
Red-Ravenit didn't work.00:00
holsteinscreenshot too00:02
holsteinif you want00:02
ibuclawholstein, oh man...00:11
ibuclawthose were the good old days00:11
holsteinibuclaw: ?00:11
ibuclaw(looking at screenshots)00:12
Red-Raven...we still do that.00:12
Red-Ravenholstein, the option under behaviors wasn't there.00:13
holsteinRed-Raven: the options have changed00:13
holsteinmaybe you could take a screenshot?00:14
holsteinRed-Raven: ^^00:14
Red-Ravenyah hold on00:14
nit-witholstein, does Red-Raven's image look like low graphics mode to you?00:20
JackyAlcineRed-Raven: It looks like that the theme set for the window controls is some standard stuff.00:21
Red-RavenXchat and FF are normal.00:21
holsteini think thats following the theme00:22
holsteinthe icon theme and all00:22
Red-Raventhe theme is "dusty" and its never been like this before.00:22
nit-witholstein, cool:) hopefully00:22
holsteinRed-Raven: go into preferences00:22
holsteinand check the icons00:22
holsteinthat looks normal to me00:22
holsteinfor that theme00:23
JackyAlcineRed-Raven: I think that part of the theme's missing. Does it do that for all of your themes?00:23
Red-Ravenno ill try another one.00:23
holsteinJackyAlcine: that to00:23
holsteinlike the icons are missing00:23
holsteinor not being loaded00:23
holsteinand defaulting to gnome ones00:23
Red-Ravensame thing on another theme.00:24
holsteinRed-Raven: try the icon theme00:25
Red-Ravenwhen i click places all the main folders like Docs, Music, Etc. are the same thing.00:25
Red-Ravenunder customize?00:26
holsteinsystem - preferences - appearance00:26
JackyAlcine^^ holstein's on to something.00:26
holsteinJackyAlcine: hehe00:27
Red-Ravenyah but im not using a custom theme. once you create a custom theme it makes it's own seperate theme so the default ones stay intact. im using a default one, so the icons should be the same.00:27
holsteintry changing the theme icons00:28
holsteinjust for the hell of it00:28
Red-Ravenoh thx. i had it set to Gnome.00:29
holsteinim out... laterx...00:31
Red-Ravenoh crap. it only changed the "places" icons. would a reboot help?00:31
Red-Ravenyay! reboot fixed it.00:40
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Red-Raveni don't get it. why can 64 bit processors run 64 bit OSs, but not 64 bit VMs?02:49
holsteinRed-Raven: not sure about that02:50
holsteini thought a 64bit proc could be 'faked' in VM02:51
holsteinby a 32bit machine02:51
holsteinnothing you would want to run other than for testing02:51
Red-Ravenyah mee neither. its kind of backwards. would using VMware instead of Vbox make a difference?02:51
holsteini would think they would be similar02:52
holsteinin features02:52
aveilleuxholstein: VBox can run a 64-bit processor.....02:56
holsteinmaybe that wasnt cleat02:59
holsteini was saying02:59
holsteinim pretty sure Vbox on 32bit02:59
holsteincan run 64bit02:59
holsteinnot that you would want to02:59
Red-Ravenyah but apparently my processer doesn't support 64 bit VMs.02:59
Red-Ravenyet it is a 64 bit processor. go figure.03:01
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Are you running 64-bit Ubuntu?03:02
Red-Ravenim in win7 right now if thats what you meant.03:02
aveilleuxRed-Raven: Um, is it 64-bit Win7?03:02
holsteinno sure how Vbox runs on win03:03
aveilleuxholstein: Exactly the same?03:04
Red-Raveni think you have to enable virtual hardware in BIOS and because my processor doesn't support that, it won't work in any OS.03:04
holsteinaveilleux: i have no first hand experience03:06
holsteinso i can only speak for it running in linux03:06
aveilleuxholstein: It runs exactly the same on both OSs03:06
holsteinand say that you should be able to run a 64bit guest03:06
holsteinaveilleux: what do you think the problem is then?03:08
hakimsheriffFREE "POWERED BY UBUNTU" STICKERS on www.system76.com03:10
hakimsheriffsorry wrong channel, my bad, really sorry03:10
Red-Ravenum, ok.03:11
hakimsheriffi wanted to say this on ubuntu-qc03:11
holsteini think system76 links are appropriate anywhere, anytime03:11
JackyAlcinecprofitt: Since you left; I've been dd if=/dev/zero my hard drive. =/03:18
st33medI accidentally your hard drive03:18
cprofittyou wiped it clean?03:19
cprofittwell... I guess it depends on what your of was03:20
cprofittJackyAlcine: still might be able to recovery some data, but that depends on how long you ran the dd command and how many passes03:21
Red-Ravenoh you didn't mean to?03:21
JackyAlcinecprofitt: It's 320 Gbs, technically the entire drive shouldn't be clean, my math said it'd take 19 hours.03:24
JoeMaverickSettJackyAlcine: what? you dd-ed your drive? what was the purpose of doing it? :o03:27
Red-Ravenhow do i tell if an ISO is 64 or 32 bit? i did use google.03:27
cprofittthen you can try to recover data from it03:27
JackyAlcinecprofitt: I will.03:28
holsteinRed-Raven: its not in the label?03:28
cprofittyou could install testdisk03:28
holsteini686 or something?03:28
cprofittand use testdisk or photorec03:28
Red-Ravennot in the Backtrack or xPud ISOs.03:28
holsteinid say, if you didnt do anything special to look around for a 6403:29
holsteinthey are 3203:30
Red-Ravensorry. i don't get what you're saying.03:30
holsteinim saying they are 3203:31
Red-Ravenoh they only come in that? thx.03:31
Red-RavenGTG. cya tommorow.03:31
st33medHi bodhizazen! :)03:44
AbhiJithello and good morning all03:46
cprofittnight all03:47
bodhizazen'lo st33med04:13
bioterrorCommodore64, are excited about the new ones which are coming? ;D09:21
bioterrorCommodore64, http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx09:22
MichealHHai bioterror09:23
MichealHI did something for Ask Ubuntu :)09:23
MichealHI have a Bot which get the RSS feed of Ask Ubuntu and prints it out in #askubuntu09:26
Commodore64bioterror: hi ! excellent ! thanks !09:26
MichealHCommodore64, Daniel0108: Intrested in something im doing? :)09:33
Daniel0108yes why? MichealH ;)09:33
Daniel0108I meant what are you doing, MichealH :P09:33
MichealHDaniel0108, Do you get involved in askubuntu.com? :)09:33
MichealH /join #askubuntu :)09:33
MichealHIt ouputs new questions there09:34
moto_need help. ubuntu not booting. can access only windows now.09:54
Commodore64bioterror: is it running linux by default ?09:56
moto_need help. ubuntu not booting. can access only windows now.09:57
moto_can anyone help me out with it?09:57
MichealH!patience | moto_09:57
ubot2moto_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:57
hajoursometimes it takes some time for someone answers moto_ :)09:59
moto_makes me think...I shouln't have gone tinkering with ubuntu....10:00
moto_twas working so fine...10:00
JoeMaverickSettmoto_: could you explain how you installed ubuntu or windows?10:00
ChrisDruifThere are people who say "Don't fix it if it ain't broken"10:00
MichealHmoto_, Give askubuntu.com a try :)10:00
JoeMaverickSettone after another? which was installed first? moto_10:00
moto_the PC came loaded with Windows 7. (i hate it). So i installed Ubuntu10:02
moto_installed it through Win710:02
ChrisDruifInstalled it through/in Windows?10:02
moto_was working fine till i messed with the Xorg.10:02
moto_Now that you ask, I guess its IN windows?10:03
moto_but its now a dual boot option...so....10:03
ChrisDruifSo you can boot it or not? (Did you remember anything called Wubi?)10:04
moto_Yes yes. thats the name. Wubi.10:04
ChrisDruifWubi is to try it IN windows....kinda like a VM :)10:05
moto_I cant boot it. It shows the two options. if i select ubuntu. the screen just blinks and the machine restarts10:05
moto_ok...so what do i do now?10:06
ChrisDruifI have never used Wubi myself, but I hope it already created a separate partition for Ubuntu....I think you should burn the iso to a disk (or with unetbootin to usb) and properly install it :)10:07
ChrisDruif(Unless someone else comes with a better idea ( JoeMaverickSett ))10:07
* MichealH coughs10:07
MichealHHi JoeMaverickSett :)10:08
moto_oh, damn.10:08
moto_reinstall it? i would lose all data, would i not/10:08
MichealHI suggest asking @ask ubuntu :)10:08
JoeMaverickSettmoto_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1631338 see if this is almost similar to your issue.10:09
moto_yea Micheal..am checking it out.10:09
JoeMaverickSettoh, hello MichealH10:09
MichealHHey Joey :D10:09
MichealHI have a nice AskUbuntu Bot :)10:10
JoeMaverickSettmoto_: btw, i suggest you do a backup before you do anything. :)10:13
MichealHJoeMaverickSett, PM? :)10:13
moto_Joe, that was it. Thanks a bunch, mate. lemme try whats suggested in it.10:13
JoeMaverickSettmoto_: okie, but remember BACKUP! ;)10:13
JoeMaverickSettMichealH: sure.10:14
moto_Yes, good thing that you reminded me.10:14
JoeMaverickSettmoto_: backups saves your life. :D10:15
moto_sorry Joe. its the frst time am using IRC10:21
ChrisDruifIt's alright moto_ :) We all were using IRC for the first time one day :)10:21
JoeMaverickSettmoto_: no problem. no offence taken. as there are many people here, they could chip in the knowledge to guide you more than my one brain could. ;)10:23
ChrisDruifJoeMaverickSett: o/\o10:24
JoeMaverickSettChrisDruif: :D10:25
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Daniel0108can anyone help me compiling a 32bit cURL application on 64bit?15:26
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kristian-aalborghi all19:17
kristian-aalborgwhen intsalling ubuntu, would DBAN (for instance) be better than the default "format disk"?19:18
starcraftmankristian-aalborg: Do you have cia secrets to hide?19:19
starcraftmangeirha: Derick's Boot and Nuke.19:19
starcraftmankristian-aalborg: if your asking is there any end result difference, no. It's a security thing. DBAN overwrites bits on the disk ensuring you can't recover them.19:20
kristian-aalborgk, I was thinking perhaps the finished installation would run smoother if DBAN was used19:21
kristian-aalborgstarcraftman: CIA? Who's asking? :P19:22
geirhaAh, no that wouldn't give you any speed increase19:23
starcraftmankristian-aalborg: thou can never know for positive.19:26
kristian-aalborgso... better to nuke it?19:26
starcraftmankristian-aalborg: lol, no, not unless you do really have secrets. The standard 7pass over the disk takes quite a while to run, writes 7 times to every bit on the drive.19:28
mslovettegood morning/afternoon/evening as the case may be... I have a question about ubuntu server... anyone have a couple of minutes?19:38
geirhagood <one of those>. Just ask away, if somebody knows, they'll answer.19:38
mslovettewell.. is a simple one and related to presentation... it has been a very long time since I handled a UNIX command line interface.. is there a means of implementing a GUI on top of the server?19:39
geirhaYes, you can just install gnome or kde or xfce or lxde or whichever you prefer.19:40
mslovetteok... will investigate further. thx19:41
geirhaYou want to control it graphically, remotely?19:41
mslovetteI can run the server from the command line... but I'd like the ability to visit web sites for documentation research19:41
drew212how do i check what packages a PPA has, preferably using the terminal19:43
mslovettesince I hav eretired, I no longer have the lucury of being able to go out and build extra systems that I can 'play with'... so I need to be able to do a great deal of work from one or two systems.19:43
geirhaWell, the standard ubuntu desktop uses gnome, so installing that should give you something familiar if you have used ubuntu desktop.19:43
geirhaAlso, there are text-based browsers, like  w3m, lynx, links19:44
mslovettesupposing I install Gnome... I'll have all server controls from a terminal window?19:44
geirhadrew212: Hm. Should be possible with aptitude, not sure how. The documentation is a bit long, but if you're not afraid of reading, look at /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README19:45
duanedesignhello geirha19:46
geirhamslovette: Yes, you'll be able to do run all the same commands from a terminal as from the console.19:46
geirha*terminal emulator (like gnome-terminal or xterm)19:46
geirhaduanedesign: Hi :)19:46
drew212geirha: thanks, i'm still looking online... there has to be an easy way19:47
duanedesigndrew212: in Software Center you can click on a PPA and it will show you the packages available from that PPA19:53
drew212yeah... thats what i ended up doing... but that's so inefficient =(19:53
duanedesignnot sure about the command line...This is kinda interesting, though not exactly what you are looking for. A list of all PPAs on Launchpad http://ppa.launchpad.net/19:54
geirhaaptitude search '~O ppaname'  seems to do the trick19:56
geirhappaname is a regex19:56
geirhaaptitude search '~O transmissionbt'   gives me all the packages in the transmissionbt PPA at least19:57
duanedesignahh cool19:59
duanedesigndrew212:   I found a package called 'PPA Search'. YOu type 'ppasearch APPLICATION' and it searches  All PPAs for APPLICATION20:01
duanedesignthough geirhas command seems to do the trick20:02
Daniel0108hi duanedesign ;)20:10
duanedesignhello drew21220:19
duanedesignhello Daniel010820:19
Daniel0108hi duanedesign ;)20:19
Daniel0108let's go to #ubuntu-beginners-team ;)20:19
tosheyhi...I need some help with installing vspace on my system....I get the message: dependacy is not satisfiable:libqt4-qt3support20:25
kristian-aalborgok, so to remove absolete kernels... I simply do "uname -r", then remove anything else than what I'm shown in synaptic?20:40
geirhakristian-aalborg: A quick and dirty way to get all the installed kernels except the last two, is   aptitude search -F %p '~i linux-image-[[:digit:]]' | head -n -220:43
kristian-aalborgthat exact line?20:44
kristian-aalborgor should "digit" be something else?20:45
geirharead -d '' -a pkgs < <(aptitude search -F %p '~i linux-image-[[:digit:]]' | head -n -2); sudo aptitude remove "${pkgs[@]}"20:45
kristian-aalborgah bugger, no synaptic... this is lubuntu20:45
geirhakristian-aalborg: [[:digit:]] is a special pattern thingy that means, any one digit20:45
geirhathat last command line uses some more advanced bash features20:46
geirhaYou can install synaptic in lubuntu if you like20:47
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kristian-aalborgyes, but I'm super low on space20:48
astro_hello, can someone help me, ubuntu is constantly at 50% cpu usage.20:48
kristian-aalborgastro_: try top20:49
kristian-aalborg(the program)... might show you the culprit20:49
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* suprengr_ asks for a moment's silence please for his aeons old Dell Lattitide cpi... poor Latty - it was a good & fulfilling lifetime [respect please]20:56
UndiFineDmy condolences suprengr_20:58
* suprengr_ thanks UndiFineD 21:01
geirhaOoh, I have an old Dell Latitude (x300). Still going strong ... though a tad slow.21:02
bioterrorI've killed two D600's last year ;)21:06
overdrankStill have d-400 and 540/640 running21:08
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kristian_geirha: would you happen to have a script to clean up the box?21:09
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ChrisDruifsuprengr_: I feel your pain :)21:18
geirhakristian_: No, I do it manually like that once in a while.21:18
kristian_I found a script for it :)21:19
* suprengr_ thanks ChrisDruif for the consideration21:21
ChrisDruifYour welcome suprengr_ :)21:21
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kristian_I tend to favor ugly bash scripts... they are somewhat heart-warming ;)21:39
ChrisDruifkristian_: Like they could have been made by a human? :P21:40
kristian_omg, this looks bad21:40
kristian_I get different results when I do a "df-h"21:40
kristian_without doing anything at all in between... it jumps up and down for /dev/sda... from 159 mb available to 170 mb available21:42
ChrisDruifdf -h shows how much space is available?21:44
kristian_this is nuts... should not happen... I removed my previous install because of a file system error, I'm starting to fear that the hdd is actually borked :(21:47
techmik67here's my question(s) http://pastebin.com/xp1DxvJt21:49
techmik67oh, and hi!21:49
kristian_hi techmik6721:52
techmik67as a n00b, the instructions i followed were over my head, but i have an irc channel i hang in for my smartphone that has some smart people in it =)21:53
techmik67i figure there MUST be a way to be sure i can return to or just boot up an older kernel....21:54
ChrisDruiftechmik67: Let me get this straight...you want to try natty (11.04) already while it's still alpha afaik?21:57
techmik67i already have done so, several times.... however, i havew NEVER been able to boot an older version once i do so21:58
techmik67i end up wiping and reinstalling from usb live stick 10.1021:58
techmik67the bigger issue is why i want that.... because of the crap i had to go thru to get my usb wifi working21:59
techmik67iprefer that if i cannot get the usb wifi working in natty, to just boot bak to 10.1022:00
techmik67and not have to reformat and start over22:00
ChrisDruifThere are a couple of things you could do; easiest would be using a VM. Second you could make sure that grub has a "fail-safe" with a working Ubuntu 10.10. What I would suggest is partitioning :)22:01
ChrisDruifIf you don't want VirtualBox ;)22:01
techmik67i HATE vm's=)22:01
bioterror+1 for your hate22:02
ChrisDruifAlright...I don't need to persuade you to not use VM :D22:02
techmik67grub fail-safe sounds like what i was looking for... isnt that the point of saving the old headers?22:02
techmik67perhaps i miss a point where it says "xxx will be removed..." when i "apt-get"22:03
techmik67i actually have 4 versions right now... my usb stick installed from ws 2.6.35-2222:04
ChrisDruifBut I think it would be easier to re-partition your disk...make atleast 3 partitions....2 for about 10 GB and one with the remaining. The last one should be your /home....22:04
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techmik67i upgraded to 35-2422:04
techmik67i see22:04
ChrisDruifNatty is still in high development...you shouldn't run it as your primairy :)22:04
techmik67i know, i know... =)... i love to tinker tho =)22:05
ChrisDruifYeah...but make sure you have a bacck-up ready :P22:05
techmik67and i'm interested to see if the usb wifi install would wqork in natty22:05
techmik67cause that was challenging, yet satisfying when i got connected at 5Ghz22:06
techmik67dancing around screaming "linus WHO?" =)22:07
ChrisDruifAnd for natty support you could try #ubuntu+122:07
ChrisDruifYou wanna know why I like Linux?22:07
ChrisDruifIt sounds like "Lin hugs" and I like hugs :D22:08
techmik67want to see something REALLY funny? my chat support session with cisco/linksys BEFORE i got help from irc =)22:09
techmik67no, i didnt make that chat up22:10
ChrisDruifSo....your serial is xxxxx? :P22:11
techmik67ok, i removed the sn and my last name =P22:11
techmik67so, mac or windows is an "updated OS" over linux...22:12
techmik67i guess22:12
ChrisDruifO:-) Indeed it is O:-)22:12
techmik67i called customer service to complain22:13
ChrisDruifPFHAHAHAHA :P :D LMAO....22:13
techmik67made them see the 2 glaring ewrrors.....22:13
techmik671- they knoew nothing22:13
techmik67and 2-22:13
ChrisDruifThis is a bit offtopic....if someone asks a question, we go to #ubuntu-beginners-team....alright? :)22:13
techmik67i ASKED to be escalated to tier2 and they didnt... thats a nono....22:14
techmik67HUGE list of channels22:14
ChrisDruifI've got about 6 open atm :P22:15
techmik674 here, now... 3 on the smartphones22:15
techmik67i mean about them22:15
techmik67ok, thanks for the advice and the chat.... back to the attempts. =)22:17
ChrisDruifGood luck :)22:17
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ddecatorafternoon all :)23:11
kristian_hi ddecator23:15
ddecatorhey kristian_, how are you?23:15
kristian_I guess I can remove language-pack-** without much risk?23:15
ddecatorif you're not using that language at all, then it should be fine23:16
kristian_can I still render the occasional webpage using it?23:18
kristian_also, it's weird that these packs not went away the first time I ran localepurge23:19
ddecatori think webpages should still load fine assuming the characters/fonts are still on the system. the language packs are more for labeling menus, applications, spellcheck, etc.23:20
kristian_it's weird that it's still there when I have localepurge installed23:29
kristian_also, if some program needs one of those packs, will it be installed?23:29
aveilleuxkristian_: If a language pack is required by a program then it will be installed as a dependency.23:29
kristian_hi aveilleux23:30
yax51Hello, Does anyone know anything about running internet explorer in maverick?23:30
aveilleuxyax51: Doesn't work very well... version 5.1 is the latest one that works correctly23:30
ddecatorlast i look ie4linux wasn't really being maintained23:31
aveilleuxIt's not23:31
yax51aveilleux: thanks....although I need 6.0 or higher for work.....23:32
aveilleuxyax51: Virtualize it. That's what I do for work.23:32
aveilleuxyax51: Windows 2000 is upgradable to 6, and XP comes with it23:32
yax51aaah so I need to run a V of windows, then use ie6....23:33
aveilleuxyax51: Unfortunately yes23:34
yax51aveilleux: what if I don' have that option, or no windows install disks?23:34
holsteini never had great luck with wine23:36
aveilleuxyax51: PM with me for a minute23:36
yax51wine serves it purpose, but I've never had much luck with it either23:51
aveilleuxholstein: I've had quite a bit of luck with WINE, actually23:51
holsteinaveilleux: i can get it to run23:52
holsteinbut doing the things that i actually need IE for23:52
holsteinnot usually :/23:52
ZeRoDeAtH50435My dvd drive isnt working any more how do I check to see what is wrong23:54
ddecatorZeRoDeAtH50435: could you be more specific? does your computer not see that there is a disc in there? does it not play the disc?23:56
ZeRoDeAtH50435it doesnt see their is a disk their23:56
ddecatorhave you tried multiple discs? it isn't just a scratched disc that it can't read?23:57
ddecatorand it was working before?23:58
ZeRoDeAtH50435trying a game dvd that worked the other day, blank cd, music cd doesnt detect23:58
ddecatorhave you installed any updates since then?23:58
aveilleuxZeRoDeAtH50435: Your drive could be going bad.23:59
ZeRoDeAtH50435im going to try one thing brb23:59

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