
=== petr is now known as truua
=== truua is now known as tuua
=== tuua is now known as ztuaz
=== IdleOne is now known as CIASquid
=== CIASquid is now known as IdleOne
elkyniko, why?06:46
elkyniko, you know who that targets, yeah?06:47
elkyi'd change it to his nick rather than the current ambiguous string06:47
phillw1nhandler are you about?17:33
=== phillw1 is now known as phillw
nigelbphillw: nhandler is going to be away for a few days17:35
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
phillwnigelb thanks... I *think* MichaelH has got it sorted for me, It's just that Nathan is one of my ex-mentors from UBT so he's easier to chat to :)17:38
nigelbphillw: :)17:41
MichealHphillw: Just ask me for help :)17:44
MichealHI knwo quite a bit of IRC :D17:44
=== petr is now known as tunderbirt
=== tunderbirt is now known as tunderbird
=== tunderbird is now known as tunderbirt
=== tunderbirt is now known as trauler
=== AndrewMC` is now known as AndrewMC
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== Tm_K is now known as Tm_T

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