
pleia2california is quite active, some of our upcoming events: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california00:00
pleia2team reports are also worth looking at (not all teams do them though): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/December2010#United States Teams00:00
ChrisArnesenpleia2: Those look like they will be very helpful. Thanks!00:02
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mhall119pleia2: was that you breaking ld by not providing a start date?02:28
nigelbmhall119: if you've got time can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/fix-today/+merge/4527602:37
* mhall119 is dead tired02:43
mhall119blake would do a better job of reviewing it right now02:43
mhall119https://launchpad.net/~mhall119/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=natty woohoo!02:44
mhall119At least I got something accomplished today02:44
pleia2mhall119: *time* :)02:45
mhall119tommorrow, I test!02:45
pleia2I had a date!02:45
mhall119pleia2: who's the lucky guy?02:45
mhall119file a bug please, cause I won't remember it in the am02:45
mhall119g'night all02:46
pleia2well sure, it's not doing it now02:48
nigelb'I had a date!' sounds so misleading espeecially with what mhall asked afterwords02:51
pleia2ah, there we go02:51
nigelbmhall119: I'm so sleepy I did bl<tab> and then I realized OMG! Blake! Ah :D02:51
pleia2there, we haz bug 703172 02:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 703172 in loco-directory "Error when entering other data, but not times (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70317202:56
nigelbpleia2: time field was empty or had 00:00?03:12
nigelbinteresting, I cant submit locally without somethin in the time field.03:13
nigelbI guess I have to ask Mike which rev of loco directory the server is running03:32
YoBoYgood morning08:42
AlanBellif anyone is in London on the 2nd or 3rd of Febuary the UK loco will be at http://www.opensourceexpo.co.uk/12:50
czajkowskialoha 15:09
Ddorda‎mhall119: where are you from?15:25
nigelbmhall119: hey :)15:25
czajkowskimhall119: hey! 15:26
nigelbMorning czajkowski :)15:26
Ddorda‎evening guys :D15:26
TrickyJHi all :)15:30
TrickyJGood morning :)15:30
openiduser271hi all15:30
czajkowskirather busy in here 15:31
jpdsNot really.15:31
czajkowskimore chattier than normal so and no on the LD :) 15:32
mhall119Ddorda: Florida, USA15:32
Ddorda‎mhall119: that explains :P15:33
mhall119the 'morning' or everything about my personality?15:34
Ddorda‎mhall119: the morning of course :P15:35
mhall119if you knew Florida you wouldn't say that ;)15:35
Ddorda‎ermm.. why so?15:36
mhall119no reason, just a lame joke15:36
* mhall119 goes back to his coffee15:36
mhall119Florida is just...interesting. right czajkowski ?15:37
* mhall119 contemplates making grits15:39
czajkowskimhall119: send some my way 15:41
mhall119or making another attempt at building a Qimo 3 alpha15:41
* mhall119 fetches latest *buntu ISOs instead15:42
openiduser271hi all15:44
openiduser271what's new here???15:45
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mhall119openiduser271: do you have a launchpad account?15:50
Ronniemhall119:  if you have time to review while your drinking your morning coffee: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/688064/+merge/4572315:51
mhall119Ronnie: sure, I'll put it on my list of things for today15:51
Ronnieif that one is reviewed, there is only one bug left before the next release: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bugs?field.tag=meetings :D15:52
nigelboh, mhall119 is reviewing \o/15:54
mhall119is *going to be* reviewing15:54
nigelbone more to the basket --> https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/fix-today/+merge/4527615:54
mhall119if it's in the proposed state, I'll try and get to it15:55
Ronnienigelb: you even named it "fix-today" ;)15:55
nigelbRonnie: haha15:56
nigelbRonnie: the issue is '/today', but now the naming makes sense :D15:56
Ronnieits good that the page wasn't '/tomorrow' because then you everyday reads "fix tomorrow". which results in a never ending fix ;)15:57
TrickyJRonnie: 15:57
Ronniemhall119: any idea for the sorting of the agenda items15:58
Ronniehey TrickyJ :)15:58
TrickyJwassup.. howzz ur weekends going on15:59
mhall119Ronnie: sorting?15:59
Ronniemhall119: in the agenda item field had a "order" field and a parent field. I think it will be difficult to make an interface for rearrange the agenda items16:01
mhall119you'd have to re-number all the items at the same depth, yes16:03
mhall119or 2 sets, if you're re-parenting16:03
RonnieTrickyJ: Busy as usual. i worked on a new ubuntu-django-foundations app : http://ubuntuone.com/p/YLE/ and http://ubuntuone.com/p/YLF/16:04
mhall119personally, I was going to make the user worry about that16:04
mhall1199 times out of 10 they won't care about order, in which case they can leave them all at 116:04
Ronnieah, i thought there coulnt be 2 orders with the samen number in one meeting16:05
mhall119nah, it's just use for sorting in the db query16:05
Ronnieso the items wont appear random. but if all orders are 1 the sorting is still random right?16:06
mhall119not random, just not guaranteed to be anything specific16:07
mhall119at that point it depends on the database16:07
mhall119there's a pretty good chance they'll be returned in the order they were created16:07
mhall119which, 9 times out of 10, will be what the users want16:07
mhall119I suppose we could further sort on the primary key16:08
mhall119just to make sure that's the default16:08
Ronniethats an idea16:10
mhall119Ronnie: how did you find using ubuntu-django-foundations, is it helpful?16:21
Ronniemhall119: at the moment, no16:21
Ronniemost of the current apps are background stuff16:22
mhall119make a list of any problems, suggestions, etc16:22
mhall119anything you can think of that would make a good reusable component16:22
mhall119that can be added16:22
Ronniemhall119: i will (i did mention some already a few days ago in this channel)16:22
mhall119I'd love to get a generic google maps component16:22
mhall119Ronnie: did you list them somewhere?16:22
mhall119in a bug or blueprint or something16:23
Ronniemhall119: i can (and try in the future)16:23
mhall119that'd be best, things that get talked about in IRC only tend to be forgotten :(16:23
Ronniemhall119: currently im brainstorming (see below) about extending the map. if you have a few minutes and give some feedback16:25
mhall119Ronnie: sure16:26
mhall119um...below what?16:26
Ronniemy idea is to create one master map, for this map comes an easy API for adding items to it.16:26
mhall119that would be awesome16:27
mhall119something you can just say map.add(something with coordinates)16:27
Ronnielocos (and others too) can run a 'localmap'. users can decide if their marker is added to the global map too16:27
Ronniealso events can be added to the map for a specific time (or for always)16:28
mhall119I'd like to see a world-map at the top of the /events/ page showing all events in the next $(random timeframe)16:28
Ronnieif the user clicks a marker on the global map, it needs to load some small HTML data to show. this url should be supplied in the request16:29
Ronniemhall119: for loco/ this is pretty easy at the moment. i wrote a jQuery plugin which is with a few params easily shown16:30
Ronniebut i want to make the plugin more general, so other apps can use it too (it contains atm some loco/django specific stuff)16:31
Ronniebut what about the master/local map idea and registering of markers to the global map16:31
Ronniethe local maps have full control about the sorting and filtering and viewing options of the marker content. the global map only loads an external iframe with contents when clicked on a marker16:32
Ronnielinks in the content can therefore link to the external page itself with more detailed information16:33
mhall119I'm not sure what you mean by all that16:33
mhall119possibly because I'm a maps noob16:33
Ronniemhall119: with the marker content i mean: http://ubuntuone.com/p/YLE/16:33
Ronniethe bubble16:34
Ronniethat can be an external webpage16:34
Ronnieill write it out more when i have time16:34
Ronnieprobably not in the next 3 days16:35
Ronnietomorrow my first IRL loco teammeeting :D16:35
mhall119Ronnie: does it have to be an external webpage?16:35
Ronnieno, it can also be generated be jQuery/DOM of an internal webpage16:36
Ronniebut its hard to create a 'standard' popup, wich can hold different information16:36
Ronniebut we should be aware of the dangers of external data....16:37
Pendulumcjohnston: afternoon17:58
cjohnstonhey Pendulum 18:13
cjohnstonlong time no talk18:13
mhall119still no talk it seems18:23
Pendulumsorry, got distracted by cross-stitch and the internet18:56
Pendulumer... not the internet18:56
mhall119x-stitching to x-files?19:06
PendulumI suppose so19:07
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