
=== wodi5_ is now known as guest9187
Azelphurthere's a tool in the repo that automatically installs the latest version of the ati or nvidia driver00:50
Azelphurwhat's it called again?00:50
awilkinsBugger. Just broke a remote server. Stupid updates to packages01:00
awilkinsNewer version of OpenLDAP breaks their NAS box logins so *poof* goes your /home folders01:00
awilkinsSilly me for wanting to update for security reasons *pah*01:01
awilkinsAnd the older version it depends on isn't available from the local repo either... grrrrr stupid server hosting company.01:01
* awilkins plans to nuke the thing from orbit with a re-image in the morning... good job it isn't critical or under heavy use01:02
exobuzzstill horrible feeling though when its remote and your stuck01:02
awilkinsWell, yes. Wouldn't be great if it was sat under my desk to be honest.01:02
awilkinsJust makes me distrust the ability of the hosting company to provide an infrastructure that doesn't break.,01:03
awilkinsYou can't win - you can't get up-to-date versions of useful software (they are still on svn 1.4 - and this is CollabNet hosting, the owners of SVN!!!)01:04
awilkinsAnd if you take the updates that ARE available, your home folder vanishes....01:04
awilkinsBah. Beddybyes time.01:04
guest9187Problem, The volume Filesystem root has only 895MB disc space remaining?01:24
AzelphurSolution, stop downloading pron01:25
AzelphurI really need to get a new headset, but I can't settle on anything :(01:27
exobuzzguest9187, run baobab01:28
exobuzzsee where your space is used01:28
guest9187exobuzz: baobab ??01:31
exobuzzcomes with gnome.01:33
exobuzzmight be under "disk usage analyzer"01:33
hamitronthought it seemed quiet in here, needed to scroll down ;)01:37
gordi should really start bringing vga cables to hotels with me, so i can watch movies from laptop at night01:39
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ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Joojoo, once more - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/132810.html03:07
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] In other news - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/132940.html04:07
=== computer__ is now known as w0dis
HazRPGhi guys, just wondering about the Make Startup Disk utility... the slider for picking the documents and settings - is the value you put in there also allow for installing apps in or is it just literally how much /home you want to give it?06:22
HazRPGwould I be right in thinking this?06:24
brianb_is there any issues with 10.04 and ssd hared drive?07:59
exobuzzanyone here got the game braid (part of humble indie bundle #2) ?09:18
exobuzzjust wondering the performance on other graphics cards for comparison09:23
brianb_there maybe a bug possibly on ubuntu 10.04 and possible 10.10 using grub2 which affects installing intel ssd hard drives10:07
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brianb_in the live mode switch of apic, noapic, nolapic to boot 10.04 into live mode and carrying out an instal to the ssd hard disk after the instal process and reboot the following error msg will appear after a few minuites /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxx - does not exist dropping to a shell - the xxxxxx is the uuid number10:13
brianb_followed by ( initramfs) udevd[76]: worker [92] unexpectedly returned with status 0x010010:13
brianb_even changing options in the bios makes no difference - there is no problem installing Mandriva 2010.2 which using grub110:15
TheOpenSourcererMorning all10:57
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: howdy10:58
TheOpenSourcererHow's tricks czajkowski?10:59
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: grand just here at surrey lug meet up11:00
livingdaylightgood morning11:48
czajkowskiIf Ubuntu UK want to have a meet up /talk/demo we can use this office over the weekend11:51
* daubers noms a yoghurt to sooth his throat11:53
dutchiewhy does it need soothing?11:54
livingdaylightquestion: used to boot up laptop and wireless would just automatically come 'on' However, now I have to connect to it everytime. Is there a way of automating this as previously?11:54
popeyyes livingdaylight11:54
livingdaylightpopey, great news! :p11:54
popeylivingdaylight: network manager has an 'edit connections' option and you can tick the 'connect automatically' tickbox11:54
bigcalmMorning peeps :)11:54
daubersdutchie: Got a swollen throat :( having no tonsils means this happens relativley frequently11:55
* dutchie has no tonsils either \o/11:55
popeybigcalm: graze box here :)11:55
livingdaylightpopey, that's great to know, muchas gracias11:55
bigcalmpopey: everything is back to normal :)11:55
daubersmight sit and watch Thunderbirds while doing some painting shortly11:56
czajkowskiwhere wil I find a natty download for laptop ?12:17
czajkowskilast one I got is corrupt :(12:17
czajkowskiand don't have the link12:17
ali1234alpha1 or daily? desktop image?12:18
kaushalHow do i drop all user schemas related to Enterprise Edition features, such as the MDSYS account (used with Oracle Spatial).12:18
brobostigonafternoonings all,12:35
brobostigongnome-shell fixed, the debian experimental package maintainers hve straightend it out.:)12:52
ocean__ hi guys, i have got a hp laptop with switchable graphic card with ati and intel. the belos post says that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics it can used with the ubuntu 10.10 which i have installed already. can any one help me with the help of the above guide how to set it up. i have switcheroo on my laptop installed already13:28
ocean__ thanks13:28
drt27272Hi, i have a binary file which ubuntu says doesnt exist when i try to execute, i have no idea what is wrong   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/554365/13:35
ocean__hi guys. can any one exaplain me how to to do the steps 3 and 4 of this post http://asusm51ta-with-linux.blogspot.com/14:05
ocean__issyl0, can u help pls14:08
brobostigonocean__: you need to copy they the script into a text filewith .h extention,and make said scriptexecutable14:09
brobostigon.sh *14:10
ocean__brobostigon, can i save the file in the home folder then cd and make it excecutable?14:10
brobostigonocean__: yes, make it executable with "chmod +x *.sh"14:11
ocean__brobostigon, can i ask u few more question about this se graphics if u know.14:12
brobostigonocean__: i know very little about graphics, i am not the man to ask.14:12
ocean__brobostigon, thanks for your help. if i keep these two sh in home folder and make it executable are they going to be loaded on boot up?14:13
brobostigonocean__: no,14:14
kaushalAnyone here with Oracle DB experience14:14
ocean__brobostigon, so what is that script going to do?14:14
issyl0ocean__: sorry, I can't.14:15
AlanBello/ issyl014:15
brobostigonocean__: i dont understand graphics, so i dont know. however cron is you best option to have something start on boot.14:15
issyl0That was IRC lag making my window changes screw up.14:15
issyl0AlanBell: hey :)14:15
AlanBellare you at Rivermead?14:15
czajkowskimany many geeks here14:17
kaushalAnything special at Rivermead ?14:17
AlanBellsurrey lug meeting14:18
kaushaloh ok14:18
kaushalAny clue to my query ?14:23
AlanBellOracle isn't in the repos!14:23
Myrttiback to learning qt...14:30
EnergySpirithi the process "grub-probe" and "grub-pc.postinst" are frozen and they cannot be closed. help me, i need to resinstall grub or i wont be able to use this pc again!14:42
gordguess i should pack, going home in a few hours :)14:53
czajkowskigord: had a nice time14:57
gordczajkowski, yeah, got a lot done, ubuntu is such an exciting thing to be involved with at the moment15:03
czajkowskisounds good15:04
czajkowskiwaiting on iso to download to install15:04
czajkowskigord: susprised you stayed past friday night15:08
jpdsYou should stop drinking that stuff.15:13
lubotu3Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:13
* Myrtti raises an eyebrow15:13
czajkowskimove along here15:14
jpdsABUSE OF PWAR.15:14
Myrttidon't get me started15:14
czajkowskiwell either that or watch the spam, take your pick15:14
czajkowskiMyrtti: sorry15:15
bigcalmAfternoon kids15:15
brobostigoninappropriate spam.15:15
Myrtticzajkowski: np, I'm waiting for him to return so I can join the fun15:15
czajkowskiMyrtti: ah ok thought it was because I oped up15:15
Myrtticzajkowski: oh no, I just might have kicked jpds as collateral ;-)15:16
Myrttiin other news, I was looking at prices of some knitting needles and I literally cried.15:16
czajkowskiMyrtti: ahh ok, sorry for the confusion15:16
Myrtti$55 for 5 doublepointed ones... ooofff.15:16
MyrttiI wonder would today be a sushi day15:18
jpdsPub meal day for us.15:18
brobostigonhomemade  curry night here.15:19
gordairplane food day :(15:22
AlanBell£10 M&S meal for two15:22
livingdaylighthave I missed the fun?15:22
AlanBellno kids \o/15:22
* dutchie is meeting his old man in the turf tonight 15:23
* dutchie ♥ the turf15:23
gordreally love that you can crank the audio volume up past 100% in ubuntu, makes these tiny laptop speakers much more useful15:24
dutchie"ubuntu goes to 11"15:26
gordalmost everything geeky that used to go to 10 goes to 11 these days ;)15:27
AlanBellI like bbc iplayer that goes to 1115:27
bigcalmRe-watched This is Spinal Tap with GF last night (her 1st viewing)15:27
bigcalmNow she understands the importance of things going to 1115:28
czajkowskihmm install is really..........not installing15:28
czajkowskihmmm nada is happening15:30
gordin my highly technical opinion, it seems like that is the opposite of what you want to happen15:37
czajkowskiand not I cant quit it15:38
Daraelczajkowski: AND NOT "I can't quit it"?  Surely that would imply you can?15:38
suprengrchalcedony: it's probably not an error - sounds like it's just gone to emulation - emulating current fiscal policy on how much of your hard earned beer tokens you are curerently allowed to keep... nada15:40
suprengrczajkowski: it's probably not an error - sounds like it's just gone to emulation - emulating current fiscal policy on how much of your hard earned beer tokens you are curerently allowed to keep15:40
suprengr[sorry chalcedony[not enough tab presses]15:41
dutchiecz<tab> surely15:41
* dutchie braces for impact15:42
suprengrdutchie:  don't rub it in... it was embarrassing enough :D [see, low impact... no comeback]15:43
* brobostigon arms the hydrogen fusion bomb.15:43
* suprengr pulls blanket of embarrassment over head; growls at it & pretends nowt happened15:45
dutchiei was actually worried about the impact from cz<tab>15:45
dutchieshe's nearer now15:45
* suprengr runs faster than a speeding whatsit!15:45
* czajkowski peers at suprengr 15:46
czajkowskidutchie: oi oi15:46
* suprengr cowls15:47
gordno running!15:49
popeyAfternoon slackers15:49
* czajkowski peers at popey 15:49
Myrttiwohoo expense claim!15:50
jpdspopey: No, we use Ubuntu.15:52
Myrtti♥ new MasterCard - making expense claims is so much easier now15:54
czajkowskiMyrtti: oh how so ?15:54
Myrttiit's attached to my bank account directly, so when I do expense claims I don't have to do magic tricks with post-it notes and scanner to cover other purchases, instead I can just go to my online bank, bring up the specific purchase and print a pdf out of that15:56
czajkowskiahh handy15:57
gordi really like the global menu integration in firefox :) you realy realize how little you actually use menus15:59
AzelphurI clearly need more USB ports >.<16:05
* popey spots the HTC usb cable in the middle16:06
Azelphurpopey: and maybe the T-Mobile one right next to it? :P16:06
Azelphurgot my HTC Desire Z and the T-Mobile G1 I gave my brother plugged in atm16:07
Azelphurandroid \o/16:07
gordmaybe you just need less gadgets?16:09
Azelphurthat's crazy talk.16:10
Myrttiihhihihii ♥ http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/5356863413/16:12
czajkowskiMyrtti: pretty16:12
Azelphurif A&L gave me printed debit cards, It'd so have the Ubuntu logo going on it.16:12
MyrttiI'm not that geeky anymore16:15
* suprengr is impressed: reeed ahl abaht it!: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554397/ 16:18
dutchiehmm, is there a way to set up postfix so it relays mail to multiple different servers? or is there a better tool for the job?16:30
root8what will happen if i post my root passwd here16:34
bigcalmWhy would you do that?16:34
root8cuz im bored i just wanna see what happens16:34
nucc1root8, you seem to be aware of the consequences.16:35
nucc1just the password is useless.16:35
nucc1the password and the IP address16:35
nucc1yes, that is dangerous.16:35
brobostigon /whois root816:35
root8u have my ip, its in /whois16:35
nucc1not necessarily true.16:35
bigcalmroot8: http://paste.ubuntu.com/554413/16:36
root8bigcalm: password16:36
root8go ape sh**16:37
root8but please dont get me banned from freenode16:37
Myrttiah right, this is the fool from earlier16:37
bigcalmroot8: it doesn't interest me to do so16:37
brobostigonyes Myrtti16:37
bigcalmroot8: I think you are a troll. I claim my £516:37
root8my passwd was p*ssy but i got kicked :(16:37
jpdsczajkowski: ↑16:38
brobostigonroot8: for using bad language, yes.16:38
nucc1no please16:38
czajkowskiMyrtti: thanks16:38
Myrttiyour turn16:38
nucc1spare the kid16:38
root8:( i dont mean to troll pls dont kick16:38
* brobostigon watches czajkowski and Myrtti play around, :)16:39
bigcalmroot8: what if the 1st action someone were to do was rm -rf /16:39
nucc1root8, if you're bored, go and wash the dishes in your kitchen.16:39
Myrttilearn a new skill, knitting is nice and non-violent16:39
Myrttialso productive16:39
Pendulumso is cross-stitch16:39
brobostigonnice warm clothes, :)16:39
root8bigcalm: did u log in ?  passwd is password16:40
nucc1Pendulum, for a second there, i thought it was the Drum and Bass group :p16:40
DJonesPendulum: Yeah, but cross stitch is hard on the eye's16:40
* bigcalm returns to his coding16:40
PendulumDJones: I find it a lot harder on my hands than my eyes. But my hands also refuse to knit so I'm a little limited by that16:40
Myrttiif you catch the knitting bug, I heartily recommend learning the continental method instead of English16:40
* brobostigon returns to watching star wars,16:40
Pendulumbrobostigon: ooh. thanks for the suggestion. I was looking for something mindless16:41
Myrtti♥ defense by change of topic16:41
brobostigonPendulum: :)16:41
PendulumMyrtti: even better is fiber-geeks :)16:41
* brobostigon should also ideally get curry stuff ready, but cant be bothered yet.16:42
dutchieaha, msmtp seems to do the job16:44
selinuxiumAfternoon all!    o/16:55
AlanBellMyrtti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAg0lUYHHFc17:02
* AlanBell installs openshot17:39
* directhex is writing his FOSDEM talk17:39
Myrttiopenshot is looooovely17:39
* AlanBell quite liked directhex's blog post17:39
directhexAlanBell, thanks! and this time, it wasn't really directed at you or TheOpenSourcerer, since you're not remotely that far down the lunatic fringe :p17:40
AlanBellit was good stuff, agree with all of it17:41
AlanBellI am still a bit meh about mono17:41
AzelphurI'm quite liking my switch to 3 :D17:41
directhexAlanBell, and that's fine, as long as you don't claim it's not Free Software!17:41
AlanBellit totally is Free software17:41
Azelphurcompared to the evil annoyingness of t-mobile :p17:42
directhexAzelphur, still stuck on a contract until the summer17:51
Azelphurdirecthex: I think your safe for now any way since they backtracked on their limiting plans17:52
Azelphurdid you hear about the 500MB thing?17:52
directhexAzelphur, i heard.17:53
AzelphurI jumped ship the second I read it :p17:53
AlanBellwhat is a good way to record from a webcam?18:00
directhexcan't cheese do it?18:00
brobostigonAlanBell: vlc18:00
AlanBellframe rate is rubbish from cheese when recording18:00
AlanBellopenshot looks rather good18:08
Azelphurhmm, Ubuntu planet clearly needs more Jordi Mallach18:14
directhexAzelphur, whyso?18:15
Azelphurlast 10 articles all in a row are from him xD18:15
directhexi guess he upgraded his blog software, and it reset the date stamp on all his posts18:18
Azelphurhehe, something like that :)18:18
AzelphurI just had a funny idea, I should find a cheap mobile ISP with a nasty fair usage policy and troll them.18:19
Azelphurevery rule they set I could just continually find ways around it18:20
AzelphurI know, I'm evil. But it'd be funny :D18:20
ali1234how so?18:21
Azelphurali1234: just continually do everything I can to drain as much bandwith as possible18:25
ali1234they will just rate limit you18:25
Azelphurand every time they impose a rule on me, route around the rule18:25
Azelphureven if they do rate limit you can still waste loooads of bandwith18:25
* hamitron curses the term rate limit18:26
Azelphurhamitron: I'm talking about taking up a contract with an ISP purely to troll them about their unlimited fair usage policy18:26
hamitrondon't most state the amount of data now?18:27
Azelphurali1234: most rate limit to 128k, on 128k you can still do 300GB a month :D18:27
* hamitron is limited to 128k now18:27
Azelphurhamitron: some do, some don't18:27
AzelphurI could open a new contract with T-Mobile when their 500MB cap comes into place18:28
Azelphurand do it to them18:28
Azelphurthey have unlimited fair usage 500MB :D18:28
ali1234they don't care you know...18:28
ali1234they just rate limit you18:28
hamitronif you continue to abuse bandwidth and be rate limited... do they ban you eventually?18:29
Azelphurdon't you usually get phone calls if you stick 300GB through a cheap £10 mobile internet?18:29
Azelphuryea that's what I'm thinking :p18:29
hamitronmy 30 day rolling download has been 64Gb of 60Gb for a week now :/18:29
ali1234you won;t be downloading 300GB at 5kbit18:29
AzelphurI can imagine them calling to tell me I use more bandwith than 99.9% of their customers and me saying "cool" :P18:30
Azelphurali1234: reckon they would limit it that far?18:30
hamitron1/10th of dialup?18:30
Azelphurwould be funny even to see if I could push it that far18:30
ali1234if you are lucky they might "only" limit you to 19.2kbit18:31
ali1234basically they switch off 3G on your account, from what i can tell18:31
ali1234so you get basic GPRS speed18:31
ali1234which is almost nothing... worse than dialup18:31
Azelphurnah they don't do that, they limit your 3g connection to 2g speeds18:31
Azelphurit'd be bad for them technically if they locked you to 2g carriers18:32
Azelphurbecause it uses more resources18:32
Azelphurat least what I heard in #android :p18:32
hamitronis there any need for so much data transfer "on the move"?18:32
Azelphurhamitron: tethering18:32
hamitronbut why not just use wifi at home?18:33
Azelphurhamitron: wifi isn't always available18:34
hamitronhmmm, suppose18:34
hamitrondo most phones allow you to use wifi hotspots?18:35
hamitronI sold my nokia 523018:35
hamitronas it has no wifi18:35
hamitronholding fire to see what the PSP2 / PSP Phone is like, before I decide what I may get18:36
hamitronall your fault Azelphur18:38
Azelphurhamitron: have you seen what my phone can do in terms of games?18:38
hamitronif I hadn't listened to you, I'd not bother getting a phone as a toy18:38
hamitronyoutube on 128k....18:39
hamitronruns psx games?18:39
Azelphurhamitron: overclocked from 800mhz to 1.5ghz, running playstation emulator at full speed no problem18:39
hamitron800mhz is not fast enough for the emu?18:40
Azelphurit doesn't quite run at full speed at 800, but it does run smooth and playable18:41
hamitronI'd worry about shortening the life of my phone18:42
Azelphurhamitron: it doesn't get any hotter than when you have it on charge18:42
Azelphurit gets way hotter on charge vs overclocked gaming18:42
hamitronI assume that is the battery?18:42
hamitronas I can't see charging using a lot of cpu18:43
hamitronand the cpu doesn't get hot when nearly double the clock?18:43
Azelphurthere are no thermal sensors18:43
Azelphurbut the case doesn't get hot18:43
Azelphurcase is hotter charging vs overclocked gaming18:44
hamitronguess I am just a big worrier :)18:44
hamitronI am hoping sony lock their new handheld down so much I am put off from getting one18:45
hamitronthen I can save that money and get a new pc18:45
Azelphureverything gets unlocked :P18:47
hamitronI have my PSP slim unlocked18:48
hamitronbut it is the hassle and principle18:48
hamitronI'd never risk breaking an expensive device...18:48
hamitronand I just cba with companies trying to restrict me in what I do18:49
hamitronif they are making life hard work, they are not on my side and their device is not "helpful"18:49
* hamitron takes a breath18:50
hamitronbbl, food18:55
=== webpigeon_web is now known as Guest27183
diploJust ordered a chinese \o/20:07
diploSoooo hungry, decorating all day20:08
hamitronI had pizza and battered chips20:08
jgjonesJust wondering if anyone have a WP7 phone? Or got to play with one?20:09
* MartijnVdS strokes his Nexus One20:09
MartijnVdSmy preciousss20:09
jgjonesHeh...I love my Nexus One too :)20:09
hamitronreckon it will drop in price?20:09
jgjonesWP7 or Nexus One?20:10
hamitronor something similar will20:10
hamitronthe One20:10
jgjonesYeah price of dropped20:10
jgjonesI was willing to sell mine for only £1000. I'm now willing to sell it for the bargain price of £999.9820:10
jgjonesGet the HTC Desire20:11
* MartijnVdS watches Top Gear20:11
hamitronI think £50 is my budget atm20:11
jgjonesHardware-wise it's the same as the Nexus One. The only difference is that they look different, the N1 have a trackball, Desire have a sensor, N1 have a "noise-cancellation" mic but that's it.20:11
diploMartijnVdS: Not on till next week?20:11
hamitronplus will wait see what PSP Phone is going to be20:12
=== niall is now known as hacfed
jgjoneshamitron, I assume a pay as you go phone?20:12
MartijnVdSdiplo: BBC Three20:12
=== hacfed is now known as hcfd
MartijnVdSdiplo: (rerun)20:12
hamitronjgjones: yes20:12
jgjoneshamitron, I did have a HTC Magic available for free to anyone but that have been given away now sorry, too late :)20:13
jgjonesNot that great mind you, it's a handicapped Vodafone version.20:13
MartijnVdSMagic has 2.2.1 officially from Vodafone now20:13
MartijnVdSjgjones: it got an upgrade last month20:13
hamitronI'm not even sure if I want Android :/20:14
jgjonesHeh - I upgraded that HTC Magic to Cyanogenmod the day before that upgrade was announced20:14
jgjonesBut when I say handicapped - I meant that it's the Vodafone version with half the RAM (256Mb) instead of the usual 512Mb.20:14
MartijnVdSbut it has a slow CPU as well20:15
MartijnVdScompared to my Nexus20:15
jgjonesbut runs fine - just slapped on Zeam Launcher as the home screen and it's reasonable.20:15
jgjonesyeah about 600Mhz I think?20:15
jgjoneshamitron, What sort of phone you want?20:15
hamitronI dunno20:15
jgjoneswell depend on how you want to use it I guess.20:16
jgjonesIf just calling with some texting then any basic phone will do.20:16
hamitronif a PSP took a sim card, that would do me20:16
jgjonesMartijnVdS, you run stock Android on your N1?20:16
MartijnVdSjgjones: yes20:17
MartijnVdSwaiting for 2.3 :)20:17
jgjonesyeah...not yet out for N1.20:17
jgjonesOnly bummer with N1 is storage.20:17
MartijnVdSI have 75M free20:17
hamitronthe nokia n810 seems nice....20:17
jgjones18Mb for me :)20:18
MartijnVdSjgjones: remove some unused apps ;)20:18
jgjonesand that's with Cyanogenmod's force move some apps to SD (for those that don't support it)20:18
jgjonesthat's the problem....I actually use them all.20:18
hamitrongreedy :)20:18
diplohamitron: n810 is old now20:18
hamitrondiplo: something like that, but new would be good20:19
diploIt's got like a 400mhz proc20:19
jgjonesOne day - I will force myself to remove apps :)20:19
hamitronthe pc I am on only has a 500MHz cpu :/20:19
jgjonesBut it does make Nexus S look tempting - no internal space worries.20:19
MartijnVdShamitron: http://www.google.com/nexus/20:20
jgjonesLatest Google phone - successor to Nexus One - called Nexus S, made by Samsung.20:20
jgjonesIt's so awesome that it reboots when you are in middle of a call ;-)20:20
diploAlso get no expandable storage20:20
diploWas going to get on... not sure now20:21
diploBut it does have a lot on board20:21
jgjonesyeah. I only have a 8GB SD card in my Nexus one and it's only 35% full.20:21
MartijnVdSif only my Nexus One understood 802.11n @ 5GHz20:21
hamitrongeez, the nexus webpage is huge :/20:21
penguin42MartijnVdS: Hmm that's an interesting statement - I've got problems on a laptop not undertstanding that - it seems a rare thing to work!20:22
jgjonesso Nexus S with 16GB is fine for me. Only thing stopping me is cost and that it's not that much of a upgrade from a Nexus One which is just bloody fantastic.20:22
MartijnVdSpenguin42: my laptop is the only thing that _does_ understand it20:22
MartijnVdSpenguin42: I'm considering getting a new access point that's dual-band (a/b/g/2xn all at the same time)20:22
hamitronI reckon it would be cool to have an Eee PC that takes a sim card, and when in standby acts like a phone20:22
penguin42MartijnVdS: It took me to understand why work wifi only worked some of the time; it was only working on the APs that was 2.420:22
jgjonesI got an Intel wifi module and put it into my laptop - it seem to work with 5Ghz.20:23
ali1234hamitron: it's a pity that £g data cards can't support a voice codec, other wise that would be mostly possible20:23
ali1234i mean 3G20:23
hamitronyeh :/20:23
ali1234you could always get one of those new motorola things though20:23
jgjonesali1234, why not just get a 3G and then just use Skype or GoogleTalk to chat thru?20:23
hamitronso long as the Eee didn't have side talking like the ngage...20:24
hamitron7" netbook held sideways upto your ear would look insane20:24
jgjonesSo...to use an Eee PC as a phone, you'll hold it up to your ear?20:24
ali1234well yeah obviously you would use bluetooth headset20:25
penguin42hamitron: Well that depends how good you are at typing with your nose20:25
hamitrondamn, forgot my nose is too fat ;)20:25
hamitronI wouldn't mind a phone that required bluetooth headset tbh20:26
hamitron10" screen20:26
hamitrontechnically not a phone though... before someone points it out20:27
ali1234just get a dell streak or something20:27
ali1234problem solved20:27
hamitronnot really big enough :/20:27
ali1234its plenty big enough20:27
AlanBellit is quite big20:28
diplogrr got my order wrong, 2 lots of sweet and sour, no chips  :(20:28
hamitronok, nexus webpage half loaded now...20:29
hamitronif you had some ARM cpu netbook that ran in low power mode most of the time, and allowing you to use bluetooth and 3G card...20:30
hamitron10 inch screen20:31
hamitronbe a win20:31
jgjonesYou would be interested in the Motorola's phone then20:31
* MartijnVdS has built-in 3G in his Sony 13" laptop20:32
MartijnVdSand it's great20:32
hamitronjgjones: maybe :)20:32
jgjonesThe Motorola Atrix - it's a phone, but you can put it in a "dock" which is a screen and a keyboard and it become like a netbook20:32
jgjones(there's 2 other form factor too)20:33
Azelphurhaha, I'm in such a trolling mood today20:33
MartijnVdSAzelphur: reddit.com ;)20:33
jgjonesIt's a nice idea though, I quite like it...now if I can slap Ubuntu onto that phone - and then when it's in a dock, I get a Ubuntu desktop, and take it out...it's a phone (although Ubuntu need a phone interface for that) :)20:34
AzelphurMartijnVdS: someone linked a friend of mine to a phishing site, we're messing with it20:34
Azelphurgot the source code out of it, and looked up his info from DNS whois :D20:34
MartijnVdSAzelphur: XSS in a phishing site? :)20:34
hamitronjgjones: just a basic keypad on the touchscreen20:34
hamitronno fancy apps20:34
jgjoneshamitron, you wouldn't need to worry about ARM's power - the Motorola Atrix comes with a dual-core Terga cpu.20:35
jgjonesand it comes with as CNET puts it "1GHz of RAM"...ok the memory's fast but how big is it? :)20:35
hamitronI can't load the page20:36
* MartijnVdS got his dad to install Ubuntu on his "spare" machine20:36
hamitrononly page I can load is google.com it seems20:36
Daraeljgjones: It isn't.  It's pure speed with all the capacity removed :P20:36
MartijnVdSbecause there aren't Win7 drivers for his negative scanner20:36
jgjonesDarael, that's OK...at least it's very fast :D20:37
jgjonesMartijnVdS, I was told that Win7 was easier - yet why does it churn for a while every damn time I plug the mouse into a new port?!20:37
jgjonesPort 1 - churn...whirr...clunk...new device driver have been installed.20:38
MartijnVdSjgjones: Win7 is one of the best versions of Windows I've seen20:38
MartijnVdSjgjones: it suffers from that, but it does work20:38
jgjonesport 2 - churn....whirr....clunk....new device driver have been installed (taking up to 30 second before I can use the mouse)20:38
jgjonesYeah it works.20:38
jgjonesit's just annoying.20:38
MartijnVdSIve even switched graphics cards, and it just kept on working20:38
hamitronI always prefered win98 :/20:38
jgjonesAnd I still have issues with my HP printer with it (bluetooth)20:38
jgjonesbluetooth printer on Ubuntu - it just works.20:39
hamitronno issues if you formated every other month20:39
MartijnVdSmy HP is on ethernet (and eats PCL and/or PS), works fine from any OS :)20:39
jgjonesbluetooth printer on win7 - sigh...sometime I have to re-add it, seaching for it in bluetooth. so I have in my printer list: hp, hp_1, hp_2, hp_3, hp_4 and so on.20:39
penguin42bluetooth printing? Rare20:40
hamitronbluetooth is over rated :/20:40
jgjonesbut graphics - yup that's a good thing IF i had a laptop that does it (my sony laptop need rebooting if I switch graphics anyway)20:40
MartijnVdSI have a bluetooth audio adapter attached to my stereo20:40
MartijnVdSso I can play podcasts on my phone and listen to them on my stereo20:41
hamitronall my bluetooth stuff is upto10m20:41
jgjonespenguin42, yeah it's rare...I have a HP mobile printer - so it comes with bluetooth (my old HP printer which I love is wifi or ethernet but it's now in Silicon Heaven)20:41
hamitronand upto 10m, I am happy to plug stuff in20:41
MartijnVdSjgjones: blue smoke came out?20:41
jgjoneshamitron, I can't be arsed to do that - it's a printer...very rarely used but as it's a mobile - I just pick it up, switch it on, print (comes with its own battery) very useful20:41
jgjonesMartijnVdS, nah just died peacefully.20:42
hamitronmy printer is just sat near my server, ready to be turned on when needed over the network20:42
hamitronmain problem is 2 flights of stairs to check it printed ok :/20:43
MartijnVdSCP1515n + 160g paper = fun :)20:43
jgjoneshamitron, mobile printer can't be underrated in a small office. Not in use? stuff it away on a shelf. Need it? Take it out, switch it on and print (obviously you have to recharge it once in a while)20:43
hamitronso suppose bluetooth would be handy :))20:43
hamitronguess so20:43
hamitronI am won over now to the idea, no walking required...20:44
jgjonesmind you...ink capacity is quite small - but as I said, I rarely print so it's not an issue and I get ink from inkprice.co.uk which is quite cheap20:44
MartijnVdSCP1515n colour laser \o/20:45
hamitrontoo many colours :/20:45
hamitronblack and white ftw, and a bit of grey if in a creative mood20:46
Myrttii love the samsung scx-4500w we got to bits20:46
MartijnVdShamitron: back to the 50s with you!20:46
* hamitron boogies20:46
Myrttiit reminds me of the 2001 space odyssey monolith20:46
MartijnVdSMyrtti: with the monkeys with sticks?20:48
Myrttinot quite20:48
* suprengr_ asks for a moments silence please , his aeons old Dell Lattitide cpi... poor Latty - it was a good & fulfilling lifetime [respect please]20:48
brobostigonMartijnVdS: the monkeys with other animals bones, beeting up other monkeys,20:48
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: uhr, yes. that.20:48
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: it's been a while :)20:48
brobostigonMartijnVdS: that bit is abit later than the bit you mentioned,20:49
Myrttiit is a classy piece of kit though20:49
Myrttiblack and sleek and works in ubuntu ootb20:50
brobostigonMyrtti: which piece of kit, may i ask?20:50
_H1any chemists here?20:50
Myrttibrobostigon: "i love the samsung scx-4500w we got to bits"20:51
MartijnVdS_H1: depends, what do you want to know20:51
brobostigonMyrtti: i missed thatbit, let melook it up.:)20:51
brobostigonMyrtti: you're right, it does look like the monolith, on its side, layed down.20:53
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brobostigonnought on tv, so, pink floyd'athon, here we come.21:01
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: apollo on bbc321:02
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: but floyd-a-thon sounds nice :)21:02
brobostigonMartijnVdS: true, i willhave alook, and ecide,21:03
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Michael McIntyre "Live at the Apollo"21:05
brobostigonMartijnVdS: its not bad, ithink i will keep it on forabit.21:05
* MartijnVdS bought a kitchen today21:06
suprengr_& then there's QI XL on Beeb2 @ 22:3021:07
MartijnVdSsuprengr_: ah! good one.. but I've already seen the "normal" one yesterday21:07
MichealHHey guys :)21:10
MartijnVdS\o MichealH21:10
MichealHLittle busy :P21:10
suprengr_MartijnVdS: perhaps a little South Park on Viva then? [Mr. Hankiy's Christmas Classics no less ;D21:12
MartijnVdSsuprengr_: Freesat only here :\21:12
directhexhiiiiidely ho!21:12
MartijnVdSdirecthex: howdy21:13
directhexthat was my mr hanky21:13
MartijnVdSthe christmas poo121:13
* MichealH screams21:13
directhexi love him, he loves you!21:13
MichealHWhy does #wikipedia-ten be so bad!!!!21:14
MichealHIts bad enough Im opping there :/21:14
* suprengr_ checks warning "some adults may find this offensive". [naaah!]21:14
* MichealH facepalms at #wikipedia-ten21:16
directhexsuprengr_: hopefully adults will find my fosdem talk offensive \o/21:18
suprengr_directhex: now that's more like it ;)21:19
directhexsuprengr_: i've had compliments for my latest blogspam, and i name a certain shock site in that by name :)21:20
suprengr_directhex: ok, I'm curious...21:22
directhexsuprengr_: it's on planet...21:23
* suprengr_ is still replying to condolences for dear departed "latty" [Dell Lattititude cpi] on #ubuntu-beginners... now that's a channel that respects a dead laptop!21:26
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suprengr_directhex: on planet ubuntu? can't find you under nick & don't know real name :(21:36
Daraelsuprengr_: /whois is your friend.21:37
directhexsuprengr_: look for the feral chicken of plunder island21:37
suprengr_Darael: bin there dunit already but..."This command could not be completed because it has been used recently, and is rate-limited."21:38
suprengr_directhex: cool - I get the hint ;)21:38
DaraelI wish I did.21:38
directhexbok bok bok.21:41
suprengr_directhex: are you referring to the fifth by any chance?21:42
directhexno, because sense hofstede's blog has broken & spammed all over the place21:43
directhexoh, wait, i get it21:43
directhexsorry, 2 bottles of jaques seems to be enough to slow my brain down21:43
* suprengr_ hands directhex an mt glass for filling up please... & congratulates directhex re the blog21:45
directhexsuprengr_: sorry, i drank everything21:47
directhexthere's some desert wine left i guess21:47
suprengr_read that blog last night... didn't connect it at the time with your good self... too busy [purely research, of course] on own bottle at time21:48
suprengr_[really ought to read the 'by' lines!]21:50
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/MQYWkTuL this is why I love OSS :D22:00
Azelphurwhere else can you get support like that, hehe22:00
diplolooks a nice app, and with support like that you cant go wrong22:06
Azelphurindeed :)22:06
diploGame server hosting going ok still Azelphur ?22:08
Azelphurdiplo: indeed :D22:08
AzelphurI just had ZNC randomly decide that it was going to use 100% CPU and lag everyone, that was fun22:08
DaraelSounds like fun in the Dwarf Fortress sense.22:09
diploDo you monitor server load etc with anything ? or caught it with top with a terminal already open22:09
Azelphurcaught it with "azelphur LAAAAAG" x50 in IRC22:10
Azelphurplayers, they are a great uptime monitor22:10
hamitronriot with the slightness disruption of essential services ;/22:10
diploStill getting good money from adwords ?22:11
Azelphuradsense, a reasonable amount yea22:11
Azelphurshould have another payout soon22:11
Azelphurpopey got an iPad >.<22:25
* Azelphur looses more faith in humanity22:25
hamitronpopey is human?22:25
Azelphurgood point :P22:26
gordipads are pretty cool22:36
gordonly reason i don't have one is that i don't really like the ios interface/software, waiting for an android or nice linux one22:36
hamitronthey look a bit overpriced to me22:36
Azelphurgord: you like the hardware?22:36
gordthey are hugely overpriced :) but that doesn't mean they aren't cool22:36
gordthe hardware and the utility, one of my workmates watched two movies on the flight to the US22:37
hamitronthere is an android one at maplin for £15022:37
hamitronand them creative ones look cool22:37
gordandroid isn't designed for tablets quite yet :) and the hardware is always awful, just phones with big screens22:37
gordand i mean that quite litterally, same resolution22:38
hamitronbigger is better.... ;/22:38
penguin42hamitron: Be careful, some of the tablets have really shit processors and low amounts of RAM22:39
gordthink i'm gonna wait for a tegra2 android tablet, that would be nice22:39
hamitronbut I was thinking about how I would use one, and I can't really see how I would get my moneys worth22:39
gordwith honeycomb22:39
penguin42gord: There is at least one already22:39
penguin42gord: Oh, honeycomb hmm22:39
penguin42gord: The Dixons Advent Vega is Tegra 222:39
gordi'm more thinking "made by google"22:39
hamitronwhat you guys think to that dell inspiron duo?22:39
gordlike the nexxii22:39
gordget my tegra2 netbook on monday :D22:39
penguin42gord: Which one ? ac100?22:40
penguin42they're a bit pricy - for no good reason they seem to be significantly more than an Atom based one22:40
gordyou get like 600% the battery life of atom systems22:41
gordand an nvidia gpu for hardware video decoding22:41
penguin42true, but not much RAM and no ether22:41
gordi don't care about those22:42
Azelphurgord: so basically the hardwares overpriced, the software sucks :P22:42
gordi'm not playing crysis on this thing, i'm dragging it around me, watching the occasional tv show and doing a lot of web browsing22:42
Azelphurand you can get better hardware cheaper with better software elsewhere22:42
AzelphurI think that constitutes ipad getting the sucky award22:42
gordyou'd have a hard time getting better hardware and the software thing is my opinion22:42
gordlots of people would argue that the ios is some of the greatest software around22:43
* hamitron would rather buy a book22:43
hamitronno dead battery either22:43
gordcan't watch a movie on a book! or check a website on "book"!22:44
penguin42gord: Yeh I've messed with one, I'm told android is a little odd on something without touchscreen - still, it'll run Ubuntu22:44
hamitronbut you are busy reading the book...22:44
hamitrondon't need anything else22:44
gordpenguin42, yeah, the android install won't last long ;)22:45
hamitronwatching a movie on something like an iPad on the train seems a little antisocial to me, cuts you off from the environment22:45
directhexan iDevice is a brick until it can be *reliably* used with Free Software only22:46
directhexit doesn't need to be free software, but it needs to not be crippled if you don't feed it to iTunes22:46
hamitronthe limit to only 2 software version upgrades is worrying too22:47
directhexi'd settle for a closed tablet which doesn't mandate a Windows/Mac-only media player in order to boot the first time22:47
gordwhat if you like itunes and use it a lot? its not a brick then22:47
directhexhamitron: meh, how many android devices get real updates?22:47
directhexgord: then sadly the coalition has cut NHS mental health services22:47
hamitronI was not saying I like android either ;/22:47
gorddirecthex, lots from what i can tell, its always surprising to me22:48
penguin42directhex: No, the people hearing voices is just a small applet.....22:48
directhexi don't care if iTunes is *better* somehow, i care if i can trust the device to let me, say, load music & movies on via ubuntu22:49
directhexi can't *trust* libipodwhatever, occasionally it'll go nuts & the device will brick until you sync with itunes22:49
gordyou can't, so i guess an ithing isn't for oyu22:49
gordits not for me either, but it might be good for others, best of luck to those other people22:49
hamitronhow many android devices are properly "open" to the point you can re-create your own system and flash it with what you want?22:50
directhexit's why i have no interest in an iphone either22:50
directhexhamitron: two22:50
hamitronso most are no better then :/22:51
directhexhamitron: the rest need the boot loader to be hacked in some way. and AOSP is lip service to Freedom22:51
penguin42directhex: Yeh but once they are hacked some more o them can have your own firmware on can't they?22:51
* penguin42 suspects more would succumb to a JTAG lead22:51
directhexgord: honestly, if Windows Phone 7 can be reliably used on linux, and an iPhone can't, i'm more interested in WP722:51
hamitronso which 2 are "proper"?22:51
directhexpenguin42: many devices have custom firmwares, once hackers crack the firmware. but it's a mess of an ecosphere22:52
gorddirecthex, okay then22:52
hamitronnexus one and s?22:52
directhexpenguin42: hope you like reinstalling all your apps22:52
directhexhamitron: yep22:52
gordcan only seem to get irc on this airport wifi =\ someone describe the internet to me!22:53
directhexgord: a magic land filled with porn22:53
penguin42gord: It's big, round and smells of chicken22:53
hamitrona serious addiction for modern society22:53
gordhttp over irc doesn't seem to be working out as a protocol, you guys need to work harder at describing!22:54
* hamitron wonders if facebook will be "the standard" for web browsing in the future22:54
DJonesApparently the internet is an offshoot of a website called facebook22:55
jgjonesdirecthex - I've got cyanogenmod on my nexus one - reinstall apps aren't a problem. Put in Google account and it does that automatically anyway.22:55
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jgjonesDJones, what's facebook?22:56
directhexi just can't be bothered to update villainrom on my hero. i'm just tired of android grind22:56
directhexwebos is better than android in every way, except battery life & device availability22:57
directhexoh, and store size i guess22:57
DJonesjgjones: I think its a phishing site used to collect all your personal data22:57
hamitronnice to see not everyone uses it22:57
jgjonesdirecthex, that's why I use cyanomodgen - with ROM manager - updates are checked for automatically and you just update to the next version. Quite simple actually - minimal work now.22:58
gordi use the chat though empathy, that works well22:58
gordnever go to the website though, mostly out of lazyness22:58
jgjonesDJones - ah...so if I see the Facebook I should report it to phishtank then.22:58
hamitronI never signed up :/22:58
hamitronjust cba22:58
directhexjgjones: i'll tell koush he has a happy customer22:58
hamitrontook me ages to sign up to myspace, then everyone I know moved to facebook 2 weeks after22:59
hamitronguess I am the reason for the downfall of myspace? ;/22:59
jgjoneshamitron, you're not missing anything at all. Google at least take care of harvesting your personal data for you so that make up for lack of facebook ;-)22:59
hamitroncool :D22:59
hamitrongoogle do the work for me22:59
hamitrongoogle <322:59
jgjonesyou caused myspace to fail? Then you should join facebook!23:00
hamitronjgjones: first good reason someone has given me ;)23:00
* hamitron tempted23:00
jgjonesIt's scary how people start to think that the Internet = Facebook though.23:00
jgjoneseverything in hand of one company.23:00
gordwe all know that the internet = cats23:00
hamitronyeh, BBC programs often give a facebook page now :/23:00
jgjonesI was showing a friend a page on BBC news.23:01
jgjonesWas asked where I found it in facebook.23:01
jgjoneshe never seen bing before23:02
hamitronI read facebook accounts for over half the web usage by employee in a lot of companies23:02
* jgjones rants23:03
jgjonesfed up with LoveFilm23:03
jgjones4oD and ITV23:03
jgjonessick of putting up with their "excuses" why they apparently isn't able to put up subtitles on their video streaming service.23:03
jgjonesEspecially for Lovefilm. I pay for the sodding service, I am entitled to equal treatment for my money.23:04
hamitronI think with how things are, I may read the linux kernel source for entertainment23:04
directhexi'm annoyed that lovefilm only stream in sub-iplayer-quality SD23:04
hamitroneverything is either broken or crap23:04
directhexwhen i want 3d hf23:04
gordjgjones, okay, just fyi, you aren't entitled to equal treatment, you are entitled to take your business elsewhere where there is equal treatment ;)23:05
jgjonesgord - I would do it instantly23:05
jgjonesso can you point me to a film rental with streaming where they provide subtitles?23:05
jgjonesFilms without subtitles are unwatchable.23:05
hamitroncould you not just rent dvd?23:06
jgjonesHamitron - I do. However sometime I just wanna watch anything and would be interested to stream.23:06
jgjonesIt come with my package after all.23:06
hamitronguess so23:06
jgjonesI asked for a discount based on the fact that I can't use their streaming service23:07
jgjonesobviously I don't get that.23:07
hamitronI find the internet too slow :/23:07
hamitronI was tempted to try that rental service at amazon...23:07
jgjonesInteresting enough a friend tell me that with the Equality Act 2010 - I can actually demand that LoveFilm, ITV's on demand service and so on to pull their website until they provide equal treatment.23:07
hamitronbut technically you are provided with the same service as everyone else?23:08
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jgjonestechnically no since I am deaf it means Lovefilm by streaming movies without subtitles are providing an unequal service to deaf people.23:09
jgjonesand thus in breach of Equality Act 2010.23:09
jgjonesand I in theory can demand that they provide subtitles or that they pull their service - wonder if I can actually do this.23:09
jgjonesTime to read it up. Would be interesting anyway.23:10
hamitroninteresting yeh23:10
hamitronI'd say a petition would be a better way to go about it23:10
hamitronI know if I am denyed a service because of a minority, I tend to get annoyed with the minority, so it could lose you support23:11
hamitronjgjones: do they offer a downloadable alternative? that would be easier to adapt for sub-titles?23:13
hamitronright, coffee time I think23:17
AzelphurIs there any way to make an android phone actually connect bluetooth to my PC?23:21
AzelphurI got it paired, but it says paired but not connected in settings23:21
AzelphurI need it to connect so I can make the phone do cool things when I'm in range of my PC :P23:21
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:34

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