evil or wicked00:49
joshrlBut It isn't working for me, which is why I asked the question. >.<00:50
feendabukalam: When both users are logged in, there is no sound for the one that is currently using the machine.00:50
KM0201joshrl: where can you downoad it00:50
ToxicsgzHow do I move a folder into another folder that has root permissons only?00:50
joshrlIf you have a account and have logged in once you can play Offline.00:50
aeon-ltdToxicsgz: sudo mv folderpath folderdestinationpath00:51
horseatingweedsI'm trying to install Linux on an older system. Ubuntu and Kubuntu both stall after their first screen, with a cursor in the upper left blinking.00:51
horseatingweedsAnyone have this before?00:51
dabukalamToxicsgz: sudo?00:51
ToxicsgzThanks aeon_ltd00:51
aeon-ltdhorseatingweeds: whats the specification?00:51
aeon-ltdToxicsgz: you might need recursive aswell00:51
KM0201joshrl: i just installed the jar no problem, what problem are you having?00:52
brimestonehey guys.. i need help with htaccess and apache2... its not working.. can someone help me please00:52
dabukalamfeen: so let's say you log into john, then switch to paul, then switch to john, log out john, switch to paul, would the sound work?00:52
joshrlWhen I start up the game and log-in it shows the Mojang Specifications splash screen for a second, the rest of the computer goes black for a second too, and then the game crashes.00:53
feendabukalam: If I log out of John, it will work. If I only switch, it will not.00:53
horseatingweedsaeon-ltd, Intell x8600:53
joshrlI'm running on VB.00:53
joshrlBy the way.00:53
joshrlDo you think VirtualBox may have something to do with it? :O00:53
aeon-ltdhorseatingweeds: clock speed and ram?00:53
KM0201joshrl: maybe thats your issue.... where do i go to play this game?.. i'm signed in on minecraft.net00:53
joshrlHave you bought the game?00:54
horseatingweedsI'm not sure of the speed, half gig ram.00:54
dabukalam!sound > feen00:54
ubottufeen, please see my private message00:54
KM0201oh i have to buy it?00:54
KM0201well that sucks.00:54
dabukalamfeen: try that00:54
joshrlYeah, I didn't think you had yet. >.<00:55
feendabukalam: Will do.00:55
aeon-ltdhorseatingweeds: hmm should be fine, seems well over min requirements, you should maybe check the iso with !md500:55
KM0201joshrl: how much is that US?00:55
joshrlI wouldn't know, I'm not from the US. >.<00:55
joshrlIt's $18 NZD though. :P00:55
joshrlOr was... I'm not sure now. >.<00:55
=== ubuntu is now known as speedhog
horseatingweedsaeon-ltd, I'm not sure what you mean - check iso with !md500:56
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feendabukalam: Everything is fine. The computer is not on mute and hardware is correctly set.00:56
dodgy_scriptanyone know how to enable an ether port eth0 wired connection without using networkmanager ?00:57
=== peyton is now known as no4
aeon-ltd!md5 | horseatingweeds00:59
ubottuhorseatingweeds: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:59
no4how do i get vmware in ubuntu?00:59
pricespin_craigGuys - what does permissions 1411 mean?00:59
horseatingweedsaeon-ltd, oh yeah - I've done that, on another system.00:59
pompa_hi everyone. I have a question about ibus and the export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus line. Where is that line suppose to be appended?01:00
=== bffs_ is now known as bffs
horseatingweedsI've tried three different discs, all have worked on other systems, and I've tried both disc drives that the system has.01:00
dabukalamfeen: log into the account with less priveleges01:00
bballardpricespin_craig, owner read, group execute, all execute01:00
dabukalamfeen: or privileges01:01
pricespin_craigAparently the trailing 1 means Sticky bit http://permissions-calculator.org/info/#sticky-bit01:01
no4does anyone know a good vmware package?/01:02
dabukalamfeen: then go to System > Admin > User Settings > Advanced > User Privileges. Is the "Use Audio Device" box checked?01:02
pricespin_craigno4 - Java/Oracle virtualbox01:02
shawn156how do i untar a .tar only file?01:03
aeon-ltdhorseatingweeds: then sorry, i've no idea of the root of the problem01:03
shawn156xjvf doesn't work01:03
aeon-ltdshawn156: xzvf ?01:03
closetürkiyeden kimse var mı?01:03
horseatingweedsaeon-ltd, yeah. I'm perplexed.01:03
horseatingweedsaeon-ltd, Win 95 is running on it really well - better than I'm used to XP and Vista working.01:04
no4there is two packages i386 and AMD64 which one do i do01:04
HypoglybeticCan anyone suggest which Highlight Mode to use in gEdit when modifying Config generic config files?01:05
shcherbakno4: Do you have 64bit system?01:05
no4im not sure .... it is ubuntu lucid01:06
no4one sec01:06
no4ill find out01:06
frensihello everybody, i am new on linux ; all day fdisk install windows backup files vs.i split 3 partition hdd C:50gb for xp E:900gb for files D:50gb for linux all formatted ntfs.i will install now but confused when i install will ask for swap what i will do ..01:06
shcherbakno4: uname -a01:06
shawn156xzvf didn't work01:06
no4i686 it says01:07
shawn156would it be jxvf?01:07
no4is i686 a 64bit?01:07
shcherbakno4: deas it say -pae kernel?01:07
shawn156or jxzf01:07
dsdeizheya, any ideas why my monitor can't be detected? :/ fwiw, i have an intel graphics card01:07
no4it says pae01:08
shcherbakno4: use 32 bit version then01:08
shcherbakfrensi: you can make system with no swap (assuming you have 1gb + memory) or make extended logigal partition for swap01:10
dabukalamfeen: you still here buddy?01:10
frensishcherbak i will try thanks01:10
shawn156what would the command be to untar a .tar only file?01:11
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frensii waited 3 hours download ubuntu. my pc processor amd64 bit but i didnt see and i386 downloaded is it problem for performance?01:11
bballardshawn156, tar xvf /path/to/file.tar01:11
slgmawhat is this mono app01:11
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michelhey guys01:17
michelsomebody from brazil?01:17
nubuntuis any1 free to help me with something probably easy?01:17
aeon-ltd!ask | nubuntu01:18
ubottunubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:18
michelwhat you need?01:18
dsdeizwhat's the driver i should be installing if i had a graphics card? :/01:18
michelwhat graphic card?01:19
dsdeizan intel graphics card, sorry. hehe01:19
michelremember model?01:19
rusivifrensi: It's application dependent, but assuming basic usage no (I have a 64-bit processor but installed 32-bit edition of Ubuntu)01:20
nubuntuIm currently booting lubuntu from my USB flash drive. I want to install it until my friend can get me an xp pro disc. when he gets it to me, how would i go about disinstalling lubuntu?01:20
aeon-ltdnubuntu: delete the partitions and reformat01:21
ToxicsgzTrying to move a folder, is there anything wrong with this path?     home/File System/usr/lib/Oolite/AddOns01:21
Boatingbum23can anyone tell me why icannot play a DVD, ive downloaded all the restricted extras, libdvd, and vlc, i cant normally get any dvd to play and if it does play its very pixely and sometime just a green screen01:21
drhe1sktretail dvd?01:22
drhe1sktyou must install some css thing01:22
drhe1sktenable it01:22
Boatingbum23isnt that the libdvd package?01:22
drhe1skthold on01:22
drhe1sktlet me search01:22
nubuntuaeon-ltd: it would be really easy?01:22
nit-witBoatingbum23, medibuntu w32 codecs01:22
aeon-ltdnubuntu: if you don't have anything worth saving01:22
aeon-ltd!dvd | Boatingbum2301:23
ubottuBoatingbum23: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:23
nit-witBoatingbum23, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu01:23
Boatingbum23thank you everyone, much appreciated01:24
nubuntuaeon-ltd: i don't. i'm going to go ahead and do it. Also, can you tell me why 80% of the time when i download something and click on it to open, it doesn't and just clones itself on my downloads bar?01:24
tim_this is a "how do I use linux" question rather than ubuntu specific - I would like to make some videos explaining maths, basicly a slide show and a voiceover. I was wondering what tools you would use for that?01:25
drhe1sktBoatingbum23, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs01:25
dsdeizwhere's ubuntu's hardware information?01:26
KM0201dsdeiz: lspci can usually give some useful info01:26
switch101dsdeiz: cat /proc/*01:26
tim_dsdeiz: you can use varius comandline tools to get useful information but if your looking for an equivilent of windows file manager...01:27
tim_*device manager01:27
Boatingbum23It worked, thanks again01:27
dsdeizyeah, i did lspci | grep -i vga and it says "Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller"01:27
aeon-ltdnubuntu: its trying to open itself in a web browser perhaps?01:28
dsdeizi'm not sure what driver to install since when i go to "Monitors" it can't detect my monitor01:28
tim_dsdeiz: xorg shouldn't need a config these days01:28
aeon-ltdhi  again01:29
gimixhi, I am looking tool for drawing network diagram. could you give me some point?01:29
dsdeiztim_: hm, so no drivers to install?01:29
tim_dsdeiz: that's not entirely true01:30
tim_dsdeiz: if you look at the packages avialable for xorg there are drivers specific to ati or nvidia01:30
tim_maybe intel also01:30
nubuntuaeon-ltd: i don't think so. it will do that if I click on it or otherwise open itself in this really useless program called xarchiver or something where it sits and I can't open it from there either. It gives me the option to extract, but Ive done it countless times to no change. any suggestions?01:30
tim_but a lot of stuff is already in the kernel or installed with xorg by default01:30
dsdeiztim_: do i just try them one by one?01:30
tim_dsdeiz: its a long time since I've fiddled with this, give me a mo to look01:31
Aristocleshi!!  I'm still trying to research video cards for a new build.  I would really appreciate your suggestions!01:31
dsdeizi can't get into the generic config in grub, i need to choose the 2nd option and choose low graphics for ubuntu to start01:31
dsdeiztim_: oh, sure thang01:31
coz_Aristocles,  well  you have the choice of course of Intel..nvidia..and ati01:31
tim_ok, so if you look in your package manager you probably already have01:31
tim_xserver-xorg-video-intel installed01:32
tim_and if you look in your xorg log which is in /var/log, you can see it being used (hopefuly)01:32
coz_Aristocles,   I am partial to nvidia but many are not... the ati drivers are open source now and should work with most of the cards  but I am not familiar enough with ati to speak about that01:32
tim_next thing is to test if 3D acceleration is working for you, but someone else will have to say how to do that01:32
Aristoclescoz_, thanks.  what card are you using?01:32
dsdeizhm sec. lemme check01:33
coz_Aristocles,  well on this system an old  7300gt  and its old  :)01:33
tim_dsdeiz: I think if you install a package called mesa-utils, and run a tool called glxgears you can see if everythings working nicely01:34
coz_Aristocles,   I guess it depends on what you are expecting to do  on your system...  play games  3d exceleration...compiz etc01:34
tim_but honestly, this stuff mostly plug and plays these days01:34
aeon-ltdnubuntu: its unarchive looping, you need to unarchive it completely, eg. tar -xzvf abcd.tar.gz ;01:34
Aristoclescoz_, only an occasional game, but compiz, 3d, photo editing, possibly video, movies.01:35
nubuntuaeon-ltd how do I unarchive it completely exactly?01:35
AristoclesI'm just unsure of the state of things right now.  lol01:36
dsdeiztim_: gotcha, will install that. xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed, i also see the word intel in /var/log/Xorg.1.log and /var/log/Xorg.failsafe.log01:36
coz_Aristocles,   ok then any of the current cards  nvidia    ati  or even intel should work fine... i would guess ,,, like any system... what you can afford is going to play a major part in what you put into the system01:36
tim_dsdeiz: I'd pretty much assume it's fine at this point, unless something goes wrong01:36
coz_Aristocles,    I think this is still up to date    Compiz requires at least a Radeon 7000 (or M6). For 7000 to HD4xxx series cards, you can use the open source "radeon" driver. HD2xxx and later series cards are also supported by the proprietary "fglrx" driver.01:37
dsdeizgotcha, i'll just finish upgrading and install the mesa stuff01:37
coz_Aristocles,   to be complete in this search I would scoot over to #radeon  channel for at  disucusion and  #nvidia channel for nvidia01:37
coz_Aristocles,  see what they suggest  within your price range01:38
Aristoclescoz_, thanks so much.01:38
zaeryis it possible to put an ssh'ed folder into fstab?01:38
coz_Aristocles,   no problem   let me know which you decide on :)01:38
aeon-ltdnubuntu:  its in the example i gave01:38
Aristoclescoz_, will do!01:38
aeon-ltdnubuntu: if the extension is the same01:39
nubuntuaeon-ltd: um ok thanks01:40
shawn156why is wicked74's linux for jornada so big?01:40
vivekgon 10.04 whenever I am inserting any CD in the cd rom, I am always getting a prompt which says you have inserted a blank cd.. but the cd is not at all a blank one and contains data.. this is happening to almost every cd that I am inserting. Any help ?01:43
sam-_-vivekg, seems to me that your drive is broken01:45
yayoj1I would try re-formating the drive, to see if it's an error through initial set-up.01:46
vivekgsam-_-: but when I insert dvds its working..01:46
yayoj1of the os01:46
yayoj1do you select the software to use to open the cd with before opening the cd contents?01:47
zaeryIf someone says that this is in fstab: "// /mnt/myshare ......" does that mean that it's at /share on the network drive, or something like /usr/share?01:47
sam-_-vivekg, strange but still i would suspect an issue with the hardware01:47
sam-_-zaery, looks like a windows share01:48
zaerysam-_-, then what if i wanted to mount the folder "/home/zaery/share" on the IP "" onto the point /mnt/share on my laptop, would i do "// /mnt/share ....."?01:50
yayoj1vivekg: Im betting the issue is with the hardware like sam said, but I would try everything possible before jumping to drastic measures such as replacing the hardware.01:50
Boatingbum23Is there anyway to play my iTunes purchased movies on my ubuntu system?01:50
vivekgsam-_-, yayoj1: yeah guys seems to be the option.. Thank you for your help.01:51
yayoj1vivekg: do a hardware test and see if the cd-rom is picked up01:51
OrangePeelHow do I find out (if a program exists) what files are unburnable? meaning they say error on every dvd I try to put them on.01:51
redvI get an error when doing a sudo-get install proftpd /var/lib/dpkg/info/ftpd.prerm: 4: update-inetd: not found01:51
redvgrep: /etc/inetd.conf: No such file or directory01:51
sam-_-zaery, if your samba is configured correctly it might work. but you really shouldn't share / via samba01:51
redvanyone have any ideas?01:51
yayoj1redv: leave out what follows the proftd01:52
zaerysam-_-, there's no samba involved, i'm just naming the folders "share"01:52
yayoj1redv: change location during installation process01:52
sam-_-zaery, so how do you do it? via nfs?01:52
redvI did a "sudo apt-get install proftpd" and I want to run it in daemon mode, after the 'proftpd' is my error message01:53
zaerysam-_-, normally, i hit ctrl+L in nautilus and type "sftp://zaery@" but i want it to be mounted automatically01:54
sam-_-so via ssh01:54
sam-_-you will have to install sshfs if you haven't already01:54
izinucsHow do I download files from bazaar.launchpad.net?01:54
sam-_-redv, is update-inetd installed?01:55
OrangePeelHow do I find out (if a program exists) what files are unburnable? meaning they say error on every dvd I try to put them on.01:56
Boatingbum23Is there anyway to play my iTunes purchased movies on my ubuntu system?01:56
coz_Boatingbum23,  are they  .mov   files?01:57
coz_Boatingbum23,  they should play fine.... install   vlc01:57
yayoj1redv: sorry can't be of more help, don't know why the error is coming up personally I think gFTP is a better app for the services of proftd.01:57
Boatingbum23theyre protected i believe since i bought themfrom the itunes store01:57
DarkenvyHey can I get a channel for parts/CPU cooling support?01:57
coz_Darkenvy,  let me check the channel list for hardware ...hold on01:58
Darkenvyim a little irc rusty, channel list command?01:58
ssbplshello, something happen to my ubuntu system. I am using the 9.10 and i want to study php. But when i want to install phpmyadmin , i can't install it . The problem is as followed: Depends: php5-common (= 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6) but 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.4 is to be installed . How to update php5-common?01:58
coz_Darkenvy,   are you on xchat?01:58
sam-_-Boatingbum23, i don't believe it's possible easily.01:59
Boatingbum23alright thanks anyway01:59
ssbplswho can help me solve the problem?01:59
coz_Darkenvy,   under the "Server"  menu    "list of channels"01:59
sam-_-Boatingbum23, only solution is via virtualization01:59
coz_Darkenvy,   then type in the "Find"  field01:59
izinucsssbpls: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin01:59
shifuimami'm having a bit of trouble with sed - i keep getting an "unterminated s command" error, although i think i've escaped everything that should be escaped01:59
ssbplsthe problem as the same!01:59
izinucsssbpls: check and see which version of php you have installed.. then look in aptitude or synaptic for different versions available.. uninstall the wrong one and install the one you need.02:00
Boatingbum23yeah,i dont wanna do virtualization, id rather just boot into my windows 7 partition, it would just be much easier to play them here02:00
roberto_any was install linux mint debian'02:01
sam-_-ssbpls, you can force the version. or you need to downgrade php5-common02:01
ssbplsi have installed php502:01
sam-_-ssbpls, easiest with synaptic. select the package then press ctrl+e then select the version02:02
sam-_-Boatingbum23, it's apple. they tend to ignore anything but themselves.02:03
Boatingbum23yeah ive noticed, thats why i dont own one02:03
Boatingbum23how do i strip the DRM?02:04
shifuimamBoatingbum23: there are apps that will remove fairplay DRM from iTunes music store purchaes02:04
sam-_-Boatingbum23, dunno if you can currently. but wasn't there sth. by dvdjohn back in the day?02:04
shifuimambut keep in mind that doing so is technically illegal as it violates the terms of service you agreed to when you signed up for an iTMS account02:04
snypzzhello all02:05
Boatingbum23thats true02:05
roberto_hello someone talk spanish?02:06
tim_there is a ubuntu spanish channel02:06
snypzzlooking for a way to xirc text to speech, anyone out there listening to IRC like me...02:06
roberto_thank you02:07
tim_roberto_: ubuntu-es02:07
tim_roberto_: type /join #ubuntu-es02:07
roberto_impecabl ya entre02:08
DrSmallHi there02:08
ssbplssam-_-: I have followed your advice, but one new problem happed as followed: E: I wasn't able to locate file for the php5-common package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.02:08
ssbplsE: Unable to lock the download directory02:08
Alan502Anybody knows what that new distro based on ubuntu, but faster than ubuntu is named?02:08
Alan502I forgot it xD02:08
ssbplshow to fix it ?02:08
tim_Alan502: xubuntu is a bit faster?02:08
songer7knoppix: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.02:08
xanguaAlan502: lubuntu¿¿02:08
xangua!pps | knoppix02:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!02:08
Alan502tim_, Xalem no it was a new distro.. can't remember the name though :/02:09
tim_Alan502: there are a lot of distros, but you could get the same effect by turning off services in ubuntu02:09
tim_the same is true for windows incidently02:09
m4vrww: knoppix was insulting in spanish02:09
DrSmallonly windows is a hassle02:09
sam-_-ssbpls, close all software management applications but synaptic02:09
rwwah. fun.02:09
sam-_-ssbpls, also you have to launch synaptic with gksu02:10
Alan502tim_, is there a service manager in ubuntu?02:10
sam-_-ssbpls, if dpkg got stuck this might help sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update02:11
SaidKLEQuestion: how to native install on android mid?02:12
ssbplssam-_-:OK, this time i have solved the problem! thankx02:12
tim_Alan502: you can ge to a lot of services using the 'services' command, e.g. services --status-all as root02:12
Alan502tim_, ok, thanks02:13
tim_Alan502: or edit rc.conf, but... to tell the truth I'm not a big ubuntu user so I couldn't really say. If it were me, I'd install a very minimal ubuntu at install time, then just bring in the dependencies for a light desktop like xfce02:13
Milosshhello. After I bought my new monitor, I got this: http://imm.io/media/38/38go.png . Can I solve it somehow(tray)?02:15
SaidKLEIn order to install minimal ubuntu, do I simply copy-paste files?02:15
SaidKLE(to mid through usb)02:15
xangua!panels | Milossh02:16
ubottuMilossh: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:16
Alan502tim_, I'm trying to get a distro that boots up really fast for my netbook but that, yet, it is easy to use02:16
xangua!usb | SaidKLE02:16
ubottuSaidKLE: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:16
Alan502tim_, thanks for the advice :)02:16
Milosshxangua: very nice :)02:16
Milosshthanks mate02:16
hanasakiis anyone else getting this error? what would cause it? using aptitude update02:17
hanasakiErr http://archive.ubuntu.com maverick-security/restricted amd64 Packages02:17
hanasaki  Sub-process /bin/bzip2 returned an error code (2)02:17
tim_Alan502: I'm thinking about it and just finding a minimal distro sounds best.02:17
tim_one based on ubuntu may be best as I understand ubuntu has some delayed start stuff for fast boot02:17
dsdeizheh, now i'm just stuck, i can't choose the failsafex option from recovery mode now. it just goes back to the menu.. any logs i should be checking?02:17
tim_but the majority of he time you'll want to hibernate for a faster startup02:17
Alan502tim_, yes, something like puppy or so02:18
Alan502tim_, hibernating is my friend :D02:18
=== ubuntu is now known as speedhog
snypzzI'm back now02:21
sam-_-hanasaki, just tried extracting it. everything seems to be fine. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages.bz202:21
hanasakisam-_-:  yes... it downloads fine in firefox... so why is aptitude update disliking it?02:23
sam-_-hanasaki, i guess a sudo apt-get update gives the same error?02:26
hanasakisam-_-:  yes. what are you thinking?02:27
sacarlsonhanasaki: maybe try another mirror site for your repository02:27
hanasakisacarlson:  how do I set that?02:27
OrangePeelHow do I find out (if a program exists) what files are unburnable? meaning they say error on every dvd I try to put them on.02:27
sacarlsonhanasaki: in synaptic?02:27
sam-_-sacarlson, it's maverick-security. not meant to select a different mirror02:28
hanasakisame issue Err http://mirrors.us.kernel.org maverick-security/main amd64 Packages02:29
hanasaki  Sub-process /bin/bzip2 returned an error code (2)02:29
sam-_-hanasaki, delete the apt db and let it be recreated. that might solfe it02:29
sam-_-hanasaki, delete the apt db and let it be recreated. that might solve it02:29
hanasakisam-_-:  how is that accomplished?02:29
russetTommorrow is Wikipedia's tenth birthday - start celebrating on IRC in #wikipedia-ten02:30
sacarlsonsam-_-: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors02:30
hanasakisam-_-:  that does look like a download issue though not a DB issue02:30
=== jason is now known as Guest16988
hanasakisam-_-:  and sacarlson I would think kernel.org would be current and working02:31
zaerywould "sftp://zaery@zaery.net/share /mnt/server ext4 0 0" in fstab would mount the server's folder"/home/zaery/share" at "/mnt/server" on my laptop?02:32
zaeryewwww, i had two "would"s, that's some ugly grammar there02:32
TornadoChas3rAnyone know why im getting a false "disk is full" error, the disk has about 20 gb free space left, ran checks on it and so far it has found no problems, the hard drive seems to be in good condition. it was working fine yesterday, then later yesterday night it started to act up.02:34
RealEyeshey i did something to my ccsm and now when I minimize windows they dont show up on the bottom panel. Help??02:35
xanguaRealEyes: add the window list to the panel02:35
RealEyeshah thanks!02:35
mrchinosuncan somebody help me here?02:36
RealEyeswhat do you need help with?02:36
mrchinosunhow to install mono to fix wine02:36
xanguahow is mono going to fix wine¿¿02:36
mrchinosuncuz i get this error02:36
xanguawhat is exactlly your problem¿¿02:36
coz_mrchinosun,  what errors are you getting02:36
Affixyou guys may want to change the final instructions there02:37
Affixit tells you to unmount /dev/hda02:37
mrchinosunwine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables02:37
rootheya, is there any tool/package to rush test my computer?02:38
sacarlsonhanasaki: I found a good example how to change repository mirror in synaptic https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu02:38
coz_Affix,  mm... I never go through all of that for md5sums02:38
=== root is now known as vn--
mrchinosunthat was the error wine: Install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables02:38
Affixcoz_, neither do I02:38
Affixjust a friend pointed it out to me02:38
AffixI'm not part of the ubuntu communit (Im a redhat guy myself)02:38
=== canon is now known as Acid190
xanguamrchinosun: have you tried to do what the message says¿02:38
TornadoChas3ranyone have any ideas why it would be saying the disk is full when it has about 20gb left?, i ran some checks and it has not found any problems02:38
coz_Affix,  understood02:38
Affixcoz_, thought I would mention it so people dont try to unmount their drives :P02:39
vn--I would like to test my system like 3dmark02:39
vn--any equivalent?02:39
coz_Affix,   good thing... I am not sure who here has  rights on the wiki to change it...02:39
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: your the second one I seen that had this problem the last guy has 1.2 gig left and still could touch a file in that mount02:39
TornadoChas3rIt just started yesterday, and of course I made things alot worse by running an update, which was a kernel update that failed02:40
Affixcoz_, I will write an email to webmaster@ubuntu.com hopefully it will find its way :)02:40
TornadoChas3rnow im trying to fix it, but im back at square one with this hard drive space problem02:40
coz_Affix, there you go ...that sounds reasonable :)02:40
mrchinosunwhy isnt anybody replying on it :/02:40
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: can you pastebin your mount and fdisk -l ?02:40
coz_mrchinosun,   have you tried  the  #winehq   channel ?  they may have more info on this02:41
TornadoChas3rIm using a livecd atm, want me to chroot then run that or not02:41
TornadoChas3rI can no longer boot into my install becuase of the failed update02:41
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: don't need chroot for fdisk -l02:41
sam-_-mrchinosun, if your trying to run a .net application you don't need wine.02:42
TornadoChas3ro, oops just wanted to make sure ill get the right ouput since im on a live cd02:42
mrchinosunim tryna run a windows program02:42
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: that should be enuf as long as you know what partition you used that said it was full02:42
mrchinosunthe program wont open02:42
sam-_-mrchinosun, depends there are different kinds of exe02:42
rusivi!wine mrchinosun02:43
sam-_-mrchinosun, name of the program?02:43
mrchinosunThe Exploit Scanner.exe02:43
rusivi!wine | mrchinosun02:43
ubottumrchinosun: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:43
coz_mrchinosun,  yes that why I suggested   the #winehq  channel ...that would be the channel that deals with this on a daily basis02:43
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: ok looking02:43
zaeryIf i'm writing a shell script, do i need to bother putting sudo in if someone's going to use sudo to run it anyway?02:43
mrchinosunalright ill go tere02:43
a1cdIf the script is run as root you shouldn't need to put sudo inside02:45
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: what is cciss device?  some kind of a raid?02:45
blueskyhello everyone i'm new here ,your messages are so quickly update how do you manage to read all the messages?02:45
semitonesHello -- as a matter of general principle -- does installing ubuntu void manufacturer's warrantees?02:45
KM0201semitones: usually not....02:46
xanguasemitones: no for hardware02:46
TornadoChas3rRaid is setup on those drives02:46
maxwave3mrchinosun: wow, seems like a contradiction. Wine is used to run windows apps in Linux. Some windows apps need .Net Framework installed on the PC. Installing .Net Framework via wine seems to be impossible so the wine guys are suggesting you install Mono for Windows. http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html has the Windows installer.02:46
distortioni really need some help ..02:46
TornadoChas3rone drive is just a mirror02:46
semitonesKM0201, xangua, thanks02:47
KM0201semitones: ?02:47
KM0201semitones: oh.. no problem02:47
flazzidne2k you around02:48
TornadoChas3rIm not the best at explaining things, ill admit im still a big noob lol, but il learning02:48
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: I guess you need to look at it with the cciss_utils  you might have them already installed I'm not sure http://cciss.sourceforge.net/#cciss_utils02:48
distortioni cant get my Ralink wifi to work02:48
distortionafter installing ubuntu02:49
flazzidcan anyone tell me where terminal is located in the actual file system02:49
hanasakisacarlson:  hmm I do not have that software sources in my menus02:49
RealEyeshow do i remove old kernel versions from grub?02:49
KM0201RealEyes: remove the old kernels in synaptic02:49
sacarlsonhanasaki: what software source is that?  synaptic?02:49
RealEyesWhenever I update, grub2 adds the older OS version on the screen too02:49
KM0201then run sudo update-grub202:49
hanasakisacarlson:  the one in the picture on the link you sent : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu02:50
singingBirdRealEyes: you can use Janitor02:50
distortioncan some one help me with my Wifi plz02:50
KM0201singingBird: sometimes.. i've never had luck w/ it removing old kernels02:50
blueskydpkg --get-selections|grep linux      ---the first step02:50
rsouthardflazzid: which gnome-terminal02:50
sam-_-flazzid, what do you mean?02:50
RealEyeshow do you use Janitor?02:50
blueskyto see how many kernels currently02:50
yogioneis there a remote desktop client / server in ubuntu - like teaviewer for win02:50
sacarlsonhanasaki: I'm not sure what your looking for,  that may be looking at a picture of an older version of synaptic02:50
sam-_-yogione, teamviewer is for linux as well. also there is rdp and vnc02:51
rsouthardyogione: rdesktop02:51
yogioneok. thanks02:51
blueskysudo apt-get remove linux-headers-XXXXX.generic   ---to remove some of them02:51
KM0201RealEyes: system/admin/computer janitor, but it rarely lists old kernels02:51
KM0201bluesky: NOT LINUX-HEADERS.... linux-image02:51
hanasakisacarlson:  http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/partner/binary-amd64/Packages.bz  <= NOT FOUND and that is the main server02:52
RealEyesi need to update my grub2 splash screen to get rid of the older updates and keep the new ones02:52
sacarlsonhanasaki: there are many servers02:52
sacarlsonhanasaki: pick another one02:52
RealEyesJanitor has nothing in it.02:52
flazzidrsouthard : im not sure to be honest02:53
flazzidsam: im trying to patch my ath5k driver  and this tutorial says to put the patch in the same file as the terminal02:53
sam-_-hanasaki, how about adding a 2 at the end of then line?02:53
sagacihanasaki: i usually just remove that repo02:53
sam-_-hanasaki, so that it read bz202:53
sacarlsonhanasaki: try japan it works good when usa is backing up stuf02:53
sam-_-flazzid, why do you want to patch the ath5k driver?02:54
rsouthardflazzid:....No, I mean type 'which gnome-terminal' in your terminal will tell you where your terminal is installed.02:54
vbabiy_How can I raise the open file descriptors in ubuntu 10.10?02:55
TornadoChas3r /dev/cciss/c0d0p1        32732     11293     19777  37% /media/1db16853-7078-4fb8-9768-e193ddb6f27202:55
flazzidsam-_-: wep cracking02:55
TornadoChas3rrunning df -m , shows only 37 percent of the disk has been used02:56
sacarlsonhanasaki: are you on a server with no synaptic?  no gui?02:56
sam-_-flazzid, k. i don't understand the tutorial your referencing. if you can provide a link maybe i/we can figure it out02:57
firsttimeubuntuI am trying to install Ubuntu for the first time on a desktop without an OS.  I created a disk image, ran it in the computer, and started the install -- it then got stuck at the create a user name page.  The status bar said Ready when you are, but it wouldn't allow me to go forward.  The only thing I could do was click "suspend" at the top of the page.  Now I can't boot up the computer at all.  What can I do???02:57
flazzidsama-_- :  its http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115559902:57
sam-_-TornadoChas3r, maybe there is a quota set02:58
sta7icTornadoChas3r: still same problem from last night?02:58
shawn156 red color check02:58
shawn156err green02:58
TornadoChas3ryes, the false "disk is full" problem02:58
sta7icTornadoChas3r: im guessing that the recovery image or different kernel image did NOT help?02:59
shawn156can you see green text?02:59
sam-_-vbabiy_, sysctl i guess02:59
hanasakisacarlson:  hmm looks like it may be an issue with privoxy blocking something02:59
TornadoChas3rim not sure to be honest, but its panicing now with a slightly different error that last night03:00
sacarlsonhanasaki: privoxy?  I'll have to look that up03:00
sam-_-vbabiy_, sysctl -a|grep fs |less      one of those03:00
hanasakisacarlson:  it is a webpage filter / blocker of ads03:00
hanasakisacarlson:  I squid + dansguardian + privoxy03:00
firsttimeubuntuCan someone help me?  I know I'm a lame novice, but I'd like to try this program out!!!03:01
The-Kerneldo any ubuntu repositories use ipv6?03:01
sta7icTornadoChas3r: whats the issue now? im thinking that the install aborted half way through and corrupted the OS, the only chance you may have to a re-install is to run some apt-get and force re-install every package even if its already installed. like everything to the latest version but it probably wont let you because of disk full huh03:01
TornadoChas3rwell this hard drive issue was happening before i ran the updates03:02
sta7iclook for some repair/rebuild or re-install just the OS or rescue disk and try to rebuild03:02
sacarlsonhanasaki: don't know why it would be configured to filter a ubuntu site03:02
hanasakiits amazing the bad false + things that happen at times in an effort to keep out the @#@$@# garbage03:03
TornadoChas3rIll give it a try, but i cant even write to the hard drive from the live cd03:03
sam-_-firsttimeubuntu, what do you mean you can't boot up?03:03
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sam-_-firsttimeubuntu, what are you trying to do?03:04
firsttimeubuntuI think I got it now ... the setup process stalled before, but I'll run the setup again.03:04
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thiefyTornadoChas3r, what do you mean you can't write to it? i've never had that happen.03:04
sta7icTornadoChas3r: what happens from the live cd you fsck -y the device?03:04
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: so the live cd boot also see's that disk a full and can't touch a file in it?03:04
itaylor57firsttimeubuntu: the username must be in lower case03:04
firsttimeubuntuthank you!  There was no prompt for that.03:05
TornadoChas3rya its doing the same thing, i cant even save a text file to the disk03:05
sta7icTornadoChas3r: what happens from the live cd you fsck -y the device?03:05
TornadoChas3ri did it a bit ago, let me send the output03:05
TornadoChas3rhold on ill run it again03:06
sta7icTornadoChas3r: can you also send the output of /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab03:06
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: sta7ic: I'm with sta7ic: you should do an fsck on that disk ,  make sure you umount if first03:06
TornadoChas3rya i did that a bit ago, did not look like it found any issues but ill run it again03:07
TornadoChas3rhold on*03:07
TornadoChas3r /dev/cciss/c0d0p1: clean, 2129920/2129920 files, 3024605/8513024 blocks03:08
cannonfodderhey you guys. i was messing around with file sharing and samba and now i have a microsoft-ds port 445 open....how do i shutdown samba? or whatever is causing it? i also have a netbios port open 139/tcp open  netbios-ssn03:09
cannonfodder445/tcp open  microsoft-ds03:09
sta7icTornadoChas3r: i know last night it was complaining about not being about to mount /dev/pts, what does /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab say and anything special in /var/log/messages?03:09
flazzidomfg im about to say screw this patch and go back to brute forcing from my gpu03:09
sacarlsonhanasaki: maybe that list of theres is configured for windows and microsoft wouldn't want us to be able to see our update servers now would they03:09
hanasakisacarlson:  haha ;)03:09
cannonfodderhow do i kill samba03:10
xangua!language | flazzid03:10
ubottuflazzid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:10
Sina3hi guys03:10
Sina3i messed something03:10
thiefy!shutup xangua   that was not offense.03:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:10
Sina3now when i run ubuntu03:11
Sina3it gives me this message03:11
cannonfodderhow do i kill samba?03:11
jribcannonfodder: why?03:11
cannonfoddervulnerable port 445 opened thats why03:12
jribthiefy: please don't abuse the bot03:12
cannonfodderi want to shut down samba now since im not using it03:12
Sina3"Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode. Your screen, graphics card, and input device are...(i forget the rest)"03:12
jribcannonfodder: not sure what you mean by that.  But do you just want to uninstall samba so it does not start again?03:12
cannonfodderumm ok03:12
jribcannonfodder: I'm asking what you want to do.  If you want to uninstall it, then do so using synaptic.  If you just want to stop it right now, « sudo service samba stop »03:13
sta7icsina3: under system tools or whatever, open 'restricted drivers' your video card drivers probably arent using the right ones because its not GPL03:13
Sina3sta7ic, how do i get there when i cannot access ubuntu03:13
JasonSNWhat do I need to change to allow git to work?  Would messing stuff in the passwd file mess it up?03:13
zaerysay i want to put "sudo adduser your-username fuse" in a shell script, how would i get the user's name, rather than manually changing it for each user i want to use the script on?03:14
Sina3all i can get is the terminal03:14
sta7icSina3: it doesnt let you into X windows or not the console either03:14
jribJasonSN: huh?  git works as soon as you install it...03:14
JasonSNIt is installed03:14
sta7icSina3: hmm..do you know what video card you have? you can run it cmd line03:14
Sina3oh wait03:14
U-b-u-n-t-uif there a music streamer for ubuntu that is anything like the windows shoutcast03:14
jribJasonSN: then you need to be more specific about what your issue is03:14
JasonSNAll I did was modify passwd file and now it does not work03:14
Sina3it does let me in the x window03:14
Sina3but it doesnt work to well.03:14
JasonSNI get remote host closed the connection and fatal error03:14
Sina3when i select things, they dont work03:14
jribJasonSN: modify /how/?  How are you trying to make it work?  What exactly are you executing?  What exactly is the output? (use a pastebin and answer all questions)03:15
jrib!enter | Sina303:15
ubottuSina3: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:15
rsouthardzaery: user the read command. http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2005/10/10-seconds-guide-to-bash-shell.html03:15
jribzaery: use a variable?03:16
sta7icSina3: yes its going to suck until you get the proper video card drivers, best thing to do is open a terminal on the gui and try to launch the 'restricted drivers' gui03:17
sta7icand run that03:17
sta7iclet me find the path for u03:17
JasonSNNevermind!  Now it is working!03:17
distortionwho wants to help me get this Ralink wifi card workin03:17
jrib!wifi > distortion03:17
ubottudistortion, please see my private message03:17
zaeryjrib, I guess i was asking how to use a name variable(it's my first shell script!), but rsouthard's link is better, thanks!03:18
rsouthardzaery you could also use a variable, like 'sudo adduser $1 fuse' then when you execute your script you could do 'useradd.sh newusername'03:18
jribzaery: #bash can help you with bash questions03:18
Da|Mummyanyone feel like helping someone new to linux, its wine related?03:18
sta7icSina3: /usr/bin/jockey-gtk03:18
zaeryit looks like $USER will do the trick03:18
jribDa|Mummy: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)03:18
TornadoChas3rNot sure if the pastebin link got lost in the chat, just incase - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UaN98wHN those are the fstab and mstab files03:19
Sina3and when i do this03:19
Sina3what happens?03:19
TornadoChas3rmtab *03:19
Sina3i put that in the terminal?03:19
Da|Mummyhow do i run newsleecher using wine in ubuntu 10.10?03:19
jribDa|Mummy: see !appdb, but what does newsleecher do that there isn't a linux equivalent for?03:20
sta7icSina3: yes03:20
jrib!appdb | Da|Mummy03:20
ubottuDa|Mummy: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:20
Sina3sta7ic what will enter do?03:20
charlesnois the terminal the same thing as the bash shell?03:20
sta7icSina3: or launch it from the pull down in X windows03:20
jribcharlesno: no, why?03:20
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: I've never seen this before usrjquota=quota.user03:20
charlesnojrib: How do i access the bash shell then?03:20
Sina3c menue doesnt have a pull down03:21
sta7icSina3: System\Administration\Additional Drivers03:21
sta7icat the top03:21
sta7icin the middle03:21
jribcharlesno: bash is the default shell you will see if you open the terminal on ubuntu03:21
sta7icor run that cmd line, should open up a gui for additional drivers03:21
bluezoneit looks like ndisgtk has screwed up my wireless connections, i don't see my router anymore, only direct connection with wire works, iwconfig says there are no wireless extensions, what do i do?03:21
charlesnojrib: so the terminal displays the shell. Is that correct?03:21
jribcharlesno: yeah03:21
Sina3so /usr/bin/jockey-gtk in the terminal, will load up a gui?03:21
Sina3that i can use to fix this.03:21
kevin_hello, i just tried ubuntu for the first time, and this acer laptop seems to like it, except my wireless says device not ready (firmware missing), can i fix , and how? :)03:21
sta7icif your lucky sina3 yes03:22
Sina3(sorry for using enter again)03:22
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ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:22
charlesnojrib: thanks. I was confused about the difference.03:22
Sina3okay, thanks a bunch, ill see how this goes03:22
qubodupI'm having a problem with my mp3 player not mounting03:22
jribcharlesno: right, you can rush bash, or zsh or whatever you want in gnome-terminal.  And you can also use different terminals like rxvt, etc.03:23
distortionwho wants to help me get this Ralink wifi card workin03:23
sta7icqubodup: what happens when you try to mount command line?03:23
quboduphttp://imagebin.org/132546 I get the message that sda1 is already mounted03:23
distortionDevice is not ready03:23
charlesnojrib: I see03:23
distortionDevice dose not work03:23
qubodupsta7ic: mounting manually is no problem03:23
distortioni wished i woulda keep windows03:23
sam-_-kevin_, try this: sudo apt-get install linux-firmware03:24
bluezoneit looks like ndisgtk has screwed up my wireless connections, i don't see my router anymore, only direct connection with wire works, iwconfig says there are no wireless extensions, what do i do?03:24
sta7icqubodup: ok so create a shortcut to use the same exact parameters03:24
jribdistortion: you need to read the documentation and ask a specific question if it still dosen't help you03:24
distortioni did read that page03:24
qubodupsta7ic: I need it to work like it worked before03:24
distortionits all like getting started with ubuntu and wifi03:24
qubodup(it auto-mounted before)03:24
distortionit is irrelevenrt03:24
qubodupMy fstab looks like this: http://paste.debian.net/10459003:24
sta7icqubodup: what happened? did u update or something whats the error03:24
distortionill go some where else FUCK U ALL IN THE ASS03:25
qubodupbut there is no sdb in /dev03:25
qubodupsta7ic: I think I did nothing but some updates03:25
kevin_sam-_-, thnaks03:25
sta7icyah that always seems to break a working config03:25
qubodupI suspect that fstab is broken. does anybody know of a correct fix?03:25
kevin_sam-_-,  darn, says already latest version03:26
Sina3sta7ic, i forgot to write down that comand line prompt03:26
Sina3could you say it again?03:27
quietonewhat do I install to resolve these http://paste.ubuntu.com/553866/ errors, want to compile evolution03:27
sam-_-kevin_, sudo lspci then pastebin03:27
bluezoneit looks like ndisgtk has screwed up my wireless connections, i don't see my router anymore, only direct connection with wire works, iwconfig says there are no wireless extensions, what do i do?03:27
jribquietone: evolution is in the repositories, why do you wish to compile it?03:27
thiefycause he isn't using ubuntu i'd guess?03:27
qubodupi have in /dev/ /dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda503:27
qubodupbut in fstab I have /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb503:28
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TornadoChas3rI have a noobish questions, I believe quota is setup, I installed a web control panel called ISPConfig to try it out, and though the long tutorial I remember installing quota and jailkit etc. Would quota be able to lock the whole hard disk like this03:28
sam-_-bluezone, what's the wireless card?03:28
TornadoChas3rI thought it just locked down certain directorys if they reached quota03:28
sta7icSina3: /usr/bin/jockey-gtk or ./usr/bin/jockey-gtk03:29
bluezonesam-_-, Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG03:29
kevin_sam-_-, http://pastebin.com/h0FvkXbZ03:29
sam-_-bluezone, so why do you use ndiswrapper?03:29
bluezonebecause i had extremely slow speed on wifi03:29
bluezonecompared to windows03:29
bluezonethe drivers were at fault, i ran tests03:30
=== OffbeatA1am is now known as OffbeatAdam
quietoneto learn and I subscribe to the mailing list where I learn about what is fixed and sometimes don't want to wait. That is why I moved to maverick, though didn't really want to. Learning to compile is a long term solution03:30
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: that's my best guess it must be the quota thing,  did you do a fsck on the disk?03:31
quietonejrib, that was for you03:31
sam-_-!broadcom > kevin_03:31
ubottukevin_, please see my private message03:31
jrib!compile > quietone03:31
ubottuquietone, please see my private message03:31
charlesnois it possible to run a different version of ubuntu from virtualbox on ubuntu?03:31
jribquietone: compiling is the opposite of a long term solution by the way03:31
quietonejrib, please explain03:31
bluezonesam-_-, did u see what i wrote?03:32
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jribquietone: if you choose to compile evolution you become responsible for it and for keeping it up to date on your system.  Update-manager will no longer be automatically keeping you safe03:32
sam-_-bluezone, lsmod |grep 394503:33
bluezonedid not echo anything, sam-_-03:33
quietonejrib, surely you just mean evolution, not every other package I am using03:33
jribquietone: correct03:33
sam-_-bluezone, then:  sudo modprobe iwl394503:33
TornadoChas3rsacarlson: heres the ouput http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/5avqsMhA03:34
bluezonesam-_-, nice, works thanks03:34
elikI have been trying to implement this solution (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks#Force Pipe A Quirk) since my screen goes blank and never comes back when I close the lid. I first generated my xorg.conf using Xorg -configure, then added said lines, but I get warnings when I reboot, saying this option is not valid or something03:34
quietonejrib, I am happy to live with the consequence of 'maintaining' evo  on my machine. I'll go read the link...03:34
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: well that looks good,  I looking for a way to disable that quota to see if it will work without it03:35
OrangePeelHow do I find out (if a program exists) what files are unburnable? meaning they say error on every dvd I try to put them on.03:36
jribOrangePeel: huh?03:36
OrangePeelI want to find out why some files are unburnable, it errors before it even starts.03:36
thiefyOrangePeel, try to say exactly what it is you are doing.03:36
borreguitois there any way to grub2  see an extended partition( with XP) ???03:37
thiefyOrangePeel, then they are corrupt i would think.03:37
thiefyOrangePeel, or file name / path is too long.03:37
OrangePeelI want to know which ones because there's over 20003:37
sam-_-elik, do you have this bug that is described there?03:37
OrangePeelThat would've been corrected in Brasero03:37
OrangePeelEven brasero errors03:37
borreguitohelp me with grub2 about!!!!03:38
rs_hello there03:38
flazzidsam-_- : it capture them perfectly  thank you for the help03:38
eliksam-_-: this one, which points to the page I just sent: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen#Problem:  Lockup When Closing Lid with Intel Graphics03:38
sam-_-borreguito, if i would understand the question i would try03:38
sam-_-elik, did you put in section "Device"?03:39
eliksam-_-: I first had to generate my xorg.conf, but yeah, I ded03:39
eliksam-_-: it didn't solve the issue and I got warnings in my Xorg log03:39
willwhhey folks :)03:40
sam-_-elik, and where does it say: option invalid? in /var/log/Xorg*?03:40
eliksam-_-: something along those lines, yeah03:40
sam-_-elik, ok03:40
TornadoChas3rsacarlson: what would  quotaoff do?03:40
eliker, yeah, there03:40
eliksam-_-: let me set that so I get the actual error03:40
willwhI am wondering about remote GDM login (I use an ssh tuennl & vnc) - but get stuck if I restart my box remotely - I saw this; but it seems a little dated; x:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/gdm03:40
eliksam-_-: I also noticed that the module i915 was loaded, and not i81003:40
willwhin rc.local03:40
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: I don't know that's why I'm researching it, I've never used quota before03:40
borreguitofirt.... i did install XP on extended partition... after  .. i did install ubuntu on primary partition... now....  grub do not find WINDOW03:40
sam-_-elik, and you got the i855?03:41
eliksam-_-: I tried to set my driver to i810 to no avail03:41
eliksam-_-: nope03:41
eliksam-_-: err, yeah03:41
elikI have that card, not that module03:41
borreguitosorry by my bad english... i am from mexico!!!03:42
sta7icelik: have you installed the restricted driver for your card?03:42
IdleOne!es | borreguito03:42
ubottuborreguito: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:42
=== bastidra1or is now known as bastidrazor
sam-_-elik, y i understand03:43
borreguitooh yea... tnks03:43
eliksta7ic: I'm not sure. I don't remember it asking me about restricted drivers03:43
kevin_sam-_-, thank you so much, it works now :)03:43
sam-_-sta7ic, is ther a restricted driver?03:43
eliksta7ic: also, I think intel has open source drivers03:43
sta7icelik: i dont know what video card you have, but if its ati or nvidia there probably is a better driver for the card, long shot03:43
sam-_-sta7ic, intel03:44
bluezonesam-_-, the only thing is that i still get slower speed, i get 5x wireless on windows03:44
bluezonethis wireless driver slows me down 5 times compared to the wire connection too, while on windows they are both very close03:44
bluezone for instance i get 500 kbps download with wireless on ubuntu (kilo BITS) and 2.6k with wireless on windows or with wired constantly03:44
sta7icsystem\administration\additional drivers or in earlier ubuntu 'restricted drivers' load that and see if it comes up with anything03:44
eliksta7ic: intel, yeah i85503:44
bluezoneoh sorry about that03:44
mrchinosunwhat can i do with linux ?03:44
bluezonemrchinosun, vague question03:44
kevin_one last thing, can xp outlook express email data be imported into evolution (or something)?03:45
_jesse_mrchinosun: sky's the limit03:45
Da|Mummyi hear linux can run chat03:45
_jesse_Da|Mummy: IRC even :o03:45
sta7icelik: also what about the laptop version netbook version of ubuntu03:45
borreguitowith linux... you can DO any thing. Media, Net, Graphics, Office .etc etc03:45
eliksta7ic: hum?03:46
sam-_-bluezone, shouldn't be the case. are you sure?03:46
bluezonesam-_-, 3.00*10^8 % sure03:46
sta7icelik: there is a netbook/laptop specific ubuntu version for laptops03:46
eliksam-_-: exact error is Option "ForceEnablePipeA" is not used03:47
Da|Mummy_jesse_,  irc is for losers03:47
bluezonesam-_-, thats why i tried windows network card drivers but didn't get me very far03:47
YankDownUnderkevin_, There are ways of importing MS Outlook Express into Evolution. I'll assume you've Googled and also checked out the Evolution homepage?03:47
eliksta7ic: I can't remember which I chose :S03:47
bastidrazorDa|Mummy: and yet .. here you are03:47
systemg33kHow do I edit the folder for Wine Program Files? I know it's a hidden folder but where?03:47
Da|Mummyam not!03:47
sta7icelik: what does 'additional drivers' come back with03:47
bluezonebastidrazor, but he is a mummy lol03:47
bastidrazorsystemg33k: ~/.wine03:47
Da|Mummyim just here for the chicks03:48
bluezoneon freenode? lol03:48
Da|Mummyand trying to get someone to help me, as im kinda new to linux a well and am having some trouble with wine03:48
sta7icDa|Mummy: seg fault?03:48
eric1When I use apt-get install package I get this error http://mibpaste.com/tSLOLl03:48
bluezonesam-_-, any ideas? i wanted to sumbit a bug report but, arg, you know how it is lol03:48
systemg33kbastidrazor, i want the folder for Program Files that shows up under the menu Applications it's not the normal Program Files. Where is that located?03:49
eliksta7ic: yeah, I remember checking that. There was nothing available03:49
bastidrazoreric1: are you running from a USB?03:49
sta7icTornadoChas3r seems to be getting a simular error to eric103:49
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systemg33kI uninstalled something and still shows under Applications>Wine>Program Files. How do I get rid of it?03:50
TornadoChas3rThats the same error i was getting03:50
bluezonesystemg33k, if your looking for the wine program files its in /home/(you)/.wine/drive_c/Program files03:50
Guest63921good am to all03:50
sam-_-bluezone, don't know. try a different kernel. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:50
bastidrazorsystemg33k: right click Applications > Edit Menu  ..you can remove things there.03:50
systemg33kbluezone, sorry not program files but Programs folder03:50
TornadoChas3r"No space left on device"03:50
systemg33kbastidrazor, ok i'll try that03:50
YankDownUndersystemg33k, Did you use "Control Panel" through Wine?03:50
sam-_-elik, did you try different kernel versions?03:50
bluezonesam-_-, is this a flip a coin decision? lol03:50
systemg33kYankDownUnder, no but seems to be removed. All I need is a restart i believe03:51
jhansonxiDa|Mummy, have you tried the Wine forums? http://forum.winehq.org03:51
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: what does quotacheck -vug /dev/...  give you?03:51
sam-_-bluezone, you are on 10.10? then try this one: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-maverick/03:51
Guest63921can anybody help me how to run my ultimate bot on ubuntu?03:51
eliksam-_-: nope03:52
sta7icGuest63921: eggdrop?03:52
sam-_-elik, might be worth a try. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:52
TornadoChas3rsacarlson do you want me to be chrooted when i run that, im running off the LiveCd at the moment03:53
Guest63921sta7ic: eggdrop?03:53
eliksam-_-: Well, the quirck thing sounds like a promising solution, but I can't understand why it doesn't work03:53
bluezonesam-_-, how do i go about running this, i386 one.deb ?03:53
YankDownUnderGuest63921, Eggdrop is a bot.03:53
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: i'm not sure that's required,  I would try without chroot first03:53
eric1bastidrazor: I don't think I'm running from a USB03:54
sam-_-elik, me neither. maybe it was for different version of the intel driver.03:54
sta7icGuest63921: rtfm03:54
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: I'm reading this http://pig.made-it.com/quota.html03:54
Guest63921YankDownUnder: does it work with nimbuzz chatroom?03:54
sam-_-bluezone, depends which version of ubuntu your running.03:54
sta7icif you pay me, ill set up a eggdrop for you03:54
sam-_-bluezone, x86 or 64-bit=03:54
sta7ichey user_03:54
FloodBot3user_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
YankDownUnderGuest63921, Strange question to be asking in the Ubuntu channel mate.03:55
jribsta7ic: that behavior is not welcomed here.  If you don't want to help, just don't03:55
Guest63921sta7ic: ouchhhh! don't have money03:55
sta7icill help people who need it, not people who want bots =P ok next03:55
sam-_-bluezone, you can find out with uname -a03:55
eliksam-_-: xorg.conf generated by Xorg -configure is funky too, has all duplicated03:55
The-Kerneldoes ubuntu have a make.conf file or something simular to it?03:56
YankDownUndermake.conf => for...um....what?03:56
sta7icThe-Kernel: for what? the kernel? kickstart?03:56
eliksam-_-: the fact that i915 is being used...03:56
bluezonesam-_-, 686 but it doesnt seem to be at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-maverick/03:56
The-Kernelsta7ic, for compiling03:56
sta7icThe-Kernel: .config i thought for the kernel03:57
YankDownUnderautomake, make, makeconfig, headers, yeah - all there.03:57
DaGeek247how do start a pprogram automatily at a certain time in ubuntu 10.04?03:57
sam-_-elik, you mean the i915 kernel module?03:57
sta7icDaGeek247: cron/crontab03:57
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jribDaGeek247: regularly, or only once?03:57
eliksam-_-: yup03:57
sta7icDaGeek247: or at/atd03:57
sam-_-bluezone, it's this one: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.36-maverick/linux-image-2.6.36-020636-generic_2.6.36-020636.201010210905_i386.deb03:57
The-Kernelsta7ic, YankDownUnder for Gentoo you have a make.conf file, extra flags and USE="" options for when you compile anything, is there something like that in ubuntu?03:58
randomusr_Where do I place the public and private keys for putty? I want to connect to Ubuntu from a Win7 machine03:58
YankDownUnderThe-Kernel, All the same, yes, same tools, etc etc etc.03:58
DaGeek247like a schedualed task?03:58
TornadoChas3rroot@ubuntu:/dev/disk/by-uuid# quotacheck -vug dev/cciss/c0d0p103:58
TornadoChas3rquotacheck: Cannot stat() given mountpoint dev/cciss/c0d0p1: No such file or directory03:58
jribThe-Kernel: no, since you are installing already-compiled binaries03:58
FloodBot3TornadoChas3r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:58
sam-_-The-Kernel, no. don't think so03:58
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bluezonesam-_-, alright thanks, thisll take awhile though, for obvious reasons :)03:58
sta7icThe-Kernel: not to my knowledge, gentoo is for building all packages from source, ubuntu is pre compiled binaries, in apt-get u can tell to get the source instead but it wont compile i dont think unless u do it03:58
bluezonesam-_-, i hate driver issues hehe they are so evil03:58
jribDaGeek247: that's what we are asking you?  Do you want to do something like "every monday at 2am" or "just tomorrow at 3pm and never again"03:59
YankDownUnderCompiling from source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32393903:59
The-Kernelsta7ic, I'm saying for stuff I do manually compile03:59
DaGeek247tonight at ten thirty just this once03:59
Guest63921can anybody help me how to use wine?04:00
jribDaGeek247: use at or just do "sleep whatever; command"04:00
YankDownUnderThe-Kernel, Check the link I just posted. Easy as. sudo apt-get install build-essential => then whatever else you want.04:00
bluezoneGuest63921, what about it04:00
sta7icThe-Kernel: my answer are pretty clear, gentoo the whole os + packagaes are compiled from source execpt a few things to begin with04:00
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: I can't find anything about disable quota so I don't know what you have to loose on that disk,  but maybe try change fstab to a normal no quota setting  like /dev/cciss/c0d0p1 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       104:00
DaGeek247oh, ok. didnt think of that. :p thanks.04:00
sta7icDaGeek247: what jrid said, either sleep or at04:00
eliksam-_-: is there no way to know from xorg logs what driver is being used?04:00
kevin_YankDownUnder, no i havent yet, would you recommend evolution (or something else) to a ex-windows user?04:00
Guest63921bluezone: i want to play games but i dont know how to open it inside ubuntu04:01
bluezoneGuest63921, which game,04:01
sacarlsonTornadoChas3r: if that works at least you have isolated the problem to quota,  maybe quota has nothing to do with it?04:01
YankDownUnderkevin_, It's going to be the closest to Outlook/Outlook Express - GUI and the likes -> my "converted" people use it.04:01
sta7icelik: i remember some x command to spit out bunch of crap...god i hate dealing with X back in the day04:01
randomusr_Where do I place the public and private keys for putty? I want to connect to Ubuntu from a Win7 machine?04:01
sta7icsacarlson: its not a quota issue04:01
sam-_-elik, sure it's in the logs. it says there which modules it loads04:01
Guest63921bluezone: statrategy game called yuri's revenge04:02
Squarismwhy is hardware support so bad04:02
sam-_-elik, it's the unified intel module for you04:02
The-KernelYankDownUnder, thats what I was looking for thanks04:02
quietonejrib, thx, I got an idea from that page and am making progress04:02
bluezoneGuest63921, well first of all make sure you install wine with sudo apt-get install wine and make sure u have red alert 2 installed as well04:02
YankDownUnderOverall, hardware support for any form of linux is statistically better than MS Windows.04:02
bluezoneGuest63921, there is not guarantee that it will work though04:02
Squarismdual monitor FAIL, wireless RARELY04:03
kevin_YankDownUnder, ok thanks, google here i come04:03
eliksam-_-: looks like it. The driver that was specified by Xorg -configure was simply "intel"04:03
jribquietone: all you need to do is « sudo apt-get build-dep evolution » (or whatever the package is called)04:03
* YankDownUnder stares at two sets of dual monitors04:03
jhansonxiGuest63921, see the Wine AppDB:  http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=424204:03
Squarismall other parts of linux ubuntu works really great.. but hardware is like 9904:03
bluezoneGuest63921, doesn't seem to work very well: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=4242 you can always try though04:04
sam-_-elik, yes. it handles everything from i810 from the pentium 2 days up to the sandybridge graphics04:04
quietonejrib, I did that yesterday and still got the errors I pasted.04:04
eliksam-_-: sam-_- fancy. Just gotta see where that ForceEnablePipeA thing now -_-04:04
randomusr_where can I get help with putty?  the putty channel is invite only...04:05
Guest63921bluezone: i have tried to install red alert 2 inside ubuntu but its always error04:05
YankDownUnderPutty home page?04:05
randomusr_meh. wasn't much there.... no help anyway04:05
sta7icrandomusr_: putty is so basic, just install putty on windows 7, on ubuntu, run 'apt-get install openssh-server'04:05
sta7icand then on windows 7 ssh into the IP or hostname04:05
bluezoneGuest63921, if you have wine installed, well, what does the error say04:05
randomusr_sta7ic, I want to know how to set the host to use a .ppk?04:06
sta7icrandomusr_: /etc/ssh/sshd_config?04:07
eliksam-_-: is there anywhere I can look for that. This issue seems slightly too complex for IRC04:07
Guest63921bluezone: it says cannot find zipfile directory04:07
sta7icrandomusr_: there are a bunch of tools that come with openssh-server to generate keys/ etc04:07
TornadoChas3rWell ill try to disable the quota and see if that helps any04:07
aromanhello all! For some strange reason, for the past month switching to virtual terminals/root shells at boot all have really really messed up keyboard maps. Like if I type 'abc', I might get the number '1', and strange ASCII boxes. I have no idea what caused it, but it's been like that for a month at least. I'm worried that if I should need to recover my computer. I won't be able to type. What steps can I take to troubleshoot?04:08
TornadoChas3rill try the recoevry console mode once more, but otherwise im out of ideas04:08
randomusr_sta7ic, do I need to simply edit that file or is there a command to run to get the host to use the .ppk I have?04:08
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bluezoneGuest63921, either a badly scratched cd or you didn't mount your image properly04:08
TornadoChas3ri find it strange that a few others are having this problem as well04:08
randomusr_sta7ic, I have the keys, just hoping to use them04:08
sam-_-elik, don't know about this exact issue. google and hope for the best04:08
sta7icrandomusr_: NAME ssh-keygen â authentication key generation, management and conversion04:08
bluezoneGuest63921, OR it is not supported by wine04:09
sta7icthat might be where to look i do not know04:09
Guest63921bluezone: what will i do then?04:09
* Deb-devel !eval exit04:09
kevin_YankDownUnder, i only have the data, i cannot run outlook express anymore, so evolution site says there is no way to "import" the raw data, i think04:09
bluezoneGuest63921, how are you trying to install this04:09
eliksam-_-: yeah, google is starting to tell me to stop bugging it with the same qestions :)04:09
randomusr_sta7ic, If I have the keys already, do I only need to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd file?04:10
YankDownUnderkevin_, Hang on...04:10
eliksam-_-: anyway, thx for helping me04:10
eliksam-_-: getting closer by the day04:10
sam-_-elik, i wish i did...04:10
YankDownUnderkevin_, Is it a single PST?04:10
Guest63921bluezone: i alrready copy it to my filesystem and trying to install it04:11
kevin_YankDownUnder,  no, its not outlook, it outlook express data04:11
kevin_gonna use evolution either way, be nice to import04:11
eliksam-_-: now I'm starting to doubt about the issue. They refer to crash, I only get screen blank. I can still ssh in04:11
bluezoneGuest63921, i don't know if that's what you should do, try googling how to play red alert 2 on ubuntu04:12
sta7icelik: i came across the same issue on a hp laptop and did things left and right...04:12
sta7icis this laptop HP?04:12
sam-_-elik, and it doesn't "unblank" again?04:12
Guest63921bluezone: what do you mean by that?04:12
bluezoneGuest63921, i suggest mounting you image with a loop and installing it like that in wine, make sure that winecfg has "emulate virtual desktop" checked04:13
sam-_-elik, what if you switch to a ttyß04:13
YankDownUnderkevin_, Right. Easy peasey. Install Outlook Express using WINE (or Crossover). After you've installed it under WINE, point the "Location of storage data" to where you've got your old data. Restart Oulook Express. After that, you can then export your contacts, and export your "stuff"; another way would be to use Thunderbird to do your import.04:13
sam-_-elik, what if you switch to a tty?04:13
aromanAnyone know how to fix keyboard mapping in terminal?04:13
sta7icelik: have you tried focusing your search to issues with the specific vendor? is this a HP laptop?04:13
Guest63921bluezone: thanks! maybe i should do that04:13
eliksam-_-: never comes back again. Not even if I go to a tty04:14
kevin_YankDownUnder, i didnt realize oe could be downloaded04:14
bluezonesam-_-, lol see what i mean, it is still downloading, this is suchh a suacidal moment for me04:14
sam-_-elik, tried a sysreq?04:14
eliksam-_-: if I just press the lid button, I can see my screen for a split second, but goes blank again04:14
eliksam-_-: hum?04:14
OrangePeelI was copying a video file to a folder I made after putting another video file already in it. I than copied a video file from my desktop into another folder and everything froze (I'm assuming Force Quitting the folder copying) and Erasing the folder I was copying into that already had a video file in it.04:14
YankDownUnderkevin_, Yeppers mate.04:14
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sam-_-elik, alt + sysreq + k04:14
dotexeany human from indonesia??04:15
OrangePeelI was copying a video file to a folder I made after putting another video file already in it. I than copied a video file from my desktop into another folder and everything froze (I'm assuming Force Quitting the folder copying) and Erasing the folder I was copying into that already had a video file in it. Where the heck did the folder go?04:15
OrangePeelsorry for double posting04:15
eliksta7ic: nope, not an HP. It's an IBM Thinkpad. So far, I've been looking for my graphic card vendor04:15
sam-_-elik, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/45704:15
YankDownUnderkevin_, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-348048.html => interesting read.04:15
eliksam-_-: what is it supposed to do, so I can test before blanking the screen04:15
ideapronehey i'm trying to install snownews on 10.10 and getting 'Unable to locate package', could anyone give me a hint?04:16
sam-_-elik, the one i gave you kills the x server04:16
bluezoneideaprone, it means snownews package does not exist04:16
eliksam-_-: let me give that a try04:16
bluezoneideaprone, use the package manager instead and use the search04:16
The_Explorerhow does one deactivate system cache in ram? I dont have enough to be doing that can i keep crashing.04:16
doogluswhen I try to connect to ubuntu one, it asks me to find an email with a code in it.  I have no such email.  I can log in using firefox, but can't connect.  what gives?04:17
OrangePeelnvm I found it04:17
ideapronebluezone- i tried that to no avail04:17
ideaproneany thoughts on a different console rss reader?04:18
sam-_-The_Explorer, you want to disable swap?04:18
bluezonesam-_-, okay it finally finished, linux-image-2.6.36-020636-generic_2.6.36-020636.201010210905_i386.deb, now how do i run this, terminal?04:18
randomusr_what's the %h variable in bash?04:18
sam-_-bluezone, if you double click doesn't it open gdebi?04:18
dooglusis there any way to get the verification code email resent?04:18
YankDownUnderideaprone, http://kiza.kcore.de/software/snownews/downloading04:19
eliksam-_-: sysreq didn't work04:19
bluezonesam-_-, it starts loading something, and then it gives up04:19
sam-_-bluezone, or try right click. then run with gdebi.04:19
ideaproneyank- thanks! will check it out04:19
eliksam-_-: if I press the button, I can see for a split second that I'm back to the login screen, but the screen still stays blank04:19
sam-_-bluezone, in console sudo dpkg -i >package name>04:19
sam-_-bluezone, in console sudo dpkg -i <package name>04:20
YankDownUnderideaprone, Seems, however, that it's literally outdated and unsupported in current versions - so you'd be best to try to get the source, or the Debian package of Snownews.04:20
bluezonesam-_-, what lol04:20
bluezonesam-_-, oh nvm04:20
sta7icelik: dont rule out the monitor itself and not just the card04:20
eliksta7ic: I had debian and it didn't do that04:21
sam-_-elik, what do you mean it doesn't work? it doesn't kill the x server? then your pressing the wrong keys. sysreq always work unless disabled in kernel.04:21
YankDownUndercontrol+alt+backspace => kills the X server.04:21
eliksam-_-: it does kill the x server, but it doesn't come back from its blankness04:21
sam-_-elik, ah ok.04:21
sam-_-elik, too bad04:21
elikYankDownUnder: don't you have to enable that one in xorg.conf04:22
kevin_YankDownUnder,  i have ie6setupoe.exe, how do i put in wine? 1st time here04:22
YankDownUnderCONTROL+ALT+F7 might be worth a go...04:22
eliksam-_-: if it had only been xorg, going to a tty should have worked04:22
sam-_-YankDownUnder, i have been told that this method is deprecated04:22
The_Explorer<sam-_-> no, i want it to use swap more04:22
bluezonesam-_-, okay, it says done, so i assume i restart now?04:22
sta7icelik: yeah, what about power-settings? im sure uve checked already04:22
YankDownUnderkevin_, download the file, right-click, open with WineProgramInstaller04:23
sam-_-elik, true04:23
eliksta7ic: preventing the screen from blanking (whit a few jump through hoops) didn't help04:23
sam-_-The_Explorer, then increase your swap partition / swap file04:23
elikI really have this impression that my graphic card gets borked.. something to do with pipes, whatever that is04:23
YankDownUnderelik, What's yer card mate?04:24
The_Explorer<sam-_-> How big is a nice comfy swap file, before its "too much"?04:24
sam-_-The_Explorer, or are you looking for sth. like this: sysctl -w vm.swappiness=3004:24
bluezonesam-_-, so i restart? or must i do something else before04:25
YankDownUnder1.5 x through to 2 x the size of physical RAM - but depends on the usage of the machine.04:25
sam-_-The_Explorer, rly. depends on how much ram you have and what you want to do with your computer.04:25
elikYankDownUnder: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device, on my ThinkPag R51 laptop04:25
The_Explorer<sam-_->    "-w"?    im unaware of that argument04:25
kevin_YankDownUnder, setup sees as already installed, newer one is already installed? beats me04:25
bluezoneew intel graphics xD04:25
elikYankDownUnder: the card name is reported from lspci04:25
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sam-_-bluezone, if you installed it you can restart and it should be an option in the boot menu04:26
The_Explorer<sam-_->  Sam, I am with but 2 gigs ram and i wanna play my starcraft04:26
YankDownUnderelik, I've got that same card in my old Compaq laptop and have no issues with dual monitors - the LCD on the laptop works great with a 24" BenQ04:26
bluezonesam-_-, if i'm not back in 10 it means it, $&@#ed, wish me luck xD04:26
elikYankDownUnder: I have been focusing on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks#Intel Driver Quirks as it specifically specify the i855 card04:26
sam-_-The_Explorer, from the man page: -w     Use this option when you want to change a sysctl setting.04:26
mrchinosun64bit ubuntu is killing me :/04:26
kevin_YankDownUnder, but it is not there when i check04:26
almoxarifeis there an application that tracks additions to the system besides the obvious, I have an installation script that will add a lot of files but I want to be able to rid them in the future04:27
sam-_-The_Explorer, then 2-4 gb of swap should be more than enough04:27
YankDownUnderkevin_, Under /home/yournamehere/.wine/drive_c => check if you've got the program installed there...04:27
sta7icelik: have you tried kernel acpi=off stuff like that? also heres a link that probably wont fix but *crosses fingers u find something*04:27
The_Explorer<sam-_->    I throw 22G on there, its a big drive.04:28
sam-_-The_Explorer, i have 2gb and no swap at all but i don't play games on my laptop04:28
elikgiven it's ati... but I'll give a try04:28
sam-_-The_Explorer, sure. doesn't hurt04:28
eliksta7ic: didn't mess with ACPI stuff04:28
elikalthough it rings a bell04:28
kevin_YankDownUnder, there is iexplore.exe04:28
YankDownUnderkevin_, Keep lookin mate.04:29
sam-_-elik, also a bios update may help04:29
The_Explorerhowever, mr. sam-_- ... Im looking at swap history and i see nothing goin in there04:29
almoxarifeis there an application that tracks additions to the system besides the obvious, I have an installation script that will add a lot of files but I want to be able to rid them in the future???04:29
sam-_-what's swap history?04:29
The_Explorersam-_-, in the system monitor04:29
kevin_YankDownUnder, i installed nothing, yet something is there , yet it is not, naw, i am totally lost now04:29
eliksam-_-: no offense, but debian > fucking with my bios04:29
YankDownUnderkevin_, Patience is a virtue.04:30
sam-_-elik, y. true, true.04:31
sam-_-The_Explorer, don't let that bother you04:31
IdleOne!language | elik04:31
ubottuelik: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:31
The_Explorermy Vbox keeps crashing, so it must04:31
kevin_there are no applicatiosn to remove, i am not following you anymore04:31
The_ExplorerUnless its not my ram04:31
elikIdleOne: sorry04:32
sam-_-The_Explorer, free -tm04:32
kevin_config wine and no programs are there04:32
kevin_yet in nautilis  i have iexplore04:32
The_ExplorerMr. sam-_-... is that code?04:33
OoOany one available for help ?04:33
kevin_this makes no sense04:33
OoOi really need some help if any one has time thanks04:33
sam-_-The_Explorer, this command will show you free ram and swap04:33
eliksta7ic: hum, sadly, there seems to be nothing relating to lid close... Disabling the acpi even that blanks on lid close might have helped04:33
sam-_-The_Explorer, so you can check if the swap is active04:33
OoOive been googleing for 2 hours ..04:33
sam-_-OoO, just ask04:34
OoOI need help with Ralink 3790 i think the wifi is that04:34
YankDownUnderkevin_, Hang on mate...I'm checking something.. C heck this: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91846804:34
OoOi just installed ubuntu about 2 hours ago and i can not use my wifi04:34
sam-_-!ralink | OoO04:34
ubottuOoO: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:34
The_ExplorerYeah its doing something mr sam-_-04:35
sam-_-OoO, read this and come back if you have questions04:35
The_Explorermaybe its Virtualbox itself then04:35
sam-_-The_Explorer, how does it crash?04:35
qcjn2hi, my connection from one computer to another with nautilus on ubuntu doesn't work anymore sincce i ve upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04. It sees the network, but it acts like my user and pass is no good04:36
qcjn2i've just tried, on nautilus, ssh://ipnumber/home   and that worked04:37
The_ExplorerCan anyone here make sense of a VirtualBox Log for me?04:38
qcjn2wkorked with same user and pass04:39
rootsam-_-: yeah that kernel is a commandline based one04:39
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sam-_-bluezone, hugh?04:39
The_Explorer00:02:40.512 OHCI: USB Operational04:39
The_Explorer00:02:41.332 OHCI: USB Suspended04:39
The_Explorer00:03:08.479 OHCI: USB Operational04:39
The_Explorer00:03:09.174 OHCI: USB Suspended04:39
bluezonesam-_-: sorry yeah as i was saying, i could only get a command line from it, it wasn't a gui ubuntu, how can i explain this...04:40
FloodBot3The_Explorer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
nelsonis there a xiphos channel?04:40
bluezonesam-_-: it is like run level 1 basically04:40
Da|Mummywhats this mean in terminal?04:40
Da|Mummyfixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot04:40
Da|Mummyfixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl unsupported ioctl 7408004:40
Da|Mummyfixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl unsupported ioctl 2d140004:40
FloodBot3Da|Mummy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
nelsonis there a xiphos channel?04:40
nelsonis there a xiphos channel?04:40
nelsonis there a xiphos channel?04:40
nelsonis there a xiphos channel?04:40
FloodBot3nelson: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
eliknelson: STOP!04:40
The_ExplorerSomeone please look at this VirtualBox Log, I'm not totally sure what im looking at, but it keeps crashing i need to know why04:41
bluezonesam-_-:do you understand what i mean? i never made it to a login screen, only a terminal booted04:41
sam-_-bluezone, y. you didn't select recovery mode, did you?04:41
bluezoneno i didnt, the regular new one04:42
bluezone2-6 watever, right sam-_- ?04:42
sam-_-bluezone, oh you have some restricted drivers installed, right?04:42
bluezonesam-_-: yeah04:42
kevin_YankDownUnder, i deleted internet explorer folder, since there is no other way , and it didnt help, says same thing, aready installed LMAO04:43
sam-_-bluezone, yeah. well then it would be a little bit of work to get it working with a gui04:43
SengokuAnyone unable to access windows shares using samba, (getting infinite login prompts)?04:43
YankDownUnderkevin_, Have you read through the link I sent you?04:43
kevin_YankDownUnder, thanks for trying , i gotta give up and sleep04:43
bluezonesam-_-: how many hours we talking?04:43
sam-_-Sengoku, set a password on your windows machine or allow guest access04:44
Sengokusam-_-: windows-windows requires no password04:44
sam-_-bluezone, depends on you :-)04:45
bluezonesam-_-: i even forgot why i'm doing this now04:45
Sengokuand the share settings (win7) say that no password required04:45
bluezoneoh yeah those dumb network card drivers04:45
sam-_-bluezone, i thought your wifi was too slow04:45
kevin_YankDownUnder, 8 tabs open , dotn rememebr which is yours, none helped anyways04:45
bluezoneyeah yeah, ok humm04:45
bluezonesam-_-: alright lets try why not lol04:46
YankDownUnderSengoku, Go to the perms on the Windows machine, add "anonymous", guest, restart Windows machine.04:46
SengokuYankDownUnder: trying. thanks04:46
YankDownUnderkevin_, Sleep, and try again the next day.04:46
sam-_-bluezone, i can't help you there bc. i haven't used restricted drivers in a while04:46
kevin_in the morning i will take wine and playonlinux off and out them back, maybe that will do it04:46
eliksta7ic: acpi was a good place to look, but disabling the lid.sh event (moved lid.sh to lid.sh.bak) didn't help04:47
YankDownUnderkevin_, AFter you do so, make sure you delete the .wine and all other residules04:47
bluezonesam-_-: but i don't understand how that would stop me from getting my gui, if i disable my drivers now and restart would it work?04:47
eliksta7ic: I'll try the mailing list tomorrow04:47
eliksta7ic, sam-_-, YankDownUnder: thanks for your time04:48
sta7icelik: good luck, np04:48
sam-_-bluezone, yes that could work. but you won't (good) have 3d acceleration then04:48
YankDownUnderMOre than welcome. Never give up, never give in.04:48
kevin_sam-_-, YankDownUnder: thanks for your time from me too04:48
sam-_-bluezone, yes that could work. but you won't have (good) 3d acceleration then04:48
bluezonesam-_-: a i'll take care of that when i get my gui, i'm allergic to command lines unfourtunetely04:49
SengokuYankDownUnder: is there anything other than nautilus i can use to view smb shares?04:49
sahbefore i tried to install xampp (web server) in the terminal, i typed "su", but it didn't like my password. (i cannot find any instructions on setting up a user account since i installed ubuntu yesterday.) when you're done laughing, can you point me in a specific direction? thank you04:50
sahSUPER user account*04:50
bluezonesam-_-: god i hate intel-.-04:51
JkesslerI just installed ubuntu server 10.04, i'm trying to set up a print server.  I'm assuming I need to compile a driver for my HP P1006 printer.  I followed the instructions at http://foo2xqx.rkkda.com/  ..  I installed build-essential and tried to 'make', was told to install dc, installed and i'm getting an error at "zjsdecode.c: In function'decode':" then "zjsdecode.c:153: internal compiler error:04:51
YankDownUnderSengoku, Yes. Konqueror, Gigolo, smbc, smb4k => to name a few04:51
bluezoneBRB, again,fml04:51
sam-_-bluezone, intel is hard to avoid in the computing world04:52
YankDownUnderSengoku, You might also want to double check your /etc/smb.conf => and that you've got like fuse-smb and any other smb based utils installed.04:52
vaginhelp me install conky04:52
YankDownUndersudo apt-get install conky-all04:53
madsailorI just restored a saved ubuntu image to a new partition on my HD.  All went well, but I sized the new partition larger.  How do I tell Ubuntu to extend it's filesystem to fill the new partition size?04:53
YankDownUndermadsailor, You should be able to use gparted to take care of that for ya.04:54
sahbefore i tried to install xampp (web server) in the terminal, i typed "su", but it didn't like my password. (i cannot find any instructions on setting up a super user account since i installed ubuntu yesterday.) when you're done laughing, can you point me in a specific direction? thank you04:54
madsailorYank, won't gparted format over the image I just installed?04:55
tensorpuddingsah: root exists, but is locked by default04:55
YankDownUndersah, Open a terminal, type: sudo passwd => put in the new su password, then you can su all you wish04:55
tensorpuddingsah: use sudo su, or sudo -i04:55
sahokay thank you04:55
tensorpudding!cn | yukun04:55
ubottuyukun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk04:56
rsvphow much faster is it to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10: using live CD vs. update-manager over the net ??04:56
gusgWhere is the tex installation in Ubuntu?04:56
YankDownUnderrsvp, My druthers go with "via the net"04:57
tensorpuddinggusg: the texlive metapackage will install the necessary parts04:57
tensorpuddinggusg: there's a metric ton of texlive-* packages containing fonts, extra macros and all sorts of stuff that are optional04:57
gusgtesnorpudding, I'd like to install a new document class.04:57
bluezonesam-_-, i seem to have fixed that restricted problem, now time to test04:57
sam-_-Jkessler, i doubt you will have to compile anything04:57
rsvpYankDownUnder, are the install options identically given the two alternatives ??04:58
tensorpuddinggusg: you might check on CTAN to see if it's not packaged already04:58
tensorpuddingit might exist in a texlive-* package, not sure how you'd check though04:58
YankDownUnderrsvp, I've found that doing an in-place "upgrade" via the net gives me the least amount of problems, preserves the most of my customisations.04:58
gusgtensorpudding: I will look, but there are many packages in CTAN that are not in synaptic, right?04:59
bluezonesam-_-, btw, do i have to do sudo modprobe iwl3945 every time i log on? because it seems i do lol04:59
tensorpuddingpresumably yes04:59
tensorpuddingif it's not, you'll have to install by hand04:59
=== CensoredBiscuit is now known as CB_Desktop
mrchinosunif im using tor i can setup the whole system to be a proxy right05:00
YankDownUnderbluezone, Um...you shouild be able to just load that in the /etc/modules file....05:00
rsvpYankDownUnder, perfect answer -- was wondering preserving state. Thanks!05:00
bluezonesam-_-, okay, it works now, my wifi, finally, fml, thanks man05:00
madsailorYankDownUnder, Gparted will change part sizr, I just want to tell a restored image to extend it's filesystem to fill the new partition size05:00
sam-_-bluezone, that's pretty strange. you can add it to /etc/modules  then you won't have to do it again05:00
madsailorparting already done05:00
YankDownUndermadsailor, I've had the least problems with that - and without knowing how you're going about restoring images to parts - what tools you're using, simplest answer.05:01
rsvpYankDownUnder, but by the way, which of your personal customizations did the upgrade process mess up ??05:02
madsailorI used dd to rest the image, but orig image was ~17g new part is 17005:02
sam-_-Jkessler, try installing this: foo2zjs05:02
sam-_-Jkessler, should save you some trouble05:03
YankDownUnderrsvp, For "personal machines" => things like wallpapers, audio prefs, compiz prefs, program prefs, emerald prefs, cairo-dock prefs...05:03
kottonmouthHey, on Ubuntu Server 10.10., does anyone else have problems installing unrealircd?  I'm sure it's just MY error but I screw up with the conf file I believe05:04
sam-_-madsailor, which fs?05:04
YankDownUndermadsailor, Right. Last week, I moved an 80gb Reiserfs to a 1tb - used a liveCD with gparted, worked fast, and like a champ.05:04
madsailorYankdownunder, ext205:04
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I have a program that has transparency(tilda) and when I startup my computer, a lot of the time Tilda will start before compiz is loaded so it doesn't have transparency. So I have to close tilda and reopen it after compiz has loaded. Does anyone know how to get it so that the programs that require Compiz are loaded after it?05:05
rsvpYankDownUnder, did it mess up the settings for programs at start-up too?05:05
YankDownUndermadsailor, If you're using dd, you should be able to give the params for the "of"05:05
YankDownUnderrsvp, Nah - even kept my Plymouth prefs05:05
YankDownUndermadsailor, I made sure, after resizing the partitions, that I did a Reiser-based fsck to double check the journal - paranoid like that.05:06
bluezonei forgot how to shut the Xserver05:06
rsvpYankDownUnder, thanks again.05:06
bluezoneanyone remember?05:06
YankDownUnderbluezone, There is a special button on the back of the toaster in the kitchen for doing Xserver shutdowns - JOKING - you can try CONTROL-ALT-BACKSPACE05:07
bluezoneokay i'm going to my kitchen05:07
madsailorYankDownUnder, I used BS=1024.  Restored fine (I'm on it now), but ubuntu only recognizes orig size, not full part size05:07
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
tehbautanyone got any ideas why ddrescue /dev/sda /dev/sdb isn't resulting in a fully cloned copy of sda on sdb after it's finished?05:07
YankDownUndermadsailor, Gparted. :)05:08
bluezoneYankDownUnder, did not work05:08
YankDownUndertehbaut, Not sure how you used it in the first place...what parameters you used, what switches you used - etc etc etc...05:08
YankDownUnderbluezone, CTRL-ALT-F1, login as root, then try: /etc/init.d/gdm restart => wait for a few seconds, then do: CTRL+ALT+F705:09
gusgThe "hibernate" option does not always appear. I haven't determined the pattern05:10
YankDownUnderbluezone, Just for your information, you can do: RIGHT-ALT+K+SysReq05:10
x_Got compiz working on ubuntu 10.10 but only my bottom bar is opaque, I dont see any options in the settings related to my top bar?05:10
sam-_-madsailor, resize2fs05:11
madsailorsam-_-, thanks, looks more like the ticket05:12
BholziI cant determine what the kernel issue is... 10.04. I want to just shoot to 10.1005:12
tehbautYankDownUnder, whatcha mean? I gave you the exact command I used (minus the logfile part)05:12
sam-_-tehbaut, how do you tell it didn't work?05:13
tehbautddrescue was showing that the data was copying, so surely it must be on the destination drive... but the 4 individual partitions aren't there05:13
tehbautI started with an unpartitioned destination drive... I read that it didn't need to be partitioned05:13
sam-_-tehbaut, did you issue a kernel resync?05:14
tehbauthow do I do that?05:14
tehbauter, I mean... no05:14
Da|Mummywhats delete file command in terminal?05:14
* tehbaut looks up kernel resync to see what it does05:14
mimorcan someone hilight me? I'm testing something05:15
sam-_-tehbaut, rebooting is easiest.05:15
YankDownUnderKernel should resync when you just fire up fdisk05:15
HypoglybeticCan someone help me setup my network? I just want to be able to browse the shared folders on my windows machines.05:15
sam-_-Hypoglybetic, you shouldn't need to setup anything then05:16
Hypoglybeticsam-_-, well, I get the error "can't mount folder" when i click on "windows network"05:17
tehbautsam-_-, well I had no problems getting the partitions that were copied from another disk to the disk I used as the source here (/dev/sda) to show up (in Disk Utility) without having to reboot05:17
YankDownUndertehbaut, I'd reckon it's the resync is why you're not seeing the partitions on the drives...05:17
YankDownUndertehbaut, You can also try doing an fsck on the partitions....05:17
JkesslerHypoglybetic:  It could be a permissions issue?05:18
cjacI'm having some problems with hard drive permissions05:19
cjacI'm trying to delete some files on a different partition in order to repair the system05:19
cjacbut rm keeps saying it's a read only file system05:19
cjacdespite mount showing otherwise05:19
tehbautYankDownUnder, but none of the partitions are showing up on the destination after being copied from the source05:19
Jkesslercjac:  try sudo rm ?   or rm -rf  ?05:20
mrchinosun!google why is ubuntu05:20
sam-_-Hypoglybetic, libsmbclient is installed?05:20
cjacyeah, I'm doing all this as root05:20
HypoglybeticJkessler, Well, how do I go about fixing that?05:20
Hypoglybeticsam-_-,  How do I check? I'm a newbie.05:20
tehbautDisk Utility still shows the whole destination drive as being one 1TB of unallocated space05:20
Madpilotmrchinosun, no search function on the bot, I'm afraid05:20
YankDownUndertehbaut, I'll assume you've either rebooted or tried to resync the kernel?05:20
SquarismOS'es should be context centric rather than application centric05:21
mrchinosunoh haha ok05:21
Squarismgimme a context oriented OS05:21
Jkesslerhyperbolic: can you browse your windows shares from other windows machines?05:21
Squarismor.. window managers atleast05:21
Hypoglybeticyes I can05:21
sam-_-Hypoglybetic, dpkg -l libsmbclient05:21
HypoglybeticJkessler, no problem, all windows 7 btw05:21
mrchinosuntheres no google bot in here05:22
chdhow do I access a win7 share?05:22
AbhiJiti am getting this error while compiling acidbot05:22
AbhiJit/usr/include/stdio.h:651: note: previous declaration of ‘getline’ was here05:22
kirkmorenoUbuntu Y U NO make TerminatorX work05:22
AbhiJitany idea?05:22
Madpilotmrchinosun, nope, afraid not.05:23
Hypoglybeticsam-_-, Yes, it is installed05:23
jon8is there any page out there that shows all the packages available on ubuntu 10.10 -- now, also is there an rss feed page that shows the new updates available for any package as soon as they become available?05:23
YankDownUnderWell, seems that we'll just have to give up on Ubuntu as it just can't do everything that everyone wants. Shucks. And here I liked the colours.05:23
cjacJkessler: it's an HFS+ filesystem I'm trying to modify, if that makes any difference05:23
shadyabhiI am on an 100Mbps LAN. My LAN speed limits my downloading speed from internet. Please suggest something to solve that issue..05:23
cjacis it somehow just not possible to modify?05:24
bluezonesam-_-: humm, well 1) i added sudo modprobe iwl394505:24
YankDownUnderHFS+ file systems - if journaling is turn ON, you're going to have permissions issues with 'em.05:24
bluezonesam-_-: but it still doesn't work05:24
bluezonesam-_-: i still have to do it manually every time :)05:24
Jkesslercjac:  have you tried chmod'ing your directory?05:24
YankDownUnderbluezone, If you added the name of the module in the /etc/modules text config file, and rebooted, you shouild be right05:25
AbhiJitjon8, packages.ubuntu.com05:25
cjacyeah, same 'read only file system' error05:25
sam-_-bluezone, just the module name. without sudo modprobe05:25
bluezoneYankDownUnder: OW the name of the module, as in only iwl3945?05:25
Madpilotshadyabhi, if you're running into network limits, there's not a lot you can do. It's hard to saturate even a 100Mbps connection, though...05:25
Varangerhi how are you?05:25
bluezoneaaaa i c ic...05:25
YankDownUndercjac, Use a Mac machine to turn OFF the journaling on that drive, then you can muck with it under linux05:25
cjaci have to remove these files for OS X to boot, and to my knowledge the only way right now is to boot into OS X05:25
YankDownUnderbluezone, Si, I mean Oui05:25
mimorcan someone just mention my nick?05:26
mimorI'm testing something05:26
bluezoneYankDownUnder: haha05:26
jon8AbhiJit nothing there shows the release dates .. do you know also, of a rss feed that will update when new packages are available?05:26
AbhiJitjon8, no idea05:26
cjacand it's an internal hdd too, so that complicates stuff05:26
shadyabhiMadpilot, Actually, I cant get my speed more than 11 MegaBytes per second speed. Is there a distributed download manager or something?05:26
YankDownUndercjac, Just plug it into an already booted OSX machine, change the journaling options, and voila, you're done.05:26
cjacah, ok05:27
muxxToday I installed a new router (Linksys E2000) onto my network. Flashed it with dd-wrt, setup my LAN+WLAN, and everything was great. I got to my Ubuntu thinkpad (T61) and all the sudden my wireless refuses to work properly. For some reason Network Manager is putting it into Ad-Hoc mode and giving it an ip address in the subnet (I assume this is similar to ARPIPA for Linux?). I tried googling, but found nothing dealing 05:27
YankDownUndercjac, Sorry - I just saw INTERNAL and not EXTERNAL.05:27
Madpilotshadyabhi, not sure where you are in the world, but the bottlenecks are usually at the ISP level05:27
sam-_-Hypoglybetic, take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914905:27
cjachm, what about 'hfsutils'?05:28
AbhiJit/usr/include/stdio.h:651: note: previous declaration of ‘getline’ was here05:28
madsailorcjac, I ran into this too...many of the hfs+ tools are not supported well under linux and are read only.  I found one that supports r/w though...give me a min and I'll try to relocate itHFS05:28
_Tavo_Hello, does anyone know how to mount /proc/bus/usb in ubuntu? I need it for java-usb05:29
YankDownUndercjac, Nah mate. Been there done that - you have to turn off the journaling through an OSX machine...05:29
shadyabhiMadpilot, I stufy in an institute where we have 100Mbps LAN. But, our internet connection speed is much higher ie 1Gbps. So, 2 students from different computer can download at speed 11MegaBytes per sec simultaneously05:29
Hypoglybeticsam-_-, reading now, thanks.05:29
sam-_-AbhiJit, doesn't seem like the actual error. post the full output to pastebin05:29
shadyabhiMadpilot, s/stufy/study05:29
YankDownUnderI need popcorn and beer.05:30
cjacit'd be nice to keep this all software-side and not have to take apart my computer, but I s'pose it'll come to that05:30
AbhiJitsam-_-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/553893/05:30
sam-_-muxx, have you tried without network manager. it's quirky sometimes05:30
chdhow do I access a win7 share?05:30
donleshothow do i reload wlan005:31
donleshotor stop/start05:31
YankDownUndercjac, Ya know, there is a "liveCD" - kinda - that allows you to utilise OSX stuff and not do an install...iATKOS - works on pc's (intel and amd) as well...05:31
mimorcan someone HL me pls?05:31
shcherbakdonleshot: ifdown wlan0 && ifup wlan0 , both with sudo05:31
muxxsam-_-: I'm not great at manually using wpa_supplicant, but I'm trying to make a config file right now. I'll see how that goes once I get the config setup.05:31
shcherbakdonleshot: or ifconfig wlan0 down && ifconfig wlan0 up , also sudo both05:32
dfcnvtmimor, what do you need a help with05:32
cjacI'll try that, YankDownUnder05:32
cjacthanks, all05:32
qqaazzqq2009 :)05:33
sam-_-AbhiJit, i'm gonna say it's an error in the source code. i could be wrong though05:33
mimordfcnvt: I'm still trying to figure this out05:33
AbhiJitsam-_-, ok05:33
sam-_-muxx, you can use wicd if you don't like manual setup05:33
mimorI'm using Xterm to SSH to my server, open screen and enter irssi. Now I want to hear a beep on Hilights05:34
dfcnvtmimor, what do you need to figure out?05:34
joshrlDoes anyone know where I can download Sun Java? And can also help me through my first install? :)05:34
mimorbeep when someone mentions my nick05:34
Da|Mummywhos familiar with pan newsreader?05:34
shcherbakmimor: grep logs and ssh back to ring05:35
drebel1can any body point to a good place on how to use ubuntu05:35
fennuccihow do you request CTCP versions in irc again05:35
r00t4rd3d!java | joshrl05:35
fennucciI forget05:35
ubottujoshrl: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.05:35
joshrlWhat drebel1 said, I want a link too. :)05:35
joshrlOoh, thanks!05:35
joshrlubottu knows everything for any situation. :P05:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:35
sam-_-joshrl, drebel1, https://help.ubuntu.com/05:36
madsailorcjac, take a look at http://www.ardistech.com/hfsplus/.  Though if it's journaled you may still be out of luck:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54315905:36
dfcnvtmimor, You want to hear the beep sounds when someone calls your name on your ssh server then back to your ssh's client program?05:36
OoOive been reading this help site on wifi on the ubuntu forums but to no avail my WIFI will not work05:36
drebel1thank you05:36
shcherbakdfcnvt: rather hear05:36
mimorI want to hear a beep on my clients machine when Irssi on the server get a HL05:36
sam-_-joshrl, drebel1, also: http://ubuntuguide.org/05:36
AbhiJithow to run conkeror?05:36
joshrlThanks. :D05:37
AbhiJitit open tutorial help file. what to do next to open 'actual' web browser?05:37
dfcnvtmimor, I'm unsure if putty (if that what you might be using) is capable to deliver the sounds05:37
mimordfcnvt: I'm using Xterm05:37
shcherbakmimor: you using windows?05:37
mimorshcherbak: server = Ubuntu 10.10 client = Arch something05:37
dfcnvtI would assume that theses are only based on text.05:38
shcherbakmimor: thats more less like this tail -f /irssi/logs | grep YourNick05:38
r00t4rd3dAbhiJit, sudo apt-get install conkeror05:39
AbhiJitr00t4rd3d, nvm05:39
shcherbakmimor: tee output to file and ssh to client with command05:39
sam-_-r00t4rd3d, right... :-)05:39
r00t4rd3dAbhiJit, another tip sudo apt-cache search <keyword>05:39
ZykoticK9r00t4rd3d, apt-cache doesn't require sudo ;)05:40
mimorkthx shcherbak05:40
r00t4rd3dlearn something new everyday :D05:40
AbhiJitr00t4rd3d, no dear.05:40
AbhiJitr00t4rd3d, how to 'run' NOT how to 'install'05:40
shcherbakmimor: or run grep also on client (via package script)05:40
fermulatorI'm using ubuntu 10.10 . Whenever I click on shutdown/logoff/restart, it just logs out to the login screen and it says "currently logged in", like the switch user screen. Does anyone know how to fix this?05:40
egossettr00t4rd3d: i have been trying to learn something new each day as well05:40
sam-_-r00t4rd3d, i think he means konqueror05:41
r00t4rd3dnah conkeror is browser05:41
YankDownUnderAbhiJit, konqueror --profile webbrowsing05:41
rusivi0o0: What forum post specifically?05:41
r00t4rd3dconkeror is a app too05:41
AbhiJitYankDownUnder, its conkeror05:41
AbhiJitnot konqueror05:41
AbhiJitkonqueror is kde thingy05:42
sam-_-r00t4rd3d, ah. didn't know05:42
AbhiJitwhen i run conkeror it takes me to help page05:42
AbhiJityah ok05:42
AbhiJiti figured it out. :P05:43
shcherbakfreezway: who, w, users, top. check what tty/pts is in use.05:43
ironsightdoes openal audio work in ubuntu?05:43
fermulatorndxtg: you around?05:43
shcherbakfreezway: Does it happend all the time or once?05:44
freezwaywhat are you talking about05:44
freezwayi didn't ask a question05:45
shcherbakfreezway: bloody TAB05:45
shcherbakfreezway: sorry05:45
shcherbakfermulator: Does it happend all the time or once?05:45
sam-_-fermulator, isn't even on the channel05:45
fermulatorshcherbak: all the time05:45
YankDownUnderironsight, https://vollkorn.cryptobitch.de/index.php?/archives/90-How-I-solved-my-Ubuntu-Karmic-9.10-ALSA-OpenAL-Sound-problems.html05:46
fermulatoranytime I logout, I'm brought to the GDM login screen, and it says my user is "currently logged in" (even though I just logged uot)05:46
shcherbakfermulator: can you paste w output?05:46
fermulatorpaste what log?05:46
ZykoticK9fermulator, are you also logged into a console perhaps?05:46
shcherbakfermulator: "w" command05:46
shcherbakZykoticK9: "all the time"05:47
fermulatoroh sure thing;05:47
fermulatorshcherbak: http://pastebin.com/hAu7uXgk05:47
muxxsam-_-: Sure enough, it was a Network-Manager issue.05:48
fermulatorshcherbak: oh, apparently there is an SSH connection from "fermmy-media"05:48
sam-_-muxx, unsurprisingly :-(05:48
fermulatorshcherbak: i'll close it, logout, and see if it still shows05:48
newhow do i get sound activated in ubuntu?05:49
muxxHad a feeling. Just wish I knew how to fix Network-Manager from automatically putting the card into Ad-Hoc mode when it connects to the AP. wpa_supplicant worked like a charm fortunately.05:49
YankDownUndernew, Check to see if your volume is muted or just turned down.05:49
shcherbakfermulator: should do, how come that you have ssh "all the time"05:49
newit is unmuted05:49
newthe volume is up05:50
sam-_-new, how do you test it=05:50
YankDownUndernew, I'll assume you've check the volume level under SYSTEM => PREFERENCES => SOUND...and checked the hardware settings as well....05:50
sam-_-new, also gstreamer-properties05:50
newhow do i check the hardware settings?05:51
r00t4rd3dhardware tab of sound properties05:51
fermulatorshcherbak: wow, that was silly, after closing the SSH session from the remote system, the GDM login menu no longer shows "currently logged in"05:51
shcherbakZykoticK9: you genius!05:52
fermulatorshcherbak: I usually "sleep"/"resume" my desktop PC, and my media server has been online for weeks (apparently with an SSH session going)05:52
Da|Mummyanyone here on ubuntu10.10x64 that can help me test something minor real quick?05:52
ox3aStill i did not able to change the ubuntu boot splash05:52
ZykoticK9shcherbak, you figured it out :P05:52
fermulatorshcherbak: it's been a while since I restarted the PC05:52
fermulatorshcherbak: thanks!05:52
shcherbakfermulator: got you first that it happend every boot. Well "w" often suprise me either.05:53
lazarus_hi all05:53
fermulatorshcherbak: I suppose it's a little weird that GDM says "currently logged in" for SSH sessions ... but oh well05:53
YankDownUnderGAds - one of my servers is only showing 38 days up....dang...05:53
ox3aany help please changing the ubuntu boot logo or splash screen?05:53
fermulatori'm out for now! cheers05:54
ZykoticK9fermulator, i think GDM is being smart - you are logged in05:54
YankDownUnderox3a, What's the prob mate?05:54
chdin vim, if I want to save a file I'm working on under a different name how do I do that? :w <name>?05:55
r00t4rd3dox3a, have you installed zorin splash screen manager ?05:55
fermulatorZykoticK9: it's debatable I think.  GDM is a "graphical Display Manager".  saying "currently logged in" is technically true ... but ... expectations of "currently logged in" from a GDM login prompt would imply "graphically logged in" (i.e. to physical tty)05:55
ZykoticK9fermulator, it applies to console logins as well - my origional question ;)05:56
ox3aYankDownUnder, I am customizing Ubuntu live cd (Everything done). Just trying to change boot splash05:56
fermulatorZykoticK9: oh interesting -- testing05:56
r00t4rd3dox3a, http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/install-zorin-splash-screen-manager-on-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/05:57
ox3ar00t4rd3d, I have made my own splash.... And my customized ubuntu will be installable05:57
ZykoticK9Cool looking Plymouth theme from webupd8 http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/earth-sunrise-is-gorgeous-plymouth.html [i haven't tried it yet, will be installing on netbook in a moment]05:57
fermulatorZykoticK9: indeed! -- console logins cause GDM to say "currently logged in"05:58
YankDownUnderox3a, Roger that.05:58
fermulatorZykoticK9: I guess that is the right thing to do05:58
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ZykoticK9fermulator, ;)05:58
ox3aYankDownUnder, ?05:58
YankDownUnderox3a, The base stuff is in /lib/plymouth => modify what you so wish, but you'll have to do an update-alternatives --config default.plymouth, then do an update-initrd afterwards05:59
dshbusinessHello! I delete my apache2 config files at /etc/apache2/sits-available/, which config my server root, How can I revover it? Thanks06:00
nef_since I got linux, my laptop doesnt recognise my mic - can anyone assist with this06:00
techmo2Hi ... anyone else registered for the Ubuntu Developer Day here ?06:03
nef_oh hello06:03
thothwhat's that ubuntu dev day thing?06:04
techmo2I registered few days back ... but I received no confirmation :( ... who do I ask ?06:04
techmo2any idea ?06:04
thothoh by the way... can anyone have any ideas how to fix broken mic ?06:05
george_Hey guys, how do fix the drag and drop issue when using a touch pad in Ubuntu 10.10?06:05
sam-_-dshbusiness, sudo apt-get remove apache2.2-common && sudo apt-get install apache2.2-common06:05
thothas in ubuntu 10.10 couldn't detect the mic06:05
thothI have already ensured it isn't mute on the sound thing06:05
IdleOnetechmo2: msg nigelb about it, he can most probably help you.06:05
techmo2thanks IdleOne06:05
IdleOnetechmo2: if he can't help he will know who can :)06:06
ox3aYankDownUnder, PM please?06:06
techmo2IdleOne: that is more important :)06:06
techmo2thank you so much06:06
YankDownUnderox3a, Shoot06:06
dshbusinesssam-_-: Let me try. Thanks!06:06
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
thoththe mic support is sometimes there and mostly not there...06:07
thothso anyone have any ideas ?06:07
thothwhy that happens ?06:07
nef_it kinda looks like you are talking to yourself thoth06:08
dfcnvtthoth, did you tries play different application and see if it work?06:09
atemany resource to learn linux like yous?06:09
thothI am actually using skype06:09
sam-_-thoth, gstreamer-properties and gnome-volume-manager look into those two06:09
thothyou know the pidgin-skype thing06:09
bazhang!manual | atem06:09
ubottuatem: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:09
thothok wait..06:09
thothhow do I get to that gstreamer thing ?06:09
gopshello world06:10
atemok thanks ubottu06:10
ZykoticK9thoth, you don't happen to be using a EEEpc 1005pe are you?06:10
sam-_-thoth, alt + f2 then type the command06:10
ZykoticK9thoth, k06:10
thothwhich command ?06:10
gopshey any one know the repositories link for emerald theams06:10
dfcnvtthoth, get on the terminal, type "sudo apt-get install gstreamer-properties gnome-volume-manager" (without quote)06:11
thothok.. let me figure that terminal thing...06:11
bazhanggops, emerald is no longer supported nor maintained06:11
thothsorry.. noob here....06:11
george_same here n.n06:11
dfcnvtthoth, that's alright, I've noticed already06:11
thothok.. there06:11
thothso what do I need to notice ?06:11
thothI am at the gstreamer already06:12
dfcnvtthoth, What are you seeing?06:12
gopsi installed emerald thems but no theams , i can download theams one by one from varies sites, but it would be better if ther is any repo server06:12
george_i really dont want to waste 30 bucks on a mouse, is there a way to fix the drag and dropping on a laptop's touchpad?06:12
IdleOne!themes | gops06:12
ubottugops: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:12
bazhanggops, apt-cache search emerald if there are any, which is doubtful06:12
george_it goes crazy when i try to drag and drop06:13
thothAutodetect ?06:13
thothplugin autodetect ?06:13
orb_well hi06:13
thothpipeline autoaudiosrc06:13
dfcnvtthoth, are you on the terminal? the black window with white text?06:13
=== JabberWalkie_ is now known as JabberWalkie
thothit pop up some GUI06:14
gopsbazhang: thank you , i wil try06:14
dfcnvtthoth, maybe the color is different. Assuming you're on the terminal06:14
thothI found the gstreamer-properties command in the terminal06:14
george_@thoth: just type CTRL ALT then T06:14
dfcnvtcan you try type "echo test" without quote06:14
george_and the terminal will pop up ^^06:14
thothI am in the terminal06:15
thothand I executed 'gstreamer-properties'06:15
dfcnvtwhat was the respond after that06:15
thothand it threw out a GUI thing06:15
dfcnvtok ok06:15
dfcnvtwas making sure you are on the terminal06:15
hblounthi. does wine take alot of cpu power?06:15
dfcnvtYou'll need to install them06:15
gopsbazhang: hey jus check the link  Repositories06:15
dfcnvttype this, "sudo apt-get install gstreamer-properties gnome-volume-manager" (again, without quote)06:16
thothPackage gnome-volume-manager is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:16
DandyKoffinI'm a newbie who needs help with Evolution06:17
sam-_-hblount, depends06:17
thotheading package lists... Done06:17
thothBuilding dependency tree06:17
thothReading state information... Done06:17
thothPackage gnome-volume-manager is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:17
thothThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:17
FloodBot3thoth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:17
thothis only available from another source06:17
gopsbazhang: hey jus check the site  http://wiki.compiz.org/EmeraldThemeManager#Repositories it shows that we will get repo address from the repository tab , but i didnt find any other repo tab06:17
thothanyone can read me ?06:17
DandyKoffinHello everyone06:18
DandyKoffincan someone please help me with Evolution?06:18
dfcnvtthoth, we'll hold on gnome-volume-manager later. start install gstreamer-properties only06:18
bazhangDandyKoffin, ask a question first06:18
george_whats the problem?06:18
bazhanggops, I'd ask in #compiz for an expert view on that.06:18
DandyKoffinI'm trying to set up my school e-mail account on Evolution, and I really don't know what I'm doing06:19
dfcnvtthoth, do the following "sudo apt-get install gstreamer-properties" (without quote)06:19
hblounthi. does wine take alot of cpu power?06:19
bazhanghblount, not really, the apps might though06:20
bazhanghblount, for specific app help, /join #winehq06:20
sam-_-thoth, dfcnvt it's gnome-volume-control.06:20
mrchinosunFUCK 64bit ubuntu :(06:20
gopsbazhang: ok ok06:20
thothit shows error06:20
bazhangmrchinosun, no cursing please06:21
hblountbazhang, thanks06:21
rusivi!language | mrchinosun06:21
ubottumrchinosun: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:21
DandyKoffinbazhang, how do I go about setting up my school e-mail account in Evolution?06:21
george_Touchpad drag & drop issue? fix, please???06:21
george_pointer goes crazy06:21
thothi am in gstreamer-properties now06:22
nit-witDandyKoffin, is it a IMAP06:22
thothdfcnvt, i am in the gstreamer properties06:22
DandyKoffinnit-wit, I really don't know, how do I find out?06:22
thothit seems to exists without the need of installation06:22
sam-_-DandyKoffin, your school has to tell you06:23
DandyKoffinsam-_-: ok thanks06:23
dfcnvtclose your skype program and play other different program to see if it work06:23
dfcnvtIf it does work, then switch it back to skype to see if it work06:24
thothwhat programs to play ?06:24
thothyou mean anything like sound recording ?06:24
sam-_-thoth, gnome-sound-recorder06:24
thothsam-_-, it didn't work06:29
ofbHello, cannot install 3d open source driver for ati 160006:31
thothso... the recording didn't work... what should I do next ?06:31
ofbWho can help me&06:32
r00t4rd3dwith ?06:32
ofbinstall open source 3d driver in Natty06:33
ofbfor ati radeo 166006:33
bazhangofb, #ubuntu+1 for the alpha06:33
booh-Hi.  I installed a server with one crypted partition (and swap).  Each time I boot the server, it ask for the key (passphrase)  It's ok.  But... at each entered character, a cariage return is done a the question is repeated... Also, some services may started and messages are written over the asking cursor for passphrase.  A way to do it more cleanly ?06:34
dfcnvtthoth, I wish I can do further time with you and reach to success however I can tell you that it will work only if you know how to do it. I am quite tired and it is late so, ask others here for help and they will, if they can, be patience with you and give you every options to reach that goal for your entertainment's sake in listening to your speaker, speaking out loud to your microphone and06:34
dfcnvtsuch media. Just remember, google is always available to provide valuble information that may lead to your demands. Only if you know how to query them right. I wish you best.06:34
thothok. thanks for your help dfcnvt06:35
thothhave a good rest06:35
dfcnvtand you, don't give up.06:35
EagleHey all...06:36
thothI think I would ask someone06:36
bazhangofb, /join #ubuntu+106:37
ofbOk? understand06:37
FunkyDudehow do i delete a folder that was created by the system (through my apache web server)?06:37
ofbThank you06:37
atemis not with rm -r?06:38
eossFunkyDude: You must find morpheus before you have access to the system06:39
booh-Hi.  I installed a server with one crypted partition (and swap).  Each time I boot the server, it ask for the key (passphrase)  It's ok.  But... at each entered character, a cariage return is done a the question is repeated... Also, some services may started and messages are written over the asking cursor for passphrase.  A way to do it more cleanly ?06:40
atemeoss i dont found info about morpheus, is necessary?06:41
atemhi soulashell06:42
mae_taeis it a good idea to connect two WAN's in one switch?06:42
atemyou´re a newerç''06:42
mae_taeis there any disadvantage?06:42
soulashellanyone got any trouble with the latest natty update?06:42
soulashelli don't have the app bar on the left nor the bar at the top of the screen06:43
atemhey you use natty? it solves the acpi problem with battery???06:43
sam-_-!natty | soulashell06:43
ubottusoulashell: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.06:43
gobbebooh-: did you do encryption with installer or after installation?06:43
booh-gobbe, with installer06:44
booh-I should do another way?06:44
atemsoulashell you have a acer machine?? works the acpi????06:44
CaleI'm having trouble typing normal English text into flash embedded on websites (e.g. the chat here: http://www.ustream.tv/day9tv). Interestingly, I can insert some Japanese characters, but can't edit the text afterward. This problem is relatively new (last couple days?)06:45
wx168hello ubuntu user06:46
soulashellatem: i have a toshiba06:46
CaleHas anyone else encountered that problem?06:46
wx168so what is the advantage of using ubuntu instead of windows 7 on my acer netbook?06:46
atemsoulashell: that reads battery good?06:47
gobbebooh-: no, that's proper way. So your problem is that when you type your password it asks question again due that cariage return?06:47
soulashellatem: until this day. yes06:47
gobbebooh-: have you tried with another keyboard?06:47
atemwell i have an acer with win7 and now dont read battery06:48
atemit marks is charged, i hope in natty version the bug has gone06:48
gobbeatem: upgrade your bios06:48
EagleDose anyone know what code will allow me to download an Ubuntu packages into my home folder? Because I need to reinstall a failed windows computer and put Ubuntu on it, except the CD Rom dose not work, so I am restricted to using flash sticks. And I need the package for the external modem to get internet. Any ideas anyone?06:49
gobbeatem: many acer laptops has problems with linux+battery and acer released bios upgrade while ago06:49
atemthat is when i passed to ubuntu06:49
alcuadradoHi guys! I have been using linux for quite a long time, but came back to ubuntu a couple of hours ago06:49
booh-gobbe, yes it's one of my problem.  Each time I type a char, I have a CR with the question repeated...06:49
alcuadradoit's a great OS06:49
alcuadradoand it's integration with gnome is so sexy06:50
TheMooreagle : wubi06:50
booh-gobbe, waiting for other chars of the passphrase.06:50
alcuadradobut rhythmbox sometimes "lags" when playing music06:50
alcuadradomostly .mp306:50
adrin_jalalihi, can I ask a question about routing?06:50
atemgobbe i am a spanish talker, and i have not find a good way to do the update from ubuntu , do you know some good tutorial??06:50
booh-gobbe, also, if a service start at the time the system is wainting for passphrase, it writes messages over my cursor.06:50
atemthat shows me how to do the update?06:51
EagleTheMoor: '' wubi'' ? sorry you lost me.....06:51
atemanyway, some way to upgrade bios from ubuntu?06:52
TheMoorEagle : http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer06:52
maxwave3Eagle: Are you looking to get the package files for reinstallation later? Not a simple solution, but you could grab the .deb files from http://packages.ubuntu.com06:53
Eaglemaxwave3: Yes. The first thing i tryed was "http://packages.ubuntu.com"  But I could not get on to the site, something to do with my web provider, its blocked.... So I wondered if i could get it through the terminal, because i can download packages through it.06:57
bozdogHi all, could anyone tell me where program executable files are held?  for example google earth06:58
gobbebooh-: hmmh. you could press ctrl-l to clear screen06:59
maxwave3Eagle: aptitude has a download option that states: Downloads the .deb file for the most recent version of the given package to the current directory.07:00
gobbeatem: no, you cannot update it from ubuntu. You need to create dos-bootdisk (floppy or usb) and update it from there07:00
tntcIs there an IRC channel for Mactel Ubuntu users?07:00
booh-gobbe, ok I'll try tomorrow.  Thanks... Have to sleep now.07:00
erik-desktophello all07:00
ZykoticK9bozdog, it will depend on how you install things where they end up.  Deb installs go to different locations then source/binary installs.  Try "whereis googleearth" or check in /opt if the usual locations aren't working out.07:00
atemthank gobbe i try that but i believe is my skill-carensy , but ill try again, thanks a lot07:01
atemis too late,, thanks for helpme and good night07:02
hanasakiany motherboard (with support) that has a hdmi input for av?07:02
bozdogzykotick9 cheers07:02
rkdoes anybody know how to play wmv in ubuntu?07:03
tntcrk: I used medibuntu and installed w32codecs07:03
=== cdoublejj_ is now known as cdoublejj
rktntc, http://medibuntu.org/?07:04
tntcrk: that's the one! :D07:04
tntcrk: their repos have some of the libdvdcss stuff too, IIRC07:05
Eaglemaxwave3: Pardon my stupidity......But could you explain.."aptitude"?07:05
maxwave3Eagle: I did a test. I typed "aptitude download apache2" and when it finished I had Downloads the .deb file for the most recent version of the given package to the current directory.07:05
tntcrk: just hit the repository howto, and then install the windows codecs.07:05
rkwhy on earth ppl would encode some linux stuff on wmv? it just blows my mind07:06
maxwave3Eagle: sorry copy and pasted wrong infor07:06
tntcEagle: (maxwave3 too) bear in mind that you need to install Aptitude as of 10.1007:06
brophathow do i disable the integrated wifi so I can install my own pci wifi card?07:06
tntcEagle: 'sudo apt-get install aptitude' ought to do it07:06
tntcbrophat: is it a laptop?07:07
maxwave3tntc: thanks07:07
brophattntc no it is an HP desktop07:07
tntcbrophat: usually something in the BIOS, but I'm not sure07:07
tntcmaxwave3: np.07:07
brophatthat is what i was thinking to07:08
tntcbrophat: worst case, you can just throw the card in there and leave em both "installed", but tell ubuntu to only use one07:08
brophattntc how do i tell ubuntu to only use one of them?07:08
rkits working now, thanks tntc07:09
ValatharHello!  Ubuntu newbie here07:09
tntcrk: good! You're welcome!07:09
tntcbrophat: well, there are a few ways.  Bios is your best bet.07:10
Eagletntc: Can I not use some comand in terminal, that will download the package straight to the home folder?07:10
tntcoh, he left07:10
ValatharPut Ubuntu on a 7 year old Dell laptop that had bit the dust, 48 hours ago.  Fell in LOVE instantly... now I got it on my netbook too :)07:10
tntcEagle: I'm not sure.  My apt-fu is poor.  I know you can search for the package online (via google or something) and usually donwload it from something like packages.ubuntu.com07:10
tntcEagle: I'm pretty sure you can.  I know that any package you install goes into a folder full of .debs07:11
nimrod10`Eagle, aptitude download package07:11
tntcValathar: haha! Awesome! I'm seriously considering putting Ubuntu on my Macbook Pro and Mac Mini because I'm sick of not being able to rip DVDs or use Python.07:11
tntcEagle: what nimrod10` said.  Make sure you install aptitude first though.07:11
maxwave3Eagle: aptitude is the tool to download the package but it is not installed by default on 10.10, which is why tntc suggested installing it via apt-get install aptitude.07:11
kcjHow do I copy 2 patitons (/ and /home) to another disk?07:11
nimrod10`tntc, it should be installed by defo07:11
tntcnimrod10`: not on 10.1007:12
tntcnimrod10`: remember, they pulled it to save space?07:12
tntcunless it has gone back in since.07:12
kcjI'm running on a live cd.07:12
nimrod10`wow had no idea it has been removed from 10.10, as I'm still on 10.0407:12
kcjLinux mint 1007:12
Valathartntc - I'm seriously loving it.  I was ready to buy a new computer... they were getting so slow with Windows.  Now, they're faster than the day they were new... both of them.  Install was easy with few issues, and good documentation available for those issues... I'm definitely converted.07:12
MengXingHunoin #debian-cn07:13
Valathardon't need no stinkin' new PC07:13
maxwave3Eagle: Are you looking to download a particular package?07:13
nimrod10`good to hear that Valathar !07:13
Eagletntc: ,nimrod10`: How do I use or access this "aptitude"?07:13
tntcEagle: you need to install it. "sudo apt-get install aptitude" from the command line07:14
kcjValathar: You should give Linux Mint a try sometime.07:14
Eagletntc: yes i have.07:14
tntcthen do the "aptitude download <package>"07:14
Valatharanyway, I basically just came in here to try out Empathy on IRC and tinker a bit, and thank anybody in chan who had anything to do with working on Ubuntu 10.10 and netbook edition.  Big kudos.07:14
tntcas they said before.  where <package> is the package you want to get.07:14
Valatharkcj, I might... what's the difference from Ubuntu 10.10 ?07:14
gobbekcj: are you trying to move your installation to bigger disk or something?07:14
vladin amazon ubuntu instances autoload of sshd turned off07:15
Eagletntc: Thanks, I will try it now...07:15
vladhow turn it on?07:15
kcjValathar: Linux mint is Ubuntu on crack.07:15
nimrod10`tntc, I'm running ubuntu 10.04 on a macbook so it should work for you too07:15
Valatharwhat kinda crack?  hehehe remember, newb here.  What does it do for me that Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't?07:15
kcjgobbe: Yes I'm replacing my disk.07:15
gobbekcj: is it same size?07:16
tntcnimrod10`: I have a MBP 7,1, which is a little crazy. Broadcom wireless and weird audio issues.07:16
gobbekcj: if, then dd is good tool for that07:16
Eaglenimrod10`: maxwave3: Thanks for your help too :)07:16
tntcnimrod10`: My touchpad is also insanely sensitive, so I need to do a lot of mucking around with configs to get it so that I'm not clicking all over the place.07:16
kcjgobbe: No and it has another partition (that I have already shrunken) that I want to presrve.07:16
kcjValathar: You'll have to try it.07:17
nimrod10`tntc, I see, I have a 5,1 version , just wait 6 more months :)07:17
ValatharI'll give it a shot.  I have another hard drive laying around doing nothing, might just throw it on there and swap back and forth to see what I like07:18
tntcnimrod10`: story of my life. :/07:18
kcjValathar: Good idea07:18
tntcnimrod10`: I want to do the big switch now, while I'm waiting for the new semester to start.07:19
nimrod10`tntc, that happens when you go for the shiny new toy ;)07:19
Valatharanybody play guitar and use Ubuntu for recording?  Use the Line 6 guitar port with it?07:19
tntcnimrod10`: Tell me about it.  My 320M graphics have been locking up like crazy in OS X.  I'm growing tired of it.07:19
nimrod10`tntc, no need to switch totally just have it dual boot in case shit goes wrong or until you fix all issues07:19
tntcnimrod10`: If I go back to Ubuntu, I'm going all the way. Windows and OS X will live in a VM.07:20
kcjgobbe: Any sugestions?07:20
tntcnimrod10`: do you have multitouch working?07:20
gobbekcj: i would use rsync07:21
nimrod10`tntc, you're courageous I like that ! I just have 2 finger scroll in 10.04 , that was by default. To be honest I'm not fussed about any other type of multitouch07:21
cakisalam [-o<07:21
Valatharlater folks, I'll see you around I'm sure.07:22
chkdskcan someone tell me the name of an application I can use to find out what keys are pressed? (or the keycodes, keyvalues etc of pressed keys/buttons)07:23
brophatwhen i disabled WLAN in the bios, ubuntu would not boot07:23
brophati then enabled it and ubuntu would boot07:24
brophatwhy does ubuntu not like it when i disable WLAN07:24
brophatonboard WLAN that is07:24
porjoI seem to be unable to set a background image properly in gnome-terminal. Either it's a solid color, or I have to slide the transparency slider to have background image blended with desktop (which I don't want)??07:24
Eaglechkdsk: System - Preferences, and there are three keyboard options...07:25
chkdskEagle, that's not at all what I asked for but I found it anyway (xev)07:25
brophatanyone have any ideas on that?07:26
fratzbccan anybody tell me where this is failing:: CHECK_USER=`echo $1 | egrep '(root|nxs|$USER)'` :: where the $1 is an ssh command with my user id... but it fails because $USER is not getting my linux user id07:26
celthunderfratzbc, echo $USER07:27
celthunderdoes it return the id07:27
fratzbccelthunder: yep07:27
fratzbcfyi: root and nxs user work fine07:27
fratzbcits just that the variable is not getting picked up07:27
fratzbcalso tried ${USER}07:27
zetherooanyone know the channel to Linuc Mint?07:28
Eaglechkdsk: Sorry :)  :)  :)07:28
riktkingzetheroo, i dont think its on freenode?07:28
brophatcan i leave my onboard wifi and install another wifi pci card?07:30
zetheroowell I guess Mint is pretty much Ubuntu with a different "skin" on ... so I'll ask my question here :P07:31
riktkingbrophat, yes07:31
brophatriktking then how do i choose to use the pci card wifi?07:31
zetherooI setup a new machine with Mint 10 (Ubuntu 10.10) and it's got built-in wifi ... however the wifi seems to be disabled07:32
riktkingbrophat, they will both show up in the notification area07:32
Tm_T!mint | zetheroo07:32
ubottuzetheroo: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:32
brophatriktking what notification area?07:32
riktkingbrophat, are you running gnome?07:33
riktkingstandard ubuntu?07:33
zetherooTm_T: cheers07:33
brophatriktking i think so it is whatever comes with ubuntu i think that is gnome07:34
stanleydefault is gnome07:34
brophatok then it is gnome07:34
riktkingbrophat, then on the top right there should be an icon with an ! on it07:34
brophatrikktking nope do not have such an icon07:35
riktkingare you on that machine now07:35
riktkingand have you done an update?07:35
stanleywhat's the prob brophat07:35
brophatriktking i have 10.1007:35
riktkingok, have you done sudo apt-get update07:36
Rothamhey... any ideas for how to encrypt an entire hard drive & dual boot windows/ubuntu?07:36
RothamI have a buddy who tried it with true crypt and wasn't able to get it working... said dual boot didnt work...07:36
Rothammaybe he just didnt do it right :P07:36
brophatstanley i want to not use my onboard wifi and install a wifi pci card, but when i turned onbaord wifi ubuntu would not boot so i want to have both wifi running at thesame time but use pci wifi07:36
brophatriktking i ahve not done a sudo apt-get update but i have have a bunch of updates frm that thing that shows up07:37
stanleydo the update07:37
stanleyand upgrade07:37
riktkingbrophat, do an update, that usually will install any drivers etc that are needed for the card07:37
riktkingsudo apt-get update07:38
riktkingsudo apt-get upgrade07:38
brophatriktking do both of them?07:38
riktkingyeah update then upgrade07:38
Tilt-GODanybody ever had success getting a gobi2000 usb wwan device working in ubuntu?07:38
brophatthis is different than what the update manager does?07:39
Tilt-GODi got everything but after i upload the firmware to /dev/ttyUSB0, it releases itself and i have no way to use the modem to connect to my provider07:39
Tilt-GODwhich sucks07:39
brophatriktking this is different from what the uddate manager does?07:40
riktkingbrophat, ok07:40
riktkingbrophat, its just the terminal version07:40
brophatriktking then have done a lot of udate manager so therefore i have already done what you are saying07:41
AbhiJiti m setting print pages as 105 but still document viwer priting page no 9707:42
AbhiJitany idea?07:42
stanleyRotham: take a look at this, maybe it'll help you: http://www.steve-oh.com/blog/index.php/ubuntu-vista-dual-boot-full-encryption-with-truecrypt/07:42
Tilt-GODnothing huh07:42
riktkingbrophat, did it install any new packages tho??07:42
brophatriktking dunno, it just shows up once in a while and says it has new stuff to install and I run it07:43
riktkingbrophat, ok so you are up to date07:43
brophatriktking i have not installed the pci card yet07:43
droopalhi, I have a Acer Aspire netbook, and I'm running Ubuntu 10.10. I have developed a problem, I bought an external hard drive, which used to work, I also had a few usb drives that worked as well, but now, none of them will work, I keep getting the message, unable to mount you dont have permission to mount this, can somebody helop please. I want to try install ubuntu netbook on it, as a completely clean instal, but if I cant mount any of the drives, I07:43
droopalcant install it.07:43
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riktkingbrophat, ok so you need to install the new network card! i thought it was already in07:44
riktkinghave you checked that the model is supported in linux?07:44
brophatriktking so when i install the pci card how will the two wifi not conflict and how can i choose to have it use the pci card07:44
Rothamstanley: thank you07:44
droopalyeh, they were all working, but have had a few updates, now this message.07:45
riktkingbrophat, there is an option to select which card you wish to use with the network manager07:45
gobbedroopal: can you mount it manually?07:45
brophatriktking ok that would be a good thing07:45
riktkingbrophat, from where you select the network connection atm07:45
droopalgobbe: how do you mean, mount what manually?07:45
riktkingbrophat, if you really want, you can use both cards to connect to diff networks!07:46
riktkingbrophat, i suggest you install the card and see if it works!07:46
droopalno external droives will mount, and they all used ot, its like I've been locked out of mounting anything to the usb07:46
brophatriktking where is network manager I don't see it listed under system/administration07:47
Tilt-GODdroopal, check yer sys log07:47
riktkingbrophat, sys->prefs->Network Connections07:47
droopalTilt-GOD: can you tell me how to do that please?07:47
riktkingsorry used to the old name!07:47
brophatriktking ok ahahah07:48
Tilt-GODtail -f /var/log/messages07:48
riktkingbrophat, is there a network icon in the notification area (top right of the screen)07:48
Tilt-GODthen plug the device in07:48
brophatriktking so it will have two wireless tabs07:48
brophatriktking yes but i am wired in07:49
DruleHi guys!07:49
brophatnot using the onboard wifi cause the onboard wifi is flaky with ubuntu07:49
riktkingbrophat, thats the easiest place to select which network card/network you want to connect to07:49
riktkingbrophat, hae you checked the onboard wifi doesnt have additional drivers system->admin->aditional drivers07:49
DruleI have a biiig problem. I have a laptop with a broken copy of Ubuntu. I can get into the system, but my user rights and network services seem to be royally messed up. Basically, the system is giving me error messags for about everything, so I can't really rely on it to be able to handle anything but extremely basic stuff.07:49
brophatriktking ok then there i would see two wireless options listed07:49
Tilt-GODif you dont wanna use the onboard device at all, just blacklist the module07:50
DruleI have 20gb if extremely important data on this laptop, and I need help backing it up.07:50
DruleAny ideas?07:50
riktkingbrophat, under the network notification yes07:50
riktkingDrule, use a live CD07:50
brophatriktking yeah i worked on it for a while and it seems the wifi card has been having issues with ubuntu for a long time07:50
skypentIs there a way to change my ubuntu startup picture and music?07:50
Tilt-GODDrule, tar -cvf backup.tar Folders/07:50
brophatriktking so i gave up and i am gonna use a wifi card i used a few years ago that worked ok07:51
sta7icDrule: either mount the HD on a different laptop or get like a laptop drive reader, plug it into a working linux server and mount -t ext3 or whatever and cp -R07:51
riktkingbrophat, probs best! install the new card and try it out07:51
=== Tilt-GOD is now known as ring0
=== ring0 is now known as Tilt-GOD
sta7icDrule: possibly use the live CD and scp the data over to another computer on the network07:52
brophatriktking well i guess that is it thanks for your  help i will stick in the new card tomorrow07:52
DruleGreat suggestions, I'll start with the live cd option as I actually have one handy. :-D07:52
brophatriktking but it is weird how when i disabled the onboard wifi in the bios, ubuntu would not boot07:52
riktkingbrophat, that is,i dont really know enough about that!07:53
Tilt-GODam i the only one on the entire interwebs that wants to use my wwan/gps/etc super card ?07:53
droopalTilt-GPD: have just dont that, I have to pastebinj it, and will post in a sec07:53
q_a_z_steveHey, can I get a conclusive answer about minimum system reqs for Ubuntu? Found out this system has enough RAM from the 10.10 release notes, but it doesn't say anything about processor. Wikipedia numbers are a lot higher for everything...07:53
brophatriktking maybe since i did not delete it from ubuntu it was hanging looking for it?07:53
nirazioHow can I install Firefox 4 nightlies and Firefox 3.6 stable on the same system?07:54
upslacan anyone please help with usb adsl modem connection problem07:54
q_a_z_steveSolidLiq ^^07:54
riktkingbrophat, shouldnt matter tbf, u shouldnt have to delete from ubuntu07:54
Tilt-GODq_a_z_steve, right now im using a 1.6G Atom with 2g of ram and its running tops07:54
riktkingbrophat, you can add devices live - have with usb network cards in the past07:54
upslacan anyone tell me how to register nickname ??07:55
brophatriktking well i dont have usb network card07:55
q_a_z_steveTilt-GOD well this system is way below that. <450 MHz and 320MB RAM07:55
q_a_z_steveupsla contact NickServ07:55
moonrakerupsla: its on the main freenode website07:56
droopalTilt-GOD: appologies for mispelling your name just now, I am really sorry about that. Here is the pastebin for the log pastebin.ubuntu_uk.org/9828307:56
riktkingbrophat, its a benefit of linux, stuff just configures live07:56
YankeesFancan caffiene work on ubuntu?07:56
Tilt-GODq_a_z_steve, should be okay, but dont plan on encoding video or anything with it07:56
YankeesFangnome rather07:56
q_a_z_steveYankeesFan You mean that lil program to keep your computer awake?07:56
YankeesFanno the kde media player07:56
q_a_z_steveTilt-GOD I can't seem to get it to boot, to TRY mode, and I'm not sure my friend wants this installed quite yet.07:57
q_a_z_steveYankeesFan oh, sorry. Too much mac on the brain, stupid AppStore07:57
Tilt-GODwhat processor is in it ?07:57
brophatriktking yea well dun know what yu mean hahaha07:58
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q_a_z_steveYankeesFan It should work, just depends on how much it will install when it comes down. Kaffeine for KDE btw07:58
sta7icnirazio: just download the src for the second one, and 'make'/compile it just dont 'make install' and it wont put it on the system, you will have to run from that dir07:58
Tilt-GODdroopal, link didnt work07:58
q_a_z_steveTilt-GOD Funny enough I think it's a celeron, is that even possible at like 434 MHz?07:58
moonrakerReading ubuntu forums - people have loads of issues after updating the files - question as a newbie how often should i update (if at all)??:)07:59
Tilt-GODthose are probably not i68607:59
niraziosta7ic: for the first one?07:59
sta7icmoonraker: at the beginning of a system build before you install anything then never again =p07:59
Tilt-GOD533 celeries were i586 iirc07:59
sta7icnirazio: lets say regular firefox is the first one, well apt-get or whatver its already there, just use it as normal, and when u want the second one, just run it out of command line or a create a shortcut to call that specific binary08:00
q_a_z_steveTilt-GOD What's the command to turn off the quiet-splash altogether on boot? <You're probably right. Celeries, I like that> I think it would be useful if I could get the code/family name...08:00
droopalTilt-GOD: patebin.ubuntu-uk.org/98283 sorry, hope this works.08:00
sta7icq_a_z_steve: i think its quiet in grub08:00
moonrakersta7ic - So what do u suggest in April when 11.04 is issued - is this a new install or a simply upgrage from the Upgrade Manager in 10.10?:)08:01
q_a_z_stevesta7ic so linux quiet?08:01
droopalTilt-GOD: you need to copy and paste08:01
q_a_z_steveor quiet linux I can never keep them straight08:01
sta7icq_a_z_steve: look for grub flags, i think quiet used to be a flag or nosplash u will see it if u look08:01
twister004hii guys... im connecting to an ubuntu machine using VNC... i want to get console access via vnc.. how can i do this?08:01
q_a_z_stevesta7ic I've recently used --no-quiet-splash, but it comes on after a bit anyway :(08:02
iktmoonraker, it depends, you usually want to update as frequently as possible08:02
sta7icmoonraker: a new vm with 11.04 ive never been a fan of upgrading anything even all the crap patches MS puts out, SP's, etc...get the system stable, firewall, turn off services and leave it be08:02
q_a_z_stevetwister004 ssh08:03
iktsta7ic, then you're not doing it right08:03
sta7icq_a_z_steve: doesnt sound like the right flag your say no quiet, i think you want quiet08:03
sta7icikt: whats the point of upgrading a bunch of packages you dont use08:03
Tilt-GODq_a_z_steve, at the grub menu edit the boot line to include nosplash and remove quiet08:03
dblanchardIs there a better node to ask how to hibernate BackTrack Linux?08:03
iktsta7ic, updating frequently is one of the best measures you can do to keep your computer safe08:03
twister004guys.. can i make change to some gnome file to redirect console session to my vnc screen?08:04
sta7icfrom who, no one cars about your ppp connection08:04
q_a_z_steveTilt-GOD sta7ic I see, I combined the two. My bad08:04
droopalTilt-GOD: pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/98283, sorry, mis-spelt address. This should work08:04
Tilt-GODsorry the delay guys, im on a spotty connection, untill i can get my gobi/novatel usb adapter to work08:04
sta7ic"keep my computer safe, i run linux" n00b08:04
gobbedroopal: the disk08:04
q_a_z_steve!backtrack > dblanchard08:04
ubottudblanchard, please see my private message08:04
gobbedroopal: how did you try to mount it when you got permission error08:04
sta7icikt, say something useful obviously your a tool08:04
sta7ic"i run linux and update to keep my computer safe and virus scan it"08:05
droopalgobbe: plugged it into the usb port08:05
gobbedroopal: ok, can you try to mount it from terminal08:05
sta7icfirewall, mac filtering, turn off ports, no bloatware no issues08:05
moonrakerSta7ic: I have converted to linux and dont want to wreck the install, but as others have said there is 250Mb of updates and half i dont recognise08:05
droopalgobbe: how do I do that?08:05
sta7icmoonraker: exactly..08:06
Eagle/etc/default$ aptitude download <ubuntu restricted extras>08:06
Eaglebash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' /etc/default$  Could someone tell me where im going wrong???08:06
sta7icmoonraker: 80% of people or more are idiots and followers, is that about the percentage of people who want to ruin your good working install?08:06
gobbedroopal: sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/something08:06
sta7icEagle: show us the command you are issuing08:07
dblanchard@ubotta, awesome, thanks.08:07
riktkingmoonraker, they are usually safe to install08:07
moonrakersta7ic: Thanks for that - I will just watch others in here and wait:)08:07
Eaglesta7ic: Thats it, I think......08:07
sta7icmoonraker: if you see a package you actually use and would like a newer version, then yeah just grab that one08:08
q_a_z_steve twister004 I would recommend ssh . It's way more straight forward. Is there a reason you want to vnc to display::00414 or whatever to get to console? Why not VNC and start terminal?08:08
llutz_Eagle: sudo aptitude download ubuntu-restricted-extras08:08
sta7icEagle: thats not a command08:08
rahadianhai all08:08
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sta7icyeah throw sudo...and next time dont paste your prompt08:09
Eaglellutz_: sta7ic: Thanks :)  :)  ")08:09
rahadiani wanna ask, how to make a .deb file from .tar.gz or .tarbz2???08:10
Tilt-GODrahadian, google checkconfig08:10
q_a_z_steveupsla have we already given you crap for logging in to IRC while the admin on your computer?08:10
llutz_!checkinstall > rahadian easiest way08:11
ubotturahadian, please see my private message08:11
Eaglesta7ic: OK! now that I have entered it in Properly.... Where do I find it?????08:11
Tilt-GODbasicly when yah get the the "make install" you run checkconfig instead08:11
droopalgobbe: sorry, having problems with netbook itself now, taking ages to turn on, be back in a sec08:11
llutz_Eagle: /var/cache/apt/packages08:11
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:mind ur work .. if u can't help me.08:12
appi_uppihisto, I am trying to remove chrome from syn pack mgr as it is corrupted. But after reinstallation I could still see the old version but not the new version. Could anyone please suggest me to fix it?08:12
llutz_Eagle: /var/cache/apt/archives    sry08:12
Tilt-GOD/join #chromium08:12
Eaglellutz_: :)  Thanks for the help  :)08:12
q_a_z_steveupsla You hadn't said anything recently. Just thought I'd ask, because it's not an ideal thing to do...08:12
appi_uppihisto,  I am trying to remove chrome from syn pack mgr as it is corrupted. But after reinstallation I could still see the old version but not the new version. Could anyone please suggest me to fix it?08:12
rahadianthanks all..........08:13
twister004hii guys... im connecting to an ubuntu machine using VNC... i want to get console access via vnc.. how can i do this?08:13
Eaglellutz_: Sorry but do I type that in the terminal?  /var/cache/apt/archives sry08:13
llutz_Eagle: ls /var/cache/apt/archives08:13
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:what abt this.  i am posting the link of dialer settings in windows. http://imagebin.org/132498  http://imagebin.org/132499  http://imagebin.org/13250008:13
sta7icEagle: ./install windows08:14
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:can u help me now ??08:14
q_a_z_stevewhat's the goal08:14
sta7icEagle: just like in dos, you need to 'cd' change dir into that dir08:14
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:these are settings used by my dialer in windows.08:14
q_a_z_steveI got that!08:15
Eaglesta7ic: sorry im not with you?08:15
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:please see the post and ask questions.08:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:15
sta7ictwister004: console console? or is a root temrnial window good enough ?08:16
q_a_z_steveupsla I'm not a mind reader. Do you want these same settings in Ubuntu, or are you just posting images for me to fapp over?08:16
upslaconnection problem with my usb adsl modem.  i am posting the link of dialer settings in windows. http://imagebin.org/132498  http://imagebin.org/132499  http://imagebin.org/13250008:16
twister004sta7ic.. I want to get onto the same session as the local user08:16
IsrafelCustom icons don't seem to work. I even tried moving them to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/08:17
q_a_z_steveupsla that's better. Now what have you tried in linux?08:17
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:no. iam posting these because it might help u guys to guide me in settinng up my modem in ubuntu.08:17
sta7ictwister004: huh? like watch someone elses session? or you want to see all the error msgs spit out like you would on a real console08:17
Ramiro0joly roger wifi08:18
rahadianum....last day i installed awOken icon theme, and i used that icon. and why did the gnomenu always error??? please help me08:18
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:i have tried pppoe ,pppd etc etc.08:18
Israfelrahadian, What was the error?08:18
twister004sta7ic... when I execute a 'who'.. I see that there is a separate session(tty7) for the local user.. and my vnc session is different... how can i acccess that session?08:19
TheMusicGuyHow can I enable typing japanese katakana/hiranga/etc on a US keyboard?08:19
The_Mavericki have a jar file and i need top execute it. there is a command and it is something like "chmod +X minecraft_server.jar"? something like that?08:19
zambawhere can i get online openoffice help?08:19
sta7ictwister004: kill their bash session with root and it will go away08:19
rahadianisrafel: it wont open08:19
jribThe_Maverick: don't you generally java -jar file.jar?08:19
llutz_The_Maverick: java -jar file.jar         put it into a simple script08:20
Israfelrahadian, The menu won't open?08:20
twister004sta7ic,.. they may have some important stuff in that session08:20
jrib!openoffice | zamba08:20
ubottuzamba: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #openoffice.org.08:20
rahadianisrafel:yes, it stuck08:20
sta7ictwister004: and im sure they want to keep it that way08:20
sta7icwithout you poking aroudn08:20
zambajrib: not installation, usage08:20
upsla<q_a_z_steve>:any help ?08:20
jribzamba: "User help available in #openoffice.org"08:20
twister004sta7ic... I have logged in via VNC using the same user login as the local user.. but that has created two sessions... I wanted to login to his session08:20
Israfelrahadian, Stuck open or closed? Because icons shouldn't have anything to do with the actual menu functions.08:21
vlttwister004: x11vnc08:21
twister004anyways... I wanted to know that if I make a config change in my session, will it be reflected in his session as well?08:21
llutz_twister004: you'll need x11vnc08:21
Israfelrahadian, if it's stuck open, try changing the appearance. or use terminal to restart the gdm.08:21
The_Maverickthank you jrib and llutz08:21
X0nartwister004: nope .. it is because you haven't shut down the other connection08:22
Eaglesta7ic:/var/cache/apt/archives. Where do I type it in?? Or how do I get to it, could you explain it simpler????? Please????08:22
dodgy_scripthi i got a error message in the terminal output after typing sudo apt-get install python3.1*  .  could someone have a look http://pastebin.com/6uMbPN2B08:22
rahadianisrafel: it's stuck while i want to open it08:23
llutz_Eagle: cd /var/cache/apt/archives08:23
upslaconnection problem with my usb adsl modem.  i am posting the link of dialer settings in windows. http://imagebin.org/132498  http://imagebin.org/132499  http://imagebin.org/13250008:23
twister004yep.. so i though, If i make a change in some gnome-session file, and redirect that session to my vnc screen.. i would gain access to the  local user's session08:23
sta7icEagle: first off...issue this command: cd /var/cache/apt/;ls -l08:23
q_a_z_steveEagle http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html08:23
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Eaglellutz_: ?????? cd ???? sorry dont understand08:23
sta7iccd = change directory08:23
desaiui installed jack and now my audio isn't working, help?08:23
sta7icoh my, linux is not for you Eagle08:24
Eaglesta7ic: Why??????08:24
q_a_z_steve!chinese > ylmffans ???08:24
ubottuylmffans, please see my private message08:24
sta7icEagle: you need to read the basics first, because the command CD is almost ambiguous to all operating systems08:24
vlt!cn | ylmffans08:24
ubottuylmffans: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk08:24
sta7icthe command cd works in windows and unix and other places08:24
llutz_Eagle: go and read some linux usage basics and pls repair your ?-key08:24
llutz_!manual > Eagle08:24
X0nardodgy_script: my .. that is a whole lot of python why did you put the * on it08:24
ubottuEagle, please see my private message08:25
Israfelrahadian, Tried uninstalling? sudo apt-get remove awoken-icon-theme-customization  ?08:25
q_a_z_steveylmffans Did I guess right? or !jp08:25
sta7icEagle: read some linux stuff before you ask the most basic of basic Operating systems08:25
q_a_z_steveno problem :)08:25
q_a_z_stevellutz_ ? Key?08:25
rahadianisrafel: no08:25
X0nardodgy_script: just do this apt-get --purge remove python* and then reinstall the python you need08:26
Israfelrahadian, I'd try removing it and reinstalling. Although, there may be other things you have to remove, awoken-icon-theme (etc)08:26
dodgy_scriptX0nar, im having trouble importing modules e.g. import subsystem08:27
llutz_q_a_z_steve: ?-key yes  (the one with the question mark on it hangs)08:27
=== RealEyes is now known as Laggg
dodgy_scriptX0nar, i guess its overkill !!08:27
Israfelrahadian, Actually, I think my first one was wrong, the package is awoken-icon-thene08:27
Israfelrahadian, Actually, I think my first one was wrong, the package is awoken-icon-theme08:27
twister004guys.. i think I can make changes to the .vnc/xstartup file... and redirect the session.. am I correct?.. please confirm08:28
Eaglesta7ic: I am trying to learn it!08:28
X0nardodgy_script: it sure is .. you need to select only the packages you need because you end up with a load of stuff you don't need.08:28
twister004I think I need to add some line in that file.. dont remember08:28
Israfeltwister004, What's the ultimate goal here?08:29
rahadianisrafel: okay, i'd try it too............08:29
kcjI was deleting some files off an ntfs partition and the external HDD became disconnected. Now the partition won't mount. Help (freaking out).08:29
sta7icIsrafel: he wants to shadow someone elses session08:29
twister004Israfel.. I want to get onto the console session of the machine.. The same session  as the Local User08:29
Israfeltwister004, Ah, so you can play a video for them? or too them?08:30
twister004I won't call it a shadow.. it's the same session.. the local user should lose visual access08:30
q_a_z_stevellutz_ hangs what? I thought you were telling him to fix his questions perhaps...08:30
q_a_z_stevetwister004 if you think that will work, TRY IT08:30
twister004Israfel.. something like that.. I want to make changes to their session08:30
twister004do you guys know what I need to add in the .vnc/xstartup file to redirect the screen output08:31
X0narkcj: apt-get install ntfs-progs gparted then go in and look to see if partition table is okay08:31
dodgy_scriptX0nar, i can import with python2.*  though not with  py3.1  I'll  do as suggested thanks !!08:31
q_a_z_stevekcj what's the error you are getting?08:31
rahadianisrafel: it doesnt work.......08:31
jaykubhello my awesome ubuntu users08:31
X0narkcj: don't format anything .. just look at the partitions08:31
kcjX0nar: ok08:31
Israfeltwister004, That sounds interesting, makes me wonder if there's a way to force a machine to load into a screened session.. That way you you log in and reconnect to the session. (their session.)08:32
vlttwister004: I still don't know exactly what you want. Connect to a remote user's X session?08:32
desaiui installed jackd and now pulseaudio isn't working or something08:32
desaiui saw some message right before gdm started about it08:32
Israfelrahadian, There has to be a way to remove that package. Do you remember what it was called?08:32
twister004vlt.. yes!08:32
desaiuubottu: pulseaudio08:32
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions08:32
vlttwister004: What's wrong with x11vnc?08:32
kcjX0nar:  E: Unable to locate package ntfs-progs08:32
twister004vlt.. I think it is possible using normal vncserver.. why install x11vnc ?08:33
q_a_z_stevedesaiu Ctrl+Alt F1 to see if you can get the message still08:33
X0narkcj: have you got synaptic?08:33
vlttwister004: When you want to connect to an X (not Xvnc) session you need x11vnc08:33
kcjX0nar: Yep. I'm on a Linux Mint 10 live CD BTW08:33
vlttwister004: You don't need x11vnc if we are talking about Xvnc sessions only08:34
vlttwister004: Is the remote machine headless?08:34
X0narkcj: well this is ubuntu but i will look for you brb08:34
twister004vlt.. I had done this before.. unfortunately, I didnt document it:(... I remember I had made changes to the .vnc/xstartup file.. and got onto the same session as the user08:34
IsrafelI must be getting tired, I kept reading vnc as vlc.08:34
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:34
kcjX0nar: ntfsprogs is installed08:34
kcjq_a_z_steve: irrelevant08:35
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q_a_z_steveJust checking08:35
sta7ictwister004: how come so malicious?08:35
sta7ictwister004: what if they dont want you to see, spying on your g/f08:35
sta7icor b/f08:36
rahadianisrafel: no, sorry08:36
twister004im a guy08:36
twister004anyways... Im providing IT support there08:36
sta7icyes and you want to spy on your b/f for malicious reasons and u come in here a family channel and ask for help08:36
vlttwister004: x11vnc works fine for this task08:36
X0narkcj: they aren't giving a list of ntfs packages so i suggest you get a live cd of ubuntu and come back on that08:36
moonrakerSta7ic: Have you come across the error msg "hd0 mdos1 error"?  Got this trying to install maverick onto vista hd?08:36
kcjX0nar: Did you get my last message?08:37
sta7ictwister004: was the thing you set in the .vnc file something like "DISPLAY=:0.108:37
fizy[laptop]how do i modify root-access only files? im trying to edit a config file, but i need root permissions08:37
vlttwister004: (I never tried attaching Xvnc to a real X session)08:37
llutz_fizy[laptop]: sudo nano file08:37
fizy[laptop]from command line?08:37
llutz_fizy[laptop]: yes08:37
X0narkcj: okay i see that now .. so go to your gparted and it will scannn for all diskc08:37
sta7icmoonraker: what command, what context, need more info than that08:38
q_a_z_steveYES Someone lamer than me trying to do IT Support too. There is hope.08:38
sta7icim not google08:38
X0narkcj: will be under system administration utilities08:38
q_a_z_stevetwister004 Just really quick, Why don't you use ssh to their machine?08:38
kcjX0nar: I know. I'm not a noob.08:39
vltq_a_z_steve: twister004 needs ssh to run x11vnc anyway08:39
q_a_z_steveAre they going to install that? Did I miss the new star in the East?08:39
kcjX0nar: gparted is open. What would you like me to do?08:40
X0narkcj: did this happen while you were on the current live session?08:40
kcjX0nar: No.08:40
moonrakerSta7ic: When i first tried to install maverick onto vista hd - allowed maverick to occur free space and create a new partition (worked fine) When I re-booted got the dual boot grub menu but when selecting maverick screen when blank and a few seconds later got that msg. Overcome the problem by installing maverick onto a clean hd. Posted this on ubuntu forums but no one got back to me. 3 other people had the same problem.08:40
DruleHey, I booted Ubuntu with a live CD and I am trying to delete a folder08:41
Drulebut it's giving me "permission denied"08:41
Drulewhat can I do?08:41
jribDrule: delete what folder?08:41
X0narkcj: did you get gparted and is the disc being recognised?08:41
sta7icmoonraker: i dont know but first place i would look is /boot/grub/grub.conf08:41
rahadiani wanna ask again........can you show me how to remaster a LiveCD????08:41
jrib!remaster | rahadian08:41
ubotturahadian: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility08:41
Drulejrib: A user-created folder.08:42
DruleThe owner is "nobody"08:42
sta7icDrule: you probably are trying to delete a virutal folder on a virtual OS, did you mount the HD and then try and delete from there?08:42
jribDrule: you created a folder on the live cd?  It shouldn't be owned by "nobody" if that was the case.08:42
kcjX0nar: Yes.08:42
rahadianit's very helpful, thanks @jrib @ubottu08:43
moonrakerSta7ic: Not a problem now as install works fine on its own hd - just curious. (as I wont be using windows again). As you might have guessed I am rapidly learning linux o/s LOL08:43
DruleNo, the folder is on my physical HDD. The reason why it's owned by "nobody" is because my Ubuntu is completely broken, hence why I booted it with a live CD. I need to delete this folder so I can make enough space to zip the files I need to back up.08:43
X0narkcj: any errors and has it still got data on it?08:43
DruleSo the question is, how can I delete this folder?08:43
jribDrule: gksudo nautilus, then delete the folder08:43
llutz_Drule: sudo rm -rf /path/to/folder08:44
kcjX0nar: http://i.imgur.com/Ti8bz.png08:45
kcjX0nar: That^^^08:46
sta7icDrule: sudo rm -fR "path-to-dir"08:46
IsrafelHow do I change the password on my keyring?08:46
sta7icDrule: try that08:46
=== robbo is now known as Guest46857
DruleAight, I tried jrib's gksudo nautilus08:47
Druleand deleted the folder in the file manager08:47
X0narkcj: it looks fine are you sure that is the external drive?08:47
Druleit disappeared instantantly08:47
Druledid it really disappear?08:47
sta7icDrule: awww boo, gui is no fun08:47
FloodBot3Drule: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:48
IdleOneDrule: yes it did08:48
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk08:48
DruleWell, I'm kind of panicking here as I'm experiencing tons of problems on both of my laptops. I just want to get these files off of my computer and reinstall linux.08:48
DruleAh god damn it!08:48
kcjX0nar: It was external when the incident happened but I have installed it into my laptop now.08:48
DruleI keep getting "zip I/O error: No space left on device" :-/08:48
IdleOneDrule: empty the trash08:48
DruleI did.08:48
DruleThe weird part is that the folders are 20gb unzipped, and I have 22gb left on my HDD08:49
X0narkcj: go to system then "media" and then browse through the hard drive sda ??08:49
DruleCould this have something to do with me running from a live cd?08:49
icerootDrule: 22gb left on the folder you are running unzip?08:49
DruleNo, I'm trying to zip 20gb of data on a HDD with 26gb left.08:49
amitchanging in host file doesnot open other another web instead of other?08:49
ds4hI get this error while trying to install GIMP: http://imagebin.org/13256108:49
q_a_z_stevesta7ic I tried nosplash and yet I'm looking at one again after only a few seconds... What08:49
ds4hany workaround?08:49
kcjX0nar: It's not mounted to "/media". I can't mount it.08:50
sta7icq_a_z_steve: i didnt say use that, i said look at the grub flags if this is even grub we are talking about08:50
jribds4h: pastebin the result of « apt-cache policy gimp »08:50
X0narkcj: don't understand .. put it back in the enclosure and then put back your other hard drive ... do a live session from scratch and plug the external enclosure in08:50
q_a_z_stevesta7ic \'s another way I can get past what I think was a kernel panic, and maybe find the processor code/family name... This is grub. Ubuntu 10.10 liveCD08:50
kcjX0nar: Why?08:51
sta7icq_a_z_steve: http://www.owlriver.com/tips/hands-off/images.html08:51
sta7icok goodnight off to bed08:51
q_a_z_stevesta7ic I have flashing CAPS and SCROLL08:51
ds4hhere it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/553928/08:52
amithelp me i modify my hosts file with two IP's, the motto is to open a web instead of other when i will enter the url08:52
X0narkcj: if you manage to save these files where are you going to put them?08:52
q_a_z_stevesta7ic I think that article is more toward making my own... I'll read whether it has "turn off splash"...08:53
kcjX0nar: I plan to get the ntfs repaired and leave it. My other disk has bad sectors. I've been running off my live cd for a week now.08:53
jribds4h: pastebin « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gimp »08:53
rethusi've seen the mint-menu on distrowatch, and that exactly what i miss after change from kde to gnome.. have someone install it on ubuntu 10.10... what have i to do tu run it?08:53
AbhiJit.txt is normal text extension for win. so whats the default for linux?08:54
jribAbhiJit: you can use .txt.  Linux doesn't care all that much about extensions08:55
X0narkcj: your drive is mounted already .. theres nothing wrong with it. Just go to system places and browse the files08:55
nit-witrethus, download it and load a thumb and try it out08:55
AbhiJitjrib, yah but i want to know08:55
jribAbhiJit: I just said, use .txt08:55
AbhiJitjrib, ok08:55
dirtydevilNo init fount. Try passing init= bootarg.  BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu7) built in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of build in commands  (initramfs)08:55
kcjX0nar: odd "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk" worked.08:56
ds4hjrib: apt installed it, no errors08:56
rahadianask again (sorry, im newbie in ubuntu), why ubuntu and linux is virus-free????08:56
jribds4h: it didn't ask you to confirm installation of untrusted packages?08:56
dirtydevilHow can I solve this problem?08:56
jrib!virus | rahadian08:56
ubotturahadian: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:56
nit-witdirtydevil, boot problem?08:56
kcjX0nar: But double clicking on it wouldn't.08:56
ds4hjrib: just the usual Y/n about download08:57
X0narkcj: well can you browse it now?08:57
dirtydevilHopw to solve it?08:57
sta7icrahadian:  because most people dont write virus for linux, *YET*08:57
kcjX0nar: yes08:57
X0narkcj: then you can exhale huh lol08:57
jribds4h: hmm.  Do you have any unofficial repositories (including ppas)?08:57
Guest46857can you run code using the text editor?08:57
kcjX0nar: Indeed. Thanks for your help.08:57
dirtydevilnit-wit: : how to solve this error?08:57
Guest46857like compile code?08:58
X0narkcj: if i was you i would put that old drive in the enclosure and format it to ntfs in gparted08:58
jribGuest46857: well you can edit code with the text editor and some text editors might offer some convenience menu to build/run it08:58
rethusinstall mint-menu on 10.1008:58
ds4hjrib: not sure. how do I check that?08:58
ChousukeIt's also because Linux is mostly immune to viruses. And against the kind of malware that Linux isn't safe from, a virus detector wouldn't do anything08:58
nit-witdirtydevil, you will have to more decriptive type of install, and any duall boots,or is it a wubi08:58
jribds4h: it would be something that you would have had to have done.  But you can pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*08:59
kcjX0nar: Probably. I'd formant it to ext3 though. MS can die in a fire.08:59
X0narkcj: also when you have backed up all your stuff get yourself some ubuntu and install that on your laptop08:59
dirtydevilnit-wit: : Its a dual boot and other partition is Windows vista08:59
X0narkcj: well i tend to go for ext4 where i can09:00
kcjX0nar: I was having crashing issues with Ubuntu so I moved to Mint.09:00
nit-witdirtydevil, can you run this script and pastebin it.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/09:00
kcjX0nar: I find Ubuntu to be too unstable.09:00
X0narkcj: maybe knock back to lucid LTS in a netbook install09:01
The_Mavericki have a java problem again :( it says "Unable to access jarfile minecraft.jar09:01
kieppiehi guys. I've just re-installed an ultra-xkinny XBMC system (X only, no desktop), but I'm having audio problems. how can I test audio outside of a desktop?09:01
kcjX0nar: Meh. Linux Mint if freaking awesome though.09:01
dirtydevilnit-wit: actually I am trying to boot it from live CD09:01
dirtydevilnit-wit: but its not booting infact09:02
kieppiekcj: X0nar: mint is pretty wicked; moon OS is pretty cool too09:02
kcjX0nar: I highly recommend it.09:02
X0narkcj: haven't tried it for a few years - but if you like it then go for it09:02
rahadianhoox can i play Playstation 1 on my Ubuntu????09:02
rahadianhow can i play Playstation 1 on my Ubuntu????09:02
kcjX0nar: You should give it a try.09:02
kieppierahadian: probably; You'll need some sort of emulator09:03
rahadiankieppie: what is the name of the emulator???09:03
X0narkcj: i am Debian sqeeze girl these days .. got sick of plymouth and mountall and now nuveau graphics drivers had enough09:03
ds4hjrib: files in sources.list.d : ubuntu-wine-ppa-maverick.list  ubuntu-wine-ppa-maverick.list.save; contents of sources.list : http://paste.ubuntu.com/553934/09:04
=== riktking_ is now known as riktking
nit-witdirtydevil, hard to say,could bse any number of reasons from a bad download, to fast of a burn, not burned as an image09:04
kieppierahadian: no idea; you'll have to google it09:04
kcjkcj: I tried Debian once. Hated it.09:04
DJonesrahadian: This might help, it references the installation of a playstation emulater and how to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1512495 Not something I've used, but hopefully it'll get you started09:04
ds4hjrib: or you ment contents of those two files as well?09:04
hdeshevHi everyone09:04
jribds4h: make sure you have the key for the wine ppa09:04
rahadiankieppie: okay, i'll try09:04
jribds4h: I did mean the contents, but I can guess them :)09:05
dirtydevilnit-wit: I have downloaded it from Ubuntu's Website and make it bootable using unetboorin09:05
hdeshevI have a minor annoyance with switching keyboard layouts (English <--> Bulgarian) and I was wondering if there's a way to fix it.09:05
X0narkcj: liking it so far and you can install anything you want on a base system including ubuntu packages09:05
hdeshevGnome seems to remember what layout I use for each program. Which is very cool.09:05
ds4hjrib: okay, how do I get/check keys? never dome this :]09:06
kcjX0nar: Sweet. I must go. I hope I don't screw up again. :)09:06
hdeshevBut whenever I hit a shortcut that opens a new app or a window, that window gets to "inherit" the layout I use for the current window. Thus making me type commands in Bulgarian when I hit Alt-F2 to try and run a program09:06
nit-witdirtydevil, are you using the latest unetbootin?09:06
jribds4h: how did you add the wine ppa?09:06
X0narkcj: good luck with it cya09:06
hdeshevor keep the Bulgarian layout when I lock my workstation. Which kinda sucks when you try to type your password.09:06
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hdeshevSo, is there any way for Gnome to default to the *default* keyboard layout when it opens a new window?09:07
ds4hjrib: wine was installed through software center, I did not add any manual lines there09:07
jribds4h: you must have added the wine ppa at some point09:07
nit-witdirtydevil, not sure really, with uneybootin you can't get to the main menu gui.09:07
dirtydevilnit-wit: think its not mounting /boot. is it so?09:07
dirtydevilnit-wit: so what should I do now?09:07
ds4hjrib: my memory must be messing around with me then09:07
dirtydevilnit-wit: I dont want to loose my data09:08
nit-witdirtydevil, not sure it works for me generally I haven't had problems per-say. How many times have you loaded it?09:08
jribds4h: go here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa and click on "What is this?" next to the signing key09:08
DruleI went out and bought a USB stick instead09:08
Druleworks perfectly ;-D09:09
nit-witdirtydevil, loaded the thumb09:09
jribds4h: then do step 6 for older (pre 9.10) systems even if your system is newer09:09
vampirnatamorning all :)09:09
dirtydevilI had fedora first but from the first day i think its 28th April when ubuntu 10.04 is  launched , I have it installed09:09
vampirnataI'm having issues using ssh to connect to my server at home. could anyone help?09:09
riktkinghow do i install the netbook remix ontop of normal ubuntu?09:10
jribvampirnata: does « ssh localhost » work on the server locally?09:10
dirtydevilnit-wit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138654909:10
vampirnatajrib: it does09:10
dirtydevilI was trying from this link09:10
riktkingvampirnata, have you enabled port forward on your router?09:10
jribvampirnata: it's almost always a router issue then09:10
vampirnatajrib: i have port forwarding set up on my router09:10
himanihow can i call perl script from java in ubuntu 8.0409:10
himanican nybody help me out09:10
vampirnatajrib: it's forwarding to a non default port though09:11
vampirnatabut i have set that port in sshd_config09:11
jribvampirnata: did you restart ssh after doing that?09:11
vampirnatajrib: yes09:11
jribvampirnata: and you connect locally on the server to that port?09:11
vampirnataalso, i've done the following: i can't ping my home router's public address. but if i disable the firewall on the home router, i can ping the public ip09:12
himanihow can i call perl script from java in ubuntu 8.0409:12
vampirnatajrib: also i can connect to the server from another machine on the same network as the server at home using the public ip address09:12
TandemAdamhey guys, I am looking to start using Ubuntu for the first time, and was wondering what you guys recommend. Currently Ihave a PC running Win Vista, but I am thinking of maybe using some kind of virtualization software. What is a good option? I don't really want to format my hdd, so does this sound ok?09:12
vampirnatajrib: just can't do it from work...09:13
nit-witdirtydevil, you might just post a thread there.09:13
jribhimani: ##java for java help09:13
jribvampirnata: you don't get a password prompt at all?  Would you mind pming me the ip to see if your work could be blocking you?09:13
ds4hjrib: if I copy signing key from the page, it says it is not valid, if I do command exactly as in the What is this manual, with the same key, it works09:14
ds4hjrib: w8. i messed up abit09:14
jribds4h: not sure what you mean.  If it's working now that's fine.  If you're still having issues, pastebin exactly what you executed and the output09:14
kieppiehmmmm :/ where should I go look for help with sound?09:14
ds4hjrib: problem solved. thank you for help, jrib :)09:17
dirtydevilnit-wit: ok. So there is any thing i can do to save my data?09:17
nit-witdirtydevil, so your data is on vista?09:18
dirtydevildata is in ubuntu. Vista is working fine09:18
riktkinghow do i install the netbook remix ontop of ubuntu09:18
nit-witdirtydevil, and it is a dual  boot not a wubi09:19
rumpe1riktking, install unity09:19
riktkingrumpe1, thanks09:20
nit-witdirtydevil, I think you will have to figure this out, it is basic stuff, you have the tools I don't know how they have been used.09:21
q_a_z_stevekieppie have you seen the links for !sound09:21
dirtydevilnit-wit: ok thanks for help anyway09:21
kieppieq_a_z_steve: not yet....09:21
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:21
NoormanWhen locking the computer after unlocking all the icons are gone, does one recognize this?09:22
q_a_z_steveThat middle one has some cool alsa tricks, for troubleshooting you'll get a whole webpage full of your own stuff as it is recognized09:22
Noormanssh to the machine and it appears full responsive09:23
q_a_z_steveNoorman do you mean that after you see no icons, starting ssh from somewhere will trigger them to show?09:24
kieppieq_a_z_steve: yea.... I've checked those pages out. just closed the last tab before asking my question09:24
Noormanno, i meant to say that loging in from another machine works like a charme and there apears to be no bottle neck in performance and such09:25
Noormanbut the desktop (gnome) is empty09:25
q_a_z_stevekieppie I'm not 100% on anything, especially since I think ALSA has yet to get my card supported. macbook pro with Intel/Cirrus <can't remember the number>...09:25
tasseHi there - if i cannot view several pages (like www.wolframalpha.com) ohn my Ubuntu 10.04. If i ping these pages or try to connect via IP it doesn't work either - i'm behind a VPN - but i can access these sites under windows - has sb any clue? thanks09:26
kieppieanother sys of mine is an "old" MBP (SantaRosa) model. audio's fine there....09:26
q_a_z_steveNoorman This session isn't allowed to show that user the same icons perhaps? Just throwing that out there as a few things to check09:26
cedersI got a problem. I removed a slave drive from my linux box and now when booting up in its very slow. Takes 10 minutes to login under a user. I place the slave drive back in but its still slow. Any suggestions?09:27
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q_a_z_stevetasse Can you ping by the name from ubuntu?09:28
Noormani will look into it more closely09:28
tasseyes i can q_a_z_steve09:28
ajitamhi on may ssh machine I have set "alias ls='ls --color=auto'" but is there any other configuration for the color ? curently my path is blue and I would like to change that09:28
q_a_z_stevekieppie where did you find the family name? I haven't looked into that enough I guess, but I want to know mine.09:29
q_a_z_stevetasse so is there an error in firefox?09:29
q_a_z_steveajitam sounds like a terminal profile preference09:30
tassenope its just not loading, tried it with several browsers (opera, chromium, firefox)  - same result, just a "white" page09:30
chulli have just gotten lucid, and trying to find my important files on my old drive, i can't find .xchat2, i have enabled hidden files and i'm in my home directory.. but it can't find xchat?09:30
kieppieq_a_z_steve: I have 2: my ATI's HDMI (which I'll concern myself with later) & thwe on-board Intel AD198x (which is pretty bog-standard)09:30
q_a_z_stevechull define "can't find"09:31
chullq_a_z_steve: um it doesn't find the main .xchat2 directory, no files found.09:31
ajitamq_a_z_steve: yea but all I have is --color=auto and I don't know what I can type instead of "auto"09:31
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AbhiJiti locked stickynotes and force quit applet on panel. but still they always change their positions09:31
q_a_z_steveajitam that's nothing to do with what I am saying09:32
chullq_a_z_steve: is there a way to search my old drive using command line, besides using file browser (which can't find .xchat2)09:32
q_a_z_stevechull you have xchat installed? and you are looking where?09:32
chullq_a_z_steve: i never used file browser, just command line, $ cd .xchat209:33
q_a_z_steve.xchat2 sounds like it would be a log folder or something, have you looked in your home dir?09:33
rusty149chull: mount the drive and use ls -a09:33
IdleOnechull: cd ~/.xchat209:34
tasseor not loading is possible wrong, it trys to load, but it won't succeed q_a_z_steve :/ its always a white page and its tryin to load09:34
chullq_a_z_steve: i was, yes09:34
IdleOnechull: err sorry09:34
rusty149chull: if you have cd in to it then just, ls -a  ,  -a is all and includes .09:34
chullIdleOne: accessing it from a different drive09:34
elkngI want to boot from flash drive, and want to save battery power,is it possible to power entirely off or something harddrive?09:34
q_a_z_stevetasse can you browse for www.purple.com ?09:34
chullhow do i cd <other hard drive>09:35
q_a_z_steve!error | elkng09:35
ubottuelkng: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:35
tasseyes :p i can view most pages09:35
tassebut some don't load09:35
q_a_z_stevechull mount it, then cd to that dir09:35
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:36
q_a_z_stevetasse is there something special about these wolfram or others, like flash or other extensions?09:36
IdleOnechull: first in terminal type: mount09:36
tassehm i don't know - but don#t think so09:37
q_a_z_steveIdleOne taking a shift I see09:37
IdleOnechull: do you see the other hdd mounted?09:37
IdleOneq_a_z_steve: just happened to look over :)09:37
tassegot the same problem if i try to download sth from a dropbox account09:37
chullIdleOne: moment have to go in the other room09:37
elkngis it possible to turnoff harddrive having worked system, I dont want to use harddrive, I want stop it whilling entirely, or park it.09:37
q_a_z_steveIdleOne hey, stick around, make sure I don't screw anyone up. More the merrier09:37
q_a_z_steveelkng are you in gnome?09:38
insmodejv: you the one with the one with the iwl3945?09:38
elkngq_a_z_steve: is it matter?09:39
rusty149elkng: not really, just umiunt drive09:39
rusty149elkng: * umount09:39
q_a_z_steveelkng I was going to suggest power options, but try ^^09:40
vampirnataAnyone else have any ideas on my ssh problem? I am currently at work and I am trying to connect to my home ubuntu server via ssh. I've set up port forwarding on my router to forward any request on port 22 to the local ip of the server. I've set up sshd on the server and it works locally (i.e. i can connect to it from a local windows machine).09:40
rusty149elkng: OK, is there actually a problem with the drive, then q_a_z_steve is write about spin down drive but if you just don;t want to use it then umount09:41
q_a_z_stevevampirnata sure you don't mean local IP of the computer?09:41
vampirnatasteve: eh?09:42
q_a_z_stevevampirnata nevermind, read that wrong09:42
elkngrusty149: spin down?09:42
chullIdleOne, q_a_z_steve http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/ajfeDu9K09:42
killownwtf is happening with ubuntu ? compiz doesn't work anymore after update and I can't get flash video in fullscreen mode because it crash, nautilus has a lot bugs, man wtf09:42
vampirnataI have an unfortunate way of writing cryptically  :/09:42
chullkillown: which ubuntu?09:42
q_a_z_stevekillown what were you running before? Same system?09:43
killownchull 10.1009:43
IdleOnechull: cd /media/d3f006f1-3d31-4d89-9ef6-663c89f3544309:43
chullIdleOne: thanks :)09:43
IdleOnechull: then you can do ls and navigate to ~/.xchat2 on that drive09:43
q_a_z_stevethank god for tab complete, chull09:43
CERNUNN0SGreetings, has anyone had any experience using virtual box to set up an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS cluster for local testing?09:43
rusty149_elkng: power option to reduce drive access and thus 'spin less'09:44
MassTrying to install ubuntu on an external hd. Can i safely do this from my imac without changing anything to my imac?09:44
q_a_z_steveCERNUNN0S I use vbox, but haven't done a cluster09:44
rusty149_Mass: Sure09:44
chullIdleOne: how can i move the directory in command line?09:45
rusty149_Mass: but on Mac it should be a firewire drive not USB09:45
Mikhleïðèâåò âñåì09:45
psycho_oreoschull, mv dir1/ another/dir/09:45
tasseno clue q_a_z_steve ? :/09:45
q_a_z_steveMass would recommend going through the process on www.ubuntu.com. the one for "USB stick"09:45
IdleOnechull: mv /source/of/file/ /destination/of/file/09:45
q_a_z_steverusty149_ ???09:45
psycho_oreos!ru| Mikhle09:46
ubottuMikhle: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:46
moonrakerchull: type man mv which gives u the help info document09:46
rusty149_q_a_z_steve what?09:46
q_a_z_steveimac have USB too... isn't your comment rather assumptive?09:46
CERNUNN0Sq_a_z_steve: The problem i'm having is getting the internal network and the NAT to work at the same time. On theere own they are fine. But when both are running I can ping the first machine from the host machine but the guest machine no longer connects to the internet09:46
q_a_z_stevetasse remind me what I said, couldn't find the scrollback09:47
killownq_a_z_steve I just did apt-get update; apt-get upgrade09:47
Massq_a_z_steve i tried the usb version but somehow it won't boot. Using the cd now to boot and install from09:47
killownafter that compiz stop to work09:47
tasse<q_a_z_steve> tasse is there something special about these wolfram or others, like flash or other extensions? <- and i said no, not really ;)09:47
killownand flash can't get fullscreen mode09:47
oopepeHi, how do i see what version of tomcat6 i have installed? And how do i install an older version of tomcat6 in the console?09:48
IdleOneoopepe: apt-cache policy tomcat609:48
q_a_z_stevekillown have to look and see which package botched it. try --fix-broken ?09:48
q_a_z_stevetasse hmm, tried a different browser?09:49
tasseyep, tried chromium/opera/firefox09:49
tassesame result09:49
q_a_z_stevemass have to make the drive bootable09:49
a13xI need some advice on installing ubuntu partition over password protected windows (and how I can then remove windows partition)09:49
kyofirefox is the best09:49
q_a_z_stevea13x ubuntu will wipe the drive. good enough?09:50
rusty149_a13x: If you are referring to standard password login then it is irrelevant09:50
q_a_z_stevetasse you can ping these sites?09:50
Massq_a_z_steve allright! now I only have to format the external drive and install ubuntu =) I guess the boot loader deice should be the external drive. right?09:50
q_a_z_stevegive me links and ips09:50
rusty149_a13x: i.e to remove windows and install Ubuntu, just install as per normal09:50
oopepeIdleOne: thank you09:50
q_a_z_steveYES, the same drive09:50
IdleOneoopepe: welcome09:51
q_a_z_steveMass ^^09:51
Massq_a_z_steve thanks!09:51
_vaibhav_how I can remove older kernels from my system?? am having previous 3 versions.. 32.21, 22, 24 and 25.. can I remove them safely??09:51
IdleOne_vaibhav_: search for them in Synaptic package manager and yes you can safely remove them.09:52
tasse140.177.205.54 (wolframalpha.com) @ q_a_z_steve09:52
q_a_z_steve_vaibhav_ you are probably also talking about getting rid of the references in grub no?09:52
IdleOneq_a_z_steve: when you uninstall from synaptic it will also update grub09:52
q_a_z_steveooh See!?09:53
_vaibhav_IdleOne: thaks a lot.. :) I 'll do it from synaptic..09:53
chullIdleOne: with a name like that.. what would the destination file be called like?09:57
chullIdleOne: i found .xchat2 :)09:58
almoxarifehow do I deb-ify a bunch of files included with a install script?09:58
almoxarifeor how would I at least keep track of an install not done via .deb?09:58
q_a_z_stevetasse only thing I see off the top in [inspect element] is javascript, do other javascript pages load okay for you?09:59
DannnnnnHi guys, could someone help me? I have installed a game called Enemy Territory, but can't seem to get sound working. I've tried the methods listed on Wiki.ubuntu, nothing seems to work. I tried installing OSS and it made my computer screech really loud... could someone help me? Thank you09:59
IdleOnechull: /home/llhull/.xchat2 would be the destination09:59
chullalmoxarife: open/unzip/unpack the archive in it's own directory09:59
q_a_z_steve!sound > Dannnnnn09:59
ubottuDannnnnn, please see my private message09:59
almoxarifechull: no, can't do, it needs to add files into other areas10:00
chullIdleOne: gee that would be ..just like it was10:00
chullIdleOne: thank you :)10:00
IdleOnechull: welcome. glad to help10:00
DannnnnnThat's not the problem, I have sound within everything else, including other games...10:01
q_a_z_stevea13x please keep communication in channel10:01
ksinkarhow do i run binary files on ubuntu?10:02
ksinkarif i do sudo ./binary_file it says no such command10:02
tassehm do you have a page where i can test it q_a_z_steve10:02
rusty149_ksinkar: cd to the directory10:02
q_a_z_steveDannnnnn kudos for that. Better off than me atm but that seems like a developer of the game sort of issue, this isn't WINE I assume?10:02
rusty149_ksinkar: and mark it as executable, with sudo chmod +x ./binary_file10:03
Posheexcuse me, I'm trying to set up an ad hoc network, I'm on ubuntu 10.04. I've made the network and everything but I don't seem to be able to start my wireless without actually disconnecting my "etho" connection? How can I turn this network on?10:03
DannnnnnNope not using WINE, it installed fine, and games running off of the same engine seem to work fine. I know there is a way with OSS4, but it didn't work with my laptop for some reason.10:03
q_a_z_stevea13x iirc you are installing over top of it, Ubuntu will reformat by default, so it will become ext3 or ext4.10:04
q_a_z_stevePoshe you are trying to share your internet to others around?10:04
sacarlsonPoshe: I think network-manager has a share conection mode, are you on desktop?10:05
Posheq_a_z_steve: Yes I am trying to share my internet.10:05
Poshesacarlson: I'm on a laptop though. Can't seem to be able to turn the wireless on.10:06
DannnnnnSorry, offtopic, how can I view what version (64, 32bit etc..) of ubuntu ?10:06
DannnnnnI'm using10:06
jribDannnnnn: uname -m10:06
Dannnnnni686, I guess 32Bit?10:06
jribDannnnnn: yes10:06
moonrakerPoshe: Have u downloaded the extra propertiary drivers from the panel?10:06
Poshemoonraker: what's that?10:06
sacarlsonPoshe: are you haveing problems on the sharing side or the client side?  what are you sharing with?10:07
q_a_z_steve!network > Poshe these could help too.10:07
ubottuPoshe, please see my private message10:07
moonrakerOn on laptop on the top panel I have an icon (green) with propmpted me to download wireless drivers for my card (broadcom device)10:08
Poshesacarlson: I can't turn the wireless on without turning the etho off. So effectively I'll be without internet if I wanted to create an ad hoc.10:08
faLUCEhi. Do you know if ubuntu works with a Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX-I-E?10:08
rusty149_Poshe: Turn eth0 off and establish wireless internet. Then set eth0 to share with others and turn on10:08
Dannnnnn:), ty, and when downloading Open Source Sound 4 (0SS4) I have a choice to download the package file. Which one shall I choose for my OS? I'm using Ubuntu 10, latest install. Linux 2.6 (RPM), LINUX 2.6 (DEB), LINUX 2.6 (TAR)... I did the Deb package last time, as I seen Ubuntu = Debian?10:09
q_a_z_stevemoonraker tell her the more static way of finding it. System > Administration > Additional Drivers isn't it?10:09
jribDannnnnn: why not just use what ubuntu comes with?10:09
chrislabeard_Anyone ever used avahi to broadcast afpd ?10:09
DannnnnnJrib: I get no sound in my game (enemy territory)10:09
chrislabeard_For some reason my mac can't see my serveri in the shared list10:09
chrislabeard_server **10:09
jribDannnnnn: what have you done to troubleshoot that?10:10
tasseok tried one and it works q_a_z_steve10:10
IdleOneDannnnnn: sudo apt-get install oss4-gtk10:10
q_a_z_steveDannnnnn Ubuntu != Debian, debian based, but <> Debian10:10
q_a_z_steve!anyone chrislabeard_10:10
q_a_z_steve!anyone | chrislabeard_10:10
ubottuchrislabeard_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:10
chrislabeard_q_a_z_steve: I'm sorry?10:10
Dannnnnnjrib: I did evrything here- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnemyTerritory10:10
q_a_z_stevewow it has it's own page. I better check this game out10:11
sacarlsonPoshe: I don't have network-manager installed on a 10.04 system so I can't see what you see,  but I'm booting a 10.10 version that I beleave has share internet.  I've never used it so I"m going to just take a peak10:11
DannnnnnEnemy Territory has a very active community:) - www.crossfire.nu for the place where everyone who plays the game talks / news etc... :), but GL getting it to work :D.10:12
DeadPandaIs there any way I can force NetworkManager to show in my notification area?  I'm using ethernet, with no wireless card, so it isn't showing; but that means I can't see my VPN connections10:12
q_a_z_stevetasse I haven't forgotten about you. I'm just at a loss as to a "testing my connectivity/testing my browser's balls" site.10:12
chullIdleOne: i have real problems with file structures (learning disability) http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/ZPnAfUaG10:12
vampirnataI am currently at work and I am trying to connect to my home ubuntu server via ssh. I've set up port forwarding on my router to forward any request on port 22 to the local ip of the server. I've set up sshd on the server and it works locally (i.e. i can connect to it from a local windows machine). Anyone have any ideas?10:13
Poshesacarlson: ahh. Alright thanks. I'm on 10.04 but I think I might need to physically turn my wireless on when I restart my laptop for it to actually work.10:13
PosheI'll give it a try anyway.10:13
q_a_z_stevevampirnata sorry. Can you ping the router from here?10:13
jribvampirnata: you can't actually verify at this point that « ssh localhost » on the server works, right?10:13
jribvampirnata: or are you able to remotely connect to the windows machine somehow and then ssh to the server?  Is that what you are saying?10:14
ox3aI changed the boot screen but it display only when rebooting the live cd and not displaying for startup screen...... please help10:14
jrib!who | vampirnata10:14
ubottuvampirnata: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:14
vampirnatai am connected to a windows host at home10:14
q_a_z_steveDannnnnn as I said, you have sound. I need to get my speakers working first10:14
sacarlsonPoshe: ok ya if it can't connect to a normal access point I think you might be geting ahead of yourself10:14
vampirnataubottu: sorry will do.10:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:14
vampirnatasteve: i can't ping the router10:15
DannnnnnLucky you :), trying SDL sound fixes now :(, again lol10:15
vampirnatajrib: yes i am connect to a windows host at home10:15
q_a_z_stevevampirnata did you turn off ICMP? anyway firewall on Ubuntu?10:16
DeadPandaForce NetworkManager to display in the notification area, anyone? (the notification area is definitely on the taskbar)10:16
vampirnataalso running this: nmap -sV -p 22 -sT -sU public.ip from the server at home, it says that port 22 is open on udp and closed on tcp. is this correct?10:16
q_a_z_steve!patience > DeadPanda10:17
ubottuDeadPanda, please see my private message10:17
vampirnataq_a_z_steve: no firewall on ubuntu enabled10:17
DeadPandaq_a_z_steve, that was hardly spam; it was probably lost in everyone's scrollback, but fair enough.10:17
cedersI found my problem, udevd is hogging 60% of CPU. killall udevd should fix it, but I'm still waiting for terminal to open.10:17
q_a_z_stevevampirnata how are you connected to that windows box? 3389?10:17
vampirnataq_a_z_steve: logmein :)10:18
tassenp q_a_z_steve10:18
vampirnataq_a_z_steve: and then using ssh on the windows host to connect to the local ubuntu server10:18
q_a_z_steveDeadPanda you're fine, try this.10:19
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:19
DannnnnnTried sdl-sound fixes... none seem to work :(....10:19
Dannnnnn------- sound initialization ------- /dev/adsp: No such file or directory Could not open /dev/adsp10:19
q_a_z_stevetasse google for the right address to #firefox on moznet.org maybe?10:20
q_a_z_stevetasse sounds like they could maybe help10:20
tasseok i'll try, thanks a lot10:20
q_a_z_stevethere could actually be #chromium on freenode10:20
q_a_z_stevevampirnata that's one way.10:20
vampirnataq_a_z_steve: yes but not very optimum, and it's slow obviously10:21
q_a_z_stevekind of depends what you need to get done...10:22
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vampirnataq_a_z_steve: also I know that port forwarding works on my router because i have it forwarding torrent traffic to my windows host10:23
vampirnataq_a_z_steve: and that works10:23
q_a_z_steveif you can't ping your router then there could be plenty of things gumming this up. logmein is a cheat10:23
RaidSoftAnyone that could tell me if there there is any remote desktop server software for ubuntu that works together with windows built in remote desktop viewer?10:23
vampirnataRaidSoft: vnc10:23
RaidSoftthat requires a separate program doesn't it?10:23
RaidSoftI want to be able to connect to a ubuntu server with a windows computer without having to install anything10:24
q_a_z_steveRaidSoft different protocols altogether between the two10:24
RaidSoftso not gonna happen then10:24
vampirnataraidsoft: ahh, sorry. didn't read that you wanted to use rdp10:24
q_a_z_steveRaidSoft you could look and see if setting connect to 5900 port would do anything in the latest RDP client10:25
vampirnataRaidSoft: google rdesktop10:25
q_a_z_steveRaidSoft or change your vnc port to 338910:25
RaidSoftbasically I have a server computer I want to get ubuntu on, but one that needs remote access can not install anything on a windows computer so can only use the built in remote desktop in windows..10:26
vampirnataRaidSoft: you will still have to enable RDP connections on the Windows host10:26
RaidSoftthe windows computer is the client, the ubuntu would be the server10:26
chullanyone, i can't get this copying to work between my two hard drives: http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/ZPnAfUaG10:26
vampirnataRaidSoft: then you can use something like rDesktop to connect10:26
jribRaidSoft: you could just ssh and use putty10:27
RaidSoftwill most likely need a gui10:27
jribRaidSoft: why?10:27
vampirnataRaidSoft: do you want to connect to the Windows host or the Linux host?10:27
=== chrislabeard_ is now known as chrislabeard
RaidSoftbecause the person that would be connecting doesn't really know linux much10:27
jribRaidSoft: ok10:28
RaidSoftfrom a windows computer, to a ubuntu server, so the host is the ubuntu10:28
vampirnatahey jrib, did you forget about me? or just run out of ideas?10:28
q_a_z_steveRaidSoft there are ways of vnc over web browser10:28
jribvampirnata: from what you described it has to be a router issue, don't know what else to suggest10:28
RaidSofthmm oh yeah forgot about that10:28
Eaglevampirnata:  just run out of ideas.10:28
RaidSoftthat uses java right?10:29
ox3awhere the boot splash is exist?10:29
vampirnatasigh, this is frustrating10:29
q_a_z_steveox3a http://www.owlriver.com/tips/hands-off/images.html10:29
q_a_z_stevevampirnata what kind of router?10:29
vampirnatais there a setting to check in sshd_config that allows/disables connections from public ips?10:30
vampirnataq_a_z_steve: Zyxel Prestige 662HW10:30
jribvampirnata: by default that wouldn't be an issue10:30
ox3aq_a_z_steve, In ubuntu 10.1010:30
ox3aq_a_z_steve, Trying to change the boot splash10:30
jribvampirnata: and it's timing out for you anyway, right?10:31
q_a_z_stevevampirnata ok, not familiar. That sounds like an /etc/hosts issue but I don't think you're there yet10:31
Neikiushello, a short question regarding dovecot - what would be the best way to install dovecot 2.0 in ubuntu (10.4)?10:31
ox3aq_a_z_steve, http://decoding.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/boot-screen.jpg10:31
vampirnatajrib: thing is even when I disable the router firewall, i can't connect to ssh (but i can ping the router's public ip)10:31
jribvampirnata: but you still need to have the port correctly forwarded10:31
q_a_z_steve!best Neikius10:31
q_a_z_steve!best | Neikius10:32
ubottuNeikius: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:32
q_a_z_steveNeikius: synaptic, apt, aptitude, dpkg, tarballs10:32
vampirnatajrib: i have two sections in my router config. one is NAT port forwarding: there I only have to select which port and the destination. second is the firewall rule to allow incoming requests on port 22 to ip of the server. both of those are set10:33
q_a_z_stevejrib help me out here, is ox3a not talking about the "grub" splash?10:33
HugoGFMy sound jack isn't putting sound through my headphones, it just comes out of the computer's speakers. Could someone help me please?10:33
vampirnatajrib: and to answer your earlier question, yes it's timing out.10:33
jribq_a_z_steve: plymouth would be my guess10:34
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jribq_a_z_steve: or usplash if he's on an older version of ubuntu10:34
q_a_z_steveHugoGF that's the exact opposite for me.10:34
Neikiusq_a_z_steve: and where to find dovecot 2?10:34
q_a_z_steve!sound > HugoGF seen these?10:34
ubottuHugoGF, please see my private message10:34
ox3ajrib, I edited that but still one problem10:35
q_a_z_steve!packages > Neikius10:35
ubottuNeikius, please see my private message10:35
HugoGFq_a_z_steve I've already messed around with my sound preferences but that doesn't seem to do it.10:35
ox3ajrib, I am with 10.1010:35
jribox3a: iirc you should just use update-alternatives10:35
Eagleq_a_z_steve:   HugoGF:  Make sure its pluged in properly, or get drivers for them.10:36
ne2kq_a_z_steve: the packaged version of dovecot is 1.2.12, he said he wants v210:36
q_a_z_steveHugoGF try those links10:36
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: It's the output through my headphones that isn't working, and I don't know where to find the drivers.. I've tried those links. Also, my input sound doesn't work.10:36
ox3ajrib, Yeah i did that also and then burned it to cd for test purpose but it just display when shut down10:37
HugoGFEagle: I don't know where to find the drivers.10:37
q_a_z_steveHugoGFwhat hardware?10:37
jribox3a: you ran update-initramfs -u after?10:37
ne2kNeikius: suggest you read this: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/PrebuiltBinaries10:37
ox3ajrib, yeah10:37
q_a_z_steveHugoGF what hardware? Typing fail.10:37
vampirnatajrib: could it be something to do with iptables on the ubuntu server? or does that only apply if a firewall is running on the server?10:37
jribvampirnata: there are no rules set by default, check with sudo iptables -L10:38
=== gb1002 is now known as gbi
vampirnatajrib: that is correct, nothing is set10:38
q_a_z_steve!nick > gbi10:38
ubottugbi, please see my private message10:38
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: My computers speakers? In a console command that I entered before( I can't remember what it was) it said that they were connexant10:38
ne2k!nick | ne2k10:38
ubottune2k, please see my private message10:38
jribox3a: well that's the correct procedure I've used in the past, I don't know about any of the details to help you understand why it doesn't display during boot.  Does it work on your install?  Maybe it's something special about the live cd setup10:39
puppyhow to recover lost password10:39
q_a_z_stevene2k which is the trigger for "don't do that stuff in a busy channel?"10:39
jribpuppy: for ubuntu?10:39
puppyfor linux mint10:39
q_a_z_steveHugoGF aplay probably10:39
jrib!password | puppy10:39
ubottupuppy: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:39
bazhang!mintsupport > puppy10:40
ubottupuppy, please see my private message10:40
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:40
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: So what should I do about it?10:40
puppybut i did nothing and remember the password but it says authentification failed!10:40
q_a_z_stevewhich version, have you tried OSS? ALSA may not cover you10:40
ox3ajrib, i also got warning error when update-initramfs -u10:41
q_a_z_steve!error | puppy10:41
ubottupuppy: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:41
puppyI was using it and did some package installation and then I log out.Ann I could not login again10:42
jribox3a: don't make us guess the error :)10:42
EagleAh, How do you PM in Empathy????? :)10:42
bazhangpuppy, mint is not supported here10:42
q_a_z_stevepuppy why did you log out?10:42
ox3ajrib, cryptsetup: WARNING: could not determine root device from /etc/fstab10:42
stanman246puppy: check this, it may help http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword10:42
q_a_z_steveEagle on the buddy list go to new conversation10:42
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: So what should I do about my speakers? I really need to be able to use my headphones.10:42
puppycoz when I tried to install further packages it ask password and I gave it but says wrong!10:43
Eagleq_a_z_steve: ya and then?10:43
q_a_z_steveHugoGF see my comments from 03:40:5010:43
q_a_z_steveEagle type the name of the user...10:44
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: I don't have any time increments next to what anyone says..10:44
ox3ajrib, May it be any problem the warning?10:44
jribpuppy: if you're using mint, we can't help you here. We don't know about mint.  They can better help you at #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org.  You should also take a look at what ubottu sent you anyway.10:44
jribox3a: probably not, I don't know10:44
amiti am a engg student,want to make a minor project on linux/unix.plz give some suggestions10:44
q_a_z_steveright after you asked me the first time ...03:40:16 AM] <HugoGF> q_a_z_steve: So what should I do about it?10:44
Eagleq_a_z_steve:   Oooooooooh Right.... Thanks10:44
amitgive some suggestion for minor project on linux and topic also10:45
q_a_z_stevepuppy you logged out because synaptic or whatever didn't accept the password you were giving?10:45
puppystanman246: i will try it later and now I need to go for my duty.thank u very much.10:45
puppyyes qaz10:45
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: I see, could you please tell me how I can use OSS?10:46
Eagleamit: Well if you want to, you should.10:46
q_a_z_stevepuppy your user may not be in the sudoers list. You need to follow the guides that you've been given10:46
q_a_z_steveHugoGF Haven't gotten there yet friend. google?10:46
puppywhat guide?10:46
puppyuser guide u mean?10:46
ubottuDON'T POST LINKS! Natty isn't out until it's announced, and indicating anything otherwise causes the server to get more load, thus making the release LATER. Is that what you want?10:47
amiteagle:plz suggest some good topics10:47
q_a_z_stevepuppy guides = links you were sent10:47
puppyok thanks....good bye10:47
q_a_z_stever00t4rd3d hey, wondered when you'd pounce on my mistake. Good to see you10:48
r00t4rd3dhey tattly tail , err q_a_z_steve10:48
Eagleamit: What should I suggest to you?10:48
skplcan someone help me with transparency in metacity?10:49
q_a_z_stever00t4rd3d ...10:49
skpli've enabled compositing but it still doesnt work10:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:49
=== yen-thao is now known as yen-thao|Mummum
moldedI am having a problem maintaining the session after authenticating with Auth and then doing a redirect.  In the core, security level is set to 'high'.10:51
moldedanyone dealt with this problem before?10:51
q_a_z_steve!error > molded10:52
ubottumolded, please see my private message10:52
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: okay, I installed OSS but the same thing happens.10:52
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: My speakers work, but when the headphones get plugged in the sound still goes through the computer.10:52
ox3aso none can help me please?10:52
Eagleox3a: What do you need help one?10:53
q_a_z_steveox3a where are we now?10:53
skplcans omeone tell me how to enable transparency in metacity?10:53
q_a_z_steve!patience > skpl10:54
ubottuskpl, please see my private message10:54
ox3aEagle, I am asking same question since several days10:54
ox3aEagle, Editing boot screen as i am remastering Ubuntu 10.1010:54
q_a_z_steveHugoGF You said you've messed with the different profiles and that, have you done that since OSS also?10:54
kwtmHow can I get Flash 10 installed in Ubuntu Lucid? I did "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin", but when I send Firefox to "http://www.codegeek.net/flash-version.php", it still says "You have Flash player 9.0.31 installed."10:54
r00t4rd3dox3a, ive told you10:54
ox3ar00t4rd3d, plymouth?10:55
q_a_z_steveox3a r00t4rd3d http://www.owlriver.com/tips/hands-off/images.html are we sure this doesn't apply. i.e. ox3a did you even look?10:55
r00t4rd3dox3a, ok , ready ?10:56
r00t4rd3dox3a, http://zorin-os.webs.com/splashscreenmanager.htm10:56
anternathello, is this command correct to check whether php is installed on my server or not? --> aptitude show php5 | grep -i installed10:56
q_a_z_stevekwtm dpkg -l10:56
kwtmHugoGF: Hi. Just caught your last comment. When you plug in earphones, sound still comes out speaker?  Is this a hardware problem?  Does the problem exist under Windows (if you have dual-boot installed)?10:56
llutz_anternat: apt-cache policy php510:56
Nom-This might be a little off topic, but here goes...  Does anyone know of a good open source device database that integrates well with Nagios?  Looking at around 3500 devices (routers, switches, servers, etc)10:57
HugoGFq_a_z_steve: Yes, I have messed around the preferences, nothing works. But I may have found something about it.10:57
kwtmq_a_z_steve: Thanks, will try.  Is that capital i or lower-case L?10:57
Eaglearcher: ????10:57
q_a_z_stevearcher IT WORKS!10:57
q_a_z_stever00t4rd3d even better10:57
llutz_anternat: dpkg -l php5        lots of ways to check10:57
HugoGFkwtm: Yes, sound still comes out of the speaker when I plug in headphones. I don't think that it's a hardware problem because it works in Windows. Yes, I have a dual boot installation.10:57
Eaglearcher: What are you testing????10:58
q_a_z_steveI've just gotten both of these tonight btw10:58
kwtmq_a_z_steve: I think you want me to do "dpkg -I adobe-flashplugin"? Is that right?10:58
ne2kHugoGF: it's probably a retarded piece of hardware that requires co-operation from a driver to turn on and off certain outputs10:58
kwtmHugoGF: Interesting.  So it is under software control. Do you think it's a driver problem for the sound card?  (ie. your sound card needs a special driver found only under Windows?)10:58
anternatllutz i tried to install manually lamp on 9.04 but those commands say php5 isnt installed altho i can see the it works page10:58
ne2kHugoGF: have you tried experimenting with the different outputs in the sound preferences?10:58
r00t4rd3dkwtm, just goto a page that requires flash and firefox will dialog you....10:59
HugoGFne2k: Okay, well I'm going to install something (I just found some stuff on the forums about my specific computer and sound problems.10:59
HugoGFne2k: I have tried different outputs.10:59
llutz_anternat: apache uses libapache2-mod-php510:59
ne2kHugoGF: I'm talking about the "connector" setting in sound preferences->output10:59
kwtmr00t4rd3d: No, that hasn't worked in a while now (for the 9 months or so).  I go to most Flash test pages, and Firefox says, "Adobe Flash plugin has crashed".10:59
HugoGFkwtm: Yeah, I think I need a special driver.10:59
anternatllutz so thats normal to have that msg that php5 isnt installed,right?11:00
rusty149_kwtm: is it a 64-bit machine?11:00
llutz_anternat: "php5" is just a meta-package, so it should be fine11:00
kwtmr00t4rd3d: Haven't been able to do Internet banking because of this.11:00
ne2kkwtm: you have a bank that requires FLASH? man, get out of there QUICKLY!11:00
bonjoyeekwtm: download the libflashplayer.so from adobe and paste in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins11:00
kwtmrusty149_: No, I've always used 32-bit.  THis is a Dell Inspiron that came with Ubuntu.11:00
anternatllutz: last thing can i do something to test with php commands from command line?11:00
llutz_anternat: sorry no idea about php at all11:01
kwtmne2k: Thanks for the comment.  I know of the recommendations, etc, but there is a specific reason I need this bank, so I do appreciate any help in getting flash working for this and other reasons.11:01
HugoGFHow would i open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf through terminal?11:01
anternatty llutz, i appreciate yr help11:01
Eaglellutz: Can I PM you?   :)11:01
vampirnataOH MY Swearword11:01
llutz_Eagle: nope11:01
ne2kkwtm: why do you specifically need flash 10?11:01
vampirnatafixed my ssh problem11:01
Eaglellutz_: Why?11:02
kwtmbonjoyee: Oh, I see, so you think that would be better than doing automated from Ubuntu?  I think getting it manually is what I did before, but that was half a year ago, so I'm not sure if that's the last thing I did.11:02
llutz_Eagle: keep it here in the channel, i don't do personal support11:02
bonjoyeekwtm: this method has never let me down!11:02
vampirnatathe head of our IT is a complete idiot. he's recently installed a new firewall for the firm and decided in his infinite wisdom to block everything except port 80 (even outgoing!!!!!)11:02
q_a_z_steve1bonjoyee !11:03
Eaglellutz_:    :'(11:03
ne2kvampirnata: it is a good policy to block everything you don't need11:03
bonjoyeekwtm: but make sure you remove other versions from synaptic!11:03
q_a_z_steve1vampirnata That would be why11:03
HugoGFne2k: I don't have that setting..?11:03
bonjoyeeq_a_z_steve1: ?11:03
kwtmne2k: I actually want to fix the problem where Firefox says "the flash plugin has crashed"; I believe Flash 10 will solve this but am not sure.  Also because YouTube says "This video will only display in a more current version of flash".11:03
ne2kvampirnata: however, port 80 only seems a little overly restrictive11:03
faLUCEhi. Do you know if ubuntu well works with a Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX-I-E?11:03
ne2kkwtm: which version of ubuntu?11:03
q_a_z_steve1bonjoyee Just saying hello11:03
vampirnatait completely overly restrictive11:04
bonjoyeeq_a_z_steve1: yeah..hows you:)11:04
ne2kkwtm: I have maverick and installed flashplugin-installer, which gives
kwtmbonjoyee: Ah, maybe last time I didn't remove other versions?11:04
=== q_a_z_steve1 is now known as q_a_z_steve
ne2kkwtm: and I use google chrome as the web browser11:04
vampirnataand come on, if you want to be that way fine, but at least unblock it for your IT staff11:04
EaglefaLUCE: Ya It Dose.11:04
q_a_z_stevesomething just totally bombed my network, but hey11:04
bonjoyeekwtm: could be,,11:04
llutz_vampirnata: if theres no need for employees to use things beside 443/80, its ok11:04
HugoGFCan someone tell me how to open a file in the /etc folder?11:04
kwtmne2k: Lucid (10.04)11:04
ox3aq_a_z_steve, yeah but /etc/grub.conf does not exist11:04
vampirnatane2k: i agree, but we need ssh to access our firm's ftp server so that we can create new accounts11:05
kwtmne2k: Okay, so your setup works but you are using Chrome, not Firefox, and you are using Maverick, not Lucid, then.11:05
bonjoyeekwtm: im using flash 64bit (square preview3 currently)11:05
faLUCEEagle: how can you be sure?11:05
EagleHugoGF: Click the folder twice?11:05
q_a_z_steveox3a You've gotten the best answer from that zorin page, the best I could give you for sure11:05
vampirnatane2k: but he's off for the weekend and tbh he's just so moronic, it doesn't matter if we need something or not, he'll do the opposite11:05
kwtmI'm going to switch to wireless so there may be a glitch in my typing...11:06
HugoGFEagle: I mean, through terminal, I need to edit a file in that folder and add something11:06
ox3aq_a_z_steve, Is it gui?11:06
llutz_HugoGF: sudo nano /etc/path/file11:06
q_a_z_steveox3a have you seen the link???11:06
r00t4rd3dkwtm, have you tried reinstalling firefox ?11:06
ox3aq_a_z_steve, yeah11:06
vampirnatallutz_: as I said to ne2k, it's not other employee's i am worried about. he didn't even bother to unblock them for his IT staff who need it to work.11:06
q_a_z_stever00t4rd3d dood where's my mock-them button?11:06
EagleHugoGF:  Oh right  :-[11:06
HugoGFllutz_: Thanks11:06
szpreaderhi, I'm new to ubuntu, can anyone tell me how to set allongside EN another language for the keyboard?11:07
ne2kszpreader: system->preferences->keyboard->layouts ->add11:08
kieppiehi guys. I need to auto-login & start an app (xbmc), & I'm looking for a simple guide (skinny X; no desktop). can anyone please help?11:08
Eagleszpreader: System - Preference and there is three options on keyboards.11:09
ox3aq_a_z_steve, I am remastering ubuntu command line. So no useful any GUI tools when editing because it wont open11:09
r00t4rd3dkwtm, PM11:09
q_a_z_steveox3a ah11:09
ox3aq_a_z_steve, yeah11:09
ne2kkieppie: are you trying to start X and run one program on bootup?11:10
ox3aq_a_z_steve, Just need dpkg,apt-get,nano and other commands11:10
kieppie ne2k:  that's correct11:10
ne2kkieppie: i.e. for a media centre?11:10
Eagleszpreader: Can I PM you?  :)11:10
kieppie ne2k: correct again11:10
q_a_z_stever00t4rd3d have any more splash up your sleeve? no gui allowed...11:11
=== e01 is now known as e01|afk
ne2kkieppie: well you're probably best just editing the inittab and getting rid of gdm, etc. altogether11:11
kieppie ne2k: I'm looking at guides, but they're a bit of a jumble. I'd like some simple instructions11:11
kieppie ne2k: there's no gdm11:11
kieppie ne2k: skinny X11:11
ne2kkieppie: I don't know what that is11:11
bonjoyeekieppie: XBMC has its own distro (live cd) as well!11:12
ox3aq_a_z_steve, so?11:12
hetiiHi :>11:12
hetiiQ: Why ip route show don`t display me the route added by: ip route add default via xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx dev tun1 table 201 ?11:12
q_a_z_steve!patience > ox3a I'm going to see if I can tempt r00t4rd3d11:12
ubottuox3a, please see my private message11:12
ne2khetii: I think by default it will only show the default routing table.11:12
kieppiebonjoyee: I've installed an ultra-minimal setup (with only X installed; no destop-manager) & loading xbmc as the only app11:13
hetiiip route show all sow me the same :/11:13
ne2khetii: you can do ip route show table all11:13
bonjoyeekieppie: oh...ok.11:13
=== yen-thao|Mummum is now known as y-t
Eagleubottu: Can I PM you?  :)11:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:13
ox3aEagle, lol11:14
Eagleox3a: ?????11:14
ne2kkieppie: what happens currently when you boot the system?11:14
r00t4rd3dhmm , not sure how to do with cli11:14
ox3aEagle, PM to bot!11:14
szpreaderyes eagle11:14
ne2kRAH, there is no /etc/inittab on my Ubuntu! how did that happen?!11:15
erUSULhetii: try --> sudo ip route show table all11:15
insmodkieppie: what do you need to do?11:15
bonjoyeekieppie: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=3847311:16
hetiii do it by root :/11:16
q_a_z_steveox3a see r00t4rd3d, now see google, or you could try contacting the owner of the zorin webs11:16
kieppiene2k: I've messed around with it, but have reset to defaults so that I only get a login prompt after boot. basically I need to power the system up, & once the boot's completed, it automatically logs in & starts the app (xbmc) in X11:16
GoliathI have installed cdrtools package, but still when i run k3b i get these errors (http://pastebin.com/3Ajwqp9m). Any ideas?11:17
kieppiebonjoyee: that looks simple enough, thansk11:17
ne2kkieppie: bonjoyee: that guide looks like the Ubuntified way of doing what I was going to suggest11:17
erUSULGoliath: the error says dvd+rw-tools not cdrtools11:18
q_a_z_steveGoliath have you checked synaptic for anything like that?11:18
bonjoyeekieppie: ne2k: well i have never tried this kind of setup..but looks promising anyway!11:18
erUSULGoliath: why did you instaled cdrtools ?11:18
r00t4rd3dkwtm_, hey you here ?11:18
kwtm_Can you hear me, r00t4rd3d?11:18
kieppiecheers, guys. I'll try that in the morning..11:18
GoliatherUSUL: its better11:18
r00t4rd3dyeah look at pm ?11:18
kandinskimy nvidia card has broken, and I am x-less. how can I reconfigure X to use the onboard intel graphix from the console with no gui?11:18
erUSULGoliath: what is better?11:19
=== kwtm_ is now known as kwtm
q_a_z_stever00t4rd3d what's the package handler ui prog like twilight-commander11:19
kwtmubottu: Can you hear me?11:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:19
q_a_z_stevekwtm FTW!11:19
r00t4rd3dq_a_z_steve, what are you talking about ?11:19
q_a_z_stever00t4rd3d the text-ish UI11:19
hetiiok i have it.11:19
insmodkieppie: no just get init to start the .xint file way cleaner11:19
r00t4rd3dstill lost11:19
hetiibut the question is why it don`t work :/11:20
q_a_z_stevetab around and hit 'i' for more info, used it with ubuntu server install11:20
kieppieinsmod: too tired to think now. got a guide, please?11:20
q_a_z_steve!error > hetii11:20
ubottuhetii, please see my private message11:20
erUSULGoliath: remove cdrtools and install dvd+rw-tools. they are different things is like comparing apples and oranges neither is better than the other11:20
insmodkieppie: no just my brain sorry11:20
r00t4rd3dkwtm, can you not see private messages ?11:20
kwtmr00t4rd3d, q_a_z_steve: Hey, I'm back!  Sorry, had to switch to wireless and wait for reconnection.11:21
q_a_z_steveerUSUL FALSE, it was proven in the 70's that oranges are better.11:21
erUSULq_a_z_steve: ^.^11:22
blahdeblahHi.  What simple apps can be used to produce HDR photos on Ubuntu?  I've tried hugin, and the interface is very confusing and i've been unable to produce usable results with it.11:22
q_a_z_steve!best > blahdeblah11:23
ubottublahdeblah, please see my private message11:23
gobbeblahdeblah: gimp11:23
blahdeblahq_a_z_steve: Who said anything about best?11:23
lordNiconso many users11:23
blahdeblahgobbe: Where is it found in gimp?11:24
q_a_z_steveblahdeblah try it11:24
danthemangowhat's gobbe?11:24
q_a_z_stevewhat's danthemango11:24
danthemangoitsa me11:25
kwtmbonjoyee: Thank you! It worked!11:25
danthemangooh, I thought he meant how to find gobbe IN gimp11:25
kwtmbonjoyee: Well, I didn't do *exactly* what you said ... but you inspired me to go manually remove all versions of Flash... but it was still in Firefox.11:25
q_a_z_stevedoingItYourself++ kwtm11:26
bonjoyeekwtm: q_a_z_steve: :)11:27
blahdeblahdanthemango: No, i meant how to find the HDR feature in gimp. :-)11:27
kwtmbonjoyee: It turns out that after removal, there's *still* this flash plugin in my mozilla directory, clinging on like an unwiped piece of ... er, never mind.  Aaaanyway...11:27
HollyxD Can anyone maybe help me with a weird Ubuntu issue?11:27
kwtmbonjoyee: I removed that, and now the usual "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin" has put Flash 10 on my system!  Now I get the best of both worlds: you were right, but also this plugin will be autoupdated with apt-get. :)11:28
q_a_z_steve!anyone > Holly11:28
ubottuHolly, please see my private message11:28
bonjoyeekwtm: thats nice!! best of both world truly!:)11:28
=== ipsr is now known as archana
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.11:29
archanahow to set proxy for apt11:29
ChrisDruifq_a_z_steve: They need more developers thou ;)11:29
=== Salzig is now known as Salz`
kwtmYEsss!!  I can now do banking again!!11:30
q_a_z_steveChrisDruif ???11:30
ChrisDruifGimp q_a_z_steve :)11:30
ChrisDruifThey've got about 2,5 active developers :)11:30
kwtmne2k: Okay, so now that it works: to address your comment about banking and flash: my bank does NOT require flash for everyday banking.11:30
q_a_z_steveChrisDruif who are you suggesting join the team?11:30
insmodkwtm: what did you say your ip was?11:30
sacarlsonarchana: synaptic has settings for proxy in preferrences>network11:30
pixie79hi all, i have an odd problem i am guessing i need to updated a config file somewhere but i am not sure. We have several programs that write their pid files to sub dirs inside /var/run, however as these are customer dirs that we add for example /var/run/web, after a reboot the directory is gone11:31
pixie79does anyone know how to make these persistant ?11:31
kwtmne2k: However, one important function requires flash: generating a disposable credit card number (the only way I will do eCommerce over the web)11:31
kwtminsmod: Why, are you going to hack into my computer?  Lessee... I'm at
jolarenIf I want to use Mono in Ubuntu I do "mono program.?" if I want to use pspda in Ubuntu I run "pspda file.+" but if I want to run OpenAL I can't run "OpenAL program.?"  -.. what is the correct commando?11:31
archanasacarlson, but i have a proxy server with authentication11:31
ChrisDruifI don't know....but the text thing said advanced image manipulation....however, they are going instinct :)11:31
ne2kkwtm: never heard of such a thing. don't you trust SSL?11:31
ne2kkwtm: and, you know, like, the law?11:31
insmodkwtm: :) me@home.com11:32
kwtmne2k: Not a matter of what I trust.  When I ask to use disposable credit card numbers, it launches a flash app.  What does that have to do with whether I trust SSL?11:32
sacarlsonarchana: the proxy settings in synaptic also include authentication settings11:32
judgenWhat key do tey mean with "^G"11:32
=== Liammm is now known as Liammm-Laptop
ne2kkwtm: I was wondering why you need a disposable credit card number. I just use my credit card and have never had any problems11:32
q_a_z_steve!error > jolaren11:32
ubottujolaren, please see my private message11:32
ChrisDruifjudgen: I'm not sure, but I think it's Ctrl+G11:33
Goliath do you guys use burning group with k3b?11:33
Goliathor i dont need it11:33
archanasacarlson, ok but i am getting forbidden error all over when i use sudo apt-get update11:33
q_a_z_stevekwtm what bank is this?11:33
kwtmne2k: Ah, I see!  TO answer your question: I do trust SSL, but do not trust the corporate databases in which my credit card number is stored.11:33
avanofhi there11:33
avanofcan I create a symbolic link from a Makefile?11:33
sacarlsonarchana: that is cli not synaptic11:33
kwtmne2k: And, no, I do not trust the law.  The law does not prevent crime from happening.  It merely punishes crime when it does happen.  (Maybe.)11:33
jolarenq_a_z_steve: How do I use OpenAL in Ubuntu from the Commandline?11:34
kwtmq_a_z_steve: Citibank.  Virtual credit card numbers.11:34
sacarlsonarchana: are you running desktop edition?  or do you only have cli?11:34
jolarenq_a_z_steve: I can't find it in the man section11:34
archanasacarlson, so how can i set proxy for cli??11:34
insmodkwtm: actually you are at kwtm1@adsl-75-61-98-203.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net11:34
archanasacarlson, i am using desktop edition11:34
kwtmne2k: THere are other conveniences from disposable credit card numbers, too.11:34
insmodkwtm: and that is easy to hack :)11:34
archanasacarlson, i found something in /etc/apt/atp.conf but accidently deleted it11:34
q_a_z_steve!error > avanof11:35
ubottuavanof, please see my private message11:35
sacarlsonarchana: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html11:35
kwtmne2k: For example, more than once I was on a web site buying something, but the website was flaky and it wasn't clear whether I was successful in buying or not.11:35
judgenChrisDruif: Nope that did not work..11:35
q_a_z_steve!info OpenAL > jolaren11:35
avanofI want to create a symboli link inside a Makefile11:35
kwtmne2k: So, I simply bought the item again, without worrying about whether the first purchase went through.11:35
judgenChrisDruif: I am supposed to press ^G+C to greate a new window.11:35
sacarlsonarchana: if your running desktop why not just use synaptic?11:36
archanasacarlson, i tried that but the same error11:36
=== bewofthe is now known as cuznt
avanofI don't know why but when I type make install, even if I have compiled before the project it recompiles again11:36
=== cuznt is now known as bewofthe
avanofand it delete a file11:36
ChrisDruifjudgen: In which program is that short used?11:36
avanofthe file is this symbolic link11:36
kwtmne2k: Because I had created a disposable credit card with a credit limit slightly above the amount I was going to spend, the second purchase would not go through if the first purchas already had.11:36
judgenChrisDruif: dvtm11:36
AbhiJiti locked sticky note and force quit applet. but still they always change their positions. help11:36
sacarlsonarchana: does anything work on your proxy?  like firefox?11:36
archanasacarlson, yes,11:36
kwtminsmod: Oh yeah?  Well, I'm not going to tell you which operating system I use so you can't hack me!  Ooops, wait, I think I already did.11:36
avanofso I want to call a script at the end of the makefile in order to create this link11:37
jolarenq_a_z_steve: I'm refering to the library libopenal1.. it does exist11:37
q_a_z_stevejudgen Meta key?11:37
archanasacarlson, i am able to access internet via firefox11:37
kwtminsmod: And I'm not going to tell you that my password is hunter2, either!  Hah!11:37
insmodkwtm: simple sans tell11:37
ramviI try to connect to my server over ssh, but I'm disconnected right away. "Connection to x closed." Google said the user might not have shell access -- how do I give it shell access?11:37
ChrisDruifjudgen: Ctrl+G then C?11:37
sacarlsonarchana: did you try synaptic?11:37
judgenChrisDruif: i tried pressing them all at once... i will try11:37
archanasacarlson, yes, synaptic is working11:37
judgenChrisDruif: that worked =D11:37
archanasacarlson, but love to work on cli, and learn cli11:37
kwtmAnyway, I am off to catch up on all the youtube videos that hadn't been working before. :)  Thanks bonjoyee11:37
judgenthankyou very much11:38
q_a_z_steveavanof ln -s /path/to/file filehere11:38
sacarlsonarchana: well keep googleing then11:38
insmodkwtm: kevin digged indumpsters11:38
sacarlsonarchana: I"m sure there is a way11:38
kwtminsmod: Hope mitnick isn't living close to me. :)11:38
ChrisDruifjudgen: There are more commands you can read on: http://www.hilltopyodeler.com/blog/?p=40111:38
kwtmBye all.11:38
archanasacarlson, ok thanks for the support11:38
moniquehi all, can you please tell how to add ms fonts without replacing the ones ubuntu has?11:39
ChrisDruifYou're welcome judgen :)11:39
q_a_z_steveramvi need to add it to a group11:39
AbhiJit!restricted | monique11:39
ubottumonique: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:39
bonjoyeekwtm: now i wish i had a paypal account...would have benefited from those virtual credit cards of yours;)11:39
avanofq_a_z_steve, yes but I mean, I get errors when I write: ls in the Makefile11:39
AbhiJit!fonts | monique11:40
ubottumonique: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/11:40
erUSULmonique: ubuntu-restricted-extras includes the MS core fonts11:40
insmodmonique: add them to .fonts11:40
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:40
ramviq_a_z_steve: It's in the same groups (one), as other users which are able to connect. What group should I add it to?11:40
erUSULmonique: if you only want the fonts the package is ttf-mscorefonts-installer11:40
archanatell archana !synaptic11:40
archana!synaptic | archana11:41
ubottuarchana, please see my private message11:41
nigelbarchana: you probably should PM the bot instead of using the channel for it.11:41
ejvinsmod: yup11:41
insmodejv: figured it out11:41
q_a_z_steveavanof who said anything about ls11:42
avanofq_a_z_steve, ah ok I'm going to try it11:42
insmodejv: it can't do wep or wpa-psk11:42
insmodejv: that's all i have on the router it can do open though11:43
sacarlsoninsmod: can't wpasuplicant work on anything?11:43
moniquethanks guys! now can you please tell how to use an added language? I'm using the US layout, but sometimes I need the other language use in documents........11:43
q_a_z_steveramvi I've seen a shell group with a CentOS install,11:43
ramviq_a_z_steve: this is both ubuntu server and client11:43
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avanofq_a_z_steve, same error: Makefile:263: *** missing separator.  Stop.11:44
insmodsacarlson: i am doing tomorrow11:44
avanofq_a_z_steve, I added this line: ln -s ~/ToCompile/armlibfreenect/libfreenect/build/Makefile danylink at the end of the Makefile11:44
sacarlsoninsmod: check out wpagui  it works with wpasuplicant11:44
q_a_z_stevewhy not just issue the command outside avanof ?11:45
insmodsacarlson: thanks11:45
=== Habstinat_ is now known as Habstinat
q_a_z_steveramvi group may not exist yet, which allows shell access in specific, google?11:45
avanofq_a_z_steve, because I need to generate it before the make install11:45
insmodsacarlson: what about kust hide the ip?11:46
sacarlsoninsmod: I total non security,  if I want security I do openvpn11:46
avanofq_a_z_steve, every time I call the make install, it recompiles the project and erase a symbolic link11:46
go^Hi :P11:46
moniqueerUSUL can I pm you?11:46
insmodsacarlson: eek11:47
erUSULmonique: ok11:47
sacarlsoninsmod: ya and just setup you wifi network static I guess that's what you mean by hide ip,  no one will play with it11:48
erUSULmonique: « /msg nick hi » is better11:48
ejvinsmod: interesting! possibly a firmware issue; i've used strictly dd-wrt / tomato for the last 5 years11:48
ChrisDruif!synaptic | ChrisDruif11:49
ubottuChrisDruif, please see my private message11:49
ejvthat being said, i can auth with wep just fine with mine11:49
insmodsacarlson: what do you mean?11:49
sacarlsoninsmod: I meant don't run a dhcp just run static ip,  I was guessing what you meant hide ip11:50
insmodsacarlson: can't --- isp11:50
q_a_z_steveavanof google around for a #linux-coders or something like that. Doesn't show up for me on freenode11:50
sacarlsoninsmod: oh ok your isp is wpa?11:51
avanofq_a_z_steve, I have found this:11:51
avanofq_a_z_steve, I need to create something like: variable = $(shell echo $(VERSION))11:51
avanofavanof, but after I don't know how to call it11:51
insmodsacarlson: no i want wpa-psk but no options for it11:52
q_a_z_steveecho $VERSION ?11:52
AbhiJiti locked sticky note and force quit applet. but still they always change their positions. help11:52
q_a_z_steveavanof you would use the export command11:52
sacarlsoninsmod: I assume you mean options you your side the client,  check out wpagui and wpasupplicant it has all that cool stuf11:53
q_a_z_steveavanof as one possibility11:53
avanofq_a_z_steve, but I want to call it in the makefile not export it11:53
insmodsacarlson: yes my drunk friend you said that -- chhers!11:53
q_a_z_steveAbhiJit locking prevents editing, not screen placement imo11:53
sacarlsoninsmod: I'm only on my first beer11:54
insmodsacarlson: lol -- so you are a female!!!11:54
AbhiJitq_a_z_steve, ok. so i want its screen placement to be locked. any idea?11:54
bazhang!ot | sacarlson insmod11:54
ubottusacarlson insmod: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:55
sacarlsoninsmod: nope11:55
* insmod remembers his first beer11:55
q_a_z_stevemakefile code is just as temporary as export would be... "set" could also exist, this is where google or #linux-coders will be better. see !topic11:56
insmodbazhang: <-----11:56
bazhanginsmod, yes?11:56
q_a_z_steveAbhiJit doubt that's in the program itself. try googling for hints within your particular windows management program11:57
AbhiJitq_a_z_steve, ok11:57
q_a_z_steveor X1111:57
EagleHi dose anyone know how to configure a windows game to opperate in Linux?11:58
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:58
AbhiJitEagle, which game?11:58
vampirnatait's also great to drink11:58
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
EagleAbhiJit:   Half Life 211:59
q_a_z_steveEagle please try http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html11:59
EagleAbhiJit: Or Left 4 dead12:00
ubottuSteam can be run under Ubuntu by installing WINE and running the installer from http://www.steampowered.com/ as normal. Application support in WINE can be found in #winehq12:00
q_a_z_steveOh look, problem solved12:00
AbhiJitEagle, look for steam or try wine12:00
AbhiJitdunno much about gamew12:00
q_a_z_steveAbhiJit Steam OR wine?12:01
AbhiJiti said naa12:01
AbhiJiti dunno much about games. so i told him to try both12:01
q_a_z_steve!steam > AbhiJit12:01
ubottuAbhiJit, please see my private message12:01
EagleAbhiJit:    12:01
Eagleq_a_z_steve:  You Two sure it will work?12:01
AbhiJiti only know that steam is something to do with games12:01
Diamondciteq_a_z_steve: I think Eagle is the one getting help, not AbhiJit..12:02
bashelinai need help with the printing utility.  system-config-printer .................12:02
q_a_z_steveAbhiJit see ubottu12:02
EagleThis is a high graphical game12:02
q_a_z_steveEagle Steam community / team will make it work the best they can, they developed the game12:02
DiamondciteEagle: Is this game being installed from STEAM or from an older Retail CD/DVD?12:02
skumaramy laptop overheated to 90 celcius and auto shut off just now. If there any software to power save or control fan speed in laptop?12:02
bazhangEagle, /j #winehq for specific games after checking the appdb12:03
bazhang!appdb > Eagle12:03
ubottuEagle, please see my private message12:03
q_a_z_steveDiamondcite ?? Try again12:03
mhaheya. Any good way of debugging upstart? upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 and when starting with --verbose it just hangs after the mountall-net, refusing to initialize network nor move forward in the init phase.12:03
skumaraubottu powersave12:03
Diamondciteq_a_z_steve: Never mind.. I think you had the wrong person in mind when targeting your earlier messages.12:03
EagleDiamondcite:  older12:03
q_a_z_steveskumara what manufacturer?12:04
Big_bearoccidental pepole hate communism12:04
skumaraq_a_z_steve, cpmpaq presario cq4212:04
bazhangBig_bear, wrong channel12:04
q_a_z_steveDiamondcite no, I didn't, both needed info when saying things like OR12:04
DiamondciteEagle: Please have a look at http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=289012:04
AbhiJitq_a_z_steve, got it12:05
erUSUL!ro | monique12:05
ubottumonique: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro12:05
WyleECoyotehi, anyone here know how  setup recordmydesktop to record sound from flashgame NOT mic?12:05
q_a_z_steveskumara could try something similar to dellfans but google for presario 90ºC isn't anything, but you don't want the fan to slow down at that point...12:05
EagleDiamondcite:  THANKS! :)12:06
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
aksh1i have all i have installed ubuntu 10.04 64 bit and usb_modswitch from debian squeeze but still tata photon+ s not working in it12:07
Busatahellow, I'm using earphones on my laptop with ubuntu 10.10 remix... but they're originally for a cellphone (has a button I can push to talk, I think)... now the problem is the sound volume & quality is very low when playing music in ubuntu... unless I push that button, which makes it sound like it should, any way to avoid this?12:07
q_a_z_steve!anyone > WyleECoyote are you getting errors when you try through the program?12:07
ubottuWyleECoyote, please see my private message12:07
=== Habstinat_ is now known as Habstinat
skumaraq_a_z_steve, i actually want the system to display message at 75 celcius so that i can exits running programs.12:08
q_a_z_stevetell !debian | aksh112:09
WyleECoyote@Busata, did you try setting all volume to highest level in alsamixer?12:09
q_a_z_steve!debian | aksh112:09
ubottuaksh1: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!12:09
EagleDiamondcite: How do i download the episodes. How do i download it as one  " Whole Life"  ?12:09
EagleDiamondcite: Will it work without gliches??12:10
aksh1q_a_z_steve, how to add support if photon+ not detecting ubuntu then12:10
rejoinhow can i cut time from file, for example all lines that begin with 17:2312:11
q_a_z_steveskumara notification area, sounds like something you're going to have to google / code yourself.12:11
Eaglerejoin: olleh12:11
rejoinhi Eagle12:11
q_a_z_steve!awk > rejoin12:11
ubotturejoin, please see my private message12:11
BusataWyleECoyote: well, I forgot to mention that it actually mutes the voices only , it's somewhat fixed when I force it to left or right ear 100%12:11
rejoinany ideas?12:12
AbhiJitis 0ad is in repo? i type 0ad and USC dont give me anything! :'(12:12
Eaglerejoin: ???????12:12
q_a_z_steveBusata get a real pair of headphones?12:12
sacarlsonrejoin: with a bash script with sed or a ruby script I guess12:13
=== y-t is now known as yen-thao
q_a_z_steve!packages > AbhiJit12:13
ubottuAbhiJit, please see my private message12:13
q_a_z_stevesacarlson rejoin or awk12:13
rejoinsacarlson, i've never used sed before12:13
Busataq_a_z_steve: thank you for that amazingly constructive comment, I wish I came up with that idea myself! (I forgot my headphones at home, and only got these lousy ones with me)12:13
q_a_z_steveAbhiJit go look at that page, it will tell you what repos if it's there.12:13
jordan_guild wars on ubuntu 10.04 amd 2.1    2gb ddr2 ram12:14
q_a_z_steveBusata Can you at least try some others to see if it's an issue?12:14
jordan_does anyone know if its possible12:14
WyleECoyoteyep Busata, think q_a_z_steve is right maybe need a real set of headphones12:14
erUSULrejoin: sed -i 's/^17:23.*//' file > newfile12:14
q_a_z_stevejordan_ that's a question for guild wars developers12:15
Eagleq_a_z_steve: Can I PM you?12:15
erUSULrejoin: drop the -i12:15
Busataq_a_z_steve , WyleECoyote : I know it are shitty earphones, I have a decent headphones at home, I was just wondering if there was a way to fix it. (as the earphones work fine on the cellphone for example)12:15
jordan_well i hear wine can take in but i want to know how to12:16
Busatabut I guess not then, thanks12:16
q_a_z_steveBusata do the PC or external speakers work?12:16
Eagleq_a_z_steve:  Can you PM me ?12:16
Busataq_a_z_steve: probably, colleagues won't like it tho :)12:16
q_a_z_steveBusata then we can't troubleshoot your sound12:16
erUSULjordan_: just double click on setup.exe and follow instructions like you would do in windows12:16
erUSULjordan_: after installing wine12:17
Busataq_a_z_steve: nevermind :)12:17
q_a_z_steveBusata external is part of troubleshooting, sorry12:17
jordan_i did that months ago(wine), now12:17
rejoinerUSUL, thank you a lot :)12:17
erUSULrejoin: no problem12:17
q_a_z_stevecase in point my phones work but NOT my external. I'll get around to it one day.12:18
Busataq_a_z_steve: there's no problem with the sound or music, it works fine, I was just hoping to make it work with these particular earphones12:18
erUSULjordan_: then insert the GW disc and double click on setup.exe then follow instructions like you would do in windows12:18
erUSULjordan_: that's all i did back in the day12:18
q_a_z_steveBusata what you are asking us to do is rewire your jack to work with a third wire.12:18
WyleECoyoteI am trying to use gtk-recordMyDesktop to record an online game with sound but can only find help with using mic. is there a way to record flash sound too?12:18
Busataq_a_z_steve: the earphones work fine on a cellphone12:19
Busatabut I guess that's what you mean?12:19
q_a_z_steveBusata because they are expecting the third band. look at it!12:19
jordan_what are the requirement for "gw"12:19
q_a_z_steveunplug jack see three, left and right only has two, pos and neg12:19
Busataq_a_z_steve: yup, you're right, oki12:20
erUSULjordan_: that you will have to ask elsewhere ... #winehq ?12:20
Busataclassified as shitty earphones for laptops it is12:20
EagleBusata:  cellphone earphones are not made for computers. By  a good new pair>>>12:20
erUSUL!appdb | jordan_12:20
ubottujordan_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:20
NevroPusHi. Is there a way to install Qt 4.7 in Lucid Lynx without compiling from source?12:20
q_a_z_steveBusata borrow someone's ipod set for a day12:20
BusataI'll survive!12:21
EagleNevroPus: Yes there is.12:21
NevroPusEagle: How? I can't find a package for Lynx12:21
NevroPusOr can I maybe add the repo from the next release and install it from that?12:21
q_a_z_steve!packages > NevroPus12:21
ubottuNevroPus, please see my private message12:21
=== mint33 is now known as Guest70653
q_a_z_steve!ask > Guest7065312:22
ubottuGuest70653, please see my private message12:22
Guest70653which is the best edition of ubuntu to ask for a basic user ?12:22
NevroPusq_a_z_steve: I know of synaptics, the problem is that the verison there is 4.6, and I need 4.712:22
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:22
jribGuest70653: 10.04 or 10.10 (most recent)12:22
icerootNevroPus: tried the backports?12:23
Guest70653thanks jrib12:23
moonrakerGuest70653: use LiveCD Maverick works fine12:23
q_a_z_steveNevroPus no, go look at the packages.ubuntu.com, then you'll see whether repository will help you.12:23
q_a_z_stevemoonraker you know that much about their system already? jk12:23
icerootNevroPus: q_a_z_steve please dont mix repositories12:23
iceroot!backports | NevroPus12:24
ubottuNevroPus: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:24
Guest70653whats that program again where u can use it to install any linux from windows ?12:24
icerootGuest70653: wubi?12:24
jribGuest70653: the advantage of 10.04 is that you won't have to upgrade for two years (when the next LTS is released).  10.04 is supported until April 2013.  With 10.10, you really have to keep upgrading every 6 months (even though it has support for 18 months)12:24
Guest70653thats it12:24
q_a_z_steveiceroot I'll give you that, barely.12:24
Guest70653thanks ircroot12:24
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Guest70653ok jrib, thanks mate12:24
NevroPusiceroot: they are not in backports12:25
moonrakerq_a_z_steve: compare to the rubbish I have been using and the rapid learning curve I have been on - maybe !!!!   LOL12:25
Eagleiceroot: Whats wubi?12:25
iceroot!wubi | Eagle12:25
ubottuEagle: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe12:25
Eagle!wubi | Eagle ???12:25
ubottuEagle ???: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe12:25
icerootNevroPus: normally its hart to run a newer QT version because it has a lots of dependencies, e.g. the hole kde4 desktop12:25
NevroPusiceroot: Can I use the natty repo?12:26
Guest70653whats the natty repo, NevroPus ?12:26
icerootNevroPus: that will break your system12:26
NevroPusiceroot: I think the dependencies for qt4-devel-tools are just from qt412:26
q_a_z_steve!natty > Guest7065312:26
ubottuGuest70653, please see my private message12:26
NevroPusiceroot: So I will have to compile it myselv then?12:26
Guest70653thanks q_a_z_steve12:27
icerooti think there are binaries too but i dont know12:27
icerootNevroPus: ^12:27
Busataq_a_z_steve: thanks for the idea btw, plugging it only in for 2 bands works too :-)12:27
NevroPusdon't look like qt have it themself, well. Thanks for the help though, I'll look a bit better at QT.12:27
moonrakerq_a_z_steve: newbie !!!! question for you...... what do the > & | refer to ?? where can I go to get the next lesson!!! ha ha12:28
q_a_z_stevemoonraker you mean when I'm hitting every trigger I know? r00t4rd3d :)12:29
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.12:29
lorosanyone tried Oz Unity?12:29
EagleCan some one help! where do i find where X Moto is installed to get all the suits, so i dont have to download them again. Where would the X moto be installed?12:29
moniquecan anyone please tell me how to check if the video driver is installed in 10.10?12:29
Dr_Willismonique:  what video chipset?12:30
q_a_z_stevemoonraker > is a way to have bots PM rather than just highlight the user, like | . In code/console one sends to a file, the other sends to a command12:30
moniqueati mobility12:30
Dr_Willischeck the system -> admin -> addational drivers tool.12:30
q_a_z_steve!error > loros12:31
ubottuloros, please see my private message12:31
moonrakerq_a_z_steve: cheers - thanks12:31
moniqueit says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"12:31
EagleDr_Willis: Are you a fan of the gaming world? If you are could you help me with grtting them to work on Ubuntu?12:32
moniqueit only shows me the modem12:32
q_a_z_steveEagle X Moto is another game? try right clicking on it's icon and going to properties12:32
Dr_WillisEagle:  it totally depends on the game.     You can use the pacakg4e manager to see where xmoto is installed to and where its data files would be at.12:32
loroshas anyone tried the Oz Unity version of Ubuntu? if so I would like a quick review comment12:33
q_a_z_steve!best > loros12:33
Dr_Willismonique:  its possible the propriety drivers dont support that card.12:33
ubottuloros, please see my private message12:33
SergeyITmonique, it's OK. No additional driver exists12:33
ubottumoonraker, please see my private message12:33
lorosthank you12:33
=== yJqcTIiK is now known as Le-Saint
moniqueI see that the ubuntu effects run just fine12:34
EagleDr_Willis: What about windows Games- Half Life 2??? WILL IT WORK?12:34
Dr_Willis!appdb | Eagle12:35
ubottuEagle: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:35
ahmed_ 12:35
ubottumoonraker, please see my private message12:35
javier__could I get some help?12:35
EagleDr_Willis: Thanks Man   :)12:36
moonrakerjavier_:ask your question12:36
javier__my fan is on at 100%, is there any way to fix it?12:36
javier__it's always on12:37
q_a_z_steveEagle just TRY IT12:37
Eagleq_a_z_steve: ???????12:38
abdel_my system freezes after installation of 10.1012:38
abdel_especially the mouse and keyboard12:38
abdel_somebody help12:38
=== richard is now known as Guest31242
q_a_z_steveEagle you've been trolling forever after we've all just told you to go get !wine12:39
=== Guest31242 is now known as richardr
Dr_Willisabdel_:  state your system specs/video and where its freezing at exactly, to the chnanel please.12:39
q_a_z_steveabdel_ can you get to another screen at all, Ctrl+Alt+F2 ?12:39
abdel_hp 682012:40
abdel_2gb RAM12:40
q_a_z_steveabdel_ how fast is the processor, please?12:40
abdel_its only the mouse and keyboard that freesez for 10 to 15 seconds12:40
moonrakerabdel_: Are you dual booting??12:40
moniqueis there a key combination for shut down?12:41
Eagleq_a_z_steve:  I have not been trolling!  I have been asking if it will WORK! Im concerned that a game like Half Life 2 will use up resorces!12:41
abdel_well am new to ubuntu12:41
Dr_WillisEagle:  it will use resopurces  - yes.. games do that.12:41
abdel_how do u mean dual booting12:41
q_a_z_steveAll of which is either an issue for you to JUST TRY or ask in #winehq12:41
moonrakerEagle: No flame wars plse!!!12:41
Dr_WillisEagle:  and i beluive the wine app database state the game works decentlty well.12:41
q_a_z_steveabdel_ do you have any other operating systems currently installed on this system?12:42
q_a_z_stevemonique Ctrl+Alt+Del ?12:42
moonrakerabdel_: are you trying to boot ubuntu and windows on the same hd?12:42
EagleDr_Willis: Thanks again :)  :)12:42
abdel_it only ubuntu12:42
abdel_i have on my pc12:42
q_a_z_steveit's installed, right, not running from CD?12:42
abdel_I only have ubuntu on my pc12:42
moonrakerabdel_: how have you installed ubuntu??12:43
VP1 jrib: Using 10.10  If i dont upgrade in 6 months, what r the effects?12:43
moniqueoh, it's the same as in win..... :p12:43
q_a_z_stevemonique Hardware actually, kicks off a motherboard command12:43
abdel_yes i have installed ubuntu12:43
abdel_ok i installed it via12:44
abdel_usb flash12:44
abdel_and everything was smooth12:44
VP1 jrib: I'm using 10.10  If i dont upgrade in 6 months, what r the effects?12:44
moniqueI'm just installed ubuntu this morning....I ain't got a clue about you just said12:44
moonrakerabdel_: when you installed ubuntu was it to a clean hd drive or had it been used for another o/s?12:44
q_a_z_steveVP1 he already told you12:44
moniqueI just installed ubuntu this morning....I ain't got a clue about what you just said12:44
abdel_yes it has xp on it before12:44
abdel_\i removed it and did a fresh installation12:45
jribVP1: none, you're fine. But if in 18 months, it's no longer supported (so you then need to upgrade to the next version).12:45
jribVP1: upgrading isn't a bad thing mind you, update-manager automatically pops-up and just says "click here" to upgrade12:45
q_a_z_stevemonique Ctrl+Alt+Del is a hardware command that works most of the time, to trigger a reboot.12:45
moniqueI see12:45
bazhangq_a_z_steve, you mean logout12:45
moniquecan I use thunderbird mail with yahoo and msn accounts?12:46
Dr_Willisalt-ctrl-del should work from the console. but not from X i belive12:46
kwpsbrasilPrecisa de transporte executivo? acesse já http://www.driveriocar.com.br/12:46
kwpsbrasilGames for cell, for linux and other things acesss my site http://www.brunopage.com.br12:46
FloodBot4kwpsbrasil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:46
q_a_z_stevebazhang not last I checked, unless you mean userlevel 0 as some sort of place normal users want to end up12:46
Le-SaintI need help12:46
moonrakerabdel_: Chances are you have wubi in a partition which is causing the problem - when I had this I had to delete all partitions and then install ubuntu - to destroy wubi12:46
hetiiok i found my problem. on some reason when i had /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter set to 0 then the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tun1/rp_filter was set to 1 :/12:46
VP1 jrib: Thanks. But what comes in support?12:46
lcbhi. due to a typo (mistake) i added myself 'lcb' with command ' $ adduser lcb '. now i lost all my permissions, including not being in the sudoers file. i didn't reboot since then though. how can i recover from that?12:46
hetiiwith argument had priority the all or interface ?12:47
jribVP1: the updates you get for your software so you stay safe :)12:47
q_a_z_stevemonique that will depend on your region settings and plenty more on each service. google for #thunderbird on moznet.org I think12:47
Le-SaintAnyone familiar with this error "Error mounting: mount: /dev/sdd1: can't read superblock"12:47
jriblcb: I'm confused.  What exactly did you type?12:47
Dr_Willislcb:  perhaps boot live cd, or to single user/rescue mode and use the proper commands. (no idea what commands those would be)12:47
VP1 jrib: Thaks 1nc agn12:47
lcbjrib: i added myself12:47
jriblcb: typing "i added myself" would just produce a syntax error12:48
leagrislcb restart in rescue mode i guess, or add single to kernel boot option12:48
q_a_z_steveLe-Saint start from the beginning12:48
lcbjrib: while doing some samba permitions and adding users i did that12:48
jriblcb: did WHAT?12:48
=== sburjan`` is now known as sburjan`
lcbjrib: adduser lcb (as root12:48
jriblcb: you must have done something different than just "adduser lcb" because "adduser lcb" would not remove any permissions12:48
abdel_so what do you suggest monkarat12:49
lcbjrib, looks like it did12:49
moonrakerabdel_: Go to Ubuntu Forums and get Boot Info Script - run this and post on forum - eople there can examine your set up and solve the issue.:)12:49
jriblcb: what is the output of « ls /home »?12:49
lcbjrib: hold on pls12:49
Le-Saintq_a_z_steve> I have an external multimedia hard drive 500 Gb when I plug it so I can explore it it shows me this error and no access12:49
abdel_help me monkar12:49
q_a_z_steve!ask > lcb12:49
ubottulcb, please see my private message12:50
mmjapanese only12:50
no4i downloaded an iso file on ubuntu and i extracted it and now its a bunch of files how do i make it into one iso file12:50
=== vincent is now known as Guest23941
lcbjrib: output -> lcb  lost+found  samba12:50
q_a_z_steve!jp | mm12:50
ubottumm: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい12:50
JuJuBeeI aquired a rack mount server (IBM I think) with P3 1.26Ghz CPU, 1.5GB RAM, 36GB SCSI HD.  I installed ubuntu server and it all seemed to go fine.  On reboot, it comes up to (initramfs) rather than booting the os.  I installed grub onto mbr.  What is going on?12:50
abdel_ok thanks12:50
nibblerno4, genisoimage (commandline12:50
jriblcb: is this an ubuntu installation from the official iso?12:50
q_a_z_steveno4 unless you didn't delete the iso12:50
lcbjrib: yes, only server 10.10 (remote machine now)12:51
jriblcb: so "lcb" is the user you created during install?12:51
kwpsbrasilGames for cell, for linux and other things acesss my site blog.brunopage.com.br12:51
nibblerJuJuBee, in theinitramfs prompt, check /dev, fdisk, dmesg etc to see what the problem might be. maybe the harddisk-controller is not detected?12:51
moonrakerabdel_: Try this link http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/12:51
q_a_z_steve!error > JuJuBee give more details as to the screen you see12:51
ubottuJuJuBee, please see my private message12:51
lcbq_a_z_steve: !ask > lcb -->  -bash: !ask: event not found12:52
moonrakerabdel_: Then paste the report into ubuntu forums in Installation section12:52
q_a_z_stevelcb ???12:52
lcbjrib: yes, it is12:52
JuJuBeeq_a_z_steve:  I will go reboot and get more detail...12:52
lcbq_a_z_steve: disregard that, i didn't realize it was your command for the bot12:53
abdel_thanks man12:53
abdel_will try it sir12:53
moonrakerabdel_ no worries12:53
jriblcb: when you run "adduser lcb" and the lcb user already exists, it will just say "adduser: The user `lcb' already exists.".  It wouldn't touch permissions :/  In any case.  What exactly do you mean by "lost all my permissions"?  Presumably, you are no longer in the admin group (pastebin the output of « groups lcb »).  What else?12:54
deezerjoin #dd-wrt12:54
no4i type genisoimage and i give it the path it wont do anything12:54
q_a_z_stevedeezer missing something?12:54
lcbjrib: probably. i believe you. the fact is that i lost all permitions after that12:54
q_a_z_steveno4 man genisoimage12:54
moonrakerq_a_z_steve: quick learner LOL12:54
jriblcb: when you run "adduser lcb" and the lcb user already exists, it will just say "adduser: The user `lcb' already exists.".  It wouldn't touch permissions :/  In any case.  What exactly do you mean by "lost all my permissions"?  Presumably, you are no longer in the admin group (pastebin the output of « groups lcb »).  What else?12:54
no4says input charset not specified12:55
lcbjrib: yes, i'm no longer in the admin group12:55
lcbjrib: hold on pls12:55
q_a_z_steveThank you for holding, can I take your order?12:56
skplid liek fries with that12:56
* Dr_Willis wants a glutton bucket super sized... and a large diet soda12:57
lcbjrib: i think is not necessary pastbin because the output is only my KCASA workgroup (from samba configurations) :  lcb : lcb KCASA12:57
jriblcb: What exactly do you mean by "lost all my permissions"?  What else happened regarding permissions other than no longer being in the admin group?12:57
lcbq_a_z_steve: a pizza and a coffee12:57
JuJuBeeOK, fdisk -l -> "/bin/sh: fdisk: not found" and dmesg | grep scsi seems to suggest it sees the HDD controller... "SCSI 3:0:0:0: Direct-Access Seagate.... "12:58
q_a_z_stevelcb YOU are the one putting us on hold. And my couch is getting scratched with anticipation.12:58
lcbjrib: i did that last night. now, when i tried to suso su i received the message: lcb is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.12:58
JuJuBeeAlso "Adapter AIC7xxx EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA Driver..."12:58
lcboops, sudo su, i mean12:58
q_a_z_stevecfdisk perhaps?12:59
jriblcb: you're not answering my question, can you read it over one more time?  Or is not being able to sudo the only issue?12:59
sacarlsonlcb: jrib: I guess if your loged in to lcb you could verify that your no longer sudo by doing sudo -s  it should respond like no can do or ask for a password12:59
lcbjrib, pls 1 sec. phone12:59
q_a_z_steveJuJuBee ^^12:59
JuJuBeeI will check12:59
JuJuBeeq_a_z_steve: cfdisk not found13:00
q_a_z_stevelcb dood, I mean wow.13:00
albertoHello everyone13:00
q_a_z_steveJuJuBee meh worth a shot. Might need to get back to a liveCD for a minute...13:01
lcbback. jrib: as i said, in the previous message i did that (adduser lcb) last night. now, when i returned to the machine i tried to make sudo command and i recieved that message. since then i'm here13:01
q_a_z_stevealberto, everyone says hello13:01
jriblcb: ok, I'm going to assume that you're only issue is that you can't sudo then.  Do you still have a root prompt available?13:01
=== yen-thao is now known as y-t
JuJuBeeq_a_z_steve: I tried to boot a regular Ubuntu Live CD and it would not boot, that is when I switched to server13:02
lcbjrib: lcb@srv:~$ sudo su | [sudo] password for lcb: | lcb is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.13:02
AbhiJitblogtk is not running. help13:02
albertoHow can I change OpenOffice language once installed?13:02
q_a_z_steveJuJuBee with your specs... I'm curious why it wouldn't boot13:02
rumpe1alberto, always13:03
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #openoffice.org.13:03
albertorumpel Excuse me?13:03
jriblcb: I'll take that as a "no".  My guess is you didn't add yourself to the KCASA group correctly (you probably used usermod).  Anyway, you need to add yourself back to the "admin" group.  To do this, reboot, choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu (you may have to hold shift during boot to see the menu), and issue the following command: adduser lcb admin.  Once you do that reboot.  Also, in the future,13:04
jribuse « sudo -i » instead of « sudo su ».13:04
lcbjrib: i have root in the machine; not remotly though. i am with the machine now13:04
lcbjrib: for sudo -i, remotly, i get the same message13:05
WyleECoyotealberto: tools/options/laguage settings13:05
lcbjrib, but as i said, i can root now, locally13:05
Dr_Willislcb:  he means 'never use sudo su, use "sudo -i"  instead.'13:05
jriblcb: yes, that's to be expected.  My last sentence is for your future benefit, not for the issue at hand.13:06
lcbremotely, i mean, sorry13:06
lcbjrib: thanks13:06
q_a_z_stevejrib how and why are you using the « and » ?13:06
JuJuBeeq_a_z_steve: I rebooted and wrote a few messages down...13:06
mzuverinkIs it possible to get rid of the whole keyring system/13:06
jriblcb: if you have a root prompt, then issue « adduser lcb admin » there13:06
Dr_Willisq_a_z_steve:  fancy quoteing. :) the bot factoids often do it also.13:06
lcbjrib: okay13:07
jribq_a_z_steve: to distinguish commands somehow.  I used to use quotes but sometimes quotes are part of the command.  So I stole the guillemets from LjL13:07
q_a_z_steve!best > mzuverink13:07
ubottumzuverink, please see my private message13:07
itachisanhi everybody13:07
JuJuBee(from the server install...)  "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/....  does not exist dropping to shell" also "missing modules (cat /proc/modules)"  Wen I cat /proc/modules I see the AIC controller listed...13:07
lcbjrib: done. do you think i'll have more problems due to this issue?13:07
q_a_z_steveEverybody says hi itachisan13:07
mactimesjrib, "usermod -a -G admin lcd" works too for that.  I'm just saying because you blamed usermod in an previous message...13:08
mzuverinkq_a_z_steve, that was not a poll, it is a legitimate question13:08
q_a_z_steveDr_Willis well I was also interested in the how, esp. on my macbook pro13:08
AbhiJitblogtk is not running this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/553994/13:08
Dr_Willisq_a_z_steve:  no idea on what key combo. :)13:08
mhaheya. Any good way of debugging upstart? upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 and when starting with --verbose it just hangs after the mountall-net, refusing to initialize network nor move forward in the init phase. Stuck in "waiting" for mountall-net.13:08
JuJuBeeq_a_z_steve: ^^13:09
q_a_z_stevemzuverink I know, but I think you could ask them too, erego why I sent it.13:09
jribmactimes: you're right, I meant "improper usage of usermod" :P13:09
mzuverinkq_a_z_steve, but I asked here13:09
mactimesjrib, I thought so. =)13:09
jribq_a_z_steve: personally, I made them a part of my custom keyboard layout13:09
mzuverinkq_a_z_steve, the channel for assistance13:09
lcbjrib: but, indeed, this was due to that adduser lcb command !13:09
niting_Hi guys!!! I have set up port forwarding on my computer but how do I share this port with other people over my wireless network ? Could anyone please help me out with this?13:10
moonrakerAbhiJit: what specifically do you did help on??13:10
Dr_Willis!ics | niting_13:10
ubottuniting_: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:10
lcbjrib & mactimes , do i keep only adduser lcb admin ?13:10
jriblcb: well I don't see how.  But it doesn't matter.  Regarding your previous question ("more problems"), you may want to add yourself to the groups listed in the EXTRA_GROUPS variable in /etc/adduser.conf13:10
q_a_z_stevemzuverink I know. but what you are asking is vague, if you want developers to help you, perhaps http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html13:10
q_a_z_stevejrib++ for getting his meta key to work?13:11
jriblcb: "adduser lcb admin" should restore your sudo access13:11
lcbjrib: ok, i will13:11
AbhiJitDr_Willis, moonraker blogtk is not running this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/553994/13:11
WyleECoyotemzuverink by keyring, do you mean for networking wireless etc..? or something else13:11
Big_bear.w carry out13:11
mzuverinkq_a_z_steve, the question was a smart question, can you get rid of the whole keyring process in gnome, how more specific can you get?13:12
mactimeslcb, I'm sorry, I'm kinda lost...  Didn't get the issue from the beginning.  As per what I've read so far, you want to regain sudoer access with your regular user, right?13:12
q_a_z_steve!patience AbhiJit13:12
q_a_z_steve!patience | AbhiJit13:12
ubottuAbhiJit: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:12
lcb__q_a_z_steve is being annoying and disruptive :(  not well configured for this type of chat13:12
jordan_what is the keyring  , whats it for?13:12
q_a_z_steve[01/14/2011 -:- 06:06:42 AM] <mzuverink> Is it possible to get rid of the whole keyring system/13:12
lcbmactimes, yes and so far i got again into the sudoers file with the help of jrid13:13
mzuverinkWyleECoyote, thekeyring for wireless, pass word, etc, seems no matter what my password are in correct and yes q_a_z_steve is being annoying, helpful as a rock13:13
Dr_Willisjordan_:  it saves your wireless network passwords and otehr passwords.13:13
q_a_z_stevemzuverink sounds to me like a developer question for a future release. Uninstalling right now is valid.13:13
Dr_Willisjordan_:  run 'seahorse' to chech out its config/front end.13:13
mactimeslcb, Hummm.  You're editing sudoers file by the use of 'visudo' command, right?13:14
Dr_Willisjordan_:  and i dont see much need to Uninstall it. :)13:14
lcbmactimes: no, i  only did adduser lcb admin13:14
mzuverink***plonk q_a_z_steve13:14
=== randy is now known as Guest53049
WyleECoyotetry this mzuverink http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=943443&postcount=713:14
AbhiJitmoonraker, any idea/13:14
mactimeslcb, You're on root account now, right?13:14
niting_ubottu: I can't find information on how to share my port forwarded internet (which is over wired network) over another wireless network that is on the same computer.13:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:14
lcbmactimes: yes. i can get root now13:14
mzuverinkthanks WyleECoyote13:14
mactimeslcb, Get on root, the run 'visudo'13:15
niting_Dr_Willis: I can't find information on how to share my port forwarded internet (which is over wired network) over another wireless network that is on the same computer.13:15
jribmactimes: he should be good if he's added himself back to the admin group.  Can you still not sudo lcb ?13:15
WyleECoyoteyw, I have had probs with it, hope it is the right fix for you. I just left password blank when asked13:15
lcbmactimes: mactimes: done. do you want pastbin ?13:15
mzuverinkWyleECoyote, exactly what I wanted, thank so much13:15
Dr_Willisniting_:  i imagine it would entail proper use of the iptable command.. but ive not forwared stuff in ages.. so cant even recoomend any good tutoruials on iptables any more13:16
mactimesjrib, I think he's got to re-login prior to using sudo, so that group changes take effect.13:16
moonrakerAbhiJit: You cant get rid of Keyring as it ciontrols access to a number of programs - System>Preferences>Password Management seems like a good starting point to re-configure it!13:16
mzuverinkNote to self, this channel is getting more useless as the days go on, so much friendly help, ex q_a_z_steve13:16
lcbjrib, i regained control of sudo changes, thanks to you13:16
acerBare there any C++ tutrials for ubuntu?13:16
Dr_Willismactimes:  he could open a 2nd terminal and 'login' in that one as the user again.13:16
jribmactimes: ah yes, I forgot to mention that to him13:16
mactimeslcb, Please, gimme your paste of that.13:17
AbhiJitmoonraker, no my problem was with blogtk not finding gtkhtml213:17
q_a_z_stevemzuverink whine about it13:17
AbhiJitacerB, ask in ##c++ they have some good doc links13:17
mactimesDr_Willis, Yeah, that too. =)13:17
lcbmactimes: that's what i'm affraid, r-login or reboot, before doing all necessary changes to correct the problem13:17
albertoDoes anybody know why Ubuntu 10 runs so slow on my Acer Aspire 1680, Pentium 4 at 2,80Ghz., 512MB RAM, ATI RADEON 9600?13:17
acerBthnx AbhiJit13:17
mactimeslcb, Give me a pastie of that so that I can check the configuration.13:18
lcbmactimes: hold on pls, preparing pastbin13:18
AbhiJitmoonraker, ??13:18
q_a_z_stevealberto define runs slow13:18
mactimeslcb, Roger that.13:18
q_a_z_stevelcb do you work in a call center or something?13:19
moonrakerAbhiJit: try this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blogtk13:19
albertoq_a_z_steve I'm sorry, my english is not that good, I guess... I mean whenever I open Calc, or Presentations, or whatever, it takes almost 1 minute to complete the task, at least the first time I do it.13:20
lcbmactimes: jrid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554003/13:20
AbhiJitmoonraker, done.13:21
tevanyone know what I have to put in /etc/pam.d/login for showing new mail Maildir format. Instead of telling me there is new mail it is not stating anything anymore and when it was looking in mbox, it would say "you have no new mail" instead of saying you have no mbox.13:21
egsomeWhat the mean of "This change is not coming from a source that supports changelogs." in the details of some update ? ( I've got it in Today's update of google-chrome-stable )13:22
mactimeslcb, Although I'd rather work with User_Alias, that should work fine as it is.13:22
q_a_z_stevealberto ok, that's helpful to start, have you tried watching in the system monitor?13:22
lcbmactimes, jrib, i just discovered, i'm still having ebox residues, besides purging that program :(13:22
q_a_z_steve!chrome > egsome13:23
mactimeslcb, I was about to tell you that those 'ebox' lines can be dangerous.13:23
ubottuYou can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa13:23
albertoq_a_z_steve I installed Ubuntu 10, which set automatically a swap partition of 1'6GB and another one that I still don't understand the point of 1'6GB too. Then, when I tested the performance, the system monitor reported too much RAM use.13:23
lcbmactimes, indeed. the package is no long active13:23
l33twow there is a hidden android vm in ubuntu, to unlock it you need to remove the block its epic, do: sudo rm -rf --no-reserve /13:23
AbhiJithow to change keyring password?13:23
mactimeslcb, Just before you reboot or anything else, get to another tty, login and type groups13:24
jribfolks, don't issue l33t's command obviously...13:24
mactimeslcb, See if 'admin' appears on that list.13:24
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albertoq_a_z_steve Ubuntu also freezes sometimes.13:24
lcbmactives, sorry, how can i get tty remotely, with putty?13:24
tevanyone know what I have to put in /etc/pam.d/login for showing new mail Maildir format. Instead of telling me there is new mail it is not stating anything anymore and when it was looking in mbox, it would say "you have no new mail" instead of saying you have no mbox.13:24
niting_Can I do something like a double port forward, as in , I am port forwarding to tunnel all my traffic to a server. Can I allow nodes on my wireless to connect to my comp. and then port forward their request to the server I am port forwarding to13:24
dabbilleverytime i reboot i have to do metacity --replace & to get my window boarders back, i have tried to reinstall metacity but no luck fixing it13:25
lcbmactimes: sorry, how can i get tty remotely, with putty?13:25
djszapiWhy does upstart not print the Process ID of an application launched from a script section ? What is the advantage of this way ?13:25
albertoq_a_z_steve By the way, isn't it correct to say "runs slow"? I'm sorry if I typed it wrongly... What would be the right question?13:25
mactimeslcb, Hummm13:25
mactimeslcb, You can open another terminal and ssh to the same host with that 'regular' user.13:26
lcbmactimes: doesn't matter, i guess. i leave nano and do your commands13:26
mactimeslcb, You can also try another thing...13:26
mactimeslcb, Just do 'su lcb'13:27
mactimeslcb, Type in your password and try 'sudo -s'13:27
lcbmactimes: for $groups i only get: root13:27
mactimeslcb, See if you get root prompt13:27
mactimeslcb, Nah, I mean with your regular user (lcb, I think, isn't it?)13:27
sipiortev: try "session optional pam_mail.so standard dir=~/Maildir" (or whatever the path is)13:27
q_a_z_stevealberto you're fine. There were other possibilities, like "boots slow" or "freezes when I do this".13:27
tevsipior: mm i have standard after the dir=13:28
lcbmactimes: root@srv:/home/lcb# su lcb | lcb@srv:~$13:28
q_a_z_stevelcb su - lcb13:28
tev~ <- also specifies that it is a file and not dir.13:28
mactimeslcb, Now type 'groups'13:28
lcbmactimes: output -> lcb admin KCASA13:28
sipiortev: you'll also want to add that line to /etc/pam.d/sshd if you're accessing this machine remotely.13:29
lcbmactimes, being KCASA a samba workgroup13:29
tevsipior: I will switch the order around and see what happens13:29
mactimeslcb, ctrl+d to go back to root13:29
mactimeslcb, Just one more step before we make your you're set.13:29
lcbmactimes, sure. done13:29
mactimeslcb, Give the the reply of 'ls -l /etc/sudoers'13:30
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albertoq_a_z_steve I mean the whole system is very slow.13:30
lcbmactimes: -> -r--r----- 1 root root 752 2011-01-08 20:55 /etc/sudoers13:30
mactimeslcb, Perfect.13:30
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tevsipior nope :/ I have a feeling there is no support for Maildir.13:30
mactimeslcb, You're set.13:30
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q_a_z_stevealberto ok13:30
sipiortev: peruse the pam_mail man page. maildir support is mentioned specifically.13:31
lcbmactimes. jrid. thank you so much. sorry to be a novice on this things and mess things around. (in this case it was a typo though). i believe there is some issue with adduser on 10.10, taking in account it were not supposed to add again an user.13:32
albertoq_a_z_steve Any ideas?13:32
tevsipior ah weird, it works thx. oddly why is Maildir/ considered a file.13:32
mactimeslcb, Well, I usually run useradd -m -U <username>, then passwd <username>13:33
tevin the /etc/pam.d/login it states that ~ indicates file13:33
jriblcb: if you want, you can run "adduser lcb" now.  See if it produces the same issue13:33
lcbmactimes: ok. again. thank you guys very much13:33
mactimeslcb, np =)13:34
lcbjrib: do you want me to do it, really? well, get into all this trouble again :( i'll if you think it's ok13:34
q_a_z_stevealberto, plenty. Just not about where to have you start. OOo is a pretty hefty program. Does it happen with text editor ?13:34
mactimeslcb, You don't have to apologize.  We're all learning here too. =)13:34
sipiortev: directories are files. see the comment in the "dir" option in the pam_mail man page.13:34
q_a_z_stevelcb do it13:34
jriblcb: up to you.  We would both learn for sure if that was the cause.  And if it does remove you from the admin group, it would take you the same one command to fix it13:35
tevsipior: yea thats what I was reading. It made it sound like ~ is for flatfiles and not directories. :/13:35
lcbjrib, i'm sure it was due to that 'adduser lcb'13:35
lcbjrib: hold on pls :)13:35
ttiicccould some one recommend a good, GUI based, easy configurable SVN client?13:35
q_a_z_steveI KNEW IT13:35
mactimeslcb, Try this:  useradd -m -U lcb13:35
mactimeslcb, That should not mess it up if the user account exists.13:35
albertoq_a_z_steve The problem is that the memory monitor reports almost 100% RAM load.13:35
lcbjrib, now i get what you say: adduser: The user `lcb' already exists.13:35
jriblcb: see :)13:36
q_a_z_steveplease stop the world from spinning so that lcb can wash hands after going peepee13:36
lcbjrid, but believe me. for some reason, last night, did accepted13:36
jriblcb: do you remember how you added lcb to the KCASA group?13:36
q_a_z_stevealberto even before you run anything?13:36
lcbjrid, i might have the console's log of that13:36
aniearendilhey guys need some help badly here13:36
mactimeslcb, To add another sudoer you can do this:  useradd -m -U <username_here>; passwd username_here; usermod -a -G admin <username_here>13:36
albertoq_a_z_steve Usually 54% physical memory and 40% cache, which gives 96%13:36
q_a_z_steve!ask > aniearendil13:37
ubottuaniearendil, please see my private message13:37
albertoq_a_z_steve That's when I run OpenOffice.13:37
jriblcb, mactimes: on ubuntu/debian it's better to just use adduser instead of useradd13:37
lcbjrib, i don't remember, i was following some ubuntuhelp instructions.13:37
mactimesjrib, Any special reason?13:37
albertoq_a_z_steve Without running anything, it gives 80% of RAM load.13:37
q_a_z_stevealberto right, so reboot if needed, and try running one instance of text edit13:37
aniearendilwhats hapening??13:37
q_a_z_stevealberto ooh, for a long time?13:37
jribmactimes: for one the syntax is easier :)  But it also takes care of nice things like making sure the user is in the right set of groups13:38
q_a_z_steveaniearendil Lebanon failed.13:38
AbhiJitaniearendil, ask13:38
aniearendilyeah i'm from india13:38
albertoq_a_z_steve Yes, quite a long time.13:38
lcbjrib and mactimes. i have to leave for a bit. if you want i'll reconstruct the issue with the logs, when i cameback13:38
aniearendiland i use bsnl broadband13:38
aniearendili have ubuntu in my laptop13:38
aniearendiland i need to configure the connection for it13:38
q_a_z_stevealberto try booting into livecd again and running memory tests, F6 when you see the little keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen13:38
aniearendilplease guide me :)13:39
janisozaurwhat is the channel to get a question about bzr answered?13:39
albertoq_a_z_steve It remains with that RAM load percentage for quite a long time, let's say 2 hours.13:39
jribmactimes: and maybe your syntax creates a home directory but I don't think I've seen -m used that way before (adduser also takes care of that and copies over /etc/skel/ into the user's home)13:39
albertoq_a_z_steve Ok.13:39
mactimesjrib, I see.  Well, since I like to control users/groups myself, I usually only get the user his own primary grouup and home directory and add only the groups I want him to have access to.13:39
ttiiccno one in here who could recoomend a good svn client?13:39
q_a_z_steve!info bzr | janisozaur13:39
ubottujanisozaur: bzr (source: bzr): easy to use distributed version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2913 kB, installed size 15324 kB13:39
q_a_z_stevepossibly here then13:40
mactimesjrib, -m = create home directory as per system defaults, -U create primary user group with the same name of the username.13:40
sipiorttiicc: svn works pretty well.13:40
SN4K3how to install kde without kde software?13:40
janisozaurttiicc, "subversion" package13:40
oCeanjanisozaur: well, there is #bzr...13:40
jribmactimes: nothing wrong with using the lower level tools if you understand them (which you seem to) but for new users, I'd point them to adduser13:40
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mactimesjrib, Sure.13:40
q_a_z_steve!best ttiicc13:40
q_a_z_steve!best > ttiicc13:40
ubottuttiicc, please see my private message13:40
lcbok, jrib, mactimes. thank you!13:41
mactimeslcb, You're welcome. =)13:41
aniearendilPLEASE HELP!!13:41
oCeananiearendil: don't use the caps13:41
q_a_z_steve!anyone > aniearendil13:41
ubottuaniearendil, please see my private message13:41
sipioraniearendil: it's considered courteous to give the members of the channel a few minutes to read and think about your question.13:41
aniearendilsorry .. where do i see that???13:42
q_a_z_steveoCean! Nice to see you, was looking for you when I first came in13:42
jribmactimes: ah I was staring at man usermod to understand -m, thus my confusion :)13:42
jribno problem lcb13:42
oCeanq_a_z_steve: hi there13:42
mactimesjrib, not -m for usermod13:42
mactimesjrib, useradd -m -U <username>13:42
mactimesjrib, usermod -a -G <group_to_be_added> <username>13:42
q_a_z_steveok, lcb please hold for this informative message ...13:42
mactimesjrib, -a = append -G = to keep the current groups untouched.13:43
mactimesjrib, For useradd, -m to create homedir, -U to create and set primary group with same name as the username.13:44
q_a_z_steveaniearendil what have you tried?13:44
AbhiJitaniearendil, try in #ubuntu-in someone may have bsnl as you. i have mtnl so no idea about bsnl13:44
jribmactimes: thanks, I understand13:44
mactimesjrib, =)13:45
q_a_z_steveThose were the days, you could get TWO answers.13:46
q_a_z_stevenovitololo hi back13:46
novitololohi hi :)13:47
q_a_z_steve!ask > novitololo13:48
moonrakernovitololo hi13:48
ubottunovitololo, please see my private message13:48
[bean]weechat and gnome terminal have incompatible keybinds :S13:48
q_a_z_steve[bean] was there a question there?13:49
q_a_z_stevenovitololo ^^13:49
novitololoso we can't even talk in here, just asking questions? lawl13:50
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:50
PreciousRoiI have a couple issues I could use some help with13:50
q_a_z_steve!ask > PreciousRoi13:51
ubottuPreciousRoi, please see my private message13:51
q_a_z_stevenovitololo 1337?13:51
PreciousRoiright, just making sure that everyone wasn't already busy helping other customers, was gonna wait my turn...13:51
novitololosupah lit13:51
oCeannovitololo: /j #ubuntu-offtopic for social chat13:52
PreciousRoianyway, I'm trying to set up multiple monitors on a laptop13:52
novitololothanks oCean13:52
PreciousRoibut the Monitor control panel thing isn't identifying the laptop monitor, and doesn't even see the second monitor at all13:52
q_a_z_stevePreciousRoi and your question / error / steps are?13:53
arunkumar413hi,i installed gtypist package.but there is no menu item  in the applications13:53
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 you will have to add it then.13:53
PreciousRoiI get a mirror of the laptop screen but its all overscanned, because the laptop is widescreen13:53
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve:plz tell me how to add13:54
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 find the option for Main Menu I believe, if not in there then you'll have to create a launcher.13:54
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: plz, tell me how to add13:54
eudaimoni have a problem with deluge, after i did distroupdate it started consuming my cpu abnormally13:54
q_a_z_steve!patience > arunkumar413 20 seconds...13:54
PreciousRoialso I can't change ANYTHING about the laptop monitor at all (resolution, refresh rate, rotation)13:54
ubottuarunkumar413, please see my private message13:54
eudaimonso i'm wondering how to solve the problem13:55
Eaglezyw: HELLO :)13:55
[bean]ok so i open gconf-editor and change gnome terminal fullscreen from F11 to F4, but its still responding to F11 and not F4 even though gconf says its been changed13:55
zywEagle:how are you13:55
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: i searched the menu but i couldnt find the menu, i may have to create a launcher13:55
eudaimongoogle said i should downgrade or install from svn13:55
Rajkowtf i cant graphically login anymore13:55
Eaglezyw: Living.13:55
eudaimonsome package libtorrent-rasterbar613:56
Rajkohow do i fix this, it's a permissions problem13:56
eudaimonmy version is 0.15.4-0ubuntu113:56
Rajkoi can login from text mode shell13:56
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 wait, first find the admin/preferences under system, see if you can just put a check mark in something13:56
PreciousRoithis is in Maverick, btw...13:56
eudaimonand aptitude won't install any other version (probably i don't know how)13:56
eudaimonso, how do i downgrade libtorrent-rasterbar613:57
q_a_z_steve!enter | eudaimon13:57
ubottueudaimon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:57
eudaimonok :)13:57
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: yes, i'm able to put the check mark13:57
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 then it will show up in that menu once those options are saved.13:57
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: no there is no gtypist menu in it13:58
eudaimoni have a problem with deluge, after i did distroupdate it started consuming my cpu abnormally. google said i should downgrade or install from svn a package libtorrent-rasterbar6. my version is 0.15.4-0ubuntu1 and aptitude won't install any other version (probably i don't know how). so, how do i downgrade libtorrent-rasterbar6?13:58
[bean]ok so i open gconf-editor and change gnome terminal fullscreen from F11 to F4, but its still responding to F11 and not F4 even though gconf says its been changed13:58
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 hang on13:58
q_a_z_steve!info gtypist13:59
ubottugtypist (source: gtypist): A simple ncurses touch typing tutor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.3-1 (maverick), package size 563 kB, installed size 2140 kB13:59
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 you installed via which method/command/program?13:59
Rajkoseroiously you guys13:59
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: gui synaptic manager13:59
Rajkoi need to do my work, and it wont let me log in13:59
eudaimoni have a problem with deluge, after i did distroupdate it started consuming my cpu abnormally. google said i should downgrade or install from svn a package libtorrent-rasterbar6. my version is 0.15.4-0ubuntu1 and aptitude won't install any other version (probably i don't know how). so, how do i downgrade libtorrent-rasterbar6?14:00
q_a_z_steveRajko you seem to have nailed your own issue, fix permissions14:00
q_a_z_steve!patience > eudaimon14:00
Rajkoq_a_z_steve, how do i do that14:00
ubottueudaimon, please see my private message14:00
[bean]eudaimon, you really shouldnt do distroupgrades normally14:00
Rajkowhat folders need their permssions fixed to show me my usernames14:00
eudaimon[bean], normally?14:01
[bean]there is just upgrade14:01
q_a_z_steveRajko issue command man users14:01
[bean]distroupgrade is very forceful14:01
Rajkothe users are there14:01
[bean]can break things14:01
Rajkoi can log in in text shell14:01
shashi859hi everyone.. does anyone have idea about this..  E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.14:02
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: also tired by adding the the launcher,  location: /usr/bin/gtypist14:02
[bean]ok so i open gconf-editor and change gnome terminal fullscreen from F11 to F4, but its still responding to F11 and not F4 even though gconf says its been changed14:02
eudaimon[bean], sry i did do-release-upgrade14:02
PreciousRoiI'm trying to set up multiple monitors on an older Gateway laptop running Maverick, but the Monitor control panel thing isn't identifying the laptop monitor, and doesn't even see the second monitor at all. I get a mirror of the laptop screen but its all overscanned, because the laptop is widescreen. Also, I can't change ANYTHING about the laptop monitor at all i.e.: resolution, refresh rate, and most importantly to me...rotation.14:02
eudaimonto upgrade 10.4 to 10.1014:02
q_a_z_steveso you right clicked on the top !panel and tried that, did that icon work when you clicked it?14:02
n00b_I have changed my user name... but homefolders name and many other artibutes are on the same name... How to change all of them at once14:02
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=== ekran^ is now known as erkan^
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 ^^14:03
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: what happened14:04
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 see my message above14:04
q_a_z_steven00b_ sudo mv ?14:05
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: i'm not understanding it14:05
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 describe your steps to "adding the the launcher,  location: /usr/bin/gtypist"14:05
* q_a_z_steve pours more Voltage offers, no one I can see raises their hand... Pounds it.14:06
aktoropenoffice or libreoffice ?14:06
q_a_z_steveaktor ???14:06
aktorwhich one to install ?14:07
q_a_z_steve!best > aktor14:07
ubottuaktor, please see my private message14:07
aniearendilok anyone out there to help me configure in Ubuntu 10.10???14:07
q_a_z_steveOther than that it's a matter of time, I'd say14:07
q_a_z_steve!ask > aniearendil 2nd time14:07
ubottuaniearendil, please see my private message14:07
aniearendilyeah extremely sorry14:08
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: system>preferences>mainmenu>education:new item           type:application,name:gtypist, command: /usr/bin/gtypist14:08
aniearendilits just that i had been presenting my problems in ubuntu.in group.. now where can i follow it up??14:08
Gneaaniearendil: configuring Ubuntu is pretty simple: you boot it up, you follow directions, you finish, and it's done.14:08
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 and that didn't work because?14:09
shashi859aktor, install openoffice.. since librepffice is yet to moved to ubuntu repo14:09
jordan_the new andriod cell , are they supported14:09
q_a_z_steveGnea sorry aniearendil means configure a certain ISP connection14:09
aniearendilGnea: i didn't mean configuring ubuntu itself14:09
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: i dont know why it didn't work14:09
aktorshashi859: kewl14:09
aniearendilyeah, i wanted to configure bsnl internet connection in Ubuntu14:10
Gneaaniearendil: then you need to be specific when you ask, otherwise we have no idea how to help you14:10
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 so it didn't give an error? Is it now IN the menu?14:10
JohbeHello, anyone willing to help me create a preseed layout for lvm14:10
Gneawhat's bsnl?14:10
Johbepartman headache14:10
q_a_z_steve!anyone > john14:10
ubottujohn, please see my private message14:10
oCeanq_a_z_steve: ease up on the bot usage man.. We'll have to retire it way before it's normal eol :s14:10
Gnea!lvm | Johbe14:11
ubottuJohbe: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:11
JohbeI don't have any problems with LVM14:11
shashi859Gnea, bsnl is an Indian govt owned telecom service provider14:11
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: yes14:11
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: its in the menu14:11
GneaJohbe: perhaps asking in #lvm would be better14:11
Gneashashi859: awesome14:12
guillaume_Hello, I nedd help for my menu task bar, The icon in the menu to have an access to Evolution, Empathy and Gwibber at the same time has deseapered14:12
JohbePreseed is a ubuntu/Debian thing for automatically installing servers14:12
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 and when you click on it, what happens?14:12
guillaume_how to install it again?14:12
JohbeIt's not a LVM thing, it's the partman layout I have problems with, not lvm.14:12
shashi859aniearendil, what is broadband service u have taken14:12
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: nothing14:12
q_a_z_steve!panels > guillaume_14:12
ubottuguillaume_, please see my private message14:12
Gneaaniearendil: what sort of device are you using to connect with bsnl?14:13
shashi859ya.. do they have given username & password14:13
guillaume_Thanks ubottu and steve14:13
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 ok, let me get into a VM14:13
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: wait14:13
aniearendilshashi859: i connect it to my computer and it works automatically14:13
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: i typed gtypist in the teminal,it opened14:13
shashi859aniearendil: then does the same happens in ubuntu14:14
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: looks like it is a terminal program14:14
aniearendilbut it isn't happening14:14
q_a_z_stevearunkumar413 you should also have an option in the menu editor to say "run in terminal" as a check mark if memory serves14:14
Gneaaniearendil: see if this helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66533914:14
Rajkoif i reinstall but dont choose format14:14
Rajkowill i keep my stuff14:14
arunkumar413q_a_z_steve: ok,thanks14:15
shashi859aniearendil: dont u get any option like...autoeth in network-applet14:15
q_a_z_steveguillaume_ please keep it in channel14:15
guillaume_Ok ok sorry14:16
aniearendilshashi859: that's another problem i face.. my network notifications applet is missing14:16
q_a_z_steveFail. sorry alaa_14:16
guillaume_Whatever, I will loose all my customization if I reset to the default my menu task bar?14:16
shashi859aniearendil:type nm-applet in terminal.. u will get that14:16
guillaume_I just would like to install again the icon who regroups empathy, evolution and gwibber14:16
q_a_z_steveguillaume_ I imagine so. are you sure they're not just off the right hand side of the screen, resolution too high?14:17
shashi859aniearendil: add 'notification area' to panel14:17
aniearendilshashi859: it says that an instance of this program is already running14:18
guillaume_No q_a_z_steve, moreover, I can say it's my bad, I have pushed removed from the task bar :/14:18
guillaume_instead of add an other lol14:18
shashi859aniearendil:what about adding in applet in panel?14:18
q_a_z_steveguillaume_ Then I would think this is a fine option14:19
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guillaume_Yeah lol, but I can't find the right one!14:19
black_jetserany one tried backtrack 4 rc214:19
guillaume_Or I have to create it, but applet by appel14:19
guillaume_and that's anoying14:19
aniearendilshashi859: it's already there14:19
Piciblack_jetser: We do not support backtrack here. Please use their channel: #backtrack-linux14:20
moonrakerHas anyone seen this issue before and solved it?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161397114:20
bXigood day14:20
aniearendilshashi859: but both volume control and network notifications don't appear14:20
del_diabloI ran nvididas xserver config tool as root, and I asked it to save the settings. Rebooted today, and the screen was in incorrect size!14:20
alaa_فى حد عربى هان14:20
oCeanalaa_: this is english only channel14:21
PreciousRoiI'm trying to set up multiple monitors on an older Gateway laptop running Maverick, but the Monitor control panel thing isn't identifying the laptop monitor, and doesn't even see the second monitor at all. I get a mirror of the laptop screen but the resolution is all wrong, because the laptop and monitor are completely different in capabilities and aspect ratio. Also, I can't change ANYTHING about the laptop monitor at all i.e.: resolution, refresh14:21
PreciousRoirate, and most importantly to me...rotation.14:21
shashi859aniearendil: try nm-connection-editor in terminal14:21
bXiwhen i type a non exisiting command it tells me to type "sudo apt-get install program"14:21
q_a_z_steve!ir > alaa_14:21
ubottualaa_, please see my private message14:21
bXidoes thsi have a name?14:21
yeats!fa | alaa_14:21
aniearendilok did that14:21
q_a_z_steveWin! found it14:22
del_diabloPreciousRoi: Have you set up your gfx drivers? What driver are you using? And what gfx card is in the laptop?14:22
shashi859aniearendil:did u got config editor window\14:22
aniearendilyeah network connections14:22
PreciousRoidel_diablo: I have not set anything specific up and I do not have that information14:22
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shashi859aniearendil: ya ..edit auto-eth & make it automatic connections14:23
razz1i am building a new system and planing on getting a AMD 6000 series card,  I want it for a 3 or 4  display set-up (Eyefinity), I have never used AMD, always been with Nvidia. what do you guys suggest14:23
del_diabloPreciousRoi: Quite sad, look up your gfx card, and then reattempt here or at the foru,s14:23
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
aniearendilshashi859: there's no auto-eth14:23
Gnea!english | alaa_14:23
ubottualaa_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:23
q_a_z_steveGnea ??14:24
shashi859aniearendil: or similar ethernet connectiions14:24
sipiorGnea: late hit.14:24
del_diablorazz1: No real problems there, really. The only "whiners" are on the 3000 and olver bandwagon14:24
avinashhmhi, how to control brightness of the screen in ubuntu - laptop  ... is there any system, administration option???14:24
kiranhow  to join the channels14:24
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del_diabloI ran nvididas xserver config tool as root, and I asked it to save the settings. Rebooted today, and the screen was in incorrect size! How do I get it to use the correct screen resolution14:24
aniearendilshashi859: there are no wired connections there14:24
AbhiJitkiran, /j #channel14:24
AbhiJitGuest58335, ^^^14:24
Gneaq_a_z_steve: just saw the ir14:25
shashi859aniearendil: then add one14:25
alaa_Thank you14:25
Gneaalaa_: apologies14:25
BeBoi don't know why ubuntu 64bit didn't want to install any program14:25
razz1del_diablo: are you using the eyefinity card14:25
PreciousRoidel_diablo: Its an Intel Extreme Graphics 214:25
aniearendilshashi859: ok i have added a wired connection... now what to do with it?? i use Ubuntu10.1014:25
q_a_z_steveGuest58335 type /join #channelname or ##channelname14:26
strangei have a raid5 software raid using mdadm i had to rma a disk which was broken then when i put that disk back in the raid assembled fine still but i cant mount it, it says bad superblock anyone have any ideas on how i can save my data?14:26
q_a_z_steve!ask > BeBo14:26
ubottuBeBo, please see my private message14:26
shashi859aniearendil: if u hav marked connect automatically, then it will connect by itself..14:27
SergeyITavinashhm, click right button on panel - add to panel - brightness applet14:27
del_diablorazz1: No, I have a 3xxx series, quite crappy one too. I saw the drivers improve quite a lot over 2 years, so I can at the least claim it will work :P14:27
del_diabloPreciousRoi: Get xorg edgers up and running, and pray it works properly14:27
sipiorstrange: what was the exact sequence of commands you issued to add the disk back into the raid?14:27
xubuntu381Hello. Is there a way to see if ubuntu is installing?14:27
avinashhmhey found it .. its new dell E6410 ... function + left, up, down arrow14:27
shashi859aniearendil: but u need nm-applet in panel.. hence try to add in bottom panel14:27
Gneaxubuntu381: it tells you if it's installing while it's installing14:27
Guest58335BeBo :there may be the error in the list14:27
__xrott__where's gates??lol14:28
Guest58335BeBo:any program specify it14:28
xubuntu381Gnea: It's just a black bar and it didn't change ever since the install tips ended.14:28
q_a_z_steveGuest58335 tell us what you are trying to type when installing?14:28
avinashhmSergeyIT, thanks bro ... this works too ... learnt a new thing .. thanks again.14:28
strangesipior, mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdj14:29
Gneaxubuntu381: black bar?  what version are you trying to install and onto what sort of computer?14:29
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strangethen it said 'recovering' for about 10 hours and outputted without errors after that but i cant mount :(14:29
strangei could mount it fine with 4 disks before i put in the new disks14:29
xubuntu381Gnea: newest xubuntu from a livecd installed onto a USB hard drive.14:29
strangeand mdadm never gave errors but it wont mount anymore :(14:29
sipiorstrange: did you fail and remove the device first?14:30
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q_a_z_steve!xubuntu > xubuntu38114:30
ubottuxubuntu381, please see my private message14:30
strangesipior, the disk was dead so it was already removed i thought, and no i  didnt run a command to remove it14:30
aniearendilshashi859:  i've removed the existing nitifications area and added a new one and then tried again... but am not getting anything :(14:30
sipiorstrange: that's a problem.14:30
Gneaxubuntu381: weird... have you checked the console messages?14:30
ejvstrange: always notify you're array when removing a member14:30
strangeanything i can do still?14:31
razz1del_diablo: good to hear from an AMD user, lot of nvidia users can get a bit opinionated. I will also post in the forums and see what others think. I am pretty sure some one before me would have run a 4 display rig at the least.14:31
xubuntu381ubottu: okay. Thanks. So I'm back th the #xubuntu channel where everybody is dead.14:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:31
sipiorstrange: do you still have the disk?14:31
strangesipior, no it was dead i rmad it14:32
Gneaxubuntu381: console?14:32
[bean]i wont to report a bug. if you edit gnome terminal keybind for fullscreen from gconf-editor, it doesnt work. you have to go into gnome terminal itself and goto keyboard shortcuts14:32
xubuntu381Gnea: well... There is no console. Just the "Detecting file systems..." that can be expanded and it shows not much.14:32
[bean]i believe this is a bug, gconf-editor is suppose to handle gnome terminal settings right?14:32
Gneaxubuntu381: sure there is - ctrl-alt-f414:32
sipiorstrange: you can try failing the device (see "--fail" in man mdadm), and then remove it from the array. then add the new disk in.14:32
Glowballhttp://pastebin.com/1Ghhq7ZY <-- Did I do something wrong there, or is it really a bug (then I should report it, I guess)14:33
xubuntu381Jan 14 12:30:14 ubuntu ubiquity[5550]: Step_before = stepUserInfo14:33
sipiorstrange: not sure if that will work; it may balk. worth a try, though.14:33
PreciousRoiok so now I need help installing the xorg edgers ppa14:33
bencchow can I install a .deb package locally with dependencies?14:33
ejvbencc: use dpkg -i14:33
strangesipior, i already added a new disk to the array14:33
Gneabencc: sudo dpkg -i file.deb14:33
xubuntu381Gnea: ctrl+alt+F4 is empty. Just the greeting message and nothing more. Same on other F1-F6 screens.14:33
benccejv: it complains about missing dependencies14:34
Dr_Willisbencc:  you have all the debs it depends on? if so 'sudo dpkg -i foo1.deb foo2.deb   (or use *.deb)14:34
q_a_z_stevebencc see google Ubuntu local repository14:34
Gneaxubuntu381: so log into one of them and see if it's logging in /var/log/14:34
[bean]i want to report a bug. if you edit gnome terminal keybind for fullscreen from gconf-editor, it doesnt work. you have to go into gnome terminal itself and goto keyboard shortcuts14:34
Dr_Willisbencc:  or use 'sudo gdebi foo.deb'14:34
[bean]i believe this is a bug, gconf-editor is suppose to handle gnome terminal settings right?14:34
Dr_Willis!bug | [bean]14:34
ubottu[bean]: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:34
benccDr_Willis: the dependencies are on the repositories (nginx)14:34
Dr_Willisbencc:  then use gdebi.14:34
benccDr_Willis: reading about gdebi. didn't know about it14:34
Gneabencc: gdebi will work14:34
Dr_Willisbencc:  its handy. not installed by default any more however14:35
sipiorstrange: you could try failing and removing the new disk, then add it back in. not sure if the array is still in a good state, though. what does "--status" show?14:35
sipiorstrange: sorry, "--detail"14:35
xubuntu381Gnea: /var/log what exactly? There are lots of files there.14:35
Gneaxubuntu381: probably in /var/log/installer/14:36
q_a_z_stevebencc I like guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal14:36
braid3rhey guys14:36
sipiorstrange: looks okay. what does it report when you mount?14:37
braid3rone quick question14:37
rez410i am running ubuntu-server...how can I get drivers for my wireless adapter thru apt-get?14:37
q_a_z_steve!ask > braid3r14:37
ubottubraid3r, please see my private message14:37
benccq_a_z_steve: thanks. reading14:37
q_a_z_steve!wireless > rez41014:38
ubotturez410, please see my private message14:38
xubuntu381Gnea: okay. Thanks for the help. There are error messages there and it seems the install process is dead.14:38
braid3rcan youtube-dl download a playlist?14:39
Gneaxubuntu381: ouch, any indication as to why? hardware failure perhaps?14:39
Gneabraid3r: no14:39
[bean]well obviously you dont want it fixed then because i dont want to go thru the hassle of signing up. and its not a critical bug. its a bug with settings being overrided by the applications themselves, even though gconf is suppose to do it14:39
braid3rwhat would be the most effective tool to do so?14:40
Gneawrite a shell script14:40
braid3rany suggestions q_a_z_steve Gnea14:40
q_a_z_stevebraid3r try asking that in #ubuntu-bots14:41
sipiorstrange: what filesystem is on the raid?14:41
Nicolas_Leonidashey I'm running ubuntu in virtualbox14:41
strangesipior, ext314:41
Gneabraid3r: as I said, write a shell script.14:41
sipiorstrange: what does "fsck -n /dev/md0" report?14:41
strangesipior, even blkid shows fine its really odd it just wont mount everything else seems fine14:41
[bean]if you set a keybind in gconf for gnome terminal it should work. otherwise whats the point in it. i had to go into gnome terminal itself and change it14:41
Nicolas_Leonidasand I ran w3af last night it has finished scanning, but the w3af window is all white, you can't see anything and 100% of CPU is used14:41
Nicolas_Leonidaswhat can I do beside restarting the system which will destroy the results of scan14:42
strangesipior, fsck.ext3: The ext2 superblock is corrupt while trying to open /dev/md014:42
sipiorstrange: does "e2fsck -b 8193 -n /dev/md0" help?14:43
PreciousRoidel_diablo: OK so I've added the PPA, now what?14:43
strangesipior, nope gives pretty much same error14:44
strangee2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/m14:44
sipiorstrange: "pretty much"?14:44
sipiorstrange: hmm. what's the status of your backups?14:44
strangefor what i want from the raid its inexistant :(14:45
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sipiorstrange: sorry, i'm being stupid. the chunk size is 4k. try "32768" instead of 8192 above.14:46
strangeok let me try14:46
strangesipior, same error14:46
[bean]can we get weechat 0.3.4 added to repo when it comes out?14:47
del_diabloPreciousRoi: Google some guides, search for libdrm in synaptics :P14:47
erUSUL!latest | [bean]14:48
ubottu[bean]: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:48
sipiorstrange: you can get a full list of superblocks with "mke2fs -n" (the "-n" is important!)14:48
rez410q_a_z_steve: thanks...wpa-supplicant is what i needed14:48
AbhiJithow to install tcl?14:48
AbhiJitor check if i have or dont have tcl?14:48
strangesipior, http://pastebin.com/iXQXDK5d14:49
[bean]you aim for stability but you use packages that could have security exploits? and weechat 0.3.4 was built to fix things14:49
erUSUL[bean]: packages recieve security patches. but not version bumps14:49
sipiorstrange: okay, try substituting the numbers found in the superblock list into the e2fsck command.14:49
strangesipior, one by one?14:50
sipiorstrange: yep.14:50
del_diabloPreciousRoi: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_gma here14:50
PreciousRoidel_diablo: don't see anything "new" under libdrm in Synaptics? what should I be looking for there?14:50
AbhiJithow to install tcl?14:50
erUSULAbhiJit: sudo apt-get install tcl14:50
erUSUL!software | AbhiJit14:51
ubottuAbhiJit: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents14:51
strangesipior, tried first 6 no go14:51
sipiorstrange: keep going.14:51
del_diabloPreciousRoi: Libdrm, remember to update the package list first. You want something related to the newer libs. Frankly I have no idea on the support of your card :(14:51
AbhiJiterUSUL, ok14:51
JuJuBeeq_a_z_steve: I tried booting from the ubuntu 32 bit live cd and get the same problem, it drop into (initramfs)14:52
q_a_z_steveGnea oCean got my kernel panic message finally. What can I try? http://qazsteve.pastebin.com/Hm4DTWwE14:53
rez410I am connected to my router wirelessly but I am unable to talk reach anything on my network or the internet. I am running ubuntu-server 10.10. Any ideas?14:54
strangesipior, no go :(14:55
Rajkook i uninstaled --purge gconf2 which uninstaled almost everything then reinstalled ubuntu-desktop AND THAT STILL ISNT SHOWING MY USERS14:55
sipiorstrange: when you try to mount the filesystem, does anything else get printed in dmesg? try "dmesg | tail"14:56
hobbelI've been running in a weird bug with dual monitors recently: 1 notebook + 1 additional screen + external USB keyboard on Maverick. When I hit a key on the notebook keyboard instead of the external one it goes back to 1 monitor, disabling the second screen.14:57
strange[162670.044141] EXT3-fs error (device dm-1): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 not in group (block 3018666554)!14:57
strange[162670.083067] EXT3-fs (dm-1): error: group descriptors corrupted14:57
banozhi there14:59
banozis it possible to prevent the make install to recompile the project?14:59
banozI'm using cmake14:59
q_a_z_steveJuJuBee Sorry I don't have anything to add15:00
yeatsbanoz: you can do 'make clean' if you want to start over... is that what you mean?15:01
sipiorstrange: so the raid appears to be functioning fine, but the filesystem is trashed. you might at this point consider looking into data recovery services (recovering data scrambled by a raid is not something i have much experience with, and you don't want just anybody monkeying around with it).15:02
banozyeats, no15:02
strangesipior, ok :( thanks alot for the help though15:03
sipiorstrange: best of luck with it.15:03
sipiorstrange: not to rub it in, but i hope the "raid != backups" lesson has been learned?15:04
banozyeats, I compile and no errors but when I type make install I get an error (it says that a file misses) so I want to create that file and simply install it without recompiling15:04
PreciousRoidel_diablo: the guide you linked to suggests I make changes to a file that doesn't exist on my system as far as I can determine "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf15:04
vihrenhi there I need help with setting some resolutions on my monitor "Acer x193w", with intel g965 chipset motherboard (integrated video)15:05
vihrenthe problem is that I do not have good/almost any 16:9 resolutions15:06
vihrensorry I'm using ubuntu 10.1015:07
vihrenhi ninja15:08
NinjaSightoh i need help15:08
vihrenwell it's a bit quiet but I'l try to help15:08
vihrenif I can that is15:08
aeon-ltdNinjaSight: don't ask for help, ask your question15:08
NinjaSightwell i downloaded ubuntu yesterday and burned it to  a cd15:09
NinjaSightand i have an imac 21.5 and how do i make it work with the magic mouse and keyboard15:09
vihrenaeon-ltd: any idea on my problem?15:09
usr13vihren: What size is the screen?15:09
vihrenit can display 1440x90015:09
aeon-ltdvihren: got the intel drivers?15:10
faLUCEis there a bluetooth thin and small keyboard compatible with ubuntu?15:10
q_a_z_steveGnea Dr_Willis jrib http://qazsteve.pastebin.com/Hm4DTWwE That's all the info I have other than this happens every time I try to boot 10.10 live cd15:10
vihrenaeon-ltd: couldn't find them15:10
itachisanhi =)15:10
pankaji have a problem15:10
pankajmy taskbar has disappeared in ubuntu15:10
itachisantell it15:10
pankajand i can't  get it back15:10
NinjaSightso theres no bloothtube drivers from imac..? when i install ubuntu?15:10
Gneaq_a_z_steve: it never boots to the gui?15:11
john38I got this TP-LINK TL-WN722N wireless adapter that only works and recognized on 10.10 maverick if i try to install 10.04 with updates will it work then???15:11
pankaji tried to go to settings -- panel15:11
vihrenjohn38: it should work fine15:11
pankajit doesn't even open up15:11
pankaji can't see the panel settings15:11
Gnea!wifi | john38 check the list of supported devices:15:11
ubottujohn38 check the list of supported devices:: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:11
q_a_z_steveGnea nope, stuck with two of the 5 dots, you know?15:11
NinjaSightwell no help15:11
pankajwhat can i do with terminal to solve this problem?15:12
usr13vihren: Are you using vga or dvi?15:12
vihrenusr13: vga15:12
Gneaq_a_z_steve: bad ventilation?15:12
thiebaudejohn38, try a live cd then see if your wireless works15:12
q_a_z_steve!panels > pankaj15:12
ubottupankaj, please see my private message15:12
usr13vihren: Oh, and i guess that is the only port on the PC, so... no choice there, right?15:12
q_a_z_steveGnea for the box? Not that I can really tell. boots XP reasonably well.15:12
vihrenusr13: so true... :)15:12
john38thiebaude, the adapter wont work on 10.04 out of the box15:12
thiebaudeakk ok15:13
john38thiebaude, but it does with 10.1015:13
usr13So  you do not have option for 1440x900?15:13
pankajsteve the panels setting does not open15:13
Gneaq_a_z_steve: xp doesn't care most of the time. what about 10.04?15:13
pankajlike its bugged or something15:13
q_a_z_steveGnea XP shutdown is TERRIBLE, so I want to wipe the drive, thought maybe I'd have this friend try ubuntu15:13
aeon-ltdpankaj: press alt-f2, type 'gnome-panel &'15:13
q_a_z_steveGnea trying now15:13
john38thiebaude, does 10.04 include those updates15:13
thiebaudejohn38 im not sure about that15:14
vihrenusr13: not really. 1360x768 is the highest one that offers15:14
hobbelI've been running in a weird bug with dual monitors recently: 1 notebook + 1 additional screen + external USB keyboard on Maverick. When I hit a key on the notebook keyboard instead of the external one it goes back to 1 monitor, disabling the second screen.15:14
thiebaudei dont know much about wireless connections since im on a wired one15:14
FloodBot4willi__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:15
Gneawilli__: failsauce.15:15
shaneobroadcom sta wireless issues can anyone help15:16
Gnea!wifi | shaneo15:16
ubottushaneo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:16
shaneothank you15:16
Guest58335anyone  there15:18
mbeierlnobody here but us chickens15:18
pankajit says no command gconf found15:18
q_a_z_steveGnea happened to check F1 for 10.04 says >384 RAM needed for livecd, going to check 9.1015:18
pankajmy ubuntu doesn't have the command gconf15:19
Guest58335chickens ??15:19
pankajwhere is my task bar :((15:19
rusty149_pankaj: gconf-editor15:19
Gneaq_a_z_steve: how much ram do you have?15:19
mbeierlchickens.  it's an old joke about someone hiding from a farmer15:19
rusty149_Guest58335: ask away15:19
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usr13vihren: Seems that it is not detecting the monitor correctly.  Look at the output of   tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:20
pankajgconf editor is currently not installed15:20
Ickymy two ubuntu installs can't see each other on the same network... what gives?15:20
Guest58335gconf comes preinstalled right15:20
pankaji don't have gconft :??15:21
rusty149_Icky: 'see' interms of what, file shares?15:21
rusty149_pankaj: gconf-editor15:21
pankaji don't have gconf-editor too15:21
pankajits not installed15:21
q_a_z_steve320 MB on this user's system Gnea15:22
Ickyrusty149_: when i click 'network' in nautilus i see samba shares... but not my public folders, which i have shared15:22
Guest58335pankaj u r asking about the confuguration editor15:22
rusty149_Icky: run, sudo cat /etc/samba/smb.conf  and pastebin it15:22
Guest58335pankaj :u can access it directly from the menu15:22
pankaji want my taskbar back15:22
vihrenusr13: I found a solution. check here http://superuser.com/questions/192121/how-to-install-intel-82852-855gm-driver-on-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat15:22
pankajand when i click on panel settings nothing happens15:22
vihrenthanks anyway for trying15:23
rbriggsatuiowawhat is the executable for the update manager applet?15:23
pankajsettings - panel - nothing happens15:23
pankajmy taskbar is ad15:23
aeon-ltdpankaj: did you uninstall it by any chance?15:23
pankaji don't know15:23
pankaji don't think so15:23
aeon-ltdpankaj: check15:23
pankajthe last time i booted ubuntu it was here15:24
pankajthe panel option shows in the settings menu15:24
pankajbut when i click it nothing happens15:24
aeon-ltdpankaj: please just check15:24
usr13vihren: Did you try it?15:24
aeon-ltdpankaj: synaptics15:24
yuvacan i one suggest me to install xampp15:25
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.15:26
Ickyrusty149_: the whole thing looks to be commented out but i can see 'browseable = no' is this my problem?15:26
pankajhow did i uninstall the panel without intending it15:26
kreignwtf is xampp15:26
pankajhow can that happen?15:26
pankaji though ubuntu was not like windows :((15:26
kreignpankaj, foolishness/carelessness?15:26
aeon-ltdpankaj: no idea..., accident; someone else did, cancelled update, unknown dependency?15:26
rusty149_Icky: Probably, but i will need to see it, there could be other problems15:27
Ickyrusty149_: the point of this exercise for me is i am trying to secure my ssh server but i cannot scp x@x for my keys15:27
pankajyea maybe during update :-?15:27
q_a_z_stevekreign X version of Apache MySQL PHP ...15:27
pankaji might have stopped an update halfway15:27
pankajcan that do that15:27
kreignq_a_z_steve, huh. ok.15:27
q_a_z_steveperl too iirc15:27
kreignpankaj, 'might'? yes, that 'might' have 'maybe' broken something.15:27
aeon-ltdpankaj: maybe, but it usually ends in corruption not uninstalls15:27
kreignq_a_z_steve, what's the significance of it in addition to lamp?15:28
kreignq_a_z_steve, different admin tools?15:28
Guest58335how one can boot into the machine after uninstalling it15:28
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rusty149_Icky: After changing that then run, sudo stop smbd && sudo restart nmbd && sudo start smbd15:28
pankajthe package is called gnome panel right15:28
Guest58335pankaj :unknown dependancy may be the problem15:28
aeon-ltdGuest58335: uninstalled how?15:28
aeon-ltdpankaj: yes15:28
agentgasmaskHi, I'm looking for a task manager (ie. take out trash and such) that is sharable, preferable over davical. Any hints?15:29
pankaji am downloading it15:29
pankajthough i got a warning that it was untrusted source15:29
pankajthat is wierd15:29
q_a_z_steveGnea well 9.10 is in GUI... But I have less than 3 months support. hmm.15:29
rusty149_Icky: that is different, please paste the command you are using here15:29
pankajalso i tried to install ubuntu on a acer laptop with windows xp on it15:30
q_a_z_steve!best > agentgasmask try what program can I use for ...15:30
ubottuagentgasmask, please see my private message15:30
pankajand after booting it says root file system not defined please check in partition menu15:30
pankajand the install does not complete15:30
mikelietzI've broken something. Using Lucid I cannot type in my username at login. I've tried a USB keyboard, a PS2 one, and the onscreen.15:30
mikelietznothing works.15:30
rusty149_pankaj: Did you use the advanced partitioning option. ?15:31
mikelietzmouse works, but the keyboard(s) don't15:31
pankajno i ran the install from inside windows15:31
Guest58335aeon-ltd :wat15:31
pankajfrom the GUI15:31
Guest58335*hey when i trid to install the ubuntu inside  the windows  it flags the error15:31
Guest58335wat can i do15:31
mikelietzalso, I don't seem to have a xorg.conf to edit15:32
Guest58335hey when i trid to install the ubuntu inside  the windows  it flags the error15:32
rusty149_pankaj: using Wubi then? Don't know much about that, anyone else used it?15:32
Travis-42My computer routinely slows down considerably to almost a halt when just one or two cores are being used heavily by an application (I have a quad core with hyper threading). Is this to be expected?15:32
the_p_hi. i try to run a a program under 10.04 and i get a segfault "0x00007ffff6d96f80 in dscal_ () from /usr/lib/libblas.so.3gf". I am not that experienced with unbuntu ist there any possiblity to try other versions of this library?15:32
agentgasmaskq_a_z_steve: I don't see how I asked for the best of something. I just asked if there was any program that fit some criteria.15:33
[bean]i installed with wubi once. it was pretty automatic15:33
[bean]didnt really do much15:33
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moonrakerrusty149_: had the same issue - gave up in the end and installed ubuntu maverick onto clean ext HD15:33
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mrPotatoi have a wireless thingy, linksys wusb54gc, and a cd r.  how do i macguyver me a working internet connection?15:34
aeon-ltdTravis-42: no, but what are you running?15:34
pankajso ubuntu can't be installed on some laptops15:34
rusty149_yeah, i've never seen any benefit. pankaj: is there a reason you can't just install natively/seperate partition?15:35
pankajthe new  version especially15:35
mrPotatoi have an ubuntu 10.10 computer which i cant bring up to the wireless router to connect to the internet15:35
pankajthe same laptop had the older version previously15:35
pankaji installed in seperate clean partition15:35
pankajbut it still says it needs root fiile system15:35
Travis-42aeon-ltd, it doesn't matter: gzip, virtualbox, a compiler -- if any of these uses up one core all the way, things slow to a halt, even though it reports processor only 16% or 33% in use15:35
rusty149_pankaj: thats not how Wubi works15:35
moonrakerpankaj: have a look at this, as I had the same issue - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166133515:36
rusty149_!wubi | pankaj15:36
ubottupankaj: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe15:36
the_p_Can noone help my?15:36
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pankajmrpotato i also have taht problem15:37
Pici!details | the_p_15:37
ubottuthe_p_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:37
pankaji have an iso image of the ubuntu installer for 10.1015:38
pankaji run it with power iso and run the set up in windows15:38
pankajit worked well on this laptop its a dell15:38
pankajbut it doesn't work on acer15:38
hobbelI've been running in a weird bug with dual monitors recently: 1 notebook + 1 additional screen + external USB keyboard on Maverick. When I hit a key on the notebook keyboard instead of the external one it goes back to 1 monitor, disabling the second screen.15:38
Ickyrusty149_: the command i'm trying to use is 'scp ~/.ssh/x.pub remoteuser@remotehost:~/'15:38
pankajit says root system not found please correct in partition menu15:38
q_a_z_steveagentgasmask do what you like, I suggest you try it regardless of the trigger I used15:38
the_p_I try to run this software http://phototour.cs.washington.edu/bundler/ but it segfaults in 0x00007ffff6d96f80 in dscal_ () from /usr/lib/libblas.so.3gf. As this library is from ubuntu i would like to know if it is possible to install other versions of libblas?15:38
Ickyrusty149_: it's saying 'no such file or directory'15:38
q_a_z_stevekreign I should say X is installed in XP L for Linux, M for mac15:39
pankaji installed gnome panel15:41
pankajstill i see no panel15:41
szpreaderI unninstalled evolution, can anyone tell me how I use thunderbird as default email client?15:42
szpreaderI unninstalled evolution, can anyone tell me how I can use thunderbird as default email client?15:42
[bean]there should be a menu option for setting default apps15:42
[bean]either in preferences or administraion15:42
the_p_What is wrong with my question? I am sure that a lot of people can answer it.15:43
szpreaderthere is, but it says "could not launch email settings"15:43
[bean]have you tried googling the topic thunderbird ubuntu default15:44
szpreaderI have set thunderbird default but mail was still using evolution15:44
[bean]what about googling "could not launch email settings" ubuntu thunderbird15:44
q_a_z_stevekreign actually X stands for x, the variable i.e. any of four different operating systems or simply "cross". I stand corrected.15:45
rejoinare there any php coders here15:45
Picirejoin: Try ##php15:45
kreignq_a_z_steve, hah15:46
judgenSorry to be a bother, but what does "MTN Dew? Taste like?15:46
rejoinPici, it redirects me to ##overflow, and nobody is answering there15:46
kreignq_a_z_steve, I've nfi why we bother to put acronyms on such things.15:46
Picirejoin: Thats because you need to be registered and identified to join there.15:47
Pici !register > rejoin15:47
ubotturejoin, please see my private message15:47
kreignjudgen, huh? it tastes like soda. low carb, high sugar, slightly bitter with a uh green taste.15:47
Pici!ot | judgen kreign q_a_z_steve15:47
ubottujudgen kreign q_a_z_steve: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:47
rejoinPici, thanks15:47
q_a_z_stevehow did I get roped into this?15:48
kreignq_a_z_steve, #ubuntu, or osmething else/ :)15:49
fmax30I want to install a propriety driver i have a mobility radeon 9200 what should i do ?15:49
q_a_z_stevethe !ot comment15:49
fmax30*display driver15:49
kreignfmax30, are they available?15:49
Picithe_p_: It looks like there are a few packages that provide libblas.so.3gf.  `apt-cache search libblas` give me a few options for processor specific packages.15:49
Picithe_p_: Or rather processor extension specific, i.e. sse, sse2.15:50
szpreaderis there any way to remove "mail", "compose new messege" from the mail "envelope"?15:50
fmax30Well that i dont know :S15:50
Oerfmax30, there is no prop driver available for radeon 9200, ATI scrapped driver support15:50
aviscan anyone tell me where i can get 64-bit keypassx for maverick ?15:50
Guest58335why do u wan to remove it15:51
Piciavis: It should be in the repositories.15:51
abdel_any body there]\15:51
avisi can't find it15:51
fmax30so what is fglrx15:51
abdel_my pc is still freezin15:51
abdel_after instalkling15:51
Pici!enter | abdel_15:51
fmax30i downloaded it thinking it was the driver :X15:51
ubottuabdel_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:51
Piciavis: Do you have universe enabled?15:52
Oerfmax30, fglrx is a nice GDM15:52
avisi sure do15:52
* fmax30 runs a websearch on what a GDM is15:52
abdel_my pc still freezes after installation...i mean the mouse and keyboard15:52
Piciavis: What    does apt-cache policy keepassx    say?15:52
avisunable to locate package Pici15:52
dnivrahello. I am running Ubuntu 10.10. When I boot my computer, gdm does not start. I am able to login using tty1, start/stop/restart gdm but no gui is shown when I switch to tty7. what could possibly be wrong?15:53
pankaji can't get back my panel15:53
Piciavis: Let me check something, one moment.15:53
Oeravis keepassx maverick/universe amd64 Packages15:54
fmax30gnome display manager , well its better than nothing , atleast now i will have a little more control15:54
avisvery odd15:54
q_a_z_steveDoes it make sense to anyone that my 10.10 vm welcome music sounds "tiny"?15:54
szpreadercan Transmission minimize to tray when closed?15:54
szpreaderI can't find this option in preferences15:54
the_p_Pici: i would be fine with an unoptimized version. that just runs.15:54
dnivraszpreader, in transmission Edit -> Preferences->Desktop-> Show icon in notification area.15:55
the_p_Pici: i am running a core 2 quad Q9400. It supports according to cpu info: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 xsave lahf_lm tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority15:55
q_a_z_stevegerard_ IT WORKS15:56
fmax30how good is the driver that my ubuntu is currently using15:56
Picithe_p_: You could try replacing the package you have now with 'libatlas3gf-base'15:56
fmax30i have no way of checking it out15:56
Piciavis: Launchpad says that it was built and published for amd64: keepassx |    0.4.3-1 | maverick/universe | source, amd64, i38615:57
fmax30or changing any settings15:57
Piciavis: Can you run an apt-get update?15:57
judgenkreign: thanks15:57
lunaphyte_hi.  how can i run the keyboard detection process manually, from a shell, post installation?15:57
szpreaderyes, it was there, but I couldn't see it! thanks15:57
CitizenwarriorJDoes anyone here have any experience with completely encrypted Ubuntu file systems.  I could use some guidance, but don't want to flood the room with the subject.15:57
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Guest12309what ever15:59
Guest58335anyone help me how  to change my nickname in the window15:59
gobbeGuest58335: that's really not ubuntu-issue, but /nick <newnick>16:00
Guest58335am not getting my name displayed  on the chatwindows16:00
q_a_z_steve!register > Guest5833516:00
ubottuGuest58335, please see my private message16:00
q_a_z_steve2nd time?16:00
Zorakwhatś up guys?16:00
thecooldewdHello all16:01
fmax30how can i change my performance settings16:01
thecooldewdI need some help, please :)16:01
thecooldewdmplayer: Depends: libartsc0 (>= 1.5.2-0) but it is not installable16:01
thecooldewdcan anyone help me in installing mplayer, please?16:01
Zorakwhy don't u use vlc?16:02
* q_a_z_steve bites his !trigger happy fingers16:02
rwwthecooldewd: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?16:02
thecooldewdUBUNTU 1016:02
thecooldewd64 BIT16:02
fmax30how  can i change the my display performance / anti aliasing / directx settings16:02
gobbethecooldewd: 10.10?16:03
thecooldewdI have a dedicated server and I am hosting my site on it, I installed a PHP script for Video Hosting.16:03
* q_a_z_steve is using windows 6 umm wait16:03
the_p_Pici: thank you very much for your help using the atlas one solved the issue. I think i should tell this to the author of the software as many people use ubuntu. So he could mention this in the docs.16:03
thecooldewdIt needs Mplayer installed so the video module works.16:03
rwwthecooldewd: Then use the version of mplayer in our multiverse repository. It's supported here, and doesn't depend on libartsc0.16:03
thecooldewdI am a noob :/16:03
Picithe_p_: Good to hear that it worked :)16:03
dnivraI am running Ubuntu 10.10. When I boot my computer, gdm does not start. I am able to login using tty1, start/stop/restart gdm but no gui is shown when I switch to tty7. what could possibly be wrong? running startx from tty1 doesn't prove successful either.16:03
skutr3i need help16:03
skutr3when i boot16:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:03
thecooldewdcan you tell me exactly how to use it or install it?16:04
thecooldewdif you have some spare time :)16:04
skutr3when i boot i get cannot reserve MMIO region16:04
q_a_z_steve!synaptic > thecooldewd turn on the multiverse checkmark16:04
ubottuthecooldewd, please see my private message16:04
fmax30how can i change the my display performance / anti aliasing / direct x settings using ubuntu 11.04 default display drivers16:05
compdoc11.04 ?16:05
glacemanhey guys, i have no sound on my internal speakers on my laptop, but my sound is working on my backtrack distribution, here the alsa-base conf file from backtrack, could this help out ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/554055/16:05
pozicWhen I do telnet <ipaddress> I get ´no route to host'. It's an IP address on my LAN.16:05
Oerfmax30, support 11.04 in #Ubuntu+116:05
thecooldewdI have a Dedicated server and I am using command line16:05
thecooldewdit's on SSH16:05
glacemanim running ubuntu 10.1016:05
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q_a_z_steve!natty > fmax3016:05
ubottufmax30, please see my private message16:06
rwwthecooldewd: 1) sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, check that the multiverse lines don't have a # in front of them. 2) sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mplayer16:06
thecooldewdyes, I have done that already.16:06
thecooldewdIt's of no use.16:06
rwwthecooldewd: copy the output of 'apt-cache policy mplayer' to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the page it creates here.16:07
fmax30Natty is unstable ??16:07
SwedeMikefmax30: yes. 11.04 means april of 2011 release date.16:07
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
q_a_z_stevestop doing that...16:07
Rasawhich version of ubuntu has errors ie actually WORKS16:08
Rasa*no errors lol16:08
rwwthecooldewd: Do the same with the output of 'lsb_release -a'16:08
tonysanHow do I specify the shutdown date and time?16:09
q_a_z_stevetonysan shutdown --help16:09
gregoiredo you know any irc about c, itried #c16:09
fmax30all i did was update , if it was unstable then it should not have been in the auto update anyway going .16:09
bfrederiOne of the people I work with moved a bunch of files out of their home directory (he is an idiot), and not he can't log in to Ubuntu. It won't allow him to authenticate. Does anyone know what might be the problem and how to fix/work-around it? Or is it probably that he's just a dummy and forgot his password?16:09
Picigregoire: Its ##C, and you need to register/identify to join.16:09
fr0nk_since there's no dedicated evolution mail channel, does anyone here know how to search the mail body for text in evolution mail? The default search only searches for sender, recipient and subject16:09
tonysanq_a_z_steve: there is only time, no date...16:09
Rasai want a version of ubuntu that doesn't have massive errors in its code16:09
q_a_z_stevegregoire try ##c or ##c++16:09
Pici!register > gregoire16:09
ubottugregoire, please see my private message16:09
gregoirethank you16:09
gobbeRasa: what do you mean?16:09
Oerfmax30, natty is not in the update, you did it yourself16:09
rwwthecooldewd: Alrighty. Apparently, you're actually using 9.04, which stopped being supported in October, and have repositories enabled from 6.06, whose mplayer packages stopped being supported in 2007.16:09
rww!eol | thecooldewd16:10
ubottuthecooldewd: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:10
bfrederiNevermind. He is a moron. He forgot his password. I suspected as much...16:10
Rasai want a linux that works16:10
PiciRasa: You need to explain what issues you are having before we can make suggestions to help fix them.16:10
fr0nk_Rasa: ?16:10
gobbeRasa: how it is not working16:10
lapionhello huba16:10
bfrederiThis is his last day...16:10
bfrederiCan't wait.16:11
linuxsonHey guys16:11
lapionI was wondering if there is a big difference between the dtv and the pdtv version of primeval that you posted16:11
=== gregoire is now known as TheGreg
q_a_z_stevethecooldewd please keep things like that in channell16:12
Picilapion: This is #ubuntu, are you sure that your question is relevant to this channel?16:12
divinei used this command to find all the files I need "find -name '*.r*'" how do i then move all results to a given directory?16:12
dnivraI am running Ubuntu 10.10. When I boot my computer, gdm does not start. I am able to login using tty1, start/stop/restart gdm but no gui is shown when I switch to tty7. what could possibly be wrong? running startx from tty1 doesn't prove successful either. i also tried booting to recovery mode and run "fail safe" mode but nothing happens. it just says "standby one minute while the display restarts" but does nothing.16:12
histolapion: ones hd the other isn't?  but I htink you're in the wrong channel16:12
UbuN2hello guys can i see wht my last updates was ?16:12
UbuN2do they get logged somewhere16:12
rwwUbuN2: look at the bottom of /var/log/dpkg.log16:13
Picidnivra: add   -exec mv {} /destination/path/ \;  to the end of the command16:13
q_a_z_steve!patience > dnivra16:13
UbuN2thank you16:13
ubottudnivra, please see my private message16:13
fr0nk_UbuN2: yes, in synaptic -> chronic16:13
lapionoop sorry16:13
fmax30oer : all i did was click check updates the install updates.16:13
fr0nk_anyone here using evolution?16:13
q_a_z_steve!anyone > fr0nk_16:14
ubottufr0nk_, please see my private message16:14
Oerfmax30, not possible, you dod something to get natty.16:14
dnivraPici, was that for me? add -exec mv?16:14
fr0nk_q_a_z_steve: I asked the question above, no answer so i wanted to ask how they search for their mails16:14
Picidnivra: No, sorry. Mistab.16:14
rwwfmax30: run "lsb_release -a" in a terminal, see which version it thinks you have.16:14
Picidivine: add   -exec mv {} /destination/path/ \;  to the end of the command16:14
q_a_z_stevefr0nk_ ...16:15
UbuN2should some packages say half configured16:15
=== carlo is now known as Guest71287
rwwq_a_z_steve: 16:09:37 < fr0nk_> since there's no dedicated evolution mail channel, does anyone here know how to search the mail body for text in evolution mail? The default search only searches for sender, recipient and subject16:15
rwwq_a_z_steve: consider consulting scrollback before factoiding people.16:15
linuxsonIs there absolutely NO way to get MS Outlook working in Ubuntu?16:15
skutr3can someone help me?16:16
histolinuxson: maybe under wine or crossover.16:16
fr0nk_rww: thanks :)16:16
skutr3i already asked my question16:16
histolinuxson: you could always use evolution or some other mail client.16:16
skutr3so dont give me that !ask shit16:16
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
fmax30rww :  :| It says 10.10 :X  but my about unbuntu says 11.0416:16
histo!ohmy | skutr316:17
ubottuskutr3: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:17
dnivraskutr3, rather than ask for help, it'd be better to repeat the question right?16:17
sipiorskutr3: wow, what a great attitude. people will really be lining up to help you out.16:17
rwwfmax30: Yeah, there's a bug in Ubuntu's documentation (which is what generates that 11.04 note) that they've thusfar failed to fix. You have 10.10.16:17
linuxsonI almost had it going after installation, only the fields where you put in your email address and info weren't showing. Thinking that I could fix it later, I just selected to not set up an email account16:17
q_a_z_steverww sorry but my window doesn't go back that far. not going to go to the logs every time.16:17
histo!help | skutr316:17
ubottuskutr3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:17
linuxsonNow it just closes as soon as you open it, saying that it couldn't open Outlook16:17
rwwq_a_z_steve: If you can't be bothered actually checking, then don't just assume people haven't asked a question.16:17
fmax30how can i change the my display performance / anti aliasing / direct x/opengl settings using ubuntu 10.10  default display drivers16:18
q_a_z_steverww I will try to be a better person16:18
gumpishfmax30: well, you definitely won't be changing your directx settings16:18
ckiralycan anyone help me set up an automated install on a usb stick?16:19
fmax30i mean mode X16:19
gumpishfmax30: don't know, good question16:19
histo!install > ckiraly16:19
ubottuckiraly, please see my private message16:19
fr0nk_ckiraly: actually, there is a builtin tool for that: usb-creator-gtk16:19
rwwusb-creator-gtk doesn't do automated installs :(16:20
yuvaplease suggest me install ubuntu16:20
fr0nk_ckiraly: sry, didn't read the "automated" part16:20
rwwassuming you mean "boot from USB and it automatically picks the right settings and goes straight to installing"16:20
florian1729Does anyone can help me with parallel python debugging (using ipython and mpi4py)???16:20
linuxsonIs there anyway I can purge the Office install from Wine's directories so that I can just redo the whole process?16:20
thecooldewdrww: does this mean I am not able to install mplayer on UBUNTU 9?16:20
q_a_z_steveyuva what is your question? What is your first language?16:20
sipiorflorian1729: there's a #python channel you can try16:21
ckiralyrww - yes I mean that16:21
yuvaplease suggest me to instsall lamp server , ma langusge is english16:21
ckiralyi basically have an installer working ( from UNetBootin ) - but my preseed file is not loading16:21
rwwthecooldewd: It means that Ubuntu 9.04 isn't supported in this channel, and that furthermore you appear to have put junk in your sources.list. Look at the link ubottu gave you for EOL upgrades and use it to 1) put the old-releases stuff in sources.list instead of stuff involving dapper 2) upgrade to 9.10 or (preferably) 10.04.16:21
rww(9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.04, to be specific)16:22
neko_hi, I'm trying to update and I get the following message http://pastebin.com/bG1tbQgS someone know how to fix this?16:22
linuxsonIs there anyway I can purge the Office install from Wine's directories so that I can just redo the whole process?16:23
histo!automate | ckiraly16:23
ubottuckiraly: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning16:23
rwwlinuxson: Do you have anything else installed in WINE?16:23
linuxsonrww: Yeah...all the prerequisites needed to run Office and everything else16:23
yuvaplz plz suggest me to install lamp.16:24
rwwlinuxson: ugh. I was going to suggest just nuking out your .wine folder, but then you'd lose anything else in that wine bottle.16:24
oCean!lamp > yuva16:24
ubottuyuva, please see my private message16:24
fmax30how can i change the my display performance / anti aliasing / X video setting using ubuntu 10.10 default display drivers ?<-- Can any one help me here ? or do i need to explicitly install a 3rd partly driver16:24
linuxsonrww: I know :) I tried the uninstaller, but it doesn't work. Doesn't remove anything16:24
dnivraI am running Ubuntu 10.10. When I boot my computer, gdm does not start. I am able to login using tty1, start/stop/restart gdm but no gui is shown when I switch to tty7. what could possibly be wrong? running startx from tty1 doesn't prove successful either. i also tried booting to recovery mode and run "fail safe" mode but nothing happens. it just says "standby one minute while the display restarts" but does nothing.16:25
NooBoontooAgain, I've been trying to fix this problem with no success16:25
yuvaubtto: i am new ubuntu help in detail16:25
fr0nk_linuxson: I've tried to get both office 2007 and 2010 running on wine, but with no success a couple of weeks ago. However, I succeeded with the demo version of CrossOver Office. But even then: Using Powerpoint was a mess when placing objects. I'd really consider using a VM.16:25
rwwyuva: Follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP . They go into plenty of detail.16:25
dnivrayuva, uBOTtu is a bot.16:25
oCeanyuva: read the links16:25
=== Sorrowful is now known as Faithless
NooBoontooEverytime I login to Ubuntu, my xserver is messed up, I go as root and change the resolution of my screen and save it, but after a restart it still looks messed up...16:26
linuxsonfr0nk_: Well....I guess that is it then....16:26
fr0nk_linuxson: why don't you consider using a VM?16:26
linuxsonfr0nk_: Then all I need is a way to import my .pst file into Thunderbird16:27
fr0nk_ah, it's only for outlook16:27
linuxsonfr0nk_: But even that seems to lead to a deadend16:27
linuxsonfr0nk_: Yeah16:27
yuvahelp me to install drupal on ubuntu16:27
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linuxsonfr0nk_: There is a plugin for it, but doesn't work with the newer versions of Thunderbird16:27
MrHeavyI'm having a hell of a time trying to get OpenGL working on the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver16:27
MrHeavyI get this in my Xorg.0.log and I can't figure out why:16:28
fr0nk_linuxson: http://lifehacker.com/340521/import-outlook-pst-files-into-thunderbird-with-pst-import that one?16:28
MrHeavy(EE) GLX error: Can not get required symbols.16:28
MrHeavyAny ideas?16:28
MrHeavyLast time I did serious X video troubleshooting it was still XFree86 :(16:28
oCeanyuva: you have to do it yourself. Follow the links you received on how to install apache and mysql. Then follow the documentation for drupal16:28
rwwyuva: install LAMP per that link, then install the 'drupal6' package16:28
linuxsonfr0nk_: Yeah, exacto16:28
NooBoontooSo, Why do the xserver fails?16:29
NooBoontoois it a bug?16:29
fr0nk_NooBoontoo: No, it's a feature (scnr! ;)16:29
q_a_z_stevefr0nk_ ??16:29
q_a_z_steve!error > MrHeavy16:30
ubottuMrHeavy, please see my private message16:30
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fr0nk_NooBoontoo: on my lenovo T500 (also ATI) I succeeded by using the drivers directly from AMD, not the ones from the restricted drivers repository provided by canonicial16:31
fr0nk_NooBoontoo: but as far as I remember I had to use a PPA for the X server, because minimizing windows freezed the system for approx. 1 sec16:31
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MrHeavyI have better things to do than ask passive-aggressive bot-wielders for help, thanks though16:32
fr0nk_NooBoontoo: overall, ATI / AMD is a pain in the...16:32
q_a_z_stevesuit yourself, or you could post logs, steps, etc as suggested16:32
oCeanq_a_z_steve: ^that is why I asked you to ease up on the bot usage16:32
sam-_-how do i disable an upstart conf? just uncomment the "start on" line? what's the preferred way?16:33
Travis-42How can I apply different color profiles to multiple monitors in Ubuntu?16:33
ckiralythanks for all the info - i'll read up and be back if I still have questions!16:33
ortsvorsteherHi. I installed a sata harddrive from one pc to a new one. the old one had a nvidia vga chip. now the new one runs an intel chip. how to change the driver to intel that system runs properly? Ubuntu 10.04 lts16:33
fr0nk_Travis-42: I guess the video driver has to support it16:33
Travis-42fr0nk_, are you sure? In Windows I didn't apply the profiles via the manufacturer's settings16:34
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, did you use the nvidia restricted drivers?16:35
virgomoonGood morning, all .. GNOME Nanny doesn't seem to actually block anything on the latest Edubuntu .. anybody heard of this as a systemic  problem?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1029470016:35
fr0nk_Travis-42: In windows you are also being told your system is up to date and secure while surfing with Internet Explorer16:35
ortsvorstehersam-_-, at the old hardware yes. now in the new hardware is an intel chipset.16:35
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, you want to uninstall the nvidia drivers then16:36
Travis-42fr0nk_, heh yes, and I really want to abandon windows, but I can't seem to find any way to have monitor color calibration in Ubuntu16:36
ortsvorstehersam-_-, yes, i want to uninstall the nvidia drivers and install the intel drivers.16:36
oCeancanaima: stop spamming16:37
canaimano speak inglis alguien habla español16:37
oCean!es > canaima16:37
ubottucanaima, please see my private message16:37
NooBoontoofr0nk: Well I use nvidia16:37
NooBoontoofr0nk: even so, I downloaded the mos recent drivers an toolkits from their site and... nothing16:38
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, boot with safe graphics mode then use restricted driver manager to uninstall the driver16:38
NooBoontoocananima: eres nueva, eh?16:38
NooBoontoocanaima: eres nueva, eh?16:39
undecimIn what order does bash source rc scripts? Is it just ~/.bashrc, or does it do /etc/bash.bashrc, then ~/.bashrc, or the other way around? And where does /etc/profile come into play?16:39
sipiorundecim: consult the bash man page16:39
ortsvorstehersam-_-, it is booted in safe graphics mode. now in restricted driver manager it is nothing shown...16:39
fr0nk_NooBoontoo: sorry. I also use nvidia (drivers 195.36.24) and can't find the settings per monitor16:39
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canaimanooboonto hablas español16:40
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, sudo jockey-gtk -l16:40
undecimsipior: I've been, but I'm having trouble locating this information...16:40
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ortsvorstehersam-_-, i try16:40
rwwcanaima: #ubuntu is English-speaking only. /join #ubuntu-es for Spanish-speaking.16:40
fr0nk_undecim: normally every config file in your homedir is to override global settings from /etc16:40
sipiorundecim: look under the section "INVOCATION"16:40
xubuntu071Gnea: Thanks for the help earlier. I found the cause. This bug happened: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/28867516:40
ortsvorstehersam-_-, Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module": libpk-gtk-module.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:40
undecimsipior: Aha! There it is. Thank you16:41
ortsvorstehersam-_-, is it possible to change driver in xorg.conf by hand?16:41
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, sudo apt-get --purge autoremove nvidia-*16:41
undecimsipior: Excellent! System configs are run first :P16:42
ortsvorstehersam-_-, this runs... :)16:42
KromgolI'm trying to install Ubuntu through USB and i got a problem16:42
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, then delete the xorg.conf altogether16:42
sam-_-how do i disable an upstart conf? just uncomment the "start on" line? what's the preferred way?16:42
KromgolIt boots up fine, but when i try to install the ubuntu serveer "floppy_devices[233] specified group 'floppy' unknown" comes up.16:43
ortsvorstehersam-_-, i will move than the xorg.conf to another name. and after that? reboot?16:43
AivarasKiviliusIs it OK for external hdd to use ext4?16:43
KromgolI haven't found this error nowhere on the internet16:43
KromgolWhat's wrong?16:43
KM0201AivarasKivilius: i don't see why it wouldn't...16:43
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, yes.16:43
sam-_-ortsvorsteher, backing it up is probably better :-)16:44
ortsvorstehersam-_-, thank you. now i restart and try... see you later16:44
ortsvorsteher!cookie | sam-_-16:44
ubottusam-_-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:44
KromgolSo, does anyone have an idea on what's wrong?16:44
KM0201AivarasKivilius: but i'm not really sure why it would be necessary... is the drive shared w/ an Windows machine?16:44
sam-_-Kromgol, who/what gives you the error?16:45
Kromgolsam-_-: When i press "install Ubuntu server" after having it booted from USB16:45
AivarasKiviliusKM0201,  I have no windows machines around me and I will newer go back to windows :D16:45
KromgolGot it working16:45
ubu_ffExcuse me, I have Firefox 3.6.13 installed, can anyone tell me if it's possible to install Firefox 4 Beta without removing 3.6.13?16:45
KM0201AivarasKivilius: how long have you had ubuntu?16:45
KromgolUsed the back USb port on the computer..16:45
fmax30how can i check what drivers i have16:46
fmax30display drivers that is16:46
AivarasKiviliusKM0201,  Now I have kubuntu for testing, sometimes I use arch, but now I think two years without windows.16:46
yeats!ff | ubu_ff16:47
ubottuubu_ff: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.516:47
induzviola i upgraded to Lucid16:49
sam-_-fmax30, less /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:50
ubu_ffI already have the latest version. I want to know if it's possible to install Firefox Beta alongside Firefox 3.6.1316:51
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mrPotato!wireless mrPotato16:52
KM0201!wireless > mrPotato16:52
ubottumrPotato, please see my private message16:52
oCeanubu_ff: I think it's in the silverwave ppa16:52
mrPotatothanks KM0201 :)16:53
KM0201mrPotato: what kind of problem are you having?16:53
mrPotatoerrors and i need to get my desktop with ubuntu 10.10 connected wirelessly without a wired connection16:53
KM0201mrPotato: whats yoru wireless device?16:53
B_Zhi all16:54
xilhello. I'm having a problem connecting to an Open WEP wireless network using Wicd + Ubuntu 10.10 + wmii. Could someone help me out?16:54
mrPotatoa wusb54gsc linksys16:54
KM0201mrPotato: i think those are ralinks...16:54
Dr_Willisxil:  is that an ad-hoc network?16:54
oCeanubu_ff: you understood what I was saying about the ppa?16:55
ulziibuyanCan somebody help me with creating bootable 10.10 netbook USB drive on Mac, please?16:55
xilwillis: if I do know what ad-hoc networks are, and I think I do, then the answer is no, it's a standard setup from my wireless router to a verizon fiber line16:55
Dr_Willisulziibuyan:  check the pendrivelinux web site. see what tools are avail for the macos you are using.16:55
mrPotatomaybe they changed their name to that KM020116:55
Dr_Willisxil:  not ad-hoc them. Ubuntu seem to have some issues wiht ad-hoc networks. :(16:56
ulziibuyanDr_Willis: they don't have Mac version :(16:56
KM0201mrPotato: what does lsusb say about the device?16:56
ubu_ffUh, I can't find 'silverware' on LaunchPad16:56
Dr_Willisulziibuyan:  every so often someone asks about what you are doing. ive never seen a quick ansqwer.16:56
oCeanubu_ff: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=silverwave16:56
xildr_willis: what's interesting is that it works just fine using the default desktop environment, just not wmii16:56
mrPotatoLinksys WUSB54GSC v2 802.11g Adapter16:57
sam-_-xil, how doesn't it work? any error messages?16:57
Dr_Willisxil:  perhaps some service is not gettting ran then. you mean to say that wicd works under gnome, but not wmii?16:57
KM0201mrPotato: thats what lsusb says?16:57
xilsam: when I try to connect in wmii it takes a while and then says "couldn't obtain ip address" maybe not with those exact words16:58
xilsam: when I try to connect in wmii it takes a while and then says "couldn't obtain ip address" maybe not with those exact words16:59
janickoI need help to get my wireless working. It is recognized, but when i try to connect and put in wpa password is say it has bad password16:59
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xilI dropped there for a moment. That's another thing the wireless does sometimes on Ubuntu, but not on Windows16:59
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ulziibuyanCan somebody help me with creating bootable 10.10 netbook USB drive on Mac, please?16:59
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singhwhats up guys16:59
fmax30for some reason ubuntu is using the radeon mobility 9000 drivers for my mobility radeon 9200 . Can any one help me find restricted or custom drivers for this card ?16:59
singhany body there17:00
q_a_z_stevesome more than others17:00
tevMost of the questions make no sense or show cba so I cba to answer :P17:00
janickodo you think if i update to ubuntu 10.10 it could solve my problem with wireless?17:00
q_a_z_steveulziibuyan I want to say there's a fair guide on ubuntu.com for just this sort of thing17:00
=== gregoire is now known as TheGreg
tevhttp://www.google.com/search?q=wmii&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=#sclient=psy&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us%3AIE-SearchBox&q=bootable+10.10+netbook+USB+drive+on+Mac&aq=&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&fp=77a6fa40f303a0e3  <- wow look at the number of hits17:01
xildr_willis: that may be the case. Any idea what service it could be? Could it possibly be related to a restricted driver?17:01
sam-_-fmax30, it's just fine. there are only the opensource drivers. no restricted ones.17:01
fmax30but i dont seem to an have control over the open source drivers (ironic eh? )17:02
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tevwhat you want ATiCCC  for linux?17:03
mrPotatoKM0201, yes17:03
tevfmax30: http://www.amd.com/us/products/technologies/ati-catalyst/pages/ati-catalyst-control-center.aspx17:03
Dr_Willisxil:  i wouldent think so. If you did the right cli commands - you can connect to a wireless network.17:03
Dr_Willisxil:  some wireless drivers on linux.. are not that great. :( sadly.17:04
gopshello world17:04
bebebe bueno vista si si?17:04
bebebeBR? BR?17:04
KM0201mrPotato: most posts suggest using ndiswrapper17:04
gops"How will you copy a directory structure dir1 to dir2 ?"17:05
bebebegieb monies ples17:05
bebebei report ru17:05
erUSULgops: cp -R dir1 dir2/17:05
bebebehey did yall here about lemonparty.org?17:06
bebebeits the best site for chaep computer parts17:06
gopserUSUL: ok, one min17:06
sam-_-tev, he got a really old radeon. there is no support in fglrx for this one anymore17:06
virgomoondoes anyone here use gnome nanny at all? it doesn't seem to be actually blocking anything17:06
janickois anybody here who would help me to get my wireless working?17:06
DimaVI am running server 10.10, headless and without a WM, and wanted to migrate my system from one internal hd to another via ssh. both hds are in the system now. how would i do that?17:07
erUSUL!cli | gops17:07
ubottugops: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro17:07
xildr_willis: is there a way to use NM from cli?17:07
KM0201mrPotato: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-wireless-networking-41/linksys-wusb54gsc-on-ubuntu-8-04-1-solved-664463/17:07
sam-_-!ask |janicko17:07
ubottujanicko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:07
KM0201mrPotato: bout the only thing he leaves out, is you need to install ndiswrapper.17:07
bebebe<anything here>.on.nimp.org/<anything here (optional)>17:07
Dr_Willisxil:  never tried.17:08
Dr_Willisxil:  you could run the nm-applet from wmii i imagine.17:08
gopserUSUL: please note in dir1 i have three other directories A B C i need to copy A, B, C to dir2, your command was right but that is copiying the entiry dir, i need to copy its contents to dir217:08
xildr_willis: I'll try later when I go back onto wmii but if the applet is the tray icon then I don't think it'll work17:08
ulziibuyanwill "dd if=<unr_maverick.iso> of=<usb>" create bootable drive?17:09
Dr_Willisxil:  theres proberly tools you can rn in wmii that give the icons a 'tray' to go to.17:09
sipiorulziibuyan: no, i'm afraid it won't.17:09
Dr_Willisulziibuyan:  that dosetn work for ubuntu. but I have seen that work for other disrtos17:09
janickoi have problem to get my wireless working. It is recognized, but after putting wpa in it say it has bad password, what is wierd, becouse it works on my ps3 and mobile phone...17:09
Dr_Willisulziibuyan:  some how the iso is set up differntly for those disrtos17:10
xildr_willis: aha, okay. I'll look for something like that. thanks17:10
erUSULgops: cp -R dir1/* dir2   ( * means everything )17:10
gopserUSUL: ok, let me check17:10
sam-_-Dr_Willis, different boot loader i assume17:11
DimaVI repeat, just in case. I am running server 10.10, headless and without a WM, and wanted to migrate my system from one internal hd to another via ssh. both hds are in the system now. how would i do that?17:11
induzhow can i update a particular program on Lucid??17:11
aLinuxinduz, sudo apt-get install <programname>17:11
sam-_-DimaV, if both are in the system why do you need ssh?17:11
gopserUSUL: thats rite, thanks :)17:11
gumpishsam-_-: he's just saying that's the only interface he has into the system17:12
kuvuinduz: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:12
sam-_-gumpish, ah. that make sense. right17:12
gops"3. How can you find out if you have the permission to send a message?"17:12
akhyarizinduz, why don't u use update manager?17:12
gumpishDimaV: are the HDDs the same model?17:12
induzupdate manager says all is updated17:13
sipiorDimaV: clone the relevant partitions with partimage, reinstall grub (or just modify the configuration if the original disk will remain in place).17:13
induzis it correct sudo apt-get install <programname>??17:13
=== fresh is now known as Guest88911
induzas the programme is already installed17:13
brontoeeejust for the record: gparted did resize fat32 parition and add a new ntfs one, seems to be working as well17:13
induzaLinux, why i have to install again??17:13
sipiorDimaV: oh, and make sure that /etc/fstab entries reflect the new disk partitions.17:13
gumpishDimaV: what sipior said17:13
aLinuxinduz, Did you try that ?17:13
gopsDr_Willis: 3. How can you find out if you have the permission to send a message?17:13
john38Anybody know how to select or choose a driver with helper scripts in Terminal???17:14
sipiorDimaV: actually, belay that last, the uuids will still be consistent.17:14
neurochromehey there I'm just setup lamp on my ubuntu box and am trying to install wordpress, but fff and chrome both want to download the install.php files, how do I fix this so that they open/render in the browser?17:14
induzaLinux, no as update commands takes no argument17:14
erUSUL!lamp | neurochrome there is a troubleshootin section here17:14
ubottuneurochrome there is a troubleshootin section here: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:14
aLinuxinduz, Which programe do you want to update ?17:14
induzaLinux, my program is alreay install17:15
induzaLinux, Goldendict17:15
brontoeeeneurochrome, dev or production server?17:15
aLinuxinduz, How did you install it ?17:15
DimaVsipior: clone with what cli util?17:15
sipiorDimaV: partimage.17:15
claydI know you can ssh from the command prompt, but I was wondering if there is a good ssh client like putty?  I see putty is availble but i am also wondering if there is something better or if i just need to stop leaning on my win crutches.17:15
sam-_-induz, maybe there is no newer version available17:15
neurochromebrontoeee, I had no issues with jaunty setup but maverick has been nothing but trouble17:15
DimaVsipior: that will clone the entire drive or indiv partitions?17:15
brontoeeeneurochrome, i would just xampp in that case, its quite easier to install17:15
gumpishclayd: stop leaning17:16
john38Anybody know how to select or choose a driver with helper scripts in Terminal???17:16
neurochromefor one most documentation is out-of-date irelevant17:16
gumpishclayd: :(17:16
sipiorDimaV: use it to clone each partition.17:16
brontoeeeneurochrome, i just did a xampp install + wordpress the other day, wasnt hard at all17:16
DimaVand then edit grub config?17:16
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:16
neurochromebrontoeee, mmmm17:16
aLinuxinduz, Read this , http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-update-ubuntu-linux-softwares/17:16
sipiorclayd: ssh can do all sorts of neat tricks. best to learn it from the beginning.17:16
Tyrnisplop all17:16
sam-_-clayd, what are you missing?17:16
HoboSteauxi just popped in 2 new NICs and installed the correct driver, but lshw still says that they are disabled. is there a config file that i have to mess with?17:16
DimaVsipior: and then edit grub?17:17
sipiorDimaV: as is said, yes.17:17
brontoeeeerUSUL, huh, any specific reason?17:17
nirazioIs there a ppa or debian package for Thunderbird 3.3a?17:17
Blackjesterwhere is the backtrack 4 channel?17:17
neurochromebrontoeee, looks liek I've found some help on the ubuntu wiki17:17
claydwell have always used putty on my windows box, and it was nice to have all my sesttings already in place and when I need to connect to a server it is a simple double click.17:17
neurochromewhich is normally well out of date17:17
erUSULbrontoeee: third party software17:17
neurochromeerUSUL, cheers, for once the wiki for ubuntu has relevant up-to-date info on17:18
DimaVsipior: one of my paritions (well, the non boot one really) is LVM. what should i resize it with to fit the new drive17:18
brontoeeeerUSUL, ok, i thougt for a moment it may be something with sequrity17:18
gumpishclayd: you can write aliases or scripts to make connecting to a particular host just a few keystrokes away17:18
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:18
markturnipAnyone used Hostapd & know whether it's possible to hide the SSID?17:18
gumpishclayd: or create launcher items for individual hosts, if you really want to click something :\17:18
sipiorDimaV: in that case, take an LVM snapshot and relocate it to the new drive.17:18
llutzmarkturnip: why would you like to hide it? it makes no sense at all, just causes trouble17:18
terridhi all17:18
john38Anybody know how to select or choose a driver with helper scripts in Terminal???17:18
induzaLinux, i get this sudo apt-get install17:19
terridi have a flash pen drive, that is alsmost full and i want to delete things from it, but i cant17:19
erUSULjohn38: your question makes little sense; what kind of driver? what helper scripts?17:19
induzaLinux, sudo apt-get install GoldenDict17:19
induzReading package lists... Done17:19
induzBuilding dependency tree17:19
induzReading state information... Done17:19
induzE: Couldn't find package GoldenDict17:19
FloodBot4induz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:19
terridI have looked in /media/disk/.Trash-1000, but i get a file permissions error17:19
terridcould someone help me please?17:19
aLinuxinduz, sudo apt-get install golderdict will update this package if you already have this installed17:19
sam-_-clayd, so basically you want a gui?17:19
gopshey can any one help me to find the answser of this "3. How can you find out if you have the permission to send a message?"17:20
gumpishterrid: you can't use rm?17:20
erUSULinduz: all lowercase17:20
aLinuxinduz, pastebin , sudo aptitude search golden17:20
markturnipWell one example may be that you have multiple SSID's in an establishment & you wish for people to only connect to one. To avoid them mistakenly connecting to the wrong SSIS - which you may wish to use for select individuals.17:20
induzaLinux, is it a command?17:20
clayd:(  sadly yes.  but I am doing more research first17:20
terridgumpish: gives me a read-only file permissions error17:20
ringomanateeI have files that I am keeing ownership as www-data but I'd like to be able to move stuff in there as myself - is there an easy way to give my user identity write permission into www-data owned directories?17:20
aLinuxinduz, Yes17:20
erUSULgops: more context is needed.17:20
john38erUSUL, im using compat-wireless to install wireless driver i typed ./scripts/driver-select in terminal. I see my driver i just dont know what to do next17:20
gumpishterrid: so try it with sudo?17:20
aLinuxinduz, http://pastebin.com/17:20
terridgumpish: i did17:21
erUSULjohn38: there are packages to install compact wireless via synaptic ...17:21
john38erUSUL, what do i type to select driver17:21
aLinuxinduz, sudo aptitude search golden17:21
DimaVsipior: hm, i should probably say my whole story. i got a new HD and wanted to move the entire system to it so that i can later replace the original drive17:21
john38erUSUL, yeah but i cant connect to internet unless i install driver17:21
DimaVsipior: so if there is a better way than cloning and resizing..17:21
hydxhi, can anyone tell me which drivers to look for at help.ubuntu.com for macbook 5.1 if im running backtrack 4 R2? i know 8.04 is used in backtrack 4 R2 but theres no wiki about it. is it intrepid, then?17:21
induzaLinux, http://pastebin.com/HYXTwHqu17:22
terridgumpish:  rm: cannot remove `/media/KINGSTON/.Trash-1000/expunged/570276593/lib...': Read-only file system17:22
sipiorDimaV: since you're using LVM anyway, why not simply extend the volume group to make use of the new drive? is the original drive no longer reliable?17:22
gumpishterrid: can you rm something that isn't in .Trash-1000 ?17:22
aLinuxinduz, sudo aptitude install goldendict17:22
brontoeeeterrid, there is a ntfs tool that enables writing i thinl17:22
terridgumpish:  yeah17:22
erUSULjohn38: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-$(uname -r)17:23
kvarleyHow can I convert a sparseimage file to iso? Or how can I burn the sparseimage?17:23
neurochromecan you use tasksel to remove lamp?17:23
gumpish".../Trash/expunged/..." really makes it sound like the data has already been deleted...17:23
john38erUSUL, do i have to be connected to internet for that?17:23
erUSULjohn38: yes17:23
sipiorneurochrome: should do, yes17:23
terridgumpish:  the data was deleted from the drive17:24
neurochromesipior, tasksel: aptitude failed (100)17:24
john38erUSUL, see thats the thing i cant connect17:24
terridbut it still says it 95% full17:24
gumpishterrid: I'd just copy everything to your HDD then format the flash disk17:24
terridand i cannot seem to free up any more space17:24
sipiorneurochrome: how about giving the complete command issued?17:24
john38erUSUL, im right there i just need to select driver from driver-select utility in terminal?17:24
erUSULjohn38: download from here in another machine the apropiate deb http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=compat-wireless&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all17:24
neurochromesudo tasksel17:24
terridI'll do it another day17:24
erUSULjohn38: then in your system do « sudo dpkg -i file.deb »17:24
neurochromesipior, it brings up a wizard17:24
kuvuinduz: aLinux if it's update manger says it's updated that's the latest version don't waste time17:25
erUSULjohn38: to find out your kernel version do « uname -r »17:25
john38erUSUL, oh S#$ cool17:25
fattomWhen I open a Save or Open dialog on Uubntu 10.10 (through Rhythmbox, for example), my folders aren't in alphabetical order (they're just randomly ordered).  How do I change that and make them show alphabetically?17:25
john38erUSUL, thanks17:25
erUSULjohn38: no problem17:25
sipiorneurochrome: how about "sudo tasksel remove lamp-server"?17:25
erUSULjohn38: double clicking in the deb should work to17:25
john38erUSUL, ok17:25
neurochromesipior, same again, just tried17:26
sipiorneurochrome: and that is the complete error?17:26
john38erUSUL, uh.. im using 10.04.117:26
erUSULjohn38: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=compat-wireless&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all17:26
HoboSteauxi just popped in 2 new NICs and installed the correct driver, but lshw still says that they are disabled. is there a config file that i have to mess with?17:27
induzaLinux, Thanks17:27
john38erUSUL, is this latest version of compat17:28
aLinuxinduz, Welcome.17:28
erUSULjohn38: i guess so17:28
starspotI tried the proprietary ati driver but it didn't work so I uninstalled and now X won't load at all. How can I remedy this with boot CD?17:28
starspotubuntu 10.10 64-bit17:28
schnuffle1startsport: remove your xorg.conf17:29
sipiorneurochrome: have you done an "apt-get update" recently?17:29
neurochromesipior, just a sec ago17:30
neurochromenothing changed17:30
neurochromejust ran sudo tasksel -t17:30
gopserUSUL: sorry, i was on a phone call, hey do you have17:30
gopserUSUL: check it http://pastebin.com/NEuWBatP17:30
Dr_Willisstarspot:  check if theres a /etc/X11/xorg.conf  if so see what the driver line is loading. You perhaps could just rename the file. or look if theres a older backup copy of it.17:31
Dr_Willisstarspot:  or edit the driver line to load the proper driver.17:31
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john38erUSUL, im using the earliest release here is 2.6.32-2617:32
erUSULgops: i have to do your homework ?17:32
starspotthx Dr_Willis17:32
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fattomWhen I open a Save or Open dialog on Uubntu 10.10 (through Rhythmbox, for example), my folders aren't in alphabetical order (they're just randomly ordered). How do I change that and make them show alphabetically?17:32
sipiorneurochrome: what happens if you try to install apache using aptitude?17:33
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om26eris there a multi threaded download manager for ubuntu?17:34
neurochromesipior, looks like there is an 'impossible situation' where packages rely on other packages17:34
gopserUSUL: i am sorry, this is a part of unix assign ment, jus help me if you can17:34
jpdsom26er: wget $URL & ?17:34
neurochromesipior, apache is already installed17:34
sipiorneurochrome: well, there's your problem17:34
neurochromesipior, not by my doing... i used tasksel17:35
neurochromenow it wont remove17:35
om26erjpds, something that creates multiple connections to the server and is gui :p17:35
sipiorneurochrome: that may well be, but it makes no difference in getting it up and running. might be best simply to install the desired packages manually.17:35
DimaVsipior: sorry, i keep running around cuz i am at work. the reason i want to move my system (currently on a 0.5tb drive) to a new one (2tb) is because i intend to replace my 0.5tb drive with a bigger one eventually17:36
neurochromesipior, I'm removing everything manually and starting again17:36
erUSULom26er: for comman line "axel" is multit; for gui i use dwonloadthemall ff extension17:36
sipiorneurochrome: that'll also work :-)17:36
DimaVsipior: therefore my mentality was that i probably should migrate the boot sector and whatever else not managed by lvm to the drive that should not get moved for a while17:37
fattomnever mind, I'm an idiot.  I've got it now.17:37
* DimaV patiently waits17:38
sipiorDimaV: was there some part of my previous explanation that was unclear?17:38
DimaVsipior: you have asked why i didn't decide to just extend lvm to the new drive17:39
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sipiorDimaV: look, do what you like, i merely suggested it as an easier alternative.17:40
binniwhy aren't there packages for intrepid on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ ?17:40
erUSUL!eol | binni17:40
ubottubinni: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:40
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.17:40
Dr_Willisbinni:  its past its EOL. time t upgrade i suggest17:41
binniI see, thanks!17:41
DimaVsipior: Hah, I am not trying to defend my self. I am new to server management and wanted to know what's best to do in my case. Which, even with all i said, is partimage?17:42
induz_ i used to get scan pop up on my GoldenDict, after upgrading to Lucid the popup scan is not working. why>> and how to get it back??17:43
akhyarizbinni, i think ubuntu doesn't support intrepid anymore17:44
sipiorDimaV: if you want to relocate to the new disk, partimage is an easy way to do so for the non-lvm partition. for the lvm volume group, (which i assume is all user data, home directories &cet?), you could just create another LVM group on the other disk, and copy the data directly. or you can make an LVM snapshot and move that over.17:44
janickoon wicd after putting my wpa password (I am more than sure that is correct, cose it works on ps3 and mobile) it write "bad password" and won't allow me to connect. Please help!17:50
DimaVsipior: would you suggest copying the lvm partition and expanding it or extending it given my future plans17:51
peloi'm looking for a bit of help with compiz/GPU. I've installed my drivers (ATI hd 5750) running ubuntu 10.10 and the extra effects tab under appearance won't stick17:53
sipiorDimaV: makes no difference. i would just extend it, unless you desperately need the extra space and only have room for two drives. in any event, i need to be going home, so i'll wish you luck and be off.17:54
bluezoneWhen attempting to install nvidia drivers on my new kernal ( i was warned buy sam-_- that it may not work xD) but anyhow it says "The distribution-provided pre-install script has failed!, and it fails after that, It also tells me i already have a driver installed however i do not have one installed17:54
gopswhich command can be use to find the size of a directory17:55
myradlifeI get a message "trying to authenticate; your host doesn't support "password" or "keyboard--interactive" authentication.17:55
myradlifeI have messed up something with my SSH login authentification settings on my server, and now I get prompted for some password that I don't know how to answer17:56
myradlifeAny ideas on what I may have done to create this?17:56
magarwal__how to add /etc/init.d/mysql start/stop to service in ubuntu17:56
bluezonemagarwal__: hmmm, maybe try adding mysql start to etc/modules i'm not sure it will work though17:57
wwwyzzerddhalp! i accidently 'remove from panel'd my messaging... thing, how do i get it back?17:57
sam-_-bluezone, no definitely not17:57
bluezoneyeah, probably a dumb idea17:58
wwwyzzerddanybody know how to get back the messaging and sound integration item on the panel?17:58
lynxomaniaany oss users???17:58
Dr_Willis!resetpanel wwwyzzerdd17:58
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | wwwyzzerdd17:58
ubottuwwwyzzerdd: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:58
VaenomHi people of ubuntu. I just recently installed ubuntu with the Windows installer and now I'm considering make it my default Os. I intend to keep my Win7 for when I want to play games. Here's my noobish question: is there a way to make ubuntu loading by default when I (re)start my computer?17:59
janickoon wicd after putting my wpa password (I am more than sure that is correct, cose it works on ps3 and mobile) it write "bad password" and won't allow me to connect. Please help!17:59
sam-_-magarwal__, sudo apt-get install mysql-server17:59
edbianVaenom: I'm not sure if there is with wubi.  There def is with a normal install17:59
bluezoneVaenom: yes, you would have to modify grub, but i don't recall how17:59
wwwyzzerddDr_Willis: thank you17:59
daedrahow do I remove the Ubuntu One thing from my task bar? removing it by clicking "Remove from panel" kills the Logout/Switch Off button too18:00
uchighlanderI am trying to get this tool compiled from source on ubuntu http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~abh/bbcp/ any help would be appreciated. I have installed the build essentials package and it appears the problem may be with the makefile.  Source here : http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~abh/bbcp/bbcp.tgz18:00
daedraI still want that18:00
magarwal__sam- : i already have mysql-server, and am able to start it with /etc/init.d/mysql start18:00
bluezoneWhen attempting to install nvidia drivers on my new kernal ( i was warned buy sam-_- that it may not work xD) but anyhow it says "The distribution-provided pre-install script has failed!, and it fails after that, It also tells me i already have a driver installed however i do not have one installed, any ideas?18:00
magarwal__i want to change it to upstart job18:01
gusgSometimes I'll think my laptop goes in suspend, but then I'll find that it's been heating up in my bag and it doesn't return from a dark screen. I guess it due to overheating which seems very unhealthy. Is there a way to have ubuntu guarantee being suspended when the lid of my laptop is closed?18:01
Vaenomedbian & bluezone: okay, thanks.  Since grub load after I have to say to windows I want to load ubuntu, I'll consider reinstalling everything.18:01
sam-_-magarwal__, there is also an upstart job18:01
daedragusg: you could look at what messages are generated in dmesg when you close your laptop lid18:01
edbianVaenom: You'll probably be better off with a proper install, not wubi :)  Gives you more control.18:01
mongydaedra, you mean the u1 indicator?  that only runs when you set it to, its not a standard part of ubuntu, its on rye's ppa18:01
sam-_-magarwal__, /etc/init/mysql.conf18:01
Vaenomthanks guys18:01
daedramongy: ppa?18:02
flickerflyAnyone have recommendations for a USB Wifi device that works well with Ubuntu including WPA2?18:02
daedragusg: if dmesg says nothing upon lid close & open, you may need to install some ACPI driver18:02
gusgdaedra: Usually I choose to suspend and then close my lid. but it seems the machine turns on spontaneously.18:02
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undecimgusg: Does the laptop have any buttons on the outside when the lid is closed?18:03
daedragusg: I'd look at dmesg first. Watch it for when it turns on spontaneously, open it up, run terminal and type "dmesg"18:03
mongydaedra, ubuntuone-indicator is a package from a ppa made by someone in #ubuntuone.  I know of no other indicator/icon for it so just assuming thats what you mean.18:03
Vaenomedbian: yeah I can imagine that. a lot of work to do just to go there though18:03
MatthewDSanyone know a file sharing channel?18:03
gusgundecim: yes, it does. They might be getting pressed in the case18:03
sam-_-flickerfly, most of them work with ubuntu. which one did you consider buying?18:03
daedramongy: it has a speech bubble icon, with an X in it, and my username18:03
undecimgusg: Exactly. Try putting your laptop to sleep and see if the button wakes it while the lid is closed18:03
flickerflyI have a Dell one that works, but doesn't support WPA2, at least not without more fiddling than I've already done.18:04
gusgwhy does "dmesg | tail -f" return immediately ?18:04
mongydaedra, oh that thing...18:04
daedramongy: it's called a "Indicator Applet Session"18:04
janickoon wicd after putting my wpa password (I am more than sure that is correct, cose it works on ps3 and mobile) it write "bad password" and won't allow me to connect. Please help!18:04
mongydaedra, I think its the package 'indicator-me'18:04
undecimgusg: Just about anything will cause a laptopt to wake from sleep18:04
daedramongy: ah thanks18:04
daedramongy: googling now :)18:04
undecimgusg: Because dmesg sends an "end of output" character to tail18:04
mongyjust remove it.18:04
gusgundecim: what do you mean anything?18:05
undecimgusg: Any keypress18:05
VaenomOff topic question: I'm not a native english speaker and I wonder how good the name "Psychr" would be for an online therapy (think neurofeedback for example).  Is that awful?     Sorry about that question here, I just have access to no one right now and need to figure this one.18:05
mongydaedra, if you remove the logout/reboot session icon it just moves to your System menu.18:05
undecimgusg: Try « watch 'dmesg | tail' » instead18:05
gusgundecim: oh, okay. Is there a way for me to follow the dmesg log? Is there a file in /var/log18:05
mongygusg, tailf18:05
flickerflysam-_-: I have a Dell one that works, forget the chipset but its old, but doesn't support WPA2, at least not without more fiddling than I've already done.18:06
gusgmongy: sorry, could you elaborate ?18:06
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sam-_-flickerfly, this may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported18:06
kbmyellow, everyone.18:06
MatthewDSyays, file sharing rules (and irc)18:06
undecimgusg: When you type « dmesg | tail -f » instead use « watch 'dmesg | tail »18:06
uchighlanderI am trying to get this tool compiled from source on ubuntu http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~abh/bbcp/ any help would be appreciated. I have installed the build essentials package and it appears the problem may be with the makefile.  Source here : http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~abh/bbcp/bbcp.tgz Thanks!18:06
magarwal__sam- : /etc/init/mysql.conf already has entries for mysql,but it simple hangs when i do service mysql start18:07
gusgmongy: nevermind. I had typed something incorrectly. "tailf dmesg" works18:07
scheiboI'm looking for help regarding mysql suddenly dying on my server overnight. I've tried reinstalling, a typescript is available here: https://gist.github.com/77997218:07
flickerflysam-_-: Thanks, that's about exactly what I was looking for before. Great stuff!18:07
kbmi have a ubuntu server and my crons are not firing :'( - someone help me please.18:07
undecimgusg: err... should have been another ' at the end of that second one, lol18:07
Vaenomanyway, thanks for helping with my first question.18:07
sam-_-magarwal__, maybe because mysql is already started. shouldn't hang though.18:07
uchighlanderI've tried converting the rpms available on that site using alien to avoid building from source but still a no go18:08
magarwal__sam- : ps -ef | grep mysql shows nothing for mysql process18:08
john38Can somebody help me out im trying to find linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless 2.6.32-2418:08
kbm... cron anyone?18:08
undecimuchighlander: Don't use alien.18:08
sam-_-!cron | kbm18:08
ubottukbm: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm18:08
sam-_-kbm, did you read those?18:09
magarwal__sam-: if i kill service mysql start and start with /etc/init.d/mysql start, it works fine18:09
undecimuchighlander: Can you give me a pastebin of you output you get when you try to compile?18:09
uchighlanderundecim: why not?18:09
sam-_-john38, what do you  mean find? install them?18:09
undecimuchighlander: Because it causes problems with dependencies, package name conflicts.... all kinds of stuff like that18:09
undecimuchighlander: You're probably just missing a -dev package or something.18:10
john38sam-_-, yeah i cant find to install18:10
uchighlanderundecim:   make: *** No rule to make target `Linuxunknown'.  Stop.18:10
john38sam-_-, only versions 25 and above18:10
uchighlanderthat is the error I get18:10
undecimkbm: How do you know they're not firing?18:10
kbmi think is because i set them up under my usernmae18:10
kbmand not root18:10
sam-_-john38, so why do you want the older version? what does uname -a say?18:10
AivarasKiviliusext4 on my external HDD works much faster then NTFS. Thanks! :)18:11
undecimuchighlander: What command are you using to make?18:11
john38sam-_-, 2.6.32-2418:11
uchighlanderjust make18:11
undecimkbm: What are the commands?18:11
sam-_-magarwal__, then just use this method.18:11
kbm0 1 * * * /srv/www/visibilityrevolution/manage.py alexa18:11
uchighlanderi cd's into the src folder and ran make18:11
kbmjust the one18:11
gusg1ubdecim, daedra: I'm confused. the file /var/log/dmesg contains only the first 25 seconds, but the command dmesg spits out everything18:11
uchighlanderit just bombs out18:12
bluezoneWhen attempting to install nvidia drivers on my new kernal ( i was warned buy sam-_- that it may not work xD) but anyhow it says "The distribution-provided pre-install script has failed!, and it fails after that, It also tells me i already have a driver installed however i do not have one installed, any ideas?18:12
lynxomaniais there a channel specifically for OSS and related issues???18:12
uchighlanderi've also tried sudo make18:12
undecimkbm: Are you able to run the command from a terminal?18:12
undecimuchighlander:  Are you on 64 or 32 bit?18:12
kbmthrough the terminal - everything ok18:13
uchighlander32 bit Ubuntu 10.0418:13
kbmcron no worky :(18:13
RobBeanecan anyone help me with applying multiple patches? trying to patch 2.6.37 with git11 and bfs scheduler patch (ck1)...i can compile and make if I just apply 1 patch, but not sure how to apply multiple patches...anything special i need to do?18:13
undecimkbm: Try changing the command then to " sh -l -c '/srv/www/visibilityrevolution/manage.py alexa'"18:13
lynxomaniabluezone: i also used to get that error while installing nvidia drivers!!! but i'd just ignore it and continue... things always worked for me... are you not able to finish the installation18:13
janickoI need help with wicd please18:14
sam-_-john38, the better way is to upgrade your kernel then install the new version of backport modules that matches your kernel18:14
bluezonelynxomania: wait ill try again18:14
undecimuchighlander: Then try making with "make makeLinuxi386"18:14
Gneajanicko: what sort of help18:14
john38sam-_-, ok18:14
sam-_-!nvidia |bluezone18:14
ubottubluezone: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:14
uchighlanderok ill try that right now thanks undecim18:14
mrPotatoi cant find WUSB54GSC.inf for installing my drivers for my wireless adapter ._.18:15
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kunhi everybody18:15
kunI'm ubuntu noob and I have a problem :( I installed Ubuntu 10.04 in my desktop but when I restart it, ubuntu doesn't start and screen is freeze with Ubuntu Logo18:15
kunThis is my third installation and I have always the same problem18:15
kunI did memory test through grub and pass it18:15
kbm1 * * * * sh -l -c '/srv/www/visibilityrevolution/manage.py alexa' > ~/log.txt18:15
kunany suggestions?18:15
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lynxomaniakun: whats your system specification???18:16
janicko Gnea: after putting wpa password for my wireless it write "bad password" But it is correct because it works for ps3 and my mobile...18:16
kbmthat should run once a minute right?18:16
mrPotatoi need WUSB54GSC.inf and WUSB54GSC.cat from somewhere18:16
mrPotatoaccording to this howto18:16
Gneakun: have you tried turning on the kernel startup messages to find out what's going on?18:16
undecimkbm: No18:16
kuni have p4 2.80ghz18:16
sam-_-mrPotato, download the windows drivers then18:16
undecimkbm: That will run one per hour on :0118:16
mongyIve got mysql and mythbackend running as startup services, how do I stop them from doing so until I run them myself.....I forgot.18:16
Gneakun: your cpu type doesn't answer my question. fail.18:16
mrPotatosam-_-, where? -_-18:16
undecimkbm: e.g. 1:01, 2:01.....18:17
lynxomaniakun: you must've tried using CD... try installing via USB... i have seen this problem with some older systems but USB installation used to work!!!18:17
sam-_-mrPotato, dunno. how is your device called?18:17
undecimkbm: Replace the 1 with a *18:17
kunin my case nope!!18:17
mrPotatoi downloaded the drivers but i cant find those files in the .zip18:17
kunthe same problem18:17
kunfreeze in logo screen18:17
kun :(18:17
=== Zilla_ is now known as Zillaaah
lynxomaniabluezone: progress???18:17
sam-_-mongy, sudo update-rc.d mysql disable18:17
Gneakun: so you'll need to boot the system without the logo18:17
uchighlanderundecim: just sent you some output18:17
Gneakun: are you familiar with how to use grub?18:17
undecimkbm: I suppose I should have noticed that before, lol18:18
erossif I do a dist upgrade (from 8.04 to 9.0+), does it just upgrade the OS and leave my home folder/files in place?18:18
lynxomaniakun: for how long it stays like that??? may be you should give it some time???18:18
kunnope, newbie18:18
bluezonelynxomania, it also gives me an error about a CC version check and missing kernel source header18:18
RobBeaneanyone able to help me with applying multiple patches to 2.6.37? trying to patch git11 and bfs scheduler patch, i can compile and make using 1 or the other, but not sure if i need to do anything special to apply both patches correctly18:18
bluezonelynxomania, and then it fails18:18
undecimuchighlander: Okay, I looked at the makefile again, and  I see that the default make calls another makefile, so it got called differently than I thought....18:18
sam-_-mongy, if they are an upstart job: edit the *.conf file in /etc/init/   (comment the line that say "start on" with a #)18:18
Gneakun: okay, first of all, I'm going to ask that you read a site about grub2, then you're going to need to follow some steps during a reboot18:18
lynxomaniabluezone: which version of linux and which kernel you're using??18:18
kunGnea, i have to reset many times my desktop in order to begin to work18:18
Gnea!grub2 | kun18:19
undecimuchighlander: Open the make file and find "Linux:"18:19
ubottukun: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:19
scheibohaving problems with mysql on my server. forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10357143#post10357143 gist: https://gist.github.com/77997218:19
Gneakun: check out the 2nd URL please18:19
janickoGnea: after putting wpa password for my wireless it write "bad password" But it is correct because it works for ps3 and my mobile...18:19
bluezonelynxomania, 2.6.36-020636-generic and 10.1018:19
kungnea:, iokis18:19
undecimuchighlander: Then replace @make makeLinux`/bin/uname -i` with @make makeLinuxi38618:19
kunbut I try with super grub and nothing18:19
undecimuchighlander: Or alternatively, copy the makeLinuxi386 section to another labeled makeLinuxunknown18:20
kunit can be any problem with my bios18:20
Gneakun: this means nothing, please follow directions.18:20
kunok Gnea18:20
lynxomaniabluemon: seems like you're running updated versions... so no probs with that... have you tried installing nvidia drivers from Hardware Drivers section??? the recommended install???18:20
sam-_-eross, yes. if you do it via do-release-upgrade18:20
bluezonelynxomania, yes, that still results in not being able to change my resolution because it doesn't detect my monitor18:20
bluezonelynxomania, i'm stuck at 800 by 600 right now18:21
uchighlanderundecim: I went with @make makeLinuxi38618:21
erosssam-_-  using the system/admin/update sources and it showed the upgrade was available. must be the same thing, thanks18:21
kbmundecim: prv chat please18:21
zaeryi just tried to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, and it had a problem that "could be caused by held packages", how to i find out what packages are held, and uninstall/unhold them?18:21
JeepI have a question: Currently using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS on VMware ESXi. I want to use the virtual kernel, but when I install it, it installs the generic-pae instead... why's that?18:21
sam-_-eross, i guess so.18:21
uchighlanderundecim: Ill run the make command you gave me again18:21
lynxomaniabluezone: i suppose you are not able to change the resolution via the nvidia x server settings option in system>administration???18:22
Gneakun: ultimately what you're going to do is boot the system, interrupt grub from booting ubuntu, and tell it to not use the 'quiet splash' arguments18:22
bluezonelynxomania, exactly18:22
uchighlanderbbcp_File.C:232: error: 'sprintf' was not declared in this scope18:22
mrPotatoi have a linksys WUSB54GSC v2 802.11g adapter, a desktop running Ubuntu 10.10, and a laptop im using now with a cdr in the tray.  how do i get the desktop to work with the wireless adapter?18:23
bluezonesprintf is a valid C function? for some reason i feel that is a syntax error lol18:23
sam-_-Jeep, you install linux-image-virtual, right?18:23
lynxomaniabluezone: laptop/notebook/desktop ???18:23
Jeepsam-_-: yes18:23
KM0201mrPotato: did ou look at that link i gave you earlier?..18:24
mrPotatoyeah it has different files than the link18:24
rookshow to check/force from commandline what cpu clock is running on atom cpu?18:24
bluezonelynxomania, laptop, nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400M GS]18:24
KM0201mrPotato: hmm18:24
Gneakun: let's keep the conversation here, please18:24
RayFinkleis it normal for ubuntu install to spend a load of time removing a bunch of language packs and stuff at the end?18:24
kunok gnea18:24
Picirooks: lscpu, or cat /proc/cpuinfo18:24
Gneakun: someone else may benefit from it :)18:25
kunwhen ubuntu freeze, just to push my reset button18:25
kunok, I understand you18:25
Jeepsam-_-: when I execute "dpkg-query -L linux-image-2.6.32-27-virtual", among other files I get "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-27-generic-pae"18:25
Gneakun: did you ever try ctrl-alt-del?18:25
Jeepeverything is related to generic-pae18:25
zaeryi just tried to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, and it had a problem that "could be caused by held packages", how to i find out what packages are held, and uninstall/unhold them?18:25
kunyes and no response18:25
sam-_-Jeep, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/linux-image-virtual doesn't say so here18:25
paulus68is it possible to hide an url without it can be traced ?18:26
rooksPici, how to force lower cpu freq?18:26
kunI enter in grub and choose kernel and sometimes is right18:26
kunand sometimes no18:26
Gneakun: then you did the right thing - now we need to figure out why it's doing that18:26
sam-_-Jeep, maybe a sudo apt-get clean will help ;)18:26
Jeepdoesn't say much of the files provided... look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/linux-image-2.6.32-27-virtual/filelist18:26
mrPotatoKM0201, there are two different folders with .inf and .cat files in them, one named vista one named xp.  i reckon i'll have to use them instead (the files in the folders)18:26
kunI try with supergrub live cd and no18:27
moucheMy windows partitions are shown on the left side in nautilus but it takes a second for them to load after I click one (and suddenly files from that partition show up in rhythmbox assuming I previously added them) how do I get it to automatically mount correctly?18:27
kunsame results18:27
KM0201mrPotato: probably...18:27
Gneakun: no problem, forget supergrub, we need to use the grub that's currently installed18:27
ebclebclUbuntu 10.10 - keeps loggin me off, regardless of activity. Googled and found ref. to disabling screensaver, power management, hd spindown & did that. Still logs out. Regardless of Window Manager. Anyone? This is a fresh, raw install.18:27
kunmy grub is 1.9818:27
lynxomaniabluemon: i guess you can overcome this by manually entering the required info to /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:27
A-10hi all18:27
kunand I've read in link you show me that is the last18:28
Gneakun: and you say you can select different kernels from it?18:28
kunolder and new18:28
sam-_-Jeep, i was referring to the depends on list.18:28
ylmfosubuntu 10.0418:28
kuna mate from here told me that kernel don't remove auto18:28
Gneakun: good - what you will want to do is to select the newest kernel at the top of the list (should be default), then press 'e' to edit it18:28
bluezonelynxomania, ideas? xD18:28
kunI did it but just to check...18:29
Jeepsam-_-: yes, it says that linux-image-2.6.32-27-virtual is dependant, so?18:29
lynxomaniabluemon: gimme a min to find'em18:29
kunI have  the grub here18:29
Gneakun: from there, you will need to find the 'kernel' line, the line that starts with the word 'kernel' on it - edit that line so that at the very end of it, remove the options 'quiet splash'18:29
KM0201mrPotato: answer your PM18:29
ylmfoshow can i have a msn ?18:29
kunI found it18:29
Gneakun: once you have those options removed, that is when you want to boot the system18:30
bluezoneylmfos, empathy18:30
paulus68is it possible to hide an url without it can be traced ?18:30
KM0201ylmfos: if you need video chat, use amsn... otherwise, empathy and pidgin18:30
sam-_-Jeep, so it should be installed and not the pae18:30
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ylmfosi know18:30
Jeepthe linux-image-2.6.32-27-virtual IS installed. But the files within that packages are generic-pae files!18:30
Gneakun: it should spit out a bunch of text as it's booting up - at some point, if it locks up again, it will say the last thing on the screen - that is the likely cause of the freeze18:30
* KM0201 hates empathy18:31
kuntry later, cause I 'm chatting through "the laptop with the problem", LOL18:31
lynxomaniabluemon: have you the result for sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf ???18:31
scheibohaving problems with mysql on my server. forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10357143#post10357143 gist: https://gist.github.com/77997218:31
janickoi need help with wicd "bad password" issue. Please!!!18:31
Gneakun: understood, do you have a printer?18:31
KohelethCan I have a torrent link for the new release plz18:31
bluezonelynxomania, there is nothing in that file18:31
Kohelethkun:  that to me?18:31
Jeepsam-_-: look at your query, that's what I mean18:31
KM0201mrPotato: are you there?18:32
GneaKoheleth: no, it was not.18:32
kunkoheleth: sorry?18:32
KohelethGnea: ok, anyone got the link :)18:32
Senixso, how would i compile c++ code n Ubuntu?18:32
GneaKoheleth: it's on the ubuntu.com site18:32
Kohelethtried download and file was corrupted :( slow connection here18:32
kunGnea: I don't understand you well,18:33
bluezoneSenix, i use gcc for c, that should also work for C++ if i am not mistaken18:33
lynxomaniabluemon: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:33
KohelethGnea: ok, could not see it :)18:33
Gneakun: does your friend have a computer too?18:33
scheiboSenix: try g++18:33
kungnea: print the grub text??18:33
GneaKoheleth: you have to look for it18:33
Gneakun: no18:33
KohelethGnea:  hate working for things lol18:33
GneaKoheleth: then perhaps ubuntu is not for you.18:33
lynxomaniabluemob: if that doesnt work: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=35796 and put the info from that file to your empty xconf18:34
scheibobluezone: using just gcc for g++ will give you problems with the standard library iirc, g++ links some things in for you18:34
Senixbluezone, how would i use gcc?18:34
KohelethGnea: huh18:34
GneaKoheleth: ubuntu requires you to do some things and learn.18:34
scheiboSenix: g++ program.cc -o program18:34
GneaKoheleth: if you can't do them, then you don't need to use ubuntu18:34
bluezoneSenix: from scheibo  using just gcc for g++ will give you problems with the standard library iirc, g++ links some things in for you18:34
paulus68is it possible to hide an url without it can be traced ?18:34
kunGnea, will try later to remove "splash comand" command but if it doesn work??18:34
KohelethGnea:  ok but lets get it first :)18:34
IdleOneKoheleth: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ scroll down a little and you will see the .torrents18:35
kuntype again "quiet splach " ?18:35
KohelethIdleOne: ty18:35
IdleOnesure thing18:35
Gneakun: yeah, it's "quiet splash"18:35
lynxomaniabluezone: i suggest you copy and paste the xconf data from the second post in http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=35796 to your empty xconf... i'm sure it will work...18:35
janickosomebody help me with Wicd problem please18:35
Senixbluezone scheibo; ty i have both install (gcc was there already)18:35
kunyes , "quiet splash", hehe!!18:35
GneaKoheleth: my apologies, I just don't get along well with lazy people :)18:35
eossanyone know why internet explorer would disable set as background/view background image options on right click? no amount of googling has an answer18:36
Gneakun: okay, and once that is done, you can boot the system and it should say the point at which it locks up18:37
elyosie lol18:37
KohelethGnea, np, not lazt just could not get to the torrent off the main page just the normal http download18:37
kungnea: this command help to find my fail? gksu gedit /var/log/messages /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old18:37
IdleOneGnea: perhaps you should take a look at the Code of Conduct again and the guidelines. We are all here to help. Remember not everybody has the google fu18:37
GneaIdleOne: perhaps you are right.18:37
bluezonelynxomania, so now i restart?18:37
eosselyos: i know, its not for me18:38
* Koheleth torrents the new Ubuntu release and is well happy :)18:38
KM0201mrPotato: hello?18:38
Gneakun: those might help as well, although /var/log/syslog instead of /var/log/messages18:38
KohelethBest download manager there is if you ask me, torrent rocks18:38
KohelethGonna put it on my missus pc as well as mine, safe option for here she clicks everything lol18:39
kunGnea:ok!! and find with ctrl+f some like "error" or fatal"?18:39
kxstevedid support for intrepid stop last night?18:39
Gneakun: it might not be that simple - if the system freezes, you won't be able to look at those files like that, you'll need to read what's on the screen and write it down or take a picture18:40
Kohelethmy Ubuntu server stops at 2013 :)18:40
kungnea: you're right18:40
kungnea: I'll take a picture with camera18:41
Gneakun: if you have a good digital camera, you should be able to get a clear shot and then upload it to tinyimg.org in windows18:41
jrib !intrepid | kxsteve18:41
ubottukxsteve: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:41
janickoI need help with "bad password" wpa2  on wicd18:41
kuntake note of the web ;)18:41
Gneakun: it's a great resource18:41
genii-aroundkxsteve: Apparently april 30,201018:42
kxstevejrib: yesterday I installed something from apt, today I'm getting a tremendous amount of 404's18:42
kxstevefrom both ubuntu and ec2; did something happen directly last night?18:42
jribkxsteve: just because the server's stay up a little longer doesn't change the fact that support ended april 30th, you need to upgrade :)18:42
jrib!upgrade | kxsteve18:42
ubottukxsteve: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:42
GneaIdleOne, Koheleth: just an FYI - if you visit http://ubuntu.com, there is a little search box on the front of the screen - type in 'torrent' and the 3rd link is obvious.18:42
genii-aroundkxsteve: Might want to change the urls in sources.list to be old-releases.ubuntu.com18:42
kxsteveold-releases? thanks18:43
KohelethGnea: why not just have it where the get Ubuntu option is, userfriendly and all that :)18:43
jribkxsteve: running an unsupported release is a bad idea.  Those servers are meant to bring you up to date so you can upgrade to a supported release (they're given to you in ubottu's link as well)18:43
GneaKoheleth: that's why the search function is there, to make things userfriendly, that way there's not so much garbage all over the page to confuse you :)18:44
kxstevejrib: it's not that simple, the applications built for 8.10 and fails on 10.04 (which is the LTS?)18:44
kungnea: try later and then I search you to comment18:44
kunthanks a lot for your help18:44
jribkxsteve: like?18:44
Gneakun: good luck, and feel free to ask the channel, anyone can help if they know, and many do18:45
kunI hope to resolve this problema cause I like Ubuntu18:45
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lynxomaniai think i killed bluemon's display... :P18:45
kunthanks again18:45
kunbye everybody18:45
Gneakun: cheers18:45
kxstevejrib: the apps we've developed running on the machines18:45
korsakoff-a suggestion for a good mail server?18:46
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Gneakorsakoff-: postfix18:46
zk_how can i have a minimal ubuntu net install having a pppoe internet connection?18:46
dizitalim trying to extract a file and i'm getting bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file18:46
llutzkorsakoff-: to do what? postfix, exim4 are doing fine18:46
zaeryanyone who's used sshfs before wanna tell me why this won't work, and how i get a username/password in there? http://paste.ubuntu.com/554120/18:47
jribkxsteve: well ideally you would have dealt with this by now.  non-LTS  releases have a standard support length (18 months).  Make sure you take adequate precautions and move to a support release ASAP.  That's my advice18:47
vieweri have 2 sata drives an old and a new, plugged into a new sata controller.  when the card posts at boot I can see both, i used to see both in disk utility, but the new one kept giving errors like it was busy before i could format it, now the new doesnt show up in disk utility, it still shows up at post, it pops up in dmesg when i hot-plug the drive, but doesnt get a dev/sde like it should...  please help18:47
Gnea!pppoe | zk_18:47
ubottuzk_: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE18:47
kxstevejrib: thanks for the common-sense18:47
zk_Gnea: i want to install ubuntu with minimal files...not using the desktop iso...and if i want to do a netinstall it requires DHCP server...but my internet connection is PPPoE...user and password connection18:48
Nepheriushow can I add the volume control icon to gnome panel without using the indicator applet ?18:49
zk_i found that i have to use "install modules=ppp-udeb" but how do i add this line to the install?18:49
JZandihow can i join to ##C  ?18:50
JZandiplz help me!18:50
Gneazk_: oh, I see.. https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/powerpc/pppoe.html18:50
IdleOne!register | JZandi18:50
ubottuJZandi: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode18:50
chr5_hi guys18:50
chr5_i have a question18:50
IdleOneJZandi: after registering and identifying as described in the above link you will be able to join18:50
lynxomaniapostfix creates an email server so one can do what exactly??? send and receive custom email??? like me@myself.com???18:50
Gneazk_: during installation, you'd likely have to hack apart the original iso, edit it, then put it back together, otherwise use a usb stick as the source to install from since it allows the editting of files there while a cd/dvd does not18:51
abhijeethi guys .. i want to deploy around ubuntu machine in one of my labs... how can i manage all the pcs...like update etc from a central server??18:51
knastoHELP! I was screwing around with "monitor preferences" settings in Maverick, and now every time I connect an external monitor to my laptop, both screens are black. I tried restarting several times with no avail. How do I restore default settings?18:51
llutzlynxomania: and lots more. just to send mails like  me@you.tld its easier to use a nullmailer or ssmtp/msmtp18:51
Nepheriushow can I add the volume control icon to gnome panel without using the indicator applet ?:)18:51
Gneazk_: you can, of course, switch to tty2 via alt-f2 and enter the command on the commandline before proceeding to the next step in the menu options in tty118:52
chr5_how can I find out that i have a correct lib or package installed in my ubuntu18:52
chr5_can somebody help me?18:52
jribchr5_: what is your end-goal?18:52
lynxomaniallutz: i have postfix installed but was not sure what it really does... now i shall give it a try...18:53
Bilzubunt 64 or 32? whats the general consensus these days?18:53
IdleOneBilz: both work fine18:53
welderso after installing linux and grub2, why would a machine not be able to boot from the HDD?18:53
GneaBilz: either works18:53
jribBilz: use 64 if you need 64, 32 otherwise18:53
welderits a brand new machine with 2 TB hard drive.18:53
llutzlynxomania: if you don't know what it does, deinstall it, you won't need it. its no toy if public accessible18:53
weldergrub never gets run, the mobo says "no boot device". the mobo recognizes the HDD in the bios and is set to boot from it.18:53
schnuffle1abijet: use  apt-proxy18:54
skutr3!ask Hund18:54
chr5_how can i know that i have installed jave6 package correctly ?18:54
welderi've tried using ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-server18:54
induz_how can i download and stall adobe for LUCID??18:54
Gneachr5_: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep java18:54
schnuffle1abhijeet: use aapt-proxy18:54
lynxomaniallutz: will take that into consideration!!! :P18:54
Bilzjrib, how do I know whether I NEED 64? What are the main noticeable differences? Will all my programs work18:54
zk_Gnea: ook...i used unetbootin to make a bootable usb stick from the alternative iso...when it boots from usb there's a menu "Default" "Install" "Command-line install" "Expert install" "Command-line expert install" if i highlight a option of these and press tab it shows the options install code...i've added at the end of each one "module=ppp-udeb" but when it starts the installation the pppoe module isn't loaded18:54
Gneainduz_: adobe what?18:54
zaeryanyone who's used sshfs before wanna tell me why this won't work, and how i get a username/password in there? http://paste.ubuntu.com/554120/18:55
skutr3when i boot ubuntu it says cannot reserve mmio region help polx!!!18:55
dizital                                                                                                                                                           18:55
jribBilz: do you have > 4gb ram?18:55
welderhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121399 <- the mobo18:55
welderhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136514 <- the HDD18:55
zk_Gnea: you say to stat the install and when i get to selecting the network to hit Alt-F2 and use "install modules=ppp-udeb" and switch to Alt-F1 and continue the installation?18:55
Gneazk_: right, because it needs to load the FS to access the modules, and that is done after, not before, so you can choose any and still access tty2 and do it manually18:56
skutr3ca anyone help18:56
vincedd if=Fedora-14-LXDE.iso of=/dev/sdb just completed. cya bitchezzzz18:56
sam-_-zaery, did you import the password?18:56
zk_Gnea: ook...i'll give it a try...hope to be back next time using ubuntu :)18:56
induz_Gnea, adobe flash for youtube??18:57
Gneazk_: good luck :)18:57
Gnea!flash | induz_18:57
ubottuinduz_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:57
knastoCan anyone help me restore "Monitor Preferences" to its default settings?18:57
zaerysam-_-, prolly not, what do you mean by that, and how do i do it?18:57
Gneainduz_: sorry, had to ask - adobe makes flash and the pdf reader for linux18:57
skutr3can someone help me fix the "cannot reserve MMIO region" error at boot please?18:58
centralnoiseanyone here looking for an external audio card for linux (ubuntu)?18:58
centralnoiseI just got myself an onyx blackjack, output works perfectly so far18:59
sam-_-zaery, man ssh-add18:59
centralnoiseworks out of the box18:59
skutr3anyone here able to help me with the "cannot reserve MMIO region" error?18:59
kxstevethe latest LTS is 10.04?19:00
knastoI screwed up my "Monitor Preferences" dialog. How do I restore it to default settings?19:00
Bilzjrib, sry, i got disconnected and missed your reply19:01
jribBilz: do you have > 4gb ram?19:01
Bilzi have 4gb19:01
jribBilz: install 64bit19:01
skutr3can anyone help me fix the mmio region error?19:01
visionofarunI'm running backtrack 4 as guest on my Ubuntu via VM. I'm not able to access my wlan0, instead BT shows me eth0. How can we get it detect the wireless card?19:02
abhijeetschnuffle1, I am not looking for the proxy server..19:02
abhijeetschnuffle1, server to maintain 100 ubuntu desktops19:02
sam-_-skutr3, seems like maybe a wrong bios setting for pci or a bad device on the pci bus19:02
skutr3sam-_-: any idea how to fix?19:03
sam-_-skutr3, does ubuntu not boot because of it?19:03
knastoI'm trying to reset to default my display settings. I messed up some options in "Monitor Preferences." Please help.19:03
magicianlordis there a way to fix the resolution on a via chipset in ubuntu 10.04?19:03
dizitalim trying to extract a file and i'm getting bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file how can i get this to work19:03
skutr3sam-_-: no it boots fine but it looks weird at boot19:04
sam-_-skutr3, then don't bother19:04
skutr3sam-_-: i want to though.... it bothers me19:04
skutr3sam-_-: im odc19:04
sam-_-dizital, tar xf <filename>19:04
skutr3sam-_-: *ocd19:04
dizitalsam-_- ty19:05
sam-_-skutr3, then look into your bios. some pci setting. and try unplugging any device19:05
jymereI've just installed the software Xilinx. I followed these instructions : http://ensiwiki.ensimag.fr/index.php/Installer_les_outils_Xilinx_sur_sa_machine_personnelle. The installation was successful. But now I want to run it but i don't know how can i do ?19:05
Chilaquilesso, when I update my ubuntu to the next version I don't have to unisntall what I have and Install the new one right?19:06
skutr3sam-_-: ok19:06
soreauChilaquiles: You can upgrade or perform a fresh install over the existing install (after backing up your data)19:06
sam-_-skutr3, also you can try to blacklist shpchp but some devices may not work after doing this19:06
jymereone question: if I add : " source /opt/Xilinx/ " in my .bashrc, what change does it make ?19:07
Chilaquilessoreau, what I want is not like in Windows that I have to unistall what I have and install all over again19:07
knastoDoes anyone know how to restore default display settings in Ubuntu. I did something that screwed them up.19:07
jymerewhat's the use of the instruction: "source ..."19:07
Chilaquilescan I just upgrade without uninstall anything soreau?19:07
Tigerplug292hi all, I have an RSA key that I copied to my USB stick. I'd like to connect into my server from my home PC (Ubuntu Desktop). How do I specify the key while using SSH from client to server?19:08
soreauChilaquiles: You can upgrade always but sometimes, ubuntu upgrades can introduce bugs or problems19:08
bluezonehow can i completely delete and nvidia video card drivers being used?19:08
sam-_-jymere, in bash: help source19:08
sam-_-bluezone, sudo apt-get --purge autoremove nvidia-*19:09
Tigerplug292any suggestions on the SSH question about?19:09
soreauChilaquiles: I like to recommend installing fresh over the existing installation or, at least be prepared to do so in case the upgrader causes problems19:09
coz_bluezone,   go to system/administration/additional drivers... highlight the driver you are using and remove it19:09
Chilaquilessoreau, I thought linux was better than windows :(19:09
coz_bluezone,  then reboot the system19:09
bluezonecoz_, i tried that, ti didnt work19:09
Tigerplug292hi all, I have an RSA key that I copied to my USB stick. I'd like to connect into my server from my home PC (Ubuntu Desktop). How do I specify the key while using SSH from client to server?19:09
Noelsoni've upgraded last 3 times and i've had no problems with it yet :P other than having to manually install grub2 when it came out19:09
bluezonecoz_, it still says a different version is being used19:09
BluesKajTigerplug292, afaik, when you ssh into the server the stored key is sent by default19:10
coz_bluezone,  did you install th e nvidia driver  with the same dialog  or did you manually install it?19:10
ubuntubluezone: jockey (menu System > Administration > Hardware Drivers)19:10
Tigerplug292BluesKaj, its configured so that I MUST have the key on my home PC to connect19:10
sam-_-Tigerplug292, try this: ssh -i <filename>19:10
knastoDoes anyone know of a magic terminal command that restores default display settings. I screwed mine up with the "Monitor Preferences" dialog.19:10
Tigerplug292BluesKaj, the server is located at work19:10
Tigerplug292sam-_-, will try now19:11
soreauChilaquiles: As long as you don't start adding a bunch of thrid party repos or messing up your system in some other unofficially supported way, upgrades should work fine in theory19:11
bluezonecoz_, i used that and then i wanted to uprgrade with a manual installation and it failed19:11
soreauChilaquiles: But in practice, always be ready to reinstall fresh19:11
myradlifeGuys, I have messed up my SSH authentication system on my server. I am getting prompted for a password that I never was asked for before. I have RSA keys set up so it should auto-login.19:11
myradlifeHow do I troubleshoot this?19:11
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sam-_-knasto, try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:11
coz_bluezone,  well theres is part of the problem...open a terminal and paste this command to remove the failed manual install     sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-installer --uninstall___ to uninstall previous nvidia driver19:11
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Chilaquilessoreau, is sudo upgrade distro the command for upgrading ubuntu?19:12
BluesKajyes Tigerplug292 , the ssh @username IPaddress command is supposed to send the key to your server at work19:12
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coz_blueness,  dont add the   ___ to uninstall previous nvidia driver19:12
virgomooncould someone clarify something for me?  I'm looking at grub.cfg .. can I just delete the menuentry sections for items I want to remove from the bootup menu?19:12
Tigerplug292sam-_-, nope - its not working19:12
zaerysam-_-, that only works for someone with the same username on both computers, right? I want multiple computers to all automatically mount my network user19:12
coz_bluezone,        sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-installer --uninstall19:12
Tigerplug292sam-_-, its a .ppk file that I have19:12
coz_bluezone,  then reboot the system19:12
Tigerplug292BlueEagle, do I need to specify a switch for this?19:12
Tigerplug292BlueEagle, or where do I place the key that I have (.ppk file)19:12
coz_bluezone,  then you can remove the one in Additional drivers if you like19:13
soreauChilaquiles: No, update-manager should tell you when there is an upgrade available19:13
soreauvirgomoon: grub2 has it setup in such a way that you're supposed to remove the entries from the grub files in /etc/, then run grub-update19:14
soreau! grub2 | virgomoon19:14
ubottuvirgomoon: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:14
sam-_-zaery, no you can specify the username you want to login with19:14
Tigerplug292BlueEagle, wont take the password19:14
hobbelI've been running in a weird bug with dual monitors recently: 1 notebook + 1 additional screen + external USB keyboard on Maverick. When I hit a key on the notebook keyboard instead of the external one it goes back to 1 monitor, disabling the second screen.19:14
Tigerplug292BlueEagle, sam-_-  but when I try this from my windows partition with putty it works fine19:14
Tigerplug292BlueEagle, sam-_-  puzzled at that19:15
virgomoonthx, soreau .. I'll check it out19:15
dizitalk i got the package to extract but how do i get it to install19:15
BluesKajTigerplug292, if you have the key stored in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub , then ssh sends that key by default...maybe an update/upgrade is to blame19:16
sam-_-BluesKaj, he is gone19:17
MacManDanAnyone familir with mounting ISO files?  I installed gmount but cannot get it to work.19:17
sam-_-BluesKaj, i don't think ssh works with ppk files. do you know?19:17
BluesKaj,sam , no patience ...instant gratification19:17
zaerysam-_-, how would i specify what username to login with?19:17
gumpishMacManDan: what happens? (or doesn't happen)19:17
sam-_-BluesKaj, i assume the best. i blame his provider :-)19:18
DocfxitI'm trying to setup FTP to Ubuntu, I'm getting an error saying "Unable to open connection to server". Could I please get some help in resolving this?19:18
sam-_-zaery, <username>@<host>:/<path>19:18
MacManDanOkay I start gmount and it asks for 1) ISO file to mount and 2) folder to install to.  It accepts the ISO but cannot get a folder to work.19:18
MacManDanMount Point19:19
gumpishwhat happens when you try to select one19:19
BluesKajsam-_-, maybe he has a dynamic IP at home and doesn't realize it needs to be static , and the server at work expects a certain IP which sn't thesame as itmwas when thety setup ssh19:19
Travis-42something crashed and my desktop has gone blank. How can I restore it without relogging?19:20
DocfxitI have installed proftpd. Per the setup instructions.19:20
sam-_-BluesKaj, either way. he was doing sth. wrong19:20
MacManDanIf I choose /media it says "The folder /media is not empty"19:20
dizitalk i got the package to extract but how do i get it to install on the computer?19:20
BluesKajsam-_-, anyway he was so impatient , he couldn't be bothered to get my right :)19:20
NepheriusIf i use pulse is there any simple gnome panel applet that lets me control the volume ??19:20
bluezonesam-_-, okay so now how do i get my computer to redetect my video card and use the original, non-restricted, drivers19:20
gumpishMacManDan: yeah, so create a new folder and select that19:20
sam-_-Travis-42, what do you mean by blank?19:20
Zillaaahctrl + alt + f1 (other console) then try to killall the proces thats not responding?19:21
Travis-42sam-_-, all the icons disappeared19:21
MacManDanOKay.  Under my login name/home folder?19:21
Zillaaahthen go back with ctrl+alt+f7?19:21
gumpishMacManDan: i actually stick to the /media idea19:21
sam-_-bluezone, try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:21
gumpishMacManDan: I use /media/mount19:21
its_mehi, need some help with ubuntu. It keeps freezing at random.19:21
Travis-42sam-_-, this may be relevant: gnome-session is taking up near full cpu19:21
its_meI'm using 10.10 maverick meerkat19:21
sam-_-Travis-42, it rly. is easiest if you log out then back in again19:22
gumpishMacManDan: but i expect it would work in an empty folder in your home directory too if you want19:22
Travis-42sigh, alright, thanks sam-_-19:22
zaerysam-_-, so i don't specify the username in the ssh key, but instead in fstab?19:22
cysiolandHow to turn off Magnifier on logout screen?19:22
sam-_-zaery, yes19:22
zaeryah, that makes sense :)19:22
cysiolandHow to turn off Magnifier on logout screen?19:22
bluezonesam-_-, no, still no drivers are offered in the additional drivers section, for my videocard19:23
dizitalafter i extract a package how do i get it install?19:23
cysiolandHow to turn off Magnifier on logon screen?19:23
sam-_-zaery, but i see you did that already. so there shouldn't be a problem19:23
glacemanhi guys19:23
MacManDanThat sems to work.  Thank you.19:24
sam-_-bluezone, you are on nvidia right?19:24
gumpishsure thing19:24
sam-_-bluezone, then install nvidia-current-modaliases19:24
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sam-_-dizital, what are you trying to install?19:25
vieweri have 2 sata drives an old and a new, plugged into a new sata controller.  when the card posts at boot I can see both, i used to see both in disk utility, but the new one kept giving errors like it was busy before i could format it, now the new doesnt show up in disk utility, it still shows up at post, it pops up in dmesg when i hot-plug the drive, but doesnt get a dev/sde like it should...  please help19:25
bluezonesam-_-, missing destination file operand after `nvidia-current-modaliases'19:25
zk__Gnea: back...but it didn't work...if i switch to Alt-F2 there is no install command...it's a bash shell and no install command so i can install the modules19:25
sam-_-bluezone, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-modaliases19:26
ubuntu-maverick-Does anyone know how to solve the problem, with ubuntu randomly freezing?19:26
grgurhavent had one19:26
bluezonesam-_-, seems to be working19:26
bluezonesam-_-, still no drivers in additional drivers19:27
bluezonesam-_-, would that require a restart>19:27
sam-_-viewer, maybe it's broken19:27
sam-_-viewer, did you try it in another machine19:27
sam-_-bluezone, don't know. worth a try19:28
sam-_-ubuntu-maverick-, depends on how it freezes19:28
sam-_-ubuntu-maverick-, are you sure it rly freezes? do sysrequest still work?19:28
sam-_-ubuntu-maverick-, are you sure it rly freezes? do sysrequests still work?19:29
sharedont repeat urself19:29
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ubuntu-maverick-sam: It just freezes at ransom; its impossible to use the keyboard or mouse, when it freezes. Plus all network activity to and from the PC stops.19:29
sam-_-share, i didn't :-)19:30
grgurare u writing this from win?19:30
sharesam-_-: ok you missed the "s"19:30
gumpishsam-_-: must have been an echo19:30
sam-_-ubuntu-maverick-, defect hardware maybe? are you using restricted drivers?19:30
ubuntu-maverick-I had a similar freezing problem on Windows in the past, but that was due to missing chipset drivers. I don't know enough about ubuntu to determine the cause. How do I check for driver faults, or missing drivers?19:31
sam-_-share, yes. but i will be more careful next time19:31
sam-_-ubuntu-maverick-, are you positive it doesn't happen on windows?19:31
grgurwhats ure hardware config?19:32
smiley__What is ubuntu Proposed ppa's is it safe to download them ?19:32
sam-_-ubuntu-maverick-, i would recommend a memtest to be sure. it takes about 2 hours depending on your ram19:32
mobsterHello....I am buying a new laptop and I use Ubuntu 10.10...which graphic card would be better...ATI HD 5730 or NVIDIA GT 420M19:32
ubuntu-maverick-I no longer use Windows; I can't afford the license for multiple PCs. I haven't used Windows on this PC for a long time (a year or two).19:33
sam-_-smiley__, proposed is no ppa :-)19:33
Oermobster, both are oke19:33
Zillaaahnvidia used to be better with linux drivers.... but that was 5 years ago19:33
shareI'd go with Nvidia for compatibility19:33
shareZillaaah: 5 years ago?19:33
ubuntu-maverick-I'll run memtest and get back to you on it. Thanks!19:33
Zillaaahsince than ati made a great comeback but i think that nvidia is better19:33
mobsteris there any problems with ATI?19:33
smiley__i mean Proposed updates..19:33
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Zillaaahmy x1600 mobility radeon works great with the oss drivers that come with ubuntu 10.1019:34
Oermobster, check http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/19:34
sam-_-smiley__, yes. a ppa is a personal package archive. note the word personal19:34
sam-_-smiley__, proposed updates is an official channel. i do NOT recommend using it.19:34
Hadi_HodjatiHi to all19:35
smiley__whats worng if its Official ?19:36
daedaluzhow does this thing work? I need to dd image on stick, but if I umount nothing happens, I need to click it in gnome to eject, then system tells it isn't there19:36
Hadi_Hodjatii have a question about ubuntu server, is here anybody can help me, plase?19:36
mobsterOer, so graphic cards in the Dell laptop list are fully supported? I am planning to get studio xps19:36
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sam-_-smiley__, it's official but think of it as beta versions.19:37
Oermobster most of them are, also lenovo, my kind of brand19:37
gumpishdaedaluz: you following some instructions on the web?19:37
smiley__I see19:37
sam-_-smiley__, you do NOT want to enable it. trust me.19:37
daedaluzgumpish: nope, I know dd enough19:37
smiley__Ok ,Thanks19:37
mobsternice that Ubuntu mainatains a list of hardware19:37
gumpisha drive doesn't have to be mounted for dd to use it19:37
mongyI removed the ati fglrx driver from my system to test the radeon driver provided but now it wont get past the boot splash.  I have something like ureadahead terminated with status 4..  I can boot to safe gfx mod.19:38
Gneazk__: modules are loaded with the modprobe or insmod19:38
sam-_-smiley__, i don't even enable updates. you won't miss anything :-)19:38
daedaluzgumpish: I *said* if I umount it as I have always done, nothing happens19:38
Gneazk__: +command19:38
grguranyone had prob with installing revenge of  the titans?19:38
JZandiplz help me! now!  :)19:38
grgurwith what?19:38
daedaluzgumpish: did you misread umount as mount?19:38
Gnea!patience | JZandi19:38
ubottuJZandi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:38
sam-_-mongy, ureadahead has nothing to do with this. status 4 is normal19:38
daedaluzgumpish: or just trying to act smart? is there something special about ubuntu fstab handling or why the umount on USB doesn't work as it shoul?19:39
etswhello, how can i look properties of my computer at ubuntu gnome?19:39
mobsterWhat is the status of ATI OS Graphic drivers....aret they better than proprietary19:39
sam-_-JZandi, you didn't even ask a question, did you?19:39
gumpishdaedaluz: yeah, i'm just trying to impress everyone by acting like a big smarty-smart19:39
knastosam-_- that terminal command didnt work. But what fixed my problem is I pressed Fn-F3 on my laptop and it went back to normal. Thanks, anyway.19:40
Hadi_Hodjatii want to install gui on server, i know the command line, but i dont have repository DVD or internet connection for sever. i have a dektop version, i want to know is it possible installing gnome on server from desktop CD?19:40
sam-_-mobster, i guess they are more stable but less fast and more power intensive.19:40
etswhello, how can i look properties of my computer at ubuntu gnome?19:40
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mobstersam-_-, OS drivers right?19:40
scheibohaving problems with mysql on my server. forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10357143#post10357143 gist: https://gist.github.com/77997219:40
Oeretsw computer property's as in computer specs ?19:40
grguri think that its better to look for the solve of ure probs at net19:41
sam-_-mobster, y.19:41
JZandican u explaine for me step by step how to join in ##C chanel and ##c++ chanel?19:41
GneaHadi_Hodjati: yes, they all use the same repositories19:41
JZandii mix up:)19:41
sam-_-mobster, but it changes every day :-)19:41
mobsterhmm...really confused between NVIDIA and ATI19:41
etswOer: my processor, how much ram? other stuff like this..19:41
GneaJZandi: you need to register with services, then identify, then you can join19:41
Oeretsw sudo apt-get install sysinfo19:41
sam-_-JZandi, type: /join ##c19:41
Gneamobster: it's easy: nvidia rocks, ati sucks. :)19:41
Hadi_Hodjatihow i can use cd rom for installing GUI?19:42
Gnea!register | JZandi19:42
ubottuJZandi: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:42
sam-_-JZandi, a right. what Gnea says19:42
GneaHadi_Hodjati: read up on using the cd as a repository19:42
JZandiwhere i type join ##c?19:43
Gnea!repository | Hadi_Hodjati19:43
ubottuHadi_Hodjati: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:43
GneaJZandi: HERE19:43
GneaJZandi: just type: /join ##C19:43
JZandiin this box that i type?19:43
GneaJZandi: right here, no spaces, just type it19:43
JZandiok  done19:43
mobstercan anyone tell me how good is Dell XPS Studio 15...i want to run 2-3 Linux VMs at the same time19:44
JZandinext step?19:44
sam-_-mobster, depends on how much ram19:44
GneaJZandi: you should be there now19:44
Chilaquileshow can I see the windows partition in my ubuntu file explorer?19:44
sam-_-mobster, shouldn't be a problen19:44
GneaJZandi: check your status window if not19:44
JZandino nw windo opended  what?19:45
mobstersam-_-, thanks :)19:45
GneaJZandi: you're using xchat, right?19:45
sam-_-Chilaquiles, it should be listed in nautilus19:45
GneaJZandi: at the top, there's a little box that says 'status' and next to that, a box that says '#ubuntu'19:45
Chilaquilessam-_-: sorry but Im a newbie where is nautilius?19:46
GneaJZandi: each box refers to sub-windows of xchat19:46
JZandi:)       no new box opended19:46
soreauChilaquiles: Alt+F2 and type nautilus or anything in Places fires up nautilus (it's the default file browser)19:46
GneaJZandi: doesn't matter, click on 'status' and read what's there please19:46
JZandiis this stutus           Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guino newdelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ19:47
Chilaquilessoreau: ok, I opened it and I don't see any Windows partition19:47
GneaJZandi: no, that is the topic19:47
GneaJZandi: please type now:  /join #freenode19:47
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soreauChilaquiles: Look at the output of 'mount' (from your terminal) and see if any ntfs file system is mounted19:48
JZandiok done19:48
mongysam-_-,  I had an xorg.conf file in /etc/X11.... I never made one... well I removed it, rebooted and bam.19:48
JZandithe new window opened19:48
GneaJZandi: now ask for help there.19:48
zaeryhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/554142/ is in my fstab, and i imported ssh keys to my other computer according to this: http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/ but it still won't mount my network drive on boot, can anyone help?19:48
NooBoontooi was using NEBULA the other day and it was working fine, but now that I want to open it I get this: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dAK8f9HR19:49
JZandiok    tnx    :)19:49
sam-_-mongy, bam it works or bam everything is broken now19:49
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mongysam-_-,  this free driver is quick, but shame about the constant fan activity :(19:49
sam-_-mongy, what  card again?19:49
akumorning all19:49
bluezonehumm, sam-_- , the drivers are not appearing in addition drivers19:49
mongysam-_-, ati 4650HD19:49
sam-_-bluezone, then install them manually19:50
bluezonesam-_-, and i am still stuck in 800 by 60019:50
mongysam-_-, think I'll go back to proprietary, hardly ever heard my fan..19:50
soreaumongy: Which version of ubuntu are you using?19:50
erkan^I have a problem with camera on empathy: that said; Codec negotiation failed: there was no intersection between the remote codecs and the local ones19:50
mongysoreau, 10.1019:50
erkan^what must i do????? help me pleasee19:50
NooBoontooIs it something wrong in Wine?19:50
Chilaquilessoreau: no I don't have any ntfs in there19:50
akuis indonesian?19:50
soreaumongy: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?19:51
mongyOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R600 (RV730 9480) 20090101  TCL DRI219:51
akuis indonesian?19:51
soreauChilaquiles: Then it's probably not mounted. Pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' to ubuntu.pastebin.com19:51
sam-_-NooBoontoo, looks ugly19:52
sam-_-NooBoontoo, try #wine-hq19:52
NooBoontoosam- You sound like an expert, please tell me what happened here19:52
brontoeeewould chromium claiming that it can play h.264 be considered as bug?19:52
soreaumongy: Ok, you should either a) Install xorg-edgers repo to get a later kernel and latest mesa open drivers or b) Install fglrx19:52
DealingWithFoolsDoes the ubuntu calculator have a physics function?19:53
sam-_-NooBoontoo, unfortunately i JUST sound like an expert ;)19:53
NooBoontoosam-_- : Actually, I was tryng to install 1.2.2 version... but you know, errors and stuff the common user like dont know19:53
sam-_-brontoeee, it can19:53
mongysoreau, yeah, I thought about the edgers, but I'd like to know if it would fix my issue before installing:  :) id love to use radeon driver, lot better with tearing19:53
sam-_-brontoeee, via chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree19:53
zaeryhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/554142/ is in my fstab, and i imported ssh keys to my other computer according to this: http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/ but it still won't mount my network drive on boot, can anyone help?19:54
brontoeeesam-_-, not without special install, excatly19:54
soreaumongy: Since there is now ppa-purge, you can easily restore the system from any ppa (including xorg-edgers)19:54
DealingWithFoolsDoes the ubuntu calculator have a physics function?19:54
sam-_-brontoeee, then i don't understand19:54
soreaumongy: So installing and restoring the system is made easy19:54
grantsmithso in ubuntu, if I have multiple desktops: If i hover my mouse over them, it says "click to start dragging <application>". So I click, but the dragging never works. Can someone confirm this as a bug ?19:54
brontoeeesam-_-, the browser claims it can without the nonfree stuff installed19:54
schnuffle1Dealing: switch mode to scientific19:55
NooBoontooHow can I install 32bit wine libraries in a 64bit system?19:55
sam-_-brontoeee, so you mean it doesn't download the file like it is supposed to be?19:55
DealingWithFoolsDoes the ubuntu calculator have a physics function?19:55
schnuffle1DealingWithFools: It has mat functions19:56
sam-_-DealingWithFools, like sin, cos?19:56
mongysoreau, recommend fresh x crack or swat-x ?19:56
DealingWithFoolsno, like physics equations.19:56
=== gregoire is now known as TheGreg
brontoeeesam-_-, actually its about html5 video tag19:56
schnuffle1DealingWithFools: Yes just switch to enhaned mode19:56
soreaumongy: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental && sudo apt-get upgrade19:56
schnuffle1DealingWithFools: No there's freemat and some other mthlab clones19:57
sam-_-brontoeee, then how do you know it claims to support h264?19:57
brontoeeesam-_-, ill post a code...19:57
mbranniganDealingWithFools, axiom is a Computer Algebra System software that might help19:57
zaerygrantsmith: it works fine on my desktop, sorry if this sounds condescending, but are you holding the mouse button down while dragging?19:58
sam-_-mongy, may i recommend to not do this. it's not that easy to downgrade after adding xorg-edgers19:58
grantsmithzaery, yes i am. are you dragging from the wochspace switcher though ?19:58
soreausam-_-: It is. Just use ppa-purge xorg0edgers19:58
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi, i created a passport account for msn and open it through pidgin, added a few of contacts but they told me they didn't receive any adding-request... anyone? any help?19:59
zaerygrantsmith, oh i thought you were talking about things on the desktop. right click the desktop switcher, is it locked?19:59
sam-_-brontoeee, ah ok. well yeah. could be a bug.19:59
Chilaquilessoreau: http://pastebin.com/NCSyebxL20:00
GanymedeI have converted some RPM packages to deb using alien -k and also alien -t. After trying both methods, I cannot execute the resulting files. I get -bash: ./lmgrd: No such file or directory. However, I swear the file exists, is readable and executable, and it a normal file. What could be the issue?20:00
zaerygrantsmith, oh, you wanted to drag an application from one workspace to another, using the desktop, right? that works fine for me, too20:00
sam-_-soreau, mongy, ok. your call :-)20:00
brontoeeesam-_-, yeah, seems to be nonaware of its own powers :P20:00
grantsmithzaery, the "lock to panel" doesnt seem to make a difference for me20:00
PiciGanymede: deb packages aren't meant to be executable.  They need to be installed using dpkg.20:01
soreauChilaquiles: Is the ntfs file system the first partition on the first hard drive?20:01
zaerygrantsmith, you can always just rightclick the title bar and select "move to workspace...."20:01
mongysoreau, do i install ppa-purge before all this?20:01
sam-_-Ganymede, try dpkg -i <package name>20:01
grantsmithzaery: I can drag just fine on the workspace, but not within the workspace switcher20:01
XiaolinDraconiswhy do tutorials ask me to open software center and get packages that i am not allowed to get?20:02
GanymedePici, Yes, I installed the resulting .deb and am trying to run the executables that it installed, not the deb itself.20:02
grantsmithzaery, and the hover tooltip just says "click to start dragging" lol20:02
soreaumongy: Sure20:02
zaerygrantsmith, well i can drag things from one workspace to another using the workspace switcher20:02
FireblaztoAnyone know of a decent IRC client other than xchat for ubuntu?20:02
induz_what are morphology files??20:03
bluezonesam-_-, 1) my system still does no boot without using recovery and graphics fail safe session, 2) I get a CC compiler error about not having a proper kernel 3) i get an error about not having some kernel-devel files, which i cannot find with apt-get, all this happens when i attempt to install my nvidia drivers manually, ideas?20:03
grantsmithzaery: Hmmm.. wonder why i cant20:03
GanymedePici, sam-_-: The file I am running is /opt/flexnetserver/lmgrd, which, according to "file", is ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped and is totally executable. I try to run it using the full path and get that it does not exist.20:03
sam-_-bluezone, install the kernel headers20:03
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grantsmithzaery, in fact I have two computers with ubuntu installed and neither one can20:03
gumpishXiaolinDraconis: uh, what happens when you try to install it?20:03
PiciGanymede: Using alien to install or convert RPM packages is completely unsupported.  You're really on your own if you do that.20:03
Chilaquilessoreau: http://pastebin.com/NCSyebxL20:04
zaerygrantsmith, are they of the same make/model/brand, and both of the same ubuntu version? It could be because i'm still on 10.0420:04
soreauChilaquiles: Is the ntfs file system the first partition on the first hard drive?20:04
mongyok brb20:04
sam-_-Ganymede, what software is it your trying to install?20:05
smiley__anyone know of any other Safe software on the net for ubuntu20:05
FireblaztoAnyone know of a decent IRC client other than xchat for ubuntu?20:05
LucenutNoob question. My "File System" in the explorer says "24 items 2.1G free"20:05
Ganymedesam-_-, The license server for Autodesk Maya 2011.20:05
sam-_-Ganymede, sure there isn't a debian package already?20:05
grantsmithzaery, both on 10.4.120:05
Guest98876is this an IRC channel for ubuntu general or ubuntu desktop only?20:05
ChilaquilesFireblazto: I use KVIrc and I like it20:05
induz_is thunderbird better tha EpathY??20:05
Ganymedesam-_-, Nope, they only provide an RPM. It would seem to make sense that I can just extract the bins out of the .rpm with alien -t and run them...but bash says "NO such file or directory" which is a complete lie.20:05
soreauChilaquiles: Try this to create a directory and mount the drive to it: sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1 && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 && ls /mnt/sda120:05
zaerygrantsmith, what computers are they?20:06
LucenutBut when I did "df" in terminal it says only 50G of my 128G is used.20:06
PiciFireblazto: There is a list of irc clients here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat its up to YOU to figure out which one you like best.20:06
sam-_-Ganymede, oh ok. there might not be. try installing the converted deb with dpkg -i <package>20:06
xanguainduz_: well thunderbird is a mail client, and empathy an instant messenger20:06
LucenutIs there a graphical disk app that will show me what is taking up this space?20:06
FireblaztoPici Cheers, I was just seeing what people recommended20:06
grantsmithzaery, different hardware, but both 64bit20:06
PiciGuest98876: This channel is for general Ubuntu support.  We also have #ubuntu-server if you need more specific support or also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList for the rest of our available channels.20:06
Ganymedesam-_-, Yep, I had tried that already. Still same problem...bash tells me no such file or directory even though the file exists and is executable.20:07
Guest98876thnx Pici!!!20:07
Guest98876i'll join ubuntu server then!20:07
Chilaquilessoreau: Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.20:07
ChilaquilesThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which20:07
Chilaquilescould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.20:07
NooBoontooIf I install Wine 1.2.2. do I need to uninstall the older version, or will it automatically delete it the newer version?20:07
zaerygrantsmith, i've got 32-bit20:07
=== Guest98876 is now known as Join-D
rez410can anyone give me a link to a quick and dirty tutorial to set up a samba share with win7? All the ones I come across are old20:07
induz_i mean evolutuon20:07
grantsmithzaery, ok, thanks.. i'll see if google can help :/20:07
sam-_-Lucenut, seems like you looked up the numbers for two different file systems20:07
induz_I dont mean empathy I meant evolution20:07
Pici!best | induz_20:08
ubottuinduz_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:08
zaeryanyone with 64-bit ubuntu 10.04 wanna drag an app from one workspace to another using the workspace switcher real quick?20:08
Oerrez410, ask in #windows20:08
soreauChilaquiles: sudo fuser /dev/sda120:08
DrainixHow would I "mirror" a file ? Example when wtf.txt in /home is edited it is also edited in /home/blah20:08
sam-_-Ganymede, then you provide the wrong name. also it shouldn't be executable20:08
XiaolinDraconisgumpish, sry i got lost in my own mind. some packages give a warning about untrusted packages and then the download cancels20:08
KM0201Drainix: i think that would require some sort of RAID20:08
rez410Oer: why? I want to set up samba in ubuntu-server20:08
PiciDrainix: Do they need to be seperate files? or can you just use a symlink?20:08
Ganymedesam-_-, Why should the binary not be executable? And no, I did not provide the wrong name.20:08
DrainixSymlink may work20:09
induz_Pici, I am using Evolution, but i hear about thunderbird!!20:09
DrainixI don't know how to do that though20:09
Chilaquilessoreau: and now what?20:09
gumpishXiaolinDraconis: there shouldn't be anything untrusted about samba20:09
KM0201Drainix: ah... i don't think so... but maybe20:09
sam-_-Ganymede, *.deb packages are no binaries20:09
Piciinduz_: Use what YOU think is best.  Everyone has their own opinions.20:09
DrainixI made a launcher to the file but that was obviously wrong20:09
soreauChilaquiles: What is the output of that?20:09
induz_I am using Evolution with gmail acc20:09
Ganymedesam-_-, As I have said numerous times before, I am not trying to execute the .deb nor have I ever tried that.20:09
PiciDrainix: ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/link20:09
Chilaquilessoreau: /dev/sda1:             29820:09
zaeryhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/554142/ is in my fstab, and i imported ssh keys to my other computer according to this: http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/ but it still won't mount my network drive on boot, can anyone help?20:09
sam-_-Ganymede, sry. then i misunderstood then20:09
XiaolinDraconisgumpish, it happens for a lot of packages i wouldnt think were.20:09
soreauChilaquiles: Ok now pastebin the output of 'ps ax|grep 298'20:09
gumpishXiaolinDraconis: you may have an issue with your software repository configuration...20:09
Ganymedesam-_-, I'm trying to execute the binaries in /opt that resulted from installing the debs using dpkg -i20:09
sam-_-Ganymede, ok.20:10
schnuffle1Ganymede: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155539420:10
Chilaquilessoreau:   298 ?        Ss     0:21 mount.ntfs /dev/sda1 /root20:10
Chilaquiles 1840 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto 29820:10
Chilaquiles 20:10
XiaolinDraconisgumpish, i know youre right but the problems i know of are keys for things like DO and other optional software i havent bothered updating the keys on20:11
soreauChilaquiles: Now try 'ls /root'20:11
Oerrez410, sorry, i read win7 .. https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html20:11
share!paste | Chilaquiles20:11
ubottuChilaquiles: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:11
genii-aroundHm. ntfs as /  ??20:11
genii-aroundAh, nvm20:11
rez410Oer: Thanks. My mistake it did sound like I wanted to use samba in windows20:11
grantsmithzaery, it looks like a problem with Compiz. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=888048920:11
induz_how can i downlaod thunderbird ?20:11
xanguainduz_: sudo apt-get install thunderbird20:11
Drainixln -s realmlist.wtf /home/drainix20:11
schnuffle1induz_: it's in the repository just install it20:12
Chilaquilessoreau: R?href=http:%2F%2Fforms.real.com%2Freal%2Fplayer%2Fdownload.html?f=unix%2FRealPlayer11GOLD.bin20:12
DrainixI did that while in the directory as realmlist.wtf20:12
Ganymedeschnuffle1, Thanks, this is totally different from the instructions bundled with Maya 2011. I'll give these instructions a try instead.20:12
PiciDrainix: I'd use absolute paths for the target, makes it easier in the long run.20:12
elnine         _20:12
elnine     ,--(_)                 |              |20:12
elnine   _/ ;-._\  __        |  | |,-. |  |,--. -+- |  |20:12
elnine  (_)(   ) c(..)o      |  | |  | |  ||  |  |  |  |20:12
elnine    \ ;-'_/\(=)        `--' `--' `--''  '  `- `--'20:12
FloodBot4elnine: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
XiaolinDraconisvery nice20:12
sharedont feed the troll20:13
Picielnine: Please don't do that.20:13
soreauChilaquiles: Or 'sudo ls /root/'20:13
zaerygrantsmith, well, seeing as i don't have compiz on, that'd make sense20:13
Chilaquilessoreau: the same appears20:13
Join-Dhey, anyone has a samba box configured with iptables?20:13
elninePici: i am sorry20:13
soreauChilaquiles: What does it show?20:13
Chilaquilessoreau: R?href=http:%2F%2Fforms.real.com%2Freal%2Fplayer%2Fdownload.html?f=unix%2FRealPlayer11GOLD.bin20:14
soreauChilaquiles: Are you sure you're not typo'ing?20:14
soreauI highly doubt that is the output of ls in any context20:14
DrainixAlright pici I don't think that will work :/20:14
DrainixSo I will state another issue.20:14
induz_I am downloadin Thunderbird via comman line20:14
DrainixThe reason I needed to do that to begin with,20:15
shareinduz_: and...?20:15
Chilaquilessoreau: I copied and pasted what you gave me into the terminal20:15
XiaolinDraconisany ideas why Samba package would give me an error about being untrusted?20:15
soreauChilaquiles: I don't understand why you have sda1 mounting to /root20:15
Ed_Moneycan anyone suggest an app to take videos of my screen for Ubuntu?20:15
XiaolinDraconiserror from software center20:15
DrainixI downloaded a Realmlist.jar It needs to find realmlist.wtf to edit it but realmlist.wtf is in a hidden folder and the java programs file browser does not seem to want to find hidden folders even when I press ctrl+h20:16
soreauChilaquiles: And I don't understand why ls would show that link unless that is a file name on the system there20:16
IdleOneEd_Money: recordmydesktop20:16
Ed_MoneyIdleOne: Thanks20:16
ChilaquilesI don't either20:16
Ganymedeschnuffle1, Hmm..this post actually does not cover the network license server, adlmflexnetserver. It instead only deals with standalone licenses...I don't see anything that they're doing that I'm not...20:16
XiaolinDraconisEd_Money, i have an app that takes gif's .... but those get huge real fast20:16
induz_Gmail is IMAP or POP account for thunderBird20:16
schnuffle1Ganymde: Sorry for you20:16
gumpishinduz_: either20:16
IdleOneinduz_: both but use imap20:16
Chilaquilesdo you wanna do that doreau?20:17
induz_what is the difference between POP and IMAP??20:17
gumpishinduz_: IMAP is what people think of when they think of "webmail" - everyting lives on the server20:18
chkdskI have this weird area on the side of my screen, my wallpaper seems to start from the middle of my screen. What's happened?20:18
hitech1hi all20:18
Nepheriuswhere can I find a volume control applet ?20:18
schnuffle1Ganymede: http://www.globes.com/support/fnp_utilities_download.htm20:18
gumpishinduz_: IMAP makes keeping your mail in sync from multiple locations/computers much simpler20:19
ChilaquilesNepherius: on your pannel --> Add to panel20:19
laurusAre there any PDAs that can run Ubuntu?20:19
nit-witchkdsk, in the terminal nautilus -q20:19
NepheriusChilaquiles: i only have indicator crap there and I cant customize it20:19
soreauChilaquiles: Try: sudo umount /dev/sda1 && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 && ls /mnt/sda1/20:19
chkdsknit-wit, how did you know that would fix it? Is this a common problem?20:20
zaeryis it possible to set up a user so that anyone can ssh into it's home folder without ssh keys or passwords?20:20
soreauNepherius: gnome-volume-control-applet20:20
induz_gumpish, is there any calender onThunderBird?20:20
hitech1My VLC player wont play Mov files,,What to do?20:20
nit-witchkdsk, don'y know how common but my maverick set up acts like this with a mouse movement on occasion, the command wont hurt anything20:20
Nepheriussocram: E: Unable to locate package gnome-volume-control-applet20:21
Chilaquilessoreau: http://pastebin.com/Di6wEXv320:21
Join-Diptables pro around?20:21
gumpishinduz_: there's the "Lightening" project which adds calendaring to it, but i have no experience with it20:21
wildc4rdevenin all!20:21
induz_gumpish, is it under ThunderBird?20:21
schnuffle1induz_: I use lighting with a groupware server. Works fine20:21
=== canon is now known as Acid190
rwwNepherius: gnome-volume-control-applet is a program in the gnome-media package.20:22
induz_I want to use a calender like it has on evolution20:22
induz_schnuffle1, I dont have a server>?20:22
nit-witchkdsk, it is a little bit of a irritant, but has never really caused a problem other then the screen20:22
rwwsmiley__: FloodBot4 is not a person. Please ask support questions in this channel, not in PM.20:22
soreauChilaquiles: Try 'sudo kill 298'20:22
schnuffle1induz_: Using it locally is the default and should pose even lesser problems20:23
Ganymedeschnuffle1, Thanks, I'll read through it.20:23
weevI'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Ubuntu Linux, is in fact, GNU/Ubuntu Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.20:23
weevMany computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Ubuntu Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.20:23
rww!ot | weev20:23
ubottuweev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:23
chkdskThis spam is ooooooold.20:23
gumpishinduz_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/xul-ext-lightning20:23
Admin_Anybody knows how to start a ubuntu program from within C++ code of another program?20:23
Picismiley__: FloodBot4 is a bot, it can't answer you. If you have a question please ask here.20:23
rwwPici: way ahead of you ;(20:23
Picirww: oh :(20:23
smiley__ok,whats the best DVD,Video editing software for ubuntu20:24
induz_gumpish, I am dowmloading that20:25
weevrww, trying to get support for ubuntus improper naming scheme is not off topic.20:25
mongyRight, here goes rebooting, hoping my laptop doesnt fly off into space in a flaming red ball20:25
weevperhaps i should file a ticket somewhere?20:25
rwwweev: yes, it is.20:25
apraxashi ubuntu folk. maybe somebody know, how i can recover deleted files on a ext4 partition.. thx20:25
Join-D /leave20:26
sam-_-weev, are u richard stallman?20:26
XiaolinDraconisanyone have an idea why Samba would give untrusted error in software center?20:26
weevrww, we'll have to agree to disagree20:26
induz_gumpish, I can  NOT install xul-ext-lightning20:26
brontoeeesmiley__, possibly kdenlive20:26
induz_gumpish, it says:20:26
sam-_-apraxas, impossible. you can try with e2undelete but i doubt it will work20:26
induz_Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: xul-ext-calendar-timezones20:26
weevsam-_-: no, but like stallman i have a wikipedia article20:26
Chilaquilessoreau: I don't know what happen but my screen went black, so I had to restart20:26
induz_gumpish, Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: xul-ext-calendar-timezones20:26
zaeryis it possible to prevent a user from venturing out of his home folder?20:27
weevi am a crusader for open source freedom20:27
sam-_-weev, link?20:27
gumpishinduz_: that's unfortunate. as i mentioned, i have no experience with it myself, so i'm not sure what issue you might be experiencing. are you running 10.10 ?20:27
weevsam-_-: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weev20:27
sam-_-weev, i like :-)20:27
Ganymedeschnuffle1, I just downloaded the lmgrd and lmutils tarball for that site for my platform (64-bit) Linux (the LSB-certified one) and I tried to run them with ./lmgrd and ./lmutils after extracting them...still bash says: No such file or directory...the files clearly exist...20:27
undecimzaery: What do you mean? You don't want them to see anything outside their home folder? Or just don't want them doing anything outside of it?20:27
soreauChilaquiles: Now pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l && mount'20:27
schnuffle1induz_: sudo aptitude install thunderbird-lightning20:27
m4vweev: thats nice, but this is a support channel, please stop.20:27
soreauChilaquiles: pastebin to ubuntu.pastebin.com for more than a couple lines20:28
zaeryudecim, well, seeing would be preferred, but editing would suffice if seeing doesnt20:28
weevm4v, i am trying to get support for ubuntu's lack of GNU in its name20:28
undecimzaery: Well, they need to see some stuff, like stuff in /usr/ that is required to run programs20:28
greppyweev: wrong kind of support channel, try #ubunti-offtopic20:28
induz_schnuffle1, it says:Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "thunderbird-lightning"20:28
schnuffle1Ganymede: what happens when you: ldd ./lmgrd20:28
Chilaquilessoreau: http://pastebin.com/tDPJbi5f20:28
niko!ops | weev20:28
ubottuweev: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!20:28
undecimzaery: By default, a user can only edit stuff in their home folder and /tmp20:29
soreauweev: What, you want a GNUbuntu? ;)20:29
weevsoreau: GNUbuntu would be sufficeint, yes20:29
bluezonesam-_-, i can't seem to find the header files lol20:29
Ganymedeschnuffle1, http://pastebin.com/Ub3yuRtg (not sure how to interpret that)20:29
salomonvhi, whilst updating I accidentally restarted ubuntu, now it won't start -- says the volume on / is not ready. Recovery mode stops with an error message that plymouth was killed.20:29
bluezonesam-_-, all of them seem to be installed20:29
sam-_-bluezone, linux-headers-generic20:30
undecimzaery: /tmp, of course, being only for storing temporary files, since it's cleared on each boot.20:30
induz_schnuffle1, I have to install via adds-on on thunderbird20:30
brontoeeeweev, i think linux is also refered as a name for distribution, in that context 'ubuntu linux' is not that evil name at all20:30
schnuffle1Ganymede: that tells you the libs it's linked against20:30
soreauChilaquiles: See on line 21 of the pastebin where it says /dev/sda1 on /host ..?20:30
bluezonesam-_-, it is already installed20:30
Chilaquilessoreau: yea?020:31
salomonvanyone have ideas on how to solve it?20:31
undecimsalomonv: I know what you can do20:31
bluezonesam-_-, at this point all i want to do is be able to boot my system and have my resolution set to normal lol20:31
schnuffle1Ganymded: you shure did a: chmod 755 ./lmgrd20:31
mongysoreau, thanks for the suggestion but fan is still on constantly.  Ill go back to amd20:31
undecimsalomonv: First, follow the directions here: http://blog.undecim.org/2010/05/fix-boot-problems-with-a-live-cd-and-chroot/20:31
paulus68is there a way to hide a open ssh tunnel connection through a proxy server in such a way that the original connection to my server can't be traced?20:32
soreauChilaquiles: It's telling you the first partition (1) of the first drive (a) is mounted to /host so try looking in /host with your file browser or use 'ls /host/'20:32
undecimpaulus68: Traced by who?20:32
paulus68traced by my network administrator20:33
mrchinosunHello guys20:33
salomonvundecim, thanks, anything i should try in particular to solve it?20:33
Ganymedeschnuffle1, Does anything look off? That first one linux-vdso.so.1 looks missing?20:33
undecimpaulus68: You would need another SOCKS proxy in order to do that20:33
Chilaquilessoreau: yeah I see it now20:33
mrchinosunjust use tor20:33
induz_schnuffle1, i got it20:33
induz_schnuffle1, thanks20:33
mrchinosunit changes to random IPs20:33
soreaumongy: There are parameters you can use to control the power consumption. See phoronix forums or ask in #radeon20:33
undecimsalomonv: Once you have run the "sudo chroot" command in those directions, you will want to continue the upgrade with the command like "sudo apt-get upgrade"20:33
mrchinosunis there a task manager on ubuntu?20:34
soreauChilaquiles: I do not know why it's mounting it to /host but you should be able to change the mount point in /etc/fstab20:34
undecimpaulburton0: For example, TOR. Though it would be fairly obvious to your network admin that you are using TOR.20:34
befagosomeone have installed unofficial kernel 2.6.3720:34
Ganymedemrchinosun, gnome-system-monitor?20:34
paulus68undecim: I use putty to connect to my server and set it up as a socks5 connection but I want to be sure that this connection can't be traced or very difficult to trace20:34
mrchinosunis that in the software store?20:34
Chilaquilessoreau: I don't really care as long as I can access my files20:34
befagoi have Asus B50 with Intel VGA card.20:34
soreauChilaquiles: cool20:34
salomonvundecim, okay, I'm not sure the updating is indeed the problem -- do you think it matches the error?20:35
Ganymedemrchinosun, probably under System -> Administration -> System Monitor20:35
jangellpaulus68: what are you trying to hide?20:35
befagoit's problem with X20:35
bluezonesam-_-, any other thoughts? lol20:35
apraxassam-_- thx this is very very bad.20:35
mrchinosunoh nice lol20:35
undecimpaulus68: Could you elaborate on the word "trace" What exactly do you now want the network admin to know?20:35
Chilaquilessoreau: cool thanks!20:35
c0ldfrontI just installed Ubuntu Netbook remix how do i turn on the netbook layout?20:35
XiaolinDraconiswhy is that pakcage untrusted ?20:35
soreauChilaquiles: FYI, root (/) is typically reserved for system files/directories20:35
mrchinosunif my cpu is working like at 5% is that good?20:36
undecimsalomonv: You restarted in the middle of an upgrade, so the upgrade couldn't finish and left you with a bad mix of old and new files. If you finish the upgrade, it might fix this.20:36
paulus68jangell: the initial ssh connection towards my server that I use to connect over my server to the internet20:36
salomonvundecim: okay, thanks, if it doesn't help i'll be right back :P20:36
joshrlIs it possible to increase the size of a VHD?20:36
paulus68undecim: I don't want him to know that I use proxy tunneling to connect to the internent20:36
XiaolinDraconisjoshrl, i used to do it with dd command so yeah its possible20:37
panfisthi, i have ubuntu 10.04 lts and i'm trying to figure out how to change the order of items in the grub boot menu, but it seems i have neither menu.lst nor grub.cfg in my /boot/grub folder, and i'm not sure what to do20:37
sam-_-bluezone, what's the status again?20:37
sam-_-bluezone, which kernel are you using now?20:37
schnuffle1Ganymede: the first entry is a virtual one provided by the kernel20:37
undecimpaulus68: Well that will be quite difficult to do. Doing it via SSH he will see that you are making a secure connection, but nothing will prove that you are browsing the internet with it20:37
bluezonesam-_-, 2.6.36-020636-generic20:37
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schnuffle1Ganymede: Do you have selinux or apparmor active?20:38
Ganymedeschnuffle1, I just wish at this point that I'd get a more descriptive and non-false error message...20:38
mongysoreau, I just tried a little game (neverball) and its quite jerky.. its like one of the only games I play, so.. ah well20:38
Ganymedeschnuffle1, This is a stock Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server...I've never done anything explicitly to enable selinux or apparmor.20:38
undecimpaulus68: I think that's the best you will do if you are using your own server. If you use another proxy, he could look up the IP address and see that it's a proxy20:38
paulus68undecim: is there to your knowledge another way to do set this up in order to surf the internet without being traced?20:39
Ganymedeschnuffle1, I'm not actually all that familiar with either selinux or apparmor20:39
undecimpaulus68: One thing you might try is changing your server to use port 443 for SSH. That's the HTTPS port and will make it look like you are viewing an encrytped website20:39
undecimpaulus68: No, an SSH tunnel is the best you can do20:39
lolcatundecim: Not a vpn?20:40
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paulus68udecim: with ssh encryption I do this20:40
undecimlolcat: With a VPN or with a SOCKS tunnel, either way anyone viewing his traffic will just see a secure connection20:40
sam-_-bluezone, i would try to download from here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-260.19.29-driver.html20:41
lolcatundecim: But a vpn takes all his traffic and tunnels it, no need for changes in browser settings or IM settings20:41
iamjebusHi. Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 amd64. Also installed the proprietary Nvidia driver for my GTX 580. But for some reason Ubuntu looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/Qe15W.jpg and not like this: http://softfive.com/files/uploads/Ubuntu.jpg (which it does on other computers I've installed Ubuntu on)?20:41
sam-_-bluezone, then install like nvidia wants you to20:41
cowlicksundecim: paulus68: what about Torr20:41
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schnuffle1Ganymede: copy the binaries to /sbin, do a chown root.root <binary> and a chmod 755 <binary> and try again with sudo <binariy>20:41
undecimcowlicks, paulus68, lolcat: Already suggested Tor, but that would make it more obvious what is being don20:42
undecimcowlicks, paulus68, lolcat: With SSH, you can say your were using the shell on your server20:42
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paulus68lolcat: I use a socks5 connection at this point and as a proxy I just mention the localhost with the port in question20:42
undecimpaulus68: Yes. you should also do one more thing20:42
undecimpaulus68: What browser are you using?20:42
lolcatJust use tor from your server and out to the world20:42
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paulus68undecim: firefox which is20:42
cowlicksundecim: is this somewhere where tor is illegal? wtf20:43
undecimlolcat: That's needlessly complex. You can just skip the tor part of that20:43
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lolcatundecim: Maybe, depends how illegal his activites are20:43
undecimcowlicks: Illegal, probably not, but possibly against network regulations.20:43
undecimlolcat: He just doesn't want the network admin to see he's using a proxy20:43
Ganymedeschnuffle1, I did all the steps you described and tried running it with sudo and got: sudo: unable to execute /sbin/lmgrd: No such file or directory20:44
paulus68lolcat my activities are not illegal it's just that I don't want to be caught surfing the net which is unfortunatly blocked by the administrator :(20:44
Zillaaahhttp proxy?20:44
lolcatpaulus68: His network, his rules20:45
Ganymedeschnuffle1, None of the chown or chmod commands threw any errors or anything, they all ran fine.20:45
undecimpaulus68: In firefox, you need to go to "about:config" and change "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns" to true.20:45
lolcatpaulus68: If I borrow you my car to go to the grocery store, you'd be doing something illegal if you race around on the highway.20:45
GanymedeI have never seen anything like this...20:45
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Join-Danyone knows much about iptables?20:45
undecim!ask | Join-D20:45
ubottuJoin-D: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:46
paulus68zilaaah: yes20:46
undecimerr... wrong factoid I think, lol20:46
lolcat!if | Join-D20:46
paulus68undecim: thanks20:46
undecim!anyone | Join-D20:46
ubottuJoin-D: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:46
undecimThat's the one :P20:46
iamjebusHi. Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 amd64. Also installed the proprietary Nvidia driver for my GTX 580. But for some reason Ubuntu looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/Qe15W.jpg and not like this: http://softfive.com/files/uploads/Ubuntu.jpg (which it does on other computers I've installed Ubuntu on)?20:47
schnuffle1Ganymede: At least I can reproduce it on my 32bit :)20:47
m4xx!beer | me20:47
Ganymedeschnuffle1, And you have not tried on a 64-bit?20:47
Join-Dif I run samba, iptables -F it works. If i run samba with iptables and ports opened for samba it doesnt connect from remote (it seems to do from same subnet xxx.xxx.xxx.*) any ideas? Problem is in iptables, not smbd20:47
m4xx!the birds and the bees | me20:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:47
rww!fishing > m4xx20:47
ubottum4xx, please see my private message20:47
undecimiamjebus: You mean the theme?20:47
Ganymedeschnuffle1, I'm gonna give up in 13 minutes since that's when my shift at works ends. Next time, I'll just try this on a Redhat or something...see if that works instead.20:47
m4xxrww: sry ;[20:48
schnuffle1Ganymede: Don't have acces right now and as I said the same happens on my system. Let me fiddle around with it a bot maybe I find the problem20:48
iamjebusundecim: Well, yeah, some of it seems to use the ambience theme and other stuff looks "old"20:48
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Ganymedeschnuffle1, Thanks for your help so far.20:48
undecimiamjebus: Have you relogged Ubuntu since it was like this?20:48
undecimiamjebus: I used to have a similar issue when gnome-settings-daemon didn't start right20:49
iamjebusundecim: I rebooted after installing the nvidia driver, will try again20:49
paulus68lolcat: the only thing that I try to do my work correctly towards the people I need to service and for that I need the internet without any restrictions but he(my boss) doesn't want to understand that so I need to find a workarround in order to help my customers correclty20:49
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus20:49
rjhallhello.  I'd like the lock screen (after idle) to show the time (as my computer is  the only time-telling thing in my office).  Any clues?20:49
m4xxi think that needs to be modified20:49
nathan_whenever someone is ready, I got a question about deleting a custom package20:51
aleiexi want to decompress .rar faster20:51
aleiexany way?20:51
undecim!anyone | nathan_20:51
ubottunathan_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:51
NooBoontooSo, why do you think WINE could just fail?20:52
mrchinosunanybody know anything about privoxy20:52
mrchinosuncuz it was running fine yesterday now its GONE20:52
NooBoontooIs it because I insttalled something incopatible with WINE?20:52
bluezoneis there any effective way to stop the Xserver20:52
nathan_lol. the removal script is... not working for deleting the package20:52
NooBoontooI reinstalled WINE and still20:52
bluezonewithout dragging me into the pits of hell of run level 1 virtual terminals20:52
xcyclistI just tried 4 ubuntu paint programs and not a single one can successfully copy  a section of an image in a simple clear way!  Incredible!20:52
nathan_I'd like to ignore the removal script anyways, and just remove the package without it20:52
nathan_is that possible?20:53
undecimNooBoontoo: Did you install wine via the instructions at WineHQ.org?20:53
iamjebusundecim: hmm.. still not looking right :/20:53
undecimiamjebus: What shows up as your thme under appearance?20:53
iamjebusundecim: Ambiance20:53
undecimiamjebus: change it to another20:53
NooBoontooundecim: I compiled the 1.2.2 version like the readme file told me, but then I reinstalled 1.2.1 from Synaptic20:53
undecimiamjebus: And see if it changes it20:53
iamjebusundecim: tried before, doesn't help20:53
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undecimiamjebus: Have you tried alt+f2 and type "killall gnome-panel"?20:54
iamjebusundecim: will try20:54
nathan_so is there a way to remove a package while ignoring its removal script?20:54
undecimiamjebus: Current WINE version is 1.3.1020:54
NooBoontooDo I need to uninstall the older version before i install a version that is not suported by Ubuntu?20:54
iamjebusundecim: Doesn't help :/ This is really weird20:55
isforins1ctsNew laptop with a hung xorg. I can get alt+sysrq+r to drop me into raw, but I can't ctrl+alt+f# to another VT.  Ideas?20:55
undecimiamjebus: Is it anything other than the panel?20:55
smiley__How many versions of ubuntu can you have install on one pc ?20:56
undecimNooBoontoo: No you should be fine20:56
iamjebusiamjebus: Yes. Applications also look weird, except for the top bar.20:56
undecimNooBoontoo: The instructions from WineHQ setup a PPA, which will override Ubuntu's official Wine install, and even update it as if it were the official install20:56
rwwsmiley__: as many as you can fit on your hard disk20:56
undecimiamjebus: A agree, that is odd. Though that means that the problem is with GTK.20:57
ZykoticK9isforins1cts, to switch between VTs the command is usually just ALT+F# (but I don't think it's going to help your issue)20:57
smiley__so it wont break other ubuntu installs ?20:57
NooBoontooundecim....Oh, I didnt add that to the repository, I just compiled it20:57
josephim knew to ubuntu20:57
Ganymedeschnuffle1, Finally. I figured it out. sudo apt-get install lsb-core lsb-base lsb or something like that.20:58
josephcan anyone help me out20:58
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undecim!anyone | joseph20:58
ubottujoseph: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:58
isforins1ctsZykoticK9: Is it? well, let me try that with a fresh boot maybe?20:58
Ganymedeschnuffle1, Not sure which of the three packages made it work...but it finally runs now...too bad I'm off the clock in 2 minutes so I still won't get around to seeing whether Maya 2011 actually works.20:58
undecimWelcome, Joseph. Go ahead and ask your questions and anyone who can help you will answer20:58
iamjebusundecim: Hmm... Very weird indeed. Will try reinstalling, perhaps something fucked up. Thanks for trying though :).20:58
isforins1ctsWhen I shutdown I can see some text before it hutdowns20:58
ZykoticK9isforins1cts, only on VT - from Xorg it's CTRL+ALT+F#20:58
schnuffle1Ganymede: Was just reading about it as the ackage was called -lsb20:58
Ganymedeschnuffle1, Hmm...didn't realize Ubuntu doesn't follow the "Linux Standard Base"...since I thought it was "standard"...20:59
smiley__i updated the system with update manager ,now i have Two listings of Ubuntu in the Grub menu20:59
isforins1ctsany other ways to get into single usermode via grub? I have LVM, so I can't seem to hit shift fast enough (bios halts on stuck key)20:59
nathan_is there a way to remove a package while ignoring its removal script?20:59
undecim!anyone | Guest9513120:59
ubottuGuest95131: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:59
GanymedeHmm...LSB support in "optional" in Debian variants...I never would have guessed.21:00
GanymedeAnyway, I have to go now, thanks for looking into it, schnuffle1.21:00
undecimisforins1cts: If you have another way to access the drive, you can change grub.cfg21:00
schnuffle1Ganymede: Ganymede: have fun21:00
undecimisforins1cts: Usually, I have to hit the key as I see the bios logo21:00
NooBoontooThere is only a version for 10.04, I have 10.10, Will it still work?21:00
InfinitoHI people, I have a question about my ubuntu netbook remix21:01
NooBoontooI am talking about WINE21:01
isforins1ctsundecim: encrypted ssd in a laptop, I wouldn't like to open it if I don't have to21:01
isforins1ctsMaybe a bios setting /me looks21:01
undecimNooBoontoo: At winehq.org, there should be a version for 10.1021:01
undecimNooBoontoo: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb21:02
NooBoontooundecim: There is not21:02
janickoI need solve problem with wicd "bad password" problem. Password for wpa is correct...21:02
mrchinosunu know there is a wine irc channel /join @winehq21:02
isforins1ctsOh I can change my display adaptor in bios, maybe this will work21:03
rjhallis there a way to make gnome-screensaver show the current time?21:03
rjhall..if not on thje lock screen21:03
NooBoontooundecim: Is it ok if I use just like this?  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa21:03
undecimNooBoontoo: Yup21:03
undecimNooBoontoo: And after that you will need to run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install wine" or "sudo apt-get install wine1.3" if you want the beta version21:04
smiley__there are two listings for ubuntu in grub menu after update with update manager21:04
isforins1ctsare there any other key commands in X that would help me in keyboard raw mode? (trying to get to a vt to fix my xorg)21:04
rjhallis there a way to flag a page on wiki.ubuntu.com as being totally incorrect? (one that's marked immutable, specifically)21:04
undecimNooBoontoo: Since you've already tried 1.2.2, you should try the beta 1.321:05
schnuffle1sforins1cts:  ALT+F2 should give you a terminal21:05
isforins1ctsschnuffle1: It isn't taking it for some reason.  Maybe a fn key problem.21:06
m4they, i just installed a gt430, and my pci sound card doesnt show up in lspci anymore. all i see is an nvidia audio device (hdmi). is it possible to have the pci sound card detected? maybe through a kernel cmdline option?21:06
isforins1ctsI managed to get into grub!21:06
NooBoontooundecim: I tought the 1.3 version was gonna be automatically appear in the update manager... but no21:06
undecimisforins1cts: Try Alt+Sysrq+g21:06
undecimisforins1cts: If you have an ATI or intel video card, that is21:06
midia new to ubuntu need some help, anyone/21:07
undecim!anyone | midi21:07
ubottumidi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:07
schnuffle1just ask midi21:07
undecimNooBoontoo: Install it with "sudo apt-get install wine1.3"21:07
isforins1ctsundecim: What does that do? I have the nvidia/intel optimus thing21:07
undecimNooBoontoo: That's the newest one you can download21:07
NooBoontooundecim. Ok thanks, I'll try that after I update21:08
undecimisforins1cts: It disables KMS, which is active on most ATI and intel cards by default21:08
midiyesterday i installed ubuntu on my laptop, i downloaded the live laptop cd, and install it, was easy and i like it, but my right click on desktop is not workin21:08
undecimisforins1cts: It will switch you straight to a framebuffer console if You have KMS enabled21:08
undecimmidi: Do you have any icons on your desktop?21:09
midiundecim : no21:09
undecimmidi: Press Alt+F2 and type "nautilus"21:09
undecimmidi: And see if that fixes it21:09
midialt+f2 nothing happen21:10
undecimmidi: Are you able to use the menu?21:10
NooBoontooundecim: You seem like someone who knows, so, do you know how to fix the Nvidia xorg?21:11
midiwhich menu you mean?21:11
undecimNooBoontoo: Don't know, actually. Never worked with Nv much21:11
undecimmidi: The menu in the top left corner21:11
undecimmidi: Applications/System/Places21:11
NooBoontooundecim: The problem here is, Everytime I login to Ubuntu, my  screen resolution allways is messed up, I go to root and change it and then save it, but still, everytime I login is the same21:12
midiundecim : No i dont see it, all i see is windows alike icon21:12
BluefeverHey guys I've never tried playing PC games on my computer, but I really don't know what my limit is. Could anyone tell me what games I could play on this computer.http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&docname=c0030695821:12
NooBoontooundecim, oh... ok, thx anyway21:12
undecimNooBoontoo: You might be able to just put a Modeline in your Xorg.conf21:12
undecimmidi: Do you have a panel on the top and bottom of your screen?21:13
mrPotatowhats a reliable and cheap wireless internet adapter for linux?21:13
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:13
antivirtelhello! Can someone anwser to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/20675/how-to-use-moonlight-to-play-videos-on-rtlmost-hu ?21:14
NooBoontooundecim: If I only knew what a Modeline is! What colbe wrong with that xserver, why does not accept the new xorg file?!21:14
midiundecim : i do have a panel with my pc's name, time,... but no places/application/...21:14
avocadoanyone with a macbookpro5,5 getting a buzzing, high pitched kind of noise near the fan?21:14
avocadoit pulsates21:14
undecimmidi: I think you should log out, then log back in21:15
midiundecim : it seems to me it's working like a OSx21:15
undecimmidi: wait21:15
undecimDo you have the netbook edition?21:15
iktantivirtel, probably easier sending an email to their support, asking them why they are using silverlight :/21:15
midiundecim : yes21:15
undecimAhh... that's what you meant by laptop cd21:15
midiundecim : sorrt :)21:16
antivirtelikt ... they are ignoring my msg-s :(21:16
midiundecim : sorry :)21:16
fr0nk_who knows a simple cmdline program that takes a plaintext and a key as input arguments and then crypts the input wieh aes, 3des, idea or whatever to a ciphertext? (and reverse ;)21:16
undecimmidi: No worries.21:16
iRabbit_cli for tracert again?21:16
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schnuffle1midi: it could be that your netbook doesn't support 3d21:16
undecimmidi: I'm afraid I don't know much about UNE though.21:16
undecimmidi: Was it working on the live CD before you installed?21:16
iktthat is unfortunate antivirtel, I know I had to abandon using certain sites after switching to linux because of peoples poor choice of software :(21:17
midiundecim : I guess so, but i'm not sure21:17
schnuffle1midi: I've UNE 10.10 on Asus 901 and it does only work witout unity21:17
rjhallfr0nk_: did you try openssl?21:18
undecimmidi: Netbook edition is quite different from most desktops21:18
midiundecim : while on live CD, I've seen icons on my desktop21:18
tuxtorHi guys I'm lookig for a 1.12.1 version of pgadmin because I really need restore a backup but I'm in the LTS release, anybody knows a good PPA?21:18
Arno-ooff for the day probably - baibai all21:18
rjhallfr0nk_: i usually use it jsut for ssl testing, but i'm pretty sure it also does straight crypto21:18
undecimmidi: What icons were there? Just a hard drive icon and an install icon?21:18
antivirtelikt thats a big problem... while they were using v3, moonlight getted on well with that :( ... thanks your support... :)21:18
midiundecim : my external hard drive and install21:18
iRabbit_cli for tracert please?21:18
fr0nk_rjhall: i just invoked openssl, seems pretty much capable, though complex ;)21:18
KM0201antivirtel: have you tried mopen?21:19
rjhallfr0nk_: do "enc help" at the OpenSSL> prompt21:19
fr0nk_thanks :) that's exactly what i wanted! :)21:19
antivirtelKM0201 I google for it, a minute21:19
midiundecim : I installed the same CD on my very old HP presario, and it's working21:19
iktubuntuforums lagging out for anyone else?21:19
iRabbit_what is the cli for tracert?21:20
Ed_Moneytrying to install WinXP in VirtualBox on Ubuntu 10.04. When XP tries to boot up the first time, I get BSOD and "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA". Anyone know how to fix/diagnose?21:20
iktiRabbit, traceroute ?21:20
undecimiRabbit: Traceroute? It's not installed on Ubuntu by default21:20
undecimiRabbit: sudo apt-get install traceroute21:21
antivirtelKM0201 it refers me to "mopen — open a file" how do I open a silverlight strem, that is not flash... :(21:21
iRabbit_thank you21:21
KM0201antivirtel: yeah, i jumped the gun21:21
undecimiRabbit: Then you can run it as "traceroute destination"21:21
KM0201antivirtel: you got a link to a site i can try21:21
steff12321need help21:21
undecimmidi: Sorry, I don't have experience with the netbook edition. It's a different desktop21:22
steff12321i get this message when i try to ftp a file to my ubuntu server21:22
antivirtelKM0201 http://www.rtlklub.hu/most/17345_hirado_lelki_terror_-_elrabloi_tobbszor_eljatszottak_hogy_ki21:22
steff12321Command:STOR VA_Der_Lindenbaum_Beruehmte_Choere_Singen_Deutsche_Volkslieder_CD_DE_2010_REDRUM.torrent_[dispersethe_net].torrent21:22
steff12321Response:550 Permission denied.21:22
steff12321Error:Critical file transfer error21:22
FloodBot4steff12321: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
steff12321sorry for the flood21:22
midiundecim : thank u21:22
=== moustafa_lunch is now known as moustafa
milen8204i cant move or shrine my Docky what should I do?21:24
moustafaHey guys, we're trying to find more people to vote on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/32470021:24
milen8204my down-let hides it21:25
rjhallto answer my own question: to make the screensaver / lock screen show the current time, remove gnome-screensaver and install xscreensaver and then select gltext as the screensaver and select the "show date and time" option that now appears... grrr...21:25
_RAVENS_http://i54.tinypic.com/33wa1ki.jpg <-- I got this erroring when trying to install "wubi" on win721:25
_RAVENS_I thought it runs in the form of an application?21:25
=== jeremy_ is now known as Guest16968
linux_probeit's because your a ravens fan with a wallpaper of them :-P ( just kidding)21:26
simon__wird hier auch deutsch gesprochen?21:26
rww!de | simon__21:27
ubottusimon__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:27
KM0201_RAVENS_: consider it a blessing... wubi is the perfect way to wreck a system.21:27
fr0nk_rjhall: may I ask you for further assistance regarding openssl?21:28
janickoi need help with wicd isues21:28
rjhallfr0nk_: just ask :)21:28
oday_Hi all21:28
fr0nk_vSphere.plain is the plaintext input, vSphere.pass is the passphrase in a file: openssl enc -in vSphere.plain -out vSphere.cipher -e -pass vSphere.pass21:28
InfinitoHi people21:29
allan_Hi all. I have a strange problem that occures periodically for me. It is closely related to this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/fedora-35/windows-in-x-are-missing-the-title-bar-in-new-fedora-core-5-fc5-installation-et-al-45902421:29
iamjebusInfinito: Hi space monster21:29
allan_Has anyone had any luck tracking this to a working solution?21:29
anywherebuthomeI am thinking of buying a new computer, I want something exactly like the mac mini, if nothing exists I will jump on the mac mini, but I dont care about OSX I just want a tiny computer21:29
fr0nk_rjhall: I don't quite understand what I'm doing wrong21:30
rjhallfr0nk_: you're not specifying a cipher?21:30
fr0nk_rjhall: output: Invalid password argument "vSphere.pass" (crlf) Error getting password21:30
steff12321can someone help me please, i am trying to transfer file between 2 comps, 1 ubuntu, on ewindows21:30
hiexpohola all21:30
fr0nk_rjhall: you mean with the -engine argument?21:30
undecimsteff12321: Which computer has the files?21:31
yoyonedanywherebuthome: acer revo21:31
steff12321ubuntu, but i want to set it up vise versa as well21:31
hiexpois ubuntu better than gebtoo ?21:31
undecimsteff12321: You need to setup a shared folder on both computers then.21:31
fr0nk_steff12321: either you use ubuntu to connect to a windows fileshare by doing the following: open a nautilus window: enter smb://<ip of your windows machine> in the address bar21:31
iamjebushiexpo: gentoo?21:31
hiexpogentoo ^21:31
rjhallfr0nk_: don't specify -pass and it'll ask you for it21:32
anywherebuthomeyoyoned, thats nice, but only atom processor not nearly as powerful as a core i321:32
erUSUL!better | hiexpo21:32
ubottuhiexpo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:32
iamjebushiexpo: Yes and no. But if you have to ask that question, you probably don't want gentoo.21:32
fr0nk_steff12321: or: right-click on a folder on your linux machine and share it (eventually let the samba deamon be installed) and access the linux machine from windows by typing \\<linux machine ip> on the windows address bar21:32
brimestonehey guys.. i need help with htaccess and apache2... its not working.. can someone help me please21:32
=== britt is now known as bjohnson
steff12321what is nautilus21:32
antivirtelfile browser21:32
undecimsteff12321: The Ubuntu file browser21:32
fr0nk_steff12321: your file browser21:32
=== FrozenKnight is now known as blue_mushroom
hiexpojust messing around21:33
rjhallfr0nk_: like: OpenSSL> enc -in plaintext.txt -out cipher.txt -aes12821:33
steff12321i know this sounds a bit stupid, but how do i open nautilus?21:34
=== bjohnson is now known as ^britt^
steff12321sorry, im new to ubuntu21:34
fr0nk_rjhall: "error in enc"21:34
erUSULsteff12321: Places>somewhere21:34
fr0nk_steff12321: open your home folder. that what you see is nautilus21:34
rjhallfr0nk_: you tried the exact commandi  pasted?21:34
fr0nk_rjhall: yes :/21:34
limer2I love you boo too21:35
allan_Hi there. Are there anyone that can help me with randomly missing window title bars?21:35
rjhalleven this works for me, right from sjhell: rjhall@rjhall-ubu:~$ openssl enc -in plaintext -out cipher -aes12821:35
steff12321alright, it sais failed to retreive file list from server21:35
fr0nk_rjhall: I'll take it all back! sry! works! bless you! Thanks :)21:35
steff12321share list*21:36
iamjebusJust installed Ubuntu 10.10 amd64. However, I am having some graphical problems. http://i.imgur.com/jKGii.jpg. Some stuff looks "old" and some stuff looks like the theme (Ambience). I have tried changing themes, rebooting and reinstalling. Any ideas?21:36
coldfrontIm running ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix, I've searched the forums but i'm having trouble with my touchscreen egalax it works but everytime i click somewhere a new window. It pauses for around 5-10secs then i can start clicking again. any idea?21:36
=== blue_mushroom is now known as FrozenKnight
steff12321tried to smb into my windows comp, and it sais failed to retreive shared list from server21:37
sfearsiamjebus: do you have compiz enabled?21:37
vladimirHi! Checkout what I've made for programmers and IT-geeks: http://tagmask.com It's a new way to share your technical posts.21:38
iamjebussfears: Well, I have visual effects set to "Normal". not sure if its compiz or not (kind of a noob).21:38
erUSULiamjebus: it is.21:38
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iamjebussfears: I see21:38
iamjebussfears: Yes then21:39
sfearsiamjebus: i've seen a setting in compiz before to disregard firefox windows by default21:39
iamjebussfears: It's not just Firefox, it's the whole system.21:39
iamjebussfears: e.g. the panels21:40
sfearsiamjebus: ohh21:40
janickoneed help with wicd problems21:40
iamjebus!ask | janicko21:41
ubottujanicko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:41
blinkybhow can i prevent my pc from asking for password for login?21:41
blinkybi've changed setting but it still asks for password21:42
nit-witblinkyb, you have changed the login to auto login?21:42
yoyonedblinkyb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin21:42
nit-witblinkyb, is it the wireless password?21:43
iamjebussfears: Soo... any ideas? :/21:44
W0OTMok, I have a question21:45
sfearsnot sure other than that21:45
W0OTM the law as it relates to people reading a local newspaper at a coffee shop.  The person reading the paper DOES NOT subscribe, rather they are reading it for free cause it was laying there21:45
iamjebussfears: :(21:45
W0OTMe coffee shop buy 2 or 3 copies of the paper, and the patrons sit there and read it all day for free.....does the Newspaper company have a case for copyright violation21:45
ubu_ffWhy is it that with some themes, Synaptic chooses to not follow the theme and use Redmond or something?21:45
guntbert!ot | W0OTM21:45
ubottuW0OTM: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:45
moustafaiamjebus: Did you upgrade to the Ubuntu 10.10?  Or did you do a fresh install?21:48
iamjebusmoustafa: Fresh install21:48
moustafaiamjebus: How's your install set up?  Did you have a separate /home ?21:49
iamjebusmoustafa: No, using default setting.21:49
sfearsiamjebus: themes cause problems sometimes becuase they layer over the system, so there's two places you need to look for settings when the theme program doesn't override the system setting21:49
ginetmy apps on screen keep turning grey and cant use them21:49
intraderAnyone, botcity, following up on 'tans continuusly running even at low CPU loads'- two pastebin (502454 and 5551644) - I have asked about this problem for a couple of months,21:50
iamjebussfears: And which places are that?21:50
sfearsiamjebus: experience and frustration21:51
iamjebussfears: D:21:51
TheEmpathat a total loss on how to detect files in shell script21:52
intraderAnyone, botcity, sorry, fans21:52
TheEmpathif[ ! -f /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ]: No such file or directory21:52
TheEmpathyes, i know there isn't a file.  that is what im testing for, thank you.  dont break the script to tell me the file isnt there21:52
veryhappyhi, where can i find here a room for benchmarks???21:52
eossAgent Smith doesn't like your attitude TheEmpath21:53
eossYou'll be getting a visit from the sentries shortly21:53
iamjebusJust installed Ubuntu 10.10 amd64. However, I am having some graphical problems. http://i.imgur.com/jKGii.jpg. Some stuff looks "old" and some stuff looks like the theme (Ambience). I have tried changing themes, rebooting and reinstalling. Any ideas? Note: It is the whole system (e.g. the panels) thats acting weird, not just Firefox.21:53
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:54
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:54
bazhangsteff12321, no need for caps21:54
gobbesteff12321: run ftp-command21:54
steff12321so how do i do that? i need to run a server, i tried ftp-command, but i get an error in terminal21:55
yoyonedsteff12321: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html21:55
iamjebusyoyoned: 6.06? :P21:56
gobbesteff12321: ftp-server is not same as ftp21:56
steff12321did thta, but i seem to not be able to connect to it21:56
Howlin1Hello, I installed Ubunut 10.10 on an 8gb USB key a couple of days ago (I am currently using it), but for some reason it keeps freezing every few minutes or if I try to open an application/web page.21:56
gobbesteff12321: did you start your server21:56
yoyonediamjebus: google skills a bit off today21:56
iamjebusyoyoned: hehe21:56
steff12321i can connect fine, just cant transfer files21:56
ubuntu_i'm new21:56
ubu_ff Why is it that with some themes, Synaptic chooses to not follow the theme and use Redmond or something?21:57
gobbesteff12321: you are running firewall?21:57
steff12321internal network, and no21:57
steff12321i can connect fine21:57
DarsVaedahow do i partition a usb-stick with ubuntu?21:57
steff12321but i just get an error when i try to transfer fiels21:57
iamjebussteff12321: Could you paste the error?21:57
gobbesteff12321: mind to tell what is the error21:57
gobbesteff12321: it's quite hard to quess21:58
steff12321one sec21:58
ubuntu__what up21:58
ubuntu__its the REAL ubuntu21:58
ubuntu__not the fake on ^^^21:58
gobbe!ot | ubuntu__21:58
ubottuubuntu__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:58
iamjebusubuntu__: YOOO! What up, ubuntu!21:58
ubuntu__sup yo21:59
gobbe!ot | iamjebus21:59
steff12321ok, how about this, not an ftp server, a file share21:59
ubottuiamjebus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:59
guntbertiamjebus: don't lead them on21:59
steff12321kind of like windows homegroup?21:59
bazhangubuntu__, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please21:59
gobbesteff12321: eh? you just told that you had error on ftp21:59
gobbesteff12321: what are you trying to do?21:59
steff12321i did, but i now wanna do something else21:59
steff12321i want to be able to transfer files between an ubuntu comp and a windows comp22:00
steff12321just drag and drop22:00
gobbesteff12321: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html22:00
gobbesteff12321: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html22:00
gobbesteff12321: read those22:00
ubu_ffWhy is it that with some themes, Synaptic chooses to not follow the theme and use Redmond or something?22:02
sandydubu_ff: cause its run with admin permisisons ;)22:02
ubu_ffSo, how do I fix that?22:02
sandyddoes anyone know when ubuntuforums is going to be fixed?22:02
sandydubu_ff: what DE are you using?22:03
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ubu_ffGnome, metacity22:03
Howlin1Does anyone know what is causing my problem?22:03
sandydubu_ff: copy .themes .fonts and .gtk* over to /root22:03
sandydHowlin1: repeat your problem again, I didn't hear it since I was looking over the lag in ubuntuforums22:04
Howlin1I installed Ubunut 10.10 on an 8gb USB key a couple of days ago (I am currently using it), but for some reason it keeps freezing every few minutes or if I try to open an application/web page.22:04
guntbertsandyd: are you teaching how to run some app as root?22:04
gobbeHowlin1: is you stick slow?22:05
Howlin1What do you mean by that?22:05
sandydguntbert: no, im teaching him how to fix the synaptic root themes22:06
gobbeHowlin1: well, cheap sticks are slow22:06
sandydHowlin1: is it a high-performance usb22:06
gobbeHowlin1: the more you pay, more you get speed, usually22:06
gobbeand free sticks from companies usually are really slow22:07
guntbertsandyd: sorry then - what are "synaptic root themes"?22:07
sandydHowlin1: because if its not, it goes about at ~3-2 mb/s22:07
sandydguntbert: the theme in synaptic doesn't match the user theme sometimes22:07
yuanminsomebody knows the possible solution for "failed to get i915...." ?22:07
Howlin1I can't remember how much I paid for it. If it helps it's an 9gb Medion USB22:07
gobbeHowlin1: what does say sudo hdparm -t /dev/sdX (where last sdaX is your stick)22:08
krabadorho bisogno d'aiuto per l'installazione di una chiavetta vodafone, la huawei k371522:08
gobbe!en | krabador22:08
ubottukrabador: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:08
yuanminanybody knows the possible solution for "failed to get i915...." ?22:08
shadow42085I am trying to install ubuntu maverick on an old Dell PE 2600 via Nettboot22:08
guntbertsandyd: ah, now I understand - it never ocurred to me that looks could be *that* important - thx for the explanation22:09
nit-witshadow42085, whats going on with that22:09
guntbert!it | krabador22:09
ubottukrabador: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:09
yuanminsomebody knows the possible solution for "failed to get i915...." ?22:09
gobbe!repeat | yuanmin22:09
ubottuyuanmin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:09
yuanmin!repeat | yuanmin22:10
ubottuyuanmin, please see my private message22:10
janickoi need somebody who would help me with "bad password" wicd password issue22:10
sandydgobbe: ubuntuforums is down, so this is going to be the only place they get help.22:10
rwwor askubuntu.com22:10
=== root____1 is now known as Fireblasto_v2
gobbesandyd: to get help for what?22:10
shadow42085nit-wit I need to get a few drivers I need the scsi raid contoller driver and the scsi driver drivers22:10
yuanminubottu:  i have searched in google, it looks like that there is actually no solution for this problem22:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:11
sandydgobbe: Anything. All posts/replies currently disabled on ubuntforums due to server load22:11
gobbesandyd: ok...how this is related to me?-)22:11
sandydgobbe: don't use repeat | cause theirs no point22:11
=== root____1 is now known as Fireblasto_v2
gobbesandyd: well, repeating has no point22:11
Howlin1Gobbe. how do I find the sdax thing? (I'm sorry. I am a noob with Ubuntu)22:11
gobbesandyd: if no one knows answer, no one knows22:12
KM0201yuanmin: i saw that problem the other day.. had to black list something22:12
sandydgobbe: pointing people towards a read only forum is also has no point22:12
gobbeHowlin1: if you are running it from stick; sudo mount and see what is mounted to /22:12
gobbesandyd: that's alternative option, you can also wait22:12
nit-witshadow42085, are you sure that is the answer, a quick look at the web shows drivers instaled as a problem I believe.22:12
Sawblade5!repeat what I just said?22:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:12
gobbesandyd: or just use google to try out22:12
sandydsandyd: which he/she said they did.22:13
Howlin1Gobbe, it says  Timing buffered disk reads:   68 MB in  3.02 seconds =  22.51 MB/sec22:13
gobbeHowlin1: ok, that's quite fast stick22:13
shadow42085nit-wit well I am dealing with an OLD server only scsi HD's and Controllers22:14
FloodBot4RhiletFolda: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:15
nit-witshadow42085, here is a link not sure if this is the answer though.http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1590847  that is about my level of expertise, not much in this area, sorry22:15
ki__Does microsoft hire people to come in here and flame ubuntu? I just don't get it lol22:15
mrchinosunis there a music player on ubuntu?22:16
bazhangmrchinosun, many22:16
sandydmrchinosun: theirs a lot22:16
JZandii cannt sent message to ##c++ chanel what?22:16
yeats!player | mrchinosun22:16
ubottumrchinosun: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:16
sandydmrchinosun: rythembox22:16
mrchinosunis there one already pre installed22:16
sandydmrchinosun: rythembox22:16
yeatsmrchinosun: rhythmbox22:16
JZandiplz answer me!22:16
mrchinosunoh i sound it22:16
bazhangJZandi, try in #freenode , that has nothing to do with Ubuntu support22:16
mrchinosunthanks :)22:17
mrchinosunfound *22:17
yeatsJZandi: do /join #freenode22:17
Howlin1So anyidea why Ubunut is freezing for me at times?22:18
jimcooncatHowlin1: We wouldn't without more info22:18
Howlin1Okay, what information do you need?22:19
ginetwhat is it whitch getting greyed out screens in ubuntu 10.10?22:19
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
jimcooncatHowlin1: has it always happened? only happened since some change?22:19
kaimHello all!22:19
nit-witsandyd, seems like the UF is allowing answers to post now,:)22:19
leagrisany plan on releasing updated samba for Ubuntu10.10 please see: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7577 unable to browse/open windows7 shares from ubuntu due to SPNEGO login failed: Invalid parameter ?22:20
Howlin1It has always happened. Well on my laptop the screen greys out and on a desktop it jsut freezes.22:20
yeatsnit-wit: not for me ;-)22:21
rtdosis there a duke nuke'm 3d or blood engine available for linux? (or better, is there a gaming channel somewhere that discusses linux games?)22:21
zoombuggyhello all. I've seen a DukeNukem3D engine.22:21
gineti supspect memory shartage with the grey windows22:21
zoombuggyI haven't seen Blood22:21
nit-wityeats, probably will soon though, hopefullly.22:21
shadow42085nit-wit I need to load drivers so he installer can see the drivers22:21
sadomiaÿ áåòìåí22:21
kaimso, have a question related to Unity. Is any one here who could help me?22:21
rtdosoriginal blood is based on the original duke nuke'm engine, zoombuggy, any idea where i can find a duke engine ?22:22
rwwkaim: best to just ask the actual question and see22:22
shadow42085nit-wit I rather load them onto a usb driver22:22
zoombuggyHow do I get dpkg to check how intact installed packages are? As I remember, RPM had a --verify component I haven't seen in dpkg22:22
shadow42085nit-wit drive**22:22
nit-witshadow42085, I wish I had an answer but  don't.22:22
zoombuggyrtdos: I'd google for Duke Nukem 3D Linux22:22
rww!language > sadomia22:22
ubottusadomia, please see my private message22:22
rtdosi was hoping to find something in the repositories. but ok. :)22:23
auraxhi folks22:23
frxstremhow can I record audio from my speakers in Ubuntu (I remember there was an application that could redirect audio from output to input, although I do not quite remember the name)?22:23
zoombuggyrtdos: tried  apt-cache search duke22:23
mrchinosunis there a program to burn music onto cd on ubuntu22:23
rtdosok thanks.22:23
j-invarianthow do I install an otf in ubuntu?22:23
Plinker<Plinker> Anyone ever run into a locked bios?22:24
kaimrww: So, Ubuntu Notebook 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux. When I'm opening Applications place there are no @recently used@ section. It was one whjen I was running this release from the flash drive created from ISO.22:24
Howlin1Is it okay to link an image in here?22:24
nebulalibgdl.so <--- ?22:24
nebulalibgdl.so <--- ?22:24
GeekneeusPlinker: My BIOS is locked?22:24
lin6767Hi looking to introduce a friend to linux probably Ubuntu but mabey Mint which ive not used what are main pros and cons?22:24
PlinkerGeekneeus: Is there a way to bypass or erase the lock?22:25
intraderAnyone, following up on 'fans continuously running even at low CPU loads'- two pastebin (502454 and 551644) - Quite annoying sound and I am worried about the machine (Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop)I have asked about this problem for a couple of months,22:25
kaimso I cheked the iso for the diffs in files related to applications.place and found 022:25
GeekneeusPlinker: Yes, there is.. sometimes.. depends on your configuration but this is a ubuntu channel22:25
tensorpuddinglin6767: there's a ton of sites that list pros and cons out there, just google them22:26
Plinkerok thanks it was a general question just thought someone might have an idea22:26
Howlin1http://joehowlin.com/Screenshot.png <-- That is the space GParted screen shot of what Space is on the USB22:26
cellardoorlin6767, They are pretty much the same... Mint just has a few things chucked in to avoid installing DVD and mp3 codecs and so on22:26
* zoombuggy shrugs... ah well.22:26
cellardoorlin6767, but its a longer install?22:26
NetMI installed one prog which change boot screen. After that i cant start xserver. My ubuntu boots at "Recovery Menu" and i only if select failserverX then starts. Can anyone help me?22:26
GeekneeusPlinker: try #crypto22:26
tgp1994Hi everyone. My Residential Gateway has changed, and with it, most of my wireless settings. I'm trying to reconfigure everything in ubuntu, although I can only get as far as seemingly connecting to the access point. I can't ping it however, or access the internet. Does anyone know how I can diagnose the exact problem here?22:26
kaimso, whats about Unity =)) ?22:27
nit-witnebula, ask the question again22:27
LynxiUmm, can someone please help me?22:27
aioobehi! When I started my Gnome session it asked me if I wanted to load my ~/.xmodmaprc.... I answered "yes" (or was it "add") but now I want to remove it (or, actually, stop loading it)... where do I find this settiong?22:27
yeats!ask | Lynxi22:27
ubottuLynxi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:27
LynxiI need to know what the Ubuntu help channel is.22:27
yeatsLynxi: this is it22:28
cellardoorLynxi, don't worry, just ask away22:28
intraderLynxi, please describe your problem or need.22:28
Lynxiokay my bad. ._.22:28
LynxiI am new to all of this.22:28
nit-witLynxi, technical help with the latest release and previous ones I believe22:28
cellardoorLynxi, thats fine, welcome to Ubuntu!22:28
LynxiOh, ty all.22:28
janickoI have problem with my wicd22:28
LynxiUmm, well, I expieremented with Linux Mint9, 10, and Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, and 10.10, but am very new and don't know alotof thing about Linux.22:29
NetMI installed one prog which change boot screen. After that i cant start xserver. My ubuntu boots at "Recovery Menu" and i only if select failserverX then starts. Can anyone help me?22:29
cellardoorLynxi, no worries :) we all have to start somewhere22:29
nit-witLynxi, can you get to the question22:29
edbianLynxi: Do you have a specific question?22:29
cellardoorNetM, we saw the first time, if no-one answers, we can't help you22:29
Lynxinit-wit: I was just talking... ._.22:30
cellardoorNetM, probably wise to check the xorg.conf file for errors22:30
nit-witNetM, what did you install22:30
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cellardoorLynxi, this is a support channel though... general chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic22:30
NetMcellardoor i dont have xorg.conf because my gfx is on board. laptop , intel gfx22:30
cellardoorNetM, you do have an xorg.conf, all versions of Ubuntu do, its a file which configures your display settings22:30
intraderLynxi, get to the point22:31
cellardoorAlso lads, where is xorg.conf stored in the new regime?22:31
NetMcellardoor really i dont have.22:31
nit-witLynxi, this channel is not for talking.:) try #ubuntu-offtopic22:31
LynxiActually I have two questions but they are very complex, and will take me a while to type them, I have tried the ubuntu forums yet they have failed me. Basically, my main issues are sound and internet, everytime I reboot my computer,22:31
NetMnit-wit check this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/new-smooth-intelligent-plymouth-boot-screen-for-ubuntu/22:31
Lynxioh my god people22:31
cellardoorNetM, what did you install to modify the bootscreen22:31
LynxiI am trying ..>22:31
ubottuPlease don't bite our new friend. Everyone is new to Ubuntu and IRC once and everyone makes mistakes. If they don't learn from their mistakes you can have a little nibble on them later.22:31
NetMcellardoor check my url22:31
* Lynxi sighs22:31
LynxiMy head hurts, buh bye.22:31
* Rand_ needs a dosage of vicadin22:31
edbianLynxi: don't worry about it.  Busy channel!  Just type everything on one line22:31
edbianbye I guess22:32
cellardoorNetM, what URL?22:32
cellardooredbian, ragequit lulz22:32
NetMdid you see?22:32
13WAA0N8GLynxi - also post the url for where you posted too if that helps22:32
cellardoorNetM, now checking22:32
NetMok ty22:32
cellardoorNetM, did you follow it exactly?22:32
nit-witNetM, go to the command line in recovery and remove it22:32
NetMnit-wit i ve done it already22:32
NetMand i got the same thing22:33
kaimSo, Ubuntu Notebook 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 01:41:57 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux. When I'm opening Applications place there are no @recently used@ section. It was one whjen I was running this release from the flash drive created from ISO.22:33
cellardoorNetM, okay now run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver22:33
nit-witNetM, did you run a purge package22:33
NetMcellardoor i ve done it already.. but same.22:33
NetMi dont think so22:33
cellardoorNetM, run the remove command again..22:33
cellardoorNetM, but22:33
aquiles_helow world22:33
cellardoorNetM, put --purge after 'remove' then the package name22:33
NetMok w822:34
nit-witNetM, generally in this situation you would instead of using remove you would use purge22:34
nit-witNetM, can you get in at all22:34
NetMok i ll try22:35
janickoonly wicd seems to recognize my wireless, but problem is, that after typing wpa it reply "bad password" even if I know it is correct. Need help with it. I know that Network manager is useless in this issue and wicd would help after few steps. Just need to know how...22:35
nit-witjanicko, did you install wicd and are now trying to get it tio work without restarting the desktop or rebooting?22:36
intraderAnyone, sorry for repeating; following up on 'fans continuously running even at low CPU loads'- two pastebin (502454 and 551644) - Quite annoying sound and I am worried about the machine (Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop). I have asked about this problem for a couple of months,22:38
janickonit-wit:I already reboot it. I think to uninstall wicd and install again. Or downgrade from 1.7 to 1.6 what do you think wouldd help?22:39
tgp1994Anyone having issues with packages.ubuntu.com generating black pages occassionally?22:40
nit-witjanicko, wicd can be temperamental but once set up should work.I have not used it enough, or have the ability to open it to suggest. A X restart, or a reboot after the last loading if wicd is all I have.22:41
zookaintrader try looking at this thread. Has some good info you might find useful. Check out the links and read the whole thing. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/dell-inspiron-fan-speed-541488/22:41
zookaintrader: according to the OP, this is the thread that fixed it for him. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=237803422:42
intraderzooka, I will look at both and let you know, thanks22:42
zookaintrader: no problem. I hope it helps22:43
janickonit-wit:thx anyway. Just need to get wireless working as soon as possible22:43
benccwhat ubuntu package uses an upstart script? I need an example for building my own package22:43
el_inventorBuenas tardes...22:43
zookaAlso intrader, http://dellfand.dinglisch.net/ might be something to consider22:44
KM0201janicko: what kind of wireless problem are you having?22:44
zookaalthough I've never used it myself22:44
schnufflebenc: just look in /etc/init/ there a lot already22:44
erUSULbencc: dpkg -S /etc/init/*.conf22:45
ScuniziI'm trying to get to my router using https://<IP> with FF and it refuses to connect because of the "certificate issued".  It won't let me override it at all.  Chromium however at least lets me "Proceed Anyway".  How do I get FF to connect?22:45
bencc erUSUL:  I don't understand22:45
mrchinosunim in love with ubuntu22:45
mrchinosunfuck windows22:46
FloodBot4mrchinosun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
erUSULbencc: run this and you will see a list of packages that use it « dpkg -S /etc/init/*.conf | cut -d: -f1 | sort -u22:46
KM0201mrchinosun: how long have you been usingit?22:46
el_inventorsome body speak spanihs?22:46
FireblaztoYou've been told mrchinosun :)22:46
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el_inventoralguen que hable español????22:46
erUSUL!es | el_inventor22:46
ubottuel_inventor: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:46
benccerUSUL: got it. thanks22:47
zookalol mrchinosun, floodbot doesn't appreciate your enthusiasm22:47
sphereoidhow would i connect to a smb network drive with ubuntu?22:47
mrchinosunhah what22:47
el_inventoraaaah....ok, gracias... ubottu22:47
janickoKM0201: after putting wpa password to wicd it reply "bad password." But i know it is correct cose it works on my ps3 and mobile22:47
erUSULsphereoid: Places>Network>windows Network22:47
mrchinosunive only beeing using it for 2 days22:48
histosphereoid: there are several ways. You can use teh gui or mount the drive directly in console with smbfs installed.22:48
KM0201janicko: hmm....22:48
zookamrchinosun: it begins...22:48
mrchinosunim dual booted between windows 7 ultimate 64 bits and ubuntu 64 bits22:48
KM0201Mrcheesenips: well... let us know in 2 weeks if you still have it.22:48
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Ub3r-N00bhey there, guys has anyone seen screenlet/desklet incorporating terminal-like window in the desktop giving a full report of whats going on in the computer, that is listing in REAL TIME all processes, in/out traffic info etc ?22:49
histoUb3r-N00b: conky22:49
edbianUb3r-N00b: conky22:49
janickoKM0201: hmm would not help me much. Know any solutions?22:49
* edbian comes in second22:49
intraderzooka, It looks that this is the right direction - I had added a Grub configuration to see if I could solve the problem, but it did not work:adding acpi_osi=Linux GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux22:50
JabberWalkie_ok so i get this error: "ImportError: No module named wx" when I try and run mmass a python based program...anyone know what is up?22:50
Ub3r-N00bhisto, edbian thanks but i am looking for something which actually looks like terminal, not a side-bar with info22:50
KM0201janicko: does seeem to be a strange problem... have you tried disabling security, to see if you can get on an unsecured network?22:50
edbianUb3r-N00b: conky looks like whatever you want.  What about top?  You could embed a terminal running top22:50
Ub3r-N00bedbian, thanks im gonna look for it22:51
janickoKM0201: how can i do that? I am not that profesional...22:51
KM0201janicko: you would have to do that through your router...22:51
janickoKM0201: how...22:52
zookaintrader, did you look at the post by nachotronics? It seems to be the one that solves the problem in that scenerio. It's on the first page. I don't see where you should be editing grub.conf22:52
KM0201janicko: are you actually typing your password into wicd, or areir wgat> you copy/pasting it from a file,22:52
KM0201janicko: if its something you don't know how to do, then you probably shouldn't be doing it.22:52
KM0201janicko: and i only meant to disable it as a temporary test anyway22:52
intraderzooka, how did you find these posts? - I would like to research better. I was just stabbing around. I hope I did not mess things up.22:53
rtdoswhat is the 'name' of the current ubuntu 10.10 ?22:53
MedianHey! As i'm running a server in a remote location, i wonder how i can make it so that it actually boots into the desktop when i reboot the computer?22:53
KM0201!maverick | rtdos22:54
ubotturtdos: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101022:54
sandydMedian: you don't wanna do that, big security risk22:54
MedianI need to do that. As i have no option to even access the computer if it crashes.22:54
zookaI'm sure your fine intrader. As for research, I ussually enter relevent terms on google first, then ubuntu forums. If I don't get it from there I try different (but synonomous) terms instead and repeat the process a couple times22:54
MedianWell, i do, but it's really annoying to get there.22:55
histoUb3r-N00b: guake or one of the drop down terminals maybe?22:55
zookaintrader: that usually works for me. 99.999% of the time, someone has already posted about the problem and gotten advice to fix it22:55
histoUb3r-N00b: or use a terminal and run top or htop22:55
Mediansandyd: I remembering doing that with Windows, wouldn't it work with Ubuntu as well?22:55
IcarianHeights*leans in22:57
IcarianHeights|leans in22:57
sandydMedian: define server crash22:57
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IcarianHeights<leans in>22:57
IcarianHeights\leans in22:57
sandydMedian: apache/mysql crash?22:57
sandydMedian: because openssh does not crash easily.22:57
zookaIcarianHeights: "/me leans in"22:57
Mediansandyd: Nah.. I could easily fix that. I mean if the computer itself crashes due to power break etc.22:57
IcarianHeightszooka: lol, thx22:58
sandydMedian: if that happens, the GUI won't work.22:58
* zooka leans in22:58
zookanoooo problem22:58
sandydMedian: you would have to manually go to the computer and fsck it22:58
intraderzooka, unfortunately when I do `sudo apt-get install i8kutils gkrellm gkrellm-i8k` I get the errors: 'E: Unable to locate package gkrelim' and 'E: Unable to locate package gkrelim-i8k'22:59
MedianOh right, sorry, mixed it up a little, tired :P22:59
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zakwilsonI'm looking for a recommendation on a time tracking app (I'm a freelance programmer). I've been using Gnotime, but it's kind of clunky.22:59
zookaintrader give me a second22:59
MedianBut still, i need it to automatically boot into the desktop, at least once.22:59
intraderzooka, spelling error on my part!22:59
zookalmao ok23:00
nit-witintrader, go to synaptic to install it23:00
Mediansandyd: Or23:01
BiCoBoZhello guys23:01
MedianCan i run VNC without logging in?23:01
MedianHeard of X11vnc, does it work?23:01
zookahi bi23:01
AltAnyone find a fix for eee wifi problem in latest version? Google has failed me23:01
BiCoBoZnice zooka?23:01
tensorpuddingMedian: x11vnc works after you logged in23:01
ndtsso I'm playing music through rhythmbox from my iPod touch and afterwards the album artwork is messed up on the iPod itself.  Is there any way to fix this?23:01
zookalol I was too lazy to type out the full name23:02
tensorpuddingMedian: tightvnc and the others allow you to log in remotely23:02
BiCoBoZCan someone help me?23:02
zookaand "hi bi" amused m23:02
intraderzooka,nit-wit,I will try synaptic --- I get this error for sure: 'E: Unable to locate package gkrellm-i8k'23:02
sandydMedian: if your computer crashes, and needs to be fsck'ed, it wouldn't even reach that part of startup23:02
Mediantensorpudding: Really? As i couldn't do that before..23:02
tensorpuddingMedian: but if you want VNC, before you dive into it, you should consider using NX instead23:02
zookaintrader: ok if it's not in synaptic let me know23:02
zookawhats up BiCoBoz?23:02
sandydMedian: it would simply boot to the fsck screen23:03
zookawhats the problem *23:03
Mediantensorpudding: I'm only able to use TightVNC etc when i've logged in on the computer.23:03
nit-witintrader, your syntax is incorrect just look up gkrellm in synaptic the i8k will be there23:03
Mediansandyd: As i said, misunderstood everything, just ignore my previous questions :P23:03
wtfkingHi - does anyone know why my wifi on ubuntu 10.10 would just stop working? It can detect wifi networks but it can no longer connect to it, keeps saying password is wrong (and it isnt, my other laptops can connect fine)23:03
BiCoBoZI am new to linux and dont know where to start. everyone says to go on google ... but man does not know what material start reading!23:03
sandydMedian: read the ubuntu docs, theirs a VNC page tha describes how to setup VNC at GDM boot23:04
Idol_MindIs there a channel for CloneZilla?23:04
sandydMedian: startup*23:04
Mediansandyd: Thanks for the help!23:04
AltAlso cannot connect to wifi using 10.10 on Asus 1000he23:04
zookaBiCoBoz: have you already installed a version of Linux?23:04
shcherbakBiCoBoZ: Start asking.23:04
AltDetects networks but wont login23:04
BiCoBoZubuntu... xubuntu and other based on ubuntu23:05
intraderzooka,nit-wit,I will try synaptic --- does not find gkrellm-i8k, it find the other23:05
zookaBiCoBoZ: well you sound like you already know enough to get through multiple installations. What do you want to know?23:05
Geekneeuswtfking: check wpa supplicant logs23:06
Idol_MindI created an image of sda1 with CloneZilla and want to restore it to sdc3. I'm in the process of unzipping the image files to sda1.img. How can I restore the image to sdc3?23:06
Geekneeuswtfking: try a wep key see if that works23:06
donvitohow to restart my etho23:06
Geekneeusdonvito: ifconfig eth0 up ?23:07
DopeGhotidonvito: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth023:07
donvitoi need something network reload23:07
BiCoBoZthen I give myself and Simple User in Linux, but want to learn more ...23:07
BiCoBoZwhat should I look now?23:07
Geekneeusdonvito: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart23:07
zookaintrader: its no longer in ubuntu repo's. Try getting it from here : http://packages.debian.org/source/lenny/gkrellm-i8k23:07
LynxiOkay, I am sorry about earlier, I just got overwhelmed23:07
BiCoBoZwell, has a lot of people who tell me to learn alone and in google is the answer. but man I do not know what to look for23:08
bazhang!manual | BiCoBoZ23:08
ubottuBiCoBoZ: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:08
wtfkingk sec23:08
JabberWalkie_ok so i get this error: "ImportError: No module named wx" when I try and run mmass a python based program...anyone know what is up?23:08
zookaBiCoBoz: I second ubottu's suggestion23:08
Idol_MindBiCoBoZ, I feel your pain man. Google isn't the end-all-be-all. The manuals are a bit daunting for newbies too if you don't know what it all means...23:08
zookaBiCoBoz: If you have any other questions, feel free to ask, but the manual is a good start23:09
DILlinux.org | Bicoboz23:09
erUSULJabberWalkie_: how did you installed mmass? it looks that you lack the python wxwindos libs23:09
shcherbakBiCoBoZ: man man, man <everything>. What do you want to start with, cp mv rm cat less more grep?23:09
JabberWalkie_erUSUL, yeah, I screwed up up some how...23:10
JabberWalkie_going to just try to re install the packages23:10
wtfkingGeekneeus: erm the log should be at /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log correct? because its empy23:10
steveo1MySQL 5.1 keeps dropping the connect (local install). Tried playing with my.cnf but still disconnecting. Any clues?23:10
Idol_Mindis there a channel for CloneZilla?23:10
Geekneeuswtfking: try dmesg see if there are any hints there23:10
nit-witintrader, did you find it the i8k is a plugin23:10
erUSULIdol_Mind: /msg alis list *clonezilla*23:11
Idol_MinderUSUL, thanx23:11
BiCoBoZwell then, I already have a know with basic commands. I read a book FOCA Linux, I am Brazilian, but now I want to learn more ...23:11
BiCoBoZsorry, but my english is bad23:11
shcherbakubottu: tell BiCoBoZ about abs23:12
ubottuBiCoBoZ, please see my private message23:12
Geekneeuswtfking: Try the man page to set wpa_supplicant into debug mode http://linux.die.net/man/8/wpa_supplicant23:12
intraderzooka,nit-wit,look like gkrellm-i8k is not offered anymore - how do I attach to repositoy 'lenny-stable'? It appears to be there.23:12
zookaBiCoBoz: the english is fine, but we need to know what your interested in :P23:12
sandydintrader: don't mix debian + ubuntu23:12
schnuffleBiCoBoz: search an area of interesst in  linux and start playing around A good way to really dive into is Linux From Scratch http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/23:13
zookaintrader: I posted a link to download it earlier up23:13
BiCoBoZiso, I'm just User expensive, install packages, create partitions, format, you know, even so basic ... I want to learn more in order to help others like you23:13
zookahttp://packages.debian.org/source/lenny/gkrellm-i8k | intrader23:13
erUSUL!software | BiCoBoZ23:13
ubottuBiCoBoZ: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents23:13
sandydBiCoBoZ: easy. Install gentoo, and youll learn everything you need to know...23:13
tahtaanybody can solve this error: "An error occurred23:13
intraderzooka, would you mind repeating, I don't see it23:13
tahtaThe following details are provided: E: firmware-b43legacy-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" Help me please...I'm new in Ubuntu...23:13
Idol_Mindugh, #clonezilla is empty... can someone help me with restoring an image to a different partition?23:14
zookahttp://packages.debian.org/source/lenny/gkrellm-i8k | intrader23:14
arch_is_awesomeHow do I install grub on my external?23:14
KM0201Idol_Mind: did you read the documentation?23:14
arch_is_awesome(I triple boot)23:14
zookaintrader: got it?23:14
shcherbaksandyd: ...or emerge as next napoleon in white walls.23:14
nit-witintrader, what is the install23:14
tahtais there anybody can solve this error: "An error occurred23:14
tahtaThe following details are provided: E: firmware-b43legacy-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" Help me please...I'm new in Ubuntu...23:14
Geekneeustahta: search on google there will be plenty of results returned for that error23:14
KM0201arch_is_awesome: if you want grub on your external... when it comes time to partition your drive... choose the "manual/advanced" partition... seet you rpartitions, and at the bottom, you'll see a place where you can choose where to install grub.23:14
Idol_MindKM0201, yes... and I see the concept, but I don't know the commands23:15
Geekneeustahta: it is quite popular, and easy to solve23:15
sandydscherbak: lololol. that gave me the giggles23:15
BiCoBoZHummm... well I am not aware of any language, which recommend?23:15
zookatahta: exit status 1 is a fairly generic error. To my understand its basically the computer telling you "the program didn't work as it should have"23:15
arch_is_awesomeKM201: I have already installed ubuntu23:15
sandydshcherbak: lololol. that gave me the giggles*23:15
shcherbakBiCoBoZ: bash, perl23:15
schnuffleBiCoBoz: bash, python :)23:15
shcherbaksandyd: no prob, Luke23:15
KM0201!grub2 | arch_is_awesome follow the instructinos to "recover grub after installing windows"23:15
ubottuarch_is_awesome follow the instructinos to "recover grub after installing windows": GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:15
tahtammm Okay thanks...23:15
zookatahta: sorry thats not more helpful23:16
BiCoBoZI am with a book of python, and C and C + +?23:16
shinigamialguien aki abla español23:16
intradernit-wit, zooka, no I am using synaptic with the string 'gkrellm-i8k' - it does not find it. Someone said that I should not mix debian and ubuntu.23:16
sta7icin irsii does anyone know the equivalent of '/sc' to show people in the channel23:16
tahtait's okay, zooka... :)23:16
onehi guy23:16
Geekneeussta7ic: /names #ubuntu23:17
zookaintrader: ubuntu is based off of debian. It uses debian packages (.deb)23:17
sta7icGeekneeus: thanks, im used to older irc clients23:17
onei have problem23:17
zookaintrader did you get the link? it would be the same package that appears in the ubuntu Lenny repo's23:17
erUSUL!es | shinigami23:17
ubottushinigami: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:17
sandydintrader: its based off debian. but its NOT debian23:17
Geekneeussta7ic: np23:17
schnuffleBiCoBoz: start with python and if you want to do kernel stuff c23:17
onewireless not of ubuntu23:17
sandydintrader: bad things will happen if you mix the ubuntu + debian repos23:17
zookasandyd: im not suggesting he mix repos. It's just installing a package23:18
sta7icGeekneeus: anything good in /usr/share/irssi/scripts?23:18
onehow to update driver23:18
intraderzooka, sandyd, net-wit: I am getting confused here. Is it Ok to use debian resource?23:18
bazhangintrader, no23:19
erUSULintrader: no; it si not23:19
bazhangzooka, dont suggest that here23:19
BiCoBoZok, thank you for your help!23:19
shcherbakintrader: use the source23:19
nit-witintrader, zooka?23:19
zookaintrader: just use the source to be safe23:19
Geekneeussta7ic: I don't know, I use IRSSI but the only scripts I have used are sasl for freenode23:19
breadcrumbBiCoBoZ by the way, there is a #ubuntu-br channel23:20
zookaintrader: compiling it doesn't take long23:20
BiCoBoZtks zooka schnuffle shcherbak sandyd ubottu erusul dil iidol_mind bazhang23:20
Geekneeussta7ic: there's a few recommendations on the irssi website though :)23:20
sta7icGeekneeus: would you recommend that? or should i try for something better23:20
nit-witintrader, I see you were ansewring this person, good advice though by others23:20
sta7icok np23:20
dardanhello, does anybody know how to seup ports on Evolution in ubuntu 10.10?23:20
zookano prob BiCoBoz23:20
akhyarizone, have u tried using jockey-gtk?23:20
dardanhello, does anybody know how to setup ports on Evolution in ubuntu 10.10?23:20
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shcherbakBiCoBoZ: see you soon23:20
wtfkingGeekneeus: i cant seem to find a wpa_supplicant.conf except at /etc/dbus-1/system.d/wpa_supplicant.conf .. and it produces alot of unknown global field for policy markup ?23:20
Geekneeussta7ic: Oh okay, you're asking for a name lister for a channel, think you can split the terminal and list them there's a guide on the net23:20
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tahtaHello? I can't find some solution on Google, help me please...23:22
Geekneeuswtfking: I should have asked first, but you are having trouble connecting to a *wpa/wpa2* network correct?23:22
intraderzooka, nit-wit, shcherbak, erUSUL, thoroughly confused. What I am trouble with is apt-get of 'gkrellm-i8k' - it is not found.23:22
wtfkingyes thats correct23:22
akhyariztahta, what's ur problem?23:22
zookait's not found because it does not exist in the current repositories23:23
vampirnataI have a watch folder set up where I dump .torrent files. rtorrent then picks them up there, but then leaves the .torrent file there too. Is there any way to move the .torrent file to another location after it has added it?23:23
Flops_Hey, I am having problems with executing opcodes on 10.10. I tried the most basic one: http://pastebin.com/BhHZ7jrG23:23
Flops_Can someone help me?23:23
tahtaakhyariz: E: firmware-b43legacy-installer: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 123:23
zookaintrader: it can be found and installed by either compiling it from source, or locating an old copy from Ubuntu Lenny23:23
Geekneeuswtfking: alright, there's nothing regarding wpa_supplicant within dmesg?23:23
zookaThe link I gave you contains the source23:23
dan08hey guys. is there a way to get pc line pcl-100 webcam working on ubuntu 10.04 LTS? ive tried googling it but didnt find anything :|23:23
erUSULintrader: is the package required to install some other package? i.e. you get missed dependencies?23:23
shcherbakintrader: ubuntu.com should have info of package.23:24
zookaerUSUL: yup, It23:24
zookaits for fan speed control on Dell laptops*23:24
shcherbakintrader: What orginaly you want to install?23:24
r000t_laptopHey all. It took me 10 minutes to get here and another 2 to type this because Xorg and nautilus randomly decide to take up 70 to 8- percent of my CPU.... got a fix for that?23:24
akhyariztahta: how did u install it? via apt-get ora source compilation?23:24
intraderzooka, how do I add that lenny repository .23:25
intradershcherbak, ' i8kutils gkrellm gkrellm-i8k'23:25
akhyariztahta: how did u install it? via apt-get or source compilation?23:25
Ramir00equalizer for ubuntu 10.10????no lucyd no karmic23:25
shcherbakintrader: main thing, not dependent23:25
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r000t_laptopWhy is nautilus taking 80% of my CPU?23:26
LynxiI am using Ubuntu 9.10 (I know it's old but I enjoy it) and I need to know how to get and install the latest sound drivers and the latest WLAN card drivers, can someone help me please...?23:26
nit-witintrader, not sure if this is the answer. http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=gkrellm-i8k23:26
erUSULr000t_laptop: a bug?23:26
Ramir00equalizer for ubuntu 10.10????no lucyd no karmic23:26
erUSULr000t_laptop: kill it23:26
shcherbakr000t_laptop: yes, kill it23:26
zookaintrader: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/gkrellm-i8k23:26
wtfkingGeekneeus: thats correct, i found no strings in its output that mentioned wpa or wpa_supplicant23:26
r000t_laptopurUSUL: every few hours, nautilus and xorg take up 80% of the CPU and make the machine usuable. the only fix is time23:26
r000t_laptopbecause it's screwed up too much to kill it23:26
r000t_laptopafter 20 minutes it fixes itself.23:27
SharpclawHey, guys! Whoa! That's alot of Linux users... I need some advice.23:27
r000t_laptopBut why does it do that in the first place?23:27
erUSULr000t_laptop: anything in the logs?23:27
r000t_laptopwhere do I find logs/23:27
shcherbakr000t_laptop: /var/log23:27
intraderzooka, and where do I tell synaptic or apt-get about it?23:27
erUSULr000t_laptop: /var/log/ messages and syslog are the main ones23:27
erUSUL!ask | Sharpclaw23:27
ubottuSharpclaw: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
=== zipperhead is now known as LanoX
Ramir00helo guys equalizer for ubuntu 10.10?any idea?23:27
sandydintrader: you cant. that was the issue I was arguing about earlier. You have to compile it manually23:28
erUSULRamir00: there is a pulseaudio equalizer23:28
Geekneeuswtfking: I have had a problem getting wpa to work before, it was caused by an update. I am trying to think how I resolved it, it was about 5 months ago and took me ages23:28
erUSUL!find equalizer23:28
wtfkingGeekneeus: it does say some things about the wireless network its called and it says disabled bridge-wlan023:28
sandydRamir00: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957823:28
ubottuFile equalizer found in audacious-plugins, audacity-data, avidemux-plugins-cli, avidemux-plugins-gtk, avidemux-plugins-qt, exaile, freej-doc, glame, gmerlin, gmerlin-dbg (and 30 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=equalizer&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any23:28
akhyarizLynxi: its too risky if u use driver package from other released23:28
SharpclawWell, I need to know if I can boot Ubuntu Linux (The try version) without a CD drive. My CD drive broke.23:28
Geekneeuswtfking: could you post everything about your network in dmesg to pastes23:29
Lynxiakhyariz: what do you mean?23:29
wtfkingGeekneeus: people on google seem to say to rollback to another kernel in grub23:29
shcherbakRamir00: There is pulseaudio solution, search forum, 10.04 tested - work23:29
sandydSharpclaw: unetbootin23:29
KM0201Sharpclaw: is your machine capable of booting usb?23:29
wtfkingGeekneeus: sure lemme get a usb key, and thankyou for checking it out23:29
zookaintrader: there are packages there, but since they are old, you are better off downloading the source from that page and compiling it23:29
shcherbakRamir00: it is system-wide23:29
SharpclawIt has a USB slot. I don't know if it can boot usb.23:29
akhyarizSharpclaw: try using virtualbox, vmware, etc23:29
r000t_laptopthis is the only message that occurred recently23:29
r000t_laptopJan 14 17:17:19 r000t-laptop kernel: [97163.832586] ipw2200: Firmware error detected.  Restarting.23:29
Geekneeuswtfking: sure23:30
akhyarizLynxi: may be u can compiling from source code..23:30
erUSUL!usb | Sharpclaw23:30
KM0201Sharpclaw: well, check your BIOS, and see if it can boot USB, and if you have a spare thumb drive(at least 1gig)... use unetbootin to put the ISO on the thumb drive23:30
ubottuSharpclaw: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:30
sandydr000t_laptop: check dmesg23:30
intradersandyd, nit-wit,zooka, I am pointed to http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/gkrellm-i8k by zooka and nit-wit. I guess compiling is the solution. I have not attempted to do this on ubuntu.23:30
Lynxiakhyariz: I don't really know anything about that stuff I am completely new to Linux.....23:30
Ramir00ok, ubuntu Peronista nacional y popular, see you23:30
SharpclawWhat's ubottu?23:30
dan08hey guys. can anyone answer my question?23:30
KM0201Sharpclaw: its a bot.23:31
bencahill!ubottu | Sharpclaw23:31
ubottuSharpclaw: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:31
erUSULRamir00: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957823:31
Geekneeusr000t_laptop: can you kill the nautilus process you should only lose your desktop icons and try installing thunar?23:31
sandydintrader: yup. compiling is the way to go.23:31
wtfkingGeekneeus: http://pastebin.com/2ZNdhzZK23:31
r000t_laptopsandyd: these don't have timestamps23:31
r000t_laptopand xorg also misbehaves23:31
SharpclawThat's a little strange...23:31
KM0201Sharpclaw: not really23:31
sandydr000t_laptop: could be gfx/xorg issue23:32
SharpclawIs to me.23:32
sandydr000t_laptop: what driver you using23:32
SharpclawHang on. Be right back.23:32
Um_cara_qualquerexcuse me, i`m having a problem with my pc but it`s not with ubuntu... when I disconect every HD and try to start, a black screen with strings appears instead the grub booting... and the rest stays as a black screen with some stripes on it, and nothing else happens until I unplug the power... anyone having any ideas?23:32
KM0201Sharpclaw: very common in IRC channels23:32
r000t_laptopI'm not sure. I went on a hunt for better drivers but I don't think I installed anything23:32
shcherbakKM0201: yeah, silly, annoying bots...23:32
sidewalkdoes ubuntu work with sandy bridge now?23:33
KM0201shcherbak: it's only annoying when people abuse it.23:33
=== Ramir00 is now known as Kirchner
sidewalk!sandy bridge23:33
akhyarizLynxi: (maybe) each ubuntu release like 9.10, 10.04, 10.10 have different dependencies and different version libraries packaged23:33
Lynxiakhyariz: umm...okay, but....okay..23:33
mrothhhwhat is a good ubuntu server book23:33
Geekneeuswtfking: dis associate packet?23:33
sandydr000t_laptop: because xorg having issues is already an indication that theirs a bigger problem than nautilus consuming cpu23:34
zookaintrader: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html A helpful guide. Its really quite simple23:34
wtfkingGeekneeus:  ??23:34
akhyarizLynxi: if u used 10.10 packaged for ur 9.10 you can crash ur system23:34
intradersandyd, nit-wit, zooka, scary proposition - I will look it up23:34
r000t_laptopsandyd: how do I ask the terminal what driver I'm using?23:34
zookaintrader: gotta run, hope this works out for you. Check the link I just sent. It's 5 steps max. Very very easy.23:34
Geekneeuswtfking: disassociate packet attempts to disconnect you from your router23:34
wtfkingGeekneeus:  i tried turning ipv6 on to see that would help but turned it off after23:34
sandydintrader: its not as scary as it sounds.... im typing from a system thats compile completely from source...23:34
KM0201Lynxi: your best bet(especially for audio) is to install 10.10... 9.10 was a train wreck because that was when pulse audio was implemented, and the intelHDA chipsets caused lots of probs23:35
wtfkingGeekneeus: so the router is disconnecting me?23:35
Geekneeuswtfking: Usually by somebody trying to capture a handshake23:35
Lynxi= ( dang....23:35
sandydr000t_laptop: pastebin-ize the output of these commands "lspci" "lsmod" "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf"23:35
Geekneeuswtfking: for password cracking your router23:35
KM0201Lynxi: why don't you just clean install 10.10?23:35
Um_cara_qualquereverybody busy?23:35
wtfkingGeekneeus: i understand... but why would it be only my machine23:36
KM0201Um_cara_qualquer: yup, all of us23:36
SharpclawAlso, do I need internet to install Ubuntu 20.14.1 netbook version?23:36
Geekneeuswtfking: it's done by a mac address23:36
intraderzooka, thanks for your help - I will try to follow.23:36
wtfkingGeekneeus: why wouldnt they try and deauthenticate all other clients23:36
wtfkingi see23:36
KM0201Sharpclaw: ?, 20.14.1?23:36
LynxiKM0201: because i like 9.10.. I tried 10.10.23:36
r000t_laptopno xorg.conf23:36
intradersandyd, what precautions should I take for compiling and adding that to the system?23:36
Geekneeuswtfking: I will look through the log to see if I can see another cause23:36
LynxiAlso, I had the same problems with sound in 10.1023:36
KM0201Lynxi: well, i liked WIndows 95 to, but when it's useful life expired, i knew i had to move on23:36
wtfkingGeekneeus: could i then change mac address?23:37
erUSULUm_cara_qualquer: grub is installed in the HD if you disconnect all HD's from the machine grub wont boot. you should just see the bios complaining about missing boot device23:37
sandydintrader: since you don't have the actual program in the repos, theirs not much you need to worry about23:37
SharpclawVersion 20.14.1. Unless it's 20.41.1... I don't know. I just don't have much internet and need to try Ubuntu.23:37
r000t_laptopsandyd: http://pastebin.com/ADfnCgqL23:37
KM0201Sharpclaw: where are you getting that version number?... and why do you want the netbook version.  if it's not a netbook, id' recommend the normal interface23:38
shcherbakr000t_laptop: glxinfo | less23:38
LynxiKM0201: Also, I didn't  enjoy 10.10 because I ha dthe same sound problems as I am having now, exxept there was no sound what so ever23:38
Geekneeuswtfking: it could just be your router that does it but I can't think why it would take your authentication away after you've authenticated doesn't mac sense unless it has mac filtering enabled23:38
shcherbakr000t_laptop: read "...vendor string"23:38
KM0201ok Lynxi ... I'm gonna go try to set up microsoft fax on win 3.x, brb23:38
SharpclawI thought that the latest version was 20.14.1. It's what it says at the top of the Windows installer.23:38
r000t_laptopMesa project and SGI23:39
wtfkingGeekneeus:  yeh it doesnt23:39
dan08hi. i need to make my pc line 100 work on my ubuntu, how can install it? any ideas?23:39
KM0201Sharpclaw: are you talking about Wubi?23:39
shcherbakr000t_laptop: you have linux, open source driver23:39
r000t_laptopIs that good?23:39
SharpclawOh great, Wubi is Different from Ubuntu?23:39
Sharpclaw(A.K.A.: Yes.)23:40
bkadoctajHi all, just wondering if there's any way to rename window titles in KDE4. Using Kubuntu 10.10 if that matters.23:40
intradersandyd, aha  - I was pointed by zooka to http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/gkrellm-i8k.  What is is source there? I don't see the source, only binaries23:40
shcherbakr000t_laptop: you are with what issue? sorry do not follow to closely.23:40
KM0201Sharpclaw: it's a different type of installer... frankly, i don't like wubi as it is to easy to wreck a system.23:40
Geekneeuswtfking: how long have you had a wireless problem, try going back to an older kernel version first23:40
KM0201Sharpclaw: have you even looked to see if the machine will boot USB?23:40
Geekneeuswtfking: if it started after an update23:40
wtfkingGeekneeus: i havent, it only happened last night randomly23:40
SharpclawNo, how do I do that?23:41
Geekneeuswtfking: changing mac address wont really make that much of a difference if your neighbour is trying to hack you23:41
wtfkingi was browsing interwebs and BAM NO INTERENET FROR ME23:41
Um_cara_qualquerIf there`s someone who knows what`s going on, please help me, I`m having some trouble with the grub... when I disconect every HD and try to start, a black screen with strings appears instead the grub booting... and the rest stays as a black screen with some stripes on it, and nothing else happens until I unplug the power23:41
KM0201Sharpclaw: you need to check the BIOS on the machine that you want to install ubuntu on, and see if it has an option to put USB first in the boot sequence23:41
Geekneeuswtfking: usually they are within a few metres to your location23:41
wtfkingill try another kernel to be sure23:41
* wtfking gets his baseball bat23:41
* KM0201 prefers golf23:42
Geekneeuswtfking: so they can send a packet to your wireless card23:42
SharpclawOk. Now, how do I get Ubuntu without the Wubi thing?23:42
* shcherbak loves tennis23:42
Fireblaztoubuntu really adapts well to wireless networks, I'm running it on my netbook and windows 7 has temporary blips where I lose it. Ubuntu doesn't.23:42
KM0201Sharpclaw: download the windows ISO, use unetbootin to put the ISO on the thumb drive, and then boot it to try ubuntu23:42
Geekneeuswtfking: So we have dis associate packet, not caused by update, just randomly happened, very suspicious :P23:43
KM0201Fireblasto: i never have problems out of my linux laptop/netbook...23:43
wtfkingGeekneeus:  haha yeh23:43
induzhello, i have 2 acc on Gmail and i want to use both of them on thunderbird, is it possible and How?23:43
filo1234Um_cara_qualquer: you need to put at first boot on bios HD that has grub installed23:43
LynxiKM0201: brb then, I guess I am going to install 10.10 =(23:43
SharpclawUmm... Slow down please. unetbottin?23:43
induzboth gmail acc are for different purpose23:43
KM0201Lynxi: what is your sound device?23:43
nit-witSharpclaw, which windows is it?23:43
=== user is now known as jasjus
LynxiKM0201: idk let me check23:44
r000t_laptopshcherbak nautilus and xorg will randomly decide to hog my entire CPU for 20 minutes23:44
SharpclawVista home premium.23:44
FireblaztoKM0201, indeed, its not great. Running ubuntu on this netbook is so much better than windows 723:44
KM0201Sharpclaw: google unetbootin and go to the homepage, its a way of putting the ISO on a thumb drive and maing it bootable23:44
filo1234induz: yes you can23:44
shcherbakSharpclaw: Ubuntu way would be: get iso, burn to cd, use live session from where you make usb via menu...23:44
KM0201Fireblasto: my laptop(w/ a whole 1gig of ram) came w/ Vista... lol... it didn't make the first boot.23:44
jasjusneed help with pt-link tl-322g v3 driver. cannot detected23:44
nit-witSharpclaw, I get W7 to boot if I make a thumb a NTFS witha boot flag in gparted then exstact the W7 ISO to it.23:44
weezSharpclaw, you can visit ubuntu's website where you can download a .iso file to burn onto a cd. Alternatively, unetbootin is a program which will guide you through downloading ubuntu and putting it onto a flash drive23:44
KM0201shcherbak: you can just use unetbootin under windows.23:44
induzfilo1234, how??23:45
filo1234induz: you must only add second account23:45
LynxiKM0201: I type "lspci" into the terminal, correct?23:45
KM0201Lynxi: that will tell you what you want to know, yes.23:45
nit-witSharpclaw, you trying to load what, the ubuntu?23:45
induzfilo1234, how can i add and will they be seperated??23:45
bkadoctajHmm, so no one knows how to rename window titles in KDE4?23:45
SharpclawI have 3 different people telling me 3 different things!!!!23:45
Geekneeuswtfking: try kismet and wireshark if you're not already to try and see if you can find where the packet originates from23:45
erUSULbkadoctaj: ask in #kubuntu23:45
KM0201Sharpclaw: just go download hte ubuntu ISO, we all agree on that23:46
shcherbakr000t_laptop: ah, this line from log was about wirelesss? kill (hard swith) wifi when it will happend (hogging) to confirm that it is wifi driver.23:46
nit-witSharpclaw, what are you trying to load to the thumb23:46
Geekneeuswtfking: may help you solve the problem23:46
LynxiKM0201:  Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Device 970f23:46
sandydintrader: sorry for delay, was on phone http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gkrellm-i8k/gkrellm-i8k_2.5.orig.tar.gz23:46
KM0201nit-wit: he was a live USB so he can try ubuntu23:46
shcherbakr000t_laptop: or reinstall wifi if properiary.23:46
nit-witKM0201, thanks I thought so23:46
filo1234induz: what means separated?23:46
SharpclawKM0201: Ok. nit-wit: I don't have anything buy Wubi now.23:46
KM0201he's got knuckleheads in here telling him to do stuff that isn't even necessary23:46
r000t_laptopkilling the wifi would be a bad idea23:47
jasjusneed help with usb wireless tp-link tl-322g v3 driver. cannot detected23:47
shcherbakKM0201: whats why i said "Ubuntu way..."23:47
KM0201Sharpclaw: go download unetbootin, and the 32bit ubuntu ISO, like i said earlier23:47
KM0201shcherbak: which makes no sense at all, cuz he's not using ubuntu23:47
nit-witSharpclaw, down load the iso you need then load it with unetbootin in windows.  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/23:47
SharpclawGotta go. Thanks, guys!23:47
LynxiKM0201:  Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Device 970f23:47
tgm4883When looking at upstart services, what is the meaning of +, -, and ?. for example   [ ? ]  acpi-support23:47
KM0201Lynxi: ok....23:48
shcherbakKM0201: need to agree.23:48
dan08hi everyone23:48
bkadoctajerUSUL: I did but no one replied.  :/23:48
LynxiSorry I thought it was helpful....23:48
KM0201Lynxi: whats your wireless device?23:48
shcherbakr000t_laptop: Well, can you make proper paste of logs only time when your system melts.23:48
induzfilo1234, seperate Ids23:49
bkadoctajerUSUL: well, the guys in #kde are helping me out.  Thanks.23:49
LynxiKM0201: Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network23:49
resixiantrying to get my python app to show the correct icon when running in UNR, now it only shows the 'python' icon. any tips?23:49
wtfkingGeekneeus: i rolled back to older kernel and i got that dis associate packet message again23:49
wtfkingGeekneeus: mfkr!23:49
KM0201Lynxi: thats a pretty new laptop... that device isn't that old23:49
intradersandyd, what I find missing in synaptic is 'gkrellm-i8k' (part of 'sudo apt-get install i8kutils gkrellm gkrellm-i8k') - so on that repository, when I download gkelilm-i9k...tar.gz I find i8krellm.c as the only .c source.23:50
filo1234induz: are two different accounts for two different persons?23:50
LynxiKM0201: Yeah I got it for xmas last year, its an HP G62, AMD Athlon II23:50
shcherbakshcherbak: look in to log viewer (menu), need part with timestamp when your system was using too much cpu.23:51
shcherbakr000t_laptop: look in to log viewer (menu), need part with timestamp when your system was using too much cpu.23:51
induzfilo1234, no...one is for work and one is for school23:51
induzfilo1234, i am using thunderBird23:51
FireblaztoAnyone here an expert with WINE?23:51
dan08can someone help me please?23:51
intradersandyd, sorry - that is gkrellm-i8k...tar.gz23:51
Geekneeuswtfking: You need to find out if the packet is coming from your router or somewhere else23:52
rusivi!wine | Fireblazto23:52
ubottuFireblazto: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:52
FireblaztoWith what dan08 ?23:52
_AV_Bye people.23:52
sandydintrader: it should be a gz file23:52
dan08bye _AV_23:52
r000t_laptopshcherbak: I have one from yesterday not today23:52
shcherbakr000t_laptop: syslog messages dmesg (no timestamp in "normal" format) error and user if highlighted23:52
KM0201Lynxi: this appears to solve any wireless isssues w/ 10.10  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165050723:53
filo1234induz: is betetre to use IMAP server on gmail so that evry account has a proper directory23:53
shcherbakr000t_laptop: you can post it, and send (/msg) me link from most recent23:53
Geekneeuswtfking: disassociation packets cause numerous problems on a wlan :P23:53
KM0201Lynxi: really need more info on the sound.23:53
Aleiexhi, why rar decompress too slow in ubuntu??23:53
intradersandy, gkrellm-i8k...tar.gz I suppose23:53
induzfilo1234, i am using IMAP23:54
r000t_laptopNo command syslog23:54
LynxiWell I'll brb Im gonna get 10.1023:54
filo1234induz: so there is't problems....you must only add second account ad set different SNMP for home and school for send email23:54
shcherbakr000t_laptop: menu > System > Admin... > log file viewer23:55
filo1234induz: isn't problem*23:55
intradersandyd, where should I download the .gz file in order to work on it and compile?23:55
timClicksI have an HP laptop, but scrips for an ASUS machine for screen brightness (e.g. /etc/acpi/asus-brn-up.sh, etc)23:55
filo1234my keyboard is drunk23:55
timClicksso, basically my screen brightness can't be adjusted23:56
timClickscan anyone suggest a fix?23:56
induzfilo1234, what is  different SNMP??23:56
GeekneeustimClicks: Why not?23:56
timClicksor, just as good, a place to look for a fix23:56
filo1234induz: lol sorry SMTP server23:56
GeekneeustimClicks: What is your graphics card23:56
shcherbakr000t_laptop: are you behind router, means you firewalled? "hogging" can be inflicted by form og DoS or bad configuretion of router (DHCP)23:57
filo1234induz: SMTP is different for each provider23:57
r000t_laptopshcherbak http://pastebin.com/ER3KWmuJ .... but it's nautilus and xorg, not the wireless23:57
gt_is there any room for wi-fi engeneers&23:57
timClicksGeekneeus /etc/acpi/event/asus-brightness-up seems to capure the button event23:57
timClicksand trigger the asus shell script23:58
shcherbakr000t_laptop: let me have a pick (just recall something foggy from your last paste)23:58
swiggyhow do i figure out if i am running x86 or x64?23:58
gt_iam first time in x-chat23:58
swiggyi am using 10.0423:58
filo1234swiggy: uname -a say it23:58
GeekneeustimClicks: sure, I don't have asus so I don't know the content of the script but have you tried running the script manually then23:59
swiggy2.6.32-27-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 1 23:52:12 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux23:59
induzfilo1234, i dont have different provider....i have 2 acc on gmail23:59
swiggywhats that mean? x86?23:59
The_ExplorerIf someone wanted to make a suggestion relevant to ubuntu/linux in general, but wanted to make it somewhere where it would be honestly considered by ones who are able, where would I go?23:59
r000t_laptopshcherbak the log is filled with those, every minute since boot has 8 or so of those messages23:59
intradersandyd, nit-wit, zooka, I need to be away for a bit - thanks for the help so far.23:59
sandydintrader: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gkrellm-i8k/gkrellm-i8k_2.5.orig.tar.gz23:59
KM0201swiggy: 32bit23:59
filo1234induz: i understand but providere at home is the same at school?23:59
timClicksI'm running an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5000 (I think)23:59

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