
ubottuhisto called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:53
ubottushcherbak called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:49
=== IdleOne is now known as CIASquid
CIASquidfull moon tonight?02:19
=== CIASquid is now known as IdleOne
tonyyarussoCurrently 37% through the cycle.02:36
tonyyarussoMoon face is 84% illuminated.02:36
tonyyarussoMoon phase: Waxing gibbous02:36
tonyyarussoIdleOne: So, nope.02:36
IdleOnewow, more info then I needed but thank you.02:36
tonyyarussoWe talked about moon phases and IRC activity a while back and I wrote a python script to calculate it.02:37
IdleOneyeah, I remember that02:42
tonyyarussoI made some improvements now:03:14
tonyyarussoIdleOne: Moon face is 84% illuminated. || Moon phase: Waxing gibbous || Next full moon is on Wednesday 19 January at 00:42 UTC03:14
tonyyarussobah, I shouldn't print the time.  Due to the wobbling of things it's not that accurate.03:16
IdleOnetime is useful I guess03:17
IdleOneeven if not exact03:17
tonyyarussoIt can be off by up to a day or so.03:18
tonyyarussoSo, useless.03:18
IdleOneahh well then yeah03:18
tonyyarussoThe more I compare my calculated dates to the ones published by the Navy, the more I wonder if the moon will just come crashing down next week.03:18
IdleOnecan your script where the moon will hit?03:19
FlannelMoon is ( (|||))) full!03:19
IdleOnecan your script predict where the moon will hit?03:19
tonyyarussowho cares?  We'll all die.03:19
IdleOneI just want to know if I am going before you03:19
Flanneltonyyarusso: Not the morlocks.  At least, that's what the new Time Machine told me.03:19
IdleOneif so I'll save you a seat on paradise03:20
IdleOnelove that movie03:20
tonyyarussoIdleOne: uh, isn't the diameter of the moon greater than the distance between us?03:20
IdleOneI don't think so but I really don't know03:21
FlannelIt's like a factor of 10003:21
tonyyarussoIdleOne: the moon's diameter is 3,500km.  Where are you?03:21
Flanneler, sorry, wrong question.03:21
IdleOneand the distance to earth is?03:21
FlannelIt's 100x the diameter of the moon *to* the moon03:21
tonyyarussohow is the distance to earth relevant?03:21
Flanneltonyyarusso: He's just assuming you're antipodal03:22
IdleOneI read that wrong03:22
IdleOneyeah, you are right03:22
IdleOneso we are both screwed03:22
IdleOnewell least everybody else is also, makes me feel a little better03:23
ubottuoneko is the cat of cats, the loler with minnions, the sudo apt-get installable one, the cat of our times, but not the cat of the command line!06:02
rwwwhat minnion is06:03
rwwoh, minion.06:05
tonyyarussoI assume it means minion06:05
tonyyarussobah, yeah06:05
rww!oneko =~ s/nn/n/06:06
ubottuI'll remember that rww06:06
rwwmy most valuable factoid contribution yet.06:06
elkyrww, hrm, oneko messes my cursor up06:52
elkyit makes highlight an x rather than a pointer06:52
elkyso when i highlight a taskbar thing, or an email subject, it's an x06:53
elkyheh, merely opening the appearance dialog fixes it.07:01
rwwYour scripts are all wrong. It feels like a full moon :(07:11
elkynah, it's just the time of year.07:13
elkyonly 3 weeks (i think) until the schools take them back.07:13
rwwour district's back at school already. you all should get a move on :(07:13
elkyit's also our summer holidays, and it doesn't last for 3 months so quit yer bawlin07:14
rwwstop doing seasons wrong, it confuses me07:14
bazhangbeginer is trolling.07:43
bazhangjust did the same shtick in ##linux07:44
bazhangthats 3 channels kotya has hit now. -ru #ubunut , and ##windows07:52
bazhangerr #ubuntu07:52
Tm_Tthanks for the headsup07:53
Jungliviva la teipei08:11
rwwhuh, that actually worked.08:21
* rww flexes at newfound power of lazy-quiet08:21
elkywell, he gave you 2 seconds...08:42
rwwSpicemaster: Hi. Anything we can help you with this time?08:49
Spicemasterrww: yes can you unbanned me with some circumstances08:49
rwwq_a_z_steve: Hi, how can we help you?08:50
elkyalso, spaceghost being creepy in pm08:52
rwwyeah, the club people are being stupid again.08:53
rwwSpaceGhost and Anastasius get weird about you still :\08:53
q_a_z_stevesorry. Auto join.08:54
rwwAny objections to !forget atroll (and its aliases)? Damn thing is never used properly :(09:02
elkydoooo iiiiiit09:06
ubottuatroll aliases: trolls, trolling, troll - added by ompaul on 2008-02-24 19:37:23 - last edited by Flannel on 2009-06-24 20:56:0309:08
rww!forget trolls09:08
ubottuI'll forget that, rww09:08
rww!forget trolling09:08
rww!forget troll09:08
rww!forget atroll09:09
bazhangthank goodness09:12
* rww ponders brown_boar/TurmptTarp09:13
bazhangwonder if he is blackbear09:13
rwwwhois on both their IPs is uninformative, but doesn't match. who knows.09:16
rwwalthough the MO is different, in that brown_boar is not a conspiracy nut, so I doubt it.09:17
tonyyarussorww: format_identify has made me realize just how strong the corrolation is between "unidentified" and "rambles endlessly about stupid stuff, makes no sense whatsoever, and uses !enter far too much"09:17
rwwtonyyarusso: hence my occasional ramblings about /mode #ubuntu-offtopic +r09:18
rwwbut yes, I use the ratio of red nicks to green nicks as an indication of how stupid channels are at a given time.09:18
topylii like the idea of -ot +r. but it would make it harder to move offtopic chat away from #ubuntu. "please join -ot" is nicer than "go away" :)09:22
rwwindeed :(09:22
tonyyarusso"please join #ubuntu-you-are-annoying" :P09:23
topylino +r there!09:23
bazhangthought that was #ubuntu09:23
rwwThe obvious solution to this is #ubuntu-offtopic-unregged, which will feature a 10 question quiz on Ubuntu to weed out the non-users. Anyone answering a question using more than one newline fails automatically.09:23
rwwI will propose this to ubuntu-irc@, and expect it will be approved by all.09:23
tonyyarussomight as well set up the bot to challenge people to the quiz every three months, and kickban them if they fail!09:25
rwwThis is a bad idea. Opping in there destroys brain cells.09:25
rwwdespite the significant intellectual stimulation that the current topic is giving us.09:25
ubottuIn ubottu, co3dm said: soory my english is bas09:26
tonyyarussowho said ops would have to take the quiz?09:27
rww!fr > co3dm09:28
* rww notes topyli's typo ;(09:28
topyliwould never make it if i found my glasses :(09:29
rwwtell #ubuntu-offtopic you'll pay them money to find your glasses09:29
rwwi'm gonna laugh when they're in the fridge and you get $509:30
bazhangso he's the ma co stalker then?09:47
rwwoh. huh.09:47
bazhang<brown_boar> i use to feel the same way back when me and Mackenzie first met.09:47
elkyalso note the ident09:50
bazhanghe's being awfully evasive as well09:50
rwwif we're thinking of the same stalker, same client, different IP09:54
rwwalthough they're now on yet another IP :\09:54
topyli"reboot" :\09:55
rwwbut from the sound of it, they're talking about someone they know IRL? iono.09:55
elkysomeone googled me, cute09:57
elkyah thanks rww09:58
elkyi doubt ademan realises who the photo is10:01
topyliwas away, sorry10:02
elkymoney is on a club creep10:03
topylinow it's a name given to him 'by other people'. he doesn't know her at all. case closed i think10:04
elkytopyli, see his lin10:04
rww@random opabuse opabuse leniency10:04
topylii did10:04
rwwnot that that will help at all, what with the proxyfying, but whatever.10:05
brown_boarsomething has transcended in offtopic and i don't understand why10:06
brown_boardo you have +qs10:06
bazhangbrown_boar, hmm?10:07
brown_boarI was +q'd it shows on my client10:07
rwwOddly, my client thinks I set a +q, then deopped, then opped. Gotta love lag.10:07
brown_boarmay i make a suggestion? fix your client and then return to your duties.10:08
brown_boari use chatzilla for example because it is simple10:08
rwwI think it's freenode's fault, actually.10:08
elkyim pretty sure we've never met, brown_boar. why would you show a photo of me claiming it's someone else?10:08
brown_boari mixed up your names. but i promise your name and macos crossed for a different reason10:09
elkyright, so you are maco's stalker.10:09
bazhangbrown_boar, maco ?10:09
brown_boarthis is rather unsettling10:09
elkyget. out.10:10
brown_boarthis picture was obtained through a source i thought is legit10:10
brown_boari am afraid you are not seeing the larger picture10:10
brown_boarthis was admiration only.10:10
elkyoh, i am. you're stalking people. bye.10:10
elkyrww. upgrade his q10:10
rwwwith the note that I previously made about proxy servers, I agree10:10
elkyyeah, evasion though.10:11
elkymakes it easier10:11
bazhangso I called it.10:11
rwwsleep time. have fun with the fallout :(10:12
elkyi doubt that it's her ex. he shows in -women first usually10:12
elkybut it is a creepy creep10:13
elkyhe's been known to recruit friends to do his dirty work though10:17
bazhanghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/554309/  just now via PM in response to don't paste here comment in #ubuntu (some random linux link he posted)10:18
elkyhow much longer do we have to put up with him?10:21
rwwtopyli: Ended up giving creepmeister !appeals, so... have fun with that if it happens.10:22
topylium, thanks. i guess :)10:22
elkybazhang, you are an op in #u though...10:23
bazhangelky, yep, thus the "hmm" as I opped and deopped10:47
elkywhy didn't you remove him then? he's harrassed numerous of the ops team now10:47
bazhangelky, it was via PM only, and my understanding was that he was not disrupting the channel, so like any other user I can /ignore him10:48
elkywell no, because he thinks you're not an op and he's treating you like that? who else is he treating like that?10:49
elkyprobably lots of people10:49
bazhangtrue, but we would need complaints from them10:49
elkyno, not in this case. he's demonstrated his temper here.10:50
elkytopyli, your thoughts?10:50
topylii agree with bazhang re: /queries10:53
elkynormally i do too.10:54
elkybut this guy is rather exceptional. he attacks /everyone/10:54
elkyand has so far gotten his way by doing so10:54
elkyso far, what i can see, our "rules" re this are making him worse and more brazen10:56
elkythe boar has been reading the logs.11:23
elkyand so has rootarded11:23
elkyand is now PMing me.11:23
topyliwhich one? mr. root?11:24
elkyi don't particularly want to be verbally abused, so i'm not responding. so he's swearing at me for not responding.11:25
elkyso for how long is the ircc going to let the rules put people at risk of his intimidation tactics?11:26
topyliwhich rule is the offensive one now?11:27
elkythe one that he's interpreting as "<r00t4rd3d> i can say what ever the fuck I want in PM"11:28
Tm_Tthe attitude in PM does count11:29
elkyapparently not, topyli vetoed this guy's removal from #u before because the intimidation is happening in PM11:29
topylii did?11:29
elky<topyli> i agree with bazhang re: /queries11:29
topylioh yes11:30
elkywoo, now my name is apparently heifer.11:30
topylianyway, the council cannot really strech the charter to cover people's personal communications11:30
elkythe council is expected to protect it's ops, or the council will face an op shortage.11:31
topylihowever it's useful to know if users are abusive outside the channels too11:31
elkythis guy has several ops wanting to quit, and the ircc doesn't care enough about the ops to do something to stop that?11:32
elkythis guy has threatened people's families, and the ircc doesn't care enough to stop that?11:32
elkythen the ircc is failing. badly.11:32
topylisounds like he's breaking network rules, as well as the law11:33
elkyhe is, but we're not allowed to remove him from channels because the ircc, when appealed to by ops, fails the ops.11:34
topylithe ircc has been appealed to remove mr root from #ubuntu?11:35
topylii'm not going to handle individual #ubuntu bans, i'm not an op there or even *in* the channel. i simply answered your question about pm with my own opinion11:37
topylithe "ops" as a team have not appealed the council about this user at all11:37
elkyindividual ops /have/ appealed to the council. if you need a memorandum signed by every member of the ops team then the ircc is epicly broken.11:38
topylii'll try to find the appeal. i'll discuss council brokennes elsewhere if you don't mind though11:40
elkyi am going to put myself on a limb and remove the harrasser from #ubuntu, rather than wait for a committee decision on this, since in the interim he'll have the opportunity to continue this regime of intimidation.11:42
Tm_Tin a general note, we cannot ignore hostility towards any person, wether it's in our channels or PM11:43
Tm_Telky: please do11:43
elkywell, it seems he removed himself, i've ensured difficulty in his return.11:45
AmaranthI'd remove him and keep removing him if overruled until I lost my privileges. Screw that crap11:45
AmaranthOnce he was banned from every channel I had access in I could then ignore him and be alright11:45
elkyAmaranth, yeah not a good way to get on the ircc though, which i'm a candidate for.11:46
Tm_Tnot a good way for anyone11:46
topyliAmaranth: that's what we can do as ops. a few users are already banned from all channels, and other such users will unlikely show up11:47
elkyIt would be cathartic though.11:47
Amaranthelky: I'd say it would help, you're willing to put practicality above the current interpretation of the rules11:47
topylier, likely and unfortunately got consolidated somehow there :\ ^11:47
elkyYour poor little finnbrain.11:48
topylinot poor, frugal!11:48
* Tm_T huggles all11:48
elkywoo! it's down to 22'C11:48
elkyi might get a decent sleep tonight.11:48
elkyi've also forgotten to eat and am drinking strong g&t. I should fix that...11:49
Amaranthwoo, I did that at the bar last night11:49
Amaranthhad a few drinks, realized I hadn't had dinner, payed a ridiculous amount for food at the bar11:49
AmaranthThen I left anyway11:49
topyliate in vain :(11:50
elkybar food is never worth it12:00
elkywtf, boar is still PMing me nonsense12:05
Tm_Tfor example?12:07
elky<brown_boar> rockos modern life!12:08
elky<brown_boar> oh noes! did he put food on your family!12:08
elkyhe's reading the scrollback of here12:08
r00t4rd3dwhats the ircc email ?12:13
r00t4rd3dgetting banned for PM is wrong12:13
r00t4rd3dthe ircc has already stated this12:14
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.12:14
bazhangr00t4rd3d, ^^12:14
r00t4rd3dis that correct ?12:17
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: you should contact IRCC first though12:17
r00t4rd3dthe council has already said pm's dont count12:18
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: did you contact the IRCC?12:18
tsimpsonr00t4rd3d: please contact the IRCC on this email address first: irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com12:18
r00t4rd3d"elky this guy has threatened people's families"12:24
r00t4rd3dI must have missed that somewhere12:24
r00t4rd3dcare to explain ?12:24
elkyYou threatened, following a heated exchange, to go to an op's house and "visit" his kids. I'm pretty sure arizona has seen the effect of such violent rhetoric in the past week.12:26
elkyIt will not happen on my watch.12:26
r00t4rd3dhe invited me for diner12:26
elkyNo, he did not.12:26
r00t4rd3dand how is that a threat ?12:27
r00t4rd3dYes , Yes he did12:27
r00t4rd3dtold me he would shave for the occasion also12:27
elkyIt's as much a threat as "don't retreat, reload".12:27
elkyyou take us for stupid. i recommend you don't do so.12:28
r00t4rd3ddont try that shit with me12:28
r00t4rd3dthats a threat12:28
r00t4rd3dwhat you going to do if I do ?12:28
Tm_Tenough of this12:28
elkyI'm going to leave the ban there if you do.12:29
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: feel free to contact IRCC12:29
r00t4rd3delky you but your nose in everyones business12:29
r00t4rd3dalways talking shit about people12:29
r00t4rd3dbut NEVER to them12:29
elkyr00t4rd3d, it's my job as an op.12:29
r00t4rd3doh its your job to talk shit about people nice12:29
r00t4rd3dadd that to my email12:29
elkyTm_T, thanks.12:30
elkyI advise all who witnessed this and agree to me to also email the IRCC.12:30
Tm_TI lose my hope on IRCC if they don't see what he's up to12:30
elkyAnd CC, since I'm pretty sure any email from him will be CC'd.12:31
popeyit already has12:31
elkypopey, he's alreaddy hit the cc?12:31
popeyto ircc & cc yes12:31
elkypopey, well, you've seen this, you can judge whether I did the right thing.12:33
Tm_Tthat'll do it for now12:33
bazhangnow in -ot12:33
elkybazhang, oh, i'm sooo surprised.12:33
elkynotice to everyone here, I think the ircc would like to see any PMs you've had from that individual since he appeared on our radar.12:34
elkypopey, oh btw, did you see, your cookiemonstar photo of me from sevilla is getting milage :(12:37
elkynow he's in -uw12:39
elkyer, u-w12:39
elkyand apparently he's now joining every ubuntu channel with more than a dozen or so users12:41
* Tm_T sees batsignal in the sky12:42
elkyeven one's im not in. yeah. it'd be nice if we had a group to keep watch for this sort of behaviour.12:43
Tm_Tgood thing we have our cabal channels12:43
elkywe do?12:44
elkybecause i could really use one right about now.12:47
Tm_Texactly my point12:48
elkyi hate it when you do that.12:49
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (induz appears to be abusive - 4.5)12:51
elkyCould it possibly tell us /where/>12:53
Tm_Tit's in #ubuntu12:53
Tm_Tit reacted to the non-latin alphabet or something I guess12:53
elkyYeah, but it doesn't actually say, and i can't actually see it...12:54
elkyoh i see now, i had to scroll way up12:54
Tm_Toh, it's indus?12:54
Tm_TI mean is induz = indus?12:55
elkyone assumes it's indus. does he have a current ban or is he trying to be cl3v3r?12:55
Tm_Tno idea, nor I have capability/knowhow to check bans currently12:56
elkydoesn't appear to be banned12:58
elkydoesn't mean he's not evading one somewhere else he's earned one though12:59
popeyelky: no?13:04
elkypopey, to what are you responding with that?13:04
popey12:37:16 <+elky> popey, oh btw, did you see, your cookiemonstar photo of me from sevilla is getting milage :(13:04
elkyoh, the boar person linked to it after talking about his obsession with "mackenzie"13:05
elkyin -ot13:05
elkythe moon is full in one of the alternate universes, im sure of it.13:06
popeywe have some right nutballs in this community13:07
knomewhat about the left nuts?13:07
Tm_TI am no nut!13:07
knomeTm_T, no, you're a raisin :]13:07
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
Amaranthelky: Got a link to this cookie monster picture? :)13:11
elkypopey, yeah.13:11
elkyRemoved him from -women. Getting PM's about promises to continue stalking me.13:24
jjovereatsWhy am I devoiced on #ubuntu?14:46
elkyNobody has the voice setting in #ubuntu.14:47
elkyWhat is the message you're getting?14:47
jjovereatsIt says #ubuntu: cannot send to channel Therefore, I am devoiced and everybody else is voiced.14:47
jjovereatsI want to help fix somebody's problem and I can't speak in that channel.14:48
* jjovereats is devoiced from #ubuntu14:48
elkyit means you're muted. everyone is devoiced.14:49
elkydon't know yet14:49
jjovereatsWTF man kline me if you really think I overuse /me14:50
elkyeh? do you know somehthing I don't?14:50
jjovereatsI have a gopher server.14:51
jjovereatsIs it because I am unregged?14:55
elkyjjovereats, apparently you were being obnoxious in the channel by telling people to kill themselves, calling people "mad" and generally criticising everything everyone said.14:55
* jjovereats goes insane after you say that. Kill me.14:56
elkyObviously you haven't learned to stop yet. I see no reason to let you speak there.14:56
jjovereatsWell then send me a Unix virus. I don't care now!14:56
elkyNot in the mood for this crap.14:57
Tm_Tshould never be in that mood14:58
elkybazhang, he's one of yours. I'll let you decide if you want to flip the q a few times.14:58
cookiemonsternom nom nom nom16:40
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from amanda_)16:49
IdleOnesolved ^^16:51
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
athiest_monkis bshellz banned in #ubuntu ?17:38
IdleOneathiest_monk: appears so17:40
IdleOneprobably due to abuse from users on that host17:41
athiest_monkappears so what ?17:41
athiest_monkIdleOne: plz unbanned me i want to keep clean this host17:41
athiest_monki am not banned there but i find bshellz ban there lolz17:42
athiest_monkIdleOne: a humble request for you sir17:42
mneptokathiest_monk: that host is a consistent problem. it will not be unbanned. try connecting from a different host.17:42
IdleOneI don't feel confortable removing the ban17:42
athiest_monkhmmm a few users use bshellz may be some idiot use it for its abusing purpose17:43
IdleOneI was about to set an exempt but your humble request made me reconsider. sorry.17:43
athiest_monkbut unbanned it let see17:43
athiest_monkok what ever you want IdleOne17:44
tonyyarussoIdleOne: For what it's worth, I wouldn't set an exemption unless they register their nick first - a little hassle and assurance for both sides.17:52
IdleOnetonyyarusso: I'll remember to check nick info in future, what really stopped me was the "humble" reminded me of alabd.17:53
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1567 users, 3 overflows, 1570 limit))20:39
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1573 users, 3 overflows, 1576 limit))20:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1575 users, 6 overflows, 1581 limit))20:39
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1575 users, 6 overflows, 1581 limit))20:39
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1592 users, 13 overflows, 1605 limit))20:42
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1610 users, 11 overflows, 1621 limit))20:44
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1621 users, 11 overflows, 1632 limit))20:46
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (17))21:01
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (17))21:01
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== Tm_K is now known as Tm_T
rwwAre we still netsplit at all?22:15
Tm_Trww: if you're using irssi, /netsplit22:15
bazhangrww, re-unsplit afaict22:15
rwwTm_T: ooo, thanks22:16
rwwbazhang: yes, KungFu4 was Grexo23:34
bazhangrww, good to know. Amaranth was right to remove him23:34

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