
* Pulec just finish installing last version00:33
Pulecand i hope it finds proper drivers for nvidia 7800 go gtx00:33
Pulecotherwise my crt with 60hz refresh will kill me00:33
Pulecdamn it it offers mee only 60hz00:45
Pulecnvidida x server00:45
charlie-tcayou installed the hardware driver?00:46
Pulecbut i have problem with my old monitor00:47
Pulecits not detected right00:47
Pulecits just the display00:47
Pulecalso i am using double monitors, because go gtx is in notebook with lcd, which works ok00:48
=== Virtual is now known as IamVirtual
Puleci guess i just wait until i have money for lcd00:49
charlie-tcaCreate or modify /etc/X11 xorg.conf00:49
IamVirtualanyone can help me00:49
charlie-tcaPlease ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.00:49
IamVirtuali cant boot xubunt on my dell optiplex gx240 , it panics00:49
Pulecrepair it?00:50
charlie-tcawhich version of Xubuntu?00:50
IamVirtualafter the splash screen00:50
charlie-tcaedit the grub menu, remove "quiet splash" from the kernel boot line and see if there are any messages on screen00:51
IamVirtual123.127158 (<c05c63c3>) panic+0x5a/0xd200:51
IamVirtuali pressed ESC00:51
IamVirtualand then it follows a long backtrace in orange letters00:52
IamVirtualbooted without nouveau00:52
IamVirtualScreen frecuency invalid if i booted woth nouveau00:52
charlie-tcawhat do you mean? you were able to use it, then removed the nouveau driver and replaced it with ??? and now it is broke?00:53
charlie-tcaWhat were the messages after removing quiet splash?00:54
IamVirtualnot sure if it whas usable see00:54
IamVirtual123.127158 (<c05c63c3>) panic+0x5a/0xd200:54
charlie-tcano, I don't see00:54
charlie-tcawhat did you replace nouveau with?00:54
IamVirtualwhen i used nouveau after the splash it goes black and my screen displays incorrect frencuency00:55
IamVirtualwithout nouveau (using just basic VGA grafics) it paniced00:56
charlie-tcaHow did you remove nouveau?00:56
charlie-tcaIs this the live cd booting in safe graphics mode?00:56
IamVirtualnouveau.modeset=0 at grub prompt00:56
IamVirtualyeah its the live cd00:57
IamVirtualNormal mode00:57
charlie-tcaso, what happens when you use safe graphics without that ?00:58
IamVirtualmhmm let me reboot00:58
IamVirtualin safe graphics00:58
IamVirtualor nouveau its the unsafe thing00:58
charlie-tcaDon't have a safe graphics now. Try F6, nomodeset00:59
charlie-tcaIt is possible you have to try 10.04 instead.00:59
IamVirtualNormal gfx , nomodeset  here we go ..01:01
IamVirtualScanning disc ..01:01
* IamVirtual computer is slow as hell , standby01:02
IamVirtual* checking battery01:03
IamVirtualthen it goes black01:03
IamVirtualH.V frequency overange01:03
IamVirtuali didnt use nouveau.modeset = 001:03
IamVirtualits has something to do with my problem01:04
IamVirtualwhats the problem01:04
Pulecdamn you01:06
Pulecban you01:06
IamVirtualin advances01:06
Puleci need to ask question too damn it01:06
IamVirtualsorry i gone crazy01:06
Puleci ubuntu 8.04 i could set xorg.cof in /etc/X1101:07
Pulecor where01:07
Pulecnow i could do so too in 10.1001:07
Pulecbut there is not file there anymore01:07
Pulecwhere i can set max refresh and resolution for monitor two?01:07
IamVirtualLIKE MEEEEE01:08
IamVirtualIm trying to boot THE INSTALL CD01:09
Pulecwhy cant i find opera or normal java in center of software?01:09
IamVirtualaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHH DAMN PC01:09
IamVirtualbecuse they are not free01:09
Pulecof course!01:09
IamVirtualyou need to enable the universe repository01:10
Pulecwow thank you virtual01:11
Pulecbtw i had the same problem you have01:11
Pulecdont know what went wrong01:11
Puleci just backed up filles and reinstall01:11
Pulecthen went back to windows i think...01:11
Pulecfor a while01:11
IamVirtualBtw  i think xorg.conf01:14
IamVirtualits in /usr/local/X1101:14
IamVirtualor /usr/x1101:14
IamVirtualHELP ME01:15
* IamVirtual does a beggging face01:15
Pulechelp him dudes01:16
Puleci suggest you do NOT higlight everyone in the chan01:16
charlie-tcaThat is quite enough of the capitol letters and other nonsense. If you are that impatient, try google01:29
charlie-tcaYou can also go to #ubuntu and ask for help01:29
charlie-tcaPulec: sun/oracle java is no longer in the normal repositories. You have to enable the canonical partner repository now01:30
* istok makes a note of that01:31
charlie-tcaistok: did you need anything?01:32
istokno, just wasn't aware it wasn't in default repo's01:32
charlie-tcaOkay. I don't remember if it moved for 10.04 or 10.1001:33
istoki'm pretty sure i had java in my 10.04 install01:33
charlie-tcaWe have openjava now that is available01:33
istoknot sure if it upgraded for a dist-upgrade01:33
istokit seems to have, from the package list01:34
istokxubuntu runs fine for my intel, but the amd had issues01:35
charlie-tcaIt seems to bounce around, as to which video card will work in a release.01:35
charlie-tcaAs drivers get put into the kernel, what breaks changes01:36
istokyeah, i usually build my own01:37
istokdepending on chipset01:37
charlie-tcaIamVirtual: try all the options under f6 to see if any work01:37
charlie-tcaand if all fail, you will need to download 10.04 and try it01:37
charlie-tcaIamVirtual: it is also possible you won't get both monitors working on the live cd. Try running it with each one, as the only monitor01:42
IamVirtualBoth ?01:43
IamVirtualtheres is one01:43
IamVirtualanother thing01:43
IamVirtualim booting from unetbootin01:43
charlie-tcaOh, sorry, confused my conversations.01:43
IamVirtualmy pc lacks usb boot suport and i have no media01:43
charlie-tcaWould be nice to know all the details at once. I can not help when I only get bits and pieces of information01:44
charlie-tcaAll I can do is suggest trying 10.0401:44
charlie-tcaPulec: you can create the xorg.conf file and it will get used01:45
Puleci am almost done editing it...02:11
Puleci really love gigolo in xubuntu02:15
Puleci could not mount my internal hdd via terminal02:16
Pulecbut gigolo should not be so hidden02:16
charlie-tcaheh, it is not quite as easy as Ubuntu/gnome, but it does work!02:16
Puleci wonder how many steam and indie humble games will work02:17
PulecMinecraft works ok02:18
Pulechow could i add shortcut to topbar? for opera02:18
charlie-tcaright-click the panel, left-click add... , left-click Launcher02:20
Pulechave to reboot as a root user02:21
Pulecso many limitioants02:21
Pulecplus i cant get to my minecraft appdata folder02:21
charlie-tcaYou can use terminal to get to root, just use sudo -i02:22
Pulecsudo-i ?02:23
charlie-tcano, sudo -i02:25
charlie-tcaspaces are important . sudo space -i02:25
charlie-tcaenter your password. You become root in the terminal, just like you rebooted and used root02:25
Puleci get it now02:26
charlie-tcaso much to learn, so little time02:27
istoki think i had to sudo passwd root - to set it before i could su -02:29
Pulecwine didnt worked for me in default02:29
Pulecyou dont own  that folder stuff02:29
Pulecmiranda does not work hh02:30
* charlie-tca thinks wine is that stuff he drinks when looking out the windows :-)02:32
Pulecfoobar works though02:33
Pulecdaamn i cant view .* folders on other hdds02:35
charlie-tcausing Thunar?02:38
charlie-tcacheck the option under view menu for hidden files02:39
Pulecoh that was easy02:40
Pulecwell its almost morning, time for bed02:44
Pulectomorrow i will try to get sound working02:44
beaglePhi. I have messed up some permission and now I can access to the xfce desktop only as root. Is there a way to solve that?09:07
moetunesbeagleP:  What does  ls -l ~/.Xauthority  return as your normal user09:09
beaglePmoetunes: is ~ /root or /home/myuser ?09:10
beaglePmoetunes: I can't find .Xauthority anymore09:10
moetunesthe check was on /home/you.Xauthority09:12
moetunestry ls -l ~/.config   and see whoowns the xfce4 folder09:12
beaglePmoetunes: drwxrwxrwx 6 ocs ocs  4096 2010-06-23 15:13 xfce409:13
beagleP(ocs is myuser)09:14
beaglePanyway, Xauthority is missing09:14
moetunescheck for hidden X lock files in /tmp09:15
moetuneshidden files start with a dot09:15
faLUCEhi. Do you know if ubuntu well works with a Zotac GeForce 9300-ITX-I-E?11:04
bazhangfaLUCE, thats a video card? under maverick?11:22
faLUCEbazhang: that's a mini-itx board11:28
bazhangfaLUCE, I'd  check the hcl and ubuntuforums then11:29
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:30
xubuntu381Hello. More or less, how long should it take xubuntu to install? There's no progress bar and no clock...12:40
bazhangdepends on the system; how much ram, what cpu12:41
xubuntu381A fairly modern Core2Duo with 4GB of RAM. But I'm installing from a USB hard drive onto one.12:42
bazhangperhaps an hour12:43
xubuntu381:o Mkay..12:43
bazhangalthough impossible to say with 100% certitude12:43
xubuntu381Meh. So is there a shortcut to make the "start menu" pop up? Clicking on the background with the mouse doesn't produce any menu. Only a rotating "busy" cursor.12:46
bazhangI'd do it with unetbootin to be honest. doing it from a usb hdd is not something I know about12:48
xubuntu381Thing is, I've only got this one IDE drive and an external IDE case which connects via USB. All my other SATA drives in the case seem to have gone crazy.12:51
xubuntu381And unetbootin seems to be the same what I did. I used LiLi to install the xubuntu ISO onto the drive and I booted my computer from USB. My motherboard boots okay with a USB hard drive, but does not want to boot from a USB stick. It's all crazy and I'll need to get me a SATA external drive case and test each drive to see what gives..12:54
xubuntu381Is there any way to check if xubuntu is even installing itself at all?13:59
Pulechow can i make *.sh scripts run in terminal?20:44
Pulecwhere is terminal located?20:44
charlie-tcahm, Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal20:45
Pulecnot like that20:45
charlie-tcaput an    sh    in front of the script name if it won't run20:46
Pulecwhen i double click in thunar it launches in mousepad20:46
charlie-tcano? <Pulec> where is terminal located?20:46
charlie-tcaterminal is located at   Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal20:46
Puleci know20:46
Puleci can open it anywhere20:46
charlie-tcaso do you mean the directory it opens in?20:48
charlie-tcathat is normally the /home20:48
Puleci can launch in thunar anywhere i want20:49
Pulecbuut i want to run that script in terminal20:49
Pulecscript is in sh20:49
Puleci have problems with making almost anything20:49
Pulecroot rights for everything20:49
Pulecand sound does not work20:49
kevinanybody have any advice on how to install an external HDD  to my xubuntu21:25
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak

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